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journal of
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9 23

Comparative analysis of tetracycline-containing dental gels:

poloxamer- and monoglyceride-based formulations

E. Esposito a, V. Carotta b, A. Scabbia b, L. Trombelli b, P. D'Antona c, E. Menegatt?,

C. Nastruzzi a'*
aDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Ferrara, via Fossato di Mortara 19, 44100 Ferrara, Italy
bDepartment of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, University of Ferrara, 44100 Ferrara, Italy
CEniricerche, San Donato Milanese, Milano, Italy

Received 18 April 1996; revised 5 June 1996; accepted 6 June 1996


The aim of the paper was to develop tetracycline-containing formulations for the treatment of periodontitis by
direct periodontal intrapocket administration. Two different semi-solid formulations were prepared, based on
poly(oxyethylene)poly(oxypropylene) block copolymer (poloxamer) and monoglycerides, respectively. Both formula-
tions possess interesting properties as delivery systems. They are easily administered by syringe equipped with needles
appropriate for intrapocket delivery, they are characterized by a sol-gel transition, becoming semi-solid once in the
periodontal pocket and, finally, they represent biocompatible formulations eliminated from the body by normal
routes. A rheological characterization of both formulations was performed in the presence or in the absence of
tetracycline, determining the sol-gel transition temperature (To) by 'time cure tests' and the z coefficient by 'frequency
sweep test'. In addition, the in vitro tetracycline release from formulations was determined. Comparative in vivo
studies were conducted, in order (a) to compare the persistence of the gels on the gum and (b) to evaluate the clinical
performances of the gels. These latest studies indicated that both poloxamer and monoglycerides gels, when applied
subgingivally, produce a significantly improved outcome in moderate to deep periodontal pockets.

Keywords: Tetracycline; Periodontitis; Drug delivery systems; Monoglycerides; Poloxamer

1. Introduction

Gingivitis and periodontitis are pathological

states affecting the gingival, subgingival, peri-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 39 532 291259; fax: + 39 odontal and adjacent tissues (Listgarten, 1986,
532 291296. 1987). Together with conventional therapy, based

0378-5173/96/$15.00 © 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

PH S0378-5173(96)04649-2
10 E. Esposito et al. / International Journal o f Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9 - 2 3

Table 1
Pharmaceutical characteristics of drug delivery systems for the treatment of periodontal diseases

Characteristic Gels Solid devices (fibres or microparticles)

Preparation method Easy Complex (instruments needed)

Bioadhesivity Yes No
Release period Days, weeks Weeks, months
Biodegradability Yes Yesa
Biocompatibility Yes Yes (risk of inflammatory or adverse reactions)
Application modality Easily administrable by Special syringe needed (microspheres) or application
appropriate syringe and needles and removal by specialist (fibres)

aOnly by using biodegradable polymers.

on scaling and surgery, the use of antibiotics or With respect to solid devices, semi-solid (gel)
antimicrobials (e.g. tetracycline, minocycline, clin- formulations can indeed have some advantages
damycin, metronidazole and chlorhexidine) has (see Table 1). In fact, in spite of relatively faster
been proposed (Van der Ouderaa, 1991). In par- release of the incorporated drug (with respect to
ticular, the tetracycline family of antibiotics was fibres or microparticles), gels can be more easily
found effective against the microorganisms associ- prepared and administered. Moreover, they pos-
ated with periodontitis in the gingival crevice sess a higher biocompatibility and bioadhesivity,
(Slots, 1979). The antibiotic therapy of periodon- allowing adhesion to the mucosa in the dental
tal diseases is mainly based on two different ap- pocket and, finally, they can be rapidly eliminated
through normal catabolic pathways, decreasing
proaches: extensive oral rinses with solutions and
the risk of irritative or allergic host reactions at
systemic administration. On the other hand, both
the application site.
approaches can be unsuccessful and/or produce
In this paper we propose and compare two
adverse problems. In fact, the first one could
different semi-solid formulations designed for
result in a failure of antibiotics to reach the administration of tetracycline to the periodontal
deeper subgingival tissues, while the second one pocket, namely a poly(oxyethylene) poly(oxy-
could present disadvantages such as (a) bacterial propylene) block copolymer (poloxamer 407)-
resistance to the administered antibiotic and (b) based gel and a monoglyceride-water system. In
unpleasant or toxic side effects as a consequence particular, this report describes: (a) the prepara-
of the systemic regimen (Okuda et al., 1992). tion of the tetracycline-containing semi-solid for-
Because of these considerations, a variety of spe- mulations, (b) their rheological characterization,
cialized local delivery systems (i.e. intrapocket (c) the in vitro release kinetics of tetracycline from
devices) were designed to maintain the antibiotic the gels, (d) the persistence of gels on the human
in the gingival crevicular fluid at a concentration gum and, finally, (e) a comparative in vivo evalua-
higher than that achieved by systemic administra- tion of their clinical performances for the treat-
tion (Kornman, 1993). Fibres, films and mi- ment of periodontal disease.
croparticles made of biodegradable or
non-degradable polymers have been recently pro-
posed as effective methods to administer antibac- 2. Materials and methods
terial agent for periodontal therapy (Medlicott et
al., 1994). Together with these solid devices, re- 2.1. Materials
cently, semi-solid formulations such as Elyzol ®
25% dental gel, consisting of metronidazole crys- Poly(oxyethylene)poly(oxypropylene) block co-
tals suspended in a lipid matrix, have been pro- polymer (Poloxamer 407), was a kind gift of
posed (Stoltze and Stellfeld, 1992). BASF (Lutrol F 127®) Wyandotte Corporation
E. Esposito et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9-23 Il

(Cheshire, UK). Distilled glyceryl monooleate samples were measured by using Rheometrics
(Myverol® 18-99) was from Eastman Chemical RFS2 and Rheometrics RMS800 rheometers
(Kingsport, TN, USA). Tetracycline hydrochlo- (Rheometrics, Possum Town, NY, USA) respec-
ride was obtained from Sigma (Osterode, Ger- tively. Parallel plates (25 mm diameter; 1.5 mm
many). gap) and couette geometries (1 mm gap) were
used. Both oscillatory and monodimensional
2.2. Methods steady shear flow have been considered. Oscilla-
tory measurements were carried out at a low
2.2.1. Preparation of poloxamer gel amplitude (within the linear viscoelastic region)
Poloxamer gel was prepared according to the with an angular velocity (co) of between 0.1 and
'cold technique' (Garcia Sagrado et al., 1995). 100 rad/s. Measurements were conducted at four
Briefly, a weighed amount of poloxamer 407 was different temperatures, namely 10, 20, 30 and
gradually added to cold water (5-10°C) under 37°C. According to the Bohlin theory that consid-
magnetic stirring up to a final concentration of ers flow as a cooperative phenomenon, the coordi-
30% (w/w) poloxamer. The container was sealed nation coefficient z was calculated from the slope
and left in a refrigerator overnight at 5°C. Tetra- of the curve obtained by plotting the elastic mod-
cycline hydrochloride dissolved in water was then ulus (G') vs. co in a log-log plot. The coordina-
added to the preformed gel before in vitro or in tion coefficient was calculated for all poloxamer
vivo studies, obtaining a final tetracycline content concentrations and temperatures.
of 20 mg/ml in 25% w/w poloxamer gel. The drug The sol-gel transition temperature (To) was
was added just prior to use in order to minimize calculated by 'time cure tests' obtained by plotting
epimerization of tetracycline, leading to loss in elastic (G') and loss (G") moduli as function of
therapeutic activity (Walton et al., 1970). For the temperature. Determinations were performed at 1
rheological studies, gels with a poloxamer concen- Hz and at a low amplitude, the temperature range
tration of 20, 25 and 30% (w/w) without tetracy- was 4-40°C and the temperature ramp was I°C/
cline were also prepared. min. The viscosity has been measured at a low
shear rate (0.1-10 s-1), in order to avoid slipping
2.2.2. Preparation of monoglyeeride gel effects at the wall surface, possibly caused by high
Monoglycerides (4.5 g) (m.p. 35°C) were shear rates.
melted. Subsequently, 5 parts of water for every
90 parts of monoglycerides were added. An 2.2.4. Determination o f in vitro tetracycline
opaque and uniform paste was formed by stirring release kinetics
and the container was sealed afterwards to avoid The in vitro release kinetics of tetracycline from
water evaporation. The mixture was then placed the gels were determined by dialysis method. Typ-
in an oven at 42°C for several days. Tetracycline ically, 3 g of gel were placed into a dialysis tube
hydrochloride dissolved in water was added to the (MW cut-off 10000-12 000; Medi Cell Interna-
preformed gel and vigorously stirred immediately tional, UK). The dialysis tube was then poured
before in vitro or in vivo studies. A monoglyce- into sealed vials containing 20 ml of receiving
rides gel with a final tetracycline content of 20 solution consisting of isotonic phosphate buffer
mg/ml in 90% (w/w) gel was obtained. For the (pH 7.4). The release experiments were performed
rheological studies, gels with a monoglycerides at 37°C. At different time intervals from 0.25 to 7
concentration of 90% and 95% (w/w) without h, 200 ml of receiving buffer were withdrawn and
tetracycline were also prepared. replaced with an equal volume of fresh buffer.
Samples were analyzed for tetracycline content by
2.2.3. Rheological studies UV spectroscopic analysis.
Rheological measurements have been carried The tetracycline calibration curve was made by
out by using two different instruments, depending preparing solutions containing increasing
on the sample viscosity. Low and high viscosity amounts of tetracycline (range 1.8-18 mg/ml) and
12 E. Esposito et al. / International Journal o f Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9 - 2 3

plotting their respective UV absorption at 365 nm tion. A full-mouth supra- and subgingival scaling
against their respective drug concentrations. The session to remove soft and calcified plaque accu-
release profiles were determined five times in inde- mulation was then performed by means of ultra-
pendent experiments. sonic instruments (Cavitron, Dentsply, York, PA,
USA). At the same session, experimental sites
2.2.5. Tetracycline release data analysis received a single subgingival application of tetra-
The kinetic analysis of the release profiles was cycline-containing poloxamer gel, or tetracycline-
carried out according to the general equation containing monoglyceride gel, according to a
(Peppas, 1985): randomization list. Tetracycline gel preparations
mt = kt" (1) were slowly delivered to the bottom of the peri-
M~ odontal pocket by using a disposable syringe
equipped with a 23-gauge blunt needle. The gels
where 34, is the cumulative amount of drug re-
were injected into the pocket until the gel
leased at time t, M~ is the total amount of drug
overflowed from the gingival margin. Both the
incorporated, k is the proportionality constant
(the value of which depends on the structural and patient and the operator (VC) were blind to the
geometrical properties of the matrix) and n is the treatment modality. Patients were instructed not
release exponent (its value depends on the mecha- to use chlorhexidine mouthwashes or other an-
nism of drug release). tiplaque agents during the observation interval.
No attempt was made to improve patients' perfor-
2.2.6. Determination of gel pers&tence on human mance in mechanical plaque control.
gum Clinical recordings, assessed immediately before
Poloxamer- and monoglycerides-based gels con- treatment (baseline) and after 4 weeks, were as
taining 6% w/w of an aqueous solution of the dye follows: (1) probing depth (PD), defined as the
toluidine blue (Sigma, Milan, Italy) were simulta- distance from the gingival margin to the bottom
neously applied on the lower gum of one person of the pocket; (2) clinical attachment level (CAL),
by using a plastic applicator containing a defined defined as the distance from the cemento-enamel
amount of both gels. After different lengths of junction (CEJ) to the bottom of the pocket; (3)
time, photographs were taken and the area recession depth (RD), defined as the distance
stained by blue dye was evidenced and quanti- from the CEJ to the gingival margin; and (4)
tated by a computerized scanning analysis of the bleeding on probing (BOP), recorded as the pres-
digitalized images. For this analysis, 'NIH Image', ence of bleeding occurring 10 s after the probe
a public domain image processing and analysis insertion into the pocket.
program for the Macintosh, was used. Probing measurements were recorded to the
nearest millimetre with a standard periodontal
2.2. 7. Clinical evaluation probe (UNC 15, Hu Friedy, Chicago, IL). The
Nine patients, two males and seven females (age
BoP score was expressed as the proportion (%) of
range: 27-63 years; mean age: 42.1 years), re-
bleeding sites out of the total number of experi-
ferred to the Department of Periodontology, Uni-
mental sites for each treatment group. All the
versity of Ferrara, for treatment of moderate to
recordings were assessed by one examiner (A.S.)
severe adult periodontitis, were considered. Selec-
tion criteria included the presence of at least two blinded to the treatment performed. For statistical
non-adjacent sites with probing depth greater comparisons between treatments, the subject was
than or equal to 5 mm in single-rooted teeth of considered as the statistical unit. The Wilcoxon
the same arch. Patients received complete peri- matched pairs signed test was used to evaluate
odontal examination including oral hygiene stan- mean differences in clinical recordings within and
dards and gingival health recordings, probing between treatment modalities. The level of signifi-
measurements, occlusal and radiographic evalua- cance was set at 5%.
E. Esposito et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9 23 13

3. Results and discussion above To, a transparent viscous gel forms. The
sol-gel tralasition is a reversible process and it
3.1. Tetracycline-containing gels occurs whenever cooling and heating cycles are
conducted, without any appreciable alteration in
The aim of the present investigation was to the gel characteristics and viscosity (Attwood et
produce and to compare, both in vitro and in al., 1983; Tung, 1994).
vivo, semi-solid formulations for periodontal In this respect, poloxamer solution, liquid at
diseases. The formulations were designed in or- room temperature, can form viscous gels ap-
der to achieve the following requisites. proaching body temperature (e.g. in mouth cav-
(a) Formulations should be biocompatible ity) (Garcia Sagrado et al., 1995). Myverol
and easily eliminated from the body. The easy 18-99 is a mixture of different monoglycerides
elimination appears particular important since (see its composition and specific characteristics
degradable delivery systems erode or dissolve in in Table 2). These polar lipids are insoluble in
the gingival crevice, avoiding removal after
water but able to swell, giving rise to different
treatment. For instance, monoglycerides are
lyotropic liquid crystalline phases described by
prone to esterase activity and they can be easily
a complex phase diagram, depending on water
cleared from the body.
content and temperature (Engstrom et al.,
(b) Formulations should display low viscosity
at the moment of in vivo application, in order 1992). When a small amount of water is added
to be administrable by syringe equipped with to monoglycerides (usually less than 5% w/w),
needles of appropriate size for intrapocket de- reverse micellar structures are formed with a
livery. relatively low viscosity. At this stage a further
(c) Formulations, once applied, should un- addition of water leads to the formation of
dergo a sol-gel transition, resulting in semi-
solid gels. In this way, bioadhesion to gingival
Table 2
tissue and long-lasting release of the drug could Characteristics of poloxamer and monoglycerides used in gel
be achieved. preparation ~'
With the aim of obtaining the requested fea-
tures, two different formulations were designed, Poloxamer 407
one based on a hydrophilic-hydrophobic block
Hydroxyl value 8 11
copolymer (poloxamer gel) and the other based Molecular weight b 9840 14600
on a supramolecular association of monoglyce- pH (2.5% in water) 5.0 7.5
rides (monoglycerides gel). Melting point (°C) 53 57
Both these semi-solid formulations possess Polyoxyethylene mass fraction (%) 73.2 _+ 1.7
peculiar characteristics.
Poloxamer 407 is a commercially available Monoglycerides
poly(oxyethylene)poly(oxypropylene) block co-
polymer, containing 73% polyoxyethylene units Physical form Semi-plastic
(see specifications in Table 2). Poloxamer 407 Fatty acid distribution (%)
has low toxicity, high compatibility with other Palmitate (CI 6:0) 4.1
Stearate (C18:0) 1,8
chemicals and can solubilize drugs with differ- Oleate (C 18:1 ) 60.9
ent chemico-physical properties. Moreover, Linoleate (C18:2) 21.0
aqueous solutions of poloxamer 407 possess in- Linolenate (C18:3) 8.8
teresting rheological properties. When used at Gadoleate (C20:1) 1.0
concentrations above 20%, the polymer forms Melting point (°C) 35
Iodine value (max.) 90-95
thermoreversible gels characterized by a critical
temperature (To). At temperatures below To, the aAs provided by the manufacturers.
poloxamer solution is a low-viscosity sol, whilst bCalculated from the hydroxyl value.
14 E. Esposito et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9 - 2 3

- °
o - o






eq eq eq e~ ~ ~

E. Esposito et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9-23 15

105 A 105
10 4 104

~" 103 " l0 3


102 10:

10' 10~

10° , I ~ I , I , I lOo ' • 1 , [ , I J I

0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
temperature (of) temperature (°C)

105 30
!c -D
10 4
~" 10 3

lo 2 y,

lO° , I , I , ) 10 , I , I , 1 I
0 10 20 30 40 15 20 25 30 35
temperature (°C) poloxamer concentration (%, w/w)

Fig. 1. A-C: Time cure tests, showing the temperature dependence of the elastic modulus G' for (A) 20%, (B) 25% and (C) 30%
poloxamer gels. In the case of B, both empty ((3) and tetracycline-containing(O) gels were analyzed. D: Influence of poloxamer
concentration and tetracycline presence (O) on transition temperature (T¢).

highly viscous lamellar or cubic phases. In par- 3.2. Rheological studies

ticular, we produced a tetracycline gel incorpo-
rating 10% w/w of water, since its viscosity In this study, a series of preliminary results on
allowed expression through the 23-gauge blunt the rheological characterization of both polox-
needle used for in vivo administration. After ap- amer- and monoglycerides-based gels is presented
plication, the monoglycerides-water system ad- (Table 3). This study was performed in order to
sorbs the biological fluids, swells and increases define the general rheological behaviour of these
its viscosity to a semi-solid form (Engstrom et relatively novel materials and to provide informa-
al., 1995). tion on their structure, as a function of tempera-
In conclusion, both formulations, even with ture and of the presence of solubilized guest
different mechanisms, are administrable by sy- molecules (i.e. tetracycline). In particular, we de-
ringe and become semi-solid once in the peri- termined the sol-gel transition temperature (To)
odontal pocket, allowing the drug to be released by 'time cure tests', the frequency dependence of
in a sustained manner (Norling et al., 1992). the elastic modulus G' by 'frequency sweep tests',
16 E. Esposito et al./ International Journal of Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9-23

10000 25000
A -B
100 19000

1 13o0o
b B UIEl3D []
0.01 ~ 7000

10.4 , ., ~ Q , , t ........ t I000 ..... ~ ~

0.01 0.1 I 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
CO(rad/s) 0~ (rad/s)

30000 ~ C 3oo0o
25000 25000

~" 20000 20000

~z 15000 ~z ~5000

10000 10000

50o0 .... q°d, ........ t ........ i ........ t 5000 ........ i ........ , ........ i ........ i
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
co (rad/s) c0 (rad/s)
Fig. 2. Frequency sweep tests showing the frequency dependence of the elastic modulus G'. Determinations were performed at (A)
10, (B) 20, (C) 30 and (D) 37°C. (Vq), 20% poloxamer gel; (O), 25% poloxamer gel; (I), 25% poloxamer gel + tetracycline; (A), 30%
poloxamer gel.

and the temperature dependence of G' and the z (b) In all samples, both elastic modulus G' and
coefficient. (see Figs. 1-6). z coefficient increase as temperature increases (see
From the analysis of the results obtained by Figs. 2 and 3). In this regard, it should be noted
this series of experiments, the following general that G' and z give indications about the structure
considerations can be drawn. strength and the structure coordination, respec-
3.2. I. Poloxamer-based gelsi" (c) At temperature above 15°C, samples show a
(a) Fig. 1 shows that poloxamer gels are charac- pseudo-plastic behaviour characterized by a typi-
terized by a sharp transition from a liquid (sol) cal shear thinning behaviour.
to a structured (gel) behaviour at a well-defined (d) The presence of tetracycline causes a shift of
temperature (T~) determined by the analysis of Tc to a lower value (ATe = 6.8°C) (Fig. 1D) and a
T vs. G' curves. The highest value of T~ (21°C) concomitant increase of both G' and z value (Fig.
was found in the case of 25% poloxamer gel 3).
whilst 20% and 30% gels show a lower T~ value Taken together, these results indicate that tetra-
(see Fig. 1D). cycline can have a positive effect on both gel
E. Esposito et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9-23 17

structuration and strength. This feature was tenta-

tively explained by a facilitation of the interac-

tions between the hydrophobic portions of the

lO~ 300 ~, 105

o o

]200 103
--ff 102

100 10' I , I , I i v
0 10 20 30 40
l0 "2 temperature (°C)

10 .4 I

z I ,

15 20 25 30
I , I , I , I

' '0
107 "=:B
temperature (°C)
106 300
B ,105
l0 4

"~ 102 103

10° i
10-2 0 10 20 30 40
...171 temperature (°C)
10 "4 , L-e::,-'z-,--~--;--r--,--WY , , ' 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Fig. 4. Time cure tests, showing the temperature dependence
temperature (°C) of the elastic modulus G' for (A) 95% and (B) 90% monoglyc-
eride gels. In the case of B, both empty (,~>) and tetracycline-
106 300 containing (e) gels were analyzed.
polymer molecules responsible for the gelation
200 process. This facilitation could be due to the
~- 102
insertion of the planar tetracycline molecule
within the polyoxypropilenic fractions.
10.2 3.2.2. Monoglycerides-based gels:
_..--El .......... ~ . . . . . . El (a) Fig. 4 shows that monoglycerides gels, in
10 .4 , ~-',-'l , I , , , , , I , '0 contrast to poloxamer ones, do not present a
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 well-defined transition temperature. In this case,
temperature (°C)
elastic and loss moduli are very close in the
temperature range 5-40°C. In particular, the rhe-
Fig. 3. Temperature dependence of the elastic m o d u l u s G'
ological behaviour of 95% monoglycerides is quite
(©--©) and z coefficient ( E l - - - E l ) for (A) 20%, (B) 25%
and (C) 30% poloxamer gels. In the case of B, both empty
interesting. Here the G' and G" curve trends are
(open symbols) and tetracycline-containing (solid symbols) not monotonic but show a well-defined minimum
gels were analyzed. region between 12 and 18°C.
18 E. Esposito et al./ International Journal of Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9-23

106 10'

00000000000000000000000000~'~'i¢ noDnDDnDDDDDDODDDDnDDOOD
0°° D F~

10 3 I i i illlll i i i llll,l , R ,lllhll l0 2 I I I IIIIII I I , , ,1111 l , , t,lll[

O. 1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100

co (rad/s) c0 (rad/s)
107 - C 1°5
~" 103 )OO000000000IOO000000000000000
,~ 10I
101 b
10.3 1 I l lllll] ........ ' ....... I 10.3 ~°, o,°, 99,9,9 ........ L ........ L
0.1 1 10 100
0.1 1 CO(rad/s) 10 100 w (rad/s)

Fig. 5. Frequency sweep tests showing the frequency dependence of the elastic modulus G'. Determinations were performed at (A)
10, (B) 20, (C) 30 and (D) 37°C. ([]), 95% Monoglyceride gel; (O), 90% monoglyceride gel; (e), 90% monoglyceride gel + tetracy-

(b) Both elastic modulus and z coefficient de- dicted from the in vitro studies. Among the differ-
crease as temperature increases (see Figs. 5 and 6). ent experimental protocols proposed for the
(c) The presence of tetracycline causes an in- determinations of drug release profiles, we utilized
crease of the coordination coefficient, indicating the dialysis method (Nastruzzi et al., 1994) for its
that, in the case of monoglycerides gels also, simple experimental procedure and high degree of
tetracycline leads to the formation of a more reproducibility.
'structured' gel. It should be pointed out that the dialysis
method was criticized (Washington, 1990) because
3.3. In vitro tetracycline release kinetics of its low in vivo predictivity in the case of
intravenously or orally administered delivery sys-
in vitro release profiles give important informa- tems, where biological sink conditions are pre-
tion on the efficiency of a delivery system pro- dominant. Nevertheless, in our opinion, dialysis
posed for controlled release of drugs. The choice technique could reproduce the situation of a for-
of an appropriate in vitro model has to take into mulation applied into the periodontal pocket; in
account the need to resemble as strictly as possi- this case, the carrier is presumably surrounded by
ble the 'in vivo' behaviour. In this way, the a stagnant layer, causing a slow diffusion of the
bioavailability parameters may be reliably pre- drug (i.e. non-sink conditions).
E. Esposito et al. / International Journal o f Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9 23 19

Fig. 7 shows the release profiles of tetracy- 0.8

cline from poloxamer and monoglycerides gels,
determined by using the dialysis method at
37°C. In the case of monoglycerides gel, tetra-
cycline release is slower than from poloxamer J

gel. After 7 h , the released tetracycline was ~ - 0.4 -'~

equal to 18% arid 65% of the entrapped drug
for monoglycerides and poloxamer gels, respec-
tively. In this view, monoglycerides gel appears 0.2
to be more suitable for obtaining long-term re-
lease kinetic, assuring a constant and prolonged 0 , I , I , F , I , I , I , I , J
concentration at the application site. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (hours)
Fig. 7. Tetracycline release profiles from poloxamer (- )
and monoglyceride ( - - ) based gels. Kinetics were deter-
mined by equilibrium dialysis, as reported in Section 2. The
lOs 16
- A D, reported values represent the average of five independent
experiments, bars = S.D..
3.4. Tetracycline release data analysis

8 In order to investigate the mechanism of

~z drug release from controlled delivery formula-
tions, the values of the kinetic parameters n, K
and R from Eq. (1) were calculated (see Table
4). The results of this analysis indicated both
102 , 1 z I i I i I i I i I i 0 for poloxamer and monoglycerides gels an
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 anomalous (non-Fickian) release process (see n-
temperature (°C)
values in Table 4). Nevertheless, in the case of
10 6 18 poloxamer, the n-value approaches 0.5, suggest-
iB II, ing a tetracycline release that approximates a
Fickian diffusional release. On the contrary, in
10~ the case of monoglycerides gel, an value of
0.378 indicates a situation where drug release
[]'" ra ",
~, 102 N
occurs by means of diffusion, partially through
(z a swollen matrix and partially through water-
6 filled spaces (Peppas, 1985).
Table 4
Values of the kinetic release parameters for poloxamer and
102 a I I I I 0 monoglyceride gels
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
temperature (°C) Gel k n R

Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of the elastic modulus G' Poloxamer 0.228 0.564 0.997
(©--0, O--O) and z coefficient ( [ ~ - - - ~ , I I - - - I I ) for Monoglyceride 0.085 0,378 0.998
(A) 95% and (B) 90% monoglyceride gels. In the case of B,
both empty (open symbols) and tetracycline-containing (solid Parameters k, n and R were calculated from Eq. (1), see
symbols) gels were analyzed. Section 2.
20 E. Esposito et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9 23

3.5. Gel persistence after in vivo application

In order to evaluate the persistence of tetracy-
cline-containing gels after in vivo application, the
following experiment was performed. Poloxamer-
and monoglyceride-based gels containing the tolu-
idine blue dye were simultaneously applied on the
lower gum by using a specifically designed plastic
applicator (applied area 1.5 cm2). After different
lengths of time, photographs were taken and the
area stained by blue dye was evidenced and quan- B
titated by a computerized scanning analysis of the
digitalized images. The results reported in Fig. 8
clearly indicate that the persistence of monoglyce-
ride gel is more prolonged than that of poloxamer
gel. In fact, in the case of monoglyceride gel, after
8 h, the stained region is still 80% of the initial
(time 0) stained area, whilst for poloxamer gel, a
complete disappearance of the staining occurs af-
ter 1 h. C
3.6. Clinical evaluation

A total of 24 sites in nine patients were treated:

12 sites received the tetracycline poloxamer gel
(group A) and 12 sites received the tetracycline
monoglyceride gel (group B). Safety side-effects of
the gels were monitored and recorded. At the end 120
of the 4-week observation interval, all the sites D
healed uneventfully. Neither complications nor
allergic reactions which could be related to the 80
experimental treatment modalities were observed. ~ 60
Both gel preparations appeared to be safe and
~ 40
easy in clinical handling. They were fluid enough r~
to allow subgingival placement using a simple 20
syringe, requiring only a few seconds to com-
pletely fill the periodontal pocket. 05 1 8
Table 5 shows the mean values for PD, CAL,
Fig. 8. In vivo evaluation of poloxamer and monoglyceride
RD and BoP scores measured at baseline and at gels bioadhesivity.A-C: Photographstaken (A) 0.5, (B) 1 and
week 4 following treatment. PD and CAL were (C) 8 h after the application. Monoglyceride(left) and polox-
significantly improved after treatment with both amer (right) gels were applied on the lower gum. D: Densito-
gel formulations, while no significant changes in metric analysisof the area stained by gels. Resultsare reported
RD were observed. Mean PD reduction was 2.3 as percentage of the stained area at time 0. (•), Monoglyce-
ride gel; ([]), poloxamer gel.
and 1.7 mm for poloxamer and monoglycerides
gel, respectively. This reduction paralleled a mean
CAL gain ranging from 1.2 to 2.3 mm. Subjects gain compared with those treated with the tetra-
treated with tetracycline poloxamer gel showed a cycline monoglyceride gel. However, these differ-
trend towards greater PD reduction and CAL ences did not reach statistical significance.
E. Esposito et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9-23 21

Table 5
Comparative analysis of the clinical performances of poloxamer and monoglyceride gels

Parameter Baseline mean (S.D.) Week 4

Mean (S.D.) Change (S.D.)

Probing depth (ram)

Group A a 6.2 (0.9) 3.9 (1.1) 2.3 (1.1)*
Group Bb 5.7 (0.9) 4.0 (0.8) 1.7 (0.7)*
Clinical attachment level (ram)
Group A a 6.5 (1.3) 4.2 (1.2) 2.3 (1.1)*
Group Bb 6.3 (1.3) 5.1 (1,6) 1.2 (1.1)*
Recession depth (mm)
Group A S 0.3 (0.8) 0.3 (0.7) 0.0 (0.2)
Group Bb" 0.6 (0.8) 1.0 (1.3) -0.4 (0.8)
Bleeding on probing (%)
Group A" 75 17*
Group Bb 50 0*

~Sites treated with poloxamer-based gel.

bSites treated with monoglyceride-based gel.
*Statistically significant difference from corresponding baseline (P<0.05, Wilcoxon signed rank test).

In the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, period of observation, BoP was reduced to 17%
toxic effects of subgingival bacteria and destruc- and 0%. The reductions in BoP were statisti-
tive effects of the host inflammatory response cally significant within both treatments (see
lead to the loss of connective attachment from Table 5). However, the difference in change of
the root surface and to the apical migration of BoP sites during the observation interval was
the junctional epithelium, thus resulting in the not significant between treatments.
formation of a periodontal pocket. Recently, a biodegradable gel (Elyzol® Dental
Lack of attachment is demonstrated by inser- Gel, Dumex, Copenhagen, Denmark), based on
tion of a periodontal probe and changes in the a mixture of glycerilmono-oleate and triglyce-
attachment level and pocket depth were moni- ride (sesame oil), has been developed to locally
tored to assess disease progression. deliver metronidazole 25% (w/w). Previous stud-
Pocket depth reduction and clinical attach- ies have evaluated this gel formulation in the
ment gain, in association with clearance of sub- treatment of adult periodontitis. Pedrazzoli et
gingival infection, are considered a priority in al. (1992) showed that the topical application
the treatment of periodontal disease, in order of metronidazole 25% gel was effective in re-
to slow down or arrest the progression and to ducing PD and BoP in pockets 5 mm or more
prevent the recurrence of disease. deep. At the end of the follow-up period, the
Bleeding on probing is a clinical parameter mean PD reduction from baseline was 1.14 mm
generally used to facilitate diagnosis of peri- and the percentages of sites bleeding on prob-
odontal disease progression. Previous studies ing were reduced from 35 to 19%. In a multi-
have revealed that the absence of BoP repre- centre study (Ainamo et al., 1992), subgingival
sents a clinical sign of rather high negative pre- application of metronidazole 25% gel in peri-
dictive value, i.e. non-bleeding periodontal sites odontal pockets with PD of 5 mm or more re-
may indicate periodontal stability (Lang et al., sulted in significant improvement of clinical
1990). In our study, BoP frequencies before parameters. Mean PD reduction was 1.3 mm
treatment were 75% and 50% for group A and and the number of bleeding sites was reduced
group B, respectively. At the end of the 4-week from 88 to 56%.
22 E. Esposito et al. / International Journal o f Pharmaceutics 142 (1996) 9 - 2 3

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In the above mentioned studies, however, no me- ties of Pluronic F127. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 35 (1983)
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Norling, T., Lading, P., Engstrom, S., Larsson, K., Krog,
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