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Site Investigation For Low-Rise Building

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Building Research Establishment Digest CI/SfB 1976

June 1987

Site investigation for low-rise building:

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Site investigation must be carefully procured if reliable results are to be
obtained. It should provide information on local site features and, in
particular, ground conditions to ensure that safe structures are built
economically. The usefulness and reliability of site investigation data
depend very much on how well the site investigation work is planned and
carried out.
This digest discusses the value of site investigation and the steps that
should be involved, and provides guidance on contractual methods.
Site investigation can produce unreliable results for a slope instability require a very high level of geotechnical
number of reasons. The photograph below shows a skill. A much more basic problem, not unknown in ground
severely damaged house on deep fill. Damage was investigation, is shown on page 2. A general lack of
caused by landslide movement which occurred during supervision of fieldwork and laboratory testing by
construction. During ground investigation, the extent of experienced geotechnical engineers has meant that in
the fill had been correctly established but geotechnical some cases work has been carried out by unacceptable
analysis based upon the resulting parameters wrongly methods; in other cases, as the cartoon suggests, work
indicated that the site was stable. Problems such as has been deliberately falsified to achieve faster progress.

Building Research Establishment Ltd

Watford WD2 7JR
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Courtesy of Mott, Hay and Anderson

Site investigation: what is it?

Site investigation predicts the problems (such as slope instability, foundation
failure or cracking of buildings) that might be encountered on a site. It
provides the engineering parameters for the ground so that these problems
can be avoided with an economic design. Site investigation is also used to
assess the effects of construction on surrounding land and property and the
effects of surrounding land on the development itself. It is primarily
concerned with difficulties arising from local ground conditions, although the
investigation of other factors, such as flooding, can be important.

Site investigation consists of a number of stages; the main ones are:

The collection of available information on the conditions at the site. This

process is carried out by means of the desk study (see Digest 318) and
the walk-over survey (see Digest 348).

The collection of new information required for detailed engineering design

and reassessment of the information obtained during the desk study and
walk-over survey. This is normally done by the so-called direct methods
of ground investigation such as boring, trial-pitting and soil sampling and

Detailed activities which normally occur during a ground investigation are:

preliminary desk study

examination and interpretation of air-photographs

site walk-over survey

design of ground exploration programme

exploration by trial pits and/or boreholes

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soil and rock classification by sample description and index testing

in situ and laboratory testing of soils or rocks, for mechanical and

chemical properties

preparation of report.

Benefits and costs

Although site investigation is often seen as a routine part of the design
process, in providing information for the engineering design of new works, its
most cost effective function should be the detection, assessment and
minimising of risks. Site investigations are most beneficial in:

reducing construction costs through economic foundation and earthworks


avoiding contractual claims due to unforeseen ground conditions

eliminating structural defects as a result of ground movements

preventing chemical attack on foundations

detecting health hazards from contaminated land.

Site investigation must be undertaken for every site. It is the first step in the
construction process and is absolutely essential if development work is to be
carried out safely, economically and to schedule. Without a properly
procured ground investigation, the hidden dangers which lie beneath the site
cannot be known. Once preliminary desk studies have been used to identify
the probable risks presented by a site, these risks can be avoided in a
number of ways: by carrying out further site work to allow a proper
engineering design to be prepared, by adopting conservative designs, or by
designing in accordance with general good practice based upon previous
construction experience in the area. If the risks are thought to be small, it
may be possible to insure against them.

Conservative design can be used to good effect when a particular risk is

expected and is well understood. For example, the width of strip foundations
can be increased to avoid foundation bearing capacity failure. On a small
site (perhaps for houses) where this was the only problem, it might be
cheaper than a detailed soil test to determine a precise value of allowable
foundation bearing pressure. However, conservative design would have no
effect in preventing foundation heave on desiccated clay, and would be of
little use if this risk had not been identified as a result of site investigation.
While experience is valuable in reducing the risks in similar ground con-
ditions, it is of little benefit on unfamiliar ground. Site investigations are used
not only to determine whether experience from previous sites can be applied
but also, in the case of new ground, to provide detailed information for new
designs and to alert the developer to the potential risks of the new site and
to possible economies.


The objectives of site investigation are:

to reduce construction costs

to identify risks to the performance of the structure

to provide sufficient information on each identified area of risk to allow it

to be avoided (for example by design or by relocation of structures on the
site) or to bring the risk to an acceptable level
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to defend the owners investment by minimising long-term structural

deterioration due to ground conditions

to provide safe and serviceable structures for the user.

Since the direct cost of site investigation is normally borne initially by the
developer, rather than by the owner or user, the primary considerations
should be the identification of risk and the reduction, as far as reasonable,
of construction costs. Excessive expenditure on drilling and testing soil and
rock is not likely to serve these purposes because of the very variable nature
of most near-surface soils. On the other hand, money spent on desk studies,
air-photograph interpretation and planning of ground investigation will be
cost-effective. Experience has shown that, in most cases, desk studies give
very much better value for money in the investigation of low-rise building
sites than do activities such as the drilling of deep boreholes and extensive
programmes of laboratory testing. However, following a desk study, it is
normally necessary to carry out some soil exploration and classification.
Where possible this is done by the excavation of trial pits, so that the soil can
be examined in-situ, and by tests for particle size distribution, plasticity and

Traditionally, expenditure on ground investigations for small projects such as

low-rise buildings has amounted to between 0.1% and 0.2% of the
construction costs. Most of this has been spent on trial pits or boreholes. In
the present climate of increasing building litigation, with increasing risks to
developers, it is recommended that:

expenditure on ground investigation should be a minimum of 0.2% of the

cost of the project

The majority of this sum should be spent on activities which bring the
greatest returns in terms of risk appreciation, reduction in construction
costs and increases in the effectiveness of ground investigation

the developer should take an active role in the investigation process,

particularly in instructing the amount of investigation required to be
carried out to quantify each area of risk.

These recommendations require:

a competent geotechnical adviser

appropriate forms of contract between developer and geotechnical


emphasis during site investigation on desk studies, air photograph

interpretation and considered design of fieldwork and testing

good communication between the developer, his structural designers and

geotechnical advisers during ground investigation.


Successful site investigation

Identification of geotechnical specialists
It is most important to obtain the services of a competent geotechnical
adviser as early as possible during project planning. Geotechnical engineers
and engineering geologists, who are qualified to do this type of work, can be
found in the offices of some civil engineering consulting engineers and in
most specialist site investigation contractors organisations. A list of
individuals and their employers is available from The British Geotechnical
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Appropriate conditions of contract

Conditions of contract in present use for site investigation work vary from
extremely formal documents to simple letters of engagement. Two systems
of procurement are recommended:

System I Use of a geotechnical adviser with the separate employment of a

contractor for physical work, testing and reporting as required.

In this system the desk study, the planning and supervision of any fieldwork
(such as boring, drilling, trial pitting or in situ testing) and laboratory testing
work that may be necessary is carried out by the geotechnical adviser. He
will often be a member of a firm of civil engineering consultants but may also
be a specialist geotechnical consultant.

This system is widely used on large civil engineering projects. The

geotechnical adviser will normally be employed by the developer under the
Association of Consulting Engineers Conditions of Engagement, while the
specialist ground investigation contractor will be chosen by competitive
tender and will work under ICE Conditions of Contract. Two versions of ICE
contract are in use; the ICE 5th Edition and the ICE Conditions of Contract
for Ground Investigation. When using this system it is important that the
developer or his advisers should check that the chosen geotechnical adviser
has sufficient geotechnical skill to carry out the desk study, plan and
supervise the ground investigation and interpret its results. It is possible to
make use of the contractors engineering skills only after the tendering
process. Therefore the skills of the geotechnical adviser are extremely

The geotechnical adviser is expected to carry out a thorough desk study and
plan an investigation appropriate to the needs of the developer. This is then
used to prepare a specification and bill of quantities which, together with the
conditions of contract, form the basis of the tender for the field and
laboratory work to be carried out by a specialist contractor. Generally
between three and four companies should be selected by the geotechnical
adviser to tender for the field and laboratory work, on the basis of their
previous experience of this type of work, the skills of their staff and the
amount and quality of their equipment. The lowest submitted tender price is
generally accepted but the contract is subject to remeasurement as the work
proceeds. The final cost to the developer of the entire ground investigation
will be the sum of the final contract price after measurement and the
professional fees paid to the consulting engineer.

This system has been found to work well provided that:

an adviser with a sufficient number of skilled geotechnical staff is engaged
a thorough desk study, made by the geotechnical adviser, is used as the
basis for the planning of any programme of drilling and testing
not more than four specialist contractors are asked to tender and the
selection of these companies is rationally and thoroughly carried out
proper levels of supervision are provided by the geotechnical adviser in
the control of field and laboratory work.

Supervision is the key to the successful use of System I. Many of the

activities in ground investigation rely entirely on the use of correct methods
of working to obtain a satisfactory result. For example, the Standard
Penetration Test N value is affected not only by its test apparatus and by
the way that the test is performed but also by the way in which the borehole
is made down to the level at which the test is to be done. The only way to
guarantee that an N value is correct is to observe the method of boring and
of carrying out the test since the end result, by itself, cannot be checked.

In certain cases it may be advantageous for parts of the work to be done by

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the contractor on a dayworks basis. Under System I, the work to be carried

out by the contractor must be closely defined before the contract is let and
must be paid for at fixed rates independent of the time taken to carry it out.
If the work is particularly important to the success of the investigation, if it is
very complex, or if the geotechnical adviser needs to be able to vary the
work as it proceeds, dayworks payments may be helpful. For example,
dayworks could be used to pay for plate loading tests, for drilling and boring
in key zones, or for time spent in investigating groundwater conditions. It is
also possible to pay a specialist contractor to carry out the reporting of an
investigation; this is better done on an hourly basis rather than by lump

System I has the advantage of using forms of contract that are well known
in the civil engineering construction field and it can be used to demonstrate
cost-accountability through the tendering process. This is the most
commonly used form of procurement for larger ground investigations and is
therefore well understood. Its difficulties lie in the complexity of its
contractual arrangements, the need to ensure that sufficient expertise and
supervision are provided by the geotechnical adviser and the division of
responsibility for the satisfactory outcome of the investigation between the
geotechnical adviser and the contractor. It has frequently been said that the
method of competitive tendering commonly associated with this system, and
the consequent low prices paid to contractors for investigation work, is a
major cause of low-quality investigation. This problem, however, is a
consequence of too large tender lists prepared without detailed selection of
tenderers. It is not necessarily a result of using the system.

System II Package deal contract, with desk study, planning and execution of
field and laboratory work and reporting being carried out by one company or
a consortium.

No formal conditions of contract exist for this system, although draft

documents have been proposed in CIRIA Special Publication 45. Despite the
lack of published conditions of contract, versions of this system are in
common use to obtain ground investigations for low-rise building
development. The system is also used for large site investigation contracts
carried out abroad, for example in the Middle East.

In this system the developer selects up to three specialist ground

investigation companies on the basis of past experience, reputation, and
published information relating to specialists in the field. Information on
companies and individuals is available from:

The British Geotechnical Society

The Association of Ground Investigation Specialists

The Institution of Civil Engineers

The Institution of Geologists.


The companies selected may be either contractors or consultants

according to the British Geotechnical Societys Directory, but they should
have sufficient qualified and experienced staff to be able to carry out the
proposed size of investigation. On the basis of a preliminary desk study, the
companies offer to carry out a complete site investigation, including desk
study, air photograph interpretation, design and execution of ground
investigation and reporting, either for a lump sum or on the basis of
measurement of work agreed as the investigation progresses. The special-
ist company that carries out the work is expected to supervise its own drilling
and testing and will be liable under the 1982 Supply of Goods and Services
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Act both for the quality of work and for any recommendations that are made
in the report of the investigation.

The advantages of System II to a developer are that a lump sum contract

can be negotiated; this is obviously important when carrying out financial
forecasting. A further advantage is that the responsibility for ground
investigation is not divided between two parties, as in System I. Because of
the cost to the tenderers of preliminary desk studies, it is unlikely that lump
sum contracts can be used for very large civil engineering projects, but this
type of procurement will certainly be more suited than System I to many low-
rise building developments, because of its relatively simple contract
documentation and its flexibility.

An advantage of this system is that the leading design professional (who

might typically be an architect in the case of a low-rise building development)
is not necessarily required to have geotechnical skill and experience of
ground investigation techniques. If he does not possess such skill, however,
it becomes extremely important that care is taken in the selection of ground
investigation specialists who are suitable for the complexity of work to be
carried out. A possible disadvantage of System II is the lack of well-tried and
proven contract documentation. However, this does not appear to have
prevented the successful use of this method of procurement in recent years.
To overcome this it is suggested that the contract documents used are those
given in the appendices to CIRIA Special Publication 45.

Planning and execution of ground investigations

Because the ground beneath shallow foundations is so variable, and may
well have been altered in places by vegetation and previous activities of
man, good planning is essential if ground investigation is to be cost-effective
and provide worthwhile information of good quality. Desk studies (including
examination of aerial photography) and the walk-over survey should be used
to identify the likely soil conditions, and to assess the likely risks associated
with building on the site under consideration. Boring and drilling, and in-situ
and laboratory testing, should be planned to investigate the specific areas of
engineering risk identified during the desk study and walk-over survey, using
techniques appropriate to both the ground conditions and to the problems
requiring solution. Examples of the information that can be obtained during
desk studies are given in Digest 318. If a System I contract is to be used, it
is essential that planning and supervising is carried out by a competent
geotechnical engineer. Under System II the client will expect these activities
to be completed as part of the package deal contract.

UFF, J F and CLAYTON, C R I. Recommendations for the procurement
of ground investigation.
Special Publication 45. CIRIA. 1986.

UFF, J F and CLAYTON, C R I. Role of responsibility in site investigation.

Special publication 73. CIRIA. 1991.

Other BRE Digests

63 Soils and foundations: Part 1
64 Soils and foundations: Part 2
67 Soils and foundations: Part 3
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240 Low-rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 1

241 Low-rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 2
242 Low-rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 3
251 Assessment of damage in low-rise buildings
268 Common defects in low-rise traditional housing
274 Fill: Part 1. Classification and load carrying characteristics
275 Fill: Part 2. Site investigation, ground improvement and foundation design
276 Hardcore
298 The influence of trees on house foundations in clay soils
313 Mini-piling for low-rise buildings
315 Choosing piles for new construction
318 Site investigation for low-rise building: desk studies
348 Site investigation for low-rise building: the walk over survey
359 Repairing brick and block masonry
361 Why do buildings crack?
363 Sulphate and acid resistance of concrete in the ground

The Institution of Civil Engineers
Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA
071 222 7722

The British Geotechnical Society

at the ICE see above

The Association of Ground Investigation Specialists

c/o Wembley Laboratories, Printing House Lane, Hayes, Middx UB3 1AP
081 561 0326

The Institution of Geologists

Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0JU
071 734 0751

The Building Research Establishment gratefully acknowledges
the assistance of Dr C R I Clayton of the University of Surrey
in the preparation of this Digest.

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