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14-E Cce RF - RR

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Code No. : 14-E

Subject : First Language ENGLISH

( / New Syllabus )
( + / Regular Fresh + Regular Repeater)

General Instructions :

i) The Question-cum-Answer Booklet consists of objective and subjective

types of questions having 50 questions.

ii) Space has been provided against each objective type question. You
have to choose the correct choice and write the complete answer along
with its letter in the space provided.

iii) For subjective type questions enough space for each question has
been provided. You have to answer the questions in the space.

iv) Follow the instructions given against both the objective and subjective
types of questions.

v) Candidate should not write the answer with pencil. Answers written in
pencil will not be evaluated. ( Except Graphs, Diagrams & Maps )

vi) In case of Multiple Choice, Fill in the blanks and Matching questions,
scratching / rewriting / marking is not permitted, thereby rendering
to disqualification for evaluation.

vii) Candidates have extra 15 minutes for reading the question paper.

viii) Do not write anything in the space provided in the right side margin.

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Instructions :

i) This question paper contains three parts.

ii) Part-A Prose, Poetry and Non-detail ( Supplementary Reading )

iii) Part-B Grammar and Vocabulary

iv) Part-C Composition and Comprehension.

( Prose, Poetry and Supplementary Reading )

I. Answer the following questions in a sentence each : 41=4

1. What is the cheering sight mentioned by Sir C. V. Raman ?

2. What thrills the present day Indian shoppers ?

3. What did the hunter do with the dead male sarus crane ?

4. Why did the female sarus crane sit on the blood stained feathers ?

II. Answer the following questions in two sentences each : 8 2 = 16

5. What are the subsidiary purposes served by controlling the movement

of water and by its conservation ?

6. Where did Otto Frank and the others hide themselves in, when the

Nazis invaded Netherlands ?

7. Why does the writer call the catchy phrase shop till you drop apt and

ironic ?

8. Why did Jean lie to Pierre and send him to fetch the tart ?

9. What did Ellen do to express her love towards Lochinvar ?

10. What justification did Drona give for his unfair demand ?

11. How did Parashurama realise that Karna was not a Brahmana ?

12. Why did Ulysses not attack the Cyclop with his sword ?

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III. Answer the following questions in four to five sentences each : 5 3 = 15

13. What changes were noticed in the movement and attitude of the girl of

the silent torrent after the man gave her the painted pitcher ?

14. Why does the narrator say that October is the best time in

Mussoorie ? Being blind, how could he describe it ?

15. Explain the ideas of spirituality emerging from the study of the

vachana The temple and the body.

16. Why does the poet identify himself with the images of autumn and

evening in the poem That Time of Year ?

17. How did Jim come to know about Long John Silvers treacherous

plan ?

IV. Explain with reference to the context : 4 3 = 12

18. Im me without my hair, aint I ?

19. If you can cure animals, you can cure my son.

20. Stay where you are until our backs are turned.

21. What have I done to keep in mind

My debt to her and womankind ?

V. Answer the following questions in six to eight sentences each : 4 4 = 16

22. What illustrations does Gandhiji give to justify that all good actions
need not be moral acts ?
How is the precious soil eroded and how can this be prevented ?
23. Narrate the humorous situation in the running between the wickets
for a run when the blacksmith hit the ball straight up in the air.
Narrate the events where we see the glimpses of Nazi cruelty in the
write-up of Louis De Jong.

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24. Teach him to listen to all men ...

but teach him also to filter all he hears
on a screen of truth.
Bring out the different ideas conveyed in these lines.
How does the poet bring out the feelings of the female crane on the
death of its male partner ?
25. Describe the effect that the spectacle of the peak had on the poets
Explain why Buttoo severed his right hand thumb.
VI. Quote from memory : 4
26. And into ..........................................................................

............................................................... beneath the tree.
Then spoke ......................................................................
....................................................... young Lord Lochinvar ?
( Grammar and Vocabulary )
VII. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete
statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the
correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter in
the space provided against each question. 10 1 = 10
27. A few students participated in the marathon, ................... .
The suitable question tag to be filled in the blank is

(A) isnt it ? (B) didnt they ?

(C) didnt it ? (D) did they ?

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28. ................. universal meet is being planned to discuss the measures

to control carbon emission.

The appropriate article to be filled in is

(A) A (B) An

(C) The (D) Zero article.

29. Let him do that work.

The passive form of the above sentence is

(A) Tell him to do that work.

(B) Let him to do that work.

(C) Let that work be done by him.

(D) Let that work do him.

30. February is more pleasant than most other months of the year.
The superlative degree of the above sentence is
(A) February is the most pleasant month of the year.
(B) Very few months of the year are as pleasant as February.
(C) February is the pleasantest month of the year.
(D) February is one of the most pleasant months of the year.
31. I took up this profession to please my father.
The appropriate interrogative sentence to get the underlined words as
answer is
(A) Why have you taken up this profession ?

(B) What did you do to please your father ?

(C) What did you take up ?
(D) Why did you take up this profession ?

32. The Don arrived at the airport. He was immediately arrested.

The complex sentence when we combine these two sentences is
(A) On his arrival at the airport, the Don was immediately arrested.

(B) The Don was immediately arrested after he arrived at the airport.
(C) On arriving at the airport, the Don was immediately arrested.
(D) The Don arrived at the airport and he was immediately arrested.
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33. I ....................... a dictionary to find out the meanings of difficult


The suitable phrasal verb to be filled in the blank is

(A) look up (B) look in

(C) look after (D) look down.

34. And I sunned it with smiles.

The figure of speech used here is

(A) Alliteration (B) Simile

(C) Personification (D) Synecdoche.

35. The boy jumped ................... the wall ................... the garden.

The appropriate prepositions to be filled in the blanks are

(A) up, in (B) above, in

(C) over, into (D) upon, to.

36. Your boss would have sanctioned your leave if you ................ ( give ) a

genuine reason.

The appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets to be used in

the blank is

(A) give (B) had given

(C) gave (D) have given.

VIII. Observe the relationship in the first pair of words and complete the second
pair accordingly in the following : 41=4

37. Nose : Knows ; Check : ..................... .

38. Bachelor : Spinster ; Sculptor : ........................

39. Deep : Shallow ; Courage : ........................ .

40. Plentiful : Abundant ; Cascade : .......................... .

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IX. Rewrite as directed :

41. Write in reported speech : 2

Did you attend the classes yesterday ? said Shyam.

42. Rewrite the sentence using No sooner : 1

As soon as he is fit, he must resume his duties.

43. Combine the sentences using too .... to : 1

The cost of living in a city is very high. I cannot afford to stay there.

( Composition and Comprehension )
X. 44. Write an essay ( in about 15-20 sentences ) on any one of the following
topics : 15=5
a) Organ donation A step towards serving humanity
b) Environmental awareness
c) Importance of active and responsible mass media in our country.
XI. 45. Imagine that you are Swati/ Suraj of Government High School,
Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing the
inconveniences faced by commuters due to traffic jams in
Metropolitan cities. 5

Write a letter to your friend explaining to him the different options

before him to take up as a career after completing his / her tenth
XII. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Tia Geminiuc, an insurance wholesaler, was making a quick stop at a

chemist when she overheard an elderly woman asking for directions to a
nursing home. Geminiuc tried to explain the route by city bus but it was
clear that the trip would be complicated. So she said to the woman, If you
wouldnt mind, I would like to drive you there.
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Doing so would take her out of her way and make her late for an important
meeting with a client, but Geminiuc believes in reaching out. The feeling
you get from making someones day is something you cant purchase, she

Heading to the nursing home, the older woman explained that she was
going to see her husband. Because I gave her a lift, she got to spend an
extra two hours with him, says Geminiuc. At that moment, she needed
me more than anyone else did.

Its lovely to think that we do good deeds simply because we like making
someones day, but there must be a deeper motive at play. Human
behaviours have evolved over thousands of generations and do not persist
unless they support our survival. Natural selection minimizes any
behaviour that supports others but is costly to us unless there are
compensating benefits, says a Canadian Psychologist.

Questions :

46. What did Tia Geminiuc overhear ?

47. What did Geminiuc decide to do for the old woman ?

48. What inconvenience would Geminiuc be put to by helping the old

lady ?

49. What extra benefit did the old lady get by the good deed of Geminiuc ?

50. When do human behaviours persist ?

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