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Syllabus Sem 3

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Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Programme : B.Tech (Electrical) Sem – III (2014 Course)
Examination Scheme Credits
Sr. Name of Practical
No. Course Theor
L P T ESE Assig Total TW Total
Unit Atten TW TW y
Test dance PR OR
15 Mathematics 3 -- 1 60 20 10 10 -- -- 100 4 -- 4
16 Machines – 4 2 60 20 10 10 50 -- 150 4 1 5
Linear &
Digital -
17 3 2 60 20 10 10 -- 50 150 3 1 4
Integrated -
Computatio -
18 3 2 60 20 10 10 -- 50 150 3 1 4
nal -
19 ts & 3 2 60 20 10 10 50 -- 150 3 1 4
skill -
20 4 -- 100 -- -- -- -- -- 100 4 -- 4
development -
Total 21 8 1 400 100 50 50 100 100 800 21 4 25
Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Programme : B.Tech (Electrical) Sem – IV (2014 Course)

Examination Scheme Credits
Sr. Name of
Continuous Assessment Practical
No. Course Theor
L P T ESE Total TW Total
Unit Atten Assignm TW TW y
Test dance ent PR OR
21 3 2 -- 60 20 10 10 -- 50 150 3 1 4
22 4 2 -- 60 20 10 10 50 -- 150 4 1 5
Machines - II
23 3 2 1 60 20 10 10 50 -- 150 4 1 5
24 Transmission 3 2 -- 60 20 10 10 -- 50 150 3 1 4
& Distribution
25 Engineering 3 -- -- 60 20 10 10 -- -- 100 3 -- 3
26 4 -- -- 100 -- -- -- -- -- 50 4 -- 4
Total 21 8 1 400 100 50 50 100 100 800 21 4 25

Total Credits Sem – III : 25

Total Credits Sem – IV : 25
B.Tech (Electrical) – SEM-III

Engineering Mathematics-III
Theory: 04 Hours / Week End Semester Examination: 60 Marks 04 Credits
Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks

Course Pre-requisites:
Students should have basic knowledge of:
1. Differential calculus
2. Integral calculus
3. Complex numbers
4. Vector algebra

Course Objectives:
To develop ability to use the mathematical techniques, skills, and tools necessary for
engineering practice.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course , the students will be able to:
1. Form mathematical modeling of systems using differential equations and ability to solve
linear differential equations with constant coefficient.
2. Apply basics of analytic functions and the basics in complex integration which is used to
evaluate complicated real integrals.
3. Apply theorems to compute the Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transforms.
4 Solve difference equation by Z-transform.
5 Calculate the gradients and directional derivatives of functions of several variables.
6 Use G ee ’s theo e to e aluate li e integrals along simple closed contours on the plane.

UNIT - I Linear Differential Equations (LDE) (09 Hours)

Solution of nth order LDE with Constant Coefficients, Method of Variation of
Pa a ete s, Cau h ’s &Lege d e’s DE, “olutio of “i ulta eous & Symmetric
Simultaneous DE, Modeling of Electrical Circuits.
UNIT - II Complex Variables (09 Hours)
Functions of Complex Variables, Analytic Functions, C-R Equations, Conformal
Mappi g, Bili ea T a sfo atio , Cau h ’s Theo e , Cau h ’s I teg al
Fo ula, Lau e t’s “e ies, Residue Theo e
UNIT - III Transforms (09 hours)
Fourier Transform (FT): Complex Exponential Form of Fourier Series, Fourier
Integral Theorem, Sine & Cosine Integrals, Fourier Transform, Fourier Sine
and Cosine Transform and their Inverses.
Introductory Z-Transform (ZT): Definition, Standard Properties, ZT of Standard
Sequences and their Inverses. Solution of Simple Difference Equations.
UNIT – IV Laplace Transform (LT) (09 hours)
Definition of LT, Inverse LT. Properties & theorems. LT of standard functions.
LT of some special functions viz., Periodic, Unit Step, Unit Impulse, ramp,
jump, Problems on finding LT & inverse LT. Applications of LT and Inverse LT
for solving ordinary differential equations.
UNIT - V Vector Differential Calculus (09 Hours)
Physical Interpretation of Vector Differentiation, Vector Differential Operator,
Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Directional Derivative, Solenoidal, Irrotational
and Conservative Fields, Scalar Potential, Vector Identities.
UNIT - VI Vector Integral Calculus (09 Hours)
Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Work-do e, G ee ’s Le a, Gauss’s
Di e ge e Theo e , “toke’s Theo e , Appli atio s to P o le s i Ele t o-
Magnetic Fields.

Term Work:
1. Linear Differential Equations
2. Complex Variables
3. Transforms
4. Laplace Transform
5. Vector Differential Calculus
6. Vector Integral Calculus

Text Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O'Neil (Cengage Learning).
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig (Wiley Eastern Ltd.).

Reference Books:
1. Engineering Mathematics by B.V. Raman (Tata McGraw-Hill).
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2e, by M. D. Greenberg (Pearson Education).
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wylie C.R. & Barrett L.C. (McGraw-Hill, Inc.)
4. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal (Khanna Publication, Delhi).
5. Applied Mathematics (Volumes I and II) by P. N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar (Pune Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan, Pune).

Syllabus for Unit Test:

Unit Test -1 UNIT – I, UNIT – II, UNIT - III
Unit Test -2 UNIT – IV, UNIT – V, UNIT - VI
Electrical Machines - I
Theory: 03 Hours / Week End Semester Examination: 60 Marks 03 Credits
Practical: 02 Hours / Week Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks
Term Work: 25 Marks Practical : 25 Marks 01 Credit

Course Pre-requisites:
The Students should have knowledge of
Basic of Machine, Magnetic theory, AC & DC Fundamentals

Course Objectives:
To develop the students to identify, analyze & to understand the fundamentals, classification,
application and selection of DC machine, Transformer & Induction Machines for a particular
application as per the operational characteristics.

Course Outcomes: The students will be able to

1. To draw equivalent circuit, phasor diagram and calculate the efficiency and regulation of single
phase transformer
2. Identify the difference between the single phase and three transformers and also will Apply the
concepts and application of the three phase transformer and also can analyze using the basics of
additional terms & various connections of the three phase transformer.
3. Apply the concepts and application of Electromagnetic Laws, Energy balance.
4. Identify different parts, Describe the basics of machine, armature reaction, commutation,
characteristics & applications of dc generators, dc motors
5. Apply the concepts and application of single phase induction motors and other small size motors.
6. Apply the concepts and application of advancements in DC machines & transformers.

UNIT – I Single Phase Transformers (06 Hours)

Introduction to Single phase transformer, Development of equivalent circuit,
Approximate & Exact equivalent circuit, & Phasor diagram, Efficiency of a
Transformer, Condition for maximum efficiency, All day efficiency of Transformer,
single phase Autotransformer, saving in copper.
Kapp regulation diagram, Back to back test, Open circuit and Short circuit tests on
single phase Transformer, Routine and Type Test on single phase transformer as
per IS, Parallel operation of single phase Transformer.
UNIT – II Polyphase Transformers (06 Hours)
Comparison between single three phase unit and three single phase units,
standard connections & phasor groups, parallel operation of three phase
transformers, Three winding transformers, On-Load Tap Changer.
Concept of polarity & Polarity Test, open circuit and short circuit tests, Direct
Load Test, “u p e ’s test (Back to back), I.S. Specifications of transformers.
Concept of routine and type tests. Testing of transformers as per I.S.
UNIT – III Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion (06 Hours)
Introduction, Basic Electromagnetic Laws, EMF induced in a coil rotating in a
magnetic field, forces and torques in magnetic field systems, Energy balance,
Energy in singly excited magnetic field systems, Determination of magnetic force
and torque from Energy, Multiply excited magnetic field systems, Forces and
torques in systems with permanent magnets, Dynamic equations
UNIT – IV DC Machines (06 Hours)
Basic principle of working, Construction, E.M.F. equation of D.C. generators.
Process of commutation & types, causes of bad commutation and remedies, Basic
principle of working of DC motor, Significance of Back e.m.f., Torque equation,
Types, characteristics and applications of d.c. motors, Starting, reversing and
armature voltage and field control method of speed control, Armature reaction,
Losses, efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency and maximum power output.
Testing of DC motor.
UNIT – V Fractional Kilowatt Motors (06 Hours)
Construction of single phase induction motors, types, double revolving field
theory, methods of self-starting, torque-speed/slip characteristics, equivalent
circuit, applications, Shaded Pole motor, Commutator motors, Universal motor,
Repulsion motors, Servo motors
UNIT – VI Modern Trends in DC Machines and Transformers (06 Hours)
Construction, working, characteristics and applications of: PMDC Motor, Stepper
motor, BLDC motor, Printed Circuit Board Motor, Air Motor, dry type transformer,
isolation transformer, Optical CT/PT

Term Work:
The P a ti al’s shall o sist of e o d of i i u eight e pe i e ts.
1. Open circuit and short circuit tests on a single phase transformer
2. Performance of standard connections (Scott and open delta) for three phase transformers
3. “u p e ’s test o t o ide ti al si gle phase t a sfo e s
4. Parallel operation of two single phase transformers
5. Three phase to six phase transformation
6. Identification of DC machine windings and resistances
7. Speed control of D. C. Shunt motor by Armature and Field control
8. Brake test on DC shunt motor
9. “ i u ’s Test o DC shu t Moto
10. Load test on single phase induction motor (Split phase induction motor)
11. Computation of Equivalent Circuit of single phase induction motor
12. Load test on ac series motor

Text Books:
1. Nag ath Kotha i, Ele t i al Ma hi es , Tata M G a Hill
2. A. E. Fitzge ald, Cha les Ki gsle , J . “tephe D. U a s, Ele t i Ma hi e , Tata M G a Hill
3. M. G. “a , Alte ati g Cu e t Ma hi es , Pit a Pu lishi g Ltd.
4. Ashfaq Husai , Ele t i Ma hi es , Dha at Rai & Co.

Reference Books:
1. D . “. K. “e , Ele t i Ma hi e , Wile Easte
2. B. H. Desh ukh, Ele t i al Te h olog , Ni ali P akasha
3. A. “. La gsd off, Theo of Alte ato Cu e t Ma hi e , Tata M G a Hill
4. Bhag “. Gu u, Huse i R. Hizi oglu, Ele t i Ma hi e & T a sfo e s , O fo d.

Syllabus for Unit Test:

Unit Test -1 UNIT – I, UNIT – II, UNIT - III
Unit Test -2 UNIT – IV, UNIT – V, UNIT - VI
Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits
Theory: 03 Hours / Week End Semester Examination: 60 Marks 03 Credits
Practical: 02 Hours / Week Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks
Term Work: 25 Marks Oral 25marks 01 Credit

Course Prerequisites:
The students should have knowledge of
1. Fundamentals of semiconductor physics, electronics devices

Course Objectives:
This course introduces basic knowledge about linear and Digital integrated circuits. It
describes fundamentals of Operational amplifier characteristics and application circuits. It
also introduces concepts of digital components, combinational and sequential circuits.

Course Outcomes: After learning this course the students will be able to
1. Specify operational amplifier parameters and connect the operational amplifier to perform
basic applications.
2. Describe the operation of circuit with proper component ratings, circuit diagram, input,
output waveforms.
3. Compare specifications of voltage regulator ICs and select as per requirements.
Identify pins of IC 555 and analyze circuits of IC 555
4 Apply knowledge of number conversion and binary arithmetic and to use Boolean algebra to
develop K map logic.
5 Draw logic circuits of multiplexer , de-multiplexer, ADC, DAC
6 Describe different flip- flops with circuit diagram, truth table and applications such as
registers, counters

UNIT - I Operational Amplifiers (06Hours)

Block diagram and working of operational amplifier, pin diagram and
specifications of IC 741,IC 324, operational amplifier parameters input offset
current, input offset voltage, Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR), PSRR,
slew rate, bandwidth and frequency response, Basic op-amp applications:
Inverting amplifier, Non-inverting amplifier, Adder, Subtractor, Instrumentation
amplifier, AC voltage follower, V to I and I to V converter
UNIT - II Waveform Generators using Operational Amplifiers (06 Hours)
Integrator, differentiator, Square, triangular, sine wave generator, saw-tooth,
Comparator, zero crossing detector, Schmitt trigger, precision rectifier, peak
detector, clipper, clamper,V to F and F to V converter, sample and hold circuit
UNIT - III Applications of Op-A p a d Other IC’s (06Hours)
Voltage regulators using ICs Viz. 78xx, 79xx, LM 317, IC 723
Active filters - configuration with frequency response, Analysis of first order
low pass and high pass filters, Timer IC555 construction, working and modes of
operation: astable, monostable and sequence timer
UNIT - IV Numbering Systems and Boolean Algebra (06 hours)
Numbering systems - binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal and their
conversion, codes - BCD, ASCII, Grey and excess3, Binary arithmetic: addition
a d su t a tio ’s a d ’s o pli e t.
Logic gates, Booleans algebra, De-Mo go ’s theorem, K-map: structure for two
and three variables, SOP and POS form reduction of Boolean expressions by K-
map 1-bit comparator analysis using K-map
UNIT - V Combinational Logic Circuits (06Hours)
Comparator, parity generator, Multiplexer, De-multiplexer using K-map, adder,
subtractor, arithmetic logic unit , decimal to BCD encoder (74147), BCD to 7
segment decoder/driver (7446/7447), display device, ADC, Dual slope SAR, DAC
- binary weighted, ladder type, Memories: RAM - static and dynamic, ROM,
PROMS and EPROMS, EEPROMS detailing.
UNIT - VI Sequential Logic Circuits (06 Hours)
Flip Flops: S-R, Clocked S-R, D latches, Edge triggered D flip-flops, Edge triggered
JK flip flops, JK Master-slave flip flop, Registers, Buffer registers, shift registers,
controlled shift registers, asynchronous counters, synchronous counter,
twisted ring counters, N- odule ou te s, Cou te IC’s

Term Work:
The term work shall consist of record of minimum eight experiments. Four from first 6 and four from next 6
out of given below.
1. To Study Data sheet of IC 741, 324 , IC555, IC 723
2. To observe op. amp as adder, subtractor
3. To observe operational amplifier as square, triangular wave, sine wave generator.
4. To observe operation of operational amplifier as comparator, ZCD, Schmitt trigger
5. To observe input, output waveforms of an Operational amplifier as integrator and differentiator.
6. Operational amplifier as low pass or high pass filter and observe frequency response
7. To connect IC 555 as mono-stable multi vibrator and observe waveforms.
8. To connect logic gates as per pin diagram and verify truth table
9. To design half adder and full adder using basic gates.
10. To verify operation of various flip flops by truth table
11. To observe shift register operation using IC7495
12. To understand features of synchronous and asynchronous counter and use them for different modes
such as up/down, mode N, frequency divider.
13. To use BCD to 7 segment decoder (7446,7447) BCD to decimal decoder (7441, 7442)
14. To study specifications of ADC and DAC chips

Text Books:
1. D. Roy Choudhary , Shail Jain – Li ea I teg ated Ci uits -Wiley Eastern Limited.
2. R. P. Jain - Mode Digital Ele t o i s –Tata McGraw hill
3. K. R. Botkar – I teg ated i uits - Khanna publishers

Reference Books:
1. Ramakant A. Gaikwad- Op-a p a d I teg ated i uits , Fou th editio , PHI Pu li atio , .
2. L. K. Maheshwari and M.M. S Anand – A alog Ele t o i s -Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
3. D. P. Leach, A. P. Malvino- Digital p i iples a d appli atio s -Tata McGraw Hill
4. James - Ope atio al a plifie a d li ea I teg ated Ci uits Theo a d appli atio s
5. Charles H. Roth – Fu da e tal of Logi Desig –Jaico book

Syllabus for Unit Test:

Unit Test -1 UNIT – I, UNIT – II, UNIT - III
Unit Test -2 UNIT – IV, UNIT – V, UNIT - VI
Digital Computational Techniques
Theory: 03 Hours / Week End Semester Examination: 60 Marks 03 Credits
Practical: 02 Hours / Week Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks
Term Work: 25 Marks Practical : 25 Marks 01 Credit

Course Pre-requisites:
The Students should have knowledge of
1. Mathematics (integration, differentiation, simultaneous equations, polynomial equations), Basics
of programming, C++ language, Program debugging skills, Flowchart and algorithm development

Course Objectives:
To develop the students for understanding, analyzing and applying numerical methods using
digital techniques (C++ and MATLAB) to solve mathematical and engineering problems.

Course Outcomes: The students will be able to

1. Refresh the basics of C++ language and MATLAB and solve problems using multiple numerical
techniques with C++ and MATLAB
2. Understand importance of high speed calculations, errors involved and preliminary mathematical
3. Find the roots of transcendental & polynomial equations
4. Understand and use various numerical interpolation methods to solve polynomial equations
5. Perform numerical differentiation and integration using multiple methods/techniques
6. Solve linear algebraic simultaneous equations using elimination and iterative methods

UNIT – I Basics of C++ and MATLAB Programming (06 Hours)

Data types, Operator, Variables, Control Statements, Loops, Access Control, Arrays,
Functions and their types, Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) concepts, Class
and Object, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Parameter
passing, Function overloading, Inline functions, Virtual functions, Friend functions,
Members and Functions, MATLAB Basics (operations, built-in functions,
commands, arrays, display, files, programming in MATLAB
UNIT – II Introduction to Numerical Computations: (06 Hours)
Basic principle of numerical methods and necessity of computers for high speed
calculations, Floating point algebra with normalized floating point technique,
“ig ifi a t digits, Mathe ati al p eli i a ies: Rolle’s Theo e , Ge e alized Rolle’s
Theorem, Intermediate Value Theorem, Mean Value Theorem for derivatives,
Errors and their computations: Absolute, Relative and Percentage errors
UNIT – III Transcendental and Polynomial Equations: (06 Hours)
Roots of an equation and methods to find the same, Solve equations using
Bisection, Secant, Regula-Falsi and Newton-Raphson methods, Single variable and
multi variable Newton-Raphson techniques, Curve fitting using least square
approximation – first order and second order.
UNIT – IV Interpolation: (06 Hours)
Introduction to interpolation and calculas of finite differences, Polynomial
i te polatio ethods: Lag a ges, Ne to ’s fo a d, a k a d & e t al
diffe e e ethods, “te li g a d Bessel’s i te polatio
UNIT – V Differentiation and Integration: (06 Hours)
Numerical differentiation using simple interpolation techniques like Lagrangian
and Newton Gregory methods, Numerical integration using Trapezoidal, Simpsons
Rule, “olutio of o di a diffe e tial e uatio usi g Eule ’s, Modified Eule ’s,
Taylor Series, Runge-Kutta se o d a d fou th o de te h i ues usi g Hu e’s a d
Polygon method
UNIT – VI Linear Algebric Simultaneous Equations: (06 Hours)
Direct methods like Gauss Elimination method and Gauss Jordan method, Concept
of pivoting – partial and complete, Iterative methods like Gauss-Siedel,
Accelerated Gauss-“iedel a d Ja o i’s ethod, Mat i i e sio usi g Jo da
method and Eigen Values using Power method and Jacobi methods

Term Work:
The P a ti al’s shall o sist of e o d of i i u eight e pe i e ts.
13. Newton-Rhapson method using C++ Programming
14. Gauss Elimination method using C++ Programming/MATLAB
15. Gauss Seidel Method using MATLAB
16. Jacobi Method using MATLAB
17. Lagranges Interpolation method using C++ Programming
18. Newtons Divided Difference Interpolation method using C++ Programming
19. Trapezoidal method using C++ Programming
20. Eule ’s ethod usi g C++ P og a i g
21. Runge-Kutta 4 Order method using C++ Programming
22. C++ Program on Inheritance
23. C++ Program on Polymorphism
24. C++ Program on derived class constructor and destructor

Text Books:
3. “. “. “ast , I t odu to Methods of Nu e i al A al sis , Edition, PHI
4. M. K. Jain, R. K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar, Nu e i al Methods fo “ ie tifi a d E gi ee i g Co putatio , Edition,
New Age International Publishers
5. Balagu us a , O je t O ie ted P og a i g i C++ , Editio , Tata M G a Hill
4. Yasha a t Ka itka , Let Us C++ , nd Edition, BPB Publications
5. D . J. “. Chitodia, Nu e i al Methods , Te h i al Pu li atio s
. Rao V. Dukkipati, MATLAB – A I t odu tio ith Appli atio s , Ne Age I te atio al Pu lishe s

Reference Books:
5. Santosh K. Gupta, Nu e i al Methods fo E gi ee s , Wile Easte Ltd.
6. Joh R. Hu a d, “ hau ’s Outli e of P og a i g ith C++ , Editio , “ hau ’s “e ies
7. Ba u Ra , Nu e i al Methods , Pea so Pu li atio s

Syllabus for Unit Test:

Unit Test -1 UNIT – I, UNIT – II, UNIT - III
Unit Test -2 UNIT – IV, UNIT – V, UNIT - VI
Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation
Theory: 03 End Semester Examination: 60 Marks 03 Credits
Practical: 02 Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks
Practical: 01 Credit

Course Pre-requisites:
The Students should have knowledge of
1. Basic electrical Engineering Parameters such as Voltage, current, Power, Energy, etc.
2. Various physical Parameters such as, Temperature, Pressure ,Flow, vibration, etc.

Course Objectives:
This course introduces knowledge about electrical measurement and instrumentation .The course is
designed to learn different methods of measurements of various electrical parameters and also to learn
the different physical parameters with the help of the various measurement and instrumentation

Course Outcomes: After learning this course students will be able to

1. Explores the importance of measurement and various terms related to measurement.
Measure /calculate unknown inductance and capacitance by balancing of AC bridge
State specifications of instrument transformers and use them for high voltage and high current
2. Draw circuit diagram, connect wattmeter for measurement of three phase active and reactive power
and energy meter for measurement of energy.
3. Draw block diagram , state specifications, functions of various digital/automated meter, harmonic
4 Classify various types of transducers. Explain principle of operation, characteristics, specifications of
displacement and level transducers and different methods of measurement.
5 Explain principle of operation, characteristics, specifications of Pressure and temperature transducers
and different methods of measurement.
6 Select appropriate transducer , recorder and display device as per requirement

UNIT – I Introduction (06 Hours)

Introduction: significance of measurement, classification of instruments, mechanical,
electrical, electronic instruments, deflection and null type, applications of measurement
AC Bridges: Introduction, sources and detectors for ac bridge, general equation for
idge at ala e. Measu e e t of I du ta e: Ma ell’s I du ta e & Ma ell’s
Inductance – Capa ita e B idge, A de so ’s B idge, “ he i g B idge fo easurement
of apa ita e, Wie ’s B idge fo easu e e t of f e ue , U i e sal I peda e
Instrument Transformers: Introduction to CT & PT as instrument transformers.
Difference between CT operated meter & whole current meter. Advantages of
instrument transformers over shunts and multipliers, Accuracy class, burden on
instrument transformers, expression for ratio and phase angle errors in case of C.T. and
P.T. (No derivation), and precaution in using instrument transformers. Clip on ammeter.
UNIT - II Measurement of Power and Energy (06 Hours)
Measurement of Power: Construction, working principle, torque equation,
advantages/disadvantages, errors and their compensation of dynamometer type
wattmeter, low power factor wattmeter, Active & reactive power measurement in three
phase balanced & unbalanced system (one wattmeter and two wattmeter methods),
Power Measurement using Instrument Transformer, Three Phase wattmeter.
Measurement of energy: Energy Meters in AC circuits, Single Phase Induction Type
Energy Meter - Construction, principle of operation, torque equation of induction type
energy meter, errors and adjustments. Three phase three wires, and three phase four
wire energy meter, Electronic energy meter
UNIT - III Electronic Devices and Signal A alyzer’s (06 Hours)
Electronic Voltmeters and their Advantages, Vacuum Tube Voltmeters, difference
Amplifier Type Voltmeters, DC Voltmeters with direct Coupled Amplifier, Measurement
of Power at Audio and Radio Frequencies. Digital Storage Oscilloscope – Principle of
operation and waveform reconstruction. Concept of: Numeric meter & its types (TOD,
ABT, Prepaid & panel mounted meters.) Measurement of power & energy by sampling
technique automatic meter reading (AMR) and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI),
Meter reading instrument (MRI). Wave Analyzers – Frequency Selective Wave Analyzers
and Heterodyne Wave Analyzers and its applications. Harmonic Distortion Analyzer,
Spectrum Analyzer, Standing Wave Ratio, Power Analyzer.
UNIT - IV Displacement and Level Measurement (06 Hours)
Introduction to Transducers, classification, basic requirements for transducers and
Advantages of Electrical Transducers.
Displacement measurement: Potentiometer as displacement transducer, Strain Gauge:
Theory of Strain Gauges, Types of strain gauges: Un-bonded and Bonded types their
construction, working, advantages and disadvantages, load cell, LVDT & RVDT –
construction, working, application, null voltage, specifications,
advantages/disadvantages, effect of frequency on performance. Capacitive transducers
– Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications.
Level measurement: Introduction and importance of level measurement, level
measurement methods: mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, Electrical types of level
gauges using resistance, capacitance, nuclear radiation and ultrasonic sensors
UNIT - V Pressure and Temperature Measurement (06 Hours)
Pressure Measurement:, classification of pressure as low/medium/ high,
absolute/gauge/vacuum, static/dynamic & head pressure. Types of Pressure
Measurements Devices, Pressure Measurement using Electrical Transducers as
Secondary Transducers. Low Pressure Measurement – Thermocouple Vacuum Gauge,
Pirani Gauges and Ionization Type Vacuum.
Temperature Measurement: Electrical Resistance Thermometer, Platinum Resistance
Thermometer, Semi conductor Thermometers, Thermocouples, Thermisters, Quartz
Crystal Thermometers, Bimetallic Thermometers. Electrical methods of temperature
measurement – signal conditioning of industrial RTDs and their characteristics – 3 lead
and 4 lead RTDs.
UNIT - VI Measurement of Velocity and Flow, Recorders and Display Devices (06 Hours)
Measurement of Velocity – Moving Magnet Type, Moving Coil Type, Seismic Tape Type.
Measurement of Angular Velocity.
Measurement of flow – Turbine Meter, Electromagnetic Flow Meters, Hot Wire
Anemometer, Ultrasonic Flow Meter.
Recorders and Display Devices: Recording Requirement, Analog Recorders, Graphic
Recorders, Strip Chart Recorders, Null Type Recorders, X-Y Recorders, Ultraviolet
Recorders, Direct Recorders. Digital Display Methods, Digital display Units, Rear
Projector Display, Light Emitting Diodes (LED), Liquid Crystal Diodes (LCD), Resolution
and Sensitivity of Digital Meters

Term Work:
The term work shall consist of record of minimum eight experiments.
1. Calibration of ammeter and voltmeter with the help of potentiometer.
2. To extend range of wattmeter by use of CT and PT.
3. To measure power in three phase balanced load by one wattmeter method.
4. To measure power in three phase balanced/ unbalanced load by two wattmeter method.
5. To measure reactive power in three phase circuit by one wattmeter method.
6. To study and analyze the various electrical parameters using Power Analyzer.
7. To calibrate single phase energy meter at (i) unity power factor (ii) 0.5 lagging power factor (iii) 0.5 leading
power factor (analog / Digital)
8. Study of digital storage oscilloscope C.R.O.s of different types and their applications.
9. Measurement of capacitance and loss angle by Schering Bridge.
10. Measu e e t of i du ta e A de so ’s idge.
11. Displacement measurement by LVDT.
12. Strain measurement using strain gauge.
13. Bourdon Tube
14. Study of process control application of using the instrumentation kit.
15. Introduction to thermography, detection of hot spots, oil level, defective winding in transformer using thermo
vision techniques.

Text Books:
1. A Course in Electrical and Electronic measurements & Instrumentation – by A. K. Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. Electronic Instrumentation: H.S. Kalsi – THM, 2 Edition 2004.
3. A Course in Electronic and Electronic measurements by J. B. Gupta, S. K. Kataria & Sons.
4. Measurement by Baldwin

Reference Books:
1. Electrical Measurement & Measuring Instruments Fifth edition, by E. W. Golding & Widdies, A. H. Wheeler &
Co. Ltd.
2. Electronic measurement and instrumentation by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Khanna Publisher, New Delhi.
3. Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation, Second Edition by Ghosh, PHI Publication.
4. Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation by Anand .PHI Publication

Syllabus for Unit Test:

Unit Test -1 UNIT – I, UNIT – II, UNIT - III
Unit Test -2 UNIT – IV, UNIT – V, UNIT - VI
B.Tech (Electrical) - SEM–IV

Power Electronics
Theory: 03 Hours / Week End Semester Examination: 60 Marks 03 Credits
Practical: 02 Hours / Week Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks
Term Work: 25 Marks Oral 25 marks 01 Credit

Course Pre-requisites:
The Students should have knowledge of
1. Fundamentals of Electronics Engineering.

Course Objectives:
This course introduces basic knowledge about electronics devices used for control of power. It describes characteristics, application
circuits of SCR and other power devices.

Course Outcomes: After learning this course the students will be able to
1. Describe specifications, characteristics of power electronics components.
2. Explain operation of AC-AC converters at different load conditions with mathematical equation and waveforms
3. Explain operation of AC-DC converters at different load conditions with mathematical equation and waveforms
4 Compare and select among switching device (IGBT, MOSFET, MCT) as per the application requirement.
5. Compare and select various Choppers based on application requirements.
6. Compare Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) and Current Source Inverter (CSI)

UNIT - I Thyristor Power Devices (06 Hours)

SCR - static and dynamic characteristics, specifications, two transistor analogy, gate characteristics,
triggering circuits, protection of SCR
Protection of power circuit from - over voltage, over current & temperature rise (thermal)
Design of Snubber circuit.
UNIT - II AC to DC Convertors (Single phase and three phase) (06 Hours)
Single phase convertor, three phase semi controlled and fully controlled bridges with R, RL and RLE
loads, derivation of average and RMS output voltage and current, rectification and inversion mode of
operation, concept of overlap angle and associated voltage drop calculation, dual convertor and
selection of transformer and semiconductor devices for convertors. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD).
UNIT - III AC Voltage Controllers (06 Hours)
DIAC, TRIAC - construction, characteristics, four mode operation, specifications, triggering of TRIAC
using DIAC, AC voltage regulator principle, single phase and three phase analysis with R and RL Load,
Harmonics and ripple factor, Applications of two stage, three stage and multistage voltage
controllers, derivation of average and RMS output voltage and current
UNIT - IV Transistor Power Devices (06 Hours)
MOSFET, IGBT, MCT - Construction, Characteristics, Specifications, Safe Operating Areas, protection,
switching action and their control circuit requirement, comparison and area of application of these
devices, Diagram and working of Switched Mode Power supply (SMPS) and Uninterrupted Power
Supply (UPS)
UNIT - V DC to DC Convertors (06 Hours)
Principle of operation of chopper, classification on the basis of operating quadrants control
techniques, CLC, TRC, PWM and FM techniques, analysis of step up choppers and numerical with RLE
load, area of application, necessity of input filter, derivation of average and RMS output voltage and
UNIT - VI DC to AC Inverters (06 Hours)
Single phase and three phase inverters principle of operation, VSI and CSI inverters, applications,
operating frequency range. PWM inverters: single pulse, multi-pulse and sinusoidal pulse
modulation, PWM techniques for voltage control and harmonic elimination.
Term Work:
The term work shall consist of record of minimum eight experiments. Four from first 6 and four from next 6 out of given below.
1. V-I Characteristic of SCR, DIAC & TRIAC
2. V-I characteristic of power semiconductor devices GTO, MOSFET, IGBT
3. 1 Phase half Controlled & Full controlled converter (R & RL Load)
4. 3 phase converter (R, RL, RLE Load)
5. Step down Chopper circuit (RC technique)
6. 3 phase Voltage Source transistorized inverter
7. Firing circuit for 3 phase converter
8. 1 phase or 3 phase AC voltage regulator
9. 3 phase AC – DC converter with RLE Load
10. 1 phase PWM bridge inverter
11. Commutation circuit of SCR
12. Design of Snubber Circuit
13. Collection of data sheets of Power Devices
14. Summary reports of NPTEL videos on Power Devices

Text Books:
1. M. H. Rashid – Po e Ele t o i s Editio , Pea so pu li atio
2. Ned Mohan, Undeland, WP Robins - Po e Ele t o i s edition, John Wiley & Sons International Student edition
3. B. W. Williams – Po e Ele t o i s edition -Macmillan publication
4. Dr. P. S. Bhimbra - Po e Ele t o i s thi d editio , Kha a Pu li atio
5. K Hari Bapu - Po e Ele t o i s - Scitech Publication

Reference Books:
1. Vedam SubraManyam - Po e Ele t o i s - New Age international, New Delhi
2. Dubey, Donald, Joshi, Sinha - Th iste ised Po e Co t olle - Wiley Eastern New Delhi
3. M. D “i gh & K B Kha d ha da i, Po e Ele t o i s - Tata McGraw hill
4. Jai P Agarwal - Po e Ele t o i s, “ ste s theo & desig LPE Pea so Edu atio
5. L Umanand - Po e Ele t o i , Esse tials & Appli atio s - Wiley publication
6. Randall , Shaffer - Fu da e tal of Po e Ele t o i s ith Matla
7. J. Michale, Jacob - Po e Ele t o i s P i iples & Appli atio s
8. V K Mehta – P i iples of Ele t o i s – S. Chand Publications
9. NPTEL website Video lectures by B. G. Fernandes

Syllabus for Unit Test:

Unit Test -1 UNIT – I, UNIT – II, UNIT - III
Unit Test -2 UNIT – IV, UNIT – V, UNIT - VI
Electrical Machines-II
Theory: 04 Hours / Week End Semester Examination: 60 Marks 04 Credits
Practical: 02 Hours / Week Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks
Term Work: 25 Marks 01 Credit

Course Pre-requisites:
The Students should have knowledge of
1. Basi la s of otati g a hi es like Fa ada ’s La , Le ze’s La , et
2. Basics of Electrostatics and electromagnetic
3. Transformer operation
4. Induction machine operation
5. DC Machine operation

Course Objectives:
To understand the theory, operation, characteristics and applications of Three phase
Induction, Synchronous Machines and special purpose machines.

Course Outcomes: The students will be able to

1. Describe the basics of synchronous generators & identify the different parts, different
excitation systems, armature windings, to find the regulation by different methods of non-
salient pole alternator.
2. Apply the concepts of three phase synchronous generator and analyze using the basics of
different tests on Syn. Gen.
3. characteristics of alternators
4 Understand the concept of synchronization and parallel operation of alternators
5 Understand working principle, characteristics, operation and applications of synchronous
6 Understand working, characteristics and usage of special purpose electrical machines

UNIT - I Synchronous Generators (Alternators ) - Principles (08 Hours)

Types of synchronous machines & their constructional features, Excitation
Synchronous generator (cylindrical rotor type): Principle of working, Armature
Windings & Estimation of winding factor, EMF Equation, Rating of Generator,
Generator on no load & balanced load, Armature reaction & its effect under
load power factors, Synchronous Impedance, Equivalent Circuit & Phasor
Diagram, Synchronous Generator (Salient Pole): Two Reaction Theory model,
Estimation of Direct & Quadrature axes Synchronous Reactance by Slip Test,
Phasor Diagram.
Power Flow (Transfer) Equations, Power – Power angle relation and Capability
Curves of synchronous generators.
UNIT - II Synchronous Generators (Alternators) - Operation (08 Hours)
DC resistance test, Open circuit Test & Short Circuit Test on synchronous
generator, Determination of Voltage Regulation by direct load test & by
Indirect Methods-EMF, MMF & Potier Triangle Method, Losses & Efficiency
and Short Circuit Ratio.
Parallel Operation of alternators - Necessity, Conditions, Prime Mover
Characteristics & load Sharing.
Concept of Infinite bus, alternators connected to infinite bus bar, Methods of
synchronizing alternators (synchronizing lamps and synchro-scope),
Significance of Synchronizing Power Coefficient.
UNIT - III Three Phase Synchronous Motor (08 Hours)
Principle of operation, Methods of starting, Equivalent Circuit & Phasor
Diagrams, Pull-in & Pull-Out Torque, Power Flow Equations, Operation with
constant excitation & variable load and with Constant load & variable
excitation (V Curves & Inverted V Curves), Phenomenon of Hunting & its
remedies, Applications.
UNIT - IV Three Phase Induction Motor – Principles (08 Hours)
Construction (Squirrel cage, Wound rotor), Concept of rotating magnetic field,
Principle of Operation, Concepts of Speed & Slip, Frequency of rotor voltage &
current, Power Flow Diagram & development of Equivalent Circuits, Losses,
Relationship between rotor copper loss , rotor input & gross mechanical power
developed,Efficiency,Torque–Slip/Speed characteristics, Effect of rotor
resistance on Torque-Slip characteristics, Condition for maximum torque,
Relations between starting ,Full load & Maximum torque.
UNIT - V Three Phase Induction Motor – Operation (08 Hours)
Starters for cage rotor & wound rotor induction motors (DOL, Star/Delta, Auto
transformer, Stator resistance, Rotor resistance, soft starters), Open circuit
and short circuit test, Circle diagram and computation of performance
parameters, High Torque Cage Motors - Deep bar & Double cage rotor, Speed
control mechanisms (VFD, cascading, pole changing, slip power recovery),
Cogging & Crawling of induction motors, Applications.
UNIT - VI Special Purpose Machines (08 Hours)
Construction, working principle, characteristics and applications – Induction
Generator, Induction Voltage Regulator, Linear Induction Motor, Synchronous
Induction Motor, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine, Reluctance
motor, Hysteresis motor, AC Series Motor.

Term Work:
The term work shall consist of record of minimum eight experiments. Four from first 6 and four from next 6
out of given below.
1. Direct loading test on alternator
2. Open circuit and short circuit test on alternator – regulation by emf and mmf method
3. Slip test on salient pole alternator – regulation by two reaction theory
4. Synchronization of alternator with bus bar
5. V-Curves of synchronous motor
6. Load test on synchronous motor
7. Load Test on three phase induction motor
8. No load & Blocked Rotor Test on three phase induction motor: Determination of Equivalent Circuit
Parameters/Plotting Circle diagram
9. Measurement of Slip by Stroboscopic Method
10. Speed Control of Wound Rotor Induction Motor
11. Demo and study of three phase Linear Induction Motor
12. Study & comparison of Starters of three phase induction motor.
13. Load test on Universal Motor
15. Load Test on PMSM

Text Books:
1. Nag ath Kotha i, Ele t i al Ma hi es , Tata M G a Hill
2. B L The aja, Ele t i al Te h olog , Vol II, Cha d Pu li atio s
Reference Books:
1. D . “. K. “e , Ele t i Ma hi e , Wile Easte
2. B. H. Desh ukh, Ele t i al Te h olog , Ni aliP akasha
3. M. G. “a , Alte ati g Cu e t Ma hi es , M G a Hill
4. A. S. La gsd off, Theo of Alte ato Cu e t Ma hi e , Tata M G a Hill

Syllabus for Unit Test:

Unit Test -1 UNIT – I, UNIT – II, UNIT - III
Unit Test -2 UNIT – IV, UNIT – V, UNIT - VI
Network Analysis
Theory: 03 Hrs/Week End Semester Examination: 60 Marks Theory : - 03
Practical: 02 Hrs/Week Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks Practical : - 01
Tutorial:- 1Hr/Week Term Work : 25 Marks, Practical: 25 Marks Total : - 04

Course Pre-requisites:
The Students should have knowledge of
1. Engineering Physics, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
2. Engineering Mathematics ( Differential equations, Integrations, Laplace Transforms, Fourier Transform

Course Objectives:
This course introduces concepts of Network Analysis such that simplification of any complex network
applying theorems, classical method (Transient response) or Laplace transform method or Fourier
transform method.

Course Outcomes: The students will be able to

1. Calculate solution of differential equation of an active (Excited by an ac source or DC source), Linear,
bilateral complicated network using various network theorems.
2. Analyze transient response of passive elements in pre-excited or unexcited conditions ( initial conditions)
using classical method
3. Apply Laplace Transform Technique to analyze the behavior & response of passive elements in pre-excited
or unexcited conditions ( initial conditions)
4 Represent any network as two port network, Define and calculate various parameters like open circuit
impedance, short circuit admittance, Transmission & Hybrid parameters and their applications in electrical
5 Formulate network function for a given circuit and comment about stability from poles and zeros of
6 Analyze a given circuit / waveform using Fourier Transform method.

UNIT - I Network Theorems in AC circuits (06 Hours)

Introduction, Practical sources, Source transformations, Network reduction using Star –
Delta transformation, Loop and node analysis With linearly dependent and independent
sou es fo AC et o ks, Co epts of supe ode a d supe esh. The e i ’s theo e ,
No to ’s theo e , “upe positio theo e , Ma i u po e t a sfe theo e , Mill a ’s
theo e , Re ip o it theo e , “u stitutio theo e , Co pe satio theo e , Tellege ’s
UNIT - II Transient Response of Passive Circuits (06 Hours)
Introduction, transient response of series R-L and R-C circuit having DC excitation,
Transient response in RL and RC circuit with sinusoidal excitation. Transient response in
RLC circuit with DC and sinusoidal excitation Resonance, Coupled circuits, Scattering matrix
and its application in network analysis
UNIT - III Laplace Transformation and its application (06 Hours)
Laplace transform of a derivative and integration. Laplace transform of common forcing
functions, Initial and final value theorem, Time displacement theorem, Convolution
theorem, Impulse response of R-L and R-C Circuit, Application of Laplace transformation
technique in electric circuit analysis.
UNIT - IV Two Port Networks: (06 Hours)
Short circuit admittance, open circuit impedance, transmission and inverse transmission,
hybrid and inverse hybrid parameters. Relation between parameter sets, T,, Ladder,
lattice, twin T networks. Input and out put impedance in terms two port parameters.
Interconnection of networks. Symmetry and reciprocity
UNIT - V Network Functions: (06 Hours)
Network function for one port and two port networks: ladder networks, general network,
poles and zeros of network functions, Restriction on poles and zeros for driving point
functions and transfer functions. Network synthesis of RL,RC,LC circuits
UNIT - VI Fourier analysis (06 Hours)
Exponential form of Fourier series, trigonometric form of Fourier series, symmetry in
Fourier series, Frequency spectrum, properties of Fourier analysis, shifting of function,
applications in circuit analysis. Fourier series representation of periodic signals, Fourier
integral & Fourier transform analysis with Fourier transform. Convolution integral.

Term Work:
The term work shall consist of record of minimum eight experiments.
1. Verification of Superposition theorem in A.C. circuits.
. Ve ifi atio of The e i ’s theo e i A.C. i uits.
3. Verification of Reciprocity theorem in A.C. circuits.
. Ve ifi atio of Mill a s’ theo e .
5. Verification of Maximum Power Transfer theorem in A.C. circuits.
6. Determination of time response of R-C circuit to a step D.C. voltage input. (Charging and
discharging of a capacitor through a resistor)
7. Determination of time response of R-L circuit to a step D.C. voltage input. (Rise and decay of
current in an inductive circuit)
8. Determination of time response of R-L-C series circuit to a step D.C. voltage input.
9. Determination of parameter of Two Port Network.
10. Determination of Resonance of R-L-C Parallel circuit
11. Determination of Resonance, Bandwidth and Q factor of R-L-C series circuit.

Text Books:
1. C. K Ale a de a d M. “adiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits , M G a -Hill, Fourth Edition, 2009 (ISBN:
0077263197 / 9780077263195)
2. M. E. Va Valke u g , Net o k A al sis , PHI / Pea so Edu atio , dEditio . Rep i t .
3. Ro Choudhu , Net o ks a d “ ste s , edition, 2006 re-print, New Age International Publications
4. F.F.Kuo, Net o k a al sis & “ thesis , Wa le Pu li atio
5. A. Chak a a ti, Ci uit Theo , Dha pat Rai Pu li atio
6. G. K. Mithal, Net o k A al sis , Kha a Pu li atio

Reference Books:
1. Ha t, Ke e l a d Du i , E gi ee i g Ci uit A al sis , TMH, Edition, 2010
2. J. Da id I i / R. Ma k Nel s, Basi E gi ee i g Ci uit A al sis , Joh Wile , edition, 2006.
3. Cha les K Ale a de a d Mathe N O “adiku, Fu da e tals of Ele t i Ci uits , Tata M G a -Hill, 3 edition,

Syllabus for Unit Test:

Unit Test -1 UNIT – I, UNIT – II, UNIT - III
Unit Test -2 UNIT – IV, UNIT – V, UNIT - VI
Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Theory: 03 End Semester Examination: 60 Marks Theory : - 03
Practical: 02 Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks Practical : - 01
Term Work : 25 Marks, Practical: 25 Marks Total : - 04

Course Pre-requisites:
The Students should have knowledge of
1. Electromagnetic energy conversion system
2. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Course Objectives:
This course introduces knowledge about electrical power generation, its transmission and distribution. The
course is designed to learn different methods of power generation. Also it focuses on performance of
transmission line and distribution system along with its design consideration.

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to

1. Draw block diagram and describe the function of components of various Power Generation techniques by
Conventional energy Sources.
2. Define and analyze the significance of terms such as load factor , diversity factor etc on economics of power
generation Draw block diagram and describe the function of components of various Power Generation
techniques by Non Conventional energy Sources.

3. Draw block diagram and describe the function of components of various Power Generation techniques by Non
Conventional energy Sources.
4 Calculate string efficiency, sag and R, L, C parameters of different types of transmission line.
5 Represent TEE and PI model of line and analyze the performance of transmission line.
6 Explore different type of cables & its calculations along with the computation of performance of AC distribution.

UNIT - I Power Generation techniques by Conventional energy Sources (06 Hours)

Introduction to energy sources, selection of site – classification – general arrangements
and operations – functions of each component – types of turbines – electric generators –
advantages and disadvantages - list of major power stations : of Hydro electric , Thermal
and Nuclear power plants in India with capacity. Basic layout and working of diesel and gas
power plant. Concept of grid, types of grids
UNIT - II Load Curves and Economic Aspects (06 Hours)
Load Curves: load curve – base load station and peak load station - demand factor –
maximum demand – average demand – diversity of load – load factor – diversity factor –
significance of high load factor & diversity factor – plant factor – capacity factor –
connected load – load duration curve – integrated load duration curve – selection of units.
Per capita energy consumption of developed & developing countries.
Concept of cogeneration and captive generation.
UNIT - III Power Generation techniques by Non -Conventional energy Sources (06 Hours)
Different types of Nonconventional Energy Sources, Comparative benefits over
conventional type, contribution of conventional & nonconventional energy sources, Solar
energy – Its characteristics, basic concept of solar power plant, major solar power plants in
India/world, Wind power plant– schematic arrangement - vertical axis, horizontal axis –
electrical generator
Hybrid solutions : Wind Turbine, diesel, WT-solar etc. – major wind farms in India / world,
Power generation by bio gas, biomass, geothermal energy and tidal energy– its types,
Magneto Hydro Dynamics (MHD), Concept of carbon credit.
UNIT - IV Design of Transmission Line (06 Hours)
Transmission Line Components and its types - Line Supports, Conductors, Insulators,
Potential distribution over a string of insulators, methods of equalizing the potential, string
Sag: Catenary curve – calculation of sag and tension – effects of wind and ice loading sag
templates – vibration dampers for transmission lines.
Corona and interference, Various effects – Skin, Proximity, Ferranti etc.
Various Parameters of Transmission Line – Resistance, Inductance and capacitance - their
UNIT - V Transmission Line Performance analysis : (06 Hours)
Circuit Representation of Transmission Line: Representation and performance of short,
medium and long transmission line – Surge Impedance Loading (SIL), Characteristic
Impedance, Generalized circuit constants: - Representation of tee and pi models of lines as
two port networks – evaluation and estimation of ABCD constants –sending end and
universal power circle diagrams.
UNIT - VI Underground Cables and Distribution System (06 Hours)
Underground Cables - Classification – construction - insulation resistance – capacitance –
dielectric stress in single core cable. Grading of cables. Laying of cables – cable jointing –
causes of failure – cable faults and location of faults.
Distribution System – Classification – A.C. distribution connection schemes - requirements
of distribution system – design consideration – design of radial, ring distributors for
concentrated, distributed loads

Term Work:
The term work shall consist of record of minimum eight experiments from below list.
1. Measurement of A, B, C, D constants of short transmission line.
2. Measurement of A, B, C, D constants of Medium transmission line.
3. Measurement of A, B, C, D constants of Long transmission line.
4. Circle diagram of medium transmission line.
5. Circle diagram of short transmission line.
6. Drawing Sheet on power generation by Conventional energy Sources
7. Drawing Sheet on power generation by non Conventional energy Sources
8. Drawing Sheet on types of insulator
9. Drawing Sheet on types of cables
10. Industrial visit to cable manufacturing
11. Industrial Visit report of HPS
12. Industrial Visit report of TPS / GAS PP
13. Industrial Visit report of WPS / Solar PP

Text Books:
1. A Course in Power System - J. B. Gupta - “. K. Kata ia & “o ’s
2. V. K. Mehta, Ele t i al Po e “ ste , “. Cha d Pu li atio s

Reference Books:
1. Electrical Power - S. L. Uppal - Khanna Publication
2. Energy Technology - S. Rao, Dr. B B Panelkar - Khanna Publication
3. A Course in Power Plant Engineering - Arrora, Domkundwar - Dhanpatrai & Co. Publications
4. A Course in Electrical Power - Soni, Gupta, Bhatanagar - Dhanpatrai & Co. Publications

Syllabus for Unit Test:

Unit Test -1 UNIT – I, UNIT – II, UNIT - III
Unit Test -2 UNIT – IV, UNIT – V, UNIT - VI
Electrical Engineering Materials
Theory: 03Hours / Week End Semester Examination: 60 Marks 03 Credits
Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks

Course Pre-requisites: Engineering Physics

The Students should have knowledge of
1. Electrical Engineering materials

Course Objectives:
To understand in detail the properties of interest of the materials used in Electrical Engineering

Course Outcomes: Student should able to

1. get knowledge about conducting materials.
2. get knowledge about magnetic materials.
3. get knowledge about insulating materials.
4 get knowledge about dielectric & optical properties of materials.
5 get knowledge about Nano materials.
6 get knowledge about materials for electronics components

UNIT - I Electrical Conducting Materials (06 Hours)

High conductivity materials : Copper, Aluminum, Iron & Steel ,Alloys of Copper
Materials of High Resistivity: Materials used in precision work, Materials used for rheostat,
materials used for heating devices. Electrical carbon materials, Superconductivity,
Thermoelectric effects, operation of thermocouple, alloys, Thermobimetals, Study of
UNIT - II Magnetic Materials (06 Hours)
Classification of magnetic materials: Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism,
Anti-ferromagnetism, Ferrimagnetism. Soft magnetic materials, Solid core materials, Sheet
steel, electric steel, cold rolled grain oriented silicon steel, hot rolled grain oriented silicon
steel, hot rolled silicon steel sheet. Special purpose alloy, Alloyed steels with silicon, high
silicon, alloy steel for transformers, low silicon alloy steel for electric rotating machines.
Common magnetic materials, Magnetic resonance, Magnetic Shielding
UNIT - III Insulating Materials (06 Hours)
Electrical properties of insulating materials, Temperature rise and insulating materials,
Classification of insulating materials. Insulating materials used in modern electrical
machines. Applications of insulating materials: Insulating materials for wires, Insulating
materials for laminations, Insulating materials for machines, Insulating materials for
transformers. Thermoplastic materials: Poly-vinyl chloride (PVC), Polyethylene, silicons,
their important properties & applications. Natural insulating materials: Mica, Asbestos,
Ceramic materials, Glass, Cotton, Silk, Jute, Paper, Rubber
UNIT - IV Dielectric & Optical Properties of Materials (06 Hours)
A).Dielectric Properties of Insulating Materials: Static Field ,Dielectric Parameters
[Dielectric constant, Dipole moment, Polarization, Polarizability], Mechanisms of
Polarizations-Electronic, Ionic and Orientational Polarization (Descriptive treatment
only), Clausius Mossotti Equation, Piezo-Electric, Pyro-Electric & Ferro-Electric Materials,
Dielectric Loss and loss Tangent.
B) Optical Properties of Materials & Cells used for Power Generation:
Photo-Conductivity, Photo-Electric Emission, Photo-Voltaic cells [Materials Used,
Construction, Equivalent Circuit, Working and Application], Photo-Conductive cells, Photo-
Emissive cells, Photo emitters, photo transistors, photo resistors, application of photo
sensitive materials (CRT, Tube Light, Photo Panals)
UNIT - V Nano Materials (06 Hours)
Introduction, Concepts of Energy bands & various Conducting Mechanism in Nano-
structures, Carbon Nano-structures, Carbon Molecules, Carbon Clusters, Carbon Nano-
tubes, Applications of Carbon Nano-tubes, Special Topics in Nano Technology such as
Single Electron Transistor , Molecular Machines, BN Nanotubes, Nano wires, Application of
Nano materials in electrical engineering.
UNIT - VI Materials for Electronics Components (06 Hours)
Introduction, Resistors: Carbon composition resistors, Insulated moulded resistors, Film
type resistors, Cracked carbon resistors, Alloy resistors, Metallic–oxide film resistors, Wire
wound resistors, High value resistors, Non linear resistors, Varistors, Variable resistors.
Capacitors: Capacitor paper, Loss tangent, Electric strength & operating stress, Mica
dielectric capacitors, Ceramic dielectric capacitors, Glass dielectric capacitors, Vitreous
enamel dielectric capacitors, plastic dielectric capacitors, Electrolytic capacitors, Air
dielectric capacitors, variable capacitors
Inductors : Construction, Air cored coils, cored coils

Text Books:
1. A Course in Electrical Engineering Materials by S. P. Seth, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi -6.
2. Electrical Engineering Materials by K. B. Raina & S. K. Bhattacharya, S. K. Kataria & Sons, Delhi-06.
3. Electrical & Electronics Engineering Materials By Navneet Gupta , Dhanpat Rai & Co.
4. Nanotechnology - A gentle introduction to next big idea by Mark Ratner & Daniel Ratner, Pearson Education
5. Introduction to Nanotechnology by Charles P. Poole, Jr. Frank & J. Ownes (Wiley Student Edition)
6. Introduction to Nano Science & Technology – Chattopadhyay – PHI Publication

Reference Books:
1.Electrical Engineering Materials by C. S. Indulkar & S. Thiruvengadam, S. Chand & Com.Ltd
2. Electrical Engineering Materials by S. P. Chalotra & B. K. Bhatt, Khanna Publishers
3. Introduction to Material Science for Engineering by James F. Shackelford, M.K. Muralidhara, Pearson
Education, Sixth Edition.
4. Insulation Technology Course Material of IEEMA, Ratner, Pearson Education.
5. Electrical Engineering Materials, Dekkar, PHI Publications.

Syllabus for Unit Test:

Unit Test -1 UNIT – I, UNIT – II, UNIT - III
Unit Test -2 UNIT – IV, UNIT – V, UNIT - VI

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