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A Sourcebook for Bards, Sorcerers and Wizards

Connie J. Thomson & Robert W. Thomson

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guaran-
tee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

The Book of Arcane Magic 2009 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming. All Rights Reserved. The Book of Arcane Magic is presented under
the Open Game License. See page 67 for the text of the Open Game License. Except for material designated as Product Identity (see
below), the contents of this 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License 1.0a,
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Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying
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Product Identity The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a,
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ISBN 978-0-578-02990-0

4 Winds Fantasy Gaming

1305 14th Avenue South
Great Falls, MT 59405

A Sourcebook for Bards, Sorcerers and Wizards
Connie J. Thomson & Robert W. Thomson

Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Chapter 1 Spells 5
Chapter 2 Colleges of Magic 33
Chapter 3 Sorcerer Bloodlines 44
Chapter 4 Familiars 53
Chapter 5 Magic Items 60
Appendix 65
Open Game License 67


Designers Connie J. Thomson, Robert W. Thomson

Design Consultant Sean OConnor
Developers Katheryn Bauer, Sean OConnor, Connie J. Thomson, Robert W. Thomson
Editor Tad Kelson
Cover Artist & Layout Kristen M. Collins
Cover & Logo Design Kristen M. Collins
Interior Artists Jason Ammons, Kate Ashwin
Interior Layout Connie J. Thomson
Playtesters Steve Anderson, Ben Donnelly, Dallas Houser

This book is dedicated to the memory of our dear friend and long time gaming companion, James Kenneth Hart
(1963-2009), aka King Ashal Hammerstone. The King is dead, long live the King...

Special Thanks to: Jeremy Belk, Heath Brewer, Matt Brewer, Randy Carr, Michael Casler, Christopher Cronan, George Roberts,
Shannon Russell, Michael Wall and everyone at the Sandbaggers Game Club of Great Falls, Montana.

M agic.
Even for those not well versed in the world of fantasy
gaming, the word alone instantly conjures images of old
centuries ago, and then return to the academy with their
loot in tow. They found some incredible treasures

wizards in pointy hats, young sorcerers in brightly colored Who are we?
robes, and magnificent displays of power. Those who have First and foremost, were gamers, just like you. Were a
some familiarity with fantasy may also picture the char- husband-wife team with 40 years of tabletop roleplaying
ismatic bard, singing tales of heroism to encourage her game experience between us- that makes us sound old and
companions. For those of us who eat, drink, and breathe wise, doesnt it? Both of us have sat at the gaming table as
fantasy, magic is one of the defining elements of our game players, and also behind the screen as GMs. If we had our
worlds its very existence or absence can completely druthers, wed sit at the table speaking in character, roll-
change a campaign setting. ing dice and moving minis across a battlemat all day long,
The possibilities of magic are endless, and this book is every day. Gaming is, without a doubt, our favorite hobby.
full of new arcane possibilities. Within these pages youll For nearly all the of the eleven years weve been together,
find over 100 new spells for your bards, sorcerers and wiz- weve said, Wouldnt it be awesome to write game books
ards. The spells run the full gamut, from the most minor together? And try to make a living doing what we love?
of cantrips to game-changing 9th-level spells. All eight We finally decided it was time to put up or shut up. We
schools of magic are represented, so whether you play an didnt want to wake up one day 20 years from now, look
illusionist or a necromancer, youll find new spells for your back and regret never following our dream. So, here we
characters repertoire. are, and here you are, holding the first of what we hope will
Far beyond spells, theres plenty of information in this be many fine products from 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming.
book for fleshing out your spellcaster. Pick one of the We cant thank you enough for purchasing our book. We
eight colleges of magic or three bardic colleges as your hope you have as much fun using it as we had writing it.
characters alma mater. Your sorcerers magical powers
can now be traced to one of ten new bloodlines. There Good Gaming,
are also ten new choices for your wizards familiar. With
this new material, theres more than game mechanics and Connie and Robert Thomson
bonuses though those are certainly good! You can give
your arcane magic user a background and personality
like no other. And cross your fingers and hope that your
Game Master (GM) puts one of the 30 new magic items in
the next treasure trove your party uncovers (or create the
items yourself!).
This book is for GMs as much as it is for players. It
acts as a fantastic world-building tool. For a low-magic
setting where wizards are few and far between, pick just
one of our colleges as the source of all magic-users in the
known world. For a setting where magic is commonplace,
forge a competitive rivalry amongst the colleges and their
many students and faculty. Though we do make men-
tion of the colleges locations in our own game world (to
be detailed in later 4 Winds products), you can easily pick
them up and drop them into any setting you choose. The
same new spells, bloodlines, and familiars that make the
player characters unique can be used to create Non-Player
Characters (NPCs) who are anything but typical. You can
decide which of the new magic items the characters are
lucky enough to find or which items fall into the hands of
the villains.
In the introductory text for each chapter, youll meet
two of our iconic characters the drow Dissin BiJou and
the fey-touched half-elf Marcus DLyn, both professors of
conjuration at Vanguard Academy. Follow them as they go This little guy is the Forgetful Wizard - our mascot! He
on a little adventure between school terms and uncover the may be forgetful, but were not - well make sure he finds
possessions left behind by a wizard who died his way into every 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming book!

Chapter 1 - Spells

A fter hours of exploring, just one unopened door re-

mained in the abandoned mages tower. The pair of
wizards stood before it for a long while before one finally
lighting up his half-elven features.
I was ready the moment we set foot in this tower.
The two conjurers entered the long-abandoned study
spoke the words they both were thinking. and stood still for a long moment, taking in all the trea-
This has to be his study. Its the only room left in the sures that the wizard whod once inhabited this tower
tower. had left behind so many years ago. Shelves full of ancient
You think the doors trapped? Every other one was. tomes and jars of what had once been spell components
Dissin BiJou sighed in resignation. Youre probably lined the walls. A stout, amber-topped and golden-shod
right, Marcus. Lets just hope its a magical trap, other- staff stood propped in one corner, with what appeared
wise were in trouble. Im out of healing potions. to be a clockwork toy in the form of a cat curled at its
As am I, Marcus DLyn agreed. He stepped back from base. Above the desk hung a framed piece of parchment,
the doorway and cast a spell of detection, watching as a declaring that Orthan Arkhemen was a member of the
spot over the doors handle began to glow a bright blue. first graduating class from Wolestone Thaumatulurgi-
Right there, he pointed. A symbol of pain. cal Institute. And on the desk itself, among the scattered
Lovely. The drow summoned up his waning magical loose sheets of paper, was
strength and focused all his will on dispelling the danger- Oh gods, its his spellbook, Marcus breathed, finally
ous symbol. He let out a sigh of relief as it vanished. I daring to move further into the room. He went straight
got it. Its gone. to the desk, looking down at the open tome with reverence
Marcus reached out and touched the handle. You and awe.
ready? he asked his adventuring companion, excitement Dissin was immediately at his side. He must

have had to leave in a hurry, he mused, pushing away Cold Feet: Ice forms around subjects feet, immobilizing
the old stub of a candle, which had dripped wax along the them and causing minor damage.
edges of the pages so long ago. Fools Gold: Temporarily transform copper and
Between magic and gentle scrapes with the tip of a dag- silver coins into gold.
ger, the two wizards removed all the hardened wax from Friendly Face: Improve strangers reactions toward you.
the spellbook, and only then dared to start examining it. Good Humor: Gain +10 to a Perform (comedy) check.
Dissin, the shorter of the two, carefully turned each page Happy Feet: Gain +10 to a Perform (dance) check.
as Marcus read over his shoulder. Heartache: Subject remembers a lost loved one and is
Ive never seen any of these spells before, Dissin mur- left shaken.
mured. Have you? Hot Foot: Creates flame on subjects feet, 1d3 fire
No I see a few that look like variants of spells I know damage, for 1 round/level.
of, but otherwise theyre all new to me. Magical Quill: Enchants a quill to write down all words
The two wizards looked at each other and grinned. spoken within your range of hearing.
Weve found a quite a treasure, Marcus said. Master Thespian: Gain +10 to a Perform (act) check.
Indeed. Pacifist: Subject will avoid combat and casting spells that
cause damage.

N o bard, sorcerer, or wizard will get very far in life with-

out an assortment of spells to help them in every situ-
ation. Sometimes, all one needs is a distraction, something
Parable: Gain +10 to a Perform (oratory) check.
Peep Hole: Creates a small hole in a non-magical door,
wall, or window shutter so you can see through to the
to provide just enough cover and opportunity to slip away other side.
from enemies before they notice. At other times, serious Perfect Balance: Gain +10 to an Acrobatics check.
offensive and defensive spells are needed to win a fight. Perfect Pitch: Gain +10 to a Perform (sing) check.
Outlined here are spells useful for either of those scenarios, Scatterbrained: Subject is dazed for 1 round.
and anything else in between. Sense of Place: You gain geographical, historical, and
All of the spells in this chapter are available to bards, social knowledge about your current location.
sorcerers and/or wizards as noted in the spell lists and de- Snowshoes: Move across ice or snow at normal speed
scriptions. An M or F appearing at the end of a spells name without penalty.
in the spell lists denotes a spell with a material or focus Stutter: Subject stutters, cant cast spells with verbal
component, respectively, that is not normally included in a components, and suffers a Charisma penalty.
spell component pouch. Spells referenced but not detailed Virtuoso: Gain +10 to a Perform (any instrument) check.
here can be found in Chapter 10 of the Pathfinder Role-
playing Game Core Rulebook. 2nd-Level Bard Spells
Comfort Food: Food takes on special healing properties.
SPELL LISTS Delayed Reaction: Subjects next action is delayed until
after your next turn.
Ierenas Coy Clothing: Distract creatures who would
BARD SPELLS normally find you attractive.
Ierenas Luscious Lips: Gain +2 to Charisma and +5 to
0-Level Bard Spells Diplomacy and Bluff.
Confetti: Conjures an explosion of brightly colored paper Limited Telepathy: Mentally communicate with
bits. another creature within range.
Cream Pie: Conjures a normal cream pie for throwing. Magic Probe: Learn what spells are in affect on a
Finger Flame: Creates a small flame at the tip of finger subject.
which deals 1 point damage. Memory of Love: Subject wont attack you because you
Giggle: Subject laughs for 1 round and cannot cast spells remind them of a loved one.
with verbal components. Mental Cartography: You cannot get lost.
Lockslip: Cast on a lock to reduce the Disable Device DC One Track Mind: Subject continually repeats last action.
by 1. Philanthropist: Subject is compelled to give coins and
Makeshift Quill: Fills a regular feather with enough ink gear to the needy.
for 1 page/level. Resistance, Improved: As resistance, except bonus
String: Conjures a small ball of string that vanishes after lasts 1 min./caster level.
10 min./level. Rogues Gambit: Gain one extra move action or attack.
Tune: Tunes one non-magical instrument, giving you a +1 Slip of the Tongue: Subject cant speak clearly.
bonus to a Perform (instrument) check. Sticky Fingers: Subjects hand oozes a sticky substance.
Sweetness: Create a sweet scent that dazes those in a
1st-Level Bard Spells 20-ft. radius.
Call of the Wild: Creates the frightening sound Touch Me Not: Gain +2 to AC, deal damage to foes who
touch you.

of howling wolves.
Twinkle: Your body sparkles, dazzling those around you. Makeshift Quill: Fills a regular feather with enough
Windows to the Soul: Learn subjects general ink for 1 page/level.
alignment and gain +10 to a Sense Motive check. String: Conjures a small ball of string that vanishes
after 10 min./level.
3rd-Level Bard Spells Divination
Broken Arrow: Projectiles fired from subjects weapons Double Take: Reroll one Perception check.
break or shatter. Evocation
Charge of the Valiant: Subject can take full attack at Finger Flame: Creates a small flame at the tip of
the end of a charge. finger which deals 1 point damage.
Copycat: Subject mimics all the actions of an adjacent Moment of Darkness: Creates darkness in a 20-ft.
creature. radius for 1 round.
Diabolic Fiddler: Calls a fiddling imp to play a Illusion
frightening tune. False Blink: You appear to wink out of existence for a
Envy: Subject obsessively covets a possession of a brief moment.
Good Fortune: Subject can reroll three attacks, ability 1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
checks, skill checks, and/or saving throws within 1 min. Conjuration
Phobia: Subject develops a sudden and severe fear. Cold Feet: Ice forms around subjects feet,
Sleepless Night: Subject cannot fall asleep for 24 hours. immobilizing them and causing minor damage.
Slippery Grip: Subject suffers penalties to attack. Distraction: Subject becomes open to free Attacks of
Sock Puppet: Creates a sock puppet to annoy a subject Opportunity.
and give penalties to Stealth, Bluff and Diplomacy Divination
checks. Birds Eye View: See your surroundings as if from
Soundproof: Insulates an area so that no sound can above.
escape. Spell Sight: Gain +1 to Spellcraft checks to identify
Stench of the Polecat: Creates putrid fumes that blind spells being cast.
and nauseate creatures. Enchantment
Village Idiot: Subjects Wisdom score drops to three. Heartache: Subject remembers a lost loved one and is
Unseen Sentinel: As unseen servant, except this one left shaken.
acts as a guard. Pacifist: Subject will avoid combat and casting spells
that cause damage.
4th-Level Bard Spells Evocation
Magical Quill, Improved: As magical quill, plus Hot Foot: Creates flame on subjects feet, 1d3 fire
translation to your choice of language. damage, 1 round/level.
Mind to Mind: Forge a mental link with another Illusion
creature, and experience what they see and hear. Awe: Gain +10 to an Intimidate check.
Resistance, Mass: As resistance, except affects multiple Call of the Wild: Creates the frightening sound of
creatures. howling wolves.
5th-Level Bard Spells Dwarfsense: Gain most benefits of dwarven racial trait
Kiss of LifeM: Bring a dead creature back to life with a Stonecunning.
kiss. Fireshape: Affects size of normal fires or extinguish
Fools Gold: Temporarily transforms copper and silver
6th-Level Bard Spells coins into gold.
Resistance, Greater: As resistance, except bonus is +5. Mace Hand: Transforms your hand and forearm into a
light mace.
SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS Magical Quill: Enchants a quill to write down all
words spoken within your range of hearing.
0-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (Cantrips) Net: Rope knots and weaves itself into a net.
Abjuration Peep Hole: Creates a small hole in a non-magical door,
Spellbook Protection: Wizard only. Anyone besides wall, or window shutter so you can see through to
you touching your spellbook takes 1d3 electricity the other side.
damage. Perfect Balance: Gain +10 to an Acrobatics check.
Conjuration Snowshoes: Move across ice or snow at normal speed
Lockslip: Cast on a lock to reduce the Disable Device without penalty.
DC by 1.

2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Evocation
Abjuration Back to Back: Pull two subjects back to back with
Resistance, Improved: As resistance, except bonus unseen force.
lasts 1 min./caster level. Fire and Ice: 2d4 damage, alternating fire and cold
Conjuration each round.
Special Delivery: Transports one of your small items Illusion
to an ally. Ierenas Coy Clothing: Distract creatures who would
Touch Me Not: Gain +2 to AC, deal damage to foes normally find you attractive.
who touch you. Ierenas Luscious Lips: Gain +2 to Charisma
Divination and +5 to Diplomacy and Bluff.
Magic Probe: Learn what spells are in effect on a Transmutation
subject. Black and Blue: Subject takes an equal amount of
Mental Cartography: You cannot get lost. non-lethal damage from each hit from a bludgeoning
Sense of Place: You gain geographical, historical, and weapon.
social knowledge about your current location. Broken Arrow: Projectiles fired from subjects
Windows to the Soul: Learn subjects general weapons break or shatter.
alignment and gain +10 to a Sense Motive check. Charge of the Valiant: Subject can take full attack at
Enchantment the end of a charge.
Friendly Face: Improve strangers reactions toward Delayed Reaction: Subjects next action is delayed
you. until after your next turn.
One Track Mind: Subject continually repeats last Magic Hat: Turn any non-magical headgear into a
action. temporary extra dimensional space.
Scatterbrained: Subject is dazed 1 round. Slippery Grip: Subject suffers penalties to attack.
Slip of the Tongue: Subject cant speak clearly.
Evocation 4th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Sweetness: Create a sweet scent that dazes those in a Abjuration
20-ft. radius. Resistance, Mass: As resistance, but affects multiple
Illusion creatures.
Twinkle: Your body sparkles, dazzling those around Conjuration
you. Sandblast: 2d6+1d6/four caster levels, victims blinded
Transmutation 1d4 rounds.
Cats Eyes: Gain low-light vision 60 feet. Stench of the Polecat: Creates putrid fumes that
Lizardskin: Gain +2 (or higher) enhancement to blind and nauseate creatures.
natural armor. Unseen Sentinel: As unseen servant, except this one
Miss: Subject suffers -10 penalty to an attack. acts as a guard.
Sticky Fingers: Subjects hand oozes a very sticky Divination
substance. Mind to Mind: Forge a mental link with another
Thinner: Subject can slip through tight spaces. creature, and experience what they see and hear.
Sniper Shot: Subjects next successful ranged attack is
3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells an automatic critical hit.
Conjuration Staggering Blow: Subjects next successful melee
Freezing Fog: As fog cloud, plus thick slippery frost attack is an automatic critical hit.
covers ground. Enchantment
Wall of Light: Creates a wall of blinding bright light. Philanthropist: Subject is compelled to give coins and
Divination gear to the needy.
Good Fortune: Subject can reroll three attacks, ability Phobia: Subject develops a sudden and severe fear.
checks, skill checks, and/or saving throws within 1 Sleepless Night: Subject cannot fall asleep for 24
min. hours.
Limited Telepathy: Mentally communicate with Illusion
another creature within range. Mirror TalkF: Look into one mirror and see out of its
Enchantment matched twin anywhere else on the same plane.
Copycat: Subject mimics all the actions of an adjacent Necromancy
creature. Spell Hold: Cause another casters spell of 3rd level or
Envy: Subject obsessively covets a possession of a lower to internalize its power within him.
companion. Transmutation
Memory of Love: Subject wont attack you because Liars Curse: Subjects nose grows a little larger with
you remind them of a loved one. every lie told.
Poison Arrow: Imbue 2 projectiles/level with poison.

Transparency: Temporarily see through up to 6 Transmutation
inches of wood, metal or stone. Time Stop, Lesser: You act freely for one round.
Village Idiot: Subjects Wisdom score drops to three.
8th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
5 -Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Conjuration Spell Hold, Greater: Cause another casters spell of
Ash Cloud: As solid fog, plus potential for subjects to 7th level or lower to internalize its power within him.
choke on hot ash.
Divination 9th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
True Strike, Mass: As true strike, but affects multiple Divination
creatures. Tide of BattleF: For one round, allies gain +5 to attack
Evocation and damage, while foes take -5 penalties to attack and
Drows Folly: Outlines subjects in light that deals 2d4 damage.
damage/round. Enchantment
Suffering Wind: 1d4+1 Constitution damage due to Forever MoreMF: Subject is unable to forget a specific
loss of body moisture. memory/event.
Necromancy NevermoreM: Erases all memories of subjects
Black Ice: 1d6 negative energy damage/level existence from all living creatures on the prime
(maximum 10d6). material plane.
Transmutation Evocation
Magical Quill, Improved: As magical quill, plus Spell MeldMF: You and another spellcaster can cast
translation to your choice of language. each others spells.
Spirit Sight: See creatures and items according to
their life force.
6 -Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjuration ASH CLOUD

Resistance, Greater: As resistance, except bonus is School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Conjuration Casting Time 1 standard action
Kiss of LifeM: Bring a dead creature back to life with a Components V, S, M (a flake of ash)
kiss. EFFECT
Divination Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Hindsight: See recent past events in an area. Area fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Evocation Duration 1 round/level
Zorras Magic Missile: Six missiles each deal 2d4 Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance no
Transmutation DESCRIPTION
Flesh and Blood: Non-living creatures have DR Dense, thick ash of the type produced by volcanic activity
temporarily reduced by 5. billows out from the point you designate. The ash cloud
Tar Pit: Turns the ground beneath a subject to tar obscures all sight, slows creatures trying to move through
and they begin to sink. it, and hinders attacks as a solid fog spell would. More
UnfazedM: Cannot suffer from a number of so, any creatures within the area of effect are blinded, and
conditions, easier to cast spells after being injured. must make a Fortitude save or begin to choke on the hot
ash. A creature who chokes takes 1d6 points of non-lethal
7th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells damage, plus another 1d6 points for each additional round
Conjuration spent in the cloud. An affected creature who succeeds on
Come to MeF: Summon a willing ally from his initial saving throw can make a new save each round,
anywhere on the same plane as you to your side. but the DC goes up by one each round. Choking creatures
Mirror WalkF: Step into one mirror and step out of will continue to choke until the spell ends or they exit the
its matching twin anywhere on the same plane. cloud. Only a severe wind (31+ mph) will disperse the
Enchantment ash.
Sleepwalker: Subject rises from natural sleep to do
one task at your bidding.
Zorras Hellbane: 1d6 cold damage/level; 1d6 good
damage/level to creatures immune to cold.

unseen force so that their backs are touching and they
are held together for the duration of the spell. Each
target may make a Will save to avoid being pulled by
the unseen force; if at least one target succeeds, the
spell fails. Affected creatures can only move at half
speed, as they must move together, and cannot run
or charge. Both targets suffer -2 penalties to attacks
and -4 penalties to Dexterity. Neither target can make
attacks on any foes not easily seen or reached.


School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a feather from any variety of
Range personal
Goblins choke and are blinded in an ash cloud. Target you
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
School illusion [mind-affecting, fear]; Level sorcerer/
wizard 1
You can see everything within your current normal range
of vision as if viewing from directly above your current
Casting Time 1 swift action
location. Outdoors, your viewpoint can be anywhere from
Components V, S
10 to 100 feet off the ground. Indoors, the point of refer-
ence is limited by the height of the ceiling, and you cannot
Range personal
see beyond the room you are currently in. You can see
Target you
enemies hiding behind walls, crates, barrels, wagons, and
Duration instantaneous
the like, removing all combat penalties for enemies being
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
behind cover, but you cannot see anyone or anything that
is hidden underneath something or hidden by magic (such
as invisibility). The spell also grants you a +10 bonus to
With this spell, you call forth a display of your power,
Perception checks when attempting to spot hiding crea-
which manifests in ways all can see and none can mistake.
tures (the Perception DC is equal to the Stealth check of
The exact effect varies depending on the situation and
the creature trying to hide).
your mood thunder may echo and lightning may flash
from your staff, you may be wreathed in flames or deep
shadows, or a great light may surround you. Many effects
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 3
are possible, but regardless of the spells manifestation, it
grants you a +10 bonus on a single Intimidate check made
Casting Time 1 standard action
immediately after the spell is cast.
Components V, S
BACK TO BACK Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
School evocation; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Target one living creature
CASTING Duration 1 round/level
Casting Time 1 standard action Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) With a successful ranged touch attack, you cause the target
Targets two creatures who occupy adjacent spaces at the to bruise easily. Each blow she takes from a bludgeoning
time of casting weapon including fists or bare hands leaves an excep-
Duration 1 min. tionally large and painful bruise. In addition to the normal
Saving Throw Will negates, see text; Spell Resistance damage from the attack, the target takes 1d6 points of non-
yes lethal damage from the bruising.

Two adjacent targets are pulled together by an
School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 School transmutation; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S Components V, S
Range 15 ft. Range personal
Area cone-shaped burst Target you
Duration instantaneous Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

A cone of black ice shards shoots forth from your finger- You gain low-light vision at a range of 60 feet for 1 hour
tips, dealing 1d6 points of negative energy damage per per caster level.
caster level (maximum 10d6) to any creature in the spells
area. Creatures resistant to cold damage are still affected CHARGE OF THE VALIANT
by this spell, as the ice shards are composed of negative School transmutation; Level: bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
energy, not actual frozen water. CASTING
Casting Time 1 standard action
BROKEN ARROW Components V, S
School transmutation; Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 3 EFFECT
CASTING Range touch
Casting Time 1 standard action Target creature touched
Components V, S, M (a splinter of wood) Duration instantaneous
EFFECT Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell
Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) Resistance yes (harmless)
Area all creatures within 20 ft. burst
Duration 1 round/level DESCRIPTION
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes Your spell allows a charging creature to make a full attack
at the end of his charge. All other standard rules for the
DESCRIPTION charge must be followed. If the affected creature does not
Every time the target creatures fire non-magical arrows or make a charge attack on their next turn, the effects of the
bolts from bows or crossbows, the projectiles will break spell are lost.
or shatter. If any creature has a magical weapon, only the
first non-magical projectile fired from it will break. Magi- COLD FEET
cal arrows and bolts are not affected by the spell. School conjuration (creation); Level bard 1, sorcerer/
wizard 1
School illusion (figment) [sound]; Level bard 2, sorcerer/ Casting Time 1 standard action
wizard 2 Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Components V, S, M (a tuft of wolf fur) Target one creature
EFFECT Duration 1 round/level
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
Area 20 ft. burst
Duration 1 round/level (D) DESCRIPTION
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes With a successful ranged touch attack, thick, heavy ice
forms around the targets feet and freezes to whatever
DESCRIPTION surface he is standing on. The target cannot move, takes a
Call of the wild creates the illusory howl of a large pack -4 penalty to AC, and can make melee attacks only against
of wolves nearby. All creatures of 1 Hit Dice or less in the foes within reach. He can chip his way out of the ice, or an
spells area of effect are frightened and creatures of 2 to 4 ally can hack at the ice for him; the ice has a Hardness of 5
HD are shaken for the duration of the spell. Creatures of 5 and 40 hp. A successful DC 20 Strength check allows the
HD or more are unaffected. target to break completely free of the ice.

rings, she will instantly recognize you and the purpose of
your spell. If the target creature is in an antimagic field or
an area affected by a dimensional lock, or under the effect
of a dimensional anchor, your spell automatically fails.

School transmutation; Level bard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range 10 ft.
Effect 1 cubic ft. of food/3 levels
Duration 10 min.
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance
yes (object)

When cast upon any normal, edible prepared food, even
stale hardtack and dry cheese will suddenly taste like the
best food from Moms kitchen. Eating the affected food
will soothe the soul and raise the spirit, removing the ef-
fects of being fatigued, exhausted, frightened, panicked,
and/or shaken from all who partake in the food. The food
must be eaten within 10 minutes of casting or the magical
effects are lost, returning the food to its normal taste and
questionable nutritive properties.

School conjuration (creation); Level bard 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a tiny bit of parchment or paper)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area 20 ft. burst
The victim of a cold feet spell. Duration 5 rounds
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance none
School conjuration (teleportation); Level sorcerer/ This spell creates an explosion of brightly colored bits of
wizard 7 paper or parchment (depending on which was used as the
CASTING material component) that fall lazily from the sky. While
Casting Time 1 standard action confetti is most often cast at parties, it can be used in com-
Components V, F (a pair of matching platinum rings bat situations. All creatures in the 20 ft. burst of confetti
(worth at least 200 gp each) worn by both you and the are at a -1 penalty to attack due to the falling paper bits
targeted creature) hindering their vision.
Range same plane of existence
Target one willing ally
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];
Duration instantaneous
Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a small chip of a broken mirror)
Upon casting the spell, one willing ally is instantly tele-
ported to your side, provided she is on the same plane of
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
existence as you. As you and the target are well-
Target one creature
acquainted enough to share the pair of matching

Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates, see text; Spell Resistance Casting Time 1 round
yes Components V, S, M (a strand of hair from a horses
mane or tail)
The target creature will be compelled to copy every action Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
of an adjacent creature, be they friend or foe (in the event Effect one summoned imp
of multiple adjacent creatures, the GM should randomly Duration 1 round/level (D)
select a creature for the target to copy). The target will Saving Throw Will partial, see text; Spell Resistance
mimic every move, from swinging a sword (even if he has yes
a bow in hand) to the somatic motions of a spell (even if he
isnt a spellcaster) to drinking a potion (even if he doesnt DESCRIPTION
have one). If there are no creatures adjacent to the target, You summon a musically-inclined imp, who immediately
he will start copying the first creature he moves adjacent begins to play a menacing and diabolic tune on his fiddle.
to, or who moves adjacent to him. All non-evil creatures of up to 6 Hit Dice within a 50 foot
Once copying a creature, the target will get a new sav- burst of the imp must make a Will save or be frightened for
ing throw on the next round to break the spells effects. the duration of the spell (creatures of 7 HD or more are not
However, if he doesnt move away from the creature he affected). Those who succeed on their save are still shaken
was copying, or moves adjacent to another creature, he will for one round.
start copying again for the full duration of the spell. The imp will perform no other actions or duties aside
from playing his fiddle. Any attempts by the caster to
CREAM PIE order the imp to do anything else will send the imp back
School conjuration (creation); Level bard 0 to the Nine Hells, ending the spells effects immediately.
CASTING The spells effects also end immediately if the imp is sent
Casting Time 1standard action back to the Nine Hells by a banishment spell. If the imp is
Components V, S, M (a pastry crumb) attacked, he will stop playing and defend himself normally.
EFFECT The effects of the imps music last one more round after he
Range personal stops playing, whether due to being attacked, dismissed by
Effect one cream pie the caster, or the normal end of the spell.
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance none DISTRACTION
School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 1
A favorite of alumni of Giacomos Jester School, this spell Casting Time 1 standard action
conjures one normal cream pie, which appears in your Components V, S, M (a dead bee and a pinch of copper
hand, ready to throw at an unsuspecting though surely dust)
deserving victim. A successful ranged touch attack is EFFECT
required to hit a target. The pie does no damage, though Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
it may stain clothing and will surely wound the victims Target one living creature
pride. Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance no
School transmutation; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 3 DESCRIPTION
CASTING Distraction creates a small light show and a cloud of vari-
Casting Time 1 standard action ous flying insects centered on the target. The target must
Components V, S make a Will save, or she will be so distracted by the lights
EFFECT and insects that all opponents within striking distance will
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) receive an immediate free Attack of Opportunity against
Target one creature her.
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes DOUBLE TAKE
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 0
The target is unable to react to things going on around her, Casting Time 1 swift action
delaying her action until after your next turn. Components V, S
School conjuration (summoning) [evil]; Level bard 3 Target you
Duration instantaneous

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no DESCRIPTION
The target becomes envious of a possession of a close
DESCRIPTION companion (if there are multiple members of the targets
Double take allows you reroll one Perception check. You party within the spells range, the GM should roll randomly
must take the second roll, even if it was worst than your to choose whose possession is coveted). He will do every-
first. thing in his power to gain possession of the desired item,
short of hurting or killing his friend, though he will at-
DROWS FOLLY tempt to grapple, trip, or otherwise immobilize or restrain
School evocation [fire]; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 his friend to get the item. He will drop any items he was
CASTING holding at the spells casting, and abandon all efforts to
Casting Time 1 standard action attack or hinder you and your party, focusing only on get-
Components V, S ting what he wants. If the target is successful in getting the
EFFECT item before the spell ends, he will suddenly become envi-
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) ous of another possession of the same companion and will
Targets one creature/level start over again in trying to get it.
Duration 7 rounds (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes FINGER FLAME
School evocation [fire]; Level bard 0, sorcerer/wizard 0
Drows folly initially appears as faerie fire, limning the Casting Time 1 standard action
targets in a harmless purple-pink flame. However, on Components V, S
the round after casting, the flames flare to life, dealing EFFECT
5d4 points of fire damage. For each of the remaining five Range personal
rounds of the spells duration, the targets each take an ad- Effect one tiny magical flame
ditional 1d4 points of fire damage. Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 DESCRIPTION
CASTING A tiny magical flame springs to life at the tip of your finger.
Casting Time 1 swift action The flame does not burn you, but it will deal 1 point of fire
Components V, S damage to any creature you touch with it. Finger flame is
EFFECT most commonly used for lighting pipes, candles, incense,
Range personal and the like.
Target you
Duration 1 min./level FIRE AND ICE
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no School evocation [cold, fire]; Level sorcerer/wizard 3
DESCRIPTION Casting Time 1 standard action
You temporarily gain most of the benefits of the dwarven Components V, S, M (a pinch of sulfur and a drop of
racial trait Stonecunning a +2 bonus to Perception water)
checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hid- EFFECT
den doors, located in stone walls or floors, and receiving a Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
check to notice such features whenever you pass within 10 Effect one arrow of magical flame
feet of them, regardless of whether or not youre actively Duration 2 rounds + 1 round/3 levels
looking. Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; A magical red flaming arrow shoots forth from your hand
Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 3 and deals 2d4 points of fire damage to the target with a
CASTING successful ranged touch attack. On the next round, the
Casting Time 1 standard action flames turn blue, dealing 2d4 points of cold damage. The
Components V, S, M (a scrap of green cloth) alternating hot/cold damage continues for another round
EFFECT for every three caster levels (to a maximum of 6 additional
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) rounds at 18th level).
Target one creature Crystalline and metallic creatures suffer an extra point of
Duration 1 round/level damage per shift from hot to cold on each additional round
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance beyond the first round.

FIRESHAPE reduced by 5 for the duration of the spell. Creatures with
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 DR 5/[DR type] will have no DR at all for the duration of
CASTING the spell. Also, creatures not normally affected by posi-
Casting Time 1 standard action tive or negative energy damage will be affected by it for the
Components V, S spells duration.
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) FOOLS GOLD
Area 60 ft. burst School transmutation; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Duration 1 round/level (D) CASTING
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
You can reduce or increase the size of all non-magical Range touch
fires within the area of effect (but not to exceed area you Target coins touched
cannot make a fire expand beyond the 60-foot burst of Duration 1 hour + 10 min./level
the spell) until the spell is dismissed, expires, or available Saving Throw none, see text; Spell Resistance no
fuel runs out. To extinguish a fire completely exhausts the
spell. An affected fires heat production and fuel con- DESCRIPTION
sumption change accordingly with size. Magical fires or You can temporarily turn copper or silver pieces into gold.
creatures composed of fire (such as fire elementals) are not The spell affects 2d4 coins + 1 per caster level (maximum
affected by fireshape. +5). A successful Appraise check at the spells save DC will
reveal that the coins are not truly gold.
School illusion (figment); Level sorcerer/wizard 0 FOREVER MORE
CASTING School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];
Casting Time 1 immediate action Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Components V, S, M (an eyelash) CASTING
EFFECT Casting Time 10 min.
Range personal Components V, M (25,000 gp worth of pearls), F (a tiny
Target one creature elephant figurine)
Duration instantaneous EFFECT
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance no Range touch
Target one creature touched
DESCRIPTION Duration permanent
For a brief moment just before the target attacks you with Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
a weapon or ranged touch attack, you appear to blink out
of existence to him. As you dont actually go anywhere, the DESCRIPTION
target can make a Will save to see through your illusion. If The target is unable to ever forget a specific memory or
he fails, his attack upon you is at a -1 penalty. event, and in fact, remembers it in flawless, vivid detail.
This can be a blessing or a curse, depending entirely on
FLESH AND BLOOD how the target sees it - the caster has no control over
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 6 whether the target sees the memory as a good one or a bad
CASTING one. The length of the memory that can be affected is up
Casting Time 1 standard action to 10 minutes per caster level. Happy, good memories will
Components V, S, M (a drop of blood) give the target a +3 bonus to all saving throws, attacks, and
EFFECT skill checks, as that warm memory is with her even in the
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) worst of times. Bad, painful memories give the target a -1
Target one non-living creature/level, no two of which can penalty to Charisma and a -3 penalty to Will saves and all
be more than 30 ft. apart skill checks due to continual bitterness and/or moodiness.
Duration 1 round/level A dispel magic will temporarily suppress the bonus or
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes penalty effects of forever more. The effects of forever
more can only be permanently removed by a wish or lim-
DESCRIPTION ited wish spell the memory is not wiped from the targets
Flesh and blood affects non-living creatures, temporarily mind, but she can consciously choose when to think about
changing their bodies into ones of living flesh and blood. it and in however much detail she wishes.
The affected creatures become more susceptible to all
forms of damage. Undead, constructs, and other non-

living creatures with Damage Reduction will have their DR
School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a copper coin)
This spell functions as fog cloud, except in addition to the Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
visual obscurations, the ground below the cloud is covered Target one creature
with a thick layer of slippery frost. Creatures are limited Duration 1 min.
to half-speed when moving through the fog; any creature Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell
moving faster than half-speed must make a DC 16 Dexter- Resistance yes (harmless)
ity check or fall prone. Those wearing metal armor will
find themselves covered in frost and will suffer 2d4 points DESCRIPTION
of cold damage (Fortitude half). For the duration of the spell, the target has brief flashes of
insight as to the best course of action. As a result, he may
FRIENDLY FACE reroll any three attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks,
School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; Level and/or saving throws within the spells duration. The tar-
bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 2 get may choose to keep his original roll if it was better as
CASTING the spell is all about good luck, it would do him no good to
Casting Time 1 standard action be forced to take a worse roll.
Components V, S
Range personal School transmutation; Level bard 1
Target you CASTING
Duration 1 hour/level Casting Time 1 swift action
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Components V, S
Resistance yes (harmless) EFFECT
Range personal
Everyone you meet sees you as friendly and non-threat- Duration instantaneous
ening. Those who fail a Will save improve their reaction Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
toward you one step in the positive direction, thus improv-
ing your chances at making a successful Diplomacy check. DESCRIPTION
Those who succeed on their save do not react toward you Good humor grants you a +10 competence bonus to your
any more negatively than they normally would. Starting at next Perform (comedy) check, which must be made imme-
5th caster level, you improve their reaction two steps in the diately after casting the spell.
positive direction.
GIGGLE School transmutation; Level bard 1
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; CASTING
Level bard 0 Casting Time 1 swift action
CASTING Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action EFFECT
Components V, S Range personal
EFFECT Target you
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Duration instantaneous
Target one creature Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes DESCRIPTION
Happy feet grants you a +10 competence bonus to your
DESCRIPTION next Perform (dance) check, which must be made immedi-
The target suddenly finds something humorous enough ately after casting the spell.
to start giggling, and the laughter lasts for one full round.
While the target can still move and attack normally, he is HEARTACHE
unable to speak, or use bardic abilities or cast spells that School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];
rely on verbalization, until he stops giggling. Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 2
GOOD FORTUNE Casting Time 1 standard action
School divination; Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard Components V, S, M (a silk string tied around your

3 finger)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) School illusion (glamer) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2,
Target one living creature sorcerer/wizard 3
Duration 1 min. CASTING
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
You trigger in the target a memory of love lost or rejec- Range personal
tion. This overwhelming memory leaves the target shaken Area 15 ft. burst
for one minute, though she will receive a new save on each Duration 10 min.
round to shake off the effects of the spell. If the target Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance no
makes her initial Will save, she will only be shaken for one
Creatures viewing you see your clothing as enticing, re-
HINDSIGHT vealing, and even risqu (even if your clothing is far from
School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 6 such). Any creature within a 15 foot radius who would
CASTING normally find you attractive must make a Will save or be
Casting Time 1 round distracted for the spells duration. Distracted creatures
Components V, S, F (a small hourglass) will suffer a -5 penalty to Perception checks and a -5 pen-
EFFECT alty to all saving throws vs. enchantment or charm.
Range 60 ft.
Effect cone-shaped emanation IERENAS LUSCIOUS LIPS
Duration 1 hour +10 min./level School illusion (glamer); Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 3
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Hindsight allows you to see into the recent past. A 60
foot cone in front of you reveals events that happened in
your immediate area as far back in the past as six hours
per caster level, to a maximum of 72 hours past. If you
move, the area of effect moves with you, allowing you to
scan the area to learn about the recent past. While hind-
sight is in effect you can also use spells such as detect
magic, arcane sight, and greater arcane sight to attempt
to learn what spells were cast or what magic items were
used during the time frame in question. Hindsight does
not in any way allow you to interact with those you see in
the past, or to affect the past, only to see what happened.

School evocation [fire]; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a pinch of sulfur dust or a
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw no; Spell Resistance yes

With a successful ranged touch attack, magical flames
spring to life on the targets feet. The flames deal 1d3
points of fire damage per round, and give the target a -2
penalty to AC, ability checks, skill checks and saves until The results of casting Ierenas luscious lips.
the spell ends or the fire is otherwise extinguished. The
target can use a full round action to douse the flames.

Casting Time 1 standard action School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 4
Components V, S, M (a bit of lip rouge) CASTING
EFFECT Casting Time 1 standard action
Range personal Components V, S
Target you EFFECTS
Duration 10 min./level (D) Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Target one creature
Duration permanent
DESCRIPTION Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Your lips take on a full, lush, wet, and kissable appearance.
For the spells duration you gain a +2 enhancement bonus DESCRIPTION
to Charisma and a +5 bonus to all Bluff and Diplomacy You place a curse on the target, specifically focused on his
checks. nose. Each time the target tells a lie, his nose grows larger.
The liars curse cannot be dispelled. It can only be re-
KISS OF LIFE moved with a limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish
School conjuration (healing); Level bard 5, sorcerer/ spell.
wizard 6
Casting Time 1 round School divination; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 3
Components V, S, M (perfumes, herbs, and powdered CASTING
gemstones worth 1,000 gp) Casting Time 1 standard action
EFFECT Components V, S
Range touch EFFECT
Target 1 dead creature touched Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration instantaneous Target one living creature
Saving Throw none (see text); Spell Resistance yes Duration 10 min./level (D)
(harmless) Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance no

With a single kiss to the lips, you can restore life to a You are able to mentally connect with one other creature
very recently deceased creature. The target creature within range, so long as the target creature has an Intel-
must have been dead no more than one round per caster ligence score of 6 or higher. As long as the target creature
level. Otherwise kiss of life follows all the same rules as remains within the spells range, you and it can communi-
raise dead. cate telepathically regardless of language. You do not gain
This is a very taxing spell to cast. You use some of your any special powers or influences over the target creature.
own life force to bring the target creature back from the
dead, and due to the drain to your energy and the stress
involved, you must make a Fortitude save or gain one
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 2
negative level. The saving throw is modified by your rela-
tionship to the target.
Casting Time 1 standard action
Relationship Save Modifier Components V, S, M (a small piece of reptilian hide)
Stranger -15 EFFECT
Acquaintance -10 Range personal
Duration 10 min./level
Follower/Servant -5 Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Animal Companion 0
Party Member/Close Ally 0 DESCRIPTION
Your skin becomes scaly and tough, like that of a lizard or
Blood Relative +5 snake. This grants you a +2 enhancement bonus to natural
Cohort +5 armor. This stacks with any existing natural armor bonus
Lover +10 you already have (your effective natural armor bonus is
+0 if you do not have natural armor), but not with other
Spouse +15
enhancement bonuses to natural armor (such as from an
amulet of natural armor). The bonus increases by 1 every
If the target falls into multiple categories, use the most
three caster levels beyond 3rd, to a maximum bonus of +5
favorable one.
at 12th caster level.

School conjuration (creation); Level bard 0, sorcerer/ You turn any non-magical headgear in to a small extra-
wizard 0 dimensional space. The space will hold one Medium, two
CASTING Small, four Tiny, eight Diminutive, or 16 Fine-sized items
Casting Time 1 standard action (no living creatures). You are the only person who can put
Components V, S an item into or remove an item from the hat, and it takes
EFFECT one standard action to do either. Any items not retrieved
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) by the end of the spells duration are forcibly expelled
Target one non-magical lock as the headgear reverts to its normal state. If the hat is
Duration instantaneous damaged (the hat has a Hardness of 1 and 2 hp), all items
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance within the space are forcibly expelled, just as if the spell
yes (object) had ended. If the hat is completely destroyed (such as be-
ing incinerated in a fire), the items stored within it are lost.
When cast upon a single non-magical lock, lockslip creates MAGIC PROBE
a small amount of magical lubrication. This drops the DC School divination; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
of a Disable Device check to open the lock by one. CASTING
Casting Time 1 standard action
MACE HAND Components V, S, F (a small crystal or prism)
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 EFFECT
CASTING Range touch
Casting Time 1 standard action Target one living creature touched
Components V, S Duration instantaneous
EFFECT Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Range personal
Duration 1 min./level (D) Magic probe reveals all spells currently active on the
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no target. You instantly know the names and caster levels of
any spells currently in affect on the target, but no further
DESCRIPTION details. Magic probe also reveals spell effects on the target
Your primary hand and forearm are temporarily trans- from potions, wands, and the like. For example, if the tar-
formed into a light mace. You can attack with it as one get is a sorcerer who drank a potion of mage armor, used
normally would with a light mace, dealing 1d6 points a wand of shield upon herself, and cast repulsion upon
of damage (1d4 if you are Small), plus any Strength bo- herself, the magic probe reveals these spells (and the caster
nus you have. The weapon is considered magical for the level) to you. It will not reveal the effects of magic items
purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction, and since the that are continuous-effect items (such as a ring of protec-
mace is part of you, you cannot be disarmed. The mace tion or a brooch of shielding).
has a Hardness of 5 and 5 hp, for purposes of Sunder at-
tempts vs. your mace. If any foe deals enough damage to MAGICAL QUILL
Sunder your mace hand, the spell automatically ends, and School transmutation; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
you cannot use your now-injured hand until you are healed CASTING
(DC 15 Heal check, drinking a cure potion, or any other Casting Time 1 standard action
form of healing magic). At 5th caster level and every 5 lev- Components V, S
els beyond, the mace gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage EFFECT
(maximum +4 at 20th level). Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one quill or other writing instrument
MAGIC HAT Duration 10 min./level
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance
CASTING yes (object)
Casting Time 1 min.
EFFECT You enchant a quill or other writing instrument so it re-
Range touch cords all spoken words within your normal range of hear-
Target one hat, helmet, or other piece of non-magical ing in the language in which they are spoken. The quill
headgear remains in one spot, moving only enough to traverse over
Duration 1 day/level the provided writing surface. It will continue writing for
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance the duration of the spell so long as you provide it
with enough parchment, paper, or other writing

yes (object)
surface. The quill stops writing if it has nothing to write Duration 1 min.
upon. It will not write on tables, walls, floors, or any other Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
non-standard writing surface.
MAGICAL QUILL, IMPROVED A memory of a loved one (mother, spouse, etc.) over-
School transmutation; Level bard 4, sorcerer/wizard 5 whelms the target every time he looks at you, preventing
him from physically harming you. His feelings are directed
DESCRIPTION only toward you not your companions. The spells effect
This spell functions as magical quill, except the quill will is broken if you attack the target. The target receives a new
translate all spoken languages into a language of your Will save every round to shake off the spells effects.
choice as it writes.
MAKESHIFT QUILL School divination; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
School conjuration (creation); Level bard 0, sorcerer/ CASTING
wizard 0 Casting Time 1 standard action
CASTING Components V, S, M (a scrap of an old map)
Casting Time 1 standard action EFFECT
Components V, S Range personal
EFFECT Target you
Range touch Duration 1 hour + 1 hour/level (D)
Effect one ordinary feather Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Duration 1 hour or until ink is used up, see text
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance DESCRIPTION
yes (object) Your sense of direction becomes unerringly perfect, and
you remember every place you traverse during the spells
DESCRIPTION duration. You do not necessarily remember every detail of
A single regular feather is suddenly filled with enough ink the contents or appearances of rooms or caverns, but you
to write one page of text per caster level. When all the ink are unfaltering in knowing the physical directions. You
is used up in writing, the feather is left as it was before cannot become lost for the duration of the spell, even in
casting the spell. Any ink not used within one hour of cast- the most winding and complex dungeon or maze, or in the
ing will vanish, but all text written with the ink is perma- darkest or most dense forest - any place it would normally
nent. be easy to get turned around in. You also receive a +3 bo-
nus to your Intelligence check to escape a maze spell.
School transmutation; Level bard 1 MIND TO MIND
CASTING School divination; Level bard 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 swift action CASTING
Components V, S Casting Time 1 standard action
EFFECT Components V, S
Range personal EFFECT
Target you Range touch
Duration instantaneous Target one living creature
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Duration 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell
DESCRIPTION Resistance yes (harmless)
Master thespian grants you a +10 competence bonus to
your next Perform (act) check, which must be made im- DESCRIPTION
mediately after casting the spell. You and another creature forge a mental link that allows
telepathic communication, and allows you to see and hear
MEMORY OF LOVE all that the target sees and hears. After the initial touch
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; to cast the spell, distance between you and the target can
Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 3 be unlimited and the spell will remain in effect, so long as
CASTING you remain on the same plane of existence. If the target is
Casting Time 1 standard action subjected to a gaze attack, it may affect you as well you
Components V, S and the target make separate saving throws.
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target one living creature
MIRROR TALK Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level
sorcerer/wizard 4 DESCRIPTION
CASTING The targets next attack roll (before the end of the next
Casting Time 10 min. round) suffers a -10 penalty.
Components V, S, F (a pair of finely wrought and highly
polished silver mirrors (any size) worth at least MOMENT OF DARKNESS
1,000 gp) School evocation [darkness]; Level sorcerer/wizard 0
Range see text Casting Time 1 standard action
Effect magical sensor Components V, S, M (a pinch of coal dust)
Duration 1 min./level EFFECT
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect 20 ft. sphere
DESCRIPTION Duration 1 round
You are able to create a link from your focus mirror to an- Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
other mirror, wherever else it is on your plane of existence.
You dont have to know exactly where the mirror is at the DESCRIPTION
time of casting, but you must have studied the mirror care- A 20 ft. radius sphere of darkness expands out from a point
fully for the spell to work. The link grants those in front you designate. This short-lived darkness functions as the
of your focus mirror to see through the other one as if it spell darkness, however, it is not powerful enough to dis-
were a window (enables line of sight, but not line of effect), pel light.
seeing the sights on the other side as well as hearing the
sounds. NET
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
School conjuration (teleportation); Level sorcerer/ Casting Time 1 standard action
wizard 7 Components V, S
Casting Time 10 min. Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Components V, S, F (a pair of finely wrought and highly Target one normal rope at least 50 ft. in length
polished silver mirrors tall enough and wide enough to Duration 10 min./level
allow desired creatures to pass through worth at least Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance
1,000 gp) yes (object)
Range personal and touch DESCRIPTION
Targets you and touched objects or other touched willing You cause a normal, non-magical rope of at least 50 feet
creatures in length to instantly knot and weave itself into a net. It
Duration instantaneous acts as a net weapon with a +2 bonus to hit enemies when
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no thrown at them. It can also be used as a fishing net, and
gives a +5 bonus to Survival checks when used for that
DESCRIPTION purpose. The net has 10 hp. At the end of the spells dura-
This spell functions as a greater teleport, except that a link tion, the net will instantly unravel into its original rope
is created from your focus mirror to another mirror, wher- form provided it did not suffer more than 5 hp of damage
ever it is on the same plane of existence. You dont have to otherwise you are left with just a badly damaged net.
know exactly where the mirror is at the time of casting, but
you must have studied the mirror carefully for the spell to NEVERMORE
work. School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];
Level sorcerer/wizard 9
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Time 10 min.
CASTING Components V, M (25,000 gp worth of emeralds), F (a
Casting Time 1 standard action ravens feather)
Components V, F (a tiny blindfold) EFFECT
EFFECT Range touch
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target one creature
Target one creature Duration permanent

Duration 1 round Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You erase all memories of the targets existence from all School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];
living creatures on the prime material plane. While such Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
an effect can certainly be a curse, it can also be a blessing CASTING
to someone who wishes to escape her past and start all Casting Time 1 standard action
over. Even the targets family and closest friends will not Components V, S
remember who she is. The spell does not affect the written EFFECT
word, but people reading documents that mention the tar- Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
get will no longer recognize her name. The spell does not Target one living creature
affect the memories of sentient undead creatures who were Duration 1 round/level
already aware of the target. For example, if the target of Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
the spell once did battle with a vampire lord, that vampire
lord may be the only creature left with any memory of the DESCRIPTION
target creatures existence. The target will continually repeat his last action before the
The effects of nevermore can only be removed by a wish spell was cast for the duration of the spell, whether it was
or limited wish spell. swinging a weapon at a target that may no longer be in
front of him, casting a spell that he may no longer have
Adventure Idea Nevermore available, drinking from a potion vial that is now empty,
As the characters are having a meal in a tavern they are etc. The target gets a new save each round to shake off the
approached by a haggard-looking warrior in shining ar- effects of the spell.
mor. A holy symbol hangs from a chain around his neck If the targets last action was casting a spell, he will only
and the symbol of a well-known order of knights deco- successfully cast the spell again if he still has that spell pre-
rates his shield. He claims to know one or more mem- pared or available, and has any necessary components.
bers of the party, but no one knows him. No amount of
Knowledge checks of any type will turn up any informa- PACIFIST
tion on the strange knight. School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];
The knight keeps claiming that he knows the charac- Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
ters, possibly claiming to be related (a cousin or broth- CASTING
er). He eventually leaves in frustration, almost in tears. Casting Time 1 standard action
Investigation turns up no information on the man Components V, S
other than the fact that he has been approaching a lot of EFFECT
people and claiming to know them, but none know him. Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Word has reached representatives of the knightly order, Target one living creature
too, and now they are on the way to take his weapons Duration 10 min./level
and armor from him and possibly interrogate him to find Saving Throw Will resists; Spell Resistance yes
out which knight he slew to get the gear.
The problem is that the knight does indeed know DESCRIPTION
everyone he claims to know, but a vile wizard the paladin The target is suddenly convinced that killing is wrong and
crossed a year ago has cast a devastating spell nev- will avoid combat whenever possible. If forced into com-
ermore causing every living person in the world to bat, the target will do her best to deliver only non-lethal
forget the paladin ever existed. Last year, the paladin damage and will cast only spells that do not do physical
faced off against a succubus and slew her. Because the damage.
succubus had come to this plane under her own power
and the paladin had used a Holy sword, she was not just
sent back to the outer planes but truly slain. Unknown PARABLE
to the paladin, the succubus was the lover of a powerful School transmutation; Level bard 1
and evil wizard. When the wizard found out what had CASTING
happened to his lover, he cast nevermore to punish the Casting Time 1 standard action
paladin. If the wizard had to live alone, so, too, would Components V, S
the paladin. EFFECT
If the characters dig deeper into the mystery, they will Range personal
encounter a vampire roaming the streets of the city who Target you
knows the paladin. Her memory was not affected by Duration instantaneous
the wizards spell since she is undead. From there, the Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
characters can go on to eventually track down the wizard
who cast the spell. DESCRIPTION
Parable grants you a +10 competence bonus to your next
Perform (oratory) check, which must be made immediately

after casting the spell.
School transmutation; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Time 1 standard action
CASTING Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action EFFECT
Components V, S, M (a small awl) Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
EFFECT Target one living creature
Range touch Duration 1 day/level
Target one non-magical door, wall, or window shutter Saving Throw Will resists; Spell Resistance yes
Duration 1 min.
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance DESCRIPTION
yes (object) The target is overwhelmed by the desire to aid every beg-
gar, leper, single mother, etc. who they come across. The
DESCRIPTION target is compelled to give each such person he encounters
You create a tiny, temporary hole in a standard, non-magi- 2d4 gold pieces (or the equivalent amount in silver and
cal door, wall or window shutter of wood, iron or stone, no copper pieces) as long as he has the coins to do so. If he
more than 1 foot thick, allowing you to see whats on the doesnt have the coins to give, the target will feel compelled
other side directly in front of the hole to the left and right. to give those in need clean clothes, rations, and other
How much you actually see is limited by available light supplies from his own gear. Once the target is out of both
sources and the type of vision that you possess. The hole is coins and supplies, he will start donating his time, offering
hard to spot, and anyone on the other side must make a DC to care for the sick, to cook for the poor, etc.
25 Perception check to see it. This spell does not work on
living matter (such as trees or hedges). Encounter Ideas Philanthropist
As the philanthropist spell can potentially last for sev-
PERFECT BALANCE eral days, a player character (PC) affected by the spell
School transmutation; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1 while within the limits of even a small town could soon
CASTING find himself bereft of coin as he gives it all away to help
Casting Time 1 immediate action the poor, unfortunate souls he encounters.
Components V, S To help a GM determine what sorts of individuals a PC
EFFECT meets while walking through the streets of a city, use the
Range personal following chart, rolling four times each hour spent on
Target you the streets of the city (once every 15 minutes):
Duration instantaneous 2d8 roll Encounter
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
2-5 town guard or watch
DESCRIPTION 6-7 wage laborer
You gain an instant +10 bonus to an Acrobatics or Dexter- 8-10 beggar
ity check when in a precarious situation, such as walking 11 priest
along a narrow ledge, crossing a tightrope, etc.
12 prostitute
PERFECT PITCH 13-14 orphaned child
School transmutation; Level bard 1 15 wealthy merchant
CASTING 16 noble
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V, S
Range personal School enchantment (compulsion) [fear, mind-affecting];
Target you Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 4
Duration instantaneous CASTING
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a dead spider)
Perfect pitch grants you a +10 competence bonus to your Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
next Perform (sing) check, which much be made immedi- Target one creature
ately after casting the spell. Duration 1 min./level
Saving Throw Will partial, see text; Spell Resistance
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];

Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 4
The target suddenly develops a phobia of a creature or You turn non-magical arrows, bolts, or darts into poison-
object of your choice from the list provided. tipped projectiles. Upon striking a creature, the projectiles
Whenever presented with the source of her phobia, the not only do their normal damage but also inject poison
target must make a Will save or be frightened as long as into the victims blood. The poison deals 1d10 points of
the phobia-inducer is within visual range (with a successful temporary Constitution damage immediately, and another
save, she will only be shaken). A frightened target will try 1d10 points of temporary Constitution damage one minute
to get as far away from the source of her pos- later. Each instance of damage can by negated by a Forti-
sible. If the source of her phobia moves within 5 feet of the tude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your caster level + your Intelligence
target, even in a non-threatening manner, the target or Charisma modifier as appropriate for your spellcasting
must make another Will save or be left cowering (with abilities). The projectiles must be fired or thrown within
a successful save, she will only be frightened) as long 10 minutes from casting or the poison harmlessly dissi-
as the source remains in that close proximity. pates.

Aichmophobia (fear of knives and other sharp objects) RESISTANCE, GREATER

School abjuration; Level bard 6, sorcerer/wizard 6
Ailurophobia (fear of cats and other felines)
Anthropophobia (fear of people) Duration 1 min./level
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
Arsonphobia (fear of fire) DESCRIPTION
This spell functions as resistance, except the target crea-
Bogyphobia (fear of goblinoids) ture receives a +5 resistance bonus to saves for one minute
Dracophobia (fear of dragons) per caster level.
Equinophobia (fear of horses)
Metallophobia (fear of metal) RESISTANCE, IMPROVED
Rhabdophobia (fear of magic and specifically spellcast- School abjuration; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Duration 1 min./level
A targeted dispel magic or remove curse will end the
effects of phobia.
This spell functions as resistance, except the target crea-
ture receives a +1 resistance bonus to saves for one minute
GM Suggestions - Phobia per caster level (maximum five minutes).
GMs are encouraged to modify the list to include pho-
bias that may be more appropriate for their game and
campaign world. However, one should be careful to RESISTANCE, MASS
stick with clearly tangible and easy to quantify objects School abjuration; Level bard 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
and creatures for their phobia list, regardless of whether CASTING
you use real-world phobias or ones unique to a fantasy Components V, S, M (a number of miniature cloaks
setting. For example, the fear of enclosed spaces is a equal to the number of desired targets)
very common one, but to some people, just being con- EFFECT
fined within a building would induce fear, while others Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
wouldnt be afraid until trapped in a very small alcove. Targets one creature/level, no two of which can be more
A fear of spiders is a fear of spiders, period. than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 min./level
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 4
This spell functions as resistance, except all within the
spells radius of effect receive a +1 resistance bonus to
Casting Time 1 standard action
saves for one minute per caster level.
Components V, S
Target 2 projectiles/level School transmutation; Level bard 2
Duration 10 min. CASTING
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance Casting Time 1 swift action
yes (object) Components V, S

Range personal DESCRIPTION
Target you You become intimately familiar with the history, nobility,
Duration instantaneous culture, important families and figureheads, scandals, and
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no geography within the 10 mile radius area surrounding you.
You gain a +5 bonus to your next skill check made in one of
DESCRIPTION the following skills: Knowledge (history), Knowledge (lo-
This spell grants you one extra move action or one extra cal), Knowledge (nobility), or Knowledge (geography). The
attack on your turn in the round in which you cast it. You bonus goes up by +1 at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th caster levels
must choose whether you want the effect to be a move ac- (maximum +9 at 20th caster level).
tion or attack at the time of casting.
SANDBLAST School enchantment [mind-affecting]; Level bard 3,
School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 4 sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a pinch of sand) Components V, S
Range 15 ft. Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area cone-shaped emanation Target one living creature
Duration instantaneous Duration 24 hours
Saving Throw Reflex partial, see text; Spell Resistance Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance yes
DESCRIPTION The target is unable to sleep for the next 24 hours, leav-
A 15 foot cone of hot sand blasts forth from your hands. ing her exhausted. If the target was already fatigued or
The sand deals 2d6 points of damage +1d6 points per four exhausted, she is left unable to recover, and is also un-
caster levels (to a maximum of +5d6 at 20th level), and able to recover any hit points or temporary ability damage
leaves its victims blinded for 1d4 rounds. With a successful which would normally be recovered with a nights rest. If
Reflex save, targets take half damage and are blinded only the target is a spellcaster, she wont be able to prepare or
one round. renew spells. With a successful Will save, the target does
get some restless sleep, so she will not be exhausted, but
SCATTERBRAINED she still wont be able to recover hit points, ability damage,
School enchantment [mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, or spells.
sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];
Components V, S Level sorcerer/wizard 7
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Casting Time 1 standard action
Target one living creature Components V, S, M (a handful of goose down or sheeps
Duration 1 round wool)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes EFFECT
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
DESCRIPTION Target one creature
You cause the target to forget what he were going to do Duration Special, see text
next (i.e. his next action), leaving him dazed for one round. Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes


School divination; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 2 The next time the target falls into natural sleep, he will
CASTING rise to do one short mission of your choosing. The mission
Casting Time 1 standard action cannot be suicidal, or in any other way deliberately harm-
Components V, S ful to the target. It can be as simple as stealing an item and
EFFECT delivering it to you, or as powerful as assassinating some-
Range personal one (provided the target sensed he could do so and get
Target you away safely). While sleepwalking, the target is completely
Duration 1 round/level until discharged unaware of his actions and upon waking will remember
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no nothing, though he will recognize friends and family

during that time and will interact with them
appropriately. If he completes his mission within six DESCRIPTION
hours, he will return to his bed and fall back into natural The targets next successful ranged attack is an automatic
sleep. If he fails to complete the mission within six hours, critical hit.
he will awake where he is and will be confused with no
memory of how he got there or why he is there. SNOWSHOES
School transmutation; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
School enchantment [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, Casting Time 1 standard action
sorcerer/wizard 2 Components V, S, M (a small chip of willow bark)
Casting Time 1 standard action Range personal
Components V, S Target you
EFFECT Duration 10 min./level
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target one creature
Duration 1 round/level DESCRIPTION
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes Snowshoes allows you to move at normal speed across ice
or snow. The spell does not offer any sort of protection
DESCRIPTION from the cold, it only affects your ability to travel without
The target gets words and phrases mixed up, and is unable penalty.
to express herself clearly. She is left unable to cast spells
with a verbal component for the duration of slip of the
tongue, and also suffers a -2 penalty to all Charisma-based SOCK PUPPET
ability and skill checks. School conjuration (creation); Level bard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
SLIPPERY GRIP Components V, S, M (a small piece of an old
School transmutation; Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard sock)
CASTING Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Casting Time 1 standard action Target one creature
Components V, S, M (a dab of grease) Duration 1 round/level
EFFECT Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature DESCRIPTION
Duration 1 round/level With a successful ranged touch attack, a magical sock pup-
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no pet appears over the targets shoulder and starts talking,
loudly and non-stop, about whatever you desire. For the
DESCRIPTION spells duration, the target has a hard time being stealthy
With a successful ranged touch attack, you leave the target (-20 penalty to Stealth checks), and also suffers a -5 penal-
unable to keep a firm grip on his weapon, giving him with ty to Bluff and Diplomacy, as no one will take seriously the
a -2 penalty to attack. The penalty remains in effect even if word of a man with a sock puppet yapping over his shoul-
the target switches weapons, and affects both single-hand- der. The target may also find himself followed by children
ed and two-handed melee and ranged weapons. If the tar- and other easily entertained creatures eager to hear more
get fights with two weapons, the penalty is to his primary stories from the puppet.
hand. The penalty increases by another -1 for every three
caster levels beyond 5th, to a maximum of -6 at 17th level. SOUNDPROOF
School transmutation; Level bard 3
School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Time 1 standard action
CASTING Components V, S, M (a tiny bit of cotton)
Casting Time 1 standard action EFFECT
Components V, S Range personal
EFFECT Area Up to a 10 ft. cube/2 levels
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Duration 2 hours/level (D)
Target one living creature Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Duration 1 round/level until discharged
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell DESCRIPTION

26 Resistance yes(harmless) Soundproof insulates an area so that sound cannot escape

it. You and all others in the affected area can converse SPELL HOLD
and hear each other normally, and you can still hear any School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 4
sounds outside the spells area that you would otherwise CASTING
normally be able to hear, but any creature outside the Casting Time 1 immediate action
spells area of effect cannot hear what goes on within it. Components V, S
This spell is especially handy for making a room in a thin- EFFECT
walled inn more private, or for keeping your conversations Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
at a booth in a tavern from being overheard. Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates, Fortitude half (see text);
Spell Resistance yes

Upon seeing another spellcaster preparing to cast a spell,
you can immediately channel forth some of your own
essence to keep the target from successfully casting the
spell. If the target fails her Will save, her spells energy
will instead internalize within her, delivering 1d3 points
of Constitution damage (Fortitude save for half damage).
Spell hold only affects spells of 3rd level or lower, and au-
tomatically fails if the target is casting a spell of 4th level or
higher. Immediately before casting the spell you can make
a Spellcraft check to determine the level of the spell your
target is attempting to cast (DC 15 + spell level).
This is a very taxing spell for you to cast, and you pay a
price. Because a part of your very essence goes into stop-
ping the other casters spell, you take one point of tempo-
rary Constitution damage, which will return with one hour
of rest.


School necromancy; Level: sorcerer/wizard 8

This spell functions as spell hold, but affects spells of 7th
level or lower, and deals 2d3 points Constitution damage
The victim of a sock puppet spell. and 3d6 points damage (Fort save for half damage). You
take two points of temporary Constitution damage, which
SPECIAL DELIVERY will return at a rate of one point per hour of rest.
School conjuration (teleportation); Level: sorcerer/
wizard 2 SPELL MELD
CASTING School evocation; Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 1 standard action CASTING
Components V, S Casting Time 10 min.
EFFECT Components V, S, M (rare aromatic oils to anoint both
Range touch you and the targets foreheads worth 2,750 gp), F (a pair
Target one touched object weighing no more than one of matching gold lockets to be worn by both you and the
pound target worth at least 5,000 gp each)
Duration instantaneous EFFECT
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance Range touch
yes (object) Target one creature touched
Duration 10 min./level
DESCRIPTION Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell
You move one small item from your own person a potion Resistance yes (harmless)
vial, a key, a wand, etc. to any other person within a 50
foot radius of you. DESCRIPTION
You and another willing spellcaster are bonded by a

strong, mystical connection, allowing your
spellcasting abilities to meld. Either of you can cast spells living creatures are surrounded by halos of blue light. Liv-
from the others prepared/available spells, so long as ing plants have halos of green light; items made from once-
you (or your partner in the meld as appropriate) has the living plants (wooden items, woven grass mats, etc.) have
required ability score to cast that level of spell and possess halos of dull yellow light. Stone, metal, gems, and other
the material components and/or foci required. inert, never-living objects appear as normal. Dead and un-
dead creatures appear as black holes in their surrounding
SPELL SIGHT space. The range of the spirit sight is limited to 60 feet.
School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 immediate action School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 4
Components V, S CASTING
EFFECT Casting Time 1 standard action
Range 60 ft. Components V, S
Area cone-shaped emanation EFFECT
Duration 1 round/level Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Target one creature
Duration 1 round/level or until discharged
DESCRIPTION Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell allows you to see faint magical auras, granting
you a +1 bonus per caster level (maximum +5) on Spell- DESCRIPTION
craft checks made to identify spells as they are being cast. The targets next successful melee attack is an automatic
critical hit.
School abjuration; Level wizard 0 STENCH OF THE POLECAT
CASTING School conjuration (creation); Level bard 3, sorcerer/
Casting Time 1 standard action wizard 4
Components V, S, M (a pinch of metal shavings) CASTING
EFFECT Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch Components V, S, M (the pelt of a skunk)
Effect one spellbook EFFECT
Duration 10 min./level Range personal
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance Area 15 ft. burst
yes (object) Duration see text
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance no
In placing this minor ward on your spellbook, you ensure DESCRIPTION
that no one but youself can safely handle the book. Anyone You release around you a 15 foot burst of pungent, eye-
besides you who tries to pick up or open your spellbook watering fumes reminiscent of a polecat or skunk. You are
will take a shock of 1d3 points of electricity damage. unaffected but all others in the area of effect must make a
Fortitude save or be blinded and nauseated for one round
SPIRIT SIGHT per caster level. Those who succeed on their saving throws
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 are not blinded and are only nauseated for one round.
CASTING Leaving the area of effect will not remove the blindness or
Casting Time 1 standard action nausea as the stench clings to the targets and their cloth-
Components V, S ing. A hint of the stench lingers on them for a full eight
EFFECT hours after casting. The lingering stench causes no further
Range personal nausea or blindness, though until the targets bathe and
Target you change clothes they suffer a -3 penalty on all Charisma-
Duration 1 min./level (D) based social skills. It is best not to cast this spell with allies
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no nearby.


Your vision is attuned the spirit element of all living things, School transmutation; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
and you see creatures and objects according to their life CASTING
force. Fey creatures including fey-touched creatures Casting Time 1 standard action
appear as if surrounded by a halo of pure white Components V, S, M (a drop of hide glue)
light (the brightness is proportional to the amount EFFECT

of fey blood the creature possesses). Non-fey Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature Casting Time 1 standard action
Duration 1 round/level Components V, S, M (a pinch of alum)
Saving Throw Reflex partial, see text; Spell Resistance EFFECT
yes Range 30 ft.
Area cone-shaped burst
DESCRIPTION Duration instantaneous
With a successful ranged touch attack, you cause a sticky Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
substance to exude from the targets hand. The target will
stick to whatever he next comes in contact with or is DESCRIPTION
already in contact with, such as a weapon in hand unless You release a blast of parching heat and wind in a 30 foot
he succeeds on a Reflex save. Once stuck, the target can cone in front of you. All creatures in the area of effect must
free himself with a standard action with a Strength check make a Fortitude save or suffer 1d4+1 points of Constitu-
equal to the spells save DC, with a full round action with tion damage as moisture is leached from their bodies.
no Strength check required.
STRING School evocation; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
School conjuration (creation); Level bard 0, sorcerer/ CASTING
wizard 0 Casting Time 1 standard action
CASTING Components V, S, M (a drop of honey)
Casting Time 1 standard action EFFECT
Components V, S, M (a short length of thread) Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
EFFECT Area 20 ft. burst
Range personal Duration 1 hour
Effect one ball of string Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Duration 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no DESCRIPTION
An area in a 20 foot burst is filled with the aroma of sweet
DESCRIPTION baked treats, fresh from the oven. All living creatures in
You conjure a 50 foot length of string, already wound into the area are dazed for one round as the delicious scent hits
a ball. The string has no magical or otherwise special them. The sweet smell lingers for one full hour, which
properties. It can be used for tying things up, measuring can serve to soothe and relax the creatures within or to
distance, or as a guide line. The string vanishes at the end freshen a stinky room.
of the spells duration.
STUTTER School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 6
School enchantment [mind-affecting]; Level bard 1 CASTING
CASTING Casting Time 1 standard action
Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M (a dab of tar)
Components V, S EFFECT
EFFECT Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target one creature
Target one creature Duration 1 min./level
Duration 1 round/level Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance no
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
DESCRIPTION The ground beneath the target in a 5 foot square space
If the target fails a Will save, she begins to stutter. The turns to thick, black tar. A Reflex save allows the target
target will suffer a -1 penalty to all Charisma-based skill to leap away from the tar pit before falling in. Anyone
checks for the duration of the spell. The penalty increases who falls into the pit is immobilized in the tar and begins
by an additional -1 for every two caster levels beyond 1st to sink, vanishing beneath the surface in 2d3+1 rounds.
(maximum of -5). In addition, spellcasters will not be able A DC 21 Strength check allows a victim to pull himself up
to cast any spells with verbal components, and bardic per- out of the pit, but failing the check reduces the number of
formances that rely on vocalization be it song or oratory rounds left before sinking below the surface by one round.
will not work. Others can assist victims up out of the pit by making a DC
16 Strength check. Using ropes, tree limbs, spears, or any
SUFFERING WIND other sturdy item to help reduces the DC to 11. Anyone
School evocation; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 who fails to get out and sinks below the surface of the

CASTING tar begins to drown. Anyone climbing successfully
from the pit is still covered in tar for the duration of the CASTING
spell and suffers a -4 penalty to Dexterity checks and at- Casting Time 1 standard action
tacks. The ground reverts to its normal state when the Components V
spell expires; anyone still in the tar at that time will then EFFFECT
be stuck in the ground. Range personal
Target you
THINNER Duration 1 round/level
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Saving Throw Will half; Spell Resistance yes
Casting Time 1 standard action DESCRIPTION
Components V, S Your body is charged with protective energy. You gain a
EFFECT +2 deflection bonus to AC, and any opponent that touches
Range touch or grapples you takes 1d8 points of damage +1 point per
Target one creature caster level (to a maximum of +5). The opponent may
Duration 10 min. (D) make a Will save for half damage. Allies can touch you
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell without harm. You cannot use the spell to make touch at-
Resistance yes (harmless) tacks the opponent must touch or grapple you.

The target creatures body and gear flattens depth-wise School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 4
(though her height does not change), allowing her to move CASTING
though tight spaces. The target can move without penalty Casting Time 1 standard action
through any space that is at least half as wide as the space Components V, S, M (a small piece of clear glass)
she normally occupies. EFFECT
Range personal
School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 9 Duration 1 round/level
CASTING Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (an hourglass worth at least 1,000 DESCRIPTION
gp) You gain the temporary ability to see through solid objects
EFFECT walls, doors, chests, barrels, etc. You can see through
Range personal up to six inches of wood, stone, earth, or metal (except
Area 50 ft. radius adamantine, which you cant see through at all). Enchant-
Duration 1 round ments block your vision for example, you cant see
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no through a magical door. Only your normal type of vision
is granted if there is not a light source beyond the wall to
DESCRIPTION aid your normal vision, or enough light coming in between
For one full round (starting after you cast the spell, and the slats of a barrel for your low-light vision, you still cant
ending at the end of your next turn), all of your allies identify anything beyond or within. If you normally have
within a 50 foot radius of you will gain a +5 bonus to attack darkvision, no light sources are needed.
and damage rolls. All enemies in the same area will incur
a -5 penalty to attack and damage rolls. Tide of battle only TRUE STRIKE, MASS
affects physical attacks, not spellcasting or spell-like or School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 5
special ability attacks. CASTING
Components V, F (a tiny wooden replica of an archery
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 7 EFFECT
EFFECT Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration 1 round (apparent time) Target one creature/level, no two of which can be more
than 30 ft. apart.
This spell functions as time stop, but only gives you one DESCRIPTION
round of apparent time to act freely. This spell functions as true strike, except that it affects
multiple creatures.


School abjuration; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2

School transmutation; Level bard 0
CASTING Duration instantaneous
Casting Time 1 swift action Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Components V, S
Range personal Virtuoso grants you a +10 competence bonus to your next
Target one non-magical musical instrument Perform (any instrument) check, which must be made im-
Duration instantaneous mediately after casting the spell.
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance
yes (object) UNFAZED
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 6
You instantly tune one normal, non-magical musical Casting Time 1 standard action
instrument of any type to a perfect pitch. The tuning gives Components V, S, M (a steel ingot worth 50 gp)
you a +1 competence bonus to your next Perform (that EFFECT
instrument) check, which must be made immediately after Range personal
casting the spell. Target you
Duration 1 round/level
TWINKLE Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
School illusion (glamer); Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action You cannot suffer from the following conditions for the du-
Components V, S, M (a pinch of silver dust) ration of the spell: dazed, confused, cowering, fascinated,
EFFECT frightened, panicked, or shaken. While under the effects
Range personal of unfazed, your Spellcraft DC for being able to overcome
Area 10 ft. burst injury and cast spells successfully is reduced to 10+ your
Duration 1 round/level caster level.
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
DESCRIPTION School conjuration (creation); Level bard 3, sorcerer/
Your entire person begins to twinkle and shine brightly, wizard 4
leaving all creatures within a 10 foot radius of you dazzled CASTING
for the spells duration. Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of string, a bit of wood, and
VILLAGE IDIOT a bit of metal)
School transmutation; Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 4 EFFECT
CASTING Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Casting Time 1 standard action Effect one invisible, mindless, shapeless servant
Components V, S Duration 8 hours(D) or 2 rounds after being activated by
EFFECT an enemy, see text
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target one creature
Duration 1 round/level DESCRIPTION
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes This spell is very similar to unseen servant, but this ser-
vant acts as a guard. It will stand wherever you direct it
DESCRIPTION and prevent anyone from moving past it. It can bull rush
A dark blue ray flies from your hand toward the target. or trip foes using a CMB of your caster level + your Intel-
With a successful ranged touch attack, the targets Wisdom ligence or Charisma modifier (as appropriate for your
score drops to three. If the target already had the Wisdom spellcasting abilities) + 4 for its Strength of 18, but it can
score of three or less, the spell has no effect. make no other forms of attack. Any intrusion that causes
the sentinel to act also causes it to release a warning sound
VIRTUOSO of blaring or blasting horns.
School transmutation; Level bard 1
Casting Time 1 swift action School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 3
Components V, S CASTING
EFFECT Casting Time 1 standard action
Range personal Components V, S

Target you EFFECT
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) ZORRAS MAGIC MISSILE
Area up to 10 square ft./level School evocation [force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 6
Duration 1 min./level CASTING
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
You create a shimmering curtain of bright light, which is Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
one inch thick and covers up to 10 square feet per caster Targets up to 6 objects or creatures within 15 ft. of each
level. It sheds light as the spell light 20 feet in all direc- other
tions from the walls. Anyone within 10 feet of the wall Duration instantaneous
when it first appears is dazzled for one minute (Fortitude Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
negates), and anyone passing through the wall is blinded
(Fortitude negates). While the light shed by the wall is not DESCRIPTION
powerful enough to affect creatures normally affected Six missiles of magical energy fly from your hand
by sunlight, it will cause them to pause and go around the and strike their declared targets without error, each deal-
wall. Such creatures will not willingly pass through the ing 2d4 points of force damage. The spell affects inani-
wall of light. mate objects as well as creatures. You must name your
targets before rolling damage.
School divination; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2 GM Suggestion - Introducing New Spells into
Casting Time 1 round When starting a brand new campaign, introducing new
Components V, S spells is easy - simply make them available to your spell-
EFFECT casters from the very beginning. While a 1st-level bard,
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) sorcerer or wizard does not get a large number of spells
Target one living creature to start with, even just one or two spells from this new
Duration 1 min. list can add depth to the character and a lot of fun to the
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes roleplaying experience.
However, theres no need to wait until you start a new
DESCRIPTION game to bring the new spells presented here into play.
After one round of sustained eye contact with the target, The GM can introduce these spells in any way he or she
you learn his general alignment (good, evil, or neutral) desires. Here are a few ideas.
and gain a +10 bonus to Sense Motive regarding him. You ***
learn nothing about his alignment in terms of law or chaos. The spells are ancient, and thought lost many years
ago. The characters may have found mention of them in
ZORRAS HELLBANE old texts, or heard bards tales referring to them. It isnt
School evocation [cold, good]; Level sorcerer/wizard 7 until an old spellbook, scroll, or wand containing one or
CASTING more of the spells is found that it is discovered that the
Casting Time 1 standard action spells have survived the tests of time.
Components V, S, M (small glass or crystal cone and one ***
platinum coin) The spells are known to exist, but only in a certain
EFFECT far-away part of the Known World. As such, the spells
Range 30 ft. are quite rare, and knowledge of them can only be gained
Area cone-shaped burst through a considerable amount of coin, daring adventure,
Duration instantaneous or incredible good luck. A group of magic users could go
Saving Throw Reflex special, see text; Spell Resistance on a quest to seek out these rare spells.
yes ***
The bardic spells are all the creation of a legendary
DESCRIPTION bard, and are passed on to fellow bards through word of
A cone of extreme cold originates from your hand, dealing mouth and the sale of scrolls.
1d6 points of cold damage per caster level. Normal crea- ***
tures can make a Reflex save for half damage. Creatures The sorcerer/wizard spells are all the creation of a
normally immune to cold/magical cold damage can make a great and powerful wizard, who will gladly let fellow wiz-
Reflex save to negate. If they fail their save, they take 1d6 ards copy them from his spellbook - for a price, of course.
points of good damage per caster level. The spell also The spells are also available as scrolls.
dispels magical and outer planar fires, with a ***
successful caster level check (DC 10 + level of the The spells can only be learned by attending one of the

creator or effect.) institutions detailed in Chapter 2 - Colleges of Magic.
Chapter 2 - Colleges of Magic

S o, what do you know about this Wolestone Insti-

tute? Dissin asked, gingerly pulling down the books
off the shelves, trying his best to neither damage them nor
Dissin wrinkled his nose as he opened a jar. No won-
der all these components are nothing but powder and
dust. Nothing salvageable here. Looks like it was all
raise too much dust. pretty mundane, anyway. He looked up at his friend.
Marcus started to give his friend an incredulous look, Im sure he had all the good stuff in his pouches when he
then remembered that the drow had only lived in the sur- left.
face world for a few years. Wolestones the oldest of the I wonder what happened that he had to leave so much
magical colleges, he explained as he rummaged through behind. I mean, look at all weve found what looks like
a desk drawer. And if Orthan here was anything like his primary spellbook, his staff, that clockwork cat No
most graduates of Wolestone I know, he was a polymor- wizard I know would leave any of those things behind un-
pher. less the fires of the Nine Hells were licking at his heels.
Well, that certainly explains the number of transmu- Maybe they were, Dissin shrugged. He reached into
tation spells in his spellbook. The drow finished collect- one of the pouches on his belt and pulled out a stone
ing the abandoned tomes and placed them all in his bag, attuned to the suns position in the sky. Its midway
which still appeared just as empty as it had when theyd through the afternoon. Wed better finish up in here if we
started looting the tower. The oldest of the colleges, you want to cover any distance before nightfall.
say? How old? We wouldnt have to start pushing back tonight. We
Marcus finished searching the desk before he answered. have plenty of time to get back to Vanguard before classes
It was founded over 400 years ago. If this wizard was in resume. You just want to get back home to your wife,
the first graduating class, even if he didnt abandon this Marcus smirked.
tower until he was an old man, everything in here has to Well, there is that, Dissin chuckled. But Id love
be over 300 years old. at least a full day to examine all our treasure
before we go back to teaching. If we dont get back to the University of Magic or the Himar Academy for the Arcane
academy until right before classes start back up, the next Arts offer scholarships to underprivileged prospec-
thing you know, well both be buried up to our eyeballs in tive students. These scholarships are funded by wealthy
examinations to grade and summonings to monitor until nobles, the crown, local temples, and various alumni of the
the next break. college. Other colleges such as Vanguard Academy or
Why must you always be right? the Nightwatchers Tower have a sponsorship program.
Its just in my nature. The sponsorship program is similar to a scholarship,
The conjurers picked up their pace, and soon had col- except the prospective student must seek out a personal
lected everything of value magical or otherwise from sponsor usually a noble of the land, a wealthy alumnus of
the old wizards study. Dissin slung his bag over his the college, or someone else of power and convince him
shoulder and motioned for his companion to exit the room to sponsor her attendance. Generally, the student will owe
first. After you, Professor DLyn. the sponsor some service upon graduation that will need to
Thank you, Professor BiJou. be repaid before she sets off to seek her own fortune. Fail-
ing to repay the sponsor can lead to the spellcaster being

T here are currently eight colleges of magic and three

bardic schools in the Known World, though there are
several colleges founded in ages past which are no longer
labeled as dishonorable at best or as an outlaw at worst.
Of course, not all students who begin attending classes
at a college of magic finish the full four-year education.
in existence. In addition to these eleven institutions of Some leave college early because of dissatisfaction with
higher arcane study, there are several lesser bodies that are the college in particular or with structured academic life
not formal magic universities or bardic schools. Wizards, in general. Other students are expelled for failing grades,
sorcerers and bards attending any of the lesser schools, for being troublemakers on campus or in nearby cities
along with those who study under direct apprenticeship or towns, or for committing crimes against the college,
to another, do not gain the same benefits as those that at- the faculty or other students. Generally, once a student
tend one of the colleges detailed in this chapter. They are leaves a college in such a way, no other college will accept
instead standard bards, sorcerers or wizards. them. However, with the right contacts and a palm full of
Each of the eight colleges of magic teaches a full course gold coins, a wizard can often gain admission into another
on arcane magic, with studies from all eight of the schools school somewhere else.
of magic (abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchant- Sometimes students transfer willingly from one college
ment, evocation, illusion, necromancy and transmutation) of magic to another. Some students discover they are not
included. However, each of the eight colleges is known particularly fond of or proficient with the form of magic
for specializing in the teaching of one particular school of their college specializes in. Such students can arrange to
magic. Thus a particular college tends to produce wizards transfer to a different college that specializes in the school
that specialize in the school of magic the college special- of magic the student feels more inclined to and comfort-
izes in, though most of the colleges present enough of a able with. Transfers can happen for other reasons as well,
well-rounded course in arcane studies that more than a including a desire to be closer to or farther away from fam-
few universalist wizards graduate each year. While sorcer- ily members and loved ones, to escape possible threats (ei-
ers do not specialize in a school of magic as wizards do, ther personal threats or threats against the college), to run
many sorcerers graduating from a college of magic will still from the authorities, and so on. Arranged transfers are an
focus upon the school of magic the university specialized in accepted part of the college of magic system and a transfer
teaching. student is not held in any lower regard by the new college.
The colleges of magic are each four-year institutions of The exception to this rule is a student who has transferred
learning, and it is not easy to get admitted to any one of three or more times. At that point, the colleges will usually
them (though the Moonarrow University of Magic does not sanction another transfer, forcing the student to either
have lower admission standards than any other college). A finish studies at the current college or simply drop out.
prospective student must show the headmaster or head-
mistress of the college that she has not only the desire to The Eight Colleges of Magic
learn the ways of wizardry or sorcery, but also the aptitude
for it as well. A prospective student to any of the eight col-
leges of magic should be able to cast more than one 0-level Barteks School of Thaumaturgy
arcane spell and have at least 1 skill point in Knowledge Barteks School of Thaumaturgy is one of the oldest of the
(Arcana) or Spellcraft, and preferably at least 1 skill point eight colleges of magic still in existence. It is located in the
in both. hills above the village of Aldreds Cross in southern Elsith,
Tuition at any one of the colleges of magic is not cheap; with the vast expanse of the Tarn Lake stretching off to the
the more prestigious colleges such as Wagners College northeast from the hills. Behind the school to the south-
of Wizardry or the College of the All-Seeing Eye cost a west are the rugged Tarnflow Mountains.
thousand gold coins or more per year in tuition. For those Conjuration magic is the focus of teaching at Barteks,
individuals who cannot afford the tuition there are though the curriculum is well-rounded enough that the
still ways of attending and covering the costs. college graduates a few universalist wizards each year.

Some of the colleges such as Moonarrow Many of the worlds most accomplished conjurers have
been graduates of Barteks School of Thaumaturgy. Despite the focus on illusion magic, students at Himar
A couple of years ago Barteks was attacked by a raiding Academy receive a very well-rounded education, with
party of dark elves from the vast, lightless regions of the classes on all forms of magic available, as well as classes on
realms below and several professors and many students the natural world, mathematics, and even on such things
perished in the raid before the dark elves were repulsed. as cooking, dancing, and religion.
The raiders were supposedly looking for something or Academic life at Himar Academy is reportedly lively and
someone specific but apparently did not find what they fun, and many students say that with such a large popula-
sought at Barteks. tion of gnomes on campus life could not be anything oth-
Graduates of Barteks report great satisfaction with their erwise. Occasionally, a bigoted Elsan noble will attempt
education and college life, but, many say, if there was one to convince the king to expel the non-humans from the
thing they would wish for it would be a large urban area Academy, but to date all such attempts have failed.
nearby. There is only so much exploring one can do in the
tiny village of Aldreds Cross, and the nearest large city is Moonarrow University of Magic
several days ride to the north. Moonarrow University of Magic is located in the city of
Moonarrow, capital of the island nation of Citalia. It is
GM Suggestion Colleges considered one of the most prestigious of the eight colleges
While we have named a location specific to our game of magic, despite the universitys rather lax admissions
world for each of the eight colleges of magic and three policy. The school occupies the compound of one of the
bardic schools presented here, feel free to place each first royal castles and at least one of the campus buildings
college wherever you feel it is most appropriate for your sits on the location of an ancient wizards tower.
own campaign. You should not feel that the names of Students who attend Moonarrow University can expect a
towns, cities, countries and geographic locations in the well-rounded education, learning not only the basics of ar-
college descriptions must be used in your own game. cane spellcasting but also mathematics, astronomy, natural
sciences, and much more. While students have the option
to learn some basic self-defense, the university is not an
College of the All-Seeing Eye institute of martial instruction.
Located in the sprawling city of Sheran in the mysteri- Some residents of the city of Moonarrow insist that the
ous Lands of the Pashas, the College of the All-Seeing Eye college is a stronghold of immorality, claiming that parties
is the preeminent institution of divination in the Known of great excess hedonistic, even take place regularly,
World. Students at the college receive an in-depth educa- and that it isnt just the students who are involved. Inqui-
tion in divination magic, but enough of a well-rounded ries into such accusations are generally short-lived, and the
curriculum exists that the occasional universalist wizard is headmasters keep the details of any incidents private.
graduated as well. While the curriculum at Moonarrow University of Magic
The Lands of the Pashas are a collection of city-states, gives each graduate a well-rounded understanding of all
desert-dwelling tribes and bandit-lords, nominally ruled eight schools of magic, professors at the college are par-
by Pasha of Pashas Shafee Ibn Waleel of the city of Sheran, ticularly adept at the school of enchantment.
and many of the other pashas send one or more of their
children (usually a second born son or any daughter) to The Nightwatchers Tower
study at the college. The Nightwatchers Tower is housed within an impressive,
Graduates of the college have reported that studying in many-spired ebony stone tower jutting from the center of
Sheran is its own reward, as the city nicknamed The the city of Arkivus in Norn. For centuries Norn was a small
Decadent City by outsiders has numerous fest halls, but evil kingdom until the rise to power of Arkivus Drag-
gambling parlors, horse racing tracks, and other dens of onsbane, a powerful half-black dragon who clawed his way
iniquity to tempt students during study breaks. to the top and proclaimed himself Emperor of Norn. In
the last few decades the empire has grown, largely thanks
Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts to the efforts of graduates of the Nightwatchers Tower.
The kingdom of Elsith is the only nation home to more The Nightwatchers Tower focuses most of their teach-
than one college of magic. While Barteks School of Thau- ings on the school of necromancy. Very few universalist
maturgy is located in the southern hinterlands, Himar wizards graduate from the Nightwatchers Tower, and no
Academy for the Arcane Arts is located in the capital city, bard is known to have ever graduated, let alone attended
which, like the kingdom itself, is called Elsith. classes at the Tower.
Gnomes make up a significant portion of the non-human Most who attend the Nightwatchers Tower cannot af-
population of Elsith, and that fact is obvious at Himar ford to do so completely on their own thanks to artificially
Academy. The current headmistress is Zindri Diamond- high costs of education at the college. Emperor Arkivus
willow, a powerful gnome illusionist, and nearly 20% of the keeps the cost high on purpose, forcing prospective stu-
student body is gnomes. It should thus come as no sur- dents to seek sponsorship from one of the nobles of Norn.
prise that illusion is the school of magic Himar Academy The noble then pledges the students repayment, in
focuses upon. the form of service in the Emperors army.

Vanguard Academy Wagners College of Wizardry
The City of Vanguard is a fortress city, like many of the Located in the forested kingdom of Vitonia, Wagners
cities of Urnauld. It is the oldest true city in Urnauld College of Wizardry is the newest of the eight colleges of
and some of the standing walls are over a thousand years magic. The college was founded just four decades ago in
old. The city is situated along trade roads and is also con- Vitonias capital city of Seargentum by the great Vitonian
nected with a system of canals running along the Hammer- hero-wizard Dominik Wagner. Despite the college being
mill River. As such, merchants, travelers, and adventurers only four decades old, Wagners is considered one of the
from across the continent pass through Vanguard. most prestigious of all the colleges of magic.
The Gateside Bailey, as the first ring of the city inside the Dominik Wagner is a powerful and prolific abjurer and
walls is called, caters exclusively to non-natives. The Don- as headmaster of the college he sees to it that the protec-
jon Bailey, which is the middle ring of the city, contains tive magics of abjuration are the focus of the classes taught
Vanguard Academy, the nations only institute of magical at the college. Protection of the college, the students, the
learning. The city center is The Keep, wherein the Lord of city and the country are preeminent.
the City resides and the population can withdraw during Students who graduate from Wagners College of Wiz-
times of siege. ardry are often abjurers or sorcerers with a penchant for
As one might expect from a college of magic located in abjuration, though the occasional universalist wizard
a fortified city, the graduates of Vanguard Academy are graduates from the college as well.
highly skilled in powerful, damage-dealing spells. Van- The kingdom of Vitonia is currently on edge as the
guard Academy specializes in the school of evocation, and machinations of the evil empire of Norn gather steam, and
the majority of graduates of Vanguard Academy are wiz- it is said that King Vladimir VI of Vitonia has provided ex-
ards specializing as Evokers. Sorcerers who graduate from tra funding to the college for the training of more spellcast-
the college often have a far greater grasp of evocation than ers, though anyone accepting the royal scholarship must
most other sorcerers. Students also study engineering and sign an agreement to serve the king for two years.
architecture at Vanguard Academy. In addition to
the normal sort of sponsorships, prospective students who Wolestone Thaumatulurgical Institute
qualify can be sponsored by the Royal Army of Urnauld, in Founded over 400 years ago by an ancestor of Grales
exchange for a term of military service of at least 4 years current monarch, Queen Phaleen Airdel, Wolestone
after graduation. Thaumatulurgical Institute is the oldest existing college of
magic in the Known World. The institute focuses teaching
on transmutation, and wizards, sorcerers and bards seek-
ing specialized knowledge in polymorph spells often seek
admission to Wolestone.
Despite the focus on the school of transmutation, the
college still graduates a number of universalist wizards
each year, as well as sorcerers and bards seeking a more
rounded education in magic.
Students who have transferred to other colleges from
Wolestone report that the atmosphere at the institute is
quite stuffy and formal, and students are often surprised at
how much fun there is to be had at other colleges of magic.

The Bardic Schools

There are three bardic schools active in the Known World
today, though they are not the only three to have ever ex-
isted. Each of the three schools focuses upon certain types
of performance, so a bard inclined towards a certain type
of performance will want to seek admission to that school.
While there are a few bards who attend a college of
magic, most bards with formal training instead attend one
of these three schools. There are also bards who attend
informal training, who apprentice to another bard, or who
are simply born gifted, but they do not gain any of the
benefits that bards who attend one of the schools detailed
below receive.
Young wizards-in-training attend class at Wagners Like the colleges of magic, the bardic schools are
College of Wizardry. four-year institutions of learning and students receive a
more-or-less well-rounded education at each of the three

schools. In addition to classes focusing upon the under-
standing and creation of the performance skills, students The High Halls of the Harp
take classes on magic, history, religion, natural sciences The High Halls of the Harp is housed within an ancient
and much more. castle in the nation of Grale, on the eastern shore of the
Some students fail to complete their schooling for one Tarn Lake, less than two days ride from Barteks School
reason or another, dropping out due to frustration with of Thaumaturgy. Because of the close proximity, the two
the confines of formal education or being kicked out for colleges have an excellent working relationship among the
poor performance or for creating trouble on campus. Such staff, and a strong but friendly student body rivalry.
students are rarely allowed into one of the other bardic The High Halls is where a student wishing to perfect his
schools, though they often end up at a college of magic to skill with a musical instrument should endeavor to study.
complete their education. The instructors are considered the most proficient and
While transferring between schools is not common, it accomplished musicians in all the Known World. Whether
does happen if a student discovers that the mandolin is not one is inclined to the harpsichord, bass drum, lute or pan
where the heart lies, but singing is. The three schools wel- flute, the High Halls of the Harp is the school of choice.
come transfer students, and while rare, it is not unheard of
for a musically-inclined wizard to transfer from a college of
magic to a bardic school to finish schooling.
Post Graduate Study
Often, students who have graduated after four years of
study at a college of magic or a bardic school will return
The Three Bardic Schools for more in-depth and more narrowly focused study. This
post graduate work often lasts from one to two years, costs
Ceilidh Conservatory as much or more than the four years of study already com-
Ceilidh Conservatory, located on the shores of the Vitonian pleted, and results in a bard, sorcerer or wizard of espe-
Bay, is the oldest active bardic school in the Known World. cially refined skill and talent.
It is also the most prestigious of the three active schools, A college-educated bard, sorcerer or wizard need not re-
and prospective students must pass a grueling entrance turn to their original school for post graduate work. Some-
exam before being accepted. The educational costs are one inclined to study a different school of magic or type of
quite high at Ceilidh Conservatory and most students performance than already specialized in can apply to do
have a personal sponsor covering their fees. In return the post graduate work at any of the eight colleges of magic or
student is usually expected to be in residence at the nobles three bardic schools. Of course, a wizard specialist most
manor or estate for a year or three as repayment. likely will not choose to study at a school specializing in
Students at Ceilidh Conservatory are usually those one of his or her prohibited schools of magic.
specializing in vocal or visual performances, such as sing- Because of the cost of post graduate work, many stu-
ing, poetry recital, story-telling, speech-making, dancing dents seek sponsorship to cover their fees. No college
and acting. While there are classes at Ceilidh that teach of magic or bardic school currently offers post graduate
the mandolin, harp, greathorn or longflute, the teachers scholarships, but all eleven accept sponsorships.
of those classes are not as proficient as those at The High
Halls of the Harp in Grale. College of Magic and Bardic School Feats
Giacomos Jester School Barteks School Graduate (College of Magic)
Telling another bard you are graduate of Giacomos Jester You are a graduate of Barteks School of Thaumaturgy.
School, located in the city of Belgae in southwestern Elsith, Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 1st.
is likely to get you laughed at in derision. Still, the young- Benefit: You know one extra 1st level spell, but the extra
est of the three existing bardic schools never wants for new spell must be from the school of conjuration. For wizards,
students. Giacomos school focuses upon the fine arts of this spell is an extra spell in your spellbook at 1st level. For
buffoonery, joke-telling, and pratfalls. Those seeking to bards and sorcerers, this is one extra spell known.
make people smile and laugh find that Giacomos is where Also, you may cast one extra spell per spell level per day
they want to be. as long as that spell is from the school of conjuration. For
The cost of an education at Giacomos Jester School is wizards, this spell must be prepared in advance just as
relatively inexpensive, and only the most destitute of stu- your normal allotment is prepared, and this bonus spell
dents have to seek sponsorships to pay their way. Those stacks with bonus spells gained for being a specialist in the
who do sponsor students to the school are usually nobles school of conjuration.
and wealthy merchants who appreciate the light-hearted
art of comedy.
The classes taught at Giacomos focus on acting, es-
Barteks Post Graduate (College of Magic)
You have done post graduate study at Barteks School of
pecially slapstick comedic acting, on pure comedy such
as buffoonery, joke-telling and limerick poems, and on
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 5th, any one other
oratory, especially sarcasm and satire. There are classes
College of Magic or Bardic School feat.
on music and dance at Giacomos, but most outside of the
Benefit: Your detailed study of conjuration gives

school regard them as, well, a joke.
you a better understanding of such spells. The casting time Prerequisite: Bardic Performance class feature.
for summoning spells is 1 standard action. Benefit: Your attendance of a bardic school has given
Normal: Casting time for summoning spells is 1 round. you a better understanding of the performing arts than a
bard who did not attend a college at all. You receive a +2
Ceilidh Conservatory Graduate (Bardic School) bonus to any one Knowledge and any one Perform skill
You are a graduate of Ceilidh Conservatory. checks.
Prerequisite: Bardic Performance class feature.
Benefit: You can use your bardic performance class College Trained Spellcaster
feature one extra time per day, and receive a +2 bonus to You attended one of the colleges of magic for at least two
Perform (act, dance, oratory or sing). The bonus from this years, but no more than four years. You may still be a stu-
feat stacks with the bonus from College Trained Bard. dent but cannot be a dropout or have been expelled.
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 1st.
Ceilidh Post Graduate (Bardic School) Benefit: Your attendance of a college of magic has given
You have done post graduate study at Ceilidh Conserva- you a better understanding of magic than a caster who
tory. did not attend a college at all. You receive a +2 bonus to
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 3rd, any one other Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft checks.
College of Magic or Bardic School feat.
Benefit: Your detailed study of acting, dancing, poem Giacomos Jester School Graduate (Bardic School)
recital or singing has made you a master of skills and the You are a graduate of Giacomos Jester School.
envy of other bards. The DC to resist any of your bardic Prerequisite: Bardic Performance class feature.
performance abilities increases by +1 and you gain a +1 Benefit: You can use your bardic performance class
bonus to Perform (act, dance, oratory or sing). This bonus feature one extra time per day, and receive a +2 bonus to
stacks with the bonus from Ceilidh Conservatory Graduate. Perform (Act, Comedy or Oratory). The bonus from this
feat stacks with the bonus from College Trained Bard.
College of the All-Seeing Eye Graduate (College of
Magic) Giacomos Post Graduate (Bardic School)
You are a graduate of the College of the All-Seeing Eye. You have done post graduate study at Giacomos Jester
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 1st. School.
Benefit: You know one extra 1st level spell, but the extra Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 3rd, any one other
spell must be from the school of divination. For wizards, College of Magic or Bardic School feat.
this spell is an extra spell in your spellbook at 1st level. For Benefit: Your detailed study of the fine art of comedy
bards and sorcerers, this is one extra spell known. has made you a master of skills and the envy of other
Also, you may cast one extra spell per spell level per day bards. The Difficulty Class to resist any of your bardic per-
as long as that spell is from the school of divination. For formance abilities increases by +1 and you gain a +1 bonus
wizards, this spell must be prepared in advance just as to Perform (Act, Comedy or Oratory). This bonus stacks
your normal allotment is prepared, and this bonus spell with the bonus from Giacomos Jester School Graduate.
stacks with bonus spells gained for being a specialist in the
school of divination. High Halls Graduate (Bardic School)
You are a graduate of the High Halls of the Harp.
College of the All-Seeing Eye Post Graduate (College Prerequisite: Bardic Performance class feature.
of Magic) Benefit: You can use your bardic performance class
You have done post graduate study at the College of the feature one extra time per day, and receive a +2 bonus
All-Seeing Eye. to Perform (Keyboard, Percussion, String or Wind). The
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 5th, any one other bonus from this feat stacks with the bonus from College
College of Magic or Bardic School feat. Trained Bard.
Benefit: Your detailed study of divination makes your
spells harder to resist, and you are able react to danger High Halls Post Graduate (Bardic School)
more quickly than many others. The Difficulty Class to re- You have done post graduate study at the High Halls of the
sist your divination spells increases by +1, and you gain the Harp.
Uncanny Dodge ability (see Chapter 3 of the Pathfinder Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 5th, any one other
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook). College of Magic or Bardic School feat.
Benefit: Your detailed study of various musical in-
College Trained Bard struments has made you a master of skills and the envy
You attended one of the bardic schools for at least two of other bards. The Difficulty Class to resist any of your
years, but no more than four years. You may still bardic performance abilities increases by +1 and you gain
be a student but cannot be a dropout or have been a +1 bonus to Perform (Keyboard, Percussion, String or
Wind). This bonus stacks with the bonus from High Halls

Himar Academy Graduate (College of Magic) Moonarrow Post Graduate (College of Magic)
You are a graduate of Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts. You have done post graduate study at Moonarrow
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 1st. University of Magic.
Benefit: You know one extra 1st level spell, but the extra Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 5th, any one other
spell must be from the school of illusion. For wizards, College of Magic or Bardic School feat.
this spell is an extra spell in your spellbook at 1st level. For Benefit: Your detailed study of enchantment makes
bards and sorcerers, this is one extra spell known. your spells harder to resist, and gives you an edge in resist-
Also, you may cast one extra spell per spell level per day ing enchantment spells cast by others. The Difficulty Class
as long as that spell is from the school of illusion. For wiz- to resist your enchantment spells and spell-like abilities in-
ards, this spell must be prepared in advance just as your creases by +2 and you gain the ability to cast charm person
normal allotment is prepared, and this bonus spell stacks as a spell-like ability once per day.
with bonus spells gained for being a specialist in the school
of illusion. Nightwatchers Tower Graduate (College of Magic)
You are a graduate of the Nightwatchers Tower.
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 1st.
GM Suggestion - Feats Benefit: You know one extra 1st level spell, but the extra
The College of Magic feats and Bardic School feats spell must be from the school of necromancy. For wizards,
greatly increase the power of an arcane caster. It is this spell is an extra spell in your spellbook at 1st level. For
recommended that if you decide to include these feats, bards and sorcerers, this is one extra spell known.
you should consider making at least one of them manda- Also, you may cast one extra spell per spell level per day
tory (most likely College Trained Spellcaster or College as long as that spell is from the school of necromancy. For
Trained Bard) for all arcane casters; otherwise player wizards, this spell must be prepared in advance just as
characters without at least one of these feats may find your normal allotment is prepared, and this bonus spell
themselves at a decided disadvantage. You should also stacks with bonus spells gained for being a specialist in the
make sure to give any potential enemy arcane spellcast- school of necromancy.
ers at least one of these feats in order to make sure they
are not too much of a pushover for the PCs. Of course,
Nightwatchers Tower Post Graduate (College of Magic)
a couple metamagic feats and a spell focus feat may also
You have done post graduate study at the Nightwatchers
be a good match for two or three of the College of Magic
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 5th, any one other
College of Magic or Bardic School feat.
Himar Post Graduate (College of Magic) Benefit: Your detailed study of necromancy makes your
You have done post graduate study at Himar Academy for spells harder to resist, and gives you an edge in resisting
the Arcane Arts. necromancy spells cast by others. The Difficulty Class to
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 5th, any one other resist your necromancy spells increases by +2 and you gain
College of Magic or Bardic School feat. a +2 bonus to your saves vs. necromancy spells of others.
Benefit: Your detailed study of illusion makes your
spells harder to resist, and gives you an edge in resisting
illusion spells cast by others. The Difficulty Class to resist Vanguard Academy Graduate (College of Magic)
your illusion spells increases by +2. You also gain the abil- You are a graduate of Vanguard Academy.
ity to use minor image as a spell-like ability. You can use Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 1st.
the ability once per day. Benefit: You know one extra 1st level spell, but the extra
spell must be from the school of evocation. For wizards,
this spell is an extra spell in your spellbook at 1st level. For
Moonarrow University Graduate (College of Magic) bards and sorcerers, this is one extra spell known.
You are a graduate of Moonarrow University of Magic. Also, you may cast one extra spell per spell level per day
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 1st. as long as that spell is from the school of evocation. For
Benefit: You know one extra 1st level spell, but the extra wizards, this spell must be prepared in advance just as
spell must be from the school of enchantment. For your normal allotment is prepared, and this bonus spell
wizards, this spell is an extra spell in your spellbook at stacks with bonus spells gained for being a specialist in the
1st level. For bards and sorcerers, this is one extra spell school of evocation.
Also, you may cast one extra spell per spell level per day
as long as that spell is from the school of enchantment. Vanguard Academy Post Graduate (College of Magic)
For wizards, this spell must be prepared in advance just You have done post graduate study at Vanguard Academy.
as your normal allotment is prepared, and this bonus spell Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 5th, any one other
stacks with bonus spells gained for being a specialist in the College of Magic or Bardic School feat.
school of enchantment. Benefit: Your detailed study of evocation makes your
spells harder to resist, and they deal more damage.
The Difficulty Class to resist your evocation spells
increases by +2 and you add your Intelligence (if a wizard) Benefit: Your detailed study of transmutation makes
or Charisma (if a sorcerer or bard) bonus to the damage your spells harder to resist, and makes any transmutation
done by your evocation spells. For ray spells or for spells spells you cast upon yourself last longer. The Difficulty
such as magic missile, you only gain the bonus damage on Class to resist your transmutation spells increases by +1.
one of the missiles or rays. For spells that do damage over For transmutation spells you cast upon yourself, the dura-
a number of rounds, you only gain this bonus on the first tion is extended by a number of rounds equal to half your
round damage. For wizards, this bonus also stacks with caster level.
the damage bonus gained from the Intense Spells feature
granted by specializing in the school of evocation.

Wagners College Graduate (College of Magic)

You are a graduate of Wagners College of Wizardry.
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 1st.
Benefit: You know one extra 1st level spell, but the extra
spell must be from the school of abjuration. For wizards,
this spell is an extra spell in your spellbook at 1st level. For
bards and sorcerers, this is one extra spell known.
Also, you may cast one extra spell per spell level per day
as long as that spell is from the school of abjuration. For
wizards, this spell must be prepared in advance just as
your normal allotment is prepared, and this bonus spell
stacks with bonus spells gained for being a specialist in the
school of abjuration.

Wagners College Post Graduate (College of Magic)

You have done post graduate study at Wagners College of
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 5th, any one other
College of Magic or Bardic School feat.
Benefit: Your detailed study of abjuration makes your Graduation Day at Wolestone Institute.
spells more powerful, and gives your abjuration spells
more duration. The protective nature of your abjuration Adventure Ideas for the Colleges of Magic
spells increases by +1 for any spell that provides an armor, Seeking information on a strange magic item uncovered
shield or deflection bonus, and the duration of your abjura- in some ruins recently, the adventurers head to Barteks
tion spells is increased by 1 round. Even if concentration is School of Thaumaturgy, which is only a couple days ride
required for the spell, the spells effects will last for one full away. It will take the wizards at the school a couple of days
round after concentration ceases. to not only cast some spells but also do some reading and
research about the item.
Wolestone Institute Graduate (College of Magic) In the meantime, the adventurers are invited to stay
You are a graduate of Wolestone Thaumatulurgical Insti- in guest lodging at the college. On campus, they become
tute. something like minor celebrities, and students follow them
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 1st. around, asking questions about what they have seen, where
Benefit: You know one extra 1st level spell, but the extra they have traveled and how many people they have killed.
spell must be from the school of transmutation. For wiz- One of the partys strongest warriors finds himself the
ards, this spell is an extra spell in your spellbook at 1st level. object of attraction for a doe-eyed student wizard named
For bards and sorcerers, this is one extra spell known. Cassie, and she just wont take no for an answer.
Also, you may cast one extra spell per spell level per day ***
as long as that spell is from the school of transmutation. Students at Vanguard Academy go on a field trip into the
For wizards, this spell must be prepared in advance just nearby hills, collecting rare herbs and roots. While picking
as your normal allotment is prepared, and this bonus spell nightshade near an ancient crumbling tower, the students
stacks with bonus spells gained for being a specialist in the are assaulted by skeletons and zombies that claw their way
school of transmutation. up from their graves.
Wolestone Institute Post Graduate (College of Magic) An arcane spellcaster in the party is a graduate of the
You have done post graduate study at Wolestone College of the All-Seeing Eye. Late one night as the spell-
Thaumatulurgical Institute. caster prepares for bed, she receives a powerful vision in
Prerequisite: Arcane caster level 5th, any one which she sees the headmaster of the school beheaded as

other College of Magic or Bardic School feat. several students look on in horror. Can she get to College
of the All-Seeing Eye fast enough to prevent her vision bonus applies only once per spell, and cannot be split
from happening? among multiple missiles or rays. Bonus damage is of the
*** same type as dealt by the spell.
War has come to the land, and every able-bodied soul is Force Missile (Sp) As a standard action, Khalthin can
needed to defend against the coming darkness. But when unleash a force missile that automatically strikes a foe,
representatives of the king arrive on the campus of Himar as magic missile. The force missile does 1d4 points of
Academy for the Arcane Arts hoping to recruit war-wizards damage, plus Khalthins Intense Spells bonus. Khalthin
they are met with protesters who abhor violence and pro- can use this ability 6 times per day.
fess only a love of peace. Are the students truly pacifists, or TACTICS
has the enemy arrived ahead of the kings men and snared Before Combat Khalthin will cast shield on himself as
the college in a powerful enchantment? soon as he knows trouble is brewing.
During Combat Khalthin starts out with flare,
Sample Characters attempting to dazzle other spellcasters or archers if there
Presented here are four sample characters two 1st level are no spellcasters. He follows that spell up with hot foot
college graduates and two 5th level post graduate students. against a warrior-type and then ray of frost or a magic
GMs are welcome to use them as NPCs in their own cam- missile at a dazzled spellcaster or archer. Khalthin then
paign. Players, with your GMs approval, you could adopt begins using his Force Missile spell-like ability on any
one of these sample characters as a pre-generated PC. other targets. If need be, Khalthin will enter melee
Notes: spells marked with an (*) are detailed in Chapter combat with his longsword, but this will be a last resort.
1-Spells of this book. Spells marked with a (B) indicates Morale Khalthin retreats to a safe distance if reduced to 3
bonus spells based on the school of specialization. or fewer hit points, though he will not abandon the field
and leave comrades behind.
Khalthin Lombrar Str 9, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 11
Khalthin Lombrar is 22 years old, has shoulder-length Base Atk +0; CMB -1: CMD +10
straight blonde hair and deep green eyes. His skin is well- Feats College Trained Spellcaster, Martial Weapon
tanned from a childhood spent mostly outdoors, but the Proficiency: longsword, Scribe Scroll, Vanguard
tan is starting to fade after several years of college school- Academy Graduate
ing kept him inside labs and classrooms. Skills Appraise +7, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge
Khalthin hails from Andersty, one of the many villages (engineering) +7, Knowledge (history) +7, Perception
within a days ride of the city of Vanguard. He came to the +2, Spellcraft +9
academy at the age of 18 when a local wizard recognized Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven
the his talent and offered to sponsor Khalthins education. SQ Arcane bond, arcane school, cantrips, weapon training
Now that he has graduated from Vanguard Academy, (longsword)
Khalthin works off his sponsorship debt by serving in the Combat Gear Dagger, longsword; Other Gear
Urnauldian Army as a war wizard. Khalthin is brave and backpack, belt pouch (2), bonded object (ring), inkpen,
loyal, but knows when to back down and retreat from a mess kit, parchment (12 sheets), scholars outfit, scroll
fight that cant be won. That said, Khalthin will not aban- case, spell component pouch, spellbook, travelers outfit
don his friends and comrades. Spellbook contains all prepared spells plus the following:
0 all; 1st birds eye view*, burning hands, fireshape*,
Khalthin Lombrar, Vanguard Academy Graduate mace hand*
CR 1
Male Human Wizard 1 (Evocation specialist) Wylderyl Zelfaren
LG medium humanoid Wylderyl (Wyld to his friends) Zelfaren was born in the
Init +1; Senses Perception +2 city of Elsith to a prominent nobleman and an elven diplo-
DEFENSE mat. He grew up in luxury and wealth, and very early on
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex) showed an aptitude for magical skills. His father saw that
hp 8 (1d6+1+1) he had some rudimentary tutelage in his younger years,
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3 but at the age of 16 he sent Wylderyl off to the Moonarrow
OFFENSE University of Magic in Citalia for formal education.
Spd 30 ft. Some of Wylderyls instructors at the college wonder
Melee longsword +0 (1d8-1) how the half-elf managed to graduate with such good
Spells Prepared (CL 1st, +1 ranged touch): marks, considering the trouble he often seemed to be in
Evocation (Illusion, Necromancy) and amount of time he spent drinking, carousing and
1st hot foot*, magic missile, shield celebrating.
0 acid splash, detect magic, flare, ray of frost After graduation, Wylderyl wandered the world for a few
Intense Spells (Su) Whenever Khalthin casts an years, sowing even more oats. At the age of 25 he
evocation spell that deals hit point damage, he adds +1 returned to his alma mater and enrolled in post

to the damage (half his wizard level, minimum 1). This
graduate studies. Years of adventuring tempered his Perception +3, Perform (dance) +6, Spellcraft +12,
nature and Wylderyl was much more serious in his stud- Stealth +3
ies this time, though when the time came Wyld could still Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan
celebrate with the best of them. Now that he has finished SQ Arcane bond, cantrips, elven immunities, keen senses,
his post graduate work, Wylderyl intends to apply to join school powers
the faculty at Moonarrow University of Magic. Combat Gear Bolts, crossbow (10), crossbow, light,
dagger, masterwork, potion of cure light wounds, potion
Wylderyl Zelfaren, Moonarrow University Post of mace hand*, potion of spell sight*, scroll of
Graduate CR 5 lizardskin*, silver dagger, masterwork; Other Gear
Male Half-elf Wizard 5 (Universalist) backpack, bracers of armor +1, belt pouch (2), bonded
CG medium humanoid (elf, human) object (amulet), explorers outfit, inkpen, nobles outfit,
Init +2; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +3 parchment (15 sheets), scroll case, spell component
DEFENSE pouch, spellbook
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +2 Dex) Spellbook contains all prepared spells plus the following:
hp 28 (5d6+5) 0 all; 1st animate rope, erase, floating disk; 2nd
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +5; +2 against enchantment spells protection from arrows, scorching ray; 3rd major
or effects image, wall of light*
Spd 30 ft. Hand of the Apprentice (Su) Six times per day, as a
Melee silver dagger, masterwork +3 (1d4) standard action, Wylderyl can cause his melee weapon to
Melee dagger, masterwork +3 (1d4) fly from his grasp and strike a foe up to 30 ft. away. This
Ranged crossbow, light +4 (1d6) attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown
Spells Prepared (CL 5th, +4 ranged touch): weapon, except Wylderyl adds his Intelligence modifier
3rd copycat*, deep slumber, suggestion (+3) to the attack roll instead of his Dexterity modifier.
2nd alter selfB, daze monster, detect thoughts, friendly If he hits, damage bonuses still rely upon his Strength
face*, touch me not* bonus. Wylderyl cannot use Hand of the Apprentice to
1st awe*, identify, mage armor, magic missile, peep perfom a combat manuever.
hole*, sleepB
0 acid splash, daze, detect magic, prestidigitation, Annyl Pran
read magic Annyl Pran grew up in a small village in southeastern El-
Spell-like Abilities (CL 5th): sith. Her father and mother were both wizards of no small
Once per day charm person power who had met and fell in love at Barteks School of
Note: Wylderyl receives a +2 bonus to the DC of the Thaumaturgy, and the two intended to send their daughter
enchantment spells he casts to the school as well. Unfortunately for her parents, An-
TACTICS nyls first love wasnt magic though she was competent
Before Combat If he feels the situation is becoming with the arcane arts but instead was the lute and the pan
threatening, Wylderyl will cast mage armor and touch flute. When Annyl announced her intention to forgo stud-
me not upon himself. ies at Barteks and instead cross the lake and enroll at the
During Combat Wylderyl always starts off with a magic High Halls of the Harp, her parents disowned her.
missile spell, sending all missiles at the target he feels is Annyl secured a sponsorship to pay for her education,
the biggest threat. If it will not affect any of his friends making a deal with a nobleman from Grale to be his court
or allies, Wylderyl will then cast either sleep or deep bard for four years after she graduated. Annyl was sad-
slumber, depending on the type and number of foes he dened by her parents reaction to her desire, but felt she
faces. He will then resort to using his acid splash over needed to follow her own course.
and over, as necessary, or firing bolts from his light After four years of study, Annyl has graduated from the
crossbow. Wylderyl will only enter melee combat if he High Halls of the Harp, and with highest honors at that.
has no other choice, and will drink his potion of mace She now resides in the manorhouse of Lord Ambry DeVirst
hand before doing so. where she performs for his guests every night.
Morale If he is reduced to 10 hp or fewer, Wylderyl will
retreat as soon as possible. Annyl Pran, High Halls Graduate CR 1
STATISTICS Female Human Bard 1
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 12 N medium humanoid
Base Atk +2; CMB +2: CMD +14 Init +2; Senses Perception +4
Feats Brew Potion, College Trained Spellcaster, DEFENSE
Moonarrow Post Graduate, Moonarrow University AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
Graduate, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Perform (dance)) hp 9 (1d8+1)
Skills Appraise +10, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2
Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (local) +10,

Spd 30 ft. prestigious bardic school. Now, she has finished her train-
Melee rapier +0 (1d6), dagger +0 (1d4) ing and is once again ready to see the world.
Ranged dagger +2 (1d4)
Spells per Day (CL 1st, +2 ranged touch): Ashley Tumblebottom, Ceilidh Post Graduate CR 5
1st (2) silent image, virtuoso* Female Halfling Bard 5
Spell-like Abilities (CL 1st, +2 ranged touch): CG small humanoid
Cantrips (at will) detect magic, ghost sound, Init +2; Senses Perception +10
prestidigitation, summon instrument DEFENSE
TACTICS AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12(+1 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
Before Combat Annyl does her best to avoid combat, as hp 30 (5d8+5)
few of her spells are useful in combat. Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 on saving throws vs. fear
During Combat Annyl will use her ghost sound to OFFENSE
attempt to trick foes into thinking she has aid on the Spd 20 ft.
way. If she chance is there, she will then cast silent Melee short sword +4 (1d4-1), dagger +3 (1d3-1)
image to further the trick. If she has actual assistance, Ranged sling +7 (1d3-1)
Annyl will stay out of the way and use her bardic Spells per Day (CL 5th, +6 ranged touch):
performance ability to inspire courage in her comrades. 2nd (2+1) daze monster, Ierenas luscious lips*, rogues
Morale If Annyl is injured even once, she will quickly gambit*
retreat to a safe distance. 1st (4+1) cure light wounds, magical quill*, perfect
STATISTICS balance*, perfect pitch*, sleep
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 16 Spell-like Abilities (CL 5th, +6 ranged touch):
Base Atk +0; CMB +0: CMD +12 Cantrips (at will) detect magic, flare, ghost sound,
Feats College Trained Bard, High Halls Graduate prestidigitation, read magic, summon instrument
Skills Craft (string instruments) +6, Craft (wind TACTICS
instruments) +6, Knowledge (history) +6, Perception Before Combat Ashley will use her elixir of hiding and
+4, Perform (dance) +7, Perform (sing) +7, Perform Stealth to get into a more strategic position.
(string instruments) +9, Perform (wind instruments) +9, During Combat Ashley will cast daze monster first to try
Sense Motive +4 and slow down her foe. She will then use rogues gambit
Languages Common, Elven, Gnome to gain either a second attack, or if the foe is too
SQ Bardic knowledge (history), bardic performance (2x powerful, an extra move action to get further away.
day), cantrips (Sp), countersong (Su), distraction (Su), From then on, Ashley will use her bardic performance
fascinate (Sp), inspire courage +1 (Su), weapon training abilities to aid her companions.
(shortbow) Morale Ashley will retreat if reduced to 10 or fewer hit
Combat Gear Dagger, rapier; Other Gear backpack, points, but she will hesitate to leave good friends behind.
belt pouch (2), inkpen, nobles outfit, parchment (24 STATISTICS
sheets), potion of perfect pitch, scroll case, spell Str 8, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 16
component pouch, spellbook, travelers outfit Base Atk +3; CMB +1: CMD +13
Feats Ceilidh Post Graduate, College Trained Spellcaster,
Ashley Tumblebottom Moonarrow University Graduate
Ashley Tumblebottom is a lovely halfling woman with a Skills Acrobatics +9, Appraise +7, Bluff +8, Climb +6,
thick mane of auburn hair. Ashley wears her hair loose Craft (string instruments) +7, Diplomacy +8, Disguise
and it cascades past her shoulders to the small of her back. +7, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (arcana) +10,
She stands just over three feet tall. Ashley hails from the Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (history) +8,
village Pyerodos in Urnauld. Linguistics +6, Perception +10, Perform (dance) +9,
She always had a love of music and song, but early on Perform (sing) +10, Perform (string instruments) +7,
showed an aptitude for magic. When she was old enough, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +8,
her parents sent her to Citalia to the Moonarrow Univer- Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +7
sity of Magic. Ashley enjoyed her time at the college and Languages Common, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling
graduated after four years, but it was tough in getting there SQ Bardic knowledge (history), bardic performance (2x
as she never quite grasped the full meaning of some of the day), cantrips (Sp), countersong (Su), distraction (Su),
arcane arts. She knew that there was something else miss- fascinate (Sp), inspire competence (Su), inspire courage
ing from her life but she couldnt figure it out. +2 (Su), lore master 1x day (Ex), versatile performance
After a couple of years of adventuring, Ashley arrived at (Ex) (dance), weapon training (shortbow), well-versed
the Ceilidh Conservatory with her adventuring compan- Combat Gear Bullets, sling (20), dagger, short sword,
ions. It was there that Ashley realized what was missing masterwork, sling, masterwork; Other Gear backpack,
for her focused study in music. Thus, she used the coins belt pouch (2), bracers of armor +1, elixir of hiding,
and gems shed earned as her share of the adventuring inkpen, mandolin, nobles outfit, parchment (24 sheets),
plunder to pay for two years of post graduate study at the potion of cure light wounds, scroll case, spell
component pouch, spellbook, travelers outfit
Chapter 3 - Sorcerer Bloodlines

M arcus tapped his fingers impatiently on his desktop,

wondering what was taking Dissin so long to return
from the supply room with more ink and parchment.
door closed behind him with his foot, his arms loaded full
with blank journals, loose sheets of parchment, and a
small crate of ink vials. I ran into one of the students Im
Hed been the one whod been so eager to get back to the advising. He needed to talk.
academy early to begin their research, and now he was Marcus expression instantly softened, but he cocked his
off doing who-knows-what instead. head to the side slightly. I didnt think any of the stu-
When the door to his study finally opened, Marcus dents were back from the term break yet. He got up to
couldnt help but let out a sigh of mixed relief and frus- help Dissin with his burden.
tration. What took you so long? he asked not quite a Telthor didnt go anywhere over the break. Poor lad
demand, but as close as hed ever come to demanding his has nowhere to go or at least no one to go to who he
old friend of anything. trusts.
Sorry, Dissin replied sheepishly, pushing the Oh, Telthor Understanding washed over Marcus.

You know, if I could get a hold of his parents Dissin you. You feel the rage of your bestial ancestor easily, and
snorted in disdain. often find it hard to keep yourself under control.
Marcus sighed. Not that its a justifiable excuse, but Class Skill: Survival.
they probably had no idea what was happening when Bonus Spells: enlarge person (3rd), call of the wild*
Telthors powers started to manifest. His grandparents (5th), rage (7th), shout (9th), beast shape III (11th), heroism,
all died before he was born. Wherever the sphinx is in his greater (13th), giant form I (15th), form of the dragon III
family history, no ones ever talked about it, and the traits (17th), shapechange (19th).
must have skipped a couple generations. Bonus Feats: Acrobatic, Alertness, Arcane Strike,
Dissin shook his head, setting down the stack of jour- Blind-fight, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Unarmed
nals. There are so many worse creatures that could be Strike, Toughness.
in ones bloodline than a sphinx. Thats hardly one to be Bloodline Arcana: Magical beasts are potentially
ashamed of. susceptible to your spells. For the purpose of determining
Marcus opened the crate and began selecting vials of which of your spells affect them, magical beasts are treated
several different colors of ink. Not everyone thinks like as humaniods.
we do, Dissin. While we see the gifts that a unique ances- Bloodline Powers: Your bestial heritage becomes
try can give a sorcerer, many common folk see it only as more prominent as you progress in power. The more pow-
something perverse or unnatural. erful you become, the harder it becomes for you to hide
Still, its no reason to disown ones own son, Dissin what you really are.
spat, pulling his chair back a little too hard. Claws (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you can make two claw
Its certainly not. Unfortunately, it happens all too of- attacks as your full-attack action. These claws are treated
ten. Thats one of the reasons the academy and the other as natural weapons, meaning that you are always consid-
colleges are so important. We cant replace a lost family, ered armed and you do not gain additional attacks for a
but we can become a new one. Marcus sat back down high base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d6 points of
behind his desk. Just like we did for you and your sister. damage plus your Strength-modifier (1d4 if you are Small).
The drow smiled at that. True enough. He pulled At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for
his mane of white hair to the side as he finally sat down. the purpose of overcoming DR. At 7th level, the damage
Dont be concerned when you see Telthor in class Mon- increases by one step to 1d8 points of damage (1d6 if you
day. His claws have started to harden and he scratched are Small). At 11th level, the damage increases by one step
himself pretty deep without realizing it. He didnt get in a to 1d10 points of damage (1d8 if you are Small). You can
fight or anything like that. use your claws a number of rounds per day equal to 3 plus
Did you tell him to put socks over his hands at night your Charisma modifier.
until hes used to them? Bestial Reflexes (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a +2 inherent
Dissin rolled his eyes. Of course I did. Ive dealt with bonus to your Dexterity. At 11th level this bonus increases
young students with new claws before. to +4, and at 17th level it increases to +6.
Marcus laughed. Alright, then. With that settled, lets Tremendous Fortitude (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2
see what Orthan left behind for us to study. inherent bonus to your Fortitude save. At 13th level this
bonus increases to +4.

S orcerer bloodlines are many and varied. While the

most common bloodlines may be the Arcane, Draconic,
Abyssal, Celestial, Aberrant, Destined, Elemental, Infernal,
Howl of the Beast (Su): At 15th level you gain the ability
to emit a piercing, terrifying howl. Everyone within a 20-
ft. radius of you who hears your howl is Paralyzed with fear
Fey and Undead bloodlines, they are not the only ones. for 2d6 rounds unless they succeed on a Will save. The DC
There are many potential sources of magical power flow- of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your
ing through a sorcerers body, and even those detailed here Charisma modifier. Those that succeed on the save are still
still do not come close to being the totality of all known Shaken for 1d4 rounds. At 15th level you can use this ability
bloodlines. once per day. At 19th level you can use this ability twice per
Spells denoted with an (*) after the spell name are spells day.
that are detailed in Chapter 1 of this book. Spells not in Tough Hide (Ex): At 20th level, your skin hardens like
this book can be found in Chapter 10 of the Pathfinder thick, leathery animal hide, giving you DR 10/-.
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
Bestial The divine bloodline is often confused with the celestial
Flowing through your veins is the blood of a great and bloodline, but whereas those with the celestial bloodline
powerful magical beast. Somehow, your familys ancestry have the blood of a celestial flowing through their veins,
includes a manticore, sphinx, lamia, blink dog or other you actually have the blood of a deity even a minor one
such creature. The family keeps this knowledge very close, in your ancestry. It is even possible that the deity in ques-
and speaks infrequently about it even amongst other fam- tion may be a decidedly evil one.
ily members. The bestial blood sometimes seems to skip Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes).
a generation or two before manifesting again, as it has in Bonus Spells: awe* (3rd), resist energy (5th),

heroism (7th), dimension door (9th), contact other plane Animal Affinity, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Lightning
(11th), repulsion (13th), plane shift (15th), planar binding, Reflexes, Persuasive, Stealthy.
greater (17th), gate (19th). Bloodline Arcana: Any target that suffers damage
Bonus Feats: Arcane Strike, Augment Summoning, from a ranged touch or melee touch spell you cast also suf-
Empower Spell, Endurance, Magical Aptitude, Maximize fers a bad luck penalty equal to half the spells level (mini-
Spell, Persuasive, Spell Focus. mum 1) on all their saving throws for the next round.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell from the Bloodline Powers: At first, your feline heritage is
school of divination, the duration of the spell increases by apparent but subtle, manifesting in a lightness of the feet,
one round per caster level. and in your claws. As you gain skill as a sorcerer, your
Bloodline Powers: Your divine heritage is not notice- feline powers become more prominent.
able at first, but as you grow in skill, your true powers Claws (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you can make two claw
begin to show themselves. Others are often left in awe of attacks as your full-attack action. These claws are treated
your mere presence. as natural weapons, meaning that you are always consid-
Resistant Touch (Ex): At 1st level you gain the ability to ered armed and you do not gain additional attacks for a
grant a +2 inherent bonus to an allys saving throw. An high base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d6 points of
ally granted the resistance must use the bonus within a damage plus your Strength-modifier (1d4 if you are Small).
number of rounds equal to half your sorcerer level (mini- At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for
mum 1). You can use this ability a number of times per day the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 7th level,
equal to 3 plus your Charisma modifier. the damage increases by one step to 1d8 points of damage
Ethereal Jaunt (Su): At 3rd level, you gain the ability to (1d6 if you are Small). You can use your claws a number of
become ethereal for up to 3 rounds per day. At 7th level, rounds per day equal to 3 plus your Charisma modifier.
the duration increases to 7 rounds per day. At 11th level, Cats Eyes (Ex): At 3rd level your eyes become cat-like in
the duration increases to 11 rounds per day. appearance, granting you low-light vision. If you already
Divine Strike (Su): At 9th level, you can unleash a divine have low-light vision, you gain darkvision 60 feet. If you
strike against your enemy. You can target any enemy already have darkvision 60 feet, the range is extended to
within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The ray that 120 feet.
shoots from your finger is blue in color if you are good Climb like a Cat (Ex): At 9th level, your claws harden and
aligned, and deals 2d6 points of holy damage +1 for every you gain a +2 inherent bonus to Climb skill checks. At 11th
three caster levels. The ray is black in color if you are evil, level this bonus increases to +4, and at 17th level it increas-
and deals 2d6 points of unholy damage +1 for every three es to +6.
caster levels. Neutral sorcerers who have the blood of a Cats Meow (Su): At 15th level, you gain the ability to
neutral deity must pick holy or unholy damage upon first make a sound much like that of a cat. This sound can have
gaining this power at 9th level, and this choice cannot be an effect on some people, leaving them Fascinated for 1d4
changed. rounds unless they succeed on a Will save. The DC of this
Divine Protection (Ex): At 15th level you gain a +6 save is 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modi-
natural armor bonus to your armor class. At 19th level this fier.
bonus increases to +8. Cat Form (Su): At 20th level, you gain the ability to
Shock & Awe (Ex): At 20th level, your presence is clearly shapechange into the form of a humanoid cat at will. You
unearthly. You can radiate divine power in a 15 foot radius can change forms up to a total of five times per day, though
that leaves any creature less than 6 HD Stunned as long there is no maximum duration to how long you can stay in
as you remain in range. Creatures of 7 HD or greater can cat form. When you are in the form of a humanoid cat you
make a Will save vs. a DC of 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + gain a +8 inherent bonus to Acrobatics, +4 inherent bonus
your Charisma modifier to resist your divine power. Those to Stealth, and a +4 inherent bonus to Charisma and a +4
that fail are Shaken as long as you remain within range. inherent bonus to Dexterity.

Feline Fiendish
The blood of felines flows through your veins. Someone Sorcerers of the abyssal bloodline have the blood of
among your ancestors was a werecat, weretiger, or other demons in their veins, while those of the infernal blood-
lycanthropic feline, or perhaps your ancestor was blessed line are descended from devils. Yet there are many more
by the Goddess of Cats. Either way, you have excellent evil outsiders than just demons and devils. Sorcerers
nightvision, the reflexes of a cat, and a penchant for mis- descended from those evil creatures are of the fiendish
chief and magic. bloodline, and they are often far more unstable than those
Class Skill: Stealth. of the abyssal or infernal bloodlines. This describes you
Bonus Spells: perfect balance* (3rd), cats grace (5th), perfectly.
clairaudience/clairvoyance (7th), locate creature (9th), Class Skill: Perception.
telepathic bond (11th), cats grace, mass (13th), phase door Bonus Spells: protection from good (3rd), darkness
(15th), protection from spells (17th), foresight (19th). (5th), magic circle against good (7th), fear (9th), black ice*
Bonus Feats: Acrobatic, Agile Maneuvers, (11th), mislead (13th), waves of exhaustion (15th), shadow

evocation, greater (17th), weird (19th). Darkvision (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you gain darkvi-
Bonus Feats: Alertness, Deceitful, Improved Initiative, sion 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, the range is
Iron Will, Persuasive, Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Perception), extended another 30 feet.
Stealthy. Energy Resistance (Ex): At 9th level, you gain resistance
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a damage-deal- to a type of energy. The type of energy depends on the type
ing spell with the evil descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of genie you are descended from. If you are descended
of damage per die rolled. from a djinni, you gain resist acid 5. If you are descended
Bloodline Powers: You always knew you were dif- from an efreeti or a janni, you gain resist fire 5. At 15th
ferent, and as your sorcerous powers increase, you find level, the power increases to resist energy 10.
yourself taking on more and more fiendish qualities. Energy Attack (Sp): At 15th level, you gain an energy at-
Smite Good (Su): Starting at 1st level, you can make a tack usable one time per day. The type of attack depends
normal melee attack and deal extra damage equal to half on the type of genie you are descended from. If you are
your sorcerer level (minimum 1) against a good-aligned descended from a djinni, you gain a whirlwind attack, as a
foe. You can use this ability a number of times per day 15th-level druid. If you are descended from an efreeti, you
equal to 3 plus your Charisma modifier. gain a fireball attack, as a 10th-level sorcerer. If you are
Darkvision (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you have darkvi- descended from a janni, you gain a chain lightning attack,
sion to a distance of 60 feet. If you already have darkvi- as a 10th-level sorcerer.
sion, the range is extended by an additional 30 feet. Plane Shift (Su): At 20th level, you gain the ability to
Fiendish Resistances (Ex): At 9th level, you gain resist plane shift once per day. You can shift to any of the ele-
fire 5 and resist cold 5. At 17th level this becomes resist fire mental planes, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. You
10 and resist cold 10. can shift yourself and up to eight other individuals, as long
Damage Reduction (Su): At 15th level, you gain damage as everyone links hands. This ability is otherwise similar
reduction 5/magic. At 19th level, the damage reduction to the spell of the same name, as a 13th-level caster.
increases to 10/magic.
Spell Resistance (Ex): At 20th level, you gain spell resis- Lycanthropic
tance equal to sorcerer level + 5. Somewhere in your families past was a lycanthrope a
werewolf, wereboar, wererat, or any other sort of were-
Genie creature. You know the bloodline manifests in you because
One or more of your ancestors was a powerful genie, per- you have an affinity for the kind of animal akin to your
haps a djinni, an efreeti, or a janni. Maybe your family tree ancestor, and because of a certain amount of bloodlust that
includes more than one type. This genie blood sometimes often rises with the full moon.
manifests in a descendant, such as has happened to you. Class Skill: Handle Animal.
You have great and wonderful powers thanks to your genie Bonus Spells: birds eye view* (3rd), bulls strength
ancestor. (5 ), beast shape I (7th), beast shape II (9th), beast shape

Class Skill: Sense Motive. III (11th), beast shape IV (13th), polymorph, greater (15th),
Bonus Spells: fire shape* (3rd), invisibility (5th), moment of prescience (17th), shapechange (19th).
gaseous form (7th), wall of fire (9th), major creation (11th), Bonus Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Endurance, Improved
permanent image (13th), project image (15th), discern loca- Initiative, Iron Will, Run, Toughness, Track.
tion (17th), wish (19th). Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the
Bonus Feats: Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Combat polymorph subschool, increase the duration of the spell by
Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Quicken half your sorcerer level (minimum 1 round). This does not
Spell, Wind Stance. stack with increase from the Extend Spell feat.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that Bloodline Powers: The lycanthrope blood in your
deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage veins is not strong enough to make you one of them, but
to match the type associated with your bloodline. it is strong enough to grant you extraordinary powers that
Bloodline Powers: You have always known you were progress as your sorcerous skills increase. A few of your
different. From a young age you exhibited extraordinary powers are based on what type of lycanthrope you are
abilities, and as your skills increased, more powers came descended from, and these differences are noted where
under your control. A few of your powers grant resis- applicable.
tances or deal damage based on what type of genie you are Claws (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you can make two claw
descended from, and these differences are noted where attacks as your full-attack action. These claws are treated
applicable. as natural weapons, meaning that you are always consid-
Telepathy (Su): At 1st level, you gain telepathy 100 feet. ered armed and you do not gain additional attacks for a
You can communicate with anyone within 100 feet of your high base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d6 points of
location with telepathy. You cannot cast spells or directly damage plus your Strength-modifier (1d4 if you are Small).
influence anyone through telepathy. You can use this At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for
ability a number of rounds per day equal to 3 plus your the purpose of overcoming DR. At 7th level, the
Charisma modifier. damage increases by one step to 1d8 points of

damage (1d6 if you are Small). You can use your claws a Mixed
number of rounds per day equal to 3 plus your Charisma Your familys past is sprinkled with odd individuals. Your
modifier. ancestors include pixies, lycanthropes, dragons, demons,
Animal Empathy (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain an empathic monstrous humanoids and possibly more. This mix of
connection to the type of animals similar to your lycan- powerful, magical and supernatural ancestors has gifted
thropic ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bo- you with an odd but powerful assortment of sorcerous
nus on Charisma-based skill checks against those types of talents.
animals, and allows you to communicate with them as well. Class Skill: Knowledge (any one).
The animal empathy works only for the type of animal akin Bonus Spells: enlarge person (3rd), bulls strength
to your lycanthropic ancestor and no other type. If you are (5 ), dispel magic (7th), remove curse (9th), spirit sight*

descended from a werewolf, you have wolf empathy, and (11th), form of the dragon I (13th), phase door (15th), power
cannot communicate with felines, boars, bears or any other word stun (17th), energy drain (19th).
type of animal. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Diehard,
skill checks increases to +6. Dodge, Empower Spell, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
Lycanthropic Power (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a special Power Attack.
power or combat maneuver depending upon what type of Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the
lycanthrope you are descended from, as indicated in the range of personal, you gain a luck bonus equal to the spells
table below this bloodline listing. level on all your saving throws for 1 round.
Damage Reduction (Ex): At 15th level, damage reduction Bloodline Powers: The mixed heritage of your odd
5/silver. At 19th level the damage reduction becomes 10/ family tree has left you with a wide range of powers that
silver. manifest as you gain skill as a sorcerer. There seems to be
Alternate Form (Su): At 20th level, you gain the ability no overall theme to your powers.
to shapechange into the animal form or hybrid form of the Laughing Touch (Su): At 1st level, you can cause a crea-
type of lycanthrope you are descended from, and only that ture to burst out laughing for 1 round as a melee touch
form. If you have werewolf blood, you can shapechange attack. A laughing creature can only take a move action
into wolf form or a hybrid wolf/humanoid form and no and can defend itself normally. Once a creature has been
other. In all other respects this power functions as the affected by laughing touch, it is immune to its effects for
shapechange spell at 20th caster level. 1 day. You can use this ability a number of times per day
equal to 3 plus your Charisma modifier.
Table 3-1: Lycanthropic Powers Infernal Resistances (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain resist fire
5 and a +2 bonus on saving throws made against poison.
Lycanthrope Lycanthropic Power Gained at At 9th level, your resistance to fire increases to 10 and your
Type 9th Level bonus on poison saving throws increases to +4.
Werebear Improved Grab You can make Breath Weapon (Su): At 9th level, you gain a breath
a grapple attempt as a free action weapon. This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of acid dam-
without provoking an attack of age per caster level in a 30 foot cone. Those caught in the
opportunity if you hit with a claw area of effect receive a Reflex save for half damage. The
attack DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level +
Wereboar Ferocity You continue to act your Constitution modifier. At 9th level, you can use this
without penalty even while disabled ability once per day. At 17th level, you can use this ability
or dying twice per day. At 20th level, you can use this ability three
times per day.
Wererat Disease Your claw attack can
Conviction (Su): At 15th level, you can reroll any one abil-
spread Filth Fever; claw, Fortitude
ity check, attack roll, skill check, or saving throw you just
DC 12, Frequency 1d3 days/1 day,
made. You must decide to use this ability after the die is
Effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con
rolled, but before the results are revealed. You must take
damage, Cure 2 consecutive saves
the second result, even if it is worse. You can use this abil-
Weretiger Pounce You can make a full attack ity once per day.
when you charge an opponent; all Arcane Apotheosis (Ex): At 20th level, your body surges
other rules for a charge apply with arcane power. You can add any metamagic feats that
Werewolf Trip You can make a trip attempt you know to your spells without increasing their casting
with your own foot or with a weap- time, although you must still expend higher-level spell
on without provoking an attack of slots. Whenever you are using magic items that require
opportunity; you cannot be tripped charges, you can instead expend spell slots to power the
yourself if the attempt fails items. For every three levels of spell slots that you expend,
you consume one less charge when using a magic item that
expends charges.

Monstrous a Fortitude save or take 2d4 points of Strength damage.
You are descended from a powerful monstrous humanoid. The save DC is equal to 10 + your sorcerer level + your
It may have been a goodly creature such as a centaur or it Charisma modifier.
may have been one of an evil bent, such as a hag or harpy.
The monstrous blood flowing in your veins connects you Nightmarish
with the magical world in a powerful way. Strange, unknowable alien evils are said to lie far beyond
Class Skill: Perception. the known planes of existence. These god-like creatures
Bonus Spells: jump (3rd), bulls strength (5th), fly (7th), are neither deities, nor demons, nor devils, but something
staggering blow* (9th), cone of cold (11th), flesh to stone wholly different. Luckily for the Known World, their influ-
(13th), teleport, greater (15th), giant form II (17th), crushing ence is felt only rarely. Sometimes they leave their tainted
hand (19th). mark on a familys bloodline, and it will occasionally mani-
Bonus Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, fest to give a descendant strange and terrifying power, just
Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Unarmed as it has done with you.
Strike, Intimidating Prowess. Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes).
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the Bonus Spells: cause fear (3rd), darkness (5th), non-
range of personal, you gain a luck bonus equal to the spells detection (7th), phobia* (9th), nightmare (11th), shadow
level on all your Strength checks and Strength-based skill walk (13th), insanity (15th), symbol of insanity (17th),
checks for 1 round. shapechange (19th).
Bloodline Powers: The blood of monstrous hu- Bonus Feats: Alertness, Blind-fight, Deceitful, Enlarge
manoids you are descended from has left you with a fine Spell, Extend Spell, Iron Will, Maximize Spell, Silent Spell.
connection to the magical world and given you an array of Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that
powers that grow as your skill does. deals damage, you can change the type of damage to evil.
Sneak Attack (Ex): At 1st level, you gain the ability to Bloodline Powers: The alien evil that left its taint in
sneak attack opponents. Anytime that an opponent is your family tree has also given you several horrific powers.
denied a Dexterity bonus to AC, or anytime you flank an From an early age, it was obvious you had been given the
opponent, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage per gift of the bloodline, and as your sorcerous skills increase,
three sorcerer levels. You can use this ability a number of so do your nightmarish powers.
times per day equal to 3 plus your Charisma modifier. In Nightmarish Touch (Su): At 1st level, you can touch a
all other aspects, this power is like a rogues sneak attack creature as a standard action and leave them with night-
ability. marish visions in their head unless they succeed on a Will
Monstrous Cunning (Su): At 3rd level, you gain a sense of save. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level
monstrous cunning. This prevents you from ever becom- + your Charisma modifier. Those that fail the save are
ing lost and enables you to track enemies as if you were frightened by the visions of unknowable evil appearing
trained in the Survival skill. At 7th level, your monstrous in their minds eye. The fear lasts for 1 round + 1 round
cunning also means you cannot be caught flat-footed. At per sorcerer level. Creatures that succeed on their saving
11th level, you become immune to the maze spell. throw are still shaken for one round. Once a creature has
Evil Eye (Su): At 9th level, you gain the ability once per been successfully affected by the nightmarish touch they
day to gaze at a single creature within 30 feet, giving them are immune to further touches for one day. You can use
the evil eye. The target must succeed on a Will save or be this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 plus your
dazed for three days, although remove curse or dispel evil Charisma modifier
can remove the effect. The save DC is equal to 10 + your Prehensile Tongue (Su): At 3rd level, you gain the ability
sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. At 15th level, an to use your tongue as a weapon or to hold small objects.
affected creature must succeed on a Fortitude save or die Your tongue can extend up to 10 feet from your mouth, ap-
from fright. The save DC is equal to 10 + your sorcerer pearing as a reddish-pink suckerless tentacle. The tongue
level + your Charisma modifier. Creatures that are im- can make a single attack at your highest base attack bonus,
mune to fear effects are not affected by the evil eye. dealing 1d6 points of damage + 1/2 Strength bonus (1d4
Blindsight (Ex): At 15th level, you gain the blindsight + 1/2 Strength if you are Small in size) against any target
ability. Anytime you are blinded either with blindfolds, within reach. This attack can be made even if you make
because of darkness or because of spells your blindsight a full attack with handheld weapons or cast a spell in the
kicks in. With blindsight, you can sense all foes within 40 round. The tongue tentacle can also grasp objects of up
feet just as if you were not blinded. Any creatures beyond to Small-size and move them about. You can hold a key
40 feet are treated as having total concealment. At 19th ring to open a locked door, pick up a potion vial, or even
level, the range of your blindsight doubles to 80 feet. You attempt to grapple a size Small creature or smaller (using
cannot use your evil eye power while using your blindsight, your normal CMB). While you can grasp, hold and move
but may use any other spells, powers or abilities. Small weapons with the tongue tentacle, the grip is not
Weakening Touch (Su): At 20th level, you gain the abil- sure enough to allow you a viable attack with that weapon.
ity to weaken opponents with but a touch. If you touch If you attempt to attack with a weapon held in the
someone as a standard action, your opponent must make tongue tentacle, you do so at a -5 penalty to the

attack roll, and you cannot score a critical hit with the Bloodline Powers: The heritage of your scaly-skinned
weapon, even on a natural roll of 20. You cannot speak or ancestor has given you several impressive powers, and
cast spells requiring verbal components while using the as you skill as a sorcerer grows, your bloodline powers
prehensile tongue power. increase as well.
Nightmarish Resistances (Su): At 9th level, you gain spell Claws (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you can make two claw
resistance equal to your sorcerer level +10 and a +5 bonus attacks as your full-attack action. These claws are treated
to saves versus cold and fear. as natural weapons, meaning that you are always consid-
Eyeless (Ex): At 15th level, your eyes vanish and ered armed and you do not gain additional attacks for a
flesh grows over your eye sockets. At the same time you high base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d6 points of
are gifted with extraordinary blindsight. You can sense damage plus your Strength-modifier (1d4 if you are Small).
creatures around you as if you had low-light vision. Any At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for
opponents who could not be seen by you with low-light vi- the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 7th level,
sion are treated as having total concealment. At 19th level, the damage increases by one step to 1d8 points of damage
you gain tremorsense to a range of 120 feet. You can sense (1d6 if you are Small). You can use your claws a number of
and automatically pinpoint the location of any creature in rounds per day equal to 3 plus your Charisma modifier.
contact with the ground within range. If you are in water, Acid Touch (Su): At 3rd level, you gain the ability to
the sense extends to any creature in contact with the water damage others with an acidic touch. If you succeed on
within range. a standard touch attack, the creature touched takes 1d6
Black Tentacles (Su): At 20th level, you gain the ability to points of acid damage. You can deliver this acid touch with
cause up to six black, rubbery tentacles to sprout from your a successful attack with your claws. At 7th level, the dam-
back, chest or shoulders. These tentacles have a reach of age from your acid touch increases to 1d8.
10 feet and will attempt to grasp and grapple any creatures Hold Breath (Ex): At 9th level, you gain the ability to hold
within reach, just as in the description of the black ten- your breath for a number of rounds equal to four times
tacles spell. The CMB of the tentacles is your sorcerer level your Constitution score before you risk drowning. This
+6. Any tentacle that successfully grapples an opponent power is useful not only underwater, but also in passing
deals 1d6+5 points of damage each round the grapple is through magical, alchemical or poison gases.
maintained and the creature attacked gains the grappled Scaly Skin (Ex): At 15th level, your skin becomes scaly
condition. The tentacles can be damaged by opponents. like that of a lizard, snake or other reptilian creature. You
Each tentacle has AC 20, hp 25 and DR 5/slashing or gain a +10 natural armor bonus and DR 5/magic.
piercing. Destroying one does not damage you, but you Chameleon Power (Su): At 20th level, you gain the ability
cannot call forth that tentacle again for 1 day. to magically change the coloration and pattern or yourself
and your equipment to match your surroundings. This
Scaly grants you a +40 bonus to Stealth checks when attempt-
The blood of a lizardfolk, yuan-ti, troglodyte or some other ing to hide. You can activate this power even as others are
scaly-skinned creature runs in your family. You find your- looking at you, effectively vanishing right before their eyes.
self slow to anger, but quick to strike once angered. There
is deliberateness about your actions and movement and as Sample Characters
your power grows you take on more of the physical traits of Presented here are two sample characters a 1st level
a lizard, snake, or other reptilian creature. sorcerer of the Bestial bloodline who is still a student at
Class Skill: Survival. Vanguard Academy and a 10th level sorcerer of the Scaly
Bonus Spells: true strike (3rd), lizardskin* (5th), water bloodline who is a professor at Wolestone Thaumatulur-
breathing (7th), charm monster (9th), dominate person gical Institute. GMs are welcome to use them as NPCs in
(11th), form of the dragon I (13th), form of the their own campaign. Players, with your GMs approval,
dragon II (15th), scintillating pattern (17th), dominate you could adopt the 1st level sample character as a pre-
monster (19th). generated PC.
Bonus Feats: Acrobatic, Agile Maneuvers, Alertness, Notes: spells marked with an (*) are detailed in Chapter
Blind-fight, Combat Reflexes, Deadly Aim, Quicken Spell, 1-Spells of this book.
Silent Spell.
Bloodline Arcana: You can decrease the casting time Telthor Alleine
of some of the spells you cast. Spells with a casting time Telthor is a lonely young man and barely controls the rage
of 1 hour are decreased to a casting time of 10 minutes. that seethes within him. Somewhere in Telthors family
Spells with a casting time of 10 minutes are decreased to tree there is a sphinx. No one knows for sure what type
a casting time of 1 minute. Spells with a casting time of 1 of sphinx lent its blood to the family lineage, and none of
minute are decreased to a casting time of 1 round. Spells the family wants to know more about it. The sphinx traits
with a casting time of 1 round are decreased to a casting seem to come and go, and several generations may pass in
time of 1 standard action. This power does not change the the family with no one displaying any bestial characteris-
casting time of spells with a casting time of 1 tics. But every few decades, one is born marked with the
standard action or less.

heritage of the sphinx.
It was bad enough that Telthor looked bestial, but when SQ Bloodline arcana, bloodline power, cantrips (Sp),
he began manifesting arcane powers and his nails began to weapon training (starknife)
grow into claws, his family disowned him. He wandered Combat Gear Starknife; Other Gear backpack, belt
the streets of Vanguard for nearly a year before one of pouch (2), inkpen, parchment (12 sheets), scholars
the professors from Vanguard Academy encountered the outfit, scroll case, travelers outfit
young man and took him to the college where he can learn
more about the magic that runs in his veins, and how to Irdee Thervil
control his rage. Professor Irdee Thervil is a bit of a mystery. Aside from
Telthor refuses to tell anyone what his real family name her years as a student at the Himar Academy for the Ar-
is Alleine is an adopted name that means alone in the cane Arts and her post graduate work at Wagners College
Urnauldian language as he wants nothing more to do of Wizardry, she doesnt talk about her past much at all,.
with the ones who abandoned him. Now beginning his Irdee is clearly a half-elf, but also she is clearly something
third year at Vanguard Academy, he has started to make a more. Her scaled skin, claws, small fangs and slit-pupil
few friends, but is slow to place trust in most people. Telt- eyes mark her as a sorcerer with the Scaly bloodline.
hor angers easily; a combination of his bestial heritage and Irdee is an instructor at Wolestone Thaumatulurgical In-
anger at his family results in a seething rage that always stitute where she teaches a class on basic understanding of
seems to be just below the surface of an outwardly calm the arcane arts and a class on metamagic theory. Despite
countenance. her somewhat frightening appearance, Irdee is an extreme-
ly friendly woman who laughs easily and often. A few of
Telthor Alleine, Vanguard Academy Student CR 1 her fellow instructors at Wolestones have been known to
Male Human Sorcerer 1 (bestial bloodline) say that she is easily the most reliable and trustworthy of
CN medium humanoid any of the faculty members.
Init +0; Senses Perception +1
DEFENSE Irdee Thervil, Wolestone Institute Professor CR 10
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; Dodge (+1 Dex) Female Half-elf Sorcerer 10 (scaly bloodline)
hp 7 (1d6+1) CG medium humanoid (elf, human)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 Init +1; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +7
Spd 30 ft. AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +1 deflection, +1
Melee claws +1 (1d6+1), can be used 5 rounds per day Dex)
Melee starknife +1 (1d4+1) hp 7 (1d6+1)
Ranged starknife +1 (1d4+1) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +8
Spells per Day (CL 1st, +1 ranged touch): OFFENSE
1st (4) awe*, magic missile Spd 30 ft.
Spell-like Abilities (CL 1st, +1 ranged touch): Melee claws +5 (1d8), can be used 6 rounds per day; Acid
Cantrips (at will) acid splash, detect magic, ray of Touch (Ex) 1d8 acid damage can be delivered with
frost, read magic successful claw attack
TACTICS Melee +1 dagger +6 (1d4+1)
Before Combat Despite his rage and ease to anger, Spells per Day (CL 10th, +6 ranged touch):
Telthor does not like confrontation. Therefore, anytime 5th (3+1) shadow evocation
he is in a situation where combat is imminent, he will 4th (5+1) charm monster, globe of invulnerability,
cast awe and attempt to Intimidate his foes into backing lesser, mirror talk*
down. 3rd (7+1) displacement, fire and ice*, limited
During Combat Once combat begins, Telthor throws in telepathy*, water breathing
with his full bestial rage. He will often begin by throwing 2nd (7+1) blur, lizardskin*, minor image, resist
his starknife at a target within 20 feet, before casting energy, resistance, improved*
magic missile at a strong or powerful target, followed by 1st (7+1) color spray, disguise self, endure elements,
an acid splash or ray of frost. If left with no other fireshape*, shield, spell sight*, true strike
option, Telthor will wade into melee using his claws. Spell-like Abilities (CL 10th, +6 ranged touch):
Morale Telthor will stay in a fight for the long run, not Cantrips (at will) acid splash, daze, detect magic,
backing down until reduced to 1 hp. detect poison, mage hand, message, ray of frost, read
STATISTICS magic, resistance
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 14 TACTICS
Base Atk +0; CMB +1: CMD +12 Before Combat Before any combat Irdee will cast
Feats College Trained Spellcaster, Dodge, Eschew lizardskin* and globe of invulnerability, lesser on
Materials herself.
Skills Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Perception During Combat Irdee doesnt have many offensive
+1, Spellcraft +8, Survival +4 spells, but what she does have she uses well. Shell
Languages Common, Halfling, Orcish
start with fire and ice* cast at a particularly threatening studying there under an assumed name. The guild kid-
foe. Irdee will follow that with a ray of frost or acid napped Telthor and is holding him for ransom in the
splash if a foe is especially vulnerable to cold or acid amount of the 5,000 gold pieces loaned to Vogel Andark-
damage. Otherwise Irdee pulls out her wand of magic uine, plus another 5,000 coins in interest.
missile and blasts away with it. If forced into melee The problem is, Telthor was disowned by the family
combat, Irdee doesnt hesitate to use her claws. She will when the marks of the sphinx deeply rooted in the family
also use her acid touch ability, delivering the acid tree became too apparent to hide. Vogel and the rest of his
damage by touch or claw attack. family are so ashamed of Telthors bestial nature that they
Morale Irdee is brave but not foolhardy. She will use her feel no pressing need to pay the ransom quickly, if at all.
spells to aid her companions but if reduced to 10 hp or Will someone come to young Telthors rescue and set
less, Irdee will retreat to safety. right the wrongs of the Andarkuine family?
Str 11, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 17 ***
Base Atk +5; CMB +5: CMD +16
Feats College Trained Spellcaster, Eschew Materials, In her younger years, Irdee Thervil was an adventurer
Extend Spell, Himar Academy Graduate, Quicken Spell, who traveled the lands in search of gold, gems and magic.
Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Perception), Wagners College The individuals she traveled with were not the most savory
Post Graduate of characters, and on more than one occasion she and her
Skills Appraise +8, Bluff +7, Craft (alchemy) +10, Fly +5, party left a town behind in the middle of the night because
Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge someone ended up with a knife in the back.
(geography) +6, Knowledge (history) +7, Perception +7, After several years of traveling with cutthroats and
Perform (dance) +7, Profession (teacher) +9, Spellcraft thieves, Irdee could stomach no more. She parted ways
+10, Survival +5, Use Magic Device +7 with her former companions and headed north for warmer
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome climates. She enrolled in post-graduate studies at Wag-
SQ Bloodline arcana, bloodline powers, cantrips (Sp), ners College of Wizardry and four years later was offered
elven blood, elven immunities, hold breath 52 rounds (Ex) a job teaching at Wolestone Academy. The change in life-
Combat Gear +1 dagger: spell storing, metamagic style has left Irdee content and happy, and she has made
rod: silent, lesser, wand of magic missile (CL 1st, 50 true friends among her colleagues.
charges); Other Gear backpack, belt pouch (2), bracers All of the peace in her life comes to a halt when a one-
of armor +1, explorers outfit, inkpen, parchment (12 eyed halfling arrives in town looking for Irdee. He claims
sheets), portable bookcase with 50 books on history and to be an old friend, but he is a most unsavory fellow who
magic theory, ring of protection +1, scholars outfit, drinks too much, leers at women with his one eye, and
scroll (globe of invulnerability, lesser, lizardskin*), fidgets with a knife at almost all times.
scroll case Irdee is terrified that the halfling Sandwir by name
will reveal far too much about her past to her colleagues at
Adventure Ideas the college. She has begged and pleaded with Sandwir to
The Andarkuine family of the city of Vanguard is an old leave her in peace, but he claims she owes him for the eye
family, having made their home in the city for many he no longer has. Desperate to not have her new life shat-
generations. Their standing is minor at best, but they are tered by the sins of her past, Irdee turns to a group of ad-
well-respected and have the support of many other noble venturers newly arrived in town, who, for the right amount
families in Vanguard, and across the nation of Urnauld as of coin, may be willing to see that the halfling never speaks
well. to anyone ever again.
What most people do not know, however, and would be
surprised to learn, is that the Andarkuines are strapped
for cash. Over the past several decades, bad business deals
combined with lavish lifestyles to deplete the family cof-
fers. In order to make ends meet and maintain the lifestyle
they had grown accustomed to, Lord Vogel Andarkuine
made a deal with the local thieves guild in the city. Vogel
borrowed more than 5,000 gold coins from the guild to get
his family through the year, but two extravagant parties
thrown by his wife burned through most of the coin in less
than two months.
Not long after learning of the second party, the thieves
guild demanded repayment of the loan. Vogel promised to
pay as soon as he could, but that promise was not good
enough for the guildmaster. Somehow, the
guildmaster learned that Vogels oldest son,

Telthor, was a student at Vanguard Academy,
Chapter 4 - Familiars

Y oure sure thats what it is? Ive never heard of such

a thing.
Neither had I. But read this. Marcus slid an open
twitched its tail back and forth across the desktop.
Isnt she fascinating? Marcus breathed.
Dissin raised one eyebrow. She?
book across the desk toward Dissin. Well, Orthan called her a she. The half-elf carefully
Dissin took the book and gave Marcus a skeptical paged through one of the journals theyd retrieved from
glance before starting to read the marked selection. His the abandoned tower. See this entry? On this day, fin-
expression shifted to one of surprise, then realization. He ished rebuilding Missy from mithral. Shes so much more
looked up not at Marcus, but at what they had thought beautiful now.
was an expensive mithral plaything. You were Orthans At the mention of the name Missy, the cat turned
familiar? he asked in a hushed whisper, almost embar- toward Marcus and opened its mouth in the motion of a
rassed to be heard talking to the clockwork cat. meow, though no sound came out save for the faint whir-
The cat, freshly cleaned and re-oiled, cocked its gleam- ring and ticking of its internal mechanisms.
ing metallic head to the side as it regarded Dissin, and Marcus and Dissin both froze, dumbstruck by the

magical construct before them. It Shes still aware, Melee bite +2 (1d2)
Marcus said in awe. She still knows her name, even after STATISTICS
all these years of dormancy. Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 6
I wonder what happened to her when Orthan disap- Base Attack +0; CMB -4: CMD +11
peared, Dissin said, unable to help looking at the clock- Feats Alertness
work feline with a bit of sadness. I mean, theres simply Skills Acrobatics +3, Perception +4, Survival +6*;
no way it could have had the same effect it would on a *badgerhounds receieve a +4 racial bonus on Survival
living familiar, but it must have been a jolt none the less. checks when tracking by scent
I suppose that could be part of why she fell dormant. ECOLOGY
Or, Marcus paused, giving the cat a sad look of his own, Environment Any temperate except mountains
she just curled up to wait for him to come back and seized Organization Solitary or pack (4 - 8)
up due to lack of maintenance. Alignment Always neutral
The wizards both fell silent, trying to dispel that image Advancement
from their minds. Missy turned her head back and forth
between the two of them, her head tilted as though she The badgerhound is a short-legged, long, slender canine.
were curious. It was first bred centuries ago by farmers who had prob-
Marcus finally cleared his throat. So Well. What do lems with badgers digging up their fields. The dogs short
we do with her now? legs and long, slender body allow it to follow its prey into
Dissin tapped a slim finger against his lower lip. Why the holes the badgers dig and drag them out.
dont you keep her? Youve been terribly lonely since you Badgers will frequently dig away from a badgerhound,
released Nix as your familiar. throwing dirt up into the dogs path to try and block it. To
Marcus looked stunned, as if the idea had not oc- overcome this obstacle, the badgerhounds learned to dig
curred to him. I I dont know, Dissin. Im not sure Im rapidly themselves and can move through loose soil at a
ready He trailed off as Missy stood up, walked across rate comparable to their prey.
the desktop, and gently butted her head against his arm. Several centuries after they were first bred, the badger-
Dissin chuckled. I think the decisions been made, hound is quite popular as a pet. Many that keep them as
whether youre ready for it or not. He started to say pets are unaware of their nature as a hunting dog.
something more, then suddenly looked out the window.
Hold on, bat incoming, he said, getting up and pushing Table 4-1: Familiar Types
up the sash just in time for a little black bat to come flying
in and land on his shoulder. Hello, Flutter. Youre just in Familiar Type Bonus
time to meet Marcuss new familiar. Dog, Badgerhound +3 bonus on scent-based and
opposed Perception checks

T here are many, many types of animals that can become

a wizard or an arcane bloodline sorcerers familiar.
Listed here are a few creatures that have been known to oc-
Eagle, Golden +2 bonus on Intimidate and sight-
based and opposed Perception check
in bright or low light
casionally become a spellcasters familiar. Though none of
these creatures are common as familiars, they are also far Fluttermouse +2 bonus on Fly and Stealth checks
from unknown as familiars. Fox, Red +3 bonus on Survival checks
As with a standard familiar, each of these new familiar Hedgehog +1 natural armor bonus
types also grants the spellcaster master a special ability, as
Parrot +3 bonus on Linguistics checks
noted in Table 4-1.
The statistics provided here are for the base creature Rabbit +2 bonus on sight-based, sound-
i.e. an ordinary badgerhound, golden eagle, etc. Use the based and opposed Perception
information for familiars in the Wizard entry in Chapter checks
3 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook to Robin +2 bonus on Fly and sound-based
adjust the base creature to a familiar. and opposed Perception checks in
bright light
DOG, BADGERHOUND CR 1/3 Woodrat +2 bonus on Acrobatics and
N Tiny Animal Appraise checks
Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +1 N Small Animal
natural) Init +2; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +4
hp 4 (1/2 d8+2) DEFENSE
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2 AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12
OFFENSE (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural)

Spd 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. hp 5 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2 same structures as humans, elves, and other humanoids,
OFFENSE and thus do not become pests in the eyes of many people.
Spd 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (average) Fluttermice can often be found in the company of fey
Melee talons +3 (1d4) creatures, especially pixies. They will occasionally be
Full Attack 2 talons +3 (1d4), bite +2 (1d4) found as pets for pixie families.
Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 FOX, RED CR 1/4
Base Attack +0; CMB -1: CMD +11 N Small Animal
Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +4
Skills Fly +2, Intimidate +2, Perception +4*; *golden DEFENSE
eagles receive a +8 racial bonus on sight-based AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12
Perception checks in bright or low light (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural)
ECOLOGY hp 4 (1d8)
Environment Temperate mountains and plains Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Organization Solitary or pair OFFENSE
Alignment Always neutral Spd 40 ft.
Advancement 2-3 HD (Medium) Melee bite +4 (1d4-2)
Golden eagles are one of the more majestic species of Abilities Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
eagle. They are most commonly found in mountainous Base Attack +0; CMB -3: CMD +10
regions or vast grasslands near rivers and lakes. Golden Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB
eagles build their nests atop mountain peaks and along Skills Perception +4*, Stealth +3*; Survival +5; *red foxes
cliffs, in areas inaccessible to predators. When faced with receive a +4 racial bonus to Perception checks and on
a predator, the golden eagle will spread its wings wide and Stealth checks.
give a piercing cry in an attempt to intimidate it into leav- ECOLOGY
ing. Environment Temperate forests and hills
Organization Solitary or pair
FLUTTERMOUSE CR 1/10 Alignment Always neutral
N Diminutive Animal Advancement
Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +4
DEFENSE The red fox is just one of several species of fox, and per-
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 haps the most common. They are usually found in temper-
(+4 size, +3 Dex) ate forested areas or in temperate forests, and will usually
hp 1 (1/4 d8) make their dens near a source of water. They are actually
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 common near small towns and farms because of the num-
OFFENSE ber of rodents attracted to those places.
Spd 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (good) A red fox is quiet, quick and rarely taken by surprise.
Melee bite +3 (1d2-5) They have a keen sense of hearing and will stop to listen
STATISTICS for prey voles, mice and other such creatures moving
Abilities Str 1, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 8 through the grass. A red fox is also good at following a
Base Attack +0; CMB -9: CMD +4 scent trail.
Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB
Skills Fly +7, Perception +4*, Stealth +7*; *fluttermice HEDGEHOG CR 1/10
receive a +4 racial bonus on all Perception and Stealth N Diminutive Animal
checks Init +1; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
Environment Temperate forests and plains AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 14
Organization Solitary or nest (pair plus 3 - 12 young) (+4 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural)
Alignment Always neutral hp 1 (1/4 d8)
Advancement - Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3
The fluttermouse is an unusual creature that appears at Spd 15 ft.
first glance to be a common field mouse, with light brown Melee bite +2 (1d2-4)
or gray fur on the back and white fur on the belly, but with Special Attacks spines (any creature attacking the
colorful butterfly-like wings sprouting from its back. Flut- hedgehog with natural weapons or unarmed attacks
termice are friendly, curious creatures and will often flit in must make a DC 12 Reflex save or take 1d2 damage
to investigate campsites, cabins, and so on. Unlike their from the hedgehogs spines)
non-winged cousins, fluttermice do not like to dwell in the

STATISTICS Parrots are one of the most intelligent of all birds. There
Abilities Str 3, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5 are many varieties of parrot to be found in the tropical and
Base Attack +0; CMB -8: CMD +3 subtropical climates of the world, with a few occasionally
Feats Weapon Finesse straying into warm temperate regions. Parrots are gener-
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +1*; *hedgehogs receive a +8 ally social birds, and are prized as pets because of their
racial bonus on all Stealth checks ability to learn words and phrases from various languages.
ECOLOGY Especially intelligent specimens have even learned to put
Environment Any temperate except mountains together complete sentences.
Organization Solitary or pair Parrots come in a variety of plumage colorations, from
Alignment Always neutral solid gray to multicolored blue, green and yellow. A few
Advancement specimens grow to the size of a small halfling.

Hedgehogs are diminutive animals that appear some-

what like mice with spines all over their body. The hedge-
hog is a quiet creature, rarely seen or heard, and prefers
to be left alone. The hedgehog doesnt fear many other
animals, thanks to the spines that cover its body. Any
creature attempting to bite, claw or touch a hedgehog has
to take care not to injure itself. One poke from a spine is
usually enough to send most predators looking for easier
prey. Unlike the larger porcupine, a hedgehogs quills
do not come loose and stick in whatever creature attacks

N Tiny Animal
Init +3; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 12
(+2 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
Spd 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee bite -3 (1d2-3)
Abilities Str 5, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 6 A golden eagle and a parrot eye each other warily.
Base Attack +0; CMB -5: CMD +8
Feats Alertness RABBIT CR 1/4
Skills Fly +3, Linguistics -4*; Perception +7; *parrots N Tiny Animal
receive a +8 racial bonus to Linguistics checks Init +4; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +4
Mimicry (Ex) Parrots can learn some words and AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 14
phrases of the languages they are exposed to. A parrot (+2 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural)
can make a Linguistics check each day to learn 1d3 new hp 4 (1/2 d8+1)
words, with a typical parrot capable of knowing d100 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2
words. The DC of the skill check varies depending on the OFFENSE
difficulty of the word, but is usually between 11 and 15. Spd 50 ft.
In addition to imitating languages, parrots can imitate Melee bite -3 (1d2-3)
other birds as well as dogs, cats, and other animals. STATISTICS
ECOLOGY Abilities Str 4, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 8
Environment Subtropical or tropical forests and hills Base Attack +0; CMB +0: CMD +9
Organization Solitary, nest (pair plus 2-4 hatchlings) or Feats Alertness, Agile ManeuversB
flock (4 - 24) Skills Perception +8*, Stealth +4*; Rabbits receive a +4
Alignment Always neutral racial bonus on all Perception and Stealth skill checks
Advancement 2 HD (Small) ECOLOGY
Environment Any temperate except mountains
Organization Solitary or clutch (4 - 8)

Alignment Always neutral OFFENSE
Advancement 1 HD (Tiny), 2 HD (Small) Spd 30 ft.
Melee bite -5 (1d3-5)
Rabbits are common animals throughout most temper- STATISTICS
ate regions, except the most rugged mountains. They Abilities Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 5
come in a variety of colors and sizes, though all retain the Base Attack +0; CMB -9: CMD +4
same basic form. Some varieties have ears that stand up Feats AcrobaticsB, Alertness
straight, while others have ears that flop to the ground. Skills Acrobatics +4*, Perception +4*, Stealth +6;
Most species are very stealthy, very fast and difficult to *woodrats receive a +4 racial bonus to all Acrobatics and
sneak up on, thanks to excellent senses of smell, hearing Perception skill checks
and sight. ECOLOGY
Some species of rabbit can grow rather large, with some Environment Any temperate
measuring almost 3 feet tall to the tip of their ears. Organization Solitary or family (6 - 24)
Alignment Always neutral
ROBIN CR 1/10 Advancement
N Diminutive Animal
Init +2; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +4 The woodrat, also known as the packrat, is a cousin of
DEFENSE the more common black rat. Woodrats tend to make their
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 13 lairs in rock crevices, old trees, abandoned burrows and
(+3 size, +4 Dex) any place else of convenience. Woodrats are exceptionally
hp 1 (1/4 d8) fast for their size and incredibly nimble. They can leap
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2 rocky gaps and over obstacles with little trouble. Wood-
OFFENSE rats are also scavengers, attracted to shiny objects and will
Spd 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) carry them back to their lair. This practice has left them
Melee talons -5 (1d2-5) with the nickname of packrat. Woodrats care nothing
STATISTICS for the value of their shiny objects, only that the object is
Abilities Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 shiny. A woodrat is more likely to choose bright red glass
Base Attack +0; CMB -9: CMD +3 beads over valuable onyx gemstones or shiny copper over
Feats AcrobaticsB, Alertness tarnished silver.
Skills Fly +8, Perception +4*; *robins receive a +8 racial
bonus on all sight-based Perception checks in bright
light and all sound-based Perception checks Clockwork Familiars
ECOLOGY Clockwork familiars are not true familiars, despite the
Environment Any temperate or subtropical name. They are tiny constructs that resemble a living
Organization Solitary or flock (6 - 24) creature, such as a cat, rat, owl or bat, and for a wizard or
Alignment Always neutral sorcerer, have a place somewhere between a bonded object
Advancement and a true familiar.
If a wizard has a living familiar, he cannot also have a
Robins are colorful birds, having gray feathers on their clockwork familiar. Likewise, the sorceress with a bonded
backs and reddish-orange plumage on their breasts. They object cannot also have a clockwork familiar. If a wizard
are inquisitive and will often be attracted to shiny objects, or sorcerer loses a familiar or bonded object, he or she can
though they do not show the natural intelligence of par- then acquire a clockwork familiar. A wizard or sorcerer
rots, crows, ravens, magpies and jays. Robins are excellent can never have more than one clockwork familiar at a time.
fliers, quite skilled at aerial maneuvers. They also have There are four common types of clockwork familiars
keen eyesight and an excellent sense of hearing. A robin the clockwork cat, clockwork rat, clockwork bat and
will often stand still when on the ground, head cocked clockwork owl. All are visually similar to their namesake
slightly to the side, listening for worms or insects just animal, but are not living creatures. A wizard must clean
below the surface. These excellent senses and their aerial and oil his clockwork familiar at least once per week in
maneuverability help keep them safe from predators. order to keep grit, mud and rust from interfering with the
gear mechanisms that give the clockwork familiar mobility.
A clockwork familiar with faulty gears suffers a cumulative
WOODRAT CR 1/10 -1 penalty to all attack rolls, damage rolls, ability checks
N Diminutive Animal and skill checks for each week it goes uncleaned. The
Init +2; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +4 clockwork familiars speed slows by 5 ft. per round for
DEFENSE each week it is not cleaned. If a clockwork familiars speed
AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 14 drops to 0 ft. due to ill maintenance, the internal gears
(+3 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural) freeze up, requiring 2d3 days work and 4d10 gp in
hp 1 (1/4 d8) supplies to return to working condition.
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2

A wizard must be within 1 mile of his clockwork familiar STATISTICS
to easily cast spells. If he is more than 1 mile away from Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con -, Int 2, Wis 2, Cha 2
the clockwork familiar, the wizard must make a Spellcraft Base Attack +0; CMB -3: CMD +9
check or lose the spell. The DC for this check is equal to 20 Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB
+ the spells level. Skills Perception +0, Stealthy +2
Unlike a living familiar, a clockwork familiar grants a ECOLOGY
wizard no special abilities. However, like a living familiar, Environment Any
the wizard can share spells (Su) with the clockwork famil- Organization Solitary
iar, even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the Alignment Always neutral
clockwork familiars type (construct). Also like a living fa- Advancement
miliar, the wizard can deliver touch spells (Su) through the
clockwork familiar. The wizard must be 5th level or higher
in order to do this, otherwise it works the same as the abil-
ity of a living familiar. Finally, as with a living familiar, a
wizard can scry on clockwork familiar (Sp). If the wizard
is 13th level or higher, he may scry on his familiar once per
day as if casting the spell scrying.
Because of the arcane nature of their construction,
clockwork familiars possess a rudimentary intelligence on
par with their living counterparts. Unlike a living familiar,
a clockwork familiars intelligence does not increase as its
master gains power.


N Tiny Construct
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +0
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12
(+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 2 (1/2 d10); Hardness 5
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -5
OFFENSE A hedgehog and a rabbit sniff curiously at a clockwork
Spd 10 ft., Fly 30 ft. (poor) cat.
Melee bite -1 (1d3-1)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con -, Int 2, Wis 2, Cha 2 N Tiny Construct
Base Attack +0; CMB -3: CMD +9 Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Feats AcrobaticsB, Alertness Perception +0
Skills Fly +0, Perception +0, Stealth +2 DEFENSE
ECOLOGY AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12
Environment Any (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
Organization Solitary hp 2 (1/2 d10); Hardness 5
Alignment Always neutral Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -5
Advancement OFFENSE
Spd 10 ft., Fly 30 ft. (poor)
CLOCKWORK CAT CR 1/2 Melee talons -1 (1d3-1)
N Tiny Construct STATISTICS
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con -, Int 2, Wis 2, Cha 2
Perception +0 Base Attack +0; CMB -3: CMD +9
DEFENSE Feats AcrobaticsB, Alertness
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 Skills Fly +0, Perception +0, Stealth +2
(+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural) ECOLOGY
hp 2 (1/2 d10); Hardness 5 Environment Any
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -5 Organization Solitary
OFFENSE Alignment Always neutral
Spd 40 ft. Advancement

Melee claw +2 (1d3-1)
CLOCKWORK RAT CR 1/2 Advanced Clockwork Familiar
N Tiny Construct You pour some of your own blood, sweat, tears and arcane
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; power into improving your clockwork familiar.
Perception +0 Prerequisite: Caster level 9th; Improved Clockwork
DEFENSE Familiar.
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 Benefit: Your clockwork familiar improves from 2d10
(+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural) HD to 4d10 HD. Roll 2d10 and add the total to the clock-
hp 2 (1/2 d10); Hardness 5 work familiars hit point total. Also, the clockwork famil-
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -5 iars land speed increases by 10 ft. per round (no increase
OFFENSE to a Fly speed).
Spd 40 ft., Climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +2 (1d3-1) Superior Clockwork Familiar
STATISTICS You pour some of your own blood, sweat, tears and arcane
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con -, Int 2, Wis 2, Cha 2 power into improving your clockwork familiar.
Base Attack +0; CMB -3: CMD +9 Prerequisite: Caster level 13th; Advanced Clockwork
Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB Familiar.
Skills Perception +0, Stealth +2 Benefit: Your clockwork familiar gains 2 skill points.
ECOLOGY These skill points can only be placed in skills the familiar
Environment Any already has. The clockwork familiars hit dice improve
Organization Solitary from 4d10 to 6d10. Roll 2d10 and add the total to the
Alignment Always neutral clockwork familiars hit point total.
Mithral Clockwork Familiar
Improving Clockwork Familiars You rebuild your clockwork familiar from mithral parts.
It is possible to improve a clockwork familiar. Wizards can Prerequisite: Improved Clockwork Familiar; 500 gp
invest some of their own power into the familiar (through worth of mithral.
feats detailed below) or can attach magic items to the Benefit: Your clockwork familiar is now made of gleam-
clockwork familiar. Many protective magic items can be ing mithral. Its Hardness increases from 10 to 15, and the
attached to a familiar, such as rings, brooches, amulets, lightweight metal allows it to move faster, increasing all
and so on. Only those items that have a continuous ef- speeds by 5 ft. per round.
fect can be attached to the clockwork familiar; clockwork
familiars simply are not intelligent enough to be able to Adamantine Clockwork Familiar
activate items that only function when activated. The most You rebuild your clockwork familiar from adamantine
commonly attached items are rings of protection, rings parts.
of counterspells, rings of energy resistance, amulets of Prerequisite: Improved Clockwork Familiar; 1500 gp
natural armor, and brooches of shielding. As with any liv- worth of adamantine.
ing creature, the clockwork familiar must have an available Benefit: Your clockwork familiar is now made of shiny
body slot to make use of an attached magic item (e.g. no adamantine. Its Hardness increases to 20, but the heavy
more than two magical rings per clockwork familiar). weight of the adamantine slows the clockwork famil-
iars speed by 10 ft. per round (to a minimum of 5 ft. per
Clockwork Familiar Feats
By taking one of these feats, the wizard or sorcerer can
improve a clockwork familiar. The tradeoff is that the
spellcaster gains no personal benefits for this feat, repre-
senting the wizards sacrifice of some of her own power to
improve the familiar.

Improved Clockwork Familiar

You pour some of your own blood, sweat, tears and arcane
power into improving your clockwork familiar.
Prerequisite: Caster level 5th; must already have a
clockwork familiar.
Benefit: Your clockwork familiars hit dice improve
from 1/2 d10 to 2d10. Reroll for the clockwork familiars
new hit point total. Also, the clockwork familiars Hard-
ness increases from 5 to 10.

Chapter 5 - Magic Items
D issin stood in front of Marcus desk, palms flat on its
surface as he looked down at the staff laid across the
desktop. It was the last remaining unidentified item from
the four, with a large bumblebee perfectly preserved in
the amber at its top.
Dissin leaned over toward the amber tip of the staff.
Orthans tower. Though he and Marcus had managed to Most perfect bumblebee Ive ever seen, he said with a
determine the spells the staff could release, its ornate ap- nod. This just might be the best loot weve ever recov-
pearance suggested something more. ered. A cold metal paw tapped his hand, and Dissin
The office door opened, and Dissin looked up as Mar- chuckled. Well, the second best, at any rate.
cus came in with a stack of books from the library, Missy
slipping between his feet and walking in ahead of him.
The clockwork cat trotted over to the desk and jumped up,
lightly landing upon its surface. She sat down on the cor-
B ards, Sorcerers and Wizards have created numerous
magic items over the centuries, and many are more
well-known than others. Presented here are several lesser
ner of the desktop and began going through the motions known magic items, including rings, wondrous items, and
of licking her front paw, her gears and pulleys whirring one staff. In lieu of acquiring these items either through
softly. Dissin rubbed her behind one mithral ear and then purchasing or hoping to find them in a treasure horde,
turned to help Marcus with the books. Is this all there these items can be created by any spellcaster who pos-
was? sesses the required feats, is capable of casting the required
Im afraid so at least all that I thought would help spells, and is able to afford the raw materials needed.
us, but there isnt much beyond this either. Im surprised
the Head of Transmutation hasnt raised more of a ruckus Weapons
that theres a distinct lack of transmutation references in
the library.
Hes probably got everything he or his students could Vow-keeper
possibly want in his personal collection, Dissin mused, Aura moderate evocation [lawful], moderate enchantment
dividing the books into two stacks of three. I suppose we [compulsion]; CL 11th
could have asked him for help with this. Slot none; Price 286,506 gp; Weight 1 lb.
And give that stuffy old codger the satisfaction of two DESCRIPTION
young whipper-snappers like us needing his help? Mar- Vow-keeper is a +2 axiomatic dagger with a special bit
cus laughed. No chance in Hells. of magic about it. Any non-chaotic being can use Vow-
Dissin snorted with laughter. Young? Ive probably keeper, benefiting from the extra damage it does to chaotic
got a hundred years on him. creatures (chaotic creatures attempting to wield the weap-
Oh, you know what I meant, Marcus snickered, lightly on suffer one negative level as long as it is held in hand).
punching his friend on the arm. Come on, lets see what However, anyone carrying Vow-keeper, whether in hand
we can find out about this staff. or in a sheath on a belt or in a boot, or elsewhere on the
The pair spent nearly two hours paging through the body, becomes susceptible to the weapons unique ability.
tomes, checking and re-checking cross-references and Those that possess the dagger find that anytime they make
not making much headway. More than once they found a vow or promise while the weapon is on their person they
reference to a powerful staff, but upon further reading will be forced to carry out that vow or promise, as if under
discovered it wasnt the staff they had in their possession. the effects of a geas/quest spell.
Both wizards were starting to become frustrated when Once a vow or promise has been made by the one car-
Dissin suddenly stilled, mid-page turn. He looked at the rying Vow-keeper that individual will go out of their way
staff, then back to the book, then back to the staff again. to see that the vow is kept. More than one person has lost
Oh my, he said softly, a grin tugging at his lips. their life in the attempt to keep a promise that was ulti-
What? Marcus leaned across the desk to try to see mately far beyond their ability to keep.
what had Dissin so enraptured. Vow-keeper is not a true cursed weapon (though it is
Dissin spun the book around so Marcus could see. often referred to as cursed by those who come into its
That. possession) and can be left behind, given away or sold with
Marcus read over the page, then looked at the staff, ease. However, any vow the dagger has compelled the
then back at the book, then back to the staff again, just as wielder to keep that is yet unfulfilled must still be fulfilled
Dissin had done. The Staff of the Polymorpher, he whis- even if the dagger is no longer possessed, as the geas/quest
pered. Its the Staff of the Polymorpher! the dagger casts lasts until the vow is kept. Only a remove
One of only four ever known to exist, Dissin said, curse will remove the compulsion to keep a vow that is yet
grinning fully. unfulfilled.
The fates of only three of the staves are known, CONSTRUCTION
Marcus read from the text, with the fourth Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, orders
having disappeared several centuries past. The wrath, geas/quest, creator must be lawful;

missing staff was the most beautifully crafted of Cost 143,253 gp
RINGS This plain electrum band grants the wearer a +10
competence bonus to all Perform (oratory) checks, as if by
the spell parable.
Table 5-1: Rings CONSTRUCTION
Ring Market Price Requirements Forge Ring, parable; Cost 5,000 gp
Fireshape 24,000 gp
Ring of Perfect Pitch
Good Humor 8,000 gp Aura moderate transmutation; CL 1st
the Master Thespian 8,000 gp Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight
Parables 8,000 gp DESCRIPTION
This ring is made of platinum and set with a single small
Perfect Pitch 8,000 gp
clear quartz crystal. Etched into the crystal is a musical
the Virtuoso 8,000 gp note. The wearer is granted a +10 competence bonus to all
Perform (sing) checks, as if by the spell perfect pitch.
Ring of Fireshape CONSTRUCTION
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 12th Requirements Forge Ring, perfect pitch; Cost 5,000 gp
Slot ring; Price 24,000 gp; Weight
DESCRIPTION Ring of the Virtuoso
Made of reddish-orange gold, a ring of fireshape grants Aura moderate transmutation; CL 1st
the wearer the ability to reduce, increase or completely Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight
extinguish any normal, non-magical fires within a 200 ft. DESCRIPTION
radius of the caster, as the spell fireshape. On command, This ring is made of yellow gold and has a number of dif-
the wearer can affect fires in a 60 ft. burst within the range. ferent types of musical instruments etched all around the
The wearer can utilize the power of the ring for up to 12 outside of the band. The wearer is granted a +10 compe-
rounds per day, though those rounds do not have to be tence bonus to all Perform (any instrument) checks, as if
consecutive. by the spell Virtuoso.
Requirements Forge Ring, fireshape; Cost 12,000 gp Requirements Forge Ring, virtuoso; Cost 5,000 gp

Ring of Good Humor

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 1st
Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight
DESCRIPTION Staff of the Polymorpher
This ring is made of white gold and has a child-like smiling Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th
face etched into the surface. The wearer is granted a +10 Slot none; Price 103,600 gp; Weight 5 lb.
competence bonus to all Perform (comedy) checks, as if by DESCRIPTION
the spell good humor. The staff of the polymorpher is a very rare item, and only
CONSTRUCTION four are known to have ever existed. It is a stout, straight
Requirements Forge Ring, good humor; Cost 5,000 gp shaft of ash of uniform diameter. Carved into the ash
wood are the forms of numerous animals, beasts, creatures
Ring of the Master Thespian and races, from the chunk of amber that tops the staff to
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 1st the 6 in. long sheath of gold at the bottom. The staff has
Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight the following powers:
DESCRIPTION polymorph, greater (1 charge)
This ring is made of silver, with two obsidian chips one polymorph any object (2 charges)
black, one white in a setting. The obsidian chips are shapechange (3 charges)
carved to resemble the masks of comedy and tragedy. The CONSTRUCTION
wearer is granted a +10 competence bonus to all Perform Requirements Craft Staff, polymorph, greater,
(act) checks, as if by the spell master thespian. polymorph any object, shapechange; Cost 51,800 gp
Requirements Forge Ring, master thespian; Cost
5,000 gp

Ring of Parables
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 1st
Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight

WONDROUS ITEMS +2 enhancement bonus to natural armor.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, lizardskin; Cost
Table 5-2: Wondrous Items 4,000 gp
Wondrous Item Market Price
Amulet of Good Fortune 6,000 gp Boots of Happy Feet
Amulet of Lizardskin 8,000 gp Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st
Slot feet; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Boots of Happy Feet 8,000 gp DESCRIPTION
Boots of Perfect Balance 6,000 gp These well-crafted low, soft leather boots confer upon
Boots of the Rogue 3,200 gp the wearer a +10 competence bonus to Perform (dance)
checks. The wearer can activate the power of the boots
Circlet of Spirit Sight 90,000 gp a maximum of four times per day by clicking the heels
Collar of Constant Lubrication 400 gp together and uttering the command word.
Collar of Protection +1 2,000 gp CONSTRUCTION
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, happy feet; Cost
Collar of Protection +2 8,000 gp
4,000 gp
Collar of Protection +3 18,000 gp
Collar of Protection +4 32,000 gp Boots of Perfect Balance
Collar of Protection +5 50,000 gp Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st
Slot feet; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Headband of Hindsight 79,200 gp
Ierenas Glamered Garter 20,000 gp Boots of perfect balance are low, soft leather boots made
Ierenas Lip Gloss 15,000 gp of white leather. Tooled into the leather on both ankles
Magical Quill 2,000 gp of each boot is a cats paw print. Three times per day, on
command, the wearer is granted a +10 competence bonus
Perch of Healing 24,000 gp to Acrobatics checks or to Dexterity checks.
Porfios Mandolin 8,450 gp CONSTRUCTION
Portable Familiar Carrier 54,000 gp Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, perfect balance;
Cost 3,000 gp
Portable Peep Hole 2,000 gp
Soundproof Cube 42,000 gp Boots of the Rogue
Torq of Awe 8,000 gp Aura faint transmutation; CL 4th
Slot feet; Price 3,200 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Amulet of Good Fortune DESCRIPTION
Aura faint divination; CL 5th Crafted of fine leather, boots of the rogue cover the
Slot neck; Price 6,000 gp; Weight wearers feet to the calf. Once per day the boots grant the
DESCRIPTION wearer one extra move action or one extra attack on the
The amulet of good fortune is crafted of a greenish stone wearers turn. The wearer can take only one option or the
sometimes marble, sometimes jade and has some symbol other, not both, and after the power of the boots is used,
of good luck carved into one face, such as a four-leaf clover, the boots may not be used again for 24 hours.
a rabbits foot, the numeral 7 or any other of the hundreds CONSTRUCTION
of luck symbols used by various cultures. The wearer of Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, rogues gambit;
the amulet is granted the ability to reroll any three attack Cost 1,600 gp
rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and/or saving throws
each day, as if affected by the spell good fortune. Circlet of Spirit Sight
CONSTRUCTION Aura faint transmutation; CL 9th
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, good fortune; Cost Slot head; Price 90,000 gp; Weight
A circlet of spirit sight is crafted of fine wrought silver,
Amulet of Lizardskin decorated with a tiny white pearl at the front center. The
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th circlet grants the wearer the ability to see the natural world
Slot neck; Price 8,000 gp; Weight in terms of the living spirit in all things. Fey creatures
DESCRIPTION including fey-touched creatures appear to the wearer as
Crafted of thin, beaten yellowish-green metal and etched if surrounded by an aura of pure white light, the brightness
with the representation of scales, the amulet of of which is proportional to the amount of fey blood the
lizardskin confers upon the wearer a creature possesses. Non-fey living creatures are surround-

62 ed by an aura of blue light. Living plants have an aura of

green light; items made from once-living plants (wooden frame in question. The wearer can in no way communicate
items, woven grass mats, etc.) have an aura of dull yellow with individuals or creatures viewed in the past, nor can
light. Stone, metal, gems, and other inert, never-living ob- the wearer change or affect in any way the scenes that are
jects do not have an aura and appear as they do to normal viewed.
vision. Dead and undead creatures appear as black holes CONSTRUCTION
in their surrounding space. The range of the spirit sight is Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, handsight; Cost
60 feet. 39,600 gp
The power of the circlet can be turned on and off at will
by the wearer, with no maximum duration of use. Ierenas Glamered Garter
CONSTRUCTION Aura moderate illusion (glamer); CL 5th
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, spirit sight; Cost Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight
At first, this item appears to be a simple pink silk garter of
Collar of Constant Lubrication a type worn by ladies. While the garter is worn, the wearer
Aura faint conjuration; CL 1st can create illusory clothing of any type, size or style desired
Slot neck; Price 400 gp; Weight from the simplest of robes to the most risqu and daring
Description outfits. With only a moments thought (one swift action)
This leather collar was designed especially for clockwork the wearer can change the appearance of the clothing.
familiars. Wearing the collar keeps the gears of the clock- The illusory clothing provides no protection from the
work familiar oiled and lubricated and operating smoothly, elements, nor does it provide any protection against weap-
as if the clockwork familiars master had performed rou- ons. Only the use of a true seeing spell or other similar
tine maintenance. magic reveals the truth of the clothing.
CONSTRUCTION The creator of this item Ierena Cherizyn was a dar-
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, grease; Cost ing, adventurous woman. Some say that she often went
200 gp about her daily business wearing nothing but a cloak and
her glamered garter.
Collar of Protection CONSTRUCTION
Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Cost
Slot neck; Price 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2), 18,000 gp 10,000 gp
(+3), 32,000 gp (+4), 50,000 gp (+5); Weight
DESCRIPTION Ierenas Lip Gloss
This studded leather collar offers continues magical pro- Aura faint illusion; CL 5th
tection in the form of a deflection bonus of +1 to +5 to AC Slot none; Price 30,000 gp; Weight
when worn by a familiar or clockwork familiar. The collar DESCRIPTION
is too small to be worn by any but the tiniest of humanoid Ierenas lip gloss is usually found in a small ceramic or
creatures. stone jar. It is always bright red in color. Applying the lip
CONSTRUCTION gloss to the lips with a finger or small brush grants the user
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shield of faith; a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma and a +5 bonus to
Cost 1,000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp (+2), 9,000 gp (+3), all Bluff and Diplomacy checks for the next hour. A jar of
16,000 gp (+4), 25,000 gp (+5) lip gloss has a maximum of 50 uses.
Headband of Hindsight Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Ierenas luscious
Aura faint divination; CL 11th lips; Cost 15,000 gp
Slot head; Price 79,200 gp; Weight
This well-crafted leather headband has an unblinking eye Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
tooled into the front center. The pupil of the unblinking Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight
eye is hourglass-shaped. Three times per day, on com- DESCRIPTION
mand the wearer can view their immediate area up to 66 Upon command, this magical quill or ink pen begins to re-
hours in the past. The hindsight is in a 60 ft. cone ahead of cord the words spoken by all audible voices within 35 feet.
the wearer and turns as the wearers head turns. Any mo- The pen can only record the spoken words in the language
ment between 1 second earlier and 66 hours earlier can be in which they were spoken. The quill must be provided
viewed by the wearer as if the wearer were present at the with a constant flow of parchment, paper or another suit-
time the events happened (or is present again, if present able writing surface. If the flow of paper ceases the quill
the first time). While the headband is activated, the wearer stops recording.
can also use spells such as detect magic, arcane sight, CONSTRUCTION
and greater arcane sight to attempt to learn what spells Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, magical

were cast or what magic items were used during the time quill; Cost 5,000 gp
Perch of Healing rimmed lens when found. If placed against a non-magical
Aura faint conjuration; CL 5th door, wall or window shutter of wood, iron or stone and
Slot none; Price 24,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs. no more than 1 ft. thick, the lens allows the holder to peer
DESCRIPTION through and view the scene on the other side. The holders
The perch of healing is constructed of stout oak. A 5 ft. normal vision rules apply, so someone without darkvision
tall central shaft is set in a wooden base and two or three would not be able to see anything in a completely dark
sturdy dowels jut from the oak shaft at varying heights. room. The holder of the peep hole can see straight ahead
The perch can be used by birds to perch on or bats to hang and no more than 5 feet to the immediate left or right of
from. Up to four times per day, a wizard or sorcerer can the lens on the other side. The peep hole is tiny, and any-
activate the perchs power to heal a familiar of the appro- one on the other side of the door, wall or window shutter
priate type, so long as the familiar is perched on or dan- must make a DC 25 Perception check to spot it.
gling from one of the dowels. The magic heals 3d8+5 hp of Young male student wizards at various colleges of magic
damage to a familiar. are occasionally found in possession of one of these items,
CONSTRUCTION using it to spy on the female students in the bath house.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious CONSTRUCTION
wounds; Cost 12,000 gp Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, peep hole; Cost
4,000 gp
Porfios Mandolin
Aura faint transmutation; CL 12th Soundproof Cube
Slot none; Price 16,900 gp; Weight 4 lbs. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
DESCRIPTION Slot none; Price 42,000 gp; Weight
Porfios mandolin is a unique magic item prized by bards. DESCRIPTION
To most eyes, the mandolin appears as just another The soundproof cube is a tiny 1 in. x 1 in. cube of frosted
stringed musical instrument, perhaps a little well-used. A glass that appears to be a six-sided die on first glance.
bard, though, will recognize Porfios mandolin immedi- When commanded to activate, the cube magically sound-
ately. proofs up to a 40 ft. cube of space for up to 14 hours. Ev-
When carried by a bard, the mandolin allows the bard 4 eryone within the affected area can converse and hear each
extra uses per day of his Bardic Performance class feature. other normally, and can still hear any sounds outside the
Whenever the bard plays Porfios mandolin, he receives a spells area that would otherwise normally be heard, but
+3 bonus to his Perform (string instruments) skill checks. any creature outside the spells area of effect cannot hear
CONSTRUCTION what goes on within it.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, virtuoso; Cost CONSTRUCTION
8,450 gp Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, soundproof; Cost
21,000 gp
Portable Familiar Carrier
Aura faint abjuration and transmutation; CL 10th Torq of Awe
Slot none; Price 54,000 gp; Weight 15 lbs. Aura faint illusion; CL 1st
DESCRIPTION Slot neck; Price 8,000 gp; Weight
The well-to-do wizard who wishes to carry a familiar DESCRIPTION
around in style often uses a portable familiar carrier. The Made of several strands of wrought gold twisted together,
carrier is a sturdy cage of wood and steel with a locking the torq of awe grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus
door. The lock will open only for the familiars master, to all Intimidate checks four times per day. When activat-
keeping the familiar safe from those who would do it harm. ed, the wearer appears larger-than life and awe-inspiring
The carrier is large enough to accommodate most small- to those targeted by the Intimidate check. As suits the
sized familiars and smaller. While in the cage, the familiar wearer of the torq, thunder may echo and lightning may
is protected from most extremes of heat and cold (though flash from a staff or sword, or the wearer may be wreathed
it receives no protection from fire- or cold-based damage) in flames or deep shadows, or a great, golden light may
and if the cage is dropped, the carrier will float gently to surround the wearer. No matter the specific visible effect,
the ground for up to 10 rounds. the bonus is the same.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, arcane lock, Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, awe; Cost
endure elements, feather fall; Cost 27,000 gp 4,000 gp

Portable Peep Hole

Aura faint transmutation; CL 4th
Slot none; Price 8,000 gp; Weight

A portable peep hole appears to be a tiny gold-
Appendix - Book of Arcane Magic
Spells for Divine C asters
N ot all gamers who play spellcasting characters choose
arcane casters. Many prefer to play divine casters
clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers. To facilitate play-
2nd-Level Druid Spells
Call of the Wild

ers and GMs alike who might wish to use some of the new 3rd-Level Druid Spells
spells in this book for divine casters, make use of the fol- Liars Curse
lowing spell list as a suggested guide. GMs are, of course,
welcome to adjust this list as they see fit. If the GM feels
a spell from this book, but not on the following list, would
4th-Level Druid Spells
Spirit Sight
work well for divine casters, that is of course the GMs
Suffering Wind


0-Level Cleric Spells 1st-Level Paladin Spells

Makeshift Quill
1st-Level Cleric Spells
2nd-Level Paladin Spells
Charge of the Valiant
2nd-Level Cleric Spells Wall of Light
Comfort Food
Magic Probe
3rd-Level Paladin Spells
Staggering Blow
3rd-Level Cleric Spells
Good Fortune
4th-Level Paladin Spells
Spirit Sight
Liars Curse
Memory of Love
4th-Level Cleric Spells 1st-Level Ranger Spells
Limited Telepathy Birds Eye View
Mind to Mind Call of the Wild
Philanthropist Double Take
5th-Level Cleric Spells Net
Spirit Sight Sense of Place
6th-Level Cleric Spells
Flesh and Blood 2nd-Level Ranger Spells
Perfect Balance
9th-Level Cleric Spells
Spell Meld 3rd-Level Ranger Spells
Sniper Shot
Wall of Light
4th-Level Ranger Spells
1st-Level Druid Spells Spirit Sight
Birds Eye View

Upcoming Releases from 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming

The Book of
Divine Magic
A Sourcebook for Clerics, Druids, Paladins, and Rangers
Featuring over 100 new spells, new deities, temples and other centers of faith, animal
companions for all four classes, and magic items galore!

September 2009

Paths of Power
A Sourcebook of Base and Prestige Classes
October 2009

Gear and Treasure

A Sourcebook of Equipment and Alchemical and Magic Items
November 2009

Further and additional product release updates will be posted on our web-

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