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Submarine Tailings Disposal Toolkit

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Mining’s Problem with Waste

Safe disposal of mine waste, Pacific region, mining compa-
including tailings, is gener- nies argue that Submarine
ally recognized as the single Tailings Disposal (STD) 2 is
largest environmental chal- the best solution for tailings
lenge facing the mining disposal. They say that storing
industry worldwide and a tailings on the land in this
Photo: Catherine Coumans

major expense for mining region is risky—because the

companies. Western Pacific experiences
earthquakes; has many moun-
Modern open-pit mining has tainous islands with no place
a very high waste-to-prod- for on-land storage; is an area
uct ratio (roughly 99 tonnes where land is urgently needed
of waste to each tonne of Tailings from Placer Dome’s Marcopper mine in for agriculture; and has high
copper, and even far more Marinduque entering the sea at Calancan Bay. rainfall, making tailings dams
waste in gold mining), mak- vulnerable to collapse. In modern STD systems, mining
ing waste the major product of mining. The Canadian companies claim that the goal is to deposit tailings into
mineral industry generates about 650 million tonnes of deep waters of the sea where there is little oxygen. They
waste per year.1 The storage of this waste poses signifi- say that therefore tailings will be less likely to oxidize and
cant engineering challenges. All over the world, tailings- leach out toxic metals. Mining companies also argue that
dams are leaking, or breaking, and seeping toxins on a marine life at these depths is not so abundant and it is not
daily basis; but recent environmental and social disasters important to the human food chain.
in Romania, Guyana, Spain, and the Philippines—caused
by tailings-dams that burst—have served to focus public By pumping their tailings into the sea, mining companies
attention on this problem. remove unsightly tailings on land. They “solve” the prob-
lems of maintaining tailings impoundments and dams,
Mine waste poses an environmental threat not only and managing acid mine drainage and metal leaching
through its volume but also because of its toxicity. Mine from tailings impoundments, sometimes “in perpetuity”
tailings commonly contain sulfides as well as metals— (forever). And in case of a dam failure, mining companies
such as cadmium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, avoid the risks of social rage and of expensive clean up.
silver, and zinc—that occur naturally in the ore body. Unlike on land, if something goes wrong with an STD
When sulfides in the tailings are exposed to air they oxi- system, there is little the company, or anyone else, can do.
dize. If oxidized tailings come into contact with water, The public may not even discover a problem, because it is
environmentally toxic sulfuric acid is produced. This out of sight under the sea. Even if a problem becomes
process is known as Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). The known, it is harder to hold a company legally and finan-
sulfuric acid also accelerates metal leaching in tailings. cially responsible.
Acid Mine Drainage can have a toxic impact on ground
and surface water around mines. According to the United STD is also a relatively cheap mine-waste solution. Placer
States Environmental Protection Agency, water contami- Dome’s Dick Zandee wrote in a 1985 article about their
nation from mining poses one of the top three ecological- surface disposal system into Calancan Bay in the
security threats in the world. Philippines that, “operation of the current sea-disposal
system costs less than half as much as the operation of the
Why Do Mining Companies Want to Use tailings-pond system.”3 For the Kitsault mine in Canada,
Submarine Tailings Disposal? which was given a special site-specific exemption in 1979
Submarine Tailings Disposal is dumping mine tailings to operate an STD system, it was estimated that STD
into the sea through a submerged pipe. In the Western would save the company $25 million dollars per year in


tailings disposal costs relative to the cost of land-disposal. The them downwards. A seabed slope of minimally 12% is thought
U.S. Department of the Interior concluded that, on average, STD to be needed to move the tailings along the seabed, away from
use resulted in a 17% reduction in capital costs and a 1.6% the pipe. When the tailings settle on the sea floor, they are
increase in operating costs.4 expected to smother the benthic life that exists there. Not yet
known is whether the benthic organisms can regenerate and co-
How is Submarine Tailings Disposal Done? exist with the tailings.
Mines have a long history of dumping their waste into the At all STD mines worldwide there have been the following
sea. Historically this has been into the shallow, near-shore, impacts:
areas. Even in recent years, shallow surface dumping of tail-
ings, with very damaging consequences, continues to 1. Pipe breaks
occur, such as at Placer Dome’s Marcopper mine in the
Philippines (1975-1991). Since the 1970’s, there have been 2. Wider than expected dispersal of tailings
Submarine Tailings Disposal systems that have piped tailings 3. Smothering of the Benthic organism
further out to sea and deposited them under water into interme-
diate depths, such as the Island Copper Mine in Canada and 4. Increased turbidity
the Atlas mine in the Philippines. These systems also caused
5. Introduction of metals and milling agents (chemicals, such as
environmental damage because the tailings did not stay where
cyanide, used for extraction of the desired metals, and deter-
consultants predicted but came back up into more shallow
gents and frothing agents to float out the metals) into the sea.
areas. This toolkit focuses on deep sea dumping to show that
there are also serious concerns with this so-called “best prac-
tice.” It is important to know that even though the industry and Where STD is Practiced, and Proposed Sites
its consultants now argue that deep sea disposal is best prac- The first mines to use STD were the Atlas Mine, in the
tice, new shallow depth STD systems are still being built, such Philippines, and the Island Copper Mine, in Canada (both in
as Newmont’s Minahasa Raya Mine in Indonesia (started in 1971) and the Jordan River Mine, in Canada, and the Black
1996). And even at a modern deep-sea STD mine, such as Angel Mine, in Greenland (both in 1972.) In all of these cases,
Misima in Papua New Guinea, a large amount of waste (50 the mines dumped at relatively shallow depths and experienced
million tonnes) was dumped onto a near shore coral reef serious problems with wider than predicted dispersal (spreading
between 1988-1993. out) of tailings, turbidity, and metal leaching. Even after it
became well known that these mines were damaging marine
What Mining Companies Say: The following is a generalized environments, the Island Copper Mine, the Black Angel Mine,
description of STD as mining companies and their consultants and the Atlas Mine continued using STD into the 1990s. (The
say it should be implemented in modern STD systems. Note that Atlas Mine is still operating.)
there may be differences in systems, depending on site-specific
characterizations: STD is currently being practiced in the following places:

First, the tailings are treated to remove at least some of the most • In Chile at the Huasco Iron Pelletising Plant operated by
harmful chemicals. Then the tailings are piped to a “mixing Compania Minera del Pacifico
tank” on the seashore, where they are de-aerated and mixed and
• In Indonesia at Minahasa Raya and Batu Hijau mines both
diluted with seawater. Some companies say that the water
operated by Newmont Corporation
should be drawn up from the deeper sea so that the tailings take
on the density, temperature, and salinity of the water of that • In Turkey at the Cayeli Bakir Mine operated by Inmet Mining
depth and so that the sea creatures in the shallow water are not
disturbed by the water intake. The tailings are pumped into the • In Papua New Guinea at the Lihir Mine operated by Lihir
sea through a submerged pipe. Most mining consultants say that Management Company and Rio Tinto
80 to 100 meters deep is sufficient to put the tailings below the
• In Papua New Guinea at the Misima Mine operated by Placer
thermocline, the euphotic zone, and the mixed surface layers.
When the tailings leave the pipe they should form a “density
• In England at the Boulby Potash Mine operated by Cleveland
current,” a coherent flow that has been described as looking
like tooth paste that descends to the deep reaches of the sea.
This descending density-current occurs because the tailings are • In the Philippines at the Atlas Mine operated by Atlas
heavier than the surrounding water and because gravity pulls Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation


Proposed STD Mines

Country Location Company

Indonesia Awak Mas Sulawesi Mas Mindo Mining

Toka Tindung Sulawesi Aurora
Gag Island BHP Billiton, PT Gag Nickel
Central Malaku Ingold, an associate of Inco
Halmahara, North Maluku Weda Bay Minerals and PT Aneka Tambang
Jember, East Java PT Jember Metals and PT Banyuwangi Minerals
Banyuwangi, East Java PT Jember Metals and PT Banyuwangi Minerals
East Java PT Jember Metals and PT Banyuwangi
Papua New Guinea Simberi Island Nord Australex
Woodlark Highlands Pacific
Ramu Highlands Pacific
Philippines Tampakan, Mindanao Previously Western Mining Corp.
Mindoro Oriental Crew Development Corporation
Kingking, Mindanao not available
Rapu Rapu Lafayette
Solomon Islands Bugotu Mine Bogotu Nickel
Fiji Namosi Mine Nittetsu Mining Co. Ltd.
New Caledonia Boa-Kaine Iscor
Nakety Argosy Minerals Inc.
Prony not available
Koniambo Falconbridge
Panama Petaquilla Irian Resources, Teck & Inmet Mining

Note: It appears that public protest has prevented the Rapu Rapu mine from getting a permit to use STD; the permit for the mine in
Mindoro Oriental was withdrawn, (See: The Successful Struggle Against STD in Mindoro, Philippines); and the future of Ramu
mine is uncertain (see: Ramu nickel cobalt mine). Canadian mining giant Inco planned to use STD at its proposed Goro mine in
New Caledonia, but they reverted to land based.

STD is NOT being practiced, or proposed with any realistic chance of success, in the United States, Canada, and Australia. These
three countries are home to most of the mining companies that want to use STD in the Western Pacific. STD is effectively banned in
the U.S. and Canada under regulations that protect water and fish. (See: Canadian Legislation on Submarine Tailings Disposal.)
Australia is considered unsuitable for STD for geological reasons.5

Mining Companies and Consultants Tedi, Marcopper, Grasberg, Bougainville). In February 2001, BHP,
Promoting STD Placer Dome, Newmont, Rio Tinto, Western Mining Corporation,
Anglo American, and Falconbridge organized a meeting in
The Mining Companies Vancouver, Canada, with several non-governmental organizations
The main mining companies pushing for STD in the Western to discuss STD, an indication of the concern that companies have
Pacific region are among the biggest multinational mining compa- about public opposition. Nonetheless, industry representatives at
nies: BHP Billiton, Placer Dome, Newmont (now merged with the meeting insisted that STD should be evaluated on scientific
Franco-Nevada and Normandy), Inco, Falconbridge, and Rio grounds only and that science proves that STD is an acceptable
Tinto. Many of these companies are notorious for the trail of disas- waste-disposal option. They said that they will continue to practice
trous mining projects they have left behind around the globe (Ok STD.6 (See: Science and Submarine Tailings Disposal)


The Consultants Rescan, Stuart Jones and David Gwyther, of NSR; and Tom
All of these mining companies make use of small groups of con- Pederson, of Lorax. They give talks at conferences around the
sulting firms that specialize in STD, some since the 1970s. globe and interact with the media. Of greater concern, some
These firms are: Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. (Rescan), have presented themselves as “independent experts” to govern-
Natural Systems Research Environmental Consultants (NSR ments trying to decide whether STD is safe for their country.
Consultants), Dames and Moore, and Woodward-Clyde. Less They have done this by presenting themselves as academics,
well known, but active, is Lorax Environmental Services such as Tom Pedeson and Derek Ellis, whom have had appoint-
(Lorax). Reports from these firms, commissioned by the mining ments at universities, despite their links to consulting firms.
companies, are presented to governments and local communities Some have even visited communities as independent experts and
as impartial, scientific assessments. But these reports are not given advice on whether the community should accept STD.
peer reviewed, they are not published, and they are frequently Derek Ellis of Rescan has made STD his career; he was
not even available to the public upon request. In fact, these con- involved in the Island Copper Mine, the very first STD mine.
sulting companies have never been known to advise against But he has also presented himself as an impartial expert advisor
STD, and they have a professional and financial interest in pro- to governments and communities.
moting STD. These consultants may report on areas of “con- The Need for Independent Review of Consultants’ Studies
cern,” but they always refer optimistically to “mitigation” or to
“technical adaptations” that can be made - or they refer to con- Only recently have independent assessments been made of min-
cerns as “acceptable risk.” ing industry consultants’ studies. Two recent cases indicate that
such independent assessments should be done more frequently.
Rescan and NSR Consultants have had their hands on almost The consultants for Highlands Pacific Ltd. proposed Ramu
every STD project to date, as well as many more that are being Nickel Cobalt Mine in Papua New Guinea were NSR
planned. Rescan was involved from the start in advising at Consultants. Two independent reviews have been done of NSR’s
Island Copper, Kitsault, Black Angel, Marcopper, Cayeli Bakir, Environmental Impact Assessment—one in 1999, commissioned
Misima, Minahasa Raya, and many more. NSR Consultants by the Mineral Policy Institute of Australia, and the other in
have been, and currently, are involved in many STD projects 2001, commissioned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of
and proposals in the Western Pacific (see section: A Look at the Papua New Guinea. (See Ramu Case Study.) In 2000, the
Industry). In spite of serious problems at many of the mines that United States Geological Survey (USGS) completed an inde-
Rescan has been associated with (for example, Black Angel) and pendent study on behalf of the people of Marinduque,
is associated with (for example, Minahasa Raya), this company Philippines who were not comfortable with the assurances of
discusses the problems with these STD systems as “learning Placer Dome and their consultants, Woodward-Clyde, that STD
experiences,” turning them into a selling point by arguing would be environmentally benign. (See: The Successful
Rescan has the longest history with STD. Struggle Against STD in Marinduque, Philippines)
Importantly, certain individuals in these companies are personal-
ly involved in promoting STD as a technology. Most notable of
these are Derek Ellis, Clem Pelletier and George Poling of Written by Catherine Coumans, MiningWatch Canada

1 Environmental Mining Council of British Columbia. Acid the same process: dumping mine waste into the sea OFR 101-93. 1993.
Mine Drainage: Mining and Water Pollution Issues in through a submerged pipe. 5 Jones, Stuart and David Gwyther. Deep Sea Tailing
BC. 1998. p. 3. 3 Zandee, D. “Tailing Disposal at Marcopper Mining Placement. 2000. p. 7.
2 Submarine Tailings Disposal is now also being called Corporation”. Asia Mining. p. 35-45. 1985. 6 Summary to MiningWatch Canada from NGO participants
Managed Submarine Tailings Placement and Deep Sea 4 US Department of the Interior. Potential for Submarine in a multi-stakeholder meeting called, Deep Sea Tailings
Tailing Placement. While the industry is trying to imply Tailings Disposal to Affect the Availability of Minerals Disposal in Vancouver, February 27, 2001.
greater control over the tailings, these terms all cover from United States Coastal Areas. Bureau of Mines,

Science and STD

Science and Submarine Tailings Disposal

Most of the scientific studies on Submarine Tailings Disposal In every known case of STD, scientific predictions and “state-of-
(STD) have been paid for by mining companies wanting to use the art” technology have not been able to protect marine environ-
STD technology to dump mine waste into the ocean. Most of ments from serious predicted impacts (such as the smothering of
this scientific work has been done by a handful of environmental organisms on the sea bottom), as well as the risks of unpredicted
consulting companies that specialize in STD science and tech- impacts. Every STD system to date has suffered documented,
nology. These include Dames and Moore, Woodward-Clyde, unpredicted environmental damage or system failures.1
Rescan Consultants Inc. (Rescan), Natural Systems Research
Consultants (NSR), and Lorax Environmental Services. Limits to Science
Some of these companies offer “cradle to grave” services, mean- STD poses such a high degree of risk for substantial unpredicted
ing they conduct studies mining companies need to get environ- and unpredictable long term impacts because little is known
mental permits from governments, including baseline studies; they about the deep-sea ecosystem. New and unexpected discoveries
conduct monitoring studies during the life of the mine; and when are being made all the time, such as the discovery of living
the mine is ready to close down, they conduct closure studies. organisms near hot thermal vents, the discovery of 263 species
of fish and 37 species of sharks and rays in the deep sea (230-
These studies are not peer reviewed, not published, and fre- 1,860 meters depth) of New Caledonia of which 40% were new
quently not available to the public. In a clear conflict of interest, to science2, and the discovery of “pinnacle” reefs at depths of
these consultants also sometimes act as independent advisors to 80-100 meters.3 These reefs are believed to play a crucial role as
governments on the science and technology of STD. There are a spawning ground for fish. They are also at a depth at which
too few independent scientific studies on various aspects of STD most mine consultants say it is safe to start discharging tailings.
and too few independent site specific reviews of the
Environmental Impact Assessments produced by mining indus- Because so little is known about deep sea ecosystems, its benthic
try consultants. organisms (those on the seafloor) and the role they play in the
vertically integrated food chain in the ocean, it is reckless to
Mining companies and their consultants commonly make the assume the impact of hundreds of thousands of tons of metal
following arguments: enriched tailings will not be detrimental. Adopting the
Precautionary Principal, STD should not be considered until the
1. Science and technology are the only things a community deep-sea ecosystem has been thoroughly studied by independent
should consider when trying to decide if STD is an acceptable scientists so that its ecological role and value is better understood.
option for mine waste disposal.
Technology by which to study the sea is improving, enabling sci-
2. Mining companies now have the scientific ability to evaluate a entists to better assess and recognize unacceptable environmental
site on its environmental acceptability for STD. impacts not previously thought to be detrimental.4 Current tech-
3. Mining companies have the technology to implement STD in nology still cannot adequately model the deep-sea ecosystem
a way that makes it safe for the marine environment. well enough to provide information about impacts of tailings in
the sea over many years. For example, scientists recognize that
These mining industry assertions are not true. we simply do not have the ability to adequately model water
movement and sediment movement sufficiently to be able to
Whether or not STD should be used is simply not a matter of sci-
forecast exactly how solids will disperse in the sea over time.5 In
ence; it’s a matter of social acceptability, both at the government
addition to scientific deficiencies, there are also technological
and local community level. What level of predicted damage to
weaknesses in STD systems. (See: Pipe Breaks below.)
the marine environment is a community willing to accept? What
level of risk of unpredicted (and unpredictable) damage are the Many impacts of STD have not yet been studied and many ques-
people who will be immediately affected willing to accept? tions remain unanswered. For example:
Too often, it is impossible for communities to consider these • No research has been done on the effects of tailings on biolu-
options because information about risks associated with a proj- minescence, the ability of some marine organisms to manufac-
ect are not made available to them. Too often, communities are ture their own light in order to find food.6
given a choice between land-based risks and risks of ocean dis-
posal and are not presented with development choices that are • No answer exists to the question of what would happen to tail-
alternatives to mining. ings on the sea bottom during an earthquake at sea.


• No answer exists to the question of how to control or mitigate phase, there is not enough transparency about the risks associat-
damage if an STD system fails, if unexpected upwelling ed with STD.
occurs or if a pipe breaks, spreading tailings into shallow,
coral-rich areas. What Mining Companies and Consultants
Known Risks Related to STD If de-aerated tailings mixed with sea water are deposited by pipe
In discussions with local communities and governments, mining below the mixed surface layers, below the euphotic zone, and
companies and their consultants make claims about the environ- below a thermocline onto a sea bed with a “sufficient” slope so
mental acceptability of STD and they claim STD, or Deep Sea that the tailings flow through gravity into the deep waters of the
Tailing Placement “is proven technology.”7 But there are known ocean, then tailings will stay together in a density current like
risks related to STD that mining companies and their consultants toothpaste. Companies and consultants claim that tailings will not
either do not discuss with local communities or tend to minimize be able to come back up above the thermocline, will not signifi-
their severity by speaking of “mitigating measures” that can be cantly leach out metals, will not damage corals and will not nega-
taken or good “monitoring systems” that will warn people when tively affect marine organisms, fish in general or particularly
a problem does occur. Especially during the pre-permitting species that make up part of the human food chain.8

What we know
Plume Shearing: Tailings do not stay together in a “density Thermoclines and Upwelling: A thermocline is a layer in
current.” When tailings leave the pipe to enter the sea, fine tail- the ocean where the temperature changes rapidly. The water above
ings particles always break off from the main stream and float and below the thermocline differs significantly in both temperature
away. This is called “plume shearing.” These tailings are some- and density and acts as a natural barrier between two layers.
times caught between ocean layers and can travel this way for Mining companies often present the thermocline as a natural and
many kilometers.9 If they take on a rotation, tailings may maintain impermeable barrier that will keep tailings out of the mixed sur-
their density for hundreds of kilometers.10 Plume shearing can also face layers of the ocean. In fact, thermoclines are not necessarily
happen when discharged tailings encounter “discontinuities” or stable barriers. They may become thicker or thinner at different
places in the ocean where two layers of water meet with different times of the day or year, and they may come and go with seasons.
temperature or density. Plume shearing exposes heavy metals to There may be multiple thermoclines in some places while others
the food chain because fish either ingest tailing particles whole or will not have any. Studies by Professor Rizal Max Rompas from
take up leached metals through their gill membranes.11 Plume Sam Ratulangi University indicate that there is no thermocline in
shearing also increases turbidity (makes water less clear), inhibit- Buyat Bay, Sulawesi, Indonesia, where Newmont says it is dispos-
ing photosynthesis by reducing the amount of light that penetrates ing tailings at a depth of 82 meters from its Minahasa Raya mine.
into the water column. It also drives away some commercially Studies show that the thermocline throughout Indonesian waters is
valuable fish species (such as tuna) and poses a threat to fish deeper than 150 meters.15 Independent scientists have also shown
because tailings contain sharp and pointy particles that may dam- that there are a lot of sources of energy at work in the sea that can,
age fish skin and gills and cause infection.12 in fact, push deeper water back up through the thermocline into the
more shallow and biologically productive layers of the sea.16 This
The Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea: Owned by Canadian
is known as “upwelling.” In addition to upwelling-favourable sur-
mining company Placer Dome, the Misima mine is often held
face winds, other sources of energy include internal waves, bottom
up as a model of how an “ideal” STD system should work.
currents on a sloping seabed, and tidal flows, as well as more
However, plume shearing at the Misima mine happens at a
unusual events such as earthquakes at sea or tsunamis.
112-meter depth, where the tailings leave the pipe and also at
depths between 150 and 1,000 meters. Deepwater snapper, an Proposed Ramu Mine, Papua New Guinea: An independent
edible species of fish, swim between 100-300 meters depth, so study found that in Astrolabe Bay, in the Madang Province, “a
metals in the tailings that shear off may be absorbed by the bottom current moving towards the shoreline, with mid-depth
snapper and passed up the food chain to people.13 The degree currents moving offshore, is suggestive of upwelling, and this
of turbidity is measured by the amount of Total Suspended can not be ruled out on the available evidence.”17 This study
Solids (TSS) in the plumes. TSS in plumes from the Misima also found that “internal waves could act as periodic pumps
Mine can be as high as 51 milligrams per liter (mg/l). to bring some of the STD slurry to much higher levels, where
Consultants for Misima (NSR Consultants) minimize this num- other processes could bring it higher yet.”18 In 1999, an inde-
ber by saying that the TSS is “only” 51 mg/l,14 but this is far pendent study by the Mineral Policy Institute stated that: “If
higher than allowable under Canadian law. (See: Canadian this occurs it will have a significant impact on the productivity
Legislation on Submarine Tailings Disposal.) and ecology of Astrolabe Bay and the Madang coastline.”19

Science and STD

BioAvailability of Dangerous Metals and Minahasa Raya, Indonesia: Pipes have broken in the newest
Chemicals: Tailings that contain sulfides are prone to oxida- STD systems, such as at Newmont’s Minahasa Raya Mine in
tion, acid drainage, and metal leaching. Metals leaching out of Indonesia. The pipe broke at sea in 1998, first at 46 meters
tailings in the sea are a problem because they may become depth and later at 10 meters depth, seriously impacting coral
bioavailable, meaning they may be absorbed by marine life and reefs and marine life. A team of researchers led by Prof. Rizal
accumulate in the food chain, potentially affecting the health of Max Rompas from Sam Ratulangi University stated, “The min-
marine life and of people who rely on food from the sea. Mining ing activities of PT. Newmont Minahasa Raya in Minahasa
consultants argue that putting tailings in seawater largely solves regency and Bolaan Mongondow need to be reviewed. High lev-
these problems because there is less oxygen available in seawater els of several toxic compounds were found at Buyat Bay. The
(so slower oxidation) and seawater is alkaline (which counters amount of toxic compounds in seawater has reached over the
acidity). These two factors prohibit acid drainage and metal leach- tolerable threshold allowed by government law, PP no 20,
ing.20 Consultants also say that by de-aerating tailings (removing 1990. Moreover, the research has found some indication of con-
some oxygen), before they are piped into the sea and by deposit- tamination of the planktons and pelgic fish live in that area…
ing them in the deep sea, which has less oxygen than the mixed Highly toxic compounds in Buyat Bay include those which are
surface layers, the problem of metal leaching is essentially solved. bio-accucumulative and carcinogenic.” 25
However, in addition to plume shearing and upwelling (see
Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea: Pipes have also broken at
above), the following describes how STD still does introduce dan-
what many in the mining industry consider to be a model STD
gerous metals and chemicals into the marine environment.
mine, Placer Dome’s Misima Mine in Papua New Guinea. The
Readily Available Metals in Tailings Effluent: tailings pipe at Misima broke in 1997, at 55 meters depth, and
Dangerous metals that are already dissolved, or otherwise avail- again, in 2001, at 13 meters depth. It took Placer Dome six
able in tailings, may be introduced to the sea immediately when months before the pipe was fixed in 1997. Placer did not fix the
tailings leave the pipe, such as at the Misima Mine. pipe break of December 2001 until February 20, 2002. During
each of these pipe breaks at sea, cyanide and metal enriched
Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea: In the case of Placer tailings particles were pumped into the shallow, oxygenated,
Dome’s Misima gold mine the tailings contain residual cyanide euphotic zone that is abundant with sea life. Furthermore, by
from the gold extraction process. Before being released into the releasing tailings and cyanide at the shallow depths of 55
sea the tailings are first diluted on shore with seven parts of sea- meters and 13 meters, Placer Dome was no longer in compli-
water to one part tailing in a “mixing tank” to reduce the con- ance with the conditions of its permit as these shallow areas
centration of cyanide and other contaminants.21 Even after this fall outside of the “mixing zone” Placer was granted.
dilution, the tailings contain such high levels of cyanide that they
do not meet Papua New Guinea’s “water quality criteria for Batu Hijau, Indonesia: This mine started in 1999 and has
seawater.”22 Therefore, Placer Dome was granted a very large already had two pipeline breaks because of inadequate pipe
area in the sea around the outfall of the pipe, called a “mixing materials and quality control.
zone,” within which the seawater is polluted with cyanide and
Atlas Copper Mine, Philippines: The pipeline was wiped out
other chemicals at levels not otherwise allowed by Papua New
by a typhoon.
Guinea.23 This “mixing zone” in the sea extends 42 meters above
the end of the pipe (which is at a 112 meter depth), and 488 Metal Solubility and Availability in Seawater: When
meters below the pipe. The mixing zone is about 2.5 km wide at exposed to oxygen, sulphides in tailings can oxidize and, in com-
the top, tapering down to about a kilometer wide at the bottom. bination with water, produce acids that can leach metals out of
In addition to available cyanide, at the boundaries of the mixing tailings. STD proponents26 argue that these metals will leach out
zone, copper levels exceeded United States Environmental less readily under water, where there is less oxygen. But some
Protection Agency (USEPA) criteria, and lead levels exceeded metals are actually quite soluble in seawater, even in deep, less
Australian and USEPA criteria for total metal analysis.24 oxygenated seawater, as became apparent in the case of the Black
Angel Mine. Should metals find their way to the more oxygenated
Pipe Breaks: Pipes that transport tailings to the sea are noto-
surface layers through upwelling, plume shearing, or pipe breaks,
rious for breaking and leaking tailings, both on land and in the
then oxidation and leaching is likely for certain metals, as shown
sea. Part of the problem is that tailings are very abrasive. At sea,
through the research on tailings in the sea at historic copper mines
pipes are also vulnerable to landslides, shipping, storms, and
in Newfoundland. Independent scientists also predict metal leach-
tsunamis. When pipes break at sea this can have a serious
ing from tailings in the case of the proposed Ramu Mine.
impact on shallow and coral-rich areas. Pipe breaks are not only
a characteristic of old STD systems, but of every STD system. Black Angel Mine, Greenland: Golder Associates have
When pipes break at sea the spilled tailings can have a serious noted that even in the case of the Black Angel Mine, where
impact on marine life in the shallow areas and on coral reefs. tailings were deposited in a deep fjord, “assumptions about


the potential solubility of the ore minerals in a marine envi- and anoxic pore water and oxic overlying sea water can be
ronment proved to be wrong. Although the sulfide minerals expected….”31 (idem). Brunskill also notes that the impact of
were considered to be insoluble, the soluble hydroxide, car- a trend of more frequent El Nino events in the area “suggests
bonate and sulfate phase of Cu [copper], Pb [lead], Zn cooler surface waters in the Bismarck Sea, and deeper mixing
[zinc], and Cd [cadmium] that formed during the milling of the surface waters off the north coast of Papua New
process were quickly released to the seawater as tailings Guinea” which means the oxygenated layers in which metals
were deposited into the nearby fjord.”27 more readily leach out will penetrate more deeply than cur-
rently modeled by NSR consultants.
Historic Copper Mines in Newfoundland, Canada: A three
year, ongoing study by scientists from Natural Resources Metal Uptake in Organisms from Undissolved
Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Memorial Metals in Tailings: Metals can accumulate in marine organ-
University of Newfoundland aims to study the chemical and isms even if tailings are not oxidized and leaching metals. If,
eco-toxicological impacts of tailings that were deposited in the through a pipe break, upwelling, or plume shearing, tailings end
near shore environment by two copper mines in the 1950s and up in shallow areas where marine life is abundant, then metals
1960s. A paper presented in 200128 represents their initial find- can be absorbed through absorption of whole tailings, as has
ings, which include the following: That even though oxygen is apparently been the case at the Marcopper Mine.
reduced by a water cover, some sulfide minerals may actually
leach out metals more easily in salt water because chemical Marcopper Mining Corporation, Philippines: Researcher
reactions that produce an electric current are enhanced by the C.P. David has been able to show that unoxidized tailings
salt. “The extent of weathering [of tailings] in many cases entered the near-shore environment because of a tailings spill
appears to be more intensive in the saline versus fresh water at Placer Dome’s Marcopper mine in 1996. This rapidly led to
medium, likely because the former is a stronger electrolyte to an increase in concentrations of copper, manganese and iron
enhance the electron transfer process. In addition, data clearly in Ihatub corals. “The spike in copper concentrations
show that Pb [lead] leaching is enhanced under saline versus observed in the 1996-1997 growth bands of the Ihatub corals
fresh cover. Ni [nickel] leaching also appears to be enhanced are attributed to the input of mine tailings into the near-shore
under a saline water cover while the data for Cu [copper] and environment starting in 1996. This increase is quite distinct as
Zn [zinc] are inconclusive.” This study also shows that metals it is 5 to 7 times that of the perceived baseline value.”32
from these tailings that were dumped in the sea did appear to Reagents and Floating Chemicals: Reagents and flota-
bioaccumulate in marine life: “Concentrations of Cu [copper], tion chemicals are used to separate desired metals from crushed
V [vanadium], Mn [manganese], Co [cobalt], and Fe [iron], rock. There are not many studies that show the impact on the
were significantly higher in the soft tissue of blue mussels marine environment from reagents mixed with tailings. But
(Mytilus edilis) and soft shelled clams (Myra arenaria) in the some of these chemicals are known to increase the solubility of
vicinity of Little Bay [tailings site] compared to the control site. metals in the marine environment.33
Significant species effects were also detected with the blue mus-
sels generally having higher concentrations of all metals… Metals Moved Biologically by Vertical Migration:
Seaweed species Fucus anceps and Ascophyllum nodosum from Marine scientist Marcus Sheaves has noted that sea creatures do
the Little Bay area displayed similar patterns of enrichment.” not necessarily confine themselves to one layer or depth of the
ocean. Therefore, significant volumes of metals from tailings
Proposed Ramu Mine, Papua New Guinea: According to deposited at great depths may make their way up to higher sea-
Gregg Brunskill, an independent scientist who has reviewed water levels and into the human food chain through the “vertical
the studies of NSR Consultants for the proposed Ramu Nickel migration” from the depths to higher layers by plankton and fish
Cobalt mine, one has to expect a “zone of very unusual sea- that have absorbed tailings or leached metals, and by fish from
water chemistry within a radius of about 1 km (landward and the higher layers traveling down to the lower levels to feed.34
seaward) of the pipeline orifice.”29 He states, “There will be
very high concentrations of ammonia (being oxidized by bac- Seabed Slope: STD proponents admit that the slope of the
teria to nitrate), sulfate, Mn, and enhanced metal concentra- seabed must be steep enough to allow tailings to move away
tions (Ni, Cr, Co, Hg, and Cd) in the dissolved phase….Of the from the pipe to deeper waters.35 But mining consultants are still
abundant trace metals in the sediment, Cr (6) may be the most promoting STD in places that do not meet these conditions.
soluble in oxygenated seawater. Ammonia and nitrate are
Minahasa Raya, Indonesia: At the Minahasa Raya gold mine,
powerful fertilizers in nutrient deficient tropical coastal
the pipeline into Buyat Bay lays along the floor of the bay and
waters.…”30 Brunskill notes there will be a “very large oxida-
discharges tailings at an 82-meter depth, according to US-
tion power from the high concentrations of MnOOH and
based Newmont Corporation, the company that owns and
FeOOH. Some releases of all trace metals in tailings to oxic
operates the mine. The seabed is so flat that the tailings create

Science and STD

a mound around the pipe outfall and ejected tailings bubble Site Specific Independent Scientific Studies
up creating a volcano-like effect. Consultants for this project Can Support Struggles against STD
were Rescan of Vancouver. It is hard to understand why a To date, most of the scientific studies on STD in the tropics have
modern mine such as Newmont’s Minahasa Raya was given been generated by the mining industry and its consultants. This
permission to be built. means that local governments and communities have almost no
Proposed Ramu Mine, Papua New Guinea: The seabed at the access to impartial information. However, as more tailings find
proposed Ramu Mine does not have a steep slope in sections. their way into the sea, a growing body of independent scientific
This means that tailings are likely to pile up in places rather work on the physical and geo-chemical effects of tailings in the
than flow together in a density current to the deeper parts of marine environment is emerging.
the ocean. “Based on the depth cross-section accumulation There are at least two reasons that independent scientific
seems most likely near the discharge point and at around the research should be encouraged.
450 m ocean depth contour, where the slope abruptly flattens
from 16 degrees to 7 degrees. Massive build-up is significant 1. Firstly, independent studies are increasingly showing that the
because of the potential for subsequent tsunamigenic slump.”36 scientific claims in support of STD, made by the industry and
Marine scientist John Luick warns that a sudden slump of piled its consultants, are based on inadequate and incomplete infor-
up tailings could cause a tsunami.37 mation. A review of independent scientific research shows that
the more independent information that becomes available, the
Dispersion of Tailings in the Sea: By dispersion of tail- stronger is the overall scientific argument against STD.
ings we mean how widely they are spread in the sea. Consultants
have not done a very good job of predicting how large the eco- 2. Secondly, calling for an independent scientific assessment of a
logical footprint of tailings in the sea will be. Consulting firm mining company’s studies can be a very powerful strategic
Golder Associates note that “[o]n the basis of Island Copper tool in a community’s struggle to stop STD.
Mine, Kitsualt Mine and Black Angel Mine, STD’s have resulted
in dispersal of tailings to a greater extent than predicted. This Independent scientific data can play a very important role in
applies to dispersal in both deep water receiving environment supporting regulatory authorities who find it hard to turn down a
(i.e. bottom of fjord) and in shallow waters.”38 Golder Associates permit for STD, especially in cases where this would mean that
also admits that, “our knowledge of the physics governing solids a mine cannot go ahead for environmental or financial reasons.
transport is relatively poor. Many models exist for predicting The United States Geological Survey (USGS) recently complet-
movement in the marine environment, however, most of these are ed an independent study on behalf of the people of Marinduque,
virtually untested and are indeed based on inappropriate parame- who have been demanding that Placer Dome not use STD on
terizations [measurable features]….”39 their island in the Philippines.

Benthic Smothering and Recolonization: We know The USGS report outlines the extensive information that must be
that in all STD systems benthic (sea bottom) marine life is gathered in order to adequately assess whether STD is an accept-
smothered and wiped out by tailings. There are very few exam- able option.42 The USGS found that it appeared that Placer Dome
ples of older, discontinued STD systems that we can study to see had not conducted all necessary studies.43 In fact, gathering this data
whether tailings can be “recolonized” with organisms once the would likely prohibit many projects from going ahead as the costs
dumping stops. What evidence we do have from the Island and the time it would take to complete this work would be prohibi-
Copper Mine and the Kitsault Mine indicates that there may be tive for many mining companies. The USGS concluded that the
some new creatures that establish themselves on the tailings but studies it had been able to review did not provide sufficient evi-
that they are not the same as the creatures that were there before dence that STD would be environmentally safe. In fact, they con-
and there is a loss of biodiversity.40 We also know that certain cluded that: “Due to the substantial amounts of soluble salts in the
species will avoid settled tailings on the seabed, such as yel- tailings and the strong ability of chloride in sea water to complex
lowfin sole and tanner crabs.41 metals from tailings, there is considerable potential that a highly
acidic, metal enriched , and environmentally detrimental plume
Sustainability: One of the principles of sustainability is to would develop in the ocean around the tailings discharge point dur-
use and reuse the earth’s resources frugally. STD degrades and ing tailings disposal.”44 In January of 2001, just months after the
destroys two resources, the marine environment and earth’s met- USGS report came out, the Philippine Department of Environment
als. Not only do we know that STD smothers life, poisons on the and Natural Resources decided not to give a permit for STD and
ocean floor and that it puts potentially lethal and sub-lethal met- Placer Dome finally backed away from the plan to use STD.
als into the marine environment, it also places potentially useful
metals out of our reach. On land, ways are being found to mine This case and others indicate that a critical scientific assessment
tailings for the many useful metals they still contain. of studies conducted by mining industry consultants will likely


show that not all necessary data has been gathered, faulty By Catherine Coumans, MiningWatch Canada
methodology has been used, contradictory models have been
used, and overly optimistic conclusions have been drawn from Reviewed by John Luick, National Tidal Facility,
the available data.45 Australia, The Flinders University of South Australia

1 This is true for the original STD systems that go back to 15 Pariwono, John. August 2, 1999. Suara Pembaruam. 31 Brunskill, Gregg J. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A
the 1970s, as well as for the most recent systems. It is 16 Luick, J. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review of Review of the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel
true for Island Copper, Kitsault, the Black Angel Mine, the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the Project to the Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 52.
Misima, Minahasa Raya, and Batu Hijau etc. See, for Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 37. 32 C.P. David, 2000, Tracing a Mine Tailings Spill Using
example, U.S. Department of the Interior “Case Studies 17 Luick, J. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Coral Growth Bands:
of Submarine Tailings Disposal: Volume II- Worldwide Preliminary Results and Interpretation. Coral Reef
the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the
Case Histories and Screening Criteria” OFR 37-94, Symposium Proceedings, Bali, Indonesia.
Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p.40.
1994; Golder Associates, 1996. Assessment of Metal 33 Golder Associates, 1996. Assessment of Metal Mine
18 Luick, J. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review of
Mine Submarine Tailings Discharge to Marine
the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the Submarine Tailings Discharge to Marine Environments.
Environments; Review of the Coral Reef and Nearshore
Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 42. p.54.
Environment, Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea, NSR
19 Mineral Policy Institute, February 1999. Environmental 34 Sheaves, M. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review
Consultants, Oct. 1999.
2 Sheaves. M. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review Risks Associated with Submarine Tailings Discharge in of the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the
Astrolabe Bay, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. p. Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 73.
of the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the
8. 35 NSR Consultants, January 2000. Deep Sea Tailing
Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. P.64.
3 20 NSR Consultants, January 2000. Deep Sea Tailing Placement. p. 3.
Placement. p. 2. 36 Luick, J. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review of
0397/ p.36
4 21 NSR Consultants, April 1997. Review of Submarine the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the
Tailings Disposal: Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea. p. Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 44.
0397/ p.36
8. 37 Luick, J. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review of
5 Golder Associates, 1996. Assessment of Metal Mine
22 NSR Consultants, April 1997. Review of Submarine the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the
Submarine Tailings Discharge to Marine Environments.
Tailings Disposal: Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea. Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 46.
p.18. 38 Golder Associates, 1996. Assessment of Metal Mine
6 New Scientist, November 2000. Tails of Woe. p. 46-49.
23 NSR Consultants, April 1997. Review of Submarine Submarine Tailings Discharge to Marine Environments.
7 NSR Consultants, January 2000. Deep Sea Tailing
Tailings Disposal: Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea. p. 106.
Placement. . 1. 39 Golder Associates, 1996. Assessment of Metal Mine
8 See, for example, the claims made by NSR Consultants,
24 NSR Consultants, April 1997. Review of Submarine Submarine Tailings Discharge to Marine Environments.
January 2000. Deep Sea Tailing Placement. p. 2. p. 43.
Tailings Disposal: Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea.
9 Mineral Policy Institute, February 1999. Environmental 40 Golder Associates, 1996. Assessment of Metal Mine
Risks Associated with Submarine Tailings Discharge in 25 Quoted on Jatam Home page: April Submarine Tailings Discharge to Marine Environments.
Astrolabe Bay, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. p. p. 110.
5. 41 Sheaves, M. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review
26 NSR Consultants, January 2000. Deep Sea Tailing
10 Luick, J. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review of
Placement. p. 2. of the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the
the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 75.
27 Golder Associates, 1996. Assessment of Metal Mine
Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 45. 42
11 Sheaves, M. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review Submarine Tailings Discharge to Marine Environments.
p.54. 0397/ p. 34-36.
of the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the 43
28 Blanchette, M.C., et al, 2001—A Chemical and
Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 75.
Ecotoxicological Assessment of the Impact of Marine 0397/ p. 36.
12 Sheaves, M. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A Review
Tailings Disposal. Published in Proceedings from the 44 The USGS report can be found at:
of the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the
Fort Collins Tailings and Mine Waste conference by
Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 75.
Balkema. 0397/ p. 2.
13 NSR Consultants, April 1997. Review of Submarine
29 Brunskill, Gregg J. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A 45 Mineral Policy Institute, 2001. A Review of the Risks
Tailings Disposal: Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea. p.
Review of the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel Presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the Ecology of
Project to the Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 52. Astrolabe Bay. p. 7.
14 NSR Consultants, April 1997. Review of Submarine
30 Brunskill, Gregg J. 2001. In Mineral Policy Institute, A
Tailings Disposal: Misima Mine, Papua New Guinea.
Review of the Risks Presented by the Ramu Nickel
Project to the Ecology of Astrolabe Bay. p. 52.

American Legislation

American Legislation Pertaining to STD

STD Effectively Banned in the US System (NPDES), which is run under the EPA. To get the permit,
Mining companies often say that STD is legal in the United the EPA must be assured that proposed discharge “complies with
States. But the way the Clean Water Act is written, it effectively all applicable effluent limitations and water quality standards.”5
rules out STD as an option for tailings disposal. Although sever- Submarine tailings are comprised of effluent waste water and
al companies have applied for exemptions to the regulations, no extraction reagents (see: Introduction). This process typically
proposed mining companies in the U.S. have ever approved a contains suspended solids in the range of 200,000 to 600,000
final plan for submarine tailings disposal. And currently, there mg/l—over 10,000 times the maximum allowed by law.
are no mines operating in the U.S. using STD. Further Regulations Relevant to STD
A statement from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 1 The EPA designs discharge standards based on the best pollu-
says, “Pursuant to provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA), tion-control technology that exists for each industry. Existing
discharges of pollutants into waters of the U.S. require a mines are required to conform to best practicable technology
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) per- (BPT) or best available technology (BAT) as defined by the
mit. Effluent limitation guidelines established under the CWA EPA. In addition, all new mines must conform to the New
prohibit the discharge of process water from new mills into Source Performance Standards (NSPS), which essentially elimi-
waters of the U.S. (including process water contained in tail- nate discharge altogether.6
ings). The ‘no discharge’ effluent limitation guidelines are what Discharges that come from a localized source (like a pipe) or
effectively prohibits the use of STD.” “point source discharges,” must conform to the stricter of two
standards: Technology-based effluent guidelines contained in
“No mines in the United States currently use STD, as the prac-
Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 (Protection of
tice is prohibited by regulation,” says an EPA official.2
Environment) or state-regulated water quality standards.
The Clean Water Act: A Summary The total amounts of various substances that may be discharged
The Clean Water Act (CWA) was enacted in 1948 as the Federal in effluent are listed within the Code of Federal Regulations,
Water Pollution Control Act. In 1977, the act was renamed the Part 440, known as the Ore Mining and Dressing Point Source
Clean Water Act and in 1991 it was reauthorized.3 It aimed to Category, Subpart J.
reduce or eliminate the pollution of interstate waters and tributaries To achieve its objectives, the CWA embodies the concept of all
and clean up surface and underground waters. Currently the CWA discharges into United States waters being unlawful, unless
covers water quality programs, standards and procedures that gov- specifically authorized by a permit from the NPDES. The law
ern allowable discharges and other aspects of water management. has civil, criminal, and administrative enforcement provisions—
and also “citizen suit enforcement,” meaning that community
“The Clean Water Act strives to restore and maintain the chemi- members can file lawsuits against an operation.7 If granted,
cal, physical, and biological integrity of the nation’s water. The “[t]he permit will contain limits on what you can discharge,
act sets up a system of water quality standards, discharge limita- monitoring and reporting requirements, and other provisions to
tions, and permits.”4 The CWA aimed to attain a level of water ensure that the discharge does not hurt water quality or people’s
quality that “provides for the protection and propagation of fish, health. In essence, the permit translates general requirements of
shellfish, and wildlife, and provides for recreation in and on the the CWA into specific provisions tailored to the operations of
water” and eventually to eliminate pollutants in navigable waters. each person discharging pollutants.” 8
Before discharging substances into U.S. waters, a permit must first By Kevin Dixon, PhD Candidate, Department of South
be issued through the National Pollution Discharge Elimination and Southeast Asian Studies, U.C. Berkeley

1United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region, April 15, 2002. 7 Copeland, Claudia (Specialist in Environmental Policy,
10, Final Summary Report of Submarine Tailings 4Ibid. Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division,
Disposal, Submarine Tailings Disposal Studies for the 5 Ibid. January 20, 1999; made available by The Committee for
Alaska Juneau Gold Mine Project, Seattle, Washington, 6 United States Code of Federal Regulations Title 40, the National Institute for the Environment).
January 22 1999, p. 10. Congressional Research Service Report for Congress:
Protection of the Environment, Subchapter N, Part 440:
2 McGrath, Patricia, United States Environmental Protection Clean Water Act: A Summary of the Law. Online:
Effluent Guidelines and Standards, Amendment to Ore
Agency Region 10. “Discharge Permitting and, April
Mining and Dressing Point Source Category; Effluent
Environmental Assessment Issues Associated with 15, 2002.
Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance
Submarine Tailings Disposal for the Alaska-Juneau Mine 8United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Standards; Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR
Project,” February, 1998, p. 1. Part 440. US GPO via GPO Access. Online: Wastewater Management. Permit Issuance Process
3 United States Bureau of Reclamation, Federal Water Frequently Asked Questions: “What is an NPDES Permit”.
Pollution Control Act of 1948 (Clean Water Act). Online. 40cfr440_00.html, April 14, 2001. Online:,
April 15, 2002.


Canadian Legislation on Submarine Tailings

STD Effectively Banned in Canada Since 1977

“Under the Canadian federal Metal Mining Liquid Effluent The Kitsault Mine: Canada’s Only Exception
Regulations (MMLER) coastal metal mine operations are not under the old regulations
permitted to discharge tailings to submarine receiving environ- Under the old MMLER, if a mining company wanted to dump
ments….”1 Canada’s Fisheries Act contains prohibitions against tailings into the sea it had to ask for a unique site-specific exemp-
the destruction of fish habitat under Section 35, while Section tion from the Fisheries Act and the MMLERs. Only one exemp-
36 contains prohibitions against the release of “deleterious sub- tion has ever been given since the MMLERs came into effect in
stances,” (meaning harmful substances), into “waters frequented 1977 and that was to the Kitsault Mine, in British Columbia,
by fish” (meaning where fish live). Canada. The Kitsualt Mine, managed by a subsidiary of Cyprus
In 1977, the Metal Mining Liquid Effluent Regulations Amax Metals Company from the US, was exempted and allowed
(MMLER) were enacted under the Fisheries Act and they set to dump tailings into a marine fjord called Alice Arm.
limits on the percentage of certain metals allowed in mine The Canadian government had to enact special regulations
effluent (liquid waste generated from the mine) dumped into the known as the Alice Arm Tailings Deposit Regulations to grant
environment. the exemption. The mine only operated between 1981 and 1982,
These regulations mandate that the amount of Total Suspended but the exemption caused a national controversy and raised diffi-
Solids (TSS) released in mine effluent per month may not culties for the government. Although the mining industry has
exceed an average of 25 milligrams per litre. This effectively repeatedly asked for other exceptions to be made, there have
prohibits the release of tailings into water “frequented by fish,” been none and as a part of the new MMER legislation,
as tailings usually have a TSS measure of at least 200,000 to Environment Canada (Canada’s Environment Ministry) has for-
600,000 mg/l. mally repealed the Alice Arm Tailings Deposit Regulations.

The Island Copper Mine on Vancouver Island in Canada started Environmental Consequences of Kitsault and
dumping its tailings into the sea in 1971, as one of the first STD Island Copper
mines in the world. Because it was already operating when the Both in the case of the Island Copper Mine and the Kitsault
MMLER regulations were enacted, it fell under conditions set Mine, scientific studies have shown that the tailings did not
out in MMLER that exempted existing operations from the behave as the consultant scientists predicted. Tailings from both
MMLER requirements. Island Copper was allowed to continue mines spread more widely than predicted and moved into shal-
using STD until it closed in 1996. lower and more biologically productive areas. They created
Even Tougher Regulation Seals STD’s Fate more turbidity than predicted, driving away mobile species,
smothering native species, and creating loss of rare organisms
New legislation set to go into effect in 2002, called the Metal and reduced biodiversity. In the case of Island Copper, studies
Mining Effluent Regulation (MMER), is a modernization and also show increased bioavailability of metals and bioaccumula-
strengthening of the old MMLER regulations. These new regu- tion of metals in local biota.2
lations uphold and strengthen legislation banning the release of
tailings into waters frequented by fish. When they go into effect
the allowable limit of TSS will become just 15 milligrams per By Catherine Coumans, MiningWatch Canada
liter per month.

New MMER legislation makes it even more difficult to get an

exemption for STD. In order to get one, a company will have to
ask for the MMER regulation itself to be amended, which
requires approval from the Governor in Council and Cabinet.
Such a request will also trigger the Canadian Environmental 1 Golder Associates Ltd. April 4, 1996. Report on Assessment of Metal Mine Submarine
Assessment Act and provincial environmental regulations, mak- Tailings Discharge to Marine Environments. p. 1.
2 Golder Associates Ltd. April 4, 1996. Report on Assessment of Metal Mine Submarine
ing a request for an exemption transparent and open to public
Tailings Discharge to Marine Environments. p. 109.

A Look at the Industry

A Look at the Industry

An analysis of Natural Systems Research Consultants1

Over a period of 26 years NSR has worked on more than 400 NSR is actively involved in the promotion of
projects. In particular, NSR has carved out a niche working on STD to the mining industry.
mining projects involving the dumping of tailings into rivers In a letter from the Director of NSR, Stuart Jones, to the Senior
and oceans. Since 1982, NSR has advised companies on 24 Vice President of the giant mining house Anglo American Plc in
ocean disposal projects which have been clustered in nine coun- June 2000, this point is made clear:
tries—Indonesia (6), Papua New Guinea (5), New Caledonia
(5), the Philippines (3), Chile (1), Fiji (1), the Solomon Islands “You mentioned that there is resistance to the concept of DSTP
(1), Cuba (1) and Canada (1). [STD] from your CEO. In my experience we find the same
reaction in just about every person who has had no prior expo-
NSR goes beyond scientific advice to engage in corporate public sure to the concept. The senior management and the Board of
relations work. In a promotional brochure NSR advertises that Directors of two of NSR’s new clients (Falconbridge and Sherrit
it “provides advocacy support and strategic advice to clients and International) had similar concerns. The approach adopted in
offers environmental services for the planning and permitting of both cases was for NSR to prepare a short briefing paper and
new resource development projects, principally for the mining then make a detailed presentation to senior management (two
and petroleum industries.” This includes education of stake- hours) and a short presentation to the Board of Directors (one
holders with an introductory video on DSTP, strategic advice on hour). I did the presentation to Sherritt in February this year
stakeholder involvement and the negotiation of regulatory/per- and both myself and our senior marine biologist (Dr David
mit conditions. The type of NSR’s work can be seen in the fol- Gwyther) made the presentations to Falconbridge in March of
lowing portfolio of recent contracts: this year (both in Toronto). We were told that the effect of the
• When BHP was desperately seeking to defeat legal action by presentation was in both cases, that senior management and the
PNG landowners over the impact of tailings dumped in the Board of Directors felt comfortable with the concept of DSTP
Fly River, NSR was hired to provide assistance. and were happy for DSTP to be considered…If you think it
would help we would be pleased make a presentation to your
• NSR advised Placer Pacific on river dumping of tailings in the CEO on the subject.”8
Strickland River from the Porgera mine in Papua New
Guinea.2 It is an issue of legitimate public concern to ensure that scientif-
ic consultancy firms engaged to provide analysis in the mining
• When NSR was contracted by Minorco Services to advise on industry continue to maintain an independence and detachment
the proposed Weda Bay Nickel Project on Halmahera Island from their clients in the mining industry. It is only when these
in Indonesia’s Maluku province in 1998, it advised on the conditions are met that governments, stakeholders and the com-
ocean disposal of mine wastes as well as on “non-technical munity generally can have complete confidence that scientific
issues i.e., permitting/public opinion/NGOs.”3 analysis and reports are provided on a truly independent basis.
• When Placer Pacific was seeking Fijian government approval Written by Philip Shearman, PhD Candidate
for the Namosi project, NSR was brought in to do presentations
on ocean disposal of mine wastes to government officials.4

• NSR was also hired in 1999 by the Philippine Department of

Environment and Natural Resources to provide advice “to the 1 See also: A review of risks presented by the Ramu Nickel Project to the ecology of
Mines and Geoscience Bureau on the formulation of a DSTP Astrolabe Bay, Mineral Policy Institute. pgs. 32—35, 2001.
2 NSR, Mining in High Rainfall Tropical environments: Project Listing,
policy for the Philippines.”5, 15 November 1999, page 9.
3 NSR , Mining: Deep Sea Tailing Placement (DSTP) Project Listing,,
• Two years earlier, Western Mining Corporation (WMC) had
hired NSR to advise it of the prospects of ocean disposal of 4 NSR, Deep Sea Tailing Placement: Project Listing, op cit, page 1.
mine wastes being used at WMC’s controversial Tampakan 5 NSR, Deep Sea Tailing Placement: Project Listing, op cit, page 5.
project and the implications on the 1972 London Dumping 6 NSR, Deep Sea Tailing Placement: Project Listing, op cit, page 5.
Convention.6 7 Natural Systems Research Environmental Consultants, Mining in High Rainfall Tropical
Environments: Project Listing, Online:, 15 November, 1999, page 9.
• In 1998 Rio Tinto hired NSR to evaluate environmental issues 8 Letter from Stuart Jones, Director, NSR to Dr John Groom, Senior Vice President, Safety,
in reopening the Bougainville copper mine.7 Health and Environment, Anglo American plc, London, UK; dated 7 June, 2000.


Submarine Tailings Disposal Literature Review

Overview Texts Independent Scientific Studies Canada, 36:1023-1028.
The following texts provide information about A major problem at the moment is that there are not Loring, D. H. and Asmund, G. 1989. Heavy metal
Submarine Tailings Disposal (STD) in general. enough independent scientific and social studies contamination of a Greenland Fjord by mine
They provide examples and case studies of par- that have been done on the actual and potential wastes. Environmental Geology and Water
ticular sites, information about the political, impacts of STD. Most STD studies are still Science, Vol 14: 61-71.
social and environmental context in which STD being done by mining industry consultants who
takes place, and scientific information about are being paid by the industry. Many of these
On Kitsault, Canada (closed)
STD. consultants have made careers by promoting
STD. These studies are not peer reviewed, they Changes in marine benthic community structure in
Briefing Document, Environment Canada Meeting Alice Arm (1977 to 1995) after ceasing molyb-
are not always published, and sometimes mining
on Metal Mine Submarine Tailings Disposal, denum mine tailings discharge. Regional
companies refuse to provide them to the public.
Briefing Document, 952-1928, Simon Fraser Maunscript Report 97-01. Prepared by Dr.
University-Harbour Centre, Vancouver, B.C., The following documents represent some of the Brenda J. Burd for Environment Canada,
March 22nd 1996. [This is a Canadian govern- important independent studies that do exist. Not Environmental Protection Branch. March 1997.
ment text.] surprisingly, they raise numerous serious con-
cerns about the actual and potential physical, Demill, D., Environmental Protection Service
Moody, R. Into the Unknown Regions: The Hazards Environment Canada, Pacific Region,
biological and chemical effects of STD.
of STD. April 2001. International Books, Environmental Studies in Alice Arm and
Utrecht, Netherlands. [This is an excellent criti- Hastings Arm, Part V Baseline and Initial
cal overview of the current status of STD, its On Island Copper, Canada (closed) Production Period-AMAX/Kitsault Mine-
politics and players.] Assessment of Metal Mine Submarine Tailings Submersible Observations and Otter Trawls,
National Academy of Sciences, Disposal in the Discharge to Marine Environments. Golder 1980-1982, EPS-PR-83-05, 1983.
Marine Environment: An Oceanographic Associates Ltd., Burnaby, British Columbia,
Canada. Submitted to Environment Canada, Goyette, D., Christie, P. 1982. Environmental
Assessment, Published by NAS, 1976. Protection Service Environment Canada, Pacific
Environmental Protection Branch. April 4,
Proceedings from the International Conference on 1996. [A study commissioned by the government Region, Environmental Studies in Alice Arm
Submarine Tailings Disposal, April 23-30, 2001, of Canada.] and Hastings Arm, British Columbia, Part III
Manado, Indonesia, forthcoming from JATAM, Initial Production Period, AMAX/Kitsault
Jakarta, Indonesia. [This forthcoming volume of Goyette, D. and Nelson, H. 1977. Marine Mine-Sediment and Tissue Trace Metals, May-
proceedings will cover social, scientific, legisla- Environmental Assessment of Mine Waste June and October, 1981,
tive and global political and economic aspects Disposal into Rupert Inlet, British Columbia
(Surveillance Report/EPS PR 77-110). Fisheries Regional Program Report 82-14, November 1982.
of STD.]
and Environment Canada. [Government of Goyette, D., Thomas, M., Heim, C. 1985.
Salomons, W. and U. Forster (eds). 1988. Chemistry Canada] Environmental Protection Service Environment
and Biology of Solid Waste, Dredged Material Canada, Pacific Region, Environmental Studies
and Mine Tailings. Springer-Verlag, Germany. Goyette, D., Marine Tailings Disposal Case Studies,
Environmental Protection Service, Pacific in Alice Arm and Hastings Arm, British
[This volume is a frequently referred to source Columbia, Part IV-AMAX/Kitsault
of papers on STD. Some are by authors who Region, Vancouver, B.C., Presented at: Mining
also make their living as mining industry con- Effluent Regulations/Guidelines and Effluent Mine-Transmissometry and Water Chemistry-July
sultants on STD, for example, Ellis, D. Case Treatment Seminar, Banff, and October, 1982, Regional Program Report
Histories of Coastal and Marine Mines.] Alberta, Dec. 9-10, 1975. 85-03, March 1985.
The Rawson Academy of Aquatic Science, July 21, Marshall, I.B. 1982, Mining Land Use and the
1992. A Critical Review of MEND Studies On Ramu, Papua New Guinea
Environment. Environment Canada. (see p.
Conducted to 1991 on Subaqueous Disposal of (proposed)
181.) [Not a study itself but a summary of con-
Tailings. [Some of these studies were conducted clusions from other studies.] Brunskill, G.J. Critique of geochemical and sedi-
by mining industry consultants who make their mentation aspects of the Ramu Nickel Joint
living preparing studies for STD systems. For Thompson, J.A.J., Paton, D.W. 1975. Chemical Venture proposal for deep sea tailings disposal
example Rescan Environmental Services Ltd.] delineation of a submerged mine tailings plume in Astrolabe bey and the Vitiaz Basin, Papua
in Rupert and Holberg Inlets, B.C. Fisheries New Guinea. In, Mineral Policy Institute, A
U.S. Department of the Interior 1993. Case Studies Research Board of Canada Technical Report. review of risks presented by the Ramu Nickel
of Submarine Tailings Disposal: Volume 1- Project to the ecology of Astrolabe Bay, 2001.
North American Examples, OFR 89-93. [This Thompson, J.A.J., Paton, D.W. 1976. Further Studies
text is a useful overview of STD mines. It has of Mine Tailings Distribution in Howe Sound, Luick, J. L. 2001. A review of the physical oceanog-
the appearance of being an impartial review, but B.C., Fisheries Research Board of Canada, raphy of Arolabe Bay and coastal northeast
it has a lot of input from the mining industry Manuscript Report Series, No. 1383, Pacific Papua New Guinea with reference to the pro-
and the consultants they hire for STD systems Environment Institute, West Vancouver, B.C. posed submarine dischsarge of mine wastes. In
and this is reflected in the text.] Waldichuk, M. and Buchanan, R.J. 1980 Mineral Policy Institute, A review of risks pre-
Significance of Environmental Changes due to sented by The Ramu Nickel Project to the ecol-
U.S. Department of the Interior. OFR 37-94, 1994. ogy of Astrolabe Bay, 2001.
Case Studies of Submarine Tailings Disposal: Mine Waste Disposal into the Rupert Inlet.
Volume II—Worldwide Case Histories and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, British Columbia Mineral Policy Institute, 1999. Environmental Risks
Screening Criteria. [This text is a useful Ministry of Environment. associated with Submarine tailings discharge in
overview of STD mines. It has the appearance Astrolabe Bay, Madang Province, Papua New
of being an impartial review, but it has a lot of On Black Angel, Greenland (closed) Guinea: A discussion paper commissioned by
input from the mining industry and the consult- Asmund, G. Bollingberg, H.J., and Bondam, J. 1975. the Mineral Policy Institute, Sydney, Australia.
ants they hire for STD systems and is reflected Continued environmental studies in Qaumaujuk February.
in the text.] and Agfardlikavsa fjords. Greenland Geol. Mineral Policy Institute, 2001. A review of risks pre-
USEPA, Subaqueous Disposal of Mine Tailings: A Survey. Greenland report 80:53-61. sented by The Ramu Nickel Project to the ecol-
Literature Review, July 1995. (See EPA Bollingberg, H.J. and Johansen, P. 1979. Lead in ogy of Astrolabe Bay.
Contract No. 68-W4-0030). spotted wolf-fish, Anarhichas minor, near a Sheaves, M. 2001. An analysis of the ecology of
lead-zinc mine in Greenland. J. Rish.Res.Bd. of Astrolabe Bay in relation to the Ramu Nickel

Literature Review

Cobalt Mine. In Mineral Policy Institute, A lingkungan di Teluk Buyat akibat aktivitas per- Submarine tailings disposal (STD) for mines: an
review of risks presented by The Ramu Nickel tambangan PT. Newmont Minahasa Raya. Walhi introduction. Marine Geo-resources and Geo-
Project to the ecology of Astrolabe Bay, 2001. Sulawesi Utara. technology 13: 3-18.
Ursula Kokolo et al, National Fisheries Authority, Rompas, R.M. 1991. Telah Tingkat Polutan Merkuri Ellis, D.V., T.F. Pedersen, G.W. Poling, C. Pelletier
Fisheries Management and Industry Support Di Perairan Pantai Bolaang Mongondow Dari & I. Horne. 1995b. Review of 23 years of STD:
Division “Recommendations on the Ramu Kegiatan Tambang Emas. Hasil Penelitian atas Island Copper Mine, Canada. Marine Geo-
Nickel Project Environmental Plan” Port biaya Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan resources and Geo-technology 13: 59-99.
Moresby, March 31, 1999. Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian lewat proyek
Jones, S. and David Gwyther. January 2000. Deep
Agriculture Research Management. Bogor.
Sea Tailing Placement. Available from NSR
On Marcopper, Philippines (closed) Rompas, R.M. 1995. Toksikologoi Lingkungan. Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd.
David, C.P. 2000. Tracing a Mine Tailings Spill Bahan Penataran Toksikologi Kerjasama
Jones, S. February 12, 1999. Managing Mine Waste
Using Heavy Metal Concentrations in Coral UNSRAT dan CIDA/SFV. Proyek
and Tailing—The Deep Sea Tailing Placement
Growth Bands: Preliminary Results and Pengembangan Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia
Process. Paper presented at Mining Philippines
Interpretation. Coral Reef Symposium Timur (P3TIT). Manado.
’99—Moving into the Next Millenium, Manila.
Proceedings, Bali, Indonesia. In Press WALHI , Juni 2000. Laporan Lapangan -
Jones, S. 1998. Potential for Deep Sea Tailing
David, C.P. 2000. Heavy metal concentrations in Dokumentasi di bawah air.
Placement in the Asia Pacific Region.
sediments from a near-shore marine environ- WALHI, 1999. Participative Community Mapping, Singapore, Asia Pacific Mine Tailings and
ment impacted by a mine tailings spill, NorthSulawesi. Waste Management Summit.
Marinduque Island, Philippines. J Appl
Geochem, in review. YaniSagaroa, 2001, Dampak Tailings Terhadap Jones, S.G. and D.V. Ellis. 1995. Deep water STD at
Ekosistem Pesisir dan Kelautan, Makalah semi- the Misima Gold and Silver Mine, Papua New
United States Geological Survey, 2000. An nar tailing PT NNT “Aman Bagi “Siapa”, Walhi Guinea in Marine Georesources and
Overview of Mining-Related Environmental and NTB -UKPKM Media Unram. Geotechnology, vol. 13, 183-200.
Human Health Issues, Marinduque Island,
Philippines: Observations from a Joint U.S. Pederson, T. F. 1985. Early diagenesis of copper and
Geological Survey—Armed Forces Institute of On Historic mines, Newfoundland, molybdenum in mine tailings and natural sedi-
Pathology Reconnaissance Field Evaluation, Canada (closed) ments in Rupert and Holberg inlets, British
May 12-19, 2000. U. S. Geological Survey Blanchette, M.C., et al, 2001—A Chemical and Columbia. Can. J. Earth Sci. 22, 1474-1484.
Open-File Report 00-397 Ecotoxicological Assessment of the Impact of I.L. Littlepage, D.V. Ellis, I. McInerney, 1984.
Marine Tailings Disposal. Published in Marine Disposal of Mine Tailings in Marine
This report is available online at:
Proceedings from the Fort Collins Tailings and Pollution Bulletin, Volume 15, no 7, Britain.
Mine Waste conference by Balkema.
reports/ofr-00-0397/ Natural Systems Research Consultants. 1997. Ramu
Nickel Project Environmental Plan Inception
Some Studies by the Mining Industry & Report. Victoria, Australia.
On Atlas Mine, Philippines (operating)
their Consultants on STD
Alino, P.M. 1984. The effects of mine tailings on the Natural Systems Research Consultants. 1997.
There are a handful of consulting firms that conduct
structure of coral communities in Toledo, Cebu. Review of Submarine Tailings Disposal: Misima
the majority of studies on STD on behalf of the
Presented during 3rd Symposium on Our Mine, Papua New Guinea.
mining industry. Among these are: Dames and
Environment, Signapore, 27-29th March.
Moore, Woodward-Clyde, Rescan Consultants Natural Systems Research Consultants. 1999.
Inc., Lorax Environmental Services Ltd., and Review of the Coral Reef and Nearshore
On Minahasa Raya, Indonesia Natural Systems Research Consultants (NSR). Environment, Misima Mine Papua New Guinea.
(operating) There are also individuals associated with these
companies, some of who also hold academic Poling, G.W. and D.V. Ellis. 1995. Importance of
Kumurur, V.A. 2001. Tentang posisi pipa buangan Geochemistry: The Black Angel Lead-Zinc
menurut peta Bakorsurtanal. Page. 39-42 in positions at universities, who publish and speak
on STD separately from their consulting firms, Mine Greenland. In, Marine Geosciences and
Anonymous (ed.). Minamata ke Minahasa: Geotechnology No.13.
Pencemaran lingkungan di Teluk Buyat akibat but who primarily support STD as a technology.
aktivitas pertambangan PT. Newmont Minahasa These are, for example, Derek Ellis, associated Rescan Consultants Inc., 1990. Misima Project.
Raya. Walhi Sulawesi Utara. with Rescan, Stuart Jones and David Gwyther, Compliance validation of submarine tailings
associated with NSR, and Tom Pederson, associ- discharge. Report to Department of Minerals
ated with Lorax. and Energy, Papua New Guinea.
Lasut, M.T. & L.L. Lumingas. 1998. Akumulasi Dames and Moore. 1991. Final Report on Tailings. Rescan Consultants Inc., 1992. Cyeli Bakir project.
logam pada beberapa jenis biota laut di perairan Philippines. Submarine tailings pipeline: potential sources of
sepanjang semenanjung Minahasa, Prop. damage, repair methods and advisability of pro-
Sulawesi Utara. Laporan Penelitian. Fakultas Dames and Moore. 1999. Draft Review of Ramu
Nickel Project Environmental Plan Deep Sea viding a backup line. Report to Cayeli Bakir
Perikanan & Ilmu Kelautan. Dibiayai oleh Isletmeleri, A.S.
Proyek Pengkajian dan Penelitian Ilmu Tailings Placement System. For, Office of
Pengetahuan Dasar Tahun 1997/98 dengan kon- Environment and Conservation, Papua New Rescan Consultants Inc., 1992. Offshore Tailings
trak nomor: 52/PPIPD/DPPM/97/PPIPD/1997. Guinea. Disposal. Environmental Impact Asessment.
16 hal. Ellis, D.V. 1997. Guidelines for Screening Sites for Report to Southern Peru Copper Corporation.
Lasut, M.T. & V.A. Kumurur. 2001. Penurunan kual- Deep Submarine Tailings Placement (DSTP). Zandee, D. 1985. Tailing Disposal at Marcopper
itas lingkungan perairan Teluk Buyat akibat Unpublished. Mining Corporation. In Asia Mining 1985 pp35-
aktifitas tambang PT. Newmont Minahasa Raya. Ellis, D.V. and C Heim, 1985. Submersible surveys 45.
Page 15-20 in Anonymous (ed.). Minamata ke of benthos near a turbidity cloud. In, Marine
Minahasa: Pencemaran lingkungan di Teluk By Catherine Coumans, MiningWatch Canada
Pollution Bulletin, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 197-203.
Buyat akibat aktivitas pertambangan PT. Britain.
Newmont Minahasa Raya. Walhi Sulawesi
Utara. Ellis, D. V., 1982. Marine Tailings Disposal, Ann
Arbour Science, Ann Arbour.
Lasut, M.T. 2001. Kajian lepas tentang dampak aki-
bat kegiatan pertambangan PT. Newmont Ellis, D.V. and Hoover, P.M., 1990. Benthos
Minahasa Raya (NMR): PT. NMR juga meng- recolonising mine tailings in British Columbia
hasilkan merkuri (Hg). Dalam Anonymous Fjords. Marine Mining. 9:441-457.
* An extended bibliography is available at
(ed.). Minamata ke Minahasa: Pencemaran Ellis, D.V., G.W. Poling & R.L. Baer. 1995a. and


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