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Outpost English Rule Book

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James Hlavaty

20th Anniversary Edition

Each player commands a colony on a distant planet. Players build and expand their rival colonies by purchasing factories, operating them with human colonists or robots to produce resources, and using these resources to purchase upgrades to make their colonies more efficient and successful. Victory Points (VPs) are accumulated by these purchases. The game ends when at least one player has accumulated 75 or more VPs. The player with the most VPs wins and is chosen to manage the overall development of the planet.

A note regArding this 20th AnniversAry deluxe edition of outpost by stronghold gAmes:
This printing of Outpost uses the former Expert Rules (version 1.32) as the base rules set. This provides important fixes that Stronghold Games and long-time fans of the game believe will enhance your play experience. This Stronghold Games edition also includes the Outpost Kicker Expansion as a new option for players to explore. Created by game designer Tom Lehmann, who previously worked with Outposts designer, James Hlavaty, to develop the Expert Rules, this expansion adds some additional Colony Upgrade cards with new powers to the game. Enjoy!

(30) Special counters Factory These larger counters are obtained by purchasing the corresponding Colony Upgrade cards. The costs listed on these are for reference purposes only (for instance, to make it easy to calculate Player Order See Phase 1 of the Sequence of Play). You do not purchase these directly as you do for the regular Factories.

(1) Rulebook

(9) Player Order cards (3) Dice: one 4-stided, one 10-sided, and one 12-sided Use these to replace purchased Colony Upgrade cards each round during Phase 2 (Replace Purchased Colony Upgrade Cards). (140) Colonist/Robot counters These depict a Colonist on one side and a Robot on the other side and are used to operate factories and special factories. (239) Production cards These represent produced resources and are used to purchase Colonists, Robots, Factories, and Colony Upgrade cards. Numbered 1-9, these mark the player order and are assigned during Phase 1 (Determine Player Order) of each round.

(185) Factory counters These have their cost, along with any requirements to purchase them, on one side and their value in VPs on the other side.

(27) Mega Production cards These can be taken instead of four of the corresponding production cards during Phase 3 (Distribute Production Cards).

(36) Tracking counters These are used on the Player Mats to track VPs, Colony Support Limit, and Hand Limit.

(78) Colony cards

Upgrade (27) Kicker Expansion Colony Upgrade cards These are used only with the Kicker Expansion rules described later in this rulebook.

These represent various technologies and equipment that provide benefits and VPs. They are auctioned and purchased during Phase 5 (Perform Player Turns) of each round.

(9) Player Mats These track a players VPs, Colony Support Limit, and Hand Limit. As a player aid, these also list the sequence of play and information about factory cost, factory VPs (if operated), and average number of credits for each type of production card.

1. If playing without the Kicker Expansion, return the 27 Kicker cards to the game box. Strongly rEcommEndEd: plAy JuSt tHE bASE gAmE until you ArE fAmiliAr witH it. There are 13 different Colony Upgrade card types in the game, numbered 1-13. Use the chart below to determine how many of each upgrade card to use. For example, with five players, play with 3 each of upgrade cards 1-10 and 4 each of upgrade cards 11-13. Return any unused cards to the game box.
number of players
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

cards and may be examined freely, but not shown to other players. To indicate this, each player places one Colonist counter directly below each of his or her Factory counters.
7 Players initial factories are each operated by a Colonist.

on each Player Mat (the Colony Support Limit counter set to 5, the Hand Limit counter set to 10, and the VP counter set to 3 to reflect the VPs for 3 operated factories.)

8 Place the Tracking counters on their respective tracks

number of colony upgrade cards 1-10 to use

1-2* 2 3 3 4 5 5 6

number of colony upgrade cards 11-13 to use

1-2* 2 3 4 4 5 6 6

Place all unused Colonist/Robot counters, Factory counters, and the dice within reach. If there are fewer than 9 players, return the excess Player Order cards to the game box. Then, randomly mix the Player Order cards face down, give one to each player, and flip them face up.
10 Begin play, starting the first round of play with Phase 5, Perform Player Turns.

NOTE: phases 1 through 4 are skipped in the first round because the corresponding activities were performed during setup.

2-plAyer gAme only

Roll a die for each upgrade card type in order, 1-13. If the roll is even, use 2 cards. If the roll is odd, use 1 card. There may be at most 10 upgrade card types with either number, so if there are already 10 types with 2 cards or 10 types with 1 card, all of the remaining types will receive the other number of cards. order, face down, in the center (in one or more rows as convenient). the number of players, by repeatedly rolling the 4-sided die and placing the corresponding upgrade cards (of types 1-4) face up next to the upgrade card piles. Reroll any roll which would yield more upgrade cards of a given type than half the number of players (rounded down). These upgrade cards will be available for auction when play begins.
Example: in a 5-player game, no more than two (1/2 of 5, rounded down) upgrade cards of any given type can be selected to make up the five upgrade cards chosen. With rolls of 2, 2, 1, 4, and 2, the final 2 would be rerolled, say, to a 1, and two Data Libraries (#1), two Warehouses (#2), and one Nodule (#4) would be available for auction when the game begins. 3 Randomly choose a number of upgrade cards equal to 2 Place the 13 piles of Colony Upgrade cards in numeric

3 4 5
gEnErAl SEtup

place them face down within reach.

4 Shuffle each of the nine piles of production cards and 5 Sort the 27 Mega Card production cards by type and 6 Give each player 3 Colonist counters, 2 Ore Factories, 4

place them near their corresponding production piles.

Ore production cards, 1 Water Factory, 2 Water production cards, a Player Mat, and a set of four Tracking counters. Each players production cards form his or her hand of

typicAl SEtup to StArt A 5-plAyEr gAmE

individuAl plAyEr SEtup

sequenCe of plAy
EAcH round HAS tHE following pHASES:

phAse 2 replACe purChAsed Colony upgrAde CArds

If any upgrade cards were purchased in the previous round, add new ones until the total number of upgrade cards available for auction (including any not purchased on the previous game round) equals the number of players. To replace an upgrade card, roll a die corresponding to the current game era:
ErA i (bEginning At tHE StArt of tHE gAmE): Roll the 4-sided die. Only upgrades 1-4 are available. ErA ii (oncE Any plAyEr HAS 10+ vpS or (vEry rArE) A SEcond conSEcutivE round bEginS witH All upgrAdES 1-4 in tHE gAmE HAving AlrEAdy bEEn purcHASEd):

dEtErminE plAyEr ordEr rEplAcE purcHASEd colony upgrAdE cArdS diStributE production cArdS diScArd ExcESS production cArdS pErform plAyEr turnS cHEck for victory

phAse 1 determine plAyer order

Players each total their Victory Points (VPs) for their upgrade cards, operated factories, and special factories. All factories and Orbital Medicine, Ring Ore, and Moon Ore special factories must have an operator to produce resources and count for Victory points. Flip any such factory counters without operators over to their cost (nonVP) sides. Give the Player Order 1 card to the player with the most VPs; the Player Order 2 card to the player with the second most VPs, and so on. In case of ties, give the lower numbered Player Order card to the tied player whose purchased upgrade cards and special factories in their play area have the highest total (printed) cost. If players are still tied, then randomly assign the next player order cards to them. Display Player Order cards face up in front of each player. NOTE: in setup step 10, player order for the first round was determined randomly, as all players had 3 vps from their operated factories and no upgrade cards.

Roll the 10-sided die. Only upgrades 1-10 are available.

ErA iii (oncE Any plAyEr HAS At lEASt tHE numbEr of vpS SHown bElow or (vEry rArE) A SEcond conSEcutivE round bEginS witH All upgrAdES 1-10 in tHE gAmE HAving AlrEAdy bEEn purcHASEd):

Roll the 12-sided die and add 1 to its result.

number of players 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vps needed to begin Era iii 40 35 40 30 35 40 30 35

Place the upgrade card corresponding to the number rolled face up with the other upgrades available for auction, rerolling any roll which would result in more upgrade cards of a given type being selected than half the number of players (rounded down). If no upgrade card that matches the number rolled is left, use the next lower-numbered available card. If none of that type is left, use the next lower-numbered card, and so on. Roll again if there are no lower-numbered cards (or if using the next lower-numbered card would result in more of that type being available for auction than half the number of players, rounded down). If there are not enough upgrades left corresponding to the current game era, or if no more upgrades can be added without exceeding the maximum number of each type, stop when you have placed all the upgrade cards you can legally place. In this case, the number of upgrades available for auction will be less than the number of players.

Example: on round 2 in a 5-player game, two Nodules (#4), one Data Library (#1), and one Heavy Equipment (#3) the last in the game are already available for auction during this phase. One more card is needed to bring the number of upgrades available for auction to five (the number of players). When rolling the 4-sided die (since the game is in Era I) to place this card, a 4 is rolled. The third Nodule cannot be placed, since this would result in more Nodules (three) than half the number of players rounded down (5 divided by 2, rounded down to 2) being available for auction, so the next lowest number, 3, is used. Since no more Heavy Equipment (#3) cards remain, the last Warehouse (#2, the next lowest number) is placed instead. Example, continued: on round 3, all Era I upgrade cards (#s 1-4) remaining in the game are placed and purchased, but no player buys and operates enough factories to reach 10+ VPs. On round 4, since the game is still in Era I (and upgrades are replaced by rolling the 4-sided die), no upgrade cards can be placed to be available for auction. If, again, no player buys and operates sufficient factories to reach 10+ VPs, on round 5 the game will automatically advance to Era II in this phase, replacing the 4-sided die with the 10-sided die when rolling to replace cards, even though no player has reached 10+ VPs. (This situation is very rare, but can arise if A) players buy upgrades very evenly and B) players also choose to save their resource cards, rather than invest in higher VP factories and operators.)

corresponding operated factories) may, instead, elect to draw a corresponding Mega Production card. Mega Production cards provide a higher than average number of credits than four of the corresponding production cards of each type (but lower than the total of some above-average sets of four production cards). If entitled to do so, a player must elect to draw Mega Production cards before examining any other (non-Mega) production cards, of any type, that the player is entitled to draw. A player who has more than one group of four operated factories of an appropriate type may decide separately whether to draw one Mega Production Card or four regular production cards for each such group. Mega Production cards cannot later be exchanged for the corresponding normal production cards (nor is any change made for them when they are spent). A player cannot combine production cards in hand with production cards about to be produced to form Mega Production cards; Mega Production cards can only be produced by groups of four of these types of factories (Water, Titanium, or New Chemicals) and are not available for other production card types. ImpOrTaNT: each mega production card counts as four cards when checking hand limit in phase 4 (discard Excess production cards).
The supply of Factory counters, Production cards, and Mega Production cards is unlimited. If more are needed, create extras on paper. The value of a production card created on paper in this way equals the average value of that card type and such a card does count towards its owners hand limit in Phase 4 (Discard Excess Production Cards).

NOTE: in setup step 4, the upgrade cards initially available for auction were placed in the same manner as above. on round 1, no cards need to be replaced, so this phase is skipped.

phAse 3 distribute produCtion CArds

Each player draws, face down, one corresponding production card for each operated factory and special factory he or she possesses (Scientists and Orbital Lab special factories do not require operators). These production cards form each players hand of cards and may be freely examined but not shown to other players. Factories and special factories (other than Scientists and Orbital Labs) which are not operated do not produce (and do not count as VPs). Flip these factories over to their cost side to signify this. Each Colonist or Robot counter may operate only one factory or special factory each round, although operators may be shifted among factories during Phase 5 (Perform Player Turns). Each production card lists the resources in credits that the factory produced (the average value is listed for each production card type on the Player Mats). Credits may be spent to purchase Factories, Colonists, Robots, or Colony Upgrade cards during Phase 5 (Perform Player Turns). Each production card type should have its own face-up discard pile, which is reshuffled as needed.
mEgA production cArdS

NOTE: in setup step 7, players received production cards to begin the game (and in fact, they received twice what they would have received had their factories produced.) As a result, this phase is skipped in the first round.

phAse 4 disCArd exCess produCtion CArds

Each player starts with a hand limit of 10 production cards (which can be increased by purchasing Warehouse and Outpost upgrades). Players who, after production, have more production cards than their hand limits permit, must each discard down to their respective hand limits, choosing which production cards to discard (face up to their respective discard piles). Research and Microbiotics production cards do not count towards their owners hand limits. Mega Production cards each count as four cards towards their owners hand limits. NOTE: on round 1, no player will be in excess of the hand limit, so this phase is skipped.

Before drawing any production cards, a player who is about to draw four of either Water, Titanium, or New Chemicals production cards (because that player has four of the

phAse 5 perform plAyer turns

Players perform their turns in player order. Each player completes his or her entire player turn before the next player begins (however, note Internalizing below). This phase is the heart of the game. Each player turn may include the following three steps in order, as detailed below (each step is optional):
1. bid on colony upgrAdE cArdS 2. purcHASE fActoriES 3. purcHASE And ASSign coloniStS And/or robotS purcHASES for AuctionS won, fActoriES, coloniStS And robotS

Once all players but one have passed in succession on the upgrade card being auctioned, the winner pays for and takes that card, placing it face up with his or her factories and other upgrade cards. If as the result of the purchase the winner obtained a new Factory or Special Factory requiring an operator, the player may move an operator from another Factory or Special Factory, or an operator not currently being used, to operate the new Factory. Play resumes with the active player, who may then whether or not the active player won the previous auction start an auction on another available Colony Upgrade card. Repeat this process until the active player doesnt wish to or is unable to start any more auctions. NOTE: A single player may put up for auction and/ or purchase any number of upgrade cards during a single round, as long as he or she can afford them. NOTE: even after players have finished but are not internalizing, see below their player turns, they may bid in auctions started by other players, later in the current round. Several cards provide bonus counters when purchased: The Robots upgrade card comes with one free Robot counter. The Laboratory comes with one free Research factory (which must be operated to produce a Research production card). The Outpost comes with one free Titanium factory (which must be operated to produce a Titanium production card). The Scientists and Orbital Lab cards are exchanged for the corresponding special factories which produce Research and Microbiotics production cards, respectively. These special factories do not need to be operated to produce production cards. After taking the special factory, return the corresponding upgrade card to the game box. The Space Station, Planetary Cruiser, and Moon Base cards are exchanged for the corresponding special factories which produce Orbital Medicine, Ring Ore, and Moon Ore production cards, respectively. Each of these special factories must be operated by a Colonist to produce production cards. Each of these special factories increases the players Colony Support Limit by one, as long as the additional Colonist is used to operate the special factory. After taking the special factory, return the corresponding upgrade card to the game box.

All purchases during this phase are paid for by discarding production cards, with no change being given. Enough credits must be spent (discarded) to equal or exceed the cost or amount bid for each item (upgrade, factory, colonist, or robot) purchased. Purchases must be made separately, except for purchases of multiple identical items (either multiple factories of the same type, multiple colonists, or multiple robots). Each upgrade must be bid on and purchased separately. Discard spent production cards face up to their respective discard piles.

step 1 bid on Colony upgrAde CArds

The active player may announce a bid on any available Colony Upgrade card. The initial bid must equal or exceed the printed cost on the card. After the active player announces a bid, the next player clockwise (not in player order) may make a higher bid or pass. The minimum bid increase is 1 credit. Bidding continues, clockwise around the table, until all but one player pass in succession. A player who passes on a given upgrade is allowed to bid on it later (if given an opportunity to do so).

In order to make a bid, a player must be able to pay the amount bid using resource cards he or she has in hand, plus any relevant discounts due to previously purchased upgrade cards (including upgrades purchased earlier in the current round). The Data Library, Heavy Equipment, and Ecoplants upgrades provide discounts for certain Colony Upgrade cards. All discounts are cumulative, even from multiples of a given upgrade card type (except for the discount on Colonists provided by Ecoplants).
Example: In Era II, a Scientists upgrade card is put up for auction. The cost printed on the card is 40. A player has purchased one Data Library upgrade card, which provides a discount of 10 toward Scientists, and holds production cards totaling 37. This player could bid as high as 47 for the Scientists upgrade (37 in production cards plus the discount of 10.) If the player bids 47 and wins the auction, it would only be necessary for the player to pay 37 due to the discount. Outpost is played using the honor system, in which all players agree to make legal bids. Please dont violate this rule. If a bidding mistake is made, redo (or undo) that auction.

step 2 purChAse fACtories

The active player may purchase factories, one at a time except for multiples of the same factory type, paying the costs listed on the factory counters. Some factories require the purchasing player to own a given upgrade in order to purchase them (i.e., Titanium factories require Heavy Equipment and Research factories require a Laboratory). New Chemicals factories each require at least one Research production card as part of the purchase cost. A player purchasing multiple New Chemicals factories may pay for them together, but the number of Research cards spent must at least equal the number of New Chemicals factories purchased.
First Round Rule During the first round (only), if you make no other purchases, you may turn in all six of your production cards to purchase one Water factory, even if their values total less than 20 credits.

Example: A player has a Colony Support Limit of 9, due to owning a Nodule (+3) and a Ring Ore special factory (+1). He has 7 purchased colonists and two Robots upgrades, and thus may operate up to 14 robots. If this player then purchased two more colonists (assigning one colonist to the Ring Ore special factory), then this player could operate up to 18 robots.

During this step, the active player may reassign operators freely among his or her factories, subject to the restriction that robots may not be assigned to Orbital Medicine, Ring Ore, and Moon Ore special factories. All colonists, robots, and factories must be used if possible, but may be used inefficiently if desired. (For example, a player may assign a colonist to a Water factory, leaving a Titanium factory with no operator, reducing his or her VP total, so as not to trigger a new Era.) After reassigning operators, flip over any factories without assigned operators (except for Scientist and Orbital Labs special factories) to their cost (non-VP) sides.

To speed play, a player may declare that he or she is internalizing and does not wish to bid in any more auctions in the current round. The player flips his or her Player Order card face down to indicate this. The player may then perform steps 2 and 3 of his or her player turns while the other players, in player order, continue to auction upgrades and perform their turns. Any player may insist that internalizing players complete their player turns before proceeding with the turns of players who are later in the player order. (For example, he or she may wish to see whether the internalizing player will trigger a new era.) If such a request is made, the internalizing players complete their turns in player order before the later players take their turns.

step 3 purChAse And Assign Colonists And/or robots

The active player purchases and assigns colonists and/or robots to operate his or her factories and special factories. Each factory and special factory (except for Scientist and Orbital Labs special factories) requires an assigned operator (either a colonist or robot) in order to generate a production card during Phase 3 (Distribute Production Cards) and to count for victory points during Phase 6 (Check for Victory) and Phase 1 (Determine Player Order). To assign an operator to a factory, place the operator directly below the factory. To assign an operator to a special factory (one that requires an operator), place the operator on top of the lower portion of the special factory. Colonists cost 10 credits each (5 credits if the active player owns at least one Ecoplants upgrade). Note that the 5-credit discount provided by the Ecoplants upgrade to purchase colonists is not cumulative with other Ecoplants cards. Players may not purchase colonists in excess of their Colony Support Limit. Each players colony has an initial Colony Support Limit of 5. This maximum can be increased by purchasing Nodule and Outpost upgrades. The Orbital Medicine, Ring Ore, and Moon Ore special factories can each support one additional colonist, but only if this colonist is assigned to operate that special factory (robots cannot be assigned to these special factories). Robots cost 10 credits each and require the Robots upgrade in order to purchase them. Each Robots upgrade allows its owner to operate as many robots as the number of colonists he or she currently has. A player may purchase robots in excess of this limit (in anticipation of acquiring more colonists in later rounds), but may not assign the excess robots to operate factories.

phAse 6 CheCk for viCtory

Each player totals his or her VPs in operated factories, special factories, and upgrade cards. (Do not count any VP numbers in parentheses on upgrade cards; these cards should have been returned to the box when the purchasers took the respective special factory counters.) If any player has 75 or more VPs, the game is over and the player with the most VPs wins. If theres a tie, the tied player with the highest total printed costs in upgrade cards and special factory counters wins. If theres still a tie, all these tied players share in the win. If no player has 75 or more VPs, start a new round of play. ETIquETTE: players may not trade, give away, or show production cards to each other. players may not trade or give away colonists, robots, factories, special factories, or upgrade cards. players may not make side deals to co-ordinate their bidding (effectively playing as a team).

witH 2-4 plAyErS, uSE 1 tHErE will bE 1 kickEr Slot. of EAcH EAcH EAcH kickEr kickEr kickEr cArd. cArd. cArd. witH 5-7 plAyErS, uSE 2 of tHErE will bE 2 kickEr SlotS. witH 8-9 plAyErS, uSE 3 of tHErE will bE 3 kickEr SlotS.

rEturn Any ExtrA kickEr cArdS to tHE gAmE box.

Separate the Kicker cards by era and shuffle the Era I kicker and Era II kicker cards separately into two face down piles. Place the Era III kicker card(s) (all the same type) in another face down pile. Flip over a number of Era I kicker cards equal to the number of Kicker slots and place these cards next to the available Colony Upgrade cards.

purChAsing kiCker CArds

the kiCker expAnsion

This edition of Outpost includes the Kicker Expansion by designer Tom Lehmann. This expansion adds a new category of Colony Upgrade cards called Kicker cards, which provide both VPs and new in-game benefits when purchased. The game includes three cards of each of the nine Kicker card types. When you are playing with the Kicker Expansion, the number of upgrade cards available for auction at the start of the round equals the number of players plus the number of Kicker slots. Kicker cards may only be placed in Kicker slots, while normal upgrade cards may not be placed in Kicker slots. The number of Kicker slots and the number of Kicker cards used varies with the number of players.

The available Kicker cards (in the Kicker slots) are bid on and purchased just like the available Colony Upgrade cards during Phase 5 (Perform Player Turns). Purchased Kicker cards, like Colony Upgrade cards, do count towards total cost when determining player order (or breaking endgame ties), if players are tied on VPs.

replACing kiCker CArds

During Phase 2 (Replace Purchased Colony Upgrade Cards), empty Kicker slots are replaced with Kicker cards from the same Era, if available. The availability or lack of availability of Kicker cards does not play a role in determining whether a new Era will begin (based on the very rare exceptions). When Era I ends, return any Era I Kicker cards still in Kicker slots and in the Era I pile to the game box. Flip over a number of Era II Kicker cards equal to the number of Kicker slots and place these cards next to the available Colony Upgrade cards. Repeat this process when Era II ends and the Era III cards are placed.


erA i kiCker CArd detAils

icE proSpEctor

erA ii kiCker CArd detAils

lAuncH fAcility

During Phase 3 (Distribute Production Cards), if its owner draws one or more Water production cards (not counting Mega Production cards), that player may draw an extra Water production card. That player then chooses and discards one of the Water production cards just drawn in this phase.
robot prototypE

Provides a 30-credit discount to the purchase of Space Station, Planetary Cruiser, and Moon Base cards.

mErcHAnt HouSE

The robot acquired by purchasing this card may be operated even if its owner does not own any Robots upgrades. However, it does count against its owners Robot limit if that player later buys any Robots upgrades.

Works like the Wily Trader card, except for Research, Microbiotics, and New Chemicals cards.

nEw cHEmicAlS fActory prototypE

The 5-credit discount provided by this card is for purchasing Robots upgrades, not for purchasing robot counters. The Smelter also grants its owner the ability to draw one extra Ore production card for every two Ore factories that its owner operates during Phase 3 (Distribute Production Cards).
wily trAdEr

The New Chemicals Factory counter acquired by purchasing this upgrade card does not require a Research card to be spent. Refinery works like the Ice Prospector card, except for Titanium production cards.

erA iii kiCker CArd detAils


Just before the end of Phase 4 (Discard Excess Production Cards), after all players have discarded their excess production cards, in Player Order, each player owning this upgrade may hand one Ore, Water, or Titanium production card to another player who has at least one non-Mega card of the same type. That player must hand back a higher-valued card of the same type if he or she has one (or show all of his or her cards of that type to the player to demonstrate that there is no higher-valued card and return the card given). If a card is exchanged, the returned production card is placed face down on the Wily Trader upgrade card until Phase 4 is over. While on the Wily Trader card, this production card cannot be taken (or used) by other Wily Trader or Merchant House upgrades. It is not possible to obtain a Mega card from another player using the Wily Trader. NOTE: it is possible to determine what types of resource card another player has by looking at the backs of the cards, though it is not possible to determine the values of those cards (other then mega cards).

Adds 5 to your Colony Support Limit.


stronghold gAmes CAtAlog: 2011 - 2012

In Survive!, you lead your People on a perilous journey from the sinking island of Atlantis to the safety of the four islands nearby. Your people can get there quickly by boat or slowly by swimming, but must avoid Sea Serpents, Whales, and Sharks! When the volcano on Atlantis explodes, the game is over. Previous editions of Survive! have sold 1.5 million copies worldwide, but it has been out of print for 10+ years. Components include slotted wood boats to carry the People and Land Tiles of 3 different thicknesses for a 3-D look. Number of Players: 2-4 Play time: 45-60 minutes MSRP: $49.95

In Confusion, each player takes on the role of the head of either the CIA or the KGB. Your job is to deduce how each of your spies moves, and then to capture the Top Secret Briefcase, delivering it to your opponents side to win. But be on alert as your opponent has placed a double-agent on your team of spies! Confusion includes 26 uniquelydesigned, two-piece, Mahjong-quality Spy playing pieces, plus dry-erase Spy Notebooks and a large playing board. Confusion is great to play and simply gorgeous to behold! Number of Players: 2 Play time: 30-45 minutes MSRP $59.95

The classic code-cracking game is back in a 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition after being out of print for over 10 years! In Code 777, you can see your opponents code, but not your own. Using logic, try to deduce which 3 numbers are hidden in front of you. Once you are reasonably sure, then you can take a guess, but if you are wrong, you have to start over. This deluxe edition now allows for up to 5 players, and it is colorblind friendly! Number of Players: 2-5 Play time: 30-45 minutes MSRP: $34.95

Core Worlds is a strategic deck-building card game. Each player controls a barbarian Star Empire represented by their cards. Players will invade new worlds and draft new Units and Tactics into their Empires, building up their energy resources to launch fleets and ground forces deeper into the galaxy. Finally, they strike at the most exalted planets of the ancient Galactic Realm, the Core Worlds. The Star Empire that obtains the greatest foothold on the Core Worlds rules the galaxy and wins! Number of Players: 2-5 Play time: 90 minutes (varies by # of players) MSRP: $44.95

Panic Station is a paranoia-driven, partly cooperative game in which you control members of a team sent to investigate the presence of alien life forms in a secret base. Players explore and gather equipment to help them complete the mission of destroying the Hive. However, one of the players will soon become The Host, and their new goal is to infect other team members, gaining allies, and preventing the team from completing their mission. Panic Station is a game of growing paranoia in which no one can truly trust anyone! Number of Players: 4-6 Play time: 45 minutes MSRP: $29.95

In Crude: The Oil Game (a.k.a. McMulti), players take on the role of oil company CEOs, as they perform oil drilling, oil pumping, oil and gasoline buying and selling in the domestic and foreign markets, oil refining, and finally gasoline selling to the consumer. News events will affect players, as will shifts in the economic climate. The CEO to hit the highest corporate valuation wins! Crude features ~300 plastic miniatures to represent oil drilling, pumping, and refining facilities, and oil and gasoline inventories. Number of Players: 2-4 Play time: 90-120 minutes MSRP: $69.95

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OupOST CrEDITS gAmE dESign: JAmES HlAvAty gAmE dESign Support: timotHy moorE illuStrAtion: dAmiAn iSHErwood grApHic dESign: kArim cHAkroun proJEct mAnAgErS: StEpHEn m. buonocorE And kEvin nESbitt proJEct conSultAnt: Eric broSiuS rulES EditorS: tom lEHmAnn, brucE linSEy, JoE HubEr, And cHAd mEkASH

2011 StrongHold gAmES, llc.

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