7 Steps To Developing A Cloud Security Plan: Whitepaper
7 Steps To Developing A Cloud Security Plan: Whitepaper
7 Steps To Developing A Cloud Security Plan: Whitepaper
7 Steps to Developing
a Cloud Security Plan
Executive Summary:
7 Steps to Developing
a Cloud Security Plan
Designing and implementing an enterprise security plan can be a daunting task for any
business. To help facilitate this endeavor NaviSite has developed a manageable process and
checklist that can be used by enterprise security, compliance, and IT professionals as a
framework for crafting a successful cloud computing security plan. It defines seven steps
sequentiallythat have been tested and refined through NaviSites experiences helping
hundreds of companies secure enterprise resources according to best practices. This plan
enables organizations to gain the economic advantages of secure and compliant managed
cloud services.
Table of Contents
Secure cloud services plan breaks down into the following seven steps:
FIGURE 1: 7 STEPS. Review Your Business Goals
Continuously Maintain a Risk
Improve Management Program
Audit and Create a Security
Review Often Plan that Supports
Your Business Goals
Create Security Secure Corporate-
Policies, Procedures, Wide Support
and Standards
Step 1:
It is important that any cloud security The broader the input the more likely the
plan begins with the basic understanding final security plan will truly align with, and
of your specific business goals. Security support corporate goals. Executive input
is not a one-size-fits-all scenario and is not only essential to ensure that
should focus on enabling: assets are protected with the proper
safeguards, but also to ensure that all
parties understand the strategic goals.
authorization, managing and
ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL For example, if a company plans to
monitoring, and reporting and auditing
double in size within a few years,
SCENARIO technologies should be leveraged to
security infrastructure needs to be
protect, monitor, and report on access
designed to support scalability.
to information resources
CASE IN POINT: At NaviSite, we often
PROCESSES: Methodologies should
see customers faced with the challenge
be established that define clear
of making major security and technology
processes for everything from
changes to address evolving corporate
provisioning and account
goals. For example, a customer that
establishment through incident
hosts multiple merchant sites had a
management, problem management,
Payment Card Industry (PCI)-compliant
change control, and acceptable use
application, but when it was acquired, its
policies so that processes govern
parent company required stricter controls
access to information
that conformed to the enterprise-wide
PEOPLE: Organizations need access PCI program. The acquired company
to the proper skill sets and expertise to came to us with a small company
develop security plans that align with perspective, while the new parent
business goals company wanted to enforce even tighter
Too often, organizations view internal security across its divisions.
security and compliance teams as We worked with them to realign and
inhibitors to advancing the goals of the bolster the goals of the acquired
business. Understanding the business companys security and compliance
objectives and providing long-term programs with the corporate goals of the
strategies to enable business growth, parent company. By reviewing the
customer acquisition, and customer business goals with the stakeholders
retention is essential to any successful from the parent company, the newly
security plan. acquired company, and our security
The best way to do this is to develop team, we were able to identify and
cloud security policies based on cross- document the objectives for the new
departmental input. A successful security compliance program and ensure that
program includes contribution from all they were aligned with the over-arching
stakeholders to ensure that policies are PCI program.
aligned and procedures are practical and
Step 2:
It is nave to think that your applications will If you have a well-developed risk
never be breached, whether they are management program in place, then you
hosted in your data center or in a managed have identified your critical assets and
data center. Every organization needs to established appropriate levels of
develop and maintain a risk management protection. By moving some or all of your
program, and it should be done centrally business applications to the cloud, you
AN EFFECTIVE CLOUD and viewed holistically. gain the additional benefits of your
providers business continuity planning and
COMPUTING RISK An effective cloud computing risk protection from unthinkable events, such
management program is important for as natural disasters. Seamless failover to a
MANAGEMENT reducing the overall risk to the redundant data center thousands of miles
PROGRAM IS organization. It is also essential for away provides shareholders with increased
prioritizing the utilization of resources and comfort in knowing their business is
IMPORTANT FOR for providing the business with a long-term protected and secure.
REDUCING THE strategy. If a growing organization can
identify and reduce the risk of new At NaviSite, we continue to see disaster
OVERALL RISK TO THE products, technologies, processes, people, recovery and business continuity initiatives
ORGANIZATION. and vendors, it can better focus on gaining increased corporate focus as a
revenue growth and improved profitability. direct result of the migration of ERP
applications to the cloud. For example, a
It is only through a well-defined and publicly traded company outsourced its
carefully maintained risk management financial applications to NaviSite. However
program that you can provide an they did not have a business continuity and
aggregated view of the risk that a company disaster recovery (BCDR) plan.
is willing to accept. The generalized view is
that you assess the value of the asset, As we worked with them on their risk
assess the loss expectancy probability, management program - identifying risks,
and then quantify whether the organization evaluating the value of the assets, and
is willing to accept the risk of loss or looking at annualized loss expectancies to
whether steps should be taken to mitigate build out the level of assurance they
the chances of that loss. Security needed - they realized the economic
professionals are encouraged to regularly argument and value for enabling seamless
conduct careful analysis to develop failover to a redundant site across the
responsible programs and build in the country.
necessary controls and auditing
capabilities to mitigate threats and maintain Management went back to the Board of
a reasonable security program that Directors and quickly received approval.
protects organizational assets, given The company now has a solid disaster
budgetary resources. recovery program in place with annual
testing to ensure business continuity. They
The cloud computing risk assessment did not initially understand the risk its
policy requires buy-in from the very top. shareholders were incurring until it
This program should be audited, and developed a formal risk management
policies defined that explicitly state who program, and by quantifying that risk the
can accept risk on behalf of the company was able to take appropriate
organization. steps to mitigate and protect itself
adequately while ensuring business
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
It is important to review the security plan our compliances with Section 404 of the
on a regular basis, report on Sarbanes-Oxley Act. By auditing and
achievements of goals, and audit the reviewing the results regularly,
compliance of the organization to the companies can implement a constant
security policies and procedures. If it is audit cycle that ensures that the controls
part of your overall business plan, a remain in place and that that they are
third-party audit can provide an impartial being followed. If problems occur, they
review of the controls and report on can be identified and remediated before
compliance to established programs, the next audit cycle.
such as SSAE 16, PCI DSS, or Safe
Harbor. Some industries mandate audits,
and U.S. publicly traded companies have
to conduct internal audits every quarter
when they release financial statements.
Understanding the auditing
requirements for your business and the
frequency of your audits is essential not
only for ensuring compliance with
relevant requirements but also for
maintaining best practices for securing
enterprise resources.
Step 7:
A well-developed security plan will allow before your next audit. Continuous
for the continuous improvement of improvement is the key to your security
security and compliance. At a minimum, plan. Understanding the dynamic nature
annually review your cloud computing of your business and constantly
security plan with senior executives and evaluating security requirements are the
your cloud services provider, and revise foundation for implementing a successful
goals and objectives as needed. Review continuous improvement strategy.
and edit security policies and
procedures, and actively report back to
the organization the accomplishments of
the security and compliance teams.
Properly managed cloud infrastructure ABOUT NAVISITE
provides better security than most
enterprise data centers, applications, For more information about secure cloud
and IT infrastructure. It allows companies computing services from NaviSite,
to more efficiently deploy scarce please visit www.navisite.com or send an
technical personnel. Use this proven e-mail to us at webinfo@navisite.com or
process and the summary checklist call us at 1.888.298.8222 to discuss your
provided in Appendix A as an easy guide secure cloud computing requirements.
to structuring your cloud computing
security plan.
VISIT: www.navisite.com
Appendix A:
By following these seven steps to developing a secure outsourcing plan developed by NaviSite, the enterprise can rely
on a proven methodology for cost-effectively and securely outsourcing IT services.
STEP 1: REVIEW YOUR BUSINESS GOALS Consider seamless failover to a redundant data center
and disaster recovery planning integral to risk
Understand your business goals and direction
Develop cloud security policies based on cross-
departmental input that includes insights from senior STEP 3: CREATE A SECURITY PLAN THAT SUPPORTS
management and all of the stakeholders YOUR BUSINESS GOALS
Ensure that all security policies are aligned with strategic Develop goals with measurable results that are
goals, and that the procedures are practical and consistent with providing support for the growth and
pragmatic stability of the company
Appendix A, Page 1
Appendix A:
STEP 5: CREATE SECURITY POLICIES, PROCEDURES, Understand the auditing requirements for your business
AND STANDARDS and the frequency of your audits not only for ensuring
compliance with relevant requirements but also so you
Establish a set of guidelines to ensure that all compliance
can implement best practices for securing enterprise
measures are identified
Make sure that compliance requirements are reflected in
Audit and review the results regularly to ensure that the
your policies and procedures
controls remain in place and that that they are being
Ensure that auditors can clearly review your policies and followed
how you have implemented so they can that they are
If an audit reveals any potential security or compliance
being followed.
problems, ensure they are remediated before the next
Design a comprehensive, layered approach based on a audit cycle
security framework to address common regulatory
requirements. This will make it easier to adopt and STEP 7: CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE
maintain security procedures that can be audited so you
Annually review your cloud computing security plan with
can achieve your security and compliance goals. senior management and your cloud services provider
Turn to this 7-step plan as the foundation for your internal Re-establish goals
audits. If you dont have these steps in place, you wont
Review and edit security policies and procedures
have a structure that auditors can easily follow
Actively report back to the organization the
Read everything you can and apply best practices to
accomplishments of the security and compliance teams
creating policies that align with business goals.
Develop procedures that are realistic and that will be These steps should be implemented sequentially, and it is
acceptable to the organization an iterative process based on best practices and focused
on continuous improvement.
By following these guidelines, organizations can structure
Review the security plan on a regular basis, report on
security and compliance programs to take advantage of the
achievements of goals, and audit the compliance of the
economic advantages of managed cloud applications and
organization to the security policies and procedures
services while meeting organizational security and
If it is part of your overall business plan, turn to a third- compliance objectives
party audit to provide an impartial review of the controls
and report on compliance to established programs
Appendix A, Page 2