Veolia Oil Separation
Veolia Oil Separation
Veolia Oil Separation
Treatment Benefits of ROSS Technology
Recovery • High system recovery rates (>98%), minimizing liquid waste generated
• Excellent thermal resistance (up to 210°F)
ROSS™ Technology is a an effective • Compact treatment system; 30% less space requirement than
method for treating upstream conventional approach
produced water generated from
• Packaged, modular, shop-fabricated, pre-piped, pre-wired treatment
oil exploration and production
operations. This unique technology
combines Veolia’s proprietary
Multiflo™ high-rate chemical
softening process with CeraMem®
Applications for ROSS Technology
ceramic membrane technology to Shale Oil Production:
generate high-quality water suitable Treatment of frac flowback and produced water for reuse as frac water
for reuse in steam flooding, water
Water Flooding:
flooding and fracking operations.
Treatment of produced water for injection to achieve enhanced oil recovery
Steam Flooding:
Treatment of produced water for steam generation to achieve enhanced
oil recovery
Multiflo Softening is a
compact-footprint process
provided as packaged
systems for removal of scale
formers (hardness, silica,
iron, barium, strontium)
from produced water.
Multiflo™ CeraMem®
Coagulant Chemical Softening Ultrafiltration
Alkali A
Alkali B
Flowback /
Produced Frac Water
Water Reuse
• Enables reuse of produced water as frac water
• Reduces fresh water demand
• Lessens dependency on natural fresh water resources
• Reduces produced water disposal costs
• Minimizes truck traffic for water transportation
• Reduces frac chemical demand
• Lowers lease operating expenses
Alkali A
Alkali B
Fuel Gas
Acid Gas
Water Injection
• Increases reservoir injectivity rates
• Enhances recovery of oil from formation
• Reduces plugging of formation pores with
particulates and scale deposits
• Lessens injector pipe scaling issues
• Minimizes injector piping corrosion
• Reduces injection chemical demand
• Lowers lease operating expenses
Total hardness, ppm as CaCO3 1,000 – 5,000 < 20 < 20 < 0.5
Free oil, ppm (>20 μm) 10 – 300 < 10 < 0.2 < 0.2
Total suspended solids, ppm 10 – 300 < 10 < 0.2 < 0.2
Alkali A
Alkali B Acid
Produced To Steam
Water Generator
Alkali B
• Reduces silica scaling on steam generators
• Reduces steam generator pigging costs
• Increases steam quality from 65% to 80%
• Higher thermal efficiency: more heat, less
water injection
• Less waste generation (<20%) than
conventional approach
• Lowers steam generator scale inhibitor costs
• Reduces blowdown volume and handling costs
• Increases steam generator uptime availability
Total hardness, ppm as CaCO3 100 – 2,500 < 20 < 20 < 0.1
Free oil, ppm (>20 μm) 10 – 300 < 10 < 0.2 < 0.2
Total suspended solids, ppm 10 – 300 < 10 < 0.2 < 0.2
Total Project Capabilities
Pilot Demonstration
Veolia offers onsite performance demonstration of ROSS™ Technology using
mobile pilot systems. These pilot units are capable of treating 150 to 685 barrels/
day of water.
Through piloting, each unique application can be thoroughly tested prior to
design and installation of the full-scale system. This ensures that the installed
system will achieve the designed performance and operating cost parameters.
• Engineering / Procurement
• Design / Build / Operate / Guarantee (DBOG)
• Design / Build / Own / Operate (DBOO)
• Design / Build / Operate / Finance (DBOF)
Why Veolia?
• Unmatched expertise in design, build and operation of produced water treatment systems
• Strong references in produced water treatment systems from 5,000 to 250,000 barrels/day
• Proven technology that enables reuse of produced water with effective contaminant removal
• DBOG / DBOO / DBOF delivery options eliminate capital outlay and offer performance guarantees
• Largest environmental company in the world with $30 billion annual revenue
• Veola provides the financial backing for delivery of large commercial projects
©VWS Communications - 10/2014
Pittsburgh, PA Houston, TX
Tel. +1 (412) 809-6000 Tel. +1 (281) 227- 9065