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Lifelong Learning Ñ More Than Training

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Paper to Appear in a Special Issue on "Intelligent Systems/Tools In Training And Life-Long

Learning" in the International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long

Learning (eds.: Riichiro Mizoguchi and Piet A.M. Kommers)

Lifelong Learning Ñ More Than Training

Gerhard Fischer
Center for LifeLong Learning & Design (L3D)
Department of Computer Science and Institute of Cognitive Science
University of Colorado, Boulder




3.1. Training 6

3.2. Lifelong Learning 7


4.1. Requirements 9

4.2. Modes of Learning 11

4.3. Domain-Oriented Design Environments 12

4.4. Critiquing 13

4.5. The Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory (EDC) 14

4.6. Working Shops — An Environment for Teachers to Engage in Lifelong

Learning 16


5.1. Lifelong Learning — More Than Training 17

5.2. Beyond Gift-Wrapping: Innovative Media and Technologies Supporting Lifelong

Learning 18

Gerhard Fischer 1 Training and LLL



Figure 1: Emphasis on Training versus Emphasis on Lifelong Learning___________________________ 6

Figure 2: Transcending Skinner and Taylor __________________________________________________ 7
Figure 3: A Comparison of Different Conceptualizations of Training and Lifelong Learning ___________ 8
Figure 4: Design and Use Time __________________________________________________________ 10
Figure 5: Duality between Learning and Contributing ________________________________________ 11
Figure 6: The Relationships Among Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Interactive Learning Environments, and
Domain-Oriented Design Environments________________________________________________ 12
Figure 7: The EDC Environment_________________________________________________________ 15

Gerhard Fischer 2 Training and LLL

Wisdom is not a product of schooling, but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.Ó Ñ Einstein
Learning can no longer be dichotomized into a place and time to acquire knowledge (school) and
a place and time to apply knowledge (the workplace). TodayÕs citizens are flooded with more
information than they can handle, and tomorrowÕs workers will need to know far more than any
individual can retain.
Lifelong learning is an essential challenge for inventing the future of our societies; it is a
necessity rather than a possibility or a luxury to be considered. Lifelong learning is more than
adult education and/or training Ñ it is a mindset and a habit for people to acquire. Lifelong
learning creates the challenge to understand, explore, and support new essential dimensions of
learning such as: (1) self-directed learning, (2) learning on demand, (3) collaborative learning,
and (4) organizational learning. These approaches need new media and innovative
technologies to be adequately supported.
A theory of lifelong learning must investigate new frameworks to learning required by the
profound and accelerating changes in the nature of work and education. These changes include
(1) an increasing prevalence of Òhigh-technologyÓ jobs requiring support for learning on demand
because coverage of all concepts is impossible; (2) the inevitability of change in the course of a
professional lifetime, which necessitates lifelong learning; and (3) the deepening (and
disquieting) division between the opportunities offered to the educated and to the uneducated.
This paper explores conceptual frameworks and innovative computational environments to
support lifelong learning and it analyzes why training approaches need to be transcended and
how this can be done.

1. Introduction
Learning needs to be examined across the lifespan because previous notions of a divided
lifetimeÑeducation followed by workÑare no longer tenable [Gardner, 1991]. Professional
activity has become so knowledge-intensive and fluid in content that learning has become an
integral and irremovable part of adult work activities. Learning is a new form of labor [Zuboff,
1988], and working is often (and needs to be) a collaborative effort among colleagues and peers.
In the emerging knowledge society, an educated person will be someone who is willing to
consider learning as a lifelong process. More and more knowledge, especially advanced
knowledge, is acquired well past the age of formal schooling, and in many situations through
educational processes that do not center on the traditional school [Illich, 1971].
Information overload, the advent of high-functionality systems, and a climate of rapid
technological change have created new problems and challenges for education and training.
New instructional approaches are needed to circumvent the difficult problems of coverage (i.e.,
trying to teach people everything that they may need to know in the future) and obsolescence
(i.e., trying to predict what specific knowledge someone will need or not need in the future).
Learning should be part of living, a natural consequence of being alive and in touch with the
world, and not a process separate from the rest of life [Rogoff & Lave, 1984]. What learners
need, therefore, is not only instruction but access to the world (in order to connect the knowledge
in their head with the knowledge in the world [Norman, 1993]) and a chance to play a
meaningful part in it. Education should be a distributed lifelong process by which one learns
material as one needs it. School learning and workplace learning need to be integrated.
In training, learning is often restricted to the solution of well-defined problems. Lifelong
learning includes training approaches and also transcends them by supporting learning in the
context of realistic, open-ended, ill-defined problems. In our environments, learners explore
information spaces relevant to a self-chosen task at hand; for example: learning on demand

Gerhard Fischer 3 Training and LLL

provides learner-centered alternatives to teacher-centered tutoring systems, and it augments
open-ended, unsupported learning environments by providing advice, assistance, and guidance if
needed in breakdown situations.
In this paper I first characterize problems facing workers and learners in the information
society. I characterize and differentiate training and lifelong learning approaches. In the
remaining part of the paper I focus on lifelong learning by first describing requirements and
different approaches to it. Some examples of our work will be used to illustrate innovative
systems supporting lifelong learning. I conclude by assessing these approaches and their systems
and tools identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

2. Problems in the Information Age

Lack of creativity and innovation. Societies and countries of the future will be successful not
Òbecause their people work harder, but because they work smarterÓ. Creativity and innovation
are considered essential capabilities for working smarter in knowledge societies [Drucker, 1994];
thus an important challenge is how these capabilities can be learned and practiced. An
implicit assumption made is that self-directed and lifelong learning can influence the
creativity and innovation potential of individuals, groups, organizations, and countries.
Coping with change. Most people see schooling as a period of their lives that prepares them for
work in a profession or for a change of career. This view has not enabled people to cope well
with the following situations: (1) most people change careers 3-4 times in their lives even
though what they learned in school was designed to prepare them for their first career; (2) the
pace of change is so fast that technologies and skills to use them become obsolete within 5-10
years; (3) university graduates are not well prepared for work; (4) companies have trouble
institutionalizing what has been learned (e.g., in the form of organizational memories) so that
the departure of particular employees does not disable the companiesÕ capabilities; and (5)
although employers and workers alike realize that they must learn new things, they often
don't feel they have the time to do so.
Information is not a scarce resource. ÒDumpingÓ even more decontextualized information on
people is not a step forward in a world where most of us already suffer from too much
information. Instead, technology should provide ways to Òsay the ÔrightÕ thing at the ÔrightÕ
time in the ÔrightÕ way.Ó Information consumes human attention, so a wealth of information
creates a poverty of human attention.
ÒEase of useÓ is not the greatest challenge or the most desirable goal for new technologies.
Usable technologies that are not useful for the needs and concerns of people are of no value.
Rather than assuming people should and will be able to do everything without a substantial
learning effort, we should design computational environments that provide a low threshold for
getting started and a high ceiling to allow skilled users to do the things they want to do.
Computers by themselves will not change education. There is no empirical evidence for this
assumption based on the last 30 years of using computers to change education (such as computer-
assisted instruction, computer-based training, or intelligent tutoring systems). Technology is no
ÒDeus ex machinaÓ taking care of education. Instructionist approaches are not changed by the
fact that information is disseminated by an intelligent tutoring system. The content, value, and
quality of information and knowledge are not improved just because information is offered in
multimedia or over the WWW. Media itself does not turn irrelevant or erroneous information
into more relevant information.
The single or most important objective of computational media is not reducing the cost of
education. Although we should not ignore any opportunity to use technology to lessen the cost of
education, we should not lose sight of an objective that is of equal if not greater importance:
increasing the quality of education.

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The Ôsuper-couch potatoÕ consumers should not be the targets for the educated and informed
citizens of the future. The major innovation that many powerful interest groups push with the
information superhighway is to have a future in which people show their creativity and
engagement by selecting one of at least 500 TV channels with a remote control. The major
technical challenge derived from this perspective becomes the design of a Òuser-friendlyÓ
remote control. Rather than serving as the Òreproductive organ of a consumer societyÓ [Illich,
1971], educational institutions must fight this trend by cultivating Òdesigners,Ó that is by
creating mindsets and habits that help people become empowered and willing to actively
contribute to the design of their lives and communities [Fischer, 1998a].
School-to-work transition is insufficiently supported. If the world of working and living (1)
relies on collaboration, creativity, definition, and framing of problems; (2) deals with
uncertainty, change, and distributed cognition; and (3) augments and empowers humans with
powerful technological tools, then the world of schools and universities needs to prepare
students to function in this world. Industrial-age models of education and work are inadequate
to prepare students to compete in the knowledge-based workplace. A major objective of a
lifelong learning approach is to reduce the gap between school and workplace learning.
The ÒGift WrappingÓ approach dominates educational reform. Information technologies have
been used to mechanize old ways of doing business [Landauer, 1995] Ñ rather than
fundamentally rethinking the underlying work processes and promoting new ways to create
artifacts and knowledge. In learning, these technologies have been used primarily as add-ons to
existing practices [Fischer, 1998c] rather than a catalyst for fundamentally rethinking what
education should be about in the next century. Frameworks, such as instructionism, fixed and
ÒbalkanizedÓ curricula, memorization, decontextualized rote learning, etc., are not changed by
technology itself. We cannot prepare people to live in a twenty-first century world using
nineteenth century technology.
Quality employment. The current dislocation problem experienced by workers [Rifkin, 1995] is
one example of an increasingly societal trend. Workers in the growing service and information
sector will face an accelerating rate of change in the knowledge and skills necessary to stay
competitive. Traditional paradigms of education and training will not, in themselves, be
sufficient to meet this increasingly important need. Additional infrastructure must be
developed that allows people to learn on the job, and knowledgeable experts to communicate
and extend their knowledge within and across domains.

3. Training and Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is more than training or continuing education. It must support multiple
learning opportunities including exploring conceptual understanding as well as narrowing to
practical application of knowledge, ranging over different settings such as academic education,
informal lifelong learning, and professional and industrial training. Figure 1 summarizes the
different emphases of training and lifelong learning along a number of dimensions.

Gerhard Fischer 5 Training and LLL

Emphasis on training Emphasis on lifelong learning
perceived role of new economical , productivity quality
epistemologies of explicate and transfer existing understand existing knowledge and
knowledge knowledge create new knowledge
new media learn about computers learn with computers
impact of new media make delivery method more allow new things to be learnt
teaching add-on to current teaching change what we teach and how we
methods teach
assessments number of facts known articulating knowledge, reflective
mindset passive consumer active designer, co-developer
setting schools, separate, formal, workplace, families, museums;
forced integrated, informal, discretionary
new knowledge assigned-to-learn, need-to-know, on demand,
decontextualized, contextualized
learning rote learning learning with understanding

Figure 1: Emphasis on Training versus Emphasis on Lifelong Learning

3.1. Training
Learning new skills and acquiring new knowledge cannot be restricted to formal educational
settings. Effective learning needs to be integrated into the work process. Current teaching
programs train people to use what is effectively a snapshot of an evolving technology. Training
is often considered as a variable plugged into an economic model. This short-sighted cycle of
training and retraining cannot be broken unless we recognize that learning is a lifelong process
that cannot be separated from working [Sachs, 1995].
By integrating working and learning, people learn within the context of their work on real-
world problems. Learning does not take place in a separate phase and in a separate place, but is
integrated into the work process. People construct solutions to their own problems, and the
system advises them when they are getting into trouble and provides directly relevant
information. The direct usefulness of new knowledge for actual problem situations greatly
improves the motivation to learn the new material because the time and effort invested in
learning are immediately worthwhile for the task at hand Ñ not merely for some putative
long-term gain.
Many conventional frameworks of training (programmed instruction, computer-based training)
and working (a best scientific way) are grounded in the behaviorist learning theory of B.F.
Skinner and the models of industrial work of F.W. Taylor. Figure 2 contrasts these approaches
with the lifelong and self-directed approaches to learning.

Gerhard Fischer 6 Training and LLL

Skinner/Taylor Beyond Skinner and Taylor
there is a Òscientific,Ó best way to learn ---> real problems are ill-defined and wicked;
and to work (programmed instruction, design is argumentative, characterized by
computer-assisted instruction, production a symmetry of ignorance among
lines, waterfall models) stakeholders
separation of thinking, doing, and learning ---> integration of thinking, doing, and
task domains can be completely understood ---> understanding is partial; coverage is
objective ways to decompose problems into ---> subjective, situated personal interests;
standardizable actions need for iterative explorations
all relevant knowledge can be explicitly ---> much knowledge is tacit and relies on tacit
articulated skills
teacher / manager as oracle ---> teacher / manager as facilitator or coach
operational environment: mass markets, ---> customer orientation, complex products and
simple products and processes, slow change, processes, rapid and substantial change,
certainty uncertainty and conflicts

Figure 2: Transcending Skinner and Taylor

3.2. Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning needs to promote effective educational opportunities in the many learning
settings through which people pass, including home, school, work, and the larger political
Professional work cannot simply proceed from a fixed educational background; rather,
education must be smoothly incorporated as part of work activities. Similarly, learning takes
place not only at all ages and in virtually all professions; increasingly, it takes place among
heterogeneous groups of people in families, clubs, and virtual communities. Insights gained from
these individual situations need to be developed into broad and effective theories of learning,
innovative and intelligent systems, practices, and assessments across many professional genres.
A lifelong learning approach permits integration of the best features of school, community,
home, and workplace learning.
Figure 3 presents a high-level comparison between school and workplace learning illustrating
some of the major differences. In the standard ÒinstructionistÓ classroom environment, students
are generally unable to see the relevance of what they learn because the material presented is
disembodied from everyday experience; the material to be learned is formulated externally by
teachers and curriculum developers, and problems have an artificially Òclosed,Ó well-defined
nature (i.e., there is one correct answer and one prescribed process for obtaining that answer).
These limitations of formal education have led to complaints from corporations that even
graduates from the best schools lack the practical design experience needed to perform their

Gerhard Fischer 7 Training and LLL

Training conceptualized Lifelong Learning conceptualized
as School Learning as Workplace Learning
emphasis ÒbasicÓ skills education embedded in ongoing
work activities
potential drawbacks decontextualized, not important concepts are not
situated encountered
problems given constructed
new topics defined by curricula arise incidentally from work
structure pedagogic or ÒlogicalÓ work activity
roles expert-novice model reciprocal learning
teachers/ trainers expound subject matter engage in work practice
mode instructionism constructionism
(knowledge absorption) (knowledge construction)

Figure 3: A Comparison of Different Conceptualizations of Training and Lifelong Learning

Although there is a growing awareness for the need for more integration of working and
learning (e.g., Òon-the-jobÓ training programs, performance support systems, simulation
environments [Gery, 1997]), many corporate education and training programs have been modeled
after schools. Employees attend lectures and seminars where decontextualized knowledge is
presented to them by instructors who often know little about the real problems encountered in
working life. Conventional studies of workplace learning have concentrated on activities
employers have explicitly organized for the purpose of training. This Òworkplace training,Ó
suffers from the same phenomenon of decontextualization as does the school-based environment
on which it is modeled. Detterman [Detterman & Sternberg, 1993] (in reviewing earlier
summaries of the literature on workplace training by Baldwin and Ford), writes: ÒAmerican
businesses have a major stake in fostering transfer of training, since they spend up to $100
billion each year to train workers. Yet the estimate is that not more than 10% of training
transfers to the job. So business wastes $90 billion each year because of lack of transfer.Ó
These observations collectively point toward a need for weaving the process of learning into
ongoing, self-directed, work-related activities. As a source of examples, informal workplace
learning Ñ the ÒapprenticeshipÓ-style education typical of medical doctors, Ph.D. students,
and some crafts people [Lave & Wenger, 1991] Ñ presents features that are interesting for our
research goals of supporting learning on demand.
A theory of lifelong learning must investigate new approaches to learning required by the
profound and accelerating changes in the nature of work and education. These changes include
(1) an increasing prevalence of Òhigh-technologyÓ jobs requiring support for learning on demand
because coverage of concepts is impossible; (2) the inevitability of change in the course of a
professional lifetime, which necessitates lifelong learning; and (3) the deepening (and
disquieting) division between the opportunities offered to the educated and to the uneducated.
Lifelong learning is a continuous engagement in acquiring and applying knowledge and skills in
the context of self-directed problems and should be grounded in descriptive and prescriptive
goals such as:

¥ learning should take place in the context of authentic, complex problems (because
learners will refuse to quietly listen to someone elseÕs answers to someone elseÕs

Gerhard Fischer 8 Training and LLL

¥ learning should be embedded in the pursuit of intrinsically rewarding activities;

¥ learning-on-demand needs to be supported because change is inevitable, complete

coverage is impossible, and obsolescence is unavoidable;

¥ organizational and collaborative learning must be supported because the

individual human mind is limited; and

¥ skills and processes that support learning as a lifetime habit must be developed.
Learning taking place outside of an (instructionist) classroom can often be characterized as
follows: humans are engaged in some activity (some action such as working, collaboratively
solving a problem, or playing); they experience a breakdown; and they reflect about the
breakdown (i.e., the piece of lacking knowledge, the misunderstanding about the consequences
of some of their assumptions, etc.). Schšn [Schšn, 1983] calls this reflection-in-action. Because
self-reflection is difficult, a human coach, a design critic, or a teacher can help the learner to
identify the breakdown situation and to provide task-relevant information for reflection. In our
own work, we have explored the possibility using computational critics [Fischer et al., 1993] to
provide some of this support when humans are not present. Critics make argumentation serve
design, that is, they support learners in their own activities.
Engagement and support for self-directed learning is critical when learning becomes an integral
part of life Ñ driven by our desire and need to understand something, or to get something done
instead of solving a problem given in a classroom setting. A lifelong learning perspective
implies that schools and universities need to prepare learners to engage in self-directed
learning processes because this is what they will have to do in their professional and private
lives outside of the classroom.
It is advantageous for both motivation and the ability to acquire new knowledge that students
be able to direct their own learning [Fischer, 1991]. Self-directed learning [Fischer, 1998b] de-
emphasizes teaching as a process in which a teacher tells something to a passive learner, but
focuses instead on mutual dialogs and joint knowledge construction, which are enhanced by the
creation, discussion and evolution of artifacts.

4. Environments in Support of Lifelong Learning

4.1. Requirements
One of the major roles for new media and new technology is not to deliver predigested
information to individuals but to provide the opportunity and resources for engaging in
meaningful activity, for social debate and discussion, for creating shared understanding among
stakeholders, and for framing and solving authentic problems. This global perspective leads to
the following requirements for lifelong learning:

¥ Users set most of the goals, not the system.

¥ The vocabulary, tools, functions, and practices supported by the system come from
the working environment, where they are natural and appropriate.

¥ The mode of operation emphasizes learning from breakdowns and from fulfilling

¥ Tools must appear directly relevant to help with the problem at hand; they must
not generate further breakdowns.

¥ Although learning environments may have some built-in expertise, users will
find most expert knowledge by locating other people who have the knowledge.

Gerhard Fischer 9 Training and LLL

¥ Some of the tools must help with cross-domain searching: finding similar
problems that have been solved elsewhere and reporting on their solutions.

¥ The systems should aid users in two kinds of reflection Ñ immediate, to deal
with the problem and to organize a solution; and post-mortem, to see if the
problem is recurrent and can be avoided by restructuring work processes.

¥ Systems should feature many interactions among people, because these are the
sources of most breakdowns.

¥ Systems should support not only the individual's solo performance, but work in
cooperation with others and while belonging to different groups at the same
time: systems should support the improvement of collective knowledge as well as
individual knowledge.
Open Systems. The needs of people engaged in lifelong learning will transcend the boundaries of
any closed system, making mechanisms such as end-user modifiability and end-user
programming a necessity rather than a luxury. One of the biggest challenges facing systems in
support of lifelong learning is to allow end-users to become co-developers of systems. Figure 4
differentiates between two stages in the design and use of an artifact. At design time, system
developers create environments and tools including help systems, guided tours, forms, and so on,
and they have to make decisions for users (who may want to be consumers or designers), for
situational contexts, and for tasks that they can only anticipate. For print media, a fixed
context is decided at design time, whereas for computational media, the behavior of a system
at use time can take advantage of contextual factors (such as the background knowledge of a
user, the specific goals and objectives of a user, the work context) known only at use time. The
fundamental difference is that computational media have interpretive power Ñ they can
analyze and critique the artifacts created by users [Fischer et al., 1993] Ñ and users acting as
designers will create artifacts of all kinds. The challenge is to build new innovative systems
that allow the users to articulate contextual factors (e.g., in using a specification component
[Nakakoji, 1993] and/or infer this information from the environment), which will serve as
objects for interpretation.
Figure 5 characterizes the duality and the distributed nature of knowledge: a specific user can
learn (specifically learn in context and on demand) from a computational environment (which
contains knowledge and tools contributed by many members of the community of practice), but if
this user considers her/himself a designer, she/he will also contribute to the environment
(assuming mechanisms are available that allow her/him to do so with a reasonable effort).
This perspective illustrates the concepts and need for co-adaptive systems: (1) users learn from


system developer user (representative) end user

design use
time time
Figure 4: Design and Use Time

Gerhard Fischer 10 Training and LLL

the systems; (2) users acting as innovators, co-developers and designers adapt and evolve the
systems; and (3) support for organizational learning allows users to share these adaptations
with others.

End-User Modifiability,
End-User Programming

Learning on Demand

Figure 5: Duality between Learning and Contributing

Collaborative Systems. Even though we face too much information in the abstract, in most
specific problem situations we do not have enough knowledge. Learning cannot be restricted to
finding knowledge that is Òout thereÓ. If nobody in a group knows the answer, we have to create
new knowledge and new environments that stimulate innovation and creativity by exploiting
breakdowns, symmetry of ignorance, experimentation, and external objects serving as objects-to-
think-with and objects-to-talk-about. The individual, unaided human mind is limited: there is
only so much we can remember and there is only so much we can learn. Talented people require
approximately a decade to reach top professional proficiency. This general observation
provides the rationale that when a domain reaches a point where the knowledge for skillful
professional practice cannot be acquired in a decade, specialization will increase, teamwork
will become a necessity, and practitioners will make increasing use of external reference aids
(such as printed and computational media). With powerful technologies becoming widely
available, people take on more jobs that are more complex or more comprehensive. Therefore,
they need help accomplishing unfamiliar tasks that are part of an expanded job. Beyond the
need for new and changing domain knowledge, there is also a large demand for new tool

4.2. Modes of Learning

Innovative uses of computers in education have focused on two major approaches: intelligent
tutoring systems and interactive learning environments [Wenger, 1987]. The strength of
intelligent tutoring systems [Anderson et al., 1995; Sleeman & Brown, 1982] lies in their ability
to teach basic concepts and skills of a problem domain. Tutoring is an adequate mode of learning
for getting started learning a new system. One can predesign a sequence of microworlds and lead
a user through them [Burton et al., 1984]. But tutoring is of little help in supporting learning on
demand when intermediate users are involved in their Òown doingÓ. Tutoring is not task-driven
because the total set of tasks cannot be anticipated. Instead, the system controls the dialogue,
and the user has little control over what to do next. Tutoring systems, similar to school
education, leave it to the learner to relate training to real-world problem situations.
Interactive learning environments (such as LOGO [Papert, 1980]) avoid the problem of
presenting instructional material in a system-controlled order without regard to the learner's
situation, but they provide limited support in helping learners detect mistakes or overcome
breakdowns [Fischer, 1994b]. Misconceptions may accumulate into chains, in which each later
misconception is based on a previous one. Learners get trapped on suboptimal plateaus because
they fail to discover the knowledge needed to make better use of their tools and to create better
artifacts. Interactive learning environments support autonomous learning; in order to support

Gerhard Fischer 11 Training and LLL

self-directed learning they need to be augmented with mechanisms that can offer help, support,
and reflection for learners who get stuck or who do not know how to proceed.
Figure 6 illustrates the interdependencies between intelligent tutoring systems, interactive
learning environments, and domain-oriented design environments [Collins, 1996]. The links in
the figure indicate how the different approaches can profit from each other: domain-oriented
design environments (see below) support learning on demand [Fischer, 1991] and self-directed
learning, and they have profited from end-user modifiability (as explored in interactive
learning environments [Repenning & Ioannidou, 1997]) and contextualized tutoring (in which
tutoring episodes are contextualized to the interests and problem of a learner [Atwood et al.,
Learner Support

Intelligent Tutoring
Self-Directed Learning

Contextualized Tutoring

Design Environments
End-User Modifiability

Learning on Demand

Interactive Learning

Learner Control

Figure 6: The Relationships Among Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Interactive Learning

Environments, and Domain-Oriented Design Environments

4.3. Domain-Oriented Design Environments

For many years we have been trying to find new ways of creating computer-based learning
environments, combining the strengths of both approaches while at the same time eliminating
some of the weaknesses. Our goal has been to integrate working and learning and to support
learning on demand. Domain-oriented design environments [Fischer, 1994a] have proven to be
powerful and versatile environments for learning that (1) address the limitations of intelligent
tutoring systems and interactive learning environments, and (2) provide multiple learning
opportunities. Pursuing this line of research, we have emphasized research directions and
techniques that augment and complement human intelligence with rich computational
environments, including critics, agents, assistants, adaptable and adaptive tools, information
access, and information delivery mechanisms [Terveen, 1995].
Domain-oriented design environments are collections of interrelated tools and information
repositories that provide specific support for communicating about and exploring concepts
within a domain. Example domains that we have explored include kitchen design, graphical
user interface layout, telephone voice messaging systems, local area network design, lunar
habitat design, and interactive simulation games using the World Wide Web as a research
medium (these efforts are documented in:
Design environments have the following major components:

Gerhard Fischer 12 Training and LLL

• The construction component is the principal medium for modeling a design. It provides a
palette of domain-oriented design units, which can be arranged in a work area using direct
manipulation. Design units represent primitive elements in the construction of a design, such
as sinks and stoves in the domain of kitchen design. Critics can be tied to these domain-
oriented design units and to relationships between design units.
• The specification component [Nakakoji, 1993] allows designers to describe abstract
characteristics of the design they have in mind. The specifications are expected to be
modified and augmented during the design process, rather than to be fully articulated at
the beginning. The specification provides the system with an explicit representation of the
user's goals. This information can be used to tailor both the critic suggestions put forth and
the accompanying explanations to the user's task at hand.
• The argumentative hypermedia component contains design rationale [Moran & Carroll,
1996]. Users can annotate and add argumentation as it emerges during the design process.
Argumentation is a valuable component in a critic's explanation; it identifies the pros and
cons of following a critic suggestion and helps the user to understand the consequences of
following a suggestion.
• The catalog component provides a collection of previously constructed designs. These
illustrate examples within the space of possible designs in the domain and support reuse
and case-based reasoning [Kolodner, 1993]. Catalog entries are also important components in
a critic's explanation. Often a critic does not suggest a course of action but instead points out
a deficiency in the current design; catalog entries can then be used as specific examples
illustrating sample solutions that address a deficiency noted by a critic.
• Simulation mechanisms [Repenning, 1994]; [Sumner, 1995] support users in their
understanding of the behavior of a component or a complete artifact.
Domain-oriented design environments derive their power from the integration of its
components. When used in combination, each component augments the values of the others in a
synergistic manner.
In contrast to general-purpose environments, specific domain-oriented design systems are
instantiated from a generic, domain-independent architecture (using the Òseeding, evolutionary
growth, reseedingÓ process model [Fischer et al., 1994]) to support users in a specific domain.
They provide specific functionality for manipulating, exploring, and communicating about
domain entities. All of these components are not static entities in domain-oriented design
environments. As users interact with the environment, they create and compose new artifacts
that themselves become part of the system.

4.4. Critiquing
In many lifelong learning situations, human understanding evolves through a process of
critiquing existing knowledge and consequently expanding the store of knowledge. Critiquing is
a dialog in which the interjection of a reasoned opinion about a product or action triggers
further reflection on or changes to the artifact being designed. Our work has focused on applying
this successful human critiquing paradigm to human- computer interaction. Computer-based
critiquing systems are most effective when they are embedded in domain-oriented design
environments. Embedded critics [Fischer et al., 1993] play a number of important roles in such
design environments: (1) they increase the designer's understanding of design situations by
pointing out problematic situations early in the design process, (2) they support the integration
of problem framing and problem solving by providing a linkage between the design
specification and the design construction, and (3) they help designers access relevant
information in the large information spaces provided by the design environment.
Critiquing is ubiquitous. It is, for example, at the heart of the scientific method. Popper
[Popper, 1965] theorized that science advances through a cycle of conjectures and refutations.

Gerhard Fischer 13 Training and LLL

Scientists formulate hypotheses and put forth these conjectures for scrutiny and refutation by
the scientific community. Besides contributing to the growth of knowledge, this critiquing cycle
of conjectures and refutations is essential for creating a shared understanding within the
scientific community and providing a stable base for future growth in scientific knowledge.
Critics play an important role in making designers aware of breakdown situations [Fischer,
1994b]. Petroski [Petroski, 1985] noted the importance of failure in the growth of engineering
knowledge. The activity of critiquing plays an important role in engineering, science, and design
in general. It produces many benefits, including the growth of knowledge, error elimination, and
the promotion of mutual understanding by all participants. Through the critiquing process,
designers gain a better understanding of the design problem by hearing the different points of
view of other design participants.
An essential component of domain-oriented design environments consists of computational
critiquing systems. They support workers in increasing the quality of an artifact by signaling
breakdowns and they exploit breakdown situations as opportunities for learning on demand.
Critics are user-centered and support users working on their own activities. They provide
information only when it is relevant. They allow users to do what they want and interrupt only
when users' plans, actions, or products are considered significantly inferior. They are
applicable to tasks in which users have some basic competence because users must be able to
generate a plan, action, or product by themselves. They are most useful when no unique best
solution exists in a domain and trade-offs have to be carefully balanced. Critics need to be
knowledge-based. They must incorporate knowledge about the application domain, support
explanation, model individual users, and provide innovative user interfaces.

4.5. The Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory (EDC)

The Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory (EDC) [Arias et al., 1999] is a domain-oriented
design environment to support lifelong learning by creating shared understanding among various
stakeholders, contextualizing information to the task at hand, and creating objects-to-think-
with in collaborative design activities. The EDC framework is applicable to different
domains, but our initial effort has focused on the domains of urban planning and decision
making, specifically in transportation planning and community development. Creating shared
understanding requires a culture in which stakeholders see themselves as reflective
practitioners rather than all-knowing experts [Schšn, 1983]. Collaborative design taking place
in such a culture can be characterized by an Òasymmetry of knowledgeÓ or a Òsymmetry of
ignoranceÓ [Rittel, 1984]: stakeholders are aware that while they each possess relevant
knowledge, none of them has all the relevant knowledge.

Gerhard Fischer 14 Training and LLL

Figure 7: The EDC Environment
Figure 7 shows the current realization of the EDC environment. Individuals using the EDC
convene around a computationally enhanced table, shown in the center of the figure. This table
serves as the Action Space for the EDC. Currently realized as a touch-sensitive surface, the
Action Space allows users to manipulate the computational simulation projected on the surface
by interacting with the physical objects placed on the table. The table is flanked by a second
computer driving another touch-sensitive surface (shown horizontally in Figure 7). This
computational whiteboard serves as the EDCÕs Reflection Space. In the figure, neighbors are
filling out a Web-based transportation survey that is associated with the model being
constructed. The Reflection and Action spaces are connected by communication between the two
computers using the Web as a medium. The entire physical space, through the immersion of
people within the representations of the problem-solving task, creates an integrated
human/computer system grounded in the physical world.
As argued before, much development of technology for learning and design builds on or is
constrained by the Òsingle user/single computerÓ interaction model. The EDC emphasizes the
creation of shared interaction, social structures, and cultural embedding for learning within the
context of communities of learners. It is being developed as a learning and design support
medium where 3-D physical objects interact dynamically with virtual ones over an integrated
sensory/display work surface as the computational game board. Based on 10 years of experience
in building physical simulation games, we see that powerful collaborative learning and shared
decision making can be supported by shared interaction and integration with computational
models. Together these form a collaborative environment that builds on both distributed and
face-to-face collaborations in classrooms or public sites.
Crucial processes relevant for lifelong learning and supported by the EDC are:
• dealing with a set of possible worlds effectively (i.e., exploring design alternatives) to
account for the design is an argumentative process, where we do not prove a point but we
create an environment for a design dialog [Simon, 1996];

Gerhard Fischer 15 Training and LLL

• using the symmetry of ignorance (i.e., that all involved stakeholders can contribute
actively) as a source of power for mutual learning by providing all stakeholders with
means to express their ideas and their concerns [Rittel, 1984];
• incorporating an emerging design in a set of external memory structures, and recording
the design process and the design rationale [Fischer et al., 1996];
• creating low-cost modifiable models, which help us to create shared understanding,
have a conversation with the materials [Schšn, 1983], and replace anticipation (of the
consequences of our assumptions) by analysis;
• using the domain-orientation to bring tasks to the forefront and supporting human
problem-domain communication [Fischer & Lemke, 1988];
• increasing the Òback-talkÓ of the artifacts with critics [Fischer et al., 1993];
• using simulations to engage in Òwhat-ifÓ games [Repenning, 1994].
The EDC is a contribution to create a new generation of collaborative domain-oriented design
environments. It shifts the emphasis away from the computer screen as the focal point and
creates an immersive environment in which stakeholders can incrementally create a shared
understanding through collaborative design. It is an environment that is not restricted to the
delivery of predigested information to individuals, but it provides opportunities and resources
for design activities embedded in social debates and discussions in which all stakeholders can
actively contribute rather than assume passive consumer roles [Fischer, 1998a].
The EDC will prepare the next generation of knowledge workers for lifelong learning and
innovation in a world where the traditional bounderies between formal educational institutions
and the world at large will dissolve. By reaching out, there is a natural exchange with
industries and communities of ideas, skills, and technology. In this reciprocal relationship,
graduates of our programs migrate to various places of work to continue their learning. Workers
and community members benefit from learning how to participate in and shape the future of
their workplaces and their communities through informed collaboration.

4.6. Working Shops — An Environment for Teachers to Engage in Lifelong

Teachers are the ultimate change agents [Guzdial & Weingarten, 1995] (see also:
<>). Creating new paradigms for learning
requires teachers who understand and are committed to the improvements envisioned.
TeachersÑmore than other members of our society Ñ need to be lifelong learners. We have
developed a new concept entitled Working Shops , which views teachers as lifelong learners
who learn about new aspects of learning, teaching, and innovative use of technology in the
context of their work, exploiting specifically possibilities that they can learn most readily
from each other.
In the context of our collaboration with schools in the Boulder Valley School District, we have
studied not only the application of technology to learning, but the organizational aspects of
learning as well. Widespread experience in educational reform demonstrates that how people
learn and the context of learning are as important as what they learn. Creating an environment
to support teachers as lifelong learners requires an examination of how teachers as professional
practitioners can make effective use of the rich individual and collective experiences, outside
resources, new information, and the environment itself to support and enhance student learning.
Working Shops involve a regular, continuous meeting of colleagues who, sharing diverse
experiences and ideas, learn together in the process of doing meaningful work. Working Shops
provide an indistinguishable mix of acquiring and applying knowledge, focused around the
creation of concrete products that are valued by those in the shop and, ultimately, the larger
community. Working Shops were conceived in response to the isolated workshop and daily

Gerhard Fischer 16 Training and LLL

work experiences. Drawing on learning models outside of education (e.g., apprenticeships,
artistsÕ studios, and scientific laboratories), Working Shops reshape professional development
by emphasizing a process of continual, contextual doing and producing, and by creating a
community of practice thereby creating a more effective and sustainable process of professional
The Working Shops strategy is grounded in the recognition that real and substantial learning
requires time (during the working day) and context (connected to actual, ongoing work). The
basic design of the Working Shops process is deceptively simple: Teachers work in teams,
meeting once a month during the school day to work on innovative projects and curricula of
common interest, learning how to use new technologies or practices in the context of designing
and implementing the projects and curricula. Through their collaborative efforts the teams
simultaneously develop new pedagogical strategies and tools, acquire new skills and
knowledge, and enhance their sense of professional value and collegiality.
Working Shops were envisioned, created and put into practice to complement and transcend
training approaches toward professional development for educators that rely almost
exclusively on de-contextualized, individualized, instructionist strategies [Watkins &
Marsick, 1993]. Teachers are expected to learn on their own time, away from the work context in
which the new knowledge needs to be applied. The primary professional development
modality is the workshop Ñ a class or a series of three or four classes, that lasts for a few
hours. Single-shot Òprofessional development workshopsÓ are far from sufficient to help
teachers develop and sustain new approaches to instruction. Teachers and researchers must
become Òcommunities of learnersÓ that constantly search for new ways to improve.

5. Assessment

5.1. Lifelong Learning — More Than Training

Learning is more than being taught [Illich, 1971]. Teaching is often fit Òinto a mold in which a
single, presumably omniscient teacher explicitly tells or shows presumably unknowing learners
something they presumably know nothing aboutÓ [Bruner, 1996]. A critical challenge is a
reformulation and reconceptualization of this impoverished and misleading conception.
Although this model may be more realistic for the early grades in schools, it is obviously
inadequate for learning processes as they occur in lifelong learning, where knowledge is
distributed among many stakeholders and Òthe answerÓ does not exist or is not known. Group
discussions, conversations around dinner tables, and classrooms have the potential to be
opportunities in which knowledge is created and constructed by communities of mutual learners.
Historically, the role of a teacher or a learner was associated with a person. In todayÕs world,
being a teacher or being a learner is associated only with a specific context. ÒOfficialÓ teachers
should feel comfortable to become learners in many situations. Mutual competency and
symmetry of ignorance, supported by objects-to-think-with (externalization of ideas, concepts,
and goals), leads to settings and opportunities for learning by all participants. This is most
obvious in the context of design activities, as illustrated above with the discussion of the
Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory. Design is collaborative in nature, the relevant
knowledge to engage in a design task is distributed among stakeholders, and communication
breakdowns occur because the stakeholders belong to different work cultures, which use
different norms, symbols, and representations. Knowledge is not transferred or delivered in such
situations, but it is jointly constructed.
Observations of learners in our environments in the past indicated that they took advantage of
multiple learning opportunities. However, we intend to carefully investigate possible
limitations of our approach, for example, the strengths and weaknesses of learning on demand.
Limitations may include: (1) the acquisition of certain essential skills should not be deferred
until they are needed because the time to learn them may be not available or the environment

Gerhard Fischer 17 Training and LLL

may be too dangerous for safe learning processes; (2) learning on demand is task driven and
therefore may be limited to exposing users to isolated pieces of knowledge while providing only
limited support for learning essential principles; (3) users may encounter difficulties in
decontextualizing knowledge so that it can be used in new settings; and (4) whereas learning on
demand may be well suited for evolutionary extensions of a knowledge base, it may not support
substantial restructuring, because the additional features learned occur only in the
neighborhood of what learners already know.
Tearing down institutional boundaries. Current educational practices create boundaries that
make it very difficult to continue to evolve workers' skills. For example, we educate workers for
jobs in U.S. industries in school settings that have no contact with those industries. Those
providing the instruction are often ignorant of the skills that the industries need. Once the
workers are placed in industry, however, the problem is still not resolved because industry
itself typically takes the standard education model and separates education from practice. In
most cases, industry trainers are no better informed about the skills that are needed than are
public school teachers. In industry, it is common to find instructors ÒteachingÓ students to do a job
that the instructor has never performed, or teaching abstract concepts because allowing students
contact with the real environment is too dangerous to try in the classroom. In summary: Òcurrent
practices, both in public and industry-based education, increase the gap between working and
learning.Ó Our approach is to close the learning-practice gap by forming alliances between
formal education institutions and industry.
Informal workplace learning (as it often occurs naturally in apprenticeship relationships, such
as internships of medical doctors, Ph.D. studies, etc.) has features that make it interesting to
serve as a model for lifelong learning:
• it requires the integration of problem framing and problem solving (problems are not
• workers/learners are confronted with more demanding aspects of the work
accidentally, that is, only when a problem (a breakdown) arises in the context of
their work;
• the world is used as a resource (as opposed to closed-book exams in schools); and
• communication plays a critical role (discussing issues with co-workers, clients,
customers, etc.).
Zuboff ([Zuboff, 1988], p. 395) characterizes well how learning increasingly is being integrated
into everyday work activities: ÒThe informated organization is a learning institution, and one
of its principal purposes is the expansion of knowledge Ñ not knowledge for its own sake (as in
academic pursuit), but knowledge that comes to reside at the core of what it means to be
productive. Learning is no longer a separate activity that occurs either before one enters the
workplace or in remote classroom settings. Nor is it an activity reserved for a managerial group.
The behaviors that define learning and the behaviors that define being productive are one and
the same. Learning is not something that requires time out from being engaged in productive
activity; learning is the heart of productive activity. To put it simply, learning is the new form
of labor.Ó

5.2. Beyond Gift-Wrapping: Innovative Media and Technologies Supporting

Lifelong Learning
Moving beyond the Ògift-wrapping approachÓ [Fischer, 1998c] implies that we explore the
fundamentally new possibilities and limitations of computational media on how we think,
create, work, learn, and collaborate. It simply isnÕt good enough to spend money on new
technologies and then to use it in old ways. New tools will not just help people do cognitive jobs
more easily but in the same way they used to, but they will also lead to fundamental
alterations in the way problems are solved. Lifelong learning requires that we change mindsets,

Gerhard Fischer 18 Training and LLL

for example, seeing and understanding breakdowns and symmetry of ignorance as opportunities
rather than as things to be avoided. and that teachers understand their roles not only as truth-
tellers and oracles, but as coaches, facilitators, mentors, and learners.
Printed media and the widespread human ability to read and write are foundations on which
our current societies are built. An important question to be asked is: ÒWill computational media
cause a change of a similar magnitude compared to our society moving from an oral to a literary
society?Ó Socrates and Plato were arguing about the trade-offs associated with this change or
when GutenbergÕs printing press eliminated the scribes and gave everyone the opportunity to
become literate. The fact that societies have often overestimated change in the short run and
underestimated it in the long run suggests that we should make every effort to understand the
long-term societal impacts of computational media and to identify their unique properties, in
which are absent in principle in printed media.
Printed media do not have interpretive power Ñ they can convey information to us, but they
cannot analyze (as critiquing systems do) or simulate the work products created by us and
thereby increase the Òback-talkÓ of an artifact by presenting a reasoned opinion about it.
Computational media can make information relevant to the task at hand, thereby reducing the
information overload problem or the need for decontextualized learning. This principle can be
illustrated by the current generation of help systems: while Microsoft WordÕs ÒTip of the DayÓ
provides us with a piece of decontextualized information, few help systems provide us with
information (explicitly asked for or volunteered) relevant to a breakdown situation in our
The current generation of computational environments fall short in many ways to support
humans in their activities (because they are used in a Ògift-wrappingÓ mode). People are forced
to focus on the computer rather than on their tasks. Environments are needed that support
Òhuman problem-domain interactionÓ rather than just Òhuman-computer interactionÓ [Fischer,
1993]; they need to be Òready-to-handÓ meaning that for members of a community, they
disappear as a separable object of observation and become an integral part of their practice.
Lifelong learning needs to be supported by new media and new technologies, because some of the
essential support mechanisms will not be available as paper and pencil technologies; for
example, pencil and paper based information repositories will not be able (1) to provide pieces
of information relevant to the task at hand, (2) to maintain consistency between different
representations automatically or semi-automatically, (3) to generate different external views
dynamically from one complex internal structure, (4) to create links between the static
description and the dynamic behavior, and (5) to link action and reflection spaces. We must
create innovative new media and technologies (such as simulations, visualizations, critiquing,
etc.) to let people ÒexperienceÓ knowledge in new ways.

6. Conclusions
Training and lifelong learning are essential problems for our current and future information
societies. Unfortunately (as is probably the case with all important questions and challenges)
there are no simple answers and no simple facts that would allow enumerating briefly failures
and successes. To acknowledge the complexity of these issues implies that we rethink, reinvent
and redesign the way how we think, work, learn, and collaborate in the future. A lifelong
learning perspective is more than training and continuing education: it forces us to rethink and
reinvent our schools and universities [Brown & Duguid, 1995; Noam, 1995].
We have to understand the co-evolutionary processes between fundamental human activities
and their relationships and interdependencies with new media. We need progress and a deeper
understanding of new theories, innovative systems, practices, and assessment. We have to
create new intellectual spaces, new physical spaces, new organizational forms, and new reward
structures to make lifelong learning an important part of human life. We need individuals,

Gerhard Fischer 19 Training and LLL

groups, and organizations to personally engage in and experience these new forms Ñ risk takers
who use their creativity and imagination to explore alternative ways of learning.

The author would like to thank the members of the Center for LifeLong Learning & Design
(L3D) at the University of Colorado, who have made major contributions to the conceptual
framework and systems described in this paper. The research was supported by (1) the
National Science Foundation, Grants REC-9631396 and IRI-9711951; (2) Software Research
Associates, Tokyo, Japan; and (3) PFU, Tokyo, Japan.

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