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PPWBP SPM Module 2012 - Teacher's

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Our sincere thanks and gratitude to : Tuan Haji Ismail Bin Musa Timbalan Pengarah Pejabat Pelajaran Wilayah Bangsar & Pudu Puan Faridah Bt Abd. Gani Timbalan Pegawai Pelajaran Daerah Pejabat Pelajaran Wilayah Bangsar & Pudu Cik Aziah bt Amir Penolong PPD Kanan (Pengurusan Akademik) Pejabat Pelajaran Wilayah Bangsar & Pudu Puan Suzana Sophee Khoo Penolong PPD (Bahasa Inggeris) Pejabat Pelajaran Wilayah Bangsar & Pudu Puan Vasantha Mallar Narendran Guru Cemerlang Gred Khas C (Bahasa Inggeris) SMK Victoria Cik Nirmala A/P V. Velupillay SMK (P) Methodist Puan Zaireen Bt Zainal Abidin SMK Seri Bintang Selatan Puan Khatija Bt Omar SMK Bandar Tun Razak Puan Kaneswary A/P M. Ramachandaramurthy SMK Bangsar Puan Sulhaida Bt Shamsuddin SMK La Salle Brickfields Cik Chan Cheng Yue SMK Petaling Encik Selvarajan A/L Arumugam SMK Sungai Besi 1

SPM DIRECTED WRITING TIME: 45 MINUTES A total of 35 marks are awarded for format, content, elaboration and language. Allocation of marks Format 3marks Content 12 marks Language 20 marks Total 35 marks 3 marks are awarded for the format. Hence, candidates have to ensure they are adhering to the format required by the question. 12 marks are awarded for content. Thus, candidates have to fully understand what the question requires. Also, they have to use all the points given and they must elaborate on their points. 20 marks are awarded for language. Thus, candidates have to ensure they have a good mastery of the language.

Your writing task may be of various forms/format Formal letter Informal letter Article Report Speech/Talk
ANALYSIS OF SPM QUESTIONS PAPER 1: SECTION A DIRECTED WRITING Informal letter- to a friend about experiences at a camp Informal letter to a friend why he/she would make a good head prefect Talk- on a science reference book that is useful for students Article- for school magazine, about a friend who is chosen as the Best Group Leader Report- to the principal giving reasons for the lack of interest in sports and provide suggestions to overcome the problem. Informal letter- to their cousin encouraging him/her to take part in the National Service Programme Talk- for the Red Crescent Society Members in their school to upgrade their skills in giving first-aid treatment.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009



ANSWERS REPORT MODEL QUESTION 1 Conditions in the School Library To: The principal SMK Seri Indah From: Kamaliah bte Muhamad I am writing this report to complain about the bad conditions in the school library as well as give some suggestions to improve these conditions. The library is in a bad state and the students are not happy. The first complaint is about the books in the library. There are many torn books with missing pages. Furthermore, there are also old, outdated books which students do not read or borrow. Students need more reference books such as encyclopedias but there are not enough reference books in the library. There is only one set of encyclopedias and a few revision books. The furniture is old and broken. The tables and chairs are shaky. Last week, a form two student fell and hurt himself. In addition, the librarians are inefficient. They do carry out their duties well. They are also not helpful to students looking for books as they themselves do not know the arrangement in the library. I have some suggestions here and I hope you will consider them. First, repair the torn books by rebinding them. The outdated books can be discarded. Buy the latest books in the market which students enjoy reading. Besides, buy more encyclopedias which will be a useful reference for students especially when they are working on their projects. Replace the old and broken furniture. I suggest purchasing strong plastic chairs which will last a long time. I also hope that the school can install air-conditioners in the library. It will encourage more students to come to the library. The library should be equipped with computers which have internet access to enable students to source for information and be IT savvy. Finally, have a course for the librarians so that they can help and guide the students looking for books in the library. They can also lessen the burden of the library teachers if they take on more responsibility. I sincerely hope that you will take action to make the library a better place for the students in this school. We will appreciate your prompt action. Reported by, Kamaliah


The Threat of Rubbish to our Environment From: The School Environment Club To: The Principal On behalf of the members of the environment club, I would like to report on how the students can help preserve the environment. Everyday a large amount of rubbish is thrown and this pollutes the environment. It is also harmful to our health as it attracts flies and harmful bacteria. We think the school should do its part to care for the environment because many students throw things without thinking. Furthermore, many unwanted things can be recycled. So, if we educate everybody to think before they throw, and to recycle things, it can help reduce the amount of rubbish we throw every day. The club suggests that the school conduct a campaign to encourage students to recycle. This is because many students do not know how to recycle and where to send the recycled items to. It will be very convenient for everyone if the school becomes a centre for collecting recycled items. This will not only help to reduce waste but can also serve as a source of income. In order to encourage more students to practice recycling, the club suggests that the school hold recycling competitions every month and give out attractive prizes. This way, students will recycle not only for a short term but throughout the year. By the end of the year, the students would have cultivated the habit of recycling. The school should organize talks from time to time to create awareness among the students on the importance of preserving the environment. Another important point to consider is to plant more trees. This will not only increase the amount of oxygen in the air, but will also beautify the surroundings. Green soothes the eye and the mind. The club hopes that the principal will take our suggestions into consideration as it not only teaches the students to care for the environment, but it will also keep the school cleaner. Reported by, Helen Tan


POINTS 1. develop good habits (mention a good quality) 2. make new friends (1Malaysia)

ELABORATION They developed good habits and became more independent. It will also help you to make new friends from different races and religions. They learnt leadership skills and responsibility through community projects. My friends were involved in many exciting activities such as drama and painting. You will get the opportunity to see different parts of Malaysia when you travel to another state. You will also learn to be independent because you will have to do things on your own. You can gain new experiences through many activities. My friends learnt to work as a team. They learnt to do many things together. Attending this programme will strengthen your love of the country. You will learn to be patriotic. You learn to keep fit and healthy. For example you get to go jungle trekking and take part in marching. The programme will teach you survival skills when you learn about first aid and how to read maps. You will learn to have more discipline after attending this programme, for example by waking up early and being presentable.

3. learn leadership skills/responsibility (activities) 4. exciting activities (what are they?)

5. see different parts of Malaysia (how?)

6. be independent (why?)

7. gain new experiences (how?)

8. teamwork (how?)

9. strengthen love of country (moral value)

10. keep fit and healthy (activities)

11. learn survival skills (how?)

12. discipline (examples)


Address and Date

4567 Jalan Kasturi 80400 Muar Johor 19 January 2006 Dear Anita, I have just received your letter. I miss you very much. You asked for my opinion on whether you should take up the post of Head Prefect in your school. Firstly, you have the personal qualities required for this position. You have always been a very friendly, responsible and helpful person. You would take the trouble to talk to newcomers in school. Your academic performance has been consistently excellent. You are an intelligent student. You are also hardworking and a problem solver. You always score straight As in school tests and exams. Give an example



Points 1, 2, 3 and Elaboration Points 4, 5, 6 and Elaboration

Mention exam results

Points 7, 8, 9 and Elaboration Point 10 and Elaboration Point 11 and Elaboration

You are very active in co-curricular activities.You are the Blue House Mention achieve Captain. You are also the secretary of the English Language Society and a ment school debater. You won the inter-school competition last year! Furthermore, you live near the school and you will be able to sacrifice your time. You are now living almost next door to the school so it will be very easy for you to attend activities even during weekends. Because of your good study habits, your academic performance will not be affected. God has blessed you with good brains and a strong character. You have a disciplined attitude and diligence. You are also very popular with students and teachers. You have no trouble making new friends when you moved to Seremban. Just think about that. So, go for it! And the very best of luck to you!

Point 12 and Elaboration


Sign Off

Yours sincerely, Naomi

MODEL QUESTION 1- FORMAL LETTER Muhammad Nur Hafiz b. Husin, SMK Tat Beng, Lorong Matang, Bangsar Park, 59000 Kuala Lumpur ____________________________________________________________________________ To, Principal, SMK Tat Beng, 59000 KUALA LUMPUR. Dear Madam, Complaint About Students Being Absent From School As the President of the Counselling Club, I am concerned about the increasing number of students who are frequently absent from school. A survey was conducted by the members of the Counselling Club regarding the reasons why students stay away from school and accordingly, some suggestions were listed. 2. One reason why students are absent is because they feel bored in class. This is because some teachers do not joke when they teach. Also, some teachers only use chalk and talk strategy to teach. When this happens, students interest to study is not aroused and they slowly start being absent from school. 3. Another reason why students are absent from school is because they obtain low marks in their tests and in their examinations. This is because they do not pay attention when their teachers are teaching. Also they do not study nor revise. This results in the students not performing well in their studies and they gradually skip school. 4. Next, students are absent from school because they feel stressed in school. One reason for this is some of them come to school without completing their homework. When their teachers punish them, these students feel reluctant to attend school and they, in the long run, skip school. 5. Moreover, students are absent because some of them do not have friends in school. This is because some students are new and some are quiet by nature. They find it difficult to befriend with the other students. When this happens, these students are always alone and they feel lonely in class and in school. Finally, these students opt to skip school. 6. Some of the students are influenced by bad company. When students do not have any friends in school, in order to feel a sense of belonging to a group, these students will tend to follow anyone who will include them in their groups. If the friends turned out to be bad, these negatively influenced people will teach the students unhealthy habits and one of the habits would be to skip school. Finally, the students stop coming to school.

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7. Next, some of the students work part-time. This is because they come from poor families and in order to obtain more money, these students work during school hours. Gradually, they concentrate more on working than coming to school. 8. Last but not the least, lack of supervision by their parents is also one reason why students are absent from school. This is because parents are always busy with work. They leave early in the morning and only return home late in the evening. When this happens, students are left unsupervised and unattended to the whole time their parents are away. This gives room for the students to be absent from school. 9. To overcome these problems, I would like to provide some suggestions. Firstly, teachers should conduct creative classroom teaching. This is because, when the teachers use pictures, colours and diagrams, students will find it easy to remember important points or notes. When this happens, students will tend to do well in their tests and examinations and they will keep wanting to come to school. 10. For students who are weak in their studies, teachers could conduct extra classes. By doing more practice, these students are likely to score more marks in their tests and in their examinations. When this happens, these students will be praised by their teachers and with their self-esteem boosted, they will continue coming to school. 11. Next, counselors could carry out counselling sessions for problematic students. By conducting these sessions, counsellors will be able to understand these students and in the process, help them by solving their problems. Knowing that there are people who care for them, these problematic students will, matter of time, start attending school. 12. Next, teachers could carry out interesting school programmes. When this happens, students will be excited to take part in the programmes and eventually, they will be excited to attend school. 13. My last suggestion would be for the teachers to carry out a reward system for best attendance. This is because, in order to be called on to the stage and be given a badge or award in front of the whole school, students would try to come to school every day. This gradually stops them from being absent from school. 14. In view of the seriousness of this problem, I hope this matter will be looked into promptly.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully, ______________ (MUHAMMAD NUR HAFIZ B HUSIN) Form 5 Inovatif

MODEL QUESTION 2 - FORMAL LETTER Nurul Izzati bt. Syakir, SMK Kabota, Lorong Nyior, 34700 Taiping, Perak. ___________________________________________________________________________ To, Principal, SMK Kabota, 53700 TAIPING. Dear Sir, Complaint About Students Lack Of Interest In Sports I am afraid that I have to complain about my schoolmates lack of interest in sports. As a concerned student, I have conducted a survey to identify reasons for the lack of interest in sports among the students in this school and accordingly, some suggestions are listed here. 2. The first reason is the students attitude towards sports. They do not think participating in sports is important. They stated that taking part in sports is merely an extra-curricular activity which they are required to take. Some students also said that they do not have time to take part in sports. Most of them are busy after school with club or society meetings. So, they forgo sports practice. 3. Next, the students who were surveyed said that their parents placed more emphasis on academic performance. Their parents also do not encourage them to participate in sports because their parents want them to concentrate on their studies. Hence, any free time the students have is filled with tuition classes. 4. The other reason the students gave is related to sports facilities and equipment. First, there is not enough equipment for everyone. Students have to take turns to use the racquets or hockey sticks which waste a lot of their time. Many get bored waiting while some lose interest and eventually do not attend practice at all. Second, students stated that the field and courts were not maintained well. They could not practice well or enjoy themselves. Gradually, they stop coming for sports practice. 5. The problems identified through the survey can be overcome with the following suggestions. First, teachers could talk to their students about the benefits of getting involved in sports like keeping the mind and body fit. Teachers could also talk to parents and make them understand the importance of taking part in sports, in creating well-rounded students. 6. Next, the school could allocate more funds to help improve the facilities and buy more equipment so that everyone can have the opportunity to participate. It will also be a good idea to employ qualified trainers to help students learn and enjoy each game better.

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7. Also, the school could organize more competitions to get students interested in participating in sports. Competitions are always fun. So this would be a good way to encourage students to take interest in sports. In addition, the school could also offer attractive prizes to encourage participation and reward students for their performance. This will gradually make the students attend sports practice. 8. I believe the suggestions would help to create interest and encourage students to participate in sports. In view of the seriousness of this problem, I hope this matter will be looked into promptly. Thank you.

Yours faithfully, ______________ (NURUL IZZATI BT SYAKIR) Form 5 Bestari


Notes for Teachers Model 1 Practice 1 (targeted group: average students) 1. From the paragraph numbered 2 and onwards, 3 different fonts have been used in each of the paragraphs. This is to differentiate the three parts: Point + Elaboration + Conclusion, where students are required to write. 2. To provide a complete example with the 3 parts included, paragraph numbered 2 is given. 3. In paragraphs numbered 3 and 4, the elaborations and the conclusions are provided. Here, students are aided, in the sense, they are required only to write in the points. This is to give them practice in writing out the given points correctly. 4. The next step is getting students to write the appropriate elaborations for the points given. For this, paragraphs numbered 5 and 6 are given where the points and conclusions are provided but not the elaborations. Students are required to write the elaborations for the points given. 5. Once the students are confident in writing out the points and elaborations, they can attempt by writing out the whole paragraph (Point + Elaboration + Conclusion), unaided. For this, paragraphs numbered 7 and 8 are given. 6. From the paragraph numbered 9 and onwards, students are required to expand on the suggestions provided. For paragraph numbered 9, 3 different fonts are used again. This is to show that the method for expanding the suggestions is the same as expanding the points (paragraphs numbered 2 - 8). 7. Having completed paragraphs 7 and 8 on their own earlier, students now continue to complete the letter, unaided. In short, first, students practice writing the points in sentence form. Second, they practice writing out the appropriate elaborations for the given points. Third, they attempt at writing out the paragraphs (Point + Elaboration + Conclusion), unaided.

Model 1 1. The suggested answer provided attempts at expanding each of the given points in terms of Point + Elaboration + Conclusion. This is because writing the 3 parts is the main focus here. Hence, the long essay.

Model 2 Practice 1 (targeted group: good students) 1. This practice is aimed at students who can write well on their own.


ARTICLE MODEL QUESTION 1 Truancy in Schools By Airin George There have been reports that truancy in schools has been rising. There are many reasons for this and they are probably due to the progress and changing norms in society. One of the reasons for truancy is that youths want attention. This is probably because their parents are busy working and have no time for them. Also some youths are bored with school and the same teaching methods. They might feel that there is no interesting thing for them to do in school. Another reason is peer influence. They decide to play truant because their friends do the same. In order to be accepted by a certain group, they are willing to do anything. In addition, youths with bad attitudes also skip school and cut classes. Parents have an important role to play in curbing truancy. They must pay more attention to their children. They must be aware of the whereabouts of their child. They must also spend more time with them and build a loving relationship with their children. Parents should also go to school and talk to their childrens teachers and find out about their progress in school. Teachers also play an important role in curbing truancy. They should make lessons fun and interesting so that students would look forward to go to school. They should also be caring and have an open communication with their students. Teachers should be able to reach out to the students and try to talk to them about the consequences of playing truant. Society too should help by being caring and reporting on truants. Some communities have authorized the police to patrol neighborhoods where truant youth are likely to spend the school hours. If all the parties involved work together, truancy in schools will definitely decrease.



We should all adopt a healthy lifestyle if we want to live a life that is free of diseases and worry. First of all, we should eat balanced meals. A balanced meal means having all the necessary nutrients required by the body. We must eat various types of food like meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Only in this way will we be able to get all the nutrients required by the body which includes carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Cut down on your intake of sugar, salt and oil. We should also remember to eat in moderation. Next you should get your weight check every week. This is to detect whether you have gained weight or loss weight in that period of time. Certain measures should be then taken if there is a drastic change in your weight. To have a healthy lifestyle, we should also have regular medical and dental check-ups. It is important to go to the dentist once or twice a year to check your teeth and to see a doctor if you do not feel well. This ensures good teeth and a healthy body. Besides that, we should also exercise regularly. Exercise ensures our good health. Modern-day chronic diseases like heart problems, diabetes and certain cancers are all caused by the lack of exercise. We should exercise at least three times a week for at least twenty minutes per session. Regular exercise is also essential for good blood circulation and muscle tone. You can play outdoor games like football or volleyball to get a good sweat. You can also get involved in indoor activities such as badminton, ping pong or aerobic exercises. Exercise, in whatever form, if done regularly, is important for people of all ages in order to lead a healthier and more active life. We should get enough sleep because sleeping is a very important part of our life and no one can do without sleep. Lack of sleep can make us tired, tense and stressful. As students, we need about eight hours of sleep a day. Next, we must always ensure that you practice good personal hygiene. Taking baths and brushing your teeth regularly are good habits. In addition, wear clothes and make sure that personal items like combs, hair brushes and toothbrushes are clean all the time. We should always keep away from unhealthy activities. Smoking and drinking should be avoided at all times. Nicotine in cigarettes is a poisonous drug. Smoking will also cause illnesses like heart problems and cancer. And prolong smoking might lead to drug-taking. Apart from that, we should also avoid stress. Sometimes we are too caught up with deadlines, assignments, and endless personal or financial problems. Try to have some fun once in awhile and treat yourself to a movie with friends or pamper yourself at a spa. Relax and unwind yourself. To lead a healthy lifestyle, we can also take up a hobby. Hobbies can take your mind away from your worries and problems. Finally we should all take part in recreational activities. We can go camping or picnicking with friends and family members to relieve stress.


SPEECHES/TALKS- PRACTICE 1 Read through this speech about school regulations. Then, complete it by: a. filling in the gaps with words and phrases provided for paragraph given. Answer Explanation

Good morning to our principal, teachers and fellow students. Welcome to the new school term. I am Anuar B Ahmad, the head prefect of SMK Dato Laksamana Cheng Ho. This morning, I would like to refresh your memory about our school regulations especially regarding attire and conduct.

Paragraph 1 INTRODUCTION 1) Greet the audience. e.g: Good morning / afternoon / evening to boys and girls.. our principal, teachers and fellow students (at an official school function) Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen (at an official function or society meeting) 2) Introduce yourself to the audience- (your name, position held, department attached to) e.g: I am Dr Fiqry Nasir from Assunta Hospital in Petaling Jaya. 3) Introduce topic e.g: I am here to present a talk on the topic Body Fitness. 4) Purpose of speech e.g: The purpose of my talk today is to make you realize the importance looking after your food intake and how your health can be maintained through exercising.


Paragraph 2,3,4,5 BODY To create a good impression, always be dressed neatly in your school uniform complete with white shoes and white socks. Dont forget to wear your school badge and name tag. Your hair should be short and neatly combed. Boys should always keep their hair short. Girls are allowed to keep long hair but it should always be neatly combed and tied. No one is allowed to wear jewellery. If you do, then your jewellery will be confiscated. In addition, you cannot use make-up. Your nails should always be kept short. Remember no nail polish is allowed. Regarding your conduct always be punctual. Respect your teacher and pay attention in class. Remember, no loitering around and playing truant. If you dont comply with the school rules, you will have to face the music. Last term, several students were suspended or expelled from school for fighting, smoking and other serious offences. Hand phones are banned. If you bring hand phones, they will be confiscated.

Main points and their elaboration (facts, figures, examples) Elaborate 1 point in 1 paragraph or combine a few relevant points and elaborate in 1 paragraph

Paragraph 6: Conclusion These regulations are meant to create a positive image and environment for the school. There are, of course, some black sheep who will break the regulations. Do not be influenced by them. Instead, set a good example for others. Thank you for your kind attention.

The speakers hope Thank the audience. e.g: Thank you very much for your kind attention.


PRACTICE 2 Read through this speech about school regulations. Then, complete it by: a. Filling the blanks with appropriate elaborations using own sentences. Answer Good morning to our principal, teachers and fellow students. Welcome to the new school term. I am Anuar B Ahmad, the head prefect of SMK Dato Laksamana Cheng Ho. This morning, I would like to refresh your memory about our school regulations especially regarding attire and conduct. Explanation Paragraph 1 INTRODUCTION 1) Greet the audience. e.g: Good morning / afternoon / evening to boys and girls.. our principal, teachers and fellow students (at an official school function) Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen (at an official function or society meeting) 2) Introduce yourself to the audience- (your name, position held, department attached to) e.g: I am Dr Fiqry Nasir from Assunta Hospital in Petaling Jaya. 3) Introduce topic e.g: I am here to present a talk on the topic Body Fitness. 4) Purpose of speech e.g: The purpose of my talk today is to make you realize the importance looking after your food intake and how your health can be maintained through exercising. 16

To create a good impression, always be Paragraph 2,3,4,5 BODY dressed neatly in your school uniform complete Main points and their with white shoes and white socks. Dont forget to wear elaboration (facts, your school badge and name tag. figures, examples) Elaborate 1 point in 1 Your hair should be short and neatly combed. paragraph or combine a Boys should always keep their hair short. Girls are allowed few relevant points and to keep longhair but it should always be neatly combed elaborate in 1 paragraph and tied. No one is allowed to wear jewellery. If you do, then your jewellery will be confiscated. In addition, you cannot use make-up. Your nails should always be kept short. Remember, no nail polish is allowed. Regarding your conduct always be punctual. Respect your teacher and pay attention in class. Remember, no loitering around and playing truant. If you dont comply with the school rules, you will have to face the music. Last term, several students were suspended or expelled from school for fighting, smoking and other serious offences. Hand phones are banned. If you bring hand phones, they will be confiscated.

Paragraph 6: Conclusion These regulations are meant to create a positive image and environment for the school. There are, of course, some black sheep who will break the regulations. Do not be influenced by them. Instead, set a good example for others. Thank you for your kind attention.

The speakers hope Thank the audience. e.g: Thank you very much for your kind attention.


PRACTICE 3 a. Write the speech using the points and elaborate. SAMPLE ANSWER

A very good morning to our beloved principal, teachers and friends. As the president of the Nature Club with hopes that more of you will join this club in its mission to create awareness about the need to protect our environment. For your information, anyone can join the Nature Club as membership is open to all students from Forms One to Five. As this year, it is an approved co-curricular activity. This means that your participation in the Nature Club will be duly recognised by the school authorities. The Nature Club aims to promote interest and knowledge about wildlife, forests and the environment among students besides encouraging them to protect flora and fauna. The club also aspires to provide opportunities for students to acquire values and skills needed to protect and improve the natural environment. Dont worry if you have no experience, the club with guidance from the Malaysian Nature Society, will offer you opportunities to learn and to develop the skills required. It is our mission to help the uninitiated learn how to care for nature in a fun and enjoyable manner. Among the activities we have carried out this year are jungle trekking and rock climbing. You do not have to worry if you think you are physically unfit because we will provide the necessary training before embarking on any such expedition. I can assure you that once you try these activities, you will become enthusiastic about them. This semester we hope to go to the jungles of Endau-Rompin to study the array of wildlife and plant life there. Members will be introduced to the art of photographing nature. Another interesting programme we have promised to undertake is tree-planting. As you are well aware, trees are crucial to the environment. They are needed to restore oxygen while utilising carbon dioxide. We have got a local nursery to donate fifty samplings of the neem tree for us to plant in various places, including our school compound.


Friends, let me dispel your fears. Becoming a member of Nature Club is inexpensive. We provide many facilities for our members such as tents sleeping bags and other equipment required for trekking purposes. Currently, we have in our possession five digitals cameras which are loaned to members during photography sessions. We hope to acquire more cameras as our club memberships grow. You can show love and concern for Mother Nature by becoming a member of this club. You will open a special counter at the canteen during recess and after school. My fellow friends, it is our duty and moral obligation to maintain and preserve nature has sustained us over the centuries join us and explore unknown areas you might never have the chance to otherwise. Before I end, let me remind you not to let this opportunity out of yours grasp.

Thank you.


Narrative essay MODEL 1- PRACTICE 1 1. day 2. examination 3. start 4. woke 5. breakfast 6. problem 7. worry 8. lift 9. kiss 10. wrong MODEL 2 PRACTICE 1 Task 1 Pairing of sentences to form correct paragraphs: A & B & C & D & E F G, H I J 11. perspiring 12. hit/knocked 13. beat 14. held 15. all right 16. answer 17. chest 18. car 19. attack 20. phone 21. mother/mum 22. calm 23. heard 24. ambulance 25. hall 26. Alls Well That Ends Well.

& K & L

Task 2 Arranging jumbled paragraphs in correct order to write the story. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6 E & K D& J B& H F & L A & G C & I


COMPREHENSION: (PRACTICE 1) 1. Getting a good night sleep. 2. i. She cut out her drinking coffee. ii. She was back to sleeping seven hours a night. 3. Tea/colas/soft drinks/herbal teas/chocolate (any two) 4. i. To reduce anxiety and relax the brain ii. warm milk/ turkey/ chicken/ whole grain bread or crackers/ cereal with milk and banana/ low calorie popcorn. (any one) 5. conforms 6. Sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The benefits of sleep are extensive and it is vital to place a priority on getting ample, consistent sleep. (Accept any logical anwer) SUMMARY : (CONTENT POINTS) 1. One of the factors which can cause sleeping disorder is caffeinated drinks. 2. Even decaffeinated coffee can keep one awake. 3. A large meal before bed can disrupt sleep. 4. Some medications can affect ones sleep 5. Some beverages are stimulant that can keep you awake at night. 6. Spicy and fatty foods before bedtime can cause indigestion and disturb our sleep. 7. Noise from the environment can affect ones sleep. 8. Uncomfortable mattress and pillow 9. Hot room 10. Inconsistent sleep schedule. Choose the correct statements regarding the summary question. Please (/) in the space provided. Then, rewrite your answer changing some words and phrases PARAGRAPH 3 1. Many things can contribute to a person sleeping well. 2. A very important factor is what a person eats, especially before going to bed. 3. There are certain foods can help you promote better sleep at night while other foods can make you difficult to fall sleep. 4. One main deterrent of sleep is caffeine. 5. Caffeine is not just in coffee, it is in tea, colas and other soft drinks, some herbal teas, chocolate and some medications such as Anacin and Excedrin. 6. It is a stimulant that can keep you awake at night. 7. Even decaffeinated coffee in the evening can keep one awake.

/ / / /


PARAGRAPH 4 1. Likewise, a large meal before bed makes many people sleepy initially, but can / result in disrupted sleep. 2. Professionals say that if an individual has overeaten, the tendency is that the / abdomen will have a hard time digesting it. 3. This is not to suggest you should go to bed hungry. 4. It is advised that one who suffers from sleep problems, stick to a light snack, preferably on high in carbohydrates or amino acid, which reduces anxiety and relaxes the brain. 5. Good choices include warm milk, turkey, chicken, whole grain bread or crackers, cereal with milk and banana, and low calorie popcorn. 6. But at bedtime, avoid spicy and fatty foods, which can cause indigestion. /

PARAGRAPH 5 1. Sometimes a sleep environment may be the problem: noise from the street or a / neighbour, or a snoring bed mate. 2. Try using earplugs or switch on a fan that hums to block out the disruptive sounds. 3. If you can get a snorer to sleep on his side instead of the back, it may get rid of the raucous noise.

PARAGRAPH 6 1. Is your mattress comfortable? 2. Although firm mattresses are often recommended for back support, some people / sleep better on a mattress that conforms more to their bodies. 3. Also choose a pillow that supports your head in a position that does not strain your / neck

PARAGRAPH 7 1. People who have trouble sleeping do best if they maintain a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and getting up at about the same time everyday, including weekends and holidays. 2. This keeps your body programmed with a predictable sleep-wake cycle. 3. But if you stay up until 2 am and sleep until noon the next day, you may have a hard time falling asleep that night and getting up the following morning.

PARAGRAPH 8 1. Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. 2. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, / physical health, quality of life, and safety. 3. The benefits of sleep are extensive and it is vital to place a priority on getting / ample, consistent sleep.



1. Retrieved June 26th from 2. Taken and modified from Peperiksaan Percubaan 2011 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Wilayah Persekutuan 3. Taken and modified from Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia 2009, Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1, Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia 4. Kertas Soalan Peperiksaan Tahun-Tahun Lepas 2005 2010 SPM Bahasa Inggeris, Sasbadi Sdn Bhd.


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