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Laurel Vs Abrogar Resolution On MR

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Laurel vs.

Abrogar (Resolution on MR) (2009)

Summary Cases:

Laurel vs. Abrogar [RESOLUTION ON MR]

Subject: Any personal property, tangible or intangible, corporeal or incorporeal, capable of appropriation
can be the object of theft; The term 'personal property' in the Revised Penal Code should be interpreted
in the context of the Civil Code; Taking, for purposes of theft, does not require asportation or carrying
away, as long as the owner is unlawfully deprived of possession over the thing; Forces of nature (like
electricity) can be appropriated, hence, can be the object of theft; The ISR operations constitute acts of
subtraction penalized under Art 308, RPC; A business may be appropriated, hence, could be object of
theft; The ISR operations constituted theft of PLDT's business and service, not a theft of the long
distance calls which PLDT did not own in the first place; Amendment of the Information directed to reflect
that the property subject of the theft are the services and business of PLDT ( and not the "international
long distance calls")


Petitioner Luis Marcos Laurel, being one of the board members and corporate secretary of Baynet Co.,
Ltd. (Baynet), is one of the accused in a criminal case filed by PLDT.

The Amended Information charged the accused with theft under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code
(RPC), in particular, by steal[ing] and us[ing] the international long distance calls belonging to PLDT by
conducting International Simple Resale (ISR), which is a method of routing and completing international
long distance calls using lines, cables, antenae, and/or air wave frequency which connect directly to the
local or domestic exchange facilities of the country where the call is destined, effectively stealing this
business from PLDT.

Petitioner Laurel filed a Motion to Quash on the ground that the factual allegations in the Amended
Information do not constitute the felony of theft. The trial court denied the Motion to Quash as well as the
subsequent Motion for Reconsideration. A certiorari petition to the Court of Appeals proved futile.

On petition with the Supreme Court (SC), the latter held that the Amended Information does not contain
material allegations charging petitioner with theft of personal property since international long distance
calls and the business of providing telecommunication or telephone services are not personal properties
under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code.

PLDT thus filed the present Motion for Reconsideration with Motion to Refer the Case to the Supreme
Court En Banc.

PLDT argues that all 'personal properties' as understood in the context of the Civil Code, may be the
subject of theft under Article 308, RPC. PLDT alleges that the international calls and business of
providing telecommunication or telephone service are personal properties capable of appropriation and
can be objects of theft. Also, the "international phone calls" which are "electric currents or sets of electric
impulses transmitted through a medium, and carry a pattern representing the human voice to a receiver,"
are personal properties since Article 416(3) of the Civil Code deems "forces of nature" (which includes
electricity) which are brought under the control by science, as personal property.

PLDT also argues that 'taking' in relation to theft under the RPC does not require 'asportation,' the sole
requisite being that the object should be capable of 'appropriation.'

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Any personal property, tangible or intangible, corporeal or incorporeal, capable of appropriation

can be the object of theft

1. Prior to the passage of the Revised Penal Code on December 8, 1930, the definition of the term
"personal property" in the penal code provision on theft had been established in Philippine jurisprudence.
This Court, in United States v. Genato, United States v. Carlos, and United States v. Tambunting,
consistently ruled that any personal property, tangible or intangible, corporeal or incorporeal, capable of
appropriation can be the object of theft.

The term "personal property" in the Revised Penal Code should be interpreted in the context of
the Civil Code

2. Moreover, since the passage of the Revised Penal Code on December 8, 1930, the term "personal
property" has had a generally accepted definition in civil law. In Article 335 of the Civil Code of Spain,
"personal property" is defined as "anything susceptible of appropriation and not included in the foregoing
chapter (not real property)." Thus, the term "personal property" in the Revised Penal Code should be
interpreted in the context of the Civil Code provisions in accordance with the rule on statutory
construction that where words have been long used in a technical sense and have been judicially
construed to have a certain meaning, and have been adopted by the legislature as having a certain
meaning prior to a particular statute, in which they are used, the words used in such statute should be
construed according to the sense in which they have been previously used. In fact, this Court used the
Civil Code definition of 'personal property' in interpreting the theft provision of the penal code in United
States v. Carlos.

3. Cognizant of the definition given by jurisprudence and the Civil Code of Spain to the term "personal
property" at the time the old Penal Code was being revised, still the legislature did not limit or qualify the
definition of "personal property" in the Revised Penal Code. Neither did it provide a restrictive definition
or an exclusive enumeration of "personal property" in the Revised Penal Code, thereby showing its intent
to retain for the term an extensive and unqualified interpretation. Consequently, any property which is not
included in the enumeration of real properties under the Civil Code and capable of appropriation can be
the subject of theft under the Revised Penal Code.

Taking, for purposes of theft, does not require asportation or carrying away, as long as the owner
is unlawfully deprived of possession over the thing

4. The only requirement for a personal property to be the object of theft under the penal code is that it be
capable of appropriation. It need not be capable of "asportation," which is defined as "carrying away."

5. Jurisprudence is settled that to "take" under the theft provision of the penal code does not require
asportation or carrying away.

6. To appropriate means to deprive the lawful owner of the thing. The word "take" in the Revised Penal
Code includes any act intended to transfer possession which may be committed through the use of the
offenders' own hands, as well as any mechanical device, such as an access device or card as in the
instant case. This includes controlling the destination of the property stolen to deprive the owner of the
property, such as the use of a meter tampering, as held in Natividad v. Court of Appeals, use of a device
to fraudulently obtain gas, as held in United States v. Tambunting, and the use of a jumper to divert
electricity, as held in the cases of United States v. Genato, United States v. Carlos, and United States v.
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Forces of nature (like electricity) can be appropriated, hence, can be the object of theft

7. Appropriation of forces of nature which are brought under control by science such as electrical energy
can be achieved by tampering with any apparatus used for generating or measuring such forces of
nature, wrongfully redirecting such forces of nature from such apparatus, or using any device to
fraudulently obtain such forces of nature.

8. In the instant case, petitioner was charged with engaging in International Simple Resale (ISR) or the
unauthorized routing and completing of international long distance calls using lines, cables, antennae,
and/or air wave frequency and connecting these calls directly to the local or domestic exchange facilities
of the country where destined. As early as 1910, the Court declared in Genato that ownership over
electricity (which an international long distance call consists of), as well as telephone service, is
protected by the provisions on theft of the Penal Code.

9. In the assailed Decision, it was conceded that in making the international phone calls, the human
voice is converted into electrical impulses or electric current which are transmitted to the party called. A
telephone call, therefore, is electrical energy. Intangible property such as electrical energy is capable of
appropriation because it may be taken and carried away. Electricity is personal property under Article
416 (3) of the Civil Code, which enumerates "forces of nature which are brought under control by

The ISR operations constitute acts of subtraction penalized under Art 308, RPC

10. The acts of "subtraction" include: (a) tampering with any wire, meter, or other apparatus installed or
used for generating, containing, conducting, or measuring electricity, telegraph or telephone service; (b)
tapping or otherwise wrongfully deflecting or taking any electric current from such wire, meter, or other
apparatus; and (c) using or enjoying the benefits of any device by means of which one may fraudulently
obtain any current of electricity or any telegraph or telephone service.

11. In the instant case, the act of conducting ISR operations by illegally connecting various equipment or
apparatus to private respondent PLDT's telephone system, through which petitioner is able to resell or
re-route international long distance calls using respondent PLDT's facilities constitutes all three acts of
subtraction mentioned above.

A business may be appropriated, hence, could be object of theft

12. The business of providing telecommunication or telephone service is personal property which can be
the object of theft under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code. Business may be appropriated under
Section 2 of Act No. 3952 (Bulk Sales Law), hence, could be object of theft.

13. Interest in business was declared to be personal property since it is capable of appropriation and not
included in the enumeration of real properties. Article 414 of the Civil Code provides that all things which
are or may be the object of appropriation are considered either real property or personal property.
Business is likewise not enumerated as personal property under the Civil Code. Just like interest in
business, however, it may be appropriated. Following the ruling in Strochecker v. Ramirez, business
should also be classified as personal property. Since it is not included in the exclusive enumeration of
real properties under Article 415, it is therefore personal property.

The ISR operations constituted theft of PLDT's business and service, not a theft of the long
distance calls which PLDT did not own in the first place

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14. Petitioner's acts constitute theft of PLDT's business and service, committed by means of the unlawful
use of the latter's facilities. In this regard, the Amended Information inaccurately describes the offense by
making it appear that what petitioner took were the international long distance telephone calls, rather
than respondent PLDT's business.

15. While it may be conceded that "international long distance calls," the matter alleged to be stolen in
the instant case, take the form of electrical energy, it cannot be said that such international long distance
calls were personal properties belonging to PLDT since the latter could not have acquired ownership
over such calls. PLDT merely encodes, augments, enhances, decodes and transmits said calls using its
complex communications infrastructure and facilities. PLDT not being the owner of said telephone calls,
then it could not validly claim that such telephone calls were taken without its consent. It is the use of
these communications facilities without the consent of PLDT that constitutes the crime of theft, which is
the unlawful taking of the telephone services and business.

Amendment of the Information directed to reflect that the property subject of the theft are the
services and business of PLDT ( and not the "international long distance calls")

16. The business of providing telecommunication and the telephone service are personal property under
Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code, and the act of engaging in ISR is an act of "subtraction"
penalized under said article. However, the Amended Information describes the thing taken as,
"international long distance calls," and only later mentions "stealing the business from PLDT" as the
manner by which the gain was derived by the accused. In order to correct this inaccuracy of description,
this case must be remanded to the trial court and the prosecution directed to amend the Amended
Information, to clearly state that the property subject of the theft are the services and business of PLDT.

17. Parenthetically, this amendment is not necessitated by a mistake in charging the proper offense,
which would have called for the dismissal of the information under Rule 110, Section 14 and Rule 119,
Section 19 of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure. To be sure, the crime is properly designated as
one of theft. The purpose of the amendment is simply to ensure that the accused is fully and sufficiently
apprised of the nature and cause of the charge against him, and thus guaranteed of his rights under the

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