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Format Final Test: F-CLA 003

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F-CLA 003


SUBJECT: ________________ TERM: _______________ DATE :_______________

NAME: _______________________________________________GRADE: ___9____

The student will have the ability to understand authentic texts and respond to varied complex
comprehension quesrions.
The student will be able to produce a recognizable text type, using a wide range of vocabulary as
well as complex sentences accurately and effectively, through methodical and convincing
The student will be able to produce a piece of creative writing that reflects his/ger understanding
of a literary work and his/her ability to write creatively.
The student's command of the spoken language will be fluid and authentic, showing varied and
idiomatic vocabulary as well as the usage of complex sentences in a coherent way.
The student will express his/her opinions, suggestions and recommendations when speculating
about photographs.
The student will be able to write balanced essays that include well-managed grammatical

1. Explain the three different approaches for tackling the personal response.
a. The one-sided approach:

b. The balanced but undecided approach:

c. The analytical approach:
F-CLA 003

2. A. Read the next text and answer the questions.


Logan is the last film in the trilogy of Wolverine films, but also marks Hugh Jackman's last
performance as Wolverine in the X-Men universe. The film also marks Patrick Stewarts last
outing as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men universe. So, how does this last outing film
hold up? Is it good, is it bad, is it ok? Let's dive into it, shall we? Off of first impressions, I am
completely blown away by this film. It is totally different than any X-Men, heck any Wolverine
film before it! Hugh Jackman himself did an absolutely beautiful job on this film. I could tell
that he literally put everything into this film and it definitely does show in this film as well.
Patrick Stewarts portrayal of a aging and trash talking Charles Xavier was hilarious but at
times really touching. I honestly felt that the two, Jackman and Stewart, were a great pairing
for this film. But it was interesting how with this film being rather serious and very brutal, oh
so brutal, there were comedic moments that actually within that type of story. When a film
can do that, do it successfully that is, I am always impressed, as I am with this film. The girl
who played X-23 was also extremely good. For a kid actor, she was very good within this R
rated film. There are so many other actors who played their roles extremely well, but everyone
really did a great job. The story was also very touching, saying it's technically about the last
days of Wolverine. The characters within it all serve their purpose, and honestly I don't feel
that any character was wasted at all. Every person had a reason for being on screen, and it
made the story that much better because of it.
Essentially, the story arch is a road trip, so we meet different people, while Logan is being
pursued by, basically, Mutant hunters. X-23 and Logan do not get a long at first, but as the
film progresses, they do form a strong bond. The plot line with Xavier was also very
interesting. Through it we learn what has happened in the past 15-20 years. We also learn of
what he is capable of now and what effects it has, which just saying, is extremely bad. The
whole plot line for X-23 was also interesting and very close to Wolverines backstory, which
makes sense when you think about it. So story wise, really on point. Action wise, holy crap.
When there was action, there was action. I'm glad this film was rated R because to fully see
what Wolverine and even X-23 were capable of, it had to be done in a R rated film. A PG-13
film could not do this justice, it wouldn't even come close. The kills in this film are also
extremely brutal. I mean, rated R brutal, and by that I mean so brutal that it's not for the weak
hearted at all! You have limbs and heads and everything getting cut-off, so, yeah, action and
killings extremely brutal, but extremely awesome as well. The final thing I want to touch on is
the mutant hunting group. Headed by Richard E. Grant's character, they claim that they can
control mutants by killing them and mixing tissues together. There's one thing they make that
I won't spoil, that probably could've been left out, but at the same time, it was actually pretty
awesome to see. The man with the metal hand too was a loyal servant for the mutant hunters,
and he had a few moments where he was pretty clever. And the interesting bit is, if you
remember the original X-Men films, apparently this group is based off the same program that
gave Logan his claws, heck it runs in the family, not going to explain how though, you gotta
see the film to find out. Overall though, when it comes down to how good this film really was,
it was the best X-Menish film Fox has made for awhile. The direction behind it, the acting, the
story, everything, was just perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better film. Logan is truly a
great film and I highly recommend that everyone, who is above 18, no kids, go see this film
and witness the last chapter in The Wolverine and Professor X story. You will not be
F-CLA 003

B. Identify the different types of nouns in the text.

Proper Common Singular Plural Concrete Abstract Regular Irregular

C. What type of text is it? Which characteristics does it have?


D. Read the next text.

Why We Must Protect Freshwater Fish

Rivers and lakes are under threatand so are millions that fish in them.

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide would lack their prime source of protein without freshwater
fish. Yet the lakes and river systems that supply them are often overlooked by policymakers, who
focus sustainability efforts instead on ocean species.

Marine fisheries tend to be commercial operations, while freshwater fishing is almost exclusively a
means of subsistence. Most freshwater fish catches dont enter the global trade economy, so they
draw less interest, says University of WisconsinMadison zoologist Peter McIntyre.

McIntyre recently conducted a global analysis of riverine fisheriesand the threats they faceand
determined there is an urgent need to safeguard these regions. He and his team found that 90 percent
F-CLA 003

of the global freshwater catch comes from ecosystems that are stressed by above average pollution,
dambuilding, and invasive species.

Nowhere are these challenges more potentially damaging than within Southeast Asias multicountry
Mekong River systemthe worlds biggest freshwater fishery. There, says McIntyre, many people
rely on catfish and other river species as a critical source of dietary protein that could not easily be

McIntyres research does not point to a sky is falling scenario, he says, but it is clear now that the
places getting hammered the hardest are the places where we have the most to lose.

E. Identify the singular and plural nouns and change them to their plural or singular form.

Singular Plural

F. What type of text is it? Which characteristics does it have?

F-CLA 003

G. Read the next test and answer the questions.


For years, Hawaiians have avoided talk of race and hate crimes. That doesn't mean the island state
doesn't have a problem. With no known hate groups and a much-trumpeted spirit of aloha or
tolerance, few people outside Hawaii realize the state has a racism issue. One reason: The tourism-
dependent state barely acknowledges hate crimes.

Hawaii has collected hate crimes data since 2002. In the first six years, the state reported only 12
hate crimes. But that doesn't begin to reflect the extent of racial rancor directed at non-Native
Hawaiians in the Aloha State, especially in schools.

Anti-white sentiments have been more than 200 years in the making. The pivotal event occurred
when American and European businessmen, backed by U.S. military forces, overthrew Hawaii's
monarch in 1893 and placed her under house arrest two years later. The United States annexed the
islands as a territory in 1898, and they became a state in 1959.

Little wonder then that as Hawaii prepares to observe the 50th anniversary of becoming the 50th
state on Aug. 21, it will be a muted celebration, devoid of parades or fireworks.

Classroom Warfare
Tina Mohr has lived in Hawaii for 25 years. She has Native Hawaiian friends. But in the 2003-04
school year, her twin blond-haired daughters, aged 11 at the time, began getting harassed by
Native Hawaiian kids at their school on the Big Island. "Our daughters would come home with
bruises and cuts," she tells the Intelligence Report. Midway through the 6th grade, Mohr began to
home-school her daughters.
She filed a complaint with the civil rights division of the U.S. Department of Education in 2004. The
report concluded that school officials responded inadequately or not at all when students
complained of racial harassment. Students who did complain were retaliated against by their
antagonists. "They learned not to report this stuff," Mohr says of her own daughters. Today, Mohr's
daughters are again attending the school where they used to have trouble. They haven't been
assaulted, but one was threatened on a school bus earlier this year.

Racial Legacies
The resentment some Native Hawaiians feel toward whites today can be chalked up in part to
"ancestral memory," says Jon Matsuoka, dean of the School of Social Work at the University of
Hawaii. "That trauma is qualitatively different than other ethnic groups in America. It's more akin to
American Indians" because Hawaiians had their homeland invaded, were exposed to diseases for
which they had no immunity, and had an alien culture forced upon them, he says. Stories about the
theft of their lands and culture have been passed down from one generation to the next, Matsuoka
adds. (One difference now, of course, is that Native Hawaiians in Hawaii are far more numerous
than American Indians are in their own ancestral regions, where the Indians remain politically weak
and largely marginalized by the far larger white population.)

Racial violence directed at whites in Hawaii, while deplorable, is minor compared to the larger
issues underlying it, Matsuoka says. The Hawaiian spirit of aloha "is pervasive, but you have to
earn aloha. You don't necessarily trust outsiders, because in the past outsiders have come and
have taken what you have. It's an incredibly giving and warm and generous place, but you have to
earn it," he says.
F-CLA 003

"Here in Hawaii, there is no compulsion to speak out on racist attacks. There are all these hate
crimes and violent things happening to white people and you don't hear sovereignty activists
speaking out against it," says Kenneth Conklin, who manages a massive website on Hawaiian
issues. "The violence has been going on for years and it's always been hush-hush."

annexed: to claim a foreign territory by invading without diplomatic approval

sovereignty activists: groups promoting Hawaiis right to full independence as a sovereign state,
rather than as a member state of the USA.

2009: Source adapted from

True or false? Provide text justification for your response:

Tina Mohrs daughters have native Hawaiian friends. T/F


In 2002 only 12 hate crimes were reported. T/F


Native Hawaiians are similar to American Indians, in that they represent a small part of the
population in their ancestral homelands. T/F


Conklin says all racist attacks are officially reported. T/F


Victims find it easy to report violence and harassment T/F


Racial violence is mostly directed at Hawaiians T/F


Hawaiians are ready to welcome anyone who is new T/F


The violence has only started recently. T/F


Hawaiis monarch was placed under arrest in 1893 T/F

F-CLA 003


Most outsiders know Hawaii has a racism issue T/F


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