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Adventurer Essentials - True Alchemy PDF

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dventur ers Essentials: T

enturers rue Alchemy

Written by Chris A. Field of Otherverse Games

Cover Illustration by:

Illustrations by: Black Hand Stock, Joe Calkins of Cerberus

Illustrations, Louis Porter Jr. Image Portfolio,
Otherworld Art, Sphere Productions

Stock Photography by The Stock Exchange

Historical and Public Domain Illustrations Courtesy Wikimedia
Commons, used under GNU Free Documentation License

Published by:
Skortched Urf Studios

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traps the North Winds in a wineskin and releases it
Alchemy is not science.
as a weapon of elemental ice. Alchemy creates the
Tanglefoot Bags (brewed from tar and brown
Alchemy is not chemistry.
recluse webs and stolen shadows) and
Thunderstones (captured lightning imps) that every
Alchemy is not pharmacology.
adventurer carries into the dungeon. Alchemy can
also do much, much more..
Alchemy is not medicine.
The most skilled alchemists in the multiverse
Alchemy is magic, pure and simple, though
have discovered a new discipline, an outgrowth of
its easy to see how you might be fooled.
their semi-magical profession they call true science.
Scientific discoveries spur new magical discoveries,
The twin disciplines of science and alchemy
and within the last few centuries a new kind of
have their own laws, their own traditions, their own
sorcerer, a vanguard of a new era has emerged: the
specialized languages. Both science and alchemy
Mad Science sorcerer.
seek mastery of the physical world through pursuit
of knowledge. But alchemy only functions in a world
The concepts in this sourcebook explore the
permeated with magic, where sheer willpower can
new possibilities of alchemy and science. New gear,
override reality and make superstition into a viable
new feats, a new sorcerer blood line and two new
player races are all products of the strangest
sciences imaginable.
Alchemy binds the catalytic essence of the
Elemental Plane of Fire and bottles it into a cheap
brown-glass jar to make Alchemists Fire. Alchemy

Alchemical Concoctions Further Rea ding
The items in this category are products of The upcoming Campaign Options: Fantasy
crude chemistry, hedge wizardry and occasionally, Firearms and Campaign Options: Ley Lines both
true magic. Though not as earth-shatteringly power- deal with the effects fantastic technology will have on
ful as a vorpal blade, theyve probably saved more your campaign world. Fantasy Firearms includes not
lives over the long decades. Wise adventurers carry just guns, but fantasy equivalents of everything from
at least a few of the following trinkets. grenades to jet packs! Meanwhile, Ley Lines
introduces arcana-tech versions of modern inven-
Alchemical Augmentation: This pale tions like the telegraph, rail systems and even a
green, whiskey-like fluid can be poured into any magi-tech printing press. Finally, Megafeats Revised
magical potion to augment the potions magical and (Otherverse Games, 2010) includes several feats of
chemical reactions and make the fluid more potent. interest to crafters and Mad Scientists, especially the
Any potion with Alchemical Augmentation added to Breeder feat tree, which allows you to create
it is treated as if its caster level were one higher. entirely new kinds of creatures!

Brewing a dose of Alchemical Augmentation Combining all three sourcebooks allows you
is difficult, requiring a DC 28 Craft (alchemy) check. to build a post-Renaissance fantasy world where
science and magic coexist.
Alchemical Catalyst: This sticky golden
resin can be added to any alchemical weapon to
increase its potency by improving the chemical and alchemical weapons are usually sold in tin or copper
magical reactions that power it. flasks with a color coded label explaining their use.

As a move equivalent action, you may add a Alchemy Laboratory (Portable): This
drop of Alchemical Catalyst to any alchemical extremely expensive collection of rendering pots,
weapon or item. All saving throws associated with steel and tin test tubes, almost unbreakable ceramic
that enhanced weapon are increased by +2. The beakers and miniature tools can (surprisingly) all be
improved alchemical weapon must be used within packed away into a standard journeymans pack,
the next hour or it and the catalyst added are and carried by man or mule anywhere. Canny
wasted, becoming useless brackish water. Alchemi- adventuring alchemists will gladly pay the premium
cal Catalyst can be brewed with a DC 24 Craft price associated with a travelling laboratory so they
check. can carry their work with them wherever they go.

Alchemists Elemental Weapons: A portable alchemy lab functions identically

Alchemists Fire is a standard weapon for many to a standard Alchemists Lab, but it is smaller and
adventures- a few drops of the essence of fire itself, much easier to carry, increasing its cost.
trapped in a brittle glass vial and ready to be used
for murder. While Alchemists Fire is the most well Bargainers Paint: This alchemically
known example of an alchemical elemental weapon, treated paint uses an egg tempera base mixed with
similar concoctions based upon rarer elements exist. exotic reagents and kobold blood. Every rancher,
horse trader and slave merchant in the lands carries
These weapons function identically to a few tubes of Bargainers Paint.
Alchemists Fire, but inflict a different type of energy
damage. The other elemental weapons are referred When applied to a living being with a
to as Alchemists Frost (cold) Alchemists Lightning reasonably normal anatomy, Bargainers Paint
(electrical), and Alchemists Roar (sonic). These changes color and hue to indicate the subjects

physical fitness. Different recipes of paints have their equivalent action, and the monocle is usually worn
own colorations, but the accepted hues are Strength on a necklace or pocket fob.
(Gold), Dexterity (Purple) and Constitution (Red)
and each tube of paint is designed to diagnose a Crafting a Clearsight Monocle requires a
single ability score. The alchemical reaction begins DC 25 Craft (jeweler) check.
within seconds of applications and lasts for about a
minute, before the paint flakes away. Depilatory: This pungent, slightly acidic
paste can be rubbed on skin to completely remove
If the detected ability score is less than 10, hair. It is a common grooming item, and can also be
the paint daubed on the subject fades to grey used to prepare a patient for surgery.
quickly. If the detected ability score is between 10 -
12, the paints color is pastel. If the detected ability Mixing up a small batch of depilatory
score is between 13-18, the color is strong. Ability requires a DC 10 Craft (alchemy) check.
scores above 18 cause the paint to
shed light as a candle for 1 round.
Scores above 24 cause the paint to Epicures Fork:
shed light as a torch for one round. This silver fork (or
spoon, occasionally)
Each tube of Bargainers is often etched with a
Paint holds enough paint for 10 simple pictogram of a
applications, and each tube has a steaming hot pie or
different color and purpose. Brew- other savory dish at
ing Bargainers Paint requires a DC the hilt. Any food
22 Craft (alchemy) check. eaten with this hedge-
spell item is warm
Clearsight Monocle: and savory, and
Producing even a single Clearsight tastes well flavored
Monocle can take a skilled jeweler and seasoned, no
the better part of a season. The matter how bland the
jeweler must perfectly bevel and cooking is. If the
shape a lens from flawless amber. If food is hazardous
each and every facet is correct, the (spoilt, poisoned or
Clearsight Monocle can catch the otherwise harmful)
glittering half light of magic, as the the Epicures Fork
strange energy passes through the lens. The item has no effect on that, but at least the meal will be
itself is non-magical, but due to a quirk of its con- half-way tasty.
struction, can perceive otherwise invisible magical Crafting an Epicures Fork requires a DC
radiance. 18 Craft (alchemy) check.

Fighters Balm: This golden-brown liquid

While wearing a Clearsight Monocle, a is brewed from the sweat of gladiators and alchemi-
character receives a +2 equipment bonus on WILL cal fire, the source of heat, rage, energy and multi-
Saves made against Illusion spells and effects. cellular life itself. When applied to a tired warriors
Unfortunately, the wearers distance vision is com- muscle, the warriors skin seems to redden and char
promised, and she suffers a -5 penalty on all ranged slightly, with sweat and dead skin visibly sloughing
attacks farther than the weapons first range incre- off. Applying fighters balm is an extremely painful
ment. Donning or removing the monocle is a move- full round action.

When Fighters Balm is applied, all subdual have at least four ranks in Disable Device to
damage is eliminated, but the patient suffers 1 point successfully do so.
of lethal damage per character level. Characters
who are exhausted become fatigued, and fatigued Iron Boil: Iron Boiled fruit and eggs are
characters are have that condition removed. common trail rations. A few pinches of iron shavings,
basilisk blood and an earth elementals blood-like
Mixing a tincture of Fighters Balm requires essence are brought to a boil in an specially shaped
a DC 22 Craft (alchemy) check. iron kettle. Eggs, fruit and other perishables allowed
to boil in the bubbling broth for five to ten minutes
Herd Musk: Herd Musk is sold in 10 become as hard and durable as iron, though their
gallon wooden casks, and is a common sight on weight does not change. These items can even be
most farms. Various alchemists and herbalists each used as sling bullets in a pinch! Iron boiled items
have their own recipes for the foul smelling fluid, and have a faint coppery after taste when eaten, but
they all proudly advertise with elaborate brands otherwise suffer no ill effects from the preservative
charred into the kegs wood. process. Iron Boiled items do not break easily
(which makes carrying eggs and fresh fruit much
Herd Musk is a chemical concoction that easier) and keep indefinitely.
smells (at least to animal noses) similar to the urine
and pheromones of terrifying predators. Farmers When touched by metal, such as a dagger or
and herdsmen pour out measures of the musk to even a coin, the transformation is reversed, returning
create chemical fences that most herbivores are the preserved egg or fruit to an edible state. Once
reluctant to cross. returned to its normal state, the food begins to spoil
Any herbivorous creature of the Animal type
will avoid coming within one square of any area The components of an Iron Boil broth cost
splashed with Herd Musk for around a day after the around 25 gp, and are mixed with a successful DC
treatment, though rain and weather easily washes 12 Craft (alchemy) check. The Iron Boil broth can
away the pungent liquid. Herbivores wishing to cross be used indefinitely, so long as it is kept at a boil and
a line of Herd Musk can attempt a DC 8 WILL not allowed to evaporate. New water and broth
Save to do so, but unless they are fleeing some mixture are added every few hours. Most provision-
obvious danger, most cows, sheep, and the like ers keep a big pot of Iron Boil bubbling over the
never even bother to do so. hearth, and allow customers to dip their goods in the
broth for a surcharge of a few additional coppers.
A cask of Herd Musk can be distilled with a
DC 10 Craft (alchemy) check. Maidenhead Wine: This dark claret is
mixed with a few drops of healing potion and a few
House Breaker: This fine white powder drops of blood from a virgin humanoid or unbred
must be distilled from the dying urine of a hanged animal. Maidenhead wine has preserved the sanctity
thief, and is a common tool in the arsenal of burglars. of hundreds of arranged marriages, and is in com-
When poured into the keyhole of any lock, the mon use by prostitutes across the world, as well as
alchemical powder rusts away internal components, by canny slavers. Dozens of recipes for Maiden-
reducing the Disable Device check DC associated head Wine exist, but the most popular is Modest
with that specific lock by 1d4. This damage is Marjories Magnificent and Discrete Restorative, a
obvious and permanent. Gnomish wine which the small-folks women drink
almost daily as a cultural quirk.
Mixing some House Breaker requires a DC
18 Craft (alchemy) check, and the alchemist must

When a cup of the wine is drunk by a Monkeys Paw Tea: The stories of arro-
humanoid or monstrous female, her hymen and any gant wizards undone by a carelessly worded Wish
other physical signs of virginity presented by her spell are numerous and always bring catcalls and
species are restored, if missing. Mixing a bottle of free drinks for any halfway competent bard telling
Maidenhead Wine requires a DC 15 Craft (al- the tale. This strong tea, brewed from the brown and
chemy) check. purple leaves of the tree known as a monkeys paw,
is said to allow spell casters a little much needed
Maidens Honey: Known by literally insight when casting the spell of all spells.
dozens of names, even the polite name for this Monkeys Paw Tea is extremely bitter, and only
omnipresent alchemical charm is slightly vulgar in its really tolerable when almost drowned in milk, but
implications. For most alchemists, this potion is their due to its close association with the pinnacle of
bread and butter. When imbibed by a humanoid, magical power, drinking the bitter tea has become a
monstrous humanoid or giant, Maidens Honey kind of status symbol among young mages. Coffee
allows sexual response and enjoyment regardless of houses and inns within walking distance of magical
age or infirmity for the next 6-8 hours. colleges of all kinds know to keep a goodly supply
of Monkeys Paw Tea in stock.
Concocting a batch of Maidens Honey
requires a DC 18 Craft (alchemy) check. Any arcane spell caster who drinks
Monkeys Paw Tea within an hour of casting Wish
or Limited Wish (or any similar spell) receives the
drinks hard to define, but very real benefit. After
describing the desired wish to the gamemaster, the
spell casters player receives a short hint about how
the gamemaster might literally but painfully grant the
wish. The spellcaster is then given a chance to alter
the wording of the spell, in hopes of avoiding ironic

Brewing Monkeys Paw Tea requires a DC

25 Craft (alchemy) check.

Mouthpaste: This thick and grainy, pale

green mush can be rubbed on to the teeth with a
finger or a small brush. It tastes like overstrong pine
mint, but after being rinsed off cleans and brightens
the users teeth as well as making their breath more
pleasant. Regular use (over a 1-2 month period)
gradually restores missing, cracked, chipped and
cavity-riddled teeth to their pristine original state.

The price and weight given are for a weeks

supply of mouthpaste, which is usually sold in a small
ceramic vessel. A weeks supply of mouthpaste can
be produced with a DC 12 Craft (alchemy) check.

When this thin crimson Making a working
liquid is applied to one Scribner requires a
end of any rope, its DC 22 Craft (al-
bright color races up chemy) check.
the coil. Any rope
strengthened by Sharpening Mud:
Ropebless has its load When this oily grey
bearing capability clay is rubbed onto
doubled for one hour the cutting edge of a
after the application. blade, it begins
Most sailors and dock- humming softly.
whallopers carry a few Quickly hardening to
vials of ropebless a stony crust, this
tucked into their elementally active,
belts as do experi- alchemically infused
enced hangmen. substance flakes off
within a minute of
A vial of application. Once the
Ropebless can be Sharpening Mud has
mixed with a successful done its work, the
DC 17 Craft (alchemy) blade it is applied to is
check. as clean and razor sharp as if it had just been
whetted by an expert sword-smith.
Samplers Dust: A tiny pinch of this
multicolored, cinnamon scented dust applied to an A single application of Sharpening Mud can
unidentified potion vial can provide vital, often life be mixed with a DC 15 Craft (alchemy) check.
saving clues to the mysterious liquids nature. A Sharpening Mud is usually sold in small, water-
second after the dust is applied, a puff of colorful proofed leather bags holding 3-4 applications of the
smoke erupts from the lip of the potion bottle, and paste.
the color and odor of this flash identifies what school
of magic the potion belongs to. Often, a hand- Shepherds Chew: This rubbery grey paste
printed egg tempera note is tied to the draw strap of is made from feed grain, honey and salt and tastes
the small leather bag containing the dust, which acts exactly like that description would assume. Shep-
as a identifying key for the reactions. herds, ranchers and animal breeders, not to mention
many Druids and Rangers chew a square of the
Making some Samplers Dust requires a DC substance nightly before bedding down. According
24 Craft (alchemy) check. to farm lore, the recipe for Shepherds Chew is a
blessing from the Goddess o the Cows, a minor
Scribner: This fat handled ink-pen holds an animal deity and patron of farm life and animal
apparently endless store of ink suspended in a few husbandry.
drops of endlessly renewable elemental water.
Unlike other pens, the Scribner never runs out of Any person with at least four ranks in
ink, as long as its writer dips the tip of the pen in Handle Animal who eats Shepherds Chew within an
clear water before the days writing begins. Black hour of sleeping or resting has a 60% chance of
ink is the most common, though Scribners of other receiving a dream or vision concerning animals they
colors do exist, and are highly prized by artists and will encounter upon next waking. If a dream comes,
the character receives a +2 insight bonus on Handle he doesnt get a nasty, venomous surprise when he
Animal checks until he or she next sleeps. puts his shoes on the next morning.

A ration of Shepherds Chew can be Verminbane Sachets have a pungent odor

produced with a DC 15 Craft (alchemy) check. The which repulses mundane vermin, such as mosqui-
alchemist must have at least 4 ranks in Handle toes, tiny spiders and other annoyances. Larger,
Animal to produce Shepherds Chew successfully. monstrous creatures with the Vermin subtype suffer
a 2 morale penalty on all attack rolls, skill checks
Strix Balm: This herbal concoction police is and saving throws when within 10 ft of a sachet and
created from several herbs, including mustard seed for 1d4 rounds after leaving the area. A verminbane
and pennyroyal. When inserted as a vaginal supposi- sachet retains its potency for 1d6+1 days after
tory, it prevents humanoid, monstrous humanoid or creation. Vermin will typically not enter a square
giant female from conceiving for the next day, or until warded with a sachet if they can avoid it.
removed. If administered within the first few weeks
of pregnancy, it safely induces an abortion. A Verminbane Sachet can be spilled on a
creatures back trail to destroy scent cues. Any
Mixing a days dose of Strix Balm properly creature tracking an adventurer carrying a sachet or
requires a DC 18 Craft (alchemy) check. who has sprinkled on one his back trail using the
Scent special quality suffers a 4 circumstance
Toilette Ribbons: These white and gold penalty on Survival checks made to follow the scent.
cloth strips (which are usually sold in bunches of 2-
3) are worn across the chest at underarm level and An outdoorsman can make a sachet with a
are loosely wrapped around the genitals. DC 5 Craft (alchemy) or Survival check and a few
They are enchanted with an extremely limited minutes to devote to gathering the herbs.
version of the prestidigitation that constantly and
efficiently wipes away sweat and dirt, freshens and Warmstone: This fist sized disk of volcanic
scents the wearers body. A staple product for every obsidian is chipped to a smooth hexagonal or
alchemist who has mastered the Arcane Cobbler octagonal shape. Alchemical tricks unlock the faint
feat, Toilette Ribbons may be the single most of essence of elemental flame trapped within the
common magic item in the entire multiverse. stone. When pressed against metal (say, that of a
cook pot placed atop the stone), the warmstone
Toilette Ribbons may be worn indefinitely, provides a gentle and gradual heat. The warmstone
and while they are worn, dirt, stains and odor fade can easily cook a meal placed in skillet or bring a
completely from the wearer and his clothes within 5- bucket of water to a boil, though it takes about
10 minutes. The character always seems fresh and twice as long to cook with a warmstone as with a
clean, as if he has just stepped from a bath. Crafting real campfire.
a set requires a DC 14 Craft (alchemy) check.
The warmstone does not provide heat when
wrapped in cloth or leather, and cools within sec-
Verminbane Sachet: Insects and parasites onds after being removed from contact with metal,
are a never ending torment to a weary adventurer, making it an ideal heat source for travelers. It can
and worse, are harbingers of illness and disease. safely be carried in a backpack or pocket. An
Verminbane Sachets are small bundles of herbs and alchemist can construct a warmstone with a DC 20
dried, highly toxic jungle plants inside a small cloth Craft (alchemy) check. Once created, the
pouch the size of a plum. Adventurers carry several warmstone retains its alchemical properties for 1d4
of these small but pungent sachets, which are tossed years before becoming useless.
inside bedrolls, or shoved into a soldiers boots so

Scientific Creations
The following items require extreme skill
to craft, and can usually only be found in the
shops of specialized artisans. These devices are
often beyond the reach of the common man, and
are only used by nobles, the military and adven-
turers. These items are products of skill, not

Calotype Camera: This device uses a

blinding flash produced by alchemical reaction, to
instantly etch a life-like image upon a specially
prepared silver and copper plate. Within a minute
of the flash, the calotype camera produces an
image more detailed and real than event the finest
artist could produce. The image seems to melt
into focus on the silver and copper plate, and the
final result is an image about the size of a medium

The wealthy and historians alike have

embraced this new device, using calotype images to
A Clockwork Bard has an effective Perform
record noble lineages, nature scenes, historic sites
(instrumental) result of 10. The musical selection can
and the exploits of famed adventurers alike. Skilled
be up to five minutes long, and is roughly as loud as
calotypers make a regular circuit of fairs and
normal human speech (DC 10 Perception check).
villages at holiday, selling a chance to have a
calotype made at a premium.
Compass: Using a small, well balanced
sliver of magnetic iron, this handheld device points
The calotype camera stands on a tripod at
unerringly toward the planets north magnetic pole
roughly eye level, but can be raised or lowered via
(or poles). A compass is usually worn on a lanyard
handcrank. The flash the camera produces is sudden
around the neck, or clipped to a belt or breast plate
and painful to the eyes, but only blinds the subjects
with a chain fob. Used properly, it provides a +2
for a fraction of a second. It has no real game effect.
equipment bonus on Survival checks made for
The calotype camera will only photograph a
navigation. Underground, where magnetic mineral
subjects true nature; illusions are not displayed in
deposits may skew the reading, the bonus drops to
the final image.
+1. In either case, the user can always find true
north with a compass.
Clockwork Bard: This ornately decorated
box plays a single short tune when opened thanks to
Dogs Whistle: This silver or copper signal
an intricately maintained series of clockworks and
whistle is pitched so high that it can only be heard by
springs. Clockwork Bards are common as gifts and
creatures with the Animal, Dragon or Vermin types.
playthings among the very wealthy. Some of the
Otherwise, it functions as a normal signal whistle.
most expensive include marionettes and clockwork
sculptures which dance in time to the music.
Embalmers Kit: This professional kit
allows a trained surgeon to drain the blood and

fluids of a corpse, add preservatives and perfumes Magnetic Lockpicks: These masterwork
and seal off the filth of the corpses intestines to quality lockpicks are constructed out of magnetic
prevent decay. Embalming a corpse requires a iron. Thieves using them to pick locks find the faint
successful DC 18 Craft (alchemy) or DC 16 Profes- magnetic field produced by the picks makes knock-
sion (mortician) check. If successful, the corpse ing tumblers easier. Any one of these lockpicks can
remains recognizable and does not decay for roughly be used to lift a 1 lb metal object by itself.
six months, as if the corpse has been preserved with
the spell gentle repose. A corpse can only be The magnetic lockpicks provide the user
preserved via scientific methods once before it with a +3 equipment bonus on Disable Device
begins to decay naturally. checks when picking a mostly metal device. When
picking a non-metallic device of any kind, the bonus
An embalmers kit includes enough embalm- provided is only +2.
ing fluids and unguents to preserve four Medium
sized corpses before it must be replenished. Replen- Magnetic Pole: This simple iron pole is
ishing the kit costs 10 gp. comprised of 3-4 two foot long sections, which can
be screwed together to produce a 12 pole at full
Hypodermic: Made from heavy glass and a extension. All sections of the pole are magnetic, and
silver or copper needle, this large syringe can be can be used to lift a metal object weighing up to 25
used to administer potions more efficiently, stretching lbs.
their use. A filled hypodermic can be used to deliver
a potion to a willing user as a full-round action. The Supercharging a Magnet
main advantage of hypodermic delivery is that a Its possible to temporarily supercharge a
regular potion used in this manner provides two magnet with any spell or effect that deals electrical
doses. Each application uses up half of a standard damage. For one minute per level of the spell used,
vial potion; half a potion is normally useless. the magnets lifting power is increased by 10 times.
Zero level spells cant supercharge a magnet, and a
Any character afflicted by poison, disease or spell used in this manner has no other effect.
a curse who allows another character to use a
hypodermic he or she has used within the past day Microscope: An ingenious series of spe-
risks transmitting that affliction. The other user must cially-ground lenses magnify objects until a flea
succeed at a FORT save at a -5 penalty (DC looms large as a lion in the alchemists field of vision,
determined by the specific affliction) or contract the and individual blood cells are visible. A microscope
affliction themselves. grants a +4 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks
involving small or highly detailed objects. It also
Kaleidoscope: This foot long wood or tin provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Heal and
cylinder uses an intricate series of silver mirrors and Knowledge checks made concerning living creatures
multiple layers of eye-catching glass panes to create whose blood, hair or other samples have been
a dizzing array of ever changing patterns when the closely studied under the microscope within the last
shaft is turned. Kaleidoscopes are favorite toys for month. Studying a living creature in such a manner
the spoilt children of nobility. requires at least 8 hours of intense scrutiny.

Some wealthy bards and illusionists carry Periscope, Hand: A hand periscope is a
kaleidoscopes. If the kaleidoscope is in hand and foot long metal tube shaped like an elongated S
used as an optional Arcane Focus for any Illusion shape. A series of silver mirrors within the tube
spell that creates images or manipulates light, the allows the user to peek around corners, under or
illusionist casts the spell at +1 caster level. over ledges. or even at a medusa. without
exposing themselves.

where-ever they could find it: beneath a tree or rock
Physicians Mask: In many kingdoms, outcropping, or under a simple, improvised lean-to.
physicians are identifiable thanks to their unique Given their relative bulk and expense, tents are a
leather and wood masks, which often resemble a plaything for the wealthy. Few adventurers carry one
birds beak. The ibis, vulture, owl and parrot are all themselves, instead loading the bundled tent on the
common inspirations for masks, and many alche- back of a packmule or horse.
mists and healers keep such birds as both pet and
symbol of their profession. A physicians mask is A camping tent is a Large object that can
fitted with fine mesh screens to (hopefully) keep out accommodate one Large, two Medium sized or at
disease, and the beak is often stuffed with fragrant least four Small or smaller sleepers. The camping
herbs and spices like garlic to ward off the foul tent is made of waterproofed leather or heavy cloth,
smells of most hospitals. In some lands, wearing a though in hot climates slightly thinner materials are
physicians mask without being a licensed healer is used. A small leather or hemp door can be tied
considered fraud and is punished harshly. closed to keep out bugs and the weather.

While wearing a physicians mask, a charac- It requires 2d4 minutes to clear the ground
ter receives a +2 equipment bonus on FORT save and set up a camping tent. No skill check is re-
against airborne diseases and inhalation toxins. quired.

Spectacles: These finely ground crystal A campaign tent is a Colossal object that
lenses are worn by those whose natural vision is can accommodate as many as 16 Large creatures,
lacking. Only the very wealthy can afford to correct 32 Medium creatures, or more than 60 Small or
their nearsightedness or farsightedness- the peasants smaller inhabitants. These huge canvas and leather
must make do with the weak eyes they were born structures are often ornately decorated, and are
with. used as temporary homes for nobility, or as comfort-
able command centers for military campaigns.
Tincture of Mercury: The gleaming, ever Circuses and travelling shows often use campaign
fluid metal quicksilver is often used by alchemists tents, as do many travelling markets.
and hedge wizards to cure disease, but unfortu-
nately, the cure is often worse than the disease. It requires 1d4 hours and a DC 10 Craft
(structural) check to correctly raise a campaign tent.
When a dose of mercury is given to a patient
suffering disease (either orally or by injection), the Thermometer: This slender frosted glass
patient receives an additional FORT Save with a +3 vial is filled with quicksilver. Notations etched into
circumstance bonus to overcome the illness. How- the glass allows an alchemist to note ambient tem-
ever, the patient suffers 2d6 points of HP damage perature or the temperature of a liquid, creature or
within a minute of application. Furthermore, any time object the thermometer is inserted into.
the patient suffers 10 or more points of damage from
the mercury, he or she must succeed at a DC 16 Using a thermometer in alchemy allows
FORT Save or suffer 1d6 points each of temporary greater precision, and increases the bonus provided
INT and WIS damage. by an Alchemists Lab (regular or masterwork) by
Tent: Camping tents are a relatively new
invention, with comparatively few adventurers
making use of them. Prior to the invention of the true
tent, adventurers simply made due with a blanket or
a bedroll and took shelter from extreme weather

Exoo tic M
Maa terials Items made from Star Iron weigh about
25% more than similar items made from terrestrial
metal. Star Iron has Hardness 15 and 30 HP per
The following new substances find their way
inch of thickness.
into the best alchemist-crafted weapons and armor.
Magnetic Iron Restriction: Masterwork Weapons only
Restrictions: Weapons, Shields
Quicksilvering a weapon involves hollow-
Specially treated iron is exposed to intense ing the hilt and blade or striking surface during
electrical discharges until it becomes permanently forging and filling the cavity with quicksilver. The
charged. Weapons and shields made of magnetic quicksilver moves as the weapon is swung, changing
iron can be used to lift metallic objects weighing up the weapons balance slightly for maximum force.
to 50 lbs. Magnetic iron weapons and shields When the weapon hits, it does so at with its weight
provide the user with a +2 equipment bonus on concentrated at the striking surface.
disarm attempts made against adversaries using
metal weapons. Quicksilver weapons inflict an additional +1
point of damage per size category upon a successful
Making a weapon or shield from magnetic hit. Quicksilvered weapons must have the master-
iron increases its purchase price by +100 gp. Both work quality, which is added after the base price is
heads of a double weapon may be made of mag- figured.
netic iron, or made of different substances, at the
blacksmiths option.
The Alchemical Races
Magnetic Iron has Hardness 10 and 30 HP
per inch of thickness, identical to ordinary iron or The two new races described here, the
steel. Mechana and the Shaped are both tied intimately to
alchemy and advancing science. The Shaped are the
Star Iron bastard children of alchemy, while the often underes-
Restrictions: Weapon, Armor, Shields timated Mechana may very well be the sciences
Iron recovered from meteorites fallen to
earth has long been viewed with awe by alchemists,
mages and warriors alike. The unique properties of Mechana
The Mechana
iron from another world gives weapons minted from
this rough, dark metal special properties against Small Pseudo-Construct
outsiders: creatures from just as far beyond ordinary
reality. Alchemists often speak of a great clock-
work axis upon which the multiverse turns. Their
Weapons made from Star Iron provide the descriptions of gears subtle and invisible are not
wielder with a +1 luck bonus on attack and damage just metaphor or myth, they attempt to articulate the
rolls against creatures with the Outsider type. nature of reality. Mad scientists occasionally catch a
Shields and armor made from Star Iron provide the glimpse of the universes inner workings, out of the
wearer with a +2 luck bonus to Armor Class against corner of their eye, and these visions empower
melee attacks made by any creature with the Out- them. But if the universe is a great clock, who
sider type. oaintains the gears and winds the springs?

The little and much underestimated Mechana Many Mechana speculate that humanoid
were created by the gods as a servitor race. These Mad Scientist are a product of the same universal
tiny, construct-like beings are responsible for immune system that created their own race, and
maintaining the vast clockwork mechanisms which unless there is an obvious threat, will treat a human-
keep the universe turning smoothly on its axis. They oid Mad Science sorcerer as beloved kin and
are considered the cousin-species of the Dwarves, attempt to enlist the sometimes baffled humanoid in
but their true origins are legendary at best. Like the the Mechanas endless quest to tinker with the
Dwarves, the Mechana are great craftsmen and Universal Gearworks.
worship the severe and serious gods of the forge.
The Mechana are an old race, and though humble Appearance: Mechana are small, clockwork
and reclusive, the species actually predates many of constructs which resemble diminutive humanoids.
the great planar empires by tens of thousands of The little creatures have smooth brass and copper
years. According to their own stories: We have shells, inside of which beat copper hearts. A tor-
always been here. toise-like shell protects their back. Their small
bodies are amazingly heavy, filled with intricate
Mechana are found across the planes, techno-magical innards. A Mechanas odd propor-
performing self directed missions to repair the tions, stubby, goat-like legs and metallic bulk limit
cosmic clockworks. Longstanding tradition dictates their agility. Most Mechana move with a distinctive,
that a Mechana tradesman is welcome in all places, comedic waddle.
and the little constructs are often allowed entry to
fortified demi-planes and walk without fear through A Mechanas face-plate and the tips of the
the 9,999 layers of the Abyss, just as they are automatons fingers are made from fine bone-white
allowed entry into the Celestial realms. Most ivory. A Mechanas face resembles an elaborately
Mechana are careful to maintain their neutrality and jointed theater-mask. Their ivory faces have many
trustworthiness, to ensure their way isnt barred in hidden joints and seams, allowing the little constructs
the future. to vary their expressions.

Aside from small cottage and workshops in Mechana usually go nude.

remote regions, the Mechana have no true lands of
their own. Mechana have no memories of their Reproduction: Mechana are genderless beings,
races origins, though all Mechana instinctively who do not reproduce naturally. After about a
understand their role in maintaining cosmic order. century or so of existence, the techno-magical secret
The race is nomadic in the extreme, wandering from of building a new Mechana offspring comes to the
plane to plane and crossing time, space and political creature in a dream. Building a new Mechana
borders with the same aplomb. offspring requires a DC 42 Craft (clockwork)
check, and raw materials totaling at least 25,000 gp,
They are welcome in Dwarven and Gnomish and is a massive undertaking, involving at least a
enclaves, due to their orderly and disciplined genius year of work. Elder Mechana consider the construc-
and their willingness to work. Mechana get along tion of offspring a long-term project, or continuing
well with Mad Scientists of all races. To the plane- hobby more then they think of it as child-rearing, at
walking constructs, Mad Scientist sorcerers are least as we humanoids understand the term.
surrounded with a complex and perpetually moving
sheath of gears, an invisible aura similar to that of A newborn Mechana is a first level charac-
another Mechana. ter, with a decent understanding of the world around
it, and basic knowledge implanted during its cre-
ation. Mechana children usually spend several years
with their constructor, a period of adolescent
apprenticeship, before striking out on their own.

Alignment: Mechana are dispassionate and busi- Mechana NPCS are pretty much the definition of
ness-like. They consider the good of the multiverse True Neutral, though adventurers and heroic
as a whole above the needs of any particular race, Mechana might be any alignment. However, at least
world or creature. They tolerate most things, so long one component of the Mechanas alignment must
as their cosmic repair missions arent interfered with. always be Neutral. No form of magical compulsion,
not even divine intervention, can change this funda-
mental fact of Mechana existence.

Names: All Mechana claim a title of

expertise, such as Master Mason,
Clockwright, Gear Spinner, or something
similar. They append a bi-syllabic personal
identifier after their title; the races numbers
are low enough they dont really need
Example Titles: Master Mason,
Clockwright, Gear Spinner, Wrenchhand,
Apprentice Wright, Master Gemworker
Names: Surba, Colis, Takka,
Nuvon, Selma, Toris, Elmist, Vekka

Languages: Mechana speak Common

and Dwarven fluently, and many learn
technical and magical languages. Mechana
may select Draconic, Celestial, Infernal,
and Terran as bonus languages.

Favored Class: Sorcerer. Mechana were

the first Mad Science sorcerers, defining
the parameters of the discipline in their
secret little labs hidden in the multiverses
remote places. Many humanoid Mad
Science sorcerers have a family history with
the Mechana, whether or not they know it
when they begin their adventuring lives.
Kindness and generosity to Mechana often
results in the talent for Mad Science
entering a mortals blood-
line, as a sort of cosmic

Favor ed Cla
ored ss?
Class? Racial Skills: All Craft Skills and Use Magic
Device are always considered class skills for a
One of the aspects of the Pathfinder
Mechana character. Mechana receive a +4 racial
Roleplaying Game beta version I preferred to the
bonus on Craft (clockwork) checks and a +2 racial
final edition of the rules was the fact that each race
bonus on Disable Device checks.
(aside from humans and their kin) had a specific
favored class. I feel this division helps differentiate all
Universal Mechanics (SU): All Mechana
the different player species available.
can naturally see and perceive flaws in the underlying
While the final version of the favored class
structure of the multiverse; it is their gods given task
rules empowers the players and helps them build
to correct these flaws Other creatures, even angels,
exactly the character they want, without resorting to
demons and arch-mages- cannot see or interact with
the standard tropes and stereotypes, it just feels a bit
these flaws. Only Mechana can detect and correct
bland to me. Ill continue to include race-specific
these flaws.
favored classes, though its an easy enough thing to
ignore if you prefer customizable, character-specific
Universal flaws appear randomly (at
favored classes.
gamemaster discretion), usually appearing to the
Mechana as badly maintained illusory gears super-
Mechana Racial Traits
imposed on planar reality. A Mechana can fix one of
these flaws with a Craft (clockwork) check, which
Size and Type: Small Pseudo-Construct. As small
has a DC equal to 15+1d6, and requires at least 5-
creatures, Mechana suffer a -4 size penalty to their
10 minutes worth of effort. To observers, the
Combat Maneuver Bonus, but receive a +4 size
Mechana is pantomiming a repair job, and applying
bonus on Stealth checks, and a +1 size bonus to
his tools to empty air.
Armor Class. A Mechanas base land speed is 20 ft.
If a Mechana successfully fixes a random
As pseudo-constructs, Mechana are im-
universal flaw, the creature is in good spirits and
mune to spells that specifically target humanoids,
receives a +1 morale bonus on all skill checks,
such as charm person, and are immune to many
saving throws and weapon damage rolls for 24
other effects.
hours after the repairs are complete. This bonus is
not cumulative.
Ability Score Modifiers: -2 DEX, +2 CON, +2
INT. Mechana are durable and incredibly intelligent
If a Mechana fails the check, or waits more
natural tinkers, but they are clumsy and uncoordi-
than an hour after the discovery of a universal flaw
nated at best.
to repair it, the creature becomes despondent and
depressed, and is considered shaken for 24 hours
Enhanced Senses: Mechana possess lowlight
after the failure. Events that would cause the
Mechana to be shaken cause the creature to
become panicked instead.
A Mechana who merely comes within 30 ft
of any natural or artificial planar gate or dimensional
A universal flaw vanishes after a failed skill
rift can attempt a Search check to discover it as if
check or one hour after it first appears. The
the creature were actively searching. If the check
gamemaster is free to decide if healing these univer-
succeeds, the Mechana knows the plane or planes
sal injuries or failing to do so affects the campaign in
the gateway connects to, and what is required to
any other meaningful way.
activate or close the gate.

Pseudo-Construct Lifeform (EX): The The Mechana derives its Hit Dice, base
Mechana have souls, and are considered living attack bonus, saves and skill point from the class it
beings, but are a form of life unlike any other in the selects, not from its type. Mechana cannot repair
realms. In many respects, Mechana are similar to damage naturally, or recover hit point through an
constructs and are as durable and hard to destroy as application of the Heal skill. A craftsman can use the
most golems. Craft skill to repair a damaged Mechana. Mechana
can benefit from magical healing and healing potions.
As pseudo-constructs, the Mechana are
immune to ability drain, death effects, necromantic When the Mechana is reduced to 0 hit
effects, poison, suffocation, fatigue, exhaustion, points, it is destroyed, not disabled.
disease, effects that cause the sickened condition
and energy drain. They are immune to spell effects Crafty Warrior (EX): Mechana arent
that specifically target living beings unless such great fighters, but they are phenomenally effective
effects also affect objects. Mechana have no need to when battling other constructs or Pseudo-Con-
breathe, eat or drink. The creature can still benefit structs. Their knowledge of arcana, mechanics and
from consumable spells and magic items like potions clockwork provides the Mechana with a +1 insight
or heroes feast. bonus to melee damage rolls and Armor Class while
battling any other creature of Construct or Pseudo-
Mechana may be destroyed spells that Construct type.
specifically target metal objects or constructs.
Rusting grasp deals 2d6 points of damage to an Highly Skilled (EX): Humans may think
Mechana on a successful touch attack. Heat metal theyre superbly educated, but a Mechana trap
inflicts 1d6 points of damage per round to the smith can put them to shame! Mechana receive an
Mechana. Any spell that can transmute metal, stone additional skill point at each level, and can declare
or gems can affect an Mechana. A Mechana may one additional skill as a class skill at first level.
make a FORT or REF save as appropriate to resist
these effects.

Mechana are vulnerable to

critical hits and to stunning and non-lethal
damage. The robotic creatures still have
vital organs and weak spots, even if
they are clusters of gears, pneumatic
tubing and pistons, rather than blood,
guts and bones.

Mechana are vulnerable to mind-

influencing effects and spells, since they
are sentient creatures.

Mechana require sleep like any

other living being, and they do dream.
During sleep periods, Mechana update
their daily programming, and meditate on
their current circumstances. Mechana
spell casters require 8 hours of sleep or
rest to recover spells.

The Shaped alchemical theories, an unwanted test subject
disposed of as soon as their experiment is complete.
Large Aberration
Shaped are rare to begin with, and the
number of Shaped that can consider themselves truly
The Shaped are not a race- they are not
free is even smaller still. Most still accompany their
born naturally, and cannot reproduce in the manner
creators, willingly or not. Those who have found
of men or elves. Each new Shaped is laboriously
freedom may have murdered their builder to win it,
assembled, their massive and sometimes unwieldy
and are left alone in a hostile universe. The Shaped
body assembled from the preserved limbs and
were created by meddling in the domain of the
organs of executed criminals and other unmourned
Gods- by humanoid attempts to create life ex nihlo.
dead. Shaped have no great cosmic purpose
Though the sin wasnt theirs, the Shaped pay for the
beyond what (if any) their creator chooses to imbue
crimes of their creators. As fundamentally unnatural
them with. Some Shaped are assembled as hulking,
perversions of nature and alchemy, even freedom
loyal guardians, or perverse sexual playthings, or as
provides Shaped with little comfort. The stitched
indomitable and unquestioning soldiers, but some
and scarred behemoths are rarely welcome in
lack even the comfort of such a tawdry destiny.
civilized lands, as ordinary beings can eventually
Many Shaped are created purely as a test bed for

sense their condition no matter how carefully the encounter and admire.
Shaped disguise themselves. Nature stands against
the Shaped, as does Fate.

Appearance: Despite their lonely origins, all Languages: Common and any one other language
Shaped share similar form. The process by which of choice. Shaped have an instinctive facility for
humanoid corpses can be assembled into a newly language. They speak Common with a depth and
made Shaped is well documented, and no matter poetry lacking in other races. They choose one other
whether an individual Shapeds cretor is man, dwarf, language at character creation, representing either
elf or even orc, their creation will closely resemble the language spoken by their creator, or a language
other members of its bastard species. The require- they somehow remember from a previous incarna-
ments of a Shapeds physiology determine the tion. Shaped with high INT scores may choose any
creatures form. language, except for secret ones, as a bonus lan-
Shaped are gigantic, because even the most
skilled anatomist needs the design lee-way that a Favored Class: Any. Though they may not look
giants frame provides when attempting to stitch human, or even truly alive, Shaped share the legend-
nerves and veins back together. They are horribly ary human flexibility. Hunted, hated and impover-
scarred and deeply jaundiced, because when the ished, Shaped must be adaptable to survive.
dead and inert shaped is finally animated, its once
dead flesh congeals and heals along the lines of Shaped Racial Traits
stitching. Shaped have slate grey or jaundiced
yellow skin, and their bodies are often marked with Size and Type: Shaped are Large aberrations. As
purple and black lividity marks, like bruises that Large creatures, they suffer a -4 size penalty on
never seem to heal. Shaped resemble mutilated Stealth checks, and a -1 size penalty to armor class,
corpses because even genius alchemists may be able but receive a +1 size bonus on Combat Maneuver
to imitate the Gods creations, but they cannot make Bonus and their Combat Maneuver Defense score.
their bastard half-dead spawn sleek or beautiful. Shaped have a base landspeed of 30 ft.

Reproduction: Shaped do not reproduce. Even Shaped are brought to life as Aberrations,
when revitalized by alchemical sciences, when a with renders them immune to effects that specifically
dead man or womans reproductive organs are target humanoids, such as Charm Person.
returned to a semblance of life, they lack the ability
to create new life. Despite this, Shaped can enjoy Ability Score Modifiers: +2 STR, +2 INT, -2
sex for pleasure. The monsters will mate with others CHA. Prodigiously strong and intelligent enough to
of their own kind, if no other option is available, but learn a language and culture within days, just watch-
prefer members of mortal races. ing from the periphery, a Shaped is nonetheless
always an unwelcome visitor.
Names: If Shaped are given names upon awaken-
ing on the operating table, they are at the whim of Enhanced Senses: Shaped have lowlight vision.
their creators. Many are simply assigned an experi-
mental designator or project number. Free Shaped Racial Skills: Even when they try not to be,
choose new names for themselves with great care. Shaped are terrifying. The monsters receive a +2
They only choose first names, never using surnames, racial bonus on Intimidate checks. Stealth is a
clan names or other titles, regardless of their accom- priority for the hated outsiders, providing Shaped
plishments. Lacking any real civilization of their own, with a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks.
Shaped might choose a name from any culture they

Half Dead Already (EX): Shaped biology
is crude and simple, a poor substitute for the real Hated by the World (SU): Shaped be-
thing. Their stitched together carcasses are shock- lieve, and rightly so, that they are despised by the
ingly durable, and only seem to get more so as a gods. They are forced to wander the world, never
battle rages on. Unlike wounded humans, Shaped settling any where for long, lest their many enemies
can shut down unnecessary biological processes to find them. Each week the Shaped remains in any
save themselves pain. particular settlement, the Shaped suffers a cumula-
tive -1 circumstance penalty on all DEX, WIS and
Anytime a Shaped is reduced to half his or CHA based skill checks. This penalty can grow to a
her maximum Hit Point total or less, the Shaped maximum -10 penalty on these skill checks after 10
becomes immune to stunning, critical hits, the weeks in a region. This penalty is removed after at
sickened and nauseated conditions and the effects of least two weeks away from the region in question.
massive damage. When restored to more than half
HP, the Shaped again becomes vulnerable to these

Bane of Science (EX): Even supposedly

loyal Shaped harbor a deep resentment for the
creators that brought them into the world. Shaped
receive a +2 bonus on melee damage rolls made
against any character with more than 4 ranks in
Craft (alchemy) or Knowledge (arcana or engineer-
ing). Most Shaped fantasize about nothing more
strongly than strangling their creators to death with
their bare hands.

Science sorcerers are physically recognizable by
The Mad Science their hair, which goes frizzy and grey early and is
usually stark white by the end of their careers. As a
Sorcerer Bloodline Mad Science sorcerer ages, his or her skin pales,
almost reaching the color of unbleached bone.
Even as a child, you heard the call.
Progress! Innovation and daring! Science! You are Class Skill: Knowledge (engineering)
above the rest of the mundane world, still tinkering Bonus Spells: lesser restoration (3rd)
with superstitious alchemy, and are at the forefront lightning bolt (5th) animate dead (7th) restoration
of a new kind of thought. You area an innovative (9th) raise dead (11th) disintegrate (13th) clone (15th)
rationalist, able to instantly comprehend the theo- control weather (17th) gate (19th)
rems underlying magic and the fundamental physical Bonus Feats: Agile Maneuvers, Augment
principles governing the mundane world. With a little Summoning, Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item,
effort, a little imagination and maybe a few explo- Deft Hands, Empower Spell, Leadership, Persua-
sions along the way, you invent new devices and sive, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Weapon Finesse
disciplines that bend both magic and science to your
will. Bloodline Arcana: Your constant experi-
mentation on willing colleagues (and the occasional
Those blessed (or cursed) with a Mad unwilling test subject) gives you insight into the Mad
Science Bloodline are distinctive creatures. They Science! behind transmutative magic. When casting
speak at a lightning pace, weaving jargon that wont any spell from the transmutation school, you may
be invented for another few centuries into their over- sacrifice alchemical items and reagents worth 100 gp
complicated explanations of their abilities. Mad x spell level to increase the spells duration. The

enhanced duration of a spell that is normally 1 you desire. Once a weapon is
minute per level becomes 10 minutes per level, and transmuted in this manner, it remains
spells with durations normally at 10 minutes per level transformed for 24 hours. Using this
gain a duration of 1 hour per level. This increased ability is a standard action.
duration does not stack with the effects of the
Extend Spell feat. Casting a transmutation spell in o Tamper in Gods Domain (SU):
this manner is always a full round action. At 15th level, you finally unlock the
secrets of the Philosophers Elixir
Bloodline Powers: You are one of the and the immortality granted by such
worlds greatest visionaries, discovering more about knowledge. If you have a sample of
yourself and the pseudo-rational, magically active a specific humanoid, monstrous
world around you. As your mastery of mad science humanoid or giants blood and
deepens, you gain abilities that let you play God and access to an alchemical lab you may
tamper with creation itself! attempt to distill a draught of
Philosophers Elixir for that person.
o Arcane Revification (SP): You Doing so requires a successful DC
can restore life to failing tissue, but 25 Craft (alchemy) check and raw
doing so is an inefficient and regret- materials, the cost of which are
tably inelegant process. As a full described below. Drinking another
round action, you may sacrifice any characters Philosophers Elixir has
single available daily spell slot while no effect- the drink is intended for a
touching a wounded creature. The specific character, no one else. A
wounded creature recovers 1 HP Mad Science sorcerer can prepare
per level of the spell slot sacrificed. a draught for him or herself just as
The spell sacrificed in this manner easily.
has no other effect. If conscious,
you may use this ability to heal Drinking a draught of Philosophers
yourself. Elixir reverses the physical effects of
aging, and the golden drink is sought
o Lead Lined (EX): Starting at 3th after by the wealthy and aged. Each
level, you gain Electricity and Acid time a patient drinks a draught of the
Resistance 5. You are somewhat Philosophers Elixir, he or she
protected against the most common instantly de-ages by 2d6 years,
accidents that befall lab bound which may move them back to the
alchemists. At 10th level, your prior age category. Doing so in-
Energy Resistances increase to 10. stantly applies the physical changes
At 15th level, choose one of your associated with the prior age
Energy Resistances to increase to category, but the now younger
15. character retains the mental ability
score increases that come with age.
o Philosophers Blood (SU) At 9th
level, you have mastered the Each time the patient drinks
transmutive secrets of the fabled Philsophers Elixir the raw materials
Philosophers Stone. Three times cost doubles. Initially, the raw
per day you may give any weapon materials cost 2,000 GP. On the
you touch any special material second draught, the raw materials
quality (except for Cold Iron) that cost 4,000 GP, than 8,000 and so

on, until in their frantic scramble to Prerequisite: INT 13+, Craft (alchemy) 5
avoid death, the drinker consumes ranks, Perception 1 rank
their entire fortune or bankrupts their Benefit: As a full round action, you may
nation. ramp up your vision so you can see ordinary matter.
You gain the Supernatural ability to see through up
o Cosmic Clockmaker (SU): At 20th to 1 ft flesh, cloth, armor and other substances,
level, the Mad Scientist achieves an including walls and floors. You perceive what is
instinctive and impossible to clearly concealed by the obstructing material, viewing it as if
articulate understanding of the under the prevailing light conditions. If in a well-lit
curving and circular nature of time/ room, you could clearly see what is within a locked
space. By tinkering with the meta- chest, for example.
phorical gears that maintain the
smooth flow of what the Mad If you use this ability prior to making a skill
Scientist likely calls the clockworks check, you receive a +3 insight bonus on the check
of the cosmos, the Mad Scientist if it involves manipulating normally hidden internal
can alter reality in limited ways. By structures or objects (such as Heal or Disable
forcing the gears to speed up or Device). This bonus remains in effect for one minute
slow down once per day, the Mad after viewing the internal structures.
Scientist can either take an addi-
tional rounds worth of action or Your alchemical x-ray eyes can be blocked
force any other creature within 100 by a paper-thin sheet of adamantine, cold iron, star
ft to lose one rounds worth of iron, gold, silver or lead. You cannot see through
activity. The Mad Scientist can use these extraordinary, magically significant metals.
this ability as a free action, at any
time, even immediately prior to Drawback: Your frog-like bulging eyes
another character beginning its turn. impose a -2 penalty to your CHA score.

Ma d Science Fea
Fea Alchemical Familiar (Mad Science)
Willingly or not, your familiar is often your
Spellcasters, mad scientists and alchemists primary experimental subject. Months and years of
alike often learn feats that help them in their work or exposure to untested potions, unventilated alchemi-
give them unexpected insight into the world around cal labs and strange energy discharges have mutated
them. The following new feats are especially useful your pet in some very, very useful ways.
for spellcasters specializing in item creation, and in Prerequisite: familiar class feature, Craft
campaigns where high technology and magic coexist. (alchemy) 3 ranks
A sorcerer with the Mad Science bloodline may Benefit: Your chemical experiments have
select any Mad Science feat in place of a blood- given your familiar Acid Resistance 10. In addition,
line feat. your familiar can metabolize up to three spell levels
worth of potions per day for your use. At your
Alchemical Discernment (Mad Science) command, your familiar could metabolize a third
Your frog like eyes bulge from your skull level potion, three first level potions, or a second
and glisten with strange, alchemical tears. On the and first level potion.
rare occasions you cry, your tears are ammonia and
liquid hydrogen. Your weird and nearly luminous When metabolizing a potion, the alchemical
eyes give you the ability to see through base matter- familiar spits or regurgitates the potion into a ready
even flesh- like glass. container, which requires one minute. The potion can

be used normally. Nothing death effects, effects
but good taste prevents that cause the sickened
the alchemical familiar or nauseated condi-
from simply spitting its tions and energy drain.
metabolized potion into You no longer suffer
your mouth or the mouth penalties for aging and
of an ally. have no maximum age,
nor do you need to
Drawback: Your breathe.
familiar looks flat out
strange. It might com- Finally, you
pletely hairless animal, one recover from Hit Point
covered in weird boils, and ability score
tumors, scales, feathers, or damage at double the
of an odd color. Your cat normal rate, but youll
familiar might crow like a certainly need that
rooster, or glow in the ability because.
dark, or have a visible
skeleton under translucent Drawback:
flesh and fur. Your familiar Your hubris in uplifting
can never pass as an yourself has cut you off
ordinary member of its from all gods, and your
species, no matter how arrogance may prove
exactly you describe its to be your undoing!
oddities. You can no longer
benefit from divine
Alchemical healing, including being
Perfection (Mad raised or resurrected.
Science) A properly worded wish spell is the only way for
You have unlocked the true potential of the you to return to life.
Philosophers Stone- the ideal that all alchemists
strive towards. With one successful experiment, you Your hubris extends to your interactions with
have done what all the gods failed to do: you have other mortals, especially those you consider beneath
fixed the flaws inherent in the humanoid form! You you. You suffer a -5 penalty on all WIS and CHA-
have conquered death and laugh at mortality! based skills used against any creature or character
Prerequisite: INT 15+, Craft (alchemy) 9 whose level or Challenge Rating is more than two
ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank lower than your own.
Benefit: You have remade your flawed,
mortal body into a perfect alchemical creation, Arcane Cobbler (Birthright Item
which resembles a much healthier and more attrac- Creation)
tive version of your birth body. You receive a +2 Extremely low level spells are among the
inherent bonus to both your STR and CHA scores. most useful magical tools, and many minor mages
never progress the apprentice level. By mastering
In addition, you gain several immunities the fundamentals of magic, you can craft minor
normally reserved for constructs and the undead, wonders almost effortlessly. And probably make
though your own type and subtype do not change. a good living by selling arcane trinkets to the nobility.
You become immune to ability drain, fear effects,

Prerequisite: arcane spell caster level 1, first level window of opportunity. Harvesting organs requires 1
characters only, INT 11+, Spellcraft 1 rank minute per the slain creatures Hit Die.

Benefit: You can imbue ordinary non- You may graft any one Extraordinary ability
magical with permanent versions of any non-damag- possessed by the creature to a recipient. The
ing zero level spell you can cast. The objects need harvesting process can only be performed once per
not be masterwork quality, and imbuing them with a slain creature. Grafting the tissue to the recipient
spell requires only an hour of work and a DC 15 requires a Heal check (DC 10 + the Hit Die of the
Spellcraft check. If the check fails, the item is donor creature) and at least 12 hours of work.
destroyed in the process. Items created in this
manner are subject to dispelling, as if permanency The recipient can use the grafted ability at
was used; they lack the mystic durability of true will, as if it were the original creature. Effects
magic items. dependant on hit dice or character level are based
upon the recipients own abilities, or the minimum
Items created in this manner may be used a HD/level necessary to use the ability. In case of
number of times per day equal to 3 + your INT abilities with limited use, the recipient can use the
modifier, and the benefit of a stored spell is equal to ability as often as the donor could, or a number of
one cast by a first level wizard. times per day equal to his CON modifier (minimum
You may enchant a number of items per day once daily), whichever is less.
equal to one plus your INT modifier.
The grafting process is dangerous, and
Items created in this manner include things deaths on the operating table are common. The
like chamber pots enchanted with prestidigitation, recipient must succeed at a FORT Save (DC 10 +
self mending clothes, artwork enchanted with ghost the donors HD) at the end of the surgery or suffer
sounds, forks and knives that automatically flavor 1d4 points of temporary CON damage per Hit Dice
even the blandest food and other conveniences or of the donor creature. Success indicates the recipi-
luxuries. These minor magical trinkets usually sell for ent only suffers an amount of Hit Point damage equal
between 50-90 gp, sometimes less in the case of to the donor creatures Hit Die.
very common magical trinkets.
Corpse Grafter, Advanced (Item Creation
Corpse Grafter (Item Creation Mad Mad Science)
Science) Your magical and surgical skills are such that
You can graft organs culled from slain you can reconnect severed nerves and imbue your
monsters to willing (or unwilling) recipients. Such experimental subjects with powerful and unnatural
grafts provide incredible powers- the fiery lungs of a abilities taken from slain monsters.
dragon, the durable, regenerating viscera of a troll, Prerequisite: Arcane caster 15th level, Heal
the dense muscles and ligaments of a minotaur- at 15 ranks, Corpse Grafter
the cost of pain and possible insanity. Benefit: You may graft organs and tissue from
Prerequisite: Arcane Caster 9th level, Heal recently slain creatures to imbue your patient or ex-
9 ranks, Spell Focus (necromancy) perimental subject with Supernatural and Spelllike
abilities possessed by the donor creature. This ability
Benefit: You can graft organs and tissue of expands upon your Corpse Grafter feat and other-
recently slain creatures from the humanoid, mon- wise works identically to the prior ability.
strous humanoid, giant, aberration, animal, dragon or
vermin type to a recipient. The tissue must be culled
from the slain creature within 1d4 hours of its death,
though spells such as gentle repose extend this

Crafty Familiar (Item Creation Mad Genius (Mad Science)
Science) You are one of the most brilliant technolo-
You trust your clever little familiar to super- gists in all the world.
vise the completions of your magical projects, Prerequisites: INT 15+, Craft (alchemy) 3
freeing you up for other tasks. ranks, Knowledge (any) 3 ranks, literacy in at least
Prerequisite: any other Item Creation feat, 3 languages
Improved Familiar (Homunculus, imp, mephit, Benefit: You receive a +2 insight bonus on
pseudodragon, quasit or other creature with oppos- all Craft and Knowledge checks. If you have at least
able thumbs and humanlike hands) 10 ranks in any Craft or Knowledge skill, the bonus
Benefit: Once you begin creating a magical increases to +3 with that skill.
item, you can leave the project in the hands of your
improved familiar. Your familiar can work up to 8 No Mere Matter (Mad Science)
hours per day on the item or items, and is consid- Your alchemical evolution continues, as your
ered to have your INT Score, spell casting abilities body evolves from crude physical matter to the
and skills for the purpose of constructing the magic energy of the gods themselves.
item. If the item creation process requires the crafter Prerequisite: Alchemical Perfection, Craft
to make craft checks, they are made using your (alchemy) 12 ranks
ranks and attribute modifier, but at a -5 penalty due Benefit: As a move equivalent action, you
to your little creatures lack of quality control. may become Ethereal at will for up to one minute
per activation. While ethereal, your natural and
Deadly Catalyst (Mad Science) melee weapon attacks are considered to be ghost-
You are extremely skilled at using alchemical touch. Each time you activate this ability, you suffer
weapons in battle, and use your gift for magical 1d4 points of temporary WIS damage, as your
chemistry to catalyze weird chemical changes in an consciousness is assaulted by visions of the cosmic
enemy splashed with one of your concoctions. gearworks underlying and enabling reality.
Prerequisite: Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks
Benefit: Anytime you successfully damage Otherworldly Iron (Birthright)
an adversary with any Alchemical Item (such as Your birth was heralded by a meteor impact.
Acid, Alchemists Fire, or any of the new items in This spectacular stellar event shapes the destiny you
this PDF) you may assign one special material are only now discovering as an adult and you wield
weapon property to that creature as a way of a weapon forged from the star that fell on the day of
overcoming its Damage Resistance, if any. Enemy your birth as a prized heirloom.
creatures with existing DR which can be overcome Prerequisite: character level first, Iron Will
in a specific manner (such as DR 5/good, gain a new Benefit: You gain a masterwork quality
weakness (for example, DR 5/ good or adaman- weapon of your choice with the Star Iron quality as
tine). part of your starting equipment.

This chemical alteration to your adversary More importantly, something in you unlocks
remains in place until the end of the encounter. A Star Iron weapons and armor to their full potential.
specific creature may only be chemically altered When you wear an item or use a weapon forged
once per encounter. If your alchemical weapon from Star Iron, you receive a +1 morale bonus on all
damages multiple creatures, such as by splash saving throws against spells, spell-like and super-
damage, all creatures injured must receive the same natural abilities used by outsiders.
weakness. This ability has no effect on creatures
which lack Damage Reduction. Reflections in Iron (General SU)
The Mechana speculate that meteor impacts
are a sort of cosmic immune system, an automatic

function of the Divine that provides Material Plane
worlds with the tools necessary to fight other
dimensional infections. You might just agree with
that theory, especially considering the abilities
your Star Iron equipment provides you.
Prerequisite: Otherworldly Iron, char-
acter level 6th
Benefit: A number of times per day
equal to 3 + your WIS modifier if you are tar-
geted by a mind influencing effect, and are
wearing or carrying an item forged from Star Iron,
you may attempt to reflect the hostile effect. The
effect is reflected at any Outsider adjacent to you,
even if that creature initially produced the effect.
The target Outsider must save against the effect
normally. Note that some abilities (such as Charm
Person) have no effect on an Outsider even if
reflected against them.

Self Experimentation (Mad Science)

Far beyond the limits of common sense,
you have tested potions, poultices and alchemical
treatments on yourself. Your continual and often ill
advised experiments have given you great resis-
tances to drugs and alchemical toxins, but at the
cost of weakening your body over all.
Prerequisite: Craft (alchemy) 1 rank
Benefit: You become immune to ingested
poisons and to splash damage from alchemical
items, as your body can easily shrug off such
minor chemical burns. You suffer damage nor-
mally if directly hit with a thrown alchemical item.
Drawback: Your experiments have
reduced your CON score by -2 points.

Unholy Lore (General SU Mad

You have delved deep into long forgotten
grimories and forbidden libraries, learning secrets
that can twist and corrupt minds.
Prerequistes: Knowledge: arcana 5
ranks, any non-good alignment
Benefit: When making any knowledge
check, you may voluntarily suffer 1d4 points of
temporary WIS damage in order to receive a +6
profane bonus on the next Knowledge check you

Adventurer Essentials: True Alchemy. Copyright
2010, Skortched Urf Studios. Author: Chris A.Field

A lchem ical Item Craft Price Size W eight
A lc he mica l Au gme ntation D C 28 6 5 gp D im . N e g.
A lc he mica l C atalyst D C 24 2 5 gp D im . N e g.
A lc he mists F rost D C 22 2 5 gp D im . 1 lb
A lc he mists L igh tning D C 25 5 0 gp D im . 1 lb
A lc he mists Ro ar D C 30 9 0 gp D im . 1 lb
A lc he m y La b (p orta ble ) - 5 00 gp Sma ll 2 0 lbs
B arga in ers Pa int D C 22 3 0 gp D im . lb .
C lea rsig ht M o nocle Craf t 1 ,850 gp D im . N e g.
(je we le r)
D C 25
D e pilatory D C 10 1 sp D im N e g.
E picure s F ork D C 18 5 0 gp D im . N e g.
F ig hte rs Ba lm D C 22 3 5 gp D im . N e g.
H e rd M usk D C 10 1 gp Sma ll 2 2 lbs
H o use Bre a ker D C 18 * 5 0 gp D im . N e g.
Iro n Bo il Broth D C 12 A bo ut 2 5 Sma ll 5 -6 lbs /
gp g allon
M a ide nhe ad Wine DC 15 1 0 gp Fine 2 lb s
M a ide ns H o ney DC 18 5 gp D im . N e g.
M o nkey s P aw T ea DC 25 2 ,550 gp Fine 1 lb
M o uthp aste DC 12 1 sp D im . N e g.
R ope ble ss DC 17 1 gp D im . N e g.
S am p ler s D ust DC 24 5 5 gp D im N e g.
S cr ibn er DC 22 7 5 gp D im . lb
S ha rpe nin g M ud DC 15 3 sp D im . lb
S he phe rds Ch ew DC 15 * 3 0 gp D im . N e g.
S tr ix B alm DC 18 2 sp D im N e g.
T oilette Ribbon s DC 14 7 5 gp D im . N e g.
V e rm inba ne S ach et DC 5 5 cp Fine N e g.
W ar msto ne DC 20 5 gp Fine lb

Scientific Item Cost Size Weight
Calotype Camera 1,900 gp Medium 45 lbs.
Clockwork Bard 550-1,500 gp Tiny 3 lbs
Compass 5 gp Dim. lb
Dogs Whistle 8 gp Dim. Neg.
Embalmers Kit 90 gp Medium 35 lbs
Hypodermic 15 gp Fine 1 lb
Kaleidoscope 650 gp Fine 2 lbs
Magnetic Lockpicks 122 gp Fine 2 lbs
Microscope 1,200 gp Small 12 lbs
Periscope, Hand 475 gp Tiny 4 lbs
Physicians Mask 40 gp Tiny 5 lbs
Spectacles 75 gp Dim. Neg.
Tincture of Mercury 25 gp Dim. lb
Tent (Camping) 10 gp Large 20-22 lbs
Tent (Campaign) 125 gp Colossal 250 lbs
Thermometer 30 gp Dim. lb

Type of Item Cost

Star Iron Item Modifier
Ammunition +50 gp per missile
Light Armor +500 gp
Medium Armor +750 gp
Heavy Armor +1,200 gp
Shields +750 gp
Weapon +1,000 gp


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