Delhi Police
Delhi Police
Delhi Police
Table of Contents
• The Delhi Police excel in operating their Twitter account, attracting 5-6 million followers. When a citizen posts
a query or requests assistance, the response time from the police is under five minutes. Beyond just a digital
reply, within this timeframe, if the individual is within the Delhi Police's area of authority, a beat marshal or a
physical officer is dispatched to their location.
Technological Infrastructure
Implementation of a Digital Transformation Plan
Wide-reaching Network Fully Furnished
Infrastructure Laboratories
Recent efforts by authorities have
Cyber Police Stations and
focused on thoroughly revamping,
Laboratories are established
throughout Delhi to assist every updating, and outfitting the current
police district. laboratories.
Specialization in Digital
Delhi Management of Cybersecurity
Intelligence Cyber Unit
The Technological
Every Cyber unit operates Backbone of DTS The teams are responsible for cybersecurity
autonomously and possesses tasks encompassing the deployment of
advanced expertise in the Acquisition, Automatic Multimodal Biometric
Gathering, Organization, and Identification Systems (AMBIS), as well as
Examination of data. combating piracy and phishing efforts
Responsibilities of the Cyber Unit
Mobile Location
Utilizing automated tools for GPS and
ML & AI-powered Data mobile network surveillance to pinpoint
the location of suspects and devices.
Discovering forensic evidences in Multimedia and Metadata
unsolved cases Examination
Deriving critical insights from pictures,
videos, and audio files stored on mobile
devices or captured by CCTV systems.
Combating Misinformation
Artificial intelligence-supported tools are used across
platforms such as WhatsApp, Meta, and Instagram to
identify and mitigate the spread of false information,
hate speech, and potential riot incitement.
o The acceptance of new technologies by the force is positive and progressive. Following the
parliament attacks, the Delhi Police recognized the critical importance of swift and effective
emergency responses. This acknowledgment has led to the widespread adoption of systems that
facilitate seamless communication across various platforms and on dual frequencies. In 2022
alone, over 650 police officers were proficiently trained in utilizing these advanced systems.
Moreover, the force is actively encouraged to employ digital tools and has embraced the shift
towards paperless and online administrative processes, a move further accelerated by the
pandemic's challenges.
Transformation During Covid
During the Covid pandemic, significant transformations were implemented to adapt to the new challenges:
Digitalization of Internal Processes: The shift to paperless operations for HR and administrative tasks,
including leave requests and budget management, was swiftly enacted, enhancing efficiency and
Remote Recording of Statements: Utilizing Zoom and WhatsApp for statement recording became
commonplace. In certain situations, questionnaires were emailed, with respondents instructed to record
their answers, serving as their official statements.
Use of Thermal Cameras and Drones: Thermal imaging cameras were deployed at strategic locations for
fever detection. Drones were utilized for aerial surveillance to ensure compliance with health protocols.
Enhanced Remote Monitoring: CCTV systems, coupled with video analytics technology, were used to
oversee containment zones from a distance, facilitating efficient management and control of these areas.
Challenges 04
Major Challenges Faced
Human Technical
Resources Challenges
Strategies and
Training, and
• Technological Awareness Deficit: An observed gap in
understanding the latest technologies among police
Transparency and
Privacy Bias and Discrimination
• The gathering and examination of • The utilization of digital • Promoting transparency regarding
immediate data from CCTV cameras, technologies can potentially worsen the utilization of digital technologies
social media, and various sources existing biases and discrimination. entails disclosing information about
necessitate stringent privacy For instance, predictive policing their usage, data collection practices,
safeguards to preserve individual algorithms might perpetuate and operational methodologies.
rights. prevailing biases, leading to an
increased focus on policing certain • It is imperative to establish clear
• It is essential to ensure that the communities. lines of accountability for the
utilization of digital technologies • It is crucial to guarantee that the implementation of digital
complies with privacy laws and application of digital technologies technologies, ensuring they are
regulations. does not unfairly single out specific subject to oversight and regular
individuals or communities. review processes.