Quality Management Plan
Quality Management Plan
Quality Management Plan
The contents of this document provide the minimum level of quality expected from the design-build
Contractor. Each Contractor shall update and modify this manual on each project. The Contractor shall
update any forms, procedures, and processes within this template to reflect the most recent standards
and provisions outlined in Book 1, Book 2, and Book 3 of the RFP.
XXXX Design-Build Project
{Contractor} S.P. XXXX
District: X Rev {date} 2 of 32
The information presented in this document define the Quality Management System that complies with
the project requirements. This signature page establishes the {enter team name} commitment to the
Quality Management Plan, Design Quality Plan, Construction Quality Plan, and Document Management
Plan .
, Quality Manager
, Design Manager
, Construction Manager
1.1 General
This Quality Management Plan (QMP), as part of the Quality Manual (QM), contains the
general policies and specific procedures for the design- and construction-related
activities of XXXXXX. The Quality Manual, procedures, work instructions, and records
comprise the Quality Management System (QMS).
1.2 Project
This Quality Manual is written to meet the requirements of the Request for Proposals
(RFP) for the XXXXXXX Project S.P. XXXX-XX.
1.3 Scope
This Quality Manual addresses both the design- and construction-related Quality
Management System requirements of the conformed RFP. The systems defined in this
document will meet the requirements and promote a seamless, transparent interface
with MnDOT in which MnDOT staff have the opportunity to observe all deliverables for
the Project as they are developed.
This Quality Management Plan is not ISO-compliant and is not required to be so unless
deemed necessary by the Contractor.
This Quality Manual will be maintained by the Quality Manager, who will review and
update the manual at least every three months, based on the discussion and findings of
quality management meetings. The Quality Manual is considered a living document
and is subject to revision as necessary to facilitate and improve the quality process for
the Project. The Quality Manual will not be revised without prior written approval
from MnDOT.
2.1 General
This section provides standardized definitions for the terms used in this Quality
Management Plan. It also identifies frequently used abbreviations and acronyms.
Should any discrepancies exist; definitions set forth in the Contract will take precedence
over definitions contained in this QMP.
2.2 Acronyms
The following terms and definitions supplement the acronyms in Book 1, Exhibit A and
Book 2.
2.2 Definitions
The following terms and definitions supplement the definitions in Book 1, Exhibit A and
Book 2.
Check Print Copy of Document Original in final format used for checking
and recording additions, deletions, and corrections.
Check Print Stamp A special stamp to be affixed on the face of document (or on
the back of the document, if room is not available in front) to
record who performed various checks and reviews and the
dates those activities were completed.
Design Task Manager Person responsible for all design functions, including
schedule, budget, and Design Quality Control functions,
within a specified discipline or area of expertise. The Design
Task Manager may also be the Lead Design Engineer for
any specified area or discipline.
Existing Conditions The surveys, topographic mapping, utility locations, plans for
existing structures and all other drawings and reports
defining existing physical conditions of a site or facility.
Review Comment The forms used to document all comments and their
Forms resolution. They are generated in project reviews such as
DCR, CR, ITR, and MnDOT reviews.
3.1 General
The Contractor has established and, on an ongoing basis, documents, implements, and
maintains a Quality Management System (QMS).
This section describes the QMS to be implemented for this Project. The QMS consists
of general, design, and construction quality procedures and is supported by defined
procedures and programs presented in other documents, which may include the
Performing bridge/structure
testing and inspection per the
Construction Quality
Management Plan.
3.4.1 General
The Quality Management System will be documented within this Quality Manual. This
Quality Manual incorporates several manuals under which the Contractor and its
subcontractors currently operate. It is compliant with or based on relevant sections and
procedures taken from Contractor and Contractors member organizations or suppliers.
The Quality Manager, Construction Quality Manager, with input from the design and
construction team, and the Project Manager will identify the project activities that
require a procedure for Construction.
While the quality staff members are responsible for the preparation, coordination,
maintenance and initial approval of the quality procedures, other project staff may be
called upon to initiate or review procedures. The Quality Manager and a designated
member of the Executive Management Committee, along with the MnDOT will review
and approve all procedures before they are distributed and implemented.
Quality Procedures will be written using the following:
1. Quality Procedures are produced with the headers, footers, margins, fonts and
formatting shown in the Design and Construction Quality Procedures.
Forms for each procedure are numbered similar to the procedure with the
number followed by FA or FB for the first and second forms associated with a
procedure. For example, DQP404 is the Review Comment Procedure and
DQP404FA is the Review Comment Form.
Revisions are numbered xxx.01, xxx.02, and so on. The revision box in the
header is filled in with the revision number and the date of the revision.
The table of contents is revised to include the new documents and revision
numbers; any eliminated forms/procedures are struck-through in red with red
font, added forms/procedures are in red font.
The revised procedures will be put into practice as soon as they are delivered to
document control. Document control will distribute the updated procedures to all
staff holding copies of the controlled document.
The Quality Manager will approve all quality procedures and revisions to
procedures. Revisions to procedures follow the same general review pattern as
the original procedures. All new or revised DQP and CQP Procedures are
reviewed by the Project Manager and Design Manager, and reviewed and
approved by the Departments Project Manager prior to inclusion in the QMP.
All staff will undergo quality training at the initial stages of the Project to ensure that the
QMS implementation goes smoothly. This training will also make all staff aware of
The Quality Manager will keep track of ongoing education, training, skills, experience,
and performance of all staff. These records are maintained corporately and project
managers review these records in order to identify staff for projects of all kinds,
including initial and ongoing needs of long-term projects.
reviews, analyses, and audit findings will be summarized and presented for review by all
attendees. The review will identify opportunities for improvement and required
modifications to the Quality Management System. MnDOT will be invited to attend and
will be given copies of all reports and summaries.
The review meetings will assess Project quality and the adequacy of the QMP based on
the following agenda items:
Worker-identified problems
Results of audits
MnDOT feedback
Process performance and product conformity
Status of preventative and corrective actions
Follow-up actions from previous review meetings
Changes that affect the QMP
Suggestions for improvement
When it is determined that improvements are needed, one or more of the following
actions will be taken:
The Executive Management Committee has established a budget of XXXXX and the full
amount will be awarded throughout the duration of the project.
Rev , Date
5.1 General
Non-conformances apply to any element of the Project not meeting the Contract requirements.
The Quality Management System will identify design documents, materials, products,
and construction that do not conform to Project requirements. Each instance will be
documented, evaluated, resolved, and corrective action taken to prevent a recurrence.
Any person (including MnDOT staff) working on the project has the responsibility to
identify and report nonconforming design or construction to the Quality Manager or any
other QA staff member.
The QM, DQAM, DQCM, and CQM have the responsibility and authority to investigate
the validity, and assist in the closure of all non-conformance reports to achieve
compliance with contract requirements.
The Quality Manager, or designee within the QA organization, is responsible for the
QM501FA Non-Conformance Report
QM501FB Non-Conformance Report Log
6.1 General
Stop Work procedures apply when design and construction will not meet project
requirements, when eminent safety issues exist, or when environmental permit
compliance is in jeopardy.
6.2 Responsibilities
The PM, QM, DQAM, DQCM, CQM, Traffic Engineer, Safety Manager, and
Environmental Compliance Manager all have authority to stop work.
The PM has the authority to resume work only with the concurrence of the QM.
6.3 Procedure
1. Notification No matter who or how the identified potential stop work issue came to
be known by either the QM, DQAM, CQM, DM, PM or MnDOT PM, all shall be
notified via email and voice messaging that a Stop Work Notification (SWN) is
planned. The Quality Manager is ultimately responsible to notify all parties.
2. Upon notification the QM will investigate the issue or item of work and determine the
need for a Stop Work Notification (SWN). In the event that the QM is not
immediately available the progression of authority to investigate and issue a Stop
Work Notice will be CQM, and then the DQAM.
3. If the QM determines that the work needs to be stopped, the QM will issue a SWN in
writing to the PM.
4. Project Manager will stop work activities per the SWN.
5. The work shall stop until the QM and MnDOT approve the required corrective
actions, and when the Project Manager determines it is appropriate to proceed.
6. The QM will work with the CQM or DQAM to issue NCRs relating to any
nonconformances associated with the SWN.
7. The QM ensures that the SWN Log is updated as required and that the SWN paper
copy is maintained in file for reference and is uploaded to the DCS website.
8. All SWNs and resolution will be documented in electronic document control system.
7.1 General
Quality staff will review all data gathered through formal and informal audits or any of
the monitoring procedures discussed above to assess performance against plans,
objectives, and other defined Project goals and Design-Build Program goals. Through
this and other analysis, the Quality Manager, CQM, and DQAM will seek to determine
the root cause of the nonconformity.
Analysis for individual assessments will be defined prior to gathering the data. MnDOTSatisfaction
All personnel are responsible to report all incidents of MnDOT dissatisfaction to the
Quality Manager. The Quality Manager will determine the cause of the dissatisfaction,
and work with the Project Manager to prevent a recurrence.
It is the policy of the Contractor to conduct internal audits of the Quality Management
System. The Quality Manager is responsible for planning and carrying out the audits.
The audits will focus on conformance to the quality requirements established by the
Contractor and the use and effectiveness of the Quality Management System. The
audit results will be part of the review input given the Executive Management
All audits will be documented and filed as part of the Project record (Form QM 702 Audit
The QM and/or CQM will audit selected suppliers. Project requirements will be
reviewed with the supplier. The suppliers' quality system will be reviewed along with
test records from previous production and reporting of quality data during production.
The Design Manager and design Quality Assurance staff will consider several
processes for monitoring and measuring at the beginning of each project. None of
these or more than one may be tracked for the entire project or for a given period.
Consideration will be given to the number of staff hours required to track the
measurements vs. the risks and costs of nonconformance. Processes to be considered
for monitoring include:
Evaluation of MnDOT comments type of comments and how they change over
Evaluation of internal DCR, ITR and/or CR comments usefulness, impacts on
cost reduction, time required to complete them, effectiveness as loss prevention
Evaluation of RFIs, FDCs and/or NDCs necessity, impacts on costs, time
required to complete them, effectiveness at resolving issue in field and ongoing
design tasks.
Evaluation of time or labor hours required to complete various processes,
including such things as preparation of deliverable packages of various types, or
time required for formal comment processes, from disbursement of comment
forms to final resolution of all comments.
All personnel are responsible for identifying quality problems during construction using
the Worker-Identified Opportunity for Improvement Program (the WI-FI Program).
Quality deficiencies will be reported to the Quality Manager, Construction Quality
MnDOT Design-Build Quality Template (June, 2011)
XXXX Design-Build Project
{Contractor} S.P. XXXX
District: X Rev {date} 30 of 32
Manager, and all inspectors and testers. The deficiencies will be recorded,
investigated, evaluated, and resolved by the Quality Manager.
The quality activities will be documented in test sheets, inspection forms, audit reports,
and other record documents. The forms will contain acceptance criteria and the person
certifying conformance. The records will be kept in electronic form on the Project's
electronic document system.
Project staff will submit ideas to the QM, DQAM, or CQM using the WI-FI Form
The review team will include the Design Manager, Design Task Managers, Construction
Supervisors, and Executive Committee Members. The review team will determine the
ease of implementation, the potential benefits and make an initial decision on whether
to pursue the improvement. The Quality Manager must concur with the decision by
signing form QM725..
If the Review Team decides to pursue the improvement, they will undertake the
Preventive Action Process described in procedure for Implementing Corrective or
Preventive Actions.
7.3 Improvement
7.3.1 General
The Contractor will continually seek to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the
processes of the organization, rather than wait for a problem to reveal opportunities for
improvement. Improvements can range from small-step ongoing continual improvement
to strategic breakthrough improvement projects.
The Contractor will determine the cause of nonconformities identified by the Quality
Management System and MnDOT. The Project Manager or Design Manager and
MnDOT Design-Build Quality Template (June, 2011)
XXXX Design-Build Project
{Contractor} S.P. XXXX
District: X Rev {date} 31 of 32
Quality Manager are responsible for implementing a Corrective and Preventive Action
Plan (CAP) and for determining whether the Corrective and Preventive Action is
effective. The CAP will be focused on eliminating the root cause of the problemand
determining modification(s) to work processes to improve the delivery of services,
design packages, and construction activities.
1. The Quality Manager performs an analysis, evaluates the CAP and determines the
severity, priority and impact to the organization for the project.
3. The Quality Manager will work with design and/or construction staff to determine the
root cause, developing the Corrective and Preventive Action Plan and determining
the implementation time schedule. The Corrective or Preventive Action Plan will
identify any immediate needs required to limit damage or liability associated with the
4. The Quality Manager will submit the CAP to the Design Manager (design-related)
or Project Manager (construction-related) for implementation.
5. Once accepted, the Design Manager or Project Manager shares the results with
the Department and ensures that the Corrective or Preventive Action Plan is
7. The Quality Manager is responsible for updating the Quality Manual to reflect
the Corrective and Preventive Action Plan. The Quality Manager may delegate this to
the DQAM or the CQM.
7.4 Reporting
The Quality Manager will draft a report following the format of the Monthly Quality
Program Support Report (Form QM740FA).
1. The Quality Manager (QM) will draft a report following the format of the Monthly
Quality Program Summary Report.
2. The QM, DQAM, CQM, and DQCM will review and sign the report and
certification statement.
3. The QM will transmit the original signed certification statement to the Project
Manager (Form QM740FB).
4. The Project Manager will review and sign the PMs Certification Statement.
5. The Project Manager will submit originals of both Certification Statements to
MnDOT with the monthly report for the project.
6. The QM will transmit the quality summary report and a copy of the Quality
Certification Statement to the Executive Management Committee, with a cc: to
the Project Manager.