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For The Poor: New Millennium

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Potato science Challenges for the

for the poor New Millennium

A Working Conference to Celebrate the International Year of the Potato

Potato science Challenges for the

for the poor New Millennium
A Working Conference to Celebrate the International Year of the Potato

25-28 March 2008
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts i

ii Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Potato science for the poor. Challenges for the New Millennium.
A working conference to celebrate the International Year of the Potato. Book of Abstracts

© International Potato Center (CIP), 2006

ISBN: 978-92-9060-345-0

CIP publications contribute important

development information to the public arena.
Readers are encouraged to quote or reproduce
material from them in their own publications. As
copyright holder CIP requests acknowledgement,
and a copy of the publication where the citation
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Department at the address below.

International Potato Center

Apartado 1558, Lima 12, Peru •

Produced by the CIP Communication and Public

Awareness Department (CPAD)

Printed in Peru by Comercial Grafica Sucre

Press run: 150
March 2008
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts iii

Program ...............................................................................................................................iv
Abstracts of presentations ............................................................................................1
Numbers and titles of poster presentations ......................................................... 27
iv Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts


A Working Conference to celebrate the
International Year of the Potato
25-28 March 2008
Cuzco, Peru

24 March

15:00-18:00: Registration at the Conference venue, Hotel Libertador

Palacio del Inka

25 March [Day 1]


08:00 Pamela Anderson, Director General, International Potato Center

Ren Wang, Director General, Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research
José Francisco Graziano da Silva, Assistant Director-General,
Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Ismael Benavides, Minister of Agriculture, Peru

08:30 Overview: Potato science for the poor

Pamela Anderson – International Potato Center

09:00 Introduction: International agricultural research and the global

public goods challenge
Jurgen Voegele – Director, Agriculture and Rural Development,
World Bank

09:20 Keynote Lecture: Targeting the poor and hungry

Graham Thiele – International Potato Center

10:00 Coffee Break



10:30 The importance of agricultural research for poverty reduction

in Mozambique, with special reference to potato
C. Bias
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts v

Determinants of potato yield and profitability in Peru: a

comparative analysis of coast and sierra regions
J. Velazco and V. Alva

Seed-tuber and soil-borne disease management in sustainable

and intensive agricultural systems
L. Tsror

Challenges and opportunities for potato pest management in

developing countries
J. Kroschel, M. Sporleder, J. Alcazar, V. Canedo, N. Mujica , O. Zegarra
and R. Simon

11:45 Keynote Lecture: Climate change as a risk to potato production

Marco Bindi – Universita degli Studi di Firenze

12:30 Lunch

14:00: Emerging potato diseases: assessing future threats and global

risk management
I. Barker, H. Gamarra, H. Juarez and G. Forbes

Applications of different molecular tools to detect candidate

genes for useful traits
E. Ritter, I. Sánchez, J.I. Ruiz de Galarreta and M. Hernández

Improving abiotic stress resistance of cultivated potatoes:

moving frost hardy genes from wild potatoes and making real
progress using precise screening tools
J.P. Palta, J. B. Bamberg and S.E. Vega

Durable resistance to late blight in potato through the use of

genes of wild species and prospects for resource poor
A.J. Haverkort

Potato seed: an everlasting challenge?

R. Cortbaoui

Supplemental calcium nutrition may have the potential of

improving tuber yield of native potatoes in the Peruvian
J.P. Palta, R. Gomez, A.H. del Rio, W. Roca, J.B. Bamberg, A. Salas and
M. Bonierbale

15:30 Coffee Break – Poster Viewing

vi Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

16:00 Keynote Lecture: Domestication and diffusion of potato

David Spooner – USDA-Wisconsin

16:30 Working Groups: Formation and orientation (30 minutes)

Charles Crissman, Deputy Director General for Research, CIP

18:00 Welcome Cocktail hosted by the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture

26 March [Day 2]



08:00 Keynote Lecture: Underground assets: potatoes to improve the

livelihoods of the poor
Ruth Meinzen-Dick – International Food Policy Research Institute

08:45 Keynote Lecture: History lessons on vulnerability: the case of

potato late blight in Europe
Jan Zadoks – Professor Emeritus, Wageningen University

09:30 Potatoes: a tool for social inclusion and a link among cultures
in Argentina
F. Sossa, S. Capezio, S. Rigato, M.C. Monti, K.A. Okada, M.L. Tejón and
M. Huarte

Potatoes, climate, markets and gender in the livelihoods

strategies of Altiplano communities in Bolivia
C. Valdivia and E. Jiménez

Participatory research and potato innovation systems:

challenges and prospects
O. Ortiz, R. Orrego, W. Pradel, P. Gildemacher, R. Castillo, R. Otiniano,
J. Gabriel, J. Vallejo, O. Torres, G. Woldegiorgis, B. Damene, R.
Kakuhenzire, I. Kashaija and I. Kahiu

Traditional agricultural technologies and their potential for

sustainable potato production in the Andean region
A. Oswald, J Caycho, A. Arias and J. Andrade

10:30 Coffee Break – Poster Viewing

11:00 Environmental vulnerability assessment of potato-based

systems: tools and methods
R. Quiroz, C. Barreda, B. Condori, A. Posadas, C. Yarlequé, P.
Zorogastúa, H. Heidinger and D. Sietz
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts vii

Impacts of hydrological field interactions in an integrated

assessment model for terraced crop systems in the Peruvian
L. Claessens, J.J. Stoorvogel and J.M. Antle

Tillage erosion - a different way to look at soil erosion and

conservation within steepland potato production in the
K.H.D. Tiessen, G. Dercon, F. Sancho, D.A. Lobb and G.R. Mehuys

The efforts of the US Potato Genebank to make use of DNA-

based markers to investigate the conservation and
management of potato genetic diversity
A.H. del Rio and J.B. Bamberg

Temporal and spatial dimensions of potato genetic diversity in

Huancavelica, central Peru
S. de Haan, M. Bonierbale, H. Juarez, J. Poma and E. Salas

Genomics and biodiversity: providing new opportunities for

smallholder potato farmers
A. Forbes, M. Bonierbale, M. Ghislain, C. Gebhardt, J. Gabriel, C. E.
Nustez, X. Cuesta and E. Fernandez-Northcote

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Keynote Lecture: Pre-Columbian societies of the Andean region,

associated with the domestication, intensive cultivation and
dissemination of potato
Francisco Morales – International Center for Tropical Agriculture

14:45 Slide show on the Potato Park visit

15:30: Coffee Break - Poster Viewing

16:00: Working Groups (90 minutes)

18:00 Photography exhibition at the Inka Museum

27 MARCH [Day 3]



07:00 Departure of buses from Cusco Plaza de Armas, near the Cathedral
09:30 Arrival to Park’s Community – Welcome: Park Farmers
viii Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

10:00 The context: A. Argumedo

10:15 Native potatoes, climate change and adaptation
10:45 Potatoes, creative economy and local livelihoods
11:30 Native potato and muña drink break
12:00 Dialog: visitors and farmers
12:30 Visit to native potato fields
13:00 Departure to Potato Park interpretation center
13:55 Lunch
15:00 Acknowledgment to Branston: D. Nelson
15:10 Visit to Farmer Groups exhibits
15:30 Departure of buses from Potato Park to Cusco
17:00 Arrival at Cusco Plaza de Armas

28 MARCH [Day 4]



08:00 Keynote lecture: Nutrition and health: two key issues for
Manuel Peña – World Health Organization/PanAmerican Health

08:45 Keynote Lecture: Doing well by doing good

Carole Munro – Vice President, Wellness Project LIFE, McCain Food

09:30 Collective action for market chain innovation in the Andes

A. Devaux, D. Horton, C. Velasco, G. Thiele, G. López, T. Bernet, I.
Reinoso and M. Ordinola

T’ikapapa – a concrete case to link small-scale Andean farmers

to new market opportunities using potato biodiversity
K. Manrique, M. Ordinola, T. Bernet, A. Thomann and A. Devaux

The potential for small-scale farmers to access national and

regional markets for fresh and frozen potato chips in Burundi,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda Tanzania and Uganda
B. Lemaga, J. Nsumba, A. Bombom , A. Tesfaye, G. Okoboi and G.

Environmental pressures on the potato supply chain in the

United Kingdom
D.G. Nelson

10:30 Coffee Break – Poster Viewing

Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts ix

11:00 Fighting poverty in Ecuador through potatoes: the FORTIPAPA

I. Reinoso

The climate as a factor in determining the profitability of the

potato crop in five areas of the Peruvian coast and sierra
H. Venero and V. Alva

Native potato farmers’ access to high value markets

A. Gandarillas, S. Arandia, and J. Blajos

11:45 Open Discussion

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Working Groups (90 minutes)

15:30 Coffee Break - Poster Viewing

16:00 Closing Session

Reports from Working Group Chairs
Open Discussion

Final Remarks: Jean-François Ghyoot, FAO

Final Remarks: Pamela Anderson, CIP
x Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 1

Abstracts of presentations

Determinants of potato’s yield and profitability in

Peru: a comparative analysis of coast and sierra
J. Velazco and V. Alva

Potato accounts for the major part of agricultural production in Peru.

Traditionally, potato has been sown in the sierra (mountain) region;
however, in the last decades, more production is being seen in the coastal
regions, due basically to significant improvements in yields.
Between 2004 and 2006, the Ministry of Agriculture implemented a
profitability survey (ERENTA) in three of the main valleys of potato
production in the coast: Chancay Huaral, Supe – Pativilca – Fortaleza and
Tambo, and in two of the main production districts in the Sierra: Panao and
Acocro (both located in two of the poorest regions of the country). ERENTA
was implemented by means of multiple visits and gathered information
about technology, relations to market and profitability (monetary and non-
monetary) of 260 plots.
This paper is composed of five sections. The first one gives a brief
description of ERENTA. Second, the importance of potato sowing in
selected valleys/district is explained. The third section deals with
technology, profitability and the differences between the coast and the
sierra. The fourth section presents the methodology to estimate
determinants of yield and profitability. Finally, the estimations made are
presented and policy implications resulting from the analyses are
The main findings highlight the need to implement policies to
increase the certified seed index, strengthen the role of the plant health
system, develop a strategy to guide the producer in fertilization, seeds,
plant health and management in the post harvest period. Another finding
is the need to determine the optimal level of production that allows
producers to reach positive profitability levels and zones that are
competitive in the production market. Using this information a sowing
alert system could be implemented to reduce the adverse impact of
overproduction in farm prices. The results also show the need to promote
an organization among producers to foster the development of some
markets like the loan market and the technical support market.

Ministerio de Agricultura , Perú.

2 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Seed, tuber and soil-borne disease management in

sustainable and intensive agricultural systems
L. Tsror

A 20-year survey conducted at Gilat, Israel showed that most imported

seed lots registered as certified were contaminated with latent or active
infections caused by various bacteria and fungi.
In a long-term survey (1999-2008), Ralstonia solanacearum was not
observed in any of the imported lots. Common scab was detected in most
of the imported lots; 64% were contaminated at moderate or high levels,
whereas only 5% of the domestic lots were contaminated at these levels.
Black scurf was detected in most of the imported lots; on average 37%,
33% and 1% of the lots were contaminated at low, moderate and high
levels, respectively. Most of the domestic lots were either disease-free or
had a low to moderate disease incidence (15%). Silver scurf was detected
in most of the imported lots; on average, 11%, 45% and 32% of the lots
were contaminated at low, moderate and high levels, respectively. Half of
the domestic lots were disease-free; 12%, 29% and 3% of the lots were
contaminated at low, moderate and high levels, respectively. Black dot was
observed in a considerable portion of the shipments from Holland (54% on
average during all the years of survey), and from France (25% on average).
The shipments from Germany and Scotland were infected at low levels
(16% and 5%, respectively). In domestic lots, black dot incidence was low
(3%). Verticillium dahliae was monitored in all domestic lots; 62% of the
lots were disease-free, whereas in 29% of the lots the level of infection was
<5%, and in 9% of the lots the level was >5%. Representative samples were
taken from imported susceptible cultivars; 38% of the tested lots were V.
dahliae-infected in 2000, 0% in 2001, and 10% in 2002.
An integrated disease-management approach that includes
cultural, biological and chemical control methods, in the field and in
storage, is necessary for long-term control of skin blemish diseases. The
fungicide TBZ was used for silver scurf control until the 1980s, but due to
the high frequency of resistance, imazalil has become the main fungicide
used on seed tubers in Europe. However, Colletotrichum coccodes is not
sufficiently controlled by imazalil, suggesting another reason why black
dot became a major pathogen on potato. Additional fungicides, e.g.
prochloraz, fludioxonil and azoxystrobin, that control both pathogens are
being introduced. Adequate control of the skin blemish diseases with very
low tolerance for market access is highly problematic, and will require
integrated strategies combining all currently available control methods.
High quality seed tubers will prevent yield damage in the short
term and field infestation in the long run, so when using contaminated
seed tubers an efficient control should be applied to minimize potential

Department of Plant Pathology, Agricultural Research Organization, Gilat

Research Center, M.P. Negev, 85280 Israel.
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 3

Challenges and opportunities for potato pest

management in developing countries
J. Kroschel, M. Sporleder, J. Alcazar, V. Canedo, N. Mujica and O. Zegarra

Potato is highly productive, but losses through insect pests during the
cropping and storage periods are high. In an attempt to reduce losses,
potato farmers spend approximately US$1 billion annually on pesticides
worldwide. In developing countries the unilateral use of highly toxic
insecticides is often common practice. A rapid built-up of pest resistance to
pesticides and serious health threats of pesticides to farmers, consumers
and the environment has increased interest in safer control alternatives
through the development of integrated pest management (IPM).
This paper demonstrates the potato pest problems in the tropics
and subtropics worldwide and highlights major achievements in potato
IPM. It underline the need for a systems approach in developing effective
and sustainable IPM practices in a joint effort among scientists, extension
workers and farmers. It explores opportunities for potato IPM based on a
better understanding of potato agroecologies, the use of ecological
concepts supported by insect modeling, the use of biorational products,
biotechnology and biophysical methods.

International Potato Center (CIP), Apartado 1558, Lima 12, Peru.

4 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Emerging potato diseases: assessing future threats

and global risk management
I. Barker, H. Gamarra , H. Juarez and G. Forbes

Successful crop cultivation is ultimately about risk management. The

burden of crop losses due to plant disease (biotic threats) falls most heavily
on developing countries. Estimated shortfalls on attainable yield through
disease are 16% in Sub-Saharan Africa but only 10% in Europe. Outbreaks
of crop disease can threaten national food security, displace populations
and damage economies that are highly dependent on agricultural export
income. The potato crop is no exception and potato cultivation is subject
to a wide range of pests and diseases including emerging infectious
diseases. Key drivers of these recent, current and potential epidemics
include both globalization of trade, changes in cropping practice and
potentially climate change. Current recent examples include the 2003
outbreak of potato late blight in the Western Highlands of Papua New
Guinea, the emergence of zebra chip disease in North and central America
and the spread of potato yellow vein virus in the Andes.
Strategies to combat plant disease outbreaks should involve early
intervention either to stop diseases spreading or to prevent them in the
first place. Early detection of the appearance of disease or disease causing
agents followed by rapid and accurate identification of these agents is
essential if correct control measures are to be deployed. This is particularly
true for entirely new diseases where novel control strategies may have to
be developed alongside characterization of novel agents. In outbreak
situations, monitoring of a known problem will involve the same systems
of detection and identification and is important to inform priorities on
focusing effort. Technological and advances in so-called detection,
identification and monitoring (DIM) systems along with progress in
pathogen genomics, bioinformatics, mapping (GIS) and modelling offers
unparalleled opportunities for future successful intervention in future
plant disease outbreaks.

International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 1558, Lima 12, Peru.
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 5

Applications of different molecular tools to detect

candidate genes for useful traits
E. Ritter, I. Sánchez, J.I. Ruiz de Galarreta and M. Hernández

Different molecular tools have been applied to detect resistance or

response genes to various potato pathogens and quality genes. These
include transcriptome mapping based on the cDNA-AFLP technique
combined with co-location analyses between QTLs and TDFs, the use of
differential cDNA-AFLP and microarray analyses. Successful examples will
be presented in each case.
A transcriptome map containing around 700 cDNA markers was
constructed using the cDNA-AFLP technique. This map was anchored to
the bins of a high-density reference map of potato. Subsequently over 200
published QTL and genes were projected onto this map. cDNA markers
which are co-located with published QTLs for pathogen resistance present
potential candidate genes controlling the trait. Such bands were cloned,
sequenced and homology searches were performed. Several interesting
homologies were detected that have a relevant biological meaning.
The differential cDNA-AFLP technique was applied to detect
resistance or response genes for nematode infections (Globodera pallida),
for Phytophthora infestans infections and for water stress in a set of
Solanum wild species. In all three case studies some differentially
expressed bands that were cloned and sequenced showed significant
homologies with known resistance genes or stress proteins.
Microarray analyses were applied to monitor differential expression
of cDNAs in Solanum brachistotrichum after inoculation with G. pallida and
in five different Solanum wild species after infection with P. infestans.
Several cDNAs with homologies to known resistance genes were detected
in all cases. In the case of P. infestans also a comparative response analyses
was performed.

NEIKER – Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, Aptdo. 46,

Vitoria, Spain.
6 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Improving abiotic stress resistance of cultivated

potatoes: moving frost hardy genes from wild
potatoes and making real progress using precise
screening tools
J.P. Palta, J. B. Bamberg and S.E. Vega

The common cultivated species Solanum tuberosum is frost sensitive and

is killed at temperatures below -2.50C. It has been estimated that increasing
frost hardiness by 1-2°C would increase in potato yield by 26-40% in the
Altiplano (Peru and Bolivia), representing covering 63 000 ha of potatoes.
Because of the threat of frost, 60% of this area is planted with bitter
potatoes that are hardy to frost yet cannot be consumed fresh. Early work
showed that several wild potato species are hardy under normal growing
conditions (non-acclimated frost hardiness: NAF). For example, S. acaule
can survive temperatures as low as -50C. In addition wild species such as S.
commersonii are able to increase frost hardiness after a brief exposure to
cold temperatures (acclimation capacity: ACC). This species can acclimate
in 7 days from -4 to -12 C.
We demonstrated that NAF and ACC are independent components
under separate genetic control. These results suggested that potato frost
hardiness can only be improved through precise selection for both of
these components under controlled environments. During the last 15
years, using somatic hybrids of S. tuberosum and S. commersonii as well as
sexual hybrids with S. acaule, we have made significant progress in moving
frost hardiness to the cultivated type. These studies utilized precise
screening under a controlled environment. Advanced breeding lines with
improved frost hardiness (NAF and ACC) as well as tuber yield comparable
to cultivated parents have been identified. We are now in the process of
utilizing these materials in breeding as well as testing these lines in the

University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI 53706, USA

Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 7

Durable resistance to late blight in potato through

the use of genes of wild species and prospects for
resource-poor environments
A.J. Haverkort

Annually a conservative estimate of 20% of total attainable production of

potato is lost due to late blight (costs of control and damage). In rich
countries chemical control is less successful as late blight pressure
increases and there is societal resistance against the use of
environmentally unfriendly chemicals. In resource-poor countries
chemicals are too expensive and often not available. Current breeding
programs have not been able to markedly increase the resistance levels of
potato varieties. New scientific approaches may yield genetically modified
marker-free potato varieties (either trans- and/or cisgenic, the latter
signifying the use of indigenous resistance genes) as improved variants of
currently used varieties showing far greater levels of resistance. There are
large scientific investments needed to develop such improved varieties
that may have great economic and environmental impact. Here we present
an approach, based on (cisgenic) resistance genes that will enhance the
impact. It consists of the following issues/steps/themes:
- the detection of R-genes in the wild potato gene pool and their
function related to the various aspects in the infection route and
reproduction of the late blight causing pathogen;
- cloning of natural R-genes and transforming cassettes of single or
multiple (cisgenic) R-genes into existing varieties with proven
adaptation to improve their value for consumers;
- spatial and temporal resistance management research of late blight of
the cisgenic genetically modified (GM) varieties that contain different
cassettes of R-genes to avoid breaking of resistance and reduce build
up of epidemics;
- communication and interaction with all relevant stakeholders in
society and transparency in what research is doing. One of the main
challenges being to explain the different nature and possible
biological and legislative improvement of cisgenic GM crops in
comparison to transgenic GM crops.
Besides the presentation of this research approach that started in 2006,
some preliminary results issues related to intellectual property and the
needs of developing countries will be discussed.

P.O. Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, the Netherlands.

8 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Potato seed: an everlasting challenge?

Roger Cortbaoui

Availability of seed remains one of the main constraints to the large scale
adoption of the CIP-bred or CIP-derived improved varieties. This is in spite
of the fact that research on seed systems has featured (constantly over that
last 30 years) in the agendas of CIP and the majority of its partners.
Several CIP-supported seed production ventures in Africa, Asia and
LAC are reviewed from the following points of view:
• The early exaggerated role of government support and leadership
in seed production
• The over-emphasis on laboratory technologies (micro-propagation,
disease detection, etc.) and the limited efforts in field
management processes and techniques.
• The almost exclusive focusing of seed programs on the
phytosanitary status of the seed and the neglect of its
physiological condition.
• The gradual involvement of civil society organizations in seed
production and trade.
• The adaptation to the globalization of trade of agricultural
• The emergence of innovative ventures, in agricultural production
and marketing, based on the participatory market chain
Lessons learned from the few successful cases and the numerous
less successful ones will be drawn and serve as the basis of a revised road
map for seed production research and development.

International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 1558, Lima 12, Peru.
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 9

Supplemental calcium nutrition may have the

potential of improving tuber yield of native
potatoes in the Peruvian highlands
J.P. Palta 1, R. Gomez2 A.H.del Rio1, W. Roca2, J.B. Bamberg1, A. Salas2 and M.

Previous research conducted at the University of Wisconsin has

demonstrated that in season calcium fertilization can improve tuber
quality of several US cultivars including chipping, russet and red potatoes.
In addition, calcium application has been shown to reduce the adverse
effects of environmental stresses. However, no studies have been
conducted on the response of native potatoes grown in the Andean
highlands. Many locations in the Andes tend to be acidic and so are low in
available calcium.
The present study was initiated to determine the response of
native potatoes to calcium nutrition. For this purpose the experiment was
conducted at San Jose de Aymara (potato farming community near
Huancayo, Junin, Peru; approximate elevation 4000 m asl). 20 landraces
and 5 cultivars were planted in December 2005. Locally available gypsum
was used as a source of calcium and incorporated into the soil at planting.
Treatments were replicated three times. At harvest all tubers were
removed by hand and weighed. Overall results showed that calcium
application tended to increase yield in nearly all the materials tested.
However, this increase was not statistically significant in every case. There
was a significant increase in yield in 7 landraces and 3 cultivars. Tuber yield
of cultivar Mariva and Perricholi was increased by 30 and 40%, respectively
as compared to control. The increase in yield by calcium treatment was 20-
50% for the native potatoes. Possible influence of calcium treatment on
nutritive value is being investigated. These results are very encouraging
and suggest that local supplement can be used in the highlands to
improve yield of native potatoes.

Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison, WI 53706, USA.
International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 1558, Lima 12, Peru.
10 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Potatoes: a tool for social inclusion and a link among

cultures in Argentina
F. Sosa1, S. Capezio2, S. Rigato3, M.C. Monti2, K.A. Okada3, M.L. Tejón4 and M.

Socially excluded rural and urban communities are often forgotten by state
aid. Empowerment through training and development of self-sustainable
economic activities is a way to cope with the lack of opportunities and aid.
The great variability in the characteristics of these voiceless populations
creates the need for a sufficiently attractive model that promotes cultural
pride, to some extent exerts an intellectual challenge among the actors,
creates opportunities and develops social recognition and human
promotion. Society in general has to take part in these communities as a
fundamental human right and therefore facilitate the construction of social
Not surprisingly, the activity of growing and marketing potatoes
has most of these characteristics. Since 2003, INTA projects have worked in
the northwestern Coya aborigine communities of Argentina where
potatoes have a strong cultural tradition. Seed technology adapted to
subsistence farmers, participatory breeding, in situ conservation of ancient
varieties and community-based organization were promoted. We present
the results of this work.
Other native communities, such as the Mapuche aborigines in
Patagonia, had potatoes among their traditional staple crops, but they
have lost most of the associated culture and the crop has been lost. Some
actions on variety evaluation and participatory breeding were initiated and
are described. On the other hand, the Toba aborigines in the Chaco region
did not have the culture of growing potatoes but these days are suffering
severe malnutrition and a process of aculturalization, lack of jobs and life
perspective. There are indications of their willingness to grow potatoes
and rescue old intercultural and commercial exchanges with the Coyas.
Training in growing potatoes in family gardens and intercultural
exchanges is giving these native communities a different lifestyle using the
potato model.
Finally, preliminary work with mentally handicapped urban
patients and prisoners reveal their interest and motivation for learning
about potatoes, transforming this “hidden treasure” into a common
denominator to all these forgotten human populations. A project linking
these frequently excluded communities through learning and exchanging
knowledge about potatoes is described.

Abra pampa Experiment Station, INTA, Jujuy, Argentina.
College of Agricultural Sciences, National University of Mar del Plata
(UNMdP), Argentina.
Balcarce Experiment Station INTA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
College of Health Sciences and Social Services, UNMdP, Argentina.
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 11

Potatoes, climate, markets and gender in the

livelihoods strategies of Altiplano communities in
C. Valdivia1 and E. Jiménez2

Adapting to Change in the Andes, a research collaboration project in the

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Collaborative
Research Support Program (SANREM CRSP) is studying how climate and
markets are drivers of change in Altiplano ecosystems, through impact on
the environment and on human social systems. Two working hypotheses
inform the research. The first focuses on the system drivers. On the one
hand climate change, with increased variability and extreme events, has
increased the risks in production and directly on livelihoods and wellbeing.
On the other, rural communities in the Altiplano have faced difficulties
with markets for their products due to partial integration and high
transactions costs. The second focuses on agency, and how participatory
approaches develop knowledge and skills that increase capabilities and
agency to negotiate these risks, and develop strategies that reduce the
risks posed by both drivers. For the strategies to be sustainable the natural
capital must grow. One of the elements of this capital is the biodiversity of
potatoes and other Andean tubers.
This presentation focuses first on the importance of potatoes and
the various varieties in the livelihoods of households in the Altiplano,
analyzing a sample of 360 households in two distinct regions of the
Bolivian Altiplano, where potato varieties are produced and play a dual
role in the household economic portfolio –market and consumption- along
with other native crops, and livestock. Because women and men in
households may engage in different activities, gender differences
regarding perceptions about fears and risks, livelihood wellbeing concerns,
and market participation are assessed. The analysis seeks to identify which
livelihood strategies are more resilient to shock, and how this is explained
by the capitals and abilities. Which livelihood strategies are more resilient
to climate and market shocks, which capitals are significant, and how these
are reflected in how people perceive risks and fears are analyzed. Five
capitals, natural, cultural, social, economic, human, are operational in the
quantitative analysis of their effect over perceptions of risk and fears, and
income generation. Diversity of potatoes managed for consumption and
markets is a measure of the natural capital.

University of Missouri, Columbia, USA.
Universidad de la Cordillera, Bolivia.
12 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Participatory research and potato innovation

systems: challenges and prospects
O. Ortizi, R. Orregoi, W. Pradeli, P. Gildemacheri, R. Castillo2, R. Otiniano2,
J. Gabriel3, J. Vallejo3, O. Torres4, G. Woldegiorgis5, B. Damene6, R.
Kakuhenzire7, I. Kashaija7 and I. Kahiu8

Approaches related to agricultural research and development have been

changing over the years. The technology transfer approach was prevalent
in the 1970’s, then the farming system research, followed by the agro-
ecology approach and the beginning of participatory research in the
1980’s. In the 1990’s and in recent years, new approaches have attempted
to explain agricultural innovation processes, focusing on the participation
of multiple stakeholders. With the aim of contributing to understand how
this concept can be applied in a practical way, a study was conducted in
Bolivia, Ethiopia, Peru and Uganda during 2004 and 2007 with the specific
objectives of characterizing the potato innovation systems in terms of their
components, interactions and main challenges, and understanding the
factors that influence scaling-up and out of participatory methods. Results
indicate that the potato innovation systems are highly variable in terms of
type, number and role of components, with a still strong and conventional
government role in the case of Ethiopia, a flexible government-NGO role in
Uganda, to an almost inexistent government role in Bolivia and Peru,
where farmer organizations, NGO and the private sector provide
dynamism to the system. The potato innovation systems in the different
countries also share commonalities such as the scarcity of interaction
mechanisms among components. Costs and benefits of participatory
research were gathered at farmer, facilitator and institutional levels,
helping to understand the factors that influence the scaling-up and out of
participatory methods. The identification of strengths and weaknesses in
each system and the factors influencing participation allowed the
definition of potential entry points for research and development

International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 1558, Lima 12, Peru.
CARE, Peru.
PROINPA, Bolivia.
ASAR, Bolivia.
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Ethiopia.
Self Help Development International (SHDI), Ethiopia.
National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), Uganda.
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 13

Traditional agricultural technologies and their

potential for sustainable potato production in the
Andean region
A. Oswald1, J. Caycho1, A. Arias2 and J. Andrade3

Farmers in the central Andean highlands use different traditional

technologies for preparing the seed bed for the potato crop. These
technologies are based on the use of the Andean foot plow or chaqitaklla.
Each of these technologies has specific characteristics adapted to the agro-
ecological conditions of highland zones and shows interactions with the
genetic background of the varieties used (improved, native or bitter
potato) with the fertilizer and pest management and local climatic
conditions. Furthermore, they require different levels of labor input and
management of the crop. Consequently, they also influence plant
development, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and eventually yield.

International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 1558, Lima 12, Peru.
International Potato Center (CIP), Huancayo, Peru.
Internationational Potato Center (CIP), Quito, Ecuador.
14 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Environmental vulnerability assessment of potato-

based systems: tools and methods
R. Quiroz1, C. Barreda1, B. Condori2, A. Posadas1, C. Yarlequé1, P. Zorogastúa1,
H. Heidinger1 and D. Sietz1

The potato is very sensitive to changes in temperature and relative

humidity. These changes have both direct and indirect effects on potato
productivity. The response of the crop to changes in temperature is driven
by changes in emergency, metabolic, photosynthesis and respiration rates,
and total dry matter production. The temperature change will decrease
potato yield whenever the values in critical stages depart from their
optimum range and increase otherwise. Potato growth models are used to
simulate how changes in the climate are expected to affect the
performance of different potato varieties. Once the models are calibrated
the assessment is conducted for target regions. Geospatial data is needed
to conduct these assessments. Tools and methods to generate soil,
topography, and weather data for regions with high spatial heterogeneity
are discussed. Impact of management decisions on key environmental
variables will be presented. Management options derived from local case
studies provide details on specific processes, but face the question of how
relevant they are for similar cases in other regions. For improving the
transfer of options from pilot to other regions, environmental vulnerability
can be analyzed on an intermediate level to adequately reflect local and
global dynamics. To integrate the knowledge across different levels, typical
patterns of vulnerability can reveal important relations between the
components of environmental vulnerability and adaptation options.

1 International Potato Center, P.O. Box 1558, Lima, Peru.

2 PROINPA, La Paz, Bolivia.
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 15

Impacts of hydrological field interactions in an

integrated assessment model for terraced crop
systems in the Peruvian Andes
L. Claessens1, J.J. Stoorvogel2 and J.M. Antle3

Agricultural systems research is focusing increasingly on the spatially

complex, dynamic interactions between bio-physical and socio-economic
sub-systems. In this paper we investigate the interactions among terracing,
water availability and land use decisions, and their impact on farmers’
incomes in a study area in the Peruvian Andes. To do this we link a model
simulating water redistribution at the catchment scale to a site-specific
model of land use and management, using the Tradeoff Analysis modeling
system (TOA). We tested the hypothesis that these interactions affect the
simulated spatial distribution of impacts from changes in technology
(terracing, crop productivity) as well as aggregate impacts. The results
indicate that taking these interactions into account does not affect the
aggregate impacts but they do result in different spatial patterns of land
use and farm income in the study area. An important new finding is that
the simulated effects of terraces on productivity are substantially affected
by the spatial patterns of terracing, with up-slope terraces having a
substantial negative effect on the productivity of terraced fields down-
slope. These findings suggest that although field-level interactions may
average out in aggregate analysis, the effects they have on the spatial
pattern of land use allocation and income may be relevant for analysis of
environmental impact and equity studies in which the spatial distribution
of effects is important.
International Potato Center (CIP), Nairobi, Kenya.
Landscape Center, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Department Of Agricultural Economics And Economics, Montana State
University, Bozeman, Montana, USA.
16 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Tillage erosion: a different way to look at soil

erosion and conservation within steepland potato
production in the Americas
K.H.D. Tiessen1, G. Dercon2, F. Sancho3, D.A. Lobb4 and G.R. Mehuys1

Soil erosion from cultivated lands is a problem that continues to threaten

the sustainability of both subsistence and commercial agriculture in many
parts of the Americas. Previous erosion studies have focused primarily on
rainfall-induced erosion and/or the action of wind – however, these are not
the only erosion processes that threaten the sustainability of agricultural
production around the world. Recent studies have demonstrated that the
direct movement of soil by tillage operations is another significant erosive
process, and is expected to be of greatest concern in regions where
intensively tilled crops – such as potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) – are
grown on topographically complex landscapes.
Potatoes are a major crop throughout South, Central and North
America. Yet, despite its global importance, very little research has been
conducted on the potential for, and impact of, tillage erosion within potato
production under steepland agricultural systems. This presentation will
focus on results from three recent research programs that looked at tillage
translocation and tillage erosion (by mechanized and animal-powered
tillage) within steepland potato/vegetable production in Ecuador, Costa
-1 -1
Rica and Canada. Soil erosion losses of 100-250 Mg ha pass were
measured for mechanized tillage operations in Canada (alternating-
direction tillage systems) and in Ecuador and Costa Rica (one-way disc
tillage systems). The traditional animal-powered tillage systems used in
Ecuador (i.e., the ard plough) caused less tillage erosion then mechanized
systems, however, tillage erosion due to animal-powered tillage is still an
extremely important process – especially on small, steep fields and when
soil is only thrown down the slope. This presentation will also examine the
impact that tillage erosion has on the spatial variability of soil properties
and crop yields that are evident in many fields across the Americas. We
believe that a reduction in all soil erosion agents – tillage, water and wind –
is necessary to reduce soil losses and maintain the long-term viability of
potato production worldwide.

Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Montreal,
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture,
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas, Universidad de Costa Rica, San
José, Costa Rica.
Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 17

The efforts of the US Potato Genebank to make use

of DNA-based markers to investigate the
conservation and management of potato genetic
A.H del Rio1 and J.B. Bamberg2

The constant changes in habitat conditions have made preservation of

biodiversity a very important task. In particular, the critical objective of all
potato genebanks is to maximize the acquisition and preservation of
genetic diversity. Thus, a key aspect identified by the United States Potato
Genebank (USPG) and the Association of Potato Intergenebank
Collaborators (APIC), is that there is very limited empirical scientific
information about the potential factors affecting genebanks’ methods for
acquiring and preserving diversity. The increased use of DNA-based
markers has made it possible to develop precise genetic comparisons and
objective testing of assumptions upon which many current genebank
methods are based. In past years, USPG efforts have been focused on
research targeting different questions on conservation strategies and
natural organization of diversity. We are presenting here a selection of our
scientific findings. The studies to present are: 1) comparing the genetic
similarity of populations in the genebank with those re-sampled from the
exact original locations many years later, 2) determining usefulness of
populations with illogical or missing classification 3) testing genetic
integrity after years of seed increases 4) assessing the organization of
diversity at natural habitats 5) testing genetic equivalence between
genebanks’ duplicate holdings. These studies represent important efforts
toward efficient potato genetic conservation. However, we conclude that
further research and continuing cooperation among genebanks is needed.
In this way, more common problems can be identified and the best
techniques for maximum conservation of potato genetic diversity can be
devised and implemented.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Horticulture, 1575 Linden Drive,
Madison, WI 53706, USA.
USDA/Agricultural Research Service, Vegetable Crops Research Unit, US
Potato Genebank, 4312 Hwy. 42, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235, USA.
18 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Temporal and spatial dimensions of potato genetic

diversity in Huancavelica, central Peru
S. de Haan¹, M. Bonierbale¹, H. Juarez¹, J. Poma² and E. Salas¹

Diverse components of the annual, medium and long-term spatial

management of improved, native-bitter and native-floury potato cultivars
were researched using a combination of methods, including GIS,
structured surveys, field sampling exercises, a GxE trial, and molecular
characterization of a large in-situ and a geographically restricted ex-situ
core collection. Annual spatial dynamics is characterized by two
complementary cropping calendars, field scattering practices that
distribute genetic diversity unevenly across the agricultural landscape and
conscious farmer GxE management of generally versatile cultivars
according to perceived levels of risks in specific agroecologies.
Medium-term spatial management between 1995 and 2005 shows
that the total cropping area dedicated to improved cultivars in
Huancavelica has grown fast while the cropping area reserved for floury
and bitter landraces has remained more or less stable. While areas of
improved cultivars are proportionally growing fastest at extremely high
altitudes between 3900 and 4350 m asl, overall cropping intensity or
fallowing rates are inversely correlated to altitude. Long-term spatial
management over a 30-year period evidences the gradual disintegration of
sectoral fallowing systems rich in landrace diversity. Where sectoral
rotation designs survive local innovations have been adopted. No
evidence of genetic erosion was found with analysis of molecular variance
(AMOVA) showing that 98.8% of the total number of alleles encountered is
shared between in situ and ex situ collections.

¹ International Potato Center (CIP), Apartado 1558, Lima 12, Peru.

² Universidad Nacional del Centro de Peru (UNCP), Huancayo, Peru.
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 19

Genomics and biodiversity: providing new

opportunities for smallholder potato farmers
A. Forbes1, M. Bonierbale1, M. Ghislain1, C. Gebhardt2, J. Gabriel3,
C. E. Nustez4, X. Cuesta5 and E. Fernandez-Northcote6

Four Andean breeding programs and CIP have recently completed a 3-

years project sponsored by the government of Germany. The project goal
was to contribute to improving income, food security, human health and
environmental well being by providing resource-poor farmers with
effective technological options for controlling late blight disease and
potato virus Y. New sources of resistance from native wild and cultivated
species were introduced and advanced in the collaborating breeding
programs and molecular techniques were applied to assess the resistant
germplasm. Additional activities included exchange of improved clones
among collaborators, seed multiplication programs, participatory
evaluation, diagnosis of variety diffusion pathways and GIS
characterization of potato production zones aimed at accelerating the
delivery and adoption of new varieties of high yielding, LB/virus Y resistant
varieties by Andean farmers. As a result of the project complementary
efforts, the potato varieties Iniap-Estela, Iniap-Santa Ana and Iniap-
Natividad were released in Ecuador; the new varieties Ruby and Esmeralda
have been diffused and adopted in different areas of Colombia; potential
late blight resistant varieties have been selected in Bolivia while clones
combining late blight and virus resistances have been identified in Peru.
DNA markers for virus Y and LB resistance were tested and are available for
future research.

International Potato Center (CIP), Lima , Peru.
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany.
PROINPA, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNC), Bogota, Colombia.
INIAP, Quito, Ecuador.
Universidad Agraria de La Molina (UNALM), Lima, Peru.
20 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Collective action for market chain innovation in the

A. Devaux, D. Horton1, C. Velasco1, G. Thiele1, G. López1, T. Bernet1,
I. Reinoso2 and M. Ordinola3

The Papa Andina network in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru employs two novel
forms of collective action to foster market chain innovation in the Andes.
The participatory market chain approach (PMCA) and stakeholder
platforms bring small potato producers together with market agents and
agricultural service providers to identify common interests, share market
knowledge and carry out joint activities to develop new business
Using these forms of collective action, new market niches have
been developed for Andean native potatoes grown by poor farmers in
remote highland areas. Social networks have been developed that
stimulate technical and institutional innovations, benefiting small farmers
as well as other market chain actors. This paper describes Papa Andina’s
experiences with collective action for market chain innovation. It then
discusses how this contributes to our understanding of collective action
generally, and policy implications for research and development
organizations, including Papa Andina.

International Potato Center (CIP), Papa Andina Initiative, Lima, Peru.
National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIAP), Ecuador.
Project for Innovation and Competitiveness of Peru’s Potato Sector
(INCOPA), Peru.
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 21

T’ikapapa: a concrete case to link small-scale

Andean farmers to new market opportunities using
potato biodiversity
K. Manrique, M. Ordinola, T. Bernet, A. Thomann and A. Devaux

Native potato varieties have been crucial for the subsistence and survival
of Andean farmers for centuries. In today’s globalized world, they are a
unique asset and comparative advantage of marginalized Andean
communities. Put into a value chain context, native potato biodiversity has
underexploited potential to improve the livelihood of farmers and
contribute to sustainable development in the Andes - a potential which
T’ikapapa has contributed to realize.
T’ikapapa is a marketing concept and work scheme that resulted
from collective action, innovation and public-private partnership
promoted by CIP’s project INCOPA/Papa Andina. Through T’ikapapa, small-
scale Andean farmers accessed high value niche market opportunities,
which added value to their native potato production and increased their
income, while providing a business case for the social responsibility of the
modern retail food industry. T’ikapapa has also contributed to raise public
awareness of and interest in the conservation of Andean potato
biodiversity through commercial use. Eventually, it fed back to the
research agenda on production and post-harvest technology
This paper describes the conceptual framework behind T’ikapapa´s
creation, presents a first balance of outcomes at the commercial,
institutional and technological levels, discusses shortcomings and outlines
remaining challenges for developing T’ikapapa into a replicable marketing
scheme to link small farmers to market in a sustainable way as part of a
poverty reduction strategy.

International Potato Center (CIP), Apartado 1558, Lima 12, Peru.

22 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

The potential for small-scale farmers to access

national and regional markets for fresh and frozen
potato chips in Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda
Tanzania and Uganda
B. Lemaga1, J. Nsumba2, A. Bombom3, A. Tesfaye4, G. Okoboi5 and
G. Thiele

Demand for potato chips has been increasing in the eastern and central
African (ECA) countries, but there is considerable lack of information on the
potential of fresh and frozen potato products in the regional market. This
study was carried out in six ECA countries: Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya,
Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda from 2004 to 2006. Two to three cities or
towns in each of the six countries were selected for the study based on the
extent of either consumption or production of potatoes. A sampling
strategy selected respondents from the different cities and clustered them
into three homogenous groups. The groups were hotels, bars and
restaurants, and household consumers. In addition, information was
collated from supermarkets and local processors. Data were collected from
primary and secondary sources.
Despite increasing demand for processed potato products,
especially chips, processing enterprise is either absent or at a very early
stage. Only Kenya has a factory that processes and sells frozen chips to the
niche markets. Three market channels were also found from which fresh
and processed potato can be sourced; these are the retail stores,
processors and consumers. Anyone of these in the market chain may be a
processor or consumer along the chain. However, the lack of a sustainable
supply of chips to match the demand in the region forced some hotels,
restaurants and supermarkets to import frozen chips from either Europe or
South Africa. Nonetheless, the potential to produce high quality potatoes
suitable for making quality chips is available within the ECA. Moreover, the
availability of credit facilities, the COMESA trade agreement and the
growing demand for processed chips offer a great opportunity for a very
profitable processing industry in the region. This has great potential for
small-scale producers to access the chip market at both national and
regional levels, leading to increased household incomes, reduced poverty
and improved livelihoods.

International Potato Center, P.O. Box 22274 Kampala, Uganda.
Regional network for the improvement of potato and sweetpotato in
Eastern and Central Africa, P.O. Box 22274, Kampala, Uganda.
ASARECA’s Technology Uptake and Up-scaling Support Initiative (TUUSI),
PO Box 765, Entebbe, Uganda.
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, P.O. Box 213, Addis Ababa,
FOODNET, Uganda.
International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 1558, Lima 12, Peru.
Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 23

Fighting poverty in Ecuador through potatoes:

the FORTIPAPA experience
I. Reinoso

The National Agricultural Research Institute of Ecuador (INIAP)

implemented a project to develop a new institutional framework to
improve the quality of life of limited-resource farmers by linking them with
markets. This project, called FORTIPAPA - IV Phase, operated from
2003-2007 funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
(SDC) and received strategic support from the International Potato Center
(CIP), through the Papa Andina Initiative. Two approaches were followed:
first, to create multi-stakeholder platforms to coordinate actions and build
trust among partners, including INIAP, universities, local governments, and
non-governmental organizations; and second, to identify niche markets to
guide the potato production. FORTIPAPA-IV contributed to:
(i) strengthening farmers’ organization; (ii) bringing together farmers’
organizations, research organizations and other service providers through
the stakeholder platforms; (iii) developing a potato-based business to add
value for limited-resource farmers; and (iv) developing a demand-led
potato seed system.
Nearly 40 partners coordinated actions through the platforms and
as result the Consortium of Low-Resource Potato Producers (CONPAPA)
was created, including over 1500 families as direct beneficiaries. These
farmers grow an improved potato cultivar (INIAP-Fripapa) which has good
processing characteristics and requires less fungicide to protect against
late blight than alternatives. Their production is sold to local restaurants,
obtaining an increase of 21% in total income. Intensive training and good-
quality seed led to a dramatic yield increase: the average yield of CONPAPA
farmers (17.5 t ha ) was nearly 70% above than the national average
(10.4 t ha ). The future is also encouraging, since SDC is funding a Phase V
of FORTIPAPA to consolidate CONPAPA.

24 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

The climate as a factor in determining the

profitability of the potato crop in five areas of the
Peruvian coast and sierra
H. Venero and V. Alva

The study aimed to analyze the effect of climatic phenomena on the

profitability of potatoes to small producers in five areas of the coast and
sierra of the country. We did a statistical and econometric analysis (OLS) of
the variables that determine profit, based on cost structure and revenue,
considering invisible costs such as like family labor. It is also estimated the
equilibrium price and its relation to the levels of production and the
market price.
The main hypothesis of the study is that climate is a major factor
(but not the only one) that affects production levels and profits earned by
small potato farmers, but not equally. The consequences depend on
factors such as the type of climatic event (frost, drought, heavy rains), the
location of the plot, the date of planting, elevation and slope of the plot,
and so on.
To test this hypothesis we used a sample of small potato farmers
distributed in the valleys of Chancay-Huaral, Supe-Pativilca and Fortaleza,
and Tambo in the Peruvian coast, and Acocro and Panao in the Peruvian
sierra. We used the Profitability Survey of the Ministry of Agriculture, which
surveyed more than 260 households between 2004 and 2006. The sites
that are the focus of the analysis are some of the main centres of potato
production in the country. Those areas are also strongly linked to major
markets on the coast, the capital Lima in particular. However, it was
surprising to find that these small producers are highly dependent on
income from the agricultural sector (which involves high risk, in particularl
the case of the potato crop), and present high levels of poverty. Hence the
major questions that were answered in this research are as follows. How
important is the climate factor in determining the profitability of potato
crop? Could it be determined with certainty whether the climate factor is
more important than the proper application of inputs into this crop? Why
is it that, despite the uncertainty with respect to the climate (and poor
information about these phenomena), farmers prefer to sow potato?

Ministerio de Agricultura, IEP, Perú.

Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 25

Native potato farmers’ access to high value markets

A. Gandarillas, S. Arandia and J. Blajos

A greatest diversity of native potatoes in Bolivia is concentrated in zones

known as microcenters, in which, paradoxically, farmers are unable to
obtain economic advantages from the biodiversity and where risk of
genetic erosion exists.
In this paper, we describe the experience acquired from the
Municipality of Colomi (Cochabamba-Bolivia), an important biodiversity
microcenter, where the implementation of a strategy in conservation and
biodiversity use, promoted by the PROINPA Foundation and Papa Andina
Project, has allowed conservationist farmers access to high value markets.
This work was carried out with a participatory approach, with different
food-chain actors, producers, agro-industrial concerns and supermarkets.
This participation allowed the generation of important technological,
commercial and institutional innovations.
More than 60 native potato varieties were identified and the
production systems were improved, as well as the processing and
marketing. The technology was developed by a Local Agricultural Research
Committee (CIAL). Two commercial products, chipas and brightly colored
chips of were identified and commercialized in supermarkets with a brand
name. The CIAL evolved into a Producer Association (APROTAC).
Producers, together with traders and industrialists, selected five varieties
due mainly to their commercial and transformation potential.
Nine commercial channels have been opened to supermarkets and
agri-business, the quantity of seed grown by farmer has increased from 40
to 600 kg. The commercial volumes have increased from 330 kg to 1680
kg/per year/farmer. Sell prices have increased from Bs. 0.55/kg to
APROTAC is an association well positioned and sustainable, its
experience has been replicated to other microcenters of biodiversity
(Morochata, Llallagua, Kariquina, Sora Sora), working with different native
potato varieties and commercial channels, besides other products like
gourmet potatoes, whose consumption has been increased in our country
and with the intention to export them to Europe.

Fundación PROINPA, Bolivia.

26 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

Environmental pressures on the potato supply chain

in the United Kingdom
D.G. Nelson

Potato growing in the United Kingdom has needed to conform to a wide

range of environmental pressures and constraints over recent years. These
pressures include limitations on use of pesticides, countryside
management, water and soils protection and most recently, issues relating
to carbon footprint. These issues will be discussed giving examples of have
agronomic decisions can aid compliance with sustainable farming
objectives. For example, the role of variety choice, field boundary
management, cultivations and fertiliser application method. The wider
implications of such pressures on productivity and food supply are
considered for both urbanised and developing societies are considered.

Branston Limited, Mere Road, Branston, Lincoln LN4 1NJ, UK.

Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts 27

Numbers and titles of poster presentations

Session 1
1.1 Innovation in seed potato production for developing countries
using aeroponics
V. Otazú , I. Barker and E. Chujoy
1.2 Identification of putative somaclones by means of SSR marker
analyses of a large collection of South American potatoes
M. Ghislain, J. Núñez, D. Spooner and J.C. Glaszmann
1.3 Potato defense to biotic stress: identification and
characterization of differentially regulated genes
A. Arruabarrena, A. Correa, C. Gaggero, I. Ponce de León and M.
1.4 Diploid potato breeding in Colombia
L. Rodríguez, C. Ñustez and S. Navía
1.5 Two new potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena
with horizontal resistance to late blight selected by Andean
communities through participatory varietal selection
J. A. Landeo, M.A. Gastelo, M.A. Pacheco, S.D. Haan, L. Diaz, E.
Puente and C.C. Challabamba
1.6 Resistance to Phytophthora infestans in the Colombian
collection of the Phureja group
C.E. Ñústez L., S. Tinjacá R. and J.M. Cotes T
1.7 The potential of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) to
improve potato tuber yields and tuber quality
A. Oswald, P. Calvo and D. Zuñiga
1.8 Climatic changes and potato crop production in the central part
of Romania
Gh. Olteanu, C. Aldea, M. Buiuc, C. Olteanu and L. Asanache
1.9 Phosphites in disease management, yield and tuber quality –
enhancing sustainability of potato production
A.B. Andreu, D.O Caldiz and G.A. Forbes

Session 2
2.1 Ecuadorian native potatoes - an invaluable gene resource
J. Rivadeneira
2.2 Irish potato production and challenges in a rural area: the case
of Fokoue, West Cameroon
J.C. Mbomeda, A. Tchoumba and S.C Teke
2.3 Participatory evaluation of selected components of integrated
control of potato late blight in central Kenya
M. Nyongesa, P. Gildermacher, C. Lung’aho and G. Forbes
2.4 Participative evaluation of field resistance to powdery scab
(Spongospora subterranean) and potato cyst nematode
(Globodera pallida) in two highland communities of Junín and
Huancavelica in Peru
R. Ccanto, R. Gómez, E. Olivera, J. Poma and M. Scurrah
28 Potato science for the poor: Book of Abstracts

2.5 Farmer participatory research to optimize the yield of large-

sized, market-preferred French fry processing Solanum potato
tubers in Kabale district, Uganda
R. Kakuhenzire, C. Musoke, W.W. Wagoire, P. Kankwatsa, G.
Kimoone, I.N. Kashaija, B. Lemaga, P. Gildermacher, P. Demo, D.
Tibanyendera, C. Byarugaba and J. Kyooma
2.6 Tillage erosion within intensively cultivated Andisols in Costa
K.H.D Tiessen, F. Sancho, D.A. Lobb and G. Mehuys
2.7 Tillage translocation and tillage erosion within intensive
potato production systems in Atlantic Canada
K.H.D. Tiessen, G.R. Mehuys, D.A. Lobb and H.W. Rees
2.8 Traditional soil conservation and land preparation
technologies unique for potato production in the central
Andean highlands
A. Oswald, S. de Haan, J. Sanchez and R. Ccanto
2.9 The Abundance Farming Project in affiliation with Absorbent
Technologies Inc. provides the first bio-degradable super-
absorbent starch-based soil amendment to benefit poor potato
P.A. Osterlund

Session 4
4.1 Role of potatoes in the diet of children and women of highland
rural communities of Huancavelica
G. Burgos, R. Liria, H. Creed- Kanashiro, S. De Haan and M.
4.2 PAPASALUD - An international project to exploit the potential
of native potato species for sustainable agriculture
E. Ritter, JI. Ruiz de Galarreta, L. Barandalla, M. Huarte, S. Capezzio, X.
Cuesta, J. Rivadeneira, F. Vilaró, J. Gabriel, M. Scurrah, R. Canto, W.
Amoros, A. Forbes and M. Bonierbale
4.3 Innovating with socially responsible enterprises for sustainable
marketing of potato biodiversity by small-scale farmers in Peru
A. Thomann, A. Devaux, M. Ordinola and T. Bernet
4.4 The potato seed keepers in Peru
M. Tapia
Potato science Challenges for the
for the poor New Millennium
A Working Conference to Celebrate the International Year of the Potato

Potato science Challenges for the

for the poor New Millennium
A Working Conference to Celebrate the International Year of the Potato

25-28 March 2008

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