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ME Electrical Part I Sem I II

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Syllabus Structure for

M.E. (Electrical Engineering) w.e.f. Academic Year 2015-16

Choice Based Credit System Syllabus



HRS/Week ExaminationScheme
TheoryCourseName Credits

PowerElectronics 3 3 30 70 100

PowerSystemDynamicsandcontrol 3 1 4 30 70 25 125

DCDrives 3 3 30 70 100

ControlEngineering 3 3 30 70 100

ElectiveI 3 1 4 30 70 25 125

Subtotal 15 2 17 150 350 50 550




PowerElectronics 2 1 25 25

DCDrives 2 1 25 25

ControlEngineering 2 1 25 25

SeminarI 4 2 50 50

SubTotal 10 5 125 125

GrandTotal 15 2 10 22 150 350 175 675


1. ExtraHighVoltageTransmissionSystems
2. RenewableEnergySources
3. ElectricTraction

Seminar I shall be delivered on a topic related to students broad area of interest for dissertation work.
This should be selected in consultation with the supervisor after compiling the information from the
latest literature. Student shall deliver seminar using modern presentation tools. A hard copy of the report
(as per format specified by the department) shall be submitted to Department before delivering the
seminar. A soft copy of the report must be submitted to the supervisor along with other details, if any.





HRS/Week ExaminationScheme
TheoryCourseName Credits

3 3 30 70 100

PowerQuality 3 1 4 30 70 25 125

A.CDrives 3 3 30 70 100

AdvancedControlEngineering 3 3 30 70 100

ElectiveII 3 1 4 30 70 25 125

Subtotal 15 2 17 150 350 50 550




2 1 25 25

A.CDrives 2 1 25 25

AdvancedControlEngineering 2 1 25 25

SeminarII 4 2 50 50

SubTotal 10 5 125 125

GrandTotal 15 2 10 22 150 350 175 675



1. AdvancedPowerSystemProtection
2. Analysis&DesignofSwitchedModeConverters
3. HighVoltageDCTransmission

Seminar II shall be delivered on a topic related to students dissertation work& should be selected in
consultation with the supervisor. Student shall deliver seminar using modern presentation tools. A hard
copy of the report (as per format specified by the department) shall be submitted to Department before
delivering the seminar. A soft copy of the report must be submitted to the advisor along with other
details if any.
Subjects may be added in the list of Elective I and II as per requirement.

Solapur University, Solapur
M.E Electrical Semester-I

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3

Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Practical: - 2
Hrs/Week Practical Credit 1.0

Unit 1 Introduction & Structure of Power Electronics: (03 Hrs)
Overview of application of Power Electronics to :
1) Motor control with emphasis on Traction and Industrial Process control
2) Power Supplies - Revolution in Personal Computers SMPS
3) Power Transmission
4) Power extraction from non-conventional energy sources
5) Automotive electronics
6) High energy physics

Stages of evolution of Power Electronics

Structural difference of power electronics from low power analog electronics

Unit 2 Power Electronic Devices: (09 Hrs)

Device structure, Static characteristic, dynamic characteristic of Power Diode, Diac, Triac, GTO,
Transistor, MOSFET, IGBT
Turn on and Turn off process of above devices, different relevant ratings.
Structure of power modules and smart switches

Unit 3 Diode rectifiers & its Applications: (08 Hrs)

Analysis of following diode rectifier configurations
1) Single phase Half wave with R load
2) Single phase Half wave with R-L load
3) Single phase Full bridge rectifier with dc link capacitive filter, issue of harmonics
4) Three phase Full bridge rectifier with dc link capacitive filter, issue of harmonics
Review of Diode rectifiers Applications in Power Supplies, Front end converter for ac motor drives,
battery charger


Unit 4 AC to DC controlled converters: (08 Hrs)

1) Single phase half controlled converter:
Operating principle, input displacement factor, modes of operation in the V-I plane.
2) Single phase fully controlled converter:
i) Principle of operation: Issue of line commutation
ii) Continuous mode of conduction: expression for average output voltage
iii) Modes of operation in the voltage-current plane
iv) discontinuous mode of conduction
v) analysis with R-L-E load, significance of R-L-E load
vi) operation as an inverter: constraints for line commutation
vii) Dual converter: motivation, Simultaneous and non-simultaneous control
vii) input displacement factor, distortion factor, harmonics
viii) Effect of source inductance
ix) Requirement of snubber
3) Three phase half wave ac to dc converter
Principle of operation, derivation of output voltage, issue of dc magnetization of the input
4) Three phase fully controlled ac to dc converter
Principle of operation, Derivation of average output voltage, Derivation of displacement factor,
Inverter mode of operation, Constraints of commutation in inverter mode, Effect of source
Limitation of Line commutated converters, Single phase unity power factor converter, Principle of
switched power conversion, Bi-directional Power converters.

Unit 5 DC- DC Power Converters: (04 Hrs)

Limitations of Linear Power supplies, switched Power supplies ( Buck, Buck-Boost, Boost,
Cuk, Fly-back and Forward Converters), Transfer function for these converters.

Unit 6 DC- AC Power Converters: (04 Hrs)

Principle of operation of Inverters, relationship between output voltage & frequency, types of inverter:
voltage source inverter and current source inverter, single phase Half bridge & full bridge configurations,
three phase six step operation, PWM techniques , harmonics elimination techniques, voltage source
inverter, current source inverter.

Unit 7 Ac Ac Power Converters: (04Hrs)

Introduction, bidirectional A.C voltage regulator with R load & RL load, three phase A.C voltage
regulator, three phases A.C voltage regulator feeding star connected load

Reference Books:

1. M.H.Rashid , Power Electronic: Circuits ,Devices and Applications, Pentis hall of india, IIIrd
Edition (2004).
2. Ned Mohan, Power Electronics, Applications & Design: John Willey & Sons, IIIrd Edition
3. Cyril Laneder, Power Electronics, McGRAW Hill Co, IIIrd Edition (1993).
4. B.K.Bose, Modern Power Electronics & AC Drives, Pearson Education Inc., 2002.

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.

Solapur University, Solapur
M.E Electrical Semester-I
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3
Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Tutorial: - 1
Hr/Week Tutorial Credit 1.0


Unit 1 Introduction to Power System Stability: (04 Hrs)

Structure of Power System, Synchronous grids, Stability Problems faced by Power Systems, impact on
Power System Operation and Control.

Unit 2 Analysis of Dynamical Systems: (10 Hrs)

Concept of Equilibrium, Small and Large Disturbance Stability, Example: Single Machine Infinite Bus
System, Analysis of Dynamical systems, Linear time invariant Systems, Analysis using Numerical
Integration Techniques, Issues in Modeling: Slow and Fast Transients, Stiff Systems.

Unit 3 Modeling of a Synchronous Machine: (08 Hrs)

Physical Characteristics, Rotor Position Dependent model, D-Q Transformation, Steady State behavior
of Synchronous Machine, Model with Standard Parameters, Short Circuit Transient Analysis of a
Synchronous Machine, Synchronous Machine Connected to Infinite Bus.

Unit 4 Modeling of Excitation and Prime Mover Systems: (06Hrs)

Physical Characteristics and Models, Control system components, Excitation System Controllers,
Prime Mover Control Systems.

Unit 5 Modeling of Transmission Lines and Loads: (08 Hrs)

Transmission Line Physical Characteristics, Transmission Line Modeling, Load Models - induction
machine model, Other Subsystems - HVDC, protection systems.

Unit 6 Stability Issues in Interconnected Power Systems: (08 Hrs)
Single Machine Infinite Bus System, Multi-machine Systems, stability of Relative Motion, Frequency
Stability: Centre of Inertia Motion, Concept of Load Sharing: Governors, single Machine Load Bus
System: Voltage Stability, Torsional Oscillations.

Reference Book:
1. K.R.Padiyar, Power System Dynamics, Stability & Control, 2nd Edition, B.S. Publications,
Hyderabad, 2002.
2. P.Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw Hill Inc, New York, 1995.
3. P.Sauer & M.A.Pai, Power System Dynamics & Stability, Prentice Hall, 1997.

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.

Solapur University, Solapur
M.E Electrical Semester-I
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3
Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Practical: - 2
Hrs/Week Practical Credit 1.0


Unit 1 Introduction: (04 Hrs)

Definition of drive, Evolution of drive, present definition of drive, electric drive, Advantages of electric
drive, power modulator, Important considerations for drives.

Unit 2 Dynamics of Electric Drives: (08Hrs)

Motor load interaction, Dynamic torque, solution of the torque equation, modes of the drive operation,
basic types of loads: Passive load & active load, requirement of braking, advantages of electric braking,
Stability of the equilibrium point, examples for investigating stability of the equilibrium points, Variable
speed curves, Significance & Benefits of variable speed curves in relation to some typical loads,
Characteristics of some typical loads, Condition for linear motion of the car, electric traction: diesel electric
traction & diesel electric locomotive, torque speed characteristic of hoist

Unit 3 DC motor control characteristics: (08 Hrs)

Advantages; disadvantages, Speed torque characteristics: compensated DC machine, Feedback between
electrical & mechanical world, speed control of separately excited DC motor: armature resistance control,
Combined armature voltage & field control method, efficiency of combined armature voltage & field
control method, constant torque mode, constant power mode, Dynamic braking with self excitation,
plugging , Speed control of DC series motor, Braking in DC series motor, Regenerative Braking, Dynamic
Braking, plugging, Dynamics involved four quadrant drive



Unit 4 Convertor Control: (08 Hrs)

Fully controlled bridge (two quadrant converter), Discontinuous mode of conduction, Starting of the
converter fed DC motor, Regenerative braking of a converter fed DC motor drive in motoring mode,
Inverting mode operation of operation & continuous mode operation, Inverting mode of operation &
discontinuous mode, T- characteristic of a converter fed DC motor, Steady state T- characteristic of
converter fed DC in continuous mode of conduction, Complete torque speed characteristics, Discontinuous
mode of operation

Unit 5 Control of DC drive: (06 Hrs)

3-phase converter fed DC motor drive: motoring mode & Regenerative mode
Dual converter operation in Non simultaneous mode for motoring and regeneration
Dual converter operation in simultaneous mode
Dc to Dc converter fed Dc motor drive,
Step down DC to Dc converter: class-A chopper, class-B chopper, Class-C chopper, Class D chopper,
Class-E chopper for dynamic braking

Unit 6 Torque control drive and Speed control drive: (06 Hrs)
Torque control drive and Speed control drive,Closed loop control of a dual converter fed drive, speed
control drive having wide Range of speed

Reference Books:
1. Gobal K.Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2001.
2. P.C Sen Thyristor DC Drives, John wiely and sons, New York, 1981
3. Bimal K.Bose Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives, Pearson Education (Singapore), New Delhi,

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.


Solapur University, Solapur

M.E Electrical Semester-I

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3

Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Practical: - 2
Hrs/Week Practical Credit 1.0

Unit 1 Introduction to control problem: (04Hrs)
Industrial Control examples, different kinds of control systems, history of feedback, transfer function
models of mechanical, electrical, thermal & hydraulic systems
Unit 2 Models of industrial control devices & systems: (08Hrs)
Control hardware and their models: potentiometers, synchros, LVDT, dc and ac servomotors,
tachogenerators, electro hydraulic valves, hydraulic servomotors, electro pneumatic valves, pneumatic
Unit 3 Basic characteristics of feedback control systems: (08Hrs)
Stability, steady-state accuracy, transient accuracy, disturbance rejection, insensitivity and robustness,
Basic modes of feedback control: proportional, integral and derivative. Feed-forward and multi-loop
control configurations, stability concept, relative stability, Routh stability criterion.
Unit 4 Time-response analysis: (04Hrs)
Time response of second-order systems, steady-state errors and error constants, Performance specifications
in time-domain, Root locus method of design. Lead and lag compensation

Unit 5 Frequency-response analysis: (10Hrs)

Relationship between time & frequency response, Polar plots, Bodes plot, stability in frequency domain,
Nyquist plots. Nyquist stability criterion, Performance specifications in frequency-domain, Frequency-
domain methods of design, Compensation & their realization in time & frequency domain. Lead and Lag

Unit 6 State variable Analysis: (06Hrs)

Concepts of state, state variable, state model, state models for linear continuous time functions,
diagonalization of transfer function, solution of state equations, concept of controllability & observability.


Reference Books:
1. Gopal. M., Control Systems: Principles and Design, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1997.
2. Kuo, B.C., Automatic Control System, Prentice Hall, sixth edition, 1993.
3. Ogata, K., Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall, second edition, 1991.
4. Nagrath & Gopal, Modern Control Engineering, New Ages International.

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.


Solapur University, Solapur

M.E. Electrical Semester-I

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3

Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Tutorial: - 1
Hr/Week Tutorial Credit 1.0

Unit 1 Introduction to EHV AC Transmission: (04 Hrs)
Basic aspects of AC power transmission, standard transmission voltages, average values of line parameters,
power handling capacity and line loss, mechanical consideration in line performance.

Unit 2 Calculation of line and ground parameters: (08 Hrs)

Resistance of conductors, temeraute rise of conductors and current carrying capacity, properties of bundled
conductors, inductance of EHV line configuration, line capacitance calculation, sequence inductance and
capacitances, line parameters for modes of propagation, resistance and inductance of ground return.

Unit 3 Voltage gradients and corona effects (08 Hrs)

Charge potential relations for multi conductor line, surface voltage gradient on conductors, gradient factors
and their use, distribution of voltage gradient on sub conductors of bundle.
I2R loss and corona loss, corona loss formulae, charge voltage (q-v) diagram and corona loss, attenuation
of travelling waves due to corona loss.

Unit 4 Theory of travelling waves and standing waves: (08 Hrs)

Travelling Waves and Standing Waves at Power Frequency, Differential Equations and Solutions for
General Case, Standing Waves and Natural Frequencies, Open-Ended Line: Double-Exponential Response,
Open-Ended Line: Response to Sinusoidal Excitation, Line Energization with Trapped-Charge Voltage,
reflection and refraction of travelling waves

Unit 5 Lightning and lightning protection: (08 Hrs)

Lightning stroke to lines, lightning stroke mechanism, general principles of the lightning protection
problem, tower footing resistance, lightning arresters and protective characteristics, dynamic voltage rise
and arrester rating, operating characteristics of lightning arresters, insulation coordination based on

Unit 6 Power frequency voltage control and over voltages (04 Hrs)
Generalized constants, the power circle diagram and its use, voltage control using synchronous
condensers, cascade connection of components-shunt and series compensation.

Reference Books:
1. A. Chakrabarti, D.P.Kothari, A.K. Mukhopdadhyay ,Performance, operation & control of EHV power
transmission system , Wheeler publications
2. Rakosh Das Begamudre, Extra high-voltage A.C. transmission Engineering, New Age International Pvt.
3. S. Rao, EHVAC & HVDC Transmission Engineering & Practice , Khanna Publications.

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.



Solapur University, Solapur

M.E Electrical Semester-I

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3

Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Tutorial: - 1
Hr/Week Tutorial Credit 1.0


Unit 1 Introduction: (04Hrs)

Worlds Production and reserves of commercial energy sources, Indias Production and reserves, energy
alternatives The Solar Option, The Nuclear Option, Tar sands and Oil Shale, Tidal Energy, Geothermal Energy.

Unit 2 Solar Energy: (08Hrs)

Solar energy alternatives, solar radiation, availability, measurement and estimation, solar thermal conversion
devices and storage applications, Liquid flat plate collector, Solar air heater, concentric collectors, thermal
energy storage, solar pond, Solar Photovoltaic conversion, basics of technology,
applications, BOS components of solar PV systems.

Unit 3 Wind Energy: (08 Hrs)

History of wind energy, Wind machine types, classification, and parameters, general concepts of airfoils and
aerodynamics, Analysis of wind flow, measurement of wind speed, Power in wind, performance calculations of
wind turbine.

Unit 4 Fuel Cell: (08 Hrs)

Introduction to fuel cell, principle of operation of fuel cell, stack configuration, Fuel cell Performance, Polymer
electrolyte fuel cell, alkaline fuel cell, phosphoric acid fuel cell, molten carbonate fuel cell, solid oxide fuel
cells, components of fuel cell, thermodynamics of fuel cell, Fuel cell systems, applications.

Unit 5 Biogas Plants : (06 Hrs)

Biomass- Biomass as a source of energy, introduction, energy plantation, methods of obtaining energy from
biomass, photosynthesis, biomass gasification, factors affecting bio-digestion, classification of biogas plants,
thermal gasification of biomass, pyrolysis


Unit 6 Other Sources : (06 Hrs) Tide- Basic
principle of tide power, components of tidal power plant, operation methods of utilization of tidal energy,
estimation of single basin systems and double cycle systems, Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion
(OTEC)- Introduction, open cycle OTEC systems, closed cycle OTEC systems.

Reference Books:
1. S. P Sukhatme Solar Energy- Principle of Thermal collector and storage, second edition, TMH
2. J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, second edition, John
Wiley, New York, 1991.
3. J.F. Manwell, J.G. McGowan, Wind Energy Explained, theory design and applications Wiley
4. G D Rai, Non Conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publications
5. Leo J.M.J. Blomen and michael N. Mugerwa, Fuel Cell System, New York, Plenum Press, 1993.

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.


Solapur University, Solapur

M.E Electrical Semester-I

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3

Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Tutorial: - 1
Hr/Week Tutorial Credit 1.0


Unit 1 Electric Traction- Principle and History: (04Hrs)

Systems of traction, Indian Scenario, Electric traction State of art, Electric traction as a Viable Transport
Strategy for the 21st century, Advantages of Electric Traction over other systems of traction, Choice of
traction system - Diesel- Electric or Electric.

Unit 2 Mechanics of train movement: (08Hrs)

Speed - time curve for train movement, Requirement of tractive effort and T-N curve of a typical train
load, Specific energy consumption & Factors affecting SEC

Unit 3 Adhesion, types of suspension and mechanism of torque transmission: (08Hrs)

Adhesion & Coefficient of adhesion, Suspension and mechanism of torque transmission, Concept of
Weight Transfer & Effect of unsprung mass and wheel diameter.


Unit 4 Traction Motor: (05 Hrs)

Type of traction motor best suited for traction duties, available motor characteristics and their suitability for
traction duties, optimization of design and construction features for improved power to weight ratio.

Unit 5 Electric Traction Sub-Systems (Overhead Equipment): (05 Hrs)

Overhead Equipment (OHE), Sectionalizing, Bonding of Rails and Masts, Materials Employed in OHE.

Unit 6 Railway Signaling: (10 Hrs)

Block Section Concept, Track Circuits, Interlocking Principle, Train speed and signaling, Solid state,
Interlocking, automatic Warning Systems, CAB signaling, Signaling level crossing. Electric Traction Sub-
Systems (Power Supply Installations)-Lay out design of 137/25 KV Traction Substation/ Protection,
booster Transformers and Return Conductor, Salient 2x25 kv AC System/ SCADA.


Reference Books:
1. Upadhayay J. & Mahindra S.N, Electric Traction, Allied Publishers Ltd., 1st Ed.
2. Rao P.S, Principle of 25 KV Overhead Equipments .R.(Nasik) Printpack Pvt Ltd,, 1st Ed,
3. Gopal K Dubey ,Fundamentals of Electric Drives , Narosa Publishing.
4. Partab, Modern Electric Traction , Dhanpat Rai & Sons

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.


Solapur University, Solapur

M.E Electrical Semester-II


Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3

Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Practical: - 2
Hrs/Week Practical Credit 1.0

Unit 1 FACTS concepts and electrical power system overview: (03Hrs)
Introduction-brief discussions on Transmission line theory, use of Voltage source inverter (VSI) for
reactive power support, mid-point series and shunt compensation and HVDC.
Discussion on voltage profile at the point of common coupling (PCC),

Unit 2 Load Balancing: (04Hrs)

Need for load compensation, load balancing using passive elements. Limitations of load balancing using
passive elements, Use of VSI as a Var generator, indirect current controlled synchronous link converter Var
Compensator (SLCVC).
Various PWM techniques: Harmonic Elimination and space vector PWM techniques - Theory and
implementation issues.

Unit 3 Voltage Source Converters: (13Hrs)

Discussion on bi-directional power flow in VSI, Use of VSI as active filter cum Var generator, Current
controlled SLCVC, Strategy-1: Sensing the compensator current, Strategy-2: Sensing the source current,
Use of two VSIs, one as Var generator and another as active filter. Limitations of 2-level VSI, Discussion
on the need for the change in power circuit configuration of 2-level VSI for high power application.
Introduction to multi-level inverters. Principle of operation of 3-level and 4-level diode clamped multi-
level inverters. Space vector representation of 3-level VSI, voltage control of 3-level inverter.
Instantaneous reactive power theory, expression for active and reactive powers in terms of d-q components.
Reactive power compensator using instantaneous reactive power theory, stationary to rotating frame
transformation. Reference wave generation (hardware method), harmonic oscillator, Phase locked loop
(PLL) Introduction on one cycle control, discussion on one cycle controlled Var generator and active filter.


Section - II
Unit 4 Shunt Compensation: (05Hrs)
Introduction, methods of Var generation: Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR), Thyristor switched capacitor
(TSC), Fixed capacitor-Thyristor controlled reactor (FC-TCR), STATCOM.

Unit 5 Series Compensation: (05Hrs)

Introduction, comparison between series and shunt compensation. Various Equipment: GTO Controlled
Series Capacitor (GCSC), Comparison of TCR and GCSC, Thyristor Switched Series Capacitor (TSSC),
Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC). Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), modes of
operation, Voltage regulator and Phase Angle Regulator (PAR).
Multi functional FACTS controller: Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), control capabilities of UPFC,
2-port representation of UPFC.

Unit 6 HVDC: (10 Hrs)

Introduction, various possible HVDC configurations, unipolar and bipolar links, components of HVDC
system: Converter, transformer, smoothing reactor, harmonic filter. Reactive power support, operation of
6-pulse controlled rectifier in inverting mode of operation. Effect of source inductance, equivalent circuit
representation of 6-pulse converter considering effect of source inductance. Operation of 12- pulse
Control of HVDC system, Rectifier and inverter characteristics, mode stabilization, current control, voltage
dependent current order limit, combined rectifier-inverter characteristics, valve blocking and by-passing,
limitations HVDC system using line commutated converters, modern HVDC system - HVDC light.

Reference Books:
1. T. J. E. Miller Reactive power control in Electrical system, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982.
2. K. R. Padiyar FACTS CONTROLLERS in Power Transmission & Distribution, New Age
International (P) Ltd., 2007.
3. K. R. Padiyar HVDC POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Technology and System
Interactions, New Age International (P) Ltd., 1990.
4. Hingorani N. G Understanding FACTS Concepts & Technology of FACTS Systems, IEEE
PRESS, 2000.

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.


Solapur University, Solapur

M.E Electrical Semester-II
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3
Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Tutorial: - 1
Hr/Week Tutorial Credit 1.0


Unit 1 Introduction: (04 Hrs)

Power quality-voltage quality-overview of power quality phenomena, classification of power quality issues.

Unit 2 Power quality measures and standards: (10 Hrs)

THD-TIF-DIN-C-message weights-flicker factor-transient phenomena occurrence of power quality problems-
power acceptability curves-IEEE guides, standards and recommended practices.

Unit 3 Harmonics: (06 Hrs)

Harmonic distortion- voltage v/s current distortion-harmonics v/s transients individual and total harmonic
distortion-RMS value of a harmonic waveform power and power factor under sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal
conditions-triplex harmonics.


Unit 4 Harmonic introducing devices and their effects: (10 Hrs)

SMPS-Three phase power converters-arcing devices- saturable devices, harmonic distortion of fluorescent
lamps- power quality problems created by drives and its impact on machines-effect of power system harmonics
on power system equipment and loads.

Unit 5 Power factor improvement: (10 Hrs)

Passive Compensation- Passive Filtering- harmonic filter design- active filters shunt active filters- Generation
of reference current using instantaneous PQ theory- Other methods for generation of reference current- methods
of implementation- Basic schematic and working of series active filter- unified power quality conditioner.


Reference Books:
1. Roger C. Dugan, Mark F. McGranaghan and H.Wayne Beaty, Electrical Power System Quality, MC Graw
2. G.T.Heydt , Electric Power Quality, Stars in a Circle Publications
3. J. Arrillaga, N.R.Watson and S.Chen, Power System Quality Assessment, John Wiley & Sons
4. IEEE-519: 1992, IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power
5. Math H.J.Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems, Voltage Sag and Interruptions Wiley-IEEE

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.


Solapur University, Solapur

M.E Electrical Semester-II
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3
Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Practical: - 2
Hrs/Week Practical Credit 1.0


Unit 1 Introduction to Induction Motor Drives: (06 Hrs)

Advantages, Comparison of DC motor drive & induction motor drive, rotating magnetic field
Torque production, Equivalent circuit, Variable terminal voltage control, variable frequency control, V/F
controlled induction motor drive

Unit 2 Characteristics of IM drives: (06Hrs)

Characteristic of E/f controlled drive, approximate efficiency of V/F controlled drive, Characteristic of V/f
controlled drive above rated frequency, torque - power capabilities in induction motor, Control of V/F
controlled drive-open loop control, close loop control, closed loop slip controlled drive

Unit 3 VSI and CSI Fed Induction Motor Control: (08 Hrs)
Voltage fed inverter, Configuration of the power circuit- dynamic braking, Current fed induction motor
drive, Nature of T-N characteristics, structure of CSI drive, Speed control of wound rotor/field induction
motor, basic wound field IM drive, Static scherbius drive,


Unit 4 Synchronous Motor Drives: (06 Hrs)

Significance of synchronous machine drives, Analysis, speed control, load commutation, True synchronous
mode of operation, Rotor position encoder, Self controlled drive for synchronous motor for frequency
below and above rated values, Advantages & disadvantages

Unit 5 Switched Relutance Motor control: (06 Hrs)

Voltage equation, torque equation, inductance profile, primitrive inverter, diagram of elementary torque
production, L//I diagram, control strategy for SRM, determination of


Unit 6 Vector control of Induction Motor: (08 Hrs)

Introduction,advantages of vector control over scalar control, types of Vector control: Direct and Indirect
vector control, Dynamic modeling of vector control
Three phase to two phase stationary reference frame (abc to -) transformation, Two phase stationary
reference frame to two phase general rotating reference frame (- to d-q) transformation, Separation of
real and imaginary component from d-q frame equations, Separation of d-q components for stator and rotor
equation, Development of d-q axis dynamic equivalent circuits for an Induction Motor, Torque calculation
for induction motor
implementation of equivalent current control model of induction motor, current controlled equivalent
model of induction motor, implementation of vector control using current control induction motor model

Reference Books:
1. Gobal K.Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosal Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001.
2. Bimal K.Bose Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2003.
3. Murphy J.M.D and Turnbull, Power electronic Control of AC Motors, Pergamon Press,

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.



Solapur University, Solapur

M.E Electrical Semester-II

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3

Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Practical: - 2
Hrs/Week Practical Credit 1.0


Unit 1 Introduction: (04 Hrs)

Introduction, Control structures and performance description of a control system, Time and frequency
domain performance measures

Unit 2 Model Based Controller Design: (06 Hrs)

PID controller & its variants, model based controller design, Design of PI &PID controller for SISO
system, , Design of PI &PID controller for TITO processes, Limitations of PID controllers, PID-P
controller for Two Input Two Output(TITO) system, Effects of measurement noise and load

Unit 3 Frequency Domain Based Identification: (10 Hrs)

Identification of dynamic models of plants, Relay control system, equivalent gain of the relay, Off-line
tuning of PID controller and on-line tuning of PID controller

Unit 4 State space based identification (06 Hrs)

State space based identification, Relay control based identification of system, State space analysis of
systems, State space equations, Identification of simple systems-general expression & model parameters.

Unit 5 Time-Domain Based Identification: (10 Hrs)

Identification of FOPDT model- general expression & model parameters, Identification of second order
plus dead time model, Identification of SOPDT model- general expression & model parameters, Steady
state gain from asymmetrical relay test- analytical expression & model parameters, Identification of
SOPDT model with pole multiplicity, Existence of limit cycle for unstable system, Identification
procedures, Identification of underdamped systems, Off-line identification of TITO systems, On-line
identification of TITO systems, Review of time domain based identification


Unit 6 DF Based Identification: (04 Hrs)

DF based analytical expressions for on-line identification, Model parameter accuracy and sensitivity,
Improved identification using Fourier series and wavelet transform, Reviews of DF based identification.

Reference Books:
1. S. Majhi, Advanced Control Theory-Relay Feedback Approach, Cengage Asia/India Pvt.Ltd, 2009.
2. A. Johnson and H. Moradi, New Identifications and Design Methods, Springer - Verlag, 2005.
3. Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2008

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.



Solapur University, Solapur

M.E Electrical Semester-II

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3

Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Tutorial: - 2
Hrs/Week Tutorial Credit 1.0


Unit 1 Introduction: (04 Hrs)

Power system Protection, Prevention and control of system failure, Protective system design consideration,
Definitions used in System Protection, System disturbances.

Unit 2 Protection Measurements and Controls: (08 Hrs)

Graphic symbols and device connections, Typical relay connections, Circuit Breaker Control circuits,
Instrument Transformers-Selection, Types and Connections, Relay control configurations, Optical

Unit 3 Protective Device Characteristics & Relay Logic: (08 Hrs)

Relay characteristics, Power circuit breakers, Automatic circuit reclosers and line sectionalizers, Circuit
switches and digital fault recorders.
Analog relay logic, Digital relay logic, Hybrid relay logic, Relays as comparators.


Unit 4 Protection against Abnormal frequency: (06 Hrs)

Computation of available fault current, System equivalent for protection studies, Compensation theorem,
Compensation application in fault studies, Abnormal frequency operation, effects of frequency on
generator, frequency effects on the turbine, a system frequency response module, off normal frequency
protection, under frequency protection.

Unit 5 Protective schemes for stability enhancement: (06 Hrs)

Review of stability fundamentals, System transient behavior, Automatic reclosing, Loss of synchronism
protection, Special protection schemes.


Unit 6 HVDC Protection Sub synchronous resonance Protection: (08 Hrs)
A general working principle of line, Philosophy of HVDC protection, AC side protection, DC side
protection, Special HVDC protection.
SSR overview, SSR system counter measures, SSR unit counter measures.

Reference Books:
1. Anderson PM, Power system protection, McGraw-hill, 1999.
2. Mason CR, The art and science of protective relaying, John Wiley & sons
3. Badriram &Vishwakarma, Power system protection and SWG, Mcgraw Hill
4. Madhava Rao T S, Power system protection with static relays and Microprocessor
application, McGraw hill
5. Chapman & Hall, Electrical Power System Protection
6. J. Lewis Blackburn & T.J. Domin, Protective Relaying Principles & Applications

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.



Solapur University, Solapur

M.E Electrical Semester-II

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3

Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Tutorial: - 1
Hr/Week Tutorial Credit 1.0


Unit 1 DC DC Switched mode Converters: (08 Hrs)

Review of Buck Converter, Boost Converter, Buck Boost , Duty cycle derivation, Different conduction
modes (CCM & DCM), Voltage and Current waveforms, Calculation of output voltage ripple, Problems.

Unit 2 Resonant converters: (06 Hrs)

Switch - mode inductive current switching, Zero Voltage & Zero Current switching , Resonant switch
converters, Basic resonant circuit concepts, Resonant switch converters, ZCS and ZVS resonant switch
converters , Comparison of ZCS and ZVS topologies.

Unit 3 Switching DC power Supplies: (06 Hrs)

Linear power supplies, Overview of switching power supplies, Switching losses, Fly back and Forward
Converters duty cycle derivation, waveforms, comparison of converters, Problems.


Unit 4 Control Aspects: (08 Hrs)

Voltage feed- forward PWM control, current mode control, Power supply protection, Electrical isolation in
the feedback loop, designing to meet power supply specifications

Unit 5 Converter Design (for Buck, Boost , Flyback & Forward Converters only): (12 Hrs)
Selection of output filter capacitor, Selection of energy storage inductor, Design of high frequency Inductor and
high frequency transformer, Selection of switches.

Reference Books
1) Mohan N. Undeland . T & Robbins W., Power Electronics Converters , Application and Design John
Wiley, 3rd edition , 2002
2) Umanand L., Bhat S.R., Design of magnetic components for switched Mode Power converters , Wiley
Eastern Ltd.,1992

3) Robert. W. Erickson, D. Maksimovic Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Springer International
Edition, 2005
4) M.H.Rashid, Power Electronics, Prentice-Hall of India

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.



Solapur University, Solapur

M.E Electrical Semester-II

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory: - 3

Hrs/Week Theory Credits 3.0 Tutorial: - 1
Hr/Week Tutorial Credit 1.0


Unit 1 Introduction: (05 Hrs)

Evolution of HVDC Transmission, Comparison of HVAC and HVDC systems, Type of HVDC
Transmission systems, Components of HVDC transmission systems.

Unit 2 HVDC converters: (10 Hrs)

Analysis of simple rectifier circuits, Required features of rectification circuits for HVDC transmission,
Analysis of HVDC converter, Different modes of converter operation, Output voltage waveforms and DC
voltage in rectification, Output voltage waveforms and DC in inverter operation, Thyristor voltages,
Equivalent electrical circuit.

Unit 3 Control Aspects: (05 Hrs)

HVDC system control features, Control Modes, Control Schemes, Control comparisons

Unit 4 faults & protection: (06 Hrs)
Converter mal-operations, Commutation failure, Starting and shutting down the converter bridge,
Converter protection.

Unit 5 Harmonic Analysis: (06 Hrs)

Smoothing reactor and DC Lines, reactive power requirements, harmonic analysis, filter design.

Unit 6 AC-DC System: (08 Hrs)

Component Models for the Analysis of AC-DC Systems, Power flow analysis of AC-DC systems,
Transient stability analysis, Dynamic stability analysis.
Multi-terminal HVDC system, advances in HVDC transmission, HVDC system application in wind power


Reference Books
1. KR Padiyar, HVDC Power Transmission Systems, Willey Eastern Limited, Second edition.
2. J. Arrillaga, High Voltage Direct current Transmission, Peter Peregrinus Ltd, UK.
3. EW Kimbark, Direct Current Transmission, Wiley-Interscience, New York.
4. S.N. Singh, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, PHI, New Delhi 2nd
edition, 2008.

Term work: Minimum six Laboratory assignments based on above curriculum are required to
be submitted.



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