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Safety in LV Switchboard (Jul - Sep 04)

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July-September 2004

Issued by : EBG - Electrical Systems & Equipment, LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED, Powai Works, Mumbai 400 072

Prospect / Retrospect

Safety - Our prime concern

Safety in a power distribution build highest safety in LV technology and innovations in the
system is a very important factor switchboards. field of LV switchboards. It has
particularly in case of modern always used its vast experience
process industries wherein the National and international of over four decades in
cost of interruption is very high. standards define basic minimum incorporating features which
This is more important in the qualifications for switchboards for enhance :
severe operating conditions safe and reliable performance.
l safety
(similar to tropical conditions However, they lay down norms
prevailing in India) where heat, only for the essential part. Based l reliability
dust, humidity and vermin are on the learnings from the past
l maintainability
prevalent. This increases the experience, safety and reliability
responsibility of the designers and enhancing features get l user friendliness
manufacturers of such systems in incorporated in the products as
delivering products, which are additional design criteria. As time of the low voltage switchboards it
totally safe to work on, which also passes, end users start offers.
have the right control and demanding such features as a part
protection devices/schemes. of the system. Finally, these get In this issue of L&T Current
incorporated as a part of the Trends, we bring about an
Low Voltage switchboards form an standards themselves. Such overview of various safety features
important link in the power additions to the standards in LV switchboards. The users
distribution system of a plant enhance reliability and safety of the should start demanding these in
which mainly consists of drives/ equipment. their specifications so as to get
motors operating at low voltage. safety and reliability incorporated
Hence, it becomes essential to L&T is the trend setter in terms of in the basic product design.

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Safety in LV Switchboard
- Ms. Neelam Kotnis
Electrical Systems & Equipment

Safety In this article, we will

look at some of the
Safety can be defined as “freedom from
aspects that ensure
the risk of Hazard” or in other words
/ enhance safety in
“an equipment meets the requirement
a Low Voltage
so that it does not become a source
of hazard”. Safety is always
complemented by Protection.
Busbar clearances
Protection helps in avoiding hazard and
and shrouding
minimizing the damages in case of a
hazard. When we talk about safety, it
Busbar zone is very
must cover safety of :
critical in a Click-fit busbar joint shrouds
l Personnel switchboard. The
standard also specifies a minimum of sharp edges of the busbars. This
l Equipment
19mm clearance between busbars of probable arc travel can be restricted
l Environment two phases. In tropical, humid and by giving rounded edged cross section
dusty environment as prevailing in for busbars. This also enhances the
India, this clearance may not be life of sleeve since stresses at the
sufficient. Experience has proved that sharp edges are eliminated.
it is required to increase the clearance
to around 25mm. Bare busbars can Busbar supports
get shorted by vermin creeping in this
zone. Hence, to enhance safety Busbar supports are considered to
further, secondary insulation in the form have a dual role :
of halogen free heat shrunk sleeve is
l providing insulated support during
provided. This secondary insulation
normal operating conditions
eliminates any probability of accidental
contact or shorting. For use in l withstanding very high electro-
specific areas, the heat-shrunk sleeves dynamic forces during fault
are replaced by epoxy coating on conditions.
busbars. Still the busbar joints remain
either open or they are covered with Fibre-glass reinforced thermoset
tape. Taping of joints makes plastic supports comply with both the
maintenance very clumsy. Thus, this requirements. However, there is one
area can be covered with easily more aspect that needs attention :
removable shrouds that offer ease of “creepage of arc”. The basic design of
maintenance together with safety. In the supports should provide necessary
very critical applications, where anti-creepage barriers.
interruption is totally unacceptable, in
addition to the secondary insulation, The insulating materials have a
inter-phase barriers of fire retardant tendency to allow creepage of arc
material are essential. across phases due to aging. This is
aggravated due to various factors like
Busbar cross section hygroscopic nature of the material,
ingress of dust etc. Hence, the basic
Rectangular cross section is common material and the moulding process
for busbars. It has many advantages. should ensure minimum porosity so
However, study of arc travel on the as to achieve very high Comparative
conductors establishes that the arc Tracking Index (CTI). Such supports
Completely shrouded busbar system has a tendency to travel along the offer a reliable solution specially for
is over, there is a l FRHR : These have both the
possibility of the properties of HRPVC as well as
feeders/ACBs of the FR.
same size getting
interchanged. This can l FRLS : Fire Retardant Low
pose danger when the Smoke insulating materials. Since
loads are switched on. the smoke generated in the event
In order to avoid the risk of fire is less, it is less hazardous.
of under-rating due to
such accidental change, l FRZH : Fire Retardant Zero
rating error prevention Halogen. Zero halogen type is a
interlock is necessary better insulation because presence
on all feeders/ACBs. of Halogen gas is hazardous in the
Busbar supports with anti-tracking barriers event of fire.
humid and saline environment. It is When any drawout
also necessary to verify the CTI of the feeder/ACB is withdrawn for Hence, it is extremely essential to
material used for busbar support as maintenance purpose, either at the select the best possible type of wire
creepage in this zone can lead to switchboard end or at the load end, to ensure trouble free and safe
severe faults. Creepage value selection and the maintenance is half way performance of a switchboard. FRHR
for the material is based on the level through, it is risky to put it back in type wire should be the minimum
of pollution in the surrounding area and service even accidentally. Hence, acceptable level.
the type of material. locking facility for the feeder/ACB in
ON as well as OFF position is a Earthing
Insulating materials are classified as : welcome feature which can prevent
accidental switching ON or switching In order to ensure the highest level of
Group I 600 < CTI OFF that may lead to disruption. safety for the operating personnel, the
first and foremost precaution is proper
Group II 400 < CTI < 600 It is also essential to keep all live parts
inside the switchboard covered by an
Group III 175 < CTI < 400
insulating shield to avoid any
Group IV 100 < CTI < 175 accidental touch by the operating
personnel or falling tools which can
Insulating materials used in result in electrocution/fault. Hence, it
switchboards have to withstand is necessary to keep all incoming and
different temperatures depending on outgoing terminals of the feeder/ACB
their vicinity to the current carrying fully covered. Wherever drawout
parts. Such materials are classified mechanism is operating, spring loaded,
for temperature withstand between self-activated shutters are necessary
560°C and 950°C using a glow wire to cover the live terminals as soon as
test. This test simulates the fire hazard they get exposed.
and ensures that the material does
not ignite or help spread the fire at the Wiring
specified temperature. Application of This is the most crucial part of an
insulating material with suitable electrical circuit and the most
temperature withstand capability vulnerable too. Any compromise in the
ensures improved safety against fire quality of wire can lead to disasters in
hazard in switchboard. a switchboard. With advancements in
types of materials available for forming
Feeders the insulation of the wire, the following
types of wires are available in the
In the new designs and ranges of
market :
products, emphasis is on reducing
variety of frames/sizes for multiple l HRPVC insulated : These are
ratings. This leads to different rated heat resistant.
feeders/ACBs being available in the
same size. During maintenance l FR : These are fire retardant wires.
shutdowns, most of the times, such In the event of fire, the fire will not
drawout feeders/ACBs are taken out spread fast. This type of PVC has
of the switchboard for complete high glow wire value. Outgoing terminal shrouding in cabling
maintenance. After the maintenance zone
earthing. In case of a combination of different forms of
drawout trolley, earth switchboards.
continuity is achieved
through a sliding Type Testing
contact. Hence, it is
Conventionally, various type tests are
necessary for the
carried out on separate specimen of
contact material to have
the switchboard. However, in practical
high abrasion resistance
situation it is the same switchboard,
in addition to high
which undergoes all normal and
conductivity. Since
abnormal operating conditions. Hence,
Form 1 silver offers very good
it is required that the same switchboard
abrasion resistance
undergoes all type tests sequentially.
along with very low
The latest standards provide two
contact resistance, a
fundamental approaches for checking
silver-plated sliding
the performance – Type Tested
contact arrangement as
Assembly (TTA) and Partially Type
scraping earth facility is
Tested Assembly (PTTA). The
the most reliable
sequence of type tests as defined for
earthing system. This
a TTA includes temperature rise,
contact should be first-
dielectric properties, short-circuit
to-make and last-to-
withstand strength, clearance &
Form 2 break type giving
creepage distances, degree of
maximum protection to
protection and mechanical operations.
the operating personnel.
For certifying a switchboard as Type
Internal Segregation
Tested Assembly, it is mandatory that
For operational safety all the requirements for all the type
and also to restrict the tests and routine tests are carried out
damage in the event of on the same switchboard. A Partially
a fault to the zone of Type Tested Assembly undergoes
initiation, internal specific tests and it can be derived
segregation is specified. through Type Tested Assembly. Very
Form 3 There are different forms few manufacturers worldwide have TTA
of internal segregation certified switchboards.
viz. Form-1, Form-2,
Form-3 and Form-4.
Each form has multiple Safety is a very important aspect in
variants. The basic an electrical power distribution
differences in each form network, mainly the LV switchboard
are highlighted in the which is an important link in the entire
sketches here. network. Hence, no compromise can
be acceptable as safety of man &
Form-4 types 1 to 7 machine in any industry is given
Form 4 have the highest level of topmost priority.
internal segregation.
Many international This needs to be recognised at an
specifications are early stage, specially when the LV
demanding Form-4 type Switchgear is being ordered, so that
switchboards. There is "safety" can come bundled with the
also a trend of using main power distribution system.

For further details on this subject, please contact:

EBG - Electrical Systems & Equipment, Larsen & Toubro Limited, Saki-Vihar Road, P.O. Box 8901, Powai, Mumbai 400 072
Fax: 022-2858 1024 * E-mail:

Printed by Printania Offset Pvt. Ltd.,D 20/21, Shalimar Industrial Estate, Matunga (East), Mumbai 400 019. Tel.: 2407 7996/
8866/4540 Fax : 2402 4703 Email: The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the
management of Larsen & Toubro Limited. The contents of this magazine should not be reproduced without the written
permission of the Editor. Not for sale-only for circulation among the customers. Editorial Coordinators : R. S. Mahajan,
Member Neelam D. Kotnis, EBG-ESE, Powai .

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