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at the highest level

Contents About us

We protect your life

About us 3 The firm ABS Safety GmbH spe-

Determination of Basic Planning Rules 4 cializes in the field of fall protec-
tion for individuals.
Roof and Flat Roof Safety Devices Window Fall Protection
ABS-Lock Vario 5 ABS-Lock I+II 22, 23 We are your competent partner for
ABS-Lock EG250 6 ABS-Lock IV 24 planning, sales and installation,
ABS Weightanka 7 ABS-Lock V 25 as well as customer service. Our
ABS-Lock III 8, 9 ABS Lock VI 26 products are new developments
ABS-Lock X 10, 11 ABS FSG 01-05 27 that are manufactured in accor-
ABS-Lock Falz I 12 dance with the latest production
ABS-Lock Falz II

13 Guard Rails methods and norms and most of
ABS-Lock 12-11 14 ABS SkyDome 28 which are patented or protected
ABS-Lock SDH 02

15 ABS Stabilik 28 by registered designs.

Cable and Rail Systems Personal Protection Equipment

ABS Lock Sys I 16, 17 ABS Mobile Anchor Devices 30
ABS-Lock Sys II 18, 19 ABS ASK 5 - Horizontal Anchor Device 30
ABS Vertical Lifeline 20 ABS PSA Set 31
ABS HSS 21 ABS SK 12-16 Rope Grab 31

These developments can be used We are able to offer our custo-

in almost all areas where fall pro- mers specific and complex solu-
tection is required, e.g. roofs, win- tion proposals even on difficult
dows, facades, machines, crane substrates such as trapezoidal
runways, maintenance halls for sheets, wood and pumice, for ex-
trains, buses, planes and many ample. With our own continuous
more. As a result of our member- controls, monitoring by the Dekra
ship of the standards committee test institute of the BBG and cer-
and the opportunities we have tification in accordance with ISO
for performing professional ana- 9001 we are able to offer the
lyses, our company leads the way highest quality and safety for a
in the field of fall protection. fair price. Why not test us!
Determination of ABS-Lock Vario

Basic Planning Rules

Stainless steel anchorage device without roof penetration

1750 mm

Determination of the freefall Example 1

height / maximum 2.0 to 2.5 m

1750 mm
20.0 m

People who fall into a fall-arrest

system often suffer serious inju-
ries; in particular, blood supply
20.0 m
and circulatory disturbances may
become life-threatening.
14.0 m
10.0 m
Rescue and release should not The ABS-Lock Vario System has
take more than 10 to 20 minutes. Edge
been developed to provide a safe
Low freefall heights reduce the single anchorage point for individu-
risk of injury considerably. Freefall height: 4.0 m
als on flat roofs without penetrating
Safety harness
the roof.
The maximum freefall should
not therefore exceed 2.0 to 2.5 The system is licensed and CE-
m, which is the basis for plan- tested in accordance with DIN EN
The distance from the anchorage point to the edge is 10.0 m and the rope
ning a safety system. 795 as a class E cross-shaped an- Use
length to the corner approximately 14.0 m.
chorage point. As it is made entire- The Vario system is licensed for use anchorage point or as a corner or end
Definition of the freefall height: ly of stainless steel it is protected on smooth roof surfaces with an incli- post, as well as an intermediate post
The freefall height in the upper example is more than 4.0 m and therefore
The freefall height is the length against corrosion. The concrete sl- nation of up to 3. It can also be used for cable systems. For the intermedi-
not permitted.
of the lanyard from the edge from abs available from any building ma- on wet or icy surfaces provided that a ate post there is an ABS version with
which the individual falls to the terials market provide the Vario with 5 cm-thick layer of gravel or earth is 2 x 3 concrete slabs. Suitable cable
safety harness. the required stability. applied around it. systems are the ABS-Lock Sys I and
the ABS-Lock Sys II.
Example 2
As it is held in place by the weight of
12 concrete slabs of 25 kg each, it is Vario:
Stop range not necessary to penetrate the roof Weight: 330 kg (with concrete slabs)
4.0 m

additional plunge range surface and thereby destroy the tight- Dimensions (LxB): 1.75 m x 1.75 m
10.0 m ness of the roof with respect to leaks.
1.2 m 2.8 m anchorage point
The Vario is positioned on a drainage Vario Intermediate:
10.0 m mat to protect the surface of the roof. Weight: 170 kg (with concrete slabs)
The system can be used as a single Dimensions (LxB): 1.75 m x 0.55 m

ABS-Lock Vario
in use as a
cable system
4.0 m 10.0 m or cable system
point element

With a distance of 10.0 m from the anchorage point to the edge, the rope
length to the corner is approximately 14.0 m and the freefall approx 4.0 m.
By the installation of an additional anchorage point where the two circles
intersect to the diagonal, the freefall height is reduced to 1.0 m.

This example complies with the basic planning rules

(Maximum freefall 2.0 m 2.5 m).
ABS-Lock EG250 ABS Weightanka

Stainless steel anchorage device without roof penetration Mobile anchorage device without roof penetration

Standard weight,
25 kg
Snap-on rods with
safety splint

Attachment point

Base weight,
rubber coated;
25 kg
Cross arm

Stabilizer arm

1400 m

The ABS Cross-Shaped Anchorage

System has been developed to pro-
The ABS-Lock EG250 system has
vide a safe single anchorage point
been developed to provide a safe
for up to two individuals at the
single anchorage point for individu-
same time on flat roofs without
als on flat roofs without penetrating
penetrating the roof or restricting
the roof.
The system is licensed and CE-
The system is licensed and CE- Use
tested in accordance with DIN EN
tested in accordance with DIN EN The cross-shaped anchorage system it is not necessary to penetrate the
795 as a class E cross-shaped an-
795 as a class E cross-shaped an- is licensed for use on foil roofs, as- roof surface and destroy its tight-
chorage point for one individual with Use chorage point. As it is made of gal- phalt coatings, steel linings, con- ness.
personal protective equipment and Easy to use. The load materials The ABS-Lock EG250 for use on vanized steel it is protected against crete substrates, mineral wool, grit
shock absorber. As it is made en- (250 kg concrete slabs, roof gree- flat roofs has been designed in corrosion. and single-layer roof coverings. It can In order to protect the roof surface
trely of stainless steel the EG250 is ning, substrate, layer of earth, gra- such a way that all types of materi- The Weightanka is designed as a be used on roof inclinations of up to the base weights are covered with
protected against corrosion. vel etc.) are simply distributed over als can be used in order to guaran- mobile anchorage system and can 15. a rubber skin. Connection of the
the net. tee safety, no matter whether these be used over the entire flat roof. Weightanka is by means of the snap
are concrete slabs, gravel, grit etc. As the anchorage is held in place by hooks of the personal protective
250 kg of the respective material the weight of four base weights and equipment to the eyelet (attachment
distributed over the EG250 net is six standard weights of 25 kg each, point).
The Weightanka has been developed
The EG250 is also ideal for inte- as a mobile single attachment point
gration into roof greening. The sub- system and is unsuitable for use as
strate for the greening is placed on a support for a cable system!
the net and serves as the basis
weight (here the load must not be Weight: ca. 330 kg
less than 110 kg/m!). Dimensions (LxB): 1.4 m x 1.4 m

As the EG250 is fully integrated, the

The EG250 is easy and quick to as- overall view is not impaired.
semble and therefore inexpensive. Dimensions (LxB): 1.55 m x 1.55 m
Eyelet for quick attachment of the
protective equipment

For complete installa- Eyelet as a single attachment point

Fixed Stainless Steel Attachment Point Various thread lengths tion into a wall or con- or for the Sys I cable system. Also
(shown for installation crete (including cracked available with mountings for the
through wood) concrete) Sys II cable system

Simple and time-saving installation into

concrete using our brass dowel

Simple installation on With additional supporting tube Force-absorbing supports which

steel girders using the for use as an end or corner bend in the case of a fall and take
stated attachment post of the ABS-Lock cable up the resulting forces
possibilities systems Sys and Sys II

The ABS-Lock III system has been
developed to provide a safe single
anchorage point for up to three in-
dividuals at the same time.

The system is licensed and CE-

Glued or
tested in accordance with DIN EN dowelled into
795 as a class A, B and C ancho- concrete
rage point. As it is made entire-
ly of 1.4301 stainless steel it is
protected against corrosion. The
ABS-Lock III offers variable attach- Use
ment possibilities for different sub- The Lock III System is licensed for Installation in concrete can be car-
strates. installation in steel (e.g. steel gir- ried out either by means of 2-C With suppor-
ders), concrete (including cracked), adhesive or the ABS brass dowel. ting tube (here
inserted into Screwed through
in or on wood (by the use of an concrete) wooden rafter
attachment element on the side) The system can be used without
and prestressed concrete hollow problems either with or without a
ceilings. variable projection of up to 0.85 m.
It is fitted with a screw or welded
The system is available in lengths of eyelet as standard. When used as
up to 1.0 m. An additional support an intermediate support for the
post is used if the Lock III is instal- ABS-Lock Sys II cable system it is Dowelled into a
led as an end or corner support of a supplied with a traversable interme- prestressed concrete On the side of a
cable system. diate cable holder. hollow ceiling wooden beam

Screwed Overhead or in wall

into steel without projection
ABS-Lock X
10 11

Permanent stainless steel anchorage point with base plate &

stainless steel anchorage point for trapezoidal sheet

On trapezoidal

Dowels in
concrete (B25)

The ABS-Lock X system has been

developed to provide a safe single
anchorage point for individuals.

The system is licensed and CE-

tested in accordance with DIN EN
795 as a class A, B and C ancho- Use
Installation is carried out by simply Screwed onto a
rage point as an end post for cable The Lock X has various base plates
For concreting in steel beam girder
systems. for different types of substrate and drilling a hole into the trapezoidal
As it is made entirely of 1.4301 can therefore be used almost eve- sheet covering. The toggle bolts can
stainless steel it is protected rywhere. then be passed through the hole
against corrosion. and screwed into place. An integra-
A Lock X system has been spe- ted sealing ring and a sealing was-
cifically developed for trapezoi- her made of rubber ensure the tight-
dal sheet roofs and sandwich ele- ness and thermal separation of the Screwed into wooden Clamped on beams,
ments, thereby obviating the need Lock X. rafters (no base plate, steel girders or light-
for time-consuming installation on with four screws) weight concrete
the substructure of the trapezoidal The system is available in lengths of
roof. In contrast to the other Lock up to 1.0 m. An additional suppor-
X systems, it has a special base ting tube is used if the Lock X is in-
plate and can therefore be installed stalled as an end or corner support
on almost all conventional trapezoi- of a cable system.
Screwed into wooden
dal sheets. If the heat insulation is In the case of cable systems with rafters with upper shut-
positioned on top of the trapezoidal installed heights of the supports of tering formwork (with
sheet, this system can be used with 300 mm or more, the Lock X/SR eight short and two long Welded onto a steel
screws) girder
special spacer screws. The actual consisting of a 42 mm stainless
attachment to the trapezoidal sheet steel tube is used. The Lock X is de-
or sandwich element is made using signed in such a way that it deforms
a special attachment set consisting plastically in the case of a fall. This
of four toggle bolts and sealing ma- absorbs a large share of the forces
terial. The installation of each Lock involved in the fall. The Lock X is
X therefore takes only between 5 licensed for use for a material thick- Screwed onto planking
(base plate with 28
and 10 minutes. ness of 0.5 mm and above. holes, clear of the sub- With supporting tube
structure) (here in concrete)
ABS-Lock Falz I ABS-Lock Falz II
12 13

Stainless steel anchorage point for aluminum seam roofs Stainless steel anchorage for metal seam roofs

The ABS-Lock Falz I system has The ABS-Lock Falz II system has
been developed to provide a secu- been developed to provide a secu-
re single anchorage for up to three re single anchorage for up to three
individuals at the same time. The individuals at the same time. The
anchorage is designed for horizon- anchorage is designed for horizon-
tal loads in all directions. tal loads in all directions.
Use Use
It has also been designed as a sup-
The Lock Falz I has a broad, slit- is used on the flange or clamping The Lock Falz II is also used as an profiles of Zambelli (RIB-ROOF 465),
The system is licensed and CE- port for class C cable systems.
shaped eyelet. This makes it possi- seam of seam profiles of Zambelli end or intermediate anchor for class Corus Bausysteme (KALZIP), Domi-
tested in accordance with DIN EN
ble for three people to attach them- (RIB-ROOF 465), Corus Bausysteme C cable systems, as that of the Lock co (GBS with special clamps it can
795 as a class A anchorage. As it The system is licensed and CE-
selves simultaneously in spite of the (KALZIP), Domico (GBS), Rheinzink Sys or Lock Sys II. As an intermedi- also be used on Domitec), Interfalz
is made of rustproof steel, it is pro- tested in accordance with DIN EN
small size of the anchorage. (standard) and Aluform (Alufalz/Alu- ate post a Falz II is used with only (standard) and Aluform (Alufalz/Alu-
tected against corrosion. 795 as a class A and C anchorage.
deck) roofs, as well as profiles of the two clamps, thus simplifying the in- deck). Moreover, installation can be
As it is made of rustproof steel, it
same type of system. stallation of larger cable systems. carried out on seam sheets made
It can be installed on almost all is protected against corrosion.
For the Lock Sys II system the Falz of aluminum, titanium zinc, copper,
commercially available round flan-
To this purpose the Lock Falz I is II intermediate post is fitted with a galvanized and corrosion-resistant
ge seam roofs, irrespective of the Continuously adjustable seam
clamped with the help of two edged traversable cable holder element. steel.
seam distances from one another. clamps allow it to be installed on
steel sheet profiles made of stain- seam roofs with a distance between
less steel to the seams of the roof The Lock Falz II is clamped with
the seams of up to 620 mm.
profile. These profiles are adapted to the help of four edged steel sheet
the contours of the standing seams profiles made of corrosion-resistant
of the roof. On the upper side of the steel to the seams of the roof pro-
anchorage device an elongated hole file. These profiles are adapted to
has been incorporated over the enti- the contours of the seams of the
re length to take up the connection roof. The two profile halves of the
element. clamps are connected together by
The slit-shaped eyelet is designed for The two halves of the profile are con- two screws with self-locking nuts af-
all standard snap-hooks. The system nected together with two screws with ter being placed on the seam of the
is used to simultaneously prevent up self-locking nuts after being placed The system serves as fall protec- roof. The clamps are then adjusted
to three individuals from falling and on the seam of the roof. tion for up to three individuals si- continuously by means of the elon-
multaneously and is used on the gated holes to the distance of the
flange or clamping seams of seam seams.
ABS-Lock 12-11 ABS-Lock SDH 02
14 15

Stainless steel anchor for flange seam roofs Safety roof hook for all load directions

Attachment principle

The ABS-Lock 12-11 system has The ABS-Lock SDH 02 has been
been developed to provide a secu- developed to provide a secure an-
re single anchorage point for indivi- chorage point for up to two indivi-
duals on flange seam roofs without duals at the same time in all load
penetrating the roof surface or im- directions.
pairing its tightness with respect
to leaks. Use The system is licensed and tested Use
The 12-11 anchor system is clam- according to DIN EN 795 as a class The Lock SDH 02 system is licensed the risk of accidents is reduced du-
The system is licensed and te- ped to flange seam roofs such as A anchorage point and has also for use on wooden roof structures ring construction, but also the sub-
sted according to DIN EN 795 as Kal-Zip, Bemo or Interfalz profiled been tested in accordance with EN with or without over rafter insulati- sequent maintenance and cleaning
a class A, B and C anchorage for sheets. To this purpose specially 517 B in all load directions (inclu- on. It is used for inserting roofers costs for the building owner.
up to three people. Due to the shaped clamps based on the con- ding the +Y direction = direction ladders and as an anchorage point
fact that it is constructed entirely tours of the ridges are used. Due of the ridge). This product can be for personal protective equipment Safety roof hooks are tested in ac-
of stainless steel it is protected to the flexibility of the supporting made entirely of stainless steel or to prevent falling. cordance with EN 517 of the roof
against corrosion. arms, the system can be adapted galvanized steel, which protects it fall line and preferably installed in
to almost all standard seam di- against corrosion. Due to the small the vicinity of the ridge. By climbing
stances. The adjustment range is number of roof hooks required, the over the ridge of the mono pitch roof
between 305 and 500 mm. construction costs and the architec- and passing the rope over the entire
tural limitations are kept to a mini- roof surface to a higher roof hook,
Installation using clamps is very mum. in the case of a fall the load is in the
easy and can therefore be carried opposite direction.
out in a time and cost-saving man- To this purpose the SDH 02 is equip-
ner. The Lock 12-11 is designed in ped with special screws that allow
such a way that it deforms plastical- As a tested and licensed class C loads in all directions. For this rea-
ly in the case of a fall, thereby ab- anchor the ABS-Lock 12-11 is also special screw 8 x 180 son the safety roof hook is certified
sorbing a major share of the forces suitable as an end post for cable sy- not only according to EN 517B, but
involved. stems such as SYS I and SYS II. If a maintenance concept is worked also licensed as a single anchorage
out at the planning stage, not only point according to EN 795.

ode minimum penetration
depth in the framework
16 17

Horizontal cable protection system made of stainless steel

Accessories for the Cable System

The ABS-Lock system has been

developed to provide up to ten in-
dividuals with a secure anchorage
point simultaneously on a stainless 3
steel cable without the intermedi-
ate posts being traversable.
The system is licensed and tested The ABS-Lock SYS I system is in- stainless steel wire rope.
according to DIN EN 795 as a class stalled on the roof substrate by The SYS I is installed horizontally.
means of system supports from The end connections can be instal- 6
C cable protection system with a
distance between the posts of not the ABS-Lock range. As there is led directly on a suitable structure
more than 15 m. As the cable and a large number of possible system or the ABS system supports. The
attachment components are made supports it is very variable and easy stainless steel cable is attached
to install. As a rule it is attached to the end support by means of a 5
entirely of stainless steel, they are
protected against corrosion. The to force-absorbing supports, which clevis. Alternatively, the end con-
Lock SYS I can be attached by a in the case of a fall minimize the nection can be made by means of
number of ABS-Lock support sys- forces produced. The end and cor- the force-absorbing end unit (in the
tems. ner supports are also reinforced. case of cable systems with a short 1 The chain link makes it possible to attach the 4 The end unit is used where it is not possible to
The system offers maximum sa- cable length). clevis to the tensioning piece or attachment eyelet install a force-absorbing end support.
fety at a low cost and unhindered An intermediate post is positioned without difficulty and without impairing the stability It is used in particular with small cable systems or
freedom of movement without the every 7-10 m which does not re- and functioning of the system. on glass roofs.
intermediate supports being tra- quire any additional reinforcement
versable. and thereby reduces costs. The ca- 2 The end tensioning piece makes it possible to 5 The corner and end supports are also reinforced
ble is pre-tensioned by hand using tension the cable and reduce the extent to which with a supporting tube.
The SYS I is used as a temporary the tensioning piece. Attachment to the cable sags. The ABS-Lock SYS I system
measure to prevent individuals from the Lock SYS I is made directly to does not require any specific degree of tensioning 6 The ABS-Lock stainless steel cable has ideal,
falling. During use it is possible for a the stainless steel cable by means to guarantee optimum functioning. energy-absorbing properties without having any
maximum of ten people to be secu- of the snap-hooks of the personal negative effect on its load-supporting capacity,
red at the same time to the 8 mm protective equipment. 3 The clevis serves as a connection between the wear and tear or resistance to corrosion.
cable and an end support.
18 19

Fully traversable horizontal cable protection system

Components of the traversable cable system

1 4

The ABS-Lock SYS II system has

been developed to provide up to
four individuals simultaneously
with a secure anchorage with unre-
stricted traversability of the inter-
mediate supports with the help of
a cable glider on a stainless steel

The system is licensed and CE-

tested in accordance with DIN
EN 795 as a class C cable fall
protection system. As the cable
The ABS-Lock SYS II system is sity of removing the glider we offer 6
and attachment components are
installed on the roof substrate by permanently installed cable gliders
made entirely of stainless steel,
means of system supports from for straight and curved systems
they are protected against corro-
the ABS-Lock range. Due to the (e.g. for use in systems installed
sion. The Lock SYS II can be at- 1 The end unit is used wherever it is not possible 5 The intermediate bracket is movable and adjusts
large number of possible system overhead with a fall-arresting de-
tached by a number of ABS-Lock to install a force-absorbing end support. It serves itself to the position of the cable glider in order to
supports it is very variable and easy vice).
support systems. the purpose of force absorption and is used in guarantee optimum traversability.
to install. As a rule it is attached to
force-absorbing supports which mi- End tensioning elements at the end particular for small cable systems or on
nimize the forces produced in the of the cable ensure that the cable glass roofs. 6 The ABS-Lock stainless steel wire cable has
case of a fall. The end and corner is pre-tensioned and that the cable ideal, energy-absorbing properties without having
supports are also reinforced. does not sag. In industry and many 2 The end tensioning element makes it possible to any negative effect on its load-supporting capacity,
other fields, such as facades, crane tension the wire cable and reduce the degree of wear and tear or resistance to corrosion.
The corner elements and intermedi- systems, truck loading, roof areas sag. The ABS-Lock SYS II system does not
ate supports can be crossed over etc., safety is considerably improved require a specific level of tension to guarantee The cable glider can be set up or taken down at
fully with the cable glider. Usually by the Lock SYS II system. It also optimum functioning. any point within the system and also works in
the removable cable glider is used. allows safe freedom of movement conjunction with fall-arresting devices. For this
This can be attached to any point around corners without it being 3 The clevis serves as a connection between the reason the system can be used without restriction
within the system, so that is there- necessary to detach/relocate the cable and an end support. in its field of application.
fore part of the personal protective cable. Energy-absorbing end units
equipment and easy to handle. For considerably reduce the forces pro- 4 The chain link makes it possible to connect the
permanent use without the neces- duced in the case of a fall. components to the attachment eyelet without
ABS-Lock Vertical Lifeline ABS HSS
20 21

Vertical cable fall protection system Horizontal and vertical,

rail-based fall protection system

The ABS HSS system has been de-

veloped to provide a safe anchor-
age on a fixed guide rail for up to
The ABS-Lock vertical lifeline sys- six individuals simultaneously.
tem has been developed to provide
a secure anchorage for individuals. The system is licensed and tested in
The system is designed for vertical accordance with EN 795 as a hori-
use. zontal class D fall protection system
and according to EN 353-1 as a ver-
The system is licensed and tes- Use
tical lifeline system.
ted according to DIN EN 353-2 The ABS HSS lifeline system allows
As it is made entirely of stainless
(PSA: traveling arresting device the user to move freely around the
steel, it is protected against corro-
on moving guide mechanism). As system. The guide rail consists of
sion. The system is ideal for use in
it is made of rust-protected steel a special stainless steel T-profile
horizontal and vertical applications
it is non-corroding. whose design allows the intermedi-
such as flat or sloping roofs.
The guide cable is made of stainless ate brackets to be crossed without
steel with a diameter of 8 mm. hindrance.

Cable stop
Cable pressing
Use allow a very small curve radius (less
The system can be installed on systems, e.g. floodlight pylons. The than 120 mm).
Traveling all substructures such as roof ac- glider itself is designed in such a As the system is licensed for six
arresting device
cess and other ladders, facades, way that it travels when the individu- individuals with a maximum inter-
masts etc. al climbs or descends the ladder. In mediate bracket interval of 6 m, the
Intermediate bracket the case of a fall the glider arrests possibilities are endless.
The vertical lifeline system is used the drop and protects the user from The compact size (30 mm) and a
Stainless steel cable, to provide safety for vertical ladder falling. special bending process make it Since it is possible to use different
possible to follow curves very close- types of rail gliders, the fields of ap-
ly in all directions. The high strength plication for this system are bound-
Tensioning device and stability of the special T-profile less.
ABS-Lock I+II 23

Detachable stainless steel anchorage Tested in cracked concrete (ten-

sion zone), min. edge distance
80 mm, min. installation depth Hexagon recess for installation
Covering cap available in white
70 mm adjustment in the shaft
plastic or stainless steel,
including protective cap for the
Can be used in concrete, building phase
supporting masonry, steel and

CE marking for two individuals

Tested with Fischer
and Wrth adhesive Extra-large opening for all
snap-hooks, freely rotating and

Available up to 1000 mm
Easy one-hand use

Non-wearing retaining balls

Sufficient distance of the connec- Transverse bar to protect the

tion to the substrate (no abrasion fastening mechanism
of the plaster)

Fields of application with suspended ceilings

The ABS-Lock I+II system has
been developed in order to provi-
de a safe, detachable single an-
chorage for two individuals at the
same time.

max. 500 mm
The system is licensed and CE-
tested according to DIN EN 795
as a class A and B anchorage. 50 mm

As it is made entirely of A2 stain-

less steel, it is protected against
corrosion. Due to its small size, Use
installation is very easy, and The Lock I+II system is licensed by means of a snap-hook and can
through the use of different types for use in steel structures, wooden be inserted into any Lock II socket.
of covering caps the system is substrates and in concrete or brick A system consisting of retaining
very inconspicuous. masonry. balls ensures a secure connection.
The fastening mechanism, which is
This system is used particularly as protected against accidental ope- Use of the Installation accessories
a detachable anchorage. The Lock ration, can be released simply with installation accessories
II (socket) is firmly installed into the one hand.
masonry, concrete (including cra- For use on steel structures such
cked concrete), wood or steel and as shipping containers etc. there
concealed with a covering cap. The is a 30 mm version available with a
Lock I (socket bolt) is connected to welded-on hexagonal plate and self-
the personal protective equipment locking nuts.

On a steel girder In concrete and wall for In wood In supporting masonry

ceiling installation with
covering plaster, heat
insulation etc.
ABS-Lock IV ABS-Lock V
24 25

Stainless steel single anchorage for windows Stainless steel single anchorage for windows

The ABS-Lock IV system has been The ABS-Lock V system has been
developed to provide a secure sin- developed to provide a secure sin-
gle anchorage point for one indivi- gle anchorage point for one indivi-
dual. dual.

The system is licensed and CE- The system is licensed and CE-te-
tested according to DIN EN 795 Use sted according to DIN EN 795 as Use
The Lock IV system is licensed for low storage costs the Lock IV can The Lock V system is licensed for The anchorage point is characte-
as a class A and B anchorage a class A and B anchorage point.
use in steel (steel girders) and con- be quickly supplied in large quanti- use in steel structures and con- rized by its small size. Due to its
point. As it is made entirely of As it is made entirely of stainless
crete. ties. Installation is very simple and crete. For installation in concrete low storage costs the Lock V can
A2 stainless steel, it is protected steel, it is protected against cor-
The anchorage point is characte- inexpensive and can be carried out there is a special concrete dowel, be quickly supplied in large quanti-
against corrosion. Due to its rosion. Due to its small size and
rized by its small size. Due to its within a short time. which has already also been tested ties. Installation is very simple and
small size it is easy to install and special angled shape, it is easy
in cracked concrete (tension zone). inexpensive and can be carried out
inconspicuous in the substrate. to install and inconspicuous in
within a short time.
the substrate.

Use Use

In concrete (also at the On a steel girder In concrete (also at the On a steel girder
side or overhead) side or overhead)
ABS-Lock VI ABS FSG 01-05
26 27

Single anchorage device for individuals and Transportable window guard rails
for the installation of fall protection nets

Frame up to 90 mm

The ABS FSG 01-05 system has

been developed to protect indivi-
duals working at windows from
The ABS-Lock VI system has been falling. The rails are transportable
developed to provide a secure sin- and can therefore be moved from
gle anchorage point for individuals window to window.
and as an anchorage for personal
safety nets. The system is licensed and tested in
accordance with European norm EN
The system is licensed and CE- Use
HD 1000 with a load of 125 kg.
tested according to DIN EN 795 The Lock VI can be used from a me-
Due to its various sizes and variable
as a class A and B anchorage tal sheet thickness of only 0.88 mm
adjustment range it can be used for
(personal anchorage point) or 0.75 Use
point, as well as according to window widths of between 400 and
mm (fall protection nets)! From the floor the pre-adjusted win- maximum window width, the device
DIN EN 1263-1 as an anchorage 1720 mm, although its size when
Attachment is made using a toggle dow guard rails are placed with the is locked in place: the safety rails
point for protective nets. As it is transported is only 400 or 770 mm.
bolt. To this purpose a 20 mm hole U-profile over the window frame on are firmly installed in the window
made entirely of stainless steel, It is not necessary to prepare the buil-
is drilled into the steel attachment the windowsill. The vertical window frame. This tried and tested protec-
the Lock VI is protected against ding structurally for the system, which
base and the toggle bolt pushed frame is enclosed on one side with tion system can be set down on the
corrosion. Due to the use of the can be used for all frame widths up to
through, tightened and screwed. the extendable fasteners, is held ground, is freestanding and easy to
ABS toggle bolt the system can 90 mm.
firmly in place between the frame install in the window for the person
be installed on various metal
and casement and is therefore se- wishing to protect himself. Warning:
cured against tilting. After the ex- the system is not designed for hol-
The Lock VI has been tested with
tendable fasteners on the opposite ding on to, leaning against with the
a maximum characteristic load of
side have been drawn out to the bodyweight or as a step ladder.
10 kN according to EN 795 (from a
sheet thickness of 0.88 mm) and 6
kN (from a sheet thickness of 0.75
mm) according to section 5.2 DIN
Outside Article Adjustment Range Weight
EN 1263-2 (technical safety require-
ments for the erection of protective FSG 01 400 - 910 mm 5.2 kg
nets). FSG 02 770 - 1720 mm 6.9 kg
The anchorage has an integrated Inside
FSG 03 400 - 730 mm 2.9 kg
sealing ring which restores the tight-
FSG 04 700 - 1160 mm 3.9 kg
ness of the steel structure. min. 35 mm
overlap FSG 05 1110 - 1570 mm 4.9 kg
Use Use
ABS SkyDome ABS Stabilik
28 29

Self-supporting guard rails for dome lights Self-supporting guard rail

1100 mm
The ABS SkyDome has been de- The ABS Stabilik system has been
veloped to provide a simple and developed as a guard rail without
effective fall protection system for penetration of the roof and without
individuals working on dome lights permanent installation. It is used
without penetrating the roof clad- on flat roofs and is designed for
ding. personal protection.

The system is licensed and tested The system is licensed and tested
according to DIN EN ISO 14122-3 Use according to DIN EN ISO 14122-3
The system is held in place by the roof light dome is used for climbing Use
(permanently installed access to (permanently installed access to
weight of eight concrete elements up and down. This guard rail is used if attachment (if these are positioned on the area
machine plant, part 3) as a guard machine plant, part 3) as a guard
weighing 15 kg each. This obviates to the roof parapet is difficult or im- of the seal).
rail. As it is constructed entirely of rail. As it is constructed entirely of
the need to penetrate the roof clad- The individual side elements are possible. In general it is used during If the guard rail is placed on a soft
hot galvanized steel, the SkyDome hot galvanized steel, the Stabilik is
ding and thereby reduce its tight- simply connected by means of a building renovation and installed di- sealing layer over the trapezoidal
is protected against corrosion. The protected against corrosion. The
ness to leaks. plug-in system and fixed in place rectly on the surface that is acces- sheet, we recommend that the com-
system is non-slip and held firmly system is non-slip and held firmly
with a quickly installed clamping sible on foot, so that there are no patibility of the system be tested
in place by several concrete slabs in place by several concrete slabs
The concrete elements are posi- element. subsequent problems with respect due to the pressure exerted by the
weighing 15 kg each that are tailor- weighing 15 kg each that are tailor-
tioned on a plastic mat that pro- The SkyDome is available in the fol- to restoring the tightness of the roof guard rail.
made specifically for the system. made specifically for the system.
tects the existing roof sealing layer lowing size: against leaks.
against damage. The system is also 2.5 m x 2.5 m No holes need to be drilled into Please note:
available with a door opening if the other sizes available on request the building. Two concrete weights In the case of self-supporting guard
of 15 kg each provide the rail with rails the maximum permitted in-
650 mm stability and resistance to external clination for roof surfaces is 10:
forces. Under the slab there is a with inclinations > 10 this device
non-slip layer, while a protective la- should only be used after consulting
Protective layer yer is to be found under the blocks the ABS Safety Department.

1750 mm
1117 mm

600 mm


2500 mm 250 mm
Anchor Devices ABS PSA-Set
30 31

ABS mobile anchor devices & with hardness, lanyard and protective bag
ABS ASK 5 horizontal anchor device

ABS Mobile Anchor Devices ac-

cording to EN 795

Mobile anchor devices are for tem- 1 Adjustable ABS door traverse
porary use and can be attached and (550 - 1100 mm)
detached at any time. For example,
2 Fall-arresting device -
they can be used without difficulty for
different versions available
occasional access to areas where
there is a danger of falling. The an- 3 Roll beam, beam trolley for
chor devices have been tested and steel girders, flange widths
are licensed in accordance with EN 50 - 220 mm
795 as an anchorage for personal 4 Girder glider M for flange
safety. widths 120 - 380 mm

The ABS PSA Set includes the ABS

802 safety harness, a lanyard with
variable individual lengths up to 15
m and a protective bag (optionally
as a backpack, transport bag or
sheet metal case). Safety Harness Protective Bag
The ABS 802 safety harness accor- Depending on the field of applica-
1 2 3 4 The safety set is particularly sui- ding to EN 361 offers a safety eye- tion, we offer a sturdy transport
table for work on roofs and lad- let in the chest area, as well as a D backpack, a transport bag or a
ders, as well as at windows and ring in the area of the back. sheet metal case (painted red). This
facades. ensures that the protective equip-
ABS ASK 5 Horizontal Anchor Lanyard ment can be safely transported bet-
Device The lanyard has a traveling rope ween deployments.
grab with shock absorber, and is
The ABS ASK 5 is a horizontal an- Simultaneous protection for up licensed for horizontal and vertical
chor device according to EN 795 to four individuals on one cable use.
class B + C. It is designed for tem- (max. two individuals per field)
porary use on flat roofs for connec-
tion to previously installed ancho- Optimum storage is provided by the
rage points (roof anchors). ABS Care + Protective Equipment
Storage Locker.
Anchor device for horizontal Lockable and easy to install on the
ABS SK 12-16/BFD
attachment on flat and sloping wall in interior rooms.
Traveling Rope Grab
roofs made of 16 mm polyamide
The ABS SK 12-16/BFD is a la- The SK12-16/BFD rope grab tra-
At one end permanently spliced nyard made of edge-tested core- vels freely in the direction of the
aluminum snap hooks with spun rope with a shock absorber anchor point. When the individual is
screw lock; ASK 5 cable clamp on a moving guide mechanism. descending it travels independently
as a tensioning unit at the other Tested and licensed according to along the stretched rope and can
end EN 353-2. also be guided by hand. In the case
of a fall the rope is blocked by the
Two free-moving snap hooks for clamp lever of the device. The resul-
attachment to intermediate posts ting impact forces are dissipated by
(maximum distance: 7.5 m) the shock absorber.
Companies that put their faith in us and our systems

ABS Safety GmbH

Gewerbering 3
47623 Kevelaer (Germany)
Tel: +49 (0) 28 32 - 9 72 81-0
Fax: +49 (0) 28 32 - 9 72 81-29

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