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Why Is It Important To Know About Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) ?

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MSY - Maximum Sustainable Yield

April 2012

Why is it important to know about maximum sustainable yield (MSY)?

To manage human take from the wild, one needs to know how much can be safely taken without
depleting the resource one wants to take from, and without otherwise negatively impacting the
environment. Fishing is no exception. As scientists and managers have discussed how much fish can be
safely taken out of the sea one concept has become a key tool for fisheries management: maximum
sustainable yield (MSY). In order to participate in the debate about fishing limits, one needs to have an
understanding of the basics of the MSY concept. This briefing is aiming to provide this.

What is MSY?
In population ecology and economics, MSY is the largest average yield (catch) that can theoretically be
taken from a species stock over an indefinite period under constant environmental conditions. It is
usually measured in tonnes. To have a viable and thriving fishing sector, the size of fish stocks must be
above levels where they can produce the maximum sustainable yield over an indefinite timeframe.

B, Y, F: The alphabet soup of abbreviations for understanding MSY

When discussing fishing limits it is important to differentiate between stock biomass, fishing yield and
fishing rates which are all important in determining how much fish can safely be caught over a given
period of time for a specific fishery:

B: Biomass is simply the body-weight of all the fish of one specific stock in the water. B does not
differentiate age, gender etc. It is measured in tonnes.

Y: Yield is the catch, i.e. the fish taken out of the water through fishing. It is measured in tonnes.

MSY: Maximum sustainable yield is, theoretically, the largest yield (catch) that can be taken from a
specific fish stock over an indefinite period under constant environmental conditions. It is
measured in tonnes.

F: F is the fishing mortality rate i.e. the catch relative to the size of the stock (the proportion of fish
caught and removed by fishing).
BMSY: BMSY is the biomass that enables a fish stock to deliver the maximum sustainable yield. In theory,
BMSY is the population size at the point of maximum growth rate. The surplus biomass that is
produced by the population at BMSY is the maximum sustainable yield that can be harvested
without reducing the population.

FMSY: FMSY is the maximum rate of fishing mortality (the proportion of a fish stock caught and removed
by fishing) resulting eventually, usually a very long time frame, in a population size of BMSY. FMSY
is a constant and can be applied to any stock that is not impaired in its reproductive capacity.

MEY: The maximum economic yield (MEY) is the value of the largest positive difference between total
revenues and total costs of fishing (including the cost of labour and capital). MEY is typically
achieved at catches that are 10-20% smaller than MSY.

FMEY: FMEY is the fishing mortality (the proportion of fish caught and removed by fishing) resulting in
MEY. FMEY is typically 10-20% smaller than FMSY.

MSY, BMSY and FMSY, as well as MEY, BMEY and, FMEY are reference points which are expected to remain
fixed unless the environment changes or better data become available. Conversely B, Y and F may
change every year, and in the EU context are also corrected retroactively (backwards in time) by the
International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES).

When is a fish stock overfished, and what is overfishing?

The European Commission considers a fish stock to be overfished when its biomass is below BMSY. In that
situation, it is unable to produce the maximum sustainable yield. Overfishing occurs when more than
the sustainable share is taken out of a given fish stock, i.e. when the fishing rate is above FMSY. The
biomass of the stock will then diminish. Overfishing can occur whether a stock is above BMSY or not.

How can an overfished stock be brought to a level where it can produce

the maximum sustainable yield?
In order to allow an overfished stock to rebuild to BMSY, the fishing rate F has to be set at FMSY or below.
The lower F, the faster a stock can recover and the sooner it will be possible to take the maximum
sustainable yield. As the stock grows, fishers will be rewarded with higher and more stable yields then
were previously attainable.

How can overfishing be stopped?

It is simple to stop overfishing, but not necessarily easy: for a fish stock that is already at or above BMSY,
fishing pressure should not exceed FMSY. To stop overfishing of an overfished stock, the same applies.
However, to bring the stock back to BMSY or above, in a defined timeframe, fishing pressure needs to be
reduced even further below FMSY (there is even a formula how to calculate F depending on the desired
timeframe). It is simple to do this as fishing pressure is a human intervention and as such manageable. It
is not necessarily easy, as for stocks that are currently being overfished the fishing limits will have to be
reduced by quite a substantial amount. This will impact the sector, with less fish allowed to be caught.

However, depending on the fishery, the time needed until catches first regain and then exceed previous
levels can be only a few years. Without action to stop overfishing, a stock could collapse with deeper
and longer-term impacts on both the fishing sector and the marine environment.

What did EU member states commit to in 2002?

In line with the requirements from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and
the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA), EU member states committed themselves at the
Earth Summit in Johannesburg to, Maintain or restore stocks to levels that can produce the maximum
sustainable yield with the aim of achieving these goals for depleted stocks on an urgent basis and where
possible not later than 2015; (JPOI Article 31a). At the time, the where possible was introduced to
accommodate developing countries that would first need to establish an infrastructure that would allow
them to monitor and assess stock levels. The EU already had this infrastructure in 2002.

What does the Commissions proposed Basic Regulation of the Common

Fisheries Policy state?
Article 2, paragraph 1, of the proposed regulation for the Common Fisheries Policy, COM(2011) 425
final, states the following: The Common Fisheries Policy shall apply the precautionary approach to
fisheries management, and shall aim to ensure exploitation of living marine biological resources that
restores and maintains populations of harvested species above levels which can produce the maximum
sustainable yield, not later than 2015. We interpret this to mean that stock size should reach or exceed
BMSY by 2015 which would be in accordance with the commitments made by the EU in Johannesburg in

What do Commission officials say they are proposing?

When asked about the above MSY target, Commissioner Damanaki and DG Mare staff usually state that
the proposed CFP regulation should be interpreted to mean that sustainable exploitation rates (FMSY)
should be reached by 2015. This interpretation is not consistent with the international commitments
agreed to in Johannesburg. It would mean that that fish biomass would recover only very slowly, and
maximum sustainable yield may not be attained for several stocks for a long time.

What is required to secure EU fish stocks above a level capable of

producing MSY by 2015?
Stocks that are already at or above BMSY levels should be fished at rates slightly below FMSY, to account
for scientific uncertainty and fluctuations in stock sizes. Fishing below FMSY would also bring economic
benefits (see below Is maximum economic yield an option?). In order to restore stocks that are below
BMSY to above levels where they can produce maximum sustainable yield, fishing pressure needs to be
further relieved to enable the stocks to recover. The larger the reduction, the faster the recovery.

What about data deficient stocks?
The majority of the stocks fished in EU waters are currently assessed as 'data-poor'. However, there are
NO biological or scientific reasons why fishing pressure in 2015 cannot be at rates below FMSY or below a
proxy in the case of data-poor stocks. Australia, New Zealand and the USA use proxies for MSY and
historic catch levels for data-poor stocks.

What about mixed fisheries?

In mixed fisheries, FMSY should be set according to the most vulnerable stock. It is possible to have all
stocks at the same time above BMSY, but not exactly at BMSY levels. However, BMSY is typically a target set
for a single species, so a joint BMSY target in a multi-species context would mean that some species
would be fished below MSY, and some overfished, with the risk that sensitive ones might collapse.

What if a stock is in such a bad state that it cannot recover to BMSY by

2015 even if fishing were to stop completely?
Since 2002, EU member states have been aware that they committed themselves to reaching MSY by
2015. However, action has largely been too slow and too late, so that most EU fish stocks are still in a
severely overfished state, i.e. with a biomass well below BMSY. For such stocks, fishing pressure must be
substantially below FMSY, with a clear timeline for when each fish stock should reach BMSY.

Is maximum economic yield an option?

Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) is the value of the largest positive difference between total revenues
and total costs of fishing (including the cost of labour and capital). Typically, mortality rate FMEY is slightly
below FMSY, resulting in marginally less than the maximum sustainable yield. However, much less fishing
effort is used, with fewer associated costs, to take the maximum economic yield, and higher biomass
levels reduce fluctuations in fishing opportunities. Consequently, it is an economically attractive option,
i.e. a cheaper way of ending up with almost the same amount of fish. It is also environmentally more
desirable as it reduces environmental pressures such as engine emissions and negative impacts on the
wider marine environment.

Is there a win-win scenario?

Clearly, there are many losers if the fisheries management status quo prevails. Fish stocks wont
recover, and fishers will have even less fish to catch, resulting in more job losses and hardship.
According to the European Commission only 9% of stocks are likely to still be in sustainable state by
2022 if the status quo persists. With some short term pain there could be gain for all: for fishers the
yield would increase, the marine environment would be in a better state, and European consumers
would have a more secure fish supply.

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