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Manifesting Manual

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How to Raise your Manifesting Vibration

Library of Congress # TXU 1122422

ISBN# 978-0-9706701-1-3

Instantly Download Many Amazing
Manifesting Products Online!

Copyright 2003-2008 Enlightened Beings Inc. All Rights Reserved.



H Ho ow w T To o R Ra ai is se e Y Yo ou ur r M Ma an ni if fe es st ti in ng g V Vi ib br ra at ti io on n
and Effortlessly Materialize
Anythi ng your Heart Desi res!







Get ready to take a Giant Leap into
Experiencing your Divine Magnificence

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 8
How to Raise Your Vibration While Reading............................................................ 10
Clarifying The Manifesting Mindset.......................................................................... 12
Starting Your Manifesting Journey........................................................................... 13

CHAPTER 1: DISCOVERING WHAT YOU REALLY WANT................................18
How to Reveal Your Heart's Deepest Desires ........................................................ 18
How To Eliminate Limiting Beliefs............................................................................ 20
Eliminating The Gremlin Exercise............................................................................ 22
Your Future Is A Blank Canvas................................................................................ 23
Opening Your Dream Gate ...................................................................................... 25
Dream Gate Meditation............................................................................................ 26

Inventing Your Ultimate Fantasy Day....................................................................... 28
Creating Your Manifesting Agenda.......................................................................... 28
My Manifesting Agenda ........................................................................................... 31
How To Create A Manifesting Dream Board! ........................................................... 32
Inventing your Dream Dialog ................................................................................... 33
The 6 Ingredients to an Effective Dream Dialog ...................................................... 34
How Dream Dialoging Actually Works ..................................................................... 36

CHAPTER 3: THE MANIFESTING PRINCIPLES.................................................. 38
Your Natural Power of Manifesting .......................................................................... 38
Why Are We Manifesting Beings? ........................................................................... 44
The 5 Steps To Realizing I Am A Powerful Manifesting Being! ............................. 44
The 4 Universal Laws of Manifesting....................................................................... 45
The 3 Step Manifesting Formula.............................................................................. 48
The Metaphysical Science of Manifesting................................................................ 50
Unleashing Your Quantum Vibration........................................................................ 52

CHAPTER 4: HARNESSING THE MAGICAL MINDSET....................................... 56
Your Mind is a Mirror................................................................................................ 56
How Your Mirror Got Smudged................................................................................ 58
Owning Your Inner Dirt ............................................................................................ 61
Cleaning Up The Dusty Ego .................................................................................... 64
The Ultimate Ego Cleaning Machine........................................................................ 66
Releasing the Last Layers of Dust ........................................................................... 68

CHAPTER 5: THE POWER OF THE NOW............................................................ 72
How Manifesting Techniques Really Work............................................................... 72
Being versus Thinking.............................................................................................. 74
The Pure Being Meditation ...................................................................................... 78
The Future Is A Dream............................................................................................ 79
Revealing The Real World....................................................................................... 83

CHAPTER 6: YOUR GOLDEN MANIFESTING TOOLBOX .................................. 86
The Art of Detachment............................................................................................. 86
Releasing Attachment Exercises ............................................................................. 89
The Appreciation Vibration....................................................................................... 90
Appreciation Exercises ............................................................................................ 92
The Power of Celebrating Life ................................................................................. 93
The Joy Valve Exercise ........................................................................................... 95
Meeting the Enlightened Being Within You.............................................................. 96
The Enlightened Being Exercise.............................................................................. 96
You Are the Treasure............................................................................................... 97

CHAPTER 7: THE SECRETS TO A PERFECT MEDITATION.............................. 99
The Enlightening Path Is Within............................................................................... 99
How To Experience True Meditation...................................................................... 101
Meditation to Dramatically Improve Brain Functioning........................................... 104
The Secrets to a Perfect Meditation Every Time.................................................... 105
Practical Meditation Tips........................................................................................ 107
The Money Mudra.................................................................................................. 109
Minding Your Inner Mantra .................................................................................... 109
Discipline Leads To Freedom................................................................................ 111
The Enforcer Meditation......................................................................................... 113

CHAPTER 8: THE MANIFESTING MEDITATIONS............................................. 115
The Blue Room Manifesting Technique................................................................. 115
The Blue Room Meditation .................................................................................... 116
The Magic Body Mantra......................................................................................... 118
The Breath of Life .................................................................................................. 122
The Humming Vibration Meditation........................................................................ 122
The Golden Shower Meditation ............................................................................. 124

CHAPTER 9: THE 8 HABITS MANIFESTING ROUTINE.................................... 125
What Are The 8 Habits?......................................................................................... 125
Results from Experiencing the 8 Habits................................................................. 126
Integrating the 8 Habits.......................................................................................... 126
The 8 Habits Manifesting Routine.......................................................................... 128

1. MENTAL and FINANCIAL ROUTINE................................................................ 128
2. PHYSICAL and ENERGETIC ROUTINE.......................................................... 131
3. SPIRITUAL and MEDITATION ROUTINE........................................................ 138
4. SOCIAL and INSPIRATIONAL ROUTINE ........................................................ 142
5. EMOTIONAL and SENSUAL ROUTINE........................................................... 150
6. POWER FOODS and EATING ROUTINE........................................................ 153
7. DETOXIFICATION and PURIFICATION ROUTINE.......................................... 158
8. SLEEPING and DREAMING ROUTINE............................................................ 160
The Short Version of The 8 Habits Manifesting Routine........................................ 165

CHAPTER 10: HOW TO BECOME A MONEY MAGNET.................................... 169
The Word Money and Its Vibration ........................................................................ 169
The Money Magnet Exercises ............................................................................... 170
How to Eliminate Poverty Consciousness.............................................................. 172
Meditations that Manifest Major Amounts of Money .............................................. 173
Manifesting Abundance Mantra ............................................................................. 174
Meeting your Enlightened Inner Financial Guru..................................................... 174
Manifesting Abundance Easily and Effortlessly ..................................................... 176
The Billion Dollar Meditation .................................................................................. 176
How to Manifest a Specific Amount of Money........................................................ 178
Manifesting the Career of your Dreams ................................................................. 180
Clearing the Path for your Life Purpose and Career .............................................. 180
Manifesting the Career of Your Dreams Exercise.................................................. 181
How to Enjoy the Job You Currently Have............................................................. 184
How to Manifest a Completely New Career ........................................................... 185

CHAPTER 11: MANIFESTING AMAZING RELATIONSHIPS............................. 187
The 6 Secrets To Manifesting Amazing Relationships........................................... 187
The Magic of Self-love........................................................................................... 189
The Self-Love Mirror Exercise ............................................................................... 190
Creating the Ultimate Connection with Someone .................................................. 191
Seeing the Mirror in your Relationship................................................................... 193
How To Drop All Judgments .................................................................................. 194
How to Stop Shoulding on your Partner .............................................................. 195
The Enlightened Heart Chakra Meditation............................................................. 196
Stopping the Blame Shame Game ........................................................................ 196
Become a Hollow Flute or Invincible Shield........................................................... 198
Magnetizing The One .......................................................................................... 199
How to Manifest Your Soul Mate ........................................................................... 200

CHAPTER 12: OVERCOMING BLOCKS TO MANIFESTING............................. 202
Seriousness: A Serious Disease to Manifesting ................................................... 202
The Laughing Exercise.......................................................................................... 205

Replacing Worry with Wonder ............................................................................... 206
The Curiosity Commitment .................................................................................... 208
Stepping Out of the Velvet Rut .............................................................................. 209
Breaking Through Resistance and Laziness.......................................................... 210
The Laziness Exercise........................................................................................... 211
The Inspiration Coach Meditation .......................................................................... 214
Trying To Manifest ................................................................................................. 215
The Spiritual Trap in Negativity.............................................................................. 218
The Art of Transcending Suffering......................................................................... 220
The 5 Causes of Human Suffering......................................................................... 221
Why Do We Experience Suffering at ALL?............................................................ 222
Lifting the Veil of Suffering..................................................................................... 223
Surrendering to Your Core Exercise...................................................................... 225
The 10 Blocks that Lower your Manifesting Vibration............................................ 225

CHAPTER 13: MASTERING DAY TO DAY REALITY......................................... 229
Inspired Play Days................................................................................................. 229
Enlightened Multi-Tasking...................................................................................... 230
The 8 Anti-Rushing Remedies............................................................................... 232
The Hidden Power of Relaxation ........................................................................... 233
Transcending Daily Pain and Dis-ease.................................................................. 235
The Healing Meditation.......................................................................................... 236
The Gentleness Exercise....................................................................................... 238
The Pink Healing Light of Love.............................................................................. 239

CHAPTER 14: STAYING ON THE MANIFESTING PATH.................................... 241
Maintaining Possibility Consciousness .................................................................. 241
Stepping onto the Manifestors Playing Field......................................................... 243
Stepping onto the Manifestors Playing Field Exercise .......................................... 244
The 12 Commitments that will Exponentially Raise your Manifesting Vibration! .... 245
How To Keep your 90 Day Manifesting Commitment ............................................ 247
The Manifesting Essentials.................................................................................... 247
How To Eliminate the Excuse Crutch..................................................................... 250
Becoming a Manifesting Master............................................................................. 252

References and Inspired Sources ...................................................................... 255

Our Personal Websites........................................................................................ 257

What you would manifest in the next 90 days
if you knew you could not fail?


You are about to experience the most incredible life imaginable! There are many
techniques, secrets and manifesting tools contained within this manual, which
over the next 90 days will awaken the most powerful forces in the Universe that
are deep inside you. An unlimited source of energy has been dormant up until
now, sleeping, waiting for the right moment in time to rise up magnificently
throughout your being and ignite miracles in your life. Opening up this cosmic
energy is not as difficult as you may think, yet is a metaphysical exploration that
is more satisfying, loving, and empowering than anything you could imagine!

The ability to instantly manifest any desire may seem outrageous or
inconceivable to you, as if manifesting was a mystical path reserved only for
those few eccentric beings born with magical powers. Yet, the truth is that
manifesting is a hidden gift we EACH contain inside! All that is needed are the
right actions and mindset to unwrap this amazing natural talent. The following
chapters contain the essential tools and secrets necessary to awaken this power
inside you in 90 days or less!

This Manifesting Manual provides the worlds most effective techniques for
learning the ancient secret science of manifesting. There are 1500 year old
secrets in here that are guaranteed to turn you into a Manifesting Master! This
book was designed to awaken your unlimited potentiality and initiate a dynamic
healing in your life. It contains a holistic approach which will help you experience
inward fulfillment AND be outwardly successful at the same time. Even if you
have already read a zillion books about manifesting, this information will
dramatically transform your life when it is applied daily. We guarantee that when
you actually follow this program for 90 days, you will experience a dramatic shift
in your ability to manifest what you want. It works consistently because it follows
the ancient Universal Law that your thoughts and feelings create your reality, and
that you are already the ultimate artist behind each experience you have.

NOTE: If you truly want to increase your manifesting abilities and experience
phenomenal results from this program, it is important that you DO the 8 Habits
Manifesting Routine (in Chapter 9) for 90 consecutive days. Your body and
will only be able to reach its peak vibrational state through raising its vibration.
These essential manifesting techniques will empower you with the energy to manifest
your desires with joy and effortless ease. If you just intellectually learn the science of
manifesting and do not actively apply it, you may see very little transformation in your life. Its
important that you choose to be pro-active, and create the habit of implementing
each new piece of information you receive each time you open up this manual.

Throughout the following 14 Chapters you will discover many quotes and
enlightening gems of wisdom. Read every one of them very slowly and
consciously. Each is an essential piece to the puzzle that solves this perpetual
manifesting mystery. These gems will also inspire your spiritual growth and
revitalize your commitment to discovering the manifesting master within you.
When you find something that strikes you energetically or emotionally, write it
down somewhere where you can easily look at it everyday. This wisdom is an
essential key in assisting you to become the master of your life.

As you read through this book, you may be tempted to skip around to explore the
meditations and manifesting exercises in the other chapters. Go for it! The
Manifesting Manual was meant to be used as an encyclopedia for manifesting
and a higher vibration training guide. However, if you prefer to read from
beginning to end, you may find yourself going deeper into the realm of spiritual
growth and enlightenment as each chapters exploration exponentially expands
off the last. If you feel you truly are stuck in your life and NEED an immediate
shift in your attitude and energy, skip now to The 8 Habits Manifesting Routine
(Chapter 9) and start doing it IMMEDIATELY. This is the essential core,
foundation and backbone to raising your Manifesting Vibration. By following it
religiously you will experience an empowering life-long internal shift in your
energy and consciousness.

We have discovered that people start experiencing an awesome and dramatic
transformation in their life by studying this manual frequently, rather than
sporadically. Since each word was written from a highly inspired and energized
space, the more frequently you actually pick up this book, the stronger your
Manifesting Vibration will skyrocket! You will find that even reading through this
book one time will improve your state of mind, and increase your immensely.
Weve found it is best to read a few pages everyday, instead of a few chapters
every other week. This consistency creates an energetic momentum, which will
assist you in breaking through lifetimes of negative programming and
conditioning. A significant amount of energy is required to propel you into
remaining fixed in the higher manifesting states of consciousness. So the more
frequent you read this manual, the quicker youll experience how divine your life
truly is and how fast your energy and consciousness can change for the better.

Learning how to master your mind is what allows you to increase your
Manifesting Vibration at will. It is most likely that right now your mind is mildly or
predominantly untrained. Your thoughts are like a herd of wild horses that have
been captured and imprisoned in a small fenced-in pasture. If you look closely,
you may notice that your horses have been galloping in the same circles for
years, creating ruts in the ground! Its time to set them FREE! They want to play
in the tender grass and distant fields beyond! It is within your power to help them
find freedom by training them, regaining control over their reins, and showing
them the way out of their imprisonment. This can be accomplished by practicing
the manifesting meditations throughout this manual. When you have practiced

the 8 habits manifesting routine for 90 days, your wild horses will never need this
type of training again. They will be free and naturally follow you wherever you
want to go.

If you talk with a conscious horse trainer, truly mastering a horse does NOT
happen through trying to dominate the horse with a whip and painful spurs. True
control occurs naturally from knowing how to communicate with each individual
beast, and how to hold their reins gently yet with confidence. By working
together with your wildest inner horses, you will discover how to master the reins
of your mind. Soon you will be EASILY jumping over those 10 foot fences that
were once stopping you from achieving your greatest dreams.

Training, taming, and finding unbounded freedom with this wild imagination within
our mind is the ultimate process of self-discovery. We are here to liberate
ourselves by finding total freedom through self-discipline. Just imagine what your
life will feel like in 90 days from now when you have your mind, emotions and
physical body at your service! They will be showing you how to access your
unlimited manifesting powers and materialize anything your heart desires. We
believe the ultimate desired outcome is not to have so many material
possessions that you become enslaved in an over-materialized world. Its our
experience that the real purpose of manifesting is to discover an unlimited
relationship with your mind that allows you to feel totally alive, at peace, in love,
and absolutely free!!

"Imagination is more important
than knowledge." ~Albert Einstein.

How to Raise your Vibration While Reading

First, it is important to realize that a slower more relaxed reading pace is much
more powerful than skimming over this information quickly. By reading each
sentence deliberately and consciously, you will be more present to yourself and
able to integrate the knowledge on a deeper cellular level. Ultimately, you will
increase your vibration by actually doing and experiencing the actual exercises in
this manual. However, while you are reading how to do the exercises, imagine
yourself integrating and implementing them into your life and daily schedule.

To integrate this information in the most effective manner, do not read from your
eyes and head, read from your heart and belly. How does one do this? Allow
yourself to feel the words as you read them. Since your feelings are the most
powerful instrument for raising your vibration, its important to emotionally digest
these words into your body. When you are FEELING yourself implementing this
program into tomorrow morning, next week, and the next 3 months, you will
effortlessly carry out the action steps with joy and a natural motivation! By taking

each message into your heart, you will awaken the deeper natural wisdom within
you, as well as accelerate the vibration within every cell in your body.

Another reading tip is to deliberately make the experience of reading an
exercise in raising your consciousness. Explore how present you can be to THIS
experience called reading. Notice how your eyes move across the words of each
sentence. Observe what you are thinking as these words are read by your mind.
Be aware of who (or what) is reading this manual, and making these
assessments and observations. The more present you can be to this divine
consciousness that is here now, the greater your divine consciousness will

As you flip through these pages, practice relaxing your body and breathing. In
fact, ask your body to release any stress or tension that it may be holding onto
right now. This tension is unnecessary to hold while reading and actually lowers
your ability to absorb new information. Allow your body to be like a sponge,
loose and absorbent, so that each breath you take fills up your entire chest and
belly. Reading in a resting, conscious, and curious way allows you to soak in the
information as deeply as possible. A deeply relaxed body also allows your mind
to let go, so that its rigid fixed belief systems can expand, allowing you to
experience the amazing divine power inside you. The deeper you can relax and
remain conscious as you read, the more easily you will absorb the magical
manifesting mindset.

If your focus starts to drift at anytime and you miss something you have just read,
immediately stop reading. Take a break, breathe deeply for a few minutes, and
then return to the last sentence you read. If a drifting habit continues to occur,
get up and engage in an activity that inspires you until you are excited again
about learning how to raise your Manifesting Vibration! The mind can be very
resistant in letting go of its old controlling ways and simply let you engage in
raising your consciousness. You may try changing the time or location that you
read at. With curiosity, you will find that this is all about increasing your
consciousness and you can find your groove to experience this while reading.
This is where you will feel the Manifesting Vibration seeping into you
energetically at a cellular level.

"Deal with the faults of others
as gently as your own." ~Chinese Proverb

In this manual you may encounter a few spelling errors, typos or mistakes. We
invite you to explore these grammatical blunders as opportunities for personal
growth. Normally you may react and have the tendency to form a judgment
about these imperfections. Instead, we invite you to pause for a moment,
breathe deeply, and notice who wants to correct them. Understand that these
new words, grammatical misfits, and misspellings were intentionally placed there
to show you how tight your horses reins are, and help you stop the mind in its

tracks. Since the mind will wander wherever and whenever it can, use each flaw
you find in life, in yourself, in others (and this text) as a catalyst to awaken you,
so you may refocus on the higher vibrations of forgiveness, laughter and

The mind is the worlds greatest critical genius at finding mistakes in other
people, yourself and the world. You might even find your mind is operating under
the assumption that EVERYTHING in this world is wrong and off track. If you are
constantly finding faults, shortcomings, and problems in others and yourself, it is
time to explore a new dimension to your being. What if all the issues and defects
you found inside and outside yourself right now are there to purposely force you
into a smaller view of Reality, so that you would eventually wake up and
experience The Bigger Picture? What if this was the case?

Perhaps its not the world outside of us that is filled with negativity, yet it is the
minds limited understanding, judgment and interpretation that is creating it.
What if this negative mind was purposely negative, just so you were forced to
look deeper inside yourself and eventually discover the all-power divine being
you truly are. What if feelings of sadness, frustration, apathy, loneliness, and
betrayal were just so you could have an experience of feelings like joy,
acceptance, love, appreciation and a sense of oneness with the world? What
would your life be like if every negative thought, feeling, and experience you
encountered ONLY brought you into a deeper experience of appreciation and
connection with this cosmic divine existence? I invite you to explore your true
self, and see that the mistakes youve made along lifes path were not road
blocks, but building blocks to developing life mastery.

Seek always for the answer within. ~Eileen Caddy

Clarifying the Manifesting Mindset

Success comes easily to those who are clear about who they are, why they are
doing what they are doing, and what they honestly want to experience in their
life. In order to gain more clarity and direction, look at what you are doing with
your life. Why are you doing what you are doing? Is this what you really really
want to be doing? If you knew that you only had 90 days left to be alive, what
would do to help your soul evolve and also make a contribution to this planet?
Please make time to look at yourself and who you truly are. You will achieve
greater results in life simply by knowing the answers to these questions and
really understanding why you are here on Earth right now.

Take a few moments to let the following 3 questions (below) marinate in the
background of your brain before continuing to read. Your personal answers to
these questions are a determining factor in the depth and speed at which you

start manifesting your desires. When you know the answer to each question,
write it down! They will be very enlightening to review in 90 days from now.

1. If you could manifest ANYTHING in the next 90 days what would it be?

2. On a scale from 1% to 100%, how committed are you to manifesting this
in 90 days?

3. What is really stopping you from manifesting this desire and how are you
going to overcome it?

If you feel hesitant, resistant, or afraid to look inside yourselfrelax! Many
people think that they will discover something terrible, flawed or disgusting and
this thought sends them running in panic in the opposite direction. The truth is
that when you slow down and take the time to look at what is inside your heart,
all you will find is something amazingly pure, sacred, and divine! By doing this
self-inquiry and life purpose investigation, you are creating more clarity on what
your life map really looks like. Discovering what is truly blocking is often the
secret to revealing what you are deeply motivated by in life.

Looking inside and seeing who you are will not make your life situation any worse
than it already is. It will simply heighten your consciousness and allow you to
explore yourself more intimately. By knowing yourself better, you can break
through ANY destructive behavior patterns that may try to drag you down along
lifes path. Knowing your self will put you in the drivers seat, allowing you to
become the divine master of your life. So are you ready to start your
manifesting journey? Lets hear a BIG YES! I AM TOTALLY READY!! Lets

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world,
the master calls a butterfly. ~Richard Bach

Starting Your Manifesting Journey

Imagine what it would feel like if you were about to embark on a 90-day
adventure across the highest peaks of the Himalayas. How would you mentally
and emotionally prepare for this long, amazing and intense journey? What kind
of attitude would you bring with you? The Buddha once said, The wisest beings
are those who are fearless, silent, and loving. Follow this advice on your
manifesting journey and you will experience great everlasting value, no matter
what happens along the way!

The key to remaining aligned with these three qualities (fearless, silent and
loving) comes through facing and doing the thing you fear. How does one do

this? First, you unmask your fear and see that it is simply excitement in disguise.
When a successful mountain climber encounters a challenging piece of terrain he
doesnt think about how scary it is, he thinks about how exciting and empowering
he will feel once he has conquered it. Your life is exactly the same. Look at all
the different challenges you face everyday, and then notice which one is your Mt.
Everest. How will you feel once you have reached the summit of the most
challenging peak in your life? By welcoming, inviting in, and embracing your
fears you will eventually transcend them. By diving into and through them, they
become powerless. The day that you can do whatever it is that you fear, you will
feel an enormous freedom and success sprouting from every crack and crevice
in your being.

If approaching your fears does not come easily, you may be holding onto a doubt
that says you are not connected to an all-powerful Source of love, energy and
information that enables you to create ANYTHING you want. Take a deep breath
right now and let go of that thought.relax! The negative thinker and skeptic
inside you is about to retire and be transformed. You have given your ego/mind
way to much devotion, attention, and credibility for far too long! The mind is to be
used by you. You are not to be used by it. You are the master, not the slave.

Mastering the mind is the greatest challenge of this journey. Yet, when you stop
and realize that you are ALWAYS the conscious, awakened, and permanent
decision maker behind every thought you have, you can choose to dive into or
release any thought easily and effortlessly. Only with this realization are you the
master who can instantly change your focus from thinking you are disconnected,
tired, poor, and emotionally stuck, into feeling a constant state of love,
abundance, high energy, and synchronicity. With this awareness, you will know
that each personal fear you have is extra fuel for the fire that will burn away your
ego and any negative patterns you have been holding onto. Self-doubt, fear,
criticism, and judgment cannot control your life if you are the master standing
there with open arms welcoming them in to be experienced. There is nothing
wrong with having these experiences if you are open to harnessing the energy
they have to break you free from your limiting mindset and ego.

When you become a pro-active participant in the 8 Habits Manifesting Routine
(Chapter 9), you will see a significant increase in your ability to quickly transcend
any fear and limitation in your mind. You will start knowing and experiencing this
continuous connection with being the Source of awareness and Divine Presence
behind the mind. Thoughts will come and go, and yet each life experience will
simply happen naturally without any effort or struggle against it.

Like any adventure, climbing your Mt. Everest in 90 days or less may feel like an
impossible feat to accomplish. However, if you take a closer look, you may
notice that it has been waiting for you to conquer it for years! Some days it may
feel like its a fun green grassy hill to climb, while other days you simply walk
around it and ignore its existence. Of course there are many paths to take in life

and ALL paths eventually reach the same divine peak of consciousness.
However, some paths are more direct than others and it is important to trust the
path that feels right for you no matter how wrong it may seem to everyone else.

It may interest you to know that before I (Jafree) started writing this manifesting
manual, my life was sinking into a quicksand of defeat and despair that felt like I
was going to be destroyed. The following is a short story about this experience
which may inspire you and even lighten the load you have before embarking on
your manifesting journey. Keep in mind that every person in life carries their own
karmic lessons, and it is each individuals life purpose to learn these lessons in
whatever way he or she can.

Before I started experiencing myself as a powerful manifestor, I was completely
lost. My hypnotherapy business was a battle to get anywhere, my first love of life
had just divorced me, my father had recently committed suicide, and I was
struggling with everything from addiction to incessant laziness. I was so
depressed I felt life was a continuous toilet bowl pulling me down into a deep pit
of deathly stuckness. My dads death made me believe this was a viable way
out. I was so low I could not even imagine what it would be like to be excited,
happy or feel in love ever again.

I was near the very bottom of this eternal pit of despair, struggling to get out,
when a miraculous moment occurred. I realized that I was continuously feeling
this heavy weight inside because I was fighting this apparent negative
experience. I was constantly resisting the many dark and depressing thoughts I
was having instead of simply trusting each life experience. Then it happened,
one day I laid down on the floor and totally surrendered to experiencing this
negativity inside. The heaviness became lighter and I started to feel like I had
broken out of my shell and started to grow wings! A present moment awareness
woke up inside me and I started to appreciate what I did have instead of what I
had lost. I realized that a truly alive energy was always flowing through me and
that it wanted to have fun and be creative with my life. I was actually excited to
be alive again!

Several weeks later however, I noticed that this awakening did not have enough
momentum behind it to sustain this peak vibration I had reached. So I started to
experiment and explore what ultimately raises and sustains a higher vibration
and consciousness. I tried a variety of spiritual avenues, meditations, yoga
practices, and manifesting techniques. After many months of trial and error, I
discovered the 8 habits routine, which sustained this peak vibration. The
Universe told me to write down these manifesting meditations, habits, and
techniques that would support the people of this world in raising their vibration.

After practicing the 8 habits for a few months, I noticed that everything about my
life had drastically changed. I found a deep source of peace inside and for the
first time was motivated to contribute my vision to the world! I felt unstoppable!

vision to the world. I felt unstoppable! As a result, my business tripled in volume
and Margot became so inspired that she joined me in practicing this routine.
Several weeks later she began to see dramatic results in her own life and
business. She was so convinced of the power behind these techniques that she
started to teach her own manifesting class! From this, we decided to incorporate
our businesses and share our manifesting knowledge, techniques, and technology
with the the entire world! The manifesting manual was conceived at this time.

Although the mind will pass through many valleys of feeling lost, you my friend
are never truly lost. The soul is always on the perfect path. When these valleys
blind you with fear and darkness, it's important to know that the purpose of that
experience is point you back inside yourself. This is what creates a massive
spiritual awakening in your life. This manifesting manual can serve as a practical
guide through difficult times, as well as a vehicle to discover the true power within
you. Above all, it is important to remember that this information is just a pointer,
directing you back inside to the amazing enlightened being you already are.

Perhaps you already have an encyclopedia of knowledge about manifesting, yet
something backfired along the way, and you are still not able to instantly manifest
what you want. Relax. You are not lacking anything. All the information you
need is already contained within your being. Like magical seeds buried deep
underground, they are waiting to be watered and fertilized, and sprout within you!
This manual has been designed to nourish those lost or forgotten seeds with
divine influence and inspiration! The manifesting routine will teach you how to
tend your inner garden and allow miracles to effortlessly appear in your life again.

It is important to note that amazing things have happened to people in just a
short time after applying this material. Many, who were devoted to doing the
manifesting routine for just 3 weeks, experienced miraculous changes in their
lives. Depending on their degree of enthusiasm, curiosity, and dedication to the
program, their desires began manifesting right out of nowhere!

Dont try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go. God opens
millions of flowers everyday without forcing their buds. ~Osho

Just in case nobody has told you, the effects of having a higher Manifesting
Vibration are very contagious. Sure, other people may become negative,
doubtful, jealous, and not accept you for stepping beyond their limited paradigm.
Do not worry! In time they will be joining you, especially when they see a HUGE
smile on your face from manifesting what you have desired all of these years!
We have found that it is best to NOT convert anyone into this program, unless
they are ready and willing to learn. It is like trying to teach a horse how to swim,
when he will not be lead to the stream even for a drink of water! The day they
see your own increased joy, success, and love for life, you will turn the greatest
skeptics into devotees with effortless ease. You will get their attention when you
start having more fun in one month than they had in an entire year!


As with reaching any great achievement in life, you will need an open mind and a
devoted spirit. We know that after several weeks on this program, it may seem
like you are in a spiritual boot camp. Your ego may gasp in horror at the
exercises we ask you to do, or even feel that certain information is repeatedly
drilled into your brain. Please do not take this personally. We know you are very
brilliant, powerful, and wise. Yet, we also understand that the mind works much
like a sieve. It only holds onto that which is deemed truly important and
necessary for survival. With the proper training, your vibration will SOAR and
you will be able to manifest anything!

Think about this manifesting program as doing million dollar spiritual pushups for
your mind, body, and soul. Doing this 90-day workout will strengthen and
expand your vibration, connecting you to the direct experience of pure Universal
energy. It is as if you are about to turn on a thousand watt light bulb! We must
prepare your body to be able to handle this amount of energy. When these
manifesting channels are wide open, a new consciousness will arise inside you,
and your entire life will transform. Everything will become a sacred experience,
and you will feel more connected to a loving, all-powerful, Universal God-source
of intelligence and abundance than EVER before. Please note that our purpose
is not to convert you to some manifesting religion. Our mission is to re-awaken
that divine consciousness already within you so that you are effortlessly and
joyfully manifesting your greatest visions and dreams!

Most mystics, gurus and spiritual teachers will tell you that if you are trying to
fulfill your physical wants and desires, you are missing the source of happiness
that is already inside you now. This is true, yet what they often side step is the
fact that you CAN have the best of both worlds. This means you can have a
spiritual connection with your Source, AND have lots of fun in this material world
co-creating and receiving your hearts desires. The unification of the material
and spiritual worlds is the missing link to the world of manifesting. Although
these two worlds may seem like polar opposites, they are not. This illusion has
been created by the mind to stretch you, and allow more room for growth and

If you believe fulfilling desires is the only way to find happiness, watch out!
Staying on the manifesting journey requires an open-mind that realizes great joy
is always available right here and now. Yes, it is fantastic to fulfill your desires
and GO for what you want, yet remember that there is more satisfaction currently
inside your being than you may know. We believe manifesting your every desire
is like the frosting you find on a birthday cake. It is not necessary to enjoy the
cake, but it sure makes the experience of tasting it a whole lot sweeter! So go
manifest that dream house, become financially free, travel the world, marry your
soul mate, and live in a super fit body! Just make sure that you remember to
celebrate each step along the journey, instead of waiting until you have arrived at
your desired destination.


Along your manifesting journey, see yourself as a brilliant artist creating a
masterpiece from an enormous knotted tree trunk. Sometimes you may hit a
knot, freeze up, and feel stuck inside. Other times, thick layers will fall off,
leaving you feeling free, proud, and accomplished. You may even become so
absorbed in your artwork that you think you will never finish this masterpiece.
We encourage you to notice when your mind becomes too busy chiseling away
at details, or rushing to get it done on time. In the moments when you forget to
enjoy the evolving beauty of this project, step back from your masterpiece and
see that YOU are already a great work of art. Your life today is a culmination of
many years (and lifetimes) of sculpting yourself. So sit back, relax, grab a cup of
tea, and enjoy the creative process yet to come!



"Open your eyes and look within. Are you satisfied
with the life youre living?" ~Bob Marley

How to Reveal Your Heart's Deepest Desires

In order to become a magnetic manifesting being, you must first have a clear and
specific idea of what you want to manifest. So what do you madly, truly, deeply
want in life? Whether you know it right now or not, stop and sit for 15-20 minutes
and meditate on any one or all of the questions below. The investigation and
journey is worth more than finding out the eventual answers. Every minute that
you sit, dive deeper into your questioning mindset that asks, What do I really
really want? Here are some specific questions to get you started.

What will my LIFE be like when I am living my ultimate dream?
What will my relationships, job, income, and health be like?
What will my spiritual connection with the Universe be like?
Who is it that I most want to be like?
What will my ideal vacations look like?
If I had everything I wanted, what would I be doing with my time?
If I had all the money I needed, what would I purchase with it?
What do I want my life to look like 10 years from now?

How will you know that you have discovered what you truly want? What are the
signs and signals? First, your heart will open with joy when you see yourself
experiencing your desired outcome. Your body will feel this excited tingling

sensation as if it was screaming YAHOOO! followed by a sensation of relief and
inner peace. When you know what you want, you feel fully alive. You notice that
your blood is really pumping inside, causing all your senses to be alert and
sensitive to life. Every time you think about what you truly want, you will feel
extremely excited about the future!

By sitting and taking a deep honest look at who you are, and what you really
want to experience in your life, something magical begins to occur. You start
becoming aligned with your life mission, spiritual purpose, and path. You
become passionate again about your life and excited about what you are
creating! Its as if you have opened your eyes and heart for the first time, and
can see the infinite number of possible ways you can easily achieve your goals.
The more you surrender yourself to unraveling this inner mystery, the easier it is
to understand and experience your spiritual journey. This inner alignment
creates a more creative and expanded way of experiencing life, and is the path to
trusting your intuition again. All self-doubt and fear that arises during this
exploration will support you in diving deeper into your core, and in simply
discovering the amazing infinite being that you truly are!

By exploring what you really really want, your eyes will feel like they are truly
open and you will be able to see this divine Universe for the very first time.
Synchronicities will start to occur. This is the Universes way of letting you know
that you are on the right track. It may even seem like your whole day is one big
long YES!! These signs may come in a variety of forms. One could even be a
successive line of green lights while driving, or the perfect parking spaces
continuously opening up for you. It could also be a message you read on the bus
that just drove by that spoke to your heart and uplifted your soul. In one form or
another, the Universe is trying to reveal its miraculous magical existence to you
in every single moment.

"The winds of grace are always blowing,
but you have to raise the sail." ~Ramakrishna

Here is an exercise that can start raising your Manifesting Vibration. Imagine
that you have just found out that you have inherited an enormous amount of
money from an uncle you never knew you had. You have suddenly become
wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. You have all the money you could ever
need, all the time you need to spend it, all the energy you want, and an unlimited
supply of creativity. Several years go by and you have purchased everything you
always wanted, traveled the entire world, donated money to support all your
favorite organizations, created the most fulfilling relationships, and manifested
the perfect physical body and you are still super rich! What would you do over
the next 90 days to make a contribution and impact this world in YOUR personal

Yes, this is a big question. If you cannot find any authentic desires about what
you really want to create, go back to your childhood. What did you want to do for
the world back then? Your desires have always been inside you. You do not
have to make them up. They are what make YOU up. Have you ever tried to
create a desire for something? Your desires to eat chocolate, go for a relaxing
drive, or read a good book arise on their own accord. You dont decide to have
the FEELING of wanting chocolate ice cream do you? Desires are embedded
inside us, and naturally arise at the perfect time and place. In order to get in
touch with these desires, we simply need to get quiet inside, be very very still,
and listen.

To get really silent inside, sit in a comfortable position and become like a statue
for 5-10 minutes. Tell the mind you are going to relax and downshift into a
deeper quieter mode. Focus on becoming still and silent, like a stone. Dont
move a muscle, yet remain relaxed and loose inside. Your body will breathe on
its own accord; you dont have to do any of the breathing. You will soon feel like
you have magically stopped time, and are now in an amazing state of
timelessness. When everything inside you is extremely peaceful and quiet, you
can easily see, feel or hear your greatest life dreams percolating at the core of
your being. If this exercise is in any way challenging for you, most likely there
are negative thoughts, feelings, or beliefs holding you back. Get ready to say
goodbye to them for you are about to learn how to eliminate them in the next

The first problem for all of us is not to learn,
but to unlearn." ~Gloria Steinham

How to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs

How often do you feel that something is holding you back from achieving your
dreams? Do you feel unable to go after what you really want because somebody
said you could not or should not? Have you ever allowed somebodys opinion of
you to stop you from going for your dream? Every single one of us has felt
blocked by some person, feeling, thought, or unconscious programming. Right
now, on some deeper level, you are fighting negative beliefs about yourself and
the world. You may not be aware of it now, yet these hidden thoughts and
beliefs are major mental, emotional, and energetic blocks keeping you from
manifesting the life you most want to have.

As a child, it is very likely that you heard the word NO over sixty thousands
times before you were 5 years old. Since birth you have been deeply
programmed with negative messages about reaching for and achieving your
dreams. As a society, it is considered normal for us to feel afraid to go for what
we want, especially if it is a big dream. Some of these thoughts may sound like,

Dont be a dreamer, those people never amount to anything in life, or Be
realistic, dreams dont put food on your table. Hearing this kind of programming
over and over is what caused your limiting beliefs to form about yourself and the
world. Your continual acceptance and repetition of these negative beliefs locks
them in place in your psyche, and manifests as the circumstances and lifestyle
you experience daily.

What are some of the limiting beliefs that plague your mind? Get out a piece of
paper and write them all down. This exercise will shed some light on these
hidden thoughts and help you become more aware of them. Some common
limiting beliefs are, I am not worthy, I am not good enough, I am too lazy to
succeed, I cant trust myself, or its more spiritual to focus on others instead of
me. Do you realize that each of these limiting beliefs is just ONE thought?
Once you see that each is simply a small and insignificant thought, then you can
start choosing if you want to believe in it or not. You are the ultimate choice
maker of your life. You are always the one making the choice as to what you
want to accept as your experience of reality. Thinking outside the box starts with
truly stepping into the box you are already in. Then, you can envision what its
like to step outside of this paradigm. This may be easier said than done, yet your
conscious choice maker is awake and aware right now, and is already here
taking on your future and the world. So, you might as well participate and enjoy
the ride.

Often people find it extremely difficult to change old negative thinking habits
because they have developed an inner defense mechanism. This defensiveness
is what is also blocking you from feeling, imagining, creating and manifesting.
This inner shield or wall of protective energy can be labeled as your inner cynic,
skeptic, saboteur, or judge. It is stopping you from receiving the amazing life that
you deserve! It is quick to judge and label the world as right or wrong, and good
or bad. It has forgotten that childlike connection with the pure state of curiosity.
This saboteur-like voice is blocking you from the greatest freedom there is! Are
you ready to rip off the mask of your inner saboteur and learn how to eliminate it?

First of all, if your inner skeptic had a face, what would it look like? How does it
feel to be around your inner cynic? Do they have a certain tone to their voice or
even walk in a particular way? What are the negative messages they are
constantly telling you about yourself and others? What did this judgmental
energy trick you in to believing about your friends, family and co-workers?
Whatever this shielded fear based energy is, it is NOT YOU!! It is your inner
GREMLIN that you inherited from other peoples gremlins. You may notice that
every time you begin to relax and truly dream about what you want in life, this
fearful voice appears and flushes your energy and dreams down the drain. So,
who runs your inner reality, you or your Gremlin?

The negative Gremlin energy inside of you is full of doubt, fear, skepticism, and
feelings of isolation and separation. This is not the real soul inside of you! You

are whole, perfect, and complete, just as you are. The Gremlin contains only
negative ideas about the world, yourself and others. It makes you feel untrusting
of this Universe. Each time you accept this negative judgmental energy as The
Truth, you reinforce the negativity you manifest in your life. Saying things like, I
cant do this, That will never work, You are pathetic, or They are hopeless,
keeps you identified with this negative space. You can only experience your
authentic powerful self when you are 100% separate from this fear-based
energy. Eliminating your inner Gremlin voice will give you your life back by
allowing you to harness your natural creative divine power. We invite you to
make time to notice when your Gremlin is present this week by following this 3
step process.

Life's up and downs provide windows of opportunity to
determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles
as stepping stones to build the life you want." ~Marsha Sinetar

Eliminating the Gremlin Exercise

1. Separate yourself from the Gremlin
Start with simply facing your Gremlin. Look at it and distinguish that THIS energy
or voice is NOT you. Distance yourself from this negative thinking mechanism by
seeing it far away in the corner of a white room. See that it is a healthy distance
from you. Create an exact visual in your mind of what it looks like, and give it a
name. Notice what your Gremlin is wearing, its hairstyle, and especially the
expression on its face. If you cannot imagine your Gremlin, just think of a name
for it. You can use some of our favorite Gremlin names like, Judge Judy,
Skeptical Sam, Doubting Denise, Pessimistic Paul or Cynical Susie.

2. Acknowledge and Validate the Gremlin
Truly the best way to deal with this nasty saboteur is to NOT resist or fight it, but
to acknowledge and validate its presence. What happens when you fight with
anything inside yourself? It simply feels more real and grows stronger inside.
Whatever you resist persists. Have you ever gone to a party and pretended that
you were having a good time by putting on a fake happy face when inside you
were truly in a negative state that you were trying to get out of? How successful
were you at pretending and shutting out your inner negativity? Did you notice
that the more you ignored your dark feelings, the stronger they grew? If you fight
anything it will sabotage you, and force its way deeper into your mind. We
recommend that you start with a calm, direct, yet very inquisitive approach. Start
by listening to your Gremlin in a sensitive, and loving manner. Use messages
such as, I hear what you are thinking, I understand what you mean or Yes, I

see what you really want inside. When the Gremlin feels validated and heard, it
will relax its fury inside you.

3. Create a Gremlin Melting Mantra
Once you have validated your inner Gremlin, the next step is to shift your energy
by focusing on an empowering phrase that will eliminate and transcend the
Gremlins negative vibration. Some examples of Gremlin melting mantras are:

I can easily and effortlessly achieve my dreams!
I have the power to accomplish anything my heart desires!
I am truly unstoppable in creating my dreams!
I know exactly what my heart most desires!

If you really want to tame the Gremlins voice, speak to it as if it were truly a small
innocent lost child. Tell it that you will help it find its way home. You can start by
acknowledging what it has been doing that you dont like, add the word AND,
then follow with your Gremlin melting mantra. Here are some examples: I
sensed that you are trying to control me AND I have the power to manifest
anything my heart desires!, or I understand that you dont believe I can easily
achieve my dreams AND I now know I have the creativity to create anything I

The more often you use this simple three step process, the easier it will be for
you to set your Gremlin aside, and see what your heart truly desires. As your
heart naturally opens, you will be able to trust yourself on a deeper level and
someday realize that all your Gremlins are perfect teachers in your life,
empowering you to grow stronger everyday. Each is perfectly designed to make
you smarter, and inspire you to create the magical life you are here to live.

"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw
all the paint on it you can." ~Danny Kaye

Your Future is a Blank Canvas

Sometimes people are blocked from knowing what they really want because they
are afraid of making a commitment. They just think of the word commitment or
hear it, and freeze inside. They feel if they commit to doing ONE thing, they will
be stuck with it forever, and cannot do anything else enjoyable that may come
along. People are afraid of being imprisoned. However, what they may fail to
realize is they are already trapped in the greatest prison there is those
uncontrollable illusions created by the mind.

If this is you, you are operating under the false pretense that you are without free
will and that your future is someone set in stone. The truth is that right now your

future is a blank canvas. It is bright, flawless, and totally free! You can become
anyone you want to tomorrow. Who you are tomorrow is NOT tainted by what
you did in the past or even who you are being in the present. It always contains
the realm of infinite possibilities. The future is virgin-like, free from any concept,
experience, or belief about who you were or think you are. These are the natural
inherent qualities of everyones future and the future of this world.

Living as if the future is a blank canvas can be a dramatic shift for anyone. Yet,
the instant you realize that the experiences you can have tomorrow are
unbounded and limitless, you stop trying to manage and control your life and
start enjoying the ride! If we are attached to who we think we will be tomorrow,
our life will eventually become an imprisoning experience. This is because we
are always experiencing new things and changing our identity. On the contrary,
if we are not attached to who we are, your life becomes an awesome exploration
and adventure! It all depends on how much you can let go of who you think you
are and trust in this amazing Universe. The greater you can feel the freedom to
become ANYONE or anything, the higher your Manifesting Vibration will rise to
assist you in bringing your dreams into reality.

Your current design on the canvas contains all the images you have painted
about who you were in the past, who you are today, and who you will be
tomorrow. This is all a creative expression from your minds imagination, which
is perfectly divine, and can ALL change in an instant. They are merely thoughts
about who you are and have no real substance to them. You can reinvent your
past by simply creating a new perception and interpretation of it, and visualize
that NEW person you want to be tomorrow. Again your future is alive, fresh and

Without even realizing it, your mind is creating, designing and following through
with some map, plan, or idea of who you are right now. The mind has a
tendency to constantly paint new pictures on the canvas, and yet the future is a
blank canvas, so there is always room for more! If you believe that the past
creates the future, how do you know that it isnt your idea of the future that
creates your past? What if who you become tomorrow has nothing to do with
who you thought you were yesterday? In order to become a conscious
manifestor, you must learn to continuously live in this FREE creative space
where you are always choosing the pictures you want to paint about your
tomorrow, instead of leaving it up to the whimsical design created by yesterdays
memories. When the mind is truly free from ANY limiting thoughts or beliefs,
you will realize that ANYTHING in this Universe is possible for you to attain. This
is when your life gets really exciting!

It is important to understand that living as if the future is a blank canvas also
means trusting the great unknown and the infinite possibilities it contains.
Something miraculous happens when you take on this mission. Stress leaves
your body, you relax deeper inside about everything, and you experience an

infinite supply of energy inside you that you may not have realized was there.
Trusting lifes unfolding process is the foundation for a powerful Manifesting

Something very powerful and divine ignites inside you when you release your
attachment to your minds illusions of your past, present, and future. The
constant struggle for attaining what you want suddenly becomes a big letting-go
game. The borders on your blank canvas disappear, and you realize that what
you can create happens first on the inside, in your imagination. Now, your life is
about embracing the unknown instead of avoiding it. Those challenging parts of
yourself become a place of curiosity and source of creativity, giving you a palette
of paints and paintbrushes, with a divine inner direction to explore!

Beware that your mind will always try to get ahead of you, and re-establish its old
concepts about the past and future. It feels comfortable being attached to ideas,
and struggling to attain its desires. Your mind loves to think it is in charge of
everything. Yet, the more efforting it does, the more struggling you experience,
and the less inspired creativity flows through. To discover what you really want,
no struggle is needed. The only requirement is a deep relaxation into the
realization of the infinite unbounded being you already are.

The mind cannot grasp this. It can only comprehend specific techniques,
strategies, tools, and formulas. It is very demanding and wants to know HOW I
can have what I want NOW! It believes that there is only one magical formula
that will work every time. The mind is a constantly searching mechanism that
doesnt know anything but SEARCHING. Its always crazily looking for
something substantial to help it reach the top of its magnificent dream. This
perpetual desperate searcher is exactly what gets in the way of receiving the
desired outcome you want! So lets free your mind from the stress its creating
in your life and give it the real purpose it has been searching lifetimes for. Lets
start this inner journey by exploring the first powerful technique that will awaken
and expand your ability to dream!

"Be creative. Use unconventional thinking.
And have the guts to carry it out." ~ Lee Iacocca

Opening Your Dream Gate

In order to discover what you truly want, it is important to know how to open up
your Dream Gate and enter the garden of your greatest fantasies. Have you
ever noticed how blocked your mind becomes when you are feeling down and
depressed? It becomes consumed with how things are not working instead of
what is possible to create. To get out of this dungeon, put your attention on the
energy inside your heart. Your heart is where all your passions and dreams

abide! The golden key to opening your Dream Gate is JOY! Ask your heart if it
can handle any more joy right now. Is this possible? Of course it is! Your heart
is the greatest love pumping valve there is! It is designed to continuously let in
the goodies, and release the not-so-goodies.

As you open your Dream Gate, you will notice certain coincidences in your life
that you cant explain. These synchronistic events are glimpses of your hidden
peak states from your highest Manifesting Vibration. An amazing relationship,
situation, person, income or thing will appear and re-appear into your life, simply
because your mind is clear and aligned with that higher dream and vibration.
When you see something as being synchronistic, it is the Universe (and yourself)
telling you that you are WAKING UP and tuning into the unlimited being you truly

If you want more JOY in your life, and are open to experiencing the unending
pleasures life has to offer. Just say YES! Ask your heart to open to more joy
than it ever has in your entire LIFE!! Give yourself permission to explore. You
have not had this experience yet. The more joy and pleasure you let in, the more
creativity and passion your Dream Gate will allow through. Start by setting the
intention and asking for JOY right now! Imagine what this feels like, and soon
you will experience more joy than you thought possible! The following exercise
will open up your Dream Gate and give you more dream energy.

"Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were no doors
before." ~Joseph Campbell

The Dream Gate Meditation

Relax your bodymind by taking a few deep breaths.
Allow your body to let go of any tension
and your mind to release all concerns. Send your Gremlin away.
Toss him into an incinerator or send him to his room.

Now focus on the energy of your heart. Imagine you are stepping
inside the center of your heart. What does your heart look like? How does it feel
to be inside your heart? As you look around, you notice that there is a lever that
has the words Dream Gate on it.
Is it set on low, medium, high or super high?

Slowly open the valve and let in more and more dream energy! Allow it to flow
into your heart. How does that feel? Watch it rise from low or medium to
maximum! As you feel the dream energy increase, imagine that it becomes so
powerful that it starts radiating out of every cell in your body.

Now that your Dream Gate is open, imagine your dreams are inside.

They are tiny little bubbles that float up from your heart into your brain.
More and more dream bubbles come up with each breath.

Notice that one bubble seems to be growing bigger and brighter!
It is your ultimate dream and fantasy! As this dream enters
your brain, it expands to fit your whole body, and you step right into it!

Notice what its like to be inside your dream?
What do you notice about your surroundings?
What are you experiencing? What are you doing?
Who is part of your dream? How do you feel?
How does your body feel?
Notice that you and your dream are becoming one.
The dream is a part of you now.
When you feel what it is like to be living this dream,
slowly open your eyes and come back into the room.

Once you have done this meditation, you will have amassed a few nuggets of
what your heart desires. Put a few specific ideas in writing! Take those
EXCITING feelings that you want MORE of in your life, and imagine that they are
coming from real life situations! Write them as if you were seeing them on
videotape! The more video-like you can get about what you truly want to BE,
DO, HAVE and EXPERIENCE in your lifethe better! How does your dream life
really FEEL when you are living it? Is it possible to do next month? Is there one
important action you could take next week to create your ultimate dream and
start experiencing more happiness, joy, and feelings of bliss in your body-mind?



You are successful the moment you start
moving toward a worthwhile goal. ~Charles Carlson

Inventing Your Ultimate Fantasy Day

Now that you have opened your Dream Gate, you are ready to use it! Get ready
to dive into your inner Fantasy Land! One of the most powerful things you can
do to raise your Manifesting Vibration is to imagine how your ideal day would
look and feel. Experiencing your greatest fantasy day coming true gives your life
direction and purpose. It also enables you to know exactly when your dream life
has arrived.

Get out a piece of paper and pen (do this now) and start writing down EVERY
detail you can imagine. Imagine the BEST day of your FANTASY LIFE as if it
happened yesterday. Describe every detail with pizzazz and vigor! You have full
permission to go for really amazing and exotic experiences! Start as early as you
want in the morning and go as late as you want in the evening. You can stay up
ALL night if you wish, just write down every small possible detail you experienced
throughout the day.

What happened on this incredible day? Where were you? Were you near the
ocean, in the mountains, or on the green grassy plains? What did you do? What
was your house like? How much money did you make that day? What did you
do to earn that cash flow? How were your energy, mental and emotional states
throughout the day? What did you do for fun that day? What was the weather
like? How did people treat you? How did you interact with these people? If this
is the most PERFECT day of your life in every imaginable way, how are you
going to feel at the end of it?

"I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations
with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps it is
because escape is easier than change." ~Jim Rohn

Creating Your Manifesting Agenda

Studies have shown that 97% of our population do not set well defined goals and
write them down. It is also noted that about 97% of people do not achieve their

dreams. Could this exact same percentage be a coincidence? We don't think
so!! In 1953, a study was done on the graduates of Yale University. After they
graduated, only 3% had clear defined goals of what they desired. Twenty years
later, in 1973, they interviewed the surviving graduates again, and found that the
same 3% were worth more monetarily than the other entire 97% combined! This
3% also reported that they were happier in their relationships and overall
healthier than the other 97%. So do you want to settle for a mediocre life like the
97% OR map out your dreams by writing down your goals?

You probably spend a good hour or two planning out a vacation or a social
gathering, right? Doesnt it make sense to spend at LEAST that amount of time
or more planning out your entire LIFE? We definitely think so! This is YOUR
LIFE we are talking about!! In order to be a successful manifestor, it is
IMPERATIVE that you dedicate at least one hour of your life to dreaming up and
writing down your manifesting agenda!

What is this Manifesting Agenda? It is a short list of your personal goals, dreams
and desires written in THE PAST TENSE, as if they have already occurred. For
example, your 1 Year goal could be, "I made $150,000 this year with joy and
effortless ease selling real estate." Or you could write for your 6 month goal, I
just met this loving man who I KNOW is my soul mate! The more realistic the
goal and time frame, the easier it will be for you to FEEL it has manifested for
you. These feelings are the fuel for attracting your dreams to you.

"The energy born of love is creative - it makes everything
it touches new. To see how passionate you are,
look around at what you have created." ~Deepak Chopra

The objective of this exercise is to be SUPER specific about what you WANT and
WHEN you want it! Who do you want to BE? What do you want to DO? What
do you want to EXPERIENCE? What do you want to HAVE? You are a powerful
manifestor, so be careful what you write down! Your desire is 1000 times more
likely to manifest just by doing this exercise.

Create S.M.A.R.T. goals which are Specific, Measurable, Actionable,
Reaching, and on a Timetable!

Specific and Measurable Goals: When goals are specific and measurable, you
will get measurable specific results. Even if they are not exactly what you asked
for, you are still receiving detailed feedback from the Universe about where to
direct the sails, instead of continuing to drift lost at sea. Vague goals produce
vague results, and specific goals produce specific results.

Actionable Goals: Its important that the goal you create is something that you
personally can take action upon. Avoid goals that are dependent upon other

peoples actions, integrity and behavior. For instance, you would not include a
goal like, My husband has made $100,000 this year. I am financially free!
Notice how little power you have in your life with this kind of goal. Actionable
goals are based on you taking pro-active steps towards achieving your dreams.

The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy
lies in having no goal to reach." ~Benjamin Mays

Reaching Goals: You want a goal that makes you reach for something greater in
life. If a goal does not cause you to stretch past your comfort zone, it might as
well be called a chore. Bigger goals are about bigger challenges, yet result in
greater feelings of success. Smaller goals are easier challenges, and create less
feelings of success. There is no such thing as a goal that is TOO BIG. There
are only unrealistic expectations about the amount of time it will take to achieve
it. Make your goals as big as you can dream, yet give yourself ample time to get
there. You can achieve ANYTHING with enough time, commitment and

Timetable Goals: Always put the DATE and YEAR next to when you want to
manifest your goal. A goal without a time agenda is like baking bread without
yeast. It comes out pretty flat, hard and theres not much activity going on inside.
If it is a really short term goal, include the actual hour of the day it will be
manifested. Sometimes we are amazed at how accurate and attentive the
Universe is when we set an exact time with solid intention. I (Jafree) have told
people I will be at their house at 3:00pm and to my complete amazement, the
moment I arrive and take my keys out of the car, the clock moves from 2:59 to
3:00!! How is this possible? It is living proof that the Universe is very attentive to
our every desire.

It is important that you ONLY write down goals that produce feelings of
exhilaration and deep satisfaction. You will know a goal is right for you when it
creates a BUZZ in your body each time you think about it! If your goal is too
small it is not going to be very risk-worthy and will make you think you are not an
amazing all-powerful manifestor.

In the list of 8 life arenas below, which areas do you want to see the most
improvement in your life? Pick at least 3 of these categories and use them for
EACH of the 7 time zones below. This will be the start of your Manifesting
Agenda for the next 5 years, so make your goals S.M.A.R.T. and FUN! Prioritize
your goals by defining which of the 8 areas are most important to you. Write
those goals down first.

1. Physical Health (Exercise, Diet/Food, Free from Toxic Substances)
2. Emotional Health (Daily Positive Attitude, Good Feelings, Worthiness)
3. Mental Health (Visualization, Habitual Thoughts, Affirmations)
4. Spiritual Connection (Meditation, Prayer Times, Inner Peace level)

5. Relationships (Intimate, Family, Friends, at Work)
6. Career (Daily Actions, Location, Level of Satisfaction)
7. Finances (Income per month, Savings, Passive Income Streams)
8. Personal (Education, Recreation, Travel, other FUN stuff)

Now it is time to design your Manifesting Agenda! If you dont know exactly what
you really want to manifest, write down as many desires, dreams and goals as
you can. Dont feel trapped by the timetables given below. You are free to make
60 day, 6 month, 2 year and 5-year goals too! Just write them down immediately
when they surface. When you feel the urge to want something BIG, write down
what it might be. You are 99% more likely to manifest it when the desire is ON

A fresh Manifesting Agenda can be downloaded at the following website address: We recommend
printing it on a piece of very sacred paper and writing with your favorite pen! This
is your chance to design the ultimate life of your DREAMS!! Now we are talking
about some real FUN here! Years from now, you will be thankful that you did
this. We guarantee it! Take your time with this assignment and ENJOY the
creative exploration!

I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God
who is sending a love letter to the world. ~Mother Teresa

My Manifesting Agenda

Name_____________________________ Date___________

30 days from now:

90 days from now:

1 Year from now:


3 Years from now:

5 Years from now:

"Genius = Do what you like best, and do it to the very
best of your ability." ~ David Hawkins

How To Create A Manifesting Dream Board!

Now it is time to create a visual representation of the goals and dreams on your
Manifesting Agenda! A Dream Board is an amazing tool to design the roadmap
to your dreams and keep your attention focused on exactly what you want to
manifest! Your Manifesting Dream Board contains cut outs of pictures, words,
scenes and things you want to experience or manifest that are glued to a large
piece of cardboard. The purpose of your board is to continually resurface your
visual and kinesthetic ideas of what you want in your life. The more you can hold
your attention on what you want, the faster it manifests!

To start, find some magazines, newspapers, or advertisements and cut out at
least 50 to 75 pictures (and words) that represent the goals and dreams on your
Manifesting Agenda. We recommend surfing for the images
you cannot find anywhere and printing them out. Lay them onto your blank
board, which is approximately 3 ft X 3 ft or whatever size works for you. This is a
colorfully alive representation of your dream life!

The color you choose for this background is somewhat important, yet not so
critical that you delay this project another moment. White is for purity and
clarification, green is for nature and healing, blue is for relaxation and emotional
healing, yellow is for money and power, pink is also very healing, red is for love
and passion, and purple is for spiritual wisdom. For those of you who love black
it can create an intense experience around attracting the dreams on your board.
We recommend you pick a color that you love or one that vibrates with your


The next step is to glue all the pictures and words you want to manifest all over
your board! Make sure you paste a photo of yourself in a very special place next
to a picture of a high spiritual being to bless your dreams. Create a relationship
corner, money corner, career corner, health corner, travel section and spiritual
area. You can create any category you wish, yet for the subconscious mind it is
good to have your general dream themes in specific organized areas. The
MOST important thing is that you paste the #1 thing you want to manifest in the
middle of the board!

Between your pictures, paste (or write) words that represent what you want.
Choose words that are empowering, like Peace, Harmony, Bliss, Love,
Confidence, Wealth, Abundance, and Happiness etc It is best to print them out
on your computer with your favorite font style or write them very big and clearly
with a thick pen! The more honest you are about what you need and want, the
better your Dream Board will work for you.

The key to activating your Manifesting Dream Board is to post it some place
where you will look at it everyday. The more often you meditate on it, the more
aligned you become with the manifestation of your dreams. This is why you
made your dream board in the first place! It will remind you of the direction your
life is heading, and help you conjure up new exciting feelings around your
dreams. When you feel the sensations your fantasy pictures generate in you,
you create the vibration of that experience in your body and attract it directly into
your life!

After your Dream Board is complete, take a look at it. How will it FEEL to have
EVERYTHING on your Dream Board manifested? How does it feel to have the
job you have always wanted, to be in the relationship you thought you could
never have, to receive the income you have always desired (its already in your
bank), and to live in an energetically fit body that you thought only others had?
The most important thing of all is to have fun while you are creating your board.
Continue cutting and pasting your greatest desires on your Dream Board until it
is done!!

Your imagination is your preview
of life's coming attractions. ~Albert Einstein

Inventing your Dream Dialog

A very important tool to fully activate your Manifesting Dream Board is to practice
the art of Dream Dialoging. Dream Dialoging is the science of harnessing your
imagination to act and feel as if you have already accomplished one of your
dreams. The basic principle is that dialoging creates an energetic blueprint in

your body that magnetizes your dreams into physical reality. The more you can
feel how you actually achieved your goal in your body, the easier it is for you to
receive it.

A Dream Dialog is a conversation with someone (or yourself) out loud where you
talk about what you most want to manifest as if it has already happened. You
speak about your dream coming true in the PAST TENSE while letting in
authentic feelings of EXCITEMENT, RELIEF and JOY! We practiced this before
we manifested our hot tub spa. Many times we laughed and had so much fun
saying to each other, It is sooooo wonderful sitting in this warm, bubbling
therapeutic water, looking up at the stars at night! I just LOVE the feeling of
these powerful jets massaging my back and feet! It was sooooo easy to save the
money for this and pay for it in cash! In less than 3 months we were sitting in an
$8000 hot tub that was completely paid for.

Practicing your Dream Dialog is one of the most powerful techniques you can
use to manifest your dreams. Several of my coaching clients rant and rave about
how quickly their Dream Dialog has helped them manifest their hearts desires.
After just a few weeks of acting out their Dream Dialog, they manifested phone
calls from Hollywood Producers, sold a house in 10 days that had been on the
market for three months, and even made $70,000 in one day!

"The energy born of love is creative - it makes everything
it touches new. To see how passionate you are, look around
at what you have created." ~Deepak Chopra

The 6 Ingredients to an Effective Dream Dialog

1. Work with a Partner or Team. Dialoging with a friend, spouse, neighbor, or
several colleagues is much more powerful than dialoging alone. Train your
partner on how to communicate with you and how to ask you the appropriate
questions. These questions elicit detail from the Dream Dialog such as, And
then what happened?, So how did that feel for you?, How exciting! Tell me
more!, and Who was with you? A dream dialogue with 2 or 3 other people
becomes a conversation where everyones fantasies come true. You can also
use an imaginary partner if a physical one is not available.

2. Speak out loud. From the time you were a small child, you have been
conditioned through the words that you say. Every word you verbalize acts
like a megaphone making announcements to your body. When you say
out loud, I just manifested $5000, the words are magnified into every cell in
your body, and you automatically switch into excitement mode. Also, speaking

out loud keeps you from getting old thinking patterns, which your mind often
whispers to you internally, caught up in your head.

3. Talk about how you feel. It is vital to tap into your emotional body and project
feelings into your voice as you act out your Dream Dialog. The most effective
way to do this is to proclaim how you are feeling. Saying, I felt so rich spending
that $5000! will trigger any hidden emotions around letting in abundance. Be
specific about what you are feeling as you are dialoging. For instance, you might
say, I felt so free and exotic when I purchased tickets for my round-the-world

4. Be specific. Use adjectives in your details. The more specific you are in the
details, the more excited and pumped up your vibration becomes. For instance,
what it is like for you to think vaguely about having an afternoon snack? Now
observe how you feel when you imagine eating a bowl full of red, luscious, juicy,
fresh strawberries. Did you notice when you were thinking generally, you had
almost no feeling about it? Thats because there was no image to get emotional
about. On the other hand, what happened to your mouth when you thought
about fresh juicy strawberries? We bet your saliva glands noticed the difference.

5. Use only positive words. Refrain from dialoging about what you dont want
to happen, only dialog what you do want. Keep away from double negative
statements such as, I was no longer in debt and I was not struggling with my
relationship anymore. Replace these phases with positive statements like, Life
was so easy and money came freely and It was so simple to manifest that new
job! Stay clear of weak words like probably, tried, maybe, could, should
etc and use power words like, was able, accomplished and effortlessly.

6. Speak in the past tense as if it has already occurred. Practicing your
Dream Dialog in the past tense helps relax your body about achieving your future
dream because your body thinks it has accomplished it. This emotional mixture
of excitement and relief raises your Manifesting Vibration and attracts your dream
faster into the physical form.

The present tense is useful for affirming what is already here, yet will NEVER be
as powerful as experiencing the feeling that you have ALREADY manifested your
desire. If you said, I am now making $5000 a week, your mind will be
continually trying and efforting to make it so. If you say, I just made $5000 last
week!, your mind is allowing for sensations to occur, and you are already feeling
and vibrating on that higher level.

The ironic thing about affirming something to be here now is that the mind cannot
even stay in the now. The moment the mind is in the now, its gone! Try this for
yourself and see. You will notice there are thoughts passing through, yet no
apparent thinking mechanism that is separate from you. With no mind, your
energy flows freely. You become the river of thoughts, who does not cling to the

river banks in any way. After many days of being free from your mind, you will
see how you can become the most amazing manifestor on this planet.

"You can achieve anything you want in life if you have the courage
to dream it, the intelligence to make a realistic plan, and the will to
see that plan through to the end."
~Sidney A. Friedman

How Dream Dialoging Actually Works

The Universe is a mysteriously alive intelligent energy that is connected to
everyone and everything. It actually FEELS along with what you are feeling! If
you truly feel you have already manifested something, it wants to follow through
with the actual PHYSICAL manifestation of it. So when you are ranting and
raving about how you just made five thousand dollars yesterday, your body and
other peoples bodies get excited about the idea, and the entire Universe starts to
respond accordingly! There is always a perfect balance between your thoughts
and the physical objects and situations you encounter.

Dialoging can change your current life situation because the Universe does not
know the difference between what is real, and what is imaginary. It just knows
what your body feels. If you walk around town talking about how you just made
$5000 yesterday, you will either be approached by someone who has something
for you to spend your money on, or people curious to know how you made it.

A soul without a high aim is like
a ship without a rudder. ~Eileen Caddy

You can have a dialog about more than one thing at once. If something or
someone is bothering you in your life, start creating a new future with them by
dialoging. Explain how they have changed, and how they are NOW so very
supportive. Remember to use explicit details. The motto is, if you dont like
something, dream up a new experience instead of focusing on what isnt working.

The amount of time, emotion and creative energy you spend acting out your
Dream Dialog is DIRECTLY proportional to how fast and accurate it shows up in
the physical world. Like a rocket shooting towards your dreams, whether you
use rocket fuel or regular gasoline will determine the speed and power of your
MENTAL and EMOTIONAL thrusters. What kind of fuel do you want propelling
your rocket ship today?

We highly suggest you focus your energy on a few specific Dream Dialogs rather
than on a large variety. The amount of time allotted to practicing the feelings of
those few dreams, will have greater magnetism than working here or there on

dozens of dreams. Imagine that each day you are given one new gallon of water
to create your dream garden, and that this gallon contains exactly 86,400 drops
of water (each drop is one second of time). If you dump 80,000 droplets on a few
of your favorite plants you will start to see them grow. If you randomly spray
water through the whole field, you will mostly water the weeds and your dreams
will dry up. When you stay focused only on a few plants (and save the other
dream seeds for later), you will begin harvesting your dreams in a matter of

Remember, you can practice acting out your Dream Dialog anywhere! You can
dialog alone while driving in the car, showering, making food, washing dishes,
doing laundry, standing in line, and PowerWalking. We suggest consciously
using the time your mind normally wanders to intentionally imagine anything on
your Manifesting Agenda. The key phase again is as if it has already
happened. Doing so, you will soon start thinking, feeling, and ATTRACTING
your desires into your life that were once far off future fantasies.

Its time to practice your personal Dream Dialog! Take the goal in your
Manifesting Agenda that you most want to manifest this month. Tell your friend a
story about how this goal just came true! Share with him/her in detail what
happened on this amazing day in your life. Get emotional about it! Where were
you? Who were you with? To whom were you speaking? What were people
saying to you? What steps did you take to get there? What were you wearing?
You just accomplished a huge dream. You must be REALLY excited! This is
your opportunity to have some REAL FUN and get as energetically wild as you
possibly can!



Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the Universe is
endlessly bountiful. Just put a clear enough request, and everything
your heart desires must come to you."
~Shakti Gawain

Your Natural Power of Manifesting

Manifesting is our natural ability to have any thought materialize instantly and
effortlessly into the physical world. If you are a human being, you have the
power to manifest anythinginstantly! The key words here are instantly and
effortlessly. The experience of instantaneous manifestation occurs when we
release all of our internal blocks and resistances to having what we want, and
feel as if our desire has already manifested in the here and now. This may seem
impossible, amazing, or miraculous, yet it is as natural as the warmth from the
sunshine above. We are all born with this innate ability to materialize thoughts
into physical form by learning how to harness the power of the mind. To do this,
all that is needed is a constant positive focus of our energy into an image, and a
feeling of what we want to manifest as if it is ALREADY HERE NOW!

The most ironic thing about learning how to manifest is that you already are a
powerful manifestor! If you have a mind and a body, you are a manifesting
machine. No matter what you do, think or believe, you can never turn off the
manifesting valve while you are alive. The manifesting power is something you
cannot lose, create or develop. It is your essential nature. Once you understand
that you cannot NOT manifest, you will surrender to the manifesting master
buried within you. After you have integrated the understanding that you cannot
stop from manifesting something, amazing synchronicities will happen to you.
Somebody will suddenly call you with the right piece of information you were
JUST looking for, or you will meet that perfect person who introduces you to that
group of people you were dreaming of connecting with. Your life will become a
living synchronistic event for you to enjoy!

Although you are not always aware of it, whatever you think about is what is
being manifested. Wherever you attention flows, energy goes! You are always
manifesting something, whether it is a compulsive worrying habit, a very intimate
hot relationship, your next meal, or a large bank account. Whatever you think
about will grow, and become your experience more frequently down the road.
Have you ever had one of those days where you kept hearing the same message
from the Universe everywhere you went? It was as if every advertisement and

person was pointing you in the same direction. Some part of your mind was
holding onto an idea, and became what you manifested all around you.

We want to emphasize again that manifesting is natural. It is so natural that
many may refer to it as being super-natural. Sure it can be viewed as a
delightful mystical by-product from working out your manifesting muscles, yet is
probably something you have taken for granted everyday. How did you create
those shoes on your feet, the house you live in, or the shape of your body?
Every aspect of you and your surroundings are physical representations of the
previous thoughts you agreed to accept and define as your reality. At one point
in time, they were just ideas passing through your mind. Everything you see and
feel was once an idea, desire or thought in your mind. Even the thoughts you are
having about yourself right now are manifesting in your life in some way.

No matter whether you are experiencing great struggle in getting rid of something
that you DONT want, or effortless joy and ease in attaining what you DO want,
you are always manifesting something with your thoughts. If you struggle each
month just to pay your bills, you are probably repeating thoughts in your head
that say something negative like, I am just not able to pay my bills or I have to
work hard to make ends meet. If it is easy to pay your bills, you may thank the
Universe each month that you have enough for next months rent. Whatever you
are manifesting, you are living under some beliefs and thoughts about your
reality. Yet, it is always up to you whether you focus on the negative or the
positive aspects of each moment. You always have the choice of where to direct
the flow of your attention - on what you want or dont want.

Your mind is like a parachute,
it only works when open. ~Unknown

You may have realized that your mind is a tremendous gift, as well as a horrible
curse. It is responsible for creating everything you dont want to experience, as
well as exactly what you DO want. Your mind is a mechanical imagination
machine, designing its experience of everything and everyone to form its version
of reality all the time. It splashes the paint on lifes blank canvas, and generates
what you have and do not have in your life today.

The secrets to painting this masterpiece on your canvas are found by practicing
the manifesting techniques, meditations and principles in the following chapters.
However, for these techniques to work effectively, you will need to learn how to
control and focus your mind. To begin training those wild horses in your mind,
slow your life down and learn to relax more deeply inside. As you unlearn your
stressful ways of living, your Manifesting Vibration will soar!

Controlling your mind comes from slowing it down until you reach total silence,
inner peace or stillness. From this place, you can easily direct, focus, and control
your mind in whatever way you choose. The thoroughly trained mind is willing to

deliberately focus on what you want to manifest in your world. If you can focus
your mind to have one hundred positive thoughts in a row towards the direction
of your dreams, you will soon see your dreams become reality!

The deeper you dive into this stillness, the more obvious it becomes that each
thought generates your experience of reality. If you think negatively, you will only
see what is not right with the world. Stop your mind! Refocus on positive
thoughts and feelings about your life until you feel a shift in your body! By
constantly feeling and imagining that your greatest dreams and desires have
manifested in front of your eyes, you create a magnetic high-frequency energy
that turns those negative life destructive thoughts into positive visions and
dreams! After several weeks of practice, you will find that your mind more easily
complies with what you want to create and experience in the world around you.

No matter what level of vibration your bodymind currently possess, you have the
ability to raise your Manifesting Vibration and create anything! Even though you
were born a manifesting machine, you may have acquired beliefs that say you
are missing this gift. Do not fret or worry, the entire book is all about how to open
up your manifesting valves! You just have some lazy manifesting muscles that
have not been regularly exercised. All you need is a daily positive energy
workout (the 8 habits manifesting routine) to feel the strength, endurance, and
power to fly up the next Mount Everest ahead! Just like going to the gym, when
you consistently exercise your manifesting muscles, you and others will notice
that you have a stronger presence in this world.

The average bodymind normally holds an incredible amount of subtle tension
and stress of which it is not aware 95% of the time. This physical tension is
caused by a disconnection between you and the Infinite Source. When your
mind gets attached to limiting thoughts, beliefs and desires it forces your body to
contract with tension. Your bodys tension blocks the flow of your natural
Manifesting Vibration, which creates an energetic wall that builds up even more
stress and eventually a dis-ease! If you want to manifest something in your life
and are meeting major resistance or blocks, RELAX DEEPLY! You are not
seeing that an infinite supply of energy is already always in you. Truly living day
by day from this place of deep relaxation and inner peace is the key to unlocking
your super-natural Manifesting Vibration.

"How many ideas have there been in history that were unthinkable
ten years before they appeared."
~Fyodor Dostoyevsky

How does one begin to realize this Infinite Source inside and the new reality that
you are already an infinitely powerful manifesting being? Start by taking a
sincere look at EVERYTHING you have accomplished and created in your past
thus far. Where did it all come from? How did it come to be in your life? Your
clothes, your haircut, your money in your bank account (or lack of), your

education, your job, your house, and the food in the fridge are there because you
manifested them! You made the choices that brought these things into form. You
thought at one time you wanted THIS instead of THAT, so that is what you
created. Your bodymind is an insanely powerful machine!

Now you may think that this is not manifesting, and you are partially right. We
would not consider calling the pizza guy on the phone and having your pizza
appear at the door in 20 minutes manifesting. What does make it manifesting
however is the inspired frequency your body was vibrating at when you decided
to call them for the Deluxe Veggie Combo! Whether you think you are a
manifestor or not, it is ultimately more empowering to see how EACH choice you
make eventually results in EVERYTHING that is a part of your life today. Every
time you acknowledge yourself as a magical manifesting being, you will impact
your ability to attract what you want into your life. The more often you can realize
and accept this, the more your Manifesting Vibration will grow! We invite you to
explore this as your own secret reality experiment and take a few days/weeks
to check it out!

In the mind and life of the enlightened manifestor, nothing is by chance. All
coincidences you experience are delusional fabrications of the mind. Everything
in this Universe is synchronistic and divinely perfect. You are always responsible
for creating your destiny each moment along the way. Your future is this BIG
blank canvas and you have all the paints, brushes and creative ability to design it
as you wish. The depth to this creativity is ENDLESS. In this Infinite Universe
EVERYTHING is possible!

If you can imagine something, then it is possible. Yes, you are the ultimate
designer of your life! There is only one thing that separates you from knowing
that you are already a natural manifesting being. This is the belief system that
you are separate from God. This massive collection of beliefs, opinions, and
ideas about who you are is your EGO. The acronym E.G.O. really stands for
Excluding Gods Omnipresence.

The Ego is the most fantastically designed illusion there ever will be. The Ego is
who (or what) you THINK you are, which is not even remotely close to whom and
what you REALLY are! Whatever you think you are is always a concept, a
limiting thought, a belief, or a smaller version of reality. The vast expansive
eternal soul you truly are is the REAL reality. Your thoughts will always be
limited concepts. Even if the thought is one about infinity or eternity, it is still only
a concept and not real. Your Ego consists of thoughts, is wrapped up in thought,
and creates beliefs that tie you up into thinking (instead of knowing) you are an
all powerful manifesting being.

So what is the purpose of an Ego? You signed up for an experience of
separation from the God-Source so you can have the experience of returning
back to it. It is only through separation that you can experience this re-

unification, and know your true infinite nature. You need a limited illusionary self,
to explore the real you that is unlimited and absolutely divine! Without an Ego,
there is nobody to call you. Without a sense of identity, you would not be able to
be someone who returns back to the God-source.

However many times we attempt to eliminate or banter the Ego, it is not the
source of the problem. It is our attachment to this over-identified thinking habit
that creates the constant ignorance of who we really are. When you identify with
ANYTHING, whether it is personality, feeling, thought or even a dog, you become
the experience of that. You are ALWAYS flowing attention and energy toward
something with continual focus. With an Ego, there is someone to direct this flow
of attention. Whatever you decide to direct your thoughts upon, is exactly what
begins to manifest. You are always painting some experience as you are
thinking about it. The compilation of your life is that which expands and grows
out of where you focus your attention.

We would like you to set the intention right now, that you will soon know you are
an amazing magical manifesting being. If God is everywhere and you are always
somewhere, then you must be a God-Being! Thus, you already have the power
to focus on ANYTHING you want and keep your focus on it! By holding this
intention, you will find that life presents only opportunities to you. This is the
magical mindset and it is available right now. Just imagine what it is like, and its
YOURS to keep! You are already 100% free to experience anything!

Cease trying to work everything out with your minds,
it will get you nowhere. Live instead by intuition and inspiration,
let your whole life become a revelation.
~Eileen Caddy

If you were born a magical manifestor, why have not you learned how to master it
by now? The main reason you have forgotten this God empowered ability, is that
you have accepted (consciously or unconsciously) negative thoughts and
limitations about the world, other human beings, and especially yourself as the
truth. These limitations halt the unlimited natural expansion of your being. Your
Manifesting Vibration is measured by the amount of unlimited thoughts you have.
So whats the purpose of this negativity? It serves to motivate and inspire you to
get out of the dumpster and back to painting the picture of that amazing life you

These limiting past beliefs are like billions of dust particles, which have clouded
your natural manifesting ability for FAR too long! (It is hard for me to edit the
next sentence because I dont fully understand it.)It has just been way too many
lifetimes for you to NOT do something about this unfulfilling EGO existence
again! Though your core belief systems may seem impossible to change or get
rid of, that is not your purpose. It is to follow them so deeply that they reach the

core of you! Let them try to push and pull you so you transcend the limitations
they contain. Only then will you expand into experiencing this all-powerful
Cosmic being you really are, who can create the rules instead of feeling stuck by
them! It is time you learned how to remove this dust cloud and start seeing
amazing things happening everywhere you are!

There is only one successto be able to spend
your life in your own way. ~ Christopher Morley

A majestic river of inner peace and power spontaneously flows inside you when
you are walking, breathing and living under the notion that you are not your mind,
nor your thoughts, nor your feelings, or your body. When you see that you are
also not your name, your income, your job title, or what your friends think of you,
there is even MORE freedom! Your Ego will feel a bit lost at first because this
was who you were, and what gave you direction and dimension. Finding peace
with your Ego is the way to create everything you want. It is always much more
empowering and fulfilling than being trapped for years in some future fantasy or

The Truth is that you are the Ocean of existence, a flawless state of perfection.
The only reason you dont experience this Oceanic bliss everywhere you go is
because your mind makes opinions and judgments, which you buy as your
reality. Thoughts, physical things and feelings are part of the world of illusion.
They are all transitory, changeable, and can be destroyed. The only thing that is
real is your spiritual nature. The core of your being is an infinite being, which is
pure awareness; this CANNOT suffer. It knows only bliss. The next question is
of course, How to maintain this bliss?

You may notice your Ego likes to push certain thoughts into your mind. Gently
bring your awareness off the thoughts, and on to observing the observer whos
watching those thoughts. Practice witnessing the witnesser. Place your
awareness on THAT which is watching you observe yourself observing! This
transcending suffering technique uses a gentle turning inwards towards your
awareness. What is that? It is the ONLY thing necessary to awaken completely
and transcend all suffering.

Practicing turning inwards to this divine presence that you are, NO MATTER
WHAT your mind thinks is more important. This is the other golden key. Dont
get caught in attachment to any results or anything happening. Just notice the
Ego and it is unceasing desiring and craving mind. By being aware of your
thoughts as they arise, without getting caught in them is the direct path to finding
and developing the bandwidth of your Manifesting Vibration.

"God is always dancing always." ~Adyashanti

Why Are We Manifesting Beings?

Manifesting is a spiritual path that enables you to discover the truth about who
(and what) you really are. We are each here to awaken a hidden part of
ourselves, which naturally wants to explore the Universe and experience how
AMAZING life is! We were all given the power of manifesting so we can
celebrate our spiritual existence through an out-flowing of our infinite creative
cosmic energy. We get to learn how to express this Love (that is our soul) in the
world and physically PLAY with it! This is the power of manifesting! It is the
most natural creative expression of the essential God we each are.

The Divine Being that YOU ALREADY ARE wants to experience the joy of
seeing its own creativity in form and action. We love to see our thoughts
materialize into the physical world; it makes us FEEL powerful! Yet manifesting
is all done through love, for love, and from the core of love. It is how we
experience more love in this world! Manifesting is divine love in action,
expressing itself through the physical form. What shows up in your world is the
sacred physical evidence of where you were focusing this divine Source of
energy you already are.

Manifesting is your divine natural birthright. It cannot be lost, destroyed or ever
taken away. Realizing this will create a VERY exciting feeling in your life. You
will want to adventure out further into the world, deeper into yourself, and share
this divine loving existence with everyone! We invite you to say YES to this
AWESOME manifestor that you already are and reveal all your God powers to
the world everyday.

To acknowledge, accept and appreciate the reality that you are already more
POWERFUL than you are currently aware of, start with acknowledging it.
Recognize that you are the ultimate designer of your destiny and already have a
completely amazing, bright, flawless future ahead of you! It is a lot easier to get
out of bed in the mornings with this thought in place. Imagine what it would be
like to realize you are a God-Being who KNOWS somewhere inside that it is easy
to experience those exquisite things you have been waiting lifetimes to explore.

"We should take care not to make the intellect our God;
it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality." ~Albert

The 5 Steps to Realizing
I Am A Powerful Manifesting Being!

These 5 steps below have been designed to help you shift into truly knowing that
you are a manifesting being. Each step contains an affirmation, which forms a

building block to support your new foundation as a manifesting being. Notice
there is a natural order to them. The first leads you to the second and so on.
We suggest you read them everyday to heighten your awareness of the sleeping
manifestor in you!

1. Acknowledging: There is a powerful, intelligent, creative energy that exists
in all things, so it must also exist in me!

2. Acceptance: I realize I am responsible for manifesting my entire life up to
now. I accept full responsibility for manifesting every situation I get into and am in

3. Appreciation: I thank the Universe for giving me the power to create ANY
life I desire. I am grateful to have the freedom of choice, to choose thoughts that
are empowering and responsible for manifesting my experience.

4. Surrendering: I realize I will always be a powerful manifesting being no
matter what! There is nothing I can do to change the fact that my thoughts will
always manifest my reality.

5. Relaxing: I am relaxed and confident knowing I am a powerful manifesting
being in this Universe. The laws of manifesting are Universal Laws my soul has
chosen to participate and play with and cannot change.

By repeating these affirmations in the mirror, you will be bathing in the truth and
knowledge that you are indeed a powerful manifesting machine! This will
prepare you to apply and undertake many of the techniques and secrets found
later in this manifesting manual. A deep acceptance of these statements above
is what makes manifesting inevitable. Now that you know you are a manifesting
being, lets crank ahead to the nuts and bolts of manifesting!

"The big challenge is to become all that you have the
possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to
the human spirit to maximize your human potential and
stretch yourself to the limit." Jim Rohn

The 4 Universal Laws of Manifesting

The Universe abides by a set of laws that allows it to govern itself and keep all
the chaos in perfect order. There are laws of nature such as gravity and light and
heat from the sun. These laws are constant in how they affect our experience.
There are also laws of manifesting. We have discovered four rudimentary laws
necessary for the evolution of the bodymind towards a higher vibration and
manifesting ability.


While some laws were made to be bent and broken, others are here for us to
abide by and grow from since they facilitate the awakening of this higher
consciousness inside. Any law you discover in life that opens you, expands you,
relaxes you and makes your mind quieter, will give you more access to that
infinite manifesting potential hidden within you. These are the hidden
agreements we already have with the Universe, and are found by connecting
with the Universe on a more personal conscious level. The result from following
these Laws even for a day is a shift in your energy and vibration, thereby
allowing you to attract more of what you want, and less of what you dont want!
Here are the 4 Universal Laws of Manifesting!

"Like attracts like. Whatever the conscious mind thinks and
believes, the subconscious mind identically creates.
~Brian Adams

1. The Law of Attraction
Yes, like attracts like is the name of the game. The more often you focus on
something, the faster it shows up physically. These energetic vibrations you
constantly send out into the world are called thoughts and feelings. They are
always reflected back to YOU by the Universe, and show up in your experience
of reality. What you send out is exactly what you attract back! This is the
Universal Law of Attraction! If you send out thoughts and feelings all day long
that say, I am financially successful, I am a multi-millionaire, you will soon
attract situations and people that will treat you like one. The day you actually
FEEL like a multi-millionaire, you will magnetize a physical opportunity to become

How fast you attract what you want into your life is directly proportionate to the
amount of time you can hold your attention on the experience of your desired
outcome. For instance, if you are able to hold your attention on the positive
thought, I am now making $200,000 a year, and stay within this expanding
thought-feeling-experience for 2 minutes instead of 1 minute, it will manifest into
your life twice as fast.

Your ability to hold your focus on what you want determines the speed and
intensity of your Manifesting Vibration. The more inner peace, calmness, and
centered you are at your core, the longer you can concentrate your attention on
what you want, and the faster you can attract the thing or experience you want to
manifest. When there is a constant flow of positive thoughts through your mind,
you will really be manifesting! When you let 1000 positive thoughts flow in a row,
the world around you will change before your very eyes, and you will go light
years beyond the limitations once generated by your mind.


2. The Law of Intention
Often our thoughts are scattered, which means we are sending a weak signal of
what we want to the Universe. It is like a radio signal that jumps between several
stations, causing the message to be distorted. When you send out a strong
focused intention to the Universe, the reception is loud and clear and the
Universe can hear exactly what you want. With ANY clear request, the Universe
will listen to and obey your every intention and thought command.

3. The Law of Celebration
When you are playing the victim game, living in the slums of an emotional
dumpster-ville, your vibration is weak because your mind is focusing on what you
dont want. On the other side of the tracks, when you are constantly celebrating
your life as it is, you become a manifesting magnet by emitting a super-high
frequency. The more you embrace life as a celebration of this multifaceted
Existence, the more powerful a manifestor you become!

4. The Law of Receptivity
By your very nature, you are a receiving machine. You have been born with
sensitive receptors that receive MUCH abundance from the Universe. However,
when you close down your receptors (desensitizing yourself), your manifesting
valves shut down and the Universal Energy can only come in as a trickle. When
you open yourself up and allow the Universe to support you, your vibration
expands and flows majestically through! Living as though there are ONLY
blessings from this Universe for you to explore and savor, you begin to truly trust
the Universe and your Manifesting Vibration skyrockets!

"Being open to life is our natural state. Deepak Chopra

We invite you to intentionally apply these four laws everyday of your life until they
are totally soaked into you, marinating in the background of your mind 24 hours a
day. This will allow them to seep deep into your subconscious and really start
impacting the way you live your life. What would this week be like if you applied
just one of these laws to what you are already doing?

Each law has a different purpose, which will energetically lay the foundation to
prepare your body to receive the highest Manifesting Vibrations and
consciousness. Marinate your mind and body with as much enlightening positive
and awakening information as possible. Let the Universal knowledge SOAK in!
These specific laws, when applied intentionally in a positive way, will help to blow
away the negativity that continuously tries to gather upon your mind. When you
actually begin to apply these to your life, you will have begun to digest them. By
taking immediate inspired action on them, you will experience the
transformational affects they have on your vibration and your life!

The key to turning on this instant Manifesting Vibration mode is to act
immediately, spontaneously, pro-actively and with inspired action only! Below is
a link to affirmation signs you can post that will remind you to turn on your
Manifesting Vibration! Print several copies of these colorful inspiration signs and
put them up in several places around your house. Great places are your
bathroom mirror, by your bed, in your car, near your computer monitor, desk and
everywhere you will look at it. They will remind you to live in inspired action 16
hours a day without fear, doubt, or regret. If you are living from inspiration, you
are living in spirit! Here is a gift from the Universe to you, for purchasing this
book. Go to this link below to download your Affirmation Signs!

"In the human experience of life, its not what happens to you
that matters-it's what you do about it that counts."
~Author Unknown

These Universal laws, applied intentionally and positively, will keep your personal
train of thought each day on raising your Manifesting Vibration instead of
lowering it. The results are undeniable; they were designed by the Universe to
keep your train on the right tracks! If you find yourself somehow de-railed and
stuck on your old train again, pick yourself up gently and look at how you can
apply them to what is happening right now in your life. A moment by moment
application will steer your life back into a self-empowering manifesting direction.
You will see your dreams manifest more quickly and easily when you use this
softer approach to disciplining yourself and your life.

It will help you to integrate these Laws by knowing there is a collective super-
train of awakening manifestors moving across the world, picking up momentum
with each person that jumps on board. So, are you going to be one of the first or
last beings to jump on board? Decide quickly - you might forget this is happening
and miss the caboose! The fact that you are reading this book right now is a
VERY good sign that you are totally ready and prepared to jump on the train

Receiving is evidence you have
given consistently. ~Tony Robbins

The 3 Step Manifesting Formula

The following formula will enable you to manifest a specific outcome. Use this
proven process, and manifest anything you want in your life!

Step 1: The first step is to set a very strong, specific intention from your heart on
what you want to manifest. The more specific your desire is, the more specific
your results will be. Vague goals create wishy-washy results. A powerful

intention is a true desire that comes from the heart, free from any shoulds or
have tos. It feels empowering and freeing to focus on this outcome and you
can visualize it manifesting for you. To set a strong intention, make a declaration
to the Universe out loud that THIS is what you are manifesting!

STEP 2: Detach from the outcome and allow yourself to receive what you want
or something better. This step can be the most difficult trap in manifesting, since
the trick is to use less effort and more trust. Imagine your desire is like a baby
bird sitting in the palm of your hand. You dont want to squeeze it too tightly or it
will die, nor do you want to hold it too loosely or it will try to fly away. With the
right amount of love and attention, it will find it is home within you.

Detaching is basically setting your Ego (who you think you are) aside and trusting
the Universe completely. How do you focus on what you want without getting
attached to results and trying to make it happen? The secret is in learning how
to release expectations, which are fear-based projections of the mind, and
trusting the Universe has already provided the perfect avenue for its
manifestation. The real magic happens the very moment you give the Universe
full permission to manifest your specific desires! The manifesting process just
happens when you are a living, breathing ball of trust. This opens you as a
receiver to let the desired outcome or experience come to you!

STEP 3: Hold onto the exciting and empowering feeling that what you want to
manifest is already here now! This is a balancing act between being non-
attached to the outcome, and exploring the FEELING of the desired result as if it
has already happened. The longer you can hold onto the feeling, the faster it will
show up in your life. Your manifested dream will fall right in your lap when you
least expect it. Sounds easy? It is!

"All things are created twice. There's a mental or first
creation, and a physical or second creation to all things.
Begin with the end in mind." ~Stephen R. Covey

So do you want some practice? Pick something you really want to manifest.
What do you want to feel, experience, be, do or have manifested one year from
today? Simply make up your mind today, dont wait anymore!! Pick something,
and hold it as an intention for 10 seconds. Then, you will get a bit more excited
and soon be dancing in the idea of it for 60-90 seconds! Then, bathing in it for 2
minutes, and so onThat is how you get it to show up in your life!

Now, what can you do to allow yourself to feel MORE EXCITED in your life
today? Jump up and down! Turn up the volume on that feeling! If you want
ANYTHING or any experience to be manifested into your life, you must get very
clear on what you want, and GET EXCITED ABOUT IT! This is unlimited

success for the rest of your LIFE that is being offered to you. Do you get this?
The ability to manifest what you want is tremendous! It may feel huge or very
seriousit is not. It is our very nature to do this. So just relax and let it come to
you. You will know when you are about to manifest something because you will
be so insanely excited about it for days or weeks on end.

"Every desire contains the necessary mechanics
for the fulfillment of that desire. ~Deepak Chopra

The Metaphysical Science of Manifesting

Our natural ability to manifest what we want, when we want it, is not just a
magical mystical occurrence, it is a scientific phenomenon. Science has proven
that wherever a thought goes, a molecule flows. Every single thought you are
having now is impacting all other atoms in the Universe. Like billiard balls, when
one hits another, they instantly bounce off each other creating a massive chain
reaction of events. Everything you see, manmade or not, started from one single
thought. Thoughts, like numbers, will multiply.

Manifesting is a natural by-product of our constant atomic communication with
the Universe. The advancement of Quantum physics has proven that your
physical body is made up of trillions of vibrating atoms that are connected sub-
atomically with (can you believe it?) EVERY ATOM in the entire Universe! Our
minds are in constant atomic connection and communication with the Universe
each and every moment. This means that what you choose to think and feel is
being felt and heard, each instant by the Universe.

The choices you make each day affect your life and yes, the entire Universe.
When you let yourself marinate in those thoughts and feelings that relax you,
open you up to trust and make you feel EXCITED about your life, the Universal
Bodys physical atoms increase with excitement in vibration about YOU. This
increases your ability to attract that which you most desire. This shift in thinking
toward, I am a powerful manifesting being, affects our bodys overall energy,
and creates a change in the Universes vibrational memory of who we are. This
ignites the Universal power within us and raises the effectiveness of each
intention we create. Employ this vigilant choice-maker full time and you will see
how amazing your life can become.

"The game of life is the game of boomerangs.
Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later,
with astounding accuracy." ~Florence Shinn

In the world of today's quantum physicists, there is a very rational, scientific
explanation that proves miracles, and mind over matter. They call it the super-

string theory. In short, everything is connected through sub-atomic energy
strings that have an intelligent vibration! Science has done experiments that
show when they separate two electrons by any amount of distance, and spin one
electron a certain way, it INSTANTLY affects the sister electron miles away
which starts spinning differently. We think our bodies are separated from each
other, yet we are ALL interconnected strings of energy!

Thoughts are things! Whenever a thought shows, an atom goes, and energy
flows! Every time someone thinks a thought, molecules start moving and hitting
other molecules instantly, impacting the entire Universe. Yet, you may be
asking, Why dont I manifest something every time I think about it? The secret
is you can when you get emotionally excited about it and maintain that flow of
feeling! Sure you can repeat any thought and never get results. It is like you are
pretending to do pushups while you are actually watching them on TV. Yes,
thoughts really DO have physical power in the Universe, yet their juice comes
from having an emotional charge behind them. This explains healing at a
distance, as well as any physical miracle or unexplainable phenomena of mind
over matter. Anything you might deem as impossible is possible in this magical
world because thoughts are actually powerful things!

"If you hear a voice within you saying "You are not a painter,"
then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced."
~Vincent Van Gogh

What are you generally thinking about your life? Notice how you have
manifested your entire life the way it is, through these thoughts you are thinking
right now. Now what kind of future do you want instead? What kinds of thoughts
are needed to create this experience? Your thoughts about yourself, the world,
and certain people, are already tainted with a subtle or massive negative
emotional charge. This is programming that has built up from an hour ago,
yesterday, the past year, and past lifetimes. If you are not a brand new soul
(which many of us today are not) your past lives are real, and they are the
deepest layers of conditioning.

Every thought you have about others contains the same exact words, phrases
and statements you heard at some time in your past. Many of them slipped in
when we were not looking, downloaded from family, school, friends and the
media. Our minds are like mechanical computers that only know how to take in
the input, and spit out the output. Any thought we believe is new or original is
not. Our thoughts are not private by any standard. The subconscious mind is like
a giant radio tower that is always tuned into all the other radios and their stations.
Yet, your attention can only be tuned into one radio station at a time (thank The
Universe or we would really get confused!).

There is a way to consciously harness the power of this giant radio station, which
will exponentially increase your ability to manifest. The secret is learning how to

tap into your Quantum Vibration. The next chapter contains the keys to opening
up this hidden power within.

"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared
believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances."
~Bruce Barton

Unleashing Your Quantum Vibration

Twenty-first Century science has affirmed that we are energy, intelligence, and
consciousness wrapped up into a seemingly material physical body. It appears
that we are separate from the World and Universe around us, yet in reality we
are not. We are humans composed of flesh, bones, and blood, yet we are also
energetically, consciously and vibrationally connected to everything in the entire
Universe! This may seem unbelievable, yet this ever-present connection of
divine intelligent energy through everything is an unchangeable phenomenon
that has been found in every country around the world!

Scientists have now proven that each one of us has a specific measurable
Quantum Vibration, which is being created by trillions of atoms and subatomic
particles vibrating inside our bodymind in each moment. The frequency of your
Quantum Vibration can be defined by the speed, accuracy, and ease at which
your desires are manifesting into the physical world. There is finally a sub-atomic
explanation for how we have a Manifesting Vibration!

An extremely high Quantum Vibration will only take a few seconds to manifest
something miraculous like a diamond ring, while a lower vibration may take years
or decades before it is actually in your hands. It all depends on how connected
you are to the Universal Quantum Vibration and how open minded you are.
Perhaps your belief system is somewhere in the middle and says that you will
need to save $100 a month for 3 months to purchase it from your local jewelry
store. Or perhaps you may believe you are one of these lucky people who will
see a lost ring walking down the sidewalk, or that you will win it in a contest. If
you are truly tapped into the Universal Quantum vibration, you will (believe it or
not) be able to allow that diamond ring to literally appear in your hands out of the
thin air. The secret is to first raise your bodyminds Quantum Vibration by
increasing the energy of the trillions of atoms in your body while holding the
thought of the diamond ring with your mind!

"The quantum mechanical body is just a doorway back to
Naturethe sad fact is that the intellect, going against Nature,
has done such a good job at blocking the door."
~Deepak Chopra


You can measure your bodys vibration with highly sensitive bioelectric devices
that act like an Aura Geiger Counter. These highly sensitive instruments
measure the bio-electric and magnetic fields emanating from your body, and
calculate the various frequencies from it. For example the body of Christ or
Buddha may have had a Quantum Vibration around 1000, while laying a guilt trip
on yourself (or someone else), could toss you down to around 10 or 15! Anytime
you get SUPER excited about that one thing you really want to BE, DO and
HAVE, your vibration immediately doubles and can even triple in that instant!

Depending on what your attention and intention is focused on, the vibration you
have right now is the outcome of what you have been focused on, and is
determining your current state of well being. It reflects your mental, emotional,
and physical health. It is also creating your level of income this month, your joy
in your relationships, your effectiveness at work, your connection to The Source,
and your overall love for life!

This moment represents your bodyminds current Quantum Vibration. It has been
impacted by thoughts and feelings generated from circumstances and situations
in your past that have appeared to be beyond your control. If you are
constantly worried about something from your imaginary past or future, your
Quantum Vibration drops insanely fast and eventually plateaus. If you continue
to dig your mental and emotional grave deeper, it will affect you physically,
causing symptoms of dis-ease to appear.

Heres the good news! Although your bodymind may be vibrating at a very high,
medium, or super low frequency right now, it does not matter! The atoms in your
bodymind are already specifically arranged in a divine order. This means that
even if you have been vibrating for YEARS on a lower frequency, you have a
divine quantum blueprint inside your DNA that keeps you on the path towards
reaching your highest Quantum Vibration. You can access your blueprint by
shifting where you focus the minds attention.

There are basically two movements of consciousness: Love and
Fear. Love is allowing what is and fear is resisting it." ~Nirmala

Perhaps you have had a tendency to focus your attention on the negative
thoughts, moods and feelings of others, automatically lowering your Quantum
Vibration. Given this weak minded tendency, your Quantum Vibration has been
extremely susceptible to being increased and decreased by the media, your
friends, and family with their opinions, emotional outbursts and negative
attitudesuntil now!

You can reach a new level of inner stability and confidence by directing your
awareness inwards and focusing on the peaceful core of stillness at the center of
your being. The longer your attention remains fixated on this center, the higher

your Quantum Vibration increases, making you as bright and powerful as the
Sun. Just as our Sun is self-sufficient with its own infinite source of energy, you
also have a source of infinite light and consciousness and everything you need
inside you to thrive!

The more positive feelings you can let yourself have, the more easily and
effortlessly those physical and non-physical manifestations you desire will
miraculously occur. When you actually look at what your thoughts and feelings
consist of, atomically we can also see that they are indeed physical in nature.
Wherever a love thought flows, thousands of excited nerves are firing electricity
through the body. Modern science knows you send an electron through your
brain, starting a chain reaction that gives a sensation of love, as well as pain, fun,
boredom, freedom, or mental slavery. Every positive thought or feeling
(vibration) your bodymind emanates is being registered and heard by the entire
Universe. They will return to you in many ways, through everyone and
everything. The Universe is one big quantum soup of energy we are always
tapped into and channeling through! The real trick here is learning how to
maintain that positive focus of thought and generate a fun-loving loop of
experiences forever!

"When we see problems as opportunities for growth,
we tap a source of knowledge within ourselves
which carries us through." ~Marsha Sinetar

Lets experiment with this new way of being. Imagine you are walking into a
room of people that you feel uncomfortable around. In your mind, they are
blasting nasty names behind your back, judging you silently, and talking about
you as if you were a complete failure. In the midst of all this negativity, your
attention flows inwards going past the mind and reaching the Source of your
being. You feel calm and silent inside, knowing everything is a blessing and a
teacher. As you remain here, feeling safe and protected, you do not waiver.
Within a few moments you will feel totally at peace with yourself exactly as you
are. Where in your life would you like to apply this new way of being? What
would it feel like to experiment with this at least one time this week? Are you
committed? You better beyour vibration depends on it!

By directing your attention onto the Infinite Source of consciousness that YOU
ARE, you are raising your consciousness and deepening your spiritual
connection inside. By holding your attention on what is Infinite, you access your
highest possible Quantum Vibration and your Manifesting Vibration skyrockets
beyond the stars. As your Quantum Vibration rises, you will start to see many
shifts in perspective in the outer world. The world will give you many signs,
messages, signals, and information to show that you are progressing! A bus
may drive by with that one message that speaks directly to your soul, letting you
know the next step to take with your life.

The Universe is your ultimate guru, listen closely to it. It may talk to you through
people, books, tapes, signs, or just in your own mind. The Universe is ALWAYS
educating you in its own secret way to raise your Quantum Vibration. The keys
are to quiet the mind, expand your consciousness, and relax into this experience.
You will soon manifest what you want at will! Just pay attention, stop the
obsessive attachment to your minds past and future illusions, relax and listen!



"All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do
you see in the faces of the people you meet?"
~Japanese Folktale

Your Mind is a Mirror

The Magical Mindset is an inner knowing that you can manifest anything you
want, at anytime you desire. It is developed through the awareness that you are
a magical being, with a deep connection to a Universal Infinite Source of
creativity and power. When you are living with a magical mind, you are open,
positive, and ready to see solutions without demanding that they show up. You
see the good in the worst of situations, accept everyone around you as your
personal enlightenment teacher, and truly believe that ANYTHING is possible.

With this magical mind, the Universe will immediately open new doors that were
once closed to you. You will shift the way you look at life, yourself, your
thoughts, who you think you are, and who others are in the world around you.
Approaching life with this unlimited mindset is the most effective and efficient way
to get out of that old negative rut and simultaneously increase your Manifesting
Vibration. Magical thinking is the most powerful way to start your day, develop
your manifesting muscles, and make you into an incredible manifesting machine!

The ancient secret and key to harnessing this magical mindset has been passed
on down through many generations of wise masters and teachers. This secret
comes in the form of an analogy so it can be digested on the deepest of levels. If
you constantly apply this understanding to the situations in your life, it will
empower you wherever you are in your journey.

The analogy is that your mind is a flawless mirror, and YOU are the light,
consciousness and energy shining and reflecting off of it. If there is something
stuck on your mirror, then the light you shine to the world will appear to be less
brilliant and flawed. If your mirror is always clean then the Divine Reality will be
everywhere you are.

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle,
or to be the mirror that reflects it. ~Edith Wharton

The greatest challenge you are here to overcome is to see this amazing Divinity
through the many years (and lifetimes) of conditioning and karmic DUST that has

gathered on your mirrors surface. This dust is caused by your energetic
attachment to certain belief systems, thoughts, and feelings about reality. Your
dust particles are those over-personalized opinions, judgments and mind games
that you repeatedly allow yourself to get hooked into. The Karma is your
energetic attachment to each dust particle. Even though dust is VERY small and
can be easily overlooked, somehow if you continuously focus on it, or try to deny
its existence, it becomes so pervasive and overwhelming that you wont be able
to see, feel or experience the Divine reflection in your mirror at all.

In our most relaxed and natural state of being, we are seeing life through a
completely dust-free mirror. The smooth natural surface of the mirror perfectly
reflects this perfect Divine Reality exactly as it is, without tainting what is seen.
The Light (your Soul or Spiritual body) is shinning like the Sun, eternally bright
and beautiful, forming your experience of Reality around you. The Light never
fades in brightness or intensity, yet the mind will obscure it. When the mind
becomes overly attached to the past or future, it causes the dust to gather into
thick dust everywhere on your mirror. This is all part of the greater plan of your
spiritual awakening. You have signed up to have an experience of liberation and
freedom when you sweep away these inner dust piles.

If you have done some internal cleaning (meditation) and your dust is scattered
thin, your experience of reality will be generally expansive, freeing and full of
wonder. If your mind is the master and you its slave, your dust is most likely very
thick, and you may not think life is such a divinely empowering and freeing
experience. If a small portion of your mirror is dust-free, it may be enough to let
the Divinity that you are shine through and sweep clean the rest of your mirror.
All that is needed is a change of the angle of the mirrors dangle, and the world is
experienced in a new light.

Do you remember any experiences in your life where everything appeared crystal
clear around you and the world felt magical and alive? Your mirror may have
been shaken and so the dust fell off temporarily. Or, perhaps it shifted angles
(you changed perspectives) and the Light of your consciousness blasted through
momentarily. The greatest thing to remember is that there are always a few
dust-free spots on the mirror, and you can have an enlightening experience at

On my first visit to India in 1995, I (Jafree) met a spiritual teacher named H.W.L.
Poonja (or Papaji), who helped me to blast my mirror clean from every last dust
particle. In a matter of 30 seconds I experienced the entire Universe in perfect
clarity. An incredible lucidity remained with me, no matter what situation I was in.
My old illusions of the world were shattered, and I started experiencing every
being I met from a new intelligence and perspective. I saw there truly was a
flawless divine perfection in every person and situation I encountered, and I
could feel a sacred synchronistic order to everything in the entire Existence. I
knew there were no coincidences ever! Everything I felt, thought, noticed or

experienced was part of this grand alignment and greater purpose. Powerful,
enlightening messages were continuously downloaded from an Intelligent
Universe in even the most trivial of encounters. From this enlightening
experience I discovered that this is our natural state of being, and is available to
everyone when the mind is freed from all dust.

Our moments of clarity are usually short lived because another thought (dust
particle) will float by and as soon as you become over-identified with it, it sticks to
your mirror! The instant any identification happens, the dust becomes stuck to
you like super glue! As you may know, dust will naturally gather around your
home if you dont get out the dust broom for a month or two. The fact is if youre
not consciously wiping your mind clean in each and every moment, dust will
naturally accumulate on it. The world is full of dust. It is totally unavoidable (and
not your fault) to acquire a layer or two along the way. This accumulation and
release of it, is part of the spiritual growth and evolution youre here to

Be at peace and see a clear pattern and plan running through
all your lives. Nothing is by chance." ~Eileen Caddy

How Your Mirror Got Smudged

Somewhere along the way, around age 7, you started to over-identify with ideas
and opinions of other people. You started to create your own opinion so you
could have the experience of being separate and independent from the outer
world. Maybe you wanted chocolate instead of vanilla flavored ice cream and
you got upset because they were out of chocolate that day. You then formulated
a reaction to it, mimicking the response mom or dad demonstrated to you in a
previous similar situation. They had a reaction from your reaction and you began
gathering ideas and opinions about yourself, others, and the world. Your Ego
became very hooked into certain ideas about who you were and at times you
became extremely negative about the world, yourself, and other people. You
started separating yourself from the Universe to find peace with it and created
even more ideas about who you believed you were. The dust began to
accumulate and the rest is your life story.

"You are not a human being in search of spiritual experience.
You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience."
~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Growing up in a society with billions of other delusional and contagiously dusty
mirrors will naturally rub off on a fresh clean young mirror. The day you met your
family, they already had layers of dust on their mirrors and were busy smudging
you with the right beliefs about relationships, love, sex, religion, school, career,

marriage, politics etc and that was just THE WAY the world was! You, of
course, automatically thought this was how you should be too, and so the dust
gradually began to cling. At an age before you were even aware of what
awareness was, you took their programmed illusions about Reality hook, line and

Growing up, you probably never met a single soul who was totally dust-free, so
who was going to show you that you had dust or even how to remove it? All
those teachers, friends and schools were layered themselves and did not know
any better than to toss gobs of dust all over you! With all their dirt it is truly a
miracle you are alive and actually conscious today. You were forced to learn
coping skills to help compensate for the negative ideas you had about yourself
and the world. Some of these skills may have been not getting too close to
people for they may be super dusty and full of dirt. Now you may be spending
your time unlearning most of the patterns that once saved you at that young
and feeble age.

"If you take the responsibility for your life you can start changing it!
Drop the fear. You took up fear in your childhood, unconsciously.
Now consciously drop it and be mature. Then the life can be a light
which goes on deepening as you go on growing." ~Osho

Its important to know that at a very early age you were unconsciously tricked
into believing a lie. The lie is that you are small, powerless and unable to be
whoever you want to be, and have whatever experience you desire. You were
hypnotized to believe that you werent an all-powerful infinite manifesting being
that can manifest anything instantly. For many generations (and millennia) we
have been trying as a species to wake up from this grand delusion. Our minds
have fallen into the trap of this is what everybody thinks, so is the reality. We
were conditioned to believe all sorts of ridiculous things in a desperate attempt to
find our way and somehow make it in this world. We were continuously fed
information that fueled the experience that we were limited, unworthy beings
disconnected from an Infinite Manifesting Source. Our parents tried to pave a
more enlightened way for us by teaching us their beliefs that worked for them in
some way. What they did not know is that each ingrained belief is just stickier
dust falling upon our flawless mirror.

Do you remember those childhood days when everything was light, enjoyable,
effortless, and you just played in a state of wonder all day long? What type of
mindset did you have? Was it magical? You were basically living moment to
moment in a state of in-spiration (in-spirit). You were living in a state of wonder
about everything you saw. Even when bad things happened, you soon forgot
about them and life continued to be an exploration and wondrous ride! At one
point in your past the dust was mostly non-existent on your mirror. The light

reflected through to everything you thought, felt and experienced. It always has
that potential to return to this divinely natural state.

"The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what
you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful,
the world will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you.
The world is what you are." ~Thomas Dreier

With all this dust, you may be wondering if your life is completely messed up and
that you are a total failure. Absolutely NOT! Your soul signed up for this dusty
journey for the same divine reason we all did; so that we could have this
wonderful experience of transcending it! The more dust you have, the brighter
the experience of the Divine reflection will be once it is removed. Before our
souls came back to try human again, we accepted the divine delusion of
separation from our Infinite Source just so that we could learn some incredible
lessons, experience growth and have the sensation of an AMAZING return trip

Yes, we are each here to experience the world as a place of flawless divine
energy, intelligence, love and complete abundance. The Universe created dust to
give us contrast, comparison, and similarities so that we could make choices.
Without choice there would be no free will, and without free will, wellwhat is the
point of life? You get to choose what you want to manifest, see, and experience
everyday, so get used to it! You will have choices to make every moment of
every day for the rest of your life!

There is one choice however that will always open your magical manifesting
mindset. If you continuously make this choice, it will transform your life
completely in a matter of days. This is the choice to be free from all dust in each
moment, and to realize you are this Infinite Divine Presence here and now.

Let me put it to you this way. Will it be the Ego centered, anal-controlled, hurried,
attached world that is worried about money, the future, your image, and has fear
based opinions of everything? Or will it be the relaxed, trusting, free flowing
lifestyle that feels connected to everyone, is the energy of love itself, and can
manifest anything? You can make this decision now; yet remember that this is a
choice that you will get to make again and again and again!

"Vision is not enough. It must be combined with venture. It is not
enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs."
~Vaclav Havel

The problem with making this decision everyday is that you may not truly see that
the choice is here now. There are many, many layers of dust in the way, and we

must warn you it is super-thick in some places. This muck of thick dust comes
from all of your attempts to become someone or do something significant to
become that important somebody. You have tried to become this special
someone because you have forgotten your Divine Nature and connection to this
Infinite Presence. This is your greatest ignorance of all. It is also what causes
your instant manifesting ability and magical mindset to become so clogged and
scattered that they may seem completely non-existent.

Your Ego is probably not going to like this statement about your ignorance. Yet,
exactly how true is it? Do you live each moment free to explore and experience
your divinity through everyone and everything? Every time you forget you can be
free from all thoughts, you have stopped thinking magically and limiting belief
systems start to sneak in. The more you focus on the dust, the thicker it becomes
and soon it is ALL that you see!

If we told you over and over that you were this infinite presence of divine energy
and awareness, over and over you would forget it. This is something that cannot
be digested through the intellect. The mind is too small of a container to hold this
vast God presence. We have spent too many years (and lifetimes) over-
identifying with our important dust particles, and are deeply conditioned to
believe we can THINK our way out. The intellect is of no use in trying to figure
out a permanent solution to this dusty situation. Freeing yourself from the dust
takes a very persistent and courageous spirit to go deeper inside, through the
layers of thought (dust), into the pure beingness of your heart, and remain
present and open. Your divine essence will automatically reveal itself when you
are solitary, quiet, and have a solid intention to contact it. In this space you will
harness the amazing power of the magical mindset.

"To see your drama clearly
is to be liberated from it." ~Ken Keyes

Owning Your Inner Dirt

When creating a magical mindset, it can be a quantum leap just to acknowledge
the dust you have and take responsibility for it. Everyone has a dusty, dark side
no matter how bright they appear. The more you own it, the more you illuminate
the darkness and the easier it is to make the dust disappear! How do you own
it? You must first acknowledge which dust particles are stuck to your mirror.
Notice what thoughts and beliefs you tend to cling to. What thought brings more
tension to your body instead of a release? Which thoughts make you feel as if
you are carrying a 50 lb. pack on your back? Most of your thoughts are just dead
ideas resurfacing again and again for no reason at all. Like a broken record that
forgot it has an OFF switch, your mind is builds piles of dust out of old
unconscious habits, causing you to feel everything but alive and inspired with joy!


When you truly own your deepest dirt and dust, you see you are responsible for
creating it. Sure, it was an unconscious habit created by past conditioning. Yet,
you made the decisions to think the way you did! At this point, you start to think,
feel and experience life as the grand designer of your reality, resulting in the use
of some new neurons! The definition of insanity is to think the same thing over
and over, expecting different results each time. By owning your dust, you have
the option to choose a different thought process next time!

Perhaps you have been looking and cannot find any dust on your mirror. Or,
maybe you do not even know what the heck we are talking about when we refer
to a dusty mirror. If this is you, then take a look at the judgments you continue
to make about yourself, others and this world. This is the most evident dust.
Where do you feel righteousness and wrongness about your life? What is that
one thing you most criticize yourself about? If this negative judgment about
yourself feels like the truth, yet only makes you feel more stuck and powerless
every time you think it, then what is the benefit of thinking it again? There are no
real benefits to narrow minded thinking other than to keep you feeling small and
irresponsible for your infinite potentiality. It is the effects of the lazy saboteur
running the show and your life!

"The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If
you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will
prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The world is what you
are." ~Thomas Dreier

There was a time in my life where I (Jafree) would see how many hours a day I
could lay out in the sun and avoid all responsibilities and possible work. Back
then, WORK was a 4-letter word that meant Wasted Opportunity to Relax my
Karma. I did not see the empowerment I would later feel from jumping on the
playing field of my life. Now WORK has transformed into a different 4-letter word
called PLAY! I just play all day long with people, taking Inspired Actions Only
and responding to people from my divine passion to empower and awaken the
world. By owning my dust Ive created a new response-ability to working, and
beaten my saboteur at his own game!

To triumph over your dusty mindset is to nail it down and own it! When your
body feels contracted and tight, notice what frame of mind you are in. Is it
expansive and magical? Observe your body and explore what is there. It will tell
you if it enjoys what your mind is focused on or not, ALL THE TIME! When your
body closes down, it is not because it is angry at you. The main purpose of a
contracted state of being is to push you deeper inside, to get in touch with the
divine presence at your core. Contracted states also have the later purpose of
pushing the pendulum of life to swing you back into those positive experiences
so you truly appreciate life again! As long as we are asleep to this God we truly

are, there will be some saboteur inside us, pushing us into more creativity,
expressive energy, and discovering the positive experiences we want to have.

Be outrageous! People who achieve mastery
have the ability to be outrageous. ~Gita Bellin

These body-contracting thoughts are the leftovers of your Gremlin-Saboteur who
loves to create piles of dust. The piles of dust cause even more negativity to
gather in your life, and keep your head busy dreaming about the past and future,
instead living here and now doing exciting, inspired actions! Own your dirt this
week instead of watching T.V and sweeping more piles under the carpet! Take
responsibility for your magical manifesting power and get off your butt. Start
doing things from your heart that you LOVE! Decide right now to make a
conscious breakthrough with your lazy saboteur every time it tries to avoid this
awesome new response ability! How would your day be different if you took
more responsibility for creating an unstoppable life that you loved?

The more challenging part to owning your dust is not identifying with what you
see inside yourself. Breathe! Release the illusions you see! Use the breath to
keep you centered and you will transcend it completely. There is one certainty
with owning your will get frustrated with yourself! When this happens,
practice gentleness. You are always making more progress than you realize.
Clearing the dust from your mirror is like climbing a huge mountain, and if you
constantly look back at the parking lot below, it will seem as if you have gone
nowhere! In fact, you have risen thousands of feet above from where you were.

When your mirror is free from dust, you will be at the top of the mountain peak. At
this peak, you can see farther, and new heightened perspectives arise much
easier than ever before. The distance between where you were and where you
are is more clearly seen. A broader vision of your life is experienced in such a
way that you can simply allow the mind to be negative or positive, and it doesnt
matter! All thoughts simply become catalysts to push you higher into the next
peak of experiencing more conscious awareness, and you welcome ALL in!

The reality is, the experiences life brings you cannot be stopped, nor do you want
to stop them. The dust will fall on your mirror forever and that is O.K. You can
change your mirror angle and the dust will fall to the floor. You have the power to
choose if you want to stay identified with your dust or not. You can always create
a new response to your thoughts, which will alter the field of energy around you,
thereby shifting the kinds of situations and people you tend to attract.

When you own the dust already on your mirror, the Magical Mindset has an
opportunity to come alive. It is born out of the new perceptions you create about
you! The instant you see yourself differently, the energy changes inside you and
shifts the way you perceive others. How you see yourself and the world, molds
and shapes your vibration. If you believed everyone was a Buddha in disguise,

you would think, feel and behave differently around them. Your body would
naturally heighten its frequency to align with your perception of the enlightened
being lying down in your bedroom.

People are not disturbed by things that happen,
but by their opinion of things that happen. ~Epictetus

Cleaning Up the Dusty Ego

Without any house cleaning, your Dust particles build up and leave heavy
impressions on the mind. Over years, they form a complex conglomerate identity.
This massive over-identification with our dust creates attachment to The Ego,
which subsequently lowers your Manifesting Vibration. The Magical Mindset
shows up when you deeply understand what your Ego is, and you constantly
choose to be free from it. The Ego (who you think you are) believes it is in
control of your life, and is under the false impression it knows what is best for

The Ego has no clue how to remove the dust from your mirror. It believes it can
clean up your attitude and energy, improving everything in one day. All that
happens is a weak short-term commitment to your goal, which dies quickly and is
soon followed by strong feelings of failure and overwhelm. The pile of dust that
was on the right side of the mirror is now swept over to the left side, and our
clean up crew is out getting drunk at happy hour!

The Ego cannot help you truly heal your life or clean up anything. It tries to
analyze and fix everything, thinking it can organize the chaos perceived to be in
your life. It is blind to your divine infinite existence. It creates all kinds of illusions
and stories about what is happening, making your life a complicated, confusing
and seemingly unending mess. Your Ego tries to think its way out of the maze
and find the answers alone. It believes it is separate from an omniscient, all-
powerful Infinite Source. This lone ranger syndrome creates all the suffering and
stuckness in your life and the illusion that you have no natural manifesting ability.

Every problem and inner conflict you manifest is from an over-identification with
your Ego trip. After many years, these once innocent and lightly scattered dust
particles have turned into piles of mud and dirt. You find yourself living 7 days a
week in your head, being a think-aholic who is constantly tormented by its own
criticisms, judgments and opinions.

This over-identification develops a kind of schizophrenia between your mind and
body. You no longer experience life through your bodymind. You are either up
in your mind or trying to get into your body. The voices become so loud in your
head that the love in your heart and the emotions in your belly cannot be felt or
experienced. Since your controlling Ego is afraid to relax and explore your

emotions below, a great wall is created between you and your feelings. Your
manifesting powers cannot flow without your e-motion (energy in motion) and
your desires become blocked. This wall of fear inside you results in incessant
neediness and a struggle to survive, instead of flowing with the adventurous God
who feels everything and thrives!

Man has falsely identified himself with the pseudo-soul or Ego.
When he transfers his sense of identity to his true being, the
immortal Soul, he discovers that all pain is unreal. He no longer can
even imagine a state of suffering.
~Paramahansa Yogananda

We are afraid to let go of our Ego, so instead we try to maintain it. Maintaining
an Ego is a 24-hour job, and doing so will distract your attention from your Infinite
Source and drain your manifesting power. It is extremely exhausting to keep a
positive self-image UP or a negative image DOWN all the time. The key to
handling your Ego in a healthy way is to be curious, present, and conscious
about each experience that arises. With this magic formula you cannot go into
avoidance or get attached to ANY positive or negative thoughts about yourself or
the world. Really, what is there to get attached to? They are just thoughts and
ideas zinging about in your head! There is not much fulfillment in them. The real
pleasure is being present to The Universe, who is always and ONLY present in
the here and now. Immersed in the present moment, your own divine presence
will become incredibly ALIVE, and you will pleasantly discover a spotless mirror
completely free from the contracted Ego trip you were on.

You may also find that clearing the dust off your mirror can become an unending
perfectionist project. The Ego builds itself up, constructing a great amazing
sense of self, then finds that it must tear itself down to find the real Truth. The
true YOU, however, is not anywhere in the building. You are more like a curious,
observing bystander watching this great, massive construction go up and down,
and up and down everyday!

Change is a scary thing for every Ego. It always wants what is safe, secure and
predictable. Did you notice that LIFE was not set up to be this way? There is a
thing called Death at the end of it, which ultimately shows the Ego the real Truth.
However, the Ego loves to be in control, and will continue to think it is the
General Manager of The Universe. It tries to run the show by sweeping up your
dust (and other peoples dust), creating dramatic little scenarios where a solution
MUST be found OR ELSE!!! The Egos locked-in belief systems cause residual
tension to hold in your body, blocking the flow of your Manifesting Vibration.
When you realize you already have the greatest intelligence and power in the
Universe inside you, there is no need for an Ego!

The Ego has no effective way of removing this dust since it is made of dust! It
can only create temporary answers to its unending problems. The only thing that
can wipe our mirror permanently clean is the heat from the Infinite Light we let
into our hearts that bounces off our mirror into the world. When we hold our
awareness on the light of our own consciousness, we soon see that everything is
flawlessly perfect and on purpose. We realize that the dust and dirt is there to
have fun making mud pies with! We resist nothing and play with everything,
knowing our higher Source can clean up the WORST of messes in an instant.
We feel more and think less because we understand that something is divinely
guiding us in each moment to help us realize that we already ARE a channel for
the highest source of Light energy and vibration. We trust the dust removal
process and get out of its way as much as we can!

The greatest thing that you can do to eliminate attachment to your Ego is choose
peace RIGHT NOW. No matter how many dust particles are on your mirror
today, inner peace is always a moment to moment choice. It becomes an easier
choice when you have acknowledged that you are this Light of pure
consciousness and are allowing it to shine through. The mind/mirror will always
play tricks on you, creating illusions and delusions, saying this is right and that is
wrong, then change its decision the very next day. It only has one main
purpose... to reflect this perfect Divine Reality for you to enjoy and realize that
YOU are creating it all.

Whether you can see this or not, it does not matter. Help is on its way! The
loving Universe has designed billions of other mirrors out there to reflect back
what is going on inside you. Watch them very closely. Listen to what they are
telling you about yourself if you really want to break free from your Egos hypnotic
"I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways
that don't work." ~Thomas Edison

The Ultimate Ego Cleaning Machine

Who you really are is a permanent, timeless, eternal awareness, temporarily
abiding in this bodymind vehicle. You are the Infinite Presence of Light in the
form of love that shines forever like the Sun. No matter how frightening,
amazing, or real your minds limiting beliefs may appear, they are still dusty
strings of THOUGHTS which cannot touch the ever-present permanent energy of
presence you already are.

Awareness is being aware of what is. It acts like a super high tech vacuum
cleaner that can run on automatic, continuously wiping your ego mirror spotless!
Eventually after many hours of cleaning, your vacuum will get more powerful and
able to clear away lifetimes of heavy dust AND keep all future dust from
gathering again! With permanent awareness, your mind will eventually reach the

point of being completely spotless and magical, causing your Manifesting
Vibration to grow immensely! This is the exciting part. When you are
continuously in tune with the positive current of energy flowing through you, you
SEE your desires take form!

The more often you practice awareness of what is, the brighter your light
becomes, burning away old dust, and impeding new dust from clinging! Your
limited belief systems get sucked into this powerful vacuum and wiped away!
Your dust did its job, which was to give you an experience of being someone.
This someone was perhaps important or worthless, happy or sad, rich or poor,
powerless or powerful. This someone was created so you could someday have
the FREEING unlimited experience of being vast, undefined and God-like!

The more aware you become, the easier it will be to get in touch with the quiet
presence at the core of your being. In order to fully experience awareness, you
must quiet the mind. A quiet mind enables you to hear messages from the
Universe on how to live a magical life. When you continuously practice being
quiet inside, eventually the rock concert in your head will subside and you break
into the magical mindset.

As you teach your mind to be quiet through meditation, awareness will grow and
the Light will begin to reflect fully off your mirror. You will start to see the world in
its Divine Perfection, which opens the magical mindset. When miraculous things
occur in your life, the skeptics will say you got lucky, or that it was a coincidence.
However, in the world of manifesting there is no such thing. You are a
manifesting being, always creating everything around you. When something
lucky happens, it is really just the Universe letting you know that it is intimately
involved with your life.

Practicing awareness for only a few hours will awaken you from many years of
dust, and liberate you from their hypnotic trance! You will see far beyond those
repetitive negative thought patterns which tell you things like, I am not good
enough, not rich enough, not thin enough, not fun enough, not smart enough,
and I am never going to get all the love I need! Those nots have become
knots in your energy and caused a leak in your Manifesting Vibration. With
present moment awareness, those voices that negate you will seem as far away
and distant as a mouse at the bottom of your Everest.

The day on which we come to know the supreme consciousness
within us, then the outside world also will appear to us like the
expanse of the supreme consciousness. ~Osho

Lets start some major vacuuming by sucking a BIG chunk of dirt off your mirror
and raising your Manifesting Vibration! This is your opportunity to let go of a past
issue with someone you know and try on a new version of reality. Use your
awareness and notice all your negative judgments about someone in this world

that really frustrates you. Imagine they are in the room with you now. Look them
in the eyes and simply experience the judgments that arise. Notice what is
creating the judgment. Where is your judgment really coming from? Is it from
them or YOU? Give yourself permission to fully experience your Inner Judge,
and simply allow it to be. What if this person, situation and your judgment is
perfect as it is, teaching you something truly amazing about yourself?

The truth is the world is PERFECT exactly as it is. It is completely flawless and
divine with all the billions of people and things happening on it. Everything is
right, fair and balanced in the world, exactly as it is. Just look at Earth from
space! Do you see all the beautiful blue oceans, green plants, and city lights with
the tremendous variety of people having billions of wild and amazing
experiences? This picture is not just good, it is absolutely AMAZING!

Imagining the world is perfect as it is, will help the surface of your mirror be
exactly as you wish it to be. This does not mean you will stop giving money to
the homeless or give up recycling plastic. In fact, just the opposite is true. You
will have more love and respect for the planet than ever before. You will be
tuned into what this world truly consists of and more appreciative of they way it is

It may be tricky to see the world in a new light, yet how you experience the world
is how you experience your Self. There is no difference. If you want to change
yourself in an instant, choose a new way of seeing the world. Just as the mind
is your mirror, so is the world around you. When you realize this, your dust will
fall away. The dust-less mind sees its own mirror reflecting everywhere it goes!

Why fear death? The greatest fear
is the unlived life." ~Unknown

Releasing the Last Layers of Dust

When the final layers of dust and dirt are washed from your mirror, a very
interesting thing happens. The Ego clings to you more than ever, and digs up
even deeper issues, worries, and problems you thought you had dealt with years
ago. It feels as if your Ego is starting a mud fight inside you, making your mirror
dirtier than ever! The important thing to remember is that your issues are not
resurfacing to be reborn. Their purpose is to reveal their totality so that they may
be fully bathed, purified and released from your life.

As those last dirt particles are being swept away, your minds attachment will
intensify to those ideas of who you used to be. Remember, staying identified
with your old issues and problems is not in ANY WAY helping you to see the
divine presence that is here now. Your issues are old memories of who you

were, leading you farther away from the truth of who truly are now. The instant
they arise, notice the message they are communicating to you. Ask them what
they are trying to teach you about YOU! Breathe slowly and deeply to stay in
your body. This will help you ground yourself, because your mind will try to pull
you back within it. The more you can stay present (in your body) and
acknowledge that the mind is trapped in an illusion, the faster and easier it will be
to break free from it.

The Ego holds onto ideas of who you are out of fear. The Ego hates being in the
unknown, not knowing who or what you are. The more your attachment to your
ideas about yourself dissolves away, the greater the magical mind becomes in
you. Do not let other peoples ideas of who you are (or should be) force you to
live in a box for another moment of your life! These memories do not define even
a fraction of who you are. They simply are a lightly scattered layer of dust,
stopping the brilliant light from shining through and illuminating the real you!

There are a few other things to do to move swiftly through these final layers.
One secret is to move directly and consciously into your dirt. Stop resisting the
experience! Whatever we resist persists, so surrender to exploring that dirty part
of you! The second secret is to focus on how amazing you are by feeling all your
accomplishments, successes, joys, etc In realizing your BIGNESS, you gain
perspective on the smallness of these last clinging dust mites. Once you gain a
bigger perspective, you can relax about nagging issues, and start using your
mind to focus on what you really WANT instead! You can turn up the heat by
focusing all your energy on what will make you feel empowered today! Take a
risk. Go into the unknown. Then, go for what you really want - NO MATTER
WHAT!! The greatest risk you will ever take in your life, is not taking one.

"Dont sweat the small stuff,
it is all small stuff. ~Dr. Robert Elliot PhD.

One of the most common ways people have tried to get rid of their nagging
negative mindset is to cover it up with positive thinking. Positive or spiritual
thinking can become a slippery, dirty trap that can form a dusty layer of spiritual
conditioning. If your life MUST be a certain way for you to be happy, you
become attached to the THOUGHT of happiness instead of being at peace with
what is. Dust particles always come in disguise. That is how they start sticking to
the mind. They can come in positive or negative thoughts, and both stick just as
easy to your mirror. Since positive experiences are usually easier to integrate,
they are not so easily seen as those gooey blotches of negative feelings and
experiences that get smeared all over your mirror.

Have you ever tried to battle negative thoughts by reversing them with positive
thoughts? The only problem with this technique is that when you throw a positive
thought over that negative thought, it appears that we have effectively wiped

away the dust. The truth is, that the positive thought particles hook onto the
negative ones, ultimately creating more dust on the mirror.

Any time you are busy clearing negative beliefs with positive beliefs, the Ego
emotionally feeds off your NEW positive charged energy, creating another short-
lived FALSE IDENTIFICATION. Without your positive beliefs to support who you
are, who are you? This can be the most confrontational and confusing concept
for the Ego to digest. Its important to realize that developing positive beliefs are
a vital tool in raising your Manifesting Vibration, because what your Ego focuses
on grows! However, you dont need any beliefs to be free or happy, and any
attachment to a belief will drag your vibration downhill. So go ahead and develop
a positive belief, just dont get attached to it or use it to cover up what is really
going on inside. Your true identity is the pure freedom and expression of
whatever is here now. Check it out for yourself and see.

The ultimate goal, paradoxically, is not to destroy ALL your dust or keep it from
falling on your mirror ever again. While you may think this sounds totally wrong
and absurd, your job is not to work on yourself sooooo much that you are a
squeaky clean soul. That would drive you insane! Rather, your mission is to be
so relaxed inside that you become completely present to the Light, the mirror,
and the dust that is here now. When you do this, all your dust becomes
inconsequential, insignificant and trivial, which is what allows the Light to start
shining straight through! The Light gets really bright when you accept
EVERYTHING that you are. You are the dust, the mirror and the Light in the
end. See this as the first step to breaking free from your old patterns issues

You may be thinking, why should I go through the trouble of dusting my mirror at
all if the goal is to not clean it away? If you dont sweep what you can off your
mirror, your awareness is so clouded by years of dirt and filth, that it is very
difficult to realize you are this Light of awareness. However, the goal is not to
focus on getting rid of the dust because your consciousness becomes completely
absorbed in the dusty energy itself. The only way you can totally transcend the
last layers of dust is to stop focusing on the DUST!

Keep your attention focused on the Source of The Universe that is here now. Be
aware the divine Universe is right here, right now. The mirror of your mind will
reflect even brighter whatever it is focused upon. You will see that you are
naturally an open channel to the intelligence and energy that flows through all
things. Notice that your own consciousness is always present, always here
witnessing something, whether it is a thought in your imagination or the
experience of now. Relaxing your focus without ANY efforting at all in THIS
moment, you will see there is not a speck of dust anywhere to be found! In fact,
the dust you think is on your mirror is ALL an illusion of your mind.


"The snow goose need not bathe to make itself white.
Neither need you do anything but be yourself. ~Lao-Tse

With enough vigilant awareness, you can achieve a dust-free mirror. The MOST
important question to ask yourself is, What is my mind like when there is no dust
on my mirror? Be curious about this question. It will help clear away layers of
dirt right now. Imagine a state of mind that is TOTALLY FREE from all concerns,
worries and problems. What is that like? Hold that feeling and experience for as
long as you can! This is the Magical Mindset! What would it be like to live in this
mindset for one hour of your life? How about one day or one week? Heck lets
go for a month or a year! Remember, your thoughts create your reality and
whatever you focus on grows. How long can you hold your attention on the
vibration of a clear, present mind? If there are 10,000 states of mind to choose
from, which one would you MOST like to be in right now?

If you keep encountering a chaotic mind, be patient! This happens to everyone.
It is part of the process of awakening the magical mind. Be gentle with yourself.
You are an amazing multi-dimensional being. You are the light, the mirror, and
the reflection in it. You are living in an intelligent, conscious Universe that
absolutely loves YOU and all your parts exactly as they are! There is more
power and wisdom available here than you could ever imagine. To discover this,
stop everything, be quiet, be aware and listen!


Our life is what our thoughts make it. ~Marcus Aurelius

How Manifesting Techniques Really Work

Manifesting happens because we are channels for the inexhaustible levels of
pure energy found in the present moment of now. With a consistent, relaxed yet
focused awareness on what you want (instead of what you dont want), you will
naturally and continuously manifest amazing things. The more present you are,
the more your body opens, and the richer your experience of life becomes!

The following 3 components make manifesting techniques function. Choose to
experiment with one or all, what matters most is that you dive in and explore for
many days and weeks on end.

1. Feeling very connected to the Universe in this present moment. Theres
not much chit-chat going on up in the head.

2. A strong desire and directed intention for what you want to manifest into
the Universe.

3. A belief that says THIS is a magical bodymind and Universe around me
in which I can create ANYTHING I consistently dream of.

The moment you stop being 100% engaged in what your NOW experience is by
getting up in your head about a past or future event, life loses its juicy flavor,
direction and energy because you are coming from a less conscious space. With
an open and centered energy, your Manifesting Vibration flows and grows
exponentially! Your thoughts manifest from your core self and create your life!

"You cannot step into the same river twice." ~ Heraclitus

You cant step into the same moment even ONCE! Some say the moment goes
by so quickly, that even proposing we can step into the same river ONCE can be
disputable. The moment moves and flows much faster than the mind. The mind
can never ever catch the present moment. When it actually does catch up, the
Mind is no longer there. You reach a state of no-mind or Nirvana!

Once you continuously stay in the present moment (for hours or days), you will
have a shift in consciousness and your life will never be the same. A dynamic
transformation will unfold through you. Miraculous synchronistic events will occur

as if they were your everyday events. A sense of inner peace will prevail.
There will only be time for you to shine, so there can be more truth, vision,
purpose and meaning to your life. Everything you want is contained within this
moment. Why would you look any place else? There is more manifesting
energy in the now-here to use, than you ever could use. The present moment is
more amazing than ANYTHING and is the only place manifesting power exists.

We are always learning, growing and evolving. There is no stopping it. If a
manifesting technique loses it is power or slows down, you can revive it. If it dies
on you at a critical time, it doesnt mean it will never work for you again. The
moment you bring full intention, awareness and full presence to the experience
(with great gratitude), you break through that past or future block and step into
the Now. Your manifesting technique starts to work again like a charm. The
Now is where you create your reality all the time!

"Make each day useful and cheerful and prove that you know the
worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be happy, old
age without regret and life a beautiful success."
~Louisa May Alcott

If you feel like your life is stuck in a rut, or spiraling down a negative thinking toilet
bowl, it probably is. Being stuck means you are refusing to get curious about
your life and are avoiding a possible confrontational situation because you are
not willing to go deeper inside yourself. Living in denial and avoidance seems
like a good escape, yet is always the harder, heavier path to tread down the long
road ahead. Eventually we all get fed up with our stuckness and thus manifest a
breakthrough into a lighter way of being. That is what stuckness is for!

The more empowering and transformational path is to meet our fears as they
arise and take advantage of the confrontational situations as opportunities for
growing our courage, love and compassion. With this attitude, the Universe (in
its all-loving and all-powerful ways) assists us in creating an enlightening and
uplifting experience, helping us see through to the other side. Although the light
can be painfully bright on the outside of any cave, eventually our eyes adjust to
enjoy the brand new spectacular view!

Raising your Manifesting Vibration through BEING HERE NOW can feel like you
are transforming a Model T Ford car from the 1920s into a high tech 21st
Century Luxury Sporty Lamborghini Limousine! Your life functions more
luxuriously, and you are more effective with your time, energy and money! It is
about pure JOY to travel towards your endless destination. You feel the
abundance of freedom with each new moment in the back seat, knowing you can
relax and trust the chauffer will safely deliver you home with ease. Everything
runs smoother with a higher Manifesting Vibration. Your health, relationships,
finances and spiritual connection are better than ever before.

Life is a mystery to be lived,
not a problem to be solved. ~Osho

Being versus Thinking

Many people get stuck along the path by trying to figure their life out. They
spend countless hours pondering situations, experiences and possible outcomes
in an analytical conquest to reach some imaginary goal or right answer. Many of
us have spent a majority of our time in this type of mental masturbation and
continual mental grind. Why do we do this? We were programmed by society to
believe it was better (or safer) to think about life rather than to experience and
feel it!

Manifesting is not something to be figured out because it is not a head trip. It is
a whole body experience. Your body is your base for experiencing life, and
keeps you connected to the earth and the Universe. It is the bodymind together
that will ultimately satisfy your being. The head alone cannot. The head is your
biggest distraction to manifesting. We must transcend our mental games,
dramas and traumas in order to truly be here now and tap into the Universal
vibration. Attracting what you really want to manifest takes an unlearning of
abiding up in the control tower of the mind. By training yourself to live your life
from your heart and being within your bodymind, you will experience a fresh new
dimension to life. You will feel every negative experience as not so threatening,
and life becomes a constant moment-to-moment exploration to enjoy!

Manifesting naturally occurs when you become more of a human being, than a
human doing or thinking. This means letting go of automatic pilot mode from 9 to
5, and becoming so present, you stop being a react-aholic and a think-aholic.
How can you become more conscious and present? Start by following your
breath with awareness as it naturally breathes life into the heart and belly. The
more often you do this, the more you will get out of your head. Soon, you will de-
automate, transcending old programs and move into a more conscious way of

Each time you respond consciously to life (instead of react to it), you come from
a higher vibrational place in your body, and increase your manifesting ability.
Being successful by collecting truckloads of material possessions through great
accomplishments is NOT your purpose in life. You cannot take these things with
you when you die, so why be so possessed? Your journey is about raising your
consciousness by BEING constantly present to what experience is here now.
This increases your overall vibration to connect on deeper levels with others,
your higher Self, and The Universe.

The greatest thing about BEING more and THINKING less is that you realize
how intimately connected you already are with the Universe. You really relax

inside your physical body and feel a sense of freedom to experience anything!
There is no longer resistance to fear, and whatever energy and desire that wants
to come through can. In being a human BEING, you have more freedom to
respond to life the way you want to, and there is a confidence that the Universe
and all its power is supporting you. From this space, it is MUCH easier to
release any doubts, worries or fears you have that may occupy your mind. Being
free from worry, your desires can energetically come through! With practice, you
will find you can manifesting things faster and easier since those negative
thoughts are no longer distracting you from allowing the Universal manifesting
energy to move through you.

"When the mind talks, the body listens.
We literally talk ourselves into and out of every victory
or defeat in the game of life." ~Dr. Denis Waitley

We would like you to try a little experiment now. Think of something you really
want to manifest that is near and dear to your heart! Choose something
emotional and BIG!! Now imagine that you were just told that YOU ARE GOING
to receive this 3 days from now!! As the BIG day draws nearer, notice how your
body is responding. Did you notice how your body created anticipation and
excitement as well as an underlying tension? It may have felt as though you
were preparing for a terrifying yet victorious battle.

So exactly what happened inside your body? Did you have any feelings of
expectation and anticipation inside? How did your body react to having these
kinds of BIG thoughts? Did you notice an emotional or energetic block stopping
you from experiencing this exercise? What did that block feel like? Is it O.K to
have this block? Who would you be without it? The more you explore this, the
more you will notice how your body tightens and contracts each time you have
any negative thought.

The reason you have any contractive response is because you have forgotten
how to distinguish the difference between imagination and reality. Let me
explain. When you are thinking about doing (or saying) something in the future,
your body already has a programmed reaction of how it thinks it should respond.
So, when it comes time for you to actually physically experience doing (or saying)
the thing you were planning, the previously programmed reaction comes up as
the automatic response. This robotic reaction stops you from having an
authentic open-minded response to the situation when it actually occurs. When
you are thinking versus being present to the now, you are not fully experiencing
lifes situations as they occur.

A higher Manifesting Vibration is NOT about getting rid of your automatic
programmed reactions to life, it is about surrendering to the experience as it
arises. Its about exploring THIS experience (whatever it is) so that your head is
forced to stop running the show. When you are in the body, you are not wrapped

up in your thoughts. Therefore, negative thoughts cannot manipulate or control
you. We only get into negative ruts because we are thinking versus being.
There is a BIG difference between thinking about your life and experiencing life!
Noticing this difference is the first step towards relaxing into this moment and
being more present in your body. Doing this will raise your vibration dramatically.

"Disillusionment with yourself
must precede Enlightenment." ~ Vernon Howard

A great sign that you are stepping into a higher Manifesting Vibration is that you
feel safe enough in your body to have ANY experience that arises. We mean
ANY experience whether it be good, bad, mad, sad, or glad. Whatever arises in
you, let it arise! This of course does not include expressing ridiculous negative
opinions and judgments about others whenever they float by. You can have a
narrow-minded judgment and let it go, without anyone having to know about it.
What we are talking about is the FREEDOM to have ANY experience without
suppressing or resisting ANYTHING at all. The simple, amazing freedom to
allow your body to have and embrace EACH experience the Universe offers is
the ultimate way to live your life.

In each moment, you can choose to unplug from the zombie land of negative
programming. Your mind is making up LOTS of stories in the background right
now. In fact, it is making it ALL up! Where are you in all this? Are you drowning
in the mind chattering about dramas, which only distract you from the blissful
Source of your Being. We want you to think about something

Thinking Creates Unconsciousness,
Being Allows for More Consciousness.

Lets explain this in more detail. Raising your Manifesting Vibration is about
raising your consciousness and expanding your energy. When you are Being
instead of Thinking, you are allowing more time or space to be experienced.
Being more present to the NOW expands you and makes you BIGGER, helping
you to live more consciously everyday. You will be more present to the Universe
that is only here and now, instead of being seduced by constant thoughts
generated by the intellect.

When you are in a pure state of being, you are free. Though your mind will think,
have opinions and create amazing dreams, YOU will no longer be attached or
caught up in its illusions. The thoughts are like rubber ducks floating down the
river. You are not the ducks, you are the river of consciousness running beneath
them. You begin to realize your BEING is so BIG and FREE, you can use the
infinite toolbox of imagination, concepts and thoughts for pleasure without the
attachments of expectations which cause pain.

When you are "being", you are in touch with your true essence, a higher Source
that has a purpose, path, and eternal vision for you. It has written your destiny,
yet you get to shape and mold it as you choose to live it. Life gives you the clay,
and you get to work with it exactly as you please.

The Atman (soul) remains forever outside the power
of thought-waves, it is eternally pure, enlightened and free -
the only true, unchanging happiness. ~Patanjali

As you start having more moments of just being, a shift in consciousness will
sprout in you. You will be able to explore thoughts like, I am now experiencing
life free from illusion. This is an awesome awareness to have. When you have
this, you will no longer get caught up in powerless delusional thoughts! Your
mind will be your servant instead of the master. This is a HUGE shift to have.
As you learn how to maintain this pure state of being for several hours in a row,
the manifesting jets turn on, and a flood of Universal connecting energy comes
pouring through!

What would one day of your life look like if you were so present to your natural
state of being that you never got stuck in your head, not even for a single
moment? Who would you be if you were so present that you dropped your
thinking habit for good? You cannot afford the vibration caused by being stuck in
your HEAD another day!! I challenge you to explore what it would be like to
experience BEING for 3 minutes without having to DO something or getting up in
your head about your life? When you can truly be alone and relax into yourself,
you will empty yourself of everything. It is unavoidable. Allowing this to unfold is
quite easy and completely effortless. Give it a shot. Let effortlessness take over
for a few minutes here and let thinking come to a stop. Give your being-ness a
chance to take over. Did you do it? If so, you are now plugged into the
unbounded and unlimited potential that is naturally available to you beyond the
thoughts in your mind. If you didnt, can you make a commitment to experiencing
your being-ness at sometime later today?

Watch out for when you are avoiding your being and getting lost back in the
mind! When you are void of thought, completely empty of the mind, it stretches
your soul and takes you beyond the familiar. This will always wipe the mirror
perfectly clean. However, to try and be empty is still an efforting approach, and
you will still not BE empty of everything. Efforting (still struggling in some way)
appears in the most subtle and undetectable forms. Our mind is efforting all the
time (if you have noticed) to be successful, loved, appreciated, experience
Oneness, and/or healed from an old wound.

Bliss is revealed when the mind is at ease. Dont try to stop the mind. Instead,
simply rest in the silence between its thoughts. This is the main purpose of
practicing BEING, which is the highway to Nirvana. You will experience total
fulfillment and bliss 24-7 when YOU are in between each thought. You will feel

at ONE with everything. The moment your mind stops and finds this gap, it will
slowly stop searching for what it thinks will satisfy it. Your life becomes an
unbelievably effortless, playful, abundant manifesting joyride! This gap is such
an effortless place of just being that we often overlook it.

The biggest obstacle to experiencing your Being, is our habitual tendency to rush
around getting things done. What is your rush all about? Rushing is a form of
violence towards your self. Take it EASY on yourself! You miss the eternal
moment of now every time you speed ahead, racing against the clock. Drop into
your Being-ness by slowing down and merging with EACH new thought and
experience you are having. Allow yourself to fully savor all the flavors and
dimensions of each new experience, each human interaction, and each new
moment of your life. Make a commitment to yourself to slow down everyday and
experience what is here completely! If you are having trouble with experiencing
your Being-ness, below is a great technique to drop into meditation or get to
sleep at night. Enjoy!

"We were born before the wind, also younger than the sun
let your souls and spirits fly into the mystic." ~Van Morrison

The Pure Being Meditation

Throughout this inner journey it is good to know
you are a divine being who will be safe and protected.
You are free to explore as much as you wish, knowing you will
soon return unharmed and full of peace and pure being.

Imagine that a light blue cord is attached to the top
of your head and runs millions of miles straight
up into the sky above your head.

It starts to pull you up as you rise out through the roof
of your house, above the city, above your country and finally above the entire
world! You continue to go higher and higher until the Earth is the
size of a basketball beneath your feet.

You notice all the billions of stars around you
that are still millions of miles away. You look
to the right and the moon is there the size of grapefruit.
Directly in front of you is the Sun, which is also
the size of a basketball. The other planets are like colorful
marbles off in the distance.

Floating here in outer space, you notice one by one
the stars in the sky are all disappearing. Now the planets
have disappeared and the moon and earth are gone!
Finally ,the sun has disappeared and there is nothing
but a deep black emptiness!

Now, slowly become aware that your body
is gradually disappearing. See it dissolve until it has
completely faded away. Then notice your thoughts
are slowing down and your mind has vanished completely.
Be still and explore what exists in this space.

Be aware of this pure consciousness that you are.
Stay here as long as you wish. When you are ready,
simply say return home and everything will reappear.
You will be transported back to your home
on Earth easily and effortlessly, remembering
everything you experienced on this journey.

If your mind is too challenged to remain focused and relaxed to do this meditation
alone, we have created a powerful guided audio mp3 file you can instantly
download. This meditation delivers you directly to a state of pure being, bliss and
true meditation we refer to as Samadhi consciousness. It will allow you to
discover the experience of the expansive spiritual divine essence within your
innermost core. However, the greatest thing about the guided Samadhi
meditation is the truly enlightening and spiritually alive feeling that can remain
with you throughout the entire day. When your mind finds this stillness and
silence inside, you can actually hear the Universe guiding you to make the
decisions that bring you into an even higher state of consciousness. Click here
to learn more:

"We can't fear the past. Fear is a future thing. And since the future's
all in our heads, fear must be a head thing."
~ Tom Payne

The Future is a Dream

Your mind has a habitual tendency to escape into the future and avoid that which
is here now. What is here now is exactly what will raise your vibration and bring
you a deeper fulfillment in life. So why do you continue to think about anything
other than what is here now? Escaping into the future is not a conscious thing
you do, it just happens because you are programmed to believe that dealing with
what is here now is much more painful than pleasant. Once you stop the mind

and truly surrender, you will experience what is really here now and wake up
from the dream.

When you recognize the seductive dream the mind is continuously in, you begin
the waking process. Those entertaining thoughts of the future are not as
hypnotizing as before. When the dreaming mind is realized as an unfulfilling
experience, you become reconnected with the divine Source within the body.

The body is where you will find your home. It is where you can relax, and let go
of that efforting part of you that is always trying to get to the END or some place
that is "better". Part of you is giving up your dreams and desires because you
think that you will get somewhere in life by giving up something you want. This
is the biggest lie of all. You have been led astray because you have forgotten
that there is an Infinite Source of success and love inside you, available right

The miracle isn't that some people wake up out of this dream,
the miracle is that people don't. ~Adyashanti

Sure the future is entertaining, yet when the movie is over you are still sitting right
smack in the middle of your life as it was before the movie started. Think about
how empty and purposeless you feel about your life after watching hours of
movies or T.V. The Ego-mind LOVES to be entertained and stimulated, yet this
will NEVER leave you fulfilled or raise your Manifesting Vibration.

Everything outside this essence (center) called YOU is considered to be your
Ego. It is not bad or wrong, it just causes suffering when you become overly
identified or attached to it. Thoughts about the world will always captivate the
mind and try to enrapture you with its drama. These illusionary thoughts and
objects are good for one use onlyYOUR entertainment. Stay in your center
and you will enjoy the show a whole lot more.

The mind will always make you think the grass is greener somewhere else. It
will say, Come over here and think about this very important thing in your life.
Come repeat these same old thoughts again with me! You become so wrapped
up in these future ideas that you feel you always need to be doing something!
You feel you can never relax. Even if you have nothing to do, you feel you must
fill your time with something. The future is waiting, something needs to get done!
When your mind gets anxious, dont pay any attention to it. Relax the tightened
muscles in your face and body and rest as deep as you can into the center of
your innermost being.

Whenever you become sad, lonely or feel empty, it is your imagined LACK of
someone or something in your life. It is the idea of an empty future that creates
the pain you are experiencing right now. The mind provides you lots of pain. Can
you feel it? Why not choose to transcend it by being here now? The Now is the

only thing that unconditionally gives us love, feelings of fulfillment, deep pleasure
and excitement. The now is where you magical bodymind is, and can open up
your vibration to attract anything you can dream of.

Yes, the minds ability to create a future imagined reality is AMAZING, yet
nowhere close to the power and magic found in the now. The mind can only
exist if it is in the future or the past. The mind is nowhere to be seen when you
are immersed in the now. Where there is no attachment to an imagined future,
there is simply a deep love for your life EXACTLY the way it is.

You have wasted countless hours avoiding your pain, seeking future pleasure by
daydreaming, rather than embracing the magical being inside you now. Perhaps
you have been caught in this trap for years (or lifetimes) and are still
unconsciously avoiding your present situation in life by worrying or daydreaming
about possible future outcomes. It may seem worse dealing with your deeper
feelings about what is currently happening now, so you become lured into wishful
and worry-full thinking.

For example, lets imagine you hate your job and have this boring project at work
to finish. As you watch the clock, your eyes slowly drift towards the window and
you start daydreaming about what you wish you were doing instead. Then you
start worrying about getting your project done on time and frantically race against
the clock to beat your deadline. While you may feel good in future dreamland for
a few minutes, you are soon sucked back into your current situation at work
which now feels even worse. The old dreadful feelings are there, like leftovers in
the back of your fridge molding away.

"Worrying about the future is like trying to eat the hole in a
doughnut. It is munching on what isn't." ~Barry Neil Kaufman

We are not saying to avoid the future, or that it is wrong to think about the
future. All we are saying is it will NEVER fully satisfy. When your mind is at
ease, quiet and undisturbed, you will find that which does satisfy. You will never
be trapped in this illusion again. Once you see this, you will abstain from
entertaining your mind with it.

You may be wondering what the difference is between daydreaming and
practicing Dream Dialoging. The BIG difference is how conscious you are when
you do it. In Dream Dialoging, you are using powerful intentions to take a
desired outcome and feel as if it has already happened. Daydreaming is wishful
thinking, characterized by wish-washy thoughts about the future. It hopes that
some miraculous thing outside you will materialize your dream for you. When
Dream Dialoging, you speak out loud and in detail about actions you have taken
to manifest your dream. This gives your body the energetic blueprint to follow
through with the manifestation of it. In fact, Dream Dialoging is an amazing way
to become more conscious when your mind tries to wander back into the future.


How do you release your minds compulsive obsession with the future? There
are a few other tools along with Dream Dialoging that will release you from this
future obsessive mindset. One is to imagine a BIG RED STOP SIGN anytime
you find yourself wandering in the future. Just say, STOP out loud and you will
be thrown right back into the present moment.

The second technique is to consciously examine the part of you efforting to get to
some better future end result. Ask yourself, What really is my motivation?
Where is your motivation coming from? Is your goal bigger and better than the
divine presence of your infinite being? We each have a very frustrated Ego who
thinks the future is better than the now. Remember, those thoughts about the
future are still just thoughts, images, and illusions. They are not the BIG jackpot!
The Divine Cosmic Universal Abundant Reality found here now is the winning
lottery ticket!

Another amazing tool for awakening your mind to the present moment is to take
three slow deep breathes into your belly and say the magic words, What is
happening now? Notice what you are feeling and experiencing! This simple
exercise will instantly shift you out of the head and into the magical bodymind.
The more you practice this exercise, the more you will realize that your past,
present, and future are perfect exactly as they are.

The final technique for you is to focus on what is truly divine in THIS moment.
Whether it is a flower blooming, a sunset or a couple walking by holding hands,
when your attention is on the divine, you are fully surrendered to the now. This is
where the real fun begins. The moment you are tapped into that which is divine,
you see how your ideas about the future are insignificant mind games, and you
find yourself on the cosmic playing field of LIFE with an unlimited supply of
energy, love, and divine presence to share with everyone.

There is one thing you must remember about your future. This is very, very
important. The future is never written in stone. The God-being you truly are
would not have set it up any other way. What would be the fun of a totally pre-
destined life? When you become stuck worrying about those unwanted things
that might occur in your life, you can now choose to remember that you are the
creator of your destiny. You are in charge of deciding of where to focus your
energy and attract what you truly want

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
~Albert Einstein

Revealing the Real World

What is real? In the world of manifesting it is necessary to know what is real and
what is not. When your attention is settled upon that which is real, it expands
your Manifesting Vibration to the next level. If your mind becomes fixated on
anything else, it simply procrastinates your growth and spiritual awakening.
Finding what is real is how you discover you path in life, and access the true

What is real is closer to you than anything you can touch, taste, see or smell. It
is real because it is unchangeable, and permanent. Your body, Ego, mind, and
everything else will change with time. Give it 100 years or 10,000 years, it will be
different than it is right now, guaranteed. When you look towards that which
NEVER changes, you are finding that which is real. That which is real is
permanent, 100% indestructible and found at center of your being. In this
Universe we have discovered that there are only two things that are REAL:

The eternal experience of THIS now moment.

Pure consciousness, which is at the center of each

These two are, of course, one in the same, and cannot exist without each other.
If you think about anything else in this Universe, it can be destroyed, lost,
misplaced, shredded, burned into ashes, decayed, moved, or changed in some
way or form; which makes it LESS real. Whether we are talking about the
thoughts rising and falling in your mind, or emotions and sensations in your body,
they will always change like the wind. Their purpose is to be impermanent, and
actually give you the ability to discover what is permanent.

"I have learned from experience that the greater part
of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions
and not on our circumstances." ~Martha Washington

If you are wondering how to have a glimpse of this Real World, you may be
surprised to hear it is something that everybody has tasted at some time in their
life. Some common moments of having REAL experiences happen when you
are making love with someone, staring at the clouds in the sky, or are just deeply
relaxed and at peace with your life. How do you know you are experiencing that
which is real? Experiencing what is REAL heightens your senses, quiets your
mind and opens your being.

Continuously realizing what is REAL right now strengthens your Manifesting
Vibration. Over-attachment to the illusions in your mind cause your vibration to

sink and get stuck. Your vibration is always determined by where you place your
focus. There will always be better and new improved things to want, or more
tantalizing thoughts portrayed in your mind. By keeping your mind focused on
what is REAL, a more enlightened, well-trained mind will result, and your
Manifesting Vibration will skyrocket!

A magical bodymind is always centered on what is real. It is aware when it gets
caught in illusions of future and past, therefore, doesnt get caught in them. It is
constantly present, always awake, seeing what is. It knows that which is truly
eternal, infinite and permanently magnificent is on the inside. You will become
the center of the cyclone and will find inner peace in any situation that arises!

"Self-realization is real religion,
all the rest is only preparation. ~Swami Vivekandanda

The ultimate realization comes from accepting that you are a spiritual being living
in an unreal world. This means that each experience you have is viewed as a
unique spiritual experience. Those ordinary, everyday life situations are
TRANSFORMED into deep spiritual lessons that inspire and empower you.
Everywhere you go, there are experiences of oneness, and inner peace.

This spiritual aspect to you is that invisible energy that allows for FORM and
SHAPE to exist as your life. It is that energy and consciousness which connects
us to each atom and subatomic particle/wave. When you completely stop
everything and really look inside, you see you are beyond the world of atoms and
3-dimensional life. You are beyond form, revealing that spiritual you who is the
REAL YOU! Your spiritual body is this Pure Consciousness, which is real and
beyond the physical world. The mind cannot comprehend this, just like it cannot
grasp infinity, or timelessness. Yet, we will make a bold attempt to explain your
infinite nature to you anyway.

This Universe we live in is contained within an infinite field of time and space. If
you look up in the night sky, you may notice there is a whole lot of nothingness
out there. There is an infinite amount of space, which has no end. Every star or
point you can see in this infinite space contains the absolute center of this
infinite field. You are also one of these points in the Universe. Scientifically
speaking, since an infinite Universe exists EVERYWHERE, wherever you go,
you are the center of it all!

When you spatially realize that YOU are the center of an infinite field of space,
you actually get off your Ego trip. You start to see that EVERYTHING has a
message intended JUST for YOU! Your mind will judge this as egotistical, self-
centered or conceited. Yet, it is just the opposite since everyone is also the
center of their Universe too. Self-centeredness is soul-centeredness. It is an
amazingly enlightening perspective to have. It is what assists you in realizing

that your spiritual self is infinite and eternal, and can direct your manifesting
powers at will.

When you have transcended your mind, you will notice many aspects to your true
infinite nature. You will realize that there is a death and rebirth of each new
moment as well as each physical body. This process happens on both
microcosmic and macrocosmic levels. Millions of cells in your body are dying
and new ones are being created each moment. The divine Universe needs to
destroy the old to make room for the new. The same process happens within
your Ego. While an old part of you is always dying, a new facet is being born.
To discover the REAL you, notice who is observing both of these processes, and
you will find complete freedom from everything.

When we let go of our usual thinking about who we are and adventure out to
explore what is truly real, we discover the bigger truth, and access a powerful
spiritual part of ourselves. We feel lighter and things flow easier in our lives. We
invite you to stop and notice if you have redefined who you are right now. What
do you think would occur in your life if you tapped into your infinite nature? When
you live from this space of pure freedom, those things you always wanted to
manifest simply show up!



For peace of mind, we must resign as the
general manager of the Universe. ~ Debbie Ford

The Art of Detachment

We are about to uncover a treasure chest of information that will take your
Manifesting Vibration to the next level. This toolbox will support you in deeply
integrating the manifesting power when it begins to surge into your life. The
concepts you are about to learn are essential in manifesting a joy-filled life that
you love.

The wise Buddha once said, Attachment leads to suffering. This is by far the
most valuable goldmine to keep your Manifesting Vibration growing. Increasing
your Manifesting Vibration over many years requires mastery of this law. What
the Buddha meant is, attachment is based on fear of your goal not manifesting,
and by being detached from your goal, you allow and trust the Universe to create
it through you.

Attachment is always based on fear. The fear that you dont have the power to
manifest your desire, therefore it will NOT show up in your life. The instant you
are attached to something, your body creates tension around the thought of
HAVING to have it, causing your happiness to be determined by an external
event. Depending on the outer world for your joy is a sure way to block your
energy and positive vibrational flow. A mind that becomes attached to a certain
thought (for pleasure or security) is an enslaved mind that has forgotten its
connection to the Divine Infinite Source inside. The mind has been misguided to
believe that the feeling of success comes from attaining a certain outcome.
Watch out for this societal symptom. It is the reason why your mind may fall into
the trap of attachment.

The law of detachment means that in order to acquire anything in
the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it.
This doesnt mean you give up your intention to create your desire.
You dont give up the intention, and you dont give up the desire. You
give up your attachment to the result. ~Deepak Chopra

How do we become attached? Our Ego is always searching. It is searching for
security, success, power, fame and anything that will give it instant gratification.

The Ego believes these items will provide fulfillment, and through hard work and
exhausting efforts it will someday arrive. What the Ego forgets is that it is already
directly connected to a Source of infinite power and energy. This is the ONLY
place it can find true, everlasting security. Yet the Ego is the cling-master, the
ultimate skeptic who is always afraid it will be duped. The Ego thinks this
Universal power is not real, permanent and trustworthy, which is why it clings to
life out of fear. It feels it cannot trust the Universe will provide all its needs, so it
continues working harder and harder until it can retire and die.

Releasing all attachment in your life opens your mind to see what is truly
available. You become free from the Ego and trust everything is perfect as it is.
Attachment will always keep you blind to this perfection here now. It forces you
to become caught up in your thoughts, instead of living totally in this divine
moment! If you get overly attached to the idea of having the perfect job or mate,
you may miss talking with the amazing person sitting right next to you, or fail to
hear that new job you always wanted is being discussed with the person right
behind you at the store. When your eyes and ears remain open to the Universe
you are non-attached to the thoughts passing through your mind.

Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. ~Helen Keller

The energy of attachment is very subtle and often hard to see. If there are any
subtle mental or emotional attachments to ANY projected future outcome, they
will act like a few sticks and brush caught in the manifesting river flow. Over time
other sticks, logs and debris will congest the area and form a dam, essentially
blocking your entire Manifesting Vibration from flowing through! Anytime your
mind gets attached to (or avoids) a thought, feeling, or person, it begins to take
YOU down the road towards the suffering experience.

If attachment is so subtle, how do you recognize when you have an attachment?
Attachment is present every time you feel tense, stressed, out of sorts, or
grumpy. When you feel like you are swimming against the current or trying to
force something to happen, you are probably caught up in an attachment.
Whenever you recognize these low vibrational feelings, just ask yourself this
question, What outcome am I attached to? Many little attachments are running
your life. The more you become aware of these attachments, the freer you will
be to consciously manifest your desires.

Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them
is what makes life meaningful. ~ Joshua J. Marine

You may be wondering by now how you can be committed to manifesting a goal
and non-attached to it at the same time. This is a great question. Heres the
golden secret. Commitment is the key to keeping your energy focused in a
specific direction. Without it we tend to wander in life and we become too
scattered to manifest our desires. Having too many commitments we become

overwhelmed, our integrity drops and we are unable to follow through with
everything we say we will do. This of course is the sign of someone who is
struggling with their Manifesting Vibration. The right amount of commitment feels
as if you are excited about following through on your intention, without feeling
emotionally stuck in attaining the end result. This is where detachment begins to
work its magic!

The difference between being attached to an outcome and visualizing it
happening to you is defined by how immersed in the NOW you truly are. Your
head will always try to get in your way and control the situation until your mirror is
dust-free. For example, if we are diligently trying to manifest a new convertible
car after doing four straight weeks of manifesting techniques, and are
energetically attached to the expectation of HOW we think it should come to us, it
may be four years by the time we actually own it. However, if we are simply
visualizing driving our new green Mustang convertible roaring down the road with
the wind in our hair, listening to our favorite song, and pleasantly enjoying the
hum and feel of it, then we are attracting the vibration of that physical car into our

If we are in any way hoping, wishing, or desperate for our dream car to be in our
garage one day, then we are not really feeling the joy of driving it and are actually
feeling stuck to a dry idealistic mental outcome. Once we switch to relaxing into
the feeling and visualization, as if the car were delivered yesterday, we feel
relieved and no part feels desperate anymore. By Dream Dialoging and
visualizing what you really want, you can stay with it for hours, days and weeks
on end until it just shows up! Whatever you are focusing on is where energy
flows. Eventually the vibration will be built up enough to hit its threshold point
and instantly manifest it through your life!

Know that in time you WILL manifest the things and experiences you want, and
the actual result will most likely NOT arrive exactly the way you imagined it
(thank the Universe, otherwise life would be predictable and boring). Too much
certainty leads to a very dull existence. The Universe wants us to have FUN,
and has generously agreed to support us in having a much richer experience by
giving us both certainty and uncertainty, which together produce an exciting yet
peacefully balanced life.

So what are so attached to having, being or doing? What is that one thought that
causes you great distraction from remaining excited about your Manifesting
Agenda? Behind every distraction is a saboteur, and lurking beneath the
saboteur is an attachment. I recommend you take 5 minutes now to write down
everything you THINK you are attached to in your life! This is a GREAT exercise
and can actually be a lot of fun to do.

Have in your mind that which would constitute a miracle
for you. Get the vision. Suspend disbelief and skepticism.
Allow yourself to take the journey toward real magic.
~Wayne Dyer

Releasing Attachment Exercises

So, whats the fastest way to become detached to something you know you need
to let go of? To get off the attachment roller-coaster ride, start with simply
making the conscious choice to identify the thought (or thing) you are attached to
and choose to release it. Its that simple.

The Red Balloon Technique
In your right hand is a deflated red balloon, which is attached to a string. Put the
string in your left hand and start blowing all your attachments, problems, issues,
and worries into the big red balloon. You have a magical breath that can breathe
the thing (or thought) you are attached to right out of your body! The more
attachments you put in, the lighter the balloon becomes. When you have
emptied yourself completely, the balloon automatically closes its valve and you
let go of the string! It begins to float straight up into the sky. Watch it move far
away from your life. In the areas of your body where you released the
attachments, breathe in a warm golden light. Feel the sense of relief and
lightness in your body now that it is free from all attachments, worries and
concerns. Remember you are a powerful, manifesting being who can have
anything you desire!

Burning Your Attachments Away
Create or buy a physical representation of your attachment. If you are attached to
money, take a dollar bill. If you are attached to a new car, buy a model of that
car. If you are attached to a perfect husband, find a picture of what that perfect
husband looks like. Now you have the choice to bury or burn this physical object
as a symbolic way of letting it go. If youve decided to burn the object, throw it
into the fire and say out loud, I now let go this attachment! If you want to bury
your object, put it in a special box and state out loud, I let this attachment go as
you are burying it beneath the ground, or any place that feels right for you.

Daily Detachment Mantra
State your commitment to being detached out loud every morning when you
wake up. Create an affirmation or mantra that reminds you of your commitment
to being detached. Here are some ideas: I resign as General Manager of the
Universe (created by Debbie Ford), I embrace detachment now and in every
moment of my life, I am easily flowing with the river of life, All outcomes are
perfect as they are, and All is well in my world.


Its not about getting what you want,
its about wanting what youve got! ~Sheryl Crow,
Im gonna soak up the Sun!

The Appreciation Vibration

Manifesting also includes our so-called non-physical desires, such as feeling
approved, appreciated, and accepted in the world. The experience of giving and
receiving appreciation is one of THE fastest ways to double and TRIPLE your
Manifesting Vibration! Giving away an unexpected, extra comment of
appreciation to someone special is an amazing way to bless yourself and the
world. It is a great way to exercise your love valve, and gives you the experience
of being loved and loving another.

In the world of manifesting, giving equals getting. If you want something from the
Universe, experiment with giving it away. The gifts we can GIVE others (and
ourselves) are what continue to uplift our Manifesting Vibration! Giving away
appreciation to anyone or anything, provides you with feelings of safety, self-
worth, deservingness, creativity, inspiration, and trust. These are the true prizes
in life we ALL deserve to have.

A continuous appreciation for yourself is the super highway to opening your
cosmic energy channels and tapping into the HIGHEST Manifesting Vibrations in
the Universe. When you totally open up this appreciation valve (and keep it
open) miracles can happen overnight! Appreciation for yourself can include
gratitude for everything you created. Giving appreciation to anything you see,
touch, taste, smell or hear is a highly effective way to become the master of your
destiny. When you are thankful for something you want to manifest, you
communicate to the Universe that you trust in its power and believe that it will
help you manifest what you desire. When you find that appreciation feeling, stay
with it! To stay in appreciation 24 hours a day is the ultimate goal of life.

"In my heart lives God, and God is love. ~Veeresh

Whenever you look into the mirror, practice just looking and accepting what you
see and feel. Just be with what is. Appreciation and approval will come later.
First accept what is there, inside you and outside your being. This is not just an
exercise to do every morning; this is a way of being with yourself and others.
Noticing what you love about yourself takes practice. Yet, a nurturing and
healing will grow inside you, making the channel of energy you are much wider
and expansive. Paying attention to what you appreciate and approve about
yourself are magical seeds in the most fertile, enlightening, magical energies

available in the Universe. There is such an expansive feeling of freedom within
this self-acceptance that will harness a new way of experiencing a whole
dimension of what is truly possible with your life.

Your entire experience of reality will shift when you start to accept that (even a
moment ago) you were in a very small fishbowl of understanding, and are
devoted to diving in heart first, totally naked, into the limitless ocean of existence.
Your body will immediately breathe deeper and feel bigger. A more expansive
vibration will enter your bodymind. A new understanding of life will naturally
occur when you stop the busy mind, and open yourself to the entire Universe that
is really in this moment.

The first step to remaining in an appreciation vibration is being aware of when
you are in repetitive, stuck thinking patterns. Thinking about a great memory like
the good old days is not nearly as powerful as appreciating what is here now. If
your mind continues to go back to a certain memory, ask the Universe sincerely,
What do I need to learn from this situation? Then, find what you can
appreciate about this memory, and let it go! Dwelling on the way your life WAS is
just a subtle way of stating a complaint to the Universe about the way your life IS.
In essence, you are saying that the Universe is not amazing and perfect as it is
right now.

"The richest person is the one who is contented
with what he has." ~Robert C. Savage

We challenge you to see that there is NOTHING you cannot appreciate. You are
an incredibly creative being, and can make up any reason to appreciate anything!
We recommend exploring the feeling of appreciation as often as possible. If you
feel upset about something, or down in the dumpsters, you are forgetting what
you are appreciative of! The most orgasmic energies in the Universe are
available right here, right NOW. Its just about you appreciating them.

With focus, patience, and persistence, you will harness the power of
appreciation. One important step is to integrate appreciation into your daily
language, relationships, and lifestyle. Give yourself permission to appreciate
your family and friends as they are now. At this level of their current vibration
and life journey, they are perfect! Consciously incorporate the energy of
appreciation into all of your daily dialogues. Look for places where you can
authentically give a verbal appreciation to your friends, colleagues, spouse, and
neighbors. When was the last time you told someone, I appreciate you?

Your Ego will always have an opinion about what it thinks you should have. The
more things and people you appreciate, the more abundant you feel in the
present. This abundance takes your vibration HIGHER AND HIGHER! Be
thankful for this moment and experience! It is divine! Enjoy!

"To be upset over what you dont have,
is to waste what you do have." ~Ken Keyes JR.

Appreciation Exercises

Practicing appreciation lifts your Manifesting Vibration to its unlimited potential. If
you have done appreciation exercises before, dont think you have reached a
PHD level and can no longer benefit from doing them. Being appreciative is such
a JOY to do and a pleasure to experience again and again! You are only going
to feel better about your life by practicing appreciation instead of being a
stubborn done-it-all, and know-it-all.

5 Minutes of Appreciation
Do you want to enjoy life more? Start a daily practice of being grateful to the
Universe for everything that is in your life already!! In the middle of the most
chaotic day of busy-ness, take 5-7 minutes to relax deeper inside yourself and
appreciate everything. What is it like to be deeply appreciative of everything that
is ALREADY here now? Appreciate what is working and not working in your life!
When you do this exercise, notice your body start to let go and relax. Let it relax
more! Let go of any tension and dive into those feelings of your ultimate deepest
appreciation. Explore those great feelings you have never felt before! The pure
discipline of practicing appreciation will refocus all your energy onto joy for your
day. This exercise alone can change the rest of your life.

"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves
to recognize how good things really are."
~Marianne Williamson

Start an Appreciation List
We recommend starting an unending list of what you love and appreciate about
yourself, others, the world, and your LIFE. If you get stuck not knowing what to
put on your list, ask other people what they appreciate about you and their lives.
You will be surprised by how great of friends you become in one day! Think
outside the ordinary. Think extraordinary! You will get better ideas the further
you extend your list! Make a few sacred copies and place them everywhere!

Create an Appreciation Circle
One of the most powerful bonding experiences we have ever done is
participating in Appreciation Circles. Every time we have done this, we have
experienced immense gratitude and deep love for each other, even if we were in
nasty moods just minutes before! To start your own circle, invite 4 to 8 people to
participate in this group with you. Choose one person to focus the groups

appreciation on at a time. This person sits in the center of the circle, and directs
their attention to being present and fully taking in the gratitude.

Everyone else takes turns stating what they personally love and appreciate about
their friend in the middle. Each person can say as many things as they want. It
is important to say these words with as much sincerity and feeling as possible
while looking into the other persons eyes. If you cant find anything to appreciate
about them, notice what you appreciate about yourself that they help you see,
and tell them how they supported you. The challenge is to let yourself fully feel

Experience life in all possible ways...good-bad, bitter-sweet,
dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don't be
afraid of experience because the more experience you have,
the more mature you become. ~Osho

The Power of Celebrating Life

A close relative of appreciation is her cousin celebration who definitely needs to
be acknowledged. Celebration contains a frequency of energy that ignites
amazing transformational experiences in peoples lives. This state is powerful
because it forces you to completely let go of your normal, perhaps even rigid
ways of operating in the world. The celebration of life gives you permission to be
free and fully alive, so your mind and heart can expand and allow your higher
manifesting energies to flow through.

Many of us have been conditioned from our childhood to believe that it is wrong
to really enjoy ourselves. We were brought up to think that we have to deprive
ourselves in the short term to get what we want in the long run, or that there is
only suffering happening in the world today, and for us to be joyous is unethical
and even rude. If you are the type who feels guilty for being exuberantly happy
or believes that working hard and struggling is necessary to make a living, then
you are missing out on your souls purpose here on Earth. A major aspect of
your mission is to explore the divine presence that is available in each moment
along the way.

Joy is not in things; it is in us." ~Charles Wagner

The World of Manifesting is not about deprivation, holding back or lacking
abundance in any way. Its about celebrating the experience of life and whatever
shows up in it. The joy comes from your freedom to allow every single life
experience to be explored, both the good and the bad. This is a true celebration
of life. Explore all life offers you! Who knows what you have to learn! Life will

always deliver both extremes of the spectrum of experience, causing you to
mature, whether it be a profound conversation, being lost and cold, getting fired
by your boss, receiving a bigger paycheck, having an amazing orgasm, losing a
loved one, or a scoop of double chocolate chip ice cream.

When your Ego labels an experience as all wrong or bad, it forgets that there is
always something beneficial or educational about the bigger picture you can
celebrate. You dont need permission from anyone, a certificate, a Fun degree
or healing your past to let the joy vibration in right now. All that is required is an
open heart and mind. You are capable of opening yourself to GREAT joy at this
moment in your life. Right now you can choose to celebrate Existence! What
are you waiting for?

What if you dont need a reason to celebrate life? What if being in this magical
bodymind is enough? Whatever that thought is that stops you from celebrating
your life EXACTLY AS IT IS right now, is not worth it! Let it go!! You are free to
choose ANY thought you want to think right now! Your limiting thoughts only
have ONE purpose - to push you so deeply into the muck and negativity that you
are forced to spring back in the opposite direction towards dreaming and creating
a more joy-filled life that you love!

"There are forces in you untried. They are yours to be
used as you find them." ~John and Lyn St-Clair-Thomas

What would one day of your life look like if you were in a true celebration mode
all day long? We are talking about a pure celebration where you dont need
alcohol or drugs to let go of your mind chatter to experience joy. This is a deeper
connection with Source where you are constantly tuned into gratitude and love
for LIFE! What is the first thing you could do to celebrate your life today?

Let go of ANY deprivation, depression or suppression and allow in the juiciest,
joy filled experiences imaginable, whatever they are! What new thoughts will you
be thinking in bed tonight after you do this? Can you commit to being free from
any guilt or fear that arises and surrender to the JOY vibration 16 hours of your
day? It is never too late to give yourself permission! Experiment with this today!
A strong Manifesting Vibration comes from maintaining a commitment to keeping
your celebration valve open as much as possible AND experiencing the results of
this everyday, without judgment. This daily commitment to yourself will raise
your vibration more than you will ever realize.

"Man has lost one quality, the quality of zestfulness. And without
zest, what is life? Just waiting for death? It cannot be anything else.
Only with zest you live; otherwise you vegetate." ~Osho

The Joy Valve Exercise

Opening your joy valve is as natural as a flower opening its petal to the sun. To
discover the feelings of joy in your life, image you are like this flower, opening
yourself up to what you think is joyful! The joy vibration is not created from
feeling needy or like you are missing out on anything pleasurable outside
yourself. Your innermost essence contains the most fulfilling, divine energy you
could ever wish for. You dont have to go anywhere to find this. It is right here
beneath your mind chatter at the silent core of your being. There is more joy here
than you could ever know what to do with.

We want you to play a little fantasy game here and let yourself truly feel as if this
is real. Imagine something amazing happened to your life just yesterday.
Miraculously, you squeezed over 25 extra years of work into a few hours of time,
and finally manifested that amazing situation or experience you have always
wanted! Suddenly it came true, just like you imagined it would! You got a
telephone call and received even more great news! You spent last night telling
everyone you knew, about your incredible manifestation! Everyone is so excited
for you! After you hung up the phone you were so excited you screamed, Oh
God! This is so AMAZING! I cant believe this is happening to ME!!

So how did you feel imagining this? Did your body get excited? What would it
feel like if it really were full of joy? Is there resistance to feeling what this is like?
Any resistance you have to feeling joyful about your dream is the same energy
blocking you from materializing it. Just notice your bodys response when you
visualize your desires already manifested. Does it expand or contract? How
does imagining your desire already manifested compare to thinking that you are
going to manifest something in the future? Does it alter your ability to be joyful?
Check it out and see for yourself.

Right now, we want you to set a deep intention to open your heart to feeling more
JOY this week than EVER before. Set the intention and your energy will begin to
shift! Setting a strong intention is 50% of the battle to making it happen. Give
yourself FULL permission to feel all the deepest states of pleasure and inner
peace, as well as all the orgasmic experiences you can handle! Choose this
daily! This will expand yourself and your energy! By simply following though with
this exercise, you will massively expand your Manifesting Vibration in just a few

It is the stretched soul that makes the music. ~Osho

Meeting the Enlightened Being within You

Its time. Limber up your manifesting muscles! Lets start by stretching your
vibration! Did you know that by visualizing a loving all-powerful being, you tap
into the highest frequencies in the Universe? When you can feel this being
present with you now, no longer a concept in your head, an expansive new
energy flows in.

To bring an enlightened being into your life, it helps immensely to visualize the
person as if they are in the room with you now. This is a FANTASTIC exercise to
do in the morning, before you begin your day. It will take your afternoon and
evening to a higher level of focus, energy and Manifesting Vibration. Spend
anywhere from 5-10 minutes practicing and playing with this visualization.

The Enlightened Being Exercise

Imagine the most powerful, loving, and trustworthy
being you can fathom has just arrived at your front door
in a white robe, radiating golden light, yet in the physical form.
This person is like a Christ, a Buddha, a real Saint,
or Divine Mother who you feel is real.

Ask this person to enter your home
as you sit down in your reading chair.
As you are sitting in your chair (still reading this exercise),
the Enlightened Being is standing right behind you.
They put their hands on your shoulders and
send a golden light into your body,
exactly where you need the most love, and healing.

They turn up the volume and send
exquisite amounts of healing energy into every cell
in your body and mind right now.

Imagine you are totally filled with this lightness
and everything about you is completely healed!
Let yourself truly bathe and relax in this vibrant
energy for as long as you wish.

If you had difficulty inviting this enlightened being into your life, relax and let go!
There are many amazing beings in the past 10,000 years to choose from. If you
would like to explore more, here is a web link to a few enlightened masters and
avatars you can introduce yourself to. The more enlightened masters you can
call upon, the higher your Manifesting Vibration will become. To meet a few
enlightened beings go to:


"You can't shake hands
with a clenched fist." ~Indira Gandhi

Doing this visualization is like training yourself to lose weight or get into shape. If
you didnt lose 20 lbs your first day at the gym, did you quit? No way! Take your
time with this visualization, being very patient with yourself as you learn the art of
creating inner imagery. If it is really hard for you to stay focused, then practice it
for 30 seconds everyday the first week, then 1 minute everyday the next week,
then 2 minutes and so on. The longer you can hold your focus, the longer you
can remain in the most loving source of energy inside you. This length of time
you can hold a solid focus empowers you to attract what you want to manifest.

The more you hang out with your inner enlightened friends, the easier it will be to
acknowledge your own enlightened aspects. Seeing these lighter parts of
yourself, engage the body to lift and expand your vibration. Enjoy!

Oh lovers, where are you going? Who are you looking for? Your
beloved is right here Cease looking for flowers, there blooms a
garden in your own home. While you go looking for trinkets, your
treasure house awaits you in your own being. There is no need for
suffering, God is here! ~Rumi

You Are the Treasure

Manifesting techniques and meditations for increasing your vibration can work
miracles in creating what you want. They can work for you so well that you might
start thinking it was the technique that changed your life, instead of yourself. We
often get caught into believing forces outside ourselves are more powerful than
the images and feelings we are responsible for creating inside. The Ego-mind
may say that THEY produced the results you wanted in your world easier and
faster. If you fall into this trap of giving credit to the TECHNIQUE instead of
yourself, let go! It is time to take some responsibility and give credit where the
credit is due!

Your mind will believe ANY technique is the treasure, or that THIS person made
you feel this way and did this transformation to you. Your mind may deny its own
true power, and forget the technique was only a map to get you there. Once you
find the treasure, there is no need for your muscles, the shovel, or the map!
Remember that whenever a technique works for you, your BEING is the treasure,
the jewels and the GOLD!

While using any manifesting technique, it is important to remember that you are
creating everything! The instant you decided to dig inside yourself to find the
gold, you took a risk by stepping away from the T.V. or whatever comfort zone
you were in and explore the unknown! You wanted to experience something
new, so you did. The manifestation you will see in the world around you
happened because you were open to revealing something totally new!



"Know that the Self is the rider, and the body the chariot;
that the intellect is the charioteer, and the mind the reins.
The senses, say the wise, are the horses; the roads they
travel are the mazes of desire. The wise call the Self the enjoyer
when it is united with the body, the senses and the mind."
~ The Bhagavad Gita

The Enlightening Path Is Within

There is a tremendous power behind every thought you have. This power is not
actually in the thought itself, it is found in the "gap" between your thoughts. This
gap holds your infinite energy and manifesting potentiality. It is a timeless,
spacious place where you hang out between thoughts in a place we refer to as
meditation. Meditation is finding those gaps during your day where the mind
can become silent. It is the golden key to transcending the mind with the mind.
This silent space contains pure unlimited consciousness which is the ultimate
energy of the Universe. The more you can relax, rest deeply, and receive this
simple sweet presence in this pure divine state, the greater your Manifesting
Vibration will grow.

When you practice creating a space for meditation everyday, you are training the
mind and getting your manifesting muscles in shape! The trained and disciplined
mind is more present to the now, and thus you become more connected with the
vast Universal power and its infinite manifesting energy. When your mind has
had enough discipline to remain in the Now, the mind becomes silent and the
Universe turns into your playground. A quiet mind is the key to being in harmony
with all the other beings on this planet. You instantly tap into the Universal
Source and become a bigger channel of love. From this space you can manifest
any situation you want with anyone you encounter.

Once you abide in this gap of unlimited power and energy long enough, you will
know that you are able to create anything. The deep quietness you find within
becomes the fuel for manifesting ANY desire or intention, BIG or small, into your
physical reality. This silence within you is an unending source of creativity,
intelligence and energy. The more you devote your life to abiding in this gap, the
more often you will find yourself thinking those expansive, abundant,
enlightening, wise thoughts you want to be thinking, which will ultimately be
forming into the world around you.


When the bigger truth of who you are is revealed, there is an awesome feeling
and cosmic understanding that overcomes your entire being. You become truly
relaxed within your Self, and simultaneously packed full of excitement and joy for
being alive! You discover there is an eternal witness inside, who is the source of
pure consciousness, always watchingalways watching everything. You may
call it the God-Source, Divine Presence, the Light, the Universe, Christ
Consciousness, your Soul, the Atman, Life Force, the Awakened Selfwhatever
name you give it does not matter, it remains the same. It is the source of your
divine essence, and is the same within everyone.

A word to the wise: Whenever you are formally sitting in meditation, always
remember that you are sitting with The Divine. So approach it as if you could
possibly sit in this one spot for the next 7-8 hours. Even though it may only be
20-30 minutes in reality, let yourself really relax, surrender inside yourself as if
you were there for an entire day. Meditation allows you to quiet your mind so
that you can truly SEE and EXPERIENCE the DIVINE within you. A daily
practice of meditation leads to acknowledging, accepting and knowing that YOU
are this Source of divine consciousness. When the mind is no longer there, we
are able to fully experience the divine presence of our infinite being.

"Where all concepts disappear is the place we are much
closer to the truth." ~Adyashanti

A constantly chattering mind causes tension in your body and lowers your
Manifesting Vibration. A rigid mindset actually causes you to worry and wander
into unappreciated thoughts instead of living from a fountain of bliss and
wonderment. It is the narrowing of your mind that creates stress and tension in
your body. Depending on what you are doing, concentration may be needed.
Driving, cooking and accounting are perfect examples of when we actually need
the mind and its focusing ability. The mind is not useful for things like making
love, laughing, enjoying life, or meditation.

As you may have noticed, an untrained mind wanders incessantly. It wants to
think about everything except what is most important to your evolution. Because
it is always thinking about something, it actually prevents you from diving into a
meditative state of being. Training this wild beast takes an enormous amount of
persistence, patience and compassion. Trying each of the many meditation
practices outlined in this book at least once, to see which techniques work best
for you, is a worthwhile exploration.

Think of the mind like the wildest far out entertainment cruise ship, and your
consciousness is the vast ocean all around it. The ship was built for entertaining
you, feeding you, caring for your every need and making your life experience
totally pleasurable. Yet, when the captain steers towards the waves all the time,

it makes everyone on the craft dizzy, delusional and completely sea sick. This is
what happens to someone living in a non-meditative mind.

Notice the vast ocean which holds your boat afloat. It provides the foundation for
all the experiences upon the ship. Your consciousness is also the source that
changes the weather, blows the wind through your sails, and decides ultimately
which island of paradise you are headed towards. Meditation is what fuels the
gas to the engines, feeds your crew, throws in the anchor, and lets everybody on
shore know when you arrive at paradise. The essential goal of meditation is to
not be attached to the mind or what it does. It is to always have your inner sails
open so the breeze can blow you towards your next destination.

Through meditation, there is an infinite degree to which you can reach higher
states of awareness, greater manifesting power, and peace with the world. The
Universe sets no boundaries, anything is possible for you. Meditation is the
gateway to a peaceful vibration across the world. It provides an eternal river of
inner bliss that naturally unfolds a contagious, successful feeling within
everything you do. Meditation is truly an amazing practice. It will help you find
the most direct route to your goals in life, and assist you in being able to relax
and enjoy your ride getting there.

Meditation is not chanting, repeating mantras or affirmations or
even channeling. It cannot even be qualified as an experience. A
meditative mind is an expansive, spontaneous, playful and alert
witnessing consciousness and not a narrowed focus of attention on
some object - internal or external." ~Osho

How to Experience True Meditation

Have you ever tried to stop thinking? It is like running up a mountain of warm
butter, you only slip on it and sink deeper into the thoughts as you try to get rid of
them. This is the same as trying to keep the mind in the present moment. This
moment is so fast that the mind cannot catch it. It is like trying to catch a
hummingbird that moves so quickly and freely that it FLYS off to the next tree
before you can even see where its at now. When the mind relaxes completely
and becomes one with the present moment, this is true meditation. When there is
no mind present, whats left is the observer, who watches the thoughts drift by
like passing clouds.

Although you may think of meditation as concentration, focusing, or a type of
visualization, true meditation is actually the opposite. Concentrating and
visualizing is good for manifesting since it engages the mind to stay focused ON
what it wants, and OFF of what it doesnt want. True meditation is an absence of

mind and a stopping of the Ego-mind program we are trapped within. True
meditation starts the moment the mind stops.

A practice of true meditation is characterized by having no thoughts, no focus, no
mental imagery, and no inner commentary. It strengthens you mentally,
emotionally and even physically. It allows you to bring more energy and power
into the manifestation of your desired goal, as well as stay focused on your
desired outcome without attachment to how it comes your way. True meditation
liberates our being so that we have more clarity, energy and drive to visualize!
We are either the slave or master of our mind in each moment, and if you cannot
stop your mind from thinking, you are the slave to it. True meditation is
mandatory if you want to free your mind and learn how to really raise your
Manifesting Vibration.

"The whole world is a cyclone. But once you have found
the center the cyclone disappears. This nothingness is the
ultimate peak of consciousness. ~Osho

The more often and longer you discover this total stillness and silence inside, the
more you will master your mind. You will find the greatest truths in your own
stillness, which may be like sitting in the center of a great cyclone. From this
very center of your being, no chaotic situation in life can upset you. Look inside
yourself, there is already a deep silence within you! There is always a subtle gap
of quietness between each of your thoughts. Find the gap and you have
mastered this moment right now. This silence is the place where you are the
commander who controls the direction of your life. In those moments of absolute
stillness, your magical paradise is readily available.

During true meditation, you may think you are sitting silently doing nothing, and
absolutely nothing is happening. There are actually trillions of things happening
inside and outside your body. Just sitting doing totally nothing is quite an
amazing feat. You are balancing in between your inner and outer worlds, non-
attached to every experience you have, and discovering you are the center of the
entire Universe. Your non-doing naturally taps into the entire Universe and
everything within it! This expansiveness is what allows you to be prepared to
open your highest manifesting energy channels in the Universe. When you are
truly doing nothing, your mind relaxes, and you channel the God-force through
the core of your being.

"Just possess yourself & you have possessed all. Be the master of
yourself & you have become the master of all." ~Osho

How do you know you are practicing true meditation? Many people have
experienced a meditative state while driving down a long stretch of highway. At
the wheel you start to drift into a trance as you watch the dotted lines pass along

side the car. All of a sudden a few miles have elapsed without you realizing it. If
your mind was blank and you were present to the experience of driving, you were
in a true meditative state. Many athletes experience these meditative states
spontaneously. For instance, after the 3rd mile or so, runners often get this
high feeling. As they push their body to an extreme, they go into a state of
oneness with their breath, heartbeat, and the sound of pounding shoes on the
pavement. Their mind shuts off and there is only the experience of what is now.

As you may know, there are many meditation techniques. Most involve
concentrating on something, whether it is a candle flame, your breath or the
sound of AUUM. Each technique brings the mind to eventual stillness and
absorption with your divine presence. It takes a strong mind to be able to
maintain complete relaxation, while being totally unfocused, and attain an
expansive cosmic state of being. Whatever technique you use to train your mind
will eventually take you to the thought-less place of resting in your infinite, cosmic
self. Dont worry about which is the right technique to use. What is most
important is how often you meditate and the duration of time you spend doing it.

A meditative mind is available in each moment of life. With awareness and
consciousness, anything you do can become a true meditation. Walking, talking,
eating, biking, driving, and hiking, yes anything! What makes it truly meditative is
when you are present to the activity fully. By using all your senses, you drop the
mind and life becomes savory, real, and alive! Meditation can be experienced
through listening, seeing, smelling, feeling, tasting and intuiting the present
moment fully. By being completely immersed into the experience you are having
now, whatever it is, you let go of your self and merge with the master manifestor
within you.

Meditation is the bridge to quieting the mind, so that you can hear your hearts
needs and desires as they bubble up inside you. It is what makes you more
conscious, aware, awake, and easily able to manifest exactly what your Ego
wants. Meditation helps you to manifest what you want, as well as keep you
non-attached to the demanding Ego that thinks these things will provide total
fulfillment. It is your insurance policy that allows for more happiness, money,
success, love, and health than you may feel you deserve.

"No one ever gets far unless he accomplished.
the impossible at least once a day." ~Albert Hubbard

If you have tried meditation before, and it has left you feeling frustrated or like a
failure at stopping your mind, relax. Experiencing a true meditative state takes
time to master. You have been deeply conditioned by society and a subtle form
of insanity has happened to you. Your mind has become like a herd of wild
stallions galloping through the wilderness. Do you think you could catch them or
even tame them all in one day? Your mind has never had a harness, saddle, or
bridle put on it. It will even get crazier, wilder and more bewildered each time

you reign it in. Every new attempt to stop it, improve it, or control it will at first
only terrorize the mind. This is why it is imperative that you are gentle with
yourself. Your inner wild horses will respect you more and begin to follow your
every lead.

If you think you dont have time to meditate, then perhaps you are one of those
on the go types who is always racing around the horse track. If you feel
uncomfortable sitting down to enjoy a good cup of tea, yet slam one down while
riding 80 mph while talking on the cell phone, it may be time to learn how to slow
down and really enjoy life again. The buzzing mind dripping with adrenaline has
been your #1 choice of drugs, yet does not provide fulfillment. With a daily
meditation you will reign in your horses and happily canter throughout your day.
You will be so high on life and on purpose, people will start vibrating higher just
hanging out with you.

On the other side of the coin, maybe you have become like a paranoid lone
ranger who feels afraid to leave the ranch and farmhouse. The fences around
your property protect you and yet may also imprison you. If you continue to hide
from the world, you also hide from all the new experiences life offers you. A
meditation practice will open your gates and set you free! Even after a few days
you will discover that you have a little more courage to step outside, grab your
favorite saddle, get on your trusty horse, and ride off to lasso your dreams!
When you give up your lone ranger syndrome, and start focusing back on what
you really WANT, it is easier to accept yourself as the divine being you already
are. By touching the center of your being for brief moments at a time, you will be
more capable of directing your mind, adventuring out and exploring the unknown.
Here is a great meditation to enhance your bodymind connection and awaken the
divine genius within you!

Meditation to Dramatically Improve
Brain Functioning

With your spine vertical yet relaxed,
sit silently for 5-7 minutes and do nothing.
Do absolutely nothing. Just be still and present
to experiencing each moment that arises.

Then imagine a golden web of light
starting to grow inside the very center of your brain.
The web consists of super thin strands of golden light
energy in a very tight weave of complex configurations
and perfect geometric patterns.
It may look like a condensed ball of thousands
of golden cobwebs intertwined within each other.

With each in-breath, the golden strands of energy grow
stronger and brighter inside your brain.
As you feel how connected they are to each other,
the thousands of strands expand into millions, and spread
very slowly to every area of your brain.
The key is to allow this spreading to happen very slowly.

Next, imagine the golden web spreading down your spine,
into your chest, organs, and entire body.
Take several minutes to visualize it
filling every area of your body.

During your day, imagine and feel the golden weave
connected throughout your body and brain.
Revisit the golden web image
and feeling as often as you can.

It may take several days or weeks doing this everyday for 10-15 minutes a day to
see and feel dramatic results. Stick with it! You may even feel the difference in
ONE day! Your body will begin to vibrate at a higher level with this increased
connectivity inside. The more frequent you practice this meditation, the greater
your bodymind connection will become. You will achieve faster results while
doing the meditation and listening to this music.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged
bird that cannot fly. ~Langston Hughes

The Secrets to a Perfect Meditation Every Time

Although there are hundreds of different techniques and tricks to meditating, they
are all vehicles to assist you in relaxing into your body, which will slow down and
eventually stop your mind chatter. Through many years of studying and
practicing meditation, we have found the most direct and essential instructions
that guarantee a PERFECT meditation experience every time. To dive into the
most spontaneous, and amazing meditative state, practice the following below
every day for the next 90 days enjoy!

1. Sit with your back vertical. Spine and neck are centered. The spine is
straight, but loose and at ease.

2. Use your first 5-7 minutes to consciously relax every little muscle in
your face, jaw, eyes, shoulders, back, stomach, buttocks, arms, hands,
legs, and feet. Relax every cell in your entire bodymind. Let everything
inside you be completely and totally at ease.


3. Remain unfocused, experiencing the divine presence. Relax your mind,
resting your attention on what is. Simply be with what is, instead of trying
to create, change, fix or improve anything by engaging the mind.

I am the source and it is servant. ~Adyashanti

One of the biggest challenges to finding the perfect meditation practice is
discovering a posture that allows you to be comfortable for long stretches at a
time. You may be asking why in the world anyone would want to sit forever and
experience nothing. When you discover what true meditation is for yourself, you
will want to remain in that space forever. It is totally blissful and amazingly
divine. You connect with your God-Source on the deepest levels. There are
many amazing experiences just waiting for you on the inside. Learning how to sit
and discover this divine Source within yourself is such an enormous
accomplishment, and yet it is as simple, natural and effortless as the grass
growing in the springtime. Once you get a taste of this inner Nirvana, youll see
that it is the final frontier of human consciousness in the evolution of the entire
human race.

In order to discover the posture that works best for your body, we recommend
starting by sitting on the floor with your back against your bed or wall. If your
body is in good physical shape, you can sit without the back support. We dont
advise using a chair because you may fall off of it, which will block you from
going deeper inside. So, get your body in shape so you can sit safely on the
floor. If you are truly sincere about experiencing the divine within you, stretch
your body before you sit. Doing yoga is necessary to stretch out your body and
get it physically, emotionally and mentally prepared to sit for many hours on end.

Gently lean your spine against your favorite wall or the foot of your bed, and sit
cross-legged with pillows under your knees. The propped up pillows keep your
feet from falling asleep. Find a position where your feet get substantial blood
flow. Every non-experienced meditator has had to go through the pain and
agony of bringing their dead legs and feet back to life. Ouch! Pain is not
necessary for a perfect meditation and we dont recommend it.

If you cannot sit cross-legged, first get on your knees then sit back on top of a
few big pillows. This creates less pressure on your legs, which will keep blood
flowing to your feet. Just experiment with your legs until you find a way to sit so
they are freed from all pressure. You will want to sit quietly for hours without any
tension in your body. With practice, your body will begin to relax, soften and feel
expansive inside. Most online meditation stores carry meditation pillows, or you
can engineer one at home for low cost. Any investment you put into your
meditation practice will increase your motivation to practice sitting silently, and
improve the vibration around your meditation spot.

If you are somehow divinely limber, you may want to sit in full-lotus posture
(which is cross-legged with the feet on top of the thighs). This is not necessary
for enlightenment, yet can free your feet from being sat upon. Just remember
that the most important thing is to find a comfortable, relaxed, vertical, sitting
position. It really doesnt matter where your legs go, as long as your back and
neck are receptive, at ease and vertically aligned. Imagine your spine is a stack
of golden coins that you want to keep balanced! This vertical alignment will help
the manifesting energies move up your spine and keep you in the present
moment. If you try meditation lying down, keep your elbow bent at a 90 degree
angle and your hand up in the air. It will hit the ground if you fall asleep. It may
be difficult to meditate with a horizontally positioned body (or in bed in the
mornings) since the dreaming mind tends to dominate when the body is lying
down. The blood flows more fluidly into the brain since gravity is not pulling it
down, and for years youve simply conditioned yourself to sleep and dream in this
position. So dont feel like a failure if you cannot stop your mind from wandering
while lying down, it is simply smarter to sit up if you want to meditate.

After your spine and neck are truly relaxed, vertically centered, and receptive to
the Universe, scan your body for any tension inside. Breathe relaxation energy
into those areas. If you dont know how to consciously relax certain body parts,
you can visualize a warm healing light permeating through them. Relax your
face, eyes and jaw first, then shoulders, back, neck, arms, hands, fingers, torso,
and all the way down to your butt! Remember to relax your knees, legs and feet
too! Release all the tension in your body from head to toe. Notice places where
you hold subtle tension that is barely noticeable. Look in places like the eyes,
jaw, hands, stomach, and buttocks.

Finding your personal meditation posture will give you a sense that you can
physically sit in a state of inner bliss anytime you desire. This is by far one of the
greatest feelings of freedom you can have as a human being. The secret is
knowing that this inner bliss is always your natural state of being. A very relaxed
posture simply allows this naturally feeling to unfold itself for you to experience it.
Be patient. The mind is thick with illusions and delusions. The more you can
relax your body beyond the dreaming, wandering, scheming, and achieving mind,
the sooner youll experiencing being ONE with the divine.

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually
fearing you will make one." ~Elbert Hubbard

Practical Meditation Tips

1. Always Be a Beginner
It may take years or lifetimes for those who lack curiosity and courage to
completely master ones mind. So please be patient and go easy on yourself!

Think of a 1st grade student trying to get all the answers correct on a college
exam. You can almost expect to fail miserably your first time meditating. Its
important to always sit as if you are a beginner. If you have meditated for 30
years, its even more important! Believing you have mastered something stops
you from fully experiencing and exploring what may arise. With much practice
and persistence, you will come to tame the wild mind.

2. Meditate in the mornings.
Meditation in the morning purifies your mind-Ego, so it can relax into afternoon
and evening. Practicing meditation in the morning before going off to work
makes it a priority so other tasks and responsibilities cannot interfere. The mind
is also more effective and efficient at work when you have found the stillness in
the mind. Meditation will accelerate your ability to sense when you are
unconsciously judging life and defining yourself.

3. Create a sacred spot to sit in.
If you are finding your meditation practice extremely challenging, it may be very
good for you to change locations. Randomly sit at a variety of different places
throughout your week and observe the different energy inside as you sit and use
whatever technique you feel.

4. Use a sound or mantra to first quiet the mind.
Whenever doing any meditation, it is very important to find peace in the body and
quiet the mind. Repeating a sound or a word over and over does wonders to
quieting the chattering mind. When your mind finds stillness, your heart will
automatically open and your being will relax spontaneously. A quiet mind is a
relaxed body and vice-versa. Eventually, with enough repetition of the
mantra/sound, there will be an "opening" in your being. This is where the highest
manifesting frequencies are downloaded into your bodymind.

5. Practice Being With What Is.
Be aware as your mind gets caught up in trying to get the technique "right" or
judging yourself for not being able to have the experience you think you should
be having. Be with the experience you are having now. It contains the divine
experience. Your meditation will change with practice, and the experience you
are having now is always the right experience.

6. Explore each experience that arises.
Meditation is by itself the most powerful, life changing practice you can do. It will
help you to know and understand the power of your innermost being. The most
important thing to remember is that each experience you have, is always the right
experience, so investigate what IS happening now (in your experience) and you
will open your life to a new dimension of Being.

7. Learn the art of surrender.
The more a person has skepticism, fear, or doubt, the more their mind will tend to
resist those bliss filled meditation experiences. Often people will think they are
not experiencing what they should be experiencing. Yet, once they accept and
embrace each experience as it arises, they slip into a vast expansive space that
permeates their being. Only by surrendering yourself to the meditation practice
will you see and experience results. It may take as long as 3 weeks to notice any
change at all, so be patient and continue to DIVE deeper!

8. Your Manifesting Vibration is sustained through the breath.
Using your bodymind to breathe slow and deep into your belly will increase your
vibration and help sustain a higher level of consciousness. When you do this
enough, your awareness will naturally remain low in the belly throughout the day,
creating blissful sensations in each situation and encounter. As your breathing
stays relaxed, slow, and easy, you will significantly increase energy and health
levels as well as mental clarity and confidence in the world.

The Money Mudra

A mudra is a position that you hold your hands in as you are meditating. There
are many mudras. Each one has a different function and can assist you in
maintaining a quieter mind in your sitting experience. The key to using any
mudra is keeping your hands relaxed and at ease.

In the money mudra, start with your left palm facing up towards the sky, open to
the Universe in receiving mode. The right fingers are touching the earth, floor, or
whatever is beneath you. The energy flows through the right hand, grounding
out down the fingers and into the planet. Visualize receiving great amounts of
money through your left hand, and letting that energy move up into your heart,
then down your right hand and into your earthly checking account!

Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural
consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals."
~Jim Rohn

Minding Your Inner Mantra

A mantra is any word or sound that you repeat out loud or in your head to bring
you into the meditative state. It is an amazing tool for people whose thoughts are
very loud in their head or have a lot of gibberish going on upstairs and cannot
find quietness for even 30 seconds.

A mantra works lot like a taxi service whose job is to take you directly to the
divine meditation state. It is your ride to Fantasy Island! Make sure that when
you arrive, you get off! The purpose of the mantra is to leave it behind you when
you have arrived in bliss. Any mantra you believe in will deliver you to a powerful
inner experience. There are 3 things necessary for any mantra to work
effectively. There are:

1. Conscious repetition. Being present to the mantra as it is repeated.

2. A heart devotional energy to the meaning or message behind the mantra.

3. Letting go of the mantra once you have arrived in a blissful
(no-mind-chatter) state.

Weve found the easiest way to slip into an amazing meditative state is repeating
a mantra slowly, in harmony with the breath while holding the attention on the 3rd
eye (middle of forehead). Let yourself relax into silent pause or gap between
each mantra repetition. The mantra is very powerful, so trust it and surrender to
it. In 10-15 minutes it can over-power all mind chatter and quiet everything
inside. The mantra is a quick way to access the Infinite Source inside so it can
shine through.

Chanting consistently for many hours straight is focused powerful mind mastery
work, and is beneficial for the soul to advance its consciousness. Anytime you
are chanting a mantra for an extended period of time, it is ESSENTIAL that you
stop chanting at some point and sit in the stillness it is creating inside. This may
sound difficult, yet it is best that you to sit in total silence close to the same
amount of time that you chant. Chanting your mantra is like working in your own
garden. You are planting new seeds, watering, fertilizing, pulling weeds and
shining the Suns light on it all. The silence is how you harvest the juicy fruits of
your labor.

Before chanting (or doing any meditation), we advise you to take the first 3-5
minutes to consciously relax every part of your body. This gives your mind
something to do that is helpful, and also quiets your mind since ALL tension in
your body is created by the mind chattering about this and that. Expecting xyz to
happen, or holding onto something someone said to you, the mind is continually
regurgitating information! The deeper you relax, the more alert, awake, aware
and silent your mind becomes.

Is there a wrong way to chant a mantra? No and Yes. Simply repeating empty
words without having a strong positive emotional feeling can create more mental
distraction or a negative why am I doing this irritated sense of purposelessness.
This lack of devotion and love of your life will dull your mind, not the mantra. If
you attach a devotion to opening your joy valve with any mantra, look

outwowlife changing vibrations! Strong, emotionally focused energy towards
more of what you WANT opens your manifesting valves BIG TIME!

If you dont know the right phrase, sound or word to chant, then start thinking
about things that are more basic and meaningless to the mind. One that We like
to use is based on the natural sound the breath makes with each inhalation and
exhalation. We highly recommend reading Swami Muktanandas book,
Kundalini: The Secret To Life, where he talks about this amazing power and the
Ham-sa mantra. He says the sound Ham is always being made as we take
an in-breath, while the sound Sa naturally occurs on the out-breath. The
mantra is a devotion to one of the Gods of the Hindu religion (Shiva), whos
purpose is help us quiet (or kill off) the mind and bring the body to a profound
God-sourced realized state inside. You can purchase this divine book now at
this link:

If a lack of devotion even remotely happens to you while chanting, immediately
start focusing on a higher energy, an enlightened being, or what you WANT!
Devotion to your vision is the key to effective chanting. And yes, doing it with
deep, sensual, emotional gusto can awaken the Manifesting powers within you!
Chanting with devotion has A TON of power behind it and can awaken your
Manifesting Vibration much quicker than anything weve covered thus far.

Chanting is amazingly effective when your heart is open and you are 100%
engaged in THIS now experience, giving love, excitement and devotion to the
Source of your greatest visions and dreams. The most important thing is to stay
present to what your experience is and not get stuck in some dulling mind trip.
Have fun chanting and opening your heart and soul to feelings of love, joy and

The quieter you become,
the more you are able to hear. ~Zen Saying

Discipline Leads to Freedom

The best advice I (Jafree) was given in my life was to become really quiet inside
and listen. There were many days where I tried to meditate, focus my mind, and
everything just got noisier. I remember trying every meditation technique in the
book, searching for that magical solution that would fix me. After many months
of trial and error, I realized that nothing worked except for one thing, consistency!
When I meditated daily, I noticed that it did not matter what technique I used. It
was the continuous practice and discipline of the mind that was the technique
itself. My life began to unfold in many magical ways. All I needed was a little


Discipline is a way to rebel against the mundane world and break through the
lazy norm. In order to make discipline a solid long-term habit, it is important to
adopt a healthy state of rebelliousness and a solid sense of responsibility
towards your dreams. Examine the thoughts you repetitively think that you feel a
need to rebel against. Amazing things occur when you are conscious and radical
enough to break through fear-based patterns that arise, and responsible for
taking action steps to actualize your desires! Even if it takes 10,000 baby steps
to get there, thats what it takes, and it is worth every moment of the journey. It is
practicing your rebelliousness and response-ability to your life that takes your
vibration higher to achieving your dreams.

Have you ever noticed that people who are struggling with their lives, or are a
walking complaint factory have ZERO discipline? They cannot shut off their
minds or their mouths for even 10 seconds! They let their wild horses drag them
in and out of the pigpens everyday, creating a mess and stink for everyone!
Most of these people are not even conscious that they are being negative. They
think life is a constant struggle and that is exactly what they create!

If you are not experiencing a positive state of mind every morning and throughout
the day, your mind is not disciplined yet. When your wild horses have gone
through 90 days of training to remain in the here and now, you will have achieved
a great level of mind mastery. As this happens, you are freed from your minds
obsessive chattering, incessant analyzing, dissecting, and chomping on trivial
information. The more you train the mind the easier it becomes to realize that
the disciplined mind is the freed mind.

Through the years, people have given me many excuses for not meditating daily.
All of these excuses are based on fear, and exemplify a lack of focus and
commitment to manifesting the ultimate dream life. A few of these excuses
sound like, I cannot meditate alone, I tried it many times and it didnt work, I
am not sure if I am doing it right, I cannot sit still for 5 minutes, Im too old or
out of shape to sit on the floor, and I dont like to sit and do nothing! An excuse
is a proclamation of your lack of power. Drop it! Fill that empty hole with a
curiosity, courage and decision to create any reality you want. By holding onto
your excuses, you create more difficulty in awakening the manifesting magnet
within you!

When your mind is disciplined to be here now, you will be able to remain focused
on what you want and you will experience less suffering and resistance in life. If
you think discipline is hard for you, think about how much more painful it is to
NOT achieve your dreams! If you absolutely cringe when you hear the word
discipline, it is time to explore the secrets that will help you transcend it and even
love this powerful force.

The first secret is to turn all discipline into devotion! What if the act of being
disciplined was more like making love, and you simply were excited about what
you were doing and devoted to experiencing it no matter what distractions
happened? Olympic athletes are a prime example of what a devoted mind can
create. Their love for winning the gold medal is much bigger than the painful
discipline of their training routine. Their motivation comes from a place of love for
their life dream, making them devoted to doing their best!

The second secret is to acknowledge where you are already disciplined, and how
that creates freedom in your life. Think about the mindset you accessed when
you manifested the three greatest accomplishments of your life. What motivated
you to achieve those experiences and what actions did you take to physically
accomplish them? Disciplined actions are the foundation for a strong successful
mindset. They are the roots which provide nourishment for your wings to take

Discipline will not lead to freedom unless you decide that you are choosing to
follow through with your intentions based on your free will. Why do you want to
be disciplined? Just because someone said you should? That wont work in the
long run! Think about all the benefits you will receive from this discipline. What
will your life be like in 3 years from maintaining this practice? Perhaps the
reason you seek discipline is to be the master of your life instead of being at the
whim of every cold breeze that blows your way. Explore your motivation for
staying committed to your manifesting agenda. It is your turn to get excited and
see what you are about to manifest!

The third secret to disciplining yourself is to call upon the power of your inner
enforcer. This is the part of you that naturally pushes and encourages you to do
things. It is your will power. Your enforcer is deeply in touch with those feelings
around reaching your desire. There is a BURNING DESIRE inside your enforcer
to achieve your dream! It is hard to access your enforcer when you have been
unmotivated and undisciplined for many months and years. If this sounds like
you, your enforcer may be out of shape and require a new workout. By
employing your enforcer frequently, you will gain momentum and create many
results in your world. Here is a meditation that will awaken your inner enforcer
and help get you motivated to create a life that you LOVE!

The Enforcer Meditation

Take three deep breaths into your belly
and ask the Universe to support you in getting in touch
with your Inner Enforcer.

Imagine in front of you a door leading to
a magical place where you will meet your Enforcer.

What does your door look like?
You slowly find the doorknob,
open the door and walk into the enforcers home.
What do you notice is in this room?
What do you see on the walls?

Now call out to your enforcer.
Notice a figure walking towards you.
Its your inner enforcer! What does he/she look like?
Look at their feet, what are they wearing?
Notice their legs, and what they are wearing on the rest of their body.
Observe the expressions on his/her face.
Do they have anything in their hands?
If they did have something, what would it be?

Your Enforcer has a gift for you.
Notice what it is for and how it will help you.
It is a gift that will help you get in touch with your will power.
Thank your enforcer for the gift, and keep it close to your heart.

Now ask your enforcer to support you in achieving
and realizing the goals on your manifesting agenda.
Just say to your enforcer, Please guide me to take action
when I am wavering or stuck. Listen to his or her response.
Did you hear a resounding yes?

Listen to how your enforcer speaks to you.
How does he/she motivate you?
What sorts of things does he/she tell you to do?
Notice the empowering messages he/she is saying to you
and the energy he/she gives you.

Perhaps you hear them saying, You can do it!
Go for it! I believe in you! Just go do it! It is time to have some
real fun in your life, so get off your butt and make it happen now!

Use your inner enforcer to push you out of bed when you need it, and to help you
complete projects in your life that are left unfinished.
Communicate with your enforcer as frequently as you like.
You can call upon him/her anytime you need
to get motivated, yet feel something holding you back.

Notice how it feels to have this powerful support in your life.
Give gratitude to yourself for being open to new guidance and helping to
get your life moving in a positive pro-active direction.



No pressure, no diamonds. ~ Mary Case

The Blue Room Manifesting Technique

The Blue Room Meditation is by far the most powerful manifesting technique for
developing effective relationships with people. You can create a partner in your
life, meet someone you want to know, or even improve your relationship with
someone you wish you had never met. If you want better relationships with your
spouse, parent, or friend, or better ways of connecting with people in your
business, meet them in the blue room.

You can also increase the effectiveness of business deals in the blue room. For
instance, you can manifest new contracts, gain a promotion, close agreements,
obtain new clients, make a BIG sale, or sell a home. You can organize events or
plan out projected expansions with an emerging corporate company. Any
business deal you want to manifest can be easily attained by first visiting the blue

What is the Blue Room? It is an etheric, cobalt blue room where souls meet to
work out issues here on Earth. The blue room has access to the highest
vibrations in the Universe. It is filled with tremendous light and power. It is
reached through visualization and meditation (as shown below) that takes you
into a conscious dream-like state where you actually step into your blue room.
You may meet with one or many souls to discuss real life agreements you want
to manifest back on Earth. The energy of the blue room improves your current
life situation by manifesting results that are for the highest good of all concerned.

The blue room can be used to actualize as many possibilities as your imagination
allows. You may release old personal issues and experience feelings of safety,
empowerment and protection here. You may resolve financial and emotional
discrepancies in a matter of minutes, and create a new relationship that works for
you! Conversations in the blue room can clear up any unfortunate
misunderstandings in your life. You may create a new agreement between you
and another. It could look like a physical contract in which both parties sign, a
heart agreement, a verbal yes, a nod of the head, or whatever works best for

When inviting a guest into your personal blue room, it is good to ask them to
appear in the room before you arrive. They may come as a voice, energy, light
or a presence. You may see, feel, hear or intuit them. No matter how they show

up for you, do not get attached to how you think they should look. As long as
you know in your heart that this is the person you intend to meet, the meditation
will work for you.

You can revisit your blue room as often as you wish. This may be for
reconfirming any agreements you have previously made, add an extra addendum
to your current contract, or just to visit and say hello. If you feel super positive
about your first Blue Room meeting, it is O.K. to just let your agreement stand as
it is. Do whatever creates the most trust, peace of mind and confidence within
you. Now get is your guided visualization to take you into your Blue

"Be a light onto yourself." ~Buddha

The Blue Room Meditation

Sitting comfortably with your back resting
against a wall or chair, imagine a large clear tube has just
dropped down from the sky above and formed around your body.
It extends very HIGH into the sky above you.

Inside this tube is a golden string of light. Let this light come
down and penetrate the top of your head. Feel it start to pull you
up and out of your physical body. You quickly ascend straight up into the tube,
sailing up above the clouds and earth,
thousands of miles away into outer space.
You are so far away, you can no longer see the earth, moon and sun.

As you float in empty space,
a cobalt blue door appears in front of you.
Reach for the handle and walk through the door into
a beautiful, shimmering blue room. This room
has a powerful, blue light-energy radiating from the ceiling and walls.
The floor consists of actual solid gold that is 3 feet thick!
It is warm and you feel incredibly rich just stepping onto it!

There is an ascended master, angel, or personal guide standing
in each corner of the room. They send their loving, peaceful, powerful energy
into you and everyone present in the room.

Look over and see the person(s) you want
to make the new contract, agreement or relationship with.
They stand up to greet you and you shake hands (or hug). See
that they are shining with joy to meet with you.
On the table is the new agreement that your guides have

already provided for you! You all sit down at the
warm table and comfortable chairs to read through the contract.

You have a short conversation with them about the new agreement.
You both read and sign the written contract, which states
EXACTLY what YOU want to occur back on Earth.

After you are finished and satisfied, through your heart,
eyes and smile, send them your deepest gratitude and appreciation
for signing the agreement with you. Then, lovingly say good-bye in a way that
feels complete for you, as you walk out the door, and float on
down the clear tube back to your body.

Once you are back in your body, take a deep breath,
integrating what you have just experienced.
Allow for the solidity and realness of the new agreement
to be felt INSIDE your body, right now.

Breathe this new agreement into every
cell and atom in your body and enjoy it.
The more you can trust your experience,
the more likely miraculous and magical
things are destined to occur.

All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve
is the direct result of his own thoughts. ~James Allen

After returning to your physical body from your visit to the blue room, we suggest
you take immediate, massive action with the knowledge of your new agreement
in place. By knowing that the new agreement is in place, you can miraculously
watch your relationships change. The people you had problems with before will
relax and lighten up, and real miracles take form in your everyday life!

The greatest key to seeing physical results from your Blue Room meditations is
holding on to your intentions in daily life back on Earth. It is as if you held a baby
bird in your hand, gently and lovingly, always keeping an eye on it and its
survival. By experiencing the Blue Room, the intention you want to manifest is
already heightened in vibration. It just needs a consistent, positive intent to
become grounded in the physical world.

If you have difficulty visualizing or experiencing your blue room, your bodymind is
not completely relaxed. The more relaxed you are, the clearer the images are
seen, felt and heard. You are most likely accustomed to depending on one of
your 6 senses more than the rest, to have an experience in your inner world.
Perhaps you are more auditory than visual, or more kinesthetic and feel the
persons presence. You may even rely on using your smell to guide the way.

The realness of your inner experience relies on all of your possible modalities of
sensory perception. Stretching your imagination muscles is a major part of
opening up your manifesting energy channels, and allowing for a higher
dimension of consciousness to occur.

As always, the secret to having more lucid visualizations stems from deepening
this relaxed free-flowing feeling within your bodymind. The more relaxed AND
alert your bodymind becomes, the clearer your mental movies are! When you
are visualizing something and encounter vague or blurry images, take a deep
breath and relax more into your core.

One great relaxation technique is to take in and release 10 deep breaths,
imagining on each in-breath thousands of golden points of light (like mini stars)
entering your body, and on each out-breath releasing the tension held in every
cell of your body. The pictures of these tensions leaving your body will play for
longer durations of time when you relax into the images you see. An effective
visualizer will trust the images he or she sees and allow each inner scene to
unfold on its own. Trusting yourself, the Universe and each experience that
arises is a monumental achievement in the enlightenment process. Its good to
know that if trust has already worked to awaken thousands of people in history, it
will work for you too! Together, trusting, relaxing and being alert will immensely
help you to attract what you want to manifest.

"If I create from the heart, nearly everything works;
if from the head, almost nothing." ~Marc Chagall

The Magic Body Mantra

The mantra you are about to receive is absolutely incredible. We call it Magical
because it has an instantaneous uplifting effect on your Manifesting Vibration. It
is highly effective at calming and centering your mind in the most stressful and
challenging of situations. Some have even found this mantra to be a life-saving
tool when dealing with potentially dangerous situations where they needed to
remain calm and focused. Unlike other mantras that may take time to see
results, this one works instantly.

It is called a Body Mantra because it brings your consciousness inwards
towards the body, rather than out into the mind. This mantra, when used
correctly, activates and opens the 3 main energy centers or Chakras (wheels of
energy) in your body within a matter of minutes and prepares you to receive the
highest manifesting energy in the Universe. Practice it as often as you can or
whenever you want to become calm, present and centered. The mantra is:




Using the Magic Body Mantra is simple. Before you begin, place your awareness
on the energy in your head, heart and belly. Notice the energy each area
contains. Next, hold your awareness on the energy of your head and say out
loud (or to yourself) the words Quiet Mind. Imagine the infinite sky above your
head and all the silence it contains. Breathe in this silence and stillness down
into your head, so that your head may feel as vast and limitless as the empty
cosmic space above. After you say the words Quiet Mind, release that breath
of air and repeat until you feel the stillness inside your head. When the head is
quiet, then place your attention on your heart center and say Open Heart.
Imagine your heart is a beautiful flower simply opening its petals to the warm
rays of the Sun. Take in this healing sunshine with each inhalation until you feel
your heart warm, soft, opening and expanding. When you experience a calm
relaxing heart center bring your awareness down to your belly and say the words
Relaxed Being. Imagine you are sitting in warm ocean cove that is very calm,
peaceful and full of healing energy. Each time you inhale take in this healing
energy through the base of your spine into your belly. On each exhalation, let
the energy absorb and infuse into every cell throughout your entire body.

After you have cycled through the head, heart and belly once, repeat it again! Do
this cycle for at least 5-10 minutes. We recommend you start with the head and
work down to the belly in the specific order mentioned above. The images you
visualize are the key to this meditation. They will give you a feeling of instant
relaxation and teach you how to let go. If you are challenged keeping your
attention on the visualizations, simply let your mind surrender to the verbal
message of the mantra. It will soon be deeply absorbed through your bodymind.

It is important that you inhale and exhale very slowly, as well as verbalize (or
internalize) the mantras words in a gentle way. Take a few moments to let each
mantra sink in before moving on to the next energy center. Do whatever feels
most natural, easy and light to you. Repeating the Magic Body Mantra slowly
and deeply provides more effective results than saying it quickly. The more often
you practice and play with it, the easier it will be to discover how it works best for

"Life is full and overflowing with the new.
But it is necessary to empty out the old to make room
for the new to enter. ~Eileen Caddy

When you hold your awareness on each body location while saying your mantra
and visualizing the image in your mind, it immediately activates and awakens that
main energy valve, cranking up your Manifesting Vibration immensely. A variety
of feelings and thoughts may arise. As long as you are allowing for each random
sensation to arise within your HEAD, HEART and BELLY, you will awaken and
rebalance the energy within each center. When these centers are open, relaxed
and at peace a greater energy will start flowing up and down your spine. This is
the greatest manifesting power there is and will continue to grow as long as you
are resting in these three energy centers.

Remember that the more relaxed you are, the easier this meditation will be. If
you have trouble holding your focus on a specific body part there is most likely a
block or emotional stuck feeling around or near that center. While you are
visualizing, imagine that infinite sky, soft opening flower or warm ocean water is
flowing through the most tense and tight place inside you. Practice releasing
your tension! You dont need it anymore. This will enable you to retain your
focus longer, making your visualizations clearer. A relaxed mind is a receptive
mind. You will naturally increase the duration of time youre able to hold your
awareness on each body part simply by relaxing and releasing the buried
tensions and blocks hidden within your body.

Dont get attached to how your visualizations should look, just be creative with
your imagination and explore what feels right for you. Perhaps in your wild
imagination your head is opening up and letting in the deep silence behind the
many stars in the sky, while your heart is spreading its petals like your favorite
tree to the Suns warm rays, and your belly is rooted down through your legs and
feet to the center of the Earth. Use the images that work the best for you. This
creative process can release the most amount of tension trapped inside you.

Learn to be silent. Let your quiet
mind listen and absorb. ~Pythagorus

A powerful, relaxed state of being can flow through you even by saying this
mantra once! You may practice this technique anytime throughout your day.
You can do it anywhere! Practice this technique while you are stuck in traffic, in
the middle of a stressful meeting, or waiting in line at the grocery store. You are
breathing and thinking anyway, why not use this time to raise your vibration! Do
it as often as you can. The instant you feel stressed about anything, use the
mantra until your bodymind becomes quiet and centered. Be sure to take time to
relax and rest into any experiences of openness, freedom or spaciousness that
may arise within you.

The goal of the Magic Body Mantra is to nourish the mind with such a succulent
loving energy that it stays in the present moment experience. If you find your
mind wanders while you repeat the words without being present to your body,

simply stop, take a deep breath and refocus. This trains your mind to relax
instantly. Who knows, you may need it in an emergency situation.

This is a true story about a good friend of mine who used the Magic Body
Mantra. He was out of work for several months and desperately needed to take
a summer construction job to pay rent and put food on the table. The company
placed him on the roof of a very tall new house, where his ability to balance truly
meant life or death. For weeks he lived in terror on the roof, needing the money
to survive and facing a possible slip and fatal injury daily. He told me his
dilemma and I taught him the Magic Body Mantra. He decided to use it WHILE
he was working! He reported the next day that he was actually at peace on the
roofs edge, and felt solid, grounded and could actually enjoy his job! For his
experience, the mantra was truly a life saving miracle.

From then on I decided to explore the other possibilities of how the Magic Body
Mantra could be used. One day I started using it while snowboarding and the
results were absolutely outstanding! Getting down a Colorado double black
diamond ski run with 500 moguls was often quite the challenge. My body would
contract each time my mind would foresee a possible injurious fall coming ahead.
When I started using the mantra while snowboarding I noticed a considerable
shift in my ability to be present, relaxed and enjoy the experience! Since then it
has become an entirely new sport for me. Each mogul is now a juicy invitation
that my bodymind simply invites in to experience.

It may take you some time to create this kind of intimate relationship with the
Magic Body Mantra so that you are capable of using it while simultaneously
doing another task. Of course we do not recommend that you use this mantra
just so you can welcome more life threatening situations. The mantra is sacred
and very powerful in finding your center within stressful outer world experiences.
It is the most effective when you can maintain a balance of focus between your
inner world and outer world. This is a very delicate balance and must be
practiced before attempting to approach any stressful situation in your outer
world. The more often your body plays with the mantra, the more frequently
youll suddenly find peace within every situation you are in.

To remind you to use your mantra, there are two free Magic Body Mantra
printouts at this following link: Feel free to print and post them beside your bed,
on your fridge or in your sacred mediation spotEnjoy!

A mind that has been stretched by a new experience can never
go back to its old dimensions." ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

The Breath of Life

The breath is your life force. It is one of the most powerful, yet overlooked
avenues for increasing our Manifesting Vibration. Any breathing meditation
floods your body with oxygen and life energy, and taps you into an abundance of
energy waiting at the core of your being. It is normally automatic and effortless to
breathe, yet a conscious connection with your breath allows you to channel more
energy and be more focused. Following the breath with your awareness creates
a non-inhibited state of energy throughout your body. This is like discovering an
eternal inner fountain of abundant energy and bliss inside!

Start right now by letting your attention gently follow your breath as you read.
See how close you can watch your breath. Let your breathing happen naturally,
in an easy, relaxed way. You will find that you naturally breathe in the lower area
of your body, filling your belly like a balloon. Dont manipulate or control your
breath! Follow the natural rise and fall inside you. Doing this sends loads of
energy up your spine. Notice how your body expands and releases the breath
naturally, on it is own. It automatically lets air in and out of your body. Watch
your breath without trying to change it in any way.

Do not resist any thoughts that arise, but rather GENTLY return your awareness
to your breath. You may need to bring the mind back 10-20 times (or more)
before it gives in and relaxes into the silence within. When you notice your mind
wandering off to create images and feelings, look down around the belly. Pull
your attention downward to get yourself out of your head!

We recommend using a 1:4:2: breath ratio for flooding your body full of
manifesting fuel. For instance, you would breathe in for five counts, hold your
breath for 20 counts, and exhale for 10 counts. You can choose any numbers
that fit with the above ratio (4:16:8). This focused breath meditation will
strengthen your mind, increase your energy, and awaken your Manifesting

Some days there won't be a song in your heart.
Sing anyway. ~ Emory Austin

The Humming Vibration Meditation

We are able to tap into our Manifesting Vibration in a variety of ways. The power
of sound is one method to open up these energetic. Inside everyone and
everything, exists a deep low humming tone that sounds like the vibration of
distant electrical wires or a large bee hive buzzing. This gentle, yet powerful
sound is the Universal Hum of vibrating energy within all of the trillions of atoms

and molecules that are everywhere. It is a VERY subtle sound. To hear it, you
must become extremely quiet inside for a solid period of time.

Getting in touch with this Universal sound starts with the physical act of making a
long deep humming noise. This generates an effect that connects your body and
its frequency to this Universal Hum. Humming for several minutes activates
enough white noise to quiet the Ego mind chatter so that you easily find the
pure silence inside you. This experience energetically connects you to a deeper
level of your Universal Manifesting Vibration.

Hum for the first 5-10 minutes of this meditation. Take very deep breaths of air
on the inhale, and on your exhale HUM gently with your lips closed so that the
sound vibrates throughout your head and down into the throat, chest and even
your belly. Do not make this an effortful or strenuous project in any way. Listen
to the sound and let the air pass through your vocal chords as a vibration in a
very relaxing lengthy way.

Sit up straight, spine vertical with every muscle relaxed. If your body starts to
sway or move, allow it to do so. Let yourself get into the groove of it and tap into
what feels good! Keep your focus on the sound and relax deeper into it.

Start with humming for 5-10 minutes minimum, then lengthen the time as much
as you like. Each time you finish humming, sit in total stillness and silence for at
least 15-20 minutes. This is where you can feel/hear the subtle Universal HUM.
Notice how your body vibrates and simply remain observant and unfocused on
anything in particular. Be present to the sensations and experiences of your
body without getting caught in them. This stretches your ability to remain
unfocused, which is a very important component in training the mind to be
focused. A completely unfocused mind creates a deeper receptivity in the body,
opening unused channels of energy for your Manifesting Vibration to flow

If your mind is still wandering after you are done humming, it is helpful to
meditate on the meaning behind the following words a few times:
Unfocusedness Experiencing Presence. These words are a direct path to
having a profound meditative experience, even though they may seem bizarre to
you. Watch out for the minds tricky focusing agenda. Be aware of it, yet dont
focus on it. It will attempt to focus on anything and everything, even on how NOT
to focus! Each time it strays (which it will do often), gently and lovingly bring your
attention back to this effortless experience of your divine presence.

The Humming Vibration Meditation clears away the dust and cobwebs on your
mirror. Remaining unfocused and present to your experience helps in emptying
your mind of trivial distractions and attachments. The meditation will stimulate all
energy centers in your body, raising the general frequency you vibrate at, thus
attracting everything you have on your manifesting agenda with effortless ease.

"How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now,
and that there will never be a time
when it is not now." ~Gerald Jampolsky

The Golden Shower Meditation

Sitting comfortably, bring your awareness INSIDE to the stillness at the core of
your being. Allow your mind to quiet and your body to soften. Relax EVERY
muscle and cell in your body to the point of becoming very silent and still. From
this stillness, imagine that at the base of your spine is a golden light and energy
that feels like a warm, flowing river of love. It slowly moves up the base of your
spine, and flows out the top of your head. You become a healing fountain of
golden goodness! It showers your skin, and seeps into your muscles and all
organs inside, bringing a divine, healing energy to every cell in your body.

Your breath is the "pump" for your golden shower. Use each inhale to SLOWLY
pull the energy up the spine and each exhale to let it fountain out your head and
cascade down over your body. Slow, long, easy, deep breaths are the key to
effective showering. If the energy becomes too powerful for you during the
meditation, simply imagine the brightness and intensity of the light dimming in
your mind. It is a VERY powerful technique that cleans you completely of any low
vibrations hiding inside you, raising your entire vibration to attract what you want.
This meditation acts like an inner healing and outer purifying river for your
bodymind vehicle. This eternal flow of energy is a healing fountain of golden

After practicing this technique many times, you will feel the golden healing
energy automatically radiating outwards in every direction, from every cell in your
body. The energy that usually flows up your spine, now pours out of your skin,
from every cell in your body. It is as if you have become the sun, FULL of light,
shining 360 degrees in every direction.

Bathe in your golden shower anytime you need energy, self-love, money or
healing. We recommend doing a minimum of 20 minutes a day, yet it is
beneficial to do 30 second mini-showers randomly during your day. This
meditation will have a positive impact on your day, no matter what you do. It can
even influence whether you get hired at a job, get rid of a flu you have had for
weeks, or attract the person of your dreams. The golden light is a rich, powerful
and abundant energy that helps us reconnect with our own natural abundance,
reminding us that we are all amazing manifesting beings living in this infinite
Universe. If you wish to download a printout of all the meditations found
throughout this book, you may do so at this linkENJOY!



"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds, in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover." ~Mark Twain

What Are The 8 Habits?

The 8 habits are a physical, mental, emotional and metaphysical boot camp for
training those wild (and lazy) horses in your mind. Those wild beasts have been
running your life through the trenches for far too long, and doing this routine will put
you back in masters seat of your life. Each habit is a different stage, each one
building off the energy created in the previous habits. By doing each habit in the
routine daily youll create a momentum of energy that will increase your vibration so
you can easily manifest the goals on your manifesting agenda.

The 8 habits open up the highest and strongest vibrational frequencies available
within your bodymind. They are the backbone of this manifesting program and the
structure that keeps you increasing your Manifesting Vibration. By doing the 8 habits
everyday, you will create a whole new way of being in the world, and will tap into the
infinite potentiality within you! Depending on the amount of energy and intention you
put into this program, it can take 3 days to 3 months for you to start seeing any real
results. The fact is, these habits do work and will take your life to a higher level than
you dreamed possible.

You are guaranteed a wide range of rich, challenging and consciousness enhancing
experiences by following this routine for 90 days in a row. Your experiences may
swing from the vast and expansive to the small and contracted. Yet, overall the
outcome youll find is the permanent flow of manifesting powers within you. Yes,
there is a tremendous power, sleeping inside you, that opens your life to
experiencing unlimited possibilities! You have unlimited manifesting capability just
waiting to be revealed. The treasure you will uncover leaves behind a bright,
flawless, and abundant experience of Reality. The habits focus your energy in the
following 8 areas of your life.


"You are what you repeatedly do.
Excellence is not an event - it is a habit." ~Aristotle

Results from Experiencing the 8 Habits

We have found the greatest results from consistently doing the 8 Habits
Manifesting Routine is an increased awareness, gratitude for life and confidence
that we can manifest anything we want with effortless ease. Yes, the 8 habits will
improve your health, physical vitality, boost mental focus and emotional clarity,
increase your self-love and level of acceptance, and open you to a boundless
source of energy that is in touch with the highest powers in the Universe! They
will also magnify your will-power, improve your relationships dramatically,
increase financial prosperity, mold you into a perfectly fit and healthy body, and
create a powerful new way of looking at LIFE!! If you want any or all of this, stick
to the routine for 90 days. Amazing things will unfold.

Remember that a loving, open-minded approach to life each day is the
GREATEST habit we can develop. Yet, the true secret to creating an
unstoppable Manifesting Vibration stems from your devotion to exploring and
experiencing your own Divine Essence and allowing it to effortlessly manifest
your dreams for you! We have found that this one commitment to yourself is a
key factor that can determine how inwardly and outwardly successful you
become in the future.

"An object set in motion tends to continue in that particular
motion.unless acted upon by an opposing force."
~Sir Isaac Newton

Integrating the 8 Habits

The first step to integrating these new habits is to drop ANY past belief or
negative thought, which may identify you as someone who has bad habits.
Proclaim to the Universe that this old you is dead, and no longer serves your
highest good. For example, if you dont think of yourself as someone who is a
morning person, you will always miss out on the fresh morning air, sunrises, and
birds singing to greet you everyday. Start thinking about how awesome it feels to
take time for yourself every morning, to explore your inner self, and experience
this wondrous Universe you live in. Focusing on the positive aspects of the
morning times, for even a few minutes, will nudge you to get out of bed earlier.

You will soon say, I love getting up in the mornings! This is an example of how,
with patience and practice, you can replace bad habits with good ones.

Perhaps you are already doing several of these 8 habits everyday. Fantastic!
You are ahead of the program! A much more solid, vibrational foundation is
coming your way. If your current morning routine generally leaves you feeling
energized and excited, then keep doing it! It is important to trust yourself and
find the habits that will increase your vibration.

We have found that after only three weeks on this routine, we started manifesting
several goals on both of our personal manifesting agendas in the most effortless
and magical ways. Integrating the 8 Habits into your current lifestyle (whatever it
may be) is about creating balance. This is NOT a strict mandatory you have to
or else routine. It is simply a guideline to keep you growing and creating the
highest vibrations in your life. The routine is designed to stir up energy, keep you
in excitement mode, and relaxed about seeing your dreams show up in a life that
you love. However, the 8 habits are not a quick fix or cure for anything. There
is nothing wrong with you, nothing needing to be fixed. You are divine, perfect
and whole exactly the way you are. Doing the 8 Habits will simply help you to
feel and realize this truth easier.

The specific order of the routine is important, yet, if you have difficulty fitting
yourself into a new structure or system, it is best to devise a creative way to
implement what you can, rather than none at all. The key is to be creative and
integrate the general idea of each habit into EACH day in whatever way that you
can. If, for some reason, any habit is absolutely impossible for you to fit into your
morning schedule, create a time later in the day that works better for you. Play
with your schedule and experiment with where you can fit each one in. A great
way to create more time is go to bed earlier and get up earlier! You may need to
re-prioritize how you are spending your time if your plate is too full. Remember,
time is what your life is made of, so use it wisely!

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time,
for that is the stuff life is made of. ~Benjamin Franklin

If you are the type of person who jumps in a new routine with full force only to
burn out quickly, you may have a control issue. Instead of trying to run the
show or be the commander in control over your experience, let the experience
guide you. Do not try to lead your experience, let your experience lead you
deeper inside yourself. Be gentle with yourself whenever you slip and fall back
into your old patterns. Slipping is expected in life, making mistakes is how we
learn. Eventually, with enough self-love, you will imprint a new program in your
energy and thinking patterns.

Using this manifesting routine over time, a true sense of personal power and
effortless manifestation will prevail. What is it worth to feel totally FREE

everyday, worthy of your dreams and feeling great about everything? Perhaps a
better question is, what is it costing you to NOT improve your lifestyle? You are
missing out on experiencing the life youve dreamed of. Just 45 minutes of this
daily discipline over 90-days will transform your life into a boundless manifesting
adventure. There is no need to resist this anymore. Yes, there will be a point
where you will have dropped the old you, and created a new way of being in the
world. This happens usually around the third or fourth week of the routine. If you
keep an open mind and stick to it for 90 days I guarantee you will be blown away
at what your life has become!

The 8 Habits Manifesting Routine!

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe,
the mind of man can achieve." ~Napoleon Hill



The very instant you are awake in the morning, gently grab the reins on your
minds wild horses. For your first 4 minutes of consciousness each morning
practice relaxing your body and connecting with the simple sweet Divine
Presence inside you. This essence can easily be found within you by quieting
the mind, opening the heart and relaxing deeper into the body. You may need to
sit up on your bed to get out of dream mode and clear the mind chatter. Yet,
take the time to consciously make the most intimate and personal connection
with your Divine Essence. If you have any difficulty in making this connection, try
starting you day repeating The Magic Body Mantra in Chapter 8.

After you feel connected to the Divine Source, start saying the word YES!
Repeat the word YES out loud or in your mind as frequently as possible. Start
by saying YES to who you are, where you are in your life today and a big YES
to your past exactly as it is. Feeling excited about your life exactly as it is right
now, is what this YES is all about. If you can, start saying YES out loud! It is a
super positive, life empowering energy that will sink into your subconscious and
echo throughout your day. It is the word that every powerful and magical
manifesting being uses, and is the one vibration that cannot be repeated too

As you speak or think YES, let your mind also focus on that which you have
trouble saying YES to in your life. Perhaps its your current financial situation,
an event buried in your past, something in your future, your body, a family

member, an enemy who was once a friend, a lover, your house, the world,
government, anything and everything you have ANY resistance to! And why
would you want to do this? If you are resisting, avoiding or not allowing for
something you perceive as negative, whether it is in your past, present or
potential future, you are still attracting it to you. Saying YES is a way of
accepting as part of The Bigger Picture of life and eventually releasing it
completely. You can be at peace with whatever it is, if you can find some way to
say YES to it. This way you will stop wasting your sacred manifesting energy on
hiding from it, and thus stop attracting and repeating it. Whatever we resist
persists, and saying YES to existence exactly the way it is will empower you to
transcend the small items holding you back energetically and create a new
relationship with them. Saying YES to yourself is a way to let go of your current
attachment to the way you think your life should be, and become totally free!

After you feel your bodymind has been totally submerged in YES energy, start
visualizing and FEELING the top 3-5 things on your Manifesting Agenda as if
they have already happened! Be sure you have posted your Manifesting
Agenda and Dream Dialog by your bed so you can read them (if needed) and
remind yourself EXACTLY what you are in the process of manifesting. You can
download a special Morning Manifesting Agenda printout and fill in your 3-5 goals
at this link.

Be sure to read each statement on your Manifesting Agenda with excitement and
relief that it has already manifested. Always read your goals in the PAST tense,
so that your subconscious hears and feels that they have already happened. It is
also powerful to speak your goals out loud, stating the exact date/time you
manifested each goal. Put extra copies of your Manifesting Agenda in strategic
places throughout your home where you can casually re-read them throughout
your day.

If you have ANY difficulty feeling that your desires have already manifested,
imagine a large screen plasma TV is in front of you. Notice that a magical golden
light is around the edge of the screen and sit down and watch the movie of your
ideal dream life happening on the screen! Rewind the movie, pause it, and re-
play your ideal situation over and over. When you can feel that you are IN THE
MOVIE, and are already the most amazing successful being, relax deeper into
your body with the feeling. Know that THIS experience or better will be soon
happening to you in an enjoyable and effortless way.

If any of the previous exercises feel impossible for you to do upon rising in the
morning, understand that you may be over stimulated by society. Too much
information from T.V, internet, emails, phone and radio will over-stuff the mind,
and block you energetically from creatively designing the life you desire. Also, if
you are going to bed at night focusing on (or fearing) what you dont want to
occur next week, it will create a block for you as well. Falling asleep with fear or

resistance inside you only creates MORE resistance the next morning.
Remember that resistance is simply an ignorance of The Divine Essence inside
you. If you happened to forget this connection, simply surrender to the Universe
exactly as it is and FEEL its vast expansiveness. Let go of who you are and
expand your ideas about yourself as wide as you possibly can. Give yourself
permission to be outrageous and totally free from everything!

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience
in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do
the thing you think you cannot do." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Before you fall asleep at night, prepare yourself by setting the intention to start
the routine again the next morning. The vibration you hold in your morning
routine is what forms a positive or negatively charged bodymind for the day. You
must create an ingrained habit of dropping the seeking searching mind, and relax
into affirming your desires are already manifested. Once you have experienced
this habit every morning for even 45 days, your subconscious mind will have
completely and deeply accepted this new reality! You can always add new
things to your manifesting agenda, and create a new and improved version of
your affirmations about yourself. However, stick to what really feels good for you.
This will become your rock and foundation in the long haul.

If you cannot think of anything to say to yourself in the morning start with this, I
am a divine and powerful manifesting being. I am an Infinite Source of love,
friendliness, gentleness, abundance, eternal energy and I always make the right
choices with my life. This is a very magical phrase to repeat. We invite you to
say this religiously three times every morning out loud, proclaiming it to the entire
Universe while looking at yourself in the mirror. Then whisper it to yourself three
times in your mind as quietly as possible. Write your most empowering
affirmation statements and place them around the house which may something in
only a positive format like:

I now have the most amazing loving relationships in my life!
I have plenty of money coming in!
I am financially free and abundant!
I feel absolutely alive everyday!
I am in perfect health!
I am FULL of joyful thoughts and ideas everyday!
I absolutely LOVE my life!

You can also post these affirmations in the car, at the office, in the refrigerator,
and on the bathroom mirror! Print and cut them out to put anywhere you want,
like the steering wheel of your car. Here is the link again to download a few
affirmation signs to start with.

Creating a financial path of freedom is important to have, since it allows you to
relax deeper inside yourself knowing you are the master of money. Use a portion
of your precious morning time to affirm the money situation you want in your life.
Let yourself FEEL like you are as rich as a millionaire every morning! Allow
yourself to feel abundant and financially free, even if your back account says
otherwise. Proclaim to the entire Universe while looking at yourself in the mirror
each morning that you are financially abundant and free! Know that you are the
master of money. Let in the feelings of being secure, provided for, safe, healthy,
happy and financially free!

Our inner world mirrors our outer world, and one day you will experience true
financial freedom and see miraculous manifestations of money! So give your
body full permission to explore the sensations of DOING, BEING, and HAVING
more money and abundance than you have ever had in your entire life! Visualize
and feel that you are already where you want to be at financially. If you cannot
feel it, ask yourself what someone else feels like to be financially abundant and
imagine stepping into their shoes. Your greatest financial dreams manifest
instantly when you allow your body to indulge in the FEELINGS that your
greatest dreams have already been manifested!

When you can FEEL as if you have more than enough money, your mind
becomes free from obsessing about money. This is true financial freedom. The
more financially free you feel, the more you become a money magnet. Then you
can experience how FUN it is to pay your bills, buy expensive things, travel to
luxurious locations, and have an abundance left over! Remember, abundance is
our natural state of being. It is our connection with the divine God-Source. Once
this is discovered internally, it will manifest itself externally.

"Man can alter his life by altering his thinking."
~William James


After you get out of bed, the first movement you want to do is stretch into your
magical manifesting machine! Naturally and slowly stretch and extend your
arms, shoulders, legs, hips, back and reach for the sky! As you do this, let that
inner YES sink into every cell in your body. Always do yoga BEFORE you
touch your email, T.V, phone, coffee, a book, or anything else you may typically
start your day with. The original meaning of Yoga means union with Source, and
this connection will provide your life with profound energy, higher consciousness,
and feelings of empowerment and spiritual fulfillment.

Doing yoga is simply stretching deeply, BREATHING into your body and allowing
your mind to be silent. This will immediately bring your mind into the present
moment which will deepen your natural connection with the unlimited power of

Universe. When you make time each morning to stretch and relax into your
body, you are also stretching the potential manifesting energy of this amazing
manifesting vehicle you live in. When you really go deep into stretching your
body physically, you are also expanding mentally, emotionally and spiritually as
well. This will bring your bodyminds vibration into a highly expansive state that
will be able to manifest THE BIGGEST dreams and desires you have in your life!

Now here comes the fun part. Stand up and physically jump up and down and
yell, IM EXCITED!! Yes, jump up and down physically, emotionally, and
spiritually let yourself get outrageously EXCITED about this opportunity called
life! Let yourself go wild! Jump as high as you can with your arms extending up
out into the air, and leap off the ground as many times as you can handle it!
Jump as if you just won The Grand Lottery Jackpot!
Get excited because all your desires are manifesting for you!

"The more you praise and celebrate your life,
the more there is in life to celebrate." ~Oprah Winfrey

The greatest secret to this manifesting technique is that you are jumping for joy
thinking about your BIGGEST dreams have just manifested for you. The formula
is to visualize, feel excited and repeat. Let yourself expand and add to your
visualization with the feeling of absolute joy and excitement. Get as energetically
high as much as you possibly can! Remember that it is more important to FEEL
excited than just THINK exciting thoughts and not feel the energy that comes
with it. Give yourself full permission to feel extremely excited about EVERY
possibility happening in your life.

Physically jumping up and down with excitement is essential for your Manifesting
Vibration to grow. If you dont do this exercise, you wont see immediate results
in your life. Who cares about being embarrassed or making a fool out of
yourself whatever! Do you want to manifest your dreams or remain stuck for
the rest of your life? Jump for at least 15 seconds in a row or as long as you
can. Dont time yourself, or count the number of times you jumped since it
makes the technique lose its value. Just make sure that you are JUMPING
EVERY morning 6 days a week for 90 days in a row. Even after just a few weeks
of jumping for joy you will notice a dynamic shift and increase in your ability to
effortlessly manifest what you want. Now isnt this something worth jumping
about? You CAN do it!

Now, if you are in a situation where you absolutely cannot be outrageously loud
and jumping all the time, then just imagine that you are yelling, IM EXCITED!
IM EXCITED! IM EXCITED! WHOO-HOO!!! so that it echoes throughout your
internal world, reaching every cell throughout your entire bodymind. Smile from
ear to ear, make fists that scream YES, and extend your fingers as if they were
singing Halleluiah! Though your vocal cords may not make a sound, you can let

your body release the excitement! Yelling quietly in your mind what you are so
happy about is a magical way of communicating with the Universe what you
really want to manifest.

So how does jumping with excitement raise your Manifesting Vibration? Your
physiology mirrors your psychology; meaning that the very moment you find out
you just won the Grand Prize Lottery Jackpot, jumping up and down is exactly
what your body will want to be doing. In the world of manifesting we always start
with experiencing the end result first. If you want to manifest a million dollars,
you simply JUMP everyday as if you truly actually manifested it right now.

If its challenging for you to do this exercise it means you are starting your day in
some old psychologically exhausting way of saying to yourself, I have to, need
to, got to, supposed to, and should do xyzor else I wont get xyz! There is
ZERO excitement and passion with this meaningless low-grade approach to life.
If you are going to your job while mentally/emotionally slumped over, head
hanging down and eyes in the gutter, your Manifesting Vibration is about as
powerful as a slug in the Sahara desert. It is much easier step out of ANY
mental, physical, emotional and financial gutter when you are jumping for joy
HIGH into the air. The higher you can physically and emotionally jump, the more
powerful your Manifesting Vibration will become.

If you cant think of anything to jump for joy about, just do this exercise ANYWAY!
It will get you out of your energetic box and it just feels good to yell, IM
EXCITED! while flying weightless into the air for a few seconds everyday. Your
ego will probably be very resistant or embarrassed to do this exercise. Be aware
that being a slave to your ego is exactly what is causing all the suffering and
stuckness in your life. If you want freedom, abundance, love, enlightenment, do
this one exercise everyday for 90 days! Soon, the excitement (or laughter) will
be flooding in and before you know it everyone else will be joining you.
Excitement produces amazing manifestations and is VERY contagious. In a few
months your neighborhood will be hearing 150 people yelling IM EXCITED! all
the way down the street!

If you cannot find anything to be excited about in life, youll want to go back and
improve upon your Manifesting Agenda. Imagine the most exciting thing possible
that you can think of and write it down! Make it super exciting and then read it
out loud. If you still have trouble getting excited, you may need to fake it until
you make it. Pretend your greatest fantasy just came true until you have totally
transcended your resistance to absolute joy. You just got a phone call and they
had the MOST exciting news for you. Your life just changed for the better!
Everything just got sooooo amazing right now! I can see already you are starting
to grin from ear to ear.

Transcending Your Physical Limitations
It really isnt important what type of physical exercise you do everyday, just be
consistent. Do any bodily movement where you can break a sweat and also
enjoy doing it for 20 minutes in a row. Doing 20 minutes first thing in the
morning, 6 days a week is the secret to increasing your Manifesting Vibration.
Go for a PowerWalk, workout at the gym, ride a bike, jog, do the stair master,
push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, jump rope, or lift weights. You could also stay
at home and dance to your favorite music, do an aerobic exercise or yoga video.
As long as you are getting your heart and breath rate up you are doing good.
When you break a sweat you have arrived. Nirvana is just around the corner.

Exercising in the morning is better than afternoons or evenings. Studies show
people who exercise in the morning have an easier time staying physically fit
(and losing weight) because their metabolism remains higher throughout the day.
When you exercise in the morning, you will find that you have more energy,
alertness, and good feelings about yourself by the end of the day.

We are MUCH healthier with change, than without it. The right amount of
change creates a variety of experience, giving our lives creativity and
spontaneity. So, we recommend starting with 5-10 different exercises that you
enjoy (or could learn to enjoy), and alternating them as much as possible. A very
wise gas station attendant once told me in a freak 4 ft. snowstorm that change is
the spice of life, as he was handing me back $1.17 in change. It is amazing how
the Universe is always teaching you when you are open to change

If you are like many people and have difficulty even getting motivated to put on
any kind of running shoe, you might think about what are the consequences of
how you will feel at the end of the day (or year) if you dont do any exercise at all.
Imagine what your face would look like in a mirror if you stayed in great physical
shape for the entire year? Start now by saying NO to any excuse that will
postpone you from cheating yourself out of creating a perfectly fit healthy
bodymind that you will love! Exercise is MANDATORY for raising your vibration.
It is bar none, one of the best energy lifters and stress relievers available. It
clears out the cobwebs in your mind and frees you from worry and anxiety. This
is why we recommend that you exercise BEFORE you meditate. It also releases
emotional tensions held in your chest, back, shoulders, and belly. Boosting your
physical vibration raises your overall receptivity to the higher Manifesting

If you really want to experience a MAJOR energetically shift, push your body to
its limit for 15-60 seconds each time you exercise. This may look like a 30
second spike of extra effort, intensity and energy during your workout routine.
For instance, if you jog for 20 minutes, you would sprint for 30 seconds a few
times during the workout. Remember, if you cant hear yourself breathing, you
are not really exercising. On a side note, heart problems are always the bodys

way of telling you need to slow down, take it easy and practice letting love in your
relationships. Reaching for your bodys maximum threshold will help you break
through old thinking habits and feeling that prohibit your Manifesting Vibration
from growing. These bursts of extra energy will stretch your bodymind free from
its past energetic limitations. If you never ever push yourself, you eventually
flatten out, stagnate energetically, and your manifesting potentiality begins to
plummet. Is having a life you absolutely LOVE worth 30 seconds here and there
of extra intense effort to you? Check it out! Spiking your exercise is very
powerful and the results are real.

If you ever feel faint, dizzy, or severe pain when exercising, it is your bodys way
of telling you to STOP, relax and slow down. Sit down and relax for a few
minutes, and go deep inside. Find the quietness and stillness inside, then start
moving again. The purpose of exercise is to get your energy moving towards its
peak, not to push yourself off the edge. Life is more energizing when you stay
present to the journey thats happening, not some future destination. Remember
in the largest perspective, there is no finish line. There is NO need to rush and
hurry to get to the goal. The journey is the destination.

Whatever you do, do NOT get on some super strict regimented, I have to
workout with XYZ on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday schedule. Instead, make
a deeper commitment to taking care of your body and really listen to what type of
exercise your body needs each day. Maybe it just wants to do a yoga video,
PowerWalk and 150 sit-ups. The locked up I have to motivation routines
usually only last a few moons and then we are back to feeling stuck again. Learn
how to explore variety and try something new. Doing the same exact exercise
over and over for months and years at a time is harmful to the body. Pay
attention to your body! Do what your body wants to do, not what your Ego wants
(which is a cozy couch and a pint of ice cream). Imagine how you would really
like to feel energetically after your day is done.

If you are really sick and tired of the size, shape and weight of the body you are
living in, and are ready to totally transform your body into something fit, there are
some amazing pictures you must see. Check out the before and after pictures
on Bill Phillips website: There are also some free
download sheets to give structure to your workout routine as well as a million
dollar give-a-way for the most transformed body in 90 days! If you are happy
with your body as it is, we still recommend that you at least go check out this
website and see what is actually possible for ANY human body to transform in
only 90 days. It is incredible and amazing what people have done.

You do not need a super-fit Olympic athletic Arnold Schwarzenegger type body
to be a more powerful manifestor. However, a fit and trim body is less prone to
being tired, lazy, and unmotivated. A fit and trim body tends to have a higher
Manifesting Vibration than an overweight body, just because it has more energy
and stamina. The physical exercise in this routine will get your into better

physical shape, and essentially give you more energy. The routine is mainly to
get you OUT of your head and INTO your body which is the foundation of your
manifesting machine. Since exercise boosts your energy levels, it naturally
makes you more easily excited and energetically jazzed about your dreams
manifesting themselves. Exercise also wipes the mind clean of yesterdays
worries, and todays cobwebs, allowing you to relax deeper inside your physical
body. When your blood circulation and breath rate are accelerated, you raise
your bodys bioelectric energetic output, thus boosting your vibration and overall
manifesting potential energy.

Dream Dialoging: The Manifesting Component to Exercise
Do you ever wonder what to do with your mind while you exercise? Your mind
has to focus on something while you exercise so instead of thinking about how
much pain youre in, use your mind constructively to increase your Manifesting
Vibration. Dream Dialoging is the most powerful positive way to cultivate a
magical manifesting mindset (if needed you can re-read the later part of Chapter
2 for a refresher on this amazing manifesting technique). This makes exercise
fun, exciting and enjoyable. By integrating your Dream Dialog with exercise you
are flooding your body with life-affirming positive neuro-chemicals while getting in
shape! The more physically active you are while positively affirming what you
want, the deeper those messages are registered in your bodys cellular memory.
Its a win-win situation!

Do Dream Dialoging out loud to yourself while you PowerWalk, jog, workout at
the gym, hike, bike, roller-blade, or are doing yoga. For most people we
recommend doing Dream Dialoging while you PowerWalk. A Dream Dialog
PowerWalk is where you walk powerfully as if nothing could stop you, affirming
your desires have just manifested, while moving your arms and legs
triumphantly! This physically integrates each affirmation in an empowering way.
If you want to increase your aerobic workout, just carry 3 to 5 lbs weights or full
water bottles while swinging your arms as high as they can go! You can practice
Dream Dialoging as you walk around the block, through a park, or on a trail. Just
get out of your house and move your body powerfully. Before you know it, youll
soon fall in love with exercising!

We HIGHLY recommend that you find a Dream Dialoging partner to do your
PowerWalks with. Now this is a life changing exercise experience! It is truly
amazing what a Dream Dialoging partner can do to shift your life and your
vibration. Every manifestor has some kind of support system to help make his or
her vision feel real. You deserve one too! So on your next PowerWalk invite
someone to come with you! Then you and your partner both walk confidently
forward, taking 10-15 minutes each to talk out loud about your greatest dreams
as if they just happened last night! Its super fun and will create a powerful
relationship with them. Just remember to always talk about your manifestations
in the past tense as if they happened last week, yesterday, or even 10 minutes
ago! Whatever you do, STAY OUT of the future tense with this exercise.

Thinking about your goals manifesting in the future will make your body tense
and less of a manifesting machine. We want the body to relax into the feeling of
experiencing the end result right now.

Heres an example of a powerful Dream Dialog people have done around weight
loss: "Its soooo great to be back to my original weight of 125 lbs! The last two
months were incredible because it was easy and fun to workout and release that
extra 25 lbs of weight! Yesterday, an old friend saw me at the store and she
could not believe her eyes! She said that I looked like a movie star! I felt really
proud of myself! My spouse was so excited to see me last night we could barely
keep our hands off each other! Thank you Universe! I love my body! Life is
sooooo AMAZING!!"

Your partners job is to be agreeing with everything you say and is truly excited
for you! Their role is to entice the Dialoguer to dive deeper into their fantasy by
asking for specific details about the experience. Your Dream Dialoging partner
asks questions and makes comments like, What was that like? So, howd you
do that? Whats the secret? Thats awesome! I am sooooo excited for
you! What was your favorite part about that experience? Your partners job is
also to monitor the Dream Dialoguers language, making sure they stay OUT of
the future and are only using the past tense.

If your partner is on vacation, you can always Dream Dialog with yourself. Doing
it quietly in your head doesnt work as well as verbally out loud. Just let yourself
go deep into the land of make-believe, and imagine your Dream Dialoging
Partner is right there listening. Tell them all the amazing new things that have
occurred in your life! You may want to pretend that you entered your own
personal Disneyland for adults and are the star of the show!

If it is too cold to get outside and breathe in the crisp fresh air, do some form of
exercise inside and Dream Dialog your life away! Do whatever you feel like
doingjust move the body. Some form of exercise is mandatory at least 6 days
a week if you want to see any results with this part of the manifesting routine.
The only exception is if you are sick or have a job that involves 6-8 hours of
intense physical labor a day. Just commit to doing anything that will move your
body and get your heart rate and breath-rate up for at least 20 minutes.

Listening to self-help audiotapes or inspirational music is a tremendous
vibrational asset for reprogramming your mind and making life more enjoyable.
We recommend listening to music that contains ONLY positive, celebrative, joyful
or inspirational lyrics. Choose wisely, if they are not conscious, empowering and
totally uplifting your soul, then dont listen to them. Eventually find inspirational
music that resonates with you. When youve had your fill of Dream Dialoging,
here are a few alternative ways you can integrate a positive mindset into your
morning exercise routine.

1. Record a tape of your Dream Dialog or positive affirmations, and listen to
it while you exercise.

2. Listen to an inspirational motivational talk while working out.

3. Read an empowering book while working out on your favorite exercise

4. Do any of the manifesting visualizations or meditations while exercising.

Weve listed many of the most empowering, inspirational, and spiritually
educational audio books for you to explore on our website at this link: If you want some
new music that is healing to your soul, here is an artist we feel has some of the
most positive affirming messages we have ever heard put to music. You can
PowerWalk, dance, and even jog to music found at: However, our absolute favorite musicians of all
time have to be Miten and Deva Premal. You can listen to many of their amazing
songs at

Take into account that great love and great achievements
involve great risk. ~The Dalai Lama


By now I hope its obvious that the greatest cornerstone of The 8 Habits
Manifesting Routine is creating a relationship with the all-powerful divine
manifesting being that you are. After you are done exercising, stretch your body
a little bit more. This helps the muscles to rebuild themselves, and get rid of
lactic acid so you dont feel sore the next day. Sitting down with legs extended,
reach for your toes, lean your forehead towards your knees, when you feel the
stretch relax deeper into it and breathe for at least 10 inhalations and
exhalations. Stretch other muscles that need it until you feel really soft and
limber, then find your sacred meditation spot. Sit silently for at least 20 minutes
minimum of pure stillness, and inner relaxation.

You will make this connection stronger by practicing a quiet mind throughout your
day, and sitting very still while on your sacred meditation seat. Think of this as
your personal one-on-one time with your own Divine Presence. You will discover
the all-intelligent, powerful spiritual energy that is inside all things, and
consciously create contact with this Universal Source. It is a sacred time for you
to acknowledge, appreciate, feel connected to, and explore a higher vibration
and all-loving intelligence. Practicing being quiet, still and silently present to your

own Divine Presence is what will increase your Manifesting Vibration in
exponential ways.

To be guaranteed that your Manifesting Vibration grows, it is vitally important that
you sit in this deep stillness for a minimum of 20 minutes a day, six days a week.
It is more important to practice sitting silently in the morning than any other time
of day, and is even better after exercising. In the mornings, a quiet relaxed mind
is much easier to experience AFTER a hard workout rather than before one.
After a good workout your mind/ego is naturally tired and off duty, so the
tendency is to allow you to sink to a deeper level of relaxation.

If you wish to see phenomenal results, sit for at least 20 minutes in meditation
each evening before going to bed. Meditate at a time in the evenings when you
have the most energy and alertness. This is usually between an hour after
dinner or an hour before bedtime. If you are a beginner, it may take you 20
minutes to quiet your mind, so be patient with yourself and this experience. You
WILL find inner peace and stillness with practice!

Feel free to choose any style of meditation that truly brings more peace into your
heart. Trust your instincts and go with what feels best. Let your daily practice
happen organically and naturally. Guided meditations can be powerful, yet save
those for a time when you want to focus your mind on a goal. This spiritual
connection time only happens when your mind is not in gear. It occurs naturally
when the mind is completely unfocused, and you are resting in your own simple
sweet Divine Presence. Remember, meditation is how we consciously rest in our
innermost being. It satisfies the desperate and eternally searching mind so you
can relax and open up to those higher super-conscious vibrations! The frequent
you practice, the more powerful youll become. The mind becomes more
creative and able to stay focused when it has had many weeks of meditation
behind it.

To master the True Meditative state (as described in Chapter 7), you may first
need to experience a visualization, mantra, breathing technique or external
focusing point to eventually quiet your mind. The True Meditative state is VERY
powerful, and will lead to instant manifestations. Simply having no mind chatter
enables you to fully access the infinite manifesting intelligence and power already
within the core of your being. The key to mastering your mind is consistency.
Sitting in silence, being deeply relaxed in the body, and relaxing deeper into the
present moment may take you months or years to master. However, the moment
you find it youll understand that this is something you could enjoy bathing in all
day long.

The whole science of meditation is nothing but centering,
moving towards the center, getting rooted there, abiding there.
And from there the whole perspective changes. ~Osho

The best way to prepare yourself for a powerful meditation is while you are
entering the home stretch of your 20-minute workout routine. Prep yourself
mentally and emotionally by slowing down for at least 5 minutes at the end of
your workout. Think of it as if you were down-shifting the gears on a car to come
to a complete stop. During these few minutes, start letting go of the mind and
what its attached to. Prepare yourself to let go of EVERYTHING in your life, and
dive into the meditation technique you have chosen! This way you are priming
your inner manifesting engines! Just as you need to pump the gas pedal on an
old car before you start it, you are priming your bodymind to drop into a profound
meditative space.

Most people think that manifesting happens when the mind is active and
engaged. The truth is manifesting happens when the mind is silent and non-
attached. This downshifting will work extremely well for reaching optimal depth
and silence within your innermost being. Soon you will find that your mind will
stop automatically on its own, when the idea of downshifting comes in. Before
you know it, youll be dropping into incredibly powerful states of profound silence
with effortless ease.

For the most powerful meditation experience, its important to repetitively sit in
your same sacred meditation space. This builds the vibration youre your
previous sitting, and accumulates a vibrational tendency to have a spontaneous
natural meditative experience. The 2
thing is to sit as if you were going to
remain in that one spot for the next 10 hours. Prepare your body by stretching it
before and after you sit. If you are on a strict time schedule, set a timer since this
can help you relax and let go of watching the clock. Do anything you can to have
a worry-free, timeless, relaxing and truly spacious experience to enjoy
connecting with the all-powerful vibrational being in your inner world.

If you have a mind that never seems to stop, youll want something to attach the
mind to. There are an infinite number of vehicles you could use to arrive at the
palace of pure unlimited potentiality. Whatever technique quiets your mind is the
one that works for you! You will find, like anything you practice and stick with,
you will get better the more frequent you use it. Once you find the silence space
using one technique, we recommend staying with it for at least 30-45 days. You
will go deeper into it and learn how to drop into a meditative state of being with
total confidence and amazing speed.

"You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and
listen. You need not even listen, simply wait. You need not even
wait, just learn to become quiet, still and solitary. The world will
freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice. It will roll
in ecstasy at your feet." ~Franz Kafka

You might want to start by simply focusing the mind to where the source of
consciousness is emanating from inside you. This technique serves like a taxi
ride to transport you into your blissful innermost being. Like any taxi ride, you
leave the cab when you arrive at your destination. You will know you have
arrived when there is a deep silence at the core of your natural ordinary

Arriving at a peaceful, centered, and silent mind may take you minutes, hours,
days, weeks, months or years. It all depends on three little factors. The first
factor is how deeply you are attached (or resisting) the many thoughts, feelings
and concepts swirling around inside you. The second factor is how curious and
open you are in exploring the unknown realms of your mind. The third factor is
the level of desire, intention, and commitment you have to being free from your

No matter where you are in your inner journey, the most important thing is to
remain present to what is happening right now. Taming wild insane horses takes
courage, awareness and deep devotion. Just remember that you can manifest
anything you want if you have enough patience and time.

Chances are high that when you sit for 20 minutes your mind will wander
ferociously unless you are a profound meditation master. It may seem to be very
busy inside your mind. Do not be concerned. This too shall pass. Ive found
reading anything you can find about meditation is very helpful in getting you to
practice it. The more you know about what it is and different ways to access it,
the more likely youll find time for it. This happens to be one of my first books I
absolutely love about meditation. Breath Sweeps Mind by Jean Smith. Read
more about this wonderful book at this link:

As you get into the habit of meditating, your body will learn how to relax naturally
on its own. Just practice being with whatever state of energy, emotion, mental
obsession, or attitude you are currently dealing with. The more you can honestly
allow these blocked resistant energies to be what they are, the quicker they tend
to naturally disappear. The secret is to release all judgment about your
meditation experience and trust whatever experience you have is the right
experience. The manifesting power surges when you find absolute peace with
everything that is inside you. Through the practice of allowing, you will find the
deepest places of compassion, joy and love for your life!

"Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater
than the fear of letting go." ~ Spencer Johnson


Everyday, for at least 5 minutes, flood your consciousness with material that is
positive, uplifting, and inspirational. Take in information that will enhance your
experience of inner peace and well-being on the planet. Read and/or listen to
anything in the self-help section of the bookstore that keeps your mind thinking
positively about life. Listen only to positive affirmation messages, self-
improvement audios, and/or resources of enlightened information that you feel
open and expand your being. We have created an extensive reading list of the
most enlightening materials that you can purchase on the Internet. Check it out
our long list of Enlightening Reading Material at this link:

Reading highly inspirational and soul healing material generates a flow of
positive thinking about your Universe. This helps you to open up energetically,
so you can relax and receive the life you want. If you have no clue where to
begin on our list above, here are two of our favorite life transformational
manifesting books! The first amazing book is called, Creative Visualization by
Shakti Gawain, and can be found at this link: The
book is, Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn.
Reading just 5 minutes a day will stimulate and re-awaken that part of you that
may feel dead or asleep.

Your attitude is 90% responsible for the success you experience in your life. If
you tune into only positive inspirational material consistently for 90 days, your
mind will automatically re-generate more positive thoughts, feelings and
experiences throughout the day. This makes you less resistant for allowing
good things to occur! Just see what happens inside you if you feed your mind
for 48 hours with information that is ONLY from positive uplifting sources. You
can have any attitude you want at anytime AND it is easier to create when you
are consistently being impregnated by positive information and inspirational
energy. Because we are already such highly sensitive, impressionable beings, if
you wish to have positive experiences on your inner world, start tuning into that
same positive energy in your outer world! You can have a positive attitude about
your life everyday NO MATTER WHAT happens! The secret is to remember that
you are already an infinite soul that will never die, and you are living in a body
that is connected to an all-powerful intelligent manifesting Source that can
manifest anything you desire!

Recording an Affirmation Tape
A tremendously powerful tool for raising your consciousness and increasing your
vibration is to make your own affirmation and self-appreciation tape. How do you
do this? First, write down all the attributes you think others may appreciate about
you, along with what YOU appreciate about you. Include everything you want to

affirm within yourself that will create a powerful loving life that you love. If you
cannot find anything worthy, then make something up that feels good when you
read it! Next, write down the most important affirmations in the PRESENT
TENSE describing who you want to be, what you want to do, have and
experience. While recording, read each statement with confidence and love in
your voice. Recite it several times in the first, second and third person. For

I am a powerful manifesting being.
You are a powerful manifesting being Margot.
Margot is a powerful manifesting being.

Record your affirmations in a slow relaxing voice, and pause for 5-7 seconds
after each affirmation. This allows the information to sink into your subconscious
mind deeper and easier. You also want to have a genuine happy feeling inside
while reading your affirmations. Really feel these messages in your heart as you
are reading them. The deeper the connection feels with the affirmation when
recording it, the easier it will be to listen to the tape and reconnect with that
feeling again in your body. Create your tape in a way that brings a sense of
lightness and creativity into your heart, and feels FUN! When you record with a
joyful, open, and appreciative energy, that energetic vibration will be recorded
too! Then listening to your tape becomes an easy way to find inspiration,
empowerment, and is something you can enjoy returning to for years to come.

Listen to your tape again and again until you are living it! We recommend
reading, listening to, and feeling these affirmations for at least 45 consecutive
days in order to implant these powerful, life-enhancing messages deep into your
subconscious mind. You will find that random positive thoughts about yourself
bubble up when you least expect it! Spend any extra time you have in your car,
working out, or before sleeping listening to your tape. This is the most effective
and efficient way to reprogram years of negative thinking.

If you want to experience a list of the most empowering, magical and mind
expansive affirmations, we have created an e-book called, Affirmations to
Manifest an Awakened, Empowered and Abundant Life. This e-book contains
over 300 enlightening, inspirational and transformational thoughts. It will teach
you how to eliminate negative thinking with a unique approach that is truly
enlightening and fun. If you havent yet experienced this affirmation e-book, you
can download it at the following link: The following
are a few affirmations from the e-book that will help you relax inside yourself and
discover deeper inner peace.

The Universe is a safe and loving place.

I choose only thoughts that give me peace.

I am at peace with myself, the world and everyone in it.

To some extent, conformity is insanity.
~ John Nash, "A Beautiful Mind"

Drop Your Attachment to the Media
Do you really want to learn how to manifest miracles? Then unplug your T.V. for
the next 90 days and more! When the outer T.V. goes off, your magical inner
visualization T.V. turns on! In fact, the incessant accumulation of insignificant
information that your mind absorbs from radio, T.V, emails, newspapers, gossip,
and other distracting sources will overload any clear functioning mindset and
lower your Manifesting Vibration. Dropping all media input may seem like a
radical commitment, yet it is microscopic in comparison to becoming the master
your reality. Did you know that every night when you sleep your mind has to take
MASSIVE extra energy to process out all this extraneous information, invasive
commercials, repetitive advertisements, fast harsh visuals, and mentally
addictive messages so it can reboot and be clear to receive new information the
following morning. It is truly an AMAZING experience to be free from the media.
After you experience an absolute media cleanse for even 3 weeks you will be
able to see and know your own divinity. The divine mind you naturally have will
reinitiate its cosmic power, and your sacred imagination will finally have a blank
canvas to paint your lifes dream upon.

Watching television weakens your minds creativity muscles, which deadens your
manifesting powers. Even the background noise of having it on prevents you
from remaining relaxed and peaceful in your body. The images that flash on the
screen can come so fast (like the flickering light in a florescent bulb) they actually
cause the brain to go into a hypnotic trance and stop you from being consciously
creative and ALIVE! This eventually leads to the deterioration of your
brain.bad news! Commercials make you think happiness is attained from
acquiring something in the outer world, while your poor inner world is left dry and
unfulfilled without their product. Have you ever noticed how dead and empty you
feel after watching hours of TV? Turn it off! It is time to get off your butt, take the
risk to be more alive, and retire your T.V! I bet youll find that you have sooooo
much extra time to start manifesting your life dream.

Of course, there are a few T.V. programs that are truly uplifting, inspirational, and
educational. Yet, the time you spend focused on their message is time taken
away from visualizing your personal dream life manifesting into reality! You are
wasting your precious time here on Earth watching other people manifest their
dreams. Isnt the greatest reward of life manifesting YOUR dream? Is it worth
more than seeing your favorite show again and again? Re-prioritize your time.
Focus your energy ONLY on your life, your dream, and feeling, seeing and
knowing it is manifesting! Eventually you will see it come to life! You may find

its actually quite soothing and healing to be free from the buzzing noise of this
energy sucking tube. Who knows, you might meet some amazing new friends or
really enjoy hanging out with yourself!

"The greatest gifts in life are the friends you have." ~Veeresh

Your Ideal Social Agenda
When we live with a healthy balance of time spent within our own cave and out
socializing in the world, something magical happens with our energy. We
experience quantum leaps in our vibration and intimately learn about ourselves,
our Ego trip, and what an amazing person we truly are! It is very important to
connect with other people intimately and have a social life. People are our
greatest mirrors, and reflect back what we most need to see, understand, and
learn about ourselves. Weve found that there is an optimum structure for
allocating your time spent connecting and socializing with other people. Ideally,
throughout each month, you want to spend 1/3 of your time alone, 1/3 with
another, and 1/3 with a group of two people or more. We say ideally, since it
may be unrealistic and pure torture to try and meet these requirements exactly to
the minute of each week. Instead, adopt this as a fantastic social formula to
shoot towards to create an amazing inner and outer balance in your life.

Spending 1/3 Time Alone
It is vital that you create a sacred time for yourself to be alone every day. Alone
time is for you to meditate, read, write and explore who you are more intimately.
This aloneness can bring an awesome state of inner peace to your life. Early
mornings and evenings can be the best times, since many people are not awake
yet. Practice exploring feelings that arise inside your body. Notice what are the
sensations you are feeling? What stories from your past are they referring to?
This is a time for you to connect with, heal, and give love to yourself! It is good to
consciously look at your past and remember the most inspiring, dramatic, and
amazing experiences you have had. What are those key experiences you feel
have formed you into who you are today? Remain curious as you explore
yourself, and always create the space to relax into a more profound acceptance
of who you are and what your life has been about so far.

Alone time is always sacred when you are fully experiencing and mindful of
exactly what it is that you are doing. If you are washing dishes, feel the warm
water and slippery soap gliding through your hands. Listen to the sounds the
water makes. Be present to your experience, whatever it is. The more present
you can be, the greater you will naturally raise your manifesting frequency. An
open heart and a relaxed body are MUCH easier to achieve when you are in the
present moment in your body. Simply be present to whatever activity you are
experiencing, even if you are constantly rummaging around old memories up in
your head.

Being alone while deeply relaxed and in the present moment INSTANTLY
connects you with the vast infinite Divine Presence (who you really are), which
cannot experience suffering. This is much more challenging to find in a group of
people since their thoughts, energies and intentions will be pulling at you from
every angle. If you have difficulty being alone, then its time to celebrate! You
have met your Mt. Everest. Intentionally spend time with yourself, it will be one
of the most empowering things youll ever do. Consciously choose to make time
in your day to be alone and connect deeper with your innermost essence. Break
through the fear and illusion of being separate from others, and spend an entire
weekend alone! It can be the most freeing and healing experience youve ever

Loneliness can only happen when your mind is obsessing about the other, and
becomes attached to some imaginary fantasy idea about them. The mind
believes that they are happy, dancing, laughing and having a great time.
Longing for someone or dreaming about the good ole days is simply saying that
the infinite loving Universal Source is not here now. This is the greatest lie
youve ever been pulled into. If you still think your life used to be better than
what is here now, you are missing the point. The past is dead, and the future is
yet to come. What is here now is what is real, magical and powerful. Holding
onto yesterday only makes you feel more dead today! Reconnect with your
innermost Source again, and youll discover a feeling of peace, oneness and
aliveness again. Connecting with the Divine Presence instantly makes being
alone a positive healing experience, instead of wandering lost for years in
illusions of loneliness.

Spending 1/3 Time Intimately with Another
Choose to connect with and be socially, emotionally and physically intimate with
one special person in your life throughout each week. It may be the same
person everyday for many weeks, months, and years, or perhaps a fresh new
person everyday. Explore what level of intimacy feels right for you for that
particular day. Yet, reach out past your boundaries, go beyond your fear of
rejection and energetically connect deeply with their innermost being. At first you
may feel resistance and deny doing this exercise, yet this is your ego blocking
you from experiencing love...decide to PUSH through! Focus on what its like to
create a deeper, trusting, honoring and sacred healing connection. Transcend
those societal belief systems from your past that say being physically intimate in
public is wrong. Doesnt it make you relax and feel free inside when you see two
people in love, gazing into each others eyes while holding hands in public? Just
doing this exercise once a week with someone will support your desire to be alive
more than you know.

It just feels satisfying to the soul to connect with people. You start to adopt those
positive qualities that you see in them, and would like to cultivate more fully
within you. Choose people who are generally positive, fun-loving, light-hearted
about life, and have a sense of humor. They will be easier to connect with and

help you feel more naturally excited about your life. If you do not know someone
who fits this description, it is time to get out of your mini social pool and take a
swim in the vast ocean. Who knows you may find that perfect goldfish spinning
about in your communitys social fishbowl. The challenge and opportunity here is
for you to stir up a new conversation with anyone, and start creating an intimate,
honest, and authentic connection with them.

The fastest way to make a new friend is to ask sincere questions about their life
and be genuinely interested in what they have to say. In time, they will return
that same interest in you. If they dont, and they can only talk about themselves,
tell them what you are experiencing with them. If they are still wrapped up in
themselves, and refuse to soften and open up with you, let them go free from
your life. There are soooo many wonderful fish in the ocean! If you feel an
imbalance in the ratio of talking versus listening in any relationship, gently bring it
to their attention. This radical, honest approach will do more for you long term
than hiding and pretending you are enjoying the relationship.

A large part of feeling successful as a human being is having honest, healing,
supportive, loving friendships. Sharing your natural ability of loving another
human being may be one of the most fulfilling experiences you will ever have.
Take a monumental risk today, let go and let yourself really love someone. If you
feel blocked and need help, flip to Chapter 11 and do all the relationship
exercises in there. If you still feel totally stuck after completing these exercises,
we suggest a one-on-one healing session over the phone with us to release this
deep personal block. Please refer to our websites at the end of the book if you
wish to experience a healing session.

Now if youve been with someone for years and they are a complaint-a-holic or
insanely negative about you and everything in the world, ask them gently to focus
on what they want instead of what they dont want. Be curious if they change,
never demand someone to change. This will only make them think they are deep
in the pit of stuckness. If this person does not want to focus on what they want
and will not keep this commitment, then let them go from your life. This may
seem totally radical, yet it will communicate to them that they need to look inside
themselves and reevaluate everything. This can create the most constructive
proactive state of being theyve ever experienced in their life. There are billions
of other people on this planet, why choose to remain feeling stuck with one that
isnt loving, kind and gentle with you? Choose your relationships based on how
you feel about yourself when you are with them, or if youd like to be as spiritually
evolved as they are in 5 years from now. If they can make you laugh, open your
mind, or make your heart sing in any way, give them permission to be a great
companion for the rest of your life!

We have found the attitudes and energetic vibrations of those we choose to
associate with greatly impact each of our Manifesting Vibrations. Increasing your
Manifesting Vibration depends greatly on having healthy boundaries with yourself

and others. Your job is not to be an energetic doormat for people to wipe their
feet upon. If you consistently feel taken advantage of by people, it means you
are caught in the victim game and attached to the poor me ego trip. The
solution is to be rebellious and open your heart wider so you can let in all those
positive thinking, enlightening beings out there in this world! If you have trouble
meeting a high vibrational being, its because your energy is wrapped up in some
negativity about your life. Simply do the 8 habits routine to raise your frequency
and you will attract someone on this higher vibration. There are more
enlightening people in your community than you may be aware of. There are
always new people moving in, and you havent been intimate with everybody in
your country yet, have you?

Spending 1/3 Time with a Group
Group energy is a VERY powerful tool for raising your vibration, especially when
the common agreement is made that each individual is perfect just as they are,
and free to express themselves as needed. It is a time to be FREE to explore
yourself with others and express yourself as the kind of person you want to be! It
is vitally important that there is no judgment of any individuals in your group and
everyone is supportive of each others awakening process and life journey. This
means you dont take responsibility for anyones experience or feelings. If
someone is having a breakdown, let them have that experience so that they can
take responsibility and change the experience they are creating. There may
soon come a time when you drop into playing the victim game and need the quiet
loving support of others to help you look inside yourself and transform your
negative pattern.

Meeting as a group strengthens your vibration collectively as well as supports the
overall vibration of the individual. It creates more mental and emotional stability
for you to take your Manifesting Vibration to the next level. The group dynamic is
there for you to explore the many parts of yourself and allow you to impact the
world energetically with your inspirational presence. Join or create a group that
will challenge you, engage with you, and inspire you to be totally radical and
outgoing in this world. You also want a group that is inwardly focused,
meditative, and into quieting the mind chatter. A group that contains these polar
opposites creates more maturity, a deeper dimension to your being, and as well
as keeping psychological doctors far away. This radical outgoing aspect merged
with the quiet serene meditator is like embodying a combination of Zorba the
Greek (a wild party animal) and the Enlightened Buddha. Any group who
supports the merging of these two extremes is someone you want to hang out
with more often.

Create your own Manifesting Meditation Group
Make the commitment to create your own weekly manifesting group! This is an
AMAZING way to increase everybodys vibration!! The group will be devoted to
getting together once or twice a week with 2 or more people who are open to

raising their consciousness and Manifesting Vibration. The main purpose for
meeting is to practice Dream Dialoging, quieting the mind through meditation,
and connecting with people to deepen empowering and supportive relationships.

When picking your groups members, choose wisely, for they may be with you for
a long time. We recommend choosing people who are the most genuine, light-
hearted, open-minded, and devoted to their spiritual growth. Choose those who
excite you and are also relaxing for you to be around. Pick people who are more
likely to become inspirational rather than critical, and will create more enthusiasm
than lethargy in the group. With this honest, open, supportive group dynamic,
everyone will experience an increase in their energy and vibration.

Start off the group with a sharing circle where each person has a chance to
share what is going on in their life. Place a candle in the center of the circle with
a rock or talking stick (symbol) next to it. Whoever picks up and is holding the
symbol is the ONLY person who gets to speak about their life for the next 3-5
minutes. Silence is an amazing healer for the speaker and listening to others talk
can be just as enlightening as sharing. Like a mini weather report, this is a time
for each person to check inside and share what is going on. When each person
is finished speaking, they place the symbol back into the center for the next
person to pick up when they feel moved to speak. This silent (no feedback)
format allows you to find those real answers inside yourself, instead of being
bombarded by everyone giving unwanted advice to you.

After the sharing circle is completed, it is time for the weekly-appointed leader to
start the Dream Dialoging session. Allow at least 7 minutes per person to talk
about their Dream, while everyone jumps in spontaneously with questions and
catalyzing comments. After everyone has had a turn Dream Dialoging, the
leader gets to lead the meditation of their choice. The meditation could be as
simple as sitting silently being with what is or anything that brings the mind into
the present moment such as dancing, chanting a mantra, or focusing on the
breath. We have even done meditations on the experience of impermanence,
which after 15 minutes leaves you feeling an absolute reverence for everything
that is here now.

We recommend changing leaders each week so that EVERYONE gets a chance
to facilitate whatever meditation they want. We rotate alphabetically on a first
name basis to keep it easy. This changing of leadership creates an alive,
dynamic energy in the group that can keep the group alive for years! Otherwise
the group energy can become imbalanced and stifled. If one person is always
leading, they can experience too much pressure to perform and never have the
chance to fully relax into the meditations. Furthermore, the members can also
feel a lack of control, become bored, stop actively participating, or become lazy.
Rotating leadership in alphabetical order on a first name basis is a great solution
to knowing who gets to lead the group next week.

If you are accustomed to feeling lost, out of place, or disconnected in a group of
people, focus on how grateful you are to be able to connect with other people
about this experience called life. Your fear of opening up and speaking in front of
many people will fade with time. Just be you. You will eventually feel a sense of
freedom, pleasure, and peacefulness inside. The group consciousness always
has a way of supporting each member with what they need to experience even
when we do not agree with what is happening. Like being in a school of fish, let
the group guide everyone in the direction it most wants to go. It has a life of its

"To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine
in every moment of your life." ~ Chogyam Trungpa


Emotion is the vibrational energy and actual power behind your Manifesting
Vibration. Just look at the word E-motion. It stands for Energy in motion!
Thoughts and emotions arise within us simultaneously, and when we allow for
ourselves to FEEL what we are experiencing (whatever it may be), it takes our
vibration to a whole new level. Experience = Thought + Feeling. If you hold back
on the feeling, you detract from your overall experience! Diving into and fully
exploring each experience is the greatest way to open up and enhance your
entire bodymind vibration.

Make the commitment to start feeling the emotions you have not allowed yourself
to feel! Those who cry hard, laugh hard. If you hold back from feeling something
deeply negative, it becomes equally difficult to experience great joy, love or bliss.
Take the risk and experience your LIFE fully. Let go of being in control of your
feelings all the time! This opens up your bodyminds energy valves and expands
your overall energetic state. Of course, this does not mean you should verbally
express every negative feeling that arises to other people. Like a boomerang,
what you throw out always comes back. There is a much more enlightened way
of dealing with our inner junk. Heres how you go about it.

For every minute you are angry, you lose
sixty seconds of happiness. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

When a situation triggers you emotionally, allow yourself to experience the
feelings that arise and just sit with them. Consciously breathe and relax into and
through them. Ask yourself if this is something you would like someone else to
throw back onto you? If yes, then express it. If not, breathe deeper into it and
feel where it is physically registering in your body. Notice the sensations that are
present and breathe into this space. Be aware of the thoughts, judgments and
images related to this feeling, let them go, and stick to relaxing into the very core

of the feeling! If you feel like a volcano that is ready to burst and cannot contain
your emotions, take 10 deep breaths and imagine that you are taking 3 giant
steps back from the situation until you feel safe and calm. Visualize anything that
makes you feel at peace or enhances your inner calm. If you are in a highly
charged situation, it is also good to physically walk away. This allows you to
detach from expressing your feelings and opens up the space to experience

When relating with people at home or work, take time to feel and connect with
them. Be open and connected with the people you live, work, and commute with,
including those who sell you food at your local supermarket! Break out of any
tight, cold, emotionally protected patterns you may be in. Take the risk to
express yourself emotionally with everyone from a centered conscious place. It
will melt your Egos walls and keep your Ego from defending itself against
illusionary enemies (judgments) which it has invented in the outer world. This
opens up your Manifesting Vibration in enormous ways!

Let yourself physically and emotionally touch others and be touched by others.
Give and receive more physical contact with other human beings over the next
three months than you have in your entire life! Gently touch people randomly
while talking with them. Let them know through your touch that you are listening
and that you care. Always connect with people by looking them in the eyes when
in dialog.

Give and receive three hugs everyday minimum! Give hugs generously and
spontaneously. When you meet someone for the first time, we invite you to open
your arms and give them a warm welcoming hug! Drop that heavy, societal
mask that is afraid of embracing other people out of fear for what they will think.
Everyone needs a hug. Give a gentle soothing hug to those people you truly
love everyday such as your kids, your mate, a new friend, old friend, distant
family, close family, mom, dad, co-workers, and even your boss! Hugging your
boss will really break you out of that cold distant frozen world you are used to
living in. Most importantly, remember to allow yourself to receive a hug each
time you give one.

The smile on your face is the light in the window
that tells people you are at home. ~ Author Unknown

When you are on the phone or talking in person with someone, allow for an inner
and outer SMILE to form. Send out many uplifting, empowering, enthusiastic
comments to the person you are speaking with. We challenge you to even
practice this with that marketing guy who calls you late at night and does not
listen to you at all. Give him an ounce of compassion and a smile! Every day,
take the risk that others may brand you as being a ridiculously happy person.
The more love and happiness you transmit to others, the more your body

experiences it on the way out. Generously giving joy and love regardless of
WHO the person is raises your vibration to the highest levels!

This joy giving technique opens the heart Chakra and turns ON the manifesting
juice! Practice connecting with others openly with your heart. Focus on what
you like about them, instead of what you dont like or want to change about them.
Imagine your heart and theirs are two radiating spheres of golden light,
connecting through a flowing river of warm, soothing, golden goodness. Relax
and enjoy being with them, whoever they are. When connecting with others, be
open to their opinions and suggestions about things, while also remaining
independent and free in your thinking.

Greet each person you meet with love, and share your excitement with them
about your life. Be real with them. Dont hide or withhold yourself for fear of
stepping on their belief systems. If people get upset by something you say or do,
that is THEIR issue that THEY get to deal with. Be curious about what they are
experiencing and be open to exploring what your body is feeling when they are
upset or triggered. Empowering others means you let them be responsible for
every feeling and experience that arises inside their bodymind no matter what!
Do not create a wall or try to shield yourself from any experience. This would
make you feel cut off from the Universe and your vibration. Be like a flute. Allow
every emotion to play through you.

A major and often over-looked secret ingredient to awakening your manifesting
powers has to do with your sexual energy. Allow yourself to experience yourself
as an alive sensual and sexual being all day long. Just be radical and brave
about it. For your highest Manifesting Vibration to awaken, youll need to let the
sensual/sexual energy flow throughout your entire body. By letting yourself
explore these sensual and sexual feelings anytime they arise, in any
circumstance or situation, you gain the ultimate sense of freedom. This does not
mean you become uncontrollably excited and overly aroused upon seeing
another to the point of becoming an unconscious sex animal.

Sexual freedom is a state of permission, trust, and relaxation about this natural
energy, which has been insanely suppressed all around the world. When you
choose to be sensually alive there is an inner openness that includes an
enjoyable and safe exploration of your entire body. Make the life enhancing
commitment today to be sensually free to experience the sexual being you
already are! This vibration-raising energy will create more health, wealth and joy
in your life and others.

If you are not comfortable experiencing those pleasurable sexual sensations, you
are strangling your energy channels. Thus, your desires have difficulty
manifesting. When you experience those exotic erotic feelings within you, your
manifesting floodgates will open. Your bodys six senses of touch, taste, smell,
sight, hearing, and intuitive perception function more effectively when you are

sexually alive. The more you allow yourself the freedom to FEEL life through
your senses, the more connected you become with the Universe and profound
your manifesting powers will be.

The truth is that you are a sexual being and were created from sexual energy. In
fact every living person and thing on this planet was created from sexual energy,
so it is a truly divine energy that creates only life. When you allow yourself to
relax into and feel your sexual alive energy inside youre letting more life pour
through you! So give yourself permission everyday to be totally sensually alive!
When walking, talking, sitting, working, eating and driving, be relaxed and open
around the sexual area of your body. Let this sensual energy naturally flow up
your spine and throughout your entire body throughout your day! The more often
you do this, the more your bodys energy will open up and allow you to naturally
manifest your desires faster and easier.

Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through
which you must see the world. ~George Bernard Shaw


If there is one quick fix to raise your Manifesting Vibration, it is changing what
you put in your mouth. Make the commitment right now that 70% of your diet is
raw foods that are organic vegetables, fruits, and "alive", water-based (did it
grow?) POWER FOODS. We believe that because the human body is made of
70% water it also requires 70% of its diet to consist of water based foods. Stick
to this for six days a week and you will notice a HUGE difference in mental clarity
and energy. Yes, we recommend giving yourself that ONE vacation day each
week where you can eat ANYTHING YOU WANT! This free day allows your
bodymind to relax deeper inside AND stay disciplined on a 70% raw food diet for

So what about the other 30% of your eating routine? We follow the 70-10-10-10
rule, which is 10% fish and other sea creatures, 10% all organic free roaming red
meats, eggs, and chicken, 10% all-natural rice, nuts and grains. We recommend
getting calcium from dark green veggies instead of milk products. However, you
do have your one day each week if youre a big cheese lover! It is VERY
important to only buy products that are organic, all-natural and free roaming.
Studies have shown that the diet, living conditions and the manner in which
animals are killed in captivity reflects the negative effects that meat will have on
your bodymind. We have personally noticed a SURGE in anger and negative
emotions whenever we ate any meat that was not 100% free roaming and
organic. If you dont believe us, check it out and see for yourself.

Everyones body is different and has unique needs, so the ideal eating routine
will vary slightly for each person. You may be deficient in specific nutrients that

others are not, so listen closely to your body! Pay attention to what your body
(not your tongue) is craving to eat! If you do not have a clue, sit with the food for
a few minutes, feel it, smell it and again imagine what you feel like in a half hour
after you have eaten it. When you stop and FEEL what the food will do to you,
you will only purchase foods that you KNOW will make you stronger, lighter, and
with an increased sensation of natural health! A veggie-only vegan diet is
great, however, it can stress the body over the years and can be difficult to
maintain 100% total health. Fish and meats provide a grounded feeling for the
bodymind, which youll need to deepen your vibration through the next level.
After several months on this 70-10-10-10 eating routine, you will stop craving
toxic junk foods, substances, and even refrain from having negative thoughts and
emotions. Eventually you will rid your body of all the excess toxins stored in
cellular memory, and fat that has been there for years.

There is sooooo much information out there on what you should or shouldnt eat,
that the simple act of eating can be quite overwhelming. When choosing the
substances you put into your mouth, remember, the most important indicator is
how your whole body responds 20-30 minutes after consumption and digestion.
Your body is your manifesting machine, and reaching its optimum performance
requires the right fuel. The foods that please your taste buds may be their best
friends, but your bodys worst enemy. If your body feels tired or has an allergic
reaction after eating something your taste buds LOVE (like candy or cookies), its
time to tame your ego and give them up. Youll feel more energy, have a quieter
mind and a deeper bodymind connection. Listen to your body and what it needs.
Respect your body and the response it has. Stay away from foods that cause
any uncomfortable feelings, emotional imbalance, or physical pain such as
indigestion. You will see your vibration grow higher than ever before.

There is some truth to most diet programs, such as choosing foods based on
your blood type, low fat, low carbohydrate and high protein diets. However, if
youre having trouble touching your toes and feel its time to lose that extra weight
youve been lugging around, it all boils down to the amount of total calories you
eat and burn off through exercise. Extra physical weight can be very heavy on
the mind, and will cause your Manifesting Vibration to stagnate in its potential
unlimited growth. The easiest weight loss diet is to cut down on the amount of
food you eat in each sitting, which will shrink the size of your stomach (and
hunger) over time.

You can learn to distinguish what your taste buds want from what your body truly
needs by becoming very quiet inside. Before you put anything in it, ask your
body Is this healthy for me? Then listen for a very subtle response of
expansion or contraction inside. If your body feels more open and relaxed, take
it as a big YES. A NO response occurs when your body contracts. If you cannot
sense anything, your mind is probably too busy chattering about other issues.
After three weeks of quieting your mind for 20 minutes every morning and
evening, you will be able to hear the difference easily. If you have trouble

deciphering your bodys signals, we suggest visiting an Applied Kinesiology
expert or someone who does muscle testing. They will ask your body what you
need to eat more of and cant have another bite of, through testing your muscle
strength. This test can be vital to your health, and could even save your life.

What you put in your mouth GREATLY affects the thoughts and feelings that rise
from within you. If you dont have a clue as to what to eat, a good rule of thumb
is to eat foods that are simple, basic and easy. These include items that are
primarily fresh such as fruit, vegetables, nuts and an occasional fish. Create a
list of all the wholesome raw or alive foods you love to eat and stick with them!
It is best to limit your dairy intake and get your calcium from fresh leafy green
vegetables such as spinach and kale. If you buy processed foods for your day
off, read the label! If the ingredients are LONG and have many complicated un-
natural words you cannot understand, put it back on the shelf!

We are not saying to never eat chocolate cheesecake again. It is important that
you discipline yourself 95% of the time with what you eat and occasionally let
yourself have that dark chocolate here and there. The desires we suppress will
eventually need to get expressed in some other way. Have you ever noticed that
when you constantly resist eating something, your mind obsesses about it and
your body CRAVES it? It is best to give yourself permission to dive into your
desires every so often and consciously experience them.

For most people, the biggest obstacle to mastering this section of the 8 habits
routine is an unhealthy relationship to food, which may even take the form of a
food addiction. To transcend food addictions, let yourself REALLY taste and
experience each bite of that double chocolate cake (or whatever it is you cannot
have) and eat it SLOWLY! Soon you will notice that even a small amount will
satisfy that craving. If you have the old habit of not tasting each bite and are
gobbling down everything like a starving pig, STOP and practice being
CONCSIOUS! Savor each bite! Food is here to be enjoyed. If you inhale your
food, your body does not have time to register feelings of satisfaction. Chew
each bite at least 17 times before you swallow. Sit and take at least 15 minutes
to consciously eat each meal. The key to getting more energy and nutrients out
of your food is in the time spent chewing. Let yourself enjoy the experience,
smells, tastes and sensations and your diet will become VERY fulfilling! You will
eat less, have better digestion, experience more energy and feel a wave of HIGH
vibrations for the next few hours or even days.

The second step is to eliminate any negative thoughts and feelings you have
about food, and start to REALLY enjoy eating! This may sound contradictory, yet
when food is not enjoyed it is resisted and will lower your vibration just thinking
about it! Food is a fun part of being alive! What is that perfect relationship with
FOOD? Think about the qualities of a healthy, balanced, and honoring personal
relationship. How would you like food to assimilate and relate with your
bodymind? Eliminate obsessive thoughts and feelings of being desperate or

needy. That just represents a lack of letting love in your life. Choose feelings of
being empowerment, respect, and freedom!

The 3rd step to improving your relationship with food is to meet the basic
nutritional requirements of your body. Your body goes into a demanding, craving
mode when it lacks any critical nutrients, and junk food is often the most
available food around. Un-natural, processed junk foods may be greatly Ego-
satisfying, yet they keep your body from truly relaxing, resulting in thoughts and
emotions that are contracted and fear based. It is much easier to think and feel
deeply positive about yourself when you have satisfied your bodys nutritional

The fourth step to letting go of a food addiction is to explore why you have an on-
going desire for more food. What emotional needs are these foods satisfying?
Many people use food to fill up a feeling of emptiness or lack of love inside their
soul. If this is the case for you, implementing a regular meditation routine will fill
up this negative state of emptiness once and for all! Food is an illusionary quick
fix, and will never provide you with deep love and inner satisfaction.

How much should you eat everyday? Studies show your body actually creates a
higher metabolism (more manifesting energy) if you eat ONE fist sized portion of
food at 5-6 times a day. This means youll be having a one hand size healthy
snack (fruits, nuts, veggies etc) every 3-4 hours. This habit will help you lose
extra fat (if you have any) and eliminate feelings of being too full or sloth-like after
a meal. Frequent eating keeps your metabolism up, making it difficult to gain fat.
Observe your bodys signals when it is hungry and when it is too full. Be careful
to never overeat. Overeating causes you to be lethargic, lazy, and lowers your
Manifesting Vibration and higher thinking abilities. Make a commitment right now
to never stuff yourself.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he
stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands
at times of challenge." ~Martin Luther King Jr.

Your body needs a certain amount of nutrients every 24 hours to sustain
optimum energy and power. Research has shown that malnutrition is the leading
cause of lack of energy and focus, and a major cause of dis-eases contracted
within your bodymind. The older you become, the less food your body needs.
Studies have shown that if you eat the same amount every year and dont
increase your exercise, you will gain 5 pounds every year!! Theyve also found
that in the aging process, your body will be using more and need more vital
nutrients. This means minerals, vitamins, enzymes, etc A quick remedy to this
problem is to take vitamins everyday no matter what. However, most vitamin
pills youll find out there do not become 100% absorbed into your body. A
majority of the vitamins on the market have at best a 20% to 40% absorption rate

into your bloodstream. The best vitamin source is in liquid form, which will allow
your cells to absorb up to 98% of the nutrients. We discovered this in the year
2000 and since then, liquid nutrition is the first thing we put into our bodies every
morning. We both have noticed a HUGE difference in our energy, alertness, and
a greater mental and emotional balance throughout the day.

There are many liquid vitamins to choose from. The one we found that works
most effectively is a 100% natural, organic, raw whole food combination of cold
pressed Aloe Vera extract and a variety of 9 different sea kelps or veggies from
the sea. Seaweed and sea kelp are bar none the most nutritionally dense foods
you can feed your body. We found one company that chooses to cut its sea kelp
in an ecologically aware and environmentally safe way from the most pristine
oceans in the northern pacific. This California family based business is called
Life Force International, and their world renown product is called Body Balance.

Body Balance is truly amazing. Over 5000 doctors have recommended drinking
it to maintain a healthy body and mental constitution. The 9 specific varieties of
sea veggies contain over 120 vitamins, minerals, micro-minerals, enzymes,
amino acids and other micronutrients that keep your body nutrient-rich and
support you in remaining energetic, healthy and dis-ease free. It also has a
touch of black cherry, which makes it taste delicious. You can order Body
Balance online at: or call 1-800-531-4877 and give
them this ID# 20420994.

You will be amazed at how your Manifesting Vibration skyrockets by
implementing this health conscious vitamin rich raw food program. It will
decrease the number of times your body gets sick each year, feels stressed, or
even contracts a major disease that would eventually kill you. So if you want to
enjoy your life more fully, make a commitment to implement a healthy eating
routine today! If you would like further information on food and nutrition, we
recommend exploring a website called Weston
Price was the founder of this organization many years ago and was way ahead of
his time. His information is priceless since he spent the majority of his
existence learning about food, farming, and the healing arts. Enjoy!

"Who so loves believes the impossible."
~ Elisabeth Barrett Browning


Your body deals with toxins from polluted air, water, food, substances, media,
peoples emotions, and mental jargon every day. Toxic substances lower and
retard your Manifesting Vibration. Your body has to spend energy eliminating
toxins instead of being able to tap into its vital inner resources, increasing its

overall vibration. Even the occasional weekend drinker or smoker will struggle
with manifesting their dream life because they have to rebuild their vibration back
up each week. The drug induced high from cigarettes, alcohol, or any drug
creates a hazy, lazy vibratory level which takes anywhere from 5 to 30 days to
get rid of completely. One crazy night out once in a while can be good to loosen
up the mind, yet repetitive use turns into addictive dependency on nicotine,
alcohol and drugs which dampens your connection with your spiritual source of
real power.

If you are an occasional drinker or smoker who thinks nicotine or alcohol is not
THAT bad for you, think again! Your brain is altered and deeply hypnotized by
the effects of these drugs. There are so many negative side effects that last
months (& even years). If you saw the list it would truly terrify you. Toxic
substances weaken your natural psychic energy shield that protects you from
many of the emotionally disturbing energies found in society. They create a hazy
mindset that has a significant impact on the ability to form results from your
manifesting routine. They leave you feeling emotionally vacant, empty and
needy. How many alcoholics or drug addicts do you know that are fulfilled on the
inside, are amazing manifestors, and are engaged in healthy relationships that
they love?

You may be wondering how anyone could be addicted to something that only
causes harm. Chemical substances create a traffic jam in the brain,
momentarily stopping the mind from its normal ego desiring and chattering, and
inducing a temporary connection to our Source. The repercussion is the
hangover, where you come down even lower than before using ANY drug. This
painful stage happens because your bodymind has to tighten to squeeze out the
toxicity. The over-tightening causes a lot of stress. And, a bodymind without
relaxation creates a lack of energy, an inability to focus, and a dis-connection to
your infinite spiritual Source.

If these toxic substances are repetitively leaned on for temporary ego freedom,
a major congestion of energy happens in your bodymind. This is like a 100-mile
traffic jam that creates such a dense roadblock for any energy, you may feel
permanently cut off from your connection to your divine Source. Repetitive use
leads to the manifestation of a physical illness or disease if the freeway is not
unplugged. When your system is cleared, it feels like a free flowing highway
where there are no cars on the road.

To raise your Manifesting Vibration, eliminate toxic substances completely from
your life (beer/alcohol, soda/caffeine, cigarettes/nicotine, drugs) and replace
them with healthy substances such as herbal teas, 100% juice, water, and air!
Start your day by making a cup of herbal tea (instead of coffee) and picking up
that inspirational book instead of the emotionally toxic newspaper or T.V. Carry
a liter of water EVERYWHERE you go, youll be amazed how thirsty you actually
are! Drink purified water throughout your day. It is more likely that you are

drinking too little water than too much right now. Water detoxifies your body and
mind, helping you to stay focused.

Eliminating the toxic substances in your life includes the negative thoughts and
emotions you have about yourself and others. When a negative thought arises,
dive into the experience of it, release it, and replace it with a positive life affirming
statement. For example, if you think I am scared to meet new people, they are
judgmental and uncaring, feel what it is like to be scared, breathe it out of your
body, and on the in-breath replace it with I am excited to talk with new people,
there are friendly people out there who are really fun to be with.

One of the fastest ways we have discovered to purify your body, quiet your mind
and access a divine connection to Source is through a vegetable juice and/or fruit
juice fast. As long as you are in good physical health, giving your colon and
digestive system a vacation will provide you with more energy and mental clarity.
It is important to make sure that your body has a rich supply of vitamins,
nutrients, and minerals before and during any fasting cleanse. Consult your
doctor about doing a fast if you are diabetic, have an illness, or are taking

If this is your first time choosing to not eat food, we recommend starting with a 36
hour fast. You can build up to 72 hours the next go around. The fast can lead to
an experience of a high vibrational state of consciousness and immense clarity.
Food is a substance that keeps you grounded in your body. When you are
without it, you may feel as if you are floating on air. It is important that you
abstain from working, driving any vehicles, or doing hard manual labor while
fasting. This is a time to rest, relax and cleanse out your entire bodymind.

Prepare for your fast by purchasing your vegetable and fruit juices beforehand.
Start in the evening with a light dinner, such as a salad or vegetable plate, and
for breakfast the next morning begin drinking only vegetable juice and/or fruit
juice! We recommend taking liquid vitamins while fasting. For lunch and dinner
continue with this liquid diet until the following morning when you break your fast
by eating a piece of fruit. It is best to plan on a light lunch and dinner that day.
Good, light foods can include salad, soups, or rice and vegetables.

If you are not used to fasting, you will notice that your Ego (mind) will be very
loud with complaints, problems, and issues that can make you feel insane. This
friction is where the greatest inner growth is possible. Be gentle with yourself
and constantly redirect your focus on your connection to the divine Universal
Source flowing within you. Remember to breathe deeply and drink as much as
you want. This is NOT about starving your body of nutrients. This is about
getting in touch with the ever-demanding Ego and showing it who is in charge! If
you really want to see a truly AMAZING shift in your vibration and
consciousness, do a 36-hour fast once a week for the next 90 days! This will

really show the Ego who is in charge and provide you with more energy, insight
and life clarity than ever before.

During your fast, go for a walk, read or listen to a chapter of an enlightening
book, sit and meditate, talk with a friend, relax, and just enjoy your day. Do
nothing! This can be very difficult for your Ego, yet again there are great rewards
to being disciplined. Fasting is a great way to push your Ego aside, clean your
mind of its clutter, and start a fresh new way of vibrating in the world. An
incredible clarity and feeling of ease will come to you during this Ego-training.
Always make the main intention of your fast to connect on a deeper, more
intimate level with yourself and the Universal Divine Source. Stay away from
parties, restaurants, or social situations where you will be tempted with food.
Have fun exploring your inner world and remember you will soon eat again!

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most
intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
~Charles Darwin


A full nights sleep is a key pillar in the foundation for a strong Manifesting
Vibration. The old saying, Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy,
wealthy and wise has a lot of truth in it. Getting up with the sunrise is a
significant part in taming your Ego and increasing your manifesting energy
available to you. Those HIGH, vibrational, blissful feelings and thoughts are
more easily attainable when there is more energy accessible. Getting up earlier,
so you have plenty of time to experience the entire morning manifesting routine is
a HUGE factor to helping your manifesting techniques to work. It is amazing how
a little energy towards a commitment and devotion to your morning will go a long

How does you experience a perfect nights sleep? The first step is to learn how
to relax deeply inside your body. Meditation is great for learning this art of inner
relaxation. The ability to relax into your physical body comes from feeling safe,
protected and nourished by this conscious, loving, alive Universe. Perfect
physical, emotional, and mental health are the results of trusting the Universe
enough to let go deeply and truly relax.

"It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is:
what are we busy about?" ~Henry David Thoreau

Why do you need sleep? Is it just important that you recharge your batteries so
that your Manifesting Vibration can reach its peak potential? No. There is more
to it. Restful sleep is a gateway to your ultimate state of imagination. Sleeping is

your chance to explore the Universe and the many dimensions of your own
being. The world of dreaming is a door to experience your unlimited potentiality
and higher consciousness!

How much sleep do you need each night? Some enlightened masters who live
in a constant state with their higher connection to Source dont actually fall
asleep at night. Their bodys energy and vibration is in a deep connection with
the Universe Source throughout the day, replacing any need for sleep
completely. You actually do not need sleep if your mind is in a continual state of
non-resistance and flowing with every experience that arises. Almost 90% of
your dreams at night are simply processing out the barrage of information and
emotional garbage accumulated in the subconscious mind throughout the day.

Everybodys sleeping needs are different. For the average individual, eight hours
a night is ideal. However, a full nights rest may be anywhere from four to nine
hours, depending on many factors. A few of these include your weight, age,
what you ate and drank, what time you last ate or drank, how many hours of
sleep you had before midnight, how much you slept the night before, how much
you meditated that day, and your mental/emotional conditioning around sleeping.
It is important to know that the number of hours you are asleep before midnight
are many times more restful than the hours slept after midnight. Therefore it is
most beneficial to get to bed as early as possible, so you can get up super early
and start your manifesting routine!

If you have trouble sleeping, it is because you have not realized YOU are the
master of your mind. Once you learn how to meditate and control your mind, you
will never have to worry about getting enough sleep again. You will be able to
tell your body to fall asleep when you desire, and graciously discover that just 20
minutes of deep meditation is worth an hour or more of sleep! Also, when you
practice shutting off your mind chatter, and experiencing the body sensations
from your Magic Body Mantra, you will have a MUCH easier time falling asleep.

When you exercise daily and push your body to its limit, you will fall asleep easier
than if you do nothing physically active. Things like caffeine, spicy foods, drugs
or anything that causes more activity in your mind are best left in the cupboard.
Manifesting is all about mind control. When your mind is overly active and
controlling you due to some substance processing in your body, it is much trickier
to completely stop the inner gibber-jabber. If everything fails and you are still
unable to sleep at night, here are some visualization techniques that will work for

The Warm Fuzzy Heart
While in bed, focus on the energy around and inside your heart, and give it
permission to rest, relax, and slow down. Allow it to be at peace. Hold a gentle
focus on your heart center for as long as can. This is an amazing healing
technique if you have heart troubles as well. Let yourself drift deeper inside, into

gradual self-loving warmth, and relax into a sense of safety and coziness. If you
have trouble doing this, imagine a warm, fuzzy familiar place that gives you a
cozy, nest-like feeling. You can use your creativity to invent this place, or it can
come from a past childhood memory when you were free from worry, fear, and
heavy responsibilities. Let yourself feel free from EVERYTHING and allow your
heart to let go and relax.

Deep Sleep Self-Hypnosis
After you are in bed, move very SLOWLY into the physical position you often fall
asleep in. Move at the speed of a snail. As this is happening, repeat the
thoughts, Sleeping nowvery sleepy. Repeat this mantra slowly many many
times. It will hypnotize you into a deep sleep. We do not recommend this
technique if you want to learn how to lucid dream at night, yet it is great for
learning the art of self-hypnosis.

Rewinding your Day
Visualize your whole day in reverse. Rewind your day from end to beginning. As
if you hit the rewind button on a video player, watch each scene unfold
throughout your entire day. Go back and re-experience every detail you can
remember having during your day. Start with getting into bed, brushing your
teeth, and backing up all the way to waking up and doing your morning
manifesting routine. Rewinding gives you a sense of completion within yourself
and helps you to relax deeper inside. If you make it back to the beginning of your
day and are still awake, rewind the tape again and look for more details. Play it
back twice as slow this time.

"We sleep but the loom of life never stops and the pattern
which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving
when sun comes up tomorrow" ~Henry Ward Beecher

Cocoon of White Light
Visualize a white, healing cocoon of energy around you. Imagine that you are
protected and recharged deeply by this energy and that it gives you everything
you need to feel safe and loved. This quiets down a majority of your mind
chatter. The cocoon surrounds your body anywhere from 3 to 6 inches to 3 to 6
feet, depending on how relaxed you are. The more you relax, the bigger your
cocoon will become, and the easier it will be to fall fast asleep.

Healing Hands of Light
The sleeping technique we both like to use is to lie on our back and visualize two
(or more) powerful healing hands resting gently on our chests. These may be
the hands of some ascended master like a Christ, Buddha, Mother Mary or just a
Divine Presence. With each inhalation and exhalation, the amount of healing
energy and depth of relaxation through these hands grows and expands.

Imagine these hands radiating a soothing, blue light into every cell of your body.
You feel a deep sense of trust for the universe, and for yourself. Slowly breathe
into your body and relax into the healing sensations. It is best to allow this
healing energy to enter your body in a slow, gentle and sensitive manner. Let
the healing energy soothe and relieve every aspect of your being.

Entering the Black Void
While lying down in bed, visualize a large black empty hole ten feet in front of
you. Slowly approach the black space and notice it becoming bigger as you
enter it. There is a sense of true nothingness in the void. All thoughts, worries,
concerns, and memories are absent. Notice how relaxing this place is and how
there may be a feeling of floating in empty space. Focus your mind on the
infinite, deep blackness and profound emptiness. Your mind will quickly drift off
to sleep since there is nothing to hold its attention.

"Reach high, for the stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep,
for every dream precedes the goal." ~Pamela Vaull Starr

Perhaps you are a night owl and think you need to stay up late to really get the
most out of your life. If you have this belief or are working long hours into the
night, schedule in a 15-minute Power Nap everyday. A great empowering
affirmation we use for this is The more naps I take, the more money I make!
You can actually make more money and become a greater success by taking
time for yourself to consciously relax and enjoy a Power Nap every day. Some
people swear by it! Napping is the perfect time to practice raising your
consciousness by simply relaxing deeper into your body, letting go of all
concerns, and trusting this experience called life.

When you take a Power Nap at midday or lie down to sleep at night, you can
practice a very life enriching technique called lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is
waking up in your dream and consciously creating and choosing scenes in your
dream where you can experience ANYTHING you desire. You are so conscious
during your dream that when you actually physically wake up you can remember
everything you experienced as if it were REAL!

Lucid dreaming is often even more real than actual reality since you are vibrantly
alert, full of amazing energy, and feeling magical! Experiencing a lucid dream is
not difficult unless you have already decided that it is. Then, it may take some
positive re-programming before you can allow it to occur. Practicing lucid
dreaming every night will undoubtedly take your bodymind up and beyond its
ordinary manifesting potential.

Experiencing even one lucid dream will take your bodymind into a new dimension
of thinking and feeling. When you are in the middle of a lucid dream, you KNOW
that you can do, be, have and experience ANYTHING you want, and actually do
it instantaneously! There are no limits, so you explore every experience you

have been longing for! It is utter freedom and bliss! Imagine waking up
tomorrow morning and you just experienced your ultimate fantasy during your
lucid dream. How do you feel? Notice the feeling of joy and unlimited possibility
as you start out your day.

Why is Lucid Dreaming so important to manifesting? If you can dream it, you can
create it! To be conscious in a dream means you recognize on some level that
you have the power to create your experience of reality. Our physical world is
impacted by the thoughts projected from our inner world. When you have the
ability to experience your desires manifesting themselves in a dream state, you
are more likely to vibrate at that same level of frequency when you awaken to the
physical world. Eventually, with enough lucid dreaming, you will break down all
the boundaries of what you believe is possible and impossible in the physical
world. You will see and experience miracles manifesting in your life! This is
when life gets REALLY interesting. Learning to lucid dream is a major step on
the path to total awakening and creates quantum leaps in your Manifesting
Vibration. When we realize the inner and outer world yield and mold to our every
thought command, we let go of the efforting and struggling to achieve, and
reconnect with the power of the Universe!

So how do you actually lucid dream? Mastering the ability to lucid dream comes
through implementing a few basic techniques. Start asking yourself many times
during the day, "Am I dreaming? Is this real?" When this thought is repeated
enough it will bubble back up while dreaming in the middle of the night, and ignite
your consciousness to jump into a lucid dream! The thought may need repeating
for several days or weeks before seeing any results, so dont give up! You can
remind yourself to do this by writing a D on your hand to remind you that this is
all a Dream. As you are going to bed, in the last moments before you feel
yourself drifting off to sleep, set a strong intention that you will wake up within
your dream and start choosing what you want to experience instantly. A great
book we recommend for learning this ancient art is called, Lucid Dreaming in 30
Days by Keith Harary and Pamela Weintraub. The program basically guides
you step by step for 30 days towards creative sleeping. You can order this
amazing book online at this link:

"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as
though everything is a miracle." ~Albert Einstein

Even if you are not talented at falling asleep or lucid dreaming, the most
important thing is to master the last 4 minutes before you fall asleep. How you
choose to focus your thinking during these moments mirrors the thoughts you will
wake up with. If you watch your mind closely, it starts up exactly in the morning
at the last thought you had at night. When you resonate with a powerful,

enlightening, thought sensation while drifting off to sleep, you are assured to start
your day on a powerful vibration.

During these 4 minutes, set the intention to awaken the next morning FULL of
energy and excitement about your life! Imagine yourself waking up, overflowing
with so much energy, abundance, and aliveness that you LOVE and
APPRECIATE everything and everyone who comes your way! See yourself
waking up exactly at the time you desire, starting your morning YES routine with
pizzazz! Then, visualize jumping out of bed because you are sooooo excited
about Dream Dialoging your manifesting agenda! You easily start your exercise
routine in an energetic body, and see yourself connecting to your infinite source
while meditating. Imagine yourself feeling peaceful and powerful after practicing
your entire morning routine. The more you practice visualizing, feeling and
exploring the manifesting routine, the more you will actually enjoy it and start
manifesting the LIFE you desire!!

There is a lot you can experience in 4 minutes, so we also recommend that you
use this time to focus on love and gratitude. You can think about what you are
thankful for in your life, what is on your manifesting agenda, and acknowledge
the powerfully magical manifesting being you truly are. Let yourself experience
sensations of connection to the divine Universe Source, a space of power and
love, and being filled with an infinite consciousness and light! Practice the
feeling of knowing the truth behind these statements below. Set the intention now
to explore these experiences tonight in the four minutes before you fall asleep.

I am the healing presence and power
of an infinite loving Light. I am naturally a manifesting being,
deeply connected to this powerful Infinite Universe.

The Short Version of The
8 Habits Manifesting Routine!



The first 4 minutes you are awake, grab the reins on your minds wild horses
and practice relaxing your body and connecting with the simple sweet Divine
Presence inside you.

Start by saying YES to who you are, where you are in your life today and a big
YES to your past exactly as it is, out loud or in your mind as frequently as


Visualize and feel that everything on your 90 Day Manifesting Agenda has just
manifested!! Imagine you already have everything you need.

Proclaim to the entire Universe while looking at yourself in the mirror that you
are financially abundant and free. Know that you are the master of money. Let in
the feelings of being secure, provided for, safe, healthy, happy and financially


The first movement is to naturally stretch and do a little Yoga for your body. Be
like a cat waking up! Make time each morning to stretch and relax into this
amazing manifesting vehicle you LIVE IN!

While still focusing on your dreams having just been manifested, jump up and
down, either internally or externally, and yell I'm Excited! I'm Excited! I'm
Excited! at least three times then say, "Whoooohoooooo!! with total joy in your
heart! Do this every day!! Get excited about your greatest dreams and desires
having just been manifested!!

Exercise your body for 20 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week, preferably as the
first thing you do every morning. Do cardio workouts often. Practice Dream
Dialoging with a friend while you exercise! PowerWalk and talk about how your
vision just came true!!


After exercising, stretch some more, then sit silently for 20 minutes of pure
stillness, silence and inner relaxation. Take 10-20 minutes of time daily for a
meditation practice once or twice a day.

Before meditation and randomly throughout the day practice the Magic Body
Mantra Quiet Mind - Open Heart - Relaxed Being

Be freely loving and appreciative of everyone in your world. Be devoted to
exploring your spiritual journey


Listen to or read inspirational material for at least for five minutes a day, six
days a week. Make time to realize that the life you have right here is to be


During the waking hours every week; spend 1/3 of your time alone, 1/3
intimately with one other person, and 1/3 with a group of 2 or more.

Start a Dream Dialoging Team! Have weekly or nightly meetings! Create a
supportive group of people around you where you can share your life openly and
honestly with everyone.


Give yourself space to experience each emotion and experience that arises in
your life.

Be a sensually alive being! Give yourself permission to be an erotically, alive,
sexual being. Its O.K. to be sexually aroused everyday!

Let yourself become MORE in physical contact with human beings than ever
before! Give and receive as many hugs as you can everyday.


70% of your diet is water based foods (did it grow?) for 6 days a week. Stick to
organic and all natural foods that may feel more alive. One day every week,
allow yourself to eat anything you desire.

Eat slowly, chomping each bite of food completely (around 17 times) to help
digestion and increase energy. Breathe and taste your foodenjoy it!


Eliminate ALL toxic substances from your life! Say NO to alcohol, nicotine,
caffeine, drugs etc. Free yourself from all the negative things and thoughts about
yourself and your life.

Drink lots of fresh purified water every day to keep your system running clean.

Stop eating food for 36 hours and do a vegetable juice and/or fruit juice fast. It
will help you think more clearly. Do it at least 3 to 4 times every year!


Make sure you go to bed early so you can get up early... and jump on your life!
It is preferable to go to sleep before 10:30 pm, and rise before 7 am. Close
everyday with what you are thankful for in your life. Acknowledge the powerfully
magical manifesting being you truly are!

During the last 4 minutes before you fall asleep, set the intention to wake up in
the morning well-rested, 100% healed, and excited to manifest! Imagine having
even more fun tomorrow morning, visualizing yourself doing your morning
manifesting routine!

Practice remembering your dreams, writing them down, and controlling them.
Lucid dream your ideal fantasy life every night before you go to sleep.

We highly recommend that you post your 3-5 goals from your Manifesting
Agenda by your bedside and keep the short version of the manifesting routine
easily accessible. You can download a printout of this routine at this link:



Money is freedom... freedom to live out your dreams;
freedom to travel this beautiful world wherever
and whenever you choose. ~Jim Rohn

The Word Money and Its Vibration

We have found that one of the greatest blocks people have about becoming a
money magnet is the hidden belief that making money is not spiritual. There is a
deep belief in our society that anything man-made cannot be spiritual or
connected to the God Source. We have been hypnotized to believe that cars,
buildings, pavement and street signs are un-spiritual things. How can you
experience the world as perfect and divine if most of the objects around you are
not perceived as spiritual? The truth is EVERYTHING contains the divine
presence, including all the things we humans have built and invented, especially
money. The moment you realize that money is just another form of energy, and
energy comes from the divine Source, you will stop separating it from your life.
With this new belief, you will have a much easier time allowing money to fill up
your bank account.

The word money carries a very unique vibration in our society. Of course the
vibration it has for you will depend on your personal interpretation of it. Your
current vibration around money is a by-product of the beliefs you collected
growing up. Think of the experiences you have had in the past with money.
What are the belief systems you have generated from these experiences? For
many people, the word money is one of the most highly charged words in their
lives. Various feelings arise when they hear or say the word money. What
happens to you when you hear the word money? How do you feel? What
happens to your bodys vibration? Do you feel anxious, upset, worried,
frustrated, relieved, secure, or excited? If you hold onto any negative feelings
around the word money, you magnetize a negative financial situation. This may
show up as an experience of debt, theft, loss, a habitually low bank balance or a
struggle to pay the bills.

On the other hand, when you focus on the joy of having a steady cash flow,
creating more money, and feeling like you deserve more wealth, you
automatically start to manifest more abundance in your life! When you associate
ONLY positive feelings with money, the checks start flowing in! Have you ever
noticed how money attracts more money? Someone who is rich tends to get
richer while someone who is poor tends to get poorer. This is due to the habitual

feelings each group associates with the word money. Your association with the
word money is created over time by the thoughts and feelings you have had
about it.

"Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve.
Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his
achievement muscle." ~Thomas Carlyle

The first step to become a money magnet is to shift your habitual thinking
patterns from scarcity to abundance. This begins by noticing your limiting beliefs.
What negative thoughts do you have about money right now? Do you have
thoughts such as:

I will never get out of debt.
I need to work hard to pay my bills.
We cannot afford that.
Am I going to have enough to pay my rent?
It is all because of the bad economy.
We need to save now, not spend.

Each time your hear yourself think a limiting thought about money, we invite you
to do the following. Cancel out the thought immediately! Say, Cancel, Cancel
out loud or imagine making a huge red X slashing through the negative thought.
Then, practice your Manifesting Dream Dialog around money! Talk about how
much money you DO have and think about how MORE money is on its way! For
instance, you can proclaim, Oh it feels so good to have that extra $700 to pay
my bills. It is amazing how the Universe provides money for me right when I
need it! I was opening my mail yesterday and there was this HUGE check for
me! It was exactly $700! We recommend that you stop reading right now, and
take 5 minutes to practice dialoging out loud a few new expansive thoughts and
beliefs around money. Write down the thoughts that truly make you feel good!

"Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not
one's better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on
his ideas, to take a calculated risk and to act."
~Dr. Maxwell Maltz

The Money Magnet Exercises

One of the best techniques to manifest more money in your life is to create
tangible, fun ways of feeling rich. The more ways you can feel, touch, taste and
smell money or experience luxurious objects, the greater your money vibration
grows. Raise your money vibration by visiting a car dealership and test-driving

your brand new dream vehicle. Then, cruise through a neighborhood that has
million dollar homes. Pretend you are a millionaire driving back home from your
local spa treatment. Being around people with money to help the wealth
vibration grow inside you. Here are a few more exercises that create a tangible
connection to wealth.

Create a Money Magnet Treasure Chest
Todays society is detached from physical money due to the technology of credit
cards and Internet banking. We have very little tangible connection to physical
money, giving us a false impression that we do not have any money, simply
because it is not in our physical presence. So lets get some money in your

Create a small sacred box that can be your private treasure chest. Decorate it in
ways that make you feel abundant. Every day or every week, put some money in
it! It can be a quarter, dollar, or hundred-dollar bill, just make a routine of doing
it. Also, put an actual physical magnet in your treasure chest. The magnet will
help the money in your box magnetize more money to it! Every time you feel a
little poor, go to your private treasure chest. Then touch, feel and play with ALL
your money! How much money are you committed to putting in your treasure
chest every day?

Take a Communal Money Shower
Get together with 3 or 4 fun friends, each person bringing at least 100 one-dollar
bills. Then, have everyone throw all their bills into the air and scream, WE ARE
RICH!! Take a mental photograph of the moment, holding the image in your
mind for at least 30 seconds. Play your favorite celebration music and watch the
bills fall from the sky! Let go and play! Grab as much money as you can on the
floor, jump up in the air and shower yourself again! Notice what it feels like as
the bills glide over your face, head, shoulders and body. Feel the abundance all
around you. Continue to shower yourself with these bills while doing your
millionaire money dance!

Next, take turns having each person lie on their back as everyone else sprinkles
money over them. As this happens, everyone chants YOU ARE RICH! to the
person on the floor. Ask him/her how it feels to be showered with money and
take a picture of this person laughing and rolling around in the money.

Could you imagine being showered by 500 one-dollar bills, or better yet 500 one
hundred dollar bills? As your Manifesting Vibration increases, we invite you to
use bills with higher denominations. We did this exercise with $20,000, took
pictures and put the pictures on our Manifesting Dream Boards. The month after
we did this exercise, our income increased by 200%!

Purchase Something Expensive
When you buy something of greater value than you think you are worth or can
afford, it shifts your financial perception of yourself by increasing what you
esteem your worth to be. You automatically vibrate at a higher abundance
frequency when you look or use this possession. Think about it. When you sit in
a limousine or a super expensive home, you feel like you are worth more or have
more to offer the world. Imagine walking around town in a $2,000 outfit and
wearing $500 shoes! You will experience a higher vibration. We guarantee it!
Some other ideas include purchasing an expensive pen, a wallet, watch, or piece
of jewelry you love. Acquiring objects that you know only rich people can afford
can make you feel super abundant.

Now you may be asking if you should go into debt or stretch your credit cards out
just to feel like a millionaire. Absolutely not! Unless, of course, you fully commit
to feeling rich EVERY TIME you use your object and never feeling how much
debt it created for you. You can use debt as a motivator to get off your butt and
inspire you to be a better person. The imagination is super powerful, and can
work for or against you. If your bank account is a big zero or negative, we
recommend employing your imagination full time, to make-believe you are
wearing an Armani, Rolex and driving a Mercedes Benz. Do what you feel is
best. It all depends on how much you believe in yourself.

Law of Abundance Check
Take a blank check out of your checkbook and write January 28
on the date
line. This is national abundance day! Make the check out to yourself for the
amount of money you wish to manifest. Make it a very large amount, yet not too
much that you cannot imagine the feeling of receiving it. Sign the check "Gift
from The Universe", and in the memo area write "Just for being YOU". Put the
check in your wallet and carry it around wherever you go. It will instantly start to
attract more money to you. This exercise has worked wonders for my mother-in-
law, and some of her acquaintances. They attracted more clients to their
business, and received miraculous monetary gifts.

"There is no better opportunity to receive more than to be thankful
for what you already have. Thanksgiving opens the windows of
opportunity for ideas to flow your way."
~Jim Rohn

How to Eliminate Poverty Consciousness

This is a very simple, yet powerful way to transform any part of you that may be
trapped in poverty thinking. Take a blank piece of paper and draw a line down
the center of it. On the left side, write all the negative thoughts, beliefs, ideas,
and assumptions you have about money. Take at least 15 minutes to do this, to

pull of the worst of the worst from the deepest places inside. Then on the right
side, invert the statement and write out the positive affirmations for EACH
thought that is on the left side. For example if you wrote, I am unable to make
the minimum payments on my bills each month you would write, I am capable
of having extra money left over after I easily pay for all my bills each month!

We find it more effective and empowering to use positive, creative, goal-affirming
words in your affirmations, than to just invert the negative statements. Meaning,
it is more powerful to say, I am capable of easily paying my bills and have extra
money at the end of the month than saying, I am capable of paying my bills
each month. We want to re-program your subconscious with the most IDEAL
situation, exactly as you would like life to be.

After you complete this exercise, read through each negative belief, immediately
following with the counterpart affirmation. Take a moment after you read the
affirmation to breathe and imagine this new thought is sinking deeply into every
cell of your body! Feel this new empowered way of being in the world. Imagine
what new actions you will take this week as you implement this new affirmation
into your life. See and feel yourself financially empowered throughout the rest of
the month and year and take as many inspired actions as you can on these

Poverty consciousness is very common in this world, and never having enough
money is an accepted and often expected way of thinking. You may have been
programmed, on the deepest levels, to believe this is not an abundant, all-
sufficient, loving Universe. Since you find this lackful way of being everywhere
you go, it will take a warrior-like mindset to break through your own fears around
money. If you want to completely eliminate poverty consciousness from your
life, we recommend that you read (and stop to feel) your affirmations, while
looking into your eyes in a mirror, every day for 90 days. Every day, practice
being generous with your money out in the world, and live as if you will always
have enough. With enough practice, you will create a solid foundation for dealing
with any scarcity.

Meditations for Manifesting Major Amounts of Money

If one of the main goals on your manifesting agenda is to become financially
independent and free, we recommend weaving the Manifesting Abundance
Mantra into your morning routine. As you read each line, feel the joy of
proclaiming this message directly to the Universe and everyone in it. Visualize
the statements happening to you right now! The secret is to FEEL an abundance
of money surrounding you right now. Spend 5-10 minutes on this exercise every
day, and you will see AMAZING results occur in your life!


Manifesting Abundance Mantra

Thank you Universe for being so generous with me!
I am ready to accept all the abundance and riches I now deserve!

I see large amounts of money falling from the sky above.
Money is coming from my left, right, in front and behind me right now.
Beneath my feet, the ground is thick with gold and exotic jewels.
I am surrounded on every side with riches! I am so wealthy and abundant!

I am truly RICH! Every atom of my body, mind,
and spirit is filled with total abundance.
Infinite riches are flowing freely into my life every day in the easiest ways!
I give myself permission to allow in more money than I deserve!
I bless everyone in the Universe to feel this great abundance today.
Thank you Universe, and so it is!

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy
to be looking for it." ~Henry David Thoreau

Reprogramming your mind with abundance consciousness is powerful
experience. If you felt that these affirmative statements above affected you in a
positive and empowering way, you will enjoy our guided money mantra audio
meditation. It contains 38 of the most empowering thoughts about money.
These money mantras will dramatically boost your ability to attract wealth to you
and create a deeper trust in your ability to manifest money. You can download
this guided audio meditation instantly at this link:

Meeting your Enlightened Inner Financial Guru

Sit in a comfortable position and
take a trip to your personal Blue Room.
When you walk in the door, immediately notice
the feeling of the 3-foot thick, solid gold floor
beneath your feet. Touch it with your hands and
notice its warmth, as this incredible abundance sensation
fills your entire bodymind.

Slowly look up and see your financial guru
approaching you. Notice how he or she is dressed.
The outfit must be worth at least $8,000!
This person has more than enough money to spend on
anything he/she desires, and is O.K.
with allowing you to see all the wealth he/she have.

Ask your financial guru if he/she will sit with you and answer
your questions. Notice the big smile as
he/she says, "Yes, of course" to you.
As you sit together, let yourself really
FEEL the questions as you are ask them.
Listen closely to what is said.
(It's O.K. to take notes while doing this exercise)

Take a few moments to let the
financial guidance and deep wisdom
enter every cell of your bodymind.
Breathe the powerful, intelligent energy
into every cell of your bodymind.

After you are finished asking questions,
give him/her a big hug and notice how he/she is energetically
sending a golden financial healing light into your body.
Let yourself fill up with this golden energy in the area
of your body where you feel your lack of abundance.
Bathe and relax in this abundance
energy for as long as you wish.

Now channel this energy into the area of your life where
you need the most abundance and healing.
Your financial guru will turn up the
abundance volume as high as you are
willing to go! Just ask for more if you want it!

As you walk out of your blue room,
take your golden financial healing with you,
overflowing into every area of your life.
Notice your inner financial guru
always there, ready to assist you
in the future, ANYTIME you are in need.

Do the thing and you will
have the power." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

A personal relationship with your own enlightened financial guru will give you the
confidence, trust and ability to make the right financial decisions at the right time.
In the heat of the moment it can be difficult to trust yourself with big financial
decisions, so its very important to learn how to trust yourself with money and
know that you are guided in making the right financial decisions. Meeting your
inner Enlightened Financial Guru will bring the confidence, assurance and
inspired direction that will create financial abundance in your life. When you are
more connected to this enlightened abundant way of thinking, you will effortlessly
attract more physical wealth to you! If you find it challenging to follow this guided
meditation above on your own, we have created a guided audio version for you
to sit back, relax and personally meet your Enlightened Financial Guru. This
guided audio meditation can be downloaded instantly at this link:

Manifesting Abundance Easily and Effortlessly

You may have purchased this book just to acquire the next manifesting
technique. It can be used for attracting anything you want or just increasing your
financial situation beyond what you have dreamed possible. A friend of mine
used this technique and created $10,000 in 3 days! A client of mine manifested
$75,000 in just a few weeks with this technique, and another client was offered
$3 million for his new business. This entire meditation should take at least 15
minutes, and be done everyday if you wish to reap profound results in attracting
financial prosperity.

The Billion Dollar Meditation

Start by relaxing every muscle in your entire body.
Imagine a warm, healing energy and light caressing
and entering every single cell inside you.
When you are deeply relaxed, repeat the sound
"Ahhhhhhhh" out loud or in your mind.
This is the same sound you would make if you had a big epiphany
or were watching the most exquisite sunset.
Let the sound come out effortlessly, releasing
and relaxing your being deep inside.

Let the sound flow gently and naturally out of your lungs and
vocal chords. Dont force it out. Let it relax you deeper.
Then, imagine a golden liquid light running up from
the base of your spine, through your heart,
and showering out the top of your head.

As it fountains out the crown of your head,
the liquid light cascades down over your entire body.
You become a fountain of energy,
bathing in golden vibrant goodness.

With each in-breath the energy flows up your spine
to the top of your head. With each out-breath it flows
out your crown, cascades down around your body, and drenches
your skin, muscles, bones and cells with warm golden healing energy.

After 7 minutes of bathing in your golden shower, take the remaining time to
imagine hundreds of millions of dollars (in $100 bills) floating down
from the clouds above, dumping all over your neighborhood,
entering your house, and filling up your room!

Visualize yourself swimming through the money,
touching the millions of dollars all around you!
Look outside your window and see how EXCITED and ECSTATIC
everyone is! It is raining millions of dollars in everybodys home!
There is more than enough for everyone.

Let yourself experience this abundance and feel
that you have more money than you could ever spend or ask for.
Experience the feelings of JOY, SECURITY, and EXCITEMENT
this money brings to you.

Allow this feeling of being infinitely rich to sink
to the core of your heart, mind and soul!
Know that you are a God-Being, and you deserve it!

The more you can relax into your body during this visualization, the easier it will
be to experience feelings of abundance, and actually attract more funds into your
bank account. Receiving this increased abundance is also about releasing the
attachment to your fear of poverty and financial failure. This fear dissolves when
know in your heart that the Universe will always provide for you. This feeling of
deep sufficiency occurs when you realize that you are a God-Being and every
cell in your body is vibrating with the Universes abundance!

In order to fully maximize the power of this meditation, set a strong intention to
maintain this abundant feeling and vibration all day long. It feels good to bathe in
these feelings of abundance all the time, so consciously refocus your energy on
these feelings whenever your mind strays back to poverty thinking. The instant a
fear arises, breathe through it, and IMMEDIATELY return to complete 100%
sufficiency and abundance! Start walking, talking and acting as if you have
already attained that ultimate goal you wanted to manifest. This is an exercise in

trusting the intelligent Universe, yourself, and the natural manifesting process.
So take your time and be patient with yourself. You will learn as you practice it.

For years, the Billion Dollar Meditation has been a favorite for people who are
seeking financial freedom and abundance. Everyone wants the experience of
being outrageously abundant and financially free to do anything they desire. If
you find you are having limiting beliefs that are blocking you from this experience,
or a voice in your head saying that this kind of abundance is not O.K. you may
need to identify and heal this poverty creating saboteur. If you have difficulty
feeling what its like to be surrounded by an abundance of money you may want
to experience our guided audio version of this meditation. The audio version
comes with a healing experience that brings your body, mind and vibration into a
greater receptivity with feeling absolutely free and abundant! This deep cellular
transformation will shift your body and mind's vibration, allowing you to
effortlessly magnetize more abundance into your life. This guided audio
meditation can be downloaded instantly at the following website:

The Universal force expects you to be loveable.
When you accept this with your heart,
you become a shower of love for the other,
and this Earth that needs our love. ~Veeresh

How to Manifest a Specific Amount of Money

We have found the key to manifesting an exact amount of money is both in
SEEING and FEELING that amount coming into your life. Being specific about
how much you money want does not necessarily mean you are limiting yourself.
The more specific you can be on the amount, the more likely your results will
match your request. If you ask for $3,450 and you receive a check for that exact
amount, you have more proof that you are an amazing manifestor.

Be sure to proclaim the exact amount OR GREATER is now coming your way. It
is important to visualize this amount, yet not become overly attached to it since
this will inhibit the Universes ability to give you more than what you asked for.
Attachment is based on fear, and is much different than trust and the feeling of
connection to that exact amount. Remember, any attachment constricts your
Manifesting Vibration, acting like a vise grip clenching down on a water hose,
restricting the flow of water to its destination. We recommend you do the
meditation below for at least 20 minutes or more to experience the full effects.

Meditation for Manifesting a Specific Dollar Amount

Start by relaxing every muscle in your entire body.
Visualize a warm healing energy and light caressing
every single muscle, organ and cell inside you.

Imagine that a ball of golden light has formed
above your head and is moving down into your brain.
It is connected to an infinite Source of Energy.
This golden energy is moving down into your body,
and is forming an 8-inch diameter column of light
from your head down into your solar plexus and stomach.

After 3 to 5 minutes of collecting energy here, using your
breath to pull the energy down, relax for a few moments and enjoy
the high vibrations inside you. This is 100% pure manifesting potentiality!

Now, focus on a spot about the size of a penny
between your eyebrows, and let the golden stream of light
pour out to create a movie screen 10-20 feet in front of you,
Notice it is filled with light. See the sparkling edges around it.

On the screen is a short movie clip of you
receiving the EXACT amount of money you wanted!
You see yourself physically holding the money
in your hands in the form of a check, cash or bank deposit slip.
Then, watch yourself carrying out the actions and
experiences that you have always imagined doing with it!

Now, at the MOST exciting part of the movie, hit the pause button!
You might be sun-bathing on your own private beach in Hawaii,
driving down an exotic coastline in your new Mercedes,
or perhaps it is that moment when you bought your dream house.

Notice the pleasure and excitement on your face in this scene,
and tap into this joy to the point that you are jumping up
and down on the inside as you watch it!

Replay this scene and your feelings associated
with it, over and over in your bodymind.
Notice how your feelings grow stronger and deepen
each time you watch the scene.

Every time you do this meditation, open up your Dream Gate
even wider and give yourself permission to fully realize your most
unimaginable dreams coming true.


The number of minutes you collect the golden light in your forehead determines
how amazing and real your movie becomes! The more light you can collect, the
more powerful the movie becomes. If you find that you have stopped watching
your movie, and have merged into the scene, give yourself permission to fully
explore what it is like to be living your dream! Instead of trying to force or control
your dream scene, we recommend that you relax into the images that manifest
and allow them to flow through you. Also it is good to know that you can use this
golden column of light inside you to create ANY movie you want. You can
manifest ANYTHING with this technique. It is easy and amazingly effective.

"Let the beauty of what we love be what we do." Rumi

Manifesting the Career of your Dreams

The first thing to remember is that you are an amazing channel of creative
energy that has come to this planet with a life purpose, mission and many gifts to
contribute. Sometimes your career direction, life purpose, and job description
can feel either too vague and non-existent, or too enormous to pinpoint exactly
what you are here to do. You know how the sky may sometimes appear to be
covered with clouds, yet there is always a clear and infinite Universe beyond it;
any cloudiness that you are experiencing in your inner world is caused by
judgments you put on yourself. This judgmental state may even become so
thick, potent and real that you forget how to think clearly at all! To make it out of
this mess, you have to swim through it. Here is how you do it!

Clearing the Path for Your Life Purpose and Career

Sit in a comfortable spot with a piece of paper and pen beside you.
Become still like a stone statue for 5-7 minutes.
(refer to Chapter One for a refresher)
When you mind finds a place of stillness,
bring your attention deeper inside
towards your heart center and belly.
Ask these areas to help you know what inspires
and excites you to get up every morning.

If you do not receive anything, keep sitting
and ask the question with more emotion
and real desire to know.

When you start to receive words or ideas,
immediately write them down.

Write down random words, phrases,
actions, people, memories, job descriptions or anything
that feels inspirational or exciting to you.

By taking quiet time alone to look inside, you will slowly start to remember and
feel what IT IS that truly makes you excited! By allowing this exciting feeling to
enter you body, you will eventually uncover the area of work you feel is aligned
with your true life purpose and mission. If you are having difficulty making a list
of inspirational or exciting ideas, you may have squashed your childhood dreams
in favor of embracing a career that was traditionally viewed as stable or

If you ever take a job just to make money to pay your bills, you lose sight of the
powerful manifesting being you are. No matter how broke you are, the excuse
for not living a life you love is NEVER enough. Sure, money is one fantastic by-
product of working, yet that reason alone will never fully satisfy. Your work is an
opportunity for bringing about change to your inner and outer world. It is a
vehicle for feeling connected to the world, finding out what your talents and gifts
are, developing them, and sharing them with others to assist their lives. No
matter what career you choose, you will be in the helping people profession.
Every job contributes to the life of another in some way shape or form. Often, the
most satisfying career is the one in which you feel appreciated, empowered,
loved, and part of a community attaining a specific goal. The key is to choose
your career from your heart, and not your head. Whatever you do with your life
does not define who you are. It defines what you are passionate to contribute to
the world at this time.

"There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living
at what you love; there is only a scarcity of resolve
to make it happen." ~Wayne Dyer

Manifesting the Career of your Dreams Exercise

Pull out your exhaustive list of ideas
from the previous exercise, and turn the page over.
Write at the top of the page,
100 things I enjoy doing that can make money!

Then, start making your list! If you make it to
100 things, great! If you only get to 20, great! Just take
at least 45 minutes to write down EVERYTHING you can think of.
Put down anything from the most unrealistic,
to the very easily attainable.

Your only job is to write
those things that you ENJOY doing!
It does not matter whether you believe you
can or cannot make money
doing any of these items!
Lets just see if you can reach
100 items on your list!

Include every fantasy career you have,
as well as the down-to-Earth, practical
jobs you might be interested in doing.

When you feel you have worked,
on this list long enough, put it away in a safe place.
Wait 24 hours, then read through it again
and see if there is something you missed!

If any new ideas come to you
during this 24 hour time period,
write them down on a separate sheet of paper
and add them to your list later.
Repeat the cycle the following 24 hours.

Take no longer than one week to complete your list.
You will know you are finished
when you have 100 exciting items
or have reached the 7
day of doing this exercise.

Now for the fun part!
Choose the TOP 10 most enjoyable items on your list!
Imagine and visualize yourself doing each one of these 10 items
for at least 1-2 minutes each. Then, circle the top 3
that you feel most energetically aligned with and excited about!

Now make another list of what you can do
to get one of these careers going!
Take action immediately on ONE or ALL 3 of these dreams.
Make as many phone calls as you can,
asking everyone you know, who THEY
know that can point you towards
creating a career of your dreams!

With patience and persistence,
one of these eggs will soon hatch.

The career that manifests for you is
THE ONE that you are supposed to have for now...
Have FUN and enjoy it while it lasts!

To manifest the career of your dreams, look at what truly inspires and excites
you! Continue asking yourself the question, What do I enjoy doing? While
making this extensive list, you may be surprised that you can do anything and get
paid for it! Even if your favorite experience is watching T.V., there are people
who receive big bucks to watch T.V. commercials and evaluate them! You can
make money doing ANTHING you really enjoy doing. The first real step is to get
off the couch and go apply for that amazing job you have dreamed of having,
especially if you do not have the credentials. This will increase your vibration big

After you have done the above exercise and are ready to take massive action, be
aware that you will probably hit some form of resistance. This is the same
energy that has held you back to this point. Do not fight it! Instead, let it push
you to creatively explore the depths of why you are here and what you are to
contribute to the planet. Your job is to creatively explore what you love doing and
then go DO IT! If you dont you will lose enthusiasm for life and die. You will
eventually die anyway, that much is guaranteed, so make the decision today to
live your life fully and get that you CAN GET PAID for doing anything you love
doing. This way, you are destined to enjoy the journey of life!

Once you have the slightest notion of why you are here, your job is to take action
on it immediately! Do not hesitate! It is never too late or too early to contribute to
the lives of others. If you wait and waffle, watch out! The Universe wants you to
be a vibrant ball of joy. The only way to do this is to meet new people whose
lives you can contribute to. So stop hiding your light and being a hermit! Get out
and meet some new people! Find people over the Internet and call them on the
PHONE! Otherwise, if you continue to hide your brilliance and think you dont
have any, life will become even more stagnant and challenging in ways you feel
you cannot handle.

The object of your investment is serenity.
It can only be achieved by the avoidance of anxiety.
To avoid anxiety means to know who you are,
and what you are doing. ~Linheart Sterns

If there was one thing stopping you from manifesting the career of your dreams, it
is the saboteur of hesitation, procrastination and fear. If you think that a lack of
education, time, money, information, or energy is the block, you are hiding
behind an excuse. Those people who feel they are powerless, and are unable to
step out from behind their excuse, will start dying beneath it. They also forget
one essential and vital clue - that ANYTHING is possible! Step back and realize

you are a powerful manifesting machine! Do not let excuses stop you from going
for what you want! Whatever you are afraid to do is only there to give you
direction. Your fears are there to motivate you as well as allow you to look
deeper inside yourself. Fear is your main accomplice in discovering the career
you most want to have.

It is important to know that fear will take on many disguises. It may appear as
laziness, apathy, unworthiness, or even hopeful-wishful thinking. Many people
have asked us if they can manifest a million dollars just by sitting in their house
and waiting for it to appear. You may sense a slight bit of laziness here. The
truth is this very possible and will miraculously happen to you when you can
maintain that vibration of feeling like a million dollars without wavering. However,
if you come from fear, a poor place of disconnection to your Source or lack
abundance inside, that is all you will manifest and find.

Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you
come back to your work your judgment will be surer; since to remain
constantly at work will cause you to lose your power of judgment.
~Leonardo Da Vinci

How to Enjoy the Job You Currently Have

No matter what you do to make money there is always the possibility that you
can enjoy what you are doing. This does not mean that you need to stay in a job
that you have hated for years until you enjoy it. You can transcend your mind
and its judgments, connect with your Source, and truly enjoy the time spent at
your current job. By opening up your mind, you will understand how to manifest
a career you LOVE! Once we see how we are responsible for creating a
negative experience, we can learn how to manage and change them.

If you are not open to the belief that you can enjoy the job you are currently
doing, then your work will always be something you have to do and will never
come from a get to place of opportunity and gratitude. If you have had this job
for a while, look back to the days when you did enjoy working. What made you
smile, laugh and enjoy being at work? Was it connecting with people or
something you created? Think about other times in your life where you were just
ENJOYING your life. You can integrate that feeling into ANY situation just by
drawing upon that memory. Soon you will find that feeling showing up at the job
you are at today!

If you stay in a job you hate over an extended period of time, you will acquire an
attitude of drudgery. This lowers your ability to manifest more money. If you
WANT TO stay in your current job a little longer, it is crucial that you immediately
shift to a positive attitude about your current job situation and enjoy it. This

raises your vibration to manifest feelings of abundance, giving you the ability to
attract the career of your dreams.

Perhaps you do not know what you want to do. To gain more clarity, ask yourself
the following questions:

Is it possible to enjoy what I am doing now?
When was the last time I really took a vacation and let go of work?
What one thought is stopping me from enjoying my work today?
What can I do to release that negative thought?
What positive thought can I replace that thought with?
Who would I be at work without any negative thoughts?

One of the most common reasons people hate their job is judgment of and from
co-workers or the boss. Take each judgment you have about other people at
work and notice how they are all judgments that reflect insecurities about
yourself. Ask yourself one amazing question, If I were the boss, how would I like
to be treated? When you discover the answer, start treating everyone at work
(especially your boss) THIS same way. Do this for 2 weeks and see what
happens. More people have received promotions, new sales, an upgraded new
car and LOVED going to work again from this one exercise. Remember to have
fun and keep an open mind with this one.

Your work is to discover your work, and then with all your heart to
give yourself to it. ~Buddha

How to Manifest a Completely New Career

It may be exciting to know that the average person goes through approximately 7
different careers in ONE lifetime. If you have felt stuck in one career for 10-20
years, it may be time to try out something new! The brainstorming exercise
above will help you rekindle that fire within you. Who knows, you may be so
ready for a change that you manifest a FUN new career that pays TWICE as
much by this time NEXT WEEK!! Keep your mind open, and always remember
that anything is possible.

The most effective method we have discovered to manifest a totally new career,
is to start expressing your creativity and passion to the world, everywhere you
go. Then, write down a vision of what you would like this creativity to manifest
into 6 months down the road. After you can FEEL what you want it to look like,
write out a short action plan, and TADA!! You are on your way! If you are
worried about making this transition financially, remember that the Universe is
generous to those who can give to themselves. You will see and receive the

monetary compensation you need when you start taking daily action steps and
grow in your belief about your dream.

The greatest epiphany I (Jafree) ever had about finding my coaching career was
the day I shifted my focus to what I really WANTED to be doing instead of what I
was supposed to be doing! One thing is certain about creating a new career - it
will change. As you grow, so will your career. It will transform into more of what
you are, when you can relax into who you are.

If you are unemployed and cannot find a job, you are not tapping into your
divine creativity. You are a manifesting being! It has NOTHING to do with the
economy, your education, your past, your dad, nothing! There must not be
enough excitement inside or pressure on you to get creative and manifest
something fun. Being unemployed is another excuse and proof for your Ego
that you are not connected to an infinite God-source of intelligence, creativity and
power. Give it up!! The easier you can say that you are in between jobs and
are currently manifesting the career of your dreams, the faster the Universe will
support you in doing it!

For those who have had the same job forforever, and cannot imagine stepping
out into the job market, remember one thing. No matter how over-identified you
may have become with your work, you are NOT your job or your title, for these
things can and will change in time. Who you truly are is the soul that remains
when the job, title, and position are no longer here. It is vitally important to your
physical health and the remainder of your time at work to keep this perspective in

If you are too attached to the illusion that the amount of money you make
determines how great or important you are, watch out! This identification only
creates more suffering, since each paycheck will either feel like more than you
deserve or never quite enough. Once you are centered and aware of who you
are, it does not matter at all how much money you make OR what you are doing
to make it. What matters most is WHO you are being while you are working. As
long as you are fully putting your heart into the experience at work, you will learn
great lessons, and help raise the vibration of everyone around you.



"The more you depend on forces outside yourself,
the more you are dominated by them." ~Harold Sherman

The 6 Secrets to Manifesting Amazing Relationships

The Universe is really quite brilliant in more ways than you can imagine. It
constantly teaches you the life lessons you are here to learn. Your relationships
are your ULTIMATE teachers, especially the deep and intimate relationships you
allow into your life. Relationships act as a vehicle for opening your heart center
and new doorways to your infinite being. They also assist you in reaching higher
levels of your Manifesting Vibration.

Without intimacy (into-me-you-see), there is no place truly safe to reveal your
heart as your soul struggles to evolve, learn and grow. Intimate relationships are
the greatest way to free your life from fear, loneliness and feelings of separation.
To create an intimate loving connection with someone else, you must first
establish one with yourself. How can you stabilize an amazing outer connection
until you have already experienced one within you? If your agenda is more
sacred than your relationship with yourself, something needs to be shifted. The
intimacy of knowing oneself is by far THE most crucial step in your evolution
towards becoming a powerful manifesting being.

Getting to know yourself can be TRULY terrifying and uncomfortable for the Ego,
since it implies that you have been a failure at connecting with yourself up until
now. However, which is worse - exploring a deep intimate connection with
yourself, or pretending you have already created this connection, thereby
retreating and hiding out when others become close? The Ego is fanatic at being
pretentious in order to avoid intimacy. The experience of deceiving oneself is
often for those who choose not to raise their consciousness. These people
would rather be right about their old relationship with themselves, rather than
make a courageous, new inner shift and grow.

Creating a more intimate relationship with yourself happens by looking deeper
inside yourself than ever before, and allowing whatever part of you that shows up
to be fully revealed and accepted as it is. This intimate relationship with yourself
is the foundation of every flourishing Manifesting Vibration. The more intimate
you can become with YOU, the easier it becomes to materialize those far off
desires you wish could be actualized. The total acceptance of every aspect of

yourself which has been previously shunned or rejected, creates a healing which
soaks into the very roots of your being.

Tis better to have loved and lost than never
to have loved at all. ~Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)

In every moment, there is one life-changing choice to be made. You can hide out
in your mind and hallucinate in a somewhat comfortable Ego-trip, or take the risk
to expand every dimension of your consciousness, be intimate and loving with
yourself, and share that love with other people. The choice to experience and
express love is always here now. The more love you can let out into the world,
the stronger your love for yourself will manifest and grow! Think of your Ego as
an Arctic igloo made of ice. It is cold, hard, and shields you from the outer world.
It tries to protect you from painful situations, yet filters out the pleasurable
experiences as well. Beyond this Ego-shell is a source of love, which is like the
heat and light of the magnificent Sun. It is so powerful that it can melt your frigid
Ego igloo in just a few seconds.

How do you find this blazing inner heat of the Sun? It is present at the core of
your being. The masters say that YOU do not love, but that YOU are the Source
of love itself. Once you stop identifying with the minds idea that you are
separate from everyone, you become radiant and alive like the glorious Sun! So
take the risk to melt your igloo and love everyone! Let your Ego melt into the
ocean of existence by experiencing your unconditional acceptance of yourself.
This creates an inner warmth and love that will naturally radiate outward to

Love is by far the greatest and most powerful force in the entire Universe. It is
the source of energy, creativity, and consciousness which fuels your bodyminds
Manifesting Vibration. It is the God Source. Without it, you would shrivel up and
die. If you have not manifested an intimate loving relationship with someone
else, you are blinded by past negative programming, and thus do not see or feel
that the connection you are seeking is already within YOU! Dive into the divine
intimacy with yourself! It is by far the biggest risk your Ego can take, and your
reward is the ability to make that connection with ANYONE in the outer world.

Accept you are a genius and say what you think.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The following 6 suggestions are the greatest secrets we have found to tapping
into the Source of this love, and create amazing relationships everywhere you
go. The remainder of this chapter will be devoted to deepening your
understanding of these principles, and assist you in applying them to your life.
When you integrate these secrets into your daily experiences, you will manifest a
divine and powerful relationship with each person you meet, no matter what!

1. Always accept, appreciate, and approve of yourself. It is easier to
connect with other people when you do. Practice seeing that your imperfections
and perfections are all divine. Love yourself exactly as you are.

2. Consistently focus on what you LIKE or LOVE about other people. Do
this instead of trying to change them or think about how you could make them

3. Remember that no one has the power to MAKE YOU FEEL anything!
You are responsible for what you are feeling right now. You can always choose
peace, joy, laughter, lightness or freedom.

4. Always speak what is most authentic in each moment. Practice revealing
yourself fully without hesitation in an exuberant state of creative joy.

5. Be grateful for the relationship you have right now. Like all things, it will
change in time. This person is just todays reflection in your mirror.

6. Let everything other people say awaken and enlighten you. The people
you relate to daily are the Great Messengers who have volunteered to awaken
you. If they upset you or squash your Ego, be compassionate and loving toward
them and yourself.

When there is love in your heart then everything
outside of you also becomes lovable ~Veeresh

The Magic of Self-love

When you find that relationship with yourself that is always forgiving,
compassionate, loving and gentle, you discover an amazing thing - direct
connection with the infinite source of existence that appears to flow through the
very core of your being. You feel like you are on an endless, satisfying journey
towards experiencing love from outside yourself.

One of the biggest misconceptions people have is the belief that when they find
the right person to love them, they will finally feel truly loved! The fact is that
even if you should find that special person today, you may not be able to feel
loved because you are not practiced at letting love in and loving yourself. For
example, when you were young, did someone ever tell you how wonderful you
were or give you a sincere compliment, yet you did not believe them because
you did not see or accept that aspect about yourself? Perhaps they said, You
have such a beautiful smile, and you thought to yourself, What do they mean by
that? What do they really want from me? If there was even a hint of self-love at
that moment, you would have smiled even bigger and allowed in some feelings of
love, acceptance and appreciation.


I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure
is trying to please everybody. ~ Bill Cosby

Anytime we experience lack of self-love, it will lead to the creation of dependant,
desperate, and needy relationships. This is much different than receiving love
from a place where you already feel complete inside, where love from the outer
world just magnifies the overflowing abundance of love being felt on the inner

If you lack a solid inner relationship, you will experience BIG highs and lows in
your outer relationships. Without self-love, there is no base or foundation. Your
ships rudder and sails are thrown to the winds, beyond your control. Your
relationships also change like the wind. In an instant you can experience your
partner transform in your mind from Dr. Jeckle to Mr. Hyde, then back again.
Everything is glorious one moment, then traumatic the next. You may see them
as sweet and caring, then ruthless and manipulating, then as your ideal soul
mate, all within a 30 second time frame!

The inner self is where ALL love stems from and is found. Love increases your
ability to relax deeply inside, eliminating those stuck, energetic blocks in your
body that stop you from manifesting. To be able to accept yourself exactly as
you are, for the pure pleasure of it, is one of the greatest experiences there is. A
life without self-love is often missing deep connecting relationships. After you
establish an authentic loving connection with yourself, you become like rich,
fertile soil for sowing the relationship of your dreams. With self-love, the other
has something rich and inviting to dive into!

No Rain, No Rainbows. ~Old Maui Saying

The Self-Love Mirror Exercise

In front of a mirror, gaze
directly and gently into your eyes.
Focus on a very soft, open and authentically warm loving
energy inside your body.

Whisper out loud, speaking from your heart,
Genuine, loving, appreciative messages to yourself.
Imagine your beloved is whispering into your ear
exactly what you MOST need to feel and hear.
If you cannot think of what you most need
to hear, use these messages below.

I really appreciate you.
You are truly an amazing person.
You are beautiful on the inside and outside.
You are a special and unique person to me.
I love spending time with you.
I feel so fortunate to know you.
I love you exactly the way you are.

After you whisper each statement, pause for a few moments and let your body
feel and absorb the message deeply. If there is a part of your physical body that
you particularly dislike, shift that negative feeling by using a few positive self-
loving statements. For instance, Your hips, butt and stomach are beautiful, just
the way they are! I love your body the way it is.

We recommend that you do this mirror meditation daily for at least 5 minutes, 30
days in a row. You may notice when you first start using this technique that you
feel funny, strange or even wrong saying these statements to yourself. This is
just because you are not used to self-love. It is important to just continue to do
these exercises daily. After the 3rd or 4th day, this exercise will feel more
comfortable and authentic than the day you started. We also suggest that you
practice telling yourself these loving messages when there is a blank space in
your day, such as standing in line at the grocery store, driving your car, on your
PowerWalk, and in the shower.

Be realistic, plan for a miracle. ~Osho

Creating the Ultimate Connection with Someone

Part of your purpose here on the planet is to manifest enlightened, heart
centered connections and relationships with everyone you meet. Your job as a
human being is to learn how to love other people exactly as they are, without
feeling any urge to change them. It is your highest duty to learn how to accept,
honor, and appreciate each person as a divine being of the Universe. As you
remember that this is your purpose, you create ultimate relationships and
connections with everyone you meet.

So are you ready to know the first secret to creating that ultimate connection with
your partner where you are continuously opening up to love and being in love
year after year? This great secret is to continuously look for and focus on what
you DO LIKE, LOVE and APPRECIATE about your partner, instead of what you
DON'T LIKE about them. It is that simple and powerful.

If you can keep your attention on that which is pleasurable, enjoyable, positive,
lovable and uplifting about someone, your energetic state and relationship to

them shifts in the most expansive and loving ways. If you cannot find
ANYTHING you like, get curious about what you are not seeing. This person is a
divine God or Goddess! Investigate where you are judging them as being wrong,
stupid, or lacking in some way, and realize that this is just a small part of them
that you are focusing on. Here is a great exercise for learning how to focus on
what you love about somebody.

1. Make a list of the qualities you love about this person. Everybody has
some great qualities no matter who they are. Consciously appreciate these
qualities every day.

2. Do some Dream Dialoging about this person. What do you want to see
them doing? How do you want them to treat you? What do you want them to
say to you? How do you want them to feel about you? Talk about it as if it has
already occurred.

3. Assume they have already shifted their behavior. Act and speak as if they
are this new person. For instance, I know you are great at making money. I
believe you really have what it takes. Yes, I know that you are someone I can
count on. Thanks for being so devoted to keeping the house clean and doing
the dishes.

Whatever you place your attention on expands and grows, so why not wonder
about what is sweet rather than sour? By implementing this practice, your daily
interactions with your partner will become powerful, soul shifting moments!
Anytime your mind is wrapped up in the negative, there is a part of you suffering
inside with it. Your mind is either wanting love or wanting to change them into
your ideal love.

The mind secretly judges others for not being what they should be, so watch
out for it! The entire Universe is exactly the way it should be, so everyone in it
must be too! Realize this, and you will manifest the ultimate connection with
people at all times. Resist this, and you will continue fighting and struggling to
create the relationships you desire. Once you start practicing and living this
truth, you have just become more enlightened.

Everything happens for you, not to you. ~Byron Katie

The second secret to create this ultimate connection is to NOT buy into their
victim stories. Everybody has a negative story about themselves or someone
they know that they like to refer to. For example, you may hear them say,
Everything is going wrong in my life! I couldnt make it to our meeting because I
got one of those terrible headaches again.

As a society, we have been trained to buy into peoples stories by offering
sympathy. For instance, someone says, I have the worst husband and you

respond, Oh, you poor thing. What does sympathy really do? It gives people
permission to focus on what they dont want, and play the victim game. It is O.K.
to validate that they are having an experience of feeling victimized, yet DO NOT
play along with the belief that they ARE a victim. Focus instead upon helping
them see how powerful they truly are. Some great phrases to use are:

I know you will figure this out.
I believe that you will find the right answer soon!
What would you like to be doing instead of this?
I know you can start focusing on what you really want to!

"A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a
hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.
~Ken Keyes, JR.

Seeing the Mirror in your Relationship

Another piece to manifesting an amazing relationship is the realization that
people always reflect different parts of you. The world is your mirror, and the
relationships you have are a reflection of your state of inner health in it.
Discovering this mirror is amazing for creating more peace and understanding in
any relationship.

Everything is reflected back to you in the mirror. If you only have generous
loving thoughts, then heart-warming and caring relationships are reflected back
to you. These positive projections create more conscious connections with
everyone! For most people, the mirror is not yet 100% dust-free. They are still
trapped in the negative projection game. The mind is like a movie projector that
sends our negative visions and vibrations OUT onto others, negatively infecting
our relationships. Many of us have spent hours, weekends, and possibly years
mastering the art of seeing what is wrong with other people. We have thought
other people are the cause of our feelings of stress and dis-harmony. In your
mind they were responsible for your feelings, and you were the victim. However,
this lack of harmony is of our own creation. We were only in disharmony with

Sometimes it is tricky to see this mirror in action when you are upset or your
relationship has heated up. In these situations, the Ego does not want to see its
reflection in the mirror, and believes that what is exposed belongs to the other
person. How do recognize that this mirror phenomenon is happening? Breathe,
and be curious about what this relationship is showing you about yourself.

Relationships are your ticket to seeing yourself, and that is why the universe
created billions of other people on the planet to interact with. Relationships bring

ALL your hidden parts out of old closets so that you get to know ALL of YOU.
This helps you see the dust on your mirror, and as well as all the beauty you
contribute to this world.

Remember that it doesnt matter whether your mirror ever becomes 100% dust-
free. It is important to focus on the clear part of the mirror and not the dust. Just
become aware of the amazing light bouncing off the mirror, and your reflection in

"The fragrance always stays in the hand
that gives the rose." ~Author Unknown

How to Drop All Judgments

All the judgments we make about ourselves and others tighten and contract our
bodymind, thereby lowering our Manifesting Vibration. The day you relax about
the shortcomings of others is the day you also stop finding and focusing on faults
within yourself. As you learn how to stop hammering yourself for what should
not be, you create a new space inside you to increase your vibration and
experience yourself as the amazing manifesting being you truly are.

Judging, labeling, or putting someone in a box destroys your connection in
intimate relationships. When you spend time judging others, you are not able to
see the divine nature of your partner. Where do judgments come from? They are
born from childhood programming. In fact, they stem from us rejecting parts of
ourselves that we see in others. When you feel emotionally upset at someone,
look inside and remember that It takes one to know one. You cannot feel, see
or experience something in someone else UNLESS it is also inside you! Anytime
someone upsets you, they are reflecting that part you dont like about YOU!
What you see as revolting or wrong about them is coming from your judgment of
them and FEAR of becoming just like them. There is always a mirror to be seen.

Free your mind from that inner judge and find what is lovable. You can only
judge another if you have not accepted this same part fully about yourself. So
what is it that needs loving in you right now? This part corresponds exactly to
how you think others are lacking or wrong in some way. As you become more
intimate with your partner, the more he or she mirrors back to you those hidden
and rejected aspects of yourself which can result in an increase in judgments
about your partner.

Notice what you judge about others and listen for what your partner is teaching
you about yourself. What are the lessons you need to learn about love,
connection, and the magnificent Truth of who you are? Thus, the first secret to
dropping your judgments is to learning how to break out of the old habits of

shoulding on your partner. The exercise below is specifically designed to help
you stop the habit of judging others in your relationships.

How to Stop Shoulding on your Partner

1. Uncover the shoulds in your relationship. What shoulds are in your
present relationships? Become aware of your shoulds and the power you are
giving them. Every time you feel angry or upset at somebody, a "should" is
running the show.

Here are some common "shoulds" in intimate relationships:
- He should be more loving.
- He should make more money.
- He should love me more.
- He should be more intimate.
- He should work harder around the house.

2. Make a list of all the shoulds you have about this person. After you
have an EXTENSIVE list of all the shoulds, go through each one and see how
they are all about you! Notice that every should, which is directed towards your
partner, is disguised as a part of your life your should be improving yet are
avoiding. Really look at yourself. This is the most profound and the hardest
work in this exercise. Notice that anytime you should on someone it is

3. Change the wording in the should statement. Take each should
statement from the list, and change they should to I want to I will or I am
going to. For example if your judgment is, He should be more loving, ask
yourself the question, How can I be more loving? and write down the new
empowered commitment, behavior and attitude you want to implement in your life
beside it. For instance, Every time I start judging how my husband avoids
cleaning the house, I will send him light and love.

If you are plagued by many strong judgments, your negative programming may
be a bigger block than you realize. It is stopping you from seeing what is truly
divine about your partner, and is caused by a weakened heart-love connection
with your partner. To remove the shield from your heart chakra is the best thing
you can ever do for your life. It will allow you to become increasingly aware of
the divine being that they truly are even in the most difficult of moments. Below
is the exercise for opening the heart and removing the walls that block you from
this divine intimacy. It is guaranteed to create an ever-deepening, loving
connection with your partner.

The Enlightened Heart Chakra Meditation

Sit on the floor with your partner.
Holding hands, sit so that your legs are touching
in any way that is comfortable and intimate for each other.
Look gently and lovingly into each others eyes.

As you are being present with each other, start thinking
of everything you love about them. Randomly, between
the variety of appreciative thoughts and loving memories,
imagine a golden stream of light flowing between your hearts.

On the out-breath, breathe this loving light into your partners heart.
On the in-breath, receive their loving light into your heart.
Do this meditation for at least 15 minutes or more!
If you have severe past problems with your relationship,
we recommend you do this at least
3 times a week, 90 days in a row.

As you do this heart chakra exercise daily, you will realize that your mate is an
aspect of your Divine Self, and you will naturally start to love and appreciate
them as they are. On those days when they reflect those nasty dark dramatic
parts back to you, there will be a sense of gratitude and appreciation for them
because they are showing you where you still have globs of dirt stuck to your
mirror. Those darker parts of ourselves really want to come out of hiding and into
healing, so they persistently come out to be seen! Do not ignore or deny them.
They are the greatest teachers in this game of life, whose goal is to ultimately
bring you home to the cosmically divine being you already are.

Why do we really have judgment in our life? The positive aspect of judgments is
that the moment it leaves your body, there is a feeling of expansion and relief.
This creates a space for great epiphanies, and realizations to occur. The
bodymind acts like a pendulum that swings wildly from a tightly contracted body
when you are in judgment, to a relaxed body when you are in acceptance. This
swinging will stop when you see the divine perfection that actually exists in your
relationships right now. By witnessing the swing of the pendulum and all of the
feelings associated with it, you begin to detach from your judging saboteur.

"Heaven is to find devotion. ~Steve Perry, Journey

Stopping the Blame Shame Game

One of the biggest habits that may be keeping you trapped in unfulfilling
relationships is not taking responsibility for how you feel. You are always
responsible for what you are feeling. Nobody else can MAKE YOU feel anything

you do not want to experience. You always have the opportunity to choose a
feeling of inner peace, joy, love, and bliss!

Blaming is a way of denying your power to create every experience. It is a
deeply ingrained habit that you do on such a subtle level that you may not even
realize you are doing it. Start by taking 100% responsibility for your actions and
how you feel. If you do not possess exactly what you want in life, it is because of
your vibration, and is not due to what somebody else has said or done to you.
Only when you take responsibility for creating your feelings, can you truly be
empowered, and take proactive steps to create changes in your life.

Every time you blame someone, there is shame involved. You may eventually
feel ashamed of your judgmental behavior or the other person may allow in the
feelings of being wrong, and thus feel shameful. Shame and guilt are the lowest
vibrations on the planet. They both are self-hatred in disguise, and only
decrease your ability to manifest what you want. Here are a few examples of
messages people use when they are playing the blame shame game.

Its not my fault. Youre the one who didnt do what you said you would do.
I wouldnt react this way if my parents hadnt been such control freaks!
I was never a success because my father was never around.
Oh, I cant go to the party because of my husbands late night schedule.
My life wouldnt be so boring if my partner would make more money.

Did you recognize any of these? The easiest way to identify that you are playing
the blame game is a feeling of powerlessness inside. The fastest technique to
transcending the blame game is asking yourself, How can I take responsibility
for creating what I am feeling? and, What can I do differently about it? For
example, if you are frustrated at your partner for not making enough money, you
would look at what demands and judgments about your partner are causing the
frustration, and what actions you could take to create more money!

The greatest secret to overcoming the shame game is having both forgiveness
and compassion for yourself, and the other person. Starting a new habit is the
only sure-fire way of completely destroying an old one. Commit today to send
out lightness and love from your heart when others are blaming you. Realize that
whatever you are feeling guilty or ashamed of is a judgment stemming from your
perception, and can be adjusted instantly by a good healthy dose of warm

Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others,
but by simply accepting them as they are. True acceptance is
always without demands and expectations.
~Gerald G. Jampolsky

Become a Hollow Flute or Invincible Shield

There are two ways to effectively deal with negativity thrown on you from the
outer world. The preferred technique is to become non-defensive, resist nothing,
and let the negative energy play through you like a hollow flute. If you put up any
resistance to the situation, it is like throwing gasoline on a burning fire which
escalates and intensifies the situation. By becoming a hollow flute you are
actually inviting the negativity to flow in and through your bodymind. When you
practice this, you remain centered and at peace with yourself. No actual harm
will come to you since YOU are hollow, neither defending nor attacking. You as
the flute may hear a few sour notes, yet harmonious melodies are always playing
inside you beneath the surface.

The hollow flute technique works well when you are not attached to nor over-
identified with your Ego. If you are unable to be hollow and flute-like, dont just
stand there and let the other persons negativity penetrate into you and cause
pain. When they are intensely emotional, perhaps yelling with insane anger or
rage, or throwing every judgment in the book upon you, it is best to put up an
impenetrable shield of light. Imagine yourself completely surrounded by a shield
of white light that is 3 to 4 feet thick. Nothing can enter this protective barrier.
No thoughts, emotions, energy or actions can penetrate its power. See their
negative words and feelings bounce off of your shield, and become absorbed into
the earth below. Look at the other persons eyes with compassion and love. If
they continue to become more and more negative, simply walk away. If you can
communicate from your heart, and feel safe behind your shield, you will rarely
have to flee any situation. The energy of love is so powerful that the other will
naturally be absorbed into it and completely transformed.

Another technique in handling negative people is having healthy verbal
boundaries. This is probably one of the most important tools you can have to
stay empowered and establish supportive loving relationships. When people
become upset with you, speak your truth in a confident loving manner. Some
good phrases are:

I will not spend time with you if you continue to be angry with me.
I cannot be with you until you can speak to me in a loving, supportive way.
If you continue to criticize me, I will leave the room.
It is not o.k. with me that you are always arriving late to our meetings.

People with negative energy will disappear from your life once you set healthy
boundaries and refuse to be a doormat for them. When you stop taking on other
peoples problems, worries, and negativity, your vibration will automatically grow
to the next level. People can sense if you are the type of person who will engage
with them at lower vibrational levels or not. When you are committed to using

healthy communication with others, you naturally attract amazing relationships
and people that support you.

Falling in love you remain a child; rising in love you mature.
By and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your
being. Not that you are in love now you are love. ~Osho

Magnetizing The One

If there is one thing that will help you grow as a human being and expand your
ability to manifest, it is being in an intimate personal relationship. When we say
that you can manifest a relationship, we are not speaking about forcing a person
to fall in love with you through manipulation. Love is not love unless it is
authentic and free! What we are talking about is bringing your vibration up so
high that you become magnetic, and naturally pull that perfect compatible person
into your energy field and home!

People often ask me if it is possible to sit in a room alone, vibrate at a high joyful,
loving frequency, and soon get a knock on the door from their soul mate. This is
possible and has been done before, yet it takes an incredible amount of will
power and belief in your Universal connection. Also, in order for this to work,
your future soul mate must be a highly intuitive being that can feel your presence,
have the courage and take the initiative to knock on a strangers door! It takes a
HUGE self-loving vibration that is free from the Ego to manifest at this level.

"The teacher you need is the person you are living with.
Are you listening?" ~Byron Katie

The more practical way to attract The One into your home is a combination of
daily inspired actions that explore who is out there, and a continuous stream of
inner peace, self-love, and self-appreciation. Your soul mate will show up when
you can truly enjoy being with yourself and appreciate ALL the parts of you,
including all the unwanted and wacky parts. When you stop criticizing yourself,
living in guilt, regretting your past mistakes, and harboring resentment, you give
yourself space to appreciate who you are now. This harmonious inner space
creates an energetic opening in your life to receive Mr. or Miss Wonderful!

Many people sabotage their ability to manifest their ideal mate because they are
too attached to a fixed idea of the perfect one, and cannot FEEL what it is like
to connect with them. The moment you let go of your attachment to the idea of a
perfect soul mate, you open up your manifesting channels to let The One into
your life. We each have many soul mates and only one is right for you at THIS
moment of your journey. This is the one that will show up at the right time. They

may not necessarily fit your idea of the perfect person, yet they will be the ideal
life-long teacher to take you deeper inside. If you have trouble meeting the
one, use the following manifesting technique to attract the right kind of person to

"The best relationship is one in which your love for each other
exceeds your need for each other." ~Dalai Lama

How to Manifest Your Soul Mate

1. Make a list of the top 25 qualities you would like your ideal person to possess.
Think about how you want them to treat you, talk to you, and look at you. Also
write down how you want to feel when you are around them.

2. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, relax
your bodymind and take a trip to the Blue Room! (if you dont remember how to
get there re-read chapter 8)

3. When you arrive in the Blue Room, imagine there are strongly charged energy
particles in the air around you. They are bright, shiny, and gold. Breathe in
these particles and feel them going into your heart center. Imagine these
particles are creating a gold energy field in your heart area. Notice how vibrant
and alive your heart energy is. Now envision this energy taking on magnetic
qualities. This is your special magnetizing energy!

4. Your heart center is now a powerful love magnet, and attracts your ideal
person towards you automatically. Visualize that your ideal person is now
walking over to meet you. What they are wearing? Notice what they look like in
detail, the expression on their face, and how they carry themselves. Notice that
they are incredibly interested in you and that they are looking at you with eyes of
adoration and love. How do you feel when you look at them?

5. Imagine that both your hearts are connected by a channel of golden light.
This is a sacred loving bond, filled with trust and deep intimacy. At this moment,
ask them to be a part of your life. See them smiling, nodding and saying, YES!
Notice what it feels like to welcome them into your life.

6. Thank the universe for providing this person, give them a big hug, and agree
to meet them back on earth in physical form very soon. Let go of any attachment
you might have about how or when they should appear. On Earth, go out and
meet as many people as you can, and know that you will recognize them by the
heart connection you instantly have.

If it is challenging for you to visualize and experience this entire meditation alone,
we have created a powerful 30 minute guided audio meditation specifically for
manifesting your soul mate. This audio journey is a bit different than the one
above in that youll be healing past relationships issues in your heart (which block
you from attracting your soul mate), and youll actually get to meet with your
divine lover on a beautiful Hawaiian beach. This amazing experience can be
instantly downloaded at: Enjoy!




Go lightly, simply. Too much seriousness clouds the soul.
Just go, and follow the flowing moment. Try not to cling to any
experience. The depths of wonder open up themselves. ~Osho

Seriousness: A Serious Disease to Manifesting

Transforming the blocks and challenges inside us into opportunities and exciting
adventures is something that can be both a nasty and beautiful process. Many
do not know that for the caterpillar to become a butterfly, it must eat its own
excrement for the FULL inner and outer transformation to occur. Metaphorically
speaking of course, we must completely digest our own inner shit to have a
massive awakening and metamorphosis with our lives. Change is something
that happens slowly, then out of nowhere comes an instant awakening at the
speed of light.

One of the most challenging blocks to manifesting is the unconscious addiction to
a serious attitude. When you are too serious about ANYTHING, you are not
open, relaxed, and trusting that the Universe will handle the details. It also
means that you are not exercising confidence in your natural manifesting
abilities. Seriousness is a fear based reaction that comes from past conditioning.
It is based upon the belief that the harder you push to get what you want, the
more progress you will make. Serious people believe in the illusion that they are
separate from a divine source of infinite energy and power, and thus must really
EFFORT to achieve their dream. If there is any one cause for all the trauma,
drama and disease on this planet, seriousness is the culprit. Seriousness is a
disease to your soul.

When you become trapped in a dramatic mental, emotional, or even physically
disempowering situation, you may tend to become very serious about escaping
it. This reaction cuts off your manifesting valves even more, creating greater
feelings of desperation and neediness inside. Desperation is not an aphrodisiac,
meaning you are less of a manifesting magnet when coming from a place of lack.
Being too serious about your life is like throwing yourself into a dungeon of
hungry tigers and throwing away the key! To release yourself from this dungeon,
re-focus your mind on thoughts that inspire and enlighten you. Your serious
energy may try to push you back down into this powerless ravine, yet this is the
place where great shifts in consciousness can happen! Explore being more
playful, forgiving, patient, and gentle with yourself. If your mind does not obey

you, laugh at it! This practice will instantly make you the master of your mind so
you can see that the true purpose of your life is to enjoy it!

"You don't stop laughing because you grow old,
you grow old because you stop laughing." ~Author Unknown

So how do you know you when you are being TOO serious about something?
Check your face and body. Are you wearing a frown or a smile? Are your eyes
tense, and your brow heavy and stern? Does your heart feel a heavy pressure to
succeed at something? Do you feel that it takes an incredible effort just to get
out of bed and accomplish a few goals each day? If you really want to see a
major vibrational shift and start manifesting, you will need to kick your Mr. or Ms.
Seriousness butt big time!

Start right now by making a list of EVERYTHING you are serious about in your
life. Perhaps you are serious about your lack of money, getting a new job,
keeping your house clean, doing the manifesting exercises perfectly, sticking to
your diet, or having to look a certain way. After you have finished this extensive
list, rip it up and burn it! As it is burning, proclaim out loud to the Universe, I am
letting go of seriousness and making room in my life for laughter, fun and play!
Then, go and do something SUPER fun! Do something completely useless! You
can watch a funny movie, go play with the kids next door, dance in the rain, paint
whiskers on your best friends face, have a whip cream fight, or pull out the squirt
guns! If you have a serious complex, you will have a stern look on your face just
thinking about these things. Commit to doing something FUN every day of the
week for the next 3 months of your life! Your life depends on it! The experiences
you have will enlighten your life (and everyone elses) for years to come.

"If you will laugh about it later, why not
laugh about it now?" ~Author Unknown

When you explore and uncover what is beneath a serious human being, you find
that their seriousness is an illusion. People over-identify with serious feelings,
thoughts, and energy, yet their soul is still ultimately free. They get hooked on
acting serious because there is an attachment to a future goal that says, Once I
arrive at XYZ, THEN I will be happy and free! They do not realize that being
serious now, only results in more seriousness tomorrow. These people
DESPARATELY WANT to be happy, yet their feelings of joy are always off in the
distance, never to be felt in the here and now. There is a false illusion that your
seriousness will deliver you to the promised-land called happiness.

Take hold of your own life. See that the whole existence
is celebrating. These trees are not seriousthese birds are not
serious. The rivers and the oceans are wild, and everywhere there is
fun, everywhere there is joy and delight. Watch existence, listen to
the existence and become part of it. ~Osho

The mind will always create more serious situations and stories. Do not buy into
them! If you have adopted a habit of being serious about your life, then take
some time to ask yourself these questions:

Right now would I rather be serious or happy?
What do I get out of being serious?
Do my actions need to be this serious in order to reach my final goal?
What is more important to me, the journey towards the goal or achieving my
Once I achieve my serious goal, how will it make me feel?
Isnt my goal to feel more light, happy, and free?

Serious thinkers do not yet realize that life is a comedy. Life is one big game!
Are you ready to get out of the somber stands and onto the playing field of your
life? Pondering questions like these deepen your awareness about what is
keeping you stuck in the stands, frigid and tense with sternness. Then you will
realize that the Universe is your playground! It would love for you to get off your
butt, get on the playing field, and have fun on the way to making your next
touchdown! Remember that whatever you want, already wants you! To
whatever degree you are seriously pushing to get what you want, you are forcing
that very thing away from you. So relax, trust the process, and enjoy your
journey on the way there!

"Life is not a tragedy, it is a comedy.
To be alive means to have a sense of humor." ~Osho

If you think your serious Gremlin is stopping you from stepping across the goal
line, then stop and visualize your inner Fun Coach. What does your Fun Coach
look like? What is he or she wearing? Listen! Can you hear him or her
whispering in your ear, You are an amazing being! You can have fun AND
achieve your goals! Let go, and relax. You will easily attain your dream! The
more you can tune into these messages, the faster you will reach your goals with
effortless ease. Your Fun Coach is always available inside you, ready to coach
you! Listen to these messages at least 3 times a day. You will soon find out how
EASY it is to create what you want.

Now ask your Fun Coach to help you visualize your goal already manifested in
your life. Imagine the achievement of this goal in great detail. Pretend that it

happened to you 5 minutes ago and then 5 days ago. It is already a done deal!
Do you feel the relief? Where did all your seriousness go? If you feel like you
did not experience anything, you are still holding onto some seriousness here.

Lets say that you are just too serious about everything and feel super stuck
visualizing or feeling what FUN may be like. When you are serious, you are
focused on what you do not want. Forget about everything you do not want, and
focus on what you DO want. This commitment to yourself brings success and
amazing experiences your way. Manifesting is all about letting go and allowing a
higher power to flow through you. When you let go of the need to be in control of
everything, it becomes impossible to be serious anymore! By allowing this
commitment to become a permanent aspect of your life, you will fulfill your
dreams as easily as your desires arise through you.

What is the purpose of life if you are not enjoying it? If you are not laughing
every day, you do not get the cosmic joke. The joke is that you are a divine
being who thinks he/she has problems and concerns. Your thoughts create your
reality, so whatever you focus on is what you create. You may not believe this,
but you can choose to redirect your emotional state at will. Even if you have
been stuck in deep seriousness for years, you can decide to focus on a more
playful emotional state like laughter. Laughter is the healing nectar of the Gods.
Below is an exercise to help you taste this nectar. Practicing it daily will
strengthen your ability to lighten up and create any state you wish at will.

Laughter has always brought me
out of unhappy situations." ~Red Skelton

The Laughing Exercise

For 15 minutes, sit on the floor and laugh out loud.
You can do this either alone or
with a group of people.
If you cannot think of anything to laugh about,
jumpstart the process of laughing
by saying, Ha ha ha ha!

Fake the sound of laughing for a few minutes.
Eventually you will naturally start to laugh.
Let the laughter come from deep within your belly.
Allow your entire body to let go!
Notice how good it feels to laugh.

What worries you, masters you. ~Haddon W. Robinson

Replacing Worry with Wonder

Worry and seriousness are like Siamese twins. Where ever there is seriousness,
worry has to follow. Worry stems from not trusting your personal connection to
the Universe. It is created from being attached to the idea that a future situation
will not happen the way you think it should. When you are worried, you stop
appreciating what is, and focus on the negative aspects of what might or could
occur. Worrying is about living in a what if state of mind and visualizing what
you DONT want to experience, instead of what you DO! When your mind gets
stuck on a negative thought, it automatically shifts into high gear and tries to fix
the situation. If this does not work, your mind will change topics, start a different
conversation to distract it and try to avoid the negative thought. It will then start
worrying about the fact that it is worrying about something, and try to avoid
thinking about the situation completely. Do you notice the insanity here?

How often do you worry about your future? The act of worrying is a HUGE drain
on your Manifesting Vibration. Just like the TV, the worried mindset will pull you
in and entertain you for hours, days, years, and yes even lifetimes! Worrying is
exactly how you manifest what you dont want. If you always hope and pray for
what you DONT want to happen, how much energy is left to meditate on what
you DO want? Worry is a lack of mental discipline and focus. The reins on the
mind are too loose, and those wild horses just trample all over you! If you have
been practicing the fine art of worrying for years, you may have become a worry-
zombie, and are completely numb to passion and great pleasure! Step out of the
zombie-zone by pulling back on your reins! Steer those crazy horses back to
your pleasure pastures by staying focused on the positive outcome you really

If you have a bodymind and live in this world, you have probably been subjected
to worrying about something. The purpose of worry is to recognize a negative
attachment, so that we can swing back to the opposite polarity. We can more
fully know appreciation, wonder and love from having the experiences of worry
and concern. However, the most important detail to recognize is that you do not
have to continue swinging in and out of worry once you know what the
experience of worry is like. In each moment you can choose whether you will
continue worrying, or drop this addiction completely. The choice is always here
to live in a state of wonder about this amazing existence.

The obsessive worry-wart within you can be a very a sneaky saboteur. It may
even attach itself to the belief that says, It is good to be thinking about the future,
and concerned about XYZ. If I am not concerned about XYZ something terrible
might occur. If I dont care, then Im a terrible person. This nasty saboteur may
even try to convince you that some issues are IMPORTANT life or death
situations, and your life (or theirs) is at stake if you are not worried.

There is often a LARGE amount of societal pressure around giving into worry.
The worrier within you does not want others to label you as a non-caring person,
so you choose instead to continue worrying about the situation, and go along
with everyone else to avoid their criticism. How often have you given up your
positive trusting state of mind so that someone else will not feel negative inside?

If you want to test how well worry works, try to recall what
you were worrying about one year ago today." ~Author Unknown

If you want to get out of your worry mode today, the first step is to take an honest
look at what your personal worry issues are. Why are you so attached to THESE
issues and not other ones? Get curious about the subtleties of these
attachments and simply notice how it feels to be attached. The next step is
SAYING NO to worry! When you say no, always replace worry with wonder. To
feel a sense of wonder inside, focus your mind on being curious. Get curious
about what will happen next! Each time you worry, it will automatically be
replaced with wonder. Implement this simple switch the instant you begin
worrying, and your life will become absolutely wonder-full!

The most important aspect to eliminating any worry addiction is learning how to
realize when you are in it. The instant worry happens, your energy moves into
your head and a subtle TENSION manifests in your body. The longer you are
worrying, the greater the tension becomes! At this point, the pain can get so in-
tense that you may ignore the feeling being registered in your body. This is what
causes worrying to become an unconscious addiction. Any worry that is not felt
becomes trapped in your bodymind memory. Without a way to release it
consciously, it tries to escape by expressing concern about everything and
anything it can.

Release worry from your life by staying out of your head, and being present to
the tension in your body. Breathe through your belly and let yourself feel the fear
trapped inside. Direct your breath into any location your body is holding onto and


You will release and relax your body just by breathing these messages into them.
You may notice that this worry tension is held near your solar plexus, back,
shoulders or your butt muscles. These areas are where we cling onto life out of
fear of losing control over it. This subtle gripping energy causes more problems
than you know. Command these areas to RELEASE and open up to RECEIVE
love! Your energy channels may resist this greatly at first, yet stay focused.
Trust your body. It is the guide that will deliver you out of worry into the land of


The more trusting your body is while dealing with worry filled or stressful
situations, the more you will discover there is an expansive power readily
available in you! You are the master of the mind! Tell yourself this anytime you
feel out of control or freaked out about something. Something magical becomes
awakened with each moment of trust. You enter a new peak in consciousness,
and can live your daily life from this powerful, peace-filled, inner space. Soon
your worry muscles will begin to weaken and your mind will refuse to create
negative illusions.

Start now by making a commitment to yourself and the Universe to eliminate
worry and live tension-free every day. Always release worry and replace it with
wonder! With continuous practice, you will experience a synchronicity with your
dreams and desires, attracting them to you at the speed of light!

Curiosity is a delicate little plant which, aside from stimulation,
stands mainly in roots of freedom.
~Albert Einstein

The Curiosity Commitment

Whenever you feel yourself falling back into your same old negative thought
patterns.STOP EVERYTHING!! Do not let another moment pass where you
do not explore this stuckness. Investigate! Be curious about it. When has this
happened before? How many times have you done this before? Possibly how
many lifetimes has this been reoccurring? The answers do not matter! It is
much more important that you remain in the state of curiosity rather than finding
out what caused your neurosis in the first place.

Being truly curious (non-judgmental) about each experience means staying open,
receptive, willing, and loving with your life. Curiosity is our very nature. Only
when your mind gets in the way do you tend to complain, nag, judge, label, and
criticize the way things are. When you adopt an attitude of curiosity, you explore
each of lifes experiences with a sense of wonder and awe. You are truly
fascinated by every experience that arises, without being attached to the minds
judgment of it being good or bad. The mind stops its fixation on the past and
future, and begins to savor the juicy moment of now.

When curiosity is truly present in your moment-to-moment reality, you open up
your Manifesting Vibration WIDE! A genuine sense of curiosity is what allows
you to break free from all patterns and redefine yourself. The usual states of
suffering, which you normally just tolerate on any a given day, become windows
into an exotic new world. In this new realty, each experience is fresh, and
unfolds through you instead of you having to control it. From this place you can

see an unlimited number of possibilities, broadening the scope of your
Manifesting Vibration.

It takes a considerable amount of awareness to process out your deepest
negative programming and childhood conditioned beliefs about people, the world
and yourself. The speed at which this inner shift happens depends on your
ability to remain in curious mode. To release your attachment to each thought-
sensation-experience when it arises takes tremendous vigilance, which only a
curious mind is equipped to do. It is as simple as letting go, trusting the releasing
process, and remaining curious.

"Do what you can, with what you have,
where you are." ~Theodore Roosevelt

Stepping Out of the Velvet Rut

Studies show that on average 90% of the 60,000 thoughts you think today will be
the same thoughts you had yesterday. If you think 90% of the same thoughts
EVERYDAY for months and years, no wonder you feel stuck! Without
consistent awareness training, the mind tends to be obsessive, neurotic, and
even borderline insane. It chews and spits out the SAME information again and
again, just repeating itself until it gets into a rut and is forced to find its way out.
Then, it obsesses about getting out of the rut, which digs an even deeper ravine.
The wild horses of the mind tend to frequent their old stomping grounds (old
habits) until you grab the reins, and consciously direct them to follow a new path.

The flip side of this repetitive way of thinking is that life can seem very stable,
unchanging and even trustworthy when you are under its influence. In this place,
you know how people will respond, and feel as if you can foresee the outcome of
many routine situations. You believe you will have the same predictable
experiences tomorrow that you have enjoyed for the last 20 years. These
habitual thought patterns, reactions and experiences can become so comforting
that it may be challenging to do or think anything different. When these repetitive
cozy neuron pathways in your brain are used too frequently, you can fall into the
trap of a velvet rut.

How do you know if you are in a velvet rut? You can tell you are in a velvet rut
when you are comfortable in life, have everything you need, and still feel this
vague sense of being unhappy. A velvet rut is created by being too lazy about
your life purpose, and not taking inspired actions or following your passions. You
know you have dug yourself a nice grave if you are too tired or comfortable to
stand up and hop out of it. If this is you, it is time to do something radical!
Today, start a new way of thinking and experiment with a few unusual life
experiences just for fun.

Take a trip to some place you have never been before. It does not have to be a
3 month excursion to Antarctica. It may be to your neighbors living room, a walk
in a new park or mall, or a restaurant in a part of town you would NEVER enter.
The level of risk you take needs to be comparable in energy to the depth of your
stuckness. This means that if you have been in a velvet rut for years, taking
actions which barely push you out of your comfort zone wont change anything.

If you want to realize how magical of a manifesting being you are, first find out
where you are stuck! The mind fears change, yet like a pond without new water
flowing into it, you will soon become stagnant and clogged. Remember, all
stuckness is impermanent. EVERYTHING is temporary, everything except your
very soul. You are a spiritual being who will never really die, you will only change
forms. So what is there to be afraid of? You are guaranteed eternal life! Sure
there will be pain, suffering, and disillusionment in this bodymind. These so
called negative experiences are what propel you to grow throughout your lifetime.

Everybody gets stuck in a velvet rut at some point in their life journey. Even
those who have lifted themselves out of the deepest ravines can slip and slide
back in. However, there exists a group of individuals who may wobble here and
there, yet will never completely fall into a rut. They all have one thing in
common; a relentless courage to feel and experience the stuckness and move
through it, especially if it gets worse. Their ultimate goal is to become more
conscious, awake and alive human beings no matter what it takes. This elite
group also sees the opportunity in every problem. If you tell them they have 90%
of the same thoughts as yesterday, they will reply with, Wow, that means I have
a 10% chance of having a NEW thought today! This type of zealous optimistic
energy can be a HUGE ally in pulling you out of any velvet rut.

The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high
and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.
~ Michelangelo

Breaking Through Resistance and Laziness

If you look at history, nobody has ever accomplished anything totally amazing
without hitting massive resistance and obstacles along the way. If you
experience ongoing challenges while manifesting the items on your agenda, this
is a good sign! You are stepping out of the comfortable velvet rut and have the
opportunity to make a tremendous breakthrough in your life. The thicker the wall
you hit, the more spectacular your experience will be breaking through it. If the
resistance to attaining any goal is extreme, it causes you to streamline your focus
and energy on what you want to manifest instead of on what you dont want. The
moment you hold your attention on what you want, you break through your
stuckness, and experience the success you have been striving for.


"I do not believe in failure. It is not failure
if you enjoyed the process." ~Oprah Winfrey

One of the most challenging symptoms of resistance is laziness. The energy of
laziness actually stems from having too many wild untamed thoughts running
rampant in your mind. Even though your mind may feel exhausted and drained,
its neural pathways are still chaotic and congested from being over stimulated.
The bombardment of information from the daily media and opinionated ego will
force your mind to retreat into a lethargic zone and necessary catharsis. The cure
for this state is to consciously remove yourself from all stimulation and
completely empty out the mind.

The first step towards emptying your mind is to practice sitting still, being
unfocused and experiencing your pure essence. Depending on how much inner
chatter you have built up, to clean out all its closets of clutter may take days,
weeks, or months. This new empty space is very refreshing and contains a pure
potentiality that is truly energizing. When you tap into this pure emptiness, a
creative spark is re-ignited and there is a revitalized sense of excitement and
genuine motivation throughout your day.

One thing to observe is that your laziness and resistance are sending you a
strong message to do nothing, so truly do that! Do nothing, absolutely nothing.
Even watching T.V., reading a book, or yakking on the phone is too much effort
and you will not refuel your system. Simply be still and rest in the divine essence
of your being. Your body contains the greatest energy in the entire Universe
inside it! Even if you feel you should be doing something while you are sitting
doing nothing, it can continue to drain your energy. Relax and let your energy
surrender and merge with everything. You will find that true laziness is replaced
by a real passion for being alive. It may be something you have never
experienced before. The following exercise will help you burn through any
resistance or laziness that is deeply trapped in your bodymind.

The Laziness Exercise

Sit or lounge in the most lazy
lethargic position you can muster.
Let this posture take over your body,
so that your body is communicating and
radiating absolute laziness to the world.

Be lazy! Let every cell in your body be
filled with lazy non-efforting energy.
Notice how this feels.

If you start to get caught in a negative thought,
judgment or feeling, do nothing!
Meet it with complete laziness and return
your attention to the lazy posture and attitude.

Consciously relax in this space for 5-10 minutes
or until you feel an incredible URGE
to take some inspired action in your life.
If this happens, check inside and see
if you can muster any more laziness.
You are finished with this exercise when you
absolutely cannot find any more laziness inside.

This exercise is extremely revealing and can bring up many other buried issues
inside you. If you have trouble experiencing authentic laziness, think about the
last time you felt a lack of excitement or motivation about your life. What was
that like? The key is not to try and be lazy, but to consciously allow your genuine
lazy feelings to surface. Any issue you meet with awareness in this exercise will
immediately begin releasing from your bodymind as long as you experience it
and do not resist it.

If your issue is more about resistance than laziness, the key to dissolving the
resistance wall is surrendering to the experience of it. Resistance can ONLY
continue to perpetuate if you struggle against it. If you meet resistance with more
resistance, it will only grow stronger inside. Surrendering is a way of embracing
your resistance, allowing you to release your attachment to it, and see the
perfection in each moment.

By surrendering, you are not giving up on your dreams; rather you are ending
your life-long battle with trying to overcome resistance and laziness. This type of
surrender is a profound acceptance for what is. Acceptance always leads to
higher states of realization and manifesting power. Through deep acceptance,
you gain the energy to move pro-actively towards your dreams again.

If you feel it is impossible to surrender to a negative experience, then just relax
and hang out with it. Whatever you do, do not avoid it by trying to stay busy
doing something else. Just feel it, experience it, and DO NOT buy into its victim
story. The saboteur will coax you to make you believe the most negative things
about yourself. Practice breathing into where the feeling is located in your body
for 5-10 minutes. This will take you into it energetically until you transcend
through it.

The feelings of resistance in your life can have many layers. The moment that
you believe you have defeated your resistance monster, another layer will
resurface mysteriously from the deep. Be patient, this is natural. Life is a

process of revealing ones true self, and like an onion, we have many thin and
subtle layers to explore.

After continuously peeling back the endless layers of resistance, there will come
a time when you will automatically stop working at surrendering, experience a
natural freedom from resistance and laziness, and tap into the core of your being.
At your core, there exists a highly motivated energy that dissolves any lazy cow-
like attitude about your life which may resurface from the deep. In this motivated
state, you are free to focus on what you want to manifest, and will adopt a
lifestyle overflowing with exciting circumstances and inspired actions. All of your
surrender work will have given birth to a flexible adventurous part of you who
can experiment with new ways of experiencing life and enjoy every situation that

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,
or a broken fan belt and a leaky tire." ~ New Chinese Proverb

Sometimes layers of resistance and laziness can feel too thick to pierce through
with surrender, and require a more aggressive method to puncture them. This is
where sheer willpower, determination, and jumping up and down yelling IM
EXCITED are needed. Breaking through by means of pure willpower is done by
accessing one of your hearts most burning desires. Perhaps its the desire to
succeed, to stop failing, to provide for your family, or to prove to your father that
you are not a screw up. Any deep burning desire you have contains a VERY
powerful force that will temporarily eliminate the resistance or lazy saboteur
energy. The true purpose of this more aggressive method is to breakthrough
your resistance so that you can realize how to let in and RECEIVE the
manifestation you are yearning to have.

There is nothing wrong with tremendous EFFORTING to achieve results.
However, over time this strategy becomes exhausting, addictive, and hinders
your manifesting abilities. If you feel that at this stage in your journey you want to
utilize this aggressive means to break through your laziness, here is a gem of a
technique for you. Discover your own inner Inspiration Coach! This part of you
is SUPER EXCITED about what is on your Manifesting Agenda, and wants to
support you in accomplishing your life dreams!

Just as a man may play the role of husband, father, employee, co-worker, friend,
and son in one day, you also may access different inner parts of yourself at
anytime. If you think that this motivated part may not exist inside of you,
remember a time in your past when you were excited about something. Perhaps
it was your 8th birthday and you received your first bike, or maybe you got an A+
on an exam at school, or even experienced your first romantic kiss!
Remembering these moments will help you re-awaken the energy that fuels the
Inspiration Coach within. Here is a meditation that will help this hidden part of
you feel more real.


The Inspiration Coach Meditation

Sit on the edge of your chair as if
you were about to meet the most exciting,
empowering, and motivating person on the planet!
This is one of the most influential people in the world
that you respect and adore. As you close your eyes,
get ready to meet them!

Imagine they just walked into the room.
What do you notice about them? What are they wearing?
What is the expression on their face?
As they move towards you, physically stand up, get out
of your chair, and receive the big powerful hug they give you
(actually wrap your arms around yourself as if they were hugging you).
Feel their bodys vibrant alive energy radiating into you.

While in this deep embrace, imagine that a golden light
full of inspirational energy is emanating from their heart.
The energy is so powerful that it enters and fills your entire heart region.

This inspirational golden energy absorbs into your heart, and
spreads throughout your torso, back, legs, arms, and head.
Feelings of motivation and inspiration are overflowing
throughout your entire body.

When you have fully experienced these feelings,
release the embrace, and sit back down in your chair.
Ask them any important questions you have about your life.

You may hear them speak out loud or even psychically communicate
with you in feelings, words, memories, or metaphors.

When your interaction feels complete, thank them for
transmitting their inspiration vibration to you and
taking the time to meet with you.
Notice that your Inspiration Coach was honored
to support you in raising your vibration. They tell you that
they are happy to come visit you ANY time
that you call upon them in the future.

This exercise is even more powerful when you meet with your Inspiration Coach
in the blue room! After any visualization, it is always important to take a few
minutes to absorb what you experienced, then spring into action! The more
frequently you use this inspiration energy, the easier it is to access and the

stronger it grows! With time and practice, the actions you take from this space
will provide you with sensations of joy, being in love, utter freedom, and having
extra cash in your bank account! By taking only inspired actions, your life
purpose will be revealed to you, and you will experience a divine sense of being
on the right path! Have fun and be playful with your Inspiration Coach.

Trying provides two excuses... one for not doing,
and one for not having " ~Unknown

Trying To Manifest

If you have worked on yourself for years, and yet are still searching for fulfillment,
then this section is dedicated to you. When you think you have tried everything
and nothing works, you are much closer to transcending than you realize. Being
tired of the self-help section of the bookstore may signal that you are trying too
hard to reach your dreams.

Right now, release ANY neediness inside of you. Let go of your need to become
better, richer, healthier, more pure, powerful, loving, organized, loved, or more
spiritual. It is time to stop trying to become someone better and start BEING the
God-being you already are! Your trying and efforting just stirs up more dust and
clouds, covering up your already perfect light and mirror. Trying to be someone
or something other than who you are is just another unfulfilling program that gets
to be unlearned. Transcend your conditioning and do something totally new! Let
go of all efforting this week, and let the effortless flow of your divine energy live
its life through you!

If you check out the word trying, you will find that it has two definitions. The first
implies that you have a weak commitment to doing something, while the second
definition means you are somewhat willing to explore a new experience. Either
way, trying creates a separation between you and your experience. Therefore, to
fully step into your Manifesting Vibration, it is necessary that you drop all trying!

Perhaps you think that if you stop TRYING completely, you will never have a new
experience, and may become even more stuck and lazy. We are not
recommending that you stop sampling new experiences. Rather, we want you to
fully explore every possible experience that arises instead of participating in them
half-heartedly or just tasting them. An example of how trying can create
separation in your life is obvious in the arena of relationships. Troubles start
occurring when one person has one foot in the relationship, and the other foot
out instead of diving fully into it. When you remain at this halfway house too
long, both partners will start feeling distant from each other and abandoned.

Trying is one of those empty words that creates feelings of lack and struggle.
Just notice how lazy the word TRY really is. It means that you are not 100%
committed to following through. Trying represents an attitude that you are not
devoted to achieving your dreams. In this state, you do not trust that an all-
powerful Universe is supporting the manifestation of your every desire. Every
moment you try, the Universe responds accordingly with almost giving you what
you want. We cannot manifest anything until we eliminate the trying energy and
replace it with pure joy and effortless ease.

The word trying also means that you are truly not enjoying your experience.
When you TRY to accomplish anything, you hold back from LOVING the
experience you are having, and dwell in anticipation of some better situation in
your future. Think about TRYING to get out of bed to face your life each
morning. How does that feel verses jumping out of bed and seizing the day?
Trying to get out of bed is based on the preconceived conclusion and judgment
that your life sucks the big wazoo! This is NOT true! Cancel, cancel, and cancel
that thought! Your life is amazing. How do we know this? You are a divine
manifesting being, and can create miracles the moment you stop trying and start
knowing the infinite abundance of bliss within your being.

It is your trying energy that causes all the blocks and dis-harmony in your life.
Why is it so hard to let go of this habit? Trying is an energy we were taught at a
very early age that says if we work hard and continue to persist, we will
eventually achieve success. This deep societal fear-based programming says,
You have got to work HARD and really EFFORT to make anything happen, and
if you dont, you will DIE! Perhaps in the prehistoric days this was the natural
way of life. People had to build a fire, catch or kill their meal, and make their
weapons by hand, just to survive. The problem is that the survival saboteur is
still deeply embedded in your programming, and keeps you from living like a
manifesting magnet.

Command the mind to let this habit go! Drop surviving and start THRIVING! It is
so easy to release this program when you stop the mind in its tracks, and realize
that there is an infinite source of energy and creativity available inside you
RIGHT NOW! The moment you drop this belief, you will stop procrastinating the
experience of absolute divine JOY at the core of your BEING, realizing your
natural manifesting powers are real.

"Try not. Door do not.
There is no try." ~Yoda, Star Wars

When you compare the lazy trying saboteur to your unlimited potentiality, you
will see that trying is an old habit and mind game. Drop the game and you will
find that you are divinely capable of doing and achieving ANYTHING once you
set your mind to it. The trying game works in conjunction with your excuse
factory, which causes you to live in fear. Excuses stem from not knowing your

own source of power. The excuses you use for not manifesting what you want
contain the same energy that causes you to struggle towards your goals.
Observe and be curious about the excuses that habitually arise, and you will be
one step closer to breaking your trying addiction.

The next step in stopping the trying game is to eliminate the word try and its
attitude from your vocabulary and emotional body. Notice when you tend to use
the words Ill try. These are the weak links in your Manifesting Vibration. Stop
saying the words, Ill try for even one week, and you will see a HUGE shift in
your manifesting abilities. Always replace Ill try with an empowering statement
like, I will, I can, I am going to, I get to, or I want to. How does it feel to
eliminate and replace the words, Ill try? Remember that the word try is
energetically weak, wimpy, and pathetic. The more you use try, the lower your
vibration gets. The simple practice of eliminating try from your vocabulary will
instill you with a higher level of self-confidence, since you will be accomplishing
more of what you set out to do.

When you give up repeating the words and energies of trying, wishing, and
hoping, you truly step onto the manifestors playing field. This is where the real
magic happens. The instant you give up those frail strategies, you adopt a new
attitude that creates only win-win scenarios. This entails having more trust,
operating out of inspired actions, and gaining a deep knowingness that you will
succeed. Immediately you become more confident than your average bear, and
find yourself instantly manifesting what you were trying to achieve.

"Cease trying to work everything out with your minds,
it will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration
and let your whole life be a Revelation. ~Eileen Caddy

You might have noticed that this TRYING issue is HUGE! Just look inside, it is
always there. It is that part of you which is still efforting to get somewhere in life.
What do you ultimately want to achieve anyway? All this trying and efforting is to
get you to experience what? Its goal is to have you stop and get really curious
about the subtle efforting programs inside you, and discover your true life
mission. The greatest epiphany of your life will happen the instant you stop and
unravel this relentless saboteur. Experiment with relaxing in the experience that
you are presently having instead of struggling. You will find that the path of
effortlessness is much more satisfying, and a million times more powerful at
manifesting what you want.

In your ultimate manifesting state of existence there is no more "trying" to do
anything or become anyone other than who you are. You realize you are a God-
Being who has taken off your disguise, and are always manifesting your thoughts
instantaneously. In this state you ARE inspired action, in action, all the time.
The excuses you used to live your life by are long GONE, and you take 100%
responsibility for every thought, action and feeling you create. In this

enlightening state, there is nothing you can experience that does not contain the
feelings of freedom and bliss in some way.

"You cannot depend on your eyes when your
imagination is out of focus." ~Mark Twain

The Spiritual Trap in Negativity

When you realize you are a spiritual being connected to the God-Source, you
know, see and feel the spiritual energy within all things. A deep experience of
Oneness arises within you. This Oneness wipes your mirror clean, dissolves
away the Ego in a flash, and leaves you experiencing Divine energy everywhere
you go. However, while you are making progress in raising your Manifesting
Vibration, you may randomly encounter intense battles with your old negative
mindset. As you are feeling overwhelmed with negative thoughts, you may
attempt to personally fight them or transcend them with a strategy such as
denying their existence. This illusive behavior can become a spiritual trap,
causing your Manifesting Vibration to stagnate and even drop ferociously. The
trap will sneak up on you the instant something grossly negative and personal
happens to you and you cannot see the negativity as a blessing in disguise.

This type of spiritual mindset will fight off ANY negative thoughts, experiences or
judgments, desperately trying NOT to have an unspiritual thought or reaction
against it. Inside you, twinges of anger, rage, disappointment or fear will arise,
only to be pushed away and cast aside. Doing so, you do not realize you are
suppressing a natural expression of pain. If you had allowed yourself to fully
experience these feelings, then you would have transformed this turmoil into a
deeper connection with your Source.

"The fastest way to freedom
is to feel your feelings. ~Gita Bellin

The mind is programmed to automatically see life in shades of black and white.
It only knows polarity and comparisons. If you buy into its story, the mind will
twist your perception until the situation is deemed right or wrong. The mind feels
unresolved about life unless it can categorize an experience. The really
interesting thing about this is that when you do get caught on one side of this
perception swing, there is one thing which will always take you beyond it. All
negative and positive experiences contain a thread of consciousness running
through them. This thread is connected to a divine Source of pure conscious
intelligence that accepts both extremes. This thread is always here, no matter
how non-existent it may seem, and will always help you transcend the
judgmental mindset. The question you may have now is, How do I maintain my

connection with this thread of consciousness and transcend the judgments of my

Your heart is the Master at transcending the mind and keeping the window open
to allow this breeze of divine conscious energy to flow through. The heart
responds to life much like the 5000 year old Yin and Yang symbol. It contains
perfect balance within itself. It automatically lets in the positive and the negative,
and does not get stuck on one polarity. The mind however will become trapped
by the illusion portrayed on one side of the spectrum. As a result it will erect a
wall around your heart, making a fortress to protect you from the perceived evil.
The challenge then is staying in touch with your heart, and maintaining the
balance that stems from seeing and feeling the BIGGER picture.

If you discover something inside yourself or someone else that you perceive as
negative, wrong, or even evil, take a big deep breath and relax! When you hit a
wall, give yourself full permission to experience and explore it. A good question
to ask is, Whats the actual negative experience I am not allowing myself to
have? The next question you will ask is, Whats that positive experience I am
not allowing myself to have? Then, visualize yourself taking a step back from
the situation energetically and re-focus on how this aspect fits perfectly into the
bigger picture of the world and Universe. Remember that there is nothing 100%
purely evil in this Universe. All energy and beings contain negative and positive

Life is an infinite mystery of polar opposites, and we are the explorers of the
balance of these polarities. No matter what you do, the pendulum of your mind
will swing incessantly between two opposite extremes. The mind can ONLY
think in terms of black or white, right or wrong, that you are truly amazing, or not
much of anything. It is always forgetting that YOU are connected to an infinite
spiritual river at the core of your being. This is where you want to trust your
divine essence.

To live in balance within this wild and extreme world, a healthy agreement with
your mind must be established. The secret to this agreement is finding the
middle road. This happens by seeing the truth and the non-truth in both polar
opposites, and staying present to the empty canvas of infinite possibility.
Relaxing into and embracing the true unknown allows you to adopt a magical
attitude, especially when life throws nasty curve balls your way. This is the
secret to living in harmony and having inner peace at all times, which is the
foundation beneath all powerful Manifesting Vibrations. As your inner foundation
strengthens, your manifesting powers heighten, and you continue to expand your
perspective to the point where anything or anyone becomes a spiritual

"Would you rather be a spiritual being having
an occasional human experience, or a human being having an
occasional spiritual experience? ~Dr. Wayne Dyer

The Art of Transcending Suffering

One of the most debilitating mental, emotional and physical blocks people
experience on a daily basis stems from a belief that they must tolerate their daily
suffering. What is suffering and how do we create it? Suffering happens each
moment the mind becomes the master, and you its slave. Your minds thoughts
can appear very real, yet the truth is that absolute bliss starts the moment you
drop the mind completely.

Suffering is our attachment to the idea of how things should be, and a lack of
acceptance and love for the way life truly is. Anytime you are shoulding on life
or yourself, suffering will automatically occur. Your Ego is that demanding aspect
of you that wants to control, direct, manage, and change everyone and
everything in the world. It is the should-a-holic who thinks the Universe should
always refer to its wants and immediate agenda, and thus ultimately causes

The ego may also create a coping strategy that turns the should-a-holic into a
tolerate-a-holic. When in the face of a major issue in life, a deeper belief arises
that says you are powerless to change your situation and thus must tolerate it.
This stuck feeling only grows stronger if there is no immediate conscious
response or action to eliminate it. The problem is that the strategy of toleration
only works temporarily. Over the years, a pothole of pain is created by
repeatedly running over your true feelings and needs. The more energy you
spend putting up with or tolerating things, the less energy you will have to
manifest your desires.

This toleration game is something that we as a society have become overly-
accustomed to and identified with. Suffering happens when you over-identify
with the thoughts and feelings of being powerless, in pain, or a victim of life. As a
species, we have accepted that suffering is an inherent natural quality of being
human and something we must tolerate for as long as we live. This is a far cry
from the truth. Suffering is not a human curse branded upon us or chiseled into
our permanent destiny. The Universe is not programmed to bring you more pain,
loneliness, or poverty as you grow older. In fact, once you have an experience of
suffering, and know what actually caused this state, you can learn how to
transcend it with effortless ease. There are five primary causes of suffering that
all human beings fall prey to.

We must cultivate the power of concentration
and remove all these obstacles to enlightenment
which are causing our sufferings. ~Patanjali

The 5 Causes of Human Suffering

The 5 causes listed below are from the Sutras of a well known historic Avatar
named Patanjali and date back over 1500 years. Patanjali was a great master of
life who came with many messages about how to awaken and free ourselves
from all suffering. The core of his teachings can be found in the small book,
How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. It describes in great
depth many ancient yogic teachings that will aid you in training your mind to
achieve Oneness with the Universe, and thus unleash your full manifesting
potential. Below are a few of Patanjalis key sutras as stated in How to Know
God. It is important to know that of these 5 causes of suffering, the first is
responsible for creating all the others. Without the first, there is no pain, no
illusion, and no suffering. You can order this amazing book online at:

1. Ignorance of our Infinite Nature.
The first cause of suffering stems from forgetting the truth of who we truly are.
We have ignored our infinite nature. The truth is that we are divine beings that
will never die. However, the mind works a lot like a sieve. It forgets easily what it
has learned, no matter how amazing and important the information may be. The
secret to transcending this ignorance is to be in wonder about this unconscious
state, which awakens a new awareness inside. With enough curiosity about this
ignorance, you will wake up from the incessant illusions and delusions the mind
habitually falls into all day long! With the right depth of awareness, you can stop
buying into the story of your lifes dramatic fabricated delusions, and can tap
into your infinite nature.

2. Egoism or over-identification with limiting ideas.
This aspect of suffering originates from an unhealthy relationship with your Ego.
When the mind becomes over-identified and attached to ideas that limit your
infinite being, it causes the bodymind to contract and experience stuckness. This
unhealthy relationship occurs when identification with a certain idea is more
powerful than your connection with your infinite nature.

3. Attachment to that which dwells upon pleasure.
As long as you believe that fulfilling your Egos desire for pleasure is the key to
your happiness, there will be some experience of suffering in your future. New
ego desires will always arise and fall away. Its your attachment to them that
causes suffering to be stuck on you like Velcro. You do not have to fulfill each

desire to actually experience pleasure. Within the core of your infinite nature is
the most blissful energy in the entire Universe, which is beyond the temporary
pleasures created by satisfying the Ego. Experiencing this limitless joy happens
effortlessly when you are in a state of non-attachment. By letting go of all ego
attachment, you create the space for your manifestations to occur effortlessly.

4. Aversion to that which dwells upon pain.
The human race has been conditioned for ions to avoid all pain since it could
ultimately lead to the death of the species. While it may be appropriate to avoid
physical pain to ensure the survival of the race (such as when you were being
pursued by a ferocious tiger), the mind also spends its time trying to avoid any
situation that may cause mental or emotional pain. The Ego is very foolish. It
thinks it cannot bear the experience of any discomfort, and therefore attempts to
eliminate all perceived painful experiences even though it has no fool-proof
method to eradicate them. Your ego is so wrapped up in averting this pain that
you forget your infinite nature, resulting in much suffering.

5. Desire to cling to life; fear of mortality.
Our fear of death is both an instinctual and programmed response taught by our
modern day society. Although it is natural to step out of the way of a high-speed
moving vehicle, most of your clinging to life is caused by illusions of the mind.
Situations such as losing your job, divorce, or experiencing humiliation in front of
a crowd may be unconsciously translated as life threatening events. This
clinging to life causes much suffering since the ego constantly works to protect its
emotional, mental, and physical survival. The only way to transcend this kind of
suffering is to remember the absolute truth of who you are. You are much more
than your body or your mind. Your divine spiritual essence will continue to exist
long after your bodymind dies. Once you wake up to this truth, you stop clinging
to life, naturally accept all that occurs, and experience deep feelings of security.

"Seeing beauty is about broadening our ability to recognize the
interconnectedness of all manifestations of life and delighting in how
the smells and sounds and tastes and sights that surround us
conspire to draw us toward living fully."
~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Why Do We Experience Suffering at All?

Without pain or suffering, there is no friction, and thus no struggle or growth in
life. It is when we embrace our pain that we learn how to enjoy it and understand
the bigger lessons life is teaching us. Just imagine that your life is like a beach
ball floating on the waves of the ocean. It naturally rises and falls in time with
each wave that passes by. However, along the journey you (the beach ball) may
become overly-attached to certain thoughts, beliefs and opinions which tend to

weigh you down, pulling you far beneath the oceans surface. As you descend
deeper, the pressure from the ocean increases immensely, making life even
more difficult and challenging than ever before. Yet, the stubborn Ego continues
to hang on, the situation intensifies, and you continue to sink lower until you feel
like your life is going to implode! Just before you think you cannot bear the
pressure another moment, you let go of everything.

"In the darkest hour the soul is replenished and given
strength to continue to endure." ~Heart Warrior Chosa

In an instant, you ascend back up towards the waters surface. The upward
momentum blasts you out of the water and high into the sky! Here you discover
a very expansive perspective of reality where only lightness and freedom
abound. As you look back to where you came from, you notice that the depth
you allowed yourself to be pulled down to is exactly proportionate to the height
you reached above the surface. You realize that every beach ball that goes up
must come back down, and that your balls elasticity is now more flexible after it
went through this descent and ascension.

The point of this analogy is to remind you that the stuckness, heaviness and
issues in your life have a divine purpose. They are here to stretch you out of
your fixed Ego-identity and force you to focus so that you can transcend your
pain. The more suffering you can release from your life, the more resilient your
Manifesting Vibration becomes. Miraculously, when you release the heaviness
you are hanging on to, you will be instantly propelled towards your dreams.

In this wild ride of life, you have signed up to have experiences of suffering in
order to truly know feelings of love and bliss. You have experienced suffering by
allowing for a lack of love in the bodymind, and creating an illusionary fear-based
separation from your divine spiritual existence. The beach ball gets pulled
beneath the surface so it can realize its purpose is to float on the surface.
Without this negative fear-based experience to compare and contrast a blissful
experience with, you would not have the motivation or perspective necessary to
rise above your love-starved Ego and transcend them both.

If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely
everything is ready, we shall never begin. ~Ivan Turgenev

Lifting the Veil of Suffering

You instantly lift the veil of suffering when you no longer resist ANY experience
you have, or form beliefs that say THIS experience is wrong. When you
surrender your urge to fight or deny your current suffering, it flows right through
you! The present moment becomes simply exquisite, and you allow whatever

experiences that arise to naturally unfold! By surrendering to the experience
which is here now, an immediate connection to the God-Source occurs, and
suffering is no longer the commander of your vessel. Choosing to have
absolutely no resistance or judgment of your present experience is the most
powerful tool you can use to bring you through ANY energetic block and lift your
Manifesting Vibration to the next level.

Remember that in the midst of those difficult morally incorrect situations that
you believe should not occur, you always have the power to choose how you
experience the situation. When you know that that you have the choice to
experience ANYTHING at ANY TIME, you are truly FREE from suffering forever!
Every moment contains the freedom of this choice. With this, you always have
the ability to be at peace in the midst of any suffering.

"Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window
through which you must see the world." ~George Bernard Shaw

Overcoming suffering happens the moment you resign from being the over-
bearing manager of your next experience (and everybody else's), and start
recognizing the divine intelligent consciousness that is here now! This is your
permanent "Get out of Hell Free Card." Once you let go of trying to control your
experience, the divine can be seen and felt in the outer world. When this
happens, you can also recognize it on the inner world!

You can find pure joy in ANY situation by placing your attention on the center of
your presence and being. All suffering is eliminated when you embrace the
expansive qualities of your divine being. In this space, there is an infinite
reservoir of love, inner peace, joy, and appreciation. Inner peace and true joy
cannot be cultivated by force, burning desire or even the act of will. They are
neither attitudes nor dispositions, but accessed through surrendering to the core
of our essential nature. Inner peace happens instantly by relaxing deeply inside
and being with what is.

This surrender is a huge step in raising your Manifesting Vibration and realizing
that your life long habit of suffering is as it should be. If you are open to fully
exploring each new thought and emotion as it arises, you will soon see how
those years of suffering are blessings in disguise. When you can see your
sufferings and imperfections as perfect, you will feel how your entire life is
perfect, exactly as it is. You will know that you were never abandoned by or
separated from your God-Source. EVERYTHING in your past, present and
future will be re-experienced as perfect, sacred and divine.

The more you can surrender to each moment, the more connected you will feel
with your infinite nature, and the less suffering you will have. With a heightened
consciousness, your Manifesting Vibration grows naturally on its own. By
following this path of surrendering with awareness, you will acquire many of your

desires and goals without efforting, become less worried about attaining material
pleasures, and more adept at receiving the luxuries you want. What satisfies you
will begin to come in from every angle. Life takes on a profound spiritual depth
when you know how to step out of suffering at anytime.

Surrendering to Your Core Exercise

Lying on your back with your arms
and legs stretched out, repeat the sound Ahhhh
as if you were letting out a sigh of relief.
Sigh out loud for at least 5-10 minutes
in this surrendered position.

While sighing, imagine that growing out of your navel is a flower
that is opening up towards a warm Sun in the sky.
Notice how it feels in your belly as each flower petal
opens and surrenders to the warmth and life
nourishment from the Sun above.

Let all the tensions in your body unfold like these petals,
and open up to receiving the warm rays of the Sun.
Let go, relax, and surrender to this nourishing healing energy.

As every cell in your body softens and releases,
imagine the warm soothing light is now emanating
from the base of your spine to the top of your head.
Take several slow deep breaths into your spine
and relax deeper than ever before
into this radiant core of your being.

Obstacles are those frightful things you see
when you take your eyes off your goal. ~ Hannah More

The Top 10 Blocks That Lower Your
Manifesting Vibration

There are many beliefs and behaviors which hinder your Manifesting Vibration
from evolving to the next level. Although some blocks can slow you down
temporarily, others can paralyze you permanently. Through years of working
with clients, we have uncovered the top 10 most disempowering and
reoccurring blocks that keep people from embodying their true manifesting
abilities. While many of the blocks below have been alluded to in previous

chapters, this list makes these hidden land mines more visible so you can easily
navigate around them. As you bring awareness to these blocks, your reactivity to
them may increase since you are more conscious of their existence. Do not fret,
this heightened awareness will help you steer clear from stepping on them and
blowing yourself up.

1. This generalized anxiety stems from believing you are
separate from an Infinite Source.
Feeling separate from The Universe is how we create feelings of fear, negativity,
body tension, dis-ease, and being a failure in life. The habitual illusion that we
are NOT connected to the Divine, stems from the mind's attachment and
avoidance of certain thoughts. If we can untangle ourselves from these deep
internal beliefs, our anxiety dissolves, and we reconnect with our eternal
abundant nature.

2. The inability to stop the incessant chattering of the mind.
Your Ego is your thought program. Like a computer, it is unaware. It just spits
out information and computes things that have to deal with the past and future.
After many years of listening to this broken record, you may feel incapable of
quieting your incessant mind chatter. In fact, silence may be the most foreign
experience in the world to you. By observing your thoughts consciously through
meditation, this chattering eventually dissolves since you are no longer entranced
by the obsessive story-telling Ego.

3. Not acknowledging, embracing, honoring, and releasing what
you FEAR.
F.E.A.R. is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Whatever you are
afraid of is often what brings passion, joy and direction to your life. Fear can be
excitement in disguise. When you suppress your fears by pretending they dont
exist, you stifle your passion and creativity with it. The secret to transcending
any fear is to undertake the four step process of acknowledging what you truly
fear, embracing the feeling of fear in your body, honoring it as a teacher, and
releasing it from your life by replacing it with excitement.

4. An attachment or an aversion to anything.
Suffering always arises when we avoid what is painful, or become too attached to
what is pleasurable. The purpose of pain and pleasure is to tell us when we are
(and are not) present to this Infinite Source inside. Suffering is the Universes
way of saying, "RELAX and LET GO!" To be free from all suffering, find a happy
medium between attachment and aversion by accepting what is.

5. Over-identification with others unconscious stories of
While growing up, what did others tell you that you were lacking in? What was
your "standard" story of failure or separation? As a child, you unconsciously

inherited whatever stories your parents had about separation, and started to
embrace them as your own. The Separation from your Source began! Our
parents and everyone else were not fully Enlightened Beings who always lived in
constant state of love and wonder, so how could we recognize that possibility in
ourselves? Since then, we have been replaying these same tapes by
identifying with other peoples stories of victimization and disempowerment. The
more aware and conscious you become of this pattern, the easier it is to
dismantle it.

6. Believing that Thinking is a means to success.
"Think-a-holics" have dominated our society for many generations. Instead of
being taught how to quiet and control the mind, we were shown that thinking
harder and being smarter will achieve the desired outcome. We have been
hypnotized to believe that the pathway to success can only be accessed through
harnessing the power of the intellect. This unfortunately does not leave room for
feelings of success. When we are always thinking of attaining success, we are
not allowing the feeling of success to enter our bodies. This transformation
comes from shifting your focus from the thoughts occurring in your head, to the
divine presence radiating from your heart. How much suffering can you tolerate
before you decide to redefine success?

7. Hiding from your true power in a "safe" little fishbowl.
According to the ego, your thoughts are safe while unknown experiences are
unsafe. Through TV, movies, and books you may tend to disengage from the
real world, and hide from the incredible experiences life has to offer. You then
become trapped in a mental spin-cycle of thoughts about reality that make you
believe you are fully alive. Instead, these mental games distract you from fully
diving into the vast ocean of unknown experiences. As a result, you may tend to
stay in a safe (and basically stagnant) little fishbowl by habitually doing and
thinking things that bring you security. The secret to getting out of your fishbowl
is to consciously choose to actively engage life by adventuring out of your
comfort zone everyday. Practice embracing the thrill of riding the roller-coaster
of life by unplugging the TV, get out of your house, and meet the unknown!
Wouldnt life be boring if you always knew the future and how you should
respond to the next experience?

"All greatness is achieved while performing
outside your comfort zone." ~Greg Arnold

8. Having to be right all the time.
Being right is how the Ego thinks it will become happy. However, being right is a
contracted viewpoint on reality that creates tension in your bodymind. When you
HAVE TO be right about something, you are automatically giving up your ability
to let in love, and appreciation. The Ego believes it must defend its position in
order to get what it wants. This is a massive illusion that never leads to total

fulfillment. To let go of this stubborn habit, ask yourself, Would I rather be right
than happy? Then, use empathy to step into the other persons shoes and
notice how true their perspective is for them.

9. Being addicted to playing the Victim.
Feeling victimized by the world is the ultimate state of disempowerment. When
you take on this victim role, you feel you no longer have the choice or ability to
manifest something that supports you. Playing the victim only happens through a
lack of awareness. You may be unconsciously masquerading around as a Victim
to life since this behavior prompts others to feel sorry for your pain, and thus
send you a warped form of love. The reason you may stay stuck in the victim
role is that you are receiving secondary gains like pity, compassion, false
connection, sense of being right, and not having to take responsibility for the
power you have to manifest the life you want. To step out of victim-hood, stop
blaming the world for your situation and decide to reclaim your power.
Remember that you are responsible for creating EVERYTHING in your life!

10. Choosing to stay in the Rat Race instead of living a life you
Perhaps you are caught in this ridiculous Rat Race to reach a certain monetary
status and level of luxury so that your physical suffering will end. This never
works. The cheese you are after will just get bigger every year, and you will
become more exhausted chasing it. If you are too busy chasing your next big
cheese, you may miss the experience of a life that you love. This way of being is
counter productive to harnessing your true manifesting powers. Your Manifesting
Vibration increases when you deeply enjoy your life now, taking inspired actions,
and trusting that the Universe will deliver your next cheese on a silver platter.



"This life is your gift to yourself...Open it!" ~Author Unknown

Inspired Play Days

Is your day to day reality packed full of things you should be doing? Do you
sometimes feel like you are enslaved to your to-do list, never able to take time off
for fun? If your world is dominated by shoulds and a sense of drudgery, you
are unconsciously lowering your Manifesting Vibration. The key to shifting out of
this shoulding lifestyle is to open up your inspiration valve, and adopt more of a
free action approach to life, where moment-to-moment you follow inspired

How often during your day do you allow inspiration to be your sole guidance?
Inspiration is really a message from your soul. It is the heart calling you into
action instead of your head. Think back to when you were a child. How much of
your time was spent in inspired action versus now? Children are naturally in
inspired action. They live from a place of freedom, spontaneity, and excitement.

Young children are able to fully immerse in the awesome juicy experience of now
and are comfortable with themselves as they are. They remain out of their
analytical head and are more concerned with what is happening to them in THIS
new experience rather than how good they are. As an adult you can learn a lot
from children by giving yourself permission to be less than perfect and have fun
playing! Playing is actually the ultimate form of inspired action. Anytime you
play, you open up your Manifesting Vibration. When was the last time you really
let yourself play? Do you ever schedule time in your week to just let go and have
fun doing whatever you desire?

We recommend you set aside at least one day each week where you can fully
express and experience the joy of being alive, and be inspired by everything you
are doing. Create an Inspired Play Day where you can live each moment as if it
were your very FIRST or LAST moment. Be virgin-like with how you approach
your day and each activity you are guided to do. Enroll your friends and family to
join you in this playful exploration. By regularly having an Inspired Play Day, you
will naturally feel inspired other days of the week. Eventually, you can
experience your daily manifesting routine each morning as if it were your first day
doing it. You will experience a fresh new aliveness and playfulness!

The more inspired actions you engage in each day, the less attached you
become to your IDEA of the ultimate job, mate or outcome, and the more open

you are to receiving what you want or something better! The less narrowed the
mind is, the more your Manifesting Vibration increases and the easier it becomes
to release attachments in your mind. The right combination of energy toward
focusing on what you want and receiving what you want, allows you to
experience what you want!

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead
where there is no path and leave a trail."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Enlightened Multi-Tasking

One challenge you may have in your day to day reality is accomplishing
everything on your to do list during your waking hours. In order to get
everything done, you may rush through each experience, trying to do three things
at once all day long. Driving your car, talking on the cell phone, and changing
the radio station all at the same time have become a common daily theme for
many people. Multi-tasking while rushing is perceived as the way to increase
your happiness quotient and make your dreams happen faster. However, this is
a false belief since multi-tasking only keeps you from fully experiencing the
richness of each moment, leading to a deep feeling of dissatisfaction and a lower
Manifesting Vibration. The only solution to this predicament is to learn
Enlightened Multi-Tasking.

The Enlightened Multi-Task Master does not rush against the clock, worry about
the amount of money in the bank, or concern itself with the number of things
accomplished at the end of the day. Enlightened Multi-Tasking is being
EXCITED about what YOU are doing RIGHT NOW. In the midst of DOING any
task, you choose to tap into feelings of accomplishment, appreciation, and
complete enjoyment. When the next item on the to-do list arises, you move into
it with INSPIRED ACTION. You dont do ANYTHING you are not inspired to do.
When you are always inspired to do what you love and are loving what you are
currently doing, you will accomplish much more than what was on your to-do list.
In the end, you will look back and have memories you can savor forever!

The Enlightened Multi-Task Master is not concerned about quantity as much as
quality. Completing a task from a calm, empowered state of mind is much more
valuable and rewarding than frantically rushing towards another false gratification
goal line. The quality of attention which you put into each moment (no matter
what you are doing) is a big key to strengthening your Manifesting Vibration.
When a higher quality of attention is engaged, the richness of life pours through
each new moment, while a lower quality is concerned with just finishing those
last three tasks you have overloaded your agenda with.

This higher quality of attention is attained by maintaining focus on one thing at a
time. Enlightened Multi-Task Masters direct all their attention on the experience
at hand and can still accomplish many tasks in a given day. Did you know that
all human beings can fully process only ONE thing at a time? Although you may
be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, you actually cannot enjoy both
of them in the same exact moment. Meaning there is only space for one thought
per moment. For example, you will have the thought this gum tastes fruity,
followed by the thought boy, my legs feel strong. If you could experience both
thoughts at the same time, you would hear something like, Boy, my gummy legs
feel strong and fruity. Your mind can only process one thought at a time (thank
the Universe). If you try to focus on two thoughts at once, you just create tons of
stress! When you have more than one task to accomplish, you may quickly jump
from one thought to another in the hopes of achieving more in record time. The
result is a destructive habit called RUSHING.

Why do we rush in the first place? Why do we have this feeling of not having
enough time? Experiencing a lack of time, funds, fun, and feelings create a need
to race to the finish line all day long, and sometimes all life long. A rushing
bodymind organism will frequently feel panicked because it believes that this
energy will speed up completion of the task, filling up the empty feelings inside.
When we dont feel connected with the eternal spiritual Source inside ourselves,
there is a desperate feeling of lack, and a need for something to fulfill us.

Remember, rushing through ANY experience is actually an act of violence
against yourself, and means you are not accepting that THIS experience is
sacred. It is a nasty habit that results in you not taking the time to appreciate and
LOVE your life exactly as it is. The only redeeming quality this rushing energy
has is to remind us what it is like to slow down, so that we can actually enjoy our
lives exactly as they are right here, right now. The NOW is the juiciest moment
alive, and has everything to offer you!

It is important from time to time, to slow down,
to go away by yourself and simply Be. ~Eileen Caddy

To shift out of rushing, look back at your life, and notice how you cherish the
experiences where you were fully present such as vacations, your wedding day,
or maybe a majestic hike in the mountains. Observe how the number of tasks
you have accomplished throughout your lifetime is relatively unimportant, and
lacks depth. After you have reviewed your life, make a new commitment to fully
savor each moment, and live your life as though you were making love to it.
Making love in a slow and unhurried way allows you to enjoy the experience
more. Whereas fast hurried sex is like a good sneeze. It is gone before you
know it and there is not much left to really get excited about. Wouldnt you like to
experience your life as an amazing, timeless orgasm rather than a quick sneeze?
You can experience more JOY and FULFILLMENT by slowing down and staying
present to one thing at a time. The more you slow down, the more orgasmic

each moment will become. Here are a few easy and practical tips that will make
a dramatic impact on your tendency to live a hurried frantic life.

The 8 Anti-Rushing Remedies

1. Make the Commitment that you will slow your life down.
2. Practice driving under the speed limit (you may notice it is a speed
LIMIT, not a speed minimum).
3. Walk slowly and gently as if you were gliding through the air.
4. Eat slower; chew and enjoy your food.
5. Relax while showering and preparing your Bodymind in the mornings.
6. Practice listening more than talking.
7. When speaking, talk more consciously and precisely.
8. Stop everything you are doing, thinking, and feeling randomly 15 times
a day, and notice this amazingly Magical Bodymind and Universe you
are living in.

You may have noticed a bumper sticker on some cars that say, Practice random
acts of quietness. Simply stopping and resting from your everyday busyness is
a way of practicing kindness with yourself. What would your life be like if you
made a resolution to practice random acts of kindness on yourself? Youd
probably start paying more attention to the divine presence that you are. Make
the simple commitment to breathe slowly and gently, in and out of your belly, all
day long. This gentle act can be the most kind and loving thing you can do
during a busy day.

If you find it difficult to slow your life down, it is partially due to the fact that your
perception of time shifts as you age. Have you noticed that the months go by
faster with each year you get older? Why is this? Your experience of 6 months
of life is HALF of your entire existence when you are 1 year old. By the time you
are 2 years old, 6 months is only a of your life. At 3 years of age, your
perception shifts to 1/6th, and by the time you are sixty years old, your concept of
6 months of time is 1/120th! So, your PERCEPTION of time shrinks each
moment you are alive. Ask any 80 year old, they will tell you that it FEELS like a
month flies by in an instant!

Remind yourself to slow down throughout your day. We suggest that you repeat
a mantra such as, I have plenty of time during those frantic moments. Relax,
and breathe deep into your belly. Be aware. Slow down before life stops you!
Life will put the brakes on you if you dont put the brakes on it. Life will help you
slow everything down by giving you experiences such as getting the flu,
forgetting to pay your credit card bill, bumping your head, or having a fender-
bender. There are no accidents, coincidences, or anything such as luck in the
world of manifesting. There is only energy, intelligence, consciousness and
where you focus your attention. Focus on doing one thing at a time, and your

body, mind, and Manifesting Vibration will thank you for it 1000 times down the

"To be happy at home is the ultimate
result of all ambition." ~Samuel Johnson

The Hidden Power of Relaxation

Along the road of life, you have probably experienced glimpses of success from
intense amounts of efforting. Most likely there is a deeply conditioned belief
system inside you that thinks, In order to become a powerful manifestor and
manifest everything I want, it will take years of training, and require lots of hard
work and persistence. This belief that we achieve our desires only through hard
work is a great maniacal illusion that can become an everyday block to your
Manifesting Vibration. The reality to meditate upon is that your experience of
success happened the moment you stopped efforting, and relaxed fully inside.
This may sound trivial, yet in the everyday world of manifesting, it is a key
element to reaching your ultimate vibration. Whatever experiences you tend to
repeat on the inner world, are reflected back to you energetically in the outer
world. The manifesting techniques and meditations you do will start producing
effortless results when you have discovered how to approach your daily life from
a relaxed space within your bodymind.

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments
when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."
~Thornton Wilder

A relaxed bodymind is proof to the Universe that you trust in its all-intelligent
energy. Being relaxed is empirical evidence that you are ONE with the Universe.
In this state, your energy channels transform into a receiving mode, allowing your
desires to be delivered easily from the Universal warehouse. When your
bodymind is relaxed and at ease, you live in a state of abundance. How else do
you think you will feel once you have everything you want? We refer to
relaxation as a hidden power because when you are consciously relaxed, you
become aligned with the Universal God-force, naturally propelling yourself
forward towards your goals. Relaxation is absolutely vital to your success as a
manifestor. You would think relaxing would make you lazy, yet it only takes you
deeper inside to support you in staying centered on the vibration and feeling of
what you truly want.

One effective way to start on the path of relaxation is to experiment with simply
say YES to this thing called LIFE. Just let your being be a big walking talking
YES to whatever may happen to it for next 24 hours. Set the intention that you
will choose to be open to trusting each decision, person, thought and experience

that comes your way. Whatever you experience, know that it is the RIGHT
experience that is here to teach you what you most need to learn. What does
your body FEEL like when you say YES to each moment? Notice exactly how
this unique sensation is different than a contracted state? The main rule of
thumb is to not resist anything LIFE delivers you, just fully relax into it.

So, you may be wondering HOW you can remain relaxed all of the time? The
truth is that the very essence of your being is always at ease. It is just a matter
of consciously connecting with it. An observer always exists inside you, who is
unaffected by anything happening in the outer world. The world outside you is
like a great cyclone of energy, spinning up all sorts of wild and turbulent things.
Yet, the very center of every tornado or hurricane is totally still and peaceful.
Scientists call this place the eye of the storm. When you relax into this stillness
within your being, the observer is awakened, and you experience the all-seeing-
eye of your existence.

How do you remain in the eye of the storm when crisis is everywhere? First,
take two or three deep breaths into your belly, and relax your body. Dont resist
the chaos whirling around you, instead invite it into your home like a good friend.
Allow the crisis to push you deeper into your core of your being. When you
experience a feeling of being threatened by something in the outer world, realize
that the Universe is testing your level of centeredness. Treat it like you would an
exam at school. This situation has materialized to teach you a lesson about the
depth of your personal power. Passing this test requires the ability to respond
from your deepest possible, relaxed place, regardless of the outer
circumstances. Do not worry! Before you know it, your exam will soon be over.

The KEY to always passing that big final exam lies in your level of commitment to
relaxation. The most effective way of establishing a high level of commitment is
to practice the third habit of meditation. It is essential that you set aside sacred
time daily to implement this habit. As you make time everyday to rest deeply in
the stillness of your being through meditation, the sensation of relaxation will
grow stronger, and filter down through the different layers of your consciousness.
After some time, your commitment will become a natural impulse that you carry
out everyday. You will eventually experience a deep feeling of peace no matter
where you go, who you are with, and what you are doing. Relaxation is the seed
that makes your magical manifesting abilities sprout, take root, and flourish!

The only reason this amazing seed of relaxation has not yet sprouted, is lack of
proper nutrients. It is like it was cast into the dry desert sands without any water
or soil! Hard tough environments, over-commitments, and ingrained beliefs have
caused you to stress out and rush to get everything done. What an incredible
illusion! Look deeper inside, there is already EVERYTHING you need inside
yourself to provide nourishing soil, sun, and water for the flower of relaxation to
grow and blossom. With a few drops of meditative rain tomorrow morning, a few
blossoms will open by the end of the day!


"Realize that you cannot help a soul unless that soul
really wants help and is ready to be helped." ~Eileen Caddy

Transcending Daily Pain and Dis-ease

It may be difficult for you to apply any of the manifesting techniques or
meditations above if you encounter some sort of intense mental, emotional, or
physical challenge. Deeper issues such as depression, physical illness, deep
pain, or emotional abandonment may cause you to feel stuck and disempowered.
Perhaps you are caught in the past, wrapped up in some drama around these
issues. Your mind may be constantly wishing your life was different than the way
it is now. It can feel as though you are caught in a toilet bowl that continues to
drown you in the same repetitive negativity. Your mind may be saying,
Everything was going so good in my life until XYZ happened, and now Im broke,
my health sucks, my relationships are non-existent, and my world is going down
the drain! My life is really messed up! This is an example of a highly
contracted state that could later result in pain, dis-ease, or depression if it

Physical pain occurs when there is a mental or emotional contraction in response
to a prolonged ego attachment to any outcome. If, over an extended period of
time, your ego continues to be in conflict, mild or intense pain will register in your
body. Dis-ease or depression is caused by holding onto pain for many months or
years. Pain continues because the ego is afraid to let go, allowing it to dissolve
into its divine existence. The ego grasps onto this pain, fabricating many clever
excuses to stay stuck.

If you use pain as an excuse for not focusing on what you CAN create or DO with
your time, then it is imperative that you break through this roadblock in order to
embark on the manifesting path. All this negativity is just a thick layer of dust that
may take many hours, days and weeks of practicing the transcending pain
techniques below to wipe off. We each have had some terrible experiences in
life. Yet, if there is one thing that is constant in life, it is CHANGE. In an instant,
everything can change for the positive with the right attitude.

Life is like a great big grinding wheel. Whether it wears you down
or polishes you up depends on what you are made of." ~Unknown

The first step to transcend your pain or disease is to simply be with these deep
intense experiences. Once you can be at peace with the sensations of pain (or
contraction) trapped in your body without getting wrapped up in the story that
goes with it, the pain will dissolve on its own. Simply BEING WITH the energy
inside you is enough to heal it. Why does this work? Normally, your conditioning

will cause you to resist or battle with your disease, depression, and pain. This
struggle keeps your body in a contracted state, putting more energy into the dis-
eased state. On the other hand, being with your pain is a way of staying open in
an expansive space. This allowing energy actually lets love in, which ultimately
heals your bodymind. The following meditation will guide you through a process
of learning how to be with any intense uncomfortable experience, transcending
the dis-ease that accompanies it.

The Healing Meditation

Sit or lie down on the floor, and breathe slowly
and deeply into your belly for 3-5 minutes.
Consciously relax your body from head to toe.
Do this by holding your attention on each major body part
(head, torso, legs and arms) as you breathe
INTO these places and command them to,
Relax and Let Go.

Bring your attention to the diseased
or painful area in your body.
If you have an emotional issue, notice where
it is located in your body.

Imagine a door located beside your pain.
Open the door, and walk through to explore your pain.
How large is your pain?
Is it as big as an apple, or as small as an ant?
Notice the shape, color, and texture of your pain.
Is it dark, light, smooth, rough, prickly,
round or long and thin like a stick?

Now, ask your pain directly,
What are you here to teach me?
Listen closely for the answer
which will come from your pain.

If your mind is quiet enough, you will receive
a short word or phrase that may start with,
Trust, Relax, Let Go, Love, Enjoy or something
very simple and profound. It will tell you whatever
you most need to learn.

After you have received this message,
dive deeper into your pain.

What feelings, memories, experiences and
images do you encounter?
Just observe and be curious about everything you find.

Remember, do not try to change or fix what you discover,
just BE WITH your pain and notice what happens when
you give it space and allow it to be what it is.

During this exercise, you may discover that your mind will try to trick you out of
staying present to the feelings experienced in your body. When you hold your
attention on your dis-ease or pain, your mind may create distracting, entertaining,
or even horrific stories to lure you away from these feelings. The mind can make
you think that your life is only getting worse by doing this exercise, and that you
are wasting your time. The mind is a slippery one, for it likes thoughts so much
more than feelings that it will pull you away from your bodys negative sensations
by thinking about something completely different! Do not mind the mind. Let go
of the minds movies, memories, stories and dialog, and STAY WITH THE BODY

If you are fighting a physical illness, then just surrender to the feeling of this
unhealthy dark energy in your body! Move into it! Plunge yourself into this
experience as long as you can stay in it. If you are fighting depression, then let
yourself sink into the deepest pit of pits and stay there! The key is to continue
dropping into the FEELING and go to the core of it. Remember to keep watching
your mind!! Do not buy into its victim story if you want total healing! Keep diving
into the experience of your body. This is what years of therapy is trying to do!
Become so fully immersed in the negative feelings that you surrender completely,
and melt into everything inside.

This is how you will transcend your daily pain and dis-ease. Once you have fully
processed this feeling by relaxing and diving completely into it, the energy
naturally dissipates having no other choice than to leave your body. This
technique also opens a gateway for divine love to come in and heal YOU! When
you fully relax into the pain, you will discover that at the core of your being there
is no wound, no suffering, and no mental games. At the very center, you
discover a totally pure, free, healed YOU!

"The feminine is more powerful than the masculine,
the soft is more powerful than the hard,
the water is more powerful than the rock." ~Osho

After you have learned how to be with your dis-ease, the second step to
transcend daily physical or mental pain is harnessing the power of gentleness
and compassion. You probably spend your time trying to rid yourself of these
dark demons of depression, abandonment, or illness. As you know, struggling
with these energies only makes them grow stronger. To shift your relationship

with these perceived negative energies, open the floodgates of gentleness and
compassion. When you are gentle with yourself, you automatically release loving
vibrations that dissipate the tensions and stress inside your body.

Gentleness is all about learning how to receive. In being gentle, you rekindle
your connection to the feminine energy which is that which embodies ultimate
receptivity and healing. The feminine energy is both yielding and welcoming,
whereas the masculine energy is more forceful and action-oriented. No matter
whether you were born male or female, you have this gentle feminine energy
inside of you, ready to flow into your life. Tapping into the subtle power of
gentleness increases your ability to receive that which you want to manifest. The
gentler you are with yourself and others, the more aligned you become with your
divinely whole and healed state of being. The best way to cultivate this energy
of gentleness is to start practicing the following gentleness exercise daily.

The Gentleness Exercise

Think about those moments in your day
when you criticize yourself or others for not being good enough.
As you feel this criticism energy arise in your body,
breathe and relax into the feeling with a soothing gentle kindness.

Imagine that you are holding a soft, cuddly bunny rabbit,
and are gently stroking its ears and back.
Notice how it feels for the bunny to be
stroked, caressed, and cuddled.
Observe how your body lets go, and relaxes completely.

Tell the bunny how wonderful it is
in a quiet soothing voice.
Say gentle words to your bunny that make your heart melt
such as Everything is ok, you can relax now, or
you are perfect just the way you are.

Allow this soothing soft energy to absorb into
the part of the body where you are holding onto
your pain, dis-ease or emotional wound.
Notice what happens. Does your body let go?

As you relax into this gentle, self-loving sensation,
the energy will naturally spread throughout your body.
Set the intention to bring this energy with you throughout your
day and week. Imagine it radiating into everyone you meet.

As you practice this exercise daily, you will discover that out of the warm embers
of gentleness, the fire of self-love naturally ignites. You will experience feeling of
deep peace, healing and love automatically arising from just being present and
gentle with yourself. This love will eliminate all of the Egos fear and resistance
which keeps the pain and dis-ease in your life.

The high vibration of love contains an infinite source of healing energy. When
you continuously fan the flames of gentleness, the fire of love will burn away any
discomfort, pain, or dis-ease. Gentleness is a necessity to have a healthy,
powerful bodymind. The following visualization will support you in fanning these
flames of love so that a healthy new YOU can emerge from the smoldering ashes
of pain.

"Love is a space in which all other emotions
can be experienced." ~Robert Prinable

The Pink Healing Light of Love

Imagine a sphere of warm, fuzzy, pink energy
that has a very loving and healing feel to it.
Visualize it slowly descending
into the area of your body where you hold
onto the disease, depression, or pain.

With each breath, waves of pink light and energy
become brighter and penetrate deeper into
this wounded area until it is completely
bathed in this divine, pink, healing vibration.

As you continue to breathe slower and deeper,
imagine you are in the middle of a large ocean of this
fuzzy pink healing energy.
It is radiating everywhere! Inside your body,
you breathe in this pink light and exhale it out.
Each cell of your body is being washed
clean of any dis-ease, or pain.
Do this for 10-15 minutes.

When you feel completely refreshed and revitalized,
let your mind wander towards something
you have always wanted to do with your life!
What would you do if you were 100% healed today?
Visualize yourself doing this and having the
MOST FUN and FULFILLING experiences,

full of laughter and joy!

Continue to visualize yourself doing
these experiences each morning and evening
throughout your entire week, and see how
your pain and dis-ease soon disappears!

When one door of happiness closes, another opens;
but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the
one which has been opened for us. ~Helen Keller




"Aerodynamically, the bumblebee should
not be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know
it so it goes on flying anyway." ~Mary Kay Ash

Maintaining Possibility Consciousness

All the information in this book thus far has been created to mentally, emotionally
and physically prepare you to enter the most empowering magical state you can
imagine. Once you have tapped into this state, and experienced the power and
magic of manifesting, there is only one thing that can take you even further. This
is Possibility Consciousness, and it is the magical key to mastering anything in
your life.

What is possibility consciousness? It is simply the letting go of doubts and
disbeliefs which insist that only SOME things are possible. When you are open
to feeling that ANYTHING is possible, you truly become magical. You know that
the world is your oyster and you are its pearl. There is a knowingness that you
can do and achieve anything. This state of mind has surrendered to the fact that
we live in an infinite Universe, and we are eternal beings with unending possible
realities and potential outcomes. The possibility mindset understands that it is
more freeing and expansive to acknowledge this truth than to continue the
argument against it.

Although possibility thinking connects us with our most natural state of being, it is
still a belief, which like ANY belief, requires constant and continuous
maintenance to stay in tact. To remain solid on the manifesting path, it is
important to continue plowing new fields of possibilities, sowing seeds of new
dreams, and fertilizing your soil with a high Manifesting Vibration! Without any
plowing, planting or fertilizing of new crops, the weeds of laziness and
impossibility thinking will start to sprout up. It is imperative that you keep the
plow moving and weed your garden! Even the smallest dose of possibility
thinking will produce the most bountiful harvest, reaping all that you desire!

"No dead principles can help, but only living consciousness.
Be absolutely unprincipled and just follow life." ~Osho

So how does one attain and remain fixed in this magical possibility mindset?
This only requires two basic ingredients. It takes focusing on the belief that
ANYTHING is possible, and the courage to accept that this belief is always
TRUE in every situation. With this foundation of possibility thinking to support
your being, your personal goals and commitments will soon become a living
reality. In order to plant the seeds of the possibility mindset in your garden, ask
yourself the following questions.

1. Who would you be (right now) if you KNEW that a miracle was about to
happen in the part of your life where you are currently suffering?

2. What would you feel the instant this miracle happens? Would you believe it?

3. What would it feel like to believe that you were 100% responsible for allowing
this miracle to occur?

4. What has to happen for you to tap into the unlimited source and power of
possibility thinking?

Everyday, miracles simply happen through possibility thinking in each moment.
There will always be roadblocks in your path ahead, for these are your hidden
opportunities for growth and increased strength! Each situation along the way is
a vehicle for expanding your possibility consciousness beyond what you thought
was possible. These moments, where you choose to have a breakthrough by
focusing on that which is possible (instead of closing down), reprogram your
bodymind to strengthen your Manifesting Vibration!

The secret to staying in the realm of possibility thinking is to NOT try to hold onto
this state, nor figure it out. The key is to stretch your imagination way beyond its
normal boundaries, and play with finding possibility within every situation that
arises. Relax into and embrace the feeling of possibility that comes from
experiencing the joy and excitement of the unknown. When you have adopted
possibility consciousness and are thrilled by the unknown, you are empowered to
accomplish the opportunities that await you.

After bathing in possibility consciousness for many days, weeks and months,
something amazing begins to occur. You will t acknowledge that your life is truly
an eternal joyride! You will see how your life is already FULL of exciting, rich,
enjoyable experiences that you GET TO look forward to doing each day! A deep
sincere gratitude will bubble up inside, creating thoughts such as, "I love
everything! I am the luckiest person alive! It is so amazing to be a human

Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing
to die having left undone." ~Pablo Picasso

Stepping onto the Manifestors Playing Field

There are four different ways to participate in the game of life. Some people live
their lives in the stands, eating their hotdogs, watching the game go by. They
believe that life is a spectator sport, and thus they do the minimum to survive.
The second category is players who sit on the sideline bench, hoping that God
will put them in the game. Their shoes are untied, and they are totally
unprepared to jump on the field. The third group is composed of the players who
are in action on the playing field, yet function like robots, unconsciously carrying
out their coaches orders and commands. They follow all the rules of the game,
and do exactly what they are told to do. Their lives are one big should waiting
to implode.

The fourth group contains the most satisfied players, since they are conscious,
pro-active, inspired manifestors who design their own plays, and can achieve as
many touchdowns as they desire. These are the leaders who naturally catalyze
their teammates into action, and bring possibility thinking into the hearts and
minds of each player. They have mastered the talent of remaining completely
aware and present to the juiciness of each moment of the game.

In which one of these groups have you spent the majority of your days? We
invite you to step back from your life, and look at everything you have
experienced so far from a distance. Notice when you were sitting in the stands,
watching the game go by. Perhaps, you chose to play it safe, and never did ask
that good looking person out on a date. Or maybe you were sitting on the
sidelines at a party where you felt like a total stranger that was unwanted. What
did it feel like to be sitting in the stands as a spectator, or stuck on the bench?
Now, notice those moments in your life when you DID step onto the manifestors
playing field! Become aware of when you had the guts to approach that beautiful
person, or introduce yourself to everyone at that party. What was that FEELING
like when you were ON the playing field? Remember this feeling! It is your
secret weapon for winning the game.

Do you want to become a permanent member of the empowered manifestors
team? Raise your arms, and jump up and down if the answer is YES! If you
really crave to get out of the stands, sidelines, or robot mode, take a look at what
your Ego does not want to experience. You may be afraid to take any action
because your Ego wants to play it safe and hide from change. Fear is the most
paralyzing force in the game, and can sneak up on you in an instant. Everything
you are afraid to experience makes you a spectator instead of a participant of
your dreams. Your biggest fear is failing once you step onto the playing field of
life, however paradoxically the ultimate failure is never jumping onto the field to

The following exercise is one that your Ego will not want to do, and may resist
exploring for years. Yet, if you want to become a manifesting magnet, you must

create a healthy relationship with what you FEAR. Each time you DO something
you are afraid to do, you will see a MASSIVE increase in your Manifesting
Vibration. As for the exercise below, the more you can allow yourself to
experience each fear as a figment of your imagination, the easier it will be to step
onto the playing field of life and take inspired action towards manifesting your

Stepping onto the Manifestors
Playing Field Exercise

Make an extensive list of all your fears.
Write down every experience you can think of.
The list will include things you want to happen
and obviously those you dont want.

After your list is complete, lie down,
and get ready to dive into your fears.
Take the top three fears on the list,
and for 3-5 minutes per fear
imagine that you are actually experiencing it.
Let your bodymind play out the fear as if you were
in a movie experiencing the drama and trauma.

Breathe the fear into your heart, and on the out-breath
repeat the words Everything is O.K.
As your bodymind is experiencing the fear,
your job is to remain the observer in the background,
watching the event happening inside you.

After each fear is fully felt, seen, and experienced,
let yourself rest and relax into that final movie scene.
In this section of the movie, the worst is over,
and there is only silence and peace.
Breathe this peace into every cell of your body.

Repeat this exercise until there is no emotional
charge left when you visualize experiencing
any of the fears on your list.
You may notice after you release the top three fears,
everything left on the list is much easier to handle.

When you have explored every fear on your list,
take one of those fears that you WANTED to do and GO DO IT!
Always remember to NOT take this exercise too seriously.
You can actually have fun and enjoy it.


Stepping out onto the playing field as a manifestor is both a terrifying and
exhilarating experience. The exhilaration begins when you completely participate
in the adventure! Life is not a spectator sport! This game is about discovering
how to be fulfilled on the deepest and most intimate levels of your being, and
only occurs through intimate participation with your life. This intimacy happens
when you are so involved and engaged in each moment that you lose your sense
of separateness from everything and everyone on the field. Intimately
participating in your life teaches you how to trust the process of life, and discover
the super-natural being you truly are. It educates you on how to let go of your
stuckness, tap into this divine focus, and become responsible for manifesting
your dreams and desires!

If one desires a change, one must be that change
before that change can take place." ~Gita Bellin

The 12 Commitments that will Exponentially
Raise your Manifesting Vibration!

The 12 commitments below are the master map for effectively creating stronger
boundaries for your life that support you in becoming the master of your reality.
They summarize the key elements expressed throughout this book. We have
found that the more sacred you keep each commitment, the faster you attain
your peak Manifesting Vibration. Start today by reading each commitment daily
for several weeks until you have memorized all of them. This will help you to
energetically digest and implement them so that you naturally develop healthy
boundaries with the world around you.

If you feel that you are a doormat for everyone, how will you be able to stand up
and turn the knob to the door that opens up to the path of your dreams? Drop
the doormat habit and take care of yourself! Ultimately, this helps your
Manifesting Vibration increase, and assists others in feeling more empowered
about themselves.

These 12 commitments are the basis for the 90 day manifesting program and
can be integrated into your relationship with LIFE no matter how twisted it has
become! By acting on them in situations where your boundaries are confronted,
you tap directly into your personal power, shift your energy, and increase your
ability to manifest the kind of experience you most want to have! A single
printable page of these commitments can be downloaded at this link:

The 12 Commitments

1. I am independent of the good and bad opinions of other people.

2. I explore each experience in life (especially those that trouble me)
with a gentle compassionate energy, and childlike curiosity.

3. I always decide to accept, approve, love, and appreciate myself
exactly as I am no matter what the situation or experience is that I am
going through.

4. I remain centered and at peace with myself whenever others are not.

5. I ONLY do inspired actions in my life.

6. I always replace worry with wonder.

7. I have healthy boundaries with respect to the demands of others and
can easily say NO to someone who may try to make me feel
victimized, taken advantage of, or dis-empowered in any way.

8. I always replace heavy and weak thoughts with light and powerful
thoughts. For example, I need to, I have to, Ive got to, I should, I
could, and I would, are replaced with, Id love to, I want to, I get to, I
can, I will, and I am!

9. I speak ONLY positive empowering statements about others and

10. I exercise, meditate, eat healthy, and get enough sleep at least 6
days per week.

11. I easily create life-long fulfilling relationships, allowing my heart and
mind to be open to fully accepting and even loving every person and
situation that comes my way.

12. I am 100% committed to practicing these commitments no matter
what happens for the next 90 days.

"Fall down nine times get up ten.
~Ancient Chinese Saying

How to Keep Your 90 Day Manifesting Commitment

So what are you committed to in your life? Have you ever made a 90 day
commitment to anything? What is your commitment to realizing 24 hours a day
that YOU ARE a powerful manifesting being and can manifest anything you
want? Anytime you make a commitment and stick to it, you increase your
Manifesting Vibration no matter how the commitment looks! Both the little ones
and the big ones count. Now for the exciting part! Its time to make a 90 day
commitment to integrating this manifesting program into your schedule and life!
Here is a list of the essential elements to your manifesting program. Download a
free copy to print out at this link:

The Manifesting Essentials

1. Jump up and down every morning 6 days a week yelling, "I'm excited!
I'm excited! I'm excited! for at least 15 seconds.

2. Write out your Manifesting Agenda in the past tense. Put specific
dates on your manifesting agenda for the next 5 years.

3. Practice 10 minutes of Dream Dialoging alone everyday or with a

4. At least 20 minutes of physical exercise every morning 6 days a
week before meditation.

5. At least 20 minutes of meditation every morning 6 days a week.

6. Put 70% all natural "alive" (did it grow) foods into your mouth 6
days a week.

7. Give and receive at least 3 hugs everyday.

8. The last 4 minutes before falling asleep, meditate on what you are
thankful for and what you are about to manifest. Acknowledge the
powerfully magical manifesting being you truly are!!

The key to developing this manifesting lifestyle and integrating this routine into
your life is to first take a look at your day-timer and schedule in time to do the

Manifesting Essentials above. Have you noticed that when you dont schedule
something into your day, it never gets done? The secret to keeping your 90 day
commitment solid is to develop the habit of writing your routine into your day-
timer. Once it is physically written into your life, your manifesting routine will be
mentally etched into your subconscious and you will automatically begin to carry
it out daily. We also recommend writing into your day-timer your 30 day, 60 day,
90 day, 6 month and 1 year manifesting agenda goals on the dates that you will
have accomplished them. Just imagine how it will feel to have your emotional,
physical, financial, and spiritual goals for the entire year in your day-timer!

"Forget control and discipline...too much work. Instead try
experimenting. Go in search of something to fall in love
with...something about yourself, your career, your spouse."
~Dale Dauten

Your success is determined by your level of commitment. You may ask why this
word commitment is so important. The answer is that following through with
your commitments builds trust in your self. When you completely trust yourself,
you know you can manifest ANYTHING you want in your life. Trusting yourself
equals trusting the Universe, and this energy opens the BIG flood gates for your
highest Manifesting Vibration to flow through you. Commitment, simply as an
experience in life, creates confidence, self-esteem, courage, strength and many
qualities that allow us to LET GO of the Ego struggle and relax into the Now.

Your commitment to the next 90 days of your life is a reflection of how devoted
you are to manifesting your life dreams. Just take a moment to stop and notice
your level of commitment to this 90-day program and to your life. On a scale of
1-10, (10 being the highest) where can you honestly say your commitment is
right now? What would it feel like to be a 9? How does this feel differently than a
10? What do you need to manifest after 90 days to make it a 10? How
committed would you be if you absolutely KNEW you could manifest that ONE
THING you always dreamed of having, being, or doing? Would you be a 10

By focusing on what you truly WANT to experience, you will automatically raise
your commitment level to a 10. To keep yourself at level 10, focus continually on
the feeling of already manifesting your desired experiences. We suggest you
take the time now, to practice this FEELING so that your life can reach a
vibration you never dreamed possible. How does your bodymind feel when you
visualize your dreams coming true? When the feelings of excitement, joy, and
anticipation begin to arise, keep turning them up!! Imagine there is a volume
knob on your heart that controls your excitement level. Crank it up beyond its
current setting. Crank it all the way up past 10to 100!!

To keep this high level of commitment alive, there are many techniques you can
use. Start by repeating to yourself many times a day, I am committed with my

whole body, mind, and soul to my manifesting routine for 90 days, manifesting
my dreams, and enjoying the adventure!" The more frequently you think and feel
these words, the deeper you will program yourself to stay on track. Another tool
you can employ is to communicate your commitment to your manifesting routine
to everyone that energetically supports you. Share your commitment with your
spouse, your children, and your best friends! When others know what you are
committed to doing, they may ask you periodically for a progress report, which
automatically propels you to take action on your dreams.

Sticking to this program for the first 30 days are crucial to mastering this
manifesting program. For most people, creating a new habit requires 3 weeks to
a month, since the physical body and brain take this amount of time to fully
integrate anything that is new. After about 30 days of consciously doing the
routine, your mind will be conditioned with a new habit, thus becoming
significantly easier to carry out your manifesting routine on a daily basis.
However, during these first 30 days, be aware of those critical moments where
you get bored, lazy, or feel like everything is breaking down around you. These
are the instances where you may be tempted to give into your inner saboteur,
and give up on your 90 day commitment. Dont listen to those gremlin voices!
Instead focus on how you can create a breakthrough!

The secret to experiencing a breakthrough is to stay focused on what you want to
manifest as well as the emotional, mental and physical benefits of this routine.
Remind yourself why you are doing this routine in the first place. If you fall off the
bandwagon and skip a few days of your routine, pull out your manifesting agenda
goals and re-read these words of wisdom. Visualize that they just happened
yesterday! Then, immediately jump up and down, and yell, Im excited! Feel
the recommitment flood through your body! Sometimes, when your motivation
engine is cold from not having much use, it doesnt hurt to give it a little
jumpstart. A quick 30 second cheerleading session can really get the bodymind

A big difference between those who succeed and those who fail, is that those
who succeed constantly recommit to their dreams. Remaining committed to your
manifesting habits is easier when you always remember to take one day off a
week from your routine. If you try to over-motivate yourself and do not take the
7th day off of the manifesting program, you might get burned out before you
reach your 90 day goal. Doing nothing on the 7th day can keep you from feeling
that you should or need to absolutely do your daily habits or else! You will
naturally feel re-energized, and re-committed to the program after one day of

Through experimenting with the routine in our own lives, we have discovered the
power of recommitment. When we went two days in a row without doing the 8
habits manifesting routine, the dust and dirt began to gather. Our excitement for
life started to plateau, and a lower vibration crept in. There was such a stagnant

energy in the house that the next day we got right back into the routine! On the
day we recommitted to the routine, the Manifesting Vibration and higher
consciousness immediately escalated and rekindled the fire in every area of our
life again.

So how much do you want the life of your DREAMS? Are you 100% committed
to starting your manifesting routine tomorrow morning? If you choose to fully
commit to this exploration and do ALL 90 days, you are going to learn how to
magically attract some amazing things that you have always wanted! Staying
dedicated to this program for 90 days will outrageously improve your health,
extend your lifespan, increase your income, improve your relationships, and
allow you to experience yourself as the powerful manifesting being you truly
ARE! Eventually, you will see this commitment to yourself is worth your weight in
diamonds down the road. We guarantee it!

Man often becomes what he believes
himself to be. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

How to Eliminate the Excuse Crutch

Over the next 90 days, your discipline, devotion and commitment to doing your
manifesting routine daily will be challenged by many wonderful distractions and
excuses. There is a 100% probability this will occur. Your motivation will ebb
and flow, like the tide. The mind always finds new reasons to motivate and
excuses to de-motivate you. An excuse is a disguised belief that says you lack
the power and natural ability to manifest what you want. Sure, we can make up
excuses for anything. This is easy in the short run, however, in the long-run this
behavior catches up with you. How do you feel after you have made up an
excuse for yourself or someone else? Notice how your body reacts. Did your
excuse make you feel stronger or weaker?

What is an excuse crutch? Your Ego may have a tendency to grasp a hold of
and lean on certain beliefs that make it feel comfortable and safe. It uses these
beliefs like crutches, which keep your life hobbling and wobbling down the same
beaten path. The habit of using these excuse crutches causes your manifesting
muscles to weaken, and eventually makes you believe you are incapable of
walking on your own two feet! A lack of focus and mental discipline leads to an
over-dependency on your excuses. With these excuse crutches in place, you
may feel handicapped in manifesting your lifes dream.

So what are the excuse crutches that keep you from standing up for your dream?
What is that ONE excuse that if you dropped today, would change your life
around completely? When you say NO TO ALL EXCUSES, you take back the
steering wheel to your life. This is how you keep your commitments sacred, and

establish a higher level of integrity for yourself. Your integrity is the greatest
measuring stick for calculating the strength of your Manifesting Vibration. Treat
your integrity with yourself and the world like a sacred treasure map because it
will lead you to the gold mine in the end.

More important than talent, strength, or knowledge is the ability
to laugh at yourself and enjoy the pursuit of your dreams.
~ Amy Grant

Some weeks, doing ALL 8 habits may appear challenging and even painful. In
mastering any new routine, you will encounter a variety of excuses that make
some days feel like an uphill battle. One of the most common excuses is
believing that a program, which has worked for others, will just not work for you
because something is inherently wrong with you. When these unpredictable
saboteurs occur, they have one purpose which is to test your commitment level
to yourself. If you have been forcing yourself to do the routine for weeks on end,
and your mind has created this excuse about nothing working for you, use the
following technique.

Listen to what those little negative voices are saying in your head. Notice the
exact words your excuse is lurking behind. Perhaps its this doesnt work for
me, I think this whole thing is stupid or Life is easier back in my old routine.
Just sit with these inner voices for at least 10 minutes until your inner doubter,
skeptic, or nasty gremlin feels heard and is ready to play a BIGGER GAME!!
This negative voice can PUSH you deeper inside to find a stronger sense of
motivation and life purpose. Remember that the bigger the gremlin, the more
personal drive and motivation you can get! Refer to the Eliminating the Gremlin
Exercise in chapter one to truly transcend this nasty saboteur.

The general feeling of fear is always present when an excuse is being conceived.
When we are afraid to experience something in life, we will often lean on our
Excuse Crutch to avoid that particular situation and not feel our fear. For
example, if you are invited to a party where you will know very few people, you
may think, I wont know anybody there, and I dont want to feel uncomfortable.
Your excuse crutch may then jump in with, I have too much to do, so I cant
make it to the party. However, if you embraced your fear, you would see the
opportunity in the situation and think, What a FUN party this is going to be! I get
to meet LOTS of new people! When you explore your fears, you naturally stop
using your excuse crutch, which motivates you to start living a passionate life that
you love.

If there is one thing the Universe guarantees, it is a variety of unsuspected
challenges headed your way. All those moments in life that were full of
excitement, love, abundance, and joy happened because you let go of your
Excuse Crutch and got committed to exploring a life that you love. No matter
how many times you have given yourself the same life-defeating excuses, it does

not matter! You can choose to stop pretending you are handicapped TODAY
and step into your full power! This feeling of being unstoppable is just beneath
that tense, impatient, and frustrated mask of fear you may tend to wear. Just
relax deeply into your bodymind. Your mask will automatically peel itself away as
you discover the tremendous freedom available by deleting each one of your
disempowering excuses.

Probably the most widely used method to eliminate fear and demolish your
excuse crutch is the power of love. Love is the light that dispels the shadows of
fear since love is the opposite experience of fear. By allowing yourself to feel
loved and love your lifes dream, you will naturally transcend the addiction of
using any excuse crutch. Self love melts through all fear instantly and repels the
avoidance strategies of your excuses. Just by inviting the energy of love to
penetrate into every cell of your body, your thinking starts to shift! The loving
feeling will soon pour a new foundation of devotion back into manifesting your
lifes dream.

Choosing to love yourself more than EVER before requires massive courage, as
well as a relentless persistence to break through fear. There is no room for
wimps here! It always boils down to one simple choice. Each moment you
choose love instead of fear, you no longer need to lean on excuse crutches.
There is no space left in your bodymind for another excuse to enter when you are
constantly choosing to explore the amazing loving vibration inside you. Everyday
you decide to focus your attention on loving what is, there is a feeling of
boundless opportunity and joy everywhere you are.

There is one last thing to remember. All your excuses and failures of the past
are illusions! They were necessary to motivate you to form the commitments that
create who and what you are today. The key is seeing that your level of
commitment is determined by the number of excuses you let in. Choosing to
eliminate excuses plays a significant role in the amount of time and energy you
have to manifest any goal. If you want to live an absolutely amazing and
unstoppable life, remember that no excuse is BIG enough to compensate for
lowering your Manifesting Vibration! You dont HAVE TO give up your excuses,
YOU GET TO!! Life is an opportunity of endless get tos! Thank God, or you
would get really fed up with it all.

The master knows that he or she is always a student, whereas the
student still hopes someday to be a master. ~Unknown

Becoming a Manifesting Master

Congratulations!! You have reached the end of this manual and are about to set
foot on an even wider and richer spiritual path ahead! This is where the REAL

journey begins! During this 90 day energy raising program you may experience
some phenomena that may give you the sensation that you are becoming a
manifesting master. This may include things such as, accurate psychic
premonitions, people calling you exactly when you wanted them to, or perhaps
the speedy materialization of specific requests you made from the Universe.

Any miracles that arrive on your doorstop are good signs that you are raising
your vibration, yet do not in any way entail you have mastered the art of
manifesting. It is important NOT to become TOO over-confident and arrogant
with your results since this may stop you from doing your manifesting routine.

Instead we suggest that you focus on the more subtle signs that you are
becoming a manifesting master. These experiences may not be as flashy, yet
can be more fulfilling. They may include:

1. An enlightening playful presence which you carry, causing others
to deeply enjoy bathing in your energy.

2. You trusting your intuition 100% of the time.

3. A deep peaceful place of relaxation at your core, no matter what
happens in the outer world.

4. You remaining in a state of wonder and curiosity about everything
and everyone.

Great spirits have always encountered violent
opposition from mediocre minds. ~Albert Einstein

As you start to feel your inner energy transforming into higher dimensions, you
will see your outer world reflecting the magnificence of this change. At this
stage, something very wonderful begins to occur. There is a profound continual
sense of satisfaction created from letting go of the old YOU, and a devotion to
exploring what the BIGGER picture contains. It must be similar to the feelings
that a baby chick has as it pecks its way out of the egg. However, this little
enlightened chick gets to peck its way out of a BIGGER egg everyday to find yet
another BIGGER world!

After practicing these manifesting exercises and principles for many moons, it
becomes physically, financially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually evident how
they have shape-shifted your entire life. You will find that from this new life that
you have created, a higher state of consciousness has formed inside you. It is a
much brighter, fuller, and more enlightened consciousness, which knows in every
moment that it is permanently connected to the divine God Source!

The real challenge in maintaining this perfect enlightened state is the deep
integration of your old self with the new. Realizing that you are a magical
manifesting being is a walk in the park compared to actually living like one
everyday. This incredible challenge becomes a blessing when we meet it with
gratitude, complete surrender, and fully showing up in the present moment.
These three ways of being will take you back to the perfected state beyond the

With a masters perfectly clear mirror-like mind, everything you do will bring this
enlightened consciousness with it. Every choice you make will ultimately be to
expand your awareness and take your vibration to the next level. So when the
time comes that you have absolutely everything you ever wanted, and know you
can manifest anything you desire instantaneously, it may be time to move on to
the next enlightenment manual. This is the golden flash of light to inform you
that YOU have become a manifesting master!

The true master realizes that the journey of being here now is always going to be
the real goal of life. When you have reached this level, you will naturally feel
deeply satisfied whether you attain that BIG goal on your manifesting agenda, or
not. You will see that attaining your Egos goals is the sideshow along the path
of life, just here to entertain you. You will feel that the most successful days are
when you remain 100% present to each experience all day long, which allows
great waves of bliss to constantly arise inside you.

When you are a master at manifesting, you will naturally become more present to
this exploration of LIFE as a learning experience. Even if you have been down
the same road 10,000 times before, you will see EVERYTHING as completely
fresh and new. Your only true desire will be to surrender to the light inside you.
This is what enlightenment is! When you are surrendered to the infinite core of
who you really are, there is no desire to empower yourself, create a better life,
or eliminate gremlins and saboteurs (negative programming). Your whole reality
will be reframed by this new light of consciousness.

Your new lifestyle will have been transformed from disciplining the mind to be
here now, in a state of total devotion. It may seem ironic, yet absolute freedom in
life is the result of consistently disciplining the mind to be here now. The end
result is such a high Manifesting Vibration that your greatest heart-felt dreams,
fantasies, and wildest desires will come into physical form.

Devotion simply means that you are living in a state of divine LOVE. You do this
by loving that God source that is always being reflected back to you. This type of
discipline has such a unique structure that it instantly reveals your true aliveness
and freedom! Without ANY devotion in your life, there is no real freedom to be
found. A devoted mind is a free mind.

A mind that lacks devotion can never know the boundless, limitless God energy
that is available now. Whether you are devoted to God, your mate, your kids,
your home, a mountain, or a religion, this devotional energy will take you beyond
the judging, condemning mind. The greatest healing and expansive moments of
your life begin with this energy of devotion, which is the key to living a divine and
enlightened life.

So finally, the time has come. Your mind has soaked up enough information for
now. It is time to embark on the commitment that will change your future forever!
Get excited!! Your greatest journey is about to begin! Lets start out with giving
yourself a big warm hug and thank you for being open to exploring your unlimited
potentiality! We are grateful for you, and we want you to have as much fun as
possible over the next 90 days and beyond. So call or email if you would like to
experience a personal manifesting session with us.

References and Inspired Sources

How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali by Swami Prabhavananda
(Translator) Christopher Isherwood, Patanjali (Translator).Publisher: Vedanta Press &
Bookshop; (September 1996) ISBN: 0874810418

Kundalini: The Secret To Life By Swami Muktananda. Publisher: Syda Foundation;
2 edition (December 1994) ISBN: 0911307346

Awareness: The Key to Living in Balance By Osho. Publisher: Griffin Trade
Paperback; (December 2001) ISBN: 0312275633

A Guide for the Advanced Soul By Susan Hayward. Publisher: Little Brown & Co
(Pap); (December 1995) ISBN: 0316357464

Breath Sweeps Mind Edited by Jean Smith. Publisher: Riverhead Books; (February
1998) ISBN: 157322653X

Excuse me, Your Life Is Waiting By Lynn Grabhorn. Publisher: Audio Literature;
Abridged edition (January 30, 2001) ISBN: 1574533924

Autobiography of A Yogi By Parmahansa Yogananda. Publisher: Self Realization
Fellowship Pub; (June 1979) ISBN: 0876120796

Creative Visualization By Shakti Gawain. Publisher: Bantam Books; Reissue edition
(November 1, 1983) ASIN: 0553270443

The Holographic Universe By Michael Talbot. Publisher: Perennial Press; Reprint
edition (May 1992) ISBN: 0060922583

The Secrets To Manifesting Your Destiny By Dr. Wayne Dyer. Publisher:
Nightingale-Conant Corp; (March 2002) ISBN: 0743520793

Body for Life By Bill Phillips. Publisher: HarperCollins; (June 10, 1999) ISBN:

Magical Mind, Magical Body : Mastering the Mind/Body Connection for Perfect Health
and Total Well-Being. By Deepak Chopra. Publisher: Nightingale-Conant Corp;
Unabridged edition (June 1, 2003) ISBN: 0743530136

Nothing Personal. Seeing Beyond the Illusion of a Separate Self. By Nirmala
Publisher: Endless Satsang Press. ISBN: Self-Published.

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Misery does not exist in reality but only in mere imagination.
~ Ramana Maharshi

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NEW Enlightening Products at our online E-store!

You wander restlessly from forest to forest while the Reality
is within your own dwelling. The Truth is here!
Go where you willuntil you have found God in your own Soul,
the whole world will seem meaningless to you." ~Kabir

Experience a personal Manifesting Session
with Jafree or Margot over the phone!

Ten Thousand Blessings To You,
Jafree & Margot

COPYRIGHT 2002-2008. Enlightened Beings Inc. All Rights Reserved.

You wander restlessly from forest to forest while the Reality
is within your own dwelling. The Truth is here!
Go where you willuntil you have found God in your own Soul,
the whole world will seem meaningless to you." ~Kabir

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