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Game Components: A Game by David V.H. Peters For 3 - 6 Players

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A game by David V.H.

Peters for 3 6 players

The wide open plains of Kansas were the stage for

Wild West drama, home of famous cities like Dodge
City. Hardy settlers flooded into Kansas before, during
and after the American Civil War (1861-1865). The
railroads were soon to follow, carrying cattle, wheat
and other foodstuffs to the hungry East. Some railroads
continued on to the Rockies and even the distant Pacific
Your goal as an Investor or Railroad President is to make money! This is the American West. Labor is scarce
on the frontier and the more track a railroad lays, the more expensive it becomes. This is just one of the many
decisions you must make as you Go West!
Kansas Pacific is the third game in the Iron Horse Collection.

Game components
1 Game Board 192 locomotives
27 for each of the 6 railroads and 10 for each of the 3
Land Grants

The game board includes the gameplay area (hexagons), the area for
stocks of the six railroad companies (the railroadss treasury), the Note: The locomotives represent track on the game board.
build track chart, the income per hex chart, the latest dividends paid
track, and the railroad income track.
3 Gone West cards

36 Railroad Shares

6 for each railroad: 1 presidents share and 5 standard
Play Money
Taler with value of $1, $5, $25 and $100

1 Rules Booklet

Object of the game

The object of Kansas Pacific is simple: each player tries to make as much money as possible as an investor or rail-
road president in the American West.
Go West!

Lay out the game board. Give each player play money. and one locomotive on the income track at the current
3 players: $40 each income level for that railroad:
4 players: $30 each $2 for the Rock Island
5 players: $24 each $2 for the M-K-T
6 players: $20 each $2 for the Frisco
The rest of the money is sorted by value and put aside. $3 for the Santa Fe
It forms the bank. $3 for the Kansas Pacific
Next, place each railroads shares in that railroads $3 for the Missouri Pacific Railway
treasury area (presidents share on top). Place one loco-
The rest of the locomotives are put in their respective
motive on the corresponding railroads starting hexagon
railroad treasuries. Place the Land Grant locomotives
(in color and with the railroads initials), one locomoti-
next to the gameboard.
ve of each railroad near the latest dividends paid track


Build Track Income Changes

Dividends payed track

Income Track

Land Grant-Line

Locomotives for
Land Grants
Start Locations

Presidents share
Railroads Treasury Area

Preparing to play
Before the actual start of the game, the railroad Bidding for the other railroads continues in the same
presidents for all six railroads are determined. way in this order:
Randomly a first bidder is chosen. This player begins S
 anta Fe: The first bid is offered by the president of
the bidding for the presidents share of the Rock Island. the Rock Island.

Note: A bid of $0 is allowed!  ansas Pacific: The first bid is offered by the
president of the Santa Fe.
Bidding proceeds clockwise around the table and may
continue over several bidding rounds. If a player drops Missouri, Kansas, Texas Railroad (M-K-T):
out of the bidding he may not reenter the bidding. The first bid is offered by the president of the
Kansas Pacific.
Once a player has won the bid he must put the bid
money at the Rock Island treasury and take the  issouri Pacific Railway: The first bid is offered by
presidents share of the Rock Island. the president of the M-K-T.
Frisco: The first bid is offered by the president of the
Missouri Pacific Railway.

Note: If no one bids for a railway, the offering player gets the share for free and no money is put into the railroads

Playing the game

Kansas Pacific is played in turns. The railroads take turns in the following sequence until the end of the game.

1. Rock Island
2. Santa Fe
3. Kansas Pacific
4. M-K-T
5. Missouri Pacific Railway
6. Frisco
After all railroads have taken their turn, the Wall Street phase is performed. After that, the railroads resume taking

Possible railroad actions

The president of the railroad takes the following actions
Issue Share
in this order:
The president of a railroad may choose to issue a share
Issue Share of the railroad. Bidding starts with the president and
Determine President continues clockwise. A starting bid of $0 is allowed!

Land Grant Bidding may continue over several bidding rounds. If a

player drops out of the bidding he may not reenter it.
Build Track
Place the bid money in the railroads treasury and give
Go West the bidder a share of stock.
Pay Dividends
Check for End of Game

Determine President Build Track
The player with the most shares in the railroad is presi- The president may have the railroad build track. Up to
dent of that railroad. 8 track may be built. For each piece of track, place one
If the number of shares is tied, the existing president locomotive into a hexagon.
remains the president. The costs depend on the length of built track:
If another player has become the new president, they 1 track built - $1
exchange one of their common shares with the player
who held the presidents share. The new president of the 2 tracks built - $3
railroad completes the rest of that railroads turn. 3 tracks built - $6
4 tracks built - $9
Land Grant
5 tracks built - $13
If the railroad has passed the land grant line, the presi-
6 tracks built - $18
dent of the railroad may exercise the land grant option
and purchase 10 additional locomotives for $30. 7 tracks built - $26
8 tracks built - $39
The $30 must come from the
The track building costs must be paid from the
railroads treasury or the
railroads treasury.
presidents personal cash or a
combination of the two. In order to build track, a locomotive from the treasury
of the railroad is placed on the appropriate hexagon.

Land Grant-Line Note: The track costs are also shown on the game

No railroad may exercise the land grant option more

than once. In addition, in total only three railroads can Example: The Santa Fe builds 7 track this turn. It has to pay $26
from its treasury to the bank.
do so!

Track Limitations
If purchased, put the 10 land grant locomotives in the
railroads treasury. The railroad may build track using Only 2 different locomotives may occupy a hexagon.
these locomotives in addition to any remaining original
A railroad may not have two locomotives in the same
Each railroad may occupy only l hexagon of the 2
hexagon Topeka Metropolis.
Each railroad may occupy only l hexagon of the 3
hexagon Wichita Metropolis.
Example #1: The Rock Island has built track to the town of
Norton and no further west. It is not able to purchase the land Track must be contiguous. Branching is possible,
grant locomotives.
however, discrete disconnected track is not allowed.

Example #2: The Rock Island has built track to the hexagon
west (to the left) of the town of Norton. It is able to purchase the
land grant locomotives.

Income Changes Go West
Entering towns and cities may increase the railroads The president of a railroad with track on any of the
income. An income per hexagon chart is on the game westernmost hexagons of the game board may choose
board. to have that railroad Go West. If he decides to do so:
When a railroad builds track into an Urban hexagon, Add $20 to the railroads income.
the railroad gains income from the city. Most cities in-
Remove any unsold shares, locomotives and money
crease the railroads income by 1 Taler. Some cities add
from the railroads treasury.
more than 1 Taler to the railroads income; the exact
figure is printed in red in the hexagon. The additional Place a Gone West card on the railroads treasury.
income received is immediately added to the railroads
During the railroads future turns, the only action per-
income on the Railroad Income track.
formed is Pay Dividends.
In addition, any additional income immediately changes
the Income of players owning shares of that railroad.
This is marked on the Player Income Track. Note: A railroad that has Gone West has no locomoti-
ves for the purposes of the end of the game conditions,
The income changes are:
see below.
Open - $0
Small town - $1 (1 railroad in the hexagon) or Pay Dividends
$0 (2 railroads in the hexagon) The railroad must now pay its shareholders dividends.
Large town - $2 (1 railroad in the hexagon) or To do so, divide the railroads income by the number of
$1 (2 railroads in the hexagon) sold shares (round up when necessary). This is the divi-
Small city- $2 dend paid per share to each shareholder from the bank.

Large city - $3 Record the dividend paid on the latest dividend paid
Metropolis - $6 for Topeka or $9 for Wichita
In some cases, entering a town may decrease
another railroads income.
Small towns provide an income of $1 if only
one railroad is in the hex. If two railroads are in the
hex, $0 income is provided.
Check for End of Game
Large towns provide an income of $2 if only one
railroad is in the hex. If two railroads are in the hex, $1
income is provided. five railroads have no locomotives in their treasury
four railroads are across the land grant line
three railroads have Gone West
8 Wall Streets have happened,
the game is over.

In that case each player counts his personal money.

The player with the most money wins.
Ties are possible.

Immediately, record any increases or decreases on the

income track. Note: Kansas Pacific may end at the conclusion of any
individual railroads turn!

Wall Street
After the conclusion of all railroad turns, this phase is If two or more shares have the highest most recent di-
conducted if the end of the game conditions have not vidend paid, the tie-breaker is the reverse of the normal
been fulfilled yet. railroad turn order, as below:
One share of railroad stock will be sold now. 1. Frisco
Only those railroads with available unsold stock in their 2. Missouri Pacific Railway
treasury area are considered by Wall Street.
3. M-K-T
Railroads with no available stock (either they have Gone
4. Kansas Pacific
West or they have sold all their shares) are not consi-
dered in the Wall Street phase. 5. Santa Fe
One share of the available railroad stock with the high- 6. Rock Island
est latest dividends paid (as shown on the latest dividend
paid track) is auctioned on the open market (see below).

Example: If the Missouri Pacific Railway and M-K-T both have the
highest most recent dividend paid, a share of the Missouri Pacific
Railway is auctioned off during the Wall Street phase.

Bidding begins with the president of the railroad and If no one buys the railroad stock the, president of that
proceeds clockwise around the table. A bid of $0 is railroad gets it for free.
allowed. If a player drops out of the bidding he may not
reenter it. As always, the winning bid money is put in
Note: The presidency of the railroad whose share was
the railroads treasury.
auctioned might have changed. This is checked now
and, if necessary, the presidents share is exchanged.

Example: John has a share of the Santa Fe and is the president. Example: Vince is now the president of the Santa Fe. He gives John
Vince has a share of the Santa Fe, too. Vince purchases another one of his shares and gets Johns presidents share in return.
Santa Fe share during the Wall Street phase.

More Information regarding the Iron Horse Collection can be found here:

Copyright 2014 Queen Games, D-53842 Troisdorf, Germany. All rights reserved / Copyright John Bohrer 2009

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