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Conclusion - English

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"A Conclusion Of English As The Global Language" Essays and Research Papers

A Conclusion Of English As The Global Language

agree that English is a global language? Do people know why they need a
global... language? Why do people all over the world learn English? Of
course, English is a global language, but it does not mean everyone can
speak English in the world, and it does not mean every country uses
English as an official language. In 2009, English is the native language
for one third of all people and on the first ranking that most people have
spoken. (Weber, 1995, The Worlds 10 most influential language.) People
English language, First language, French language 1094 Words | 3
Open Document

Global Language--English

Disadvantages of English As A Global Language A widely accepted

definition of global... English which can be found at ""
is "English as a global means of communication in numerous dialects, and
also the movements towards an international standard for the language, it is
also referred to as world English, common English or general English." In
regard to history and why English developed into a global language,
Crystal(1977) points out that the current status of English dominance is

Basic English, English language, German language 1587 Words | 5

Open Document

English as Global Language

English as a Global Language The phenomenal rise in use of English has

mainly taken place over the... last two decades. English has reached high
status world-wide because of several factors; as the mother tongue of
millions of people all over the world, as the language that millions of
children learn at school and the language that is used in international
relations, for global communication and as the major media language. The
importance of a global language has become major, in some...

Dialect, English language, European Union 2432 Words | 7 Pages

Open Document
The Smart Way To Watch EPL This Season. Subscribe Now

By Hotstar

English as a global language

English as a Global Language English was first spoken in Medieval

England, what we now know as... England, by the Angles and the Saxons.
At the end of the 16th century there was about 5-7 million people who
talked English in England. English is now the language that is most
widely used in the whole wide world. Except the United Kingdom, the
United States, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, there are a lot
of Caribbean nations who use English as a first language too. I will show
how and...

British Empire, Colonialism, Commonwealth of Nations 1018 Words | 3

Open Document

essay, english as a global language

benefits of English as a world language outweigh the dangers? Predictions

are that English could become a future... language for the world. It is
widely spoken and taught around the world. By the late eighteen century;
John Adams predicted that it would become the most respectable language
in the world and most universally read and spoken in the coming centuries.
(Burn & Coffin: 9). The evidence of this is emphasized by David Crystal in
his second edition of his book - English as a global language. He states...
Culture, English language, German language 866 Words | 3 Pages
Open Document

English as the global language

Society and Culture Assignment 3 Global Language Instructors Name: Dr.

Walter Peace TAs Name: Chelsea Thorne Lab... Day/Time: Tuesday 12:30
Date of Submission: November 1, 2011 What is a global language? A
global language is a language that develops a special role that is
recognized in every country, after this it can then be considered to have
achieved global status (Crystal, 2003). There are many ways a language
can develop a role in a country. The language can gain this status in a

English language, Foreign language, French language 1834 Words | 9

Open Document

english as a global language

English as a Global Language Introduction The closer and closer the

world becomes, the more necessary the... global language should appear.
Recently it is clear that English is very dominant in the world. According to
Seth Mydans, David Graddol says that on the Internet, 80 percent are
written in English, and although the numbers of native speakers of Chinese,
Spanish, or Hindi are larger than the number of native English speakers,
conversations between such different language speakers are held...

English language, Foreign language, French language 896 Words | 14

Open Document
English as a Global Language

English as a Global Language Debating the future of world English

with... references to Cristal, Phillipson and Reid. Introduction The aim of
this essay is to explore the positions of Cristal, Phillipson and Reid and to
consider how to address and how not to address the global language
situation. There have been many different opinions expressed by academic
linguistics as to weather the spread of one dominant language is an
advantage or a disadvantage...

English language, French language, German language 1347 Words | 5

Open Document

What is the future of English as a global language?

What is the future of English as a global language? The world is changing

so rapidly, from national... politics to peoples livelihood. Definitely,
language is one of the most important characteristic among there. English,
which is considered as the world language at present, facing with
sophisticated problems. Actually, the situation could persist on till the
future. In my view, the future of English as a global language may be as
the concave and convex sides of a nutshell, it is hard...

Culture, English language, Future 877 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document

English as a Global Language

English as a global language English is spoken in most parts of the world,

for instance in Great... Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand
and in many more countries. Moreover in African states English serves as
main form of communication. English is, after the Chinese one, the
language most people speak and it is the most popular second language
and foreign language pupils learn in school. The English language is often
named as a killer language that wipes out smaller languages...
English language, French language, German language 1947 Words | 6
Open Document

English as a Global Language

It is undeniable that English is beginning to become a global language in

most parts of the world by and large. It... is spoken frequently especially in
developed countries for instance The United States of America and The
Republic of China. This is an inescapable process of globalisation.
However, according to many experts in linguistics, English is dominating
todays modern world and thus, disregard mostly minority languages.
Therefore, it is essential to consider both arguments including the history...

English language, First language, French language 969 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document

English has become a global language be

English has become a global language because it is both easy to learn and
is superior to other... languages. To what extent do you agree with this
statement? Nowadays, English has naturally been evolved as a global
language over time despite the fact that it has been proved by researchers
that is the third most native language in the world after mandarin Chinese
and Spanish. A global language is a language spoken internationally
which is learned by many people as a second language. For many years...

Dialect, English language, French language 1082 Words | 8 Pages

Open Document
English as a Global Language


origin, language has evolved to meet... specific social and cultural needs.
Human beings have developed manifold languages to be able to
communicate and identify as a community. Louis Calvet states that
language emerged therefore polygenetically, and that humankind is
multilingual (23). At present, however, English is considered to be a global
language, a lingua franca and a window onto the world, leaving aside other
languages of major importance...

Dialect, English language, German language 1229 Words | 5 Pages

Open Document

English as a Global Language

English as a Global Language International English is the concept of the

English... language as a global means of communication in numerous
dialects, and also the movement towards an international standard for the
language. It is also referred to as Global English,[1] World English,
Common English, Continental English, or General English. Sometimes,
these terms refer simply to the array of varieties of English spoken
throughout the world. Sometimes, "international English" and the related
terms above...

English language, English-language education, Foreign language 1709

Words | 5 Pages
Open Document

The Emergence of English as a Global Language

Emergence of English as a world language The need for a global link

language Prof. Anil Sarwal[1]... The primary means of communication
among the peoples of the world is language. According to a well known
linguist, Frank Palmer[1], the difference between human beings and
animals is poorly described by the label homo sapiens (man with wisdom).
He questions what do we mean by wisdom? Anthropologists describe man
as a tool maker, but even apes are known to be able to make primitive
tools. In fact...
Dialect, English language, German language 1825 Words | 5 Pages
Open Document

The Future Status of English as a Global Language

The Future Status of English as a Global LanguageNow is No Forever!

As an English major... and a bilingual person, its hard to jump out of the
box and deny the deep, great, far-reaching influence and outspread of
English. It seems true that English has become the universal languagethe
one accredited language to use in professional academic fields, the almost
instinctive choice of language for people to speak in foreign countries,
remarkably the none-English-speaking ones, and a universally...

British Empire, English language, French language 1113 Words | 3

Open Document

English from being a national language to a global language

English from a nation language to a global language During the course of

a few centuries,... English has developed from being a nation language
spoken only by people in the British Isles to being an international
language spoken by nearly 2 billion people. In this article Im going to
write about the factors that played a role in making English a global
language. The English language is today known as one of the most
powerful languages in the world. The fact that English today is one of the

British Empire, Canada, English language 851 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document
English as a Global Language

Discussion Summer 2009 IQ2 Debate: Global Warming Is Not a Crisis

Before I sat down to listen to the debate, Global Warming... is Not a
Crisis, I was already interested in the idea of global warming. While many
people have a hard time worrying about what might happen 100 years from
now, I dont. I considered what I already knew about global warming. I was
somewhat familiar with the topics of: reducing greenhouse gases, moving
the world away from fossil fuels, providing more breathable air,

Carbon dioxide, Climate change, Debate 1522 Words | 4 Pages

Open Document

Globalisation Of The English Language

Contents Introduction Globalisation defined Main body - Globosity of the

English language - Why it is so widespread -... Advantages and
disadvantages Conclusion The future of the English language
Bibliography Introduction Every day people are surrounded by this term,
when they hear it on the news, read it in the papers or talk about it
themselves. "Globalisation" is a term which may be defined in different
ways. According to the website "the political and

English language, French language, German language 1780 Words | 7

Open Document

English Language

Project-English English Project Presented by: Date: May 10, 2012 Index 1.
Presentation Page 2. Index 3.... Introduction 4. Origin of English Language
5. Origin of the English Language 6. Origin of the English Language 7.
How did the English Language spread around the world? & English
as a major business communication around the world. } 8. Conclusion
Introduction The English Language has been spoken for many years, in
this project I will talk about...
England, English language, French language 873 Words | 3 Pages
Open Document

English Language

English has emerged as the global language of trade and commerce in the
past few decades, affecting many key... aspects of business in the modern
world. The English language has become the standard for all important
official communications in an increasingly large number of countries with a
wide variety of native languages. In the modern world, English continues
to spread as the major medium through which both small businesses and
large corporations do business. There are about 5,000 languages...

English language, German language, International auxiliary language

2270 Words | 7 Pages
Open Document

English Language

Language is a system for communicating. Written languages use symbols

(that is, characters) to build words. The entire set of... words is the
language's vocabulary. The ways in which the words can be meaningfully
combined is defined by the language's syntax and grammar. The actual
meaning of words and combinations of words is defined by the language's
semantics English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in
early medieval England and is now the most widely used language in the

English language, French language, German language 2219 Words | 7

Open Document
English as the Official Language in the U.S.

1 out line : Should english be official language in the u.s. ? I Introduction

Hook - English is... good for official language in the U.S. - In the future
China or Japan is powerful of business in the world so, people have to learn
many languages. - Not fair for American people who can speak on English
but Asian people ,Mexican people they re Bilingual. - Dose the U.S.
should have official language more than one language? Explanation.
Because of The U.S...

Canada, Chinese language, English language 571 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document

Is English killing other languages

Is English Killing Other Languages? Abstract... Is English Killing other

languages? As we went on to know and find out what people think about
question, we learned and observed peoples different opinion, rather we
should term it as conflicting. Some say we cannot blame the English to be a
language killer, world is changing and those who couldnt...

Dialect, English language, Hindi 1996 Words | 6 Pages

Open Document

The English Language

The English language English is one of the most important languages in

the world. It can even be... regarded as the single most important language.
Though other languages are important too, they are not the same as the
English language is. English is important because it is probably the only
language that truly links the whole world together. If not for English, the
whole world may not be as united as it is today. The other languages may
be important for their local values and culture.Considering...
Dialect, English language, European Union 966 Words | 3 Pages
Open Document

english language

1919:We have room for but one language here, and that is the English
language, for we intend to see that the... crucible turns out people as
Americans and now as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house (Daniels,8).
The question that has been around for hundreds of years: Should English
be declared the official language of the United States? is still the
controversy refighting the same old sociolinguistic issue of the 1970s.
Yes, English should be the sole language of the US, because of increased...

English language, European Union, German language 2157 Words | 6

Open Document

English as a global "lingua fanca" of commerce

English has become the language on which the sun never sets (Crystal
75). Every day, somewhere in the world, if the sun is... shining then
English is being spoken. English is spoken by more than 300 million
people. It is the official language of 44 countries and is known by about 1/3
of the human population. The English language is significant because it is
the worlds language of trade and commerce. On a world stage, English is
the language of Money. Money talks-and the language that it is shouting...

British Empire, British Isles, Commonwealth of Nations 1752 Words | 5

Open Document
English Language Teaching and Ict


IJEBU ODE. INTRODUCTION Language has been described by various
scholars over the years according to the perceived roles it plays in different
circumstances. Sapir (1921) sees it as a system of arbitrary vocal signs and
symbols used for the purpose of communication. It can also be seen in the
light of Christophersens (1981) view as a conventional...

Education, English language, French language 1308 Words | 5 Pages

Open Document

English Language and British English

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Language is a social-cultural-geographical

phenomenon. There is a deep relationship between... language, culture and
society. When we study a language, we have to study its dialects, register,
slang, taboo, idiolects, etc. We can find the role of language and culture in
The Parent Trap movie. The movie tells us about the differences culture of
2 girls who live in London and California. They were separated when they
are baby. It was because their parents divorce. One of the...

American and British English differences, American English, British

English 1480 Words | 5 Pages
Open Document

English, the Dominant Language?

English, which is spoken by 1.9 billon of the worlds population as their

first language (Redman, 2004), has been spreading... rapidly in the world
since the British Industrial Revolution and colonialism in many continents
such as Asia, Africa and North America during the 18th century (Lavot,
2000). As the influence of English is increasing, some linguists think that it
is a natural process of successful international communication. However,
many other languages are also dying out at an accelerating...

British English, Dialect, English language 1033 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document

English: It's position in the global arena

English occupies an important position in global education at the moment.

It seems to be seen as a high status... language with an inherent connection
to capitalism and globalism. The example websites given, one from a
university in the Netherlands and the other from Brazil. Both websites are
presented in English as well as their national language, despite the fact that
English is a secondary language in both nations. This status, rivalling even
the official language of the country, seems to have sprung...

British Empire, Commonwealth of Nations, Education 1817 Words | 6

Open Document

The English Language

Language is a constant. It is a component that will be forever intertwined

into the fabrication of our global society. This... multi-sensory means of
communication, consists of not only the verbal and writing, but also touch,
smell, sound, body, and gestural elements. As human beings are social
animals, people have the instinct to communicate with others, to share our
feelings and thoughts, and as a result, language development in each
individual becomes an instinct (Pinker, 1994). Since language is...

Dialect, English language, Human 972 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document
English as a Global Language 2nd Edition David Crys

English as a global language 2nd edition David Crystal Chapter 1

summary In why a Global... Language, author David Crystal explains what
a global language is, how English has become the global language of
today, and also why it is important for the world to have a global language.
The article begins with David Crystal going explaining how English is
the global language today. He explains how English is everywhere, it can
be found all around the world, even headlines in other countries...

Dialect, English language, French language 2131 Words | 6 Pages

Open Document

English as a World Language

English as a World Language The English language is the most popular

language in the... world. This is because of many reasons which include the
that fact that it is the international language which is used between states.
In many countries located in Asia children begin to learn English from
elementary school. They will usually study for more than three hours a
week studying English (Advice for you, 2010). For some time people
thought that artificial languages could be used however a total of...

English language, French language, German language 1331 Words | 4

Open Document

Reading: English Language

reading them. Imagine if people didn't study English. How would people be
speaking and learning today? In order to sound educated and... literate
people need to thoroughly study English. It is also heavily needed in the
business world as well as your own private world. English also teaches you
to communicate and process things more accurately. If we didn't have a set
English language communicating would be extremely difficult. The main
reason to study English is to sound educated and literate. In order...

Education, English language, French language 1921 Words | 5 Pages

Open Document

English Language

Whats the point of speaking perfect English languages in the United

States? Many people may wonder why we have to spend so... much time to
learn how to speak perfect languages. Heres the reason why. Language
skill is one of the most powerful instruments for people to become useful
members in the society because we used language to communicate with
other people in our daily lives. Languages is how one communicates,
expresses oneself, and a whole bunch of other very important things. Not
only is...

Communication, Germanic languages, Learning 1052 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document

Effects of slang language in the english language

been affected by slang language. This report describes and evaluates the
reference of slang being incorporated into the... English language.
Qualitative research in the form of a questionnaire has been used to conduct
the research and gather the necessary information needed to compile this
research report. With the research conducted, it was found that students are
very keen and do not mind slang being incorporated into the school
syllabus and into the English language. With careful evaluation...

American English, Dialect, England 1317 Words | 4 Pages

Open Document
English as a Global Languag


LANGUAGES Slaana Butkovi University of Applied... Sciences Nikola
Tesla Gospi, Croatia Katica Balenovi, Faculty of Teacher Education in
Rijeka, Croatia Vesna Grahovac-Prai, Faculty of Teacher Education in
SMALL LANGUAGES English becomes a global language of
communication perception of English - a language of cultural prestige the
promotion of monolingualism and monolingual mentality is...

Croatia, Dialect, Education 488 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document

English as a Global Tongue

supportEssay, Research Paper: English As A Global Tongue LanguageFree

Language essays posted on this site were... donated by users and are
provided for informational use only. The free essay on this page was not
written by our writers and should not be viewed as a sample of our writing
service. We are neither affiliated with the author of this essay nor
responsible for its content. If you need high quality, fresh and competent
research / writing done on the subject of Language, use the professional

Dialect, English language, German language 1451 Words | 5 Pages

Open Document

English Language

* English As a Medium Of Instruction
medium-of-instruction/ A... check on the bills filed in the 14th Congress
shows that there are three... Premium3405 Words14 PagesCategory:
Education * Should English Be The Medium Of Instruction In Sri Lankan
Universities This essay attempts to take into account of divergent views to
deal with Should English be the medium of instruction in Sri Lankan
Universities. . The debate... Premium1210...
Education, England, English language 763 Words | 3 Pages
Open Document

English Language Is Globally Important

English Language is Globally Important English is the major language

in such fields as... international diplomacy, business and commerce, science
and technology, and the travel industry. How did English become such an
important global language? British Colonialism Took English to
North America, the Caribbean, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the
Indian sub-continent U.S. rise as a strong economic and strategic power
Pop Culture English became the language of diplomacy...

Applied linguistics, English language, Foreign language 966 Words | 7

Open Document

English the Language of the Business and Globalization


GLOBALIZATION In the early history the British had colonies all over the
world. The... native of these colonies learned English for their benefit. As
English was the language of the rulers the natives learned English eagerly.
That is how English become a universal language. Now most of these
colonies are free. Yet the English language continues to be used there. Sri
Lanka is one of them. Even now if one knows English he or she can travel
to any part of the...

English language, First language, French language 1380 Words | 4

Open Document
English and Communication Skills for the Global Engineer

English and Communication Skills for the Global Engineer Central Idea:
Engineering graduates require an ever-increasing range... of skills to
maintain relevance with the global environment of the new millennium.
Communication skills are an vital component of this, recognized by
academia and industry alike. English language skills are also important
given its widespread status across the globe as a lingua franca. Indeed,
multilingual skills are considered a salient element in the make-up of the

Emotional intelligence, English language, Intelligence 1777 Words | 6

Open Document

Second Language for Global Job Seekers

at least two years of a foreign language. I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention

Grabber: Con el fin de encontrar un trabajo mundial tiene que... hablar un
segundo idioma (english: In order to find a global job you need to speak a
second language) B. Thesis: (It is crucial for students to take at least two
years of a foreign language in high school not only so they are better
equipped to apply to college but also to prepare them to find a job as part of
a growing global economy. .) C. Qualification:...

College, Foreign language, High school 901 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document

English as a Global Language

increase, the languages which are spoken among them also are being
dramatically increasing. This being a fact, is the reign of... English as a
global language ending? With this being said, over 6,000 languages are
spoken and written all around the world. It has been argued that English
language is not a global language. However, the fact that English is
spoken everywhere, people prefer English over their native language and
hard to work without knowing English are main reasons why English has
been the...
Dialect, England, English language 532 Words | 2 Pages
Open Document

English the World Language

ENGLISH THE WORLD LANGUAGE The second president of the

United States, John Adams, predicted in 1780 that... English will be the
most respectable language in the world and the most universally read and
spoken in the next century, if not before the end of this one. It is destined
in the next and succeeding centuries to be more generally the language of
the world than Latin was in the last or French is in the present age. It was a
bold prediction, for at that time there were only about 13 million...

British Empire, English language, French language 868 Words | 3

Open Document

The Importance of the English Language

Brazer Bozlak 03113623 2011-07-20 LA 202 OL8 The importance of the

English language The English... language is finally accepted as the
universal language of the world and stands today as the common means of
communication among members of different countries, cultures and
communities. Moreover, English is also the international language of
diplomacy, business, science, technology, banking, computing, medicines,
engineering, tourism etc. It is understood and spoken almost everywhere in

England, English language, German language 1209 Words | 4 Pages

Open Document
Importance of English Language

Importance Of English Language Importance Of English Language Good

Morning to one and all. I am here... to present my views about the
importance of learning English language which is taught to us right from
our birth. English is not just taught at home, at schools and colleges but
even at professional colleges and at work places too. English was taught till
Intermediate Level at first. Later it was included in professional colleges
not only for 1st year but even in 3rd B Tech. In present competitive...

Communication, English language, Language 886 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document

The World Language-- English

The World LanguageEnglish Can you speak English? English is

spoken as a first... language by the majority populations of several
countries: including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada,
Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and some Caribbean countries. Nowadays,
many people in the world can communicate with others from different
countries in English. For example, when a Chinese meets a German, they
can talk very well as long as both of them can speak English. Also, there
are more and more...

Cinema of the United States, English language, German language 856

Words | 3 Pages
Open Document

English Language - Language Change

Sharon Goodman (1996) She states that we are living in a time of increased
in-formalisation. Informal... language used to be reserved for close
personal relationships but this isnt the simplicity anymore. Norman
Fairclough agrees and calls it conversationalised language. David Crystal
(2001) In his book on language and the internet Crystal refers to dialogic
e-messaging which refers to immediate communication rather than
traditional letters. This has changed...
Dialect, English language, English spelling reform 1854 Words | 6
Open Document

Importance Of English Language

Importance of English Language: The importance of English language is

spreading geographically. In... the world there are many languages being
spoken. English is one of them which become international language.
Language is used to defining the characteristics of every nation. Every
country has its own language culture. People in USA, Canada and Europe
speak English. Different Stages of Languages in Subcontinent: In
subcontinent history of language is takes a great amount of time. When
Muslims governed...

Education, English language, Higher education 741 Words | 5 Pages

Open Document

Importance of English Language

English is critical for countries successful participation in the global

economy, that it provides individuals with access to... crucial knowledge,
skills and employment opportunities and enables organisations to create and
sustain international links. (Council, 2011) Recently I was in a well-known
hotel for a conference and while I was waiting I heard a guest ask in
English until what time was breakfast, I was surprised to see that none of
the staff members understood the question. After several...

Dialect, England, English language 787 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document
Importance of English Language


COMMUNICATION English is critical for countries successful
participation in the global economy, that it provides individuals with access
to crucial knowledge, skills and employment opportunities and enables
organisations to create and sustain international links. (Council, 2011)
Recently I was in a well-known hotel for a conference...

Dialect, England, English language 945 Words | 4 Pages

Open Document

English as Official language in US

English as Official Language of Oklahoma The English language is

originated from the German... language, which has its roots from England.
The English language became known after the translation of the Bible by
Luther from Latin into German. After that, during the reign of James the
First of England in 1611 appeared the first version of the Bible in English
called the Bible of King James (King James Version).The translation of the
Bible has had a decisive influence on English literature and the...

Dialect, English language, French language 1130 Words | 3 Pages

Open Document

English as a Global language

Discuss the positive and negative impacts of having English as global

language Over the last decades... English has played an important role
around the world as common language for economic, education, scientific
and entertainment exchange between nations and in particular between
people. The positive aspect is that English language open doors in terms of
global communication and business, because this language has become a
powerful tool in terms of improving productivity and driving growth...

English language, Lingua franca, Linguistics 1952 Words | 7 Pages

Open Document

External Borrowing of Language: Enrichment of English

Linguistic change is the adoption and alteration to a language and its

features in response to internal and external factors. External... borrowing
of language enriches the English language itself and provides stimulus for
change. Consequently glotophagy results from language change in many
languages and including the prestigious English language itself. Many
driving influences and restraining factors have caused the English
language adopt changes or remain static, therefore these influences must...

Dialect, English language, French language 1105 Words | 4 Pages

Open Document

Teachers of English Language Learners


Problems that Science Teachers of English... Language Learners Face in
the Classroom Table of Contents
Significance of the Study..4
Research Question5
Hypothesis of the Study5
Methods6 Data
Education, English language, Language acquisition 1611 Words | 6 Pages
Open Document

A Concise History of the English Language

aA Concise History of the English Language In the beginning there was an

island off the coast of Europe. It had no name, for the... natives had no
language, only a collection of grunts and gestures that roughly translated to
"Hey!, "Gimme!, and "Pardon me, but would you happen to have any
woad?Then the Romans (who had a pretty decent language) invaded it
and called it Britain, because the natives were "blue, nasty, br(u'i)tish and
short. This was the start of the importance of u (and...

England, English language, German language 2245 Words | 6 Pages

Open Document

English Language

How to write a good summary - PMR You will be asked to write a

summary of not more than 60 words in Section B of the PMR English...
Language Paper 2 * Read the question carefully and identify the nouns in
the question (Underline them as this will help you to detect the points) *
Then look at the 10 words given. * Try to find the 10 words in the
text, sometimes not the whole 10 words could be found in the text. If, the
10 words is no where in the text, look back at the question;...

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Infectious disease, Kota Kinabalu 943 Words |

3 Pages
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English Language Learning


Of all the languages in the world today, English deserved to be regarded as
a world language. It is the worlds most widely spoken language. It is the
common means of communication...
English language, French language, Grammar translation 1065 Words | 4
Open Document

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