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A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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A SunCam online continuing education course

A Case Study in Engineering Ethics:

The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

Julie Coco, P. E.

A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

A SunCam online continuing education course

On This Tragic Day

April 20, 2010 is another day that will live in infamy. On this night in the deep waters of the
Gulf of Mexico, officials and workers aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig argued for hours
about how to proceed with abandoning their well. The Macondo well site, as it was named, is
48 miles off the coast of Louisiana, and was being prepped for completion following the
discovery of oil. The clock was ticking. Officials with Transocean, Inc. (“Transocean”) were
concerned with the procedures being used to temporarily leave the well. They owned the oil rig.
Finally, an official with BP Exploration and Production, Inc. (“BP”), who rented the rig to
perform drilling operations, made a firm decision to save time and money by skipping protocols
and substituting materials used to cap the well. The oil rig’s chief mechanic testified that a
senior Transocean manager by the name of Jimmy Harrell, walked away from the argument
grumbling “Well, I guess that’s what we have those pinchers for.” Pinchers was in reference to
the device used as a final resort to stopping an explosion.

The official global distress signal was reported to have occurred at 9:53 p. m. On that night, the
Macondo well suffered a catastrophic blowout. One crewman from a nearby merchant vessel
described the geyser that preceded the explosion as more like seawater that billowed out just to
the side of the derrick before igniting in a flash over the liquid. What followed was the
explosion that sent the entire rig into flames and sank it two days later. Of the 126 workers
aboard the rig, 11 men died as a direct result of the explosion.

For the next eighty-seven days, BP engineers and others tried feverishly to stop the oil gushing
out of the well. At least five attempts were made to close off the well before a new cap assembly
was installed that stopped the flow of oil on July 15th.

The resulting oil spill is the nation’s largest accidental, anthropogenic release of oil into marine
waters. The 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster was the previous benchmark for American oil spills.
The Valdez held the notorious record at 0.3 million barrels of oil (12.6 million gallons) spilled
into the state of Alaska’s once pristine Prince William Sound. The Deepwater Horizon spill
eclipsed this record, and came close to the estimated 3.3 million barrels spilled into the Bay of
Campeche by the Mexican oil rig, Ixtoc I in 1979. This release still holds the record for the
largest accidental man-made release of oil into ocean waters. Though oil releases of this
magnitude are difficult to estimate, the ultimate ruling was a staggering 3.19 million barrels of
oil (nearly 134 million gallons) released from the Macondo well site. Only 800,000 barrels were
able to be collected from the well head through a coordinated effort between BP and government
responders. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 2 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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Environmental Damages and

the Effects on Public Welfare

The blowout produced a slick of oil

covering 43,000 square miles of
surface waters – an area
approximately equal to the size of
Virginia. It covered at least 1,300
miles of shoreline, affecting
wildlife, habitats, water quality, and
sea life, which ultimately affected
the commercial fishing and
shrimping industries.
Approximately two-thirds of this
country’s oysters come from the
Gulf Coast, the source of about 40
percent of America’s seafood catch.
Figures from the Louisiana
Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries showed the statewide oyster catch down 27 percent in 2010 from the average haul
between 2002 and 2009. The hardest hit areas of Louisiana, like the Barataria Bay inlets and the
communities of Yscloskey and Pointe a la Hache, where state-managed oyster grounds are
fished, saw their catch decrease the most. Shrimp and blue crab landings saw percentage
declines in the teens in comparison to at least the previous seven years of catch. Three tropical
storms and one hurricane within the closest years after the blowout caused re-stirs of the oil to
wash ashore and into marsh grasses, proliferating the problem. A fishing ban was imposed
during the spill, but by 2011, seafood landings appeared to have largely returned to normal. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 3 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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This map shows areas along the Gulf coast, as mentioned above, that were affected by the oil slick.
Oil in the form of tar balls spread from Bayou La Batre, AL as far as Panama City, FL.

A research team led by Louisiana State University associate professors studied the effects of the
spill on fish living in Louisiana marshes. Their results, published in the National Academy of
Sciences Journal, concluded that although the fish may be safe to consume, the toxic oil affected
the gill tissue and genes of fish during the time of exposure, and that these detrimental effects
persisted long after the visible oil disappeared from the marsh surface. These results implied
long-term ecological consequences that may ultimately affect the public’s welfare in regards to
commercial fishing operations. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 4 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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This map shows areas along the Louisiana coast, as mentioned above, that were affected by the oil
slick. Some of the worst hit areas were around Port Fourchon. Oil collected from recovery efforts was
measured in thousands to millions of pounds, as the oily material typically consisted of 85%-90% sand,
silt, shells & water, with 10%-15% as heavily weathered residual oil.

A survey of twenty-six marine scientists by the Associated Press five years after the oil spill
revealed their perceptions that the majority of impacts were to crustaceans, marine mammals,
marshes, wetlands, and to the ocean bottom. Much of the oil is believed to have existed on the
ocean bottom. Ironically, the Brown Pelican (the state bird of Louisiana) had recently been
removed from the endangered species list. Over 2,300 of these birds were found dead. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 5 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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The Final Hours

What happened in those final hours before the explosion? According to the charge published by
the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), BP Well Site Leaders failed to phone engineers
onshore once they received indications that the well was not secure, and again after test results
continued to show abnormally high pressures on a “kill line”. This line is a high-pressure
pipeline that uses fluids to control pressures from the well. As the first red light indicators
presented themselves, a lack of communication between BP (rig operator), Transocean Holdings,
LLC (rig owner), and subcontractors working and living on the oil rig led to a series of disastrous
mistakes. Gas sensors go off, but no one activates emergency systems that may have prevented
the oil and gas from igniting. Some are unaware that a mixture of oil and gas is seeping from the
well and cascading onto the drilling floor. Others are aware of gas on the rig, but do not activate
an emergency shutdown or order an evacuation. Then minutes after the explosion, a subsea
engineer went to activate the “kill switch” only to learn that it was not working. It was time to
abandon the rig.

Well Designs and the Pressure Build-Up Onshore

The Macondo well had its share of problems. The well site was one of the largest finds in the
Gulf of Mexico. Oil companies have explored the deeper parts of the Gulf of Mexico since
around 2001, and are beginning to overcome technological challenges that have only recently
made deep water drilling a feasible alternative to over-drilled and depleted reserves in the
shallower waters. The Macondo well was over 5,000 feet below the ocean surface. Underneath
this was a series of pressurized oil and gas reservoirs located another 13,360 feet below the sea
bed. BP began their work on the well in 2009. While drilling, they frequently contended with
stuck drilling pipes, and what field crews called “kicks” from the well. These kicks, not
uncommon in the drilling industry, are caused by low pressures inside the well from, among
other things, too light weight of a drilling fluid or “mud”, as it is called. The weight of the mud,
along with the strength of the riser used, act as the main pressure controls for the well. A riser is
the pipe connecting the drilling rig platform on the surface of the water to the well head on the
sea bottom. The mud is also used to lubricate drill bits and remove cuttings. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 6 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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BP completed drilling operations in 2010, and was preparing for temporary abandonment of the
well. When drilling the well, a series of metal pipes, called drill strings, are attached to the drill
bit. The string is designed, in part, using the principles of fluid mechanics aimed at maximizing
volumetric flow rates of the drilling mud while decreasing fluid friction at the pipe and/or
borehole wall. Metal pipes called
casings or a casing string, is
lowered into the hole once drilling
reaches a certain depth. This is to
ensure wall stability. Once
production is complete and the drill
pipe is pulled, the well must be
plugged by pouring typically, a
cement slurry into the remaining
annular spaces in order to stabilize
it. Negative pressure testing of the
wellbore is a critical part of
abandonment procedures. It
assesses whether the cement
pumped to the bottom of the well
has hardened and formed an
effective barrier between the well
and the oil and/or gas reservoir. If
the pressure exerted from inside the
well is higher than outside it, a high
wellbore condition exists, and
formation fracturing outside the well
could occur. Conversely, if the
pressure exerted from inside the
well is lower than outside it, a low
wellbore condition exists, and can Wellbore Schematic
be caused by natural gas being
released upon penetrating a reserve. An abrupt upwelling of gas is felt as a “kick”. Well Site
Leaders on the drilling rig are responsible for maintaining well control at all times, and most
“kicks” can be controlled by bleeding off pressure through a valve connected to the drill pipe
when drilling, and/or substituting a heavier weight mud. A proper cement mix design should
provide for a balanced condition in the well. The top of the well at the sea bed floor must also be
capped and sealed as part of abandonment. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 7 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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Multiple news sources reported that BP was under pressure to complete the project and abandon
the well. Drilling operations are very expensive. It was reported that BP was paying a fee of
$500,000 per day just to rent the oil rig. News sources asserted that the company was behind
schedule, and took shortcuts such as skipping a test of the cement mix, and failing to plug the
final cap at the top of the well that would prevent gas from lifting the seal located on the deck
floor above it. The felony charge released against BP by the federal government cited
negligence on behalf of the Well Site Leaders in their duty to secure the well, despite negative
pressure tests providing abnormally high pressures on the drill pipe. Instead, the rig crews were
ordered to remove thousands of cubic feet of heavy drilling mud from the riser pipe and to
replace it with (lighter weight) seawater. This invited natural gas and oil to seep up through the
riser and onto the rig deck.

Drilling Deeper into the Problem

The administrative decisions made by BP leading up to that fateful day were not the only factors
contributing to the disaster. There were technical problems, too. The structure connected to the
kill line sits on top of the well head at the bottom of the sea. This structure, called the blowout
preventer, or BOP, is connected to the oil platform by the riser pipe. The oil that is pumped from
the well rises up through this pipe to the drilling rig for collection. Should the oil platform drift
away from the well head, or in the event of an emergency, this
structure can separate the two, allowing the riser to be pulled
away from the blowout preventer. The blowout preventer, as
its name implies, is a safety device used to stop surges of gas
and oil from the well in the event of a loss of control.
It functions primarily by sealing annular spaces around the drill
pipe to protect against these surges from the well head. A kick
can cause a blowout that would spew “black rain” up through
the rig’s derrick and back down onto the deck with the
potential for igniting.

Derrick Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 8 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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A blowout preventer stack can be pre-configured for the job, but generally consists of multiple
hydraulic rams used to seal off annular spaces, accumulators and electrical components to
control the hydraulics. It also has a critical component called the blind shear ram, which as a
last resort, actually shears off the drilling pipe at the top of the well in order to stop what would
otherwise be an uncontrolled surge of gas and/or oil from the pressurized reserves underneath it.

Blowout preventer stack Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 9 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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To break it down, the blind shear ram is made up of two pistons connected to rams with offset
steel blades used to cut heavy drilling pipe. Two lines deliver hydraulic fluid to either piston
through a single shuttle valve (not shown). When the kill switch is activated, the pressure of the
fluid pushes the rams to shear the drilling pipe and permanently terminate its flow.

Unlike many other parts of the blowout preventer, the blind shear ram has no backup function.
It is the last line of defense. Speculation existed as to why the BOP failed, and there were many
hypotheses. Some news sources indicated that the shuttle valve was the weakest component of
the blind shear ram, and may have jammed. Others point to the possibility of the steel blades
landing on a joint connecting two drill pipes. The joints are much stronger than the pipe itself,
and are virtually impossible to cut. (Pipe joints make up almost 10 percent of the length of a drill
pipe.) Still other sources suspect a hydraulic leak in one of the lines. The subsea engineer who
activated the kill switch, later testified that he had no readings from the meter used to measure
fluid pressure at the BOP. We will soon learn that there is more to this story.

An Engineer is Indicted

In the early days after the explosions, BP engineers back onshore were focused on stopping the
leak and sealing off the well. In order to do this, they had to have an idea of the rate of flow
gushing from the broken riser pipe, still attached to the well head. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 10 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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These estimations would later be the subject of great scrutiny by federal prosecutors, and are
what led to the indictment of a BP Vice-President.

A BP Drilling and Completions Project Engineer, as part of a team of engineers, provided some
of the early oil flow rate numbers in late April 2010. In an affidavit sworn by an FBI agent on
April 23, 2012, Kurt Mix had been served with a Legal Hold Notice on or about April 22, 2010
alerting him to his obligation to retain all records relevant to the Macondo well incident. These
records included text messages. Over the following months of May and June 2010, the agent
asserts that Mr. Mix was served with five additional Legal Hold Notices that included emphasis
on instant messages and text messages that needed to be preserved. During this time period, Mix
began working on the “Top Kill” method for closing off the well. This method involves
pumping heavy drilling mud from ships at the surface down to the wellbore via a kill line
connected to the blowout preventer. Oil flow rates reported at this time were wide-ranging and
from different sources. His team estimates were between 1,000 - 146,000 barrels of oil per day,
or BOPD. However, company representatives never publically refuted the Vice-President’s
publically announced estimate of 5,000 BOPD. When the Top Kill method failed, the engineer
purportedly announced in a May 26th email to his supervisor that the flow rate was too high for
this method to succeed and thus, concluded that the rate had to be over 15,000 BOPD. The Top
Kill effort was abandoned on May 29th. The FBI agent stated that on or about September 22,
2010, Mix was notified that “all active electronic data” was about to be collected. Furthermore,
the affidavit proclaims that on two separate occasions, the engineer subsequently deleted strings
of text which included over 300 messages between his supervisor and himself, and between a BP
contractor and himself prior to turning over his cellular phone to a third-party document
collection vendor. The FBI agent swore of her familiarity of the circumstances surrounding the
offenses through, in part, materials obtained during the investigation. This affidavit led to the
arrest of the BP engineer in his Texas home on April 24, 2012. Kurt Mix was charged with two
felony counts of obstruction of justice for deleting text messages from his cellular phone without
permission from the company.

The BP engineer and his attorney have always admitted to inadvertently deleting some of the text
messages. Mr. Mix also insisted that he initially offered his corporate phone to be confiscated,
even though it was not chosen to be collected by the vendor at a meeting held shortly after the
spill was contained on July 10, 2010. When the cellular phone was obtained almost one year
later, most of the removed messages were able to be retrieved with forensic tools. (Mr. Mix
reports that he hired a computer expert on August 25, 2011 to recover the deleted text messages
that he then turned over to the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ). The affidavit makes no such
mention of this, although the timelines for text removals and phone collection are consistent Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 11 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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between sources.) So why did the engineer delete messages from his phone after having been
served with hold notices, and knowing that an investigation was launched? After all, it was on or
about June 1, 2010 when the U. S. Attorney General publically announced that the DOJ had
launched a criminal investigation into the oil spill. Mr. Mix asserts that the majority of the
messages retrieved were largely personal in nature, and that the few conversations held with his
supervisor and a BP contractor regarding the incident revealed his due diligence in helping to
shut off flow from the damaged well, possibly affecting the judge’s decision to allow a plea

The BP engineer was acquitted of the second count of obstruction of justice in his December
2013 trial. A Louisiana jury found him guilty of the first count, but it was dismissed due to one
juror’s unconstitutional misconduct. A new trial was ordered. In the days leading up to the new
trial, the DOJ revised its charge of the first count to allow for a misdemeanor plea. Mr. Mix
accepted the guilty plea on November 6, 2015 in exchange for no further charges being brought
against him regarding this case.

More BP Employees Indicted

The BP Vice-President of Exploration for the Gulf of Mexico at the time was charged with one
count of Obstruction of Congress, and one count of making false statements to FBI and EPA
agents about oil flow rates. He was eventually acquitted in 2015. Two BP Well Site Leaders
were formally indicted on manslaughter charges, only to be dismissed five years after the
explosions. Instead, only one Well Site Leader, Donald Vidrine was charged with intentionally
misinterpreting the results of a negative pressure test on the well. He pleaded guilty to a
misdemeanor charge for violation of the Clean Water Act, and was sentenced to ten months of
probation in 2016.

BP Corporate Ethics Questioned

The corporation itself, was not so lucky. By January 29, 2013, BP Exploration and Production,
Inc. pleaded guilty to illegal conduct leading to and after the disaster. In the plea agreement
United States v. BP Exploration and Production, Inc., the company was sentenced to pay
$4 billion in criminal fines and penalties. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 12 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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In 2014, BP’s history of environmental compliance as a federal government contractor was

brought into question. A recent trend of violations of the Clean Water Act prior and subsequent
to the Deepwater Horizon incident led to grounds for disbarment. Recognizing this, the federal
government made the decision to impose a five-year injunction on the company. The guilty
criminal plea that BP entered into imposed a comprehensive set of measures to improve the
company’s drilling procedures, safety practices, and corporate ethics. For example, affiliates of
the parent company, BP p.l.c, were required to create a position for an “Ethics Monitor” whose
task is to review systemic issues of current corporate codes of conduct and compliance within the
group of companies, and to report the findings to company representatives and the EPA.
The purpose for this position is to prevent future ethical and criminal violations when dealing
with regulatory authorities. All BP affiliates were also required to maintain a communications
plan to promote awareness of ethics and compliance topics, to conduct Code of Conduct training,
and to provide ethical leadership training. They were also required to create a database to track
the ethics and compliance training, subject to review by the Ethics Monitor. Furthermore, the BP
p.l.c Board of Directors was required to maintain the Safety, Ethics, and Environmental
Assurance Committee whose responsibilities were, in part, to review material placed before
shareholders which addresses environmental, safety, and ethical performance standards.
The committee is to then make recommendations to the Board about their adoption.

On October 5, 2015, the United States Government joined the Gulf States of Florida, Alabama,
Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas in announcing a historic settlement to resolve civil claims
against BP Exploration and Production, Inc. for economic losses and natural resource damages
caused by their gross negligence in the oil spill. Restitution was sought for damages under the
Clean Water Act and the Oil Pollution Act. The settlement for $20.8 billion, is the largest
settlement with a single entity in Department of Justice history. Under the terms of the federal-
state consent decree, a portion of the BP settlement money was allocated towards the Clean
Water Act civil penalty, with 80 percent pursuant to the RESTORE Act. This act was created
with the express intent to have restoration projects along Gulf coastlines prioritized, funded, and
successfully completed. If you think environmental compliance is trivial, think again. The $5.5
billion penalty (that is, with interest) paid by BP under the Clean Water Act is (at the time of this
writing) the largest civil penalty in the history of environmental law. By the way, federal tax
laws do not allow entities to take tax deductions for civil penalties.

The consent decree (finally court-approved and recorded in the year of this writing) is another
example of how government can impose a set of ethics and business practices on a company,
licensed or not, as a condition to obtaining federal contracts. Cases like these have led licensing
boards to require companies or firms to be licensed. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 13 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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A Group Cover-Up Slicker than Oil

It should be noted that not all blame was placed on BP or their employees. As with all large
projects or operations, there are many parties involved. On September 19, 2013, Halliburton
Energy Services, Inc. (“Halliburton”) pleaded guilty to destroying evidence pertaining to the
disaster on the very same day that a criminal investigation was filed against one of the
contractor’s managers. Halliburton was the contractor hired by BP to recommend designs for the
cementing process, as explained earlier. On February 14th of this same year, Transocean
Deepwater, Inc. pleaded guilty to violating the Clean Water Act, and was sentenced to pay
millions of dollars in criminal fines and penalties for its conduct related to the disaster. In a
separate civil settlement, the company paid a record $1 billion Clean Water Act penalty, and was
required to take significant measures to improve its performance in order to prevent recurrence
of its conduct. At least one other company with a stake in the Macondo well agreed to

Unfortunately, this course does not allow for an exhaustive listing of all the court record
findings, engineering analyses, scientific studies, funding or cleanup efforts that were researched
by the author. You can find out more about these topics, and how settlement monies are being
used by visiting:

Equipment Problems Surfacing Faster than Rising Gas

There existed known problems with blowout preventers, in general. However, in the wake of the
Deepwater Horizon incident, historical problems with BOPs were being uncovered rather
quickly. It was discovered that in 2009, Transocean commissioned a confidential study of the
reliability of BOPs used by deep water rigs. A Norwegian company studied some 15,000 wells
drilled in the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea from 1980 to 2006. The good news: There were less
than 0.1 percent of cases where crews lost control of their rigs and had to activate BOPs to
prevent a spill. The bad news: Of the few cases where the BOP had to be used, 45 percent of
them failed to deploy.

Blowout preventer stacks are quite complex structures, and costly to maintain. A typical five-
story structure has multiple hydraulic-operated rams, can weigh 450 tons, and must withstand
frigid temperatures and extreme pressures (i. e., hydrostatic heads) at depths of over one mile.
The Minerals Management Service (“MMS”) was the federal agency charged with regulating Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 14 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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offshore drilling and royalties

from oil and gas companies.  2000: The MMS issues a safety alert urging deep see oil rigs
They imposed federally to include a backup device used to activate blowout
preventers in the event of an explosion.
mandated tests; however, these  2001: Study commissioned by the MMS that advised all
tests are conducted by those in subsea BOP stacks used for deep water drilling be equipped
the industry, and not with two blind shear rams.
 2003: Study commissioned by the MMS suggesting that
government inspectors. News backup systems be implemented and tested along with the
reports discovered that the rest of the BOP components. MMS declined to make this a
tests do not require regular requirement. Instead, they sent out a safety alert
encouraging their use.
checks of several important
 2002‐2004: Engineering consultants found that calculations
elements of blind shear rams. used by BOP manufacturers overestimated the cutting ability
Consequently, there was no the of blind shear ram component under real‐world
confirmation by the MMS that conditions. At least the 2004 study was funded, in part, by
the MMS.
anyone had ever ensured the  2010: BP and other oil companies helped finance a study
proper function of a blowout promoting the necessity of less frequent inspections, due to
preventer. In fact, not only did the pass rate of government mandated tests.
this agency mandate testing,
but it commissioned studies which resulted in several warnings about BOP reliabilities.

Even more disconcerting was the Deepwater’s own BOP inspection. It uncovered significant
problems as early as five years before the accident. Records point to the following history of
tests for the blowout preventer installed for the Deepwater Horizon:

o 2000: Engineering consultants were hired by the BOP manufacturer to assess

specific vulnerabilities of the equipment. The consultants determined that the
blind shear ram and its T-shaped shuttle valve were the most vulnerable
components. In fact, the engineers concluded that this one shuttle valve
represented 56 percent of the blowout preventer’s likelihood of failure. This
report was prepared for BP. It was likely unknown to the MMS.
o 2005: Transocean scheduled the last known inspection of the BOP to be
conducted by the same engineering company. However, the inspection could
not be completed in 2005 due to the fact that it was on another rig at the time.
A partial inspection of the structure uncovered significant problems. A full
inspection was scheduled for late 2010 – after the tragedy.
o 2010: In January, records show the Transocean maintenance team spent over
145 hours repairing and checking the blowout preventer as it was being
transported to the well site, as well as afterwards. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 15 of 22


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Indeed, the first six days after the disaster were spent frantically attempting to apply enough
hydraulic pressure on the BOP to activate the blind shear ram. After five attempts,
engineers abandoned this effort. The New York Times reported that underwater robots were
used to shear off the riser pipe on the seventh day, but other techniques for completely
containing the leak had to be employed. It was not until mid-May when engineers
discovered that the blind shear ram’s hydraulic system had a leak, and could not fully close.
Only one of the ram’s blades had fully deployed.

A Question Mark for Ethics on the Part of Federal Regulators

The vulnerabilities of blowout preventers were widely known for years throughout the oil and
gas exploration industry, including those at the Minerals Management Service. It wasn’t until
the year 2003 that the MMS adopted a regulation requiring companies to submit test data
proving that their blind shear rams could work on the specific drill pipe used, and under
calculated pressures. Companies had to submit this information to obtain drilling permits.
Frank Patton, the agency’s District Drilling Engineer in the New Orleans office, had nearly three
decades of working in the oil industry. He testified in a joint U. S. Coast Guard and MMS
hearing that the blind shear ram component of the blowout preventer was the most important
factor in maintaining the safety of the well, the rig, and the personnel directly above it.
Yet, he approved the permit without requiring proof, and then claimed at his hearing that he was
never trained to look for such a written requirement. He appeared almost oblivious to the testing
requirement implemented years earlier. Some call it a lack of oversight. Was this a mere lapse
in enforcement of the policy, or an ethical dilemma shaped by outside pressure to approve a

It also took the MMS until the year 2003 to require even one blind shear ram, despite much
advice from consultants and many safety alerts issued by the agency beforehand. Industry and
government records agree that by the time of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, roughly two-thirds
of the rigs in the Gulf still had only one blind shear ram. Had the MMS become a little too in
consonance with the drilling companies? Suffice it to say, the Minerals Management Service
was reorganized as early as May 19, 2010 into three independent agencies, including one with a
new enforcement division. By the time of the January 2013 plea agreement, the injunctive relief
set forth for BP required two blind shear rams and third-party verification of blowout preventers. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 16 of 22


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Model Laws, Rules, and Exemptions for Licensure Revisited

Sometimes we are so concerned with the legal implications of our actions, that we forget the
ethical implications of our inactions. BP had to admit liability under both moral and civil law.
The Executive Director of the Corporate Responsibility Officers Association and contributor to
Corporate Responsibility Magazine, was frank about the ethics of the time in a blog posted soon
after the incident.

“….compliance has become all people do. There’s so much to comply with that’s
all people have time to do, and that’s all they aspire to do….While the finger-
pointing is disappointing on its face, it highlights something we’ve said in the
CROA for a while: you can’t comply your way to greatness. When compliance
becomes the goal, no one takes responsibility. When compliance becomes the goal,
no one goes above and beyond. If you want a smoking gun, here’s what to look for:
If …. Halliburton knew to countermand Transocean’s order but didn’t, or BP knew
to test the blowout preventer but didn’t, or if Mr. Patton and the folks at MMS knew
they needed to check testing certificates but didn’t. Indeed, if any of a thousand
people involved knew to speak up but didn’t, we’ll see that once again groupthink
conspired with a culture of risk to bring catastrophe. Unless and until leaders lead,
and we hold ourselves to a higher standard, more regulations will close this barn
door, but not prevent a future calamity.”

The National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Model Rules
oblige engineers and surveyors to report known or perceived risks that may cause harm to the
public, their employers, their clients, and to other licensees unless prohibited by law. The
NCEES publishes both Model Law and Model Rules for promoting the licensure of engineers
and surveyors. The Model Law was developed for engineers and surveyors who are in
responsible charge of their respective practice. It sets forth broad ideas about the regulation of
engineering and surveying licensure to assist in legislation preparation. As noted in hindsight
with previous catastrophes, licensees have a duty to report any potential risks to all parties
involved, including the appropriate authorities. In our case, the consent decree required BP’s
parent company to sign a Non-Retaliation Statement against any individual affiliated with the
company who reported, or openly raised good-faith questions or concerns related to violations
regarding civic laws, company codes of conduct, or to violations against the agreement itself. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 17 of 22


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Professional engineers are licensed at the jurisdictional (e. g., state) level through licensure
boards. Kurt Mix was not a licensed engineer, and through his plea, was disciplined under
general laws. This was arguably his best option, in that he avoided jail time if a conviction was
handed down. And it appeared that a conviction on the first count was pending. By contrast,
licensees held accountable under NCEES Model Law can be disciplined by state and territorial
boards for pleading guilty or nolo contendere to any crime that is a felony, whether or not it is
related to the practice of engineering or surveying. A plea bargain could be a tougher decision
for a licensed engineer or surveyor.

Ethical practice in engineering and land surveying is based on the Model Rules of the NCEES.
The NCEES Model Rules provide licensure boards with rules for guiding the development of
engineering and surveying licensing laws and ethics, and are designed to carry out the general
concepts set forth in the Model Law. The Model Rules complement the Model Law. However,
many states and licensing jurisdictions have exemptions to licensing laws pertaining to work
within industry. These exemptions have existed for decades. The industrial exemptions were
questioned in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico disaster which did indeed, affect public welfare
and safety, as shared above. Over the next six years, engineering professional societies and
councils reviewed, commented, and promulgated their positions on exemptions related to
manufacturing and utility businesses. The following is a timeline of positions made public by
these bodies:

o In 2010, the NCEES released a statement emphasizing the role of engineering licensure
in protecting the public from technical incompetence or unethical practices. The Council
also charged one of its committees to review the impact of the industrial exemption, and
to recommend revisions to its model law.
o In 2011, both the NCEES and the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
voted overwhelmingly at their respective annual meetings to create or revise policies in
favor of removing industrial exemptions.
The NCEES Model Law was revised to read as follows: “Licensed engineers shall be in
responsible charge of all engineering design of buildings, structures, products, machines,
processes and systems that can affect the health, safety and welfare of the public.”
The new NSPE policy reads as follows: “It is the policy of the (NSPE) that all engineers
who are in responsible charge of the practice of engineering as defined in the NCEES
Model Law and Rules in a manner that potentially impacts the public health, safety and
welfare should be required by all state statutes to be licensed professional engineers. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 18 of 22


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NSPE recommends the phase out of existing industrial exemptions in state licensing
o In 2012, the Council again released a public statement questioning the ethical practices
and industrial exemption of the BP engineer after his arrest that April. That same year,
the Industrial Exemption Task Force of the NCEES compiled a table of exemption status
from individual licensing boards. The table was based on a detailed review of the statutes
and laws in each state. This information was prepared in time for the August 2013
NCEES Annual Meeting.

Increased Roles for Professional Engineers

So what good came from the Deepwater Horizon disaster? While the NCEES and NSPE
organizations did not phase out age old industrial exemptions, they did manage to persuade the
U. S. Department of the Interior to develop a comprehensive set of safety regulations that affect
oil and gas operations. On April 29, 2016, the Department’s Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) publically announced final regulations developed in
response to the disaster that began in April 2010. Identified as NTL No. 2010-N05, National
Notice to Lessees and Operators of Federal Oil and Gas Leases, Outer Continental Shelf, this
directive specifies that a professional engineer (PE) must certify all well casing designs and
cement designs. In addition, this directive mandates independent, third-party verification of
BOP functionality, and specifically includes components of the blind shear ram. Secondary
control systems are now required for all BOP stacks. These regulations brought an end to a
massive six-year effort in which the NSPE was actively involved to increase the PE’s role in
protecting public health, safety, and welfare. Upon news of the press release, the NCEES
reminded its reading audience that under their Model Rule, and as required by many states, a PE
or professional land surveyor is obligated to notify authorities if his or her professional
judgement is overruled under circumstances where the life, health, property, or welfare of the
public is endangered. Their point was that had there been licensed professionals involved in the
design, operations, or even regulations, they would have known by their code of ethics not to
allow business decisions to sacrifice the interest of the public or the safety of their colleagues.

Below is a graphical timeline of events as they relate to this discussion: Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 19 of 22


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Administrative Agreement . 2016. 2:10-cv-04536-CJB-SS (New Orleans Federal Court April 4).
Affairs, Office of Public. 2015. JUSTICE NEWS. U. S. Department of Justice. October 5.
Accessed September 9, 2016.
2012. JUSTICE NEWS. U. S. Department of Justice. April 24. Accessed August 12, 2016.
Ashley Berthelot, Leeann Borne, Zac Lemoine, et al. 2012. "Biologists Examine the Impact of
the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Gulf Coast Fish." The PURSUIT - The Official
Magazine of the LSU College of Science, March: 15.
Craig Musselman, P.E. 2011. Industrial Exemptions: NSPE and NCEES Take Clear Action.
NSPE. September 6. Accessed August 17, 2016.
Craig Mussleman, P.E., F.NSPE. 2013. Engineering Industrial Exemptions: Status by
Jurisdiction. National Society of Professional Engineers. September 20. Accessed August
17, 2016.
David Barstow, Laura Dodd, James Glanz, Stephanie Saul, Ian Urbina. 2010. Regulators Failed
to Address Risks in Oil Rig Fail-Safe Device. The New York Times. June 20. Accessed
August 12, 2016.
Dirk Olin, Editor-in-Chief, et al. 2010. Who's Responsible? Gulf Oil Spill. Corporate
Responsiblity Magazine. May 17. Accessed September 2, 2016.
Eiser, Arielle. 2016. Six Years Later, Final Deepwater Horizon Rules Increase PE Role. National
Society of Professional Engineers. August. Accessed August 10, 2016.
Johnson, Carrie. 2015. Jury Acquits Ex-BP Exec Of Lying In Oil Spill. NPR. June 06. Accessed
August 12, 2016.
Larino, Jennifer. 2015. Jury acquits BP exec accused of lying about oil spill flow. NOLA/The
Times Picayune. June 05. Accessed August 12, 2016.
Marshall, Bob (The Lens). 2013. "More tar mats from BP oil spill discovered." The Advocate,
December 23: 1A, 5A. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 21 of 22


A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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Matt Smith. 2013. Empty Nets in Louisiana three years after the spill. April 27.
Accessed April 27, 2013.
Staff, IEEE-USA. 2011. Model Law Exemption to Professional Engineering Licensures is Under
Review. IEEE-USA. May. Accessed July 5, 2011. Copyright 2016 Julie Coco Page 22 of 22

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