Project Proposal Template
Project Proposal Template
Project Proposal Template
Project Title: (PROJECT TITLE)
Type of Project: (education-
training/ health-medical mission/ arts
exhibit, etc.)
Project Proponent/s: (Name of organization)
Number of Beneficiaries: (no. of households and individuals)
Project Beneficiaries: (Urban poor, women, youth, etc.)
Location of Beneficiaries: (address of beneficiaries)
Date of Implementation/Duration: (Start date/number of
implementation days)
Area of Project Implementation: (address where project was
Budget Requirement: (overall amount of budget
Budget Requested: (state amount requested)
What does the project hope to achieve? What are the strategies that must be
done to meet the objectives?
What are the long term effects of the project? (Economic, social, cultural,
institutional, environmental, technological, etc.)
What are the specific measures to sustain the project?
What are the linkages with other initiatives or reforms in the sector and
other development or governance concerns?
What are the risks and factors that may hamper or hinder the successful
implementation of project activities and achievement of project outputs?
What are the measures that would mitigate the adverse effects resulting
from such risks?
May include any other information that will support the request for funding, such as: