Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ
Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ
Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ
Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, Page 87 – Knight Gallant, Profile line
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule Change the Attacks characteristic to ‘5’
isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect
amendments to the rules and present our responses to Page 87 – Knight Gallant, Damage table
players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated Change the first value under ‘WS’ to ‘2+’.
regularly, each has a version number; when changes Change the second value under ‘WS’ to ‘3+’.
are made, the version number will be updated, and any Change the third value under ‘WS’ to ‘4+’.
changes from the previous version will be highlighted
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, Page 88 – Knight Crusader, Power Rating
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in Change to ‘25’
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other
minor correction. Page 95 – Graia: Refusal to Yield
Change the first sentence of rules text to read:
ERRATA ‘Roll a D6 each time a model with this dogma is slain
Page 83 – Onager Dunecrawler, Damage table or flees – on a 6 that model refuses to yield; either that
Change the first value under ‘Remaining W’ to ‘6-11+’. model is not slain (and has 1 wound remaining), or that
model does not flee.’
Pages 84-88 – Knight Errant, Knight Paladin, Knight
Warden, Knight Gallant and Knight Crusader, Abilities, Page 96 – Scryerskull
Super-heavy Walker Change the last clause of the last sentence to read:
Change to read: ‘or, in your Shooting phase, shoot with an Adeptus
‘Super-heavy Walker: This model can Fall Back in the Mechanicus unit from your army without the penalties
Movement phase and still shoot and/or charge in the to your hit rolls from the Dawn Raid, Low Visibility or
same turn. When this model Falls Back, it can move over Cover of Darkness rules.’
enemy Infantry and Swarm models, though it must
end its move more than 1" from any enemy units. In Page 97 – Acquisition at Any Cost
addition, this model can move and fire Heavy weapons Add the following sentence to the end of this Stratagem:
without suffering the penalty to its hit rolls. Finally, this ‘This Stratagem can only be used once per turn.’
model only gains a bonus to its save for being in cover if
at least half of the model is obscured from the firer.’ Page 98 – Rotate Ion Shields
Change the Command Point cost to ‘1CP/3CP’
Pages 84-88 – Knight Errant, Knight Paladin, Knight
Warden, Knight Gallant and Knight Crusader, Keywords Change the rules text to read:
Add ‘Imperial Knights’ to the Faction keywords line. ‘Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit targets an
Add ‘Questoris Class’ to the keywords line. Imperial Knights Vehicle unit from your army that
has an invulnerable save (this Stratagem costs 3 CPs if
Pages 84-87 and 91 – Reaper chainsword the targeted unit is a Dominus Class unit, otherwise
Change the Strength characteristic of this weapon it costs 1 CP). Until the end of the phase, the vehicle
to ‘+6’. unit’s invulnerable save is improved by 1 (to a maximum
of 4+).’
Page 84 – Knight Errant, Power Rating
Change to ‘22’ Page 98 – Clandestine Infiltration
Change this Stratagem to read:
Pages 85-86 – Knight Paladin and Knight Warden, ‘Use this Stratagem when you set up a Stygies VIII unit
Power Rating from your army during deployment. At the start of the
Change to ‘23’ first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can
move that unit up to 9". It cannot end this move within
Page 87 – Knight Gallant, Power Rating 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that
Change to ‘20’ can move before the first turn begins, the player who is
taking the first turn moves their units first. Each unit can
only be selected for this Stratagem once per battle.’
Page 102 – Units Q: How do the Gloria Mechanicus Stratagem and Glory to the
Amend this table as follows: Omnissiah dogma interact – which Canticle can you change
MODELS POINTS PER MODEL with this Stratagem?
UNIT A: Choose one Canticle to change.
PER UNIT (Does not include wargear)
Knight Crusader 1 285
Knight Errant 1 285 Q: When using the Binharic Override Stratagem, when do the
Knight Gallant 1 285 new Battle Protocols you choose come into effect?
Knight Paladin 1 285 A: Immediately.
Knight Warden 1 285
Q: When using the Cognis Overwatch Stratagem, do I apply
Page 102 – Ranged weapons any relevant modifiers to the firing model’s Ballistic Skill?
Amend this table as follows: A: Yes, as long as the weapon is a cognis weapon. Note
WEAPON POINTS PER WEAPON that modifiers to hit rolls do not apply.
Avenger gatling cannon 75
Q: When using the Monitor Malevolus Warlord Trait, can
you re-roll a dice that determines how many mortal wounds
FAQs are inflicted on an enemy unit (i.e. is this classed as a
Q: Can the Clandestine Infiltration Stratagem be used when you damage roll?)
set up a Stygies VIII Transport that has any embarked units? A: No, such a roll is not classed as a damage roll.
A: Yes.
Q: Does the Static Psalm-code Warlord Trait affect the range of
Q: If a 6 is rolled for the invulnerable save granted by a the Master of Machines ability?
Kastelan Robot’s Repulsor Grid ability for an attack made A: No.
by a unit embarked upon a Transport with an ability such as
Open-topped or Extended Firing Deck, which unit is the mortal Q: How does the Rage of the Machines Stratagem work with a
wound allocated to, the embarked unit or the Transport? Vehicle unit that consists of more than one model?
A: The embarked unit that is making the attack suffers A: One Vehicle model from that unit would gain the
the mortal wound. benefit of that Stratagem.
Q: Do I need to spend reinforcement points to return units when Q: If a Questor Mechanicus unit from your army is
using the Fresh Converts Stratagem? selected as the target of the Knight of the Cog Stratagem, must
A: No. every unit in that Questor Mechanicus unit’s Detachment
also have the Canticles of the Omnissiah ability in order for that
Q: If you have a Detachment which receives the Mars forge Questor Mechanicus unit to benefit from it?
world dogma, and another Detachment which receives a A: No.
different forge world dogma, what happens when rolling for
Canticles of the Omnissiah? With Mars’ dogma you roll two dice Q: At what point does the invulnerable save of Fulgurite
when determining Canticles and units with that dogma benefit Electro-Priests get increased as a result of the Siphoned
from both results, but what happens for the other Detachment? Vigour ability?
A: In such cases you would roll dice separately for the A: When the last model of the enemy unit is slain and
Canticles, rather than rolling for both together. The first removed from the battlefield.
Canticle rolled for would apply to all of your units with
the Canticles of the Omnissiah ability, while the second Q: Can a Graia model that has the Refusal to Yield ability
would apply only to those units in Mars Detachments. also make use of rules that allow them to ignore lost wounds,
such as Fanatical Devotion?
Q: When is the Litany of the Electromancer Canticle resolved? A: No.
A: Immediately – i.e. at the start of the battle round
when the Canticle is chosen/rolled for.