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BRE Digest348

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The key takeaways are that a walk-over survey is an important part of site investigation that provides valuable information by checking and adding to details from a desk study. It involves carefully inspecting the site and surrounding area on foot while also questioning local authorities and inhabitants.

The purpose of conducting a walk-over survey is to check and make additions to the information already collected during the desk study. It provides information that cannot be obtained in any other way.

Tools recommended for use during a site inspection include a 20m or 30m tape, compass, pocket penetrometer or hand vane, Abney level or angle finder, posthole auger, spade, polyethylene bags and a camera.

Digest 348

BRE Digest December 1989

CI/SfB (A3s)
Concise reviews of building technology

Site investigation for low-rise building:

the walk-over survey

The walk-over survey is an integral and important part of the site

investigation process which should always be carried out. Used in
conjunction with a good desk study (Digest 318), it provides valuable
information which cannot be obtained in any other way.

The object of the survey is to check and make additions to the

information already collected during the desk study. The site and its
surrounding area should be visited and covered carefully on foot.
Local authorities, local inhabitants and people working in the area,
such as builders, electricity and gas workers, should be questioned to
obtain the benefit of their local knowledge. A structured report is
then produced from the information gathered at the site and from
local enquiries.

Fig 1

Technical enquiries to:

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Building Research Establishment Tel: 01923 664664 Fax: 01923 664098

While on site, two types of work can be carried out:

● site inspection
● local enquiries

The site inspection involves walking across the whole site,
making full use of the information obtained during the desk study.
It is useful to have available maps and photographs that have
been obtained and it is necessary to prepare a special site map, at
a suitably large scale. On this should be marked by hand the
geology and other features of special interest that have been
noticed during the desk study. During the site inspection the
position of any further features (eg trees, hedges, pits, exploratory
holes) can be marked on the map, and the existence of previously
identified features can be confirmed. The site inspection should
not be confined to the site itself, but should include the
surrounding area and its building stock.

A number of simple tools needed on site are shown in Fig 2.

Among them are:

● 20 m or 30 m tape to measure the position of features of

● Compass to orientate map
Fig 2 Simple tools needed on site
● Pocket to measure the strength of soil samples
penetrometer or
hand vane
● Abney level or to measure the ground slope angles in
Rabone Chesterman the area
‘Angle finder’
● Posthole auger, for taking soil samples
spade and
polyethylene bags
● Camera for visual records.

The following types of information should be recorded in a

notebook: Fig 3 Slope angles...‘rocks stand steeper than clays’

● Slope angles These can be obtained more accurately during

the site visit than from Ordnance Survey
maps. An Abney level or a Rabone
Chesterman ‘Angle finder’ can be used. Slope
angles can be interpreted in terms of the types
of materials underlying the site: for example,
rocks stand steeper than clays (Fig 3). Very
flat ground near streams or rivers is probably
associated with soft or loose alluvium.
● Instability Record the presence of hummocky, broken or
terraced ground (Fig 4), or boggy, poorly
drained conditions on hill slopes: these
features may be associated with landslips. Fig 4 Instability...‘hummocky ground’
Look also for trees with bent trunks. Except in
very windy localities, trees normally grow
vertically; ground movements will cause them
to make a change in direction. Kinks in
hedgelines may also be a sign of past
movements (Fig 5).
● Vegetation If the site is on shrinkable clay, make a
complete record of the position of all trees
and shrubs on site, together with their
approximate sizes, heights and girths and, if
possible, their species. Record the position
and size of hedges, and note the absence of
any trees, shrubs or hedges indicated on
previous air photographs or in the records. Fig 5 Instability...‘kinks in hedgelines’


● Made ground Note the position of any infilling being carried

out at the time of the site visit. Look for areas
that may have been previously filled, by
comparing the available Ordnance Survey
maps and air photographs with what can be
seen on the site.

● Structures Examine structures in the area and on site and

record signs of damage (Fig 6). (See
Digest 251 for methods of assessing damage). Fig 6 Structures...‘record signs of damage’
Where possible, obtain information on the
types of foundation commonly used in the area
and of any problems encountered by other
builders. Make notes of any structures that are
marked on air photographs or maps but which
no longer exist.

● Soil and rock Look for exposures of soils or rocks (for

example, in such places as railway cuttings —
Fig 7); if any are found, make careful
descriptions of them and take samples in the
plastics bags. Clearly mark the bags with
identifying numbers and mark the position
from which they are obtained on a site plan.
Where soft soils are present on site it should be
possible to make shallow holes using an auger
to get some idea of their characteristics.
Samples from these holes should be sealed in
bags, for future reference. Refill holes to
prevent injury to livestock.

● Groundwater Note the positions of springs, ponds and other

water. The absence of features such as these, Fig 7 Soil and rock...‘exposure of soils or rocks in railway cuttings’
which are shown on Ordnance Survey or
geological maps or air photographs, may
indicate that fill has been placed on the site. If
holes are made to examine soil conditions, the
presence or absence of groundwater should be

● Mining and Look for signs of mineral extraction in

quarrying the area. These may include old mine
buildings, derelict or hummocky land, surface
depressions (Fig 8), evidence of infilling or
spoil heaps.

● Solution Land underlain by chalk or limestone may

features contain naturally occurring voids or pipes
Fig 8 Mining and quarrying...‘surface depressions’
filled with soft soils; these can collapse or
settle beneath a structure. This type of ground
is associated with dry valleys and surface
hollows (Fig 9), and with areas where streams
disappear into the ground.

● Access Check the ease of access for drilling rigs or

hydraulic excavators which might be needed
for detailed ground investigation work. Record
and take photographs of the condition of gates
and tracks which this plant might use, so that
any damage caused can be properly quantified. Fig 9 Solution features...‘dry valleys and surface hollows’


Enquiries involve talking to local people and visiting
sources of reference material. These include: libraries,
muniment rooms, county archives, local history societies,
natural history societies (because they often have
information on local geology), planning authorities,
universities and polytechnics.

● Local builders May be able to provide information on

the ground problems and typical
foundation designs of the area.

● Local Will have extensive experience of

authorities building in their area and will be able to
comment on general ground conditions,
the possibility of flooding, any
occurrences of structural damage in the
area associated with ground movement,
and previous site use. County councils
normally employ a minerals officer who
can be consulted about mining and
quarrying activity.

● Public Utilities such as gas, electricity and

utilities telephone will give information on the
position of their services in and around
the site — see Fig 10. These services
must be avoided during ground
investigation; they may need to be re-
routed during development.

● Libraries and They hold records and maps of the

archives site showing the position of old field
boundaries, ponds, streams and pits or
quarries (some of which may have been
removed or infilled). These records can
usually be hand copied.


Fig 10 Map of services in an urban area

— courtesy of Ove Arup & Partners

The desk study must be carried out before the walk-over survey is
made. Once the walk-over survey is complete, further studies may
be necessary. This is particularly so when new information is
obtained and it is thought that more may be gained from existing
records, or if the facts obtained during the walk-over survey appear
to conflict with those of the desk study. At the end of this process a
written report, structured as shown here, is produced summarising
the sources used, the information obtained, and the relevance of the
findings to the proposed development.

This report is required in order to:

● explain and assess the nature of the various risks associated with
construction on site
● allow the nature and extent of any ground investigation which
may be necessary to be planned
● assess the need for specialist advice.


Topography of the site, including slope angles Geological setting

This should be considered in relation to: The expected and observed soil and rock conditions will
be controlling factors, not only for the design of
● the proposed development, in order to assess the need
foundations and slopes but also for the planning of any
for extensive cut and fill (earthmoving) operations
ground investigation that may be required. When more
● any requirements for earth retaining walls than one type of soil is expected beneath the site and its
surrounding area, a large scale plan should be prepared to
● the stability of existing slopes both within and adjacent
show the boundaries of each soil type. Other geological
to the site (any clay slope steeper than about 8° is a
features, such as faults, should also be shown, as should
potential risk)
the expected variation of ground conditions with depth.
● the possibility of destabilising the site and its surrounds
by temporary or permanent excavations
● the need for either controlled compaction of fill
(eg beneath floor slabs) or suspended floors.

If slope instability is possible, or fills of thickness greater

than about 500 mm are required, the advice of a specialist
geotechnical engineer will be required — see the
Geotechnical Directory of the United Kingdom, published Location, size and species of any trees, shrubs or
by British Geotechnical Society at the Institution of Civil hedges, either at present or in the past, with notes on
Engineers, London. dates when removed
This information will normally be required only when the
Expected groundwater conditions site is underlain by shrinkable clay. With the knowledge
Groundwater will be particularly important during the of the likely risks of subsidence (due to future growth of
construction of foundations, where the need to dewater trees) or heave (as a result of the felling of trees or
and support excavations will lead to additional cost. removal of hedges), it may be possible to relocate
Groundwater conditions are also important in assessing buildings to avoid problems. The extent of desiccation is
the effects of trees on shrinkable clays, and chemical affected by the size and type of tree, as well as its
attack on concrete. Groundwater conditions have a condition, (see Digest 298) and it is also greatly affected
profound effect on the pressures applied to earth retaining by the groundwater conditions on site. Specialist
structures and basements, and upon the stability of slopes. arboricultural advice may be required.



Chemical aggressivity of ground and groundwater Probability of pre-existing slope instability

Both natural and made ground can contain chemicals If slopes are already unstable, before the start of work on
which may attack concrete or steel, or cause harm to the site, design and construction will require extreme care.
user of a development. Specialist skills will be required Specialist geotechnical advice must be sought.
for the investigation of contaminated landfill.


Position of existing and demolished structures

The cost of demolishing existing structures (eg heavy Evidence for the existence of made ground on site
foundations) and of infilling basements should be At its most innocuous, made ground is normally much
considered. The use to which structures have been put will more compressible than most undisturbed soil or rock,
be important, since some manufacturing processes (eg gas and presents a greater than normal risk of settlement
production, plating, brewing) may have left the ground damage to a structure. It can also contain organic
chemically contaminated. materials which will decay over a period of many years,
leading to long-term ground settlements and, in some
Possible extent and dates of mineral extraction and cases, to the production of harmful gases. Some made
mining in the area ground contains chemicals which may endanger the health
Mining may have taken place in the past, may currently of construction workers and of people subsequently
be taking place, or may be planned for the future. Apart working or living on the site. These chemicals may also
from coal mining, a wide range of minerals (eg salt, flint) attack construction materials (eg concrete) with which
may be extracted. If mining or mineral extraction is they come into contact. Specialist geotechnical advice will
suspected the advice of mining specialists must be sought be required if it is necessary to build on made ground. In
in order to assess the need for special structural some cases, the advice of an environmental health
precautions, and for a detailed mining desk study and specialist may also be needed.


Possible locations for structures Access for excavators and boring/drilling rigs during
Where possible, structures should be relocated at this ground investigation
stage to avoid problems and to minimise cut and fill. Required for planning of ground investigations.

Likely types and loading of structures

If preliminary decisions have been made about the
number of storeys and plan areas of the proposed
structures, together with their loading and tolerance to
differential settlement, soil conditions may suggest the use
of a particular type of foundation (eg piling). This needs Position of services (eg electricity, water, gas,
to be known before planning of a ground investigation telephone, sewers)
takes place, since it affects the depth and extent of Required for planning of ground investigations and for
investigation. services for the development.


Other BRE Digests

63 Soils and foundations: Part 1
64 Soils and foundations: Part 2
67 Soils and foundations: Part 3
75 Cracking in buildings
176 Failure patterns and implications
200 Repairing brickwork
240 Low-rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 1
241 Low-rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 2
242 Low-rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 3
250 Concrete in sulphate-bearing soils and groundwaters
251 Assessment of damage in low-rise buildings
268 Common defects in low-rise traditional housing
274 Fill: Part 1. Classification and load carrying characteristics
275 Fill: Part 2. Site investigation, ground improvement and foundation design
276 Hardcore
298 The influence of trees on house foundations in clay soils
313 Mini-piling for low-rise buildings
315 Choosing piles for new construction
318 Site investigation for low-rise building: desk studies
322 Site investigation for low-rise building: procurement

The Institution of Civil Engineers,
Great George Street,
London SW1P 3AA.
01-222 7722

The British Geotechnical Society at the ICE — see above

The Association of Ground Investigation Specialists

c/o Wembley Laboratories,
Printing House Lane,
Middx UB3 lAP.
01-561 0326

The Institution of Geologists,

Burlington House,
London WIV OJU.
01-734 0751

The Building Research Establishment gratefully acknowledges the assistance of
Dr C R I Clayton of the University of Surrey in the preparation of this Digest.

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