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4 Joints in Buildings

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The document discusses various types of joints used in concrete structures to accommodate movements caused by changes in temperature, moisture, loads etc. and prevent cracking.

Movements in hardened concrete that can cause cracking can originate from the properties of concrete, effects of imposed loads, and changes in temperature and humidity of the location.

Traditional methods to avoid cracking in mass concrete include limiting cement content, using special cement, cooling aggregates, artificially cooling freshly placed concrete, limiting lift heights, and using frequent construction joints.


Joints in Buildings

4.1 INTRODUCTION sons, and because they permit the entrance of water or ag-
gressive solutions that might corrode the reinforcement.
Concrete is subject to changes in length, plane, and volume Since the sum of all the crack widths is more or less con-
caused by changes in its temperature and moisture content, stant and determinate, the width of a crack is inversely pro-
reaction with atmospheric carbon dioxide, or the imposi- portional to the number of cracks that can be encouraged
tion or maintenance of loads. The effects may be perma- to form in a certain length.
nent contractions, due, for example, to initial drying shrink- The problem of cracking cannot be ignored. It is handled
age, carbonation, and irreversible creep. Other effects are either by hiding the cracks in preformed grooves, or by
transient and depend on environmental fluctuations in hu- using reinforcement to ensure a large number of hairline
midity and temperature, or the application of loads, and cracks.
may result in either expansions or contractions. The use of joints, particularly in large buildings, is, there-
The results of these changes are movements, both perma- fore, inevitable, and rarely do we find a concrete structure
nent and transient, of the extremities of concrete elements. built without the inclusion of either construction joints,
If contraction movements are restrained, then cracking may control joints, expansion joints, shrinkage strips, isolation
occur within the unit. The restraint of expansion movement joints, or a combination of these. Although joints are
may result in crushing within the unit, or crushing of its placed in concrete so that cracks do not occur elsewhere, it
ends in the transmission of unanticipated forces to abutting is seemingly almost impossible to prevent occasional cracks
units. In most concrete structures these effects are objec- between joints. The provision of joints to take up the move-
tionable from a structural or an appearance viewpoint; one ment occurring in concrete is a subject that does not always
of the means of handling them is to provide joints at which receive the consideration its importance should demand.
movement can be accommodated without loss of integrity Often the decision of whether or not to provide the joint
of the structure. becomes a matter of opinion, while in most cases it can be
The occurrence of cracks in concrete construction due to the result of a logical consideration of effects. Because of
volume changes has long been a problem. It is generally ac- their great influence on correct detailing of the job, on the
cepted that some crack formation in slabs and exterior progress schedule, and on the appearance of the finished
walls is unavoidable, except in very low structures. How- building, the location of joints must not be left to chance.
ever, much can be done to reduce or control cracking. Steel
reinforcement can be used to distribute cracks. Whether or
not these distributed cracks can be seen readily depends
upon the magnitude of the volume change, the percent of 4.2 MOVEMENTS IN STRUCTURES
reinforcement, and the size and shape of the structure.
The designer usually wants to encourage as many narrow, To understand the action of the various types of joints and
closely spaced cracks as possible in reinforced flexural the demands put on them by the structure, it is necessary
members. Wide cracks are objectionable for aesthetic rea- to have some knowledge of the movements to which con-
crete structures are subjected during their life.
*Consulting Engineer, formerly Director, Advanced Engineering Ser- The movements in hardened concrete that can cause
vices Department, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois. cracking can originate from:


(a) The properties inherent in concrete as a material that the structural sense unless restraint against free movement
are independent of the type of structure; these prop- is provided. In floor construction, for example, external
erties include shrinkage. means of restraint against volume changes may be caused
(b) Movements depending on the type of structure and by columns and walls, while internal restraint is caused by
consisting of effects of all imposed loads such as self- the reinforcement, particularly against shrinkage and creep
weight and lateral loads of wind and earthquakes. strains, and, in case of slabs on the ground, by subgrade
Such movements may be deflections, elastic strains, restraint.
and strains due to creep caused by permanent loads The actual mechanism by which cracks form may be
or by the applied prestressing forces. quite complicated, but the basic causes involved are straight-
(c) Movements depending on the location of the struc- forward. If a structure were freely supported in space, if all
ture caused by changes in temperature and humidity. its parts had the same rate of volume change due to shrink-
The severity of the environment indicates the magni- age and temperature, and if, furthermore, all parts of the
tude of the movement to be expected which is influ- structure were exposed to the same atmospheric conditions,
enced by the effects of relative exposure to sun and no differential volume changes and therefore no cracks
prevailing winds. would result. In an actual structure, however, restraint may
be applied to beams or slabs in lower stories of buildings by
Only some of the foregoing qualitative considerations of rigid columns and by the foundation, since volume changes
movements can be considered quantitatively by designers. in the foundation are minimized by the insulating effect of
If the individual movements are known, the final effects the surrounding soil. In higher stories, as the restraint is
can be considered by adding them together. However, the diminished, cracking is reduced.
accuracy of such assessment may be very poor. Some of the Observations show that in buildings with basements, or
basic parameters needed to compute the individual move- large heavy foundations under walls, the most numerous
ments are still poorly defined; for example, the modulus of cracks are in the first-story walls, due to the restraining
elasticity of concrete, under conditions of stress close to action of the portion of the building below ground where
the state of rupture. The magnitude of movements may fre- shrinkage is the least. Buildings with freestanding columns
quently be rendered more uncertain by the presence of re- in the first story will crack less because the freestanding col-
straints such as friction and the interaction of structural ele- umns will accommodate the movements due to differential
ments which are sometimes not measurable. This is more shrinkage between the basement and the stories above.
true of complex structures such as large buildings, than of The use of different materials in conjunction with each
more simple structures such as bridges. Fortunately, how- other also may lead to cracking, since different coefficients
ever, limited quantitative accuracy can be accepted, since of expansion and/or shrinkage result in movements of one
the overall knowledge of the movement in complex struc- material relative to the other.
tures is of more interest to the designer than its actual mag- Buildup of tensile stresses resulting from restrained short-
nitude. Knowledge of overall movements allows provision ening may be due to shrinkage and temperature drop. It has
of details to accommodate the movements and relieve a long been accepted that within reasonable limits contrac-
buildup of stresses that may otherwise cause distress. Only tion stresses are relieved by the beneficial effects of creep.
rarely is it possible to predict accurately the amount of This is true in many cases, but in others it occurs by chance,
movement in a complex structure, and a precise prediction and not by good judgment.
of the magnitude of a number of superimposed movements
is imprudent. However, an exact analysis is sometimes pos-
sible, and in a simple structure may be of practical value. 4.3.1 Shrinkage
But in a complex structure, calculations should be relied Shrinkage during the curing and drying of concrete is un-
upon only to a limited extent, because while theoretically avoidable unless the concrete is submerged in water. The
the magnitude of the movements can be obtained, those amount of shrinkage varies with the mix and with atmo-
movements are sure to differ from the reality due to fluc- spheric conditions. A typical coefficient of shrinkage for
tuations of environmental conditions, the various effects of average thickness structural slabs may be up to about
restraint of the structure that are not considered in the 600 X lO-‘j in./in. Thus, for a 100 ft long slab, the contrac-
analysis, and the variation of the shrinkage and creep prop- tion could be about 3/4 in. The rate at which shrinkage oc-
erties of the concrete. It is of value, however, to consider curs depends on the rate of loss of moisture. This rate is im-
qualitatively the effects of the various movements and to portant, since a slow loss will allow time for the concrete
assess their magnitude for comparison of different con- to gain strength, and also to undergo a certain amount of
struction processes. plastic flow. More rapid drying will greatly reduce these
Only movements due to shrinkage and creep are specific beneficial effects. Thus, for any particular slab, a more
to concrete as a material; all other movements, be they due rapid moisture loss (i.e., drying at higher air temperature
to loads or in response to temperature variations, are char- and lower atmospheric humidity) will result in an increase
acteristic of structural steel as well. in the width and number of shrinkage cracks.
Cracks may also result from differential moisture and
temperature gradients. Tensile stresses are thus induced in
4.3 TENSILE STRESSES LEADING TO CRACKING the outer skin of the concrete mass when the surface is
AND THEIR ORIGIN shrinking and cooling more rapidly than the interior. This
effect is not too critical for thin structures such as slabs and
Cracking of a concrete section occurs when the tensile walls, but it can be a major consideration in massive con-
stress acting on the section is larger than its tensile strength, crete work or thick pavements. Since the rate of advancing
or when tensile strain exceeds the tensile strain capacity. shrinkage diminishes as a square from the depth of the dry-
Since the tensile strength of concrete may be only about ing surface, the thick element may never dry out and reach
one-tenth of its compression strength, its tendency is to its ultimate shrinkage because during the changes of seasons
crack under relatively low tensile stresses. It should be ap- it will be absorbing moisture, while the thin element will
preciated that strains due to shrinkage, creep, and tempera- dry out and crack before the change in season arrives. How-
ture variations do not result in stressing of the material in ever, the thick element drying from one face only may

crack at the outer face because of internal restraint, but the 2. Where grade 60 deformed bars or welded
cracks most likely will be shallow. A building with exterior wire fabric, deformed or plain, are used 0.0018
columns and 6 in. thick walls with openings will have more
“leaky” cracks than a building with 12 in. thick bearing
walls with similar openings. 4.5 TYPES OF JOINTS

4.3.2 Temperature Changes It is convenient to categorize into two groups the many
types of joints in reinforced and plain concrete structures
The stresses introduced in concrete by temperature varia- that have been devised to accommodate construction needs
tions can lead to serious cracking. A reduction in tempera- and the various movements.
ture is more serious than an increase because the stresses
induced are tensile and because they combine with shrink-
age stresses. Also, the maximum temperature of the con- 4.5.1 Construction Joints
crete during the first day controls the amount of subse- These joints are installed to break up the structure into
quent expansion and contraction of the concrete. The smaller units in accordance with the production capacity of
higher the temperature during the first day, the greater the the construction site. True construction joints are not de-
contraction during cold weather. Consequently, from this signed to provide for any movements, but are merely sepa-
standpoint alone, it is preferable to place concrete in cool rations between consecutive concreting operations.
weather. Under these conditions, the difference between
the temperature of the concrete after curing and drying,
and the lowest temperature to which it will be subjected, 4.5.2 Movement (Functional) Joints
will be reduced. These joints are installed to accommodate volume changes:
The amount of thermal expansion and contraction of
concrete varies with factors such as type and amount of 1. Expansion joints
aggregate, richness of mix, water-cement ratio, temperature 2. Control (contraction) joints
range, concrete age, and degree of saturation of concrete. 3. Shrinkage strips
Of these, aggregate type has the greatest influence. A typi-
cal value is on the order of 5 to 6 X 10e6 in./in. per OF, i.e., Movement joints serve to prevent restraints that would
very nearly the same as for steel. If an unrestrained slab or otherwise occur as a result of differences in deformation of
wall 100 ft long has a temperature variation from summer the adjacent parts. In some cases, such joints are interposed
to winter of lOOoF, the total thermal movement might be between the structure and its foundations, since the super-
about 0.6-0.7 in. Movements occur at the exposed surface structure deforms owing to external loads, internal forces,
of the concrete, which cools off more quickly, before they and temperature variations while the foundation normally
remains immovably secured in the ground.
occur in the interior of the section, leading frequently to
Since properly functioning joints are usually expensive to
additional warping or curling effects. Observations of build-
ings in service indicate the total movement is usually less build, it is desirable to install one joint to serve a dual pur-
than half of that which might be anticipated by combining pose whenever possible. By the very nature of its construc-
the contraction due to temperature drop with the shrink- tion, an expansion joint acts also as a contraction joint; and
obviously expansion joints can also function as construc-
age. This is due to restraining effects of the reinforcing steel
tion joints. A further saving in the number of joints re-
and restraining effects of columns, walls, and foundation.
quired may be effected by arranging to have a contraction
joint coincide with a construction joint, thus eliminating
one joint.

The presence of reinforcement produces internal restraint

and, thereby, reduced movement of the concrete but not 4.6 JOINT SPACING
necessarily an elimination of cracking. The attempt of the
Spacing of a functional (contraction and expansion) joints
concrete to reduce in size places the steel in compression
depends upon a great number of factors: shrinkage proper-
and concrete in tension. A highly reinforced section ap- ties of the concrete, type of exposure to temperature and
proaches the condition of full restraint and can cause crack-
humidity, resistance to movement (restraint), thickness of
ing in the concrete. Average reinforced sections (under 2%
members, amount of reinforcement, structural function of
steel) usually have an apparent shrinkage potential of 0.02
the member, external loads, soil conditions, structural con-
to 0.04%, compared to 0.03 to 0.08% for plain concrete.
figurations, and other conditions. Many of these factors are
The presence of properly distributed reinforcement
elusive variables, sometimes difficult to establish. As a con-
causes numerous small cracks to occur, rather than a few
sequence, both experience and opinion on joint spacing
wide cracks. The reinforcement, whether as a means of con-
vary greatly.
trolling cracks, or provided for structural reasons, can par-
In reinforced concrete elements, joint spacing and rein-
tially resist some of the shortening. Prestressing which can
forcement are interrelated variables, and the choice of one
prevent cracks from occurring can play an important part in
should be related to the other. As yet, however, a reliable
the control of shrinkage. It must be noted, however, that
relationship between the two quantities does not appear to
reinforcement cannot suppress entirely length changes of
have been established. Sufficient steel must be included to
concrete from whatever causes.
control cracking between the joints. If the joint spacing is
The AC1 318-83 Building Code recommends that the fol-
lowing minimum ratios of shrinkage and temperature rein- increased, the reinforcement must be increased correspond-
ingly to control cracking over the longer distance.
forcement be provided perpendicular to the main reinforce-
The shape of a building has a definite effect on joint loca-
ment in structural floors and roof slabs:
tions. Any change in direction in such buildings shaped as
1. Where grade 40 and 50 deformed bars T, L, and Y may require a close examination of the neces-
are used 0.0020 sity of joints at the junctions that usually create stress con-

expansion The completed building, and not the structural frame alone,
is the responsibility of the professionals involved in the de-
sign process.

To prevent development of distress in the nonstructural
elements, it is often necessary to limit the extent of their
expansion movement independently of overall expansions, contrac-
tions, and deflections occurring in the concrete frame.
.Brittle partitions and finishes are particularly sensitive to
Plan deflections of beams supporting them. Since the deflections
due to creep and shrinkage are dependent on time, it is
advisable to give consideration to controlling the time of
(a) (51
installation of fragile partitions and finishes connected to
concrete beams. For instance, a certain concrete beam de-
flects 0.25 in. immediately after removal of the shores.
Eventually it may deflect an additional 0.50 in. due to
creep and shrinkage. However, half of the above added
deflection will take place during a period of about two
months after removal of the shores. Thus, only 0.25 in. of
the deflections will be left to affect the nonstructural frag-
ile elements, if they are installed two months after removal
expansion joint or shrtnkage strip of the shores.
If brittle partitions are used in flexible frames, or if the
,/ frames have exposed columns that move up and down in
response to temperature variations, the partitions must
either be separated from the frame or have the same flexi-
bility as the frame. Such flexibility would allow the parti-
tions to follow the distortions of the frame without being
distressed and cracked. Unless intentionally separated from
(C) the frame, the partitions will distort with the building and
contribute to the rigidity of the structure in resisting any
F i g . 4-l Joints related to the shape of buildings. (a) and (b) Joints
movements of the frame.
are placed at major changes of building run; in (c) joint is placed at
To leave the partitions unaffected from the distortion of
junction of tall and low buildings.
the structural frame, details around the edges of partitions
should be provided to allow vertical as well as horizontal
centrations. Also, at the junction between tall and low slippage. One of the simplest ways to achieve this is to pro-
buildings, the differential settlements require a stress relief vide a channel enclosure for partition walls, where the par-
mechanism, in the form of either an expansion joint or a titions meet the columns and ceiling. The partition details
shrinkage strip (Fig. 4-l). shown in Fig. 4-2, originally suggested by the dry wall par-
Joints may also be needed at any location at which stress tition manufacturers, have been extensively used in the de-
concentrations may occur, such as large openings in walls or sign of many projects. This detail allows a partition to float
slabs, changes in thickness of walls, slabs, etc. In each of and provides the necessary restraint against lateral loads act-
these cases a sufficient amount of reinforcement (in lieu of ing on the partition.
joint) across the potential crack may prevent cracking.
The type of construction and the climate are also impor-
tant in determining the spacing of movement joints. For ex- 4.8 JOINTS IN CLADDING
ample, a building that has uninsulated walls or is unheated
must have joints at more frequent intervals than a heated A large number of high-rise reinforced concrete buildings
building. Thermal movements are reduced when an insula- are being built with the exterior columns and end shear-
tion layer is placed on the exterior face of the structure. walls clad with clay masonry or natural stone, such as trav-
There is a considerable divergence of opinion on spacing ertine or granite. Although in the traditional buildings of
of movement joints (expansion and contraction) with rec- the early twentieth century such cladding was detailed by
ommendations for expansion joints varying from 100 to the architects themselves, most of these buildings were
200 ft, while for contraction joints, they vary from a few made of structural steel, and, therefore, did not have to
feet up to 80 ft. consider shrinkage and creep of the frame after construc-
The distance between construction joints depends on the tion. Also the ability of the heavy cladding to carry sub-
production capacity of the construction site, being limited stantial loads reduced stresses and movements considerably.
either by the formwork or casting capacity. When the dis- External cladding supported by a multistory structural
tance between construction joints becomes too large, inter- frame is a typical example of the need to examine vertical
mediate control joints are introduced. as well as horizontal movements. Exterior clay masonry
cladding as well as thin stone cladding has been known to
suffer from movement distress and cause buckling failures.
4.7 NONSTRUCTURAL ELEMENTS Such failures in the mid-fifties were initially attributed to
the shrinkage and creep shortening of the lightweight con-
The need for movement joints must be investigated in the crete columns and walls of the structural frame. Further
building as a whole and not in the structure alone. For the study, however, showed that the expansion of the brick-
owner and user of the building it is not enough that the work was a factor additive to the shortening of the con-
structural frame performs to the selected criteria when the crete. Expansive movement in clay brickwork is caused
doors do not close, the windows leak, the partitions crack, mainly by gain in moisture content over a period of years
and the external cladding buckles away from the structure. after the bricks leave the kiln. Whereas clay brick expands

cont. slab

screw to miss
metal stud

metal stud track

I stud

co&. slab
\ column
(a) (b)

Fig. 4-2 Details of floating partitions. (a) Joint at exterior column, plan view; and (b) joint at slab and ceiling, section view.

because of a gain in moisture after leaving the kiln, concrete When cladding attached to a multistory frame (columns
and concrete block lose moisture and conseqeuntly shrink or walls) expands and/or the frame shortens owing to
in volume when exposed to the atmosphere. Clay bricks shrinkage and creep, the vertical load is transferred from
start to expand as soon as they are removed from the kiln, the columns or walls to the cladding until crushing or buck-
and their rate of expansion decreases with time. Clay bricks ling of the cladding occurs. This problem can be eliminated
that go directly from the kiln into walls will, therefore, by providing horizontal expansion joints at every floor level
have a much larger expansion potential than similar bricks or every alternate floor level at shelf angles as shown in Fig.
that have aged a few months. Thus, the amount of expan- 4-3. This joint should consist of a compressible material or
sion to be provided for, i.e., width and spacing of expansion a clearance immediately below the angle. The joint should
joints, depends on the time that has elapsed since the bricks be sealed with a mortar-colored elastic sealant. The shelf
were removed from the kiln. angles should be secured against any rotation and against
Brickwork may expand as much as ‘/2 to 3 in. in 100 ft. deflections over */re in. A small space (‘/a in.) should be
Therefore, vertical expansion joints are also needed to ac- left between length of angles to allow for thermal move-
commodate horizontal expansion. ment. A joint width of l/4 in. per story should be adequate
No single recommendation on the positioning and spacing for most cases to accommodate the elastic shortening of
of expansion joints can be applicable to all structures. Each the column caused by progress of construction after placing
building design should be analyzed to determine the poten- the cladding, creep, and shrinkage effects of the column,
tial movements, and provisions should be made to relieve and the expansion of the cladding due to extreme summer
excessive stress that might be expected to result from such temperature and possible moisture absorption. The individ-
movement. ual contribution of each of these effects is as follows, as-
Total unrestrained temperature expansion of clay ma- suming a 12 ft (144 in.) story height:
sonry walls may be estimated from the formula:
elastic strain = 200 X 10T6 X 144 =.0288 in.
W = [0.0002 +O.O00004(Tm,, - Tmin)] L creep = 300 X 1O-6 X 144 = .0432 in.
where: shrinkage = 450 X 10e6 X 144 = .0650 in.
temperature = 70’F X 6 X 10m6 X 144 = .0605 in.
L = length of wall in in. total = .1974 = 3/16 in.
Tmax = maximum mean wall temperature in “ F
Tmi" = minimum mean wall temperature in OF Vertical joints between individual stone or precast clad-
w = total expansion of wall in in. ding units should be provided to accommodate thermal ex-
However, this will be reduced by indeterminate compen- pansion of the cladding and the distortions of the frame
due to lateral forces.
sating factors such as restraint, shrinkage, and plastic flow
of mortar, and variations in workmanship. The recom-
mended spacing of expansion joints in masonry walls seems 4.9 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS
to range between 20 and 75 ft and is affected by the sever-
ity of the environment and by the tensile and shear strength Construction joints are stopping places in the process of
of the walls. The means provided for resisting differential placing concrete, and are required because it is impractical
movement also affect the joint spacing. to place concrete in a continuous operation, except for very

Fig. 4-3 Horizontal expansion joint at shelf angle.

small structures or special types of structures built with slip groove in the concrete for architectural effect. Rustication
forms. Construction joints should not be confused with ex- strips may be V-shaped or rectangular with a slight bevel.
pansion joints, which, if considered necessary, will allow for If V-shaped, the joint should be made at the point of the V.
free movement of parts of a building and should be de- If a rectangular rustication strip is used, the joint should be
signed for complete separation. made at the top edge of the inner face of the strip.
The main problem in the formation of a good construc- Continuous or intermittent keyways in either vertical or
tion joint is that of obtaining a well-bonded watertight joint horizontal construction joints of reinforced slabs or walls
between the hardened and the fresh concrete. For a sound are of questionable value. While they seemingly contribute
joint, the reinforcing should be cleaned, and the aggre- little added resistance to the joints, they may contribute to
gate of the hardened concrete should be exposed by brush- spalling, and they interfere with getting the best quality of
ing, waterblasting, or sandblasting before placing the new concrete and maximum strength at the joint. When proper
concrete. concreting procedures are followed, the bond between the
If there should be any doubt as to the adequacy of the old and new concrete plus the doweling effect of the rein-
bond between the old and new concrete, the reinforcement forcement can be made good enough to provide shear resis-
crossing the construction joints should be supplemented by tance equivalent to that of concrete placed monolithically.
dowels. Joints should be perpendicular to the main reinforce-
The simplest type of construction joint is a butt type ment. All reinforcement should be continued across con-
formed by the usual bulkhead board, as in Fig. 4-4(a). This struction joints. In providing construction joints it is essen-
joint is suitable for thin slabs. tial to minimize the leakage of grout from under stop-end
Slabs can use a type of joint that resembles tongue and boards. If grout does escape, forming a thin wedge, it should
groove lumber construction. The keyway may be formed be removed before subsequent concreting commences to
by fastening metal, wood, or premolded key material to a avoid weakening the structure. For watertightness a con-
wood bulkhead. Concrete above the joint should be hand- tinuous waterstop of plastic, copper, or rubber is essential.
tooled or saved to match a control joint in appearance. The In wall construction and other reinforced concrete work, it
second placing of concrete later enters the groove to form may not be convenient to sandblast or to use water jets for
the tongue and thus allow for shear forces to be trans- cleaning joint surfaces. Good results have been obtained by
mitted through the joint, as in Fig. 4-4(b). In plain slabs on constructing the form to the level of the joint, overfilling
ground this ensures that future slabs will remain level with the forms an inch or two, and then removing the excess
previously cast concrete. concrete just before setting occurs. The concrete then can
Joints should be made straight, exactly horizontal or ver- be finished with stiff brushes.
tical, and should be placed at suitable locations. In walls, Hardened concrete should be moistened thoroughly be-
horizontal construction joints can be made straight by nail- fore new concrete is placed on it. Where the concrete has
ing a 1 in. wood strip to the inside face of the form (Fig. dried out it may be necessary to saturate it for a day or
4-4~). Concrete is then placed to a level about l/a in. above more. No pools of water should be left standing on the
the bottom of the strip. After the concrete has settled and wetted surface when the new concrete is placed.
just before it becomes hard, any laitance which has formed Where concrete is to be placed on hardened concrete or
on the top surface is removed. The strip is then removed, on rock, a layer of mortar on the hard surface is needed to
and irregularities in the joint are leveled off. provide a cushion against which the new concrete can be
The forms are usually removed at construction joints and placed. The fresh mortar prevents stone-pockets and assists
then re-erected for the next lift of concrete, as illustrated in in securing a tight joint. The mortar should have a slump of
Fig. 4-4(c). A variation of this procedure is to use a rustica- less than 6 in. and should be made of the same materials
tion strip instead of the 1 in. wood strip and to form a as the concrete, but without the coarse aggregate. It should

Construction joint

edge betore edge (or saw) to

removing match control
bulkhead joints
1:3 slope bulkhead ot
\ / 2 in. lumber \

metal key wood key’ PrevnyAfelded / \

Min $ in.

break bond with oil, plastic or rubber

paint or curing waterstop where
‘May be left in slab permanently compound if movement water tightness
expected required
by tacking lightly to bulkhead

place concrete to level of broken Ilne.

I- allow to settle and strike off to bottom

of strip. remove strip, clean and cure I
p 2 in.
II ‘k r/l I

I joint as specified.

1 tn. strip-

lap over
not more
5/E In. threaded bolt than 1 in.
greased for easy removal.
bolt to hold forms tight
+ against hardened

Fig. 4-4 Construction joints. (a) Butt joint in structural slabs; (b) tongue and groove joint in slabs; and (c) straight horizontal joint.

be placed to a thickness of l/z to 1 in. and should be placement is intentionally separated from that of the pre-
worked well into the irregularities of the hard surface. ceding placement by a bond-breaking membrane, but with-
Depending on the structural design, construction joints out space to accommodate expansion of the abutting units,
may be required later to function as expansion or contrac- function as contraction joints. Similarly, construction joints
tion joints, or they may be required to be monolithic; that in which a filter is placed, or a gap is otherwise formed by
is, the second placement must be soundly bonded to the bulkheading or the positioning of precast units, function as
first so as to prevent movement and to be essentially as expansion joints. Construction joints may run horizontally
strong as the section without a joint. or vertically, depending on the placing sequence prescribed
Construction joints at which the concrete of the second by the design of the structure.

4.9.1 Location of Construction Joints 4.10 EXPANSION JOINTS

Location of construction joints is usually predetermined by Expansion joints are used to allow for expansion and con-
agreement between the architect-engineer and the contrac- traction of concrete during the curing period and during
tor, so as to limit the work that can be done at one time to service; to permit dimensional changes in concrete due to
a convenient size, with least impairment of the strength of load; to separate, or isolate, areas or members that could be
the finished structure, though it may also be necessitated affected by any such dimensional changes; and to allow
by unforeseen interruptions in concreting operations. In relative movements or displacements due to expansion, con-
walls a horizontal length of placement in excess of 40 ft is traction, differential foundation movement, or applied
not normally recommended. loads. Obviously, expansion joints can also function as con-
Generally it is impractical to place concrete in lifts higher struction joints.
than one story. Designers should recognize this when locat- Expansion joints are frequently used to isolate walls from
ing horizontal construction joints. For buildings in which floors or roofs; columns from floors or cladding; pavement
the concrete walls are to be exposed, joints may be located slabs and decks from bridge abutments or piers; and in
at bends of ornamentation, ledges, rustications, or other other locations where restraint or transmission of secondary
architectural details. It is convenient to locate horizontal forces is not desired. Many designers consider it good prac-
joints at the floor line or in line with window sills. In the tice to place expansion joints where walls change direction
design of hydraulic structures, construction joints usually as in L-, T-, Y-, and U-shaped structures, and where differ-
are spaced at shorter intervals than in nonhydraulic struc- ent cross sections develop (Fig. 4-l). Expansion joints in
tures to reduce shrinkage and temperature stresses. structures are sometimes called isolation joints because they
As construction joints are provided to accommodate are intended to isolate structural units that behave in differ-
progress of construction, their spacing is determined by the ent ways.
type of work, site conditions, and production capacity of Expansion joints are made by providing a space for the
the construction site. It is also important that the spacing full cross section between abutting cast-in-place structural
of construction joints be planned such that the joints, while units by the use of filler strips of the required thickness or
in accordance with production capacity, occur only where by leaving a gap when precast units are positioned. Expan-
they may be properly constructed and do not occur where sion joints usually start about the foundation level, and
they may create stress concentrations. continue throughout the height of the structure.
Construction joints should be located by the designer to Expansion joints are installed mainly to control the ef-
provide logical separation between segments of the struc- fects of temperature increase, and to a lesser degree, to
ture. As a rule, construction joints are allowed only where allow independent structural action of adjacent units.
shown on the drawings. If the placing of concrete is invol- The term “expansion joint” is a misnomer so far as cast-
untarily stopped for a time longer than the initial setting in-place concrete is concerned, since the shrinkage a struc-
time of the concrete used, the old surface is to be consid- tural element has undergone from the time it was cast will
ered as a construction joint, and treated as such before cast- usually be greater than any possible subsequent expansion
ing is resumed.
due to temperature rise, increase in humidity, or other fac-
It is best to avoid locating vertical construction joints at tors. The term “expansion joint” is more appropriate for
or near the corners of the building, since their presence may structures assembled from materials such as brick, stone, or
make it difficult to tie the corners together securely; it is,
structural steel, with which material the term possibly origi-
however, desirable to have a control joint within 10 to 15 ft nated. However, in sanitary structures designed to contain
of a corner if possible. liquids, the contraction may be halted when the structures
The appearance of a structure can be influenced by the
are placed in use, and even reversed during hot humid
location of the construction joints, and the aim should be
to install them in a position that renders them as inconspic-
If expansion joints are to be provided, they must be in-
uous as possible; the alternative is to make them clearly visi-
troduced in the preliminary planning stage. It is generally
ble as a feature of the structure. The joints should fit into
difficult to form breaks in structures when the design has
the architectural design, and their location should facilitate
reached an advanced stage without provision for such
the construction of forms and placing of concrete. How-
breaks. Experience and intuitive understanding of how the
ever, from the point of view of strength of the structure, it
completed structure behaves may help in the positioning of
is desirable to position construction joints at points of mini-
such joints. Calculations should support the selection of a
mum shear. For slabs and beams it is, therefore, usual to joint width, and be related to the anticipated movements.
have construction joints at midspan or in the middle third The elastic range of the filler material employed in a joint
of the span. These rules are based on the assumption that a must also be considered.
construction joint may result in less than 100% of shear Expansion joints should not be provided unless they are
capacity in the interface. If it were practicable to have such clearly necessary, since they can be an embarrassment to
joints at the supports for slabs and beams, it would improve the structural and architectural designer, as they are often
appearance and result in a considerable saving on the cost incompletely detailed and frequently badly constructed.
of the formwork. There is no doubt that the proper course to adopt, where
Joints in bearing walls and columns should be located on practicable, is to control a movement without permanent
the underside of floor slabs, beams. or girders, and at the joints; for example, with shrinkage strips, described later in
tops of footings or floor slabs. Columns should be filled to this chapter. When, however, a designer considers that dan-
a level preferably a few inches below the junction of a beam ger of unacceptable cracking exists, the structure should be
or haunch before making a construction joint. To avoid divided into controllable units by providing expansion
cracking due to settlement, concrete in columns and walls joints at suitable places.
should be allowed to stand for at least two hours, and pref- Expansion joints are designed for relative movement of
erably overnight, before concrete is placed in slabs, beams, adjacent sections and should be located so that:
or girders framing into them. Haunches, drop panels, and
column capitals are considered as part of the floor, or roof,
and should be placed integrally with them. 1. They act as stress relief planes.

2. The concrete between the joints is not subjected to The General Accounting Office Building, built in 1951 ,l
substantial volume change stresses. Washington, D.C. is an eight-story, flat slab building 638 X
3. Other elements supported by the concrete, such as 389 ft in plan, with 25 X 25-ft bays. Control joints were
partitions, exterior cladding, window frames, and used on 50-ft centers. No evidence of distress resulting from
others in the building, are not subjected to movement the omission of expansion joints was found in this building
distress. in 1956.
4. The shape, size, and type of joint will function cor- Military Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, Missouri, is
rectly for all conditions of movement. a six-story, flat slab building built in 1956, 728 X 282 ft in
plan with 22 X 22-ft bays. Control joints were spaced
Factors that should be considered in the design and de- every second bay (44-ft centers) in each direction. The con-
tailing of expansion joints are: shrinkage, creep, thermal crete was placed between control joints in a checkerboard
movements, foundation settlements, and elastic deforma- fashion with a 48-hour interval between adjacent sections.
tions of adjacent structural units. The slab reinforcement is continuous through the joints
Thermal expansion of concrete roofs caused by solar with a #4 dowel 3 ft long at 12 in. center added at the top
radiation is a common cause of distress to buildings. Such of the slab. A technical paper with background information
distress can be minimized by applying thermal insulation on on this building and expansion joints in general appeared in
top of the roof to reduce the temperature differentials. the AC1 Journal.2
Othertiise, either expansion joints at required intervals The Los Angeles Union Terminal has a seven-story, flat
should be arranged, or the roof should be able to slide on slab warehouse 550 X 100 ft in plan, with 20 X 20-ft bays,
top of the supporting walls (see Fig. 4-15) with suitable as well as a four-story building 440 X 100 ft in plan. Ac-
separation of the plaster finish at the junction between roof cording to an inspection report of 1958, both buildings
and walls. were in excellent condition after 40 to 50 years, showing
Other than in long buildings, expansion joints may be no distress due to lack of expansion joints.
necessary at the junction of tall and short buildings (Fig. The 1972 “Minimum Property Standards-Manual of Ac-
4-1) to avoid distress due to differential settlements. If. for ceptable Practices” by the FHA recommends that spacing
example, a 40-story tower has a 2-story base, the base will of expansion joints for buildings not exceed the following
have fully settled elastically when the second story is com-
pleted. and the construction progress on the tower will
create differential settlements at the junction as the tower
will continue to settle. An expansion joint at the junction Maximum
will allow each of the two different adjacent building units Outside Temperature Joint Spacing
to settle individually without distressing their connection. 7)pe of Building Variations (ft)
Incidentally, a shrinkage strip may fulfill the same function.
Also, where a new building unit is attached to an existing Heated up to 70°F 600
building, an expansion joint may be desirable. above 70” F 400-500
Unheated up to 70” F 300
4.10.1 Spacing of Expansion Joints above 70°F 200

Spacing of expansion joints in buildings is a controversial

issue. There is a great divergence of opinion concerning the Figure 4-5 shows joint spacing as recommended by the
importance of expansion joints in concrete construction. Federal Construction Council, and is adapted from Expan-
Some experts recommend joint spacings as low as 30 ft sion Joints in Buildings, Technical Report No. 65, prepared
while others consider expansion joints entirely unnecessary. by the Standing Committee on Structural Engineering of
Joint spacings of roughly 150 to 200 ft for concrete struc- the Federal Construction Council, Building Research Ad-
tures seem to be typical ranges recommended by various visory Board, Division of Engineering, National Research
authorities. Divergent viewpoints are reflected both in pri- Council, National Academy of Sciences, 1974. Note that
vate practice and in building codes. The existence of such the spacings obtained from the graph in Fig. 4-5 should be
opposing opinions, which, obviously, cannot be equally modified for various conditions as shown in the notes be-
valid as a consideration in a single structure, is nonetheless neath the graph. Values for the design temperature change
understandable, since it is based on divergence of previous can be obtained from Fig. 4-6.
experience. When expansion joints are required in nonrectangular
Those who advocate the complete omission of expansion structures, they should always be located at places where
joints in concrete construction state that drying shrinkage the plan or elevation dimensions change radically.
is greater than the expansion caused by a lOOoF increase
in temperature; therefore, any temperature increase will
tend to close up shrinkage cracks, and there will be practi- 4.10.2 Expansion Joint Details
cally no compressive stress in the concrete due to thermal
To be effective, an expansion joint should separate the two
adjacent units into completely independent structures.
In a 1940 report of a joint committee (AIA, ASCE, ACI,
Joints should extend through foundation walls, but column
AREA, PCA) it was suggested that, in localities with large
footings need not be cut at a joint unless the columns are
temperature ranges, expansion joints should be provided short and rigid. No reinforcement should pass through these
every 200 ft. In milder climates, 300 ft was suggested.
joints; it should terminate 2 in. from the face of the joint.
In the 1940s a distinct trend started toward the elimina-
Dowels with bond breaker may be used to maintain plane.
tion of expansion joints in long buildings. This trend is con-
tinuing into the present time. Even in locations with large
temperature ranges, buildings up to 400 and 500 ft have ‘Reynolds, W. E., “Ways to Cut Building Costs Shown by General
Accounting Office Building, Wash. D.C.,” Civil Engineering, v. 22,
been constructed without expansion joints, and seemingly June 1952, pp. 50-54.
the performance has been satisfactory. The following are ‘Cohn. Earl B.. and Wahl. W. A.. “Militarv Personnel Records Cen-
examples of such buildings: ter Built Without Expansik Joints,” ACZ~ournaZ, v. 54, June 1958.

1 in. expansion
+- I- joint

These curves are directly applicable to buildings of beam-and-

column construction, hinged at the base, and with heated interiors.
When other conditions prevail, the following rules are applicable:
(a) If the building will be heated only and will have hinged-column
bases, use the allowable length as specified; (a)
(bj If the building will be air conditioned as well as heated, increase 1 in. expansion
the allowable length by 15% (provided the environmental con- 1 f joints 1
trol system will run continuously);
(cl If the building will be unheated, decrease the allowable length
by 33%.
(d) If the building will have fixedcolumn bases, decrease the allow-
able length by 15%; Neoprene or other material /
(e) If the building will have substantially greater stiffness against to accommodate sliding
lateral displacement at one end of the plan dimension, decrease
Fig. 4-7 Expansion joints. (a) Joint with separate columns and
the allowable length by 25%.
beams; and (b) joints in the slab at one-third or one-quarter of the
When more than one of these design conditions prevail in a building, span.
the percentile factor to be applied should be the algebraic sum of
the adjustment factors of all the various applicable conditions.

Source: Expansion Joints in Buildings, Technical Report No. 65, pendent sets of columns and beams at the joints, separated
National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, 1974. by a 1 in. space. Such costs should, however, be considered
against the risk and cost of extensive trouble which might
Fig. 4-5 Maximum building length without use of expansion joints. occur year after year if the joints were omitted.
Expansion joints without a double column may be used
by introducing them in the third or quarter point in the
Joint location is generally dictated by structural consid-
slab in a manner indicated in Fig. 4-7(b). The introduction
erations, with architectural treatment of walls at the joints
of such a hinge near the point of inflection should, of
developed accordingly.
course, be taken into account in the structural analysis.
The simplest expansion joint is one on a column line with
Watertightness of such joints may be difficult to achieve.
double columns (see Fig. 4-7(a)). This may be costly and
Expansion joints in buildings are usually 3/4 in. to 1 in.
complicated as it may involve the construction of two inde-
wide. Judging from past experience, it appears safe to con-
sider that the maximum movement at joints spaced 200-
300 ft apart will not exceed 1 in. under the most unfavor-
able conditions. Joints that are too wide may result in loss
of filler material.
Expansion joints filled with a compressible elastic, non-
extruding material that is intended to accommodate the
movements occurring, and at the same time provide an ade-
quate seal against water and foreign matter. Generally, no
single material has been found yet that will completely sat-
isfy both conditions mentioned. Essentially three types of
jointing materials are used: joint fillers (such as strips of
asphalt-impregnated fiberboard), sealers, and waterstops.
Sealers (sealing compounds) and waterstops (rubber, plas-
tic, or metal) are used where a joint has to be sealed against
the passage or pressure of water.
Expansion joints must be carefully detailed and carried
through the finishes of the floor and ceiling as shown in
Fig. 4-8(a) and (b).

4.10.3 Seismic Joints

Seismic joints are wide expansion joints provided to sepa-
rate portions of buildings dissimilar in mass and in stiffness.
Fig. 46 Maximum seasonal climatic temperature change, deg F. The joints are provided to allow the adjacent buildings or

f x 5” Brass cover plate Figure 4-9 shows seismic separation joints at various loca-
Screws tapped to angles 6”o tions in buildings. As shown in the figure, the seismic joint
coverages must allow movement, be waterproof, and be
architecturally acceptable. The details of the joint coverages
should allow at least a doubling of the joint opening when
subjected to an earthquake.
Tile f l o o r .


The tensile stresses caused by shrinkage and temperature

drop in the concrete that is not free to contract can be re-
lieved or reduced to tolerable limits by control joints.
A control joint is a purposely made plane of weakness of
a section so that cracking and contraction will occur along
Steel anchors these preselected straight lines which are inconspicuous and
Compressible ftller less objectionable. Control joints are inexpensive and can be
formed easily by tacking wooden, rubber, plastic, or metal
strips to the inside of the forms as shown in Fig. 4-10(a)
and (b). After removal of the form and the tacked-on strips,
a narrow vertical groove is left in the concrete on the inside
and/or outside surfaces.
Control joints can also serve as partial expansion joints,
limited to the extent of contraction that occurred in the
joint. The terms “contraction joints” and “dummy con-
traction joints” are often used interchangeably for control
joints, causing some confusion.
Numerous ways have been devised for forming control
joints. In all cases it is recommended that the combined
depth of inside and outside grooves be not less than about
l/s to l/4 of the thickness of the slab or wall to make the
joint effective. In slabs on grade and pavements, the neces-
sary weakening of the section can be made by sawing a
groove in the concrete soon after it has hardened (Fig.
4-10d). The groove may also be formed with a hand tool
before hardening.
Runner charm Quite often wooden or metal strips forming control
joints are left permanently in the concrete, as shown in
Fig. 4-10(a).
Control joints are appropriate only where the net result
of the contraction and any subsequent expansion during
service is such that the units abutting are always shorter
than at the time the concrete was placed. They are fre-
quently used to divide large, relatively thin units; for ex-
Screws tapped to ,’ /Metal to match ample, pavements, floors, retaining, and other walls into
metal ground-’ lnterlor trim smaller panels. They are called control joints because they
(b) are intended to control crack location.
Control joints may form a complete break, dividing the
Fig. 48 Details of expansion joints through finishes. (a) Covering
original concrete unit into separate units. Where the joint
of expansion joint in floor; and (b) expansion joint in ceiling and on
does not open wide, some shear transfer may be maintained
the roof.
by aggregate interlock. Where greater shear transfer is re-
quired without restricting freedom to open and close,
coated dowels may be used. If restriction of the joint open-
building units that have various vibration characteristics to ing is required for structural stability, appropriate tie bars
oscillate during an earthquake without hammering at each or continuation of all or part of the reinforcing steel across
other. The alternative to a seismic joint is to tie the build- the joint may be provided. Reinforcement across control
ings or units together so that they can vibrate as a single joints is usually partially or completely cut.
system. Where small amounts of reinforcing steel or wire mesh are
The width of a seismic joint should be equal to the sum provided in an element, it is desirable to interrupt them at
of the total deflections at the level involved from the base joints at least 3 in. away from the joint on either side.
of the two buildings, but not less than the arbitrary rule of If a construction joint serves as a control joint, an insert
1 in. for the first 20 ft of height above the ground, plus in the form provides a better finish of the casting operation
l/a in. for each 10 ft additional height. The determination which at the same time forms a straight control joint. Ob-
of these deflections will be the summation of the story drift viously, the surface of the joinf should be treated with a
in addition to the building’s flexural deflection (column bond breaker to assure free movement (Fig. 4-l 1).
lengthening and shortening) to the level involved. Shearwall
buildings, being much stiffer, need a seismic joint only, 4.11 .l Spacing of Control Joints
say, half as wide, since the earthquake oscillations of shear-
wall buildings will be much smaller than those of framed No exact rules for the location of control joints can be
buildings. made. Each job must be evaluated individually to determine

required separation
12 gage self tapping
screws @ 8 in. O.C.

metal reglet

0 24 I”. o.c

12 gage self tapprng / ’

‘f” screws 4 8 In. O.C.
requrred separation

(a) ibl

3 1 1 8 In. x 2
~3. 1 In. plate 3 1
o In. x r In. In. x ~ In. 1
0 2 z In. steel or 8 2 I” steel or
plate w e l d L2x2xq1 welded to - 1 In. comf~osltlon 2 3
plate weld ill. COunterSunl\
alumrnum 4 rubber cork aluminum 8
to f rn. plate plate contrnuous angle. to f tn. plate filler f,late screws @ 4 117 0.c

\ \ equal spaces
finish flooring -t-
I ,--t-f-l /_ I . 1 J

/ compositlnn,-,I c -, \
n7 I”. la lte w e l d r.,hk”r
1 uvvcs rn
wrk requ lred
g In. 0 countersunk ,
to angle Y
to anqle filler seoaratlon screws @ 4 In. 0.c. No. 3 welded I
anchors @ L --I \
24 In. O.C. required No. 3 welded anchor
(typical) separation 4 24 In. O.C.
ICI (d)

Fig. 4-9 Seismic separation joint details. (a) Roof parapet separation; (b) plan at exterior vertical closure; (c) typical floor plate closure at
building separation; and (d) typical building separation floor plate closure at walls.

where and how far apart joints should be placed, taking Observations show that building fronts having about 60%
into account the specific structural design. Joint spacings or more of openings crack least, but solid blank walls and
commonly used show considerable variation ranging from a walls with relatively small openings (say 25% of gross area)
few feet up to 80 ft. The spacing of joints depends on the present problems. Cracks develop at about 10 to 15 ft on
exposure and severity of climatic conditions, and on the centers; the greater the spacing of the cracks, the wider the
internal restraint (reinforcing) and external restraint (col- cracks.
umns, walls, friction with the ground) provided by other Walls with frequent openings should have smaller joint
parts of the structure. Obviously, the shrinkage of the con- spacings than solid walls. Cracks usually form at windows
crete and temperature range to be expected have a major and doors where the concrete sections are weakest. Addi-
influence on the spacing. Joints should be made where tional reinforcing should, therefore, be placed at the cor-
abrupt changes in thickness or height occur. To some de- ners of these openings to intercept potential cracks.
gree there is a choice between joints at short intervals with Many of the references and specifications available seem
normal, or no, reinforcement and larger distances between to favor a 20- to 25-ft spacing between control joints in
joints with increased reinforcement. Many of the recom- walls. If a wall is less than 10 ft high, however, and re-
mendations favor a 15 to 25-ft spacing between control strained at the foundation by anchorage to more massive
joints in walls and slabs on grade. First joints should occur concrete or a rock foundation, it may even crack near the
10 to 15 ft from a corner. In walls and slabs, the optimum center of a 20-ft section. Under such conditions, joints at
ratio of panel dimensions enclosed by joints is 1 to 1, with IO-ft intervals may be desirable. For walls 10 to 20 ft in
a maximum aspect ratio of 1 l/a to 1. height, joint spacing should be approximately equal to the
In walls having frequent openings, spacing control joints wall height.
20 ft apart is considered maximum. The spacing in walls Long slabs that form external balconies are prone to de-
without windows should not be more than 25 ft, and a velop cracks originating from their edges. The cracks are
joint within 5 to 15 ft of each corner is desirable. caused by shrinkage and thermal differentials between the

cut every other plete joint which the structure will probably complete by
use this detail
bar here
for all unexrnsed itself in due course and in a most unsightly manner.
or plastered
lnterlor surfaces
and for nalllng
furrIng str,ps


Shrinkage strips are temporary joints that are left open for
a certain time during construction to allow a significant
part of the shrinkage to take place without inducing stresses.
Such joints have been used to a considerable extent both in
massive structures and in thin walls and slabs, for the pur-
pose of reducing shrinkage stresses and minimizing shrink-
age cracks. Such strips divide the structure into parts that
at,,:; to $ t shrink independently until they are connected by casting
the strip.
In recent years shrinkage strips have replaced expansion
Dlscontlnue alternate bars at ,olnt ” joints to a great extent in long multistory buildings. In en-
closed multistory buildings the slabs are subjected only to
(b) shrinkage, while the roof slab is subjected to temperature
a length changes in addition to shrinkage. Therefore, the roof
slab, if not insulated sufficiently, may need an expansion or
sliding joint (see Figs. 4-14 and 4-15) in addition to the
a+b : &toft
shrinkage strips. Experience has shown that in long multi-
story buildings, shrinkage strips spaced about 100 to 150 ft
apart perform successfully. The distance between horizon-
Alternate bars cont. thru ,olnt. b tal shrinkage strips should be less in slabs with stiff supports
other bars cut 6 I”. short
(large columns or reinforced concrete walls parallel to the
direction of shrinkage) or if the expected shrinkage coeffi-
cient is unusually high.
The shrinkage strip is usually 2 to 3 ft wide across the en-
tire building and is cast two to four weeks later than the
adjacent units to reestablish continuity. During the period
the strip remains open, a significant part of the shrinkage
(dl takes place (about 40% of the total shrinkage may occur in
the first month), while in the meantime the concrete will
Fig. 4-10 Control joints. (a) Control joints should reduce the effec-
gain tensile strength to resist the remaining shrinkage with
tive wall thickness by at least one-fourth; (b) control joints in walls
little or no cracking.
8 in. thick, or less; (c) control joints in walls over 8 in. thick; and (d)
The flexural reinforcement crossing the shrinkage strip is
saw cut joint in a slab or pavement.
generally made to act continuously from section to section
after the joint is closed. However, to run the flexural rein-
slab on the inside and the concrete near the free edge of the forcement in one piece continuously from one unit through
balcony. Control joints at sufficiently close intervals (less the strip into the other unit would impede unrestrained
than 10 ft) will usually attract all the shrinkage and tem- shrinkage of the concrete units on either side of the strip,
perature cracking. If such joints are extended only partly thus defeating the objective of the shrinkage strip. There-
across the balcony slab, the concrete near the end of the fore, it is necessary to lap the reinforcing bars within the
joint should be locally reinforced to prevent the prolonga- strip as shown in Fig. 4-12(a). An alternate method of de-
tion of the joint as a crack. tailing the reinforcement to avoid excessive stresses and
In cases of continuous forming (slip forming or extrusion) possible slippage of the bars on either side of the strip while
it may be advisable to make larger units between joints (if it the strip is still open is special expansion bends within the
is impractical to form units as one would wish) as a justifi- strip, as shown in Fig. 4-12(b), so as to allow for a change
able risk, and to rely on the ability of the unit to resist the in the length of the strip. The plane of the bends must be
forces due to frustrated movements caused by volumetric parallel to the face of the slab, and the bends placed alter-
changes. In such cases a certain amount of shrinkage and nately left hand and right hand, so as to avoid accumulation
temperature reinforcement is required to improve the resis- of stresses when they tend to straighten out due to the
tance. It is at times more prudent to trust an unjointed con- loads superimposed upon the completed structure.
crete to resist its own movement than to provide an incom- Shrinkage strips can also be used in walls. In such cases
the walls are constructed in lengths not exceeding 25 ft
Insert nalled to form Surface treated with bondbreaker with internal gaps of 2 ft left between each length. In order
m walls; ornat I” slabs \ ,,,
form compound,
o,,) asphaltic emulsion, to allow unrestrained contraction to take place in each
I length of wall, the gap should be left open for three to four
weeks after the casting of the adjacent length of wall. As in
slabs the reinforcement should be lapped within the gap.
Another method of reducing shrinkage stresses in walls is to
construct them on an alternate panel system (similar to
checkerboard casting of slabs on ground), the length of
each panel not exceeding about 25 ft. Both examples, or
variations of them, are in common use, and they form an
Fig.4-11 Construction joint used as contraction joint in slab or acceptable practical approach to limiting the amount of
wall. shrinkage cracking.



Reinforcing bars bent

i n howontal plane

Fig. 4-13 Hinged joints. (a) Elastic control joint; (b) hinged joint ir
pavement; and (c) hinged joints in columns.

continuation of reinforcing steel across the joint. This type
has wide usage in, but is not restricted to, pavements where
Fig.4-12 Reinforcement details in shrinkage strips. (a) Section- longitudinal joints (Fig. 4-13(b)) function in this manner tc
lapped reinforcement; and (bj plan-bent reinforcement. overcome warping effects by forcing the same deflections
on both sides of the joint due to wheel loads or settlement
of the subgrade. The reinforcement usually yields in the
4.13 SPECIAL PURPOSE JOINTS vicinity of the joint if shrinkage and temperature drop
forces are present.
4.13.1 Elastic Control Joints
In structures, hinge joints in columns are often referred
To improve the performance of control joints, the bond be- to as articulated joints and are arranged as shown in Fig
tween reinforcement passing through the joint and the con- 4-13(c). Such joints are arranged to preclude a momenl
crete can be eliminated for an appropriate length across the transfer between two elements, mostly between the founda.
joint as shown in Fig. 4-13(a). This prevents yielding of tion and column above. It is usually achieved when the sec.
the reinforcement in the vicinity of the joint (which might tion is substantially reduced by blocking out notches that
otherwise occur), and as a result the joint always remains are filled with an elastic, easily compressible material. The
elastic. The breaking of the bond can be achieved either by reinforcement through the joint can consist of parallel bars
a paper wrapping, asphalt coating, plastic tubing, or other
means. The length of bar over which bond should be elimi-
nated is determined with due regard to the maximum joint TABLE 4-1 Stresses in Reinforcement of Elastic Joints
opening, the maximum concrete temperature drop, and the
yield strength of the bars. At the maximum joint opening, Temperature Length of Broken Bond Reinforcing Steel Stres
the bars should be stressed below their elastic limit. The Drop to Joint Spacing Ratio at Joint
maximum joint opening varies with joint spacing, other t (“0 (c/a) P fs in ksi
conditions being similar. The concrete temperature drop is
the difference between the concrete temperature at time of 25 0.50 0.01 9
set and the lowest temperature to which the concrete will 0.02 8
be subjected. 0.25 0.01 15
Elastic control joints were first used in an experimental 0.02 13
highway project in Indiana more than 40 years ago. In re-
cent years these joints have been used experimentally in 50 0.50 0.01 17
pavements in Sweden and Germany. 0.02 16
Table 4-l illustrates the approximate relationship be-
0.25 0.01 30
tween concrete temperature drop, t, length of broken bond
0.02 26
to joint spacing ratio, c/a, reinforcement ratio p, and steel
stress at a joint, fs. 100 0.50 0.01 34
0.02 32
4.13.2 Hinge Joints
0.25 0.01 60 .
Hinge joints permit rotation within a section, however, 0.02 52
separation of the abutting units is limited by tie bars or the

or the bars can cross each other in an X-shape (Mesnager

In both cases a sufficient amount of confinement rein-
forcement (usually closed hoops or spirals) is necessary to
increase the strain and strength capacity of the concrete in
the hinge. Obviously, the hinge section must be sufficient
to carry all the vertical loads and the shear forces.

4.13.3 Sliding Joints

Sliding joints may be required where one unit of a structure
must move perpendicularly to another unit. The joints are
usually made with a layer of a bond breaking material such
1s a bituminous compound, paper, neoprene felt, or other
naterials that facilitate sliding. Figure 4-14 shows a sliding
oint utilizing a neoprene pad. Occasionally steel plates are
:mbedded in both sliding surfaces. In such cases a lubricant Fig. 4-15 Slip joint between masonry walls and concrete roof slab.
s used between the plates to prevent the plates from
‘freezing” together. Sliding joints permit creep, shrinkage,
md temperature drop shortening of elements without
Juildup of stresses. A distance, d, should be left (Fig. 4-14) ment of the slab pulls the top of the wall sideways, the wall
‘or the joint to accommodate elongation of the element usually cracks several courses below the underside of the
lue to temperature rise, thus acting like an expansion joint. slab. A typical method of breaking bond between the walls
With neoprene as a connecting material, this joint can also and slabs to prevent horizontal cracks is shown in Fig. 4-l 5.
‘acilitate rotation due to deflection of the connected ele-
nent without significantly shifting the support reaction to-
ward the edge. The required thickness of the neoprene de- 4.14 JOINTS FOR SLAB’s ON GRADE IN BUILDINGS
yends on the amount of sliding to be provided for the joint
md the durometer of the neoprene. Particular attention 4.14.1 Types of Joints
should be paid to the sealing of such joints where water-
.ightness is required. Three types of joints will provide crack control in slabs on
grade. They are defined below by the character and direc-
tion of the movement that will occur in the joint:
1.13.4 Slip Joints Between Masonry
Walls and Concrete 1. Control joints allow differential movement only in the
plane of the floor.
Concrete slabs and foundations have considerably different 2. Isolation joints allow differential movement in all
noisture and thermal movements from those of the ma- directions.
onry walls with which they must work. Slabs and founda- 3. Construction joints allow no movement in the com-
ions also are usually under different states of stress from pleted floor. As this is difficult to achieve, construc-
he walls, owing to different temperature and humidity en- tion joints should be made to act as control joints.
ironments. Therefore, it is important to break bond and
novide a slip joint between these elements by positive Figure 4-16 shows a plan of a slab on ground in which all
neans. With horizontal layers of material facilitating sliding the above joints are indicated.
letween slabs and walls, each element will be able to move
omewhat independently while still providing the necessary
upport to the other. Among materials that can be used as
lip joints in structures are two sheets of building paper,
jearing pads of polytetrafluoroethylene, or two layers of
;alvanized steel coated with grease.
Horizontal cracks have been observed in numerous load-
bearing masonry walls supporting reinforced concrete slabs.
iuch cracking is generally attributed to thermal expansion,
urling, or horizontal shrinkage of the slab. If the move-

d -I t-


Fig.4-16 Plan for a typical floor on ground. The double line
Fig. 4-14 Sliding joint on a beam support. around the perimeter indicates a key or doweled joint.

4.14.2 Control Joints should be */s to */Q of the slab depth, but not less than the
maximum size of the aggregate. Immediately after sawing,
Control joints allow horizontal movement of the adjoining the joint should be flushed with water or air under pressure
slabs, but do not allow differential vertical movement. This to remove the sawing residue. It is good practice to seal the
means that vertical loads on one side of the joint are trans- joints to avoid infiltration of foreign material which may
ferred to the adjacent slab across the joint, usually through cause spalling at the joints. If hard-wheeled traffic is ex-
aggregate interlock. Control joints are installed to allow for pected, the joint should be sealed with lead.
contraction caused by drying shrinkage and temperature Another method of forming a control joint is to create a
drop. If no control joints were used, random cracking in the joint completely through the slab. Such joints are made by
floor would occur if the shrinkage and temperature drop following a checkerboard pattern. In checkerboard bay
tensile stresses within the concrete exceeded the concrete placing, concrete is placed in alternate squares, like the
tensile strength. squares of one color on a checkerboard. In this way partial
Joint spacing to control drying and thermal contraction shrinkage of half the squares occurs prior to placement of
should be from 15 to 25 ft in unreinforced or lightly rein- the alternate ones. The resulting joints between the pre-
forced concrete floors. Under certain favorable conditions viously placed concrete and the freshly placed concrete
joints up to 30 ft, and more, have performed well without could be bonded as in a construction joint and later saved
cracking. It is usual practice to place control joints on the to form the control joint. However, it is usually simpler to
column lines and between column lines as shown in Fig. use the nonbonded keyed control joint with or without
4-16. Variation in spacing is the result of differences in dowels, as shown in Fig. 4-4(b). Breaking the bond between
local conditions such as the concrete itself, climate, con- the new and previously placed slabs by spraying or painting
struction practices, and the type of soil. A thin slab in a dry with a curing compound, asphaltic emulsion, or form oil
environment, placed over a dry soil, will experience much allows for the freedom of horizontal movement necessary
more shrinkage, and therefore, will require a much closer for crack control.
spacing of joints (even less than 10 ft) than a thick slab in The key provides the same type of vertical load transfer
an environment of high humidity, placed over wet soil. achieved by the aggregate interlock in the sawed control
Also, the joint spacing should be chosen so that the panels joint. Experience has shown that the tongue and groove
are approximately square. Panels with excessive length-to- need not be as deep as given in Fig. 4-4(b).
width ratios (more than 1 l/z to 1) are likely to crack. If wire mesh or reinforcing steel is used in the slab, it
Occasionally, joint spacing at much shorter distances than should be reduced or eliminated at a control joint, regard-
suggested above may be necessary to satisfy the particular less of the joint construction method. Wire mesh is best re-
geometry of a specific job. Joints may be necessary at duced by cutting out alternate wires where the joint will be.
abrupt changes in slab thicknesses. Reentrant corners are If reinforcing bars are used, half the number of bars are
particularly sensitive to cracking and require either joints or eliminated across the joint. Reinforcing steel is sometimes
reinforced bars placed diagonally. Proper joint location is used to increase the distance between joints. However, the
too important to be left to chance; therefore, to ensure ade- greater the joint spacing, the more the joint will open.
quate follow-through on the job, joints should be planned Where joints open wide, jolting by vehicles may result, and
in advance and detailed on the plans. increased joint maintenance will be required. The easiest
Control joints are made by purposely creating a vertical joint to maintain is one that is narrow and straight.
plane of weakness in the slab. The cracking then occurs at Welded wire fabric is often placed in the slab to control
this weakened plane rather than at random locations in a cracking. However, unless the steel is prestressed, the cracks
slab. All control joints should be continuous, not staggered will not be reduced because there is no stress in the steel to
or offset. One of the most economical ways to make a con- counter the tension in the slab until after the cracks occur.
trol joint is to saw a slot in the top of the finished slab, as The steel fabric may prevent shrinkage cracks from opening
shown in Fig. 4-17. When a jagged crack forms then under too wide, but the amount of steel normally used has little,
the joint, it allows vertical load to be transferred to the ad- if any, effect on cracking.
joining slab without differential vertical movement. Because
the joint is made after the concrete is placed and finished,
4.14.3 Isolation Joints
control joints do not interfere with concreting operations.
The saw cut should be made as early as possible, prior to Isolation joints separate or isolate concrete slabs from col-
the buildup of shrinkage stresses, and preferably during ris- umns, footings, or walls. In addition to horizontal move-
ing temperature. Therefore, it is generally done in the early ments of the slab caused by shrinkage, they also permit ver-
afternoon for morning construction, or the following morn- tical movement that occurs due to differences in unit soil
ing for concrete that was placed in the afternoon. The pressure under floors, walls, columns, and machinery foot-
width of the cut should not exceed 3/16 in., and the depth ings. They should also be used at other points of restraint
such as drain pipes, sumps, or stairways. Because the isola-
tion joint is used to allow freedom of movement, there
5 to $ t, but not should be no connection across the joint by reinforcement,
keyways, or bond.
less than maximum _ 1
-,“, Sawed joint to be f&lied
8 with lead or joint filler
Interior and exterior columns should be boxed out as
aggregate size shown in Fig. 4-18. Circular fiberboard forms can be used
in place of the square wood forms. The rectangular form
of the boxout is placed so that its corners point at the con-
trol joints along the column lines, making it easier to saw
up to the column. The isolation joint eliminates cracks
radiating from the corners.
An isolation joint between a floor and the wall may be
made by attaching an asphalt-impregnated sheet not more
than ‘/a in. thick to the wall prior to placing the concrete,
Fig. 4-17 Control joint in slabs on ground. as shown in Fig. 4-19. The joint shown in Figure 4-19(b) is

Wood form. Replace

with fhln ,mnt
materml before
concreting around

Sawed or premolded , Wedge Ftll w,th


Wood forms

Granular ftller

Completed Construction



Fig. 4-18 Isolation joints at interior and exterior columns.

not recommended unless the unit load on the ground under of the concrete; therefore, every effort must be made to
the footing is greater than under the slab and special care is ensure bonding of the newly placed concrete to that pre-
taken to consolidate the fill for some distance from the viously placed. To assure a bond, the old concrete should
wall. be thoroughly cleaned and dampened before the new con-
crete is placed. To avoid the possibility of breaking the
4.14.4 Construction Joints bond after the floor is in use, tie bars are frequently used to
assist in vertical load transfer across the joint. Tie bars have
Construction joints are temporary stopping places in con- the added advantage of also being able to resist shearing
creting. They are necessary in large projects because there is stresses along the joint caused by differential shrinkage of
a limit to how much concrete can be placed and finished in the old and new concrete. However, since it is difficult to
one work shift. achieve monolithic joints in floors on grade, construction
A true construction joint should constitute neither a joints should be spaced and made to act as control joints.
plane of weakness nor an interruption in the homogeneity



In large sections the heat of hydration, which continues for

several days, does not dissipate quickly and causes an in-
crease in the temperature of the concrete. As the surfaces
are subjected to ambient temperatures, they cool off, and a
thermal gradient across the section is created. When the
temperature differential between the cooled surface and the
to prevent bond hot interior of the section exceeds 3S°F, cracking occurs,
which progresses from the surface into the interior. Tradi-
(a) (b) tionally, cracking of mass concrete was avoided by limiting
Fig. 4-19 Isolation joints at exterior wall. (a) Correct, and (b) the amount of cement, using special low-heat cement, cool-
incorrect. ing the aggregates, artificially cooling the freshly placed

concrete for a number of days, limiting lift heights, and the maximum temperature has been found usable for al
using frequent construction joints. practical purposes between 500 and 1000 lb per cubic yar
The extent of heat of hydration generated depends pri- cement-content mixes and for any sections with all dimen
marily upon the amount of cement per cubic yard of con- sions greater than 6 ft.
crete, as well as its chemical composition. For structural In addition to controlling temperature gradients to mini
concrete requiring a high cement content, the extent of mize thermal cracking, it is important to avoid casting th’
heat of hydration of large sections is therefore magnified. fresh concrete against adjacent sides or between two oppo
A technique developed in England’ makes possible large site, massive sections of hardened concrete while reinforce
continuous pours of structural concrete without joints. It is ment is continuous across each interface. The thermal ex
particularly helpful in casting mat foundations. pansion of the fresh concrete and subsequent inevitabl
The technique of eliminating joints is based on control- cooling with its accompanying contraction cause tensiol
ling the temperature gradients and thus limiting internal cracks to form completely through the concrete, no matte
thermal strains and avoiding externally applied restraints. how thick it is.
Internal thermal strains are controlled by ensuring that no To employ this “no-joint” technique successfully, it i
part of the hydrating concrete mass is allowed to become necessary to monitor the critical temperature differential
cooler than the hottest part by more than 3S°F (2O’C). within the in-place concrete between the hottest and cool
Contrary to the traditional method of cooling the concrete, est points in the mass from the moment it is cast, for
the solution here is to keep the concrete warm; in other number of days. It is sometimes necessary to measure mor
words, to avoid rapid cooling so that the temperature gra- than two places to guard against missing the extreme differ
dient across the section is always less than 35’F. ential. Usually thermocouples are placed about 1 in. fron
To estimate the temperature rise in the concrete due to the most exposed face and at the middepth of the pour.
heat of hydration, the British report suggests replacing the When the gradient beings to increase and approache
complex formulas by a single calculation that gives the ex- 30°F, it is necessary at once to protect the exposed SUI
treme temperature rise. The method indicates that the max- faces from further cooling. This can be done by a numbe
imum temperature possible for hydrating concrete will be of methods, such as: (1) insulating boards, (2) insulatin
the concrete’s temperature at the time of placing plus 23°F blankets, (3) tenting, or (4) sand over and under polyethy’
for each 170 lb cement content of the mix, per cubic yard. ene sheets. Also, the formwork of framed elements ma
For example, if concrete with 700 lb of cement per cubic need thermal protection to slow cooling. As the tempers
yard is cast at SOoF, the maximum temperature will be ture rise due to heat of hydration does not usually COT
SOoF + 23’F X 700/170 = 145’F. This determination of tinue beyond three days, it will take an additional numbe
of days for the concrete to cool slowly to the ambien
‘FitzGibbon, Michael E., BA, MICE, “Large Pours for Reinforced
Concrete Structures,” Current Practice Sheets No. 28, 36, Concrete, This large-pour technique makes it possible to construe
a magazine published by the Concrete Society, 52 Grosvenor Gar- massive concrete sections without joints faster and mor
dens, London, England, SWlWOAQ. economically.

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