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3 City Cards

These cards are special railway stations (not used in 5-player games).
On these cards, you will find the following information:
Trick Lane Action A reminder of what
A trick-taking, stock-holding, track-laying card game for 35 railroad investors! action the winning player will take when this
Trick of the Rails, set in the golden age of American railways, combines card is leftmost in the Trick Lane.
18XX-like portfolio management with a trick-taking card game. The game
alternates between rounds of collecting stock certificates to boost your City Name The name of the city that the
portfolio and laying rail network to manipulate company value. The investor station is in.
who can outplay their opponents to have the most valuable shares in the end
will become king of the railways! Station Value Represents the value of
the railway station: 20, 30, or 40.
50 Railway Cards
These cards represent either a portion of a companys railway (if added 3 Reservation Cards
to the center) or a share in that company (if added to a players area). These cards are placeholders in the Trick Lane
On these cards you will find the following information: that will be swapped out during the game for
Exchange cards or Railway cards.
Number Indicates the strength of the card
(from 1 to 10) when played in a trick. They are added to the Trick Lane during setup,
but will be removed from the game once they are
Company B&O, C&O, ERIE, NYC, or PRR. swapped out.

Station Value Represents the value of Reservation cards are not used in 5-player games.
the railway station: 10, 20, 30, or 40.

5 Station Cards
1. Line up the 5 Station cards in a vertical column on the table.
There is a Station card for each company, and
they are indicated by a station icon. 2. Shuffle all 50 Railway cards in a face-down deck and deal a number of
cards to each player:
3 players 15 cards
4 players: 11 cards
Station cards begin the game in play to denote 5 players: 9 cards
the beginning of each companys railway.
3. Draw each of the remaining Railway cards, 1 at a time, and add each
to the right of the corresponding companys Station card. The
horizontal rows thus formed represent each companys railway.
5 Exchange Cards

These cards are used for exchanging EXAMPLE SETUP FOR 5-PLAYER GAME
shares in the Trick Lane. There is 1
Exchange card for each company,
and they are indicated by an

exchange icon.
Trick Lane Action A reminder of what action
the winning player will take when this card is
leftmost in the Trick Lane.

5 Locomotive Cards AND ADDED
These cards represent locomotives that companies can own. STATION CARDS
On these cards you will find the following information:
Travel Distance The number of consecutive
cards in a railway that will count as profit at game
end. This can be 3, 4, 5, 6 or the symbol
(to indicate unlimited distance). 4. Create the Trick Lane with a face-up row of randomized Exchange
Trick Lane Action A reminder of what action cards [E], randomized City cards [C], Locomotive cards [#], and
the winning player will take when this card is Reservation cards [R], as shown below.
leftmost in the Trick Lane.
(With 4 players, only use 1 City card and 1 Reservation card. With 5
Cost The amount deducted from a companys players, the City cards and Reservation cards are not used at all.
profits at game end. Return unused cards to the box.)

End of the Game
The game ends after the final trick has been played. Then, before a winner
is declared, the value of each companys shares must be determined.
[E] [C] [E] [C] [E] [C] [E] [3] [E] [ 4] [R] [ 5] [R] [6/] [R]
Calculate the profit for each company:
If the number of cards in that companysrailway is equal to or
less than the locomotivestraveldistance, then the companys profit
[E] [C] [E] [ 3] [E] [ 4] [E] [5] [E] [6/] [R] is the sum of the station values of all cards in the railway.

FOR 5 PLAYERS If the number ofcards in that companys railway is greater than
the locomotives travel distance, then the companys profit is
the sum of the station values of a number of consecutive cards in
[E] [3] [E] [4] [E] [ 5] [E] [6/] [E]
the railway equal to the locomotives travel distance. Use the most
valuable consecutive section of the railway.

5. The player who most recently rode on a steam engine becomes the first Each companys share value is the companys profit minus the
lead player. costof the companys locomotive. (Note: The company with the
locomotive must still pay its cost.) If the result is negative, the
Gameplay share value is zero.

Trick of the Rails is played over a series of rounds or tricks until players Each share that a player has is worth as much as that companys
have played all cards from their hands. Follow these steps for each trick: share value.

1. The lead player plays any card from their hand to the middle of the The player with the highest total value in share holdings is declared the
table. This card is called the lead. winner. In the case of a tie, the tied players share the victory.

2. In clockwise order, each other player must play a card from their
hand. If they have a card of the same company as the lead, they must EXAMPLE SCORING FOR A COMPANY
follow suit. If a player has no cards of the same company as the lead, A.
they may play any other card.

3. Whoever played the highest numbered card of the same company as

the lead wins the trick. C.

4. Then players will either gain company shares or lay track to railways. B.
Which action the players will take is decided by the leftmost card in the A. B&O has 5 cards in its railway, which is greater
Trick Lane. than its locomotives travel distance of 4.
D. B. Therefore, B&Os profit is the sum of station values in
If its an Exchange card or a Railway card... the most valuable consecutive section of 4 cards in its
The winner takes that card from the Trick Lane andadds it face railway. (10 + 40 + 30 + 40 = 120)
up in front of them as a company share (i.e., oriented so the share C. B&Os share value equals its profit minus locomotive
icon is at the top right). Then, if there are anyReservation cards cost. (120 profit - 50 locomotive cost = 70)
left in the Trick Lane, the card the winnerplayed is exchanged with D. Each B&O share that a player has is worth the
companys share value. (70 share value x 2 shares = 140 for
the leftmost Reservation card, which is removed from the game. If Player 1s B&O shares)
there are noReservation cards left in the Trick Lane, the card the
winner played is removed from the game instead. The cards the
other players played to this trick are added face up in front of the
respective players as company shares. Expert Variant
When you create the Trick Lane during setup, shuffle the City cards and
If its a City card... Locomotive cards together and distribute them randomly. Recommended
The winner adds the City card to either end of any companys for experienced players.
railway. Then, each player (starting from the winner ofthe trick
and going clockwise) adds their played card to either end of Team Variant
therailway corresponding to their cards company. In a 4-player game, players can play as partners in teams of 2. No
information may be conveyed between partners by words, gestures,
If its a Locomotive card... expressions, or any means other than the play of the game. At the
The winner places the Locomotive card to the left of the railway of end of the game, partners add their share holdings together to
any company that does not already have a locomotive. Then, each determine which team wins.
player (starting from the winner ofthe trick and going clockwise)
adds their played card to either end of therailway corresponding to Acknowledgements
their cards company. Simon Lundstrm, Nobuaki Takerube, Hisashi Hayashi, Todd Sanders,
Ian OToole, Reunion Game Group, Jon Meitling, Alex Alban, Dustin
5. The winner becomes the new lead player for the next trick. Schwartz, Eric Brosius, and all our fans and supporters who made this
game possible.
As a reminder of the Trick Lane action, there is an icon at the top
right of each card: 2016 Terra Nova Games. All rights reserved.
= players will gain company shares 2011 OKAZU Brand. All rights reserved.
= players will lay track to company railways

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