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Short Penetration Test Report

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Penetration Test Report


Date of test:


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1 Introduction to the penetration test .....................................3

1.1 Some Definitions …………………………………..…………3
1.2 Motivation of an Attacker …………………………………….4

2 The Penetration Test …………………………………….5

2.1 IP Authentication Vulnerability ……………………….…..…..5
2.2 Reverse DNS Vulnerability ……………………………………6
2.3 Standard Universe Job Vulnerability …………………………..6

3 Conclusions ………………………………..………………….7

Chapter 1

Introduction to the penetration test

The aim of this penetration test is to help the administrator of the com- pany to secure the
network. Although this report contains technical terms, it has been written so that a
non-initiated reader with a basic knowledge of computing would understand it.
However, references to more technical content, to be found in the appendices, is given
along the test report for the administrator and security consultant of Bites-PenTesting to
review them and possibly reproduce the test. Should the reader meet difficulties at
un- derstanding the penetration test report, going directly to the “Conclusions and
Recommendations” section will give him the executive information. For further help, we
remain open to answer any of your questions.

In order to increase the understanding of the reader, some definitions and

clarifications are given in the following sections.

1.1 Some definitions

• Hacker: word given by the masse media to define what we will more accurately call
attacker or intruder in this report.

• Vulnerability: a bug in computer program that may be abused to gain privileges on a


• Exploit: a program or strategy to exploit a vulnerability. Depending on the

vulnerability, an exploit may be either local, in which a previous “local” access to
the target computer is required prior gain

higher privileges, or remote where the exploit can be run without this prerequisite.

• Rootkit: a set of programs replacing the tools, that an administrator would generally
use to detect the presence of an intruder, by modified versions detecting everything
but the presence and activities of the intruder, thus making the administrator confident
that the system is free of any intrusions.
1.2 Motivation of an attacker

There are mainly three reasons why someone might want to penetrate your network.

• Information theft: to steal valuable information of your business such as contracts,

documents or e-mail communication. In other words, information that, for example,
competitors may like to know.

• Identity theft: by using your network as relay to attack other networks, an attacker can
mask his identity.

• Challenge to overcome: to most attackers, your network represents a challenge that

must be conquered or a way to prove their superior intelligence and technical skills.

Understanding the psychology of an attacker helps considering why your network is at

risk whenever it is connected to the Internet and how to protect it. Indeed, whatever the
final motivation really is, gaining access to a network always remains a challenge for an
attacker. Though intruding a network is rewarding for his ego, failing to gain the access
brings a high level of frustration. An attacker, usually, doesn’t give up easily and will try,
again and again, by any means, to get all kind of information that might be useful to detect
weaknesses and mount attacks.

Therefore, while performing the penetration test, we have been through the same stages
as an attacker would have, even though our strategy or tools might be slightly differ.
Chapter 2

The penetration test

The penetration test was carried out from one Linux PC inspecting your Cloud IaaS (Infrastructure
as a service) Virtual machine cluster software, more specifically, Condor. The test is limited to
service models you are responsible for as agreed. These services are, API/GUI, Application,
Solution Stack and the Virtual machine.

This is not a blackbox test as we have discussed in some length your service and systems therefor I
can skip over any host discovery, network mapping, port mapping and most information gathering

The vulnerabilities found were not in direct response to any command or request from out attacking
computer or indeed from the host server therefor to prevent this report becoming an ineligible mess
of computer code I have left out most of commands and packets that were used in their discovery.

2.1 IP Authentication Vulnerability

The server is using IP based authentication, the set of IP addresses that are allowed can be more
permissive than expected when denying IP addresses. This can allow an attacker to perform actions
against the Condor daemon that should not be allowed.

If multiple IP address ranges are specified and the netmask is not the same in each all the IP address
ranges will be ignored. In the case of HOSTALLOW options this will make the list of hosts that can
perform the operation more restrictive than expected, but in the case of HOSTDENY options it will
make the list of IP addresses that can perform the operation less restrictive.
In the example below, machines with IP address in the range to and to should not be allowed to perform adminstrative commands, but this will
not be the case:

HOSTDENY_ADMINISTRATOR = 192.168.0.* 10.0.*

Instead no hosts will be denied, since the netmask portion of the 192.168.0.* is 24 bits while the
network portion of 10.0.* is 16 bits.
logic error
Coding error.
The code was fixed to treat each specified network/netmask pair individually and to not ignore them
if the number of bits in the netmask varied.
2.2 Reverse DNS Vulnerability
When looking up information, Condor does not validate that the DNS name returned actually points
to the IP address claimed. An attacker who controls an IP, its reverse-DNS entry and has knowledge
of a target site's security configuration. With this control and knowledge, the attacker can bypass the
target site's host-based authentication and be authorised to perform privileged actions (i.e. actions
requiring ALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR or ALLOW_WRITE). Condor deployments using host-
based authentication that contain no hostnames (IPs or IP globs only) or use authentication stronger
than host-based are not vulnerable.

If an attacker is able to modify their own reverse DNS records, and can connect to the Condor
daemon, they may be authorised to perform privileged actions. To exploit this, an attacker just
needs to be have configuration knowledge of the target Condor daemons. If an attacker is
successfully able to circumvent the authorisation, they may perform actions as the Condor
administrator (such as turning off Condor) or potentially as other users of the system (such as
running a job).

Check the DNS mapping.

2.3 Standard Universe Job Vulnerability

Your Condor service supports Standard Universe jobs and run the daemons on the submit machine
as root are vulnerable to local privilege escalation. If a user submits a job into the standard universe,
the user job may then execute code on the submit machine as the root user. If your Condor
installation does not contain the condor_shadow.std executable, then you are not affected by this

Any person who can submit standard universe jobs to the condor_schedd can exploit this.
Submissions are authenticated and are typically done locally. However, if Condor is configured to
allow remote submits, jobs submitted remotely into the standard universe can also exploit this. To
exploit this, an attacker just needs to know the correct sequence of communications with the
condor_shadow.std. If an attacker is successfully able to communicate correctly with the
condor_shadow.std, they may instruct the shadow to run arbitrary code as the root user, including
spawning additional processes. Condor should never spawn user processes as root, and makes
explicit checks in most places to ensure this never happens. In the standard universe shadow, an
unrelated change opened a new code path where privilege checking did not exist.

Remove the code, as it should never be used.

The security issues found on the server are very severe and for the most part do not require a great
deal of effort to exploit however the fixes are simple and easy to implement. Due to the nature of
this program I would recommend if at all possible to make these servers private only and sit them
behind a tightly controlled SSH server to stop remote attacks to the condor service directly. You
may see a rise in SSH attacks however they can be managed and mitigated much more easily.

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