Activated Sludge
Activated Sludge
Activated Sludge
Wastewater Treatment:
Understanding the
Activated Sludge Process
The activated sludge process is used to treat
waste streams that are high in organics
and biodegradable compounds. Here are
some principles of design and operation.
Mark Sustarsic
Tetra Tech NUS
Typical Feed
Concentration, ppm
100 to 1,000
Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
0.01 to 1
10 to 100
40 to 92%
500 to 3,000
Ammonia (N)
10 to 1,000
Cyanide, Thiocyanide
1 to 1,000
40 to 98%
(arsenic, mercury, zinc)
Settles with
5 to 1,000
The process
Before it enters the aeration basin, raw wastewater (influent) is normally pretreated to remove easily settled solids
or other suspended matter, such as oil. Raising the pH will
slightly solidify iron and zinc (if present). A steam or air
stripper can remove ammonia, phenol, and any light ends,
while a filter removes heavy particulates. Because substantial changes in the incoming water characteristics will cause
a process upset, an equalization tank is sometimes included
in the pretreatment system to achieve the required design
inlet conditions, such as a certain flowrate or chemical
The pretreated influent is pumped into the aeration tank
(or basin), where it is combined with the microorganisms.
In order to maintain the bacterial mass in the aeration basin,
aerators perform two important functions: they keep the liquid
and sludge agitated, and they promote the transfer of oxygen
into the wastewater. The aerators run continuously and are
strategically positioned to keep the mixed liquor in suspension
throughout and avoid the formation of dead zones. Foam gen-
Surface and/or
Deep Impellers
Raw Influent
Supplemental Nutrient
(N, P) Addition
(if required)
pH Control
(if required)
Pretreatment is Usually Required
to Remove Suspended Materials,
Oils, etc. by Primary Settling
and/or Other Physical Means
Slude Disposal
or Reuse
Final Settling
Waste Sludge
Supplemental Heat
(if required)
Oxygen Supply
Additional Treatment
Dewatering, etc.)
(if required)
S Figure 1. Conventional activated sludge systems process raw influent in the aeration tank before sending it to the clarifier for settling.
Back to Basics
System design
Table 2 lists key design parameters that are determined by
lab tests and past experiences.
The first design methods were formulated based on the
retention time of the wastewater in the aeration basin. Generally, short hydraulic retention times (HRT) were chosen for
weak (dilute) wastewaters and long HRTs were chosen for
Table 2. Typical characteristics of wastewater
can be addressed in the design process
by examining these variables.
Design Variables
Water Quality
Toxic or Inhibitory
Oxygen Requirements
Bacterial Growth and Decay Factors
Sludge Settling Factors
Probable Cause
No biological activity
Clarifier is overloaded
Final thoughts
It is important to understand that most of the design
considerations discussed here are site-specific. This requires
the collection of samples from the wastewater to be treated,
as well as performing lab analysis and onsite testing to
determine the relevant parameters for designing an activated
sludge system.
MARK SUSTARSIC is a senior process engineer at Tetra Tech NUS (Address:
Foster Plaza 7, 661 Andersen Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15220; Phone: (412)
921-7090; Fax: (412) 921-4040); E-mail: mark.sustarsic@tetratech.
com), where he is involved in site investigation, project engineering,
detail design, construction supervision, system commissioning and
start-up, and customer training. His 33-yr career includes experience
with industrial wastewater treatment at steel, chemical, coal-based tar,
wood treatment and semiconductor facilities. He holds P.E. licenses
in six states and is a member of the National Council of Examiners
for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES), as well as Carnegie Mellons
Pittsburgh Clan and Eastern States Blast Furnace and Coke Oven Association. He earned BS degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering
from Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Operating conditions
Operation of an activated sludge process relies on
maintaining an acceptable environment for microbial activity
through routine monitoring and preventive maintenance, and
on the ability to survive any process upsets. The following
performance considerations may be relevant daily, weekly or
Effluent. Limits on effluent water quality are determined
by the state or local environmental agency. The NPDES permit generally specifies the allowable discharge flowrate, pH,
total organic carbon (TOC, mg/L), and TSS (mg/L).
Influent. To ensure smooth operations and avoid upsets,
the plant should maintain the influent flowrate, temperature,
pH, and concentrations of TOC, TSS, oil and grease, and
phenol (which can cause microbial shock) within specified
ranges. Values that exceed design limits indicate that pretreatment modifications are necessary. For example, excess oil
and grease in the incoming water may indicate that the API
separator polymer-addition step needs to be modified.
Mixed liquor in the aeration tank. The aeration tank must
maintain the proper environment for microbial activity. The
pH should be between 6.5 and 7.5, the temperature between
15oC and 30oC, the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration
above 2.0 mg/L, and nitrogen and phosphorous at the necessary levels. Aeration tanks have pH and DO monitors to automatically record these data. The aeration tank should also be
November 2009