The Alumni Association Strategic Plan has four focus areas:
1) Professional Development to increase alumni participation in career services and events.
2) Alumni Involvement to engage more alumni, especially inactive alumni, through increased events, volunteering, and donations.
3) Community Outreach to raise awareness of the Alumni Association across campus and improve faculty/staff understanding of alumni support.
4) Student Connection to increase engagement between current students and alumni through student programs and raising student awareness of the alumni role.
The Alumni Association Strategic Plan has four focus areas:
1) Professional Development to increase alumni participation in career services and events.
2) Alumni Involvement to engage more alumni, especially inactive alumni, through increased events, volunteering, and donations.
3) Community Outreach to raise awareness of the Alumni Association across campus and improve faculty/staff understanding of alumni support.
4) Student Connection to increase engagement between current students and alumni through student programs and raising student awareness of the alumni role.
The Alumni Association Strategic Plan has four focus areas:
1) Professional Development to increase alumni participation in career services and events.
2) Alumni Involvement to engage more alumni, especially inactive alumni, through increased events, volunteering, and donations.
3) Community Outreach to raise awareness of the Alumni Association across campus and improve faculty/staff understanding of alumni support.
4) Student Connection to increase engagement between current students and alumni through student programs and raising student awareness of the alumni role.
The Alumni Association Strategic Plan has four focus areas:
1) Professional Development to increase alumni participation in career services and events.
2) Alumni Involvement to engage more alumni, especially inactive alumni, through increased events, volunteering, and donations.
3) Community Outreach to raise awareness of the Alumni Association across campus and improve faculty/staff understanding of alumni support.
4) Student Connection to increase engagement between current students and alumni through student programs and raising student awareness of the alumni role.
Mission: Striving to engage alumni in a mutually beneficial lifelong connection with Bucks County Community College
Focus Area Strategic Priority Goals Objectives
Professional Bridge the relationship • Increase the number of • Build awareness of career service Development with alumni and the alumni who participate in benefits to alumni Student Center for events and activities and • Provide opportunities for alumni to Employment & Career connect with one another through who volunteer in alumni and Development LinkedIn, meet-ups, and events, i.e., student events and activities Career Fairs, centered around career through professional fields development and career • Provide free or low -cost professional development. development to alumni; life skills training opportunities to young alumni ALUMNI Increase the • Increase volunteer participation • To build awareness of the Alumni INVOLVEMENT engagement of those (determine percentage) Association and increase the alumni who are already • Increase event attendance engagement of alumni with the (Active) engaged to some degree (determine percentage) college and with one another. • Increase financial contributions • Provide opportunities for Alumni to (determine a # of new alumni connect with each other donors) • Continue recognition of Alumni through various awards programs and various media • Continue offering Alumni Completion Scholarship and opportunities for alumni to assist in reviewing scholarship applications • Strive for diversity among Alumni Council members ALUMNI Increase the • Determine the real number of • To have more alumni who were INVOLVEMENT engagement of those “unreachables” previously unreachable to the College alumni who have been • Educate as to what constitutes demonstrate their engagement by (Inactive) previously tagged as being an alum having more of this group attend unreachable • Increase volunteer participation events, volunteer time, and (determine percentage) ultimately financial support • Increase event attendance (determine percentage) • Increase financial contributions (determine # of new donors) COMMUNITY Create and implement To connect all faculty and staff with • Have all faculty and staff be aware of an outreach strategy to the Alumni Association and alumni the Alumni Association & what it does raise the awareness of • Understand how the Association can the Alumni Association help and assist in doing their jobs across the campus • Have all faculty and staff understand community what a connected alumni base means for the sustainability of BCCC • Improve the Alumni Association’s positioning on college website • Have alumni represented at college events STUDENTS Increase the connection To increase the engagement • Raise current students’ awareness of between current between the Alumni Association the role’s alumni play in the vibrancy students and the AA and current students and sustainability of the College • Take an active role in student programs and activities, i.e., Student Gov’t, which will build the Alumni Association brand awareness