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Ann Occup Hyg 2005 Hedmer 629 37

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Ann. occup. Hyg., Vol. 49, No. 7, pp.

629637, 2005
# 2005 British Occupational Hygiene Society
Published by Oxford University Press

Surface Contamination of Cyclophosphamide

Packaging and Surface Contamination with
Antineoplastic Drugs in a Hospital
Pharmacy in Sweden
Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine,
University Hospital, SE-221 85 Lund, Sweden; 2Karolinska Pharmacy, Karolinska University

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Hospital, SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden; 3Department of Woman and Child Health,
Karolinska Institutet, SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Received 14 April 2005; in final form 4 July 2005; published online 26 August 2005

Workplaces, e.g. hospital pharmacies and hospital departments, where antineoplastic drugs are
handled might be contaminated with these drugs, and pharmacy personnel and health care
workers may be exposed. In this study potential sources for exposure of antineoplastic drugs
were investigated. Unbroken drug vials and tablet blister packages, both containing cyclophos-
phamide (CP) and their outer packaging were wipe sampled. Analysis was performed by liquid
chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The result showed
that almost every part of the primary packaging was contaminated with CP and ifosfamide (IF).
However, the amounts of CP and IF were low, and most likely not harmful for the personnel
handling these packaging in association with drug preparation. The contamination must origin-
ate from the pharmaceutical manufacturer. Different surfaces in the preparation unit of a
Swedish hospital pharmacy were also investigated at two different occasions by wipe sampling.
In the preparation unit CP and IF were found as contaminants on the majority of the invest-
igated surfaces. After the first measurement the hospital pharmacy improved its routines.
Lower amounts of CP and IF were detected at the second measurement. A low degree of
contamination with CP and IF was also detected on the floor outside the preparation unit
and this indicated a small distribution of antineoplastic drugs to the surroundings.

Keywords: antineoplastic drugs; contamination; cyclophosphamide; environmental monitoring; ifosfamide;

packaging; pharmacy

INTRODUCTION been found in urine (Ensslin et al., 1994; Turci

et al., 2002; Pethran et al., 2003) and blood
Antineoplastic drugs are very commonly used for the (Nygren and Lundgren, 1997) from pharmacy and
treatment of cancer. Many of these drugs are classi- hospital personnel handling these drugs, indicating
fied as carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic to contamination in the work environment. It is of
humans. Workers at hospital pharmacies and hospital great importance to identify the sources of contam-
departments handling antineoplastic drugs may be ination. Potential sources for exposure include
exposed, e.g. during preparation of infusion mixtures contamination on different surfaces in work environ-
or administration of these. Antineoplastic drugs ments. Monitoring of such exposure can preferably
might be absorbed cutaneously or via inhalation, be performed by wipe sampling. Several studies
but absorption can also occur accidentally via the (Sessink et al., 1992; Minoia et al., 1998; Connor
gastro-intestinal system. Antineoplastic drugs have et al., 1999; Schmaus et al., 2002) have found con-
tamination with antineoplastic drugs, e.g. on working
trays, floors, surfaces inside biological safety cabinets
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Tel: +46-46-173193; fax: +46-46-143702; (BSCs), door handles and storage shelves. Another
e-mail: potential source of exposure may be contamination of

630 M. Hedmer et al.

primary packaging of antineoplastic drugs delivered Wipe tissues for collection of wipe samples
from the pharmaceutical manufacturers. were non-woven swabs with a size of 5 5 cm
Cyclophosphamide (2-[bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]- (Hartmann-ScandiCare, Anderstorp, Sweden). Poly-
tetrahydro-2H-1,3,2-oxazaphosphorine 2-oxide; CP) ethylene bottles (50 ml) with wide mouth (Kautex
and ifosfamide (3-(2-chloroethyl)-2-[(2-chloroethyl)- Textron, Bonn, Germany) were used for storage of
amino]tetrahydro-2H-1,3,2- oxazaphosphorine 2-oxide; wipe samples.
IF) are two commonly used oxazaphosphorines. The
alkylating agents CP and IF are prodrugs and require
biotransformation before their metabolites can cause Wipe sampling of primary packaging
cell death by interacting with DNA. CP but not IF Primary packaging of CP (Sendoxan), commer-
is classified as carcinogenic to humans by the cially available on the Swedish market, was investig-
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, ated in the study. The Sendoxan packaging was
1981, 1987). manufactured by Baxter Medical (Halle, Germany)
Previous studies of primary packaging containing and three package sizes of CP were investigated.
CP have only studied contamination on the outer wall Two packagings of tablets containing 50 mg CP
of drug vials and outside the caps (Sessink et al., (batch 1L713A) and 10 of each drug vial containing
1992; Ros et al., 1997; Pethran et al., 2001; Favier 200 mg CP (batch 3A105D) and 1000 mg CP (batch

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et al., 2003; Mason et al., 2003; Connor et al., 2005). 2K107B) in powder form were chosen and wipe
No studies have yet investigated such contamination sampled. The primary packaging was delivered
on primary packaging containing tablets (blister from the Swedish distributor to a hospital pharmacy
packages) and outer packaging of drug vials. We in Sweden. The Sendoxan packaging was in unbroken
have recently published a method based on liquid plastic packages and they were supplied directly
chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/ from the hospital pharmacy.
MS) for the determination of surface contamination Antineoplastic drugs had never circulated in the
of CP (Hedmer et al., 2004). room where all the wipe sampling was performed.
There is a lack of knowledge about the contamina- Before the wipe sampling, the outside of the primary
tion levels on surfaces in preparation units at Swedish packaging was visually inspected and no signs of
hospital pharmacies. Furthermore, there is no knowl- damage were detected on the outside of the chosen
edge of whether the contamination is distributed to primary packaging. All wipe sampling of the drug
the surrounding work environment. Also, the infor- packages was performed by the same person. A
mation on possibilities to reduce the surface con- new pair of gloves was used for each wipe sample.
taminations by changes and improvements in the Wipe samples were collected using a uniform sam-
routines of handling of antineoplastic drugs or in pling procedure by thoroughly wiping in two different
the cleaning routines is scarce. directions (up and down, right and left) on the sur-
This paper presents an investigation of external faces. Two wipe tissues, one in each direction, were
contamination on drug vials and tablet blister pack- used in each sampling procedure. Each wipe tissue
ages containing CP. An investigation of contamina- was moistened with 1 ml of 0.03 M sodium hydroxide
tion of CP and IF on different surfaces in a solution. After the sampling the two wipe tissues from
preparation unit at a Swedish hospital pharmacy each sample were placed in polyethylene bottles and
was also performed on two different occasions. kept in a freezer. The storage time from sampling
until work-up procedure was 4 weeks.
The sampling locations on the packaging can be
MATERIALS AND METHODS seen in Fig. 1. The outer packaging for both drug vials
and tablet blister packages were made of cardboard.
Chemicals and materials The outside and inside of each outer packaging were
Cyclophosphamide monohydrate (purity 99.5%) sampled. The outside of the outer packaging was first
was from Sigma-Aldrich Chemie (Schnelldorf, wiped. Then it was cut open and wiped inside. The
Germany). IF, (Holoxan) with purity >98%, was pair of scissors was thoroughly cleaned between each
obtained from ASTA Medica (Frankfurt am Main, packaging. Each tablet packaging contained 10 blister
Germany). 2H6-labelled CP (CP-D6), with purity of packages and those were numbered (110) and each
97%, was purchased from Phychem (Bergisch blister package was thoroughly wiped on both sides.
Gladbach, Germany) and was used as an internal The primary packaging of drug vials contained a
standard. Ethyl acetate (HPLC 99.8%) was from package leaflet and it was also wiped with two
Lab-Scan (Dublin, Ireland). Acetic acid glacial new tissues. There were no package leaflets in the
(p.a. >99.8%) and sodium hydroxide (p.a. >99.0%) tablet packaging. The outside of the drug vials and
were from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). The water the vial cap covers, the inside of vial cap covers and
was purified in a Milli-RQ Water Purifier from the rubber membrane of the drug vials were all wipe
Millipore (Billerica, MA, USA). sampled. Blanks (N = 24) were prepared by placing
Drug contamination on primary packaging and in a hospital pharmacy 631

were handled according to the ordinance from the

Swedish Work Environment Authority (1999). All
antineoplastic drugs were prepared inside BSC
class II with a vertical laminar air flow (danLAF-
o-matic VFRS 1206 E, Claus Damm, Humlebk,
Denmark) and the pressure inside the preparation
unit was below the atmospheric pressure. Personal
protective equipment was used such as specially
adapted protective clothing and double protective
gloves made of latex and vinyl. Preparation of
infusion mixtures containing CP or IF entails dis-
solving the powder and transfer into infusion bags.
A defined volume of CP or IF was transferred from a
stock solution into an infusion bag containing 0.9%
sodium chloride solution. The hospital pharmacy
used CODAN Spike (CODAN Medizinische Gerate,
Lensahn, Germany) containing a filter with a pore

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size of 0.2 mm to prevent the formation of aerosols
in the BSC during drug preparation. Disposable
absorbent sheets (75 50 cm; LamiDrape-S, Finess
Hygiene, Kisa, Sweden) that were plastic-coated
underneath were also used in preparation of antineo-
plastic drugs. An absorbent sheet was placed on the
working area in the BSC. The sheet almost covered
the whole working area. A new sheet was used for
each preparation. All preparations of infusion
mixtures and dissolving of stock solutions were
performed on these sheets. The absorbent sheet
was removed from the working area in the BSC
before the wipe samples were collected. The working
area in the BSC was then cleaned with sterile water
and ethanol.
Wipe sampling was performed according to the
procedure described in a recent paper (Hedmer et al.,
2004). Surface areas of 400 cm2, defined by a plastic
Fig. 1. An overview of the different parts that were wipe frame with internal size of 20 20 cm, were sampled
sampled on CP primary packaging of (a) drug vials and on floors and working areas. The frame was thor-
(b) tablets. The investigated parts were (1) the outside oughly cleaned between each wipe sampling. Other
of the outer packaging, (2) the inside of the outer packaging, objects such as handles and boxes had well-defined
(3) the package leaflet, (4) the outside of the drug vial
and vial cap cover, (5) the inside of the vial cap cover, (6) the areas. All wipe samples were collected by the same
rubber membrane and (7) the blister package. person. A new pair of gloves was used for each wipe
sample. The daily cleaning of the preparation unit
two wipe tissues wetted with sodium hydroxide took place every morning before work began. At
solution in a bottle. the first measurement all CP and IF preparations
were done in the same BSC. Wipe samples were col-
Wipe sampling in a preparation unit at a lected at two random spots on the working area in the
hospital pharmacy BSC after each preparation of infusion mixtures con-
Measurement of contamination of antineoplastic taining either CP or IF. At the end of the workday,
drugs on different surfaces was performed at a wipe samples were collected at different spots in the
Swedish university hospital pharmacy on two differ- preparation unit, e.g. at working areas and benches,
ent occasions. The preparation unit in the hospital floors, handgrips, door handles, bottom of a shaker
pharmacy consisted of two preparation rooms with used to prepare stock solutions of CP, a plastic folder
two BSCs each, a room for storage and checking of and bottom of a refrigerator box. The selected spots
prepared drugs, an office, two dressing rooms and a were judged to be surface areas with potential con-
delivery room in which the prepared drugs were tamination. The second measurement was performed
delivered to clients through a sluice. The hospital 5 months later, after the end of the workday. Several
pharmacy prepared antineoplastic drugs for all of the surface areas that were wipe sampled at the
departments at the university hospital and the drugs first measurement were sampled again, e.g. floor
632 M. Hedmer et al.

in the preparation and dressing room, bottom of a The mobile phase consisted of water (A) and
shaker, a plastic folder and bottom of a refrigerator methanol (B), both containing 0.5% acetic acid.
box. However, at this measurement other surface The separation was performed using gradient elution.
areas such as different door handles, floor of the Initially, the mobile phase started with A:B, 60:40
corridor outside the preparation unit and a box in a isocratic elution for 6 min, followed by a 2 min gra-
delivery closet were also wipe sampled. This was dient to A:B, 0:100. Then, during 0.1 min the eluents
performed to investigate if contamination also returned to A:B, 60:40. At 60:40 the column was
could be detected on surfaces outside the preparation re-conditioned for 2.9 min. The mobile flow rate
unit. Wipe tissues were also collected as blanks was 0.2 ml min 1 and sample aliquots of 20 ml
(N = 6) in the investigated work place by wetting were injected.
two wipe tissues with sodium hydroxide and putting The analyses were performed using ESI with an ion
them into a bottle. All the wipe samples were placed spray voltage of 3000 V and temperature of 400 C.
in 50 ml bottles and kept in a freezer for 3 weeks, The instrument operated in a positive ion mode using
until work-up procedure. multiple reaction monitoring at m/z 263.1/142.1 for
CP, m/z 261.0/92.2 for IF and m/z 267.1/140.3
Preparation of standards for CP-D6. As control fragments, m/z 261.0/140.3
Stock solutions of CP and IF were prepared by for CP and m/z 261.0/154.1 for IF were used. Declus-

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dissolving weighed amounts in water. Several work- tering potential for CP, IF and CP-D6 was 40, 41 and
ing solutions were made from these stock solutions by 44 V, respectively. Collision energy was 31 V for CP,
further dilution in water. A stock solution of CP-D6 35 V for IF and 34 V for CP-D6, respectively. Declus-
was prepared by dissolving weighed amounts in tering potential and collision energy for the control
water, which was further diluted in water. fragments was 42 and 31 V, respectively, for CP and
42 and 33 V, respectively, for IF. Peak-area ratios
Work-up procedure between the analyte and the internal standard were
used for quantification. The ratio between the analyte
Aliquots of 20 ml ethyl acetate and 100 ml internal and control fragments of the samples were compared
standard (1.0 mg CP-D6 ml 1 water) were added to with the ratio between the analyte and control frag-
each bottle containing wipe tissues. Then, the bottles ments of the standard samples, and this was not
were shaken upright for 30 min with a shake appar- allowed to exceed 20%. If a larger deviation was
atus 4010 Multi-Tube Vortexer (Corning, Medfield, observed, the lowest value was reported and this
MA, USA). Aliquots of 10 ml of the extracts were occurred very rarely.
transferred into glass test tubes. The samples were
evaporated to dryness under a stream of nitrogen gas Quantitative analysis
at room temperature. Then, 0.15 ml of 0.5% acetic Standards containing CP and IF in a range between
acid was added to each sample. The samples were 0.1 and 2000 ng per sample were prepared. Calib-
then sonicated for 5 min and transferred into ration curves were obtained by linear regression
microvials, and were kept in a refrigerator until the with 1/x weighing. Calibration curves with correla-
analysis. tion coefficients (r) >0.99 were always obtained. The
Standards of CP and IF were prepared by adding limit of detection was determined to 0.02 ng per
100 ml aliquots of the working solution to 1 ml sodium sample for CP (0.05 pg cm 2 for 400 cm2 area)
hydroxide solution (0.03 M). Quality control (QC) and 0.05 ng per sample for IF (0.1 pg cm 2 for
samples were prepared by adding aliquots of 100 ml 400 cm2 area) in wipe samples. The limit of quanti-
with 5 or 500 ng of CP and 5 or 500 ng of IF to tation was defined as the concentration at which the
two moistened wipe tissues. Two QC samples were precision was 15% and determined to be 0.04 ng per
prepared and analysed with each sample batch. sample for CP (0.2 pg cm 2 for 400 cm2 area) and
0.08 ng per sample for IF (0.1 pg cm 2 for 400 cm2
Analytical procedure area). The extraction recovery rate was >82 and >81%
The wipe samples were analysed in a randomized for CP and IF, respectively. In total, eight QC samples
order using a Perkin-Elmer Series 200 liquid chro- were analysed in association with the study of prim-
matography (LC) system with a Series 200 auto- ary packaging and the precision of these was 4% for
sampler (Applied Biosystems, Norfolk, CT, USA). CP. In association with the analysis of samples from
The column was a Genesis C18 (50 2.1 mm) with the study of the preparation unit six QC samples
a particle size of 4 mm (Jones Chromatography, containing amounts of 5 ng CP and IF were also
Lakewood, CO, USA). The column outlet was analysed. The precision was 9% both for CP and IF.
coupled to an API 3000 triple quadropole mass Recovery and coefficient of variation (CV) of CP and
spectrometer (Applied Biosystems/MDS-SCIEX, IF from spiked wipe tissues were found to be 82 and
Toronto, Canada; MS/MS) equipped with an electro- 81%, and 5 and 4%, respectively. Wipe sampling
spray ionization (ESI) source. of 5 ng evaporated IF spillage on different surfaces
Drug contamination on primary packaging and in a hospital pharmacy 633

Table 1. Median amounts of CP and IF detected on different parts of the primary packaging of vials containing 200 mg CP
Sampled surface Median Range Surfaces contaminated
contamination above the limit of
detection (%)
CP per IF per CP IF CP IF
samplea (ng) samplea (ng)
Outside outer packaging 0.5 NDb 0.21.2 100 0
Inside outer packaging 3.2 10 1.46.7 3.425 100 100
Package leaflet 0.06 ND ND 0.1 ND1.7 90 10
Outside drug vial and 13 24 4.924 ND59 100 90
vial cap cover
Inside vial cap cover ND ND ND0.6 ND0.4 20 20
Rubber membrane ND ND ND0.1 10 0
Median of 10 samples.
Not detected.

Table 2. Median amounts of CP and IF detected on different parts of the primary packaging of vials containing 1000 mg CP

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Sampled surface Median contamination Range Surfaces contaminated
above the limit of
detection (%)
CP per IF per CP IF CP IF
samplea (ng) samplea (ng)
Outside outer packaging 1.0 b 0.55.1 NDc0.08 100 50
Inside outer packaging 2.8 0.7 1.87.1 0.40.9 100 100
Package leaflet 0.6 ND 0.17.4 ND0.09 100 40
Outside drug vial and 19 1.6 4.8130 1.02.8 100 100
vial cap cover
Inside vial cap cover d ND ND9.0 ND0.2 50 10
Rubber membrane 0.4 ND ND190 80 0
Median of 10 samples.
The median value was <0.05 ng.
Not detected.
The median value was <0.02 ng.

made of laminate, stainless steel and plastic flooring Table 3. Median amounts of CP detected on different
parts of the primary packaging containing 50 mg CP
material resulted in relative recoveries between
8494% and the CV ranged between 48%. Sampled Median Range Surfaces
surface contamination contaminated
by CP per above the limit of
sample (ng) detection (%)
RESULTS Outside outer 2.6a 1.83.3 100
Wipe samples from primary packaging Inside outer 1.9a 1.82.0 100
The results from the study of the primary packag-
Blister 0.5b 0.23.5 100
ing of Sendoxan are presented in Tables 13. package
CP was found on the outside of all outer packagings
of Sendoxan (50, 200 and 1000 mg). Amounts of CP No amounts of IF above the limit of detection were quantified
and in these packaging there were no package leaflets.
between 0.25.1 ng per sample were found. The outer a
Median of 2 samples.
packaging of Sendoxan 50, 200 and 1000 mg had a b
Median of 20 samples.
size of 200, 130 and 240 cm2, respectively. There
were very small amounts of IF (up to 0.08 ng) packaging of Sendoxan 200 mg. Quantities of CP
detected on the outside of five outer packagings of (up to 7.4 ng per sample) and IF (up to 1.7 ng per
Sendoxan 1000 mg. sample) were detected on the package leaflets
CP was also quantified in all wipe samples taken belonging to Sendoxan 1000 and 200 mg, respec-
from the inside of the outer packaging. The highest tively. The package leaflets had an area of 630 cm2.
median contamination inside the outer packaging, CP was detected on the outside of all the drug vials
3.2 ng, was quantified at Sendoxan 200 mg. Up to and vial cap covers. The median contamination of
25 ng IF was detected on the inside of the outer Sendoxan 200 and 1000 mg were 13 and 19 ng CP
634 M. Hedmer et al.

Table 4. Results from wipe samples taken at different surface areas (400 cm2) in the hospital pharmacy at two different occasions
Location No. of wipe Median amount Range Median amount of Range
samples of CP quantified IF quantified
(pg cm 2) (pg cm 2)
First measurement
Floor in preparation rooma 8 200 110260 7.4 1.278
Floor in dressing rooma 4 520 130870 78 0.3180
Floor in office 2 2.6 2.22.9 NDb
Working surfaces in BSC 15 9.2 2.7200 21 1.9740
Different working surfaces in preparation unit 8 18 2.454 11 2.538
Second measurement
Floor in preparation rooma 2 46 4646 7.2 7.17.3
Floor in dressing rooma 5 59 29170 1.2 0.387
Floor in delivery room 1 59 110
Floor in corridor outside preparation unit 4 17 2.534 44 5.2100

After the first measurement, the pharmacy changed several cleaning routines. The second measurement was performed several

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months after the new routines were implemented and the floors in the preparation and dressing room were investigated again.
Sampled at both occasions.
Not detected.

per wipe sample, respectively. The corresponding were prepared and in total 13.8 g CP was handled
values for IF were 24 and 1.6 ng per wipe sample, in the BSC during the measurement. Also, two infu-
respectively. Amounts up to 130 ng CP per sample sion mixtures containing 4.1 g IF in total were pre-
and 59 ng IF per sample could be found on the outside pared. The second measurement was performed after
of Sendoxan drug vials. a normal workday and, altogether, infusion mixtures
Only small amounts of CP and IF were found inside containing 8.1 g CP and 18.8 g IF had been prepared.
the vial cap covers. Amounts up to 190 ng CP per During these two measurements normal working
sample were detected on the rubber membranes at conditions prevailed and many different antineo-
Sendoxan 1000 mg, but mostly small amounts of plastic drugs were prepared in the preparation unit,
CP were present on the membranes. IF was not but only CP and IF were studied. During the first
detected in any of these samples. measurement, in association with preparation of an
CP was quantified in all wipe samples from the infusion mixture containing IF, a small volume of
blister packages. The amounts detected were within liquid that had been spilled was visually seen on
the range 0.23.5 ng per sample (median 0.5 ng). the absorbent sheet.
From this result it was not possible to see any pattern Results from the measurements on the two different
of contamination on the numbered blister packages. occasions are presented in Tables 4 and 5. CP was
The total amount of CP on the primary packaging quantified in all wipe samples collected from differ-
of the drug vials varied between 6.528 ng (Sendoxan ent working areas and from floors in the preparation
200 mg: median 17 ng) and 10216 ng (Sendoxan unit. IF was quantified in the majority of these
1000 mg: median 38 ng). The corresponding values samples (96%). In the first measurement, the median
for IF were 3.585 ng (Sendoxan 200: median 35 ng) contamination of CP on floors in the preparation
and 1.54.0 ng (Sendoxan 1000: median 2.4 ng). The room, dressing room and office was 200, 520 and
contamination on the two investigated outer packag- 2.6 pg cm 2, respectively. The corresponding median
ing (inside and outside) of tablets was found to be amounts for IF were 7.4, 78 and <0.1 pg cm 2. The
3.8 and 5.1 ng CP, respectively. The total CP con- highest amounts of CP and IF on the floor were quan-
tamination on the entire tablet packaging was 8.6 and tified in the dressing room. Median amounts of CP
15 ng CP, respectively. No IF was detected on the and IF in samples from the working area in the BSC
tablet outer packaging or on the blister packages. and from other working areas in the preparation unit
In 22 out of 24 blanks no amounts of CP and IF were found to be 9.2 and 21 pg cm 2 and 18 and
detected, but small amounts of CP, 0.03 and 0.4 ng, 11 pg cm 2, respectively. Amounts of CP up to
were detected in two blanks. 200 pg cm 2 and amounts of IF up to 740 pg cm 2
were found on the working area in the BSC.
At the second measurement the floors in the pre-
Wipe samples from the preparation unit paration and dressing room were sampled again and
Wipe sampling was performed twice in the prepara- the results this time showed lower median amounts of
tion unit at the hospital pharmacy with several months CP, 46 and 59 pg cm 2, respectively. The correspond-
between the measurements. On the first occasion ing median amounts for IF were 7.2 and 1.2 pg cm 2.
4 infusion mixtures and 10 stock solutions of CP The sample with the highest amount of CP
Drug contamination on primary packaging and in a hospital pharmacy 635

Table 5. Amounts of CP and IF detected in wipe samples taken Sendoxan packaging used in this study small amounts
at different locations in connection with the hospital
pharmacy, before and after changed cleaning routines
of IF were also detected. The highest median amounts
of CP and IF were found on the outside on the drug
Location Amounts detected vials and vial cap covers. The level of the detected
in wipe samples
(ng per sample) contamination of CP on drug vials and vial cap covers
CP IF corresponds to what earlier investigators also have
First measurement
found (Sessink et al., 1992; Favier et al., 2003),
but is much lower than Connor et al. (2005) reported.
Bottom of shake apparatusa 89 5.3
The median contamination of CP on the 10 blister
Bottom of box in refrigeratora 2100 NDb
packages in Sendoxan 50 mg packaging was found to
Plastic foldera 32 20
be higher than the contamination on the other parts of
Handle on bottle 0.6 5.7 the tablet packaging.
Door handle on refrigerator 11 9.6 The detected contamination on the CP packaging
Door handle on delivery closet/ 17 5.0 must originate from the manufacture or packaging
sluice (inside preparation unit)
process at the pharmaceutical manufacturer, e.g. dust-
Sterilization bench 94 25 ing may occur during the filling process of drug pow-
Second measurement der into drug vials or the vials might be improperly

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Bottom of shake apparatusa 37 0.9 washed. In an exposure measurement by Pyy et al.
Bottom of box in refrigeratora 20 0.3 (1988), in a drug production plant for CP the highest
Plastic foldera 17 4.8 concentrations of CP in air were measured in the
Door handle in delivery room ND ND tablet production department, but in this study the
Door handle in delivery 1.3 0.3 primary packaging containing tablet blister packages
closet/sluice (clients side) were the least contaminated primary packaging.
Box in delivery closet 3.1 2.2 According to Wilken (1997) the origin of the external
Door handle in preparation unit 0.9 ND contamination of 5-fluorouracil drug vials may be
a caused by splashing and foaming during the filling
Sampled at both occasions.
Not detected. process of liquid to the drug vials. The environments
in drug plants may be contaminated with the drugs
produced in the plant. The recent paper by Mason
(170 pg cm 2) quantified in the dressing room was
et al. (2003) reported that two wipe samples from
wiped under the waste box. Only a small amount of
1000 mg vials of CP were contaminated with amounts
IF was found (2.1 pg cm 2) there. The floor in the
of both CP and IF. That finding was most likely due to
delivery room showed amounts of CP and IF of 59
the fact that the two drugs were manufactured within
and 110 pg cm 2, and 1.3 ng CP and 0.3 ng IF were
the same drug plant. Our results point out the need for
detected on the door handle to the delivery closet. On
a proper cleaning of manufacturing equipments and
the floor in the corridor outside the preparation unit
departments, although the levels of contamination in
median amounts of 17 pg CP per cm2 and 44 pg IF per
our study were low. The amounts of IF on the tablet
cm2 were found. However, no CP and IF were
packaging were below the limit of detection. The
detected on the door handle located on the inside
packaging process of the CP tablets may be per-
of the door that leads from the delivery room to
formed in another department of the drug production
the corridor outside the preparation unit.
plant where no IF has been handled.
Amounts of CP and IF were also quantified on
The results from this study have shown contamina-
several other locations (Table 5). The highest amount
tion of CP and IF on the outer packaging. However,
of CP, 2100 ng, was detected in a refrigerator box
the detected amounts of CP and IF are very low, the
(size of 45 20 cm) used to store CP stock solutions.
highest amount of CP was 216 ng. In a cancer risk
The highest amount of IF, 25 ng, was detected in a
assessment based on data from an animal study and
wipe sample from a sterilization bench located in the
with an estimated uptake of CP between 3.6 and
office. The highest amounts of CP and IF were
18 mg per day over a period of 40 years the life-
detected during the first measurement. No CP and
time cancer risks were found to be 100600 per
IF was detected in the blanks.
million (Sessink et al., 1995). The absorbed doses
DISCUSSION during handling of primary packaging are very far
from 100% and are most likely not harmful to per-
This study demonstrated that only small amounts sonnel handling and preparing antineoplastic drugs.
of CP were found on the investigated primary pack- It is hard to explain the presence of small amounts
aging. Our results indicate that the manufacturing and of CP found in two blanks. The blanks were prepared
cleaning processes used by the manufacturer are in new bottles in an environment where CP had never
effective for preventing contamination with antineo- been handled before. The contamination cannot be
plastic drugs at hazardous levels. On most parts of the explained by carry over effects in the LC during the
636 M. Hedmer et al.

analysis. The contamination of the blanks originates The second measurement was performed several
probably either from a mix up of the samples or from months after the new routines were implemented.
contamination during the work-up procedure. Repeated wipe sampling on some of the surface
CP and IF were found in almost all wipe samples areas, e.g. floors and refrigerator box, indicated
from both exposure measurements in the hospital that the contamination levels of CP and IF had
pharmacy. In an investigation of six pharmacies decreased. The reduced contamination on surfaces
Connor et al. (1999) it was also reported that CP decreases the potential dermal exposure of CP and
was found in 100% of wipe samples and IF in 75% IF. During the second measurement extended wipe
of the samples. The amounts of CP and IF quantified sampling was also performed on surface areas outside
as a contaminant on different surface areas vary, but the preparation unit. Accordingly, a low degree of
highest amounts of CP and IF were detected at the contamination of CP and IF was detected on the
first measurement. CP is a more commonly used floor outside the preparation unit. This indicated
antineoplastic drug than IF. The hospital pharmacy a small distribution of antineoplastic drugs to the
handled annually larger amounts of CP than IF, and surrounding work environment.
this was also seen in the results from the wipe sam- In comparison with previous studies, the contam-
pling as higher amounts of CP were generally ination levels on the floors in the preparation unit in
detected on the surface areas. this Swedish hospital pharmacy were in the same

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The preparation unit was cleaned every morning order as found by Connor et al. (1999), but lower
before work began by a trained cleaner. Surfaces such than the levels found by Minoia et al. (1998). The
as handles, chairs and working areas were cleaned contamination levels of CP on the working area inside
every day with both a basic detergent solution and BSC were low due to the use of adsorbent sheets, but
ethanol. The floors were cleaned with the detergent the levels of IF on the working area inside BSC were
solution every day. Working areas in the BSCs and elevated due to the spillage. The IF spillage was not
the refrigerator box were cleaned by the pharmacy cleaned enough efficiently, but was instead spread out
personnel. The detected contamination on surfaces, on the working area in the BSC. During the workday
such as floors, working areas and handles, must occur at the first measurement three times as much CP
from the drug leakage during the working day as these than IF was handled and at the second measurement
surfaces were thoroughly cleaned every day. It has twice as much IF was handled.
previously been demonstrated that a basic solution The knowledge of how to interpret the results
efficiently cleans different surface materials obtained from the study of surface contamination
(Hedmer et al., 2004). But in the working place of antineoplastic drugs is limited and there is no
there were surfaces that were cleaned more rarely knowledge of how the levels of surface contamina-
(e.g. refrigerator box), and drug contamination on tion may vary over time. There is a need to study how
these surfaces may occur from drug leakage that the levels of surface contamination varies over time
occurred several days before. in workplaces that handle antineoplastic drugs.
New routines for cleaning of the refrigerator box Repeated measurements of defined surface areas in
and shake apparatus were introduced. The box was the same workplace are requested. In this paper, the
previously cleaned once a month and with the new wipe sampling was performed by two persons, one
routine once a week instead. All vials containing wipe sampled the primary packaging and one sam-
stock solutions of CP were enclosed in two plastic pled surface areas in the hospital pharmacy. But there
bags instead of one before they were stored in the is no knowledge about how the results may be affec-
refrigerator box. Earlier there was no cleaning routine ted when the wipe sampling is performed by different
for the shake apparatus, but at the time of the second persons. Information about this is also requested.
measurement it was cleaned once a week. A new Workplaces that handle antineoplastic drugs
routine for handling of waste bags, containing must be considered as contaminated environments
waste contaminated with antineoplastic drugs, was although most of the investigated surfaces were thor-
also introduced. Earlier the waste bags were placed oughly cleaned every day. The surface contamination
directly on the floor in the dressing room in associa- was probably caused by direct contact with contam-
tion with the transport from the preparation unit to inated gloves or clothes, other materials or by spillage.
the garbage room. Wipe samples taken on the floor The handling of contaminated primary packaging
in the dressing room showed, at the first measure- contributed probably only to a small portion of the
ment, a much higher level of contamination than the detected drug contamination in the investigated pre-
floor in the preparation room. According to the new paration unit. In this investigation only two different
routine the waste bags were placed in a waste box on antineoplastic drugs were analysed, but it is realistic
a small trolley. To improve the work environment to presume that the surfaces in the hospital pharmacy
the hospital pharmacy changed and improved their are contaminated with all the different antineoplastic
cleaning routines after the first measurement. The drugs handled in the hospital pharmacy. During work
hospital pharmacy also renewed all its plastic folders. in these environments it is important to handle
Drug contamination on primary packaging and in a hospital pharmacy 637

antineoplastic drugs inside the BSC, use protective Minoia C, Turci R, Sottani C et al. (1998) Application of
clothing, often change gloves and if possible use high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass
closed-system device to minimize the contamination spectrometry in the environmental and biological monitoring
of health care personnel occupationally exposed to
levels and thereby the exposure. cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide. Rapid Commun Mass
Spectrom; 12: 148593.
AcknowledgementsThe authors thank Ms AnnSofie Fyhr and Nygren O, Lundgren C. (1997) Determination of platinum in
Ms Lena Jernstrom from the Hospital pharmacy, Lund workroom air and in blood and urine from nursing staff
University Hospital. The authors also thank Ms Gertrud attending patients receiving cisplatin chemotherapy. Int
Wohlfart for the skilful technical assistance. This work was Arch Occup Environ Health; 70: 20914.
supported by the AFA Foundation, Sweden, the Swedish Pethran A, Schierl R, Schmaus G. (2001) Wischproben an
Council for Work Life and Social Research, the Swedish Arbeitsplatzen mit Zytostatika-Exposition. Krankenhaus-
Research Council and the Medical Faculty at Lund University pharmazie; 22: 1115.
in Lund, Sweden. Pethran A, Schierl R, Hauff K et al. (2003) Uptake of antineo-
plastic agents in pharmacy and hospital personnel. Part I:
monitoring of urinary concentrations. Int Arch Occup
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