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Mining Dams Grow To Colossal Heights, and So Do The Risks - WSJ

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Mining Dams Grow to Colossal Heights, and So

Do the Risks

Engineers say Brazilian disaster shows world-wide danger from Hoover Dam-size earthen structures
holding tailings waste

By Paul Kiernan

M ARIANA, BrazilHalf an hours drive from this colonial town in

southeast Brazil, trees suddenly give way to what looks like a desert salt
flat. It is a 2-mile-wide valley filled with mine waste.

On Nov. 5, an earthen dam holding back this sea of sludge collapsed, releasing a
deluge that killed 19 people, destroyed villages and traveled more than 400 miles
to the Atlantic Ocean, where it left a reddish-brown plume visible from space. As
tall as a 30-story building and holding enough refuse to fill 19 Dallas Cowboys
stadiums, the dam was the largest structure of its kind ever to give way.

It wont be the last. From Chile to Australia to the U.S., the quest for economies
of scale has prompted mining companies to dig larger and deeper pits, creating
record volumes of waste. To house all that detritus they have constructed some
of the most colossal man-made structures on the planet. Known
as tailings dams, these earthen embankments hold back sprawling reservoirs of
mud, finely ground rock and waterwhat is left after a mill separates metals
from ore.

In theory, tailings dams are intended to last forever. In practice, they fail often
enough that industry engineers
themselves are sounding
Processing alarms. Fifteen months before
facilities the Brazilian disaster, Canada
Tailings da suffered its biggest tailings-dam
line failure at a copper mine that
was in full compliance with
Tailings dams local regulations. Experts
are huge Water estimate that between one and
Solid tailings
Sources: Jon Engles tailings info; WISE Uranium
structures four breaches occur each year
at tailings dams world-wide,
roughly 10 times the failure rate of water dams.

The largest tailings dams, at copper mines high in the Peruvian Andes, are
already as tall as the Hoover Dam and have permits to rise even further.
Our dams and dumps are among the highest-risk structures on Earth, says
Andrew Robertson, a Vancouver-based consultant who has designed a number
of very large tailings dams for mining companies. He notes that the biggest
mines increase their waste output by 10 times every third of a century.

Accidents in countries governed by autocratic regimes often go unreported,

particularly in China, experts say. Regulation and enforcement vary wildly
among different jurisdictions, often leaving mining companies to police

Around the world, its a hodgepodge, says Harvey McLeod, a Canadian

engineer who chairs the tailings committee at the International Commission on
Large Dams, or ICOLD. These structures are so complex, that to write a pre-
scripted regulation is almost impossible.

Some closed tailings dams remain stable and more or less blend in with their
surroundings. Antofagasta Minerals PLC is reforesting its hulking Quillayes
tailings dam in Chile, closed in the past decade, with native plants to absorb
toxins and return to the area to something resembling its natural state. The
tailings dam at the shuttered Cannon gold mine in Wenatchee, Washington, has
been converted into a horseback-riding preserve named Dry Gulch.

Not so Brazils Fundo dam, which belonged to Samarco Minerao SA, a joint
venture between two of the worlds biggest mining companies: Australias BHP
Billiton Ltd. and Brazils Vale SA .

Samarco, which is under criminal investigation in Brazil in connection with the

disaster, says the Fundo dam met all legal and regulatory requirements and
showed no sign of structural impairment before it collapsed, an account one of
its consultants disputed. Vale and BHP Billiton have said the dam was Samarcos
responsibility, not theirs. All three companies have cooperated in relief efforts
and promise to rebuild lost homes.
The dam's collapse sent sludge hurtling through the nearby community of Bento Rodrigues, and left markings on trees

In March, the companies involved agreed to spend a minimum of 9.46 billion

reais, or about $2.6 billion, on cleanup, mostly to set up an independent
foundation to manage the recovery efforts.

The Samarco disaster has prompted a wave of soul-searching in the mining

industry. At BHP Billitons annual meeting in November, Chief Executive
Andrew Mackenzie appeared to choke back tears as he described the
heartbreaking scene he witnessed in Brazil.

The International Council on Mining and Metals, or ICMM, which includes most
of the worlds biggest miners, said in December that it would convene a global
review of tailings storage facility standards and critical controls.

How Tailings Are Formed

Tailings are whats left over after mining companies extract valuable metals from raw ore. This
economically worthless waste can pose a great risk to ecosystems and communities where it is

1.Rock containing 2.Water and 3.Once the metal 4that is pumped

a desired
Sources: Jonmetal
Engles tailingssometimes is extracted, the
info; WISE Uranium Project . into a reservoir
Unlike dams that store water or generate hydroelectric power, tailings dams
arent designed and built all at once. They are gradually raised by mining
companies as they exploit mineral deposits. While many water dams can be
drained and often removed at the end of their working lives, mining companies
design their dams with a different goal in mind: to leave them behind when the
ore runs out.

The most common, upstream, design involves letting the tailings closest to the
dam dry out. These dry tailings are then used as the foundation for new levels,
raised by plowing earth or tailings into successive embankments. As it requires
the least amount of bulldozing, the upstream method is the least expensive way
of building a tailings dam and was employed by Samarco.

Many engineers say upstream dams are the most likely to fail. Earthquake-prone
Chile bans the design.

Types of Tailings Dams

As the volume of tailings grows, new levels of the damoften made of sandy, dried tailings
are added to increase its capacity.


out Built
Solid out
In the upstream design, these new In the centerline and downstream designs, new
Sources: Jn Engles
embankments rest tailings
directly info;
the Uranium Project
levels of the dam are placed atop previous levels

A 2009 study by longtime industry engineers that examined 42 years of accident

data found the frequency of tailings spills increases when commodity prices fall,
in the manner of a hangover after a good party. This could reflect pressures to
cut costs once mines constructed on the basis of rising commodity prices are
forced to operate with the reality of lower commodity prices, said the study by
engineers Todd Martin and Michael Davies.

Mr. Martin now works at Anglo American PLC, while Mr. Davies works at
Canadian mining company Teck Resources Ltd. Neither company made the
engineers available for comment.

When accidents do happen, they bring not just flooding but heavy, sandy mud
that destroys everything in its path. In 1985, a spill of just 200,000 cubic meters
wiped out an Alpine village in Italy and killed 268 people.

By comparison, Samarcos dam held 55 million cubic meters of tailings. Rescuers

noted at the time that the death toll would likely have been greater if the dam
hadnt collapsed during the day, when many residents of the nearest village,
Bento Rodrigues, were either away at work or at least awake.

If Id been two minutes slower Id be dead, said Maria Irene de Deus, a longtime
resident of the community who fled on foot after the dam burst.
Tailings Dam Risks

Water Weak Foundation Rate of Rise Height and Angle

Water is a tailings dams An undetected layer of Upstream tailings dams The taller the dam, the
worst enemy. If it clay or silt beneath a should be raised slowly, to greater the catastrophe if
saturates the dam walls or tailings dam can prove allow the beach time to it fails. The steeper the
the tailings beneath an disastrous. In addition to dry and consolidate dam, the greater the risk.
upstream dam, the whole being less sturdy than rock enough to support a new For an upstream dam
structure can liquefy and or sand, such materials level of the dam. But this made from tailings
slide. Wetter tailings also drain poorly, allowing requires a level of themselves, engineers
travel farther and faster if water to silently infiltrate discipline than can test recommend a 25%
they escape, causing more the dam. mining companies. gradient flat enough to
destruction. walk up.

Mr. Davies, the engineer, said in a 2002 paper that the failure rate
for tailings dams was approximately 10 times that of water-retention dams. Back
then, he estimated there were somewhat more than 3,500 tailings dams world-

No one knows for sure. ICOLD doesnt include the structures in its 58,000-entry
World Register of Dams due to internal concern that their high failure rates
would tarnish the reputation of all dams, said spokesman Emmanuel Grenier.

The Wall Street Journal asked the top five publicly traded mining companies by
annual revenues how many tailings facilities they manage world-wide, which is
the tallest and which holds the largest volume. Just one, Anglo American,
answered all three questions, noting it has 109 tailings storage facilities world-
wide, 38 of which are inactive. Its tallest dam is Perez Caldera No. 2 at 110 meters,
and the largest storage capacity is Las Tortolas at 448 million tons, both in Chile.

Vale gave a partial answer to the first, saying it has 143 tailings dams at its iron-
ore mines in Brazil. Rio Tinto PLC gave a partial answer to the first, saying it has
35 tailings facilities in operation and many more closed and legacy sites. BHP
Billiton identified its biggest and tallest tailings dam, Escondida in Chile, but
didnt say how exactly how many it has. Glencore PLC declined to answer any.

The lack of comprehensive information prompted David Chambers, a

geophysicist at the Montana-based Center for Science in Public Participation,
and Lindsay Newland Bowker, an environmental risk manager in Maine, to
compile a database of all the tailings-dam accidents they could find between 1915
and 2010. Their answer: 226.

Based on the findings, they projected that 11 very serious tailings-dam failures
defined as having a release of at least 1 million cubic meters of tailings,
traveling more than 20 kilometers or causing multiple deathswould occur
between 2011 and 2020. So far, there have been five.
Recent aerial views of Samarco's Germano tailings basin. PHOTOS: JOO PINA FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

Its one of those things youd like to be wrong about, says Mr. Chambers, who
advocates for safer tailings storage.

Dangerous tailings dams arent just a developing-world problem. Canada, home

to one of the worlds most advanced mining sectors, saw its largest-
ever tailings accident in 2014 when Imperial Metals Corp.s Mount Polley dam
collapsed. Some 8 million cubic meters of gold and copper byproduct poured
into a pair of glacial lakes in British Columbia, temporarily cutting off local
drinking-water supplies.

A stream where sockeye salmon used to spawn is currently being used as a

ditch to drain water from the mine site while Imperial Metals rebuilds
its tailings dam, says Richard Holmes, a fisheries biologist who lives a short drive
away. He says most of the tailings are still in the bottom of the lakes.

The company declined to comment.

Concern about tailings from closed mines hit the national spotlight in the U.S.
last August. An Environmental Protection Agency cleanup crew accidentally
triggered a leak from an old gold mine in Colorado that spilled arsenic, cadmium
and lead into a mountain river, prompting the governors of three states to
declare a state of emergency. The mine had been closed since 1922.
A 2014 breach at the Mount Polley Mine in Canada spilled waste into a nearby creek and two glacial lakes. PHOTO: JONATHAN

Scientists say the typical culprit for tailings accidents is too much water, which
can cause earthen dams to liquefy. A review panel after the Mount Polley
accident recommended that miners adopt technology to remove water from
their waste before storing it.

Another way to make a dam safer is to expand it by building outward, rather than
upstream atop dried tailings. Called the downstream design, this results in a
bulkier structure that more closely resembles a water dam.

But either technique is more expensive than upstream dams.

What we need to do in order to stop this high frequency of tailings-dam failures

is to put safety first, says Mr. Chambers, of the Center for Science in Public
Participation, a nonprofit that focuses on mining. And right now companies
dont do that frankly. They put economics first.

Big mining companies deny that is the case. Top engineers say they wont design
a tailings dam if budget limitations may affect its safety. Some, such as ICOLDs
Mr. McLeod, say they avoid building upstream dams altogether.

We believe that these facilities can be safe with the application of appropriate
design and management standards, says ICMM President Tom Butler. My
members being global companies, theyre very concerned about their
reputations. Theyve got a very strong incentive to get this right.

In the case of Brazil, officials acknowledge that regulatory oversight is sparse.

Prosecutors say the National Department of Mineral Production, or DNPM, had
only two dam-safety specialists responsible for monitoring more than
300 tailings facilities in Minas Gerais state before the accident. The agency was
also hit by funding cuts amid Brazils ongoing fiscal crisis.

We dont have a budget or human resources, says DNPM spokesman Paulo

By most accounts, Samarco was actively involved in nearby communities before
its accident, and was seen as a responsible company. In early 2015, it agreed to
spend 500,000 reais setting up a new water-supply system in Bento Rodrigues.
Company officials often participated in town-hall meetings.

Samarco always went to meetings in Bento Rodrigues saying not to worry, sleep
easy, said Gilberto Pereira da Silva, a 33-year-old father of three who was
displaced along with most of the village when the dam burst. We lived in fear
but trusted Samarco.

A recent aerial view of Bento Rodrigues in Minas Gerais state, months after it was inundated by mine waste. PHOTO: JOO PINA FOR THE WALL

Mining Dams Grow to Colossal Heights, and So Do the Risks

By Paul Kiernan
Updated April 5, 2016 2:01 a.m. ET

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