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Wetlands of British Columbia

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Wetlands and related ecosystems are vital components of British Columbia's ecological
diversity. This useful and beautiful guide presents descriptions of more than 100
wetland, floodplain, estuarine, shallow-water, and "transitional" site associations and
their plants, wildlife, and soils. It provides a common language to describe wetland
ecosystems and also provides an ecological basis for the management of wetlands.
Colour photographs illustrate each of the associations in the fact-sheet summary that
outlines essential environmental and biological attributes.

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of British Columbia
of British Columbia

Ministry of Forests
Forest Science Program
Wetlands of
British Columbia

William H. MacKenzie
Jennifer R. Moran

Ministry of Forests
Forest Science Program
The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the
information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute
an official endorsement or approval by the Government of British Colum-
bia of any product or service to the exclusion of any others that may also
be suitable. Contents of this report are presented as information only.
Funding assistance does not imply endorsement of any statements or in-
formation contained herein by the Government of British Columbia.

National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

MacKenzie, William H.
Wetlands of British Columbia : a guide to identification

(Land management handbook ; 52)

Includes bibliographical references: p.

ISBN 0-7726-5066-7
1. Wetlands -- British Columbia - Identification. 1. Wetlands --
British Columbia - Classification. I. Moran, Jennifer R. II. British
Columbia. Forest Science Program. III. Title. IV. Series.

QH87.3.M32 2004 333.91'811'09711 C2003-960224-9

MacKenzie, W.H. and J.R. Moran. 2004. Wetlands of British Columbia: a guide
to identification. Res. Br., B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Land Manage.
Handb. No. 52.

For more information on Forest Science Program publications, visit our

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2004 Province of British Columbia

When using information from this or any Forest Science Program report,
please cite fully and correctly.


This field guide could not have been completed without the assistance of
many. The silver-backs of the provincial ecology program (Jim Pojar,
Del Meidinger, Dennis Lloyd, Ray Coup, Allen Banner, Craig Delong)
were as solid ground amid the quaking mires in support of this effort.
The initial vision of Allen Banner sparked like a beacon on the misty
moors of ignorance. Jim Pojar and Del Meidinger were wise men leading
through the shin-tangle of classification.
Fieldwork was assisted by many individuals including Candice Ford,
Janice Hooge, Kristi Iverson, Larrisa Puls, Danielle Colbert, Arman
Mirza, and Dennis Angels (Dan Bissonnette, Scott Black, Nicole Brand,
Mona Doney, Shane Ford, Kim Johnston, Vanessa Larson,
Jessica MacDonald, David Mige and Mike Ryan).
Invaluable review comments and material were provided by Marty
Kranabetter, Jim Pojar, Del Meidinger, Ray Coup, Kristi Iverson,
Carmen Cadrin, Lisa Mahon, and Reg Newman.
The layout of this document was initially inspired by Harris et al. (1996)
Field Guide to the Wetland Ecosystem Classification for Northwest Ontario.
Paul Dwyer and others at Fractal Design assisted in the design of this
document. Paul Nystedt and the staff of the Production Resources Sec-
tion helped guide this project to completion. The book was designed by
Anna Gamble, typeset by Donna Lindenberg of Newport Bay Publishing
Limited, and edited and proofread by Steven Justin Smith.
Funding was generously provided by Forest Renewal BC, the Ministry
of Forests Research Branch, and the Ministry of Environment Habitat
Inventory Branch.


Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Other Sources of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Guide Content and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Ecology and Classification of Wetland Ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Characteristics of Wetlands and Related Ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A Synopsis of the Classification System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Classification of Wetland and Riparian Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Regional Classifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Summary of Sampling and Analysis Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3 Procedures for Site Description and Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Describing and Identifying Site Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4 Site Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Key to Site Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Brief Descriptions of Site Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5 Site Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Layout and Conventions for Site Class Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Site Association Fact Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Taxonomic Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.1 Bogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Wb01 Black spruce Creeping-snowberry Peat-moss . . . . . . . 56
Wb02 Lodgepole pine Bog rosemary Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . 57
Wb03 Black spruce Lingonberry Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Wb04 Western hemlock Cloudberry Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . 59
Wb05 Black spruce Water sedge Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Wb06 Tamarack Water sedge Fen moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Wb07 Lodgepole pine Water sedge Peat-moss. . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Wb08 Black spruce Soft-leaved sedge Peat-moss. . . . . . . . . . 63
Wb09 Black spruce Common horsetail Peat-moss . . . . . . . . 64
Wb10 Lodgepole pine Few-flowered sedge Peat-moss . . . . . 65
Wb11 Black spruce Buckbean Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Wb12 Scheuchzeria Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Wb13 Shore sedge Buckbean Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Wb50 Labrador tea Bog-laurel Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Wb51 Shore pine Black crowberry Tough peat-moss . . . . . . 70
Wb52 Common juniper Tufted clubrush Hoary rock-moss. . 71
Wb53 Shore pine Yellow-cedar Tufted clubrush . . . . . . . . . . 72
Additional Bog Site Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.2 Fens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Wf 01 Water sedge Beaked sedge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Wf 02 Scrub birch Water sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Wf 03 Water sedge Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Wf 04 Barclays willow Water sedge Glow moss . . . . . . . . . . 85
Wf 05 Slender sedge Common hook-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Wf 06 Slender sedge Buckbean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Wf 07 Scrub birch Buckbean Shore sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Wf 08 Shore sedge Buckbean Hook-moss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Wf 09 Few-flowered spike-rush Hook-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Wf10 Hudson Bay clubrush Red hook-moss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Wf11 Tufted clubrush Star moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Wf12 Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Marsh-marigold . . . . . . . . . 93
Wf13 Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Shore sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Wf50 Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Wf51 Sitka sedge Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Wf52 Sweet gale Sitka sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Wf53 Slender sedge White beak-rush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Additional Fen Site Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.3 Marshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Wm01 Beaked sedge Water sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Wm02 Swamp horsetail Beaked sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Wm03 Awned sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Wm04 Common spike-rush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Wm05 Cattail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Wm06 Great bulrush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Wm07 Baltic rush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Wm50 Sitka sedge Hemlock-parsley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Wm51 Three-way sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Additional Marsh Site Associations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5.4 Swamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Ws01 Mountain alder Skunk cabbage Lady fern . . . . . . . . . . 128
Ws02 Mountain alder Pink spirea Sitka sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Ws03 Bebbs willow Bluejoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

Ws04 Drummonds willow Beaked sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Ws05 MacCallas willow Beaked sedge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Ws06 Sitka willow Sitka sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Ws07 Spruce Common horsetail Leafy moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Ws08 Subalpine fir Sitka valerian Common horsetail. . . . . . 135
Ws09 Black spruce Skunk cabbage Peat-moss . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Ws10 Western redcedar Spruce Skunk cabbage . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Ws11 Spruce Subalpine fir Skunk cabbage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Ws50 Pink spirea Sitka sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Ws51 Sitka willow Pacific willow Skunk cabbage . . . . . . . . . . 140
Ws52 Red alder Skunk cabbage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Ws53 Western redcedar Sword fern Skunk cabbage . . . . . . . 142
Ws54 Western redcedar Western hemlock Skunk cabbage . . . 143
Ws55 Yellow-cedar Mountain hemlock Skunk cabbage . . . . 144
Additional Swamp Site Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
5.5 Shallow-waters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
5.6 Estuarine Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Em01 Widgeon-grass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Em02 Glasswort Sea-milkwort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Em03 Seashore saltgrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Em04 Seaside plantain Dwarf alkaligrass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Em05 Lyngbyes sedge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Em06 Lyngbyes sedge Douglas water-hemlock . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Ed01 Tufted hairgrass Meadow barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Ed02 Tufted hairgrass Douglas aster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Ed03 Arctic rush Alaska plantain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Additional Estuarine Site Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
5.7 Flood Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Fl01 Mountain alder Common horsetail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Fl02 Mountain alder Red-osier dogwood Lady fern . . . . . . . 181
Fl03 Pacific willow Red-osier dogwood Horsetail . . . . . . . . . 182
Fl04 Sitka willow Red-osier dogwood Horsetail . . . . . . . . . . 183
Fl05 Drummonds willow Bluejoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Fl06 Sandbar willow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Fl07 Water birch Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Fm01 Cottonwood Snowberry Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Fm02 Cottonwood Spruce Red-osier dogwood. . . . . . . . . . . 188
Fm03 Cottonwood Subalpine fir Devils club . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

Fl50 Sitka willow False lily-of-the-valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Fl51 Red alder Salmonberry Horsetail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Fm50 Cottonwood Red alder Salmonberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Additional Flood Site Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
5.8 Transition Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Gs01 Alkali saltgrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Gs02 Nuttalls alkaligrass Foxtail barley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Gs03 Field sedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Gs04 Tufted hairgrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Sc01 Scrub birch Kinnikinnick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Sc02 Grey-leaved willow Glow moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Sc03 Barclays willow Arrow-leaved groundsel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
6 Conservation and Management Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Livestock Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Timber Harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Wetlands as Wildlife Habitat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

1 Ordination of Site Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

2 Overlays of the Wetland Edatopic Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
3 Wetland Indicator Plant Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
4 Crosswalk to Other Classifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
5 Scientific names with common names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
6 Wildlife Species Affiliated with Wetlands
and Related Ecosystems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
7 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

3.1. Important site and soil features for identifying site units . . . . . . . 27
4.1. Summary of characteristics for wetland and related
ecosystem Site Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.1.1 Distribution of Bog Site Associations by biogeoclimatic zone . . . 53
5.1.2 Bog Species Importance Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.2.1 Distribution of Fen Site Associations by biogeoclimatic zone . . . 79
5.2.2 Fen Species Importance Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.3.1 Distribution of Marsh Site Associations by
biogeoclimatic zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.3.2 Marsh Species Importance Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

5.4.1 Distribution of Swamp Site Associations by
biogeoclimatic zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
5.4.2 Swamp Species Importance Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.5.1 Characteristics of water with different nutrient status . . . . . . . . . 149
5.6.1 Distribution of Estuarine Site Associations
by biogeoclimatic zone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
5.6.2 Estuarine Species Importance Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
5.7.1 Distribution of Flood Site Associations by
biogeoclimatic zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
5.7.2 Flood Species Importance Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
5.8.1 Distribution of Transition Site Associations
by biogeoclimatic zone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
5.8.2 Transition Species Importance Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
6.1 Distribution and habitat use by adult
pond-breeding amphibians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
6.2 Distribution and habitat use by dabbling ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
6.3 Distribution and habitat use by lake ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
6.4 Distribution and habitat use by cavity-nesting ducks . . . . . . . . . . 229
A3.1 List of Obligate Hydrophytes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
A3.2 List of Facultative Hydrophytes Wetland Affiliated . . . . . . . . . . 246
A3.3 List of Facultative Hydrophytes Upland Affiliated. . . . . . . . . . . 248
A4.1 Wetland and related ecosystem Site Associations
with corresponding BEC site series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
A4.2 Wetland Site Associations corresponding to the
Cariboo wetland classification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
A4.3 Wetland Site Associations corresponding with
Klinka et al. 1997 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
A4.4 Wetland Site Associations corresponding with coastal
classifications in Washington and Alaska. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
A4.5 Wetland Site Associations corresponding with
classifications in Washington and Montana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

2.1 Site unit hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2 Conceptual relationship between ecosystem Realms . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3 Examples of coding for Site Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4 Biogeoclimatic zones of British Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5 Ecoprovinces of British Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1 Dichotomous key for the identification of Site Class . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2 Site Class distribution on the modified edatopic grid. . . . . . . . . . 33
5.0.1 Example Site Association fact sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

5.0.2 A modified edatopic grid showing pH and
hydrodynamic index axes for Wet and Very Wet sites . . . . . . . . . 42
5.0.3 Environmental characteristics useful for
determining nutrient status in wetlands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.0.4 Distribution of Site Classes relative to intertidal
zone and salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.1.1 Position of bogs on the edatopic grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.2.1 Position of fens on the edatopic grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.3.1 Position of marshes on the edatopic grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.4.1 Position of swamps on the edatopic grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
5.6.1 Distribution of ecosystem classes of estuaries
by elevation and salinity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
5.7.1 Position of flood ecosystems on the edatopic grid . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
5.8.1 Position of transition ecosystems on the edatopic grid . . . . . . 197
A1.1 ordination of numbered wetland and related
Site Associations including some shallow-water units . . . . . . . . . 240
A1.2 ordination of numbered wetland Site Associations only. . . 241
A2.1 Edatopic grid position of vegetation physiognomy. . . . . . . . . . . . 242
A2.2 Edatopic grid position of major bryophyte groups
and peat-accumulating sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
A2.3 Edatopic grid position of Classes from the British
Columbia Vegetation Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

Introduction 1

Wetlands are relatively

uncommon ecosystems
throughout most of British
Columbia and yet play an
integral role. Montane ponds
and fens, such as this one near
Alice Arm, support high-
elevation wildlife populations
and regulate headwater
This guide presents a site classification and interpretative information
for wetlands and related ecosystems of British Columbia. Site identifica-
tion is based upon principles of Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification
() modified for wetland ecosystems.
The objectives of the classification are:
to provide a framework for organizing ecological information and
management experience about ecosystems;
to promote a better understanding of wetlands and related ecosys-
to provide users with a common language to describe wetland ecosys-
tems; and
to provide an ecological basis for management of wetlands.
The Research Branch of British Columbias Ministry of Forests initiated
a program in 1994 to classify and describe the wetlands and riparian
areas of British Columbia. Its central intent was to generate basic
ecological information about these important ecosystems. This guide
represents one aspect of the Wetland and Riparian Ecosystem Classifica-
tion () initiative and has two principal goals:
to assist users in describing and identifying wetland ecosystems; and
to provide management interpretations to assist in conservation of
wetlands ecosystems.


A more detailed description of the wetland classification framework can

be found in Classification of Wetlands and Related Ecosystems in British
Columbia (MacKenzie and Banner 2001). Explanations of the national
wetland classification are presented in the Wetlands of Canada (
1988). Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification in British Columbia (Pojar
et al. 1987) outlines the methods and philosophy of ; descriptions
of biogeoclimatic zones and representative ecosystems can be found in
Ecosystems of British Columbia (Meidinger and Pojar 1991). For more
detailed discussion of the standard methods used to describe ecosystems
in British Columbia, refer to Describing Ecosystems in the Field (2nd edi-
tion) (Luttmerding et al. 1990), Field Manual for Describing Terrestrial
Ecosystems (Province of British Columbia 1998), and A Wetland Sampling
Methodology: Draft (MacKenzie and Shaw 1998).
Regional treatments of wetland Site Associations have been published
for the Cariboo (Steen and Roberts 1988), south Coast (Klinka et al.

2 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

unpublished), and north Coast (Banner et al. 1986). Regional field-
guides (e.g., Banner et al. 1993) also contain descriptions for some
forested swamp, bog, and flood ecosystems. For a comparison to wet-
land units described in other classifications, refer to Appendix 4.
For field identification of wetland plant species, refer to any of the Lone
Pine series. For example, Plants of Northern British Columbia (MacKin-
non et al. 1992) can be helpful for willow identification and Plants of the
Western Boreal Forest and Aspen Parkland (Johnson et al. 1995) is good
for sedges and mosses, especially Sphagnum species. The Illustrated Flora
of British Columbia (Douglas et al. 19982002) provides formal botanical
keys to vascular species identification.


This guide describes common wetland ecosystems that occur in British

Columbia. Related types of ecosystems that do not meet the strict defini-
tion for true wetlands are also presented. These include:
Flood ecosystems, which occur on the floodplains of rivers and are
inundated during the spring freshet but have well-drained and aerated
Transition ecosystems, which are often associated with wetlands
and can have the vegetation structure similar to a wetland but have
merely moist soils and few wetland indicator species; and
tidal Estuarine ecosystems, which occur at the confluence of marine
and fluvial environments.
Alpine wetlands are not described in this guide.
No guide can encompass all of the complexity and diversity of ecosys-
tems that occur on the landscape. Although the described units include
most of the common wetland and related ecosystems found in the
province, users are likely to encounter sites that do not appear to fit
the classification. Furthermore, wetlands are complex ecosystems that
can change rapidly with hydrological modifications. This guide describes
ecosystems that recur throughout the landscape and appear to be rela-
tively stable in vegetation composition. An understanding of basic
ecological factors and wetland processes is required to assess whether an
equivocal site is in transition, represents a distinct ecological community
not yet described, or is a variation of a described site association. This
guide is just one tool to help describe and compare wetland and related

Chapter 1 Introduction 3
ecosystems and must be supplemented with practical knowledge, experi-
ence, and judgement.
The guide consists of the following major sections:
Chapter 2 provides an overview of the basic ecological features and envi-
ronments of wetlands and related ecosystems and a summary of the
classification systems underlying units in this guide.
Chapter 3 explains the taxonomic conventions, format, and coding used
throughout the guide and the process of site identification.
Chapter 4 gives several tools for identifying the Site Class (broad func-
tional groups of wetland ecosystems) including keys, tables of
characteristics, and brief descriptive summaries.
Chapter 5 constitutes the main body of the guide. This chapter provides
basic ecological information for the recognition of different wetland
ecosystem types that occur in British Columbia. In standardized fact
sheet format, information is provided for all wetland Site Classes and
Site Associations. The chapter is divided into eight sections, one for each
Site Class or Group described in this guide. A description of the major
ecological characteristics for each recognized Association is presented in
a one-page fact-sheet format outlining site, vegetation, and environmen-
tal characteristics. Short descriptions are included at the end of each
section for infrequently sampled or poorly known ecosystems.
Chapter 6 summarizes conservation and management issues for wet-
lands and related ecosystems. This information will allow resource
managers to make better-informed decisions on conservation and man-
agement of these ecosystems.
The appendices provide background information for the guide,
including details about the multivariate analysis used to create the
classification, a crosswalk to similar previously described units, a list of
hydrophytes, a list of wetland-affiliated wildlife species, a glossary, and
interpretive overlays of the wetland edatopic grid.

4 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Ecology and 2
classification of
wetland ecosystems

The habitats surrounding

wetlands are essential for a
functioning wetland ecosystem.
Most wildlife inhabiting this marsh
near Lac La Hache will also use the
adjacent grassland, aspen copse,
or coniferous forest for some
important part of their life cycle.
This section briefly describes the important ecological themes and prin-
cipal concepts in ecosystem classification of wetland and related


Wetland Ecosystems

Wetlands are:
areas where soils are water-saturated for a sufficient length of time
such that excess water and resulting low soil oxygen levels are princi-
pal determinants of vegetation and soil development. Wetlands will
have a relative abundance of hydrophytes in the vegetation commu-
nity and/or soils featuring hydric characters.
This wetland definition encompasses a wide range of ecosystems, from
semi-terrestrial fens, bogs, and swamps to semi-aquatic marshes and
shallow open water. Wetlands include a broad range of ecosystem types,
from those permanently flooded by shallow water and dominated by
aquatic organisms to forested sites with merely wet soils.
The water-saturated environment of wetlands supports a unique group
of plants called hydrophytes. These plants are adapted to grow in water-
logged soils. Excessive water and the low rate at which oxygen diffuses
under these conditions leads to a complex of critical conditions that re-
quire specialized adaptations (Daubenmire 1959). Adaptations, such as
leathery leaves (to reduce nutrient requirements and combat physiologi-
cal drought) or specialized internal air compartments (to transport
oxygen to the roots) are required for wetland plants. Obligate hy-
drophytes (such as great bulrush) are restricted to wetlands and
semi-aquatic sites. Facultative hydrophytes (such as Labrador tea and
many other members of the Heather family) occur commonly in wet-
lands but also appear on some upland sites.
Wetland soils are subhydric or hydric and have one or more of the fol-
lowing features that reflect anaerobic soil conditions:
1. Peaty organic horizons greater than 40 cm thick.
2. Non-sandy soils with blue-grey gleying within 30 cm of the surface.
3. Sandy soils with prominent mottles within 30 cm of the surface or
blue-grey matrix.
4. Hydrogen sulphide (rotten egg smell) in upper 30 cm.

6 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

From an ecological perspective, either an abundance of hydrophytes or
hydric soil conditions is generally sufficient to indicate a wetland ecosys-
tem. The boundary of the wetland is identified by changes in vegetation
structure, loss of hydrophytes, and absence of wetland soil characteris-
Environmental gradients in wetland ecosystems
The stability, mobility, and chemical composition of the watertable are
the major environmental variables at the site level that differentiate wet-
land ecosystems.
The acidity/alkalinity of the watertable relates directly to base cation
content and indirectly to nutrient availability in wetland ecosystems.
Major floristic shifts occur over this gradient, particularly in peatlands
(Vitt 1994). Ombrotrophic sites receive surface water from precipitation
only and have few available base cations, high acidity, and very poor
nutrient regime, and are dominated by Sphagnum mosses. Where the
surface waters have been in contact with mineral materials, base cations
in the surface water increase and the site becomes more alkaline, and
peatlands become dominated by brown mosses (e.g., Campylium,
Tomenthypnum, Calliergon, Drepanocladus species).
Alkali are mineral soils that contain an excess of exchangeable sodium
and pH >8.5. Alkali soils will often have impermeable clay horizons and
dry to a dark crust. Saline soils do not occur in peatlands but in saline
meadows where evaporation concentrates salts. Saline sites have excess
soluable salts (Na+, Ca++, Mg++, Cl-, SO4--) that impair site productivity,
pH < 8.5, and dry to a white crust. Saline-alkali soils also occur. These
sites have impermeable clay horizons, pH >8.5, and dry to a white crust
(Richards 1969).
Regional bedrock and surface geology, and site drainage and discharge,
influence the base cation content of the groundwater supply. For exam-
ple, groundwater percolation in the Rocky Mountains generally has very
high content of base cation (calcium) because of contact with limestone
parent materials. Rich fens and swamps are common in this area. The
outer Coast is dominated by nutrient-poor bogs largely due to the sterile
nature of the granitic bedrock that underlies this region.
Water movement and seasonal water-level fluctuation (hydrodynamics)
are as important as soil moisture regime in wetland ecosystems. Soil
moisture regime can be difficult to assess in many wetland and flood

Chapter 2 Ecology and classification of wetland ecosystems 7

sites because the watertable changes significantly over the growing sea-
son. As a general rule, sites with greater waterflow are richer. Increasing
lateral movement of water improves nutrient availability by bringing
additional supplies of minerals and improving oxygenation. Vertical
movements of the watertable alternately flood and expose the surface of
the wetland, improving aeration and increasing decomposition rates.
Stable, high watertables (stagnant or sluggish hydrodynamics) promote
peat formation and high bryophyte cover. Bogs and fens are ecosystems
that form under these conditions. Peat accumulations on these sites can
be very deep, are usually poorly decomposed, and are largely derived
from mosses and sedges.
Sites with more dynamic watertables experience surface flooding fol-
lowed by late-season drawdown. These types of sites usually have few
bryophytes because most mosses are intolerant of prolonged submer-
gence. Marshes, swamps, and shallow-water ecosystems may be
underlain with peat but it is usually well-humified, non-bryophytic
material derived from sedges or wood. On these sites and on flood
ecosystems, the length and depth of flooding and the degree of waterflow
are primary factors determining community composition. Species
composition depends on species flood tolerance and life history require-
ments. Sites with large fluctuations in watertable, such as pothole
marshes or tidal marshes, represent some of the most hydrologically
dynamic and nutrient-rich ecosystems.
Regional climate is the broad environmental context for ecosystems. For
wetlands, this influence is less pronounced than for upland ecosystems
because of the overriding influence of wet site conditions. Still, climate is
an important factor in wetland formation. In cool climates, where water
inputs exceed evaporation rates, peatland formation is promoted. Small,
water-collecting depressions and lake margins that would be marshes in
regions with warm, dry climates are topogenous peatlands here. In these
peatland regions, only the most hydrologically active areas adjacent to
rivers and large lakes support marshes and shrub swamps. Peatlands
occur even on sloping terrain in regions of cool climates with high sum-
mer precipitation, extensive groundwater seeps, or prolonged snowpack,
where continual groundwater inputs maintain surface saturation. The
dry and warm regions of the province typically have very limited peat-
land development because warm temperatures increase decomposition
rates and high evaporation rates limit the extent of sites that have perma-
nent saturation.

8 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Estuarine ecosystems
Estuarine ecosystems are defined as:
coastal sites dominated by plants and other organisms tolerant of wet,
brackish soils, found at the confluence of a freshwater source and the ma-
rine environment and affected by occasional or diurnal tidal inundation.
Estuarine ecosystems occur specifically where:
at least periodically, the land supports predominantly hydrophytic
plant species or benthic fauna adapted to brackish water.
the substrate is predominantly undrained hydric soil. Soils may be
organic or inorganic. In mineral soils, gleying occurs within the top 30
cm, or the substrate is nonsoil and is saturated with water or covered
by shallow water at some time during the growing season.
the site is tidally influenced and at least occasionally affected by
brackish water.
Estuarine ecosystems have similar characteristics to wetland ecosystems,
with the additional influences of diurnal fluctuations in watertable and
variable salinity. The gradients of most importance in this realm of
ecosystems is the degree of tidal flooding, which is closely related to
height above the mean tide level. Ecosystems that occur at the lowest
level are flooded with every tide (excepting neap tides), while the highest
may experience only occasional flooding during the highest high tides.
The degree of freshwater influence affects species distribution within
an estuary independent of other factors. Particularly where high volumes
of fresh water are delivered to estuarine environments, communities
change along a gradient from where freshwater influences predominate
(usually within the tidal reaches of the river) to where freshwater inputs
are minimal.
Low-elevation coastal climates are more equable than interior and high-
elevation climates, yet climate still plays a role in estuarine development.
Estuaries of the Georgia Depression, where summers are warm and dry
and where freshwater inflows are highest in the winter and lowest in the
summer, have a flora that is related to estuaries farther south. Estuaries
of the Coast and Mountains, where summers are cool and moist and
rivers have peak flows in spring and summer, lack many of the Cali-
fornian estuary species.
Terrestrial ecosystems
Terrestrial ecosystems occur on sites where water is not in surplus for ex-
tended periods of the growing season (actual moisture regime Very Dry

Chapter 2 Ecology and classification of wetland ecosystems 9

to Very Moist). These sites are characterized by the dominance of
drought-tolerant vascular plants, bryophytes, and cryptogams. Decom-
position is primarily aerobic by fungi, bacteria, and soil fauna.
Within a climatic region, differentiation of most terrestrial ecosystems
can be explained primarily by soil moisture regime () and soil nutri-
ent regime (). However, the two groups of terrestrial ecosystems
included in this guide, flood and transition, have special environmen-
tal factors that override and influences.
The term riparian is defined or applied in the literature in several con-
tradictory ways. In , this term is used to describe sites that are
adjacent to a waterbody. Thus, riparian does not imply any specific
ecological feature of a site other than occurence next to a waterbody.
By this definition, any type of ecosystem can be riparian. For those
ecosystems that are ecologically distinct because of flooding, erosion/
sedimentation, or subirrigation from an adjacent waterbody, this guide
uses the term Flood ecosystem.
Flood ecosystems are defined as:
sites flooded for a short time during the growing season, where soils are
freely drained and anoxic conditions (if they occur) are quickly relieved
after subsidence of floodwater. Vegetation tolerant of brief flooding
events but not prolonged soil saturation is typical. Flood ecosystems occur
specifically where:
waterbodies periodically flood their banks, depositing or eroding flu-
vial or lacustrine materials; and
watertables are within the rooting zone during part of the growing
season, but not for sufficient duration to cause gleying within the top
30 cm of soil depth.
The duration and power of flooding are the primary site determinants in
these ecosystems.
Transition ecosystems are a loosely defined set of Associations that are
included in this guide because they often occur adjacent to wetlands and
have some structural and ecological similarities. Two Classes are de-
scribed, the saline meadows of the Grassland Group and shrub-carrs
from a Shrubland Group. Both of these Classes have Moist or Very Moist
actual moisture regime and support non-forested climax communities.
Because of a special site factor, these sites do not support forest or grass-
land ecosystem species groups that would normally occur under these
soil moisture regimes.

10 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Saline meadows have high soil salinity or alkalinity. They occur only in
dry climates where early-season flooding prevents growth of trees or up-
land grasses, but where sufficient drawdown occurs to limit hydrophyte
establishment. High content of salts in the soil is the driving variable for
these meadows.
Shrub-carrs only occur in cold climates where cold-air drainage or
ponding on some sites results in cold soils and mid-season frosts that
preclude tree establishment. These areas are primarily in the Interior at
high elevations or in boreal climates.


This guide applies a site unit classification model of a Wetland and Ri-
parian Ecosystem Classification system () (MacKenzie and Banner
2001). This system has its basis in the Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classifi-
cation () (Pojar et al. 1987) and Canadian Wetland Classification
System () (Warner and Rubec 1997).
Ecosystems are interacting complexes of living organisms and their physi-
cal/chemical environments. For purposes of this guide, ecosystems are
defined as portions of the physical landscape and the living systems that
are on and in it. They are identified and characterized by a plant commu-
nity and its associated environment. More specifically, ecosystems are
areas of relatively uniform vegetation, topography, soils, and hydrology.
Microtopographic features are an important environmental factor in
wetland ecosystems. Several distinct plant communities can occur on the
hummocks and in the hollows of a single site. In this guide, these fine-
scale variations are not treated as separate units but are considered to be
a normal (and predictable) state for the ecosystem.
Climax, succession, and site potential
integrates vegetation, climatic, site, and seral classifications into a
system of regional, local, and chronological units. The basic approach in
is to use mature or climax vegetation communities to define site
and climate classification units. Climax in ecology refers to a condition
of dynamic equilibrium, a steady state rather than a static endpoint. For
vegetation, this means that the species in the community replace them-
selves rather than being replaced by other species over time (the process
of succession).

Chapter 2 Ecology and classification of wetland ecosystems 11

Mature communities are said to reflect site potential (or climatic poten-
tial in the restricted case of a zonal ecosystem) because they are relatively
stable and are thought to integrate and reflect the sum of all the environ-
mental conditions of the site. Site potential is a central concept in
but has been applied primarily to forested ecosystems, where the mature
state is recognized through canopy structure and species composition.
Applying this approach for wetlands and flood ecosystems is more diffi-
cult because they represent more dynamic systems where the site
potential changes over time. Deviations from the concept of site poten-
tial occur in flood ecosystems, where deposition and erosion during
flooding change soil texture, depth to watertable, and duration of flood-
ing over time. These changes to site potential may occur gradually over
decades or abruptly with the impacts of a significant flood. Similarly, the
gradual accumulation of organic matter and establishment of Sphagnum
mosses both affect the hydrological properties of peatlands, leading to
long-term peatland succession and changes in site potential. Pothole
marshes are characteristically variable in their interannual water regime;
sites may be flooded in one year and dry in the next. Therefore, the con-
cepts of climax and site potential in wetland and floodplain sites must be
viewed as more fluid and temporary than in upland ecosystems.
Classification versus description
Site description and ecosystem classification are different but comple-
mentary processes. Site description produces a simple list of biotic and
abiotic features for an ecosystem. No two ecosystems will have the exact
same list of site characteristics and each site could be considered unique.
However, to apply knowledge gained on one site more widely, groups of
sites with similar ecological function must be recognized. Ecosystem
classification distills the commonality among sites into recognizable
groups based on a few ecologically important factors. These fundamental
properties feature prominently within the formal classification; other de-
scriptive attributes are used as supporting information.
Site units versus landscape units and mapping
The classification presented in this guide is a site classification; it de-
scribes the ecosystem as defined in the previous sectionan area of
relatively uniform vegetation, topography, soils, and hydrology. Howev-
er, most wetlands and riparian areas are complexes of ecosystems, where
mapping of site units would be difficult at commonly used scales (e.g.,
1:20 000). For this reason, it is more likely that entire wetlands will be
mapped as a single unit. proposes a landscape-level unit called the

12 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Ecocomplex to describe recurring complexes of Site Associations for use
in mapping wetlands (MacKenzie and Banner 2001).
Classification units
integrates several different classification models into a single hier-
archical framework. The Site Association unit of is grouped into
broader units on the basis of more general ecological similarities (Figure
2.1). The Site Series and Site Association units of describe site poten-
tial on ecologically homogeneous areas based on climate, soils, and
mature vegetation communities. The Class concept of the Canadian
Wetland Classification System is used as a broader description of site po-
tential. Additional, even broader units (Group and Realm) formalize
currently used, but imprecisely defined, terminology. These higher levels
are defined by environmental states characterized by specific guilds of
biota, rather than species groups. The units accentuate similarities in
basic underlying processes and functions between ecosystems not reflect-
ed in vegetation. Such broad units allow wetlands to be placed in context
with other non-wetland ecosystems.
Site Association
The Site Association defines all sites cap-
able of supporting a similar plant
association at climax.
Vegetation classification using a Braun-
Blaunquet approach produces units with
characteristic diagnostic species groups
(Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 1974).
When these species groups represent cli-
max communities, they are said to reflect
site potential and are used to define the
Site Series within a given biogeoclimatic

subzone/variant, or a Site Association
across several subzones/variants Class
(Pojar et al. 1987). The Site Association is a
collection of Site Series with similar plant Group
species composition. For example, the
Wb01 (Black spruce Lingonberry Peat-
moss) Site Association includes the Site Realm
Series BWBSdk1/10, BWBSdk2/07,
BWBSmw1/08, and BWBSmw2/08. . Site unit hierarchy
(from MacKenzie and Banner 2001).

Chapter 2 Ecology and classification of wetland ecosystems 13

Site Class
The Site Class describes Associations with similar basic underlying envi-
ronmental attributes that support similar characteristic species guilds at
The Class concept is adapted from the Wetland Class of the Canadian
Wetland Classification System () (Warner and Rubec 1997). The
Site Class, as applied here, is narrower than the original concept,
where the Class could describe entire wetlands and with no requirement
for climax plant communities. In this guide, the Class is an extension
of the Site Association concept and the same restrictions apply: sites
must be relatively homogeneous (rather than entire wetlands), mature,
and undisturbed.
Site Group 1
The Group describes functionally similar Classes based on a dominant,
ecologically relevant environmental feature(s).
A single dominant environmental factor or site attribute, reflecting a
constellation of environmental factors that influence ecosystem struc-
ture, is used to differentiate Groups. For example, within the Wetland
Realm, the Peatland Group is distinguished from the Mineral Group
based on the presence of deep fibric or mesic peat accumulations that
indicate low decomposition rates, lower available nutrients, and near-
permanent saturation. The Flood Group of the Terrestrial Realm
includes those ecosystems that are strongly influenced by periodic/sea-
sonal flooding events common in riparian situations.
Site Realm
The Realm delineates major biotic types that reflect gross differences in
water abundance, quality, and source.
There are three primary Realms (Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Marine)
and four secondary Realms where the primary Realms intersect (Wet-
land, Estuarine, Intertidal, and Wedge). The secondary Realms exhibit
unique characteristics in addition to features that are common to the re-
lated primary Realms. This guide covers ecosystems of the wetland and
estuarine ecosystem Realms and some terrestrial ecosystem groups that
are related to true wetlands (Figure 2.2).

1 The Site Group term was previously used in to define broad groupings of Site
Associations based on species similarity. This unit is now referred to as the Site
Alliance to reflect its basis in vegetation classification.

14 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Terrestrial Freshwater

Intertidal Wedge


. Conceptual relationship between ecosystem Realms. Shaded section shows ecosystems

covered in this guide (from MacKenzie and Banner 2001). The shaded portion of the
Terrestrial Realm includes flood and transition ecosystems.

Naming and numbering of Site Units

Classes and Associations are given a two-letter Class and two-number
Association code (Figure 2.3). The Class code is a combination of the
first letter of the Realm or Group in capital plus the first letter of the
Class in small capitals. The number for the Site Association is always two
digits. Interior Associations or those that occur on the Coast but are pri-
marily of Interior distribution are numbered 01 to 49. Site Associations
that are exclusively or primarily Coastal are numbered 50 to 99. Num-
bering of units loosely follows an approach of assigning the 01 number
to an Association considered to represent the central concept for the
Class. Units that most closely resemble this initial Association are then
numbered sequentially.
Note that these Site Association codes are for application in a broader
context, where the user intends to discuss ecosystems at a regional or
provincial level. For discussion in a local context, the Site Series
code should be used if applicable (e.g., SBSdk/10). Refer to Appendix 4.

W b 01 (Black spruce Creeping-snowberry Peat-moss)

Realm:Wetland Class: Bog Site Association #1 (Interior)

Group: Flood Class: Low Bench Site Association #1 (Coastal)

F l 50 (Sitka willow False lily-of-the-valley)

. Examples of coding for Site Associations.

Chapter 2 Ecology and classification of wetland ecosystems 15

Full names of the Association follow the Site Series standards for :
no more than three species are used, species from the dominant layers
appear first.


Soil types used in this guide are from the Canadian System of Soil Classi-
fication () (Agriculture Canada Expert Committee on Soil Survey
1987). There are nine Soil Orders in the , of which two are found
primarily in wetland environments: Gleysol Order and Organic Order.
Gleysols are defined by the presence of a gleyed soil horizon. Gleying
occurs under waterlogged, anaerobic conditions. A gleyed horizon is in-
dicated by a distinct dull blue-grey colour or prominent rust-coloured
blotches called mottles. Humic Gleysols have an organically enriched
surface horizon in addition to the above features. Rego Gleysols are very
young and have limited profile development.
The soils of the Organic Order include Fibrisols, Mesisols, Humisols,
and Folisols (upland organic soils); the first three are wetland soil Great
Groups. These soils have accumulated more than 60 cm of organic mate-
rials derived from hydrophytic plants. Most organic soils are saturated
with water for prolonged periods. They occur widely in poorly and very
poorly drained depressions and level areas in regions of cool or wet cli-
Classification at the Great Group level (Fibrisol, Mesisol, or Humisol) is
based primarily on the dominant horizon of the decomposition of the
organic material in the middle tier (between 60 and 160 cm below the
soil surface). Fibrisols are poorly decomposed, and peat constituents are
easily recognizable. Mesisols are partially decomposed and Humisols are
well decomposed. Typic organic soils have >160 cm or organic accumu-
lations while Terric organic soils have 60160 cm of organic matter over
mineral substrates.
Several other Orders are described in this guide for non-wetland Site
Regosols are very young soils with little or no horizon development.
They are common on active fluvial sites where flood events deposit
sediment layers. On these sites, Regosols are cumulic with layers of sedi-
ments from different flood events. Brunisols are slightly older soils, with
some chemical weathering, and can be gleyed from short periods of sat-

16 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Solonetzic soils have a prismatic soil structure resulting for the accumu-
lation of salts. Saline meadows are classic locations for Solonetzic soils.


Two complementary regional classifications are used in Site Association

descriptions in Chapter 5: the zonal classification and the Ecoregion
classification. The former is a climatic classification based on characteris-
tic vegetation on average or zonal terrestrial sites that best reflect the
influence of climate, independent of site conditions. Site Association oc-
currence by zone is outlined in table format at the beginning of each
section of Chapter 5.
The Ecoregion classification takes a biophysical approach and is a com-
bination of physiography and broad climatic classification. It provides a
geographic context for describing Site Association provincial distribu-
tion and is used in the general descriptions for each Site Association.
Biogeoclimatic () zones
Fourteen zones occur in British Columbia (Figure 2.4). For discus-
sions of wetland ecosystem distribution, we have paired similar zones:
the BG and PP, the SBS and SBSP, and the BWBS and SWB. The Alpine
Tundra (AT) is not covered in this guide. More detailed descriptions of
the zones can be found in Meidinger and Pojar (1991).
Bunchgrass / Ponderosa Pine (BG/PP)
The Bunchgrass and Ponderosa Pine zones are limited to low-elevation
areas in the rainshadow of the southern mountains where dry, hot
growing-season climates prevail. Grasslands, and ponderosa pine or
Douglas-fir forest, are the dominant upland vegetation. Wetlands are
primarily marshes.
Boreal White and Black Spruce / Spruce Willow Birch (BWBS/SWB)
The Boreal White and Black Spruce and Spruce Willow Birch zones
occupy the northern quarter of the province at low to high elevations.
These zones have short, cool summers and very long, very cold winters.
Upland vegetation is primarily fire-initiated, white and black spruce
forests. Peatland formation is favoured in these areas and extensive bogs
and fens occur in low-relief landscapes.
Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF)
The Coastal Douglas-fir zone is restricted to low-elevation (<150 m)
coastal areas in the rainshadow of Vancouver Island. This zone has a

Chapter 2 Ecology and classification of wetland ecosystems 17

. Biogeoclimatic
zones of British Columbia.

Mediterranean climate characterized by warm, dry summers and mild,

wet winters. Upland vegetation is primarily Douglas-fir, hemlock, and
western redcedar forest. Both peatland and mineral wetlands are
Coastal Western Hemlock (CWH)
The Coastal Western Hemlock zone occurs at low to middle elevations
west of the Coast Mountains. This zone has cool, wet summers and mild,
wet winters. Natural upland vegetation is primarily old-growth western
redcedar, western hemlock, and Sitka spruce forests. This climatic
regime favours peatland formation.

18 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Engelmann Spruce Subalpine Fir (ESSF)
The Engelmann Spruce Subalpine Fir is the uppermost forested zone
in the southern three-quarters of the province. The zone has short, cool
summers and long, cold, snowy winters. Upland vegetation is closed to
patchy forest dominated by Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir. Wet-
lands are primarily peatlands.
Interior Douglas-fir (IDF)
The Interior Douglas-fir zone dominates low to mid elevations of the
south-central Interior. This zone has warm, dry summers and cool, dry
winters. Upland vegetation is fire-maintained Douglas-fir forest. Wet-
lands are diverse in this zone with a mix of peatland and mineral
Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH)
The Interior Cedar Hemlock zone occurs on the windward Interior
mountains and Coast transition valleys at low to middle elevations. This
zone has mild, moist summers and cool, wet winters. Upland vegetation
is forest dominated by western redcedar, western hemlock, and interior
spruce. Peatlands are favoured but mineral wetlands also occur.
Mountain Hemlock (MH)
The Mountain Hemlock zone occurs at high elevations along the wind-
ward Coast Mountains. This zone has short, cool, wet summers and
long, cool, snowy winters. Upland vegetation is open mountain hemlock
forest. Wetlands are almost exclusively fens and swamps.
Montane Spruce (MS)
The Montane Spruce zone occurs at middle elevations in the southern
Interior. This zone has short, warm summers and cold winters. Upland
vegetation is fire-maintained forest of lodgepole pine and interior
spruce. Wetlands are primarily peatlands but mineral wetlands are not
Sub-Boreal Pine Spruce / Sub-Boreal Spruce (SBPS/SBS)
The Sub-Boreal Pine Spruce and Sub-Boreal Spruce zones occur in the
central Interior at low to middle elevations. These zones have a conti-
nental climate with cool, dry to moist, short summers and cold winters.
Upland vegetation is fire-maintained forest of interior spruce and lodge-
pole pine. Peatland formation is favoured in this climate.

Chapter 2 Ecology and classification of wetland ecosystems 19

Ecoprovinces are used in this guide to describe general distribution of
units in British Columbia (Figure 2.5).
Northern Boreal Mountains Ecoprovince (western BWBS, SWB)
The general character of this Ecoprovince is one of mountains and
plateaus separated by wide valleys and lowlands. Short, cool growing
seasons promote formation of peatlands in most wet depressions. Con-
sequently, subdued terrain may be covered by large expanses of fen and
shrub-carr ecosystems. Marshes and swamps are common in association
with lake and river systems.
Taiga Plains Ecoprovince (eastern BWBS)
This Ecoprovince is a large lowland of poorly drained, glaciolacustrine
deposits to the east of the northern Rocky Mountains. The climate is
subarctic with very cold winters and short cloudy summers. This region
has some of the highest concentrations of wetlands in the province (30%

Northern Boreal
Taiga Plains




Coast Central
and Interior

Southern Mountains


Georgia Depression

. Ecoprovinces of British Columbia.

20 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

areal extent). Bogs predominate, though fens and swamps occur along
the sluggish streams that drain the region.
Boreal Plains Ecoprovince (eastern BWBS)
This Ecoprovince lies east of the Rocky Mountains and consists of low-
relief plateaus, plains, prairies, and lowlands. The climate is typically
continental since most of the moist Pacific air has dried crossing succes-
sive ranges of mountains before it reaches the area. Winters are cold.
Bogs are common throughout.
Sub-Boreal Interior Ecoprovince (SBS, ESSF)
This Ecoprovince lies to the east of the Coast Mountains and consists of
low-lying plateaus and several mountain ranges. Western areas are in the
rainshadow of the Coast Mountains while eastern areas on the windward
side of the Rocky Mountains are wet. Wetlands are primarily fens, with
marshes and swamps associated with lakes and streams.
Central Interior Ecoprovince (IDF, SBPS, MS, dry ESSF)
This Ecoprovince lies in the rainshadow to the east of the Coast Moun-
tains and is primarily rolling plateaus. The area has a typical continental
climate: cold winters, warm summers, and a precipitation maximum in
late spring or early summer. Extensive level terrain harbours a high con-
centration of wetlands, primarily fens.
Southern Interior Ecoprovince (BG, PP, IDF, MS)
This Ecoprovince lies in the rainshadow of the Coast and Cascade
Mountains and contains some of the warmest and driest areas of the
province in summer. Semi-arid conditions limit peat formation except
at higher elevations; therefore, marshes and swamps are most common.
Some potholes and shallow lakes may experience severe evaporation and
drawdown during the summer months, resulting in the accumulation of
salts and formation of distinctive ecosystems.
Southern Interior Mountains Ecoprovince (ICH, ESSF, BG/PP)
This Ecoprovince is the highlands and mountains east of the southern
Interior plateaus. There are two distinct climate regimeswet in the
mountains and dry in southern Rocky Mountain Trench. Wetlands are
not common in this region, occupying mainly the valley bottoms where
many have been altered by development.
Coast and Mountains Ecoprovince (CWH, MH)
Encompassing the coastal mountain ranges, this Ecoprovince experi-
ences a maritime climate characterized by abundant precipitation and
mild summer and winter temperatures The geology is predominantly

Chapter 2 Ecology and classification of wetland ecosystems 21

granites poor in minerals, with little or no glacial till. Consequently, wet-
lands are primarily bogs even though most sites receive groundwater
seepage. These bogs are extensive on gently to steeply sloping terrain of
the outer Coast.
Georgia Depression Ecoprovince (CDF, dry CWH)
The southeast corner of Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, and part of
the adjacent mainland experience mild winters, warm summers, and
moderate precipitation. Wetlands are not uncommon in this landscape
(6% of the area), but most have been modified by human activities;
some have been lost completely. The northern range limit of many plant
and animal species is within this region and this, combined with the
mild climate, produces ecosystems not found elsewhere in British Co-


The Site Associations presented here were developed using vegetation

and environmental data from approximately 2600 plots located through-
out British Columbia. The principal data sources include wetland
classification projects (900 plots), Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classifica-
tion program (1000 plots), ecosystem mapping projects (400 plots), and
thesis data (300 plots) (Beil 1969; Revel 1972; Annas 1974; Ceska 1978;
Banner 1983). Most plot sampling before 1998 used standard methods
outlined in Describing Ecosystems in the Field (Luttmerding et al. 1990).
Sampling after 1998 followed the Field Manual for Describing Terrestrial
Ecosystems (Province of British Columbia 1998).
Sites sampled specifically for this guide were selected using available
resource information such as topographic maps, air photos, and forest
cover maps. Ecosystem plots were located on suitable sites that were
homogeneous and relatively undisturbed and the position fixed by .
A sample plot size of 20 by 20 m (400 m2) was used for most sites but
was reduced or skewed to fit smaller areas such as pocket wetlands or
elongated zones within larger complexes. In each plot, vegetation and
environmental data were collected on the 882 ecosystem field form
according to standard procedures outlined in the Field Manual for De-
scribing Terrestrial Ecosystems (Province of British Columbia 1998). Plant
species on each site were listed by layer, with an estimate of species per-
cent cover for each layer and for total cover. Unknown specimens were
collected and identified.

22 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

One soil pit (for mineral soils) or peat core (for organic soils) was estab-
lished in each plot. Texture, decomposition, depth, and other descriptors
where noted for each soil horizon, and the soil type classified according
to the Canadian System of Soil Classification (Canada Soil Survey Com-
mittee 1998). Humus forms were classified using Green et al. (1993). Peat
cores were taken using a modified Hiller peat sampler.
We used a combination of ordination and tabular analysis to classify
ecosystem plots into Site Associations. We initially subjected the plots
for each biogeoclimatic subzone to tabular analysis using Braun-
Blanquet methods (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 1974), with the as-
sistance of an ecological database program, 97 ver. 2.0 (MacKenzie
and Klassen 1999). Ordination by Detrended Correspondence Analysis
() using - ver. 4.0 (McCune and Mefford 1999) was per-
formed and combined with an overlay of the initial tabular classification
to aid in assigning plots and differentiating units. Subzone units (Site Se-
ries) were combined into the Site Associations appearing in this guide
using tabular analysis and ordination of summary values from each sub-
zone unit. Environmental descriptions for each Site Association were
produced from summary environmental tables generated from 97
ver. 2.0.
Ordinations diagrams of the final classification are presented in
Appendix 1.

Chapter 2 Ecology and classification of wetland ecosystems 23

Procedures for 3
site description
and identification

Site description is the first step in

the process of classification and
an understanding of ecosystem
function.The measurement and
recording of basic attributes of
this coastal bog in the Ecstall
River valley will give insight into
its controlling environmental
factors and habitat values.

Site unit identification requires:

1) accurate description of site, soil, and vegetation characteristics
2) use of the various aids and descriptive materials in this guide to de-
termine the site unit that best matches these characteristics.
It should not be expected that sites will perfectly match all details in the
description of site units in this guide. The descriptions presented here
represent a range of conditions around a central concept for a popula-
tion of more variable individual sites that are part of the Association. It
is also important to note that the classification is based on relatively
undisturbed wetlands and that identification of highly disturbed or
heavily managed wetlands is problematic.
This guide describes ecosystems that recur throughout the landscape and
appear to be relatively stable in vegetation composition. Although this
guide represents the majority of wetland sites in the province it is likely
that users will find units that do not match any of the units described.
This can be for one of four reasons:
1) the plot location was placed in a transitional area between two
2) the site is a hybrid of two types
3) the site is disturbed or in transition from one type to another
4) the site represents a new ecosystem not previously recognized. If
the user feels that this is the case, data and information on the site
should be forwarded to the Research Branch.
This guide is just one tool to help describe and compare wetland and re-
lated ecosystems and must be supplemented with practical knowledge,
experience, and judgement.
Describing sites
The following steps are the suggested approach to describe a wetland or
wetland-related ecosystem:
1) Select sample area. Plots should be placed in homogeneous areas
within wetlands; sites that cross community lines and are heteroge-
neous are not useful for ecosystem classification. A standard 20 20 m
plot is ideal; however, wetland communities often occur as narrow
bands within a larger wetland. Plots should be made-to-fit in these
community types. Microtopographic variation in site and vegetation
characteristics is permissible but sites should not include pronounced
differences in site, soil, or vegetation.

26 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

2) Determine and record site and soil features. The methodology out-
lined in Province of British Columbia (1998) should be followed.
Site features should represent the entire sample area. Soils should
be recorded from a soil pit of at least 60 cm depth. A peat core to
> 160 cm is preferred on peatland sites. For sites with strong microto-
pographic features, descriptions of hummock and hollow soils are
important. Table 3.1 lists some important site and soil attributes that
should be described.
3) Determine and record vegetation features. Identify and record per-
cent ground cover of as many plant species as possible. Unknown
species, especially those that form a large component of the ground
cover, should be collected and preserved for proper identification.
Species are recorded by layer.
trees: woody plants >10 m
tall shrubs: woody plants >2 m and <10 m
low shrubs: woody plants <2 m
herbaceous species and dwarf shrubs: non-woody species, aquat-
ics, and dwarf shrubs (woody species that are largely <10 cm at
mosses and lichens: all mosses, liverworts, and lichens
4) Estimate hydrodynamic index, pH, absolute soil moisture, and nu-
trient regime using tools outlined in Section 5.0.

. Important site and soil features for identifying site units

Feature Definition and description

unit From maps
Position in wetland Relationship to other ecosystems
Soil texture Soil texture or von Post decomposition of rooting zone
Surficial material Mode of deposition of soil parent materials
Watertable depth Depth to watertable
Humus form Humus form order of the surface soil organic layers
Hydrogeomorphic system Hydrological system of site
Microtopography Type and strength of surface microtopography

Chapter 3 Procedures for site description and identification 27

Identifying site units
Once the site, soil, and vegetation information has been recorded and
soil moisture, nutrient, and hydrodynamic index have been determined,
the Site Class and Association can be determined.
1) Determine the Class by using the Class key, the summary table of
characteristics, and/or the descriptions of Classes presented in Chap-
ter 4. The key is dichotomous and presents a series of choices
between two alternatives until the name of the appropriate Class is
reached. Review the brief Class descriptions following or the one-
page descriptions at the start of each Class section.
2) Go to the appropriate Class section of Chapter 5 and review the
species importance table for the Associations of the identified Class.
Compare the vegetation of the site under consideration with that of
the table and select the closest match. Confirm the correct identifica-
tion by comparing species and site descriptions for the Site
Sites intermediate between bogs and fens, fens and swamps, marshes and
fens, and swamps and low-bench flood ecosystems should be expected to
occur. The user may have to review the Site Associations for more than
one Class to correctly identify equivocal sites.

28 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Site classes 4

The Class level of classification is

useful where site information is
not readily available or the scale
of application is broad.The
ecosystem Classes of this location
along the Torpy River, McGregor
Mountains, have distinct visual
signatures that are readily
identifiable from the air.
This chapter provides descriptions and tools for the identification of
wetland and related ecosystem Site Classes. Three tools can be used to
determine Site Class: the key to Site Classes, the summary table of char-
acteristics, or summary descriptions. More detailed descriptions of
Classes are found at the beginning of each section in Chapter 5 along
with a species importance table of Associations in the Class. The user
can use one or all of these tools to identify the Site Class. A suggested
approach follows three steps:
1) Use the key to tentatively identify a Class.
2) Review the summary characteristics table (Table 4.1) and short de-
scriptions to substantiate the results from the key.
3) Proceed to the relevant section of Chapter 5 and review Association


Figure 4.1 is dichotomous key for determination of Site Class. It uses a

combination of simple vegetation and site features to tentatively identify
the Site Class.


The following descriptions outline the essential characteristics of the Site

Classes described in this guide. Figure 4.2 shows the distribution of each
of the Classes on the modified edatopic grid.
Bog Wetland Class (Wb)
Bogs are shrubby or treed, nutrient-poor peatlands with distinctive com-
munities of ericaceous shrubs and hummock-forming Sphagnum species
adapted to highly acid and oxygen-poor soil conditions. Bogs develop in
basins where peat accumulation has raised the wetland surface above
groundwater flow, or, less commonly, where groundwater is very low in
dissolved nutrients (e.g., flows from granitic parent material).
Fen Wetland Class (Wf)
Fens are peatlands where groundwater inflow maintains relatively high
mineral content within the rooting zone. These sites are characterized by
non-ericaceous shrubs, sedges, grasses, reeds, and brown mosses. Fens
develop in basins, lake margins, river floodplains, and seepage slopes,
where the watertable is usually at or just below the peat surface for most
of the growing season.

30 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

. Summary of characteristics for wetland and related ecosystem Site Classes

Site Realm/ Cover

Group Site Class Environmental features types Species groups
Wetland Wet or Very Wet SMR
Realm Bogs +/- ombrotrophic Conifer Sphagnum mosses,
pH < 5.5 treed or ericaceous shrubs,
> 40 cm fibric/mesic peat low shrub and conifers

Fens Groundwater-fed Graminoid Deciduous shrubs,

pH > 5.0 or low sedges, and
> 40 cm fibric/mesic peat shrub brown mosses

Marshes Mineral soils or well-humified peat Graminoid Large emergent sedge,

Protracted shallow flooding or forb grass, forb, or horse-
(0.12.0 m) tail species

Swamps Mineral soils or well-humified peat Tall shrub Conifers, willows,

Temporary shallow flooding or alders, forbs, grasses
(0.11.0 m) forested leafy mosses
Significant water flow

Shallow Permanent deep flooding Aquatic Aquatic species

waters (0.52 m) Emergent vegetation
< 10% cover

Estuarine Tidal, brackish water

Realm Estuarine High intertidal and supratidal zones Graminoid Grasses, sedges, and
meadow Brief semi-diurnal tidal flooding by forbs tolerant of di-
Class brackish water urnal flooding and
brackish water

Estuarine Intertidal Graminoid Salt-tolerant emergent

marsh Diurnal tidal flooding by salt water or forb graminoids and suc-
Class culents

Flood Riparian flood zone

Group of High Benches above normal waterflow Coniferous Upland species of
Terrestrial bench Brief flood period forested seepage sites

Mid Elevated benches flooded most Deciduous Flood-tolerant decid-

bench years for < 21 days treed or uous trees and
Areas of sedimentation forested shrubs

Low Site directly adjacent to watercourse Tall Flood-tolerant shrubs

bench Annual flood >21 days deciduous
Significant annual erosion and shrub

Transition Special factor

from Shrub- Frost-prone depressions with fine- Low shrub Deciduous low
Terrestrial carr to medium-textured moist soils shrubs, grasses, and
Realm forbs

Saline Semi-arid climate Graminoid Flood and salt-

meadow Slightly to highly saline soils tolerant graminoids
Brief periods of inundation and forbs

Chapter 4 Site classes 31

1 Sites tidal and influenced by salt water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estuarine (Section 5.6)
1a Sites non-tidal or in freshwater tidal reaches of river. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to 2
2 Wet or Very Wet sites. Soils Gleysols or Organics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to 3
2a Soil moisture regime hygric or drier. Soil types variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to 8
Wetland Ecosystems
3 Sites permanently flooded and with < 10% emergent vegetation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to 4
3a Sites with >10% emergent cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to 5
4 Sites with > 10% cover of rooted aquatic plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shallow-waters (Section 5.5)
4a Sites with < 10% cover of rooted aquatic plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unclassified aquatic ecosystem
5 Sites with mineral soil or a surface tier of humic peat (von Post 7 or greater) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to 6
5a Sites with organic soils and surface tier dominated by fibric or mesic sedge or moss peat . . . . . . . . . go to 7
Mineral Group
6 Sites dominated by tall shrubs or trees (> 10% cover) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swamps (Section 5.4)
6a Sites dominated by emergent grass-like species. Shrub and tree cover < 10% . . . . . . Marshes (Section 5.3)
Peatland Group
7 Sphagnum Groups I & III dominate moss layer. Ericaceous spp. common. Peat pH < 5.5. . Bogs (Section 5.1)
7a Bryophyte layer not dominated by Sphagnum. Graminoids dominant. Peat pH > 5.0 . . . Fens (Section 5.2)
Terrestrial Ecosystems
8 Sites not inundated by floodwaters. Soils non-cumulic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to 9
8a Sites periodically flooded by adjacent rivers or lakes. Soils commonly layered (cumulic) . . . . . . . . . go to 10
9 Sites not affected by special site factors such as severe cold-air ponding, . . . . . . . . . Sites described by BEC
or soil salinity. Normal forest or grassland communities
9a Sites affected by special site factors such as severe cold-air ponding, or soil salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to 13
Flood Group
10 Tree cover < 10%. Always immediately adjacent to and not much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to 11
elevated above waterbodies
10a Tree cover > 10%. May be adjacent to active channel or at some distance from open . . . . . . . . . . . . go to 12
water on elevated benches and terraces. Soils with some horizon development
11 Sites with continuous shrub cover; flooded for moderate periods . . . . . . . . . . . . Low benches (Section 5.7)
11a Sites with sparse shrub cover (< 10%). Flooded for prolonged periods . . . Active channel (not described)
12 Coniferous trees usually predominate. Understorey vegetation resembles . . . . . High benches (BEC units)
upland seepage sites
12a Deciduous trees predominate; conifers limited to elevated microsites . . . . . Middle benches (Section 5.7)
Other Terrestrial Classes
13 Sites with > 10% low shrubs in frost hollows or gradual slopes experiencing . . . . Shrub-carrs (Section 5.8)
cold-air drainage
13a Sites dominated by graminoids and salt-tolerant forbs. In drawdown . . . . . . Saline meadows (Section 5.8)
zone of ephemeral ponds or shallow lakes. Mainly in subzones with
extensive natural grasslands (e.g., IDF, SBPS, BG, PP)

. Dichotomous key for the identification of Site Class.

32 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Marsh Wetland Class (Wm) Soil Nutrient Regime
A marsh is a shallowly flooded A B C D E F
Terrestrial Ecosystems
mineral wetland dominated by M Low and
Shrub-carrs middle

Soil Moisture Regime

emergent grass-like vegetation. benches Estuary
VM Meadow
A fluctuating watertable is typical
in marshes, with early-season high W Bogs
Swamps Estuary
watertables dropping through the

x D


de V
growing season. Exposure of the

ic Dy

substrate in late season or during

na o

dy M
dry years is common. The sub-


ro l

strate is usually mineral, but may


have a well-decomposed organic
veneer derived primarily from . Site Class distribution on the
marsh emergents. Nutrient avail- modified edatopic grid. Shallow-water wetlands do
not fit this conceptual model and are not indicated.
ability is high (eutrophic to The wetland edatopic grid is described in detail in
hyper-eutrophic) due to circum- Chapter 5.0.
neutral pH, water movement, and
aeration of the substrate.
Swamp Wetland Class (Ws)
A swamp is a forested, treed, or tall-shrub, mineral wetland dominated
by trees and broadleaf shrubs on sites with a flowing or fluctuating,
semipermanent, near-surface watertable. Tall-shrub swamps are dense
thickets, while forested swamps have large trees occurring on elevated
microsites and lower cover of tall deciduous shrubs. Both types of
swamps have abundant available nutrients from groundwater and often
have surface standing water. Swamps may be underlain with peat but
this is well decomposed, woody, and dark.
Shallow-water (Aquatic) Wetland Class (Wa)
Aquatic wetlands are shallow waters dominated by rooted, submerged
and floating aquatic plants. These communities are always associated
with permanent still or slow-moving waterbodies such as shallow
potholes or deeper ponds and lakes. Shallow-water sites are usually per-
manently flooded; rarely they may become exposed during extreme
drought years. Shallow-water communities most commonly occur where
standing water is less than 2 m deep in midsummer. Aquatic plants may
root in mineral soils or in well-humified sedimentary peat.
Saline meadow Transition Class (Gs)
Saline meadows are grass-, rush-, or halophyte-dominated sites that
occur on periodically saturated and occasionally inundated sites, where

Chapter 4 Site classes 33

watertable decline is caused mainly by evaporation and where salts accu-
mulate. These conditions occur only in dry climates. After a brief period
of inundation, the watertable drops below the rooting zone during most
of the growing season, resulting in a well-aerated rooting medium. These
ecosystems are part of a Grassland Group of terrestrial ecosystems.
Shrub-carr Transition Class (Sc)
A shrub-carr is a shrub-dominated ecosystem that develops on frost-
prone sites with moist or very moist soils. These sites are seasonally
saturated but rarely inundated (see flood ecosystems) and may have wa-
tertables perched at depth. Shrub-carrs frequently border wetlands or
occur in frost-prone hollows in cold and dry climatic regions. A strongly
mounded soil surface is typical, and shrubs of 12 m occur mainly on
these elevated microsites. These ecosystems are part of a Shrubland
Group of terrestrial ecosystems.
Low bench Flood Class (Fl)
Low bench ecosystems occur on sites that are flooded for moderate peri-
ods (< 40 days) of the growing season, conditions that limit the canopy
to tall shrubs, especially willows and alders. Annual erosion and deposi-
tion of sediment generally limit understorey and humus development.
Middle bench Flood Class (Fm)
Middle bench ecosystems occur on sites briefly flooded (1025 days)
during freshet, allowing tree growth but limiting tree species to only
flood-tolerant broadleaf species such as black cottonwood and red alder.
High bench Flood Class (Fh)
High bench ecosystems occur where flooding rivers produce lengthy
subsurface flow in the rooting zone but only periodic, brief inundation.
Surface flooding may occur from as frequently as several times annually
to only during extreme flood years. These periods of flooding are gener-
ally not restrictive of plant species; plant communities are similar to
adjacent upland forests on seepage sites. High bench Site Series are de-
scribed in field guides and are not presented in this guide.
Estuarine Marsh Class (Em)
An estuarine marsh is an intertidal ecosystem that is flooded diurnally
and has simple communities dominated by salt-tolerant emergent
graminoids and succulents. These marshes occur in the middle to upper
tidal zones of estuaries where saltwater influences predominate.

34 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Estuarine meadow Class (Ed)
Estuarine meadows occur in the high intertidal and supratidal zones of
estuaries, where tidal flooding occurs less frequently than daily and is
tempered by freshwater mixing. Species composition is relatively diverse,
typically with a mix of graminoids and forbs.

Polygonum amphibium, water smartweed

Chapter 4 Site classes 35

Site associations 5

Classification is a process of
distilling complex ecosystem
variability into simpler,
ecologically meaningful units.
Many apparently unique sites,
such as this visually distinctive
Chamisso's cotton-grass fen, may
actually be very similar to others
in overall species composition and
This chapter presents detailed Site Class and Association descriptions in
standardized format. The chapter has eight sections, one for each Class
or Group. Each section includes a four-page Class description followed
by one-page Site Association fact sheets. Associations for which there is
little current information or that are similar to more common Associa-
tions are given a single paragraph outlining the characteristics of such
units at the end of each Class section.


A standard-format, four-page Class description precedes one-page fact

sheets for each of the Site Associations in the Class.
Definition: A concise definition of the Class.
Edatopic Grid: General location of the Class on the edatopic grid.
Vegetation: A description of the vegetation structure and composition
typical and characteristic of the Class.
Landscape: Provincial distribution and locations in the landscape where
the Class is found.
Hydrology and Soils: Soil types and hydrological characteristics that are
typical for the Class.
Other Comments: Additional information.
Conservation Issues: Common Class characteristics of importance to
management and conservation of ecological function.
Distribution of Site Associations by Zone: This presents a list of
Associations described in the guide and their distribution by biogeocli-
matic zone. The abundance of the type relative to other wetland types in
the zone is given a ranking:
x = incidental/rare: occurs infrequently in the zone, <5% of wet-
land occurences.
xx = minor/uncommon: 525% of wetland occurences.
xxx = major/common: >25% of wetland occurrences, often occupies
extensive areas.
In some cases, a superscript letter is used to indicate a specific part of the
zone where the unit occurs.
Species importance table
Species that are distinctive for at least one of the Associations are includ-
ed in the species importance table and indicated by relative importance:

38 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Infrequent: occurs very sporadically in the unit. Usually <30%
of plots.
Uncommon: occurs on a minority of sites (<30%) and with
low cover.
Common: occurs on many sites (3060%), often low cover but
occasionally with appreciable cover (to 10%).
Abundant: occurs on most sites (>60%), occasionally promi-
nent on some sites ( 10%).
Very abundant: occurs on nearly all sites (>80%); prominent
species ( 10%).
Dominant: occurs on all sites (>95%); the most abundant
species on most sites (>25% cover).


Site Association fact sheets (Figure 5.0.1) describe each unit as a range or
a summary of average conditions. Fact sheets seldom describe the precise
conditions of a given plot, but provide the central concept for the unit
and give insights into the typical conditions that can be expected within
a Site Association.
Name (1): Name of Site Association defined by diagnostic or leading
plant species. Common names are placed in the header and scientific
names below.
General Description (2): Brief description of distribution, landscape
position, hydrology, soils, and vegetation.
Characteristic Vegetation (3): Plant species commonly found in the Site
Association, grouped by cover layer. Species importance is coded by
Dominant species appear as italicized, bold, and underlined
Abundant and very abundant species as italicized and bold
Common species as italics
Comments (4): Additional information on the Association including
successional relationships, associated ecosystems, and similar previously
described units.
Photograph (5): Photo of a typical example of the Site Association.
Wetland Edatopic Grid (6): The edatopic grid depicts the location of the

Chapter 5 Site associations 39

Lodgepole pine Bog rosemary Peat-moss Wb02 1
Pinus contorta Andromeda polifolia Sphagnum

General Description 2
7 Lodgepole pine Bog rosemary Peat-moss bogs are
scattered throughout the wet regions of the Central and Sub-
Boreal Interior (ICHvk/wk and SBS vk/wk) at elevations below 1100 m.
They occur in closed basins, isolated zones in larger peatlands, and occa-
sionally around acidic peatland lakes.
Pinus contorta usually dominates in the sparse
and stunted canopy but Picea mariana, Tsuga
heterophylla, or Abies lasiocarpa can form a 5
significant component. Dwarf woody plants
such as Kalmia microphylla and Andromeda
polifolia are prominent. On some sites Carex
pauciflora and Eriophorum angustifolium may
also be prevalent.
Soils are Fibrisols and Mesisols typically com-
posed of deep Sphagnum peat but sometimes they occur on peat veneers
over dense, fine-textured glaciolacustrine deposits.

3 Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid 6

Tree layer (0 - 5 - 40) Soil Nutrient Regime
Picea mariana, Pinus contorta A B C D E F
Shrub layer (6 - 32 - 95)
Betula nana, Ledum groenlandicum,
Soil Moisture Regime

Picea mariana, Pinus contorta
Herb layer (3 - 30 - 95) W
Andromeda polifolia, Carex pauciflora,

x D

Eriophorum angustifolium, Kalmia micro-

de V
phylla, Oxycoccus oxycoccos, Rubus

VW ic Dy

na o

dy M

Moss layer (35 - 95 - 100)


ro l

Pleurozium schreberi, Sphagnum Group I



The Wb02 Site Association is one of several Bog Site Associations that occur in the interior
rainforest.The Wb02 likely reflects the true bog or climax condition of long-term peatland
succession in the cool and warm subzones of the interior rainforest of the Central and Sub-
Boreal Interior.There are hemlock-dominated bogs (Wb04) in colder and snowier subzones
and black sprucedominated bogs in areas with more boreal climates (such as frost pockets).
The Wb07 may be the successional precursor to the Wb02.
The Wb02 includes Site Series ICHmm/07, ICHvk2/07, SBSvk/08, and SBSwk3/05 but occurs
more widely in the wet SBS and ICH.

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 57

.. Example Site Association fact sheet.

Site Association in relation to important environmental features. The

shaded area represents the estimated environmental range of the Site
Association in relation to actual soil moisture and nutrient regime,
acidity/alkalinity, and hydrodynamic index. A description of the wetland
edatopic grid is found below.
Hydrogeomorphic Icon (7): Symbol(s) indicating in which hydrogeo-
morphic group the unit commonly occurs. The hydrogeomorphic
classification describes the topographic position and hydrology of sites
(MacKenzie and Banner 2001).

40 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Estuarine System: Sites at the confluence of fluvial and ma-
rine environments affected by tides

Fluvial System: Sites associated with flowing water and

subject to flooding, erosion, and sedi-
Lacustrine System: Sites at lakeside, directly affected by lake
hydrological processes (e.g., wave action,
flooding, and sedimentation)
Palustrine System, Sites in depressions and other topograph-
Basins and ic low points with the watertable near or
Hollows: at the surface; receive water mainly from
groundwater and precipitation
Palustrine System, Sites associated with small waterbodies
Ponds and Potholes:

Palustrine System, Sloping sites with near-surface ground-

Seepage slopes: water seepage

The Wetland Edatopic Grid

The edatopic grid used in this guide is a modification of the model used
in . The grid uses soil moisture and nutrient regimes as major
site descriptors for comparing forested ecosystems. However, additional
factors are important in wetland and riparian ecosystems, including
acidity/alkalinity (as a correlate to availability of base cations) and mag-
nitude of lateral flow or vertical fluctuation (hydrodynamics). In the Wet
and Very Wet portions of the edatopic grid, two tangent environmental
axes have been added to accommodate these important site factors,
based on concepts presented in Vitt (1994). The grid should be viewed as
a conceptual model; it has not been rigorously tested with field data.
Several edatopic grid overlays of vegetation characteristics to assist in in-
terpreting the grid are presented in Appendix 2.
The four axes of the grid (Figure 5.0.2) describe specific site characteris-
tics and are defined as follows:
Actual Soil Moisture Regime () is the average amount of soil
water annually available for evapotranspiration by vascular plants over

Chapter 5 Site associations 41

several years (Pojar et al. 1987). Soil Nutrient Regime
There are nine moisture categories
from Very Dry to Very Wet. Wet- M

Soil Moisture Regime

lands are found only on Wet to VM
Very Wet sites. Related ecosystem
classes are also found on Moist W
and Very Moist sites. The wetland

x D

de V
edatopic grid is therefore limited

ic Dy

to this range. The definitions for

na o

dy M
soil moisture categories used in

ro l

yd S
the guide are defined as:


Moist (): No water deficit
.. A modified edatopic grid
occurs. Current need for showing pH and hydrodynamic index axes for Wet
water does not exceed supply; and Very Wet sites.
temporary groundwater table
may be present. Unless otherwise limited, supports forest.
Very Moist (): Rooting-zone groundwater present during the
growing season (water supply exceeds demand). Groundwater table
> 30 cm below the surface. Unless otherwise limited, supports forest.
Wet (): Rooting-zone groundwater present during the growing
season (water supply exceeds demand). Groundwater table between
0 and 30 cm below the surface. Can support tall shrubs and trees.
Very Wet (): Groundwater table at or above the ground surface
during the growing season. Will not support tall shrubs or trees but
can support low shrubs.
Soil Nutrient Regime () is the essential soil nutrients available to
vascular plants over a period of several years (Pojar et al. 1987). Six
classes are recognized from Very Poor to Alkaline/Saline. Wetland and
wetland-related ecosystems can occur throughout the range. Some indi-
cators of in wetlands are presented in Figure 5.0.3.
pH (acidity/alkalinity) is a correlate measure of base cation availability.
This is primarily of importance for peatlands and less important for hy-
drologically dynamic systems. Five categories are recognized from Very
Acid to Alkaline. Generally, as acidity increases, available base cations
decrease, resulting in reduced site productivity.
Very Acid (): (<4.5 pH) sites are true bogs with high cover of
Sphagnum Group I or III mosses and few minerotrophic indicators.

42 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Chapter 5 Site associations

.. A B C D E F
SNR Very Poor Poor Medium Rich Very Rich Hyper
Available excess alkali
nutrients very low low average plentiful abundant or salt accumulation
Water pH <5.0 4.5 6.0 5.0 6.5 6.0 7.4 6.5 8.0 8.0+
Environmental characteristics useful for determining nutrient status in wetlands.

vonPost of 13 36 47 7 10 8 10
surface tier
Ground - stagnant
water flow seasonal seepage
through site continuous seepage
C:N ratio High
Surface tier Fibrimor Saprimoder
material Mesimor Marl
Water tea colored; yellowish-deep brown and turbid blue-green and
colour green-brown and clear very clear
green-brown and turbid
Colour pale
of surface
peat dark
Surface tier always saturated
saturation seasonal exposure of substrate
diurnal exposure of substrate
Moderately Acid (): (4.55.5 pH) sites still have high Sphagnum
cover but minerotrophic indicators also occur. Peatland sites are
considered bogs in this guide but would be poor fens or poor
swamps using a classic definition.
Slightly Acid (): (5.56.5 pH) sites are fens or swamps. Tomen-
thypnum, Warnstorfii, and Drepanocladus brown mosses are typical
for sites with a stagnant or sluggish hydrodynamic index.
Neutral (): (6.57.4 pH) sites are fens, swamps, or marshes. Species
are often a combination of species found on slightly acid and alkali
Alkaline (k): (>7.4 pH) sites are dominated by minerophilic
bryophytes such as Scorpidium or Campylium mosses on peatland
sites. Alkali-tolerant species occur in marshes.
The Hydrodynamic Index () has five categories that describe the
magnitude of vertical and lateral water movements in the soil on Wet
and Very Wet sites.
Stagnant (t): Stagnant to very gradually moving soil water. Vertical
fluctuations minimal. Permanent surface saturation but minimal or
no surface flooding. Basins or hollows with stable water regimes.
Abundant organic matter accumulation and high bryophyte cover.
Sluggish (l): Gradual groundwater movement through peat or
fine-textured mineral soils along a hydrological gradient. Minor
vertical watertable fluctuations. Semipermanent soil saturation with
some elevated microsites or brief periods of surface aeration. Hol-
lows, slopes, and water tracks in basins or lake flats not directly
influenced by the waterbody. Abundant peat accumulation and
bryophyte cover.
Mobile (o): Distinct flooding and drawdown or pronounced later-
al water movements. Peripheral areas of peatlands, sites adjacent to
open water tracks, small rivulets or ponds, small potholes with
relatively stable water regimes, protected lake embayments, or
backmarshes in estuaries. Can have deep but well-decomposed ac-
cumulations of peat. Patchy bryophyte cover.
Dynamic (y): Significant lateral flow and/or strong vertical wa-
tertable fluctuations through mineral soils. Potholes in arid climates
that experience significant drawdown, wave-exposed shores, flood-
plain back channels, and protected estuary sites. Little organic
accumulation, few bryophytes.

44 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Very Dynamic (): Highly dynamic surface water regime. Ex-
posed tidal sites, shallow potholes in arid climates that experience
significant drawdown, wave-exposed shores, and sites directly adja-
cent to and influenced by river flow. No organic accumulation or
Estuarine tidal diagram
Estuarine ecosystems occur within the intertidal zone, which is defined
as the area between chart datum (zero tide on marine charts) and the
limit of higher high tides. These ecosystems have Wet or Very Wet soil
moisture regimes but the modified edatopic grid used for wetlands does
not describe these estuarine ecosystems well. The salinity of floodwaters
and the duration of daily tidal flooding are of primary importance for
these systems. Therefore, for the Site Associations in Section 5.5, a simple
diagram of salinity and relative height above chart datum replaces the
wetland edatopic grid (Figure 5.0.4).
Salinity of estuarine sites is variable depending on season and magnitude
of tide. The highest salinity that these ecosystems experience during the
growing season is likely to be the important attribute rather than the av-
erage annual or daily salinity. The highest growing-season salinity is
described in a six-category system (from Cowardin et al. 1978).
Fresh: <0.5 parts per thousand (ppt) salts
Oligosaline: Weakly brackish; 0.55 ppt salts
Mesosaline: Moderately brackish; 518 ppt salts
Polysaline: Strongly brackish 1830 ppt salts
Eusaline: Normal seawater; 3040
Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
ppt salts
Hypersaline: >40 ppt salts

Wetland Marshes

Estuarine Meadows
Elevation above chart datum is a
corollary for duration of flooding
Tidal Zone

but is dependent on the magnitude


Estuarine Marshes
of tides in a particular area. The
definitions below are from Howes
et al. (1999).

Tidal Flats
The Upper Intertidal describes the
upper third of the elevation range
.. Distribution of Site Classes between the highest high tide and
relative to intertidal zone and salinity. zero tide for a particular area

Chapter 5 Site associations 45

(e.g., 4.076.1 m near Prince Rupert but 2.153.2 m at Fulford Harbour).
These sites are flooded for 550% of each tidal cycle.
The Middle Intertidal describes the middle third of the elevation range
between highest high tide and zero tide (e.g., 2.034.07 m for Prince Ru-
pert and 1.072.15 m for Fulford Harbour). The lower edge of this zone
roughly corresponds to the lower vegetation limit. Sites are flooded for
5090% of the tidal cycle.
The Lower Intertidal describes the lower third of the elevation range be-
tween highest high tide and zero tide (e.g., 02.03 m for Prince Rupert
and 01.07 m for Fulford Harbour). Sites are flooded for over 90% of the
tidal cycle. Sites are primarily unvegetated tidal flats.


Taxonomy for vascular plants follows the Illustrated Flora for British Co-
lumbia (Douglas et al. 1998a, b, 1999a, b, 2000, 2001a, b). Moss taxonomy
follows Anderson (1990) and Anderson et al. (1990). Hepatic scientific
names and authorities are based on Stotler and Crandall-Stotler (1977).
Lichen scientific names and authorities are consistent with Esslinger and
Egan (1995).
Species equivalents
In some cases, a genus or species name is used to represent more than
one species or genus. This has been done where taxa have similar ecolog-
ical requirements, are difficult to distinguish and are likely to be
confused by many field workers, or have a contentious taxonomy.
Betula nana includes B. pumila
Carex limosa includes C. magellanica
Equisetum arvense includes E. pratense
Equisetum fluviatile includes E. palustre
Picea X includes P. glauca, P. engelmannii, and all hybrids
Populus balsamifera includes P. balsamifera ssp. balsamifera, and P. bal-
samifera ssp. trichocarpa
Salix barclayi includes S. pseudomonticola
Schoenoplectus acutus includes S. tabernaemontani

46 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Sphagnum Group I are widespread peat-mosses of poor sites and include
S. angustifolium, S. capillifolium, S. fuscum, and S. magellanicum
Sphagnum Group II are primarily peat-mosses of interior intermediate
sites and include S. centrale, S. squarrosum, S. subnitens, S. subsecundum,
S. teres, and S. warnstorfii
Sphagnum Group III are primarily coastal peat-mosses of raised sites
and includes S. austinii, S. papillosum, and S. rubellum.
Sphagnum Group IV are primarily peat-mosses in water or saturated
lawns and include S. cuspidatum, S. lindbergii, S. mendocinum, and
S. tenellum
Peat-moss groups are based on several sources (Sims and Baldwin 1996;
Gignac et al. 1991; Vitt 1994; Belland and Vitt unpublished).
Recent taxonomic changes
There have been a number of recent taxonomic name changes to com-
mon species in the flora of British Columbia. The species and genera
following have been changed in this guide to reflect current standands
(Meidinger 2002).
Alnus tenuifolia and A. viridis have reverted to A. incana and A. crispa,
Betula glandulosa is now B. nana
The moss genus Drepanocladus has been divided into Drepanocladus,
Homatocaulis, Sanionia, Scorpidium, and Warnstorfia genera
Potentilla palustris is now Comarum palustris
The genus Scirpus has been divided into four genera: Scirpus, Bol-
boshoenus, Schoenoplectus, and Amphiscirpus
Scirpus acutus and S. validus are now Schoenoplectus acutus and
S. tabernaemontani, respectively
Scirpus maritimus is now Bolboshoenus maritimus
Tofieldia is now Triantha
Utricularia vulgaris is now U. macrorhiza

Chapter 5 Site associations 47

5.1 BOGS

1 Classic boreal black spruce bog, Alaska Highway, Boreal Plains (BWBSmw1) 2 A Shore sedge Peat-moss
floating bog, White River near Meziadin Junction (ICHvc) 3 Blanket mire complex, near Prince Rupert

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 49


A bog is a nutrient-poor, Sphagnum-dominated peatland ecosystem in
which the rooting zone is isolated from mineral-enriched groundwater,
soils are acidic, and few minerotrophic plant species occur.

General Description
Table 5.1.2 lists the species that are common in Bog Site Associations
described in this guide. Bogs are characterized by an abundance of
Sphagnum mosses and evergreen woody vegetation (conifers and erica-
ceous shrubs) adapted to nutrient-poor site conditions. Sphagnum
mosses generally drive these systems because they trap base cations,
causing the organic soils to acidify and to retain moisture, thus slowing
the decomposition rate and promoting peat accumulation. Bogs com-
monly support stunted coniferous trees that, on true bogs, rarely reach
7 m in height but can reach 15 m on more productive sites. Sparse shrub
and herb layers are common. In wetter bogs, where the watertable is at
the surface, tree species do not survive and dwarf shrubs are prominent.
Interior bog vegetation is similar to that found throughout boreal re-
gions worldwide. However, bogs of the outer Coast have distinctive,
globally unusual vegetation. A hypermaritime climate (with moderate
annual temperatures, high precipitation, and high ambient humidity)
combined with mineral-poor bedrock promotes widespread bog forma-
tion on level and sloping terrain. This blanket mire complex is a
combination of open, shrubby, and woodland bog types.
Landscape Position and Distribution
Bogs occur primarily in closed basins, on the periphery of larger peat-
lands, or occasionally as raised domes in fens. They are common in
climatic regions with cool summer temperatures where evapotranspira-
tion rates are low and saturated conditions are maintained throughout
the growing season (Table 5.1.1). Extensive bogs occur in the outer
coastal lowlands, where precipitation is high and nutrient-poor parent
material is common, and in the Taiga Plains, where there is extensive
low-relief terrain on impermeable glaciolacustrine deposits. Topogenous
bogs are also common in subdued terrain of the sub-boreal and boreal

50 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Hydrology and Soils
Bogs develop in basins where Soil Nutrient Regime
peat accumulation has raised the
surface peat above the watertable, M

Soil Moisture Regime

or, less commonly, where VM
groundwater is near the surface
but is very low in dissolved min- W Bogs
erals and nutrients (Figure 5.1.1).

x D

de V
While the groundwater table can

ic Dy

be well below the soil surface, the

na o

dy M
upper tier remains saturated


ro l

throughout the growing season


through the capillary action of
living and dead Sphagnum moss- .. Position of bogs on the
es. Bogs are never flooded. edatopic grid.

Soils are usually deep peat deposits with at least the upper layers poorly
decomposed and derived from Sphagnum moss.
Other Comments
The traditional definition of bog describes peatland ecosystems that are
ombrotrophic (i.e., isolated from groundwater). However, many peat-
land ecosystems in British Columbia with bog-like vegetation and
abundant Sphagnum experience some groundwater contact, especially in
microtopographic hollows. This guide includes these ecosystems (vari-
ously referred to as poor fens or poor swamps) in the bog wetland class
(see Bridgham et al. 1996).
Conservation Issues
Many typical bog species are not tolerant of flooding and are out-
competed by minerotrophic species when nutrient availability is even
merely moderate. Therefore, land uses that increase water inputs to these
sites can convert bogs to swamp or fen communities. Road construction
that diverts runoff into or blocks drainage from bogs is the most com-
mon anthropogenic disturbance in non-urban areas. Additions of
nitrogen-rich water (such as from sewage or cattle yard runoff) can
quickly degrade bog ecosystems by increasing peat decomposition and
facilitating invasion of marsh species such as cattail. Removal of water
from bogs will lead to an increase in tree growth and cover of upland
species and a loss of obligate hydrophytes, but, because of the moisture-
holding capacity of Sphagnum peat, many bog species can persist.

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 51

However, Sphagnum is not tolerant of shading, so continued increase in
tree or shrub cover generally leads to a decline in peat-mosses.
Bog vegetation is generally very slow growing and therefore provides few
forage values for larger wildlife. However, the unique combination of
plant species and habitat structure supports distinctive arthropod com-
munities. Bogs in the boreal forest and outer Coast are important
Sandhill Crane nesting areas.
Timber and range values in bogs are essentially nil. More productive
bogs have some sizeable trees but regeneration issues are considerable.
Peat cutting has occurred in some regions of the province but is not
widespread, in part because peat composition in most regions is of poor
quality for horticultural uses or fuel.

Empetrum nigrum, crowberry

52 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

.. Distribution of Bog Site Associations by biogeoclimatic zone
Wb01 Black spruce Creeping-snowberry Peat-moss x
Wb02 Lodgepole pine Bog rosemary Peat-moss x xw

Chapter 5.1 Bogs

Wb03 Black spruce Lingonberry Peat-moss xxx
Wb04 Western hemlock Cloudberry Peat-moss xn
Wb05 Black spruce Water sedge Peat-moss xx x x xxx
Wb06 Tamarack Water sedge Fen moss xxx x
Wb07 Lodgepole pine Water sedge Peat-moss x x x x
Wb08 Black spruce Soft-leaved sedge Peat-moss x x x xx
Wb09 Black spruce Common horsetail Peat-moss xx x
Wb10 Lodgepole pine Few-flowered sedge Peat-moss x x x
Wb11 Black spruce Buckbean Peat-moss x xw
Wb12 Scheuchzeria Peat-moss x x x
Wb13 Shore sedge Buckbean Peat-moss x x x
Wb50 Labrador tea Bog-laurel Peat-moss x xs
Wb51 Shore pine Crowberry Tough peat-moss xx
Wb52 Common juniper Tufted clubrush Rock moss xxxoc
Wb53 Shore pine Yellow-cedar Tufted clubrush xxxoc

x = incidental; < 5% of wetlands xx = minor; 525% of wetlands xxx = major; >25% of wetlands
w = wet/very wet subzones only n = northern subzones only oc = outer coast (hypermaritime) only
s = southern subzones only

.. Bog Species Importance Table

Species Wb01 Wb02 Wb03 Wb04 Wb05 Wb06 Wb07 Wb08

Trees Picea mariana xyzzz xyzz xyzzzz xy xyzzz xyzz x xyzzz
Larix laricina xyz xyzzz x
Tsuga heterophylla xy xyzzz x
Pinus contorta var. latifolia x xyzz xy xy x xyzz x
Picea X x x x xyz xy xy xyzz xyz
Thuja plicata x x x
Pinus contorta var. contorta
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis
Shrubs Ledum groenlandicum xyzzzz xyzzz xyzzz xyz xyzz xyzz xyzz xyzz
Betula nana xy xyz xy x xyzzz xyzzz xyzz xyzz
Salix myrtillifolia x x xyz x
Lonicera involucrata x x x xy xyz xy
Salix pedicellaris x x xy xyz x xy
Myrica gale
Vaccinium uliginosum x
Juniperus communis
Herbs Oxycoccus oxycoccos xyz xyz xy xyz xyz xy xyz xy
and Gaultheria hispidula xyzz xy x x xy x xy x
Dwarf Vaccinium vitis-idaea xyzz x xyz x
Shrubs Rubus chamaemorus x xyz xyz xyzzz x xy x x
Carex aquatilis/sitchensis xy xy x xy xyzz xyzzz xyzzz xyz
Carex disperma x x x x xy x x xyzzz
Carex tenuiflora x x xyz
Comarum palustre x x x xyz xy xy xyzz
Equisetum arvense xy x xyz xy x xyz xyz
Carex pauciflora x xyz xy x x x x
Andromeda polifolia xyz x x xy
Empetrum nigrum xy x xyz x xy xyz x
Carex limosa x x x xy x x xy
Menyanthes trifoliata x x x x xy x
Eriophorum angustifolium xyz xyz x x x
Kalmia microphylla xyz xyz x x
Scheuchzeria palustris x
Drosera anglica
Drosera rotundifolia x x xy x xy
Coptis trifolia x xy
Carex pluriflora x
Fauria crista-galli
Carex livida x
Sanguisorba officinalis
Triantha glutinosa x x
Trichophorum cespitosum x x
Rhynchospora alba
Agrostis aequivalvis
Lichens Sphagnum Group I xyzzzz xyzzzz xyzz xyzzzz xyzzz xyzzz xyzzzz xyzz
and Pleurozium schreberi xyzz xyz xyzzz xyzzz xyz x xyz xyz
Mosses Hylocomium splendens xy xyzzz xy x xyz
Aulacomnium palustre xyz x xy x xyz xyzzz xyzz xyz
Tomentypnum nitens xy x xyzz xyzzz xyz xyzz
Sphagnum Group III x xy x xy x x
Cladina spp. xy x xyz xy x x
Cladonia spp. xy x xy x x
Sphagnum Group IV
Racomitrium lanuginosum
Siphula ceratites
Campylopus atrovirens

54 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Wb09 Wb10 Wb11 Wb12 Wb13 Wb50 Wb51 Wb52 Wb53 Common Name
xyzzz xy xyzzz x black spruce
x tamarack
x x xy xy x x western hemlock
xyzz xyz xy lodgepole pine
xy xy x x spruce
x x x xyz xy xyz western redcedar
xy xyzz xyzz xyzzz shore pine
xyz xyz xyzzzz yellow-cedar
xyzz xyz xyzz xy x xyzzz xyzz xyz xyzz Labrador tea
xyz xyz xyzz xy scrub birch
xy x bilberry willow
xy x black twinberry
x xy xy xyz x bog willow
x xyzz xyz xyzz x sweet gale
x xy xyz xy bog blueberry
xyz xyzzz xy common juniper
xy xyz xyzz xyz xy xyzz xy xy x bog cranberry
xy x xy creeping-snowberry
xy x x x lingonberry
x xy x x x x xyzz x x cloudberry
xy xyz xyz x xy xy xy x water sedge/Sitka sedge
xy x soft-leaved sedge
x x xy x sparse-leaved sedge
x x xyz xy xy marsh cinquefoil
xyzzzz x x common horsetail
xyzzz xy x x x x x few-flowered sedge
x xy xyzz x x xy xyzz x bog-rosemary
xy xy xy xyzz xyz xyzz crowberry
x xy xyz xyzz xyzzz shore sedge
xyzzz xy xyzz x x x buckbean
xyzz xy xy xyzz xyzz xyzz xyz narrow-leaved cotton-grass
xyzz xy xyz xyz xyzz xyz xyz xyzz western bog-laurel
xyzzz x scheuchzeria
xy xyz x xy great sundew
x xy x x xyz xy xyzz xyz round-leaved sundew
x x xy xyz xy three-leaved goldthread
xyz x xy many-flowered sedge
x x xyz xyz deer-cabbage
xyz xyz xy pale sedge
x xyzz xyzzz xyz great burnet
x xy x xyz xyz xy sticky false-asphodel
x xyz xyzzzz xyzzzz tufted clubrush
xy xy xyzz xy white beak-rush
x x xyz xy Alaska bentgrass
xyzzz xyzzzz xyzzz xyzzz xyzzzz xyzzzz xyzzzz xyzz xy peat-moss Group I
xyzz xyz xy x xy xy x xyz red-stemmed feathermoss
xyzz x x x x step moss
xyzz xy xyz xy x xy x glow moss
xyz xyz xy x golden fuzzy fen moss
x xy xy xy xy xy xyzzzz xyzzz xyzz peat-moss Group III
x x x x x xy xyzzz xyz reindeer lichens
x x x xyzz xy clad lichens
x x xy xyzz x peat-moss Group IV
xyz xyzzz xyzz hoary rock-moss
x xyzz x northern waterfingers
xy x bristly swan-neck moss

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 55

Wb01 Black spruce Creeping-snowberry Peat-moss

Picea mariana Gaultheria hispidula Sphagnum

General Description
Black spruce Creeping-snowberry Peat-moss bogs are un-
common in the dry and moist SBS and SBPS of the Central
and Sub-Boreal Interior at elevations between 500 and 1000 m. Typically,
they occur in closed basins or peripheral areas of larger peatlands where
there is little groundwater influence.
Picea mariana and Ledum groenlandicum are
always present and generally occupy raised
microsites. Dwarf woody plants are common
and few minerotrophic species are present.
Gaultheria hispidula is characteristic and is
often prominent. The hummock-forming
peat-mosses Sphagnum fuscum and S. capilli-
folium are dominant in the moss layer but a
diversity of other mosses also occurs. On sites
with high tree cover, feathermosses can replace Sphagnum as the domi-
nant component of the moss layer.
Soils are Mesisols and Fibrisols with a poorly decomposed, acidic,
Sphagnum surface tier. Deep sedge and wood peat frequently underlies
the surface tier and comprises the bulk of the peat profile.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 9 - 50) Soil Nutrient Regime
Picea mariana A B C D E F
Shrub layer (5 - 35 - 90)
Soil Moisture Regime

Ledum groenlandicum, Picea mariana VM

Herb layer (2 - 17 - 50)
Gaultheria hispidula, Oxycoccus oxycoccos W
Moss layer (70 - 95 - 100)
x D

de V

Aulacomnium palustre, Pleurozium


ic Dy

schreberi, Sphagnum Group I


na o

dy M

ro l

The Wb01 represents the true bogor climax



condition of long-term peatland succession

in the sub-boreal forests. A peatland succes-
sional sequence in infilling basins appears to follow: Wm01 >> Wf01 >> Wb05 >> Wb01.
The related and more common Wb05 occurs where Sphagnum peat accumulation has not yet
raised the soil surface well above the groundwater table, and where minerotrophic indicators
occur in abundance. Regional climatic conditions likely limit widespread development of Wb01.
In small closed basins, Wb01 communities can dominate an entire wetland. However, more
commonly, they occur in locations peripheral to Wf02, Wb05, or Wb08.
The Wb01 includes only Site Series SBSdk/09 but also occurs elsewhere in the dry/moist SBS
and SBPS.

56 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Lodgepole pine Bog rosemary Peat-moss Wb02

Pinus contorta Andromeda polifolia Sphagnum

General Description
Lodgepole pine Bog rosemary Peat-moss bogs are
scattered throughout the wet regions of the Central and Sub-
Boreal Interior (ICHvk/wk and SBSvk/wk) at elevations below 1100 m.
They occur in closed basins, isolated zones in larger peatlands, and occa-
sionally around acidic peatland lakes.
Pinus contorta usually dominates in the sparse
and stunted canopy but Picea mariana, Tsuga
heterophylla, or Abies lasiocarpa can form a
significant component. Dwarf woody plants
such as Kalmia microphylla and Andromeda
polifolia are prominent. On some sites Carex
pauciflora and Eriophorum angustifolium may
also be prevalent.
Soils are Fibrisols and Mesisols typically com-
posed of deep Sphagnum peat but sometimes they occur on peat veneers
over dense, fine-textured glaciolacustrine deposits.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 5 - 40) Soil Nutrient Regime
Picea mariana, Pinus contorta A B C D E F
Shrub layer (6 - 32 - 95)
Betula nana, Ledum groenlandicum,
Soil Moisture Regime

Picea mariana, Pinus contorta
Herb layer (3 - 30 - 95) W
Andromeda polifolia, Carex pauciflora,
x D

Eriophorum angustifolium, Kalmia micro-

de V

ic Dy

phylla, Oxycoccus oxycoccos, Rubus



na o

dy M

Moss layer (35 - 95 - 100)


ro l

Pleurozium schreberi, Sphagnum Group I



The Wb02 Site Association is one of several Bog Site Associations that occur in the interior
rainforest.The Wb02 likely reflects the true bog or climax condition of long-term peatland
succession in the cool and warm subzones of the interior rainforest of the Central and Sub-
Boreal Interior.There are hemlock-dominated bogs (Wb04) in colder and snowier subzones
and black sprucedominated bogs in areas with more boreal climates (such as frost pockets).
The Wb07 may be the successional precursor to the Wb02.
The Wb02 includes Site Series ICHmm/07, ICHvk2/07, SBSvk/08, and SBSwk3/05 but occurs
more widely in the wet SBS and ICH.

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 57

Wb03 Black spruce Lingonberry Peat-moss

Picea mariana Vaccinium vitis-idaea Sphagnum

General Description
Black spruce Lingonberry Peat-moss bogs are widespread
in the Taiga and Boreal Plains and uncommon in the North-
ern Boreal Mountains in topographic depressions with little
groundwater influence.
Stunted Picea mariana, usually less than 10 m tall, is always
present over an open herb layer and a continuous Sphag-
num blanket. Ledum groenlandicum, Rubus chamaemorus,
and Vaccinium vitis-idaea are the most abundant under-
storey species. Sites are hummocky, but because of luxuri-
ant Sphagnum growth, hollows are generally no wetter
than hummocks and support few minerotrophic indica-
tors. High tree cover on some sites shades out Sphagnum,
and feathermosses become dominant. Surface peat on ele-
vated hummocks or domes may dry out and become dom-
inated by Cladonia and Cladina lichens on some sites.
Many Wb03 sites are underlain with permafrost and have
a domed surface shape. Deep blankets of acidic Sphagnum
peat are typical and there is little or no surface water present. Soil types
are Fibrisols or Organic Cryosols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 20 - 70) Soil Nutrient Regime
Larix laricina, Picea mariana A B C D E F
Shrub layer (1 - 35 - 90)
Soil Moisture Regime

Ledum groenlandicum, Picea mariana VM

Herb layer (1 - 20 - 99)
Equisetum arvense, Rubus chamaemorus, W
Vaccinium vitis-idaea
x D

de V

Moss layer (48 - 91 - 100)


ic Dy

Cladina spp., Hylocomium splendens,



Pleurozium schreberi, Sphagnum Group I

na o

dy M

ro l



The Wb03 represents the climax condition

of long-term peatland succession in bore-
al climates. Climatic conditions in much of this region are favourable to true bog formation
and therefore the Wb03 is widespread in suitable terrain. Northern black spruce bogs can occur
as simple landscape units in small closed basins, extensive domed bog landscapes, or as zones
within larger fen peatlands. Extensive peatlands in the Taiga Plains are primarily the Wb03,
with Wb06 occurring along sluggish peatland streams where some water movement is
The Wb03 includes Site Series BWBSdk1/10, BWBSdk2/07, BWBSmw1/08, and BWBSmw2/08.

58 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Western hemlock Cloudberry Peat-moss Wb04

Tsuga heterophylla Rubus chamaemorus Sphagnum

General Description
Western hemlock Cloudberry Peat-moss bogs are rare in
the cold, snowy subzones of the ICH of the Nass Basin, east of
the Coast Mountains at elevations below 750 m. These bogs occur in
small, closed basins with little or no groundwater influence.
Stunted Tsuga heterophylla is always prominent, but other
conifers often occur with low cover. Dwarf woody plant
species, especially Rubus chamaemorus and Kalmia micro-
phylla are the dominant component of the open herb
layer. Sphagnum growth is strong, elevating most of the
soil surface above the watertable; therefore, few
minerotrophic species occur.
Fibrisols or Mesisols of poorly decomposed Sphagnum
peat underlain by deep sedge or woody peat are typical.

Characteristic Vegetation
Tree layer (0 - 3 - 11)
Tsuga heterophylla
Shrub layer (6 - 25 - 60)
Ledum groenlandicum, Picea X, Wetland Edatopic Grid
Tsuga heterophylla
Soil Nutrient Regime
Herb layer (17 - 25 - 90)
Cornus canadensis, Empetrum nigrum, Erio-
phorum angustifolium, Kalmia microphylla,
Soil Moisture Regime

Oxycoccus oxycoccos, Rubus chamaemorus
Moss layer (90 - 90 - 100) W
Pleurozium schreberi, Sphagnum Group I,
x D

Cladina spp.

de V

ic Dy


na o

dy M

The Wb04 represents the climax peatland

ro l

community in the northern interior rainfor-



est of the Nass Basin.This area, though low in

elevation, has extremely high snowfall and
relatively cool summers.These conditions limit
the black spruce or lodgepole pine that would
typically occur under similar site conditions. Most
Wb04 sites are small in extent.They occur alone
or with Wb13 ecosystems.
The Wb04 has not been previously described.
Further sampling may indicate that the Wb04
also occurs in the wetter subzones of the SBS.

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 59

Wb05 Black spruce Water sedge Peat-moss

Picea mariana Carex aquatilis Sphagnum

General Description
The Black spruce Water sedge Peat-moss Bog/Poor Fen
Site Association is common throughout the Sub-Boreal and
Central Interior (ICH, SBPS, SBS) at elevations below 1300 m.
It is found in small closed basins and peripheral areas of larger peatlands
where there is a small amount of lateral and groundwater movement and
watertable depression.
Sites are strongly hummocky with trees and other com-
mon bog species rooting on elevated Sphagnum and
Tomentypnum nitens mounds, and minerotrophic indica-
tors such as Carex aquatilis, Equisetum spp., and Comarum
palustre rooting in the wetter swales. Betula nana is a com-
mon and often dominant low shrub in the Wb05. Stunted
Picea mariana is normally the predominant tree species
but a component of Pinus contorta occurs on some sites.
Soils are typically Mesisols of deep (to 4 m) sedge and
wood peat. A surface tier of poorly decomposed Sphagnum
moss occurs discontinuously, mainly under the raised

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 8 - 55) Soil Nutrient Regime
Picea mariana A B C D E F
Shrub layer (4 - 40 - 85)
Soil Moisture Regime

Betula nana, Ledum groenlandicum, VM

Picea mariana
Herb layer (20 - 52 - 98) W
Carex aquatilis, Comarum palustre,
x D

de V

Gaultheria hispidula, Oxycoccus oxycoccos


ic Dy

Moss layer (25 - 90 - 100)



Aulacomnium palustre, Pleurozium schre-

na o

dy M

beri, Sphagnum Group I, Sphagnum


ro l

Group II, Tomentypnum nitens



The Wb05 Site Association is transitional to the Wb01. It has hummock vegetation similar to
the Wb01 and Wf01- or Wf02-like vegetation in wetter swales.This suggests that the Wb05
represents the successional state intermediate between sedge fen and true bog. A simple
peatland successional sequence to the Wb01 is represented the following progression: Wm01
>> Wf01>> Wf02 >>Wb05>>Wb01.The Wb05 is far more abundant than the Wb01 in the
sub-boreal, suggesting that regional climatic conditions limit peatland succession. Wb05 com-
munties are often adjacent to the Wf02.
The Wb05 includes several Site Series from the ICH, SBPS, and SBS (see Appendix 4).

60 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Tamarack Water sedge Fen moss Wb06

Larix laricina Carex aquatilis Tomentypnum nitens

General Description
The Tamarack Water sedge Fen moss is a common Bog/
Poor Fen Site Association of the eastern BWBS. It occurs
adjacent to domed bogs along peatland streams, water tracks, or ground-
water inflow seeps.
Sites are hummocky, with tamarack and black spruce
growing on elevated sites and sedges rooting in the wet
hollows. The watertable remains high throughout the
growing season. Larix laricina, up to 15 m in height, domi-
nates the canopy, with Picea mariana also present on many
sites. A mixed low-shrub understorey dominated by Betula
nana can be well developed. Forbs, dwarf shrubs, and
smaller sedges root on the elevated hummocks under the
tamarack or black spruce trees.
Soils are Mesisols of deep sedge and woody peat. Unlike
black spruce bogs (Wb03) that occur in the same region,
the Wb06 is rarely underlain by permafrost.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 25) Soil Nutrient Regime
Larix laricina A B C D E F
Shrub layer (10 - 30 - 67)
Betula nana, Larix laricina, Ledum groen-
Soil Moisture Regime

landicum, Picea mariana, Salix myrtillifolia,
S. pedicellaris W
Herb layer (20 - 52 - 90)
x D

Carex sitchensis, Maianthemum trifolium,

de V

ic Dy

Vaccinium vitis-idaea


Moss layer (60 - 90 - 95)

na o

dy M

Aulacomnium palustre, Sphagnum Group I,


ro l

yd S

Tomentypnum nitens


The Wb06 occurs in a climatic region that favours the development of classic black spruce
bogs (Wb03).The Wb06 occurs only where some watertable flow is maintained. In subdued
terrain, this is mainly along sluggish peatland streams and in mountainous terrain at peatland
margins adjacent to slopes.
The Wb06 is transitional to fens and would be considered a fen under some definitions of wet-
land classes. However, there are many floristic similarities to true bogs, and the high cover of
Sphagnum suggests placement of this unit within the bog class as defined by this guide.
The Wb06 includes only Site Series BWBSdk2/08 but is also common throughout the Boreal
and Taiga Plains. A Tamarack Scrub birch Buckbean Site Series (BWBSmw2/10) has been de-
scribed for this region (Delong et al. 1990), but it is based on limited plots at a single location
and likely represents a recently flooded Wb06 site.

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 61

Wb07 Lodgepole pine Water sedge Peat-moss

Pinus contorta Carex aquatilis Sphagnum

General Description
Lodgepole pine Water sedge Peat-moss bogs/poor fens are
uncommon in the interior rainforest climates at elevations to
1600 m. They most commonly occur in closed basins or in peripheral
areas of larger peatlands where there is some groundwater influence.
Pinus contorta, Picea X, and Abies lasiocarpa
are all common in the low canopy. Betula
nana and Ledum groenlandicum are generally
present and often abundant. Abundant Carex
aquatilis is characteristic but a diversity of
bog-affiliated species occurs on hummocks.
Sphagnum capillifolium and S. angustifolium
form a nearly continuous moss layer.
Soils are deep (to 4 m), fibric or mesic peat
blankets with a poorly decomposed, acidic, Sphagnum surface tier. Typic
Mesisols and Fibrisols are common soil types. Microtopography is often
strongly mounded with hummocks of Sphagnum fuscum and S. capilli-

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 5 - 12) Soil Nutrient Regime
Picea X, Pinus contorta A B C D E F
Shrub layer (15 - 37 - 85)
Soil Moisture Regime

Abies lasiocarpa, Betula nana, Ledum VM

groenlandicum, Lonicera involucrata,
Picea X, Pinus contorta W
Herb layer (46 - 80 - 95)
x D

de V

Carex aquatilis, Cornus canadensis,


ic Dy

Empetrum nigrum, Equisetum arvense,



Oxycoccus oxycoccos
na o

dy M

Moss layer (40 - 78 - 100)


ro l

yd S

Aulacomnium palustre, Pleurozium schre-



beri, Sphagnum Group I,Tomentypnum



The Wb07 is the southern and wet-climate equivalent of the Wb05 that occurs widely in the
SBS and BWBS.The distrbution of Wb07 sites coincides with regions where Picea mariana does
not occur.

62 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Black spruce Soft-leaved sedge Peat-moss Wb08

Picea mariana Carex disperma Sphagnum

General Description
Spruce Soft-leaved sedge Peat-moss bogs/poor swamps are
uncommon throughout the Interior below 1700 m in palus-
trine depressions fed by slow-moving groundwater. These sites are often
strongly hummocky; trees and upland species occur on mounds. Stand-
ing water is often present between hummocks, but sites are not fully
The coniferous canopy of spruce and black spruce is open.
The trees grow poorly because of saturated soils, though
there may be large individual stems on some sites. Carex
disperma and Equisetum spp. co-dominate on many sites.
The moss layer is diverse; peat-mosses, leafy mosses, and
feathermosses can all be prominent. On wetter sites, with
deep standing water in depressions, Equisetum fluviatile or
E. palustre can be abundant.
Soils are usually deep (14 m) Typic Mesisols or Humisols
derived from woody peat but are occasionally thin organic
veneers over limnic deposits or fine-textured lacustrine

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 25 - 55) Soil Nutrient Regime
Picea mariana, Picea X A B C D E F
Shrub layer (6 - 30 - 80)
Soil Moisture Regime

Betula nana, Ledum groenlandicum, VM

Picea mariana, Picea X
Herb layer (10 - 64 - 99) W
Carex aquatilis, C. disperma, C. tenuiflora,
x D

de V

Comarum palustre, Equisetum arvense,


ic Dy

E. fluviatile


Moss layer (2 - 76 - 100)

na o

dy M

Aulacomnium palustre, Hylocomium


ro l

yd S

splendens, Mnium spp., Pleurozium schreberi,



Sphagnum Group I, Tomentypnum nitens


The Wb08 occupies sites intermediate between the Wb05 and the more productive Ws07.
These sites are transitional bogs to swamps, with bog communities occurring on elevated
mounds and more minerotrophic species occurring in wet swales.The closely related Wb09 has
a more northerly distribution, less standing water, and lower productivity.These ecosystems
often occur in peripheral areas of larger peatlands or wet depressions adjacent to shrub
The Wb08 includes many Site Series from the SBS (see Appendix 4) but is now recognized as
being more widespread.

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 63

Wb09 Black spruce Common horsetail Peat-moss

Picea mariana Equisetum arvense Sphagnum

General Description
The Black spruce Common horsetail Peat-moss Bog/Poor
Swamp Site Association is uncommon in the Central Interior
and Northern Boreal Mountains (BWBS, SBS) in small palus-
trine basins and at the periphery of larger peatlands. This Site
Association is transitional to forested swamps but has, in contrast,
abundant bog-affiliated species, very poor tree growth, and more stagnant
Sites are often strongly hummocky, with
conifers and typical bog species occurring on
elevated sites and minerotrophic indicators in
hollows. Hummock species include stunted
Picea mariana, Ledum groenlandicum, and
Sphagnum spp. Equisetum arvense is always
present between hummocks.
Soils can be deep Sphagnum peat (to 3 m)
or shallow veneers over fine-textured mineral materials. Mesisols and
Gleysols are equally common. Standing water can persist between hum-
mocks, but elevated sites are never flooded.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 17 - 77) Soil Nutrient Regime
Picea mariana A B C D E F
Shrub layer (10 - 37 - 95)
Soil Moisture Regime

Betula nana, Ledum groenlandicum, VM

Picea mariana
Herb layer (18 - 58 - 95) W
Calamagrostis canadensis, Cornus canaden-
x D

de V

sis, Equisetum arvense


ic Dy

Moss layer (18 - 58 - 95)



Aulacomnium palustre, Hylocomnium

na o

dy M

palustre, Mnium spp., Pleurozium schreberi,


ro l

Sphagnum Group I,Tomentypnum nitens



The Wb09 is the northern equivalent of the
Wb08 and represents sites transitional be-
tween the Wb03 and Ws07.
The Wb09 includes Site Series BWBSdk1/09,
wk1/07, and wk2/07 also occurs elsewhere in
the BWBS and northern SBS.

64 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Lodgepole pine Few-flowered sedge Peat-moss Wb10

Pinus contorta Carex pauciflora Sphagnum

General Description
Lodgepole pine Few-flowered sedge Peat-moss bogs/poor
fens are rare at montane elevations in the Sub-Boreal Interior
and Southern Interior Mountains. These ecosystems occur as
small stands in frost-prone basins or on gradual slopes.
Pinus contorta is always present as a sparse
canopy. Trees are small but well formed and are not root-
ed on elevated microsites. The shrub layer consists almost
entirely of stunted conifers, giving these sites an open,
park-like character. Carex pauciflora usually dominates the
herb layer but there is a diversity of other graminoids and
typical bog dwarf shrubs. The moss layer is most often a
continuous lawn of Sphagnum angustifolium with scattered
other species.
This Site Association usually has a smooth microtopogra-
phy and is saturated at the surface from seepage. Soil water
is moderately acid, suggesting that groundwater inputs are
poor in minerals. Soils are Typic Humisols and Mesisols
with a surface tier of poorly decomposed Sphagnum peat.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 1 - 22) Soil Nutrient Regime
Pinus contorta A B C D E F
Shrub layer (3 - 20 - 45)
Soil Moisture Regime

Betula nana, Ledum groenlandicum, VM

Pinus contorta
Herb layer (15 - 44 - 75) W
Carex aquatilis, C. pauciflora, Eriophorum
x D

de V

angustifolium, Kalmia microphylla,


ic Dy

Oxycoccus oxycoccos


Moss layer (30 - 85 - 100)

na o

dy M

Pleurozium schreberi, Sphagnum Group I


ro l




Few Wb10 sites have been sampled; the site

conditions that support this Site Association
are not well understood and appear to be
uncommon. A high watertable and limited microtopography would suggest limited potential
for tree growth but many of these sites have trees to 15 m.
This ecosystem has been found most often as a pure stand type not associated with other wet-
land ecosystems, but may border Wf01 or Wf12 sites.

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 65

Wb11 Black spruce Buckbean Peat-moss

Picea mariana Menyanthes trifoliata Sphagnum

General Description
The Black spruce Buckbean Peat-moss Bog Site Associa-
tion is uncommon in the wet climates of the Sub-Boreal
Interior and the Nass Basin at elevations below 1200 m. These sites are
found in small infilled basins or on edges of larger peatlands where the
watertable is stagnant.
Picea mariana and/or Pinus contorta are always
present. Tree cover and growth are very sparse
and stunted (< 2 m) on wetter sites but cover
and growth increase with declining watertable.
A diverse assemblage of graminoids and
shrubs is typical, with Menyanthes trifoliata al-
ways prominent. Sites can be hummocky with
some standing water in depressions, or with a
dense, continuous Sphagnum lawn.
Soils are commonly deep moss- and sedge-derived peat. Typic Mesisols
and Fibrisols are the most common soil types but Terric subgroups or
Humisols derived from limnic materials also occur.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 8 - 60)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Picea mariana, Pinus contorta
Shrub layer (5 - 28 - 85) A B C D E F
Betula nana, Ledum groenlandicum,
Soil Moisture Regime

Picea mariana, Pinus contorta
Herb layer (8 - 53 - 90) W
Carex aquatilis, C. limosa, Comarum
x D

palustre, Equisetum fluviatile, Menyanthes


de V

trifoliata, Oxycoccus oxycoccos


ic Dy

Moss layer (20 - 95 - 100)
na o

dy M

Aulacomnium palustre, Pleurozium


ro l

schreberi, Sphagnum Group I,

yd S

Sphagnum Group II,Tomentypnum nitens



Wb11 develops from Wf07 or Wb13 ecosys-
tems where Menyanthes trifoliata is a prominent species. It is likely that M. trifoliata is a
persistent species that initially establishes during the early phases of basin-infilling and contin-
ues to grow apace of peat accumulation.

66 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Scheuchzeria Peat-moss Wb12

Scheuchzeria palustris Sphagnum

General Description
Scheuchzeria Peat-moss bogs are uncommon in the sub-
boreal and boreal forests at elevations below 1000 m. They
usually occur as small inclusions in larger peatlands on
floating mats with continually saturated peat and restricted water
Vegetation is characterized by species tolerant of perma-
nent saturation but intolerant of deep flooding. A low
shrub layer of Salix pedicellaris occurs on some sites but
dwarf shrubs such as Andromeda polifolia, Kalmia micro-
phylla, and Oxycoccus oxycoccos are more prevalent.
Scheuchzeria palustris is always prominent and Carex
limosa occurs on most sites. The moss layer is dominated
by Sphagnum Group I species.
Soils are mostly fibric Sphagnum peat and can be floating
mats. The watertable is at the surface but does not flood
more than several centimetres above the soils surface. The
water is very stagnant and low in dissolved oxygen.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 8 - 20) A B C D E F
Salix pedicellaris
Soil Moisture Regime

Herb layer (20 - 37 - 90) VM

Andromeda polifolia, Carex limosa,
Eriophorum chamissonis, Kalmia W
microphylla, Oxycoccus oxycoccos,
x D

de V

Scheuchzeria palustris.

ic Dy


Moss layer (60 - 67 - 100)

na o

dy M

Sphagnum Group I

ro l

yd S



The Wb12 Site Association requires perma-

nent saturation with acidic waters in combination with no flooding. It therefore occurs in
wetlands where water regimes are relatively stable and on sites with ungrounded peat that
can rise and fall with changes in watertable. On sites with higher pH, the Wb12 is replaced by
the Wf07 or Wf08.
In the eastern boreal areas, ecosystems that are very similar to Wb12 but have Sarracenia pur-
purea and Chamaedaphne calyculata occur (see additional units).

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 67

Wb13 Shore sedge Buckbean Peat-moss

Carex limosa Menyanthes trifoliata Sphagnum

General Description
Shore sedge Buckbean Peat-moss bogs are uncommon in
the interior rainforest and coastal transition regions at eleva-
tions below 1600 m. They occur as components of larger
acidic peatlands, occupying the central, wettest portions of the peatland:
either grounded, highly saturated peat blankets, or floating mats.
Species tolerant of acidic, continually saturated conditions
and concurrent lack of oxygen are prominent. The most
consistent of these is Carex limosa. Drosera anglica,
Menyanthes trifoliata, Kalmia microphylla, and other
species can be abundant, sparse, or absent on Wb13 sites.
Sphagnum angustifolium, S. magellanicum, or S. fuscum
often form a continuous lawn or there may be a mix of
species in hummock-hollow patterns.
Soils are deep (to > 5 m) sedge-derived Mesisols with a
surface tier of poorly decomposed Sphagnum peat. The
watertable is typically at or near the surface but there is
little standing water.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - .5 - 10)
Herb layer (15 - 73 - 100) A B C D E F
Carex limosa, Drosera anglica, Eriophorum
Soil Moisture Regime

angustifolium, Kalmia microphylla,
Menyanthes trifoliata,Trientalis europaea W
ssp. arctica
x D

Moss layer (30 - 90 - 100)


de V

Sphagnum Group I

ic Dy

na o

dy M


ro l

yd S

The Wf08 is a similar unit that occurs in



drier interior climates on saturated sites.

This unit most frequently occurs in wetter
locations adjacent to the Wb11 or Wb02,
and beside peatland ponds or lakes.

68 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Labrador tea Bog-laurel Peat-moss Wb50

Ledum groenlandicum Kalmia microphylla Sphagnum

General Description
Labrador tea Bog laurel Peat-moss bogs occur uncom-
monly in the drier subzones of the south Coast at low to
montane elevations. They are raised bogs in closed basins with
a high, stagnant watertable or adjacent to peatland lakes. Some locations
may be on floating mats.
The vegetation is low in stature and dominated by Ledum
groenlandicum with an abundance of Kalmia microphylla
and Oxycoccus oxycoccos. Myrica gale or dwarfed Pinus
contorta var. contorta can be prominent on some, usually
drier, sites. Herb cover is variable, low-lying areas can have
a high cover of Rhynchospora alba while raised sites can
have Rubus chamaemorus in abundance. Group I Sphag-
num spp. are most common (S. fuscum, S. capillifolium)
but coastal species also occur (S. papillosum), mostly in
wetter hollows.
Soils are Typic Fibrisols or Mesisols with surface tier of
poorly decomposed Sphagnum peat.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 20 - 85)
Ledum groenlandicum, Myrica gale, A B C D E F
Pinus contorta
Soil Moisture Regime

Herb layer (10 - 30 - 50)
Drosera rotundifolia, Kalmia microphylla,
Oxycoccus oxycoccos, Rhynchospora alba
x D

Moss layer (50 - 90 - 91)


de V

Sphagnum Group I

ic Dy

na o

dy M


ro l

yd S

The Wb50 is widespread but generally of



small extent except for several notably ex-

tensive bogs in subdued terrain (e.g., Burns
Bog). It occurs in open, unshaded locations
adjacent to other low-stature peatland
types or open water.
The microtopography of this unit is often broken by peat degradation hollows caused by die-
back of Sphagnum and increased localized decomposition. Shallow pools caused by peat
degradation are frequent and are occupied by species such as Menyanthes trifoliata,
Scheuchzeria palustris, or Nuphar lutea.

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 69

Wb51 Shore pine Black crowberry Tough peat-moss

Pinus contorta var. contorta Empetrum nigrum Sphagnum austinii

General Description
Shore pine Black crowberry Tough peat-moss are raised
bogs that occur on level terrain or topographic depressions in
the Coast and Mountains at elevations below 100 m.
Bonsai Pinus contorta are scattered with
other low shrubs such as Chamaecyparis
nootkatensis, Myrica gale, and Juniperus com-
munis. Empetrum nigrum, Kalmia microphylla,
and Rubus chamaemorus are typical promi-
nent dwarf shrubs. Several Sphagnum species
occur in these bogs but the distinctive Sphag-
num austinii, which forms dense tough
mounds, is very common, especially in north-
ern sites.
Soils are commonly Mesisols of Sphagnum
peat, fibric at the surface and mesic or humic at depth. Sites are slightly
domed and raised above surrounding sites through the active growth of
Sphagnum. Peat depths range from 0.5 m to > 4 m.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 5) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (7 - 30 - 65) A B C D E F
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, Juniperus
communis, Ledum groenlandicum, Myrica
Soil Moisture Regime

gale, Pinus contorta,Thuja plicata
Herb layer (13 - 35 - 50) W
Carex livida, C. pluriflora, Empetrum
x D

nigrum, Eriophorum angustifolium,

de V

ic Dy

Kalmia microphylla, Rubus chamaemorus,



Sanguisorba officinalis,Triantha glutinosa,

na o

dy M

Trichophorum cespitosum

ro l

Moss layer (90 - 95 - 100)



Racomitrium lanuginosum,

Sphagnum Group I, Sphagnum Group III

The Wb51 represents actively growing bogs that show few signs of the stagnation in peat ac-
cumulation (such as high abundance of ground lichens and peat degradation pools) common
in other bogs of the outer Coast. Extensive areas of the Wb51 can be found in and around
Naikoon Provincial Park on the Queen Charlotte Islands where large tracts of domed bog have
developed over marine or glacial outwash sediments. Elsewhere, this community type occurs
as smaller areas in the blanket mire complex or in small topogenous bogs.
The Wb51 includes Site Series CWHvh2/31 and CWHwh1/11.

70 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Common juniper Tufted clubrush Hoary rock-moss Wb52

Juniper communis Trichophorum cespitosum Racomitrium lanuginosum

General Description
Common juniper Tufted clubrush Hoary rock-moss bogs
are a very common component of the blanket mire complex
of the outer Coast at elevations below 800 m.
Scattered, bonsai shore pine are always pres-
ent but the shrub layer is characterized more
by Juniperus communis and Myrica gale. Tri-
chophorum cespitosum is always dominant but
there is a diversity of dwarf shrubs and herbs.
On sites with deeper peat, Sphagnum spp. are
co-dominant with Racomitrium lanuginosum,
Cladina spp., and Siphula ceratites. On sites
with shallow peat, moss layer cover is lower,
Sphagnum is greatly reduced, and Siphula ceratites and Campylopus atro-
virens become more prominent.
Deposits of dark mesic peat to 1.5 m, underlain by bedrock, are typical,
but peat depth varies considerably. Some sites on the extreme outer
Coast have a complex of poorly drained mineral soils derived from
bedrock and discontinuous organic accumulations 550 cm deep.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Shrub layer (0 - 27 - 90) Soil Nutrient Regime
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, Juniper com- A B C D E F
munis, Ledum groenlandicum, Myrica gale,
Soil Moisture Regime

Pinus contorta,Vaccinium uliginosum VM

Herb layer (8 - 70 - 99)
Agrostis aequivalvis,Andromeda polifolia, W
Carex livida, Coptis trifolia, Drosera rotundifo-
x D

de V

lia, Empetrum nigrum,Eriophorum angusti-


ic Dy

folium,Fauria crista-galli, Kalmia



microphylla,Rhynchospora alba, Sanguisor-

na o

dy M

ba officinalis, Trichophorum cespitosum


ro l

Moss layer (5 - 75 - 99)



Campylopus atrovirens, Cladina spp.,


Racomitrium lanuginosum, Siphula cer-

atites, Sphagnum Group I, Sphagnum
Group III, Sphagnum Group IV

The Wb52 probably represents over-mature bogs where Sphagnum mosses are limited and
peat is no longer accumulating.This is reflected in the prevalence of Racomitrium lanugi-
nosum and ground lichens, which would not normally be able to compete with Sphagnum.
Furthermore, on most sites there are circular to teardrop-shaped shallow pools that are created
by peat degradation.These pools are 14 m2 in area and 1050 cm deep, ringed by dams of
Sphagnum and Trichophorum cespitosum growing in strongly tenacious peat.
The Wb52 includes Site Series CWHvh2/32.

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 71

Wb53 Shore pine Yellow-cedar Tufted clubrush

Pinus contorta Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Trichophorum cespitosum

General Description
The Shore pine Yellow-cedar Tufted clubrush Site Associ-
ation is a very common component of the blanket mire
complex of the outer Coast. The Wb53 occurs on gently to steeply slop-
ing terrain on slightly shedding sites such as hillocks and slope breaks, or
simply along drainageways. There is rarely
standing water on these sites.
Stunted yellow-cedar and shore pine to 10 m
is characteristic and differentiates this associa-
tion from the Wb52. Trichophorum cespitosum
is prominent in the understorey but there is a
diversity of other herbs and dwarf shrubs. The
moss layer is moderately well developed with a
mix of upland species on elevated sites and
Sphagnum spp. in wetter hollows.
Soils are variable, ranging from deep fibric
sedge and wood peat deposits (> 2 m) to thin peat veneers over granitic
bedrock. Hummocky microtopography provides drier sites for tree es-
Wetland Edatopic Grid
Characteristic Vegetation
Soil Nutrient Regime
Tree layer (0 - 0 - 10) A B C D E F
Pinus contorta
Soil Moisture Regime

Shrub layer (10 - 55 - 95)
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, Gaultheria
shallon, Ledum groenlandicum, Pinus con- W
torta,Thuja plicata
x D

de V

Herb layer (25 - 70 - 95)


ic Dy

Cornus canadensis, Drosera rotundifolia, VW

na o

Empetrum nigrum, Eriophorum angustifoli-

dy M

um,Fauria crista-galli,Kalmia microphylla,

ro l

Sanguisorba officinalis, Trichophorum ce-



spitosum,Vaccinium uliginosum

Moss layer (5 - 50 - 90)

Cladina spp., Pleurozium schreberi,
Racomitrium lanuginosum, Sphagnum Group I, Sphagnum Group III

The Wb53 has been refered to as bog woodland and is a major component of the blanket
mire complex of the outer Coast. It typically occurs with the related Wb52 on sloping terrain.
The Wb53 includes Site Series CWHvh2/12.

72 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Additional Bog Site Associations

This section briefly describes some uncommon Bog Site Associations

that have been sampled in British Columbia.
Western redcedar White pine Bristle-stalked sedge
Thuja plicata Pinus monticola Carex leptalea
Western redcedar White pine Bristle-stalked sedge stands are un-
common in the Georgia Depression in regions underlain with basic
bedrock. They occur in small depressions and around peatland lakes
on raised peat deposits.
A diverse mixture of conifers forms an open, tall-shrub layer. Western
redcedar and white pine are common but western hemlock, Sitka spruce,
and shore pine also occur. Labrador tea and sweet gale are common in
the shrub layer. Bristle-stalked sedge is always prominent in the herb
layer but other sedges can be common. Peat-mosses predominate; sites
with bog-like vegetation but with brown mosses instead of peat-mosses
have been observed.
Leatherleaf Pitcher plant Peat-moss
Chamaedaphne calyculata Sarracenia purpurea Sphagnum
Leatherleaf Pitcher plant Peat-moss sites have been observed but
infrequently sampled in the Taiga Plains Ecoprovince. They occur on
floating mats or other peatland locations where the watertable is main-
tained at, but not above, the peat surface.
These communities are very similar in species composition and
structure to the Wb12 of the western boreal and sub-boreal regions.
However, leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata) replaces bog willow
(Salix pedicellaris), and pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea) occurs. The
Taiga Plains Ecoprovince represents the western limit of pitcher plant in
the Canadian boreal forest.
Shore pine Labrador tea Salal
Pinus contorta var. contorta Ledum groenlandicum Gaultheria shallon
Shore pine Labrador tea Salal stands are uncommon in the Georgia
Depression in small topographic depressions and around the edge of
domed bogs.
Shore pine is often the only tree species in an open and stunted (< 10 m)
canopy. Ledum groenlandicum and Gaultheria shallon typically form a
dense, low-shrub layer. Kalmia polifolia, Oxycoccus oxycoccos, Pteridium
aquilinium, and Cornus canadensis are common in the typically sparse

Chapter 5.1 Bogs 73

Additional Bog Site Associations

herb layer. Sphagnum capillifolium is often a small component of the

moss layer, with feathermosses, such as Hylocomium splendens, dominat-
ing on most sites.
Soils have a surface horizon of feathermoss and litter-derived humus
over deep peat deposits composed of Sphagnum remains.

1 Sphagnum spp., peat moss 2 Ledum groenlandicum, Labrador tea 3 Oxycoccus oxycoccos, bog cranberry

74 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

5.2 FENS

1 A patterned fen near Williston Reservoir, northern Rocky Mountains (SBSmk2) 2 A basin fen near Babine Lake,
Sub-Boreal Interior (SBSmc2) 3 Sloping fens, Harold Price Plateau near Smithers (ESSFwv)

Chapter 5.2 Fens 75


A fen is a nutrient-medium peatland ecosystem dominated by sedges and
brown mosses, where mineral-bearing groundwater is within the rooting
zone and minerotrophic plant species are common.

General Description
Table 5.2.2 lists species common to Fen Site Associations described in
this guide. Fens are characterized by high cover of sedges and bryophytes
of the brown moss group, such as Campylium, Drepanocladus, Scorpidi-
um, Tomentypnum, and Warnstorfia. These species reflect relatively
mineral-rich site conditions in fens compared to bogs. Some sites may
have high cover of minerotrophic nonhummock-forming Sphagnum
species (see Group II Sphagnum definition page 47). Low shrub or
graminoid physiognomy is typical: a high watertable precludes tall
shrubs and trees. Shrub species are typically deciduous, most commonly
willows and scrub birch. On very saturated sites some evergreen dwarf
shrubs such as bog cranberry and bog rosemary may be prominent. The
moss layer is usually well developed.
Landscape Position and Distribution
Fens develop where permanently saturated soil conditions are main-
tained. Common locations for fens are groundwater-fed basins, gradual
seepage slopes, and protected lake or pond margins where there is little
wave action or drawdown.
Fens are the most common wetland class in the province and occur in all
but the warmest and driest climates (Table 5.2.1). Regions with cool
summer temperatures are optimal for fen formation.

76 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Hydrology and Soils
Fens occur where peat accumu- Soil Nutrient Regime
lates but where groundwater
flows maintain relatively high M

Soil Moisture Regime

mineral content in the rooting VM
zone. The watertable is usually at
or near the soil surface with little W
late season drawdown. The degree

x D

de V
of lateral flow, stability of the wa-

ic Dy
VW Fens

tertable, and availability of base

na o

dy M
cations differentiate most fen


ro l

ecosystems (Figure 5.2.1).


Soils are of the Organic order,
most frequently Mesisols, derived .. Position of fens on the
edatopic grid.
from sedges and mosses. Soil nutri-
ent regime ranges from poor to rich.
Other Comments
In long-term peatland development, fens are classically represented as an
intermediate stage between marsh (with mineral rooting substrate) and
bog ecosystems (semi-terrestrial peatlands). The peat profile and vegeta-
tion of some peatland ecosystems in British Columbia do reflect this
model; the lowest tier of peat indicates marsh conditions, the middle tier
is sedge-dominated, and the upper tier is Sphagnum-derived. However,
many fens occur in climatic areas that are not conducive to bog develop-
ment and therefore may be long-lived. In addition, some fens have peat
profiles with consistent peat composition throughout, suggesting that
they have been stable ecosystems since peatland initiation and are not
undergoing long-term peatland succession.
Conservation Issues
Fens are the most common wetland class throughout most of British
Columbia. Site Associations dominated by water, beaked, or Sitka sedges
and narrow-leaved cotton-grass (Wf0103, 11, 12) are the most common
of the fen types in the province in part because these species tolerate a
wide range of hydrologic conditions. These large sedgedominated Site
Associations persist despite beaver flooding, beaver dam removal, hay-
ing, extreme flooding, sedimentation, or burning. However, fundamental
changes to the water regime such as permanent watertable elevation or
draining will convert communities to other types.

Chapter 5.2 Fens 77

Fen Site Associations with high stable water regimes (Wf05 Wf11) are
less common and more sensitive to lowered watertables. They are re-
silient to moderate increases in watertable since peat blankets will often
swell or float in response, thereby preventing deep flooding.
Fens have moderate wildlife habitat values. Forage availability is moder-
ate for ungulates and very low for bear in most fens. Fens with standing
water will support moderate aquatic insect populations, which in turn
support avian and mammalian insectivores. Shrew and some rodents
such as jumping mice and voles will use fens extensively. Fens with rela-
tively stable water regimes and well-developed bryophyte layers support
unique peatland arthropod communities.
Waterfowl use of fens is often limited because of low prey abundance.
Other waterbirds such as Common Snipe and Black Tern use fens for
Agricultural uses of fens are primarily for grazing and the production of
swamp hay. The Wf01 is the most commonly used Site Association for
this purpose. Wetter fens are generally of low value because of trafficabil-
ity problems associated with saturated peat soils.

Drepanocladus aduncus, common hook-moss

78 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

.. Distribution of Fen Site Associations by biogeoclimatic zone
Wf01 Water sedge Beaked sedge xx x xx xxx xxx xxx xi
Wf02 Scrub birch Water sedge xxx x xx xx xx xx

Chapter 5.2 Fens

Wf03 Water sedge Peat-moss xx x
Wf04 Barclays willow Water sedge Glow mosss x xxx x x
Wf05 Slender sedge Common hook-moss x xx xx xx xx
Wf06 Slender sedge Buckbean x x x x
Wf07 Scrub birch Buckbean Shore sedge x x x x
Wf08 Shore sedge Buckbean Hook-moss x x x x x
Wf09 Few-flowered spike-rush Hook-moss x x x
Wf10 Hudson Bay clubrush Red hook-moss x
Wf11 Tufted clubrush Star moss x x x x x
Wf12 Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Marsh-marigold xxx
Wf13 Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Shore sedge xx x
Wf50 Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Peat-moss x xxx
Wf51 Sitka sedge Peat-moss x xx xx
Wf52 Sweet gale Sitka sedge xx xxs
Wf53 Slender sedge White beak-rush x xxs

x = incidental; < 5% of wetlands xx = minor; 525% of wetlands xxx = major; >25% of wetlands
i = inland areas only s = southern subzones only

.. Fen Species Importance Table

Species Wf01 Wf02 Wf03 Wf04 Wf05 Wf06 Wf07 Wf08

Shrubs Betula nana x xyzzz x xy x x xyzzz x
Salix barclayi x x xyzzzz
Salix pedicellaris x xyz xy xy xyzz xy
Spiraea douglasii x x x x
Myrica gale
Herbs Carex utriculata xyzzz xyz xy xy xyz x x x
and Carex aquatilis xyzzz xyzz xyzzz xyzz xyz x xyz x
Dwarf Comarum palustre xy xyz xy xy xy xyzz xy
Shrubs Calamagrostis canadensis x xy x xyzz x x x x
Carex lasiocarpa x xyzzzz xyzzzz xy x
Menyanthes trifoliata x x x xyzzz xyzzz xyzz
Carex limosa x x x x xy xyzz xyzzz
Carex chordorrhiza x x xy xyz xy
Eleocharis quinqueflora x x
Trichophorum alpinum x
Trichophorum cespitosum
Eriophorum angustifolium x xy xy x x xy xy
Caltha leptosepala xy xy
Carex anthoxanthea
Equisetum fluviatile x x xy xy xy xy
Carex magellanica x x
Carex sitchensis xy xy xyz xyz x x
Rhynchospora alba x
Carex livida x x x x
Eriophorum chamissonis x x x
Vahlodea atropurpurea x
Drosera anglica x x xy
Hypericum anagalloides
Triantha glutinosa x x xy
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
Fauria crista-galli
Senecio triangularis x x xyz xy
Andromeda polifolia x xy xy
Kalmia microphylla x x x
Oxycoccus oxycoccos x x x x xy x
Triglochin maritima x x x xy xy
Drosera rotundifolia x x x
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia xy x
Platanthera dilatata x xy x x x
Sanguisorba canadensis x xy
Utricularia intermedia x x x xy
Viola palustris x x x
Lichens Sphagnum Group I xy xyz xyzz x x xyz x
and Aulacomnium palustre x xyz xyz xyzz x x x x
Mosses Drepanocladus spp. xyz x xy xyzz xyz xyz xyz
Sphagnum Group II x xyz x x xyz xy
Tomentypnum nitens x xyzz xyz xy x xyz xy
Philonotis fontana xy xyz
Calliergon stramineum x x x x x
Scorpidium spp. x xy xyzz xy
Campylium stellatum x x xy xy x x
Warnstorfia spp. x xy x x xyz x xy
Meesia triquetra x x xy xy

80 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Wf09 Wf10 Wf11 Wf12 Wf13 Wf50 Wf51 Wf52 Wf53 Common Name
x x xy x scrub birch
x x Barclays willow
xy x x bog willow
x xyz x pink spirea
x xyzzzz xyz sweet gale
xy x x xy x x beaked sedge
x xyz x xy xyz x x water sedge
xy x x x xyz xy x marsh cinquefoil
x x xy xy xy xy x bluejoint reedgrass
x xyz xy x x x xyzzz slender sedge
xyzzz xyz x x x xy x x buckbean
xyz xyzz xyz x xyzz x x shore sedge
xyzz x cordroot sedge
xyzzzz x x few-owered spike-rush
xyzzzz x Hudson Bay clubrush
x xyzzzz x xyz x tufted clubrush
xyz x xyz xyzzzz xyzzz xyzzzz xy x narrow-leaved cotton-grass
xy x xyzz xyz x x white mtn. marsh-marigold
xy x yellow-owered sedge
x x x swamp horsetail
x x xyz x poor sedge
x x x xy x xyzzzz xyzzz x Sitka sedge
xy xyzz white beak-rush
xy x x pale sedge
x xy Chamissos cotton-grass
xy xy x mountain hairgrass
x xyzz xy x x x xy great sundew
x x bog St. Johns-wort
x xyz xy xy xy sticky asphodel
xy great bulrush
xyz x deer-cabbage
x x x x x arrow-leaved groundsel
xyz x x bog-rosemary
x x xy x xyz x x western bog-laurel
x xyz x xy x bog cranberry
xyz x seaside arrow-grass
x xy x xy round-leaved sundew
xy xy x x leatherleaf saxifrage
xy x x xy x x x fragrant white rein orchid
x x x xy xy x Sitka burnet
x xy x at-leaved bladderwort
x x x x xy x marsh violet
x xy xy x xyz xyzz xyzz x peat-moss Group I
xy x x xyz xyz xy xy x glow moss
xyz xy xy x x hook-mosses
xy xyz xyz x x xyzz x peat-moss Group II
xyz xyz x xy x x golden fuzzy fen moss
xy xyz spring moss
xy xyz x xy x x x straw spear-moss
xy xyzz x x x sausage-moss
xyzzz xyzzz xy yellow star-moss
x x xy xy x hook-mosses
xy x x three-ranked hump-moss

Chapter 5.2 Fens 81

Wf 01 Water sedge Beaked sedge

Carex aquatilis Carex utriculata

General Description
The Water sedge Beaked sedge Fen Site Association is the
most common and widespread Fen Site Association in the
province. It occurs in all but the warmest and driest subzones
from low to subalpine elevations on sites that are annually
inundated by shallow, low-energy flood waters and that expe-
rience some late-season drawdown.
Wf01 fens are found in a wide vari-
ety of landscape positions but most
commonly palustrine basins.They
occupy wetter zones in larger peat-
land complexes but also form
extensive pure meadows.
Species diversity is low; Carex
aquatilis and Carex utriculata cover is often continuous, with scattered
forbs, aquatics, and mosses in the understorey. On sites that dry out at
the surface, Calamagrostis canadensis or C. stricta can become promi-
nent, species diversity increases, and sites become more meadow-like.
Peat depths range from 30 to > 300 cm. Common soil types include typic
and terric Fibrisols and Mesisols. This Site Association tolerates variable
Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid
Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 10) A B C D E F
Herb layer (13 - 80 - 100)
Soil Moisture Regime

Carex aquatilis, C. utriculata VM

Moss layer (0 - 5 - 100)
Drepanocladus aduncus W
x D

de V

ic Dy

Sites dominated by C. utriculata and C. VW

na o

dy M

aquatilis but with mineral or humic soils are


described by the Wm01. Because Wf01 and

ro l

Wm01 sites are species-poor and the two dom-



inant sedge species have a wide ecological

amplitude, the plant community poorly differ-
entiates between sites on peat (Wf01) and those on mineral soil (Wm01). Wf01 sites typically
have less C. utriculata and fewer aquatics than Wm01 sites.The Wf01 develops from the
Wm01 in most circumstances.
Sites that are drier or at least have more pronounced microtopography than the Wf01 are usu-
ally occupied by communities with low shrubs and high moss cover (most commonly, the
Wf02). However, at higher elevations few shrubs occur and only moss cover increases (Wf03).
Sites with greater waterflow are characterized by tall-shrub swamps dominated by willows or
alders, and water sedges, and have mineral or humic peat soils.

82 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Scrub birch Water sedge Wf 02

Betula nana Carex aquatilis

General Description
The Scrub birch Water sedge Fen Site Association is one of
the most common peatland Site Associations throughout the
Interior and is absent only from PP/BG and wet ESSF subzones. It is
frequently a major component of large peatlands where there is some
watertable fluctuation and the surface becomes aerated by mid-season.
These sites are often hummocked, with shrubs rooting on elevated
Betula nana and Carex aquatilis are the charac-
teristic species but Salix pedicellaris and Carex
utriculata dominate on wetter sites. The moss
layer is variable and can be diverse, absent, or
dominated by Tomentypnum nitens, Sphag-
num, or Drepanocladus. Some drier sites will
have scattered, stunted trees (spruce or black
spruce most commonly).
Common soil types are terric and typic Mesisols and Fibrisols. Peat
depths are frequently between 1 and 2 m but deep sedge-derived peat to
4 m occurs; this Site Association can occassionally occur on thin organic

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 10) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (10 - 35 - 100) A B C D E F
Betula nana, Salix pedicellaris
Soil Moisture Regime

Herb layer (5 - 60 - 100) VM

Carex aquatilis, C. utriculata,
Comarum palustre W
Moss layer (0 - 70 - 100)
x D

de V

Aulacomnium palustre, Drepanocladus


ic Dy

aduncus, Sphagnum Group I,


na o

Tomentypnum nitens

dy M

ro l



The Wf02 Site Association often occurs

around the periphery of the wetter Wf01 or
adjacent to the drier Wb05 .These three Site
Associations may represent a sequence of long-term peatland succession. Many sites have a
moss layer with rich and poor site indicators, suggesting that they are in transition from fen to
bog conditions.
The Wf02 is one of the most common Interior peatland community types at low to subalpine
elevations. It is probably only absent from the AT, BG, and PP zones. In coastal areas, similar
sites are occupied by the Wf52.

Chapter 5.2 Fens 83

Wf 03 Water sedge Peat-moss

Carex aquatilis Sphagnum

General Description
Water sedge Peat-moss fens occur mainly at elevations
above 1100 m in the Interior (ESSF zone), where they are the
counterpart to the Wf02 of lower elevations. These comm-
unities appear to be relatively
common but have not been exten-
sively sampled. Small pocket depressions or
gradual seepage slopes where there is no flood-
ing are typical locations.
Carex aquatilis is the dominant species,
though there can be significant occurrence of
subalpine forbs such as Caltha leptosepala,
Sanguisorba canadensis, or Senecio triangularis
on some sites. Peat-mosses are usually domi-
nant in the Wf03, though there may be a diversity of other mosses such
as Aulacomnium palustre, Tomentypnum nitens, and others.
Mesisols derived from sedge peat up to 2 m (rarely to 4 m) in depth are

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 3 - 10)
Herb layer (25 - 70 - 100)
Carex aquatilis, C. sitchensis,
Soil Moisture Regime

Senecio triangularis
Moss layer (30 - 85 - 100) W
Aulacomnium palustre, Sphagnum Group I,
x D

Tomentypnum nitens

de V

ic Dy


na o

dy M

The Wf11 and Wf12 occur only at higher

ro l

yd S

elevations but require greater surface water-



flow and replace the Wf03 on active seeps

and more saturated sites. Frost and cold soils
rather than a high watertable probably limit
shrub establishment on Wf03 sites.

84 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Barclays willow Water sedge Glow moss Wf 04

Salix barclayi Carex aquatilis Aulacomnium palustre

General Description
Barclays willow Water sedge Glow moss fen/swamps are
common at subalpine elevations of the Sub-Boreal Interior,
Southern Interior Mountains, and Northern Boreal Moun-
tains. They occur on subalpine
seepage slopes, along glacier-fed
creeks, and in frost-prone basins.
Salix barclayi dominates the shrub
layer with a scattering of other low shrub
species. Carex aquatilis dominates the herb
layer but is often accompanied by scattered
high-elevation species such as Caltha lep-
tosepala, Eriophorum angustifolium, and
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia. The moss layer can
be absent or moderately well developed.
Continuous (often copious) groundwater or snowmelt seepage is typical,
and soils are cold. Peat is often shallow because of low biomass produc-
tion but occasionally deep sedge peat deposits are encountered.
Common soil types include terric Mesisols, Humisols, and Fibrisols

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - .5 - 3)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (10 - 35 - 95)
Salix barclayi A B C D E F
Herb layer (26 - 65 - 99)
Soil Moisture Regime

Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex aquatilis,
C. sitchensis
Moss layer (0 - 15 - 95)
x D

Aulacomnium palustre, Mnium spp.,


de V

Philonotis fontana

ic Dy

na o

dy M


ro l

Wf04 can occur alone or surrounding sedge



or cotton-grass fens (Wf03 or Wf12), or in

wet depressions within forb-rich subalpine
meadows or carrs.The similar Sc03 is also
common at high elevations in the Interior.
However, the Sc03s low shrub physiognomy
is the result of cold-air drainage not wet soils,
and it is characterized by subalpine forbs with few hydrophytes.

Chapter 5.2 Fens 85

Wf 05 Slender sedge Common hook-moss

Carex lasiocarpa Drepanocladus aduncus

General Description
Slender sedge Common hook-moss fens are common
throughout the Interior at elevations below 1400 m. These
fens occur on peat flats surrounding small lakes and ponds or
in infilled palustrine basins. Pro-
longed shallow surface flooding and
continual surface peat saturation are typical.
Carex lasiocarpa and Drepanocladus aduncus
are constant dominants. Other large water
sedges, such as C. aquatilis and C. utriculata,
are also common. There can be a very sparse
shrub cover of Salix pedicellaris, S. candida, or
Betula nana. The moss layer is usually well
developed but is occasionally absent. Hook-
mosses usually dominate with occasional inclusions of other brown
Deep peat deposits are common but some sites may occur on thin or-
ganic veneers. Mesisols are the most common soil type but Humisols
and Fibrisols also occur.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 3 - 10)
Herb layer (13 - 60 - 100) A B C D E F
Carex aquatilis, C. lasiocarpa, C. utriculata
Soil Moisture Regime

Moss layer (0 - 55 - 100)
Drepanocladus aduncus W
x D

de V

ic Dy

Some Wf05 sites are marsh-like with deep VW

na o

dy M

flooding, low diversity, and virtually no moss


layer.The related Wf06 occurs on floating

ro l

yd S

mats with a more equable water regime and



hummock/hollow topography. Slender-

sedge fens (Wf05, Wf06) occur in locations
similar to the Wf01 but seem to represent
sites with longer surface saturation and more
basic soil water. Similar sites in coastal areas
are described by the Wf53.

86 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Slender sedge Buckbean Wf 06
Carex lasiocarpa Menyanthes trifoliata

General Description
Slender sedge Buckbean fens are uncommon in the Central
and Sub-Boreal Interior at elevations below 1300 m. They
occur on floating mats adjacent to small lakes and peatland
ponds, or in flarks of patterned fens where there is permanent
surface saturation and shallow
Sites are often slightly hummocked,
with Menyanthes trifoliata occurring
in the wet depressions and Carex lasiocarpa
and Drepanocladus spp. and other mosses oc-
curring on mounds. A sparse shrub layer can
occur and the moss layer is always well devel-
oped. Hook-mosses are the most common
component of the moss layer but Sphagnum
spp. or Campylium stellatum may dominate on some sites.
Sites have sedge peat to 2.5 m, often with a subsurface water lens or su-
persaturated horizon. Fibrisols and Mesisols are typical soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 3 - 10)
Herb layer (20 - 65 - 85)
Carex lasiocarpa, Menyanthes trifoliata
Soil Moisture Regime

Moss layer (30 - 55 - 100)
Drepanocladus aduncus,Warnstorfia spp. W
x D

de V

ic Dy

Wf06 site conditions are intermediate be-
na o

dy M

tween the Wf05 and the Wf08.The Wf06


has a more equable water regime with less

ro l

flooding, less water flow, and greater peat



saturation than the related Wf05, but has

deeper and more dynamic surface water than
the Wf08. Slender-sedge fens (Wf05, Wf06)
occur in locations similar to the Wf01 but seem to represent sites with longer surface satura-
tion and more basic soil water.The Wf06 almost always occurs as a floating mat adjacent to a
Similar sites in coastal areas are described by the Wf53.

Chapter 5.2 Fens 87

Wf 07 Scrub birch Buckbean Shore sedge

Betula nana Menyanthes trifoliata Carex limosa

General Description
Scrub birch Buckbean Shore sedge fens occur throughout
the Central and Sub-Boreal Interior at middle elevations
below 1400 m, in palustrine basins or patterned fens with per-
manently high watertables. Most sites are prominently
hummocked or ribbed with elevated sites and permanent
shallow-water hollows.
An open cover of Betula nana or Salix pedicel-
laris rooted on elevated microsites is distinctive. Low
sedges such as Carex chordorrhiza and C. limosa are promi-
nent throughout most sites, while Comarum palustre and
Menyanthes trifoliata occupy inundated depressions. The
composition of the well-developed bryophyte layer is vari-
able. Mixed-species Sphagnum cover is common on some
sites (not necessarily the most acidic), brown mosses are
common on others, while true calciphiles such as Scorpidi-
um scorpioides occur only on the most basic sites.
Mesisols and Fibrisols derived from sedge/moss peat are
typical. Peat is often >1 m in depth but, less commonly,
sites occur on peat veneers.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (10 - 26 - 55)
Betula nana, Salix pedicellaris A B C D E F
Herb layer (20 - 60 - 80)
Soil Moisture Regime

Carex aquatilis, C. chordorrhiza, C. limosa,
Comarum palustre, Menyanthes trifoliata
Moss layer (20 - 95 - 100)
x D

Drepanocladus aduncus, Scorpidium spp.,


de V

Sphagnum Group I, Sphagnum Group II,


ic Dy

Tomentypnum nitens
na o

dy M

ro l

yd S



The Wf07 covers much of the acidity/alkalini-

ty gradient, with little change in the vascular
flora but a marked difference in the
bryophyte composition. Some sites have more Sphagnum and are generally more bog-like,
while others are more clearly rich fens.These sites are similar to the Wb13 but have a well
developed shrub layer. However, there is a high degree of intergradation with few clear envi-
ronmental criteria to separate most sites (except at the extremes of the spectrum). Hence, the
variation has been grouped into a single Site Association.
The open shrub cover of the the Wf07 distinguishes it from the wetter Wf08 or Wb13.The Wf07
may represent the middle stage of a peatland succession sequence: Wf08 >> Wf07 >> Wb11
in some regions .

88 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Shore sedge Buckbean Hook-moss Wf 08

Carex limosa Menyanthes trifoliata Drepanocladus

General Description
The Shore sedge Buckbean Hook-moss is an uncommon,
rich Fen Site Association that occurs mainly at higher eleva-
tions throughout the Interior (7001800 m) in colder
subzones. These fens occur on pond-side floating mats or in
flarks of patterned fens where there is prolonged shallow
flooding to no more than several
Carex limosa rooted in shallow
water is the constant dominant on these sites.
Menyanthes trifoliata occurs on most sites but
can be very sparse or absent on some. A
diversity of species tolerant of permanent sat-
uration such as Carex chordorrhiza, Equisetum
fluviatile, and Andromeda polifolia commonly
occur with low cover.
Peat deposits are shallow (0.5 m) to very deep (> 6 m), fibric or mesic,
and derived from fine sedges and brown mosses. Fibrisols are the most
common soil type.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - .5 - 10)
Herb layer (14 - 35 - 100) A B C D E F
C. limosa, Menyanthes trifoliata
Soil Moisture Regime

Moss layer (1 - 85 - 100)
Drepanocladus spp.
x D

de V

ic Dy

This is the most common and dominant Site VW

na o

dy M

Association in patterned fens. In weakly pat-


terned fens, the Wf08 occurs over ribs and

ro l

flarks.Where there is a more pronounced



rib/flark pattern, the Wf08 will typically

occur in flarks and the floristically similar,
shrubby Wf07 on elevated ribs.
The Wf06 occurs on wetter and more hydrologically dynamic sites than the Wf08. Similarly
stagnant sites with acidic soil water are occupied by the Wb13.The Wf08 has similar hydrolo-
gy to the Wf09 and Wf10, but with more mobile groundwater and greater degree of surface
flooding. Wf08 sites may become Wb13 sites in some circumstances.
Peat deposits are often consistent throughout the profile, and peat core contents of fine sedge
and brown mosses are readily identifiable.This suggests that these ecosystems can be stable
and long-lived.

Chapter 5.2 Fens 89

Wf 09 Few-flowered spike-rush Hook-moss

Eleocharis quinqueflora Drepanocladus

General Description
The Few-flowered spike-rush Hook-moss Fen Site Associa-
tion occurs on small sloping peatlands at high elevations
(mostly above 1200 m) throughout the Sub-Boreal, Central, and South-
ern Interior. It is rare throughout most of its range, occurring only in
slope positions with continual slow surface seepage.
Plant diversity is low; Eleocharis quinqueflora is
the site dominant, with lesser amounts of
Carex limosa, Eriophorum angustifolium, and
other forbs occasionally occurring. Hook-
mosses such as Homatocaulis vernicosus,
Scorpidium revolvens, and Drepanocladus
aduncus usually comprise the moss layer but
other brown mosses such as Meesia triquetra
and Tomentypnum nitens can occur in high
Peat forms as a characteristically dense and tenacious mesic peat. Peat
depths are frequently shallow but can be up to 2 m. Terric Mesisols and
Humisols are common soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - .5 - 10)
Herb layer (30 - 60 - 100) A B C D E F
Carex limosa, Eleocharis quinqueflora,
Soil Moisture Regime

Eriophorum angustifolium
Moss layer (1 - 50 - 95)
Drepanocladus spp.,Tomentypnum nitens
x D

de V


ic Dy

na o

dy M

The Wf09 unit is similar in structure and hy-


droedatopic position to the Wf11 of lower

ro l

elevations. Wf09 commonly occurs without



adjacent wetland Site Associations or in

complex with cotton-grass fens (Wf12 or
The tenacious peat of this unit is typically of
similar composition throughout the profile,
suggesting that this ecosystem can be stable and long-lived.
Peat is sufficiently dense on Wf09 sites that soil water movements are impeded and most
waterflow is at the surface as sheet flow.The specific conditions that give rise to the Wf09
rather than other high-elevation fens are not well understood but may be partly initiated
and maintained by the dense stems and roots of Eleocharis quinqueflora.

90 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Hudson Bay clubrush Red hook-moss Wf10

Trichophorum alpinum Scorpidium revolvens

General Description
The Hudson Bay clubrush Red hook-moss Site Association
is rare and seems to occur only in the moist subzones of the
SBS. It is floristically related to the Wf11 but occurs where the
watertable is more stagnant and at
or slightly above the peat surface for
much of the growing season. Com-
mon locations are around small
peatland lakes and ponds, and in
Trichophorum alpinum dominates but there is
usually a diverse array of other species typical
of base-rich and saturated peatland habitats
such as Carex chordorrhiza, C. lasiocarpa, C.
limosa, Menyanthes trifoliata, and Triglochin maritima.
The moss flora is dominated by brown mosses and strong calciphiles:
Campylium stellatum, Scorpidium revolvens, and S. scorpioides.
Many sites are underlain by calcareous marl, and peat water is usually
neutral to alkaline. Peat decomposition is apparently retarded under
these conditions because the entire peat profile often has few signs of de-
composition. Typic Fibrisols are common. Peat is usually deep (> 3 m).

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0.5) Soil Nutrient Regime
Herb layer (37 - 90 - 95) A B C D E F
Andromeda polifolia, Carex aquatilis,
Soil Moisture Regime

C. chordorrhiza, C. lasiocarpa, C. limosa,
Drosera anglica, Menyanthes trifoliata,
Oxycoccus oxycoccos,Triantha glutinosa,
Trichophorum alpinum,Triglochin mariti-
x D

de V


ic Dy

Moss layer (25 - 95 - 100)
na o

dy M

Calliergon stramineum, Campylium stella-


ro l

tum, Scorpidium revolvens, S. scorpioides,


Sphagnum Group II,Tomentypnum nitens



Wf10 sites are usually small inclusions in larger complexes of rich fen peatland but are conspic-
uous when Trichophorum alpinum is in flower. Most site conditions are similar to the Wf08
but the Wf10 occurs where soil water is alkaline and (apparently) occurs over a much more
restricted climatic range.

Chapter 5.2 Fens 91

Wf11 Tufted clubrush Star moss

Trichophorum cespitosum Campylium stellatum

General Description
The Tufted clubrush Star moss Fen Site Association is
scattered throughout the Interior at middle to subalpine ele-
vations, most commonly in regions underlain with base-rich
parent materials. These fens occur on level and gently sloping,
groundwater-fed peatlands that are
permanently saturated but rarely inundated.
Sites have smooth, ribbed, or slightly hum-
mocked topography and any depressions are
Trichophorum cespitosum and Campylium
stellatum are constant dominants and occur
mainly on drier microsites. Menyanthes
trifoliata and calcium-encrusted Scorpidium
scorpioides and Scorpidium revolvens are com-
monly found in very shallow pools.
Most sites have a distinct dense and tenacious turfy peat. Deep peat is
typical (to 5 m) but occasionally thin peat veneers occur. Fibrisols and
Mesisols are typical soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 1 - 10) A B C D E F
Herb layer (20 - 75 - 97)
Soil Moisture Regime

Carex limosa, Eriophorum angustifolium, VM

Menyanthes trifoliata, Trichophorum
cespitosum W
Moss layer (0 - 70 - 95)
x D

de V

Campylium stellatum, Sphagnum Group II


ic Dy

na o

dy M

ro l

The Wf11 occurs where extremely high pH



limits the availability of phosphorous, mak-


ing these sites nutrient-poor even though

they have an abundance of cations.Tufted
clubrushdominated wetlands are also found
in regions underlain by base-poor granitic
parent material, such as coastal British Columbia, where phosphorus is also limited.These com-
munities lack minerotrophic site indicators and have a Sphagnum-dominated moss layer.
Tufted clubrush Peat-moss ecosystems (Wb52) are very common in coastal British Columbia
but several sites have been observed in interior locations where the local geology is of igneous
intrusive origin (e.g., Monashee Ranges).

92 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Marsh-marigold Wf12

Eriophorum angustifolium Caltha leptosepala

General Description
The Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Marsh-marigold Site Asso-
ciation is common at subalpine elevations (above 1200 m)
throughout the Sub-Boreal and Central Interior. It occurs on gently
sloping peatlands where there is continual seepage from snowmelt and
Eriophorum angustifolium occurs on most sites
with high cover. Sites with abundant surface
seepage will also have a high cover of Caltha
leptosepala and/or Leptarrhena pyrolifolia.
Other graminoids such as C. anthoxanthea,
C.aquatilis, or C.nigricans may also occur with
high cover on some sites. The moss layer is
usually well developed but compositionally
Soils are usually deep, mushy sedge peat. Typic Mesisols and Fibrisols
are the most common soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 1 - 10)
Herb layer (12 - 80 - 100) A B C D E F
Caltha leptosepala, Eriophorum angusti-
Soil Moisture Regime

Moss layer (0 - 75 - 95) W
Aulacomnium palustre
x D

de V


ic Dy

na o

dy M

The Wf12 occurs on sites with more active


seepage than the related Wf13 Site Associa-

ro l

tion. It also has similar site characteristics to



the Wf08, but that unit is fed by groundwater

with high levels of base cations and has
dense peat deposits.
The Wf12 occurs alone or in complex with the Wf03, on microsites with more active seepage.
Some Wf12 sites in the upper Skeena drainage have high cover of Carex anthoxanthea, which
is a common species of bog forests on the north Coast.The Interior distribution of this species is
greatly restricted and could be limited to these high-elevation wetland ecosystems.

Chapter 5.2 Fens 93

Wf13 Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Shore sedge

Eriophorum angustifolium Carex limosa

General Description
Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Shore sedge fens occur at higher
elevations (12001800 m) of the ESSF zone in depressions or
gradual seepage slopes where standing water persists for most
of the short growing season. The Wf13 appears to be relatively
common (at least locally) but has
not been extensively sampled.
A community dominated by Eriophorum
angustifolium with Carex limosa is typical but
some sites may have poor sedge (Carex magel-
lanica) instead of C. limosa. Grasses such as
Calamagrostis canadensis and Vahlodea atro-
purpurea and the forb Caltha leptosepala are
commonly abundant. The moss layer is well
developed and is often diverse, with no one
species dominating.
Soils are deep peat deposits of fibric or mesic cotton-grass remains.
Typic Mesisols and Fibrisols are common soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 2 - 10)
Herb layer (20 - 80 - 100) A B C D E F
Caltha leptosepala, Carex aquatilis,
Soil Moisture Regime

C. limosa, Eriophorum angustifolium
Moss layer (0 - 40 - 99)
Aulacomnium palustre, Philonotis fontana,
x D

Sphagnum Group I

de V

ic Dy

na o

dy M

The Wf13 is wetter than the closely related

ro l

yd S

Wf12 and tends to be found more commonly



in depressional areas where water ponds.

The high-elevation fen units Wf03, Wf04,
Wf11, Wf12, and Wf13 often occur together
in complex in extensive subalpine peatlands,
each occurring in habitats differing in water
flow and ponding (Wf03 driest to Wf13

94 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Peat-moss Wf50

Eriophorum angustifolium Sphagnum

General Description
The Narrow-leaved cotton-grass Peat-moss Fen/Bog Site
Association describes a wide range of ecosystems of montane
and subalpine areas of the Coast where there is some surface
seepage. Many sites are sloping but the Wf 50 also occurs on
level sites with a permanent, high
As with many sloping peatlands,
sites are microtopographically het-
erogeneous and therefore a mosaic of
vegetation is common. Eriophorum angustifoli-
um is always prominent but other species can
be very abundant on some sites or in specific
locations within the peatland. Tree and shrub
species, if they occur, are on raised sites.
Groundwater seepage pools or surface
drainage channels are common.
Peat deposits are generally < 2 m deep. Mesic sedge peat throughout the
profile is common. Terric and Typic Mesisols are common soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 3 - 10)
Herb layer (39 - 75 - 98) A B C D E F
Eriophorum angustifolium, Fauria
Soil Moisture Regime

crista-galli, Kalmia microphylla,
Trichophorum cespitosum W
Moss layer (20 - 75 - 99)
x D

Sphagnum Group I

de V

ic Dy


na o

dy M

The Wf50 is analogous to the interior Wf11

ro l

yd S

and Wf12 of subalpine sloping seeps but has



many coastal species and is generally more

heterogeneous.The complex nature of hydro-
logical flow in these sites means that large
tracts of homogeneous vegetation are uncommon. Several more specific classification units
based on the presence of additional dominants are likely possible with sufficient data. Sites
with high cover of Carex pauciflora, Sanguisorba spp., Fauria crista-galli, Dodecatheon jef-
freyi, or Rubus chamaemorus have all been observed.

Chapter 5.2 Fens 95

Wf51 Sitka sedge Peat-moss

Carex sitchensis Sphagnum

General Description
Sitka sedge Peat-moss fens occur at low elevations along the
Coast, in wet drainage channels or hollows in sloping peat-
lands where there is gradually flowing surface water. These
sites are uncommon and often of
small areal extent relative to other
ecosystems of the Coast.
Carex sitchensis grows in dense
swards with Sphagnum species in
carpets or floating in shallow water.
A diversity of other species occurs with low
cover on most sites.
Peat accumulations in the Wf 51 range from
thin veneers to deep blankets of poorly to
well-decomposed peat. Organic layers are often intermixed with mineral
materials. Fibrisols are the most common soil type but Mesisols and Hu-
misols also occur.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (0 - .5 - 5) Soil Nutrient Regime
Herb layer (15 - 82 - 100) A B C D E F
Carex sitchensis, Comarum palustre
Soil Moisture Regime

Moss layer (0 - 40 - 100)
Sphagnum spp.
x D


de V

ic Dy

The Wf51 is similar to the Wf01 in most re- VW

na o

dy M

spects but has a coastal distribution; Carex


sitchensis replaces Carex aquatilis on the

ro l

Coast.The presence of Sphagnum on these



sites reflects the wider tolerance to variable


hydrology of Sphagnum species that occur

in this climate and not to ombrotrophic con-
ditions, which is typical in the Interior.
The Wm50 occurs on more hydrologically ac-
tive sites than the Wf51.

96 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Sweet gale Sitka sedge Wf52

Myrica gale Carex sitchensis

General Description
Sweet gale Sitka sedge fens are uncommon at low elevations
in the Georgia Depression and Coast and Mountains in a wide
variety of landscape positions. Sites can be shallowly flooded
in the early season but will drop just
below the surface for most of the
growing season.
Myrica gale and Spiraea douglasii
form a closed and sometimes dense
thicket mostly < 1.5 m in height. Carex sitchen-
sis dominates the herb layer but there is a
scattering of other species on most sites. Be-
cause of flooding, the bryophyte layer is
generally sparse but on some sites cover of
Sphagnum or other moss species may be high.
Peat deposits are mostly shallow, moderately to well decomposed sedge
and wood peat. Terric Humisols and Mesisols are common soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (30 - 60 - 85)
Myrica gale, Spiraea douglasii A B C D E F
Herb layer (20 - 35 - 100)
Soil Moisture Regime

Carex sitchensis
Moss layer (0 - 14 - 60) W
Sphagnum spp.
x D

de V


ic Dy

na o

dy M

The Wf52 Site Association is common as a


component of many peatlands in the south

ro l

Coast. It is most often found in complex with



the Wm50 in more peripheral (and drier)

locations but occurs around other Site Associ-
ations as well, including estuarine marshes.
Shrub thickets dominated by Spiraea dou-
glasii with sparse Myrica gale and Carex spp.
are common in the region where the Wf52
occurs.These communities are usually on
mineral soil and described by the Ws50 Site

Chapter 5.2 Fens 97

Wf53 Slender sedge White beak-rush

Carex lasiocarpa Rhynchospora alba

General Description
Slender sedge White beak-rush fens occur in the Georgia
Depression at elevations below 600 m. The Wf 53 requires
permanently saturated soils and is tolerant of prolonged shal-
low inundation. Lake margins are the most common location
but some isolated basins may also
have suitable conditions.
Carex lasiocarpa is always abundant and
dominant. Rhynchospora alba and scattered
low-growing Myrica gale occur on most sites.
However, wetter sites often lack these species
and have aquatic species such as Nuphar lutea,
Brasenia schreberi, or Menyanthes trifoliata in-
stead. Schoenoplectus acutus grows in more
alkaline examples of the Wf 53.
Soils are shallow mesic or humic peat of sedge
or limnic origin. Terric Mesisols and Humisols are common soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 3 - 10)
Myrica gale
Herb layer (60 - 80 - 85)
Soil Moisture Regime

Carex lasiocarpa, Rhynchospora alba
Moss layer (0 - 2 - 8) W
x D

de V

ic Dy

Coastal Carex lasiocarpa stands occur on a VW

na o

dy M

range of ecological conditions from semi-ter-


restrial to shallowly flooded and marsh-like

ro l

yd S

peatlands. Ceska (1978) observed variants of



this unit: a typic with Rhynchospora alba, a

limose variant with Nuphar lutea, a mineric
variant with Dulichium arundinaceum and
Schoenoplectus acutus, and a higher-
elevation variant with Carex limosa.With sufficient additional data, several more specific clas-
sification units based on the presence of additional dominants might be indicated. Carex
lasiocarpa communities with abundant Spiraea douglasii and Myrica gale occur on drier and
hummocky sites (see additional units).
The Wf52 is similar but grows on drier and more acidic sites than the Wf53.The Wf53 is analo-
gous to the Wf05 of the Interior but has little or no moss cover and includes coastal species.

98 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Additional Fen Site Associations

Sweet gale Pink spirea Slender sedge

Myrica gale Spiraea douglasii Carex lasiocarpa
Sweet gale Pink spirea Slender sedge fens are uncommon in the
Georgia Depression in basins and lake margins.
The shrub layer is well developed and composed of Myrica
gale and/or Spireae douglasii. Carex lasiocarpa is dominant
in the herb layer but a diversity of other herbs occurs,
including Carex sitchensis, Hypericum anagalloides,
Menyanthes trifoliata, and Comarum palustre.
The moss layer is very sparse or absent.
Soils are primarily Mesisols.
These communities occur on sites drier or
with more microtopography than the
Wf 53. Similar but more acidic sites
support the Wf 52.

Menyanthes trifoliata, buckbean

Chapter 5.2 Fens 99


1 Carex chordorrhiza, cordroot sedge 2 Carex lasiocarpa, slender sedge

3 Eriophorum angustifolium, narrow-leaved cotton-grass

100 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification


1 A pothole marsh dominated by the rare grass Scolochloa festucacea, the Wineglass Ranch near Riske Creek
(IDFdk4) 2 A coastal Beaked sedge marsh on Minerva Lake near Prince Rupert (CWHvh2) 3 Cattail thicket,
Nicola Lake (BGxw1)

Chapter 5.3 Marshes 101


A marsh is a permanently to seasonally flooded non-tidal mineral wetland
dominated by emergent grass-like vegetation.
General Description
Table 5.3.2 lists species common in the Marsh Site Associations described
in this guide. Marshes are floristically simple plant communities with
low species diversity and strong dominance by one or two species. The
high nutrient availability in marshes favours aggressive species that
spread vegetatively. This results in communities with one or two domi-
nant species that effectively limit establishment and spread of other
species. Dominance can result from optimal environmental conditions
for mature plants, favourable conditions for initial establishment of one
species over another, or simply chance initial establishment of one
species. Marshes have > 10% cover of emergent grasses, rushes, sedges,
or (occasionally) forbs or horsetails. The tree, shrub, and bryophyte lay-
ers in marshes are usually absent or very sparse (< 10%). Aquatic plants
are common, especially in marshes that retain standing water for most
or all of the year.
Landscape Position and Distribution
Marshes are favoured by dynamic hydrological regimes, high nutrient
status, and warm growing-season climates. In cool, wet climates, marsh-
es are restricted to wave-washed lakeshores, stream floodplains, and
back-levees where waterflow prevents peat accumulation and keeps nu-
trient availability high. In these climates, peatlands occupy most small
basins. In warm and dry climates, however, marshes are the most com-
mon wetland class and occur in most hydrogeomorphic types including
small potholes and depressions. In these areas, high evapotranspiration
rates result in watertable fluctuations that expose the soil surface in late
season and promote decomposition of organic materials. Large variation
in pothole water levels between years is common in semi-arid climates.
The Site Associations and their extent often varies considerably in re-
sponse to these hydrological changes.

102 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Hydrology and Soils
Marshes are always flooded in the Soil Nutrient Regime
early season to depths up to 3 m.
Some remain flooded throughout M

Soil Moisture Regime

the year and have circulating wa- VM
ters that maintain a high nutrient
availability (Figure 5.3.1). Howev- W
er, many have pronounced

x D


de V
drawdown and substrate expo-

ic Dy

sure by mid to late summer. Soils

na o

dy M
are usually mineral, but they can

ro l

also have a well-decomposed or-


ganic surface tier of humic or
limnic peat. Nutrient availability .. Position of marshes on the
edatopic grid.
is high due to circum-neutral pH,
abundant waterflow, and periodic
exposure and aeration of the substrate.
Conservation Issues
Marshes are critically important wetland ecosystems. They are the most
heavily used wetland type for most wetland-using wildlife species
because they support a large standing crop of palatable vegetation,
plankton, and aquatic invertebratesorganisms that form a food base
for larger animals. Marshes are the favoured wetland class for most wa-
terfowl, amphibians, and semi-aquatic mammals because they provide
good cover, open water, and a food source for young animals. They are
the most common wetland type in the dry and warm climates where
wetlands in general are uncommon and this is where many of British
Columbias rare wetland-dependent vertebrates occur (e.g., Great Basin
Spadefoot, Tiger Salamander).
Marshes are early-seral ecosystems in wetland succession. Marshes are
the easiest wetland class to create artificially because they will form natu-
rally in recently created wetland environments (e.g., roadside ditches,
sewage lagoons). Most marshes are tolerant of hydrological modifications
that are not outside the natural, broad range for the Site Association.
Maintaining wetland habitats by stabilizing watertables is a common
practice in the prairie pothole region of Canada, where many wetlands
dry up during drought years. However, throughout most of British Co-
lumbia, this method is inappropriate and will reduce the productivity of
existing marshes. Most marshes will recover from even severe mechani-
cal or grazing disturbance if hydrological regime is maintained.

Chapter 5.3 Marshes 103

Phragmites australis (common reed), Lythrum salicaria (purple loose-
strife), and Iris pseudacorus (yellow-flag) are invasive wetland species in
British Columbia. Like other marsh dominants, these require nutrient-
rich site conditions and warm growing-season temperatures. However,
these species require more growing degree days than occur in most of
the province, thereby restricting them to warmer climates. It is unclear
how profound the impact of invasive species is upon the rest of the
ecosystem because they merely replace one near monoculture with an-
other (Farnsworth and Ellis 2001; Gardner et al. 2001).
Waste-water treatment wetlands will be marshes. High inputs of nitroge-
nous waste will drive any wetland towards marsh-like conditions.

Lemna minor, duckweed

104 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

.. Distribution of Marsh Site Associations by biogeoclimatic zone
Wm01 Beaked sedge Water sedge x xx x xxx xxx xx xx x
Wm02 Swamp horsetail Beaked sedge x x x x xx
Wm03 Awned sedge x x

Chapter 5.3 Marshes

Wm04 Common spike-rush x x xx x x xx x
Wm05 Cattail xxx x xx xx x xx xx xs
Wm06 Great bulrush xxx x x xx xx x x x
Wm07 Baltic rush x xx
Wm50 Sitka sedge Hemlock-parsley xx xx
Wm51 Three-way sedge x x x

x = incidental; < 5% of wetlands xx = minor; 525% of wetlands xxx = major; >25% of wetlands
s = southern subzones only

.. Marsh Species Importance Table

Species Wm01 Wm02 Wm03 Wm04 Wm05

Herbs Carex utriculata xyzzz xyzzz x xy
and Carex aquatilis xyzz xy x
Dwarf Equisetum fluviatile x xyzzzz x
Shrubs Comarum palustre xy xy x
Sium suave x xy
Carex exsiccata x
Carex atherodes xyzzzz
Polygonum amphibium x x xy x x
Eleocharis palustris x xyzzzz x
Potamogeton richardsonii xyz
Typha latifolia x xyzzzz
Schoenoplectus acutus x
Menyanthes trifoliata
Utricularia macrorhiza x x x x x
Juncus balticus x x
Hordeum jubatum x
Potentilla anserina x
Calamagrostis canadensis xy x xy x
Cicuta douglasii x x
Lysichiton americanus x
Oenanthe sarmentosa x
Galium trifidum x
Spiraea douglasii x
Carex sitchensis
Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala x x
Dulichium arundinaceum
Mosses Drepanocladus spp. xy xy xy x x
Warnstorfia spp. x x x x x

106 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Wm06 Wm07 Wm50 Wm51 Common Name
x x x x beaked sedge
water sedge
x swamp horsetail
xy xy marsh cinquefoil
hemlock water-parsnip
x x xy inflated sedge
x awned sedge
x water smartweed
x x common spike-rush
Richardsons pondweed
x x common cattail
xyzzzz x great bulrush
x xy buckbean
x x greater bladderwort
x xyzzzz Baltic rush
xyz foxtail barley
x xyz common silverweed
x x bluejoint
x Douglas water-hemlock
xy skunk cabbage
xyzz Pacific water-parsley
xyz small bedstraw
xy x pink spirea
xyzzzz xyz Sitka sedge
x x xyz yellow pond-lily
xyzzzz three-way sedge
x hook-mosses: intermediate
x x hook-mosses: poor

Chapter 5.3 Marshes 107

Wm01 Beaked sedge Water sedge

Carex utriculata Carex aquatilis

General Description
Beaked sedge Water sedge marshes constitute the most
common and widespread Marsh Site Association in the
province. The Wm01 occurs in all subzones from low to sub-
alpine elevations on sites that are inundated by shallow,
low-energy floodwaters and that experience
some late-season drawdown. These marshes are
found in a wide variety of landscape positions
including flooded beaver ponds, lake margins,
floodplains, and palustrine basins.
Species diversity is low and plant cover is
strongly dominated by Carex utriculata and C. aquatilis
with scattered forbs, aquatics, and mosses. On sites experi-
encing significant surface drying, species diversity increases
and sites become more meadow-like. Species such as Cala-
magrostis canadensis, Geum macrophyllum, or Deschampsia
cespitosa can become prominent.
The Wm01 occurs over a wide range of site conditions on
mineral substrates with thin peat veneers. Common soil
types include Gleysols and Terric Humisols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 5) A B C D E F
Herb layer (13 - 80 - 100)
Carex aquatilis, C. utriculata
Soil Moisture Regime

Moss layer (0 - 5 - 100)
x D

de V

The Wf01 and Wm01 have similar plant com-


ic Dy

munities, but, because these units are
na o

dy M

species-poor and the two dominant sedge


ro l

species have a wide ecological amplitude, the

plant community poorly differentiates between


sites on peat (Wf01) and those on mineral soil

(Wm01). In general, the Wm01 is more deeply
flooded, has more dynamic hydrology, and has a higher cover of C. utriculata.
The Wm02 is another similar community that occurs on more hydrologically dynamic loca-
tions such as lake margins or floodplains. In cooler climates the Wm01 frequently develops into
Wf01 on sites with less dynamic hydrology.
Some Wm01 sites have scattered tall shrubs; those sites supporting > 10% shrub cover are de-
scribed by Swamp Site Associations (Section 5.4).

108 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Swamp horsetail Beaked sedge Wm02

Equisetum fluviatile Carex utriculata

General Description
The Swamp horsetail Beaked sedge Marsh Site Association is
uncommon at lower elevations throughout the Interior. Com-
mon locations are in back-levee depressions along sediment-
laden, low-gradient streams, protected bays of large lakes, or
hydrologically modified (flooded) fens. The Wm02 also oc-
curs along the Coast in tidal reaches of large rivers above
saltwater influence.
Plant diversity is low. Sites are dom-
inated by Equisetum fluviatile with Carex
utriculata sometimes co-dominating; often
there are scattered aquatics such as Potamoge-
ton and Myriophyllum spp. The Wm02 is
similar to the Wm01 but is distinguished by its
higher hydrodynamic index and by the domi-
nance of E. fluviatile.
Soils are derived from silty or fine-sandy fluvi-
um, deep limnic deposits at open margins of lakes, or recently flooded
peat. Rego Gleysols and Terric Humisols are common soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 4) A B C D E F
Herb layer (18 - 85 - 100)
Soil Moisture Regime

C. utriculata, Equisetum fluviatile VM

Moss layer (0 - 0 - 90)
x D

de V

E. fluviatile is tolerant of extreme variations


ic Dy

in water depth and high rates of sedimenta-
na o

dy M

tion and can colonize exposed mineral or


ro l

yd S

peat soils. It has been used to revegetate the

extreme environment of the drawdown zone


in reservoirs.
On fluvial sites, the Wm02 is usually adjacent
to tall-willow swamps or low bench commu-
nities. In lake systems, Wm02 commonly
adjoins open water and other marsh commu-

Chapter 5.3 Marshes 109

Wm03 Awned sedge

Carex atherodes

General Description
The Awned sedge Marsh Site Association is uncommon and
restricted to dry climates of the Central Interior at low to mid-
dle elevations. These marshes are generally small and occur most
commonly in small potholes surrounded by
forest, where water levels are shallow and rela-
tively constant.
Sites are always dominated by Carex atherodes,
but infrequently other species, such as
Drepanocladus aduncus, Myriophyllum verticil-
latum, Alopecurus aequalis, or Carex utriculata,
occur in abundance.
Standing water is slightly alkaline; rooting sub-
strates are fine-textured mineral or shallow
sedge-derived peat. Common soil types are
Humisols and Humic Gleysols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 4) A B C D E F
Herb layer (55 - 90 - 100)
Carex atherodes
Soil Moisture Regime

Moss layer (0 - 0 - 95)
Drepanocladus aduncus W
x D

de V


ic Dy

This unit is similar to the Wm01 but is much
na o

dy M

more limited in distribution and seems to be


ro l

yd S

favoured by more alkaline waters. In the BG

zone,Woolly sedge marshes occur on sites


similar to the Wm03 (see additional units).

Wm03 sites often occupy entire basins but they
are also found in small patches within some
larger Wm01 or Wm08 marshes.
The distribution of Wm03 is primarily within
rangelands and C. atherodes is palatable; many
sites experience some level of grazing pressure.

110 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Common spike-rush Wm04

Eleocharis palustris

General Description
Common spike-rush marshes are widely distributed through-
out the Interior at elevations below 1300 m. They occur along
lakeshores, and as a zone in larger potholes, oxbows, and
slow-moving rivers, where there is some weak
waterflow or wave action. Sites are shallowly
flooded in the early season in all locations; the
watertable often drops to the surface in palus-
trine locations but is permanent in lacustrine or
fluvial systems. Wm04 sites also occur in fresh-
water and brackish tidal reaches of large coastal
rivers and estuaries.
Plant diversity is low; Eleocharis palustris is often the only
emergent species with significant cover. In interior sites,
submerged and floating aquatics can be common; in estu-
arine sites Carex lyngbyei is often present.
Soils are typically sandy or gravelly with or without a thin
organic veneer.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) A B C D E F
Herb layer (10 - 70 - 100)
Soil Moisture Regime

Eleocharis palustris, VM
Potamogeton richardsonii
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 10) W
x D

de V


ic Dy

Eleocharis palustris occurs commonly in a
na o

dy M

wide variety of wetland habitats, including


ro l

yd S

alkaline and weakly saline marshes, rich

fens, and estuarine marshes. However, the


Wm04 describes only those sites where

E. palustris dominates. Wm04 sites are gen-
erally more shallowly flooded than Wm06
sites and better aerated than Wm05 sites.
The Wm04 commonly occurs adjacent to
Wm05, Wm06, and Wm07 Site Associations
or shallow-water ecosystems.

Chapter 5.3 Marshes 111

Wm05 Cattail

Typha latifolia

General Description
Cattail marshes are common throughout the Coast and Interi-
or at low elevations in subzones with warm summers. They
occur most commonly in protected lake embayments and
potholes or even roadside ditches, where the surface substrate
remains saturated for most of the growing season.
Typha latifolia dominates, often with few other
rooted plants present, especially where nutrient
levels are high and T. latifolia growth profuse.
Occasionally there is significant cover of Carex
utriculata, Schoenoplectus acutus, or Lemna spp.
These sites often have organic veneers of well-decomposed,
odiferous muck. Soil types can be Humisols or Humic
Gleysols. Water depths may be up to 1 m in the spring but
recede in late summer, sometimes to the surface.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 10) A B C D E F
Herb layer (40 - 80 - 100)
Soil Moisture Regime

Typha latifolia VM
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 90)
x D

de V

Typha latifolia effectively turns high nutrient

ic Dy


levels (N and P) into biomass and often dom-

na o

dy M

inates wetlands experiencing nutrient


ro l

yd S

loading. Addition of agricultural or human


waste to most wetlands will lead to an in-


crease and eventual dominance by T. latifolia

if climatic conditions are favourable. Initial
T. latifolia establishment requires substrate
exposure for seedling establishment and germination, though once established it spreads
extensively by rhizomes so that large stands may consist of only a few individual plants.
Similar sites with more dynamic hydrology or lower N and P are usually occupied by Wm06.
Patches of S. acutus in Wm05 marshes can be a result of intensive grazing by Muskrat.
S. acutus stores nutrients in the root mass and can more rapidly recover from removal of its
stem than can T. latifolia.

112 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Great bulrush Wm06

Schoenoplectus acutus

General Description
Great bulrush marshes occur widely in subzones with warm
and dry summers. Wave-exposed lake embayments with
significant water movements, and grassland potholes with
occasional substrate exposure (conditions that provide
abundant aeration and limit organic accu-
mulations), are the most common locations
for this Site Association.
Plant diversity is low; typically, Schoenoplec-
tus acutus is the only species with significant
cover. Bulrush marshes are usually adjacent
to open water in wetland mosaics and can sometimes
be found in complex with the Wm05.
Floodwaters to 1.5 m depth in the spring are typical,
with significant growing-season drawdown occurring
in potholes. Great bulrush is tolerant of alkali soils
and often dominates in brackish potholes. Soils are
mostly Gleysols and Humic Gleysols, though Terric
Humisols occasionally occur.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 5) A B C D E F
Herb layer (10 - 70 - 100)
Schoenoplectus acutus
Soil Moisture Regime

Moss layer (0 - 0 - 60)
x D

de V

The Wm06 includes marshes dominated by


ic Dy

S. tabernaemontani (soft-stemmed bulrush).
na o

dy M

On wave-exposed lake shorelines or where


ro l

sites are more brackish, S. acutus is more

yd S

frequent, while in protected waters and



potholes with mucky substrates,

S. tabernaemontani is typical.
Site conditions for Wm05 and Wm06 over-
lap. S. acutus dominates on sites with alkaline mineral soils, greater wave exposure, or
pronounced surface drying.Where marshes are heavily grazed by Muskrat, S. acutus is often
favoured over Typha latifolia because it stores nutrients in the root mass and recovers more
rapidly from grazing.

Chapter 5.3 Marshes 113

Wm07 Baltic rush

Juncus balticus

General Description
Baltic rush saline meadows/marshes are common in the
Chilcotin Plateau and uncommon in the dry climates of the
Southern Interior and Southern Interior Mountains. The Wm07 occurs
in alkaline or saline potholes, primarily closed basins, where there is
early-season inundation followed by gradual
watertable drop to below the surface.
Juncus balticus is always dominant on Wm07
sites. Other saline-tolerant species such as
Carex praegracilis, Potentilla anserina, and
Puccinellia nuttalliana may occur, especially
on drier sites.
Soils are fine textured, and poorly to imper-
fectly drained, with up to 10 cm of surface
organic accumulation. The upper horizons remain wet throughout most
of the growing season. When these sites dry out, a salt or alkali crust is
often evident.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 2) A B C D E F
Herb layer (15 - 70 - 100)
Hordeum jubatum, Juncus balticus,
Soil Moisture Regime

Potentilla anserina
Moss layer (0 - 5 - 20) W
x D

de V


ic Dy

The Wm07, along with other communities of
na o

dy M

saline or alkaline soils conditions, requires


ro l

yd S

site conditions that concentrate salts.These

conditions are found in closed basins of semi-


arid climates, where high evaporation rates

and limited freshwater inflow lead to salt
concentration.These same conditions also
result in variable watertables within and be-
tween years, reflecting a changing balance of inflows and evaporation. Under these variable
conditions the optimum environment for Site Associations changes location within the basin
between years. Juncus balticus occupies those zones where flooding is shallow but soils do not
completely dry out in the summer. Wm07 can form extensive stands in seasonally flooded de-
pressions or as peripheral communities in the drawdown zone around permanent ponds and
Wm06 marshes. Drier sites are Gs03 or Gs02.

114 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Sitka sedge Hemlock-parsley Wm50

Carex sitchensis Oenanthe sarmentosa

General Description
Sitka sedge Hemlock-parsley marshes are common in the
Georgia Depression and Coast and Mountains at low eleva-
tions in basins, and along slow-moving streams, ponds, and
A monoculture of Carex sitchensis
occurs on many sites, but occasion-
ally other species are also promi-
nent. Sites with flowing floodwaters
often have abundant Oenanthe sar-
mentosa or Glyceria elata. Drier sites
have a mix of forbs such as Veronica scutellata,
Hypericum anagalloides, and Galium trifidum.
The Wm50 tolerates variable hydrology and
disturbance and occurs on mineral substrates
or shallow (occasionally deep) peat veneers.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 1 - 4) A B C D E F
Herb layer (70 - 80 - 100)
Soil Moisture Regime

Carex sitchensis, Galium trifidum, VM

Oenanthe sarmentosa
Moss layer (0 - 0.1 - 0.5) W x D

de V


ic Dy

The Wm50 is the coastal equivalent of the
na o

dy M

Wm01 of the Interior.


ro l

yd S

Ceska (1978) describes several variants of



the Wm50, including Carex sitchensis with


C. obnupta, Cicuta douglasii, and Aster sub-

spicatus occurring adjacent to alder forests,
with Deschampsia cespitosa, Gentiana
sceptrum, and Hypericum anagalloides on
drier sites, or with Glyceria elata and Calama-
grostis canadensis in shaded areas with

Chapter 5.3 Marshes 115

Wm51 Three-way sedge

Dulichium arundinaceum

General Description
Three-way sedge marshes/fens are uncommon and often of
limited extent on the south Coast and rare in wet regions of
the Southern Interior Mountains at elevations below 600 m.
The Wm51 occurs along the protected margins of shallow
lakes or sluggish streams on mucky substrates.
Dulichium arundinaceum is always
dominant. There is often a minor
component of emergent sedges or
rushes. Other species that grow well on flood-
ed, degrading peaty soils, such as Nuphar
lutea, Menyanthes trifoliata, and Comarum
palustre occur on some sites.
The Wm51 prefers permanently flooded con-
ditions on degrading peat or soft muck (mix
of fine mineral material and organics).

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 2 - 5) A B C D E F
Herb layer (40 - 80 - 100)
Soil Moisture Regime

Carex sitchensis, Dulichium arundinaceum, VM

Nuphar lutea
Moss layer (0 - 5 - 10) W
x D

de V


ic Dy

The Wm51 often occurs at the interface be-
na o

dy M

tween peatland ecosystems such as the


ro l

yd S

Wf52 and shallow-water ecosystems domi-

nated by pond-lily or water shield.


116 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Additional Marsh Site Associations

This section briefly describes some uncommon Marsh Site Associations

that have been sampled in British Columbia.
Sharp bulrush Schoenoplectus pungens
The Sharp bulrush Marsh Site Association is uncommon and restricted
to the warm, dry subzones of the Southern Interior (BG, PP, and warmer
IDF) at low elevations. These marshes are generally small and occur
most commonly around small alkaline potholes or seepages where water
levels are shallow and relatively constant. Rooting substrates are fine-tex-
tured mineral soil and can be saline/alkaline. Sites are always dominated
by Schoenoplectus pungens with a scattering of other alkali-tolerant
species such as Eleocharis palustris, Hordeum jubatum, Juncus balticus,
and Triglochin maritima. Sharp bulrush marshes can occur adjacent to
Wm06, Wm04, or Gs01 communities.
Common reed Phragmites australis
The Common reed Site Association is very uncommon and restricted to
regions with warm summers such as the PP, BG, and hot IDF subzones
of the Southern Interior and Southern Interior Mountains. Phragmites
australis is a native rhizomatous grass that is more common in eastern
Canada. It forms monocultures of tall stems (to 3 m) in shallow water of
lakes, ponds, and slow-moving streams on mineral soils. Extreme watertable
fluctuations are common, with deep flooding in spring to watertables
well below the surface by the end of the growing season. Adjacent sites
with more permanent soil saturation are occupied by Wm05 or Wm06.
Inflated sedge Carex exsiccata
Inflated sedge marshes occur widely but rarely throughout the southern
two-thirds of the province at low to montane elevations. Carex exsiccata
stands occur in conditions similar to those of C. utriculata. Sites have
prolonged shallow flooding of mineral soils. Inflated sedge marshes have
been sampled adjacent to small lakes, streams, and potholes.
Northern mannagrass Glyceria borealis
The Northern mannagrass Marsh Site Association is uncommon
throughout the Interior at lower elevations. These marshes are often
small and occur in shallow standing water at the margins of lakes, ponds,
and slow-moving streams. Bottom substrates may be fine-textured
mineral soils or well humified organic deposits. Glyceria borealis is the
dominant species and may form a virtual monoculture. Such communi-
ties can be adjacent to Wm01 marshes, which occupy drier sites.
(Described by Steen and Roberts 1988.)

Chapter 5.3 Marshes 117

Additional Marsh Site Associations

Reed canarygrass Phalaris arundinacea

Reed canarygrass communities are common throughout the southern
two-thirds of the province in areas with warm and relatively dry sum-
mers. They represent a disclimax community that establishes or is seeded
on cleared willow swamps and low-bench sites. Typical sites are the
floodplains of low-gradient streams or lake flats that are flooded in the
spring and have prolonged soil saturation. Soils are commonly Gleysolic
and fine-textured. Phalaris arundinacea is strongly rhizotomous and
produces a dense sod and full canopy that excludes most other species;
most stands are monotypic.
Seacoast bulrush Bolboschoenus maritimus
The Seacoast bulrush Marsh Site Association is uncommon and restrict-
ed to the dry subzones of the Southern Interior at low to middle
elevations. These marshes are generally small and occur most commonly
around alkaline potholes. Soil reaction is generally > 8.5 pH and may
also be saline. Soils are fine-textured and continually saturated. Bol-
boschoenus maritimus usually forms moderately dense monocultures.
The Wm06 or shallow-water ecosystems may occur in adjacent more
deeply flooded habitats. Seacoast bulrush communities also occur in
southern estuaries (see Chapter 5.6).
Seaside arrow-grass Triglochin maritima
The Seaside arrow-grass Marsh Site Association is uncommon and re-
stricted to the dry subzones of the Central Interior at low elevations.
These marshes are generally very small and occur most commonly
around small saline potholes. Sites are seasonally inundated, though
standing water can persist until late in the season. Soils are fine-textured
Gleysols with thin, well-humified organic layers. Sites have very low
species diversity; frequently only Triglochin maritima occurs. This
ecosystem may represent a short-lived successional community that
establishes on saline flats experiencing improved water regime.
(Described by Steen and Roberts 1988.)
Woolly sedge Carex lanuginosa
The Woolly sedge Marsh Site Association is uncommon and restricted
to the warm, dry subzones of the Central and Southern Interior (BG, PP,
and warmer IDF) at low elevations. These marshes are generally small
and occur in small freshwater, grassland-surrounded potholes where
water levels are shallow and relatively constant. They are also found in
small patches within some larger Wm01 or Wm06 marshes. Standing

118 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Additional Marsh Site Associations

water is slightly alkaline; rooting substrates are fine-textured mineral

soil. Sites are always dominated by Carex lanuginosa but infrequently
have other species, such as Drepanocladus aduncus, Myriophyllum verti-
cillatum, Alopecurus aequalis, Carex atherodes, or C. utriculata, occurring
with significant cover. Wm03 marshes occur in similar hydrological con-
ditions but are more common in the forested zones.

1 Typha latifolia, common cattail 2 Schoenoplectus acutus, great bulrush

3 Equisetum fluviatile, swamp horsetail

Chapter 5.3 Marshes 119


1 Red alder - Skunk cabbage swamp, Vancouver Island (CWHxm1) 2 A Spruce Horsetail swamp at Mount
Savona near Kamloops (MSxk) 3 MacCallas willow Beaked sedge swamp near Uncha Lake, Sub-Boreal
Interior (SBSdk)

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 121


A swamp is a nutrient-rich wetland ecosystem where significant ground-
water inflow, periodic surface aeration, and/or elevated microsites allows
growth of large trees or tall shrubs under subhydric conditions.
General Description
Table 5.4.2 lists common species of Swamp Site Associations described
in this guide. Swamps are characterized by a high cover of tall shrubs
and/or trees plus a well-developed herb layer. Richer swamps have a
herb layer with a high component of ferns and forbs. Nutrient-medium
sites have a sedge-dominated understorey.
There are two distinct groups of swamps: one characterized by a tall-
shrub physiognomy and the other forested. The former are often
floristically related to fen ecosystems but distinguished by vigorous
shrub growth. The moss layer is typically poorly developed because
shade and abundant litterfall limit bryophyte establishment and growth.
Forested swamps are transitional to uplands and often have a mix of ter-
restrial and wetland microhabitats. Elevated microsites under conifers
are favourable for terrestrial species, and depressions support hydrophytes.
Landscape Position and Distribution
Swamps occur where there is an abundant flow of near-surface ground-
water, and on slope breaks, peatland margins, inactive floodplain
back-channels, back-levee depressions, lake margins, and gullies.
Swamps are common throughout the province, but usually not extensive
in most landscapes (Table 5.4.1). Most frequently, they occur as small
components of larger wetland systems.
Hydrology and Soils
Swamps occur on sites with pronounced microtopography. Trees and
shrubs root on microsites elevated above a high semipermanent wa-
tertable or where there is pronounced lateral groundwater flow and
surface aeration in otherwise saturated soils (Figure 5.4.1).

122 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Soils are usually distinctly gleyed. Soil Nutrient Regime
A surface horizon of well-decom-
posed woody peat smelling M

Soil Moisture Regime

strongly of hydrogen sulfide is VM
common. Occasionally, swamps
occur on deeper peat deposits but W Swamps
this is the exception; these are

x D

de V
either peatlands that have under-

ic Dy

gone hydrological change or are

na o

dy M
sites fed by well-aerated water


ro l

yd S
that provides enough oxygen for


growth of larger plants. Swamps
have abundant available nutrients .. Position of swamps on the
supplied by groundwater flow. edatopic grid.

Other Comments
Most of the forested Swamp Site Associations presented in this section
are transitional to upland ecosystems and have been previously de-
scribed in field guides (e.g., Banner et al. 1993). The plant
communities on these sites do not have an abundance of obligate hy-
drophytes and do not clearly distinguish sites that are on wetland soils
from those on merely very moist upland soils at this ecotone. Therefore,
such Site Associations include some productive upland sites and also
non-productive sites. Poor swamps, those sites with trees, stagnant hy-
drology, relatively few miner0trophic indicators, and abundant
bog-affiliated species, are included in the Bog Class.
Conservation Issues
Swamps are important habitats for wildlife. They have more vertical
structure than other wetland classes and therefore support a more di-
verse avifauna. Species that use seral stands for nesting and feeding also
use shrub swamps. Forested swamps have a characteristically open or
patchy canopy that appears to be favoured by many bird and bat species.
Several important bear foods, such as Lysichiton americanus and Equise-
tum arvense, are common in swamps. Willow and other shrubs are
important browse for ungulates.
Livestock and wildlife use swamps for browse, shade, and cover, espe-
cially where they occur adjacent to open grassland or sources of drinking
water. Excessive grazing will affect these sites, and rest rotation methods
are recommended. In many areas where shrub swamps are cleared for

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 123

pasture, dense and persistent stands of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arund-
inacea) become established.
Forested swamps are productive relative to other wetland ecosystems
but are still marginal for timber production. The forested ecosystems
described in this guide occur at the limits of operability. Some sites are
dry enough and productive enough to be successfully regenerat-
ed but these are in the minority. Sites with large trees on
wetland soils are especially risky for timber harvest since
watertables rise post-harvest, microtopography (which
allows large tree growth) is easily destroyed, and brush
competition is high. Operable and inoperable sites
share essentially the same indicator species
groups, however, and so are not separated
at the Site Association level.

Spiraea douglasii,
hardhack or pink spirea

124 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

.. Distribution of Swamp Site Associations by biogeoclimatic zone
Ws01 Mountain alder Skunk cabbage Lady fern xx xxw
Ws02 Mountain alder Pink spirea Sitka sedge x x xx x x xw x
Ws03 Bebbs willow Bluejoint x xx xx x xx

Chapter 5.4 Swamps

Ws04 Drummonds willow Beaked sedge x x x xx
Ws05 MacCallas willow Beaked sedge x x
Ws06 Sitka willow Sitka sedge xx xw
Ws07 Spruce Common horsetail Leafy moss xx x xx xx xx xxx
Ws08 Subalpine fir Sitka valerian Common horsetail xx
Ws09 Black spruce Skunk cabbage Peat-moss xx xw
Ws10 Western redcedar Spruce Skunk cabbage xx
Ws11 Spruce Subalpine fir Skunk cabbage xw
Ws50 Pink spirea Sitka sedge x xw xxx xx
Ws51 Sitka willow Pacific willow Skunk cabbage x x x
Ws52 Red alder Skunk cabbage xx xx
Ws53 Western redcedar Sword fern Skunk cabbage x xx
Ws54 Western redcedar Western hemlock Skunk cabbage x xx
Ws55 Yellow-cedar Mountain hemlock Skunk cabbage xx

x = incidental; < 5% of wetlands xx = minor; 525% of wetlands xxx = major; >25% of wetlands
w = wet subzones only x = very dry subzones only

.. Swamp Species Importance Table

Species Ws03 Ws04 Ws05 Ws02 Ws06 Ws07 Ws08 Ws01

Trees Picea X x x x x x xyzzz xyzzz xyz
Picea mariana x
Abies lasiocarpa x xy xyzzzz xy
Tsuga heterophylla x
Thuja plicata x
Picea sitchensis
Alnus rubra
Acer macrophyllum
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis
Tsuga mertensiana x
Abies amabilis
Shrubs Salix bebbiana xyzzzz x x
Salix drummondiana x xyzzz x x
Salix maccalliana x x xyzzzz
Alnus incana xyzz x xyzzz xyz xyz xyzzzz
Lonicera involucrata xyz xy xy xy xy xyzz xy xyz
Spiraea douglasii x xy xyzz xy xyzz
Cornus stolonifera xyz x xy xy xy
Vaccinium alaskaense/ovalifolium xy
Salix sitchensis xy xyzzzz
Salix lucida x x
Rubus spectabilis x
Sambucus racemosa x
Gaultheria shallon
Ribes bracteosum
Elliottia pyroliflorus
Herbs Calamagrostis canadensis xyzzz xyz xyzz xyzz xyz xy xy xyz
and Carex aquatilis/sitchensis x xyzz xyzz xyzzzz xyzzz xy
Dwarf Carex utriculata xyz xyzz xyzzz xy xyz
Shrubs Gymnocarpium dryopteris x x x xy xy xy
Valeriana sitchensis xyzz
Scirpus microcarpus x xyz
Equisetum arvense xyzz x x xy xyzz xyzzzz xyzzz xyz
Lysichiton americanus x xy xyzzzz
Athyrium filix-femina x xy x x xyzzz
Tiarella trifoliata xy xy x
Streptopus lanceolatus x x
Maianthemum dilatatum
Oenanthe sarmentosa
Polystichum munitum
Equisetum telmateia
Blechnum spicant
Veratrum viride x xy x
Fauria crista-galli
Mosses Drepanocladus spp. x xyzz x x
and Mnium spp. xyz xy xyz xyz xy xyzzz xyzzz xyzz
Lichens Aulacomnium palustre x xy xyz x xyzz xyzz x
Sphagnum spp. x x x x x
Hylocomium splendens x xyzz
Pleurozium schreberi x xyz xy x
Eurhynchium praelongum
Rhytidiadelphus loreus

126 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Ws09 Ws10 Ws11 Ws50 Ws51 Ws52 Ws53 Ws54 Ws55 Common Name
xyz xyzz xyzz spruce
xyzz x x black spruce
xyzzz xyzz xyzzzz subalpine fir
xy xyzzz x xyzz xyzzzz xyzzzz western hemlock
x xyzzzz x xyz xyzzzz xyzzz xy western redcedar
xy x xyz xyzz x Sitka spruce
x xy xyzzzz xyzzz xy x red alder
xyz xyzz bigleaf maple
xy xyzzzz yellow-cedar
x xyzzzz mountain hemlock
xyz xyzzz amabilis fir
x Bebbs willow
x Drummonds willow
MacCallas willow
xyzz xy xyzzz x mountain alder
xy xy xyzz x xyz x x x black twinberry
xyzz x xyz xyzzzz xyz x x pink spirea
x xy xy x xyz xy xy x red-osier dogwood
xyz xyzz xyz x xyzzz xyzzzz Alaska/oval-leaved blueberry
x xyzzzz Sitka willow
x xyzzzz Pacific willow
x x xyzz xyzzzz xyzzz xyzz xyz salmonberry
x x xyzzz xyzz x red elderberry
x x xy xyzz x salal
x xyzz xy x stink currant
xyz copperbush
xyz xy xy x x x x bluejoint
x xyzz x x water/Sitka sedge
xy beaked sedge
xy xyzz xyzz x x xy xy oak fern
Sitka valerian
x x xyz x x small-flowered bulrush
xyzz xyzz xyzz x xyz x x x common horsetail
xyzzzz xyzzz xyzzzz xy xyzzzz xyzzzz xyzzz xyzzz xyzzz skunk cabbage
xyz xyzzz xyzzz x xyzz xyzzz xyzzz xyzz xyz lady fern
x xyz xyzz x xyz xyz xyz xy foamflower
xy xyz xyz x x xy xy rosy twistedstalk
x xyzz xyzz xy xy false lily-of-the-valley
x xyzz xy x x Pacific water-parsley
xyz xyzz x x sword fern
x xy xyzz x giant horsetail
x x x xyzz xyz deer fern
x x x x xyz Indian hellebore
x xyz deer-cabbage
x hook-mosses
xyz xyzzz xyzzz x xyz xyzz xyzz xyzz xyzz leafy mosses
xy x xy x glow moss
xyzzz xyzz xyz xy x x xyz xyzz peat-mosses
x xyz x x x xyzz xyz step moss
xyzz xyz xy red-stemmed feather-moss
xy xyzzz xyzzz xy x beak moss
x x x x xyzz xyzz lanky moss

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 127

Ws01 Mountain alder Skunk cabbage Lady fern

Alnus incana Lysichiton americanus Athyrium filix-femina

General Description
Mountain alder Skunk cabbage Lady fern swamps are
common in wet regions of the Sub-Boreal Interior and South-
ern Interior Mountains, particularly in areas underlain by
glaciolacustrine deposits. The Ws01 frequently occurs in wet
gullies or along small creeks where there is con-
tinuous seepage near the surface and poor drainage. It also
occurs in the lagg of peatlands, where seepage from up-
slope enriches peat deposits.
Alnus incana dominates these sites, which have a lush and
diverse understorey where Athyrium filix-femina and
Lysichiton americanus are prominent. Scattered spruce is
common. The moss layer is often sparse because of shad-
ing and high rates of litterfall.
Soils are usually poorly drained, fine-textured mineral
deposits with a veneer of well-humified woody peat.
Occasionally this unit will occur on deeper peat deposits.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 5 - 8) Soil Nutrient Regime
Picea X
Shrub layer (20 - 53 - 99)
Alnus incana, Lonicera involucrata, Picea X,
Soil Moisture Regime

Spiraea douglasii
Herb layer (35 - 68 - 95) W
Athyrium filix-femina, Calamagrostis
x D

canadensis, Equisetum arvense,

de V

Lysichiton americanus
ic Dy


Moss layer (0 - 24 - 87)

na o

dy M

Mnium spp.

ro l

yd S



Several other mountain alderdominated Site

Associations occur.The Fl01 and Fl02 occur
on well-drained soils adjacent to streams and
rivers; these sites lack skunk cabbage. On wet-
ter sites, Carex sitchensis is dominant in the
understorey and described by the Ws02.
The Ws01 often fully occupies small depres-
sions and gullies in upland forest. It also occurs
between sedge fens and upland forest.

128 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Mountain alder Pink spirea Sitka sedge Ws02

Alnus incana Spiraea douglasii Carex sitchensis

General Description
The Mountain alder Pink spirea Sitka sedge Swamp Site
Association is common in wet climates of the Sub-Boreal In-
terior, Southern Interior Mountains, and interior transition
areas of the Coast and Mountains. The Ws02 occurs on
beaver-flooded flats of small creeks, peripheral zones of wet-
lands, and lakeshores, where there is
early season flooding, continuous
seepage near the surface, and poor
Alnus incana forms an open to sparse canopy.
Spiraea douglasii can be scattered or promi-
nent. Carex aquatilis or C. sitchensis is usually
the dominant species of the herb layer, but
Scirpus microcarpus dominates on some sites.
Significant cover of Calamagrostis canadensis is
Soils are derived from fluvial or lacustrine material and often have a
veneer or blanket of sedge peat. Organic horizons have silty or sandy
lenses throughout, indicating periodic significant flood events.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 2) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (12 - 44 - 99) A B C D E F
Alnus incana, Spiraea douglasii
Soil Moisture Regime

Herb layer (20 - 72 - 100) VM

Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex
aquatilis/sitchensis, Comarum W
palustre, Scirpus microcarpus
x D

de V

Moss layer (0 - 10 - 85)


ic Dy

Mnium spp.

na o

dy M

ro l


The Ws02 is similar to Willow Sedge Site


Associations but occurs on sites with more

dynamic water flow; willow-dominated sites
(Ws0406) tend to be more stagnant.

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 129

Ws03 Bebbs willow Bluejoint

Salix bebbiana Calamagrostis canadensis

General Description
Bebbs willow Bluejoint swamps are uncommon but wide-
spread throughout the drier climates of the Interior at
elevations below 1200 m. They occur on lake flats, pond mar-
gins, fluvial terraces, seasonal creeks, and palustrine basins
where early-season shallow standing water
draws down to very moist conditions by late
growing season.
Salix bebbiana forms an open canopy, often with
a significant component of Alnus incana. Scat-
tered spruce trees can occur. Various other
shrub species are common in the understorey. Calama-
grostis canadensis is a constant dominant but usually
occurs only on raised microsites. Equisetum arvense and
other horsetails can also be prominent. A diversity of other
forbs with low cover is typical. Sites often have distinct
mounds created by fallen trees, interspersed with sparsely
vegetated pools of water; however, some stands are drier
and have a more continuous herbaceous understorey.
Soils are fine-textured Gleysols, often with veneers of woody peat.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 2 - 5) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (20 - 46 - 99)
Alnus incana, Cornus stolonifera,
Lonicera involucrata, Salix bebbiana
Soil Moisture Regime

Herb layer (6 - 56 - 90)
Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex utriculata, W
Equisetum arvense
x D

Moss layer (0 - 19 - 75)

de V

ic Dy

Mnium spp.

na o

dy M


ro l

The Ws03 has soils and hydrology characteris-



tic of wetland ecosystems but typically has

low cover of obligate hydrophytes.

130 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Drummonds willow Beaked sedge Ws04

Salix drummondiana Carex utriculata

General Description
Drummonds willow Beaked sedge swamps/fens are com-
mon in the Central and Sub-Boreal Interior in back-levee
depressions of low-gradient creeks or channel margins in
peatland streams. Ws04 sites can be
deeply flooded during the spring
freshet and after drawdown maintain a high
watertable due to fine-textured soils or low-
lying position relative to the watertable.
Salix drummondiana dominates these sites,
with other shrubs such as Lonicera involucrata
and Spiraea douglasii common in the low-
shrub layer. The herb layer is moderately well
developed and predominantly Carex aquatilis
and C. utriculata.
Sedge peat veneers or blankets over fine- to medium-textured fluvial
or lacustrine materials are typical. Flooding can result in buried organic
layers, peat and mineral mixing, or reduced surface organic accumula-

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - .5 - 10) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (10 - 52 - 100) A B C D E F
Lonicera involucrata, Salix drummondiana,
Spiraea douglasii
Soil Moisture Regime

Herb layer (2 - 53 - 90)
Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex W
aquatilis/sitchensis, C. utriculata
x D

de V

Moss layer (0 - 14 - 80)


ic Dy

Mnium spp.

na o

dy M


ro l

In wetter climates of the Interior, the Ws04 is



replaced by the Ws06.

The Ws04 occurs along open water channels
adjacent to Wf01 and Wm01 units. It also oc-
curs in low sites along sluggish streams
adjacent to the Fl05.
Drummonds willow is well adapted to fluvial sites; twigs and branches have brittle bases that
readily break during flood events.These whips will readily root in mineral soils.

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 131

Ws05 MacCallas willow Beaked sedge

Salix maccalliana Carex utriculata

General Description
MacCallas willow Beaked sedge swamps/fens occur in scat-
tered locations in drier climates of the Central and Sub-Boreal
Interior in basins, hollows, and streamside areas that are shal-
lowly flooded in the early season by slowly flowing waters.
Sites often have complex microtopography with
tall willows rooting on elevated hummocks, and with de-
pressions with standing water.
Tall Salix maccalliana dominates these sites but a diversity
of other shrubs is common. Carex utriculata or C. aquatilis
are usually dominant in the understorey but because of the
pronounced microtopography a diversity of species often
occurs. The moss layer is often moderately developed.
Soils are variable, ranging from deep mesic peat to thin
layers of humic muck. Peat accumulations from 20 to
400 cm with well-humified surface tiers are typical.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - .1 - 2) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (25 - 60 - 85) A B C D E F
Betula nana, Salix glauca, S. maccalliana
Soil Moisture Regime

Herb layer (13 - 54 - 95) VM

Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex aquatilis,
C. utriculata W
Moss layer (0 - 40 - 100)
x D

de V

Aulocomnium palustre, Drepanocladus spp.,


ic Dy

Mnium spp.

na o

dy M

ro l

yd S

Pronounced lateral water flow in Ws05 sites



allow the robust growth of Salix maccalliana

on peaty soils.
Sites occasionally occur on deep deposits of
sedge peat with a humic surface tier, suggest-
ing that these sites have developed on
hydrologically modified fens.
Sites with more active flooding are occupied
by the Ws04.

132 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Sitka willow Sitka sedge Ws06
Salix sitchensis Carex sitchensis

General Description
Sitka willow Sitka sedge swamps are uncommon at low
elevations in the Coast and Mountains, Nass Basin, and wet
subzones of the Southern Interior Mountains and Sub-Boreal
Interior. These sites are usually associated with fluvial systems
or linked basins and experience
prolonged saturation and brief early-season
Salix sitchensis dominates Ws06 sites. The herb
layer is primarily Carex sitchensis and
Equisetum arvense. Other large sedges and
forbs are also common. On some sites, partic-
ularly those under shade, Scirpus microcarpus
replaces C. sitchensis as the site dominant.
The moss layer is poorly developed.
Gleysols derived from fluvial materials are the
most common soil type. On some sites, sedge peat is layered in fluvial

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - .2 - 2) Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (15 - 50 - 90) A B C D E F
Alnus incana, Salix sitchensis
Herb layer (30 - 74 - 99)
Soil Moisture Regime

Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex sitchensis,
C. utriculata, Equisetum arvense, W
Scirpus microcarpus
x D

Moss layer (2 - 8 - 35)

de V

ic Dy

Mnium spp.

na o

dy M


ro l

Adjacent communities are often Wm01 or



Wm02 marshes or low bench flood commu-

nities.This Site Association is similar to the
Ws04 and Ws02; the former occurs in drier
subzones and the latter on more active flood-
plain sites.
Sitka willow is well adapted to fluvial sites; twigs and branches have brittle bases that readily
break during flood events.These whips will readily root in mineral soils.

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 133

Ws07 Spruce Common horsetail Leafy moss

Picea X Equisetum arvense Mnium

General Description
The Spruce Common horsetail Leafy moss Swamp Site As-
sociation is common in the Northen Boreal Mountains and Cen-
tral and Sub-Boreal Interior from low to subalpine elevations.
It occurs on lower and toe slopes and margins of wetlands,
where there is significant flow of mineral-rich
These can be moderately productive sites with
spruce to 25 m tall rooting on elevated mounds.
The shrub layer may be well developed or sparse with
Lonicera involucrata the most prominent species. Equise-
tum arvense is always abundant but a diversity of other
upland and wetland species is common. The moss layer
can be diverse, with leafy mosses (Mnium spp.) and Aula-
comnium palustre usually prominent in depressions and
Pleurozium schreberi and other feathermosses on raised
Soils most often have a thin, dark, well-humified, woody
peat veneer over fine-textured mineral soils but occasionally deeper peat
deposits are encountered.
Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid
Tree layer (10 - 25 - 50)
Picea X Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (25 - 30 - 70) A B C D E F
Alnus incana, Lonicera
Soil Moisture Regime

involucrata, Picea X
Herb layer (6 - 70 - 90)
Equisetum arvense
Moss layer (5 - 70 - 99)
x D

de V

Aulacomnium palustre, Hylocomium


ic Dy

splendens, Mnium spp., Pleurozium
na o

dy M


ro l



Spruce Horsetail units have been described

for many interior biogeoclimatic subzones in
regional field guides (see Appendix 4). Most of these Site Series include sites with freely drained
soils supporting productive forests, as well as stands with wetland soils and poor tree produc-
tivity. Plant community composition does not clearly reflect these separate conditions because
most species are facultative wetland indicators, and pronounced microtopography allows up-
land species to occur on wetland sites.The Ws07 therefore includes wetland and non-wetland
sites.Wetland sites will have poor tree productivity and hydric soils.
A similar site with more stagnant hydrology and greater peat development is the Wb08. Ws08
ecosystems are generally similar to the Ws07 but occur at high elevations and have abundant
subalpine indicators.

134 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Subalpine fir Sitka valerian Common horsetail Ws08

Abies lasiocarpa Valeriana sitchensis Equisetum arvense

General Description
Subalpine fir Sitka valerian Common horsetail swamps are
common at elevations above 1100 m throughout the Interior.
The Ws08 occurs on lower and toe slopes and margins of wet-
lands, where there is significant flow of mineral-rich
The canopy is open and patchy with groups of
interior spruce and subalpine fir separated by
forb-rich openings. The shrub layer may be
well developed or sparse. The herb layer is
generally well developed; an abundance of
Equisetum arvense and subalpine forbs is
typical. Leafy mosses (Mnium spp.) and Aula-
comnium palustre are usually prominent in
depressions and Barbilophozia and feather-
moss species are prominent on raised mounds.
Gleysolic soils have a thin, dark, well-humified, woody peat veneer over
fine-textured mineral soil, but occasionally deeper peat deposits are en-

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (6 - 40 - 80)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Abies lasiocarpa, Picea X
Shrub layer (10 - 40 - 80) A B C D E F
Abies lasiocarpa, Picea X,Vaccinium
Soil Moisture Regime

Herb layer (25 - 70 - 99)
Equisetum arvense, Rubus pedatus,
x D

Senecio triangularis, Streptopus


de V

amplexifolius, Valeriana sitchensis


ic Dy

Moss layer (5 - 70 - 90)
na o

dy M

Aulacomnium palustre, Barbilophozia


ro l

lycopodioides, Brachythecium spp.,


Mnium spp., Pleurozium schreberi



Subalpine fir Horsetail units have been described for many ESSF subzones in regional field
guides (see Appendix 4). Many subzones have two Subalpine fir Horsetail site series described;
one for poor sites and one for rich sites. Rich sites have abundant ferns, only occur at lower ele-
vations of the ESSF, and more closely resemble Spruce Horsetail sites.The Ws08 does not
include these sites.
The Ws08 is the high-elevation equivalent of the Ws07.Tree growth is disproportionately slow
at higher elevations because of cold conditions in wet soils and persistent snowpack.With in-
creasing elevation, open patches with abundant subalpine forbs become larger and trees
become more restricted to elevated sites.

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 135

Ws09 Black spruce Skunk cabbage Peat-moss
Picea mariana Lysichiton americanus Sphagnum

General Description
Black spruce Skunk cabbage Peat-moss poor swamps/bogs
are uncommon in the rainforest climate areas of the Central
Interior (wet SBS and northern ICH), in palustrine basins and
back-levee depressions with high watertables. These sites are
strongly mounded, with conifers on elevated microsites and
standing water in between.
Canopy composition is diverse with Picea mariana, Abies
lasiocarpa, Pinus contorta, and Tsuga heterophylla often all
present. Pronounced microtopography can result in diverse,
well-developed shrub, herb, and moss layers. Lysichiton
americanus is always present in damp hollows and Sphag-
num species dominate the moss layer.
Organic veneers of dark woody humic or mesic peat over
fine-textured lacustrine material are typical. However, peat
depths vary from 20 to 150 cm on different sites. Soils are
Terric Humisols/Mesisols or Humic Gleysols with peaty

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 18 - 35) Soil Nutrient Regime
Abies lasiocarpa, Picea X, P. mariana A B C D E F
Shrub layer (25 - 49 - 70)
Abies lasiocarpa, Alnus incana, Ledum
Soil Moisture Regime

groenlandicum, Picea mariana, Spiraea dou-
glasii,Vaccinium ovalifolium W
Herb layer (6 - 56 - 90)
x D

Athyrium filix-femina, Calamagrostis

de V

ic Dy

canadensis, Carex disperma, Equisetum



arvense, Lysichiton americanus

na o

dy M

Moss layer (2 - 46 - 98)


ro l

Mnium spp., Pleurozium schreberi, Ptilium



crista-castrensis, Sphagnum Group I,


Sphagnum Group II

Ws09 swamps occur in regions where Ws10 and Ws11 swamps also occur; however, this unit
occurs on wetter sites and usually in locations with cold-air ponding.These sites are transition-
al to bogs but have some rich site indicators and have swamp-like soils and tree growth
potential.The Wb08 is the equivalent Site Association of drier climates.
The Ws09 has not been previously described in regional BEC field guides, where it is lumped
with the richer and more productive skunk cabbage forests of the ICH (Ws10) or SBS (Ws11).

136 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Western redcedar Spruce Skunk cabbage Ws10

Thuja plicata Picea X Lysichiton americanus

General Description
Western redcedar Spruce Skunk cabbage swamps are un-
common in ICH zones of the Central Interior and Southern
Interior Mountains. They occur on toe slopes, peatland mar-
gins, and low-lying areas in floodplains.
Canopy composition is typically a
mix of Picea X, Thuja plicata, and
Tsuga heterophylla, with Abies lasio-
carpa occurring in cold-air ponding
sites. Pronounced microtopography can result
in diverse, well-developed shrub, herb, and
moss layers. Lysichiton americanus is always
present in damp hollows, and rich-site indica-
tors such as Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Athyrium
filix-femina, and Equisetum arvense are abun-
dant. Leafy mosses are prominent in a diverse moss layer.
Organic veneers of dark woody humic or mesic peat over fine-textured
lacustrine material are typical. However, peat depths are variable, rang-
ing from 10 to 200 cm. Soils are Gleysols/Humic Gleysols with peaty
humus forms or Terric Humisols/Mesisols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 52 - 99) Soil Nutrient Regime
Abies lasiocarpa, Picea X, Thuja plicata, A B C D E F
Tsuga heterophylla
Shrub layer (5 - 55 - 99)
Soil Moisture Regime

Oplopanax horridus, Thuja plicata, Tsuga
heterophylla, Vaccinium ovalifolium W
Herb layer (6 - 59 - 90)
x D

Athyrium filix-femina, Cornus canadensis,

de V

ic Dy

Equisetum arvense, Gymnocarpium dry-



opteris, Lysichiton americanus, Streptopus

na o

dy M

lanceolatus,Tiarella trifoliata

ro l

Moss layer (5 - 63 - 98) Mnium spp., Pleu-



rozium schreberi, Ptilium crista-castrensis,


Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus,Sphagnum Group II

The Ws10 is the most common forested skunk cabbage Site Association in the Interior. Soils
indicate a wetland environment but plant community composition does not clearly reflect this
because pronounced microtopography allows upland species to occur. Most species in Ws10
sites are facultative wetland indicators.
The Ws10 describes rich, wet skunk cabbage forests of the ICH; similar forests in the SBS are
described by the Ws11.The Ws09 is similar but has more stagnant hydrology, greater peat
development, and few rich-site indicators.
The Ws10 includes several BEC Sites Series (see Appendix 4).

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 137

Ws11 Spruce Subalpine fir Skunk cabbage

Picea X Abies lasiocarpa Lysichiton americanus

General Description
Spruce Subalpine fir Skunk cabbage swamps are uncom-
mon in the wet SBS subzones of the Sub-Boreal Interior on
toe slopes, peatland margins, and low-lying areas in floodplains.
Canopy composition is typically a mix of Picea X and Abies
lasiocarpa. Pronounced microto-
pography can result in diverse,
well-developed shrub, herb, and
moss layers. Lysichiton americanus
is always present in damp hollows, and rich-
site indicators such as Gymnocarpium
dryopteris, Athyrium filix-femina, and Equise-
tum arvense are abundant.
Organic veneers of dark woody humic or
mesic peat over fine-textured lacustrine mat-
erial are typical. However, peat depths are variable from 5 to 80 cm on
different sites. Soils are Gleysols/Humic Gleysols with peaty humus
forms or Terric Humisols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 15 - 25) Soil Nutrient Regime
Abies lasiocarpa, Picea X
Shrub layer (30 - 41 - 60)
Abies lasiocarpa, Alnus incana, Lonicera
Soil Moisture Regime

involucrata, Oplopanax horridus, Picea X,
Spiraea douglasii,Vaccinium ovalifolium W
Herb layer (40 - 59 - 95)
x D

Athyrium filix-femina, Cornus canadensis,

de V

ic Dy

Drypopteris expansa, Equisetum arvense,



Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Lysichiton

na o

dy M

americanus, Streptopus lanceolatus,


ro l

Tiarella trifoliata


Moss layer (2 - 23 - 40)


Brachythecium spp., Mnium spp.,

Sphagnum spp.

The Ws11 is similar to the Ws10 but occurs in climatic areas where redcedar and hemlock are
not present. Soils indicate a wetland environment but plant community composition does not
clearly reflect this because pronounced microtopography allows upland species to occur. Most
species in Ws11 sites are facultative wetland indicators.
The Ws11 describes rich, wet, skunk cabbage forests of the SBS; similar forests in the ICH are
described by the Ws10.The Ws09 is similar but has more stagnant hydrology, greater peat
development, and few rich-site indicators.
The Ws11 includes Site Series SBSvk/10.

138 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Pink spirea Sitka sedge Ws50

Spiraea douglasii Carex sitchensis

General Description
Pink spirea Sitka sedge swamps are common at low eleva-
tions of the Georgia Depression in basins, gullies, and margins
of waterbodies and peatlands. These sites experience pro-
longed saturation and brief early-season flooding.
Species diversity is low in this Site Association.
Spiraea douglasii always dominates Ws50 sites; few other
shrub species occur. The sedge-dominated understorey is
sparse or well developed. Few species other than Carex
sitchensis are common. The moss layer is often minimal
but Aulacomnium palustre or Sphagnum spp. occur with
high abundance on some sites.
Humisols and Gleysols are the most common soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation
Tree layer (0 - 0 - 2)
Shrub layer (15 - 70 - 99)
Spiraea douglasii
Herb layer (2 - 35 - 85)
Carex sitchensis
Moss layer (0 - 34 - 90)
Aulacomnium palustre, Sphagnum Group I

Comments Wetland Edatopic Grid

The Ws50 Site Association is common as a Soil Nutrient Regime
component of many peatlands along the A B C D E F
southern Coast. It can be the dominant Site
Association in small basins or surrounding
Soil Moisture Regime

Wm50 marshes. S. douglasii increases with
disturbance and many spirea thickets actual- W
ly represent disturbance communities that
x D

have developed after hydrological change.

de V

ic Dy

Understoreys in these successional communi-



ties vary from completely absent to bog-like.

na o

dy M

Shrub thickets dominated by Myrica gale

ro l

with sedge are common in the region where



the Ws50 occurs.These communities are usu-

ally on peat and are described by the Wf52
Site Association.

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 139

Ws51 Sitka willow Pacific willow Skunk cabbage

Salix sitchensis Salix lucida Lysichiton americanus

General Description
Sitka willow Pacific willow Skunk cabbage swamps occur
sporadically at low elevations throughout the Coast and Moun-
tains, Georgia Depression, and coastal transition areas of the
Interior at peatland margins and in floodplain depressions.
Salix sitchensis and S. lucida often co-dominate a
closed canopy of tall shrubs and low trees. The understorey
is lush and dominated by Lysichiton americanus and
Athyrium filix-femina. Wetter microsites have Scirpus
microcarpus, Oenanthe sarmentosa, and Equisetum spp.
The moss layer is typically sparse.
Soils are mostly Gleysols with dark peat veneers. In palus-
trine locations, deeper humic organic deposits are

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree Layer (0 - 10 - 85) Soil Nutrient Regime
Alnus rubra, Salix lucida, S. sitchensis A B C D E F
Shrub layer (3 - 65 - 99)
Soil Moisture Regime

Cormus stolonifera, Lonicera involucrata, VM

Rubus spectabilis, Salix lucida, S. sitchensis,
Spiraea douglasii W
Herb Layer (30 - 60 - 99)
x D

de V

Athyrium filix-femina, Equisetum arvense,


ic Dy

Lysichiton americanus, Oenanthe sarmen-



tosa, Scirpus microcarpus

na o

dy M

Moss Layer (0 - 7 - 50)


ro l

yd S

Mnium spp.


Ws51 swamps often occur between flood-
plain forests and marshes or shallow-water
habitats in flood-scar depressions of larger
Sites are flooded and saturated longer than in
the related Ws52

140 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Red alder Skunk cabbage Ws52

Alnus rubra Lysichiton americanus

General Description
Red alder Skunk cabbage swamps are uncommon in the
Georgia Depression and the Coast Mountains at low eleva-
tions in small creek draws, floodplain depressions, and
peatland margins.
Alnus rubra dominates the canopy. Tall Salix
lucida, S. sitchensis, and Thuja plicata are common but of
low cover. Rubus spectabilis is usually abundant, and some
sites also have abundant Ribes bracteosum or Cornus
stolonifera. Lysichiton americanus and Athyrium filix-
femina are prominent in the herb layer; however, some
sites have a dominance of Carex obnupta. The moss layer
is usually poorly developed because of high litterfall and
Humisols or Gleysols with peaty humus forms are most

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree Layer (0 - .2 - 2)
Acer macrophyllum, Alnus rubra, Soil Nutrient Regime
Thuja plicata A B C D E F
Shrub Layer (15 - 50 - 90)
Soil Moisture Regime

Alnus rubra, Cornus stolonifera, Ribes
bracteosum, Rubus spectabilis, Salix lucida,
S. sitchensis, Sambucus racemosa
Herb Layer (30 - 74 - 99)
x D

de V

Athyrium filix-femina, Carex obnupta,


ic Dy

Lysichiton americanus, Maianthemum
na o

dy M

dilatatum, Tiarella trifoliata, Polystichum


ro l


Moss Layer (2 - 8 - 35)



Eurynchium praelongum, Mnium spp.

Alnus rubra is a seral species in coastal environments and is also tolerant of lengthy flooding.
Cleared Ws53 and Ws54 forests often regenerate to red alder. In these cases, red alder skunk
cabbage forests represent a community successional to conifer forest. Ws52 sites have high
watertables and lack elevated microsites that would allow them to succeed to conifer-forested
skunk cabbage swamps.

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 141

Ws53 Western redcedar Sword fern Skunk cabbage

Thuja plicata Polystichum munitum Lysichiton americanus

General Description
Western redcedar Sword fern Skunk cabbage swamps are
uncommon in the Georgia Depression. They occur in receiv-
ing sites in topographic depressions, toe slopes, and peatland
margins in areas where wet conditions are maintained in hol-
lows, but better-drained sites exist on raised mounds.
Thuja plicata dominates the open canopy with
Tsuga heterophylla, Acer macrophyllum, and
Picea sitchensis. Alnus rubra is also common
in natural openings and where clearing has
occurred. The shrub layer is moderately devel-
oped: Oemleria cerasiformis, Rubus spectabilis,
and Sambus racemosa are the most common
species. Lysichiton americanus is very promi-
nent in the herb layer along with other
rich-site indicators.
Gleysol and Humisols are common soil types. Most sites have at least a
veneer of dark, woody peat.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (30 - 70 - 95) Soil Nutrient Regime
Acer macrophyllum, Alnus rubra, Picea A B C D E F
sitchensis, Thuja plicata, Tsuga heterophylla
Shrub layer (10 - 52 - 99)
Soil Moisture Regime

Oemleria cerasiformis, Rhamnus purshiana,
Rubus spectabilis, Sambucus racemosa W
Herb layer (5 - 61 - 95)
x D

Athyrium filix-femina, Dryopteris expansa,

de V

ic Dy

Equisetum telmatiea, Lysichiton ameri-



canus, Maianthemum dilatatum,

na o

dy M

Polystichum munitum, Stachys chamissonis,


ro l

Tiarella trifoliata


Moss layer (0 - 38 - 80)


Eurhynchium praelongum,Leucolepis
acanthoneuron, Mnium spp.

The Ws53 supports moderately productive forest. Soils indicate a wetland environment but
plant community composition does not clearly reflect this because pronounced microtopo-
graphy allows upland species to occur. Most species in Ws53 sites are facultative wetland
The Ws53 describes rich, wet skunk cabbage forests of the CDF and very dry CWH; similar site
conditions in the rest of the CWH are described by the Ws54.
The Ws53 includes site series CDFmm/11 and CWHxm/12.

142 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Western redcedar Western hemlock Skunk cabbage Ws54

Thuja plicata Tsuga heterophylla Lysichiton americanus

General Description
Western redcedar Western hemlock Skunk cabbage
swamps are common in the Coast and Mountains at low
elevations. They occur in low-lying areas on floodplains and
receiving sites at toe slopes and wetland margins. These sites
are strongly mounded, with conifers on elevated microsites.
The canopy is open and consists
primarily of Thuja plicata and Tsuga
heterophylla. Shrubs root mainly on
mounds: Gaultheria shallon, Rubus spectabilis,
and Vaccinium species are prominent. Lysichi-
ton americanus is always present in damp
hollows, accompanied by a diversity of rich-
site indicators.
Organic veneers of dark, woody humic or
mesic peat over fine-textured lacustrine material are typical. However,
peat depths are variable, ranging from 0 to 130 cm. Terric Humisols/
Mesisols or Humic Gleysols with peaty humus forms are the most com-
mon soil types, but gleyed Podzols also occur.
Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid
Tree layer (0 - 51 - 100) Abies amabilis, Soil Nutrient Regime
Picea sitchensis, Thuja plicata, Tsuga A B C D E F
Soil Moisture Regime

Shrub layer (4 - 55 - 99) VM

Gaultheria shallon, Menziesia ferruginea,
Rubus spectabilis,Thuja plicata, Tsuga W
heterophylla, Vaccinium alaskaense,
x D

de V

V. ovalifolium, V. parvifolium

ic Dy

Herb layer (5 - 59 - 99)



Athyrium filix-femina, Blechnum spicant,

na o

dy M

Cornus canadensis, Lysichiton americanus,


ro l

Rubus pedatus,Tiarella trifoliata



Moss layer (5 - 63 - 98)


Hylocomium splendens, Mnium spp.,

Pellia neesiana, Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Sphagnum Group II

The Ws54 supports poor to moderately productive forest. Soils indicate a wetland environment
but plant community composition does not clearly reflect this because pronounced microtopo-
graphy allows upland species to occur.Most species in Ws54 sites are facultative wetland indica-
tors.On degrading floodplain sites,forests are dominated by Sitka spruce (see additional units).
The Ws54 describes rich, wet skunk cabbage forests of the CWH; similar forests in the CDF and
very dry CWH are described by the Ws53. At higher elevations in the MH, forested skunk cab-
bage ecosystems are described by the Ws55.
The Ws54 includes numerous BEC Site Series (see Appendix 4).

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 143

Ws55 Yellow-cedar Mountain hemlock Skunk cabbage

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Tsuga mertensiana Lysichiton americanus

General Description
Yellow-cedar Mountain hemlock Skunk cabbage swamps
are common at high elevations in the Coast and Mountains.
They occur on toe slopes or depressions with permanent seep-
age and impeded drainage.
The diverse canopy is open and consists of (in
descending order of abundance) Chamaecyparis nootkaten-
sis, Tsuga mertensiana, T. heterophylla, and Abies amabilis.
The shrub layer is commonly dense with a mix of tree
species, Vaccinium spp., Menziesia ferruginea, and Elliottia
pyroliflorus. Lysichiton americanus is always present in
damp hollows, often with abundant Fauria crista-galli.
Other herbs common on wet sites frequently occur. The
moss layer is a well developed mix of upland and wetland
Organic veneers of dark, woody humic or mesic peat are
typical. However, peat depths are variable, ranging from
10 to 60 cm. Common soil types include Terric Humisols/
Mesisols or Gleysols with peaty humus forms.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (5 - 38 - 80) Soil Nutrient Regime
Abies amabilis, Chamaecyparis nootkaten- A B C D E F
sis, Tsuga heterophylla, T. mertensiana
Shrub layer (5 - 57 - 95)
Soil Moisture Regime

A. amabilis, C. nootkatensis, Elliottia pyro-
liflorus, Menziesia ferruginea, Rubus W
spectabilis, T. heterophylla, Vaccinium
x D

alaskaense, V. ovalifolium
de V

ic Dy

Herb layer (12 - 62 - 95)



Blechnum spicant, Coptis asplenifolia,

na o

dy M

Fauria crista-galli, Lysichiton americanus,


ro l

Veratrum viride


Moss layer (10 - 73 - 95)


Hylocomium splendens, Mnium spp.,

Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Sphagnum Group II

The Ws55 supports only poor-productivity forest.Soils indicate a wetland environment but plant
community composition does not clearly reflect this because pronounced microtopography
allows upland species to occur.Most species in Ws55 sites are facultative wetland indicators.
The Ws55 describes wet skunk cabbage forests of the MH; similar forests at lower elevations in
the CWH are described by the Ws54.
The Ws55 includes BEC Site Series MHmm1/09, MHmm2/09, MHwh1/09, and MHwh2/09.

144 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Additional Swamp Site Associations

Willow Sedge
Salix spp. Carex spp.
Several of the most common Willow Sedge ecosystems in British Co-
lumbia are given full descriptions in this chapter. However, communities
dominated by other willow species have been observed in various locali-
ties. Some other types observed include those dominated by Salix lucida,
S. prolixa, S. glauca, S. planifolia, S. bebbiana, or S. commutata.
The reasons for dominance by these other willow species may be the
result of several factors:
climatic influences (e.g., S. commutata at high elevations, S. planifolia
and S. glauca in cold climates);
special site conditions (e.g., S. lucida and S. prolixa where there is
abundant lateral groundwater flow);
willow persistence after hydrological changes (e.g., S. bebbiana); or
stochastic willow establishment.
Additional sampling may formalize these communities as distinct Site
Sitka spruce Skunk cabbage
Picea sitchensis Lysichiton americanus
Sitka spruce Skunk cabbage forests are common in the northern CWH
near the edge of the range of western redcedar and uncommon else-
where along the Coast. They occur on inactive floodplains where
drainage is poor and the watertable remains high because of imperme-
able horizons within the soil profile. However, significant subirrigation
and mounded microtophography allow high growth rates of Sitka spruce.
The plant community is similar in composition to the Ws54 except that
the canopy has little western redcedar and the trees are much larger.
Red alder may also occur in the canopy openings. Lysichiton americanus,
Rubus spectabilis, Vaccinium spp., Oplopanax horridus, and Athyrium
filix-femina are the most common understorey species. In contrast to
Ws54 stands, these sites have low cover of Gaultheria shallon, Menziesia
ferruginea, and Blechnum spicant.
Sitka spruce Skunk cabbage stands are more productive than the Ws54
swamps that occur more commonly along the Coast. They initiate on
active floodplains (high-bench sites) that subsequently become less ac-
tive and wetter from the formation of restricting layers (duric, placic,
ortstein, or clay horizons). Harvesting of Sitka spruce Skunk cabbage
will lead to the site becoming wetter still and sites will likely regenerate
as Ws54 in southern areas.

Chapter 5.4 Swamps 145


1 Equisetum arvense, common horsetail 2 Fauria crista-galli, deer-cabbage 3 Mnium sp., leafy moss

146 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification


1 Water shield mixed with yellow pond-lily in a flooded bog near Parksville, Vancouver Island (CWHxm)
2 A yellow pond-lily community in a lake bay near Meziadin Junction (ICHvc) 3 An alkali pond with Stuckenia
pectinata at Lac du Bois grasslands near Kamloops (IDFxh2a)

Chapter 5.5 Shallow-waters 147


Shallow-waters are aquatic wetlands permanently flooded by still or slow-
moving water and dominated by rooted submerged and floating-leaved
aquatic plants.
General Description
Shallow-waters are dominated by rooted floating-leaved and submerged
aquatic plant species and have less than 10% emergent cover. Like
marshes, shallow-waters are often simple communities dominated by
one to several species.
Aquatic environments require adaptations in plants. Anaerobic sedi-
ments, light limitations, low carbon dioxide availability, and water
currents require specialized structures and metabolic processes.
However, in general, these habitats have benign site conditions and are
relatively uniform over large climatic regions. Many aquatic plant species
in British Columbia occur widely throughout North America.
Aquatics typically lack rigid structural components because these are
unnecessary for support. Ribbon-like or highly dissected leaves are com-
mon in submerged aquatics because they facilitate light penetration and
diffusion of dissolved gases. In addition, this leaf arrangement offers
little resistance to potentially damaging water movements. Thin leaf cu-
ticles facilitate uptake of dissolved gases but this also make species very
susceptible to desiccation. Floating-leaved aquatics often have spongy
tissue with well-developed air-filled chambers. These aerhynchema
help transport gases between roots and leaves. Leaves are almost always
ovoid and entire to facilitate floating. Pressurized ventilation, a process
that moves air from young leaves to roots and back to the atmosphere
through older leaves, occurs in many floating-leaved species.
Rooted aquatics acquire most of their nutrients from sediments.
However, rootless species such as Utricularia spp. and Ceratophyllum spp.
absorb nutrients directly from the water.
Carbon dioxide diffuses slowly in water and can be limiting for submerged
aquatics. Particularly in non-acidic waters, carbon dioxide is converted
to bicarbonate. Some species, such as Chara spp., Schoenoplectus subter-
minalis, Elodea canadensis, and Potamogeton spp., are capable of using

148 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

bicarbonate for photosynthesis and often become dominant in stagnant
waters where carbon dioxide concentrations are very low.
Landscape Position and Distribution
Shallow-water ecosystems are always associated with still or slow-mov-
ing waterbodies. These sites are widespread and common throughout
the province in all climatic regimes. The most common shallow-water
habitats occur in the littoral zone of lakes, particularly in protected wa-
ters where fine sediments collect, and in potholes. Less commonly,
shallow-water ecosystems occur in small peatland ponds, peat degrad-
ation hollows, and very sluggish streams.
Hydrology and Soils
Shallow-water wetlands are affected by factors not well described by the
modified edatopic grid. Factors that affect the distribution of aquatic
plant species include water chemistry (acidity and salinity gradients),
substrate quality, water depth, turbidity, and waterflow.
The single most important factor limiting the occurrence of aquatic
plants is lack of light. Light levels diminish with increased water depth
and turbidity. Turbidity of still waters is largely related to nutrient status
of water (Table 5.5.1). The depth to which rooted aquatics occur largely
depends on the clarity of the water and can reach as much as 5 m of water
where water is very clear. In highly turbid water, light penetration can be
limited to several centimetres and only floating-leaved species can occur.
Aquatic substrates are generally classified as non-soil because they are
permanently flooded at depths greater than 60 cm and do not undergo
profile development (Agriculture Canada Expert Committee on Soil

.. Characteristics of water with different nutrient status (Ellenberg 1986 in Klinka unpublished)

N and mineral
Nutrient Status Water colour Clarity pH availability
Dystrophic Yellowish Very turbid <4.5 Very low
deep brown
Oligotrophic Greenish Clear 4.57 Low
Ca-poor brownish
Oligotrophic Blue Very clear >7 Medium
Ca-rich greenish
Eutrophic Greenish Turbid >7 HighVery
brownish high

Chapter 5.5 Shallow-waters 149

Survey 1987). Substrates can be sands, silts, clays, muck (a mix of silt,
clay, and organic matter), degraded peat sediments, marl, or limnic
sediments (gyttja or loonshit).
Conservation Issues
Shallow-water wetlands are among the most important habitats for
wildlife and fish. The plants that grow in shallow water are often highly
palatable, in part because they lack tough, indigestible structural materi-
al. Permanent water and abundant structure encourage use by aquatic
macroinvertebrates. Excellent cover and high prey densities attract juve-
nile and adult fish. Yellow pond-lily is an important forage for Beaver,
Muskrat, and Moose.
Nutrient loading is potentially one of the biggest impacts on shallow-
water ecosystems. High nutrient levels cause blooms of phytoplankton
and other algae that reduce water clarity, light penetration, and available
oxygen. Many aquatic macrophytes do not tolerate turbid water and will
decline. In addition, species that are capable of fast growth under nutri-
ent-loaded conditions, such as Myriophyllum spp., will choke out other
Sedimentation can affect plant communities by increasing turbidity and
decreasing light penetration.
Shallow-water Ecosystem Types
Shallow-water wetland plant communities have not been well sampled
in British Columbia. The descriptions below are based on local classifica-
tions, descriptive accounts, and observations. While these summaries
provide a scope for discussion and future work, the units presented here
should be viewed as preliminary only.

Yellow pond-lily ecosystems are widespread throughout British Colum-

bia. They occur in a wide variety of aquatic sites from deep (5 m), clear
lakes with gravel substrates to shallow, acidic peat-degradation pools in
coastal bogs. Several types have been previously described for British
Yellow pond-lily - Bladderwort
Nuphar lutea Utricularia macrorhiza
This community is widespread on the Coast and in the Interior. It occurs
in dystrophic and oligotrophic waters 20200 cm deep on gyttja and peat

150 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

sediments. Sites are relatively species-poor. Nuphar lutea forms an open
canopy, with Utricularia macrorhiza and Chara spp. common in the un-
derstorey. These communities persist during basin infilling and small
patches can be found in bogs.
Yellow pond-lily Water clubrush
Nuphar lutea Schoenoplectus subterminalis
This community is widespread in the Georgia Depression in dystrophic
and oligotrophic lakes on gyttja and peat sediments. Schoenoplectus sub-
terminalis co-dominates with N. lutea. Utricularia macrorhiza, Najas
flexilis, Sparganium natans, and Potamogeton pusillus commonly occur.
This community typically occurs in the shallowest shallow-water loca-
tions adjacent to bogs or fens. (Described by Ceska 1978.)
Yellow pond-lily Robbins pondweed
Nuphar lutea Potamogeton robbinsii
This community occurs in the Georgia Depression in 30120 cm of water
on wave-washed shores with gravel bottoms. Vegetation cover is typical-
ly low (< 30%). N. lutea forms an open canopy, with Isoetes echinospora,
Chara spp., Utricularia macrorhiza, and Najas flexilis in the understorey.
(Described by Ceska 1978.)
Yellow pond-lily Richardsons pondweed
Nuphar lutea Potamogeton richardsonii
This community is described by Revel (1972) for the Sub-Boreal Interior.
It occurs on mineral sediments with some water movement. N. lutea
forms a dense canopy with scattered Potamogeton natans and Polygonum
amphibium. Potamogeton richardsonii dominates the understorey; scat-
tered Myriophyllum spicatum also occurs.

Common pondweed Potamogeton natans

Common pondweed communities are widespread in the Interior and
the Georgia Depression. They occur in quiet waters on peat sediment in
oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes. They often occur in deeper waters
adjacent to yellow pond-lily communities.
Potamogeton natans forms a dense canopy. The understorey is frequently
sparse; Utricularia spp. and Myriophyllum spp. commonly occur.

Chapter 5.5 Shallow-waters 151

Large-leaved pondweed Potamogeton amplifolius
Large-leaved pondweed occurs in the Georgia Depression, Southern In-
terior, and Southern Interior Mountains. It occurs in similar conditions
to common pondweed but at greater water depths. Light conditions are
very limited because of water depth and dense submerged foliage of P.
amplifolius; therefore, few other species occur. (Described by Ceska 1978.)
Long-stalked pondweed Potamogeton praelongus
Long-stalked pondweed occurs throughout the Coast and Interior in
deep waters (2.54 m) with sandy bottoms. P. praelongus dominates and
few other species occur. (Described by Ceska 1978.)
Fennel-leaved pondweed Widgeon-grass
Stuckenia pectinata Ruppia maritima
Fennel-leaved pondweed Widgeon-grass communities occur in saline
and alkaline waters of the Central Interior, Southern Interior, and
Southern Interior Mountains. Substrates are mineral materials and water
depths are 0.52.5 m in depth.
Ruppia maritima and Stuckenia pectinata both commonly occur in
weakly to moderately saline conditions. However, R. maritima is more
tolerant of high salinity and will dominate where salinity is above
30 parts per thousand (normal salinity of sea water).
Both R. maritima and S. pectinata have very high forage values for water-

Water shield Bladderwort

Brasenia schreberi Utricularia spp.
Water shield ecosystems are common in the Georgia Depression and
southwestern Vancouver Island. Conditions are similar to yellow pond-
lily sites but water shield usually occurs in deeper waters. Sites are in
waters 12.5 m in depth with gyttja or peat substrates. Common loca-
tions are on the windward site of peatland lakes where sediments and
winterbuds accumulate.
A dense canopy of Brasenia schreberi is common. Nuphar lutea can occur
on some sites, especially in shallower locations. Submerged aquatics in-
clude Utricularia gibba, Utricularia macrorhiza, and Ceratophyllum
demersum. (Described by Ceska 1978.)

152 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Water smartweed Polygonum amphibium
These communties occur in larger lakes in 0.5 1.5 m deep water on
sandy substrates where currents limit accumulation of organic matter
and fines. Polygonum amphibium can form a dense floating cover with
scattered Potamogeton natans. Submerged species such as Myriophyllum
spicatum and Potamogeton foliosus are common. Sites are nitrogen-poor.
(Described by Revel 1972.)
Water lobelia Bristle-like quillwort
Lobelia dortmanna Isoetes echinospora
Water lobelia Bristle-like quillwort communities occur in the Georgia
Depression and Queen Charlotte Islands in shallow (2070 cm), olig-
otrophic waters on sandy- or gyttja-bottomed flats.
Vegetation cover is often low (< 30%). Lobelia dortmanna is the
dominant species but Isoetes echinospora, Potamogeton gramineus,
Ranunculus flammula, and Subularia aquatica are also common.
(Described by Ceska 1978.)
Muskgrass Chara spp.
Muskgrass is a macroalga that occurs in stagnant, alkali waters that have
not been over-fertilized or polluted. Chara spp. are efficient at using bi-
carbonate for photosynthesis and this precipitates large quantities of
calcium carbonate (marl).
Waterfowl use muskgrass communities extensively. Chara spp. are valu-
able forage that does not die back in winter and they harbour abundant
Wavy water-nymph Robbins pondweed
Najas flexilis Potamogeton robbinsii
Wavy water-nymph Robbins pondweed occurs in the Georgia Depres-
sion, Southern Interior, and Southern Interior Mountains in clear, fresh
to brackish waters, 50150 cm in depth. Najas flexilis dominates and
often has very high cover. Ceskas (1978) characterization of coastal
water-nymph communities includes a high presence of P. robbinsii,
P. pusillus, and Utricularia macrorhiza.
N. flexilis is an important waterfowl forage species. All parts of the plant
are consumed.

Chapter 5.5 Shallow-waters 153

White water-buttercup Ranunculus aquatilis
White water-buttercup occurs throughout the province in mesotrophic
to eutrophic waters on firm to soft mineral substrates and often where
there is some current. Water depths can be shallow to moderately deep
(1.5 m).
Narrow-leaved bur-reed Sparganium angustifolium
Narrow-leaved bur-reed occurs throughout the province in small ponds
and protected embayments. It prefers cold waters 20100 cm in depth
with soft mucky bottoms and non-acid waters.
Fruits are eaten by ducks and all parts are grazed by deer and Muskrat.

1 Nuphar lutea, yellow pond-lily 2 Utricularia macrorhiza, greater bladderwort

154 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification


1 Khutzeymateen Estuary, northern Coast and Mountains (CWHvm1) 2 Complex of Lyngbyes sedge and
Arctic rush communities on the Bella Coola estuary (CWHms2) 3 Gilttoyees Estuary, near Kitimat, Coast and
Mountains (CWHvh2)

Chapter 5.6 Estuarine associations 155


An estuarine ecosystem is an intertidal community, occurring at the conflu-
ence of a freshwater source and the marine environment, and is regularly
flooded by brackish tidal waters.
General Description
Table 5.6.2 lists species common in Estuarine Site Associations described
in this guide. Estuarine Site Associations are characterized by an abun-
dance of species tolerant of repeated (diurnal) flooding and brackish
water. Species at the marine edge have specialized morphology to toler-
ate the desiccating effect of salt water. Succulents and other halophytes
with salt-excreting organs are common. Species at the freshwater inter-
face are more typical of wetland habitats but still must be tolerant of at
least occasional brackish conditions. In addition, species occurring close
to the river course must be tolerant of high sedimentation rates.
Low-elevation coastal climates are more equable than interior and high-
elevation climates, yet climate still plays a role in estuarine development.
Estuaries of the Georgia Depression have California species missing
from estuaries of the Coast and Mountains ecoregion.
Landscape Position and Distribution
Estuaries form at the confluence of streams and rivers with the open
ocean. The degree of estuarine development depends largely on the size
of the river and its sediment load. Larger systems with high sediment
loads tend to have extensive estuarine habitat development and diversity.
Smaller streams can have substantial estuaries if they are glacier-fed but
those systems fed by lakes or peatlands generally have very limited estu-
arine ecosystem development.
Hydrology and Soils
Tidal flooding is a characteristic feature of estuarine ecosystems. The
lowest vegetated communities (marshes) are flooded and exposed twice
daily with each tide. Flood duration is usually several hours per tide
cycle. Higher communities are less regularly flooded and flood duration
is generally more brief when it does occur (meadows).
Soil development is very limited in most estuarine marsh communities.
Continual erosion and sedimentation keep soils juvenile. Cumulic

156 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Regosols in communities along Salinity
Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
the river course are typical.
Buried vegetation layered be-


Wetland Marshes
Estuarine Meadows
tween annual spring flood
deposits is a common soil feature.

Tidal Zone
Meadows can have some soil de-

velopment and shallow peat has Estuarine Marshes

been observed on some sites.

Estuarine ecosystems have similar

Tidal Flats
characteristics to wetland ecosys-
tems with the additional
influences of diurnal fluctuations
.. Distribution of ecosystem
in watertable and variable salinity classes of estuaries by
(Figure 5.6.1). The gradient of elevation and salinity.
most importance is the degree of
tidal flooding, which is closely related to height above the mean tide
level. Ecosystems that occur at the lowest level are flooded with every
tide (except neap tides) while the highest may experience only occasional
flooding during the highest high tides.
The degree of fresh water influence affects species distribution within an
estuary independent of other factors. Particularly where high volumes of
freshwater flow into estuarine environments, communities change along
a gradient from where freshwater influences predominate (usually with-
in the tidal reaches of the river) to where freshwater inputs are minimal.
Conservation Issues
Estuaries provide critical habitat for many wildlife species but comprise
much less than 1% of the coastal landscape. These ecosystems have very
high values for waterfowl and shorebirds, which use estuaries to main-
tain fat stores during migration to the nesting grounds. In addition,
estuarine ecosystems are critical for coastal bear populations, providing
early-season and mid-season forage, and cover while fishing during the
salmon run.
Estuaries are critically important fish habitat. Freshwater inputs of
nutrients and organic debris into the marine environment fuel highly
productive ecosystems. Many saltwater, freshwater, and anadromous fish
will selectively use estuaries during some portion of their lifecycle, par-
ticularly for juvenile rearing.

Chapter 5.6 Estuarine associations 157

However, river mouths and estuaries are often the only practical access
points to resources located farther up the watershed and are a conven-
ient location for log booms and camps. Most Estuarine Site Associations
are adapted to disturbance and will, therefore, recover from most
human-caused physical disturbance except infilling. Damming of the
parent river has profound impacts on estuarine ecosystems. Even with-
out changes in water regime, reservoirs settle out fluvial sediments that
feed and maintain estuaries. The result is a major
reduction in extent of estuarine ecosystems.

Deschampsia cespitosa,
tufted hairgrass

158 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

.. Distribution of Estuarine Site Associations by biogeoclimatic zone
Em01 Widgeon-grass xx xx
Em02 Glasswort Sea-milkwort xx xsq
Em03 Seashore saltgrass xx
Em04 Seaside plantain Dwarf alkaligrass xx
Em05 Lyngbyes sedge xx xxx
Em06 Lyngbyes sedge Douglas water-hemlock xx
Ed01 Tufted hairgrass Meadow barley xx xxx

Chapter 5.6 Estuarine associations

Ed02 Tufted hairgrass Douglas aster x xx
Ed03 Arctic rush Alaska plantain xx xs

x = incidental; < 5% of estuarine xx = minor; 525% of estuarine xxx = major; >25% of estuarine
s = southern subzones only q = Queen Charlotte Islands

.. Estuarine Species Importance Table

Species Em01 Em02 Em03 Em04 Em05

Herbs Ruppia maritima xyzzzz
Eleocharis palustris xyz xyz
Lilaeopsis occidentalis xyz xy
Glaux maritima xyzzz xyzz xyzzz x
Salicornia virginica xyzzzz xyzz
Distichlis spicata var. spicata xy xyzzzz
Spergularia canadensis xy xy xy
Atriplex patula xyz x
Plantago maritima xyzzz
Puccinellia pumila xyzzz
Agrostis stolonifera xy
Carex lyngbyei xyz xy xyzzzz
Potentilla egedii xy xyz
Deschampsia cespitosa x xy
Triglochin maritima xy xy
Juncus arcticus x
Plantago macrocarpa
Hordeum brachyantherum
Angelica lucida
Agrostis exarata x
Cicuta douglasii
Aster subspicatus
Conioselinum gmelinii
Festuca rubra
Lathyrus palustris
Ranunculus orthorhynchus
Sium suave
Lupinus nootkatensis
Achillea millefolium x
Trifolium wormskioldii
Poa trivialis x

160 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Em06 Ed01 Ed02 Ed03 Common Name
xyz x x common spike-rush
x western lilaeopsis
xy x x sea-milkwort
American glasswort
seashore saltgrass
Canadian sandspurry
x common orache
xy x sea plantain
dwarf alkaligrass
x creeping bentgrass
xyzzzz xyzz xyzz xy Lyngbyes sedge
xyzz xyzz xyzzz xyzzz coast silverweed
xyzz xyzzzz xyzzzz xy tufted hairgrass
xyz xyz xyz xyz seaside arrow-grass
xyz xy x xyzzzz arctic rush
xy xy xyzz xyzz Alaska plantain
xyz xyz xyzz x meadow barley
xyzz x xy xy seacoast angelica
xy xy xy xy spike bentgrass
xyzz x x Douglas water-hemlock
xyzz xyzzz xyzzz Douglas aster
xy x xyz x Pacific hemlock-parsley
xy xy xy xy red fescue
xyz x xy marsh peavine
xyz xy x straight-beaked buttercup
xyz x x hemlock water-parsnip
xy x x Nootka lupine
x xyzz xy yarrow
x xy xy springbank clover
xy rough bluegrass

Chapter 5.6 Estuarine associations 161

Em01 Widgeon-grass

Ruppia maritima

General Description
The Widgeon-grass Site Association is common throughout
coastal British Columbia. It occurs in brackish, mud-bottomed
pools, lagoons, backwater sloughs, drainage channels, and
mudflats that dissect lower portions of estuarine marshes. Tidal
inundation is usually prolonged; locations in pools may be
permanently flooded. Sites are often small in extent but
occasionally can also occur over large areas of tidal flats
where sedimentation rates are low.
This species-poor community usually consists of pure
stands of Ruppia maritima; however, a scattering of other
species is possible.
Soils are silty Rego-Gleysols. Flooding can be permanent
or prolonged during each tidal cycle. Ruppia maritima
prefers water depths of approximately 0.5 m but occurs
to depths of 4 m.

Characteristic Vegetation Estuarine Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Salinity
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
Herb layer (10 - 30 - 70)

Carex lyngbyei, Eleocharis palustris, Lilaeopsis

occidentalis, Ruppia maritima
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Tidal Zone

Extensive widgeon-grass communities are
found on tidal flats with muddy substrates
(protected bays with low wave power or cur-

rents). Since Ruppia maritima is tolerant of

eusaline conditions, these flats can occur out-
side the influence of estuaries.The Em01 can
be found in conjunction with any estuarine
meadow or marsh ecosystem, in depressions or
pools, but it is most commonly below the limit
of emergent vascular plants in the middle in-
Ruppia maritima also occurs in saline ponds
of the Interior (see section 5.8).

162 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Glasswort Sea-milkwort Em02

Salicornia virginiana Glaux maritima

General Description
Glasswort Sea-milkwort stands are found in the Georgia De-
pression and outer coastal areas on sandy or pebbly deposits
at the lowest edge of intertidal vegetation. These sites experience daily and
prolonged flooding by strongly brackish water.
Species diversity is low; typically only Salicor-
nia virginica and Glaux maritima are found in
abundance. Small patches of Distichlis spicata
or Ruppia maritima may occur. Plant cover
can be continuous or open.
Soils are often fine textured but with a pebbly
or gravelly layer that provides better drainage.

Characteristic Vegetation Estuarine Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Salinity
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
Herb layer (15 - 50 - 80)

Distichlis spicata, Glaux maritima,

Salicornia virginica
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Tidal Zone

The Em02 is tolerant of eusaline conditions and
may be found outside of estuary influence in
protected embayments with low wave power. It

is often found adjacent to the Em03, which oc-

curs on more poorly drained materials, or the
Em01, which tolerates more prolonged flood-
ing and continuous soil saturation.

Chapter 5.6 Estuarine associations 163

Em03 Seashore saltgrass
Distichlis spicata var. spicata

General Description
Seashore saltgrass sites are found mainly in estuaries of the
Georgia Depression but also on southwest Vancouver Island.
They occur at the lower limit of estuary vegetation on fine-
textured, poorly drained sediments that are flooded for prolonged
periods by weakly to strongly brackish water.
Species diversity is low. Seashore saltgrass is
dominant but there can be significant cover of
other low marsh species such as Glaux mariti-
ma or Salicornia virginica. Widgeon-grass
pools and a scattering of other species some-
times occur.
Soils are fine textured and poorly drained.

Characteristic Vegetation Estuarine Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Salinity
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
Herb layer (30 - 70 - 99)

Atriplex patula, Distichlis spicata var. spicata,

Glaux maritima, Salicornia virginica
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Tidal Zone

The Em03 is closely related to the Em02 and
these two communities are often found in com-
plex. Hydrology of these two Site Associations is

similar but the Em03 occurs on fine-textured

material that does not drain when the tide is
out. A gravelly or pebbly layer in the Em02 al-
lows for better drainage.

164 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Seaside plantain Dwarf alkaligrass Em04

Plantago maritima Puccinellia pumila

General Description
The Seaside plantain Dwarf alkaligrass Site Association
occurs mainly in the estuaries of the northern Coast and
Mountains and protected shores on pebbly or gravelly flats in the middle
and upper intertidal. These sites are protected from wave action and
often have little freshwater influence. Tidal flooding and exposure occur
with most tides. Suitable habitats occur in
protected embayments where there is no accu-
mulation of fine-textured sediment; however,
such sites appear to be infrequent.
Species diversity is low. Em04 sites are often
small in extent and consist of a scattered cover
of Plantago maritima, Puccinellia pumila,
Glaux maritima, and the seaweed, Fucus spp.
The substrate is typically sandy/gravelly and

Characteristic Vegetation Estuarine Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Salinity
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
Herb layer (30 - 50 - 65)

Fucus spp., Glaux maritima, Plantago

maritima, Puccinellia pumila
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Tidal Zone

This community is the northern equivalent of
the Em02. It occurs below Em05 or even Ed01
sites where the shore zone is steep. Descriptions

of similar communities in Alaska and on Van-

couver Island include sites with Puccinellia
nutkaensis. No sites with this species have been
sampled; however, it is likely that they occur
and should be treated as Em04 sites.

Chapter 5.6 Estuarine associations 165

Em05 Lyngbyes sedge

Carex lyngbyei

The Lyngbyes sedge Site Association is the most common and

widespread estuarine Site Association throughout the coast. It
occurs most frequently where there are strong fluctuations of
brackish water, active sedimentation, and diurnal flooding
and exposurelocations such as tidal flats and channel margins.
Low species diversity is typical; Carex lyngbyei
often occurs in dense, pure stands. Some sites
have scattered Potentilla egedii, Deschampsia
cespitosa, Glaux maritima, and Triglochin mar-
Soils are silty or fine-sandy Gleysols or Humic
Gleysols. Most commonly they are on sites
that experience continual erosion and deposi-
tion but do occur on less dynamic sites. Soil
profiles frequently exhibit layered mineral deposits with embedded sedge
roots and shoots.

Characteristic Vegetation Estuarine Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Salinity
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
Herb layer (30 - 75 - 99)

Carex lyngbyei, Eleocharis palustris,

Potentilla egedii
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Tidal Zone

Along the riverine areas of the estuary, the
Em05 is often the lowest vegetated zone. Ed02
meadows are often directly above Em05 sites

in medium-sized estuaries.The related Em06

Site Association replaces the Em05 on sites
where freshwater influences predominate in
tidal reaches.

166 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Lyngbyes sedge Douglas water-hemlock Em06

Carex lyngbyei Cicuta douglasii

General Description
The Lyngbyes sedge Douglas water-hemlock Site Associa-
tion occurs in fjord-type estuaries of larger rivers on the
northern Coast and Mountains, where large freshwater inputs reduce
salinity in the intertidal zone year-round. On the north Coast, the Em06
has been observed along tidal reaches of the
Skeena and Nass rivers. It occurs where there
are strong fluctuations of weakly brackish
water, active sedimentation, and diurnal
flooding and exposureusually in lateral bays
along the river.
Species diversity is high relative to the similar
Em05 that is common in smaller estuaries.
Carex lyngbyei is dominant. Many species in-
tolerant of high salinity, especially members of
the celery family (Apiaceae) are prominent. Angelica lucida, Cicuta dou-
glasii, Aster subspicatus, and Deschampsia cespitosa are common
Soils are always silty or fine-sandy Gleysols or Humic Gleysols that expe-
rience continual erosion and deposition. Buried layers of sedge shoots
and roots are common in the profile.

Characteristic Vegetation Estuarine Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
Herb layer (80 - 90 - 99)
Angelica lucida, Aster subspicatus, Carex

lyngbyei, Cicuta douglasii, Deschampsia

cespitosa, Eleocharis palustris, Juncus arcticus,
Lathyrus palustris, Oenanthe sarmentosa,
Tidal Zone

Potentilla egedii, Ranunculus orthorhynchus,


Sium suave,Triglochin maritima

Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)


The Em06 is mostly limited to larger river sys-

tems where large freshwater inputs minimize
salinity in tidal reaches. Some type locations
include the Skeena and Nass rivers.
The Em06 can occur adjacent to the Em05,
Wm02, or Wm04 sites.

Chapter 5.6 Estuarine associations 167

Ed01 Tufted hairgrass Meadow barley

Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. beringensis Hordeum brachyantherum

General Description
The Tufted hairgrass Meadow barley Site Association occurs
throughout the Coast in the upper intertidal zone on fan estu-
aries, on creekside areas within moderate-sized estuaries, and as narrow
fringes on steep coastal shores with abundant groundwater seepage.
These sites experience daily but generally brief flooding by brackish water.
The Ed01 is characterized by relatively low
species diversity and a dominance of De-
schampsia cespitosa ssp. beringensis. Hordeum
brachyantherum occurs commonly and occa-
sionally other grasses, such as Festuca rubra or
Agrostis exarata. Potentilla egedii and Carex
lyngbyei are often present with low cover. In
southern disturbed sites, introduced grasses
such as Agrostis stolonifera can be dominant.
The soils are usually sandy or loamy-textured Gleysols and Regosols with
little or no humus form development.

Characteristic Vegetation Estuarine Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0) Salinity
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
Herb layer (35 - 65 - 99)

Carex lyngbyei, Deschampsia cespitosa ssp.

beringensis, Hordeum brachyantherum,
Potentilla egedii, Triglochin maritima
Tidal Zone

Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)

The Ed01 often occurs above the Em05 and
below forest or Beach dunegrass Beach lo-

vage ecosystems.This Site Association is similar

to the Ed02 but occurs on more saline (and
often wetter) sites.

168 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Tufted hairgrass Douglas aster Ed02

Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. beringensis Aster subspicatus

General Description
The Tufted hairgrass Douglas aster Site Association is one
of the most floristically diverse and widespread ecosystems in
medium to large estuaries in the north and central Coast and Moun-
tains. The Ed02 occurs in the high marsh zone between the backshore
shrub communities and the low marsh, usually in broad and extensive
flats. These sites are limited to zones within
the estuary where weakly brackish conditions
predominate and inundation is irregular.
Deschampsia cespitosa and Aster subspicatus
are dominant and diagnostic species, but
many other species are often prominent.
Soils are mostly Humic Gleysols with silty and
sandy textures, but Terric Mesisols have also
been encountered.

Characteristic Vegetation Estuarine Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 1) Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
Herb layer (60 - 85 - 99)
Achillea millefolium, Agrostis exarata, Aster

subspicatus, Carex lyngbyei, Conioselinum

gmelinii, Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. berin-
gensis, Hordeum brachyantherum, Plantago
Tidal Zone

macrocarpa, Potentilla egedii,Triglochin mar-


Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)


This community replaces the Em05 as tidal

flats accrete and become removed from tidal

Chapter 5.6 Estuarine associations 169

Ed03 Arctic rush Alaska plantain

Juncus arcticus Plantago macrocarpa

General Description
The Arctic rush Alaska plantain Site Association occurs in
estuaries of the Georgia Depression and southern Coast and
Mountains, where there is a well-developed freshwater lens that reduces
the salinity of tidal waters. The Ed03 occurs in the high intertidal zone
with brief diurnal tidal inundationlocations that would support Ed01
or Ed02 in more saline environments. Loca-
tions can be protected estuaries where fresh
water is retained, brackish tidal reaches on
larger rivers, estuaries near larger river sys-
tems, and localized depressions within
estuarine meadows.
Juncus arcticus is the site dominant with Plan-
tago macrocarpa, Potentilla egedii, and Aster
subspicatus common in the herb layer. The
herb layer is well developed and displays moderate species diversity of
both graminoids and forbs.
Silty-textured Gleysols with a humic enriched surface horizon are typ-
ical. Minerally enriched Fibrisols also occur.

Characteristic Vegetation Estuarine Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Fresh Oligo- Meso- Poly- Eu- Hyper-
Herb layer (70 - 80 - 99)
Aster subspicatus, Juncus arcticus, Plantago

macrocarpa, Potentilla egedii,Triglochin mar-

Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Tidal Zone

The Ed03 typically occurs above Ed01 or
Em05 sites and at the upper edge of estuarine

vegetation before upland ecosystems.

170 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Additional Estuarine Site Associations

Canadian sandspurry Spergularia canadensis

Canadian sandspurry sites occur in estuaries along the Coast, primarily
in the Georgia Depression. They occur on muddy-bottomed depressions
in the backshore of estuaries. Sites are protected from waterflow and
wave action but have lengthy saturation. A sparse cover of Spergularia
canadensis with few other species is typical.
Common spike-rush Lyngbyes sedge
Eleocharis palustris Carex lyngbyei
Eleocharis palustris occurs as a minor component of many estuarine
communities throughout the Coast. However, stands dominated by
common spike-rush are uncommon and occur in locations with pro-
longed tidal flooding but low salinity. These can be in protected inlets
where there is little tidal flushing or along major river systems where
tidal reaches can be fresh water. This Site Association is often represent-
ed by a near monoculture of Eleocharis palustris on heavily inundated
sites in drainage channels, or with a mixture of meadow species in more
protected areas. These latter sites can have Deschampsia cespitosa,
Triglochin maritima, Potentilla egedii, and Plantago macrocarpa. The soils
are either Gleysols or Organics (in protected sites only).
Creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera
Agrostis stolonifera is an introduced European species that now forms the
dominant component of the high marsh in many estuaries of the Geor-
gia Depression.
Dune wildrye Pacific hemlock-parsley
Leymus mollis Conioselinum gmelinii
Dune wildrye Pacific hemlock-parsley communities are common on
raised beach ridges or berms where coarse-textured materials have been
deposited by beach-forming processes. These sites generally experience
little or no flooding. However, salt spray and inundation can occur dur-
ing storm events. The herb layer is dominated by Leymus mollis. Other
species such as Achillea millefolium, Conioselinum gmelinii, Heracleum
maximum, and Ligusticum scoticum are often scattered throughout. The
tree, shrub, and bryophyte layers are nearly absent. Small flowering
plants such as Fritillaria camschatcensis can be found where the site is
adjacent to a more protected high marsh community such as Ed02.

Chapter 5.6 Estuarine associations 171

Additional Estuarine Site Associations

Eel-grass Zostera marina

Eel-grass beds occur in the upper subtidal areas of estuaries and are ex-
posed only during the lowest low tides. They occur on fine-textured
sediments in protected areas where sedimentation rates are not exces-
sive. A open cover of Zostera marina is typical.
American bulrush Schoenoplectus americanus
American or Olneys bulrush sites occur in the Fraser River delta and
possibly other estuaries of the Georgia Depression in weakly brackish
areas below Em05 stands. Schoenoplectus americanus is the site domi-
nant. Soil textures are sandy.
Pacific crabapple False lily-of-the-valley
Malus fusca Maianthemum dilatatum
The Pacific crabapple False lily-
of-the-valley Site Association
occurs at the upper limit of tidal
influence and many sites exp-
erience only salt spray and
subirrigation. It is described in
Chapter 5.7, Flood Classes.
Seacoast bulrush
Bolboschoenus maritimus
Seacoast bulrush sites occur in
estuaries of the Georgia Depres-
sion in low-lying areas of the
high marsh where soils are
flooded or at least saturated at
low tide and have high salinity.
These are often small in extent
and a monoculture of Bol-
boschoenus maritimus. 1 2

1 Triglochin maritima, seaside arrow-grass

2 Juncus arcticus, arctic rush

172 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification


1 Sandbar willow on wave-washed shore of Nicola Lake (BGxw1) 2 Sitka willow Red-osier dogwood
Common horsetail low bench on a levee of the Hominka River, east of Prince George (SBSwk1) 3 Low and
middle bench communities on the Skeena River floodplain, northern Coast and Mountains (CWHvm1)

Chapter 5.7 Flood associations 173


A flood ecosystem is a non-wetland ecosystem that occurs on
regularly flooded riparian sites with well-drained soils. Sites can
be tall shrub (low bench), deciduous forest (middle bench), or
coniferous forest (high bench) .
General Description
Table 5.7.2 lists common species of the Low and Middle Bench Site
Associations described in this guide. High bench plant community com-
position is similar to upland seepage sites. High bench associations are
not described here because they are thoroughly described in regional
field guides. Low bench ecosystems have a tall shrub structure dom-
inated by willow, alders, and other species tolerant of extended flooding
and erosion. Middle benches have similar shrub species but also have a
canopy of deciduous trees. The herb layer is dominated by rhizomatous
species that can resprout after floods. Even though fresh mineral sub-
strates are frequently exposed, annuals are uncommon on many sites
because high shrub cover shades the ground surface. Herb cover is vari-
able because scouring floods and sedimentation temporarily remove
above-ground herb growth. These factors also limit bryophyte cover.
Landscape Position and Distribution
Flood ecosystems occur on the floodplains of rivers or wave-washed
lakeshores, where there is deposition of fluvial or lacustrine materials.
They usually abut the channel on sites elevated above the mid-season
watertable. Lateral bars, midstream bars, point bars, and levees are com-
mon site locations for low benches; middle benches often occur on
islands, level floodplain benches, and older inner-bend accretion areas.
Flood ecosystems occur throughout the province in all zones. However,
they are infrequent at higher elevations where there are fewer topograph-
ic positions for floodplain development (Table 5.7.1).
Hydrology and Soils
Flood ecosystems are indundated during the spring freshet in the early
part of the growing season. Low benches experience longer (2040 days)
and more powerful flooding than middle benches (< 25 days). Sites can
be deeply flooded by stream waters for the first weeks of the growing sea-
son but are situated well above normal summer flows. In coastal regions,

174 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

fall and winter rain-on-snow Soil Nutrient Regime
storms produce the largest annual
floods that will affect floodplains M Low and

Soil Moisture Regime

during the dormant season. VM Benches
Soils are derived from fluvial
sands, gravels, and silts. Vegeta-

x D
tion grows under aerated soil


de V

ic Dy
conditions, with continual subirri- VW

na o
gation for most of the growing

dy M

ro l
season (Figure 5.7.1). Common

yd S

soil types are Cumulic Regosols of

stratified silts, sands, and gravels.
Typically there is no, or very weak, .. Position of flood ecosystems
on the edatopic grid.
humus development in low and
middle bench ecosystems.
Other Comments
Flood ecosystems are maintained by a combination of annual flooding,
erosion, and deposition. However, most floodplains are geomorphically
dynamic; continous sediment deposition, bank erosion, and channel
movements modify the site conditions on the floodplain regularly.
Middle bench ecosystems will succeed low benches as sites accumulate
sediments and become raised above the stream. Continued isolation of
middle or low bench ecosystems from the regular flooding (through
sediment accumulation or stream channel changes) effectively converts
them into seral ecosystems that progress towards high bench or upland
Conservation Issues
Low and Middle Bench Site Associations occur in the geomorphol-
ogically dynamic portion of the floodplain and are maintained by a
combination of prolonged flooding and site erosion/sedimentation. The
areal extent of flood ecosystems remains constant in a stream reach over
time, given no fundamental change in water regime or sediment load,
but their location in the floodplain changes in response to stream chan-
nel changes. Water control structures reduce the extent of floodplain
communities by reducing sediment load and moderating flood levels.
Plant species that occur on the active floodplain are tolerant of mech-
anical disturbance and will recover from most surface disturbances.
Interannual variation in flood intensity and duration is large and most
plants will tolerate all but prolonged surface flooding.

Chapter 5.7 Flood associations 175

Flood ecosystems act as sediment traps and prevent rapid erosion of
streambank soils by binding soils and slowing floodwaters. In stream
systems with high flood power, low bench ecosystems maintain channel
form and protect important aquatic habitats. Their riparian location also
means that they are major contributors of small and large organic matter
that provides nutrients and habitat structure to the stream ecosystem.
On small streams, the riparian community provides shade and moder-
ates stream temperature.
Flood ecosystems are intensively
used by many wildlife species. These
are lush habitats with struc-
tural elements often not
found in adjacent uplands.
Adjacency to streams confers
additional habitat values
to flood sites, including
access to water and
aquatic food re-
sources (aquatic
insects, fish).

Urtica dioica, stinging nettle

176 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

.. Distribution of Flood Site Associations by biogeoclimatic zone
Fl01 Mountain alder Common horsetail xxx x xx xx xx xxx x
Fl02 Mountain alder Red-osier dogwood Lady fern xx xxw x
Fl03 Pacific willow Red-osier dogwood Horsetail x x x x x
Fl04 Sitka willow Red-osier dogwood Horsetail xx xw x
Fl05 Drummonds willow Bluejoint x x x xxx
Fl06 Sandbar willow x x

Chapter 5.7 Flood associations

Fl07 Water birch Rose x xh
Fm01 Cottonwood Snowberry Rose x xx x
Fm02 Cottonwood Spruce Red-osier dogwood x xx xx xx xx xx
Fm03 Cottonwood Subalpine fir Devils club xx xw
Fl50 Sitka willow False lily-of-the-valley x
Fl51 Red alder Salmonberry Horsetail xx xx
Fm50 Cottonwood Red alder Salmonberry xx xxxoc

x = incidental; < 5% of flood sites xx = minor; 525% of flood sites xxx = major; >25% of flood sites
w = wet/very wet subzones only h = warm/hot subzones only xoc = not on outer coast (hypermaritime)

.. Flood Species Importance Table

Species Fl04 Fl05 Fl06 Fl03 Fl07 Fl01 Fl02

Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa x xyz x xy x
Picea X x x x x x xy xy
Abies lasiocarpa x x
Alnus rubra
Picea sitchensis
Shrubs Salix sitchensis xyzzzz x x xy
Salix drummondiana xyz xyzzzz x
Salix exigua x xyzzzz xy
Salix lucida xy x xyzzzz x
Betula occidentalis xyzzzz
Salix bebbiana x x xyz x
Alnus incana xy x xy xyzzz xy xyzzzz xyzzzz
Cornus stolonifera xyzz x xyzzzz xyz xy xyzz
Lonicera involucrata xyz xyzz x xyz xyzz
Rosa woodsii xyzz
Rosa nutkana x xy
Symphoricarpos albus x xyz x
Acer glabrum xy
Rosa acicularis x xy x x x x
Oplopanax horridus x x
Rubus parviflorus x x x xy
Viburnum edule xy x x x
Sambucus racemosa x xy xyz
Rubus spectabilis
Ribes bracteosum x x
Herbs Calamagrostis canadensis xy xyzzz x xy xy xy
and Equisetum arvense xyzz xy x xyzz xy xyzzz xyzz
Dwarf Equisetum hyemale x xyzz x
Shrubs Athyrium filix-femina xy x xyz xyzz
Urtica dioica x x xy xyzz
Heracleum maximum x xy x xyz xyz
Matteuccia struthiopteris x xyzzz
Poa pratensis x x xyz x
Osmorhiza berteroi x x x
Pyrola asarifolia x x x x
Actaea rubra x x xy
Gymnocarpium dryopteris x xyz xy
Circaea alpina x x x x xy
Streptopus amplexifolius x xy xy
Aster subspicatus x
Stachys mexicana
Elymus glaucus x x x
Maianthemum dilatatum
Mosses Brachythecium spp. xy x x xyz xy
and Mnium spp. xy xy x x xyz xyz
Lichens Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus

178 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Fm01 Fm02 Fm03 Fl50 Fl51 Fm50 Common Name

xyzzz xyzzzz xyzzzz x xy xyzzz black cottonwood

x xyzz xyzz x spruce
x xyz subalpine fir
xy xyzzzz xyzz red alder
xy Sitka spruce
x xyzzzz xy x Sitka willow
Drummonds willow
x sandbar willow
x x xy Pacific willow
x water birch
x x Bebbs willow
xy xyzz xyzz x mountain alder
xyzz xyzzz xyzz xyzz xyzzz red-osier dogwood
x xyz x xy x xyz black twinberry
xy prairie rose
xyz x x Nootka rose
xyzz x x x common snowberry
xyz x xy x Douglas maple
xy xyz x prickly rose
x xyzzzz xyz devils club
xy xyz xyz xy thimbleberry
xyz xyz x xy highbush-cranberry
x xyz xy xyz red elderberry
x xyz xyzz xyzzz salmonberry
xyzz xy stink currant
x xy x xyzz x bluejoint
xy xyzz xyzz xy xyzzzz xyzz common horsetail
xy x x scouring-rush
x xyz x xy xy lady fern
x x x stinging nettle
x xy x xyz xy x cow-parsnip
x ostrich fern
xyz x Kentucky bluegrass
x xy xyz xy mountain sweet-cicely
xy xyz xy pink wintergreen
x x xyz x x baneberry
x xyzz xy xy oak fern
x xy xyz xy enchanters-nightshade
x xyz x clasping twistedstalk
x x xyzz Douglas aster
xyzz x Mexican hedge-nettle
x xy xy xyz xy blue wildrye
xyzz x xyzz false lily-of-the-valley
x xy x x x feathermosses
x xy xy xy xy leafy mosses
xyz x bent-leaf moss

Chapter 5.7 Flood associations 179

Fl01 Mountain alder Common horsetail

Alnus incana Equisetum arvense

General Description
Mountain alder Common horsetail low benches are com-
mon throughout the Interior at elevations below 1500 m. They
occur on gravel or sand bars adjacent to relatively high-gradient
creeks and streams that can have a flashy flood regime. Flood events
are short during annual spring flooding and occur occasionally during
summer storms.
Alnus incana is the dominant shrub and forms a continu-
ous canopy on most sites. The understorey can be well
developed or sparse depending on recent flood history, but
Equisetum arvense usually persists. The moss layer is often
very sparse or absent because of high litterfall and recur-
ring sediment deposition.
Soils are coarse-textured, often gravelly, Cumulic Regosols
and Rego Gleysols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 1 - 10)
Shrub layer (25 - 75 - 100) Soil Nutrient Regime
Alnus incana, Lonicera involucrata A B C D E F
Herb layer (1 - 60 - 100)
Soil Moisture Regime

Athyrium filix-femina, Equisetum arvense,
Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Heracleum VM
Moss layer (0 - 1 - 40)
Brachythecium spp., Mnium spp.
In wetter subzones, Alnus incana stands that
occur on fine-textured soils usually have an
abundance of Athyrium filix-femina or Mat-
teuccia struthiopteris and are described by
the Fl02. Alder sites are replaced by willow-
dominated Site Associations, such as the Fl05, on
lower-gradient streams where fine-textured soils
and longer flooding create conditions more
favourable to willows.

180 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Mountain alder Red-osier dogwood Lady fern Fl02

Alnus incana Cornus stolonifera Athyrium filix-femina

General Description
Mountain alder Red-osier dogwood Lady fern sites are
common at low elevations in the wet climates of the Sub-
Boreal Interior, Southern Interior Mountains, and Nass Basin, along
streams and in creek gullies. Low-gradient floodplains with loamy or
fine-textured soils and moderate duration of flooding are characteristic
of this Site Association.
Alnus incana always dominates the canopy but a diversity
of shrubs is common. Cornus stolonifera and Lonicera
involucrata are frequently abundant. The understorey is
diverse and lush, with a marked abundance of large ferns.
In the eastern SBS and in some locations in the Skeena-
Nass area, Matteuccia struthiopteris is the dominant fern;
elsewhere Athyrium filix-femina predominates. The moss
layer is usually very sparse.
Soils are Humic Gleysols or Cumulic Regosols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 10)
Shrub layer (10 - 78 -100) Soil Nutrient Regime
Alnus incana, Cornus stolonifera, Lonicera A B C D E F
involucrata, Sambucus racemosa
Soil Moisture Regime

Herb layer (20 - 75 - 100)
Athyrium filix-femina, Equisetum arvense, VM
Heracleum maximum, Matteuccia
struthiopteris, Urtica dioica
Moss layer (0 - 4 - 20)
Brachythecium spp., Mnium spp. VW

Similar but wetter sites with a perched wa-
tertable have an abundance of Lysichiton
americanus and are described by the Ws01.
Higher-gradient sites with gravelly or sandy
soils are occupied by the Fl01.The Fl02 is often
found in association with Fm02 or Fm03 mid-
dle bench communities.

Chapter 5.7 Flood associations 181

Fl03 Pacific willow Red-osier dogwood Horsetail

Salix lucida Cornus stolonifera Equisetum

General Description
The Pacific willow Red-osier dogwood Horsetail Low
Bench Site Association is uncommon and widely scattered
throughout the Interior and Coast. It has been observed along
large, low-gradient rivers with prolonged spring flooding, in locations
protected from erosive currents.
Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra on these sites can
grow to impressive statures and form a closed
canopy up to 15 m tall. A sparse to dense cover
of Cornus stolonifera, Alnus incana, or Salix
prolixa can be present. The understorey is
often relatively sparse but horsetails can be
Soils are mostly Regosols derived from depos-
ition of fluvial fine sands and silts. There is
little surface organic accumulation.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (25 - 35 - 60)
Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (15 - 35 - 40) A B C D E F
Alnus incana, Cornus stolonifera,
Soil Moisture Regime

S. lucida, S. prolixa
Herb layer (2 - 17 - 25) VM
Equisetum arvense
Moss layer (0 - 10 - 40)
Mnium spp., Brachythecium spp.
Pacific willow stands are often small in area
and dissected by oxbows and drainage chan-
nels.They generally occur adjacent to black
cottonwood floodplain ecosystems. More
active low bench sites on similar large river
systems may be occupied by the Fl06.

182 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Sitka willow Red-osier dogwood Horsetail Fl04

Salix sitchensis Cornus stolonifera Equisetum

General Description
Sitka willow Red-osier dogwood Horsetail stands are com-
mon at low elevations in the wet climates of the Sub-Boreal
Interior and Southern Interior Mountains, and in coast tran-
sition areas of the Coast and Mountains. They occur primarily on levees
or bars in the active floodplains of sluggish, low-gradient streams.
Salix sitchensis is consistently the dominant shrub, though
some sites have appreciable cover of Alnus incana, Salix
drummondiana, or Salix lucida. Equisetum arvense or
E. pratense are found on most sites; but where recent
floods have deposited new material, the herb layer can
be very sparse.
Soils are generally fine-sandy, well drained, Cumulic
Regosols or Gleysols that remain saturated at depth for
much of the growing season.

Characteristic Vegetation
Tree layer (0 - 0 - 5)
Shrub layer (50 - 95 - 99)
Cornus stolonifera, Lonicera involucrata,
Salix drummondiana, S. sitchensis
Herb layer (1 - 30 - 90)
Equisetum arvense
Moss layer (0 - 5 - 20)

Comments Wetland Edatopic Grid

Wetter sites have sedge- or skunk cabbage
dominated understoreys and are described by Soil Nutrient Regime
Swamp Site Associations (Ws06 and Ws51). In A B C D E F
drier climates, similar low bench sites are usu-
Soil Moisture Regime

ally occupied by the Fl05. On the outer Coast,
the Fl50 replaces the Fl04. Adjacent middle VM
bench communities are Fm50 in coastal areas
and Fm02 or Fm03 in interior climates.


Chapter 5.7 Flood associations 183

Fl05 Drummonds willow Bluejoint

Salix drummondiana Calamagrostis canadensis

General Description
The Drummonds willow Bluejoint Low Bench Site Associa-
tion is common at lower elevations throughout the Central
Interior, Sub-Boreal Interior, and Northern Boreal Mountains, along
small, low-gradient streams. Drummonds willow sites can be deeply
flooded during the spring freshet but are much elevated above the mid-
season watertable.
Salix drummondiana forms a continuous
canopy, with other shrubs such as Lonicera
involucrata occurring in the understorey. In
wetter climates, Spiraea douglasii may co-
dominate on some sites. The herb layer has a
high cover of Calamagrostis canadensis but is
otherwise variably developed, often with open
patches of recently deposited fluvial materials.
Soils are nearly always silty to fine-sandy tex-
tured Cumulic Regosols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 2)
Shrub layer (40 - 80 - 99) Soil Nutrient Regime
Lonicera involucrata, Salix drummondiana, A B C D E F
Spiraea douglasii
Soil Moisture Regime

Herb layer (4 - 40 - 90)
Calamagrostis canadensis VM
Moss layer (0 - 1 - 40)
This is the most common Low Bench Site Asso-
ciation on small, low-gradient streams in the
sub-boreal forests (SBPS, SBS). It also occurs in
the ICH, but in these wetter climates the Fl04 is
more common. It also occurs in the BWBS and
Low-lying sites adjacent to the Fl05 are com-
monly occupied by Ws04 or Wm02. Sites with
more powerful flooding, as indicated by
coarse sandy and gravelly soils, are often
Alnus incanadominated.

184 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Sandbar willow Fl06

Salix exigua

General Description
The Sandbar willow Site Association is locally common at low
elevations in the Interior along very large river systems. It oc-
curs on sandy lateral bars that receive prolonged spring flooding by
powerful currents. In the hot dry subzones of the Southern Interior,
sandbar willow sites also occur around large lakes on wave-washed shores.
Plant diversity is low. Salix exigua is the site dominant,
with a scattering of other species such as Populus bal-
samifera or Alnus incana appearing with increasing
elevation above the stream. Equisetum hyemale is com-
mon in the generally very sparse understorey.
Especially in warmer climates, annual weeds can seed-
in on the exposed mineral soil of these sites. Typically
there is no moss layer.
Soils are always sandy Cumulic Regosols.

Characteristic Vegetation
Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (15 - 50 - 80)
Populus balsamifera, Salix exigua
Herb layer (1 - 5 - 20)
Equisetum hyemale
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)

Comments Wetland Edatopic Grid

Salix exigua is a colonial species that resists
strong currents, mobile sediments, and pro- Soil Nutrient Regime
longed flooding. As sediments accumulate A B C D E F
and raise the substrate above the water-
Soil Moisture Regime

course, Populus balsamifera becomes more
competitive and eventually replaces S. exigua. VM
Conditions do not appear suitable for S.
exigua on smaller river systems. Sufficiently
large rivers (such as the Fraser,Thompson,
Liard, and Stikine) are uncommon in the Inte- VW
rior, limiting the distribution of the Fl06.

Chapter 5.7 Flood associations 185

Fl07 Water birch Rose

Betula occidentalis Rosa

General Description
Water birch Rose ecosystems occur in warm and dry cli-
mates of the Southern Interior at low elevations. They occur
in the riparian zone of ponds, lakes, and creeks often as a nar-
row band where flooding is minimal but the watertable
remains within the rooting zone for much of the year.
Betula occidentalis is consistently a dominant compo-
nent of the shrub layer, but a variety of other shrub
species including Cornus stolonifera, Rosa spp., Salix
bebbiana, and Symphoricarpos albus usually occur. The
herb layer is often well developed but variable in com-
Soils are fine-textured morainal, lacustrine, or fluvial
deposits, often with an organically enriched surface
horizon. Gleyed Brunisols and Gleysols are common
soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 10- 30)
Betula occidentalis Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (20 - 70 - 85) A B C D E F
Betula occidentalis, Cornus stolonifera,
Soil Moisture Regime

Rosa nutkana, R. woodsii, Salix bebbiana,
Symphoricarpos albus VM
Herb layer (3 - 35 - 70)
Aster spp., Poa pratensis, Maianthemum
Moss layer (0 - 1 - 10) VW

Fl07 is different from most Low Bench Site
Associations described in this guide; it does
occur in classic low bench locations (along
watercourses where there is flooding and sedi-
mentation), but also frequently establishes as a
fringe habitat around lakes and ponds, where
flooding is minimal but the watertable is main-
tained at depth.

186 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Cottonwood Snowberry Rose Fm01

Populus balsamifera Symphoriocarpus albus Rosa

General Description
The Cottonwood Snowberry Rose Site Association is un-
common in the dry, warm climates of the Southern Interior
and Southern Interior Mountains, where it occurs adjacent to
streams, rivers, and lakes on sandy-gravelly flats that are part
of the active floodplain. Flood events are short
during the spring freshet and may not occur
every year.
Populus balsamifera forms an open canopy
with a dense to open understorey. A diversity
of shrubs is common, with Cornus stolonifera,
Symphoricarpos albus, and Rosa species being
prominent. The herb layer is variable both in
composition and total cover. Most sites have
Maianthemum stellatum, Equisetum hyemale,
Aster conspicuus, and/or Elymus glauca. Poa pratensis is common on
grazed sites. The moss layer is usually absent.
Soils are commonly coarse-textured at depth with a loamy or sandy sur-
face horizon. Cumulic Regosols or gleyed Brunisols are typical soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (10 - 35 - 97)
Populus balsamifera Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (5 - 45 - 80) A B C D E F
Acer glabrum, Amelanchier alnifolia, Cornus
Soil Moisture Regime

stolonifera, Populus balsamifera, Prunus
virginiana, Rosa nutkana, R. woodsii, VM
Symphoriocarpus albus
Herb layer (1 - 30 - 85)
Elymus glauca, Maianthemum stellatum,
Poa pratensis VW
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 15)

These stands reflect a different environment
than the Fm02, which also occurs in dry climates.The Fm01 has a drier summer water regime
because of warm, dry summer climates, shorter, less regular flood period, and coarser, more
well-drained soils.
Grazing is common in many Fm01 stands in British Columbia and few undisturbed sites occur.
The natural herb layer may consist of species such as Maianthemum stellatum, Equisetum
hyemale, Aster conspicuus, and Elymus glauca, with Poa pratense increasing on grazed sites.
The Fm01 includes several existing BEC Site Series (see Appendix 4).

Chapter 5.7 Flood associations 187

Fm02 Cottonwood Spruce Red-osier dogwood

Populus balsamifera Picea X Cornus stolonifera

General Description
The Cottonwood Spruce Red-osier dogwood Site Associa-
tion is the most common middle bench community of low
elevations thoughout the Interior on suitable sites. It occurs
on sandy or gravelly fluvial materials adjacent to streams and rivers with
short flood durations followed by continual subirrigation.
Populus balsamifera forms an open canopy with
scattered interior spruce. Cornus stolonifera and
Alnus incana are dominant in the shrub layer, but
frequently with some cover of Viburnum edule, Rosa
acicularis, and Lonicera involucrata. Along smaller
river systems, C. stolonifera is often sparse and
A. incana dominates. The herb layer can be well-
developed or sparse depending on recent flood
history, but Equisetum arvense usually persists.
The moss layer is always poorly developed.
Soils are Cumulic Regosols or Gleyed Brunisols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (10 - 40 - 80)
Picea X, Populus balsamifera Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (12 - 60 -100) A B C D E F
Alnus incana, Cornus stolonifera, Lonicera
Soil Moisture Regime

involucrata, Picea X, Populus balsamifera,
Rosa acicularis,Viburnum edule VM
Herb layer (1 - 30 - 75)
Equisetum arvense
Moss layer (0 - 2 - 50)
The Fm02 describes middle bench communi-
ties from a wide range of climatic zones.The
overwhelming influence of flood effects limits
the species composition to those that can tolerate
The Fm01 includes several existing BEC Site Series
(see Appendix 4).

188 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Cottonwood Subalpine fir Devils club Fm03

Populus balsamifera Abies lasiocarpa Oplopanax horridus

General Description
The Cottonwood Subalpine fir Devils club Site Associa-
tion is uncommon in the cold interior rainforest climates of
the Nass Basin and Sub-Boreal Interior. It occurs on sandy or
gravelly flats adjacent to streams and rivers with relatively prolonged
flood durations. Annual spring flood events are short dur-
ing the freshet but there is prolonged subirrigation.
Cottonwood forms an open canopy with scattered sub-
alpine fir and interior spruce. Oplopanax horridus is
consistently abundant in the understorey. Cornus
stolonifera, Sambucus racemosa, and Alnus incana frequent-
ly occur. The herb layer is often moderately developed with
abundant Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Equisetum arvense,
Athyrium filix-femina, and other forbs.
Soils are sandy or gravelly Cumulic Regosols or Gleysols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (15 - 30 - 80)
Abies lasiocarpa, Picea X, Populus Soil Nutrient Regime
balsamifera A B C D E F
Shrub layer (48 - 80 - 99)
Soil Moisture Regime

Abies lasiocarpa, Alnus viridis, A. incana,
Cornus stolonifera, Oplopanax horridus, VM
Picea X, Sambucus racemosa,Viburnum edule
Herb layer (5 - 45 - 95)
Actaea rubra, Athyrium filix-femina,
Dryopteris expansa, Equisetum arvense, VW
Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Osmorhiza
berteroi, Pyrola asarifolia, Rubus parviflorus,
Streptopus amplexifolius
Moss layer (0 - 1 - 60)
Rhytidiadelphus loreus

The related Fm02 occurs on sites with more pro-
longed soil saturation and in regions with warmer
summer climates.

Chapter 5.7 Flood associations 189

Fl50 Sitka willow False lily-of-the-valley

Salix sitchensis Maianthemum dilatatum

General Description
The Sitka willow False lily-of-the-valley Site Association is
uncommon in the Coast and Mountains, where it is restricted
to floodplains of maritime climates. It is generally found at the
transition between the freshwater conditions of the fluvial sys-
tem and the uppermost reaches of brackish
influence in estuaries. Sitka willow sites can experience
brief or temporary annual floods during the spring
freshet but are much elevated above the mid-season
The shrub layer is dominated by Salix sitchensis, often
with little development of other shrub species. The
herb layer is moderately well developed and supports
Maianthemum dilatatum and Calamagrostis canadensis.
Other graminoid species and forbs such as Agrostis
exarata, Aster subspicatus, and Sanguisorba canadensis
are common. The moss layer is often poorly devel-
Soils are nearly always loamy to sandy-textured
Gleysols or Regosols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 3)
Shrub layer (45 - 70 - 90) Soil Nutrient Regime
Rubus spectabilis, Salix sitchensis A B C D E F
Herb layer (15 - 47 - 65)
Soil Moisture Regime

Agrostis exarata, Angelica genuflexa, Aster
subspicatus, Calamagrostis canadensis, VM
Heracleum maximum, Maianthemum
dilatatum, Sanguisorba canadensis
Moss layer (5 - 15 - 35)
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus VW

In outer coastal areas, the Fl50 replaces the
Fl04 of more inland climates. Fl51 can be
found in similar but slightly drier and better-
drained sites.Tidal effects on soil moisture
regime probably favour willows, which are
more tolerant of prolonged flooding of the
rooting zone.

190 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Red alder Salmonberry Horsetail Fl51

Alnus rubra Rubus spectabilis Equisetum arvense

General Description
Red alder Salmonberry Horsetail low benches are wide-
spread in the Coast and Mountains. They occur adjacent to
river courses where flood duration is lengthy and sedimentation is
Alnus rubra forms a closed tall shrub or low tree canopy.
Cornus stolonifera, Ribes bracteostum, and Rubus spectabilis
are prominent in the understorey. The herb layer can be
sparse or well-developed depending on recent flood histo-
ry. Equisetum arvense always persists but other species
commonly occur. The moss layer is often very sparse.
Soils are typically sandy Cumulic Regosols.

Characteristic Vegetation
Tree layer (0 - 9 - 50)
Alnus rubra
Shrub layer (15 - 70 - 95)
Alnus rubra, Cornus stolonifera, Ribes bracteosum,
Rubus parviflorus, R. spectabilis, Sambucus
Herb layer (2 - 17 - 50)
Circaea alpina, Elymus glauca, Equisetum arvense,
Stachys mexicana
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 10)

Comments Wetland Edatopic Grid

Cleared high and middle bench floodplain
forests will often regenerate to A. rubra and Soil Nutrient Regime
in these cases will represent a community A B C D E F
successional to conifer forest. Fl51 stands es-
Soil Moisture Regime

tablish on sites with more lengthy flooding
than Fm50 but also on similar sites where VM
stand-initiating floods occur in autumn (a
common occurrence in coastal watersheds).
A. rubra drops seed in fall and will establish
quickly on exposed mineral soils. Populus bal- VW
samifera drops seed in spring and its seedling
will not establish where a thick cover of red
alder already exists.
The Fl51 includes several existing BEC Site
Series (see Appendix 4).

Chapter 5.7 Flood associations 191

Fm50 Cottonwood Red alder Salmonberry

Populus balsamifera Alnus rubra Rubus spectabilis

General Description
The Cottonwood Red alder Salmonberry Site Association
is common along rivers in the Coast and Mountains. River
benches that are flooded annually for moderately long periods are typical.
Populus balsamifera dominates the canopy but a subcanopy of Alnus
rubra and scattered conifers is typical. The shrub layer is well-developed,
often with Rubus spectabilis and Cornus
stolonifera both being prominent. The herb
layer can be sparse or well-developed, depend-
ing on recent flood history and cover of the
canopy. Equisetum spp. and Maianthemum
dilitatam are the major constituents. The moss
layer is generally poorly developed.
Soils are sandy Cumulic Regosols.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (20 - 67 - 90)
Alnus rubra, Picea sitchensis, Populus Soil Nutrient Regime
balsamifera,Thuja plicata A B C D E F
Shrub layer (15 - 70 - 95)
Soil Moisture Regime

Alnus rubra, Cornus stolonifera, Lonicera
involucrata, Oplopanax horridus, Picea VM
sitchensis, Rubus spectabilis, Sambucus
Herb layer (3 - 45- 95)
Equisetum arvense, Maianthemum VW
Moss layer (0 - 1 - 30)

The typical floodplain successional sequence in the inner Coast and Mountains is Fl06 >>
Fm50 >> Sitka spruce Salmonberry forests.These communities often occur adjacent to each
other, indicating the accumulation of fluvial sediments, which progressively raises benches
higher above normal waterflow.
Fm50 sites with silty or clayey layers within the soil profile are common.These sites often have
some species more indicative of wetter sites such as Oenanthe sarmentosa, Carex utriculata,
or Scirpus microcarpus.
The Fm50 includes several existing BEC Site Series (see Appendix 4).

192 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Additional Flood Site Associations

Green alder Alnus viridis

Green alder is a common component of well-drained but periodically
disturbed sites, such as avalanche tracks. Riparian fringe communities of
Alnus viridis occur on river systems where flood periods are very short
and soils are well-drained or where ice scour occurs during spring break-
up. These are mostly narrow bands adjacent to streams. The understorey
is variable.
Pacific crabapple False lily-of-the-valley
Malus fusca Maianthemum dilatatum
The Pacific crabapple False lily-of-the-valley Site Association occurs on
the outer Coast at the upper limit of tidal influence in the transition be-
tween the upland forest and estuarine ecosystems. Inundation occurs,
generally briefly and often during the spring freshet, when salinity is low.
However, many sites experience salt spray and tidal subirrigation. Malus
fusca is the site dominant, accompanied by a sparse to well developed
and diverse forb-dominated understorey. Picea sitchensis can be present
on raised microsites with limited tidal influence. On floodplains, Pacific
crabapple can progress to Sitka spruce forests because sediments accu-
mulate and the site is raised higher above floodwaters.
Paper birch Red-osier dogwood
Betula papyrifera Cornus stolonifera
Fluvial stands dominated by paper birch (Betula papyrifera) are occa-
sionally encountered where the Fm02 is expected. These stands have
shrub and understorey species are generally similar to the Fm02. The
primary reason for the dominance of paper birch on these sites is likely
the occurence of a stand-initiating fall flood. Unlike cottonwood, which
seeds in the early summer as spring floods are receding, paper birch
seeds in the fall. A fall flood that exposes mineral soil and then does not
flood the following spring will regenerate to B. papyrifera. Most paper
birchdominated sites are in cool subzones or landscape positions
(e.g., at the base of north-aspect slopes), which also seems to favour
paper birch over cottonwood.
Red-osier dogwood Cornus stolonifera
In southern areas of the province, low bench communities characterized
by dense thickets of red-osier dogwood occur adjacent to small streams.
On some of these sites, other shrub species such as Alnus incana or

Chapter 5.7 Flood associations 193

Additional Flood Site Associations

Betula occidentialis also occur. Dense shrub layers often limit herbaceous
growth. Prolonged flooding occurs on many sites. Soils are typically fine-
textured and poorly drained.
Trembling aspen Red-osier dogwood
Populus tremuloides Cornus stolonifera
Trembling aspen Red-osier dogwood forests occur in drier climatic
areas throughout the Interior where sites have seepage or subirrigation
but limited flooding. They occur in riparian locations as well as upland
habitats. Suitable riparian areas include lake edges and terraces of
streams. Trembling aspen forms an open to closed canopy. Cornus
stolonifera, Symphoricarpos albus, and Rosa acicularis form a well-
developed and sometimes very dense shrub layer. Herb and moss layer
composition and development is variable but Equisetum arvense is often

1 Cornus stolonifera, red-osier dogwood 2 Calamagrostis canadensis, bluejoint

3 Equisetum arvense, common horsetail

194 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification


1 Saline meadow zonation at the Meadow Lake marshes, 100 Mile House (IDFdk3) 2 A lush high-elevation
Barclays willow Arrow-leaved groundsel shrub-carr, Causqua Creek (ESSFwv) 3 Dried lake bed with
abundant Salicornia rubra, Stinky Slough near Cranbrook (IDFdm2)

Chapter 5.8 Transition associations 195


Two classes of ecosystems, saline meadows and shrub-carrs,

have traditionally been described as wetlands in British Co-
lumbia (Runka and Lewis 1981; Steen and Roberts 1988).
Neither of these ecosystem types meets the soils or vegetation
critieria for wetlands. However, these ecosystems frequently occur adja-
cent to wetlands in a zone transitional to upland ecosystems and have
structural similarities. For this reason, several of the more common
saline meadow and shrub-carr site associations are presented here.
The environmental factors that cause the occurrence of these two classes
are different but, for purposes of this guide, they are informally treated
together as a Transition group. The saline meadow class is a member
of the Grassland Group of the Terrestrial Realm; the shrub-carr class is a
member of the Shrubland Group of the Terrestrial Realm.
Saline meadows
Saline meadows are ecosystems with moist, saline or alkaline
soils that a) occur within the drawdown zone of shallow tempo-
rary or permanent ponds and lakes and b) are dominated by salt-,
alkali-, and inundation-tolerant graminoids and forbs.
Table 5.8.2 lists species common to transition site associations. Saline
meadows have a distinctive flora dominated by halophytes. Most sites
are grass-, rush-, or sedge-dominated but extremely saline environments
support only succulents. In British Columbia, there are no trees or
shrubs species tolerant of saline soils. A group of diminutive moss
species occurs almost exclusively in saline meadows (McIntosh 1986).
In many cases, saline meadows are dominated by congeners of estuarine
species. These include the following saline meadow vs. estuarine pairs:
Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. cespitosa vs. D. cespitosa ssp. beringensis, Dis-
tichlis spicata var. stricta vs D. spicata var. spicata, Hordeum jubatum vs.
H. brachyantherum, Juncus balticus vs. J. arcticus, and Potentilla anserina
vs. P. egedii.
Landscape Position and Distribution
Saline meadows occur primarily in the drawdown zone of small water-
bodies, where there is early-season saturation or shallow flooding that
give way to generally well-aerated soil conditions for much of the grow-
ing season. They are common in warm, semi-arid climates of the South

196 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

and Central Interior but mostly Soil Nutrient Regime
absent elsewhere in the province
(Table 5.8.1). M Shrub Saline

Soil Moisture Regime

Carrs Meadows
Hydrology and Soils VM

Sites can be shallowly inundated

or merely saturated in the early

x D
season; thereafter, the watertable

de V

ic Dy
falls well below the surface VW

na o

dy M
(Figure 5.8.1). Evaporation of


ro l

standing water accumulates salts.


Soils are usually loamy or fine-
textured Gleyed Brunisols, .. Position of transition classes
Humic Gleysols, or Solenetzics. on the edatopic grid.
Humus is thin.
Shrub-carrs are low shrub ecosystems that occur on moist min-
eral soils in areas prone to growing-season frosts, which would
support forested ecosystems under normal circumstances.
Shrub-carrs are always low shrub cover types and usually have highly di-
verse herb and moss layers. Few obligate hydrophytes occur. Shrubs that
are tolerant of growing-season frosts and few growing degree days domi-
Landscape Position and Distribution
Shrub-carrs occur in frost-prone depressions or cold-air drainage valleys
where frost and cold, moist soils preclude establishment of trees. Such
sites are often at the edge of wetlands but shrub-carrs can also occupy
entire basins.
Shrub-carrs are most common in the cold and dry climates of the
Chilcotin Plateau, the western Fraser Plateau, and the Northern Boreal
Hydrology and Soils
Sites have at most very moist soils and are never flooded. They are fed by
groundwater or lateral subirrigation from adjacent wetlands. Soils are
imperfectly drained and cold. Distinctly hummocky microtopography is

Chapter 5.8 Transition associations 197

Soils are typically Gleyed Brunisols or Gleysols with thin moder or mull
humus forms.
Conservation Issues
Both saline meadows and shrub-carrs occur in ranching country. These
sites often have good forage and grazing potential. Forage production
coupled with riparian location means that these sites often receive heavy
use by livestock. Species such as Deschampsia cespitosa and Puccinellia
nuttalliana will be replaced by Poa pratensis and Hordeum jubatum, re-
spectively, under heavy grazing pressure.
Saline meadows have a limited distribution in the province and occur in
areas where wetlands are even more important than usual for wildlife.
The red-listed Tiger Salamander commonly rears in alkali waterbodies of
the extreme southern Interior and will use the adjacent saline meadow as


1 Carex praegracilis, field sedge

2 Distichlis spicata var. stricta, alkali saltgrass
3 Hordeum jubatum, foxtail barley

198 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

.. Distribution of Transition Site Associations by biogeoclimatic zone
Gs01 Alkali saltgrass xx xxd
Gs02 Nuttalls alkaligrass Foxtail barley xxd xd xv
Gs03 Field sedge xx xxd xxv
Gs04 Tufted hairgrass xd xxd xxv
Sc01 Scrub birch Kinnikinnick xx xdc xxdc xxv
Sc02 Grey-leaved willow Glow moss xx xdc xdc xxdc
Sc03 Barclays willow Arrow-leaved groundsel x xxx

x = incidental; < 5% of wetlands xx = minor; 525% of wetlands xxx = major; >25% of wetlands

Chapter 5.8 Transition associations

d = dry subzones only v = dry subzones of the SBPS only dc = dry and cold subzones only

.. Transition Species Importance Table
Species Gs01 Gs02 Gs03 Gs04
Shrubs Salix brachycarpa
Betula nana
Salix glauca x
Salix barclayi
Herbs Distichlis spicata var. stricta xyzzzz xy x
Spartina gracilis xyzz xy
Suaeda calceoliformis xyz x
Aster ericoides ssp. pansus xyz xy x
Poa secunda xy x x
Hordeum jubatum xyzz xyzzz xy
Puccinellia nuttalliana xyz xyzzzz
Carex praegracilis xy xyz xyzzzz
Elymus trachycaulus x x xy x
Poa pratensis x x xyz xy
Aster ericoides x xy
Potentilla anserina x x xy
Juncus balticus xy xy xyzz xy
Deschampsia cespitosa xy xyzzzz
Potentilla gracilis xy x
Taraxacum officinale x xy xy
Carex utriculata xyz
Achillea millefolium x xy
Muhlenbergia richardsonis x
Kobresia myosuroides
Koeleria macrantha x
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi x
Antennaria pulcherrima
Maianthemum stellatum x x
Aster ciliolatus x
Calamagrostis canadensis x xy xy
Thalictrum occidentale x x
Fragaria virginiana x x
Senecio triangularis
Valeriana sitchensis
Epilobium angustifolium
Erigeron peregrinus x
Sanguisorba canadensis
Trollius albiflorus
Equistem arvense
Mosses Bryum pseudotriquetrum xy
Drepanocladus spp. xy xy
Aulacomnium palustre x
Brachythecium spp. x xy
Mnium spp. x x

200 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Sc01 Sc02 Sc03 Common Name
xyzz x short-fruited willow
xyzzzz xyzzz scrub birch
xyz xyzzzz grey-leaved willow
x x xyzzzz Barclays willow
alkali saltgrass
alkali cordgrass
x tufted white prairie aster
x Sandbergs bluegrass
x foxtail barley
Nuttalls alkaligrass
xyz x x field sedge
xy x slender wheatgrass
xy x Kentucky bluegrass
x tufted white prairie aster
x common silverweed
xyzz xy Baltic rush
x xy tufted hairgrass
xy xy graceful cinquefoil
xy x common dandelion
xy x beaked sedge
xyz xy yarrow
xyzzz mat muhly
xy Bellards kobresia
xy junegrass
xyzzz xyz kinnikinnick
xyz x showy pussytoes
xy x star-flowered false Solomons-seal
xy xyz Lindleys aster
x xyz xyz bluejoint
xy xyz x western meadowrue
xyz xyzz x wild strawberry
x xyzz arrow-leaved groundsel
xyzz Sitka valerian
x xyz xy fireweed
x xy subalpine daisy
xy Sitka burnet
xy x globeflower
xyz common horsetail
x xyz xy
x xy hook-mosses
x xyzzz xyzz glow moss
x xyz feather-moss
xyz leafy mosses

Chapter 5.8 Transition associations 201

Gs01 Alkali saltgrass

Distichlis spicata var. stricta

General Description
The Alkali saltgrass Saline Meadow Site Association is uncom-
mon in the BG, PP, and dry IDF of the Central Interior and
Southern Interior at elevations below 1000 m. Gs01 meadows
occur in the seasonally flooded riparian zone of small potholes
and shallow lakes where evaporation accumulates salts. Brief
flooding in the early season is followed by pro-
nounced surface drying, occasionally leaving a
distinct salt crust.
Only salt-tolerant plants are found on these
sites; no shrubs or mosses occur. Distichlis
spicata var. stricta is always prominent but
some sites have high cover of Spartina gracilis,
Amphiscirpus nevadensis, or Poa secunda ssp.
Soils are fine textured, saline or saline-alkali,
imperfectly drained materials with minimal
organic accumulation. Solonetzes and Gleysols are common soil groups.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Herb layer (22 - 82 - 92) A B C D E F
Amphiscirpus nevadensis, Aster ericoides ssp.
Soil Moisture Regime

pansus, Distichlis spicata var. stricta,
Hordeum jubatum, Puccinellia nuttalliana, VM
Salicornia rubra, Spartina gracilis, Suaeda
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Sites occur that have a high abundance of
Spartina gracilis, Amphiscirpus nevadensis,
or Poa secunda ssp. juncifolia.These sites are
currently considered variations of the Gs01;
further sampling might support separation of these ecosystems into new Site Associations.
Gs01often occurs adjacent to shallow open-water sites and in complex with Gs02 sites. Sites
that are highly saline are often dominated by Sueda calceoliformis or Salicornia rubra.
Hordeum jubatum is a naturally occurring species on Gs01 sites but becomes more prominent
with grazing or mineral soil exposure.
This Site Association was previously described as part of a Saltgrass Alkaligrass Wet Meadow
Site Association by Steen and Roberts (1988).

202 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Nuttalls alkaligrass Foxtail barley Gs02

Puccinellia nuttalliana Hordeum jubatum

General Description
Nuttalls alkaligrass Foxtail barley saline meadows are
uncommon in the dry IDF, MS, and SBPS subzones of the
Central Interior and Southern Interior at elevations between
800 and 1200 m. Gs02 meadows occur in the seasonally flood-
ed riparian zone of small alkali potholes and shallow lakes
where evaporation accumulates salts. Brief flooding in
the spring gives way to merely moist conditions during
the summer.
High overall graminoid cover is common; Puccinellia
nuttalliana is a constant dominant. Hordeum jubatum
occurs naturally with low cover on most sites but in-
creases and may become dominant with soil
disturbance. Shrubs are absent and the moss layer
is poorly developed.
Soils are often fine textured, alkali, or saline-alkali
Gleysols or Solonetzs on poorly to imperfectly drained
materials. Sites often have dark surface horizons.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Herb layer (40 - 85 - 90) A B C D E F
Carex praegracilis, Hordeum jubatum,
Soil Moisture Regime

Puccinellia nuttalliana
Moss layer (0 - 0 - 10) VM

Comments W
Gs02 can occur alone in basins or adjacent to
other saline meadows or marshes such as the VW
Wm07 or Wm06. It occurs at generally higher
elevations than the Gs01. In the IDF of the
Chilcotin Plateau, where both Gs01 and Gs02
are relatively common, the Gs02 occurs on
more alkali sites.
The Gs02 was previously described as part of
a Saltgrass Alkaligrass Wet Meadow Site As-
sociation by Steen and Roberts (1988).

Chapter 5.8 Transition associations 203

Gs03 Field sedge

Carex praegracilis

General Description
Field sedge meadows are common throughout the Chilcotin
Plateau region of the Central Interior and uncommon in the
Southern Interior at elevations below 1250 m. Gs03 sites form
extensive stands in seasonally flooded, moderately alkaline de-
pressions; or peripheral communities in the drawdown zone
around permanent ponds and Wm06 or
Wm07 marshes. The Gs03 occurs where there
is brief early-season inundation followed by a
dropping of the watertable below the surface.
The upper horizons often dry out by the early
growing season.
Carex praegracilis is the constant dominant on
these sites. Juncus balticus occurs on wetter ex-
amples but never dominates (see Wm07). On
grazed sites Poa pratensis becomes prominent but will occur even on
undisturbed sites. These sites usually have no shrub and little moss layer
Soils are fine textured slightly alkaline Gleysols or gleyed Brunisols devel-
oped in poorly to imperfectly drained lacustrine materials, with up to 10
cm of surface organic accumulation.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0) Soil Nutrient Regime
Herb layer (60 - 90 - 99) A B C D E F
Carex praegracilis, Juncus balticus,
Soil Moisture Regime

Poa pratensis
Moss layer (0 - 10 - 20) VM

Comments W
Gs04 commonly occurs adjacent to the closely
related Wm07, which occupies wetter loca-
tions. Interannual variation in water depth is
typical where these Site Associations occur,
and the extent of Gs03 may increase during
drier years.The Gs03 occurs on less saline sites
than the Gs02.
The Gs03 was previously described as part of a Baltic rush Field sedge Wet Meadow Site Asso-
ciation by Steen and Roberts (1988).

204 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Tufted hairgrass Gs04

Deschampsia cespitosa ssp.cespitosa

General Description
Tufted hairgrass meadows are uncommon in the cold, dry
subzones of the Central Interior (SBPS and MS). They form
extensive communities in frost-prone basins fed by seepage
from the surrounding upland. These sites are usually saturat-
ed to the surface in the early part of the growing season.
Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. cespitosa can form
nearly pure stands and gives the site a tussocky
appearance. Shrub and moss layers are poorly
developed. In wetter microsites Carex utricula-
ta can be prominent.
Soils are often fine textured, imperfectly
drained, and weakly alkaline Brunisols or
humic Gleysols with up to 15 cm of surface
organic accumulation.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Soil Nutrient Regime
Shrub layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Herb layer (25 - 85 - 99) A B C D E F
Carex utriculata, Deschampsia cespitosa
Soil Moisture Regime

Moss layer (0 - 20 - 90)
Gs04 can occupy entire shallow depressions
but more commonly it occurs in the moist ri-
parian area around Wm01 marshes or small
ponds. In some areas, it may also be in com-
plex with dry meadows dominated by
Danthonia intermedia or Festuca altaica.
Deschampsia cespitosa is widely distributed
in the province and is a common dominant in
alpine and coastal estuarine ecosystems.
The Gs04 is described by Steen and Roberts

Chapter 5.8 Transition associations 205

Sc01 Scrub birch Kinnikinnick

Betula nana Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

General Description
The Scrub birch Kinnikinnick Shrub-carr Site Association is
common in the colder, drier subzones of the Central Interior.
These shrub-carrs form small communities in frost-prone
basins with moist, cold substrates and often surround larger wetlands.
In drier climates, these sites are rarely, if ever, inundated, but subsurface
saturation is typical in the early season. Sites
are distinctly mounded with shrubs on rela-
tively dry organic-rich mounds.
The Sc01 has very high species diversity. Betu-
la nana dominates the shrub layer with high
cover of Salix brachycarpa and S. glauca.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi and Muhlenbergia
richardsonis are common dominants of the
very diverse herb layer. The moss layer is
poorly developed and variable.
Soils are often fine textured, poorly to imperfectly drained materials with
thin surface organic accumulation. Gleysols and gleyed Brunisols are
common soil types.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (10 - 58 - 80) Soil Nutrient Regime
Betula nana, Salix brachycarpa, S. glauca A B C D E F
Herb layer (40 - 80 - 99)
Soil Moisture Regime

Achillea millefolium, Antennaria pulcherrima,
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Carex praegracilis, VM
Fragaria virginiana, Juncus balticus, Muhlen-
bergia richardsonis
Moss layer (0 - 15 - 40)
Sc01 occurs alone in shallow depressions or
around the periphery of Wf01, Wm01, or Gs03
ecosystems.Though the Sc01 and Sc02 occupy
similar frost-prone sites, the Sc01 occurs on drier site conditions.
Betula nanadominated ecosystems are widespread in the Boreal, especially at higher eleva-
tions in the SWB. However, few plots in these communities have been established; it is possible
that the Sc01 also occurs in the Northern Boreal Mountains. Other scrub birchdominated
Shrub-carr Site Associations certainly occur but remain undescribed.
The Sc01 is described by Steen and Roberts (1988).

206 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Grey-leaved willow Glow moss Sc02

Salix glauca Aulacomnium palustre

General Description
Grey-leaved willow Glow moss shrub-carrs are uncommon
in the colder, drier subzones of the Interior from the Southern
Interior to the Northern Boreal Mountains. They form small communi-
ties in frost-prone basins and hollows with moist, cold substrates fed by
seepage from upslope sites. These sites are
often wetter than the Sc01. Standing water is
not present between mounds, and subsurface
saturation may be common early in the grow-
ing season.
Salix glauca grows on elevated mounds and
dominates the shrub layer. The herb layer is
diverse with large numbers of species all hav-
ing sparse cover. The moss layer is often well
Soils are often fine textured, poorly to imperfectly drained materials with
up to 15 cm of surface organic accumulation.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 1)
Shrub layer (20 - 80 - 90) Soil Nutrient Regime
Betula nana, Salix glauca A B C D E F
Herb layer (10 - 50 - 90)
Soil Moisture Regime

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Aster ciliolatus, Cala-
magrostis stricta, C. utriculata, Deschampsia VM
cespitosa, Epilobium angustifolium, Fragaria
virginiana, Thalictrum occidentale, Valeri-
ana dioca
Moss layer (10 - 50 - 99) VW
Aulacomnium palustre, Bryum pseudotri-

Though the Sc02 and Sc01 occupy similar frost-prone sites, the Sc02 occurs on moister site
conditions and at higher elevations. Salix glaucadominated ecosystems are widespread in
the Boreal, especially at higher elevations in the SWB. However, few plots in these communities
have been established; it is likely that additional Grey-leaved willow Site Associations occur.
Sc02 is locally common at montane to low subalpine elevations (10701615 m) in the BWBS,
MS, SBPS, and SWB zones.
The Sc02 is described by Roberts (1984).

Chapter 5.8 Transition associations 207

Sc03 Barclays willow Arrow-leaved groundsel

Salix barclayi Senecio triangularis

General Description
The Barclays willow Arrow-leaved groundsel Shrub-
carr/Swamp Site Association is common in the subalpine
climates of the Interior from the Southern Interior to the
Northern Boreal Mountains. These shrub-carrs form exten-
sive communities on subalpine seepage slopes, gullies,
abandoned stream flats, and lake
margins with cold, moist to very
moist (wet) soils. Standing water is
typically not present, but subirriga-
tion is common.
Salix barclayi is always present but can be
shorter in stature than surrounding forb
species. The herb layer is diverse, well devel-
oped, and dominated by subalpine forbs such
as Senecio triangularis and Valeriana sitchensis.
Soils are commonly fine to medium textured, poorly to imperfectly
drained mineral materials with well-humified surface organic horizons.
Gleysols and gleyed Brunisols are most common but occasionally these
sites occur on shallow peat.

Characteristic Vegetation Wetland Edatopic Grid

Tree layer (0 - 0 - 0)
Shrub layer (10 - 80 - 90) Soil Nutrient Regime
Salix barclayi, S. commutata A B C D E F
Herb layer (5 - 50 - 90)
Soil Moisture Regime

Calamagrostis canadensis, Equisetum ar-
vense, Senecio triangularis, Valeriana VM
Moss layer (10 - 55 - 99)
Aulacomnium palustre, Brachythecium spp.,
Mnium spp. VW

Sc03 is very widespread in British Columbia
and can occupy substantial area in plateaus
of upper montane and subalpine forest lands. It occurs alone in extensive flats or associated
with forb meadows and high-elevation fens.The Wf04 has a similar structure and occurs over
the same geographic range but develops under wetter conditions.

208 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Conservation and 6
management issues

Wildlife uses of wetlands are as

diverse as wetland types.While
marshes and shallow waters
support the highest wildlife
populations, bogs and other
wetland types each support
their own distinctive wildlife
Wetlands and related ecosystems provide ecosystem services dispropor-
tionate to their limited extent in the landscape. They are valuable
ecosystems with many functions:
the majority of wildlife and fish species in the province use these
ecosystems for part of their life history and some are entirely
dependent upon them;
they support large populations of economically important fur-bearers;
wetlands and related ecosystems provide some of the highest-quality
range for livestock; and
they are an integral component of hydrological systems and good
water quality.
This chapter outlines some general management principles for wetlands
and related ecosystems. In addition, important habitat attributes and life
history requirements for wetland-using wildlife are presented.


Wetlands (mainly fens and marshes) and related ecosystems are impor-
tant grazing lands throughout much of British Columbia. They are
productive ecosystems often with a diversity and abundance of palatable
species that maintain their forage quality later in the season than adja-
cent uplands. In addition, livestock favour riparian habitats because of
their association with drinking water, cool microclimates, and shade.
However, these characteristics can lead to habitat overuse and degrada-
tion by livestock without proper management.
Some effects of improper livestock management systems in riparian
areas include:
damage, reduction, or elimination of vegetation by browsing, grazing,
or trampling;
changes in plant communities through selective browsing and grazing;
soil compaction and disturbance, which increases erosion and de-
creases water availability to plants;
changes in fluvial process and aquatic ecosystems, through bank
shearing, reduction of vegetative cover, and subsequent changes to
stream channel characteristics;
decrease in water quality though increased water temperatures,
nutrients, suspended sediments, and bacterial counts; and
reduced wildlife habitat quality from impacts to vegetation structure,
species composition, and water quality.

210 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

A full review of livestock effects on riparian areas in British Columbia is
presented in Powell et al. (2000).
Range Conditions
The Range Resources Assessment Manual (1999) outlines procedures for
identifying proper functioning condition () of riparian areas. One
attribute for assessment of range condition is the potential natural
community () (B.C. Ministry of Forests 2002). The Site Association
descriptions in Chapter 5 can be used as guidelines for identifying the
. A management plan that targets the maintanence of a healthy
will often limit impacts to other important indicators of such as:
Stream channel shape and bank stability: Excessive livestock use of
streams and riparian areas can lead to widening and shallowing,
stream trenching, or braiding, depending on the texture of fluvial
materials and level of use.
Vegetation structure: Some ecosystems, particularly willow swamps
and low-bench ecosystems, can undergo structural changes (such as
removal of low shrub layers, resprouting, clubbing, and highlining)
that are indications of reduced ecosystem functioning.
Soil structure: Sites with wet and fine-textured soils are susceptible to
compaction and rutting, which will lead to an increase in erosion and
weedy species.
Water nutrient levels: Large inputs of livestock feces can elevate
nutrient levels in streams and wetlands, leading to eutrophication.
Wildlife: Wildlife can suffer direct impacts through trampling of
ground nests and indirect impacts through habitat degradation and
Strategies for Minimizing Livestock Impacts on Vegetation
Livestock impacts on vegetation can be minimized through proper con-
trols on timing and level of use. There are, broadly, four methods of
managing livestock in riparian areas.
1) Control animal distribution: This generally means fencing to limit
access to sensitive areas. However, providing dedicated access points
or alternative sources of water, forage, and shelter away from wet-
lands and streams can reduce overuse of riparian zones.
2) Control timing of access: Negative impacts of livestock on native
plant species are often related to season of use. Early-season use co-
incides with the period of highest resource demands by growing
plants. Livestock use should be timed to occur after spring when key
plants are less sensitive. For example, willows are adapted to and

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 211

tolerant of winter browsing but appear to be susceptible to early
growing-season browsing.
The advantages of late-season grazing include good plant vigour and
productivity, minimal soil disturbance, and minimized disturbance
to wildlife during the breeding season (Kauffman 1982).
Many wetland sites have fine-textured soils that are susceptible to
degradation when wet. Early-season use of wet sites by livestock can
result in soil compaction, rutting, and erosion.
3) Provide adequate rest periods: Season-long, continuous use will
have detrimental effects on range condition. Range programs with
long growing-season rest periods allow plants to acquire and store
resources, produce seed, and establish seedlings. Most native plants
are not adapted to continual grazing and will be replaced by non-
native species that are either unpalatable for livestock or tolerant of
heavy use.
Rest-rotation systems that allow for 1 rest year out of 3 or 2 rest years
of spring-summer grazing out of 3 have been recommended to pre-
serve riparian functioning (Kauffman and Krueger 1984).
4) Control grazing intensity: It is estimated that utilization rates below
25% will show little effect on streamside vegetation, but rates over
65% typically show measurable impacts (Platts 1982). Degraded sites
may not have to be rested to allow full recovery if grazing intensity is
low (Manoukian and Marlow 2002). However, where wildlife brows-
ing is heavy, even light browsing by livestock can reduce productivity
of willow (Brookshire et al. 2002).

Cattle will heavily use riparian areas around wetlands but use marshes mainly to access drinking water.

212 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification


Of the Site Associations described in this guide, forest harvesting is pos-

sible only in some forested swamps (Ws07, 08, 10, 11, 53, 54, 55), bogs
(Wb08), and middle-bench stands; other ecosystems do not have trees
large enough for commercial timber production. Specific management
guidelines can be found for most of these ecosystems in the regional
field guides. All wetlands are potentially affected by adjacent land clear-
ing, especially where such activities are widespread or involve potential
disruption of groundwater flow.
Harvesting Flood Forests
Functioning riparian areas are very important for stream ecosystems.
Streamside vegetation provides the following important functions:
maintains bank stability and channel form by binding soils and trap-
ping sediments;
provides large woody debris to streams, which produces important
fish habitat;
inputs fine organic debris that fuels stream ecosystems;
moderates surface water temperatures;
provides habitat for terrestrial and aquatic wildlife; and
maintains in-channel and off-channel fish habitat.
Issues in Floodplain Management
Of the flood ecosystems in this guide, only cottonwood-dominated middle-
bench communities are harvested commercially.2 Most commercial sites
occur on the floodplains of large rivers where extensive stands can be ex-
ploited for pulpwood. See Petersen et al. (1996) Black Cottonwood and
Balsam Poplar Managers Handbook for British Columbia for issues and
approaches to management of these stands. Red alder stands can also be
commercial but it is primarily successional forests that are managed.
Bank and floodplain erosion: Removal of tree cover can lead to instabil-
ity of the floodplain and stream banks during flood events. Channel
avulsion will be more common where vegetation has been removed.
Silvicultural issues: Prolonged flooding and vigorous competing brush
can cause regeneration difficulties. Loss of seedlings can be an important
issue in years when rodent populations are high.

2 High-bench floodplain forests, where commercial timber harvesting is common,

are not covered in this guide.

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 213

Wildlife trees: Large cottonwood are valuable wildlife trees while stand-
ing or fallen. Large old cottonwood will be selected by birds that build
large platform-like nests (e.g., Osprey, Bald Eagle, Great Blue Heron)
and primary and secondary cavity nesters. They are valuable for several
listed species such as Western Screech Owl, Lewis Woodpecker, and var-
ious bat species. Some level of mature canopy retention is recommended
on cottonwood floodplains outside of the reserve zone.
Fish/Forestry: Trees within one tree height of the water are particularly
important for stream ecosystems. They provide shading, bank stability,
litterfall, and large woody debris. Along coastal streams, floodplains pro-
vide critical off-channel habitat for coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).
Temporary ponds in riparian forest are used extensively by over-wintering
coho juveniles. This habitat needs to be assessed during winter high
flows when it is most readily identified. Several management practices
can minimize impacts (Hartman and Brown 1988):
place culverts and bridges to permit movement of fish;
maintain natural drainage;
fall and yard away from wet depressions; and
do not treat the riparian zone as a sediment trap; keep sedimentation
to a minimum.
Harvesting Swamp and Bog Forests
Draining marginally productive swamp forest to improve tree growth is
a common practice in the boreal forest outside of British Columbia and
may play an increasing role here as timber reserves diminish. Most
forested swamps are between intermediate wetland and upland habitats
and will present significant silvicultural challenges if harvested.
Sensitive soils. Wet and fine-textured soils are highly susceptible to
compaction and rutting.
Overly wet site conditions. Good tree growth is often limited to
raised microsites. Where harvesting removes much of the canopy, wa-
tertables often rise, further reducing microsites that are dry enough to
support trees.
High capability for competing vegetation. Successful reforestation
will require brush control.
Frost-prone locations. Many wetlands occur in low areas of the land-
scape where cold air ponds and growing-season frosts are common.
Frost damage and seedling mortality can be expected in cleared areas
with no overstorey cover.
Low site potential. The site index at 50 years for forested wetlands is
less than 12 m for bogs and less than 17 m for most swamps. However,

214 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

this likely overestimates site potential for many of these sites for two
reasons: 1) Severe site limitations restrict the maximum size of trees
on these sites; height growth curves begin to flatten as early as 50 years.
2) Sampling methods for site index focus on the best growing-site
trees; tree growth on wetland sites, however, is highly microsite-
dependent with the largest trees growing on a few optimal microsites.
Total volume production on forested wetlands is thus very low.
Characteristics of Sites Where Timber Harvest Should Be Avoided
There are several indicators that can be used to identify forested swamps
that should probably not be harvested.
1) Sites with poor tree growth. These sites have low timber values and
will clearly be the most problematic for reforestation. Site prepara-
tion such as mounding or ditching will likely be required to create
drier microsites for planting. However, these site preparation tech-
niques can result in further site degradation by creating extensive
water ponding that restricts tree root development.
2) Some sites with good tree growth occur on deep organic soils with
abundant lateral seepage. While the mature timber values may be
good, they will prove difficult to reforest. All of the problem issues
listed above will need to be considered. Only winter harvesting, while
wet soils are frozen, will be possible. Mounded microtopography is
typically critical to good tree growth on these sites. Heavy machinery
will often damage this structure even in winter. Many elevated mi-
crosites are not composed of mineral soil but created from old
tip-ups where replanting success is unlikely. Mounding site treat-
ments are generally not useful on these sites due to high erosion
rates of well-humified organic materials. Advanced regeneration can
be critical for successful re-establishment of a coniferous canopy
(Pivnen 1997). Cluster planting on raised microsites may be neces-
sary to ensure adequate survival and growth of conifers.
3) Sites with standing water in summer. Trees in swamps extract abun-
dant groundwater for growth, removing vast quantities of soil water
and lowering the watertable through evapotranspiration. The
presence of standing water on the site during the growing season
indicates that the site is near the lowest threshold of productive tree
growth. Removal of the canopy will lead to deeper and more
persistent surface water; the ability of trees to regenerate will be
compromised and availability of plantable spots will be further

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 215

Harvesting around Wetlands
Impacts of harvesting upland forests in the riparian zone on adjacent
wetland plant communities is typically not marked unless road building
activities interrupt water inflow or outflow, or if forest clearing is exten-
sive and affects overall watershed hydrology. Where the riparian zone is
composed of swamp forest at level with the wetland, removal of large
portions of it will lead to a raising of the watertable (see above), which
can have an impact on plant communities in the rest of the wetland.
Most wetland-using wildlife species use both the wetland and adjacent
riparian area. When viewed from a wildlife perspective, the wetland
and its riparian area should be viewed as a single functioning wetland
ecosystem. Terrestrial habitats may be exceptionally important for con-
servation of some species groups such as amphibians. Management
plans targeting amphibian conservation that focus only on wetland land
habitats are likely to be unsuccessful without consideration of the ripari-
an area (Marsh and Trenham 2001).
Harvesting that maintains some canopy cover, minimizes soil distur-
bance and compaction, and retains downed wood will minimize impacts
to wildlife populations.
Several objectives should be considered when harvesting around wet-
Protect wetland hydrology Ensure that surface and groundwater
inlets and outlets are not interupted by road construction or harvest-
ing activities.
Maintain vegetative cover Implement partial-cutting harvest plans
and windfirm edges.
Maintain wildlife trees Maintain large standing snags and veterans.
Maintain downed wood Leave large stems on the ground.
Avoid wet depressions Avoid harvesting or skidding through low-
lying areas of the stand.
Winter harvest Harvest during season of lowest wildlife use.
Landscape Planning
The cumulative effects of resource extraction, urban development, and
transportation networks have resulted in a disconnected landscape. Noss
(1994) cites Shaffers (1992) assertions that long-term viability of large
carnivores in North America is being compromised by the fragmenta-
tion of the original wilderness into small refugia. This phenomenon may
be occurring at smaller scales for less mobile wetland animals, as wet-

216 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

lands become isolated from each other by development activities and re-
source extraction. Semlitsch and Bodie (1998) argue that small wetlands
are extremely valuable for maintaining diversity in a number of plant,
invertebrate, and vertebrate taxa (e.g., amphibians). However, the ability
of many amphibian species to disperse may be under-appreciated and
may be limited only where significant barriers, such as roads or urban
development, exist (Marsh and Trenham 2001).


Wetlands and related ecosystems have variable wildlife values. Some

basic features that may influence a wetlands wildlife habitat value in-
1. Presence of water. Aside from the obvious habitat values for aquatic
invertebrates, fish, and amphibians, ponds, lakes, and streams are
often focal points for terrestrial animals as primary sources of drink-
ing water.
2. Structural diversity and cover. In many landscapes, wetlands and
riparian ecosystems are structurally distinct from the surrounding
upland and provide unique habitats. High structural complexity
within wetlands generally increases their value to wildlife by provid-
ing nesting cover and foraging habitat for a wide range of species.
3. Abundant forage. Wetlands and riparian areas can be productive
habitats. Many wetland plant species provide important forage.
Skunk cabbage, sedges, and horsetails form an important component
of bear diets; pond-lilies, willows, and other shrubs are browsed by
moose; and marsh emergents and aquatics are foraged by Muskrat,
Beaver, and waterfowl.
4. High prey densities. The productive aquatic habitats adjacent to
flood communities and shallow-water habitats frequently produce
high concentrations of aquatic insects that are the food base for
larger animals, especially birds and bats.
5. Unique habitat. Peatlands provide unique microhabitats that are
used by specialized invertebrates (Finnamore and Marshall, 1994).
6. Rarity in the landscape. Especially in drier climates, water and
aquatic habitats are especially valuable for wildlife but are also
uncommon and often in areas of development. Good-quality wet-
land habitat is at a premium in these areas.
The most heavily used wetlands are marshes, with their high productivi-
ty and adjacency to open water, followed by swamps, fens, and bogs.

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 217

However, all of these habitats are vital for wetland-dependent species
and important for upland species that use wetlands and their associated
riparian areas for food, water, and cover.
Amphibian Habitat Requirements
Amphibians are generally associated with wetland habitats or other
moist environments (excluding saline habitats, which are toxic to am-
phibians). British Columbia has 20 amphibian species, many of which
are restricted to the relatively mild climates of the Coast and southern
Interior. Adults of some amphibian species stay in or near water always;
others stay near water but feed in adjacent uplands; several of British
Columbias amphibians are mainly terrestrial, using water only for
breeding; and some are wholly terrestrial (Table 6.1).
In British Columbia, all amphibians, except Plethodontid salamanders,
require water in which to lay their eggs. Wetlands are the most common
habitats but some species such as Clouded Salamander and Tailed Frog
lay their eggs in streams. Others such as Spadefoot Toad will deposit eggs
in temporary ponds.
Broadly, wetlands with good vegetation structure for the egg mass at-
tachment and sufficient flood duration for juvenile development are
preferred breeding sites. Frogs generally metamorphose during the same
season that the eggs are laid while salamanders can take several years to
mature, especially in cold climates.
In a study of amphibian distribution in the Puget Sound Basin, Richter
and Azous (1995) found that there was no statistically significant rela-
tionship between amphibian richness and wetland size, number of
vegetation classes, presence of predators, characteristics of waterflow,
and wetland permanence. Low-velocity flow and low water-level fluctua-
tion were correlated with high species richness. Increasing water-level
fluctuation and percent watershed urbanization were correlated with low
species richness.
Amphibians are especially vulnerable to environmental pollutants. Their
breathable skins readily absorb chemicals. Clearly, additions of pesti-
cides, fuel, or other chemicals to waterbodies will affect local populations
of amphibians and should be avoided.
Precipitous declines in some amphibian populations have been observed
around the world. The cause of these declines has still not been pin-
pointed but several causal factors are likely, including increased
ultraviolet (-) irradiation, acid precipitation, adverse weather pat-

218 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

. Distribution and habitat use by adult pond-breeding amphibians (from Province of British Columbia 1998)

Species Distribution Seasonal Terrestrial habitat Aquatic habitat

Tiger Salamander Red List; Okanagan Migrates to water AprilMay Underground burrows in Small, often alkali, lakes and temporary
grassland ponds; neotenes in cold lakes
Northwestern Common on Coast Migrates to water to breed Moist forests Lakes and streams; also in subalpine
Salamander ponds
Long-toed Common; widespread Migrates to water to breed as Moist microhabitats (e.g., and High- and low-elevation lakes and
Salamander S. of 56N. early as December rock rubble) in forests and pastures ponds; in pools along streams
Rough-skinned Common on Coast Migrates to ponds to breed Forests Vegetated fringes of permanent water-
Newt FebApril bodies and slow-moving streams
Great Basin Blue List; Okanagan Migrates to water to breed During dry weather, under the soil Temporary or shallow ponds (alkali)
Spadefoot FebApril in burrows
Western Toad Locally common, Migrates MayJune; at high Most forested habitats in all biogeo- Temporary or permanent pools and
widespread but patchy elevation SeptOct climatic zones and ecoregions small ponds
Pacific Treefrog Common on Coast Migrates to water for breeding Forests; often on trees and shrubs; Shallow water with lots of vegetation;
MarMay also common along shores not necessarily permanent

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues

Striped Chorus Locally common; Migrates to water for breeding Meadows, deciduous forests, and Shallow standing water
Frog NE B.C. MarJune around marshes
Red-legged Frog Locally common; Mainly aquatic; may move to other Near small ponds in damp forests Temporary or permanent ponds and
SW B.C. small ponds; breeds MarApril slow-moving streams; MarApril
Northern Leopard Red List; southern Migrates to ponds or swamps Near breeding sites, but may also Shallow, permanent marshes, ponds, and
Frog Interior MarJune forage in meadows and fields lakes, especially with emergent vegetation
Spotted Frog Common, widespread in Very aquatic; may move over land At edges of ponds and lakes Prefers permanent ponds and small lakes
Interior during rainy periods in early spring
Wood Frog Scattered; common in Moves to water for breeding Meadows and forest near ponds; Shallow clear ponds for only a few days
northern B.C. AprilJuly alpine tundra; very cold tolerant in north
American Introduced Van. Is. and Mainly aquatic; breeds MayJuly Water edge Permanent ponds of variable depth;
Bullfrog SW mainland prefers shallow water with vegetation
Green Frog Introduced Van. Is. and Mainly aquatic; breeds MayJuly Water edge Permanent ponds
SW mainland

terns, environmental pollution, or infectious disease. While most of
these are beyond the scale of management by field workers, the latter
should be carefully considered by individuals who are visiting several
In North America, mortalities caused by amphibian iridoviruses or
Ranaviruses have been documented for species that occur in British
Columbia, including Leopard Frog, Red-legged Frog, and Tiger Sala-
mander. These viruses can persist under adverse conditions (such as
dried mud on boots) for several months to several years. Field workers
should, at minimum, rinse outerwear and equipment. Transport of
adults or juveniles from one locality to another should also be avoided.
Pond-breeding Amphibians
The Rough-skinned Newt is the only newt species in British Columbia.
It occurs throughout the Coast. Adults forage for slugs and worms in
open seral and mixed forests near permanent water. Adults also feed on
tadpoles and aquatic invertebrates. Shallow water in swamps, fens, and
bogs is used for breeding. Larvae are carnivorous.
Four species of mole salamander occur in British Columbia: Long-toed
Salamander, Northwestern Salamander, Tiger Salamander, and Pacific
Giant Salamander. Adult mole salamanders spend much of their adult
life underground in rodent burrows or under rocks. Juveniles are always
aquatic and some are neotenous.
Long-toed Salamander are widespread on the Coast and in the Interior
mostly south of 56 degrees north latitude. Adults prefer forested edge
habitats near water and breed in still waters with abundant aquatic vege-
Northwestern Salamander occur along the Coast and are frequently
neotenous. Larvae, if they develop into terrestrial adults, often take more
than a single year to metamorphose. Breeding occurs in fishless, perma-
nent, shallow ponds.
Tiger Salamander are widespread in North America but occur only in
the warmest, driest areas of the southern Interior (south Okanagan) in
British Columbia. Adults live mainly underground in grassland habitats.
Breeding is primarily in alkali ponds and shallow lakes. Larvae transform
in 34 months and live primarily in warm areas of ponds with abundant

220 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Great Basin Spadefoot occur in the dry climates of the Southern Interior.
This is primarily a terrestrial species but eggs are laid in temporary or
shallow alkali lakes and ponds. Larvae eat detritus, carrion, and aquatic
vegetation and mature in about 6 weeks, after which they leave the natal
The Western Toad occurs throughout British Columbia in all but the
coldest climates. This widespread species is primarily terrestrial, travel-
ling far from open water and wetlands. They prefer moist habitats where
they can escape desiccating conditions. Breeding occurs in shallow
ponds and pools with sandy bottoms.
Two species of treefrog occur in British Columbia: Pacific Treefrog
and Northern Chorus Frog. The former is widespread along the Coast,
Southern Interior, and Southern Interior Mountains. The latter occur
only in the Boreal Plains and Taiga Plains.
Pacific Treefrog adults forage in forest edges and shrubby habitats
sometimes far from open water. Shrub swamps and shrub fens are good
habitats. Breeding occurs in shallow, weedy, permanent shallow water.
Northern Chorus Frog live mainly underground in grassy or wooded
areas. Breeding occurs anywhere there is shallow water.
Four native frog species occur in British Columbia: Red-legged, Spotted,
Northern Leopard, and Wood Frog. These true frogs are the most
aquatic of the frog groups in British Columbia and are much more close-
ly associated with open water as adults.
Red-legged Frog occur on Vancouver Island and the adjacent mainland
where they occur in small waterbodies in forested landscapes. Adults can
wander some distance into forest but most commonly remain near
Spotted Frog are widespread throughout the Interior in cold-water
ponds and lakes.
Northern Leopard Frog are found in the Southern Interior Mountains
and Southern Interior around permanent waterbodies. Adults forage in
grassy uplands often far from open water. Eggs are laid in small, well-
vegetated ponds and swamps.

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 221

Wood Frogs commonly use peatlands adjacent to open water.

Woodfrog occur throughout the Interior, mostly north of 51 degrees

north latitude. This species is very cold-tolerant and occurs even in the
cold climates of the northern boreal and subalpine. Adults will forage far
from open water. Adults hibernate on land under debris and litter and
rely on deep snows for insulation.
The two introduced frog species, Bullfrog and Green Frog, occur on the
south Coast and in the Southern Interior. These species are both highly
aquatic and rarely leave natal marshes and shallow-water habitats.
Stream-breeding Amphibians
Pacific Giant Salamander occur only in the mainland areas of the Geor-
gia Depression south of the Fraser River. They breed in clear-flowing
streams and the adults forage in the upland forest not far from this habitat.
Tailed Frog occur in and along fast-moving streams at higher elevations
of the mainland Coast. Adults use adjacent upland forest and do not
favour wetlands or related ecosystems.
Terrestrial Amphibians
Three species of lungless salamander (Plethodontidae) occur in British
Columbia that live completely terrestrial lives: Western Red-back
Salamander, Ensatina, and Clouded Salamander. They all occur on
Vancouver Island and the adjacent mainland, except the latter, which is
absent from the mainland.

222 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

These salamanders are not associated with open-water habitat even for
breeding. As their common name suggests, Plethodontid salamanders
have no lungs but breath through their skin and oral cavity. For this
reason, they require habitats that allow them to keep their skins moist.
These habitats are often moist forests with structures such as downed
wood, rocks, or abundant litter under which they can hide from desic-
cating conditions and predators. Eggs are laid in large pieces of decayed
wood that remain moist. Swamp forests are good habitat.
Waterbird Habitat Requirements
Wetlands provide valuable habitat for many species of birds, but water-
birds (pelicans, loons, grebes, phalaropes, swans, geese, ducks, herons,
cranes, rails, shorebirds, terns) are the most dependent on wetland habi-
tats. Natural wetlands that have seasonal and long-term fluctuations in
water levels are generally the most productive for waterbirds. These
fluctuations enhance productivity and maintain complex vegetation
structure. Water depth and vegetation structure are important cues for
waterbird use of wetland habitats (Reid 1993).
Wetlands are used for different life history requirements:
summer breeding and feeding sites
moulting sites (ducks and geese)
feeding away from nesting sites (pelicans, herons, and waders)
migration stops (shorebirds, ducks, and geese)
food exploration after breeding (waders)
Loons and Grebes
Loons and Grebes require large stretches of open water to achieve flight
and therefore occur on larger waterbodies. They nest mostly on mounds
of floating vegetation (often Muskrat haul-outs) within the cover of
emergent vegetation. Pacific Loons will select large lakes that are more
clear than coloured, because they are sight feeders and colour may
inhibit foraging efficiency. Horned Grebes are likely to occur on larger
wetlands with high pH and chlorophyll levels. Eared Grebes colonies
nest on surface mats of filamentous green algae, sago pondweed, or
bladderwort anchored in sedges and other emergents (Boe 1994).

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 223

The floating nests of Red-necked Grebes are found in shallow waters of lakes.

Herons, Cranes, and Rails

Great Blue Herons move from coastal, intertidal habitats during the
breeding season to marshes and grasslands during November to Febru-
ary (Butler 1995). This seasonal shift in habitat use occurs because herons
can no longer meet their daily energy needs by foraging on beaches.
Herons nest in colonies, commonly forming rookeries in red alder or
Sandhill Cranes breed in bogs with a shrub layer, swampy ground with
pink spirea, wetlands dominated by sedges, and coniferous forest (Coop-
er 1996). In British Columbia, Sandhill Cranes utilize wetlands in the

Great Blue Herons are commonly seen in marshes and estuaries but nest colonially in upland forests.

224 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

1100 ha size range. Adults build nests out of mounds of vegetation in
shallow wetlands within stands of emergent vegetation. Young and
adults use coniferous forests for escape cover and possibly for resting
and feeding. During migration stopovers, cranes use shallow, open wet-
lands with clear water for loafing, drinking, and roosting.
American Bitterns prefer vegetated edges and shorelines of wetlands
that are dominated by tall, emergent vegetation (i.e., taller than the bird
itself). They have been found in wetlands of all sizes, but appear to prefer
impoundments or beaver-created wetlands (Gibbs et al. 1992). Use of
wetlands appears to be restricted to those portions with water that are
shallow enough to stand in (less than 10 cm). Nests are well-concealed
platforms of reeds and other vegetation within dense emergent vegeta-
tion such as cattail and bulrush. Bitterns will occasionally nest on dry
ground in dense vegetation greater than 30 cm tall in grasslands adjacent
to wetlands (Gibbs et al. 1992).
Breeding Virginia Rails are rare to locally common in the Georgia
Depression, Southern Interior, and Central Interior at low elevations.
They favour regions with warm spring air temperatures. Virginia Rails
use freshwater wetlands, but have also been found in salt marshes,
favouring stands of robust vegetation including cattails and bulrushes
(Conway 1995). They have been frequently observed in areas with
515 cm deep water, and heard from areas with less than 5 cm water.
Nests are loosely woven baskets usually concealed with an overhead
canopy. Nests can be well above the water, or at the base of taller vegeta-
tion (Harrison 1978).
Soras are fairly common along southeastern Vancouver Island, Fraser
Lowlands, and in suitable habitat throughout the Interior to the Peace
River and other boreal areas. Soras prefer freshwater and brackish wet-
lands with an interspersion of emergent vegetation and open water. Cup
nests are often placed at vegetation edges, near patches of open water, in
a mixture of robust and fine vegetation; the surrounding vegetation is
folded over to form a covering dome. Dominant plants around nest sites
often include cattails and sedges, and, less commonly, bulrushes, bur-
reeds, and grasses.
Waterfowl require abundant protein and calcium during nesting and
moulting. Nesting waterfowl diets require invertebrates for the protein
required for egg production and growth of young. Few duck species ac-
quire substantial nutritional resources directly from consumption of

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 225

plant material other than seeds. Many wetlands with apparently good
vegetative cover are infrequently used by breeding or moulting water-
fowl because protein-rich prey is limited. Acidic wetlands are usually
poor breeding habitat because the macroinvertebrate communities are
dominated by dipterans with low protein and calcium content.
Saline/alkaline waterbodies in warmer climates typically have the highest
density of breeding waterfowl in British Columbia. Saline lakes provide
high quality and abundance of prey but broods must be moved to fresh-
water seeps or adjacent freshwater marshes (ducklings cannot tolerate
salt levels greater than 15 ppt).
Waterfowl, grebes, loons, and coots undergo a complete, simultaneous
wing moult that leaves them flightless. The moult occurs during the
brood-rearing period of geese, the post-breeding period of male ducks,
and the postbrood-rearing period of most female ducks. Feather re-
growth requires 35 weeks, depending on the species. Birds often move
to areas away from their breeding grounds to moult. Although little re-
search has been done, it is believed that these moulting areas are rich in
food and/or offer good cover for protection from predators.
Migrating Tundra Swans prefer wetlands with fennel-leaved pondweed
(Stuckenia pectinata), while non-foraging swans prefer wetlands with
large, open, unvegetated mud bars (Earnst 1994).
Trumpeter Swans feed on plant foods almost exclusively, although the
type of plants consumed by each sex varies during the season. Before in-
cubating, adults feed on submerged aquatic macrophytes, while during
incubation, horsetails (Equisetum fluviatile and E. arvense) and the sedge,
Carex lyngbyei, become the food item of choice for females, while males
continue to feed on submerged aquatics. Adult swans and their young
spend more time feeding on horsetail than all other foods combined.
(Grant et al. 1994).
Dabbling ducks, also known as marsh ducks, are capable of vertical
takeoff and can use small waterbodies and terrestrial habitats. Species
include Mallard, Gadwall, Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal, Blue-
winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon,
and Eurasian Wigeon. Distribution and breeding habitat requirements
for these species are outlined in Table 6.2.
Most dabbling ducks nest in a wide variety of riparian upland habitats.
However, birds nesting in natural grass- and shrublands have the highest
nesting success. In addition, seasonal wetlands can have higher fledging

226 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

. Distribution and habitat use by dabbling ducks (from RIC 1999)

Species Distribution Breeding habitat

Gadwall Central-southern B.C. from Creston and Grand Forks north Wetlands in the grasslands and open forested areas. Coastal brackish
to Williams Lake, the Fraser Lowlands, and Peace Lowlands. marshes, farmlands, sewage lagoons, and lakes. Nests on the ground
American Wigeon Most abundant in Chilcotin-Cariboo and Peace River Freshwater wetlands and rivers in brushy upland habitats, sometimes
(and Eurasian Wigeon) parklands; scattered throughout Interior, Kootenay far from water. Nests on ground very well concealed often by over-
and Nechako Lowlands, Peace River, and south Coast. hanging shrubs.
Mallard Widespread, most abundant in the Chilcotin-Cariboo. Wetlands in urban (golf courses, ditches, parks) and rural
(agricultural fields, sloughs, marshes, lakes, riparian woodlands)
environments. Nests on ground concealed by vegetation.
Blue-winged Teal South Coast east through the southern and central Interior Forested and open habitats near small bodies of water. Nests on
and Peace River through boreal forest and west to Atlin. ground near water.
Concentrations in Chicotin-Cariboo, Okanagan, Nechako
Lowlands, and Peace River.
Cinnamon Teal Confined to southern B.C.Victoria north to Powell River Wetlands, wet meadows, ditches, sewage lagoons, and slow-moving

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues

and throughout the Fraser Lowlands; Kootenays and from streams. Nests on ground surrounded by vegetation.
southern Okanagan Valley north to Nimpo Lake in the
Chilcotin-Cariboothe centre of abundance.
Northern Shoveler Most abundant in the Chilcotin-Cariboo and Peace Lowlands. Open and semi-open habitats in the vicinity of marshes, sloughs,
Distributed on the inner south Coast and from the southern ponds, bogs, lakes, ditches, and slow-moving streams.
Interior north to Atlin and the Peace.
Northern Pintail Throughout the Interior, east of the Coast Ranges and locally Drier margins of lakes and wetlands, dry grasslands, shrubby
on the south Coast and the Queen Charlotte Lowlands. Most fields, edges of mixed forests, damp meadows, and subalpine bogs.
abundant in the central-south Interior, the Peace Lowlands, Nests on ground in sparse or low vegetation.
and the east Kootenay.
Green-winged Teal Southern Vancouver Island, the Fraser Lowlands and Grassy, brushy, lightly wooded upland areas near freshwater
northern Queen Charlotte Lowlands on the Coast. Widely marshes in the Interior; sloughs and ponds associated with estuaries
distributed across the Interior. on the Coast. Nests on ground in dense cover.

success than permanent wetlands; possibly because prey quality is better
than in permanent water. Optimum conditions for dabbling duck
populations occur during years when large numbers of seasonal ponds
contain water. However, permanent wetlands are needed to maintain
adult populations during periods of drought and as moulting areas
(Mauser et al. 1994).
Lake ducks are associated primarily with lake habitats as they require
sufficient open water to gain flight. Lake duck species in British
Columbia include Redhead, Ring-necked Duck, Canvasback, Greater
Scaup, Lesser Scaup, and Ruddy Duck. These ducks nest mostly in
emergent vegetation of lacustrine marshes. Two sea ducks, Surf and
White-winged Scoter, also nest in wetland habitats. Distribution and
breeding habitat requirements for these species are outlined in Table 6.3.
There are several species of cavity-nesting duck in British Columbia:
Bufflehead, Common Merganser, Hooded Merganser, Common Gold-
eneye, Barrows Goldeneye, and Wood Duck. For these species, riparian
management around good-quality wetland and lake habitat is essential.
Cavity-nesting ducks use Pileated Woodpecker cavities or other hollows
created by decay. Bufflehead are small enough to use excavations formed
by smaller woodpecker species. Distribution and breeding habitat re-
quirements for cavity-nesting ducks are outlined in Table 6.4.
Most shorebirds use British Columbias wetlands primarily during mi-
gration and wintering (Coast). They opportunistically use mudflats

A Killdeer chick hides in a coastal bog.

228 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

. Distribution and habitat use by lake ducks (from RIC 1999)

Species Distribution Breeding habitat

Canvasback Central and southern Interior to Prince George, Vanderhoof, Freshwater and alkali lakes, wetlands bordered by dense emergent
and Atlin and throughout the Peace Lowlands. Centre of vegetation, especially bulrush. Nests on water in dense emergent
abundance in Chilcotin-Cariboo. vegetation.
Redhead Southeast Kootenays, Creston, and the Okanagan valley, On shallow freshwater lakes and wetlands with emergent vegetation.
widely throughout the Cariboo-Chilcotin, and in the Nests over water in dense stands of emergent vegetation.
Peace Lowlands.
Ring-necked Duck Widespread from the Okanagan and Creston north through Freshwater lakes, marshes, ponds, and sloughs, often in wooded
the Chilcotin-Cariboo to the Peace Lowlands and on the situations. Nests on land or on water in grass clumps or emergent
east coast of Vancouver Island and the Fraser Valley. vegetation.
Lesser Scaup Rare in the southern Interior but increasing northward Freshwater and alkaline lakes, marshes, and fields. Most nests
through the Rocky Mountain Trench and the Thompson- concealed in dense grass, agricultural crops, or emergent vegetation.

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues

Okanagan Plateau to the Cariboo-Chilcotin and Peace
River areas .
Ruddy Duck Nicola and Okanagan valleys to the east Kootenays, north Freshwater wetlands with emergent vegetation such as bulrushes
through the Chilcotin-Cariboo to the Nechako Lowland and cattails for nesting cover. Nests over water in emergent
region and in the Peace River area. vegetation.
American Coot Southeastern Vancouver Island, the Fraser Lowlands, east Freshwater, alkali, and brackish wetlands with extensive stands of
across southern B.C., north through the Chilcotin-Cariboo dense emergent vegetation along the margins. Nests on water in
and Fraser Basin regions to the Peace Lowlands, Fort dense stands of emergent vegetation.
Nelson Lowlands, and Liard Basin.
Surf Scoter Peace and Fort Nelson lowlands of northeastern B.C., Freshwater lakes surrounded by spruce and muskeg or mature
Thompson-Okanagan stands. coniferous/deciduous.
White-winged Scoter Fraser Plateau to the Peace Lowlands and west to Atlin. Freshwater lakes and ponds in open country and boreal forest.

. Distribution and habitat use by cavity-nesting ducks (from RIC 1999)

Species Distribution Breeding habitat

Wood Duck Southern Vancouver Island, Fraser Lowlands, southern Mature deciduous woodlands adjacent to lowland ponds, sloughs,
Interior, especially Creston, north to Williams Lake. and slow-moving rivers. Nests in cavities of mature deciduous trees.
Bufflehead Across Interior, especially the Peace Lowlands and northern Primarily on lakes and occasionally on rivers, sloughs, and ponds
areas of the boreal forest. in aspen parklands, interior Douglas-fir forests, open ponderosa
pine forests, farmland, and rangeland. Nests in tree cavities near
the edge of wetlands.
Common Goldeneye Uncommon but widespread in the southern third of B.C. Lakes, rivers, and associated floodplains, sloughs, ponds, and
east of the Coast Ranges. Sparse through the north. creeks, usually with wooded margins. Nests in tree cavities.
Barrows Goldeneye Widespread in the southern Interior east of the Coast Lakes associated with aspen parkland, open ponderosa pine
Ranges. Most abundant in Chilcotin-Cariboo region. forests, farmland, rangeland, and alpine meadows, as well as
wetter, closed coniferous forests, including subalpine regions.
Alkaline lakes are preferred. Nests in cavities of trees near the
edge of a wetland.
Hooded Merganser Centre of abundance in southwest from northern Queen Mostly fresh but occasionally brackish water sites, usually
Charlotte Islands, Kitsault, Fort St. James, and Prince with wooded shorelines. Nests in tree cavities.
George south through the rest of B.C.
Common Merganser Throughout B.C. except in extremely mountainous areas. Near freshwater along forested shores of lakes, streams, rivers,
Less common and widely scattered in northern B.C. inlets, and beaver ponds. Nests in tree cavities and on ground
in small caves or crevices.

Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

exposed during watertable drawdown. Shorebirds are attracted almost
immediately to wet mud/shallow-water habitats that became available
regardless of wetland history. These habitats are associated mostly with
estuaries on the Coast and marshes in the Interior. Several species will
nest in wetlands, including Wilsons Phalarope, Great Yellowlegs, Lesser
Yellowlegs, Spotted Sandpiper, Solitary Sandpiper, and Least Sandpiper.
Other Birds Habitat Requirements
A variety of passerines use wetlands extensively. Wetlands with high
structural diversity, both vertically and horizontally, attract the most
songbird species.
Common passerines that occur primarily in emergent wetlands include
Common Yellowthroat, Red-winged Blackbird, Marsh Wren, Swamp
Sparrow, Lincolns Sparrow, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Le Contes Spar-
row, and Nelsons Sharp-tailed Sparrow.
Many other species extensively use wetland-upland edge habits and ri-
parian deciduous shrubbery for nesting and foraging. These habitats
provide cover, access to open habitat, high prey density, and multilay-
ered structure. Some shrub ecotoneaffiliated species include the
Empidonax flycatchers, Eastern Kingbird, chickadee species, Hermit
Thrush, Gray Catbird, Bohemian Waxwing, Cedar Waxwing, Tennessee
Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart,
Northern Waterthrush, MacGillivrays Warbler, Wilsons Warbler, Yel-
low-breasted Chat, Savannah Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, Song Sparrow,
Lincolns Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Black-headed Grosbeak,
and Rusty Blackbird.

A Yellow-headed Blackbird in typical habitat.

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 231

Eastern Kingbirds commonly use dead shrubs in flooded lake margins.

There are a few passerines that frequently use bog habitats, particularly
in the Boreal and Taiga Plains where these habitats are extensive. These
include Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, Palm Warbler, and
Blackpoll Warbler.
Ruffed Grouse use shrubby riparian areas, particularly in the winter
time. Willow Ptarmigan extensively use subalpine fens and shrub-carrs
for forage.
Raptors and Owls will use wetland habitats where abundant prey exists.
Northern Harrier nest on the ground, often in the emergent cover of
marshes. Bald Eagle and Osprey will nest in larger riparian cottonwood.
Western Screech Owl frequently use floodplain forests. Great Gray Owl
are often associated with bog habitats.
Woodpecker species are not generally considered wetland users. However,
forested wetlands and riparian forests are more likely to escape wildfire
and become old forests. These old forests have large stems and abundant
snags that are optimal for creation of nest cavities. The blue-listed Lewis
Woodpecker nest in floodplain cottonwood adjacent to grasslands.
Woodpecker excavations in riparian areas are critically important for
cavity-nesting ducks.
Wetland Mammal Habitat Requirements
There are several mammal species that are semi-aquatic and associated
primarily with open water. These include three rodents (Beaver, Muskrat,
Mountain Beaver) and two mustelids (Mink and River Otter). Beaver

232 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

and Muskrat play key ecological roles because they build structures that
modify the environment and are used by many other wetlands animals.
All but Mountain Beaver are also considered fur-bearers and are of eco-
nomic importance.
The Beaver is perhaps the most well-known wetland rodent species due
to its role in wetland creation. Through dam-building, Beaver create nu-
merous shallow-water habitats that are used extensively by many other
wildlife species, especially waterfowl. Furthermore, Beaver rely heavily
on riparian vegetation for forage and dam-building materials. These
activities have a large impact on riparian plant communities: they cut
down the dominant species (trees and shrubs), which allows understorey
species to flourish; cutting is concentrated in the riparian zone; and
Beaver harvest in excess of their nutritional needs (Johnson and Naiman
1990). Populus tremuloides is the primary food species but Populus
balsamifera, Salix spp., and Betula papyrifera are important secondary
sources. Other species such as Cornus stolonifera, Amelanchier alnifolia,
Corylus cornuta, and Betula nana are other minor forage species. Alnus
species are used primarily for dam-building. Fire is an important dis-
turbance agent for creating optimal forage for Beaver.

Beaver is a keystone species that creates and modifies wetland habitats.

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 233

Muskrats are the most significant vertebrate consumer of emergent vege-
tation in North American wetlands. Muskrat foraging and house-building
improves interspersion in dense stands of emergent vegetation, which
increases invertebrate population levels and may result in increased
avian abundance and diversity (Clark and Kroeker 1993). Muskrat haul-
outs are used for nesting by species of grebe and diving duck. Cattail and
bulrush in 0.51.5 m deep water is optimal habitat for lodge-building.
Mountain Beaver
Mountain Beaver is a red-listed species in British Columbia. They occur
only in the southwest, coast-transition areas of the Cascade Range. They
are associated with small streams or seeps in montane and subalpine
forests between 1200 and 1800 m elevation where they build tunnels
and dens in fine-textured soils. Primary food species often occur in wet
forests or meadows and include Valerian sitchensis, Equisetum spp.,
Streptopus spp., Rubus parviflorus, and Heracleum maximum. Logging
activities that disturb soils appear to have a strongly negative impact on
Mountain Beaver populations (Gyug 2000).
American Mink are semi-aquatic predators that spend much of their
time in water. They are a major predator of muskrat, fish, marine inver-
tebrates, frogs, waterfowl, and eggs. High densities of mink will occur in
habitats with high populations of potential prey. They occur throughout
the province along fish-bearing streams and marshes. They will nest in
muskrat or beaver burrows. Mink favour good riparian cover, and clear-
ing or heavy grazing of wetland edges will reduce habitat quality.
Other Mustelids
River Otters use a wide range of wetland habitats throughout the year
with beaver-created wetlands favoured (Newman and Griffen 1994).
Marten and Fisher use large trees in riparian forest for denning. Other
species such as Short-tailed Weasel, Common Raccoon, and Striped
Skunk also use wetlands, particularly marshes for hunting.
Small-mammal Habitat Requirements
Of the 32 species of small terrestrial mammal and 16 species of bat that
occur in British Columbia, only some are associated with wetlands and
related ecosystems.

234 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

In a review of the importance of riparian habitat in British Columbia to
bats, Brigham (1993) summarizes available information about foraging
and roosting in various riparian habitats. The following species have
been detected foraging over calm water: California Myotis, Western
Small-footed Myotis, Long-eared Myotis, Western Long-eared Myotis,
Keens Long-eared Myotis, Northern Long-eared Myotis, Little Brown
Myotis, Yuma Myotis, Big Brown Bat, and Spotted Bat. As well,
Townsends Big-eared Bat has been captured at streams, lakes, and
small marshes dominated by willow, poplar, and birch species.
All of these species feed on flying insects and focus on wetland habitats
with abundant insect populations.
Jumping Mice
Meadow Jumping Mouse are found throughout the northern half of
British Columbia, east of the Coast Ranges in association with brushy
margins of streams and in marshes.
Western Jumping Mouse are found throughout mainland British Co-
lumbia except in the extreme southwest and Taiga Plains. They use a
variety of habitats but they prefer dense cover with lush grass and herb
growth near open water.
Voles and Lemmings
Long-tailed Vole occur throughout mainland British Columbia. They
use variable habitats that include marshes and alder or willow thickets
along watercourses.
Meadow Vole occur throughout the Interior. They use habitats with
high ground cover of sedges, grasses, and forbs, usually near water.
Southern Red-backed Vole are found throughout the province except
the coastal islands and Boreal Mountains and Plateaus. They forage in
bogs and forested swamps.
Townsends Vole occur on Vancouver Island and the Fraser Delta in a
variety of habitats, which include marshes, estuaries, and sedge mead-
Northern Bog Lemming occur throughout the province except on the
islands. Although this species primarily inhabits bogs, it may also be
present in other wet habitats such as deep mossy spruce woods, wet sub-
alpine meadows, and alpine tundra.

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 235

Five of the 11 shrew species in British Columbia are often associated with
wetlands: Arctic Shrew, Common Water Shrew, Dusky Shrew, Pacific
Water Shrew, and Pygmy Shrew. These are primarily insectivores but
will prey opportunistically on other small animals. Generally, they use a
wide variety of habitats of which wetlands are often focal.
The Arctic Shrew is restricted to the Taiga Plains where it forages in
tamarack and spruce swamps, in marshy areas, and along the edge of
bogs and marshes in alder or willows.
Common Water Shrew occur throughout the province (except the
Queen Charlotte Islands) usually in or near water. Lakes, ponds, swift
and sluggish small streams, cold fast mountain streams, and stagnant
water of bogs and marshes are all used.
Dusky Shrew are widespread at all elevations. They use a wide variety of
different habitats under a wide range of climatic conditions but are fre-
quently found in marshes, streamside Equisetum stands, and bogs.
The red-listed Pacific Water Shrew has a limited distribution in British
Columbia, occurring only in the Fraser River delta where it uses a wide
variety of habitats but favours riparian red alder forests or forested
skunk cabbage swamps.
Pygmy Shrew are found throughout the Interior and are generally un-
common. They use a wide variety of habitats, which include bogs and
Ungulate Use of Wetlands and Related Habitats
Moose are the most wetland-associated ungulate in British Columbia.
Browse makes up 80% of the diet, and favoured species such as willow
and red-osier dogwood are associated with wetlands. An overview of the
forage value of 15 willow species found in the Lower Skeena and Bulkley
valleys is presented by Roberts (1986). Moose also use aquatics in the
summer and will dive for Nuphar rhizomes.
Elk dwell primarily in open forest habitats in dry climates. They are not
specifically wetland users but will graze sedges where they are available.
Mule Deer and White-tailed Deer will use wetland habitats for cover,
especially in otherwise open terrain.

236 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Coastal estuaries are high-quality habitat for many species, including Black-tailed Deer.

Bear Use of Wetlands and Related Habitats

Some wetlands are important Grizzly Bear and Black Bear habitats.
Productive swamp and estuarine habitats typically support forbs and
fruiting shrubs favoured by bear. Important spring forage species include
(bold are major forage species): Athyrium filix-femina, Calamagrostis
canadensis, Carex lyngbyei, Conioselinum pacificum, Empetrum nigrum,
Equisetum arvense, Heracleum maximum, Lysichiton americanus,
Oplopanax horridus, Populus balsamifera, Scirpus microcarpus, and
Taraxacum officinale.
In summer and fall, the fruits of many shrubs and forbs are consumed:
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Cornus stolonifera, Corylus cornuta, Empetrum
nigrum, Gaultheria shallon, Lonicera involucrata, Malus fusca, Oplo-
panax horridus, Ribes bracteosum, Rosa spp., Rubus idaeus, R. parvi-
florus, R. spectabilis, Sambucus racemosa, Streptopus spp., Vaccinium
spp., Valeriana sitchensis, and Viburnum edule.
Macroinvertebrates, including annelid worms, molluscs, insects, and
crustaceans, are extremely important components of wetland ecosys-
tems. They convert plant matter to high-protein prey that support many
wetland vertebrates.
The highest macroinvertebrate populations are frequently associated
with wetlands with high levels of annual vegetation growth. Sites with
abundant vegetation growth have good stuctural complexity important

Chapter 6 Conservation and management issues 237

for many life history requirements: forage, escape cover, sites for ovipo-
sition, emergence, respiration, attachment, and pupation. The most
productive wetlands are those with fluctuating watertables, and non-acid
waters (marshes). Drawdowns facilitate nutrient release and foster plant
growth that contributes to nutrient and detritus supply on reflooding.
Sites with permanent and stable water levels have lower macroinverte-
brate biomass because litter quantities are reduced, but they frequently
have more diverse communities with a full range of detritivores and
their predators.
Inland saline waters are often highly productive for waterfowl, in part
because these habitats lack fish competitors for prey. Predation by fish is
a profound influence on invertebrate abundance and community struc-
ture and abundance. Coleopterans, Hemipterans, and Amphipods are
common in saline waters.

A Swallowtail on the rare Henderson's checker-mallow (Sidalcea hendersonii).

238 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

APPENDIX 1 Ordination of Site Associations

The following ordination diagrams are based on average species cover

values for the Site Associations described in this guide. In general,
ecosystems that occur close together in the diagrams are similar in
species composition. The axes of the diagrams are not directly related to
environmental gradients, but correlations to gradients can be inferred
from known attributes of the ecosystems ordinated.
Ordinations were generated by Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling
() for average species cover values for the Site Associations de-
scribed in this guide. Site Associations are identified by letter code (or a
short name where units have not been coded) and also symbol-coded
by Site Class. All ordinations were performed using the autopilot
routine of - 4.0 (McCune and Mefford 1999) with the following
attributes: Distance measure = SORENSEN, Number of axes = 4, Ran-
dom number seed starting configuration, 15 runs with real data and 30
runs with randomized data.
Figure 1.1 is an ordination of all numbered Site Associations used in
the guide including some representative shallow-water ecosystems. Final
stress for 3-dimensional solution was 14.74 (Monte Carlo p<0.0323)
reached after 166 iterations with a final instability of 0.00010.
Figure 1.2 is an ordination of only numbered wetland Site Associations.
Final stress for 3-dimensional solution was 12.23 (Monte Carlo p<0.0323)
reached after 91 iterations with a final instability of 0.00008.

Appendix 1 239
Dry Class
Ws53 Em03 Fen
Fl51 Marsh
Swamp, shrub
Swamp, forest
Fm50 Shallow-waters
Ws51 Low Bench
Ws54Ws11 Middle Bench
Fl50 Fm01
Fl01 Fm02 Meadow
Ws55 Fl06
Ws10 Fl03 Shrub-carr
Ws08 Wm50 Em07
Ws09 Ws07
Ws06Ws03 Fl07
Wb53 Ed02
Wb03 Wf52 Ws02 Fl05 Ed01
Wb04 Wb52 Wb09
Ws50 Em06 Em04
Wb51 Wb01
Wf51 Wb08 Sc03 Gs03
Wb05 Em05
Wb02 Wb11 Wf50
Wb50 Wb06 Wf03 Wf04 Ws04 Schoame
Wb10 Wf02
Wf12 Ws05
Wb13 Wf13 Wf53 GS04 Gs01
Wf07 Sc02
Wf11 Sc01
Wb12 Wm07 Dynamic Bolbmar
Wm51 Wf09Wf08 Wf01Wm01

Wf10 Wf06 Wm06 Gs02
Nuphlut Em01 Hydrodynamic
Trigmar Wm04 index

Stagnant Brassch

Wet Potamog

Poor Rich Saline

. NMS ordination of numbered wetland and related Site Associations including some
shallow-water units.

240 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Dry Ws53 Class
Swamp, shrub
Swamp, forest


Ws55 Ws01 Wm50

Ws07 Ws50 Ws03
Ws09 Wf52
Wb04 Wb03 Wf50 Wm07
Wb09 Wb07 Wf04
Wb52 Wb08Wf03 Ws04
Wf51 Wb05
Wb50 Wb01
Wb02 Wb11 Wf53
Wf02 Wm05
Wb10 Wm51 Ws05 Dynamic
Acid Wb13 Wf12 Wf13
Wb12 dex
ic in
pH Wf08
Wm06 Wm04

Wet Neutral

Poor Rich

. NMS ordination of numbered wetland Site Associations only.

Appendix 1 241
APPENDIX 2 Overlays of the Wetland Edatopic Grid

The following overlays on the wetland edatopic grid indicate the ecolog-
ical space of various vegetation characteristics.
Woody plants are limited by excessive moisture or prolonged flooding.
Figure 2.1 indicates the approximate areas of the grid where physiog-
nomic types are likely to occur. Forest occurs on very moist sites or wet
sites where there are sufficient elevated microsites to support good tree
growth. Trees and shrubs <10 m in height can occur on wet sites but
wetter sites will not support tall shrub communities. Some very wet sites
will support low shrubs where sufficient microtopography exists.

Soil Nutrient Regime


Soil Moisture Regime

May support forest


May support tall shrub
x D

May support
de V

low shrub

ic Dy



Herb or Bryoid
na o

dy M

ro l



. Edatopic grid position of vegetation physiognomy.

Figure 2.2 shows the grid location of peat-accumulating ecosystems

(peatlands) and dominant bryophyte groups or species. Stagnant and
sluggish sites are peatlands and are accumulating peat. Sites with mobile
waters often have some thin, well decomposed peat veneers, while more
dynamic sites will have minimal surface organic matter.
Sphagnum mosses dominate in acidic peat-accumulating sites, while
more minerotrophic species occur in slightly acidic to alkali peatlands.
Wetlands with more dynamic hydrology often have low bryophyte cover
because of prolonged deep surface flooding or excessive shading and lit-
terfall from a vigorous deciduous canopy.
Broad classes from vegetation classification are defined based on vegeta-
tion similarity, which does not exactly match site class boundaries. Eight

242 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Soil Nutrient Regime
M Hylocomium splendens

Soil Moisture Regime


Sphagnum Aulacomium
W Group I & III Mnium spp.

x D
Few mosses

de V
Brown mosses

T. nitens, S. Group II

ic Dy

S. warnstorfii

na o

dy M


ro l



. Edatopic grid position of major bryophyte groups and peat-accumulating sites.

vegetation classes that cover the range of wetlands and related ecosys-
tems are presented in Figure 2.3. Meidinger et al. (2001) provide full
descriptions of the following wetland and related vegetation classes.
Class Oxycoccus oxycoccos Sphagnum
Communities of interior and coastal bogs and poor fens with stagnant,
acidic, base-poor, organic soils. Characterized by the prevalence of
Sphagnum species in the bryophyte layer and of other species tolerant of
saturated, highly acidic soils. Site conditions are wet or very wet and nu-
trient-poor to very poor. Orders of this Class reflect climatic variation.
Class Populus balsamifera Alnus
Forests throughout province dominated by, or with a significant compo-
nent of, Populus balsamifera, or (for floodplains) associated with Populus
balsamifera forests.
Class Carex Drepanocladus
Communities of interior fens with high, stable watertables and high
base-cation availability. Variously dominated by Cyperids such as Carex
lasiocarpa, C. limosa, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Trichophorum cespitosum,
or T. alpinum and with brown mosses such as Drepanocladus species,
Campylium stellatum, Scorpidium scorpioides, or Tomentypnum nitens.
Class Magnocarex
Communities of interior peatlands and flooded mineral substrates
dominated by large sedges, especially Carex aquatilis, C. sitchensis, or
C. utriculata, but also other large cyperids such as C. atherodes,

Appendix 2 243
Soil Nutrient Regime
M Hordeum
Coniferous Class or

Soil Moisture Regime

Classes Populus Class
VM balsamifera Carex
Alnus lyngbyei

W Class Oxycoccus
oxycoccus Class Typha
Sphagnum Class Schoenopectus

x D
Magnocarex Eleocharis

de V

ic Dy


na o

dy M
Carex limosa


ro l


. Edatopic grid position of Classes from the British Columbia Vegetation Classification
(Meidinger et al. 2001).

C. exsiccata, Dulichium arundinaceum, or Scirpus microcarpus. Site con-

ditions are Wet to Very Wet with a circum-medium nutrient regime
and slightly acidic to circum-neutral soils. Shallow flooding followed by
growing-season drawdown to just below the surface is typical. These are
tall shrub, low shrub, or graminoid-dominated communities with large
Cyperaceae always being prominent.
Class Typha Schoenoplectus Eleocharis
Communities of interior and coastal marshes deeply flooded with
mobile, often strongly fluctuating watertables, and abundant available
nutrients. Often simple communities strongly dominated by one to few
emergent grass or grass-like species.
Class Hordeum jubatum
Interior communities of saline or alkali meadow/marshes occurring in
warm and semi-arid climates. Located in basins and lake margins where
evaporative drawdown accumulates mineral precipitates. These are low-
diversity communities with flood- and salt- or alkali-tolerant grasses
and forbs such as Carex praegracilis, Distichlis spicata var. stricta,
Hordeum jubatum, Juncus balticus, Poa juncifolia, Puccinellia nuttalliana,
Salicornia rubra, Suaeda depressa, Spartina gracilis, and Triglochin

244 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

APPENDIX 3 Wetland Indicator Plant Species

The following tables includes all plant species used in this guide and
their value as indicators of wetland environments.
The water-saturated environment of wetlands supports a unique group
of plants called hydrophytes. These plants are adapted to grow in water-
logged soils. Species are designated as one of three indicator types.
Obligate Hydrophytes Species that occur only under wetland condi-
tions (Table 3.1).
Facultative wetland affiliated Species that grow primarily under
wetland conditions but also, less commonly, in uplands (Table 3.2).
Facultative upland affiliated Species that occur in wetlands but are
widespread in uplands (Table 3.3).

. List of Obligate Hydrophytes

Chamaedaphne calyculata
Salix athabascensis
Salix candida
Salix pedicellaris

Herbs and Dwarf Shrubs

Bolboschoenus fluviatilis Carex utriculata Oxycoccus oxycoccos
Bolboschoenus maritimus Carex viridula Phragmites australis
Carex aquatilis Cicuta bulbifera Polygonum amphibium
Carex atherodes Comarum palustre Ranunculus gmelinii
Carex buxbaumii Drosera anglica Ranunculus sceleratus
Carex canescens Drosera rotundifolia Rhynchospora alba
Carex chordorrhiza Dulichium arundinaceum Rubus arcticus ssp. acaulis
Carex cusickii Eleocharis palustris Rubus chamaemorus
Carex diandra Eleocharis quinqueflora Sanguisorba officinalis
Carex exsiccata Equisetum fluviatile Sarracenia purpurea
Carex flava Eriophorum angustifolium Scheuchzeria palustris
Carex gynocrates Eriophorum brachyan- Schoenoplectus acutus
Carex lanuginosa therum Schoenoplectus tabernae-
Carex lasiocarpa Eriophorum chamissonis montani
Carex leptalea Glyceria borealis Scirpus microcarpus
Carex limosa Glyceria grandis Scutellaria galericulata
Carex livida Glyceria occidentalis Sium suave
Carex lyngbyei Hypericum anagalloides Trichophorum alpinum
Carex magellanica Iris pseudacorus Trichophorum cespitosum
Carex pauciflora Kalmia microphylla Triglochin maritima
Carex pluriflora Lycopodiella inundata Triglochin palustris
Carex sitchensis Lycopus uniflorus Typha latifolia
Carex tenuiflora Menyanthes trifoliata Viola palustris

Note: Species in bold can be very abundant or dominant on wetland sites.

Appendix 3 245
. Continued

Brasenia schreberi Nuphar lutea Sparganium emersum
Calla palustris Potamogeton natans Sparganium eurycarpum
Ceratophyllum demersum Potamogeton richardsonii Spirodela polyrhiza
Chara spp. Ranunculus aquatilis Subularia aquatica
Elodea canadensis Ricciocarpos natans Utricularia intermedia
Hippuris vulgaris Ruppia maritima Utricularia macrorhiza
Lemna minor Schoenoplectus subterm- Vallisneria americana
Lemna trisulca inalis Zostera marina
Myriophyllum verticillatum Sparganium angustifolium

Lichens and Mosses

Calliergon cordifolium Scorpidium scorpioides Sphagnum pacificum
Calliergon giganteum Siphula ceratites Sphagnum palustre
Calliergon richardsonii Sphagnum angustifolium Sphagnum papillosum
Calliergon stramineum Sphagnum austinii Sphagnum rubellum
Calliergonella cuspidata Sphagnum balticum Sphagnum russowii
Campylium stellatum Sphagnum capillifolium Sphagnum subnitens
Drepanocladus sendtneri Sphagnum centrale Sphagnum subsecundum
Fontinalis antipyretica Sphagnum compactum Sphagnum tenellum
Hamatocaulis lapponicus Sphagnum contortum Sphagnum teres
Hamatocaulis vernicosus Sphagnum cuspidatum Sphagnum warnstorfii
Hypnum lindbergii Sphagnum fimbriatum Tomentypnum nitens
Meesia longiseta Sphagnum fuscum Warnstorfia exannulata
Meesia triquetra Sphagnum lindbergii Warnstorfia fluitans
Paludella squarrosa Sphagnum magellanicum Warnstorfia sarmentosa
Philonotis fontana Sphagnum majus
Scorpidium revolvens Sphagnum mendocinum

. List of Facultative Hydrophytes Wetland Affiliated

Larix laricina
Pinus contorta var.

Alnus incana Salix barrattiana
Betula occidentalis Salix lucida
Ledum groenlandicum Salix maccalliana
Myrica gale Spiraea douglasii

246 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

.. Continued

Herbs and Dwarf Shrubs

Agrostis aequivalvis Equisetum palustre Petasites frigidus
Agrostis scabra Equisetum sylvaticum Petasites sagittatus
Alopecurus aequalis Equisetum variegatum Pinguicula vulgaris
Amphiscirpus nevadensis Fauria crista-galli Plantago maritima
Anagallis minima Galium trifidum Platanthera dilatata
Anemone occidentalis Gaultheria hispidula Platanthera stricta
Angelica arguta Gentiana douglasiana Puccinellia nutkaensis
Angelica genuflexa Gentiana sceptrum Puccinellia nuttalliana
Aster borealis Glaux maritima Puccinellia pumila
Aster modestus Glyceria elata Ranunculus aquatilis var.
Beckmannia syzigachne Glyceria striata diffusus
Berula erecta Juncus arcticus Ranunculus orthorhynchus
Bolboschoenus maritimus Juncus balticus Rorippa palustris
Calamagrostis stricta Juncus effusus Rubus arcticus
Caltha leptosepala Juncus ensifolius Salicornia virginica
Carex anthoxanthea Kobresia sibirica Sanguisorba canadensis
Carex capillaris Leptarrhena pyrolifolia Sanguisorba menziesii
Carex disperma Lilaea scilloides Schoenoplectus americanus
Carex echinata Lobelia kalmii Schoenoplectus saximon-
Carex nigricans Lysichiton americanus tanus
Carex obnupta Lythrum salicaria Scolochloa festucacea
Carex stylosa Maianthemum trifolium Senecio atropurpureus
Cicuta douglasii Microseris borealis Spartina gracilis
Coptis aspleniifolia Mimulus guttatus Spartina patens
Coptis trifolia Muhlenbergia glomerata Torreyochloa pauciflora
Distichlis spicata Parnassia fimbriata Triantha glutinosa
Dodecatheon jeffreyi Parnassia palustris Trientalis europaea ssp.
Epilobium palustre Pedicularis parviflora arctica

Lichens and Mosses

Aulacomnium palustre Mylia anomala Rhizomnium pseudopunc-
Brachythecium salebrosum Philonotis fontana tatum
Brachythecium turgidum Plagiomnium ellipticum Sphagnum squarrosum
Campylopus atrovirens Pohlia nutans
Drepanocladus aduncus Pohlia wahlenbergii

Appendix 3 247
. List of Facultative Hydrophytes Upland Affiliated

Abies amabilis Physocarpus capitatus Picea sitchensis
Abies lasiocarpa Picea engelmannii Pinus contorta var. latifolia
Alnus rubra Picea engelmannii x glauca Thuja plicata
Betula papyrifera Picea glauca Tsuga heterophylla
Malus fusca Picea mariana Tsuga mertensiana

Betula nana Ribes bracteosum Salix drummondiana
Cornus stolonifera Ribes lacustre Salix glauca
Crataegus douglasii Rosa acicularis Salix pseudomonticola
Elliottia pyroliflorus Rubus spectabilis Sambucus racemosa
Juniperus communis Salix alaxensis Vaccinium alaskaense
Ledum glandulosum Salix barclayi Vaccinium ovalifolium
Lonicera involucrata Salix bebbiana Vaccinium uliginosum
Menziesia ferruginea Salix brachycarpa Viburnum edule
Pentaphylloides floribunda Salix commutata

Herbs and Dwarf Shrubs

Achillea millefolium Epilobium ciliatum Phalaris arundinacea
Agrostis exarata Equisetum arvense Plantago macrocarpa
Aster subspicatus Equisetum pratense Poa palustris
Athyrium filix-femina Erigeron peregrinus Poa pratensis
Blechnum spicant Fragaria virginiana Potentilla anserina
Calamagrostis canadensis Gaultheria shallon Pyrola asarifolia
Calamagrostis nutkaensis Geum macrophyllum Pyrola chlorantha
Carex praegracilis Gymnocarpium dryopteris Pyrola minor
Carex scoparia Heracleum maximum Rubus parviflorus
Claytonia cordifolia Hordeum brachyantherum Rubus pedatus
Cornus canadensis Hordeum jubatum Salicornia maritima
Cornus suecica Juncus arcticus ssp. sitch- Senecio triangularis
Cotula coronopifolia ensis Spergularia canadensis
Danthonia intermedia Lilaeopsis occidentalis Streptopus amplexifolius
Delphinium glaucum Lycopodium annotinum Suaeda calceoliformis
Deschampsia cespitosa Maianthemum dilatatum Trollius albiflorus
Distichlis spicata var. Maianthemum stellatum Urtica dioica
stricta Matteuccia struthiopteris Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Dryopteris expansa Mentha arvensis Vahlodea atropurpurea
Dryopteris filix-mas Mitella nuda Valeriana sitchensis
Empetrum nigrum Mitella pentandra Veratrum viride
Epilobium angustifolium Muhlenbergia richardsonis

Lichens and Mosses

Cladina rangiferina Pellia neesiana Rhytidiadelphus loreus
Cladonia borealis Pleurozium schreberi Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus
Hylocomium splendens Polytrichum juniperinum Sphagnum girgensohnii

248 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

APPENDIX 4 Crosswalk to other classifications

. Wetland and related ecosystem Site Associations with corresponding BEC site series

BEC Site Series

Fl02 ICHvc/52, ICHwc/52
Fl50 CWHdm/10, CWHds1/10, CWHds2/10, CWHmm1/10, CWHms1/09, CWHms2/09,
CWHvm1/11, CWHwm/07, CWHws1/09, CWHws2/09, CWHxm/10
Fl51 CWHvh1/10, CWHvh2/10, CWHwh1/09
Fm01 BGxw1/08, IDFdk1a/94, IDFxh1a/98, IDFxh2a/95, PPdh2/04
Fm02 ICHmc1/05, ICHmc2/06, SBSdk/08, BWBSmw2/05
Fm03 ICHvc/05, ICHwc/06
Fm50 CDFmm/08, CWHdm/09, CWHds1/09, CWHds2/09, CWHmm1/09, CWHms1/08,
CWHms2/08, CWHvm1/10, CWHvm2/10, CWHws2/08, CWHxm/09
Wb01 SBSdk/09
Wb02 ICHmm/07, SBSvk/08, SBSwk3/05, SBSwk3a/05
Wb03 BWBSmw2/08, BWBSdk1/10, BWBSdk2/07, BWBSmw1/08
Wb05 ICHmc2/08, SBPSdc/07, SBPSmc/07, SBPSmk/08, SBSdh1/08, SBSdh2/08,
SBSmc2/12, SBSmc3/09, SBSmk1/10, SBSmw/10, SBSwk1/11
Wb06 BWBSdk2/08
Wb08 SBPSdc/07, SBPSmk/08, SBSdh/08, SBSmk1/10, SBSdk/10, SBSdw2/11, SBSdw3/10
(in part)
Wb09 BWBSdk1/09, BWBSwk1/07, BWBSwk2/07
Wb51 CWHvh2/31
Wb52 CWHvh2/32
Wb53 CWHvh2/12
Wf01 ICHmk1/08
Wf03 ESSFdc1/07, ESSFdc2/09, ESSFvc/06, ESSFwc1/05, ESSFwc2/10
Ws01 ICHvc/52, ICHwc/52
Ws07 ICHdk/09, ICHmc2/07, ICHmk2/06, ICHvc/06, ICHwc/08, IDFdk2/06, IDFdk3/09,
IDFdk4/10, IDFdm2/07, IDFxm/09, MSdc2/08, MSdk/06, MSdm2/07, MSdv/09,
MSxv/08, SBPSdc/08, SBPSmc/06, SBPSmk/07, SBSdk/07, SBSdw1/09, SBSdw3/09,
SBSmc1/08, SBSmc2/10b, SBSmc2/11, SBSmc3/08, SBSmk1/09, SBSmk2/06,
SBSmw/09, SBSwk1/09, SBSwk2/06
Ws08 ESSFdc1/06, ESSFdk/06, ESSFdv/06, ESSFmc/09, ESSFmc/10, ESSFmk/06,
ESSFmm1/07, ESSFmv1/05, ESSFmv2/06, ESSFmv3/07, ESSFmv4/05, ESSFmw/08,
ESSFvc/05, ESSFwc3/03, ESSFwc4/07, ESSFwk1/07, ESSFwv/09, ESSFxc/08
Ws10 ICHmw2/08, ICHmw3/08, ICHvk1/06, ICHvk2/06, ICHwk1/08, ICHwk2/08,
Ws11 SBSvk/10
Ws53 CDFmm/11, CWHxm/12
Ws54 CWHds1/12, CWHds2/12, CWHmm1/12, CWHms1/11, CWHms2/11, CWHvh1/13,
CWHvh2/13, CWHvm1/14, CWHwh1/12, CWHwh2/06, CWHws1/11, CWHws2/11
Ws55 MHmm2/09, MHwh1/09, MHwh2/09

Appendix 4 249
. Wetland Site Associations corresponding to the Cariboo wetland classification

Cariboo IDF (Steen and Roberts 1988) Cariboo SBPS (Roberts 1984)

Gs01 Alkali saltgrass Nuttalls alkaligrass Saltgrass Alkaligrass meadow

meadow (IDFb2/W1) (SBSa/W1)
Gs02 Nuttalls alkaligrass Foxtail barley
meadow (IDFb2/W2)
Gs03 Arctic rush Field sedge meadow Arctic rush Field sedge meadow
(IDFb2/W3) (SBSa/W2)
Gs04 Tufted hairgrass meadow (SBSa/W3)
Sc01 Scrub birch Kinnikinnick shrub-carr Scrub birch Kinnikinnick shrub-carr
(IDFb2/W4) (SBSa/W4)
Sc02 Grey-leaved willow Moss shrub-carr
Wb01 Labrador tea Sphagnum bog
Wf01 Beaked sedge Water sedge fen Beaked sedge fen (SBSa/W12)
Wf05 Slender sedge Moss fen (IDFb2/W10) Slender sedge fen (SBSa/W14)
Wf06 Buckbean Slender sedge fen
Wf07 Low willow Buckbean fen Bog willow Sedge low shrub fen
(IDFb2/W7) (SBSa/W8)
Wm03 Awned sedge fen-marsh (IDFb2/W8) Awned sedge marsh (SBSa/W11)
Wm05 Cattail marsh (IDFb2/W13)
Wm06 Great bulrush marsh (IDFb2/W14) Bulrush marsh (SBSa/W15)
Wm07 Arctic rush Field sedge meadow Arctic rush Field sedge meadow
(IDFb2/W3) (SBSa/W2)
Ws04 Drummonds willow Sedge swamp
Ws05 MacCallas willow Beaked sedge fen MacCallas willow Sedge tall shrub fen
(IDFb2/W6) (SBSa/W6)

250 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

. Wetland Site Associations corresponding with Klinka et al. 1997

Fl04 Equisetum arvense Salix sitchensis (in part)

Fl50 Equisetum arvense Salix sitchensis (in part)
Wb50 Ledum groenlandicum Sphagnum Assoc.
Wf50 Eriophorum Carex aquatilis Assoc.
Wf52 Carex lasiocarpa and sitchensis Myrica gale Assoc.
Wf53 Nuphar polysepala: Carex lasiocarpa Subassoc.
Wm04 Nuphar polysepala: Eleocharis paustris Subassoc.
Wm05 Juncus ensifolius Typha latifolia Assoc.,
Oenanthe sarmentosa Typha latifolia Assoc.
Wm06 Nuphar polysepala: Scirpus validus Subassoc.
Wm51 Menyanthes trifoliata Dulichium arundinaceum Assoc.
Ws50 Spiraea douglasii Carex sitchensis,
Spiraea douglasii Carex phyllomanica and sitchensis Assoc.
Ws51 Lysichiton americanum Salix lasiandra and sitchensis Assoc.
Ws52 Carex obnupta Alnus rubra Assoc.

Appendix 4 251
. Wetland Site Associations corresponding with coastal classifications in Washington and Alaska

Coastal Washington (Kunze 1994) Copper River Delta, Alaska (Boggs

Em04 Puccinellia nutkaensis c.t.
Em05 Carex lyngbyei c.t. Carex lyngbyaei c.t.
Em06 Carex lyngbyaei Mixed-herb c.t.
Fl01 Alnus incana c.t.*
Fl04 Salix sitchensis c.t.
Fl50 Cornus stolonifera Salix sitchensis c.t. Salix sitchensis c.t.
Fl51 Alnus rubra/Rubus spectabilis c.t.
Wb50 Kalmia occidentalis Ledum
groenlandicum/Sphagnum spp. c.t.
Wf04 Salix barclayi Carex sitchensis c.t.
Wf51 Carex sitchensis Sphagnum c.t. Carex sitchensis Sphagnum c.t.
Wf52 Myrica gale c.t.
Wf53 Carex lasiocarpa c.t.
Wm01 Carex rostrata c.t. Carex rostrata c.t.
Wm02 Equisetum fluviatile c.t. Equisetum fluviatile c.t.
Wm04 Eleocharis palustris c.t. Eleocharis palustris c.t.
Wm05 Typha latifolia c.t.
Wm06 Scirpus acutus c.t.
Wm07 Juncus balticus c.t.
Wm50 Carex sitchensis c.t. Carex sitchensis c.t.
Wm51 Dulichium arundinaceum c.t.
Ws06 Salix sitchensis c.t.
Ws50 Spiraea douglasii c.t./Sphagnum;
Spiraea c.t.
Ws52 Alnus rubra Lysichiton
americanum c.t.
Ws53 Thuja plicata Tsuga heterophylla/Lysichiton
americanum c.t.

* Community type

252 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

. Wetland Site Associations corresponding with classifications in Washington and Montana

Lincoln County,Washington (Crawford 2000) Montana (Hansen et al. 1995)

Fl01 Alnus incana c.t.
Fl02 Mountain alder/red-osier dogwood
Fl03 Salix lasiandra c.t.
Fl05 Salix drummondiana/Calamagrostis
canadensis h.t.**
Fl06 Sandbar willow assoc. Salix exigua c.t.
Fl07 Water birch/Woods rose c.t.*
Fm01 Black cottonwood/Common
snowberry forest
Gs01 Saltgrass Clustered field sedge c.t. Distichilis spicata h.t.
Gs02 Hordeum jubatum c.t.
Gs04 Tufted hairgrass assoc. Deschampsia cespitosa h.t.
Wb02 Salix planifolia/Carex aquatilis h.t.
Wf01 Carex rostrata h.t. and Carex
aquatilis h.t.
Wf02 Betula nana/Carex rostrata h.t.
Wf05 Carex lasiocarpa h.t.
Wf08 Carex limosa h.t.
Wf09 Eleocharis pauciflora h.t.
Wm01 Northwest Territory sedge assoc.
Wm02 Equisetum fluviatile h.t.
Wm04 Common spikerush assoc. Eleocharis palustris h.t.
Wm05 Typha latifolia h.t.
Wm06 Hard-stem bulrush assoc. Scirpus acutus h.t.
Wm07 Baltic rush Silverweed cinquefoil Juncus balticus c.t.
Ws03 Salix bebbiana c.t.
Ws04 Salix drummondiana/Carex
rostrata h.t.

* Community type
** Habitat type

Appendix 4 253
APPENDIX 5 Scientific names with common names of species used in this guide

Abies amabilis amabilis fir

Abies lasiocarpa subalpine fir
Acer glabrum Douglas maple
Acer macrophyllum bigleaf maple
Achillea millefolium yarrow
Actaea rubra baneberry
Agrostis aequivalvis Alaska bentgrass
Agrostis exarata spike bentgrass
Agrostis stolonifera creeping bentgrass
Alnus viridis ssp. crispa green alder
Alnus incana mountain alder
Alnus rubra red alder
Alopecurus aequalis little meadow-foxtail
Amphiscirpus nevadensis Nevada bulrush
Andromeda polifolia bog-rosemary
Angelica lucida seacoast angelica
Antennaria pulcherrima showy pussytoes
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi kinnikinnick
Aster ciliolatus Lindleys aster
Aster conspicuus showy aster
Aster ericoides tufted white prairie aster
Aster subspicatus Douglas aster
Athyrium filix-femina lady fern
Atriplex patula common orache
Aulacomnium palustre glow moss
Barbilophozia sp. leafy liverwort
Betula nana scrub birch
Betula occidentalis water birch
Betula papyrifera paper birch
Blechnum spicant deer fern
Bolboschoenus maritimus seacoast bulrush
Brachythecium spp. feathermosses
Brasenia schreberi water shield
Bryum pseudotriquetrum marsh thread-moss
Calamagrostis canadensis bluejoint
Calamagrostis stricta slimstem reedgrass
Calliergon sp. water-moss
Calliergon stramineum straw spear-moss
Caltha leptosepala white mountain marsh-marigold
Campylium sp. star-moss
Campylium stellatum yellow star-moss
Campylopus atrovirens bristly swan-neck moss

254 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Carex anthoxanthea yellow-flowered sedge
Carex aquatilis water sedge
Carex atherodes awned sedge
Carex chordorrhiza cordroot sedge
Carex disperma soft-leaved sedge
Carex exsiccata inflated sedge
Carex lanuginosa woolly sedge
Carex lasiocarpa slender sedge
Carex leptalea bristle-stalked sedge
Carex limosa shore sedge
Carex livida pale sedge
Carex lyngbyei Lyngbyes sedge
Carex magellanica poor sedge
Carex obnupta slough sedge
Carex pauciflora few-flowered sedge
Carex pluriflora many-flowered sedge
Carex praegracilis field sedge
Carex sitchensis Sitka sedge
Carex tenuiflora sparse-leaved sedge
Carex utriculata beaked sedge
Ceratophyllum sp. hornwort
Ceratophyllum demersum common hornwort
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis yellow-cedar
Chamaedaphne calyculata leatherleaf
Chara sp. stonewort
Cicuta douglasii Douglas water-hemlock
Circaea alpina enchanters-nightshade
Cladina spp. reindeer lichens
Cladonia spp. clad lichens
Comarum palustre marsh cinquefoil
Conioselinum gmelinii Pacific hemlock-parsley
Coptis trifolia three-leaved goldthread
Cornus canadensis bunchberry
Cornus stolonifera red-osier dogwood
Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. tufted hairgrass
Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. tufted hairgrass
Deschampsia cespitosa tufted hairgrass
Distichlis spicata seashore saltgrass
Distichlis spicata var. spicata seashore saltgrass
Distichlis spicata var. stricta alkali saltgrass
Drepanocladus sp. hook-mosses
Drepanocladus aduncus common hook-moss
Drosera anglica great sundew
Drosera rotundifolia round-leaved sundew

Appendix 5 255
Dulichium arundinaceum three-way sedge
Eleocharis palustris common spike-rush
Eleocharis quinqueflora few-flowered spike-rush
Elliottia pyroliflorus copperbush
Elodea canadensis Canadian waterweed
Elymus glaucus blue wildrye
Elymus trachycaulus slender wheatgrass
Empetrum nigrum crowberry
Epilobium angustifolium fireweed
Equisetum sp. horsetail
Equisetum arvense common horsetail
Equisetum fluviatile swamp horsetail
Equisetum hyemale scouring-rush
Equisetum pratense meadow horsetail
Equisetum telmateia giant horsetail
Erigeron peregrinus subalpine daisy
Eriophorum angustifolium narrow-leaved cotton-grass
Eriophorum chamissonis Chamissos cotton-grass
Fauria crista-galli deer-cabbage
Festuca rubra red fescue
Fragaria virginiana wild strawberry
Fritillaria camschatcensis northern rice-root
Fucus sp. brown seaweed
Galium trifidum small bedstraw
Gaultheria hispidula creeping-snowberry
Gaultheria shallon salal
Geum macrophyllum large-leaved avens
Glaux maritima sea-milkwort
Glyceria borealis northern mannagrass
Glyceria elata tall mannagrass
Gymnocarpium dryopteris oak fern
Heracleum maximum cow-parsnip
Homatocaulis vernicosus stick hook-moss
Hordeum brachyantherum meadow barley
Hordeum jubatum foxtail barley
Hylocomium splendens step moss
Hypericum anagalloides bog St. Johns-wort
Iris pseudacorus yellow iris
Isoetes echinospora bristle-like quillwort
Juncus arcticus arctic rush
Juncus balticus Baltic rush
Juniperus communis common juniper
Kalmia microphylla western bog-laurel
Eurhynchium praelongum slender beaked-moss
Kobresia myosuroides Bellards kobresia
Koeleria macrantha junegrass

256 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Larix laricina tamarack
Lathyrus palustris marsh peavine
Ledum groenlandicum Labrador tea
Lemna sp. duckweed
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia leatherleaf saxifrage
Leymus mollis dune wildrye
Ligusticum scoticum beach lovage
Lilaeopsis occidentalis western lilaeopsis
Lobelia dortmanna water lobelia
Lonicera involucrata black twinberry
Lupinus nootkatensis Nootka lupine
Lysichiton americanus skunk cabbage
Lythrum salicaria purple loosestrife
Maianthemum dilatatum false lily-of-the-valley
Maianthemum stellatum star-flowered false solomons-seal
Malus fusca Pacific crab apple
Matteuccia struthiopteris ostrich fern
Meesia triquetra three-ranked hump-moss
Menyanthes trifoliata buckbean
Menziesia ferruginea false azalea
Mnium spp. leafy mosses
Muhlenbergia richardsonis mat muhly
Myrica gale sweet gale
Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian water-milfoil
Myriophyllum sp. water-milfoil
Myriophyllum verticillatum verticillate water-milfoil
Najas flexilis wavy water nymph
Nuphar lutea yellow pond-lily
Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala yellow pond-lily
Oemleria cerasiformis Indian-plum
Oenanthe sarmentosa Pacific water-parsley
Oplopanax horridus devils club
Osmorhiza berteroi mountain sweet-cicely
Oxycoccus oxycoccos bog cranberry
Phalaris arundinacea reed canarygrass
Philonotis fontana spring moss
Phragmites australis common reed
Picea X spruce
Picea mariana black spruce
Picea sitchensis Sitka spruce
Pinus contorta lodgepole pine
Pinus contorta var. contorta shore pine
Pinus contorta var. latifolia lodgepole pine
Pinus monticola western white pine
Plantago macrocarpa Alaska plantain
Plantago maritima sea plantain

Appendix 5 257
Platanthera dilatata fragrant white rein orchid
Pleurozium schreberi red-stemmed feathermoss
Poa pratensis Kentucky bluegrass
Poa secunda ssp. juncifolia Nevada bluegrass
Poa secunda Sandbergs bluegrass
Poa trivialis rough bluegrass
Polygonum amphibium water smartweed
Polystichum munitum sword fern
Populus balsamifera balsam poplar
Populus balsamifera ssp. black cottonwood
Populus tremuloides trembling aspen
Potamogeton sp. pondweed
Potamogeton amplifolius large-leaved pondweed
Potamogeton foliosus closed-leaved pondweed
Potamogeton gramineus grass-leaved pondweed
Potamogeton natans floating-leaved pondweed
Potamogeton praelongus long-stalked pondweed
Potamogeton pusillus small pondweed
Potamogeton richardsonii Richardsons pondweed
Potamogeton robbinsii Robbins pondweed
Potentilla anserina common silverweed
Potentilla egedii coast silverweed
Potentilla gracilis graceful cinquefoil
Pteridium aquilinum bracken fern
Ptilium crista-castrensis ostrich-plume feather-moss
Puccinellia nuttalliana Nuttalls alkaligrass
Puccinellia pumila dwarf alkaligrass
Pyrola asarifolia pink wintergreen
Racomitrium lanuginosum hoary rock-moss
Ranunculus aquatilis white water-buttercup
Ranunculus flammula lesser spearwort
Ranunculus orthorhynchus straight-beaked buttercup
Rhynchospora alba white beak-rush
Rhytidiadelphus loreus lanky moss
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus bent-leaf moss
Ribes bracteosum stink currant
Rosa acicularis prickly rose
Rosa nutkana Nootka rose
Rosa sp. rose
Rosa woodsii prairie rose
Rubus chamaemorus cloudberry
Rubus parviflorus thimbleberry
Rubus spectabilis salmonberry
Ruppia maritima widgeon-grass
Salicornia virginica American glasswort

258 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Salix barclayi Barclays willow
Salix bebbiana Bebbs willow
Salix brachycarpa short-fruited willow
Salix candida sage willow
Salix commutata under-green willow
Salix drummondiana Drummonds willow
Salix exigua sandbar willow
Salix glauca grey-leaved willow
Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Pacific willow
Salix lucida Pacific willow
Salix maccalliana MacCallas willow
Salix myrtillifolia bilberry willow
Salix pedicellaris bog willow
Salix planifolia tea-leaved willow
Salix prolixa Mackenzie willow
Salix sitchensis sitka willow
Sambucus racemosa red elderberry
Sanguisorba canadensis sitka burnet
Sanguisorba officinalis great burnet
Sarracenia purpurea common pitcher-plant
Scheuchzeria palustris scheuchzeria
Schoenoplectus acutus hard-stemmed great bulrush
Schoenoplectus americanus American bulrush
Schoenoplectus pungens sharp bulrush
Schoenoplectus subterminalis water clubrush
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani soft-stemmed great bulrush
Scirpus microcarpus small-flowered bulrush
Scorpidium sp. sausage-moss
Scorpidium revolvens rusty hook-moss
Scorpidium scorpioides hooked scorpion-moss
Senecio triangularis arrow-leaved groundsel
Siphula ceratites northern waterfingers
Sium suave hemlock water-parsnip
Sparganium angustifolium narrow-leaved bur-reed
Sparganium natans small bur-reed
Spartina gracilis alkali cordgrass
Spergularia canadensis Canadian sand-spurry
Sphagnum sp. peat-moss
Sphagnum angustifolium poor-fen peat-moss
Sphagnum austinii tough peat-moss
Sphagnum capillifolium common red peat-moss
Sphagnum fuscum common brown peat-moss
Sphaghum magellanicum Magellanic peat-moss
Sphagnum papillosum fat peat-moss
Sphagnum Group I peat-mosses, Group I
Sphagnum Group II peat-moss - Group II

Appendix 5 259
Sphagnum Group III peat-mosses, Group III
Sphagnum Group IV peat-mosses, Group IV
Spiraea douglasii pink spirea
Stachys mexicana Mexican hedge-nettle
Streptopus amplexifolius clasping twistedstalk
Streptopus lanceolatus rosy twistedstalk
Stuckenia pectinata fennel-leaved pondweed
Suaeda calceoliformis seablite
Subularia aquatica awlwort
Symphoricarpos albus common snowberry
Taraxacum officinale common dandelion
Thalictrum occidentale western meadowrue
Thuja plicata western redcedar
Tiarella trifoliata foamflower
Triantha glutinosa sticky false-asphodel
Tomentypnum sp. fen moss
Tomentypnum nitens golden fuzzy fen moss
Triantha glutinosa sticky false-asphodel
Trichophorum alpinum Hudson bay clubrush
Trichophorum cespitosum tufted clubrush
Trifolium wormskioldii springbank clover
Triglochin maritima seaside arrow-grass
Trollius albiflorus globeflower
Tsuga heterophylla western hemlock
Tsuga mertensiana mountain hemlock
Typha latifolia common cattail
Urtica dioica stinging nettle
Utricularia gibba humped bladderwort
Utricularia intermedia flat-leaved bladderwort
Utricularia macrorhiza greater bladderwort
Utricularia sp. bladderwort
Vaccinium sp. blueberry
Vaccinium alaskaense/ Alaska/oval-leaved blueberry
Vaccinium uliginosum bog blueberry
Vaccinium vitis-idaea lingonberry
Vahlodea atropurpurea mountain hairgrass
Valeriana sitchensis Sitka valerian
Veratrum viride Indian hellebore
Veronica scutellata marsh speedwell
Viburnum edule highbush-cranberry
Viola palustris marsh violet
Warnstorfia sp. hook-mosses
Zostera marina common eel-grass

260 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

APPENDIX 6 Wildlife species Affiliated with Wetlands
and Related Ecosystems

The following list includes wildlife species that commonly live in or use
wetlands and related ecosystems.
Mole Salamanders Ambysomatidae
Northwestern Salamander Ambystoma gracile
Long-toed Salamander Ambystoma macrodactylum
Tiger Salamander Ambystoma tigrinum
Giant Salamanders Dicamptodontidae
Pacific Giant Salamander Dicamptodon tenebrosus
Lungless Salamanders Plethodontidae
Wandering Salamander Aneides vagrans
Ensatina Ensatina eschscholtzii
Coeur dAlene Salamander Plethodon idahoensis
Western Red-backed Salamander Plethodon vehiculum
Newts Salamandridae
Rough-skinned Newt Taricha granulosa
Tailed Frogs Ascaphidae
Coastal Tailed Frog Ascaphus truei
Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog Ascaphus montanus
Spadefoots Pelobatidae
Great Basin Spadefoot Spea intermontana
True Toads Bufonidae
Western Toad Bufo boreas
Treefrogs Hylidae
Pacific Treefrog Hyla regilla
Boreal Chorus Frog Pseudacris maculata
True Frogs Ranidae
Red-legged Frog Rana aurora
Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana
Green Frog Rana clamitans
Columbia Spotted Frog Rana luteiventris
Northern Leopard Frog Rana pipiens
Oregon Spotted Frog Rana pretiosa
Wood Frog Rana sylvatica

Appendix 5 261
Western Pond Turtle Clemmys marmorata
Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta
Rattlesnake Crotalus viridis
Gopher Snake Pituophis melanoleucus
Common Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis
Western Terrestrial Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans
Loons Gaviidae
Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata
Pacific Loon Gavia pacifica
Common Loon Gavia immer
Grebes Podicipedidae
Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps
Horned Grebe Podiceps auritus
Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena
Eared Grebe Podiceps nigricollis
Western Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis
Clarks Grebe Aechmophorus clarkii
Pelicans Pelecanidae
American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Bitterns and Herons Ardeiadae
American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias
Great Egret Casmerodius albus
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
Green Heron Butorides striatus
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax
Swans, Geese, and Ducks Anatidae
Tundra Swan Cygnus columbianus
Trumpeter Swan Cygnus buccinator
Mute Swan Cygnus olor
Greater White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons
Snow Goose Chen caerulescens
Brant Branta bernicla
Canada Goose Branta canadensis
Wood Duck Aix sponsa
Green-winged Teal Anas crecca

262 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

American Black Duck Anas rubripes
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
Northern Pintail Anas acuta
Blue-winged Teal Anas discors
Cinnamon Teal Anas cyanoptera
Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata
Gadwall Anas strepera
Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope
American Wigeon Anas americana
Canvasback Aythya valisineria
Redhead Aythya americana
Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris
Greater Scaup Aythya marila
Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis
Northen Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis
Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula
Barrows Goldeneye Bucephala islandica
Bufflehead Bucephala albeola
Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus
Common Merganser Mergus merganser
Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator
Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis
Rails and Coots Rallidae
Virginia Rail Rallus limicola
Sora Porzana carolina
American Coot Fulica americana
Cranes Gruidae
Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis
Hawks and Eagles Accipitridae
Osprey Pandion haliaetus
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Grouse and Ptarmigans Phasianidae
Blue Grouse Dendragapus obscurus
Willow Ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus
Ruffed Grouse Bonasa umbellus
Sharp-tailed Grouse Tympanuchus phasianellus
ssp. columbianus

Appendix 6 263
Plovers Charadriidae
Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus
Killdeer Charadrius vociferus
Lesser Golden-Plover Pluvialis dominica
Stilts and Avocets Recurvirostridae
American Avocet Recurvirostra americana
Sandpipers Scolopacidae
Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca
Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes
Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria
Willet Catoptrophorus semipalmatus
Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia
Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda
Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica
Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla
Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri
Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla
Bairds Sandpiper Calidris bairdii
Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos
Dunlin Calidris alpina
Sanderling Calidris alba
Stilt Sandpiper Calidris himantopus
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis
Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus
Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago
Wilsons Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor
Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus
Gulls and Terns Laridae
Bonapartes Gull Larus philadelphia
Mew Gull Larus canus
Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis
California Gull Larus californicus
Herring Gull Larus argentatus
Franklins Gull Larus pipixcan
Forsters Tern Sterna forsteri
Black Tern Chlidonias niger
Caspian Tern Sterna caspia
Common Tern Sterna hirundo

264 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Owls Strigidae
Great Gray Owl Strix nebulosa
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus
Northern Hawk Owl Surnia ulula
Kingfishers Alcedinidae
Belted Kingfisher Ceryle alcyon
Tyrant Flycatchers Tyrannidae
Alder Flycatcher Empidonax alnorum
Willow Flycatcher Empidonax trailii
Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus
Waxwings Bombycillini
Bohemian Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus
Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum
Dippers Cinclidae
American Dipper Cinclus mexicanus
Wrens Troglodytidae
House Wren Troglodytes aedon
Winter Wren Troglodytes troglodytes
Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris
Chickadees Paridae
Black-capped Chickadee Parus atricapillus
Swallows Hirundinidae
Purple Martin Progne subis
Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor
Violet-green Swallow Tachycineta thalassina
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx serripennis
Bank Swallow Riparia riparia
Cliff Swallow Hirundo pyrrhonota
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
Kinglets and Thrushes Muscicapidae
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Regulus calendula
Veery Catharus fuscescens
Gray-cheeked Thrush Catharus minimus
Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus

Appendix 6 265
Warblers Sylviidae
American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla
Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapillus
Northern Waterthrush Seiurus noveboracensis
Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas
Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata
Yellow Warbler Dendroica petechia
Palm Warbler Dendroica palmarum
MacGillivrays Warbler Oporornis tolmiei
Wilsons Warbler Wilsonia pusilla
Yellow-breasted Chat Icteria virens
Sparrows and Blackbirds Fringillinae
American Tree Sparrow Spizella arborea
Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina
Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis
Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca
Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia
Lincolns Sparrow Melospiza lincolnii
Sharp-tailed Sparrow Ammodramus caudacutus
Swamp Sparrow Melospiza georgiana
Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus
Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus
Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus
Brewers Blackbird Euphagus cyanocephalus
Shrews Soricidae
Black-backed Shrew Sorex arcticus
Pacific Water Shrew Sorex bendirii
Pygmy Shrew Sorex hoyi
Dusky Shrew Sorex monticolus
Water Shrew Sorex palustris
Bats Chiroptera
Big Brown Bat Eptesicus fuscus
Spotted Bat Euderma maculatum
Silver-haired Bat Lasionycteris noctivagans
Western Red Bat Lasiurus blossevillii ssp. frantzi
Hoary Bat Lasiurus cinereus

266 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

California Myotis Myotis californicus
Western Small-footed Myotis Myotis ciliobrum
Western Long-eared Myotis Myotis evotis
Keens Long-eared Myotis Myotis keenii
Little Brown Myotis Myotis lucifugus
Northern Long-eared Myotis Myotis septentrionalis
Yuma Myotis Myotis yumanensis
Townsends Big-eared Bat Plecotus townsendii
Mountain Beavers Aplodontiidae
Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa
Beavers Castoridae
Beaver Castor canadensis
Voles and Lemmings Arvicolidae
Southern Red-backed Vole Clethrionomys gapperi
Northern Red-backed Vole Clethrionomys rutilus
Water Vole Microtis richardsonii
Meadow Vole Microtis pennsylvannicus
Townsends Vole Microtis townsendii
Long-tailed Vole Microtis longicaudus
Brown Lemming Lemmus sibiricus
Northern Bog Lemming Synaptomys borealis
Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus
Jumping Mice Zapodidae
Western Jumping Mouse Zapus princeps
Meadow Jumping Mouse Zapus hudsonius
Weasels Mustelidae
Wolverine Gulo gulo
Mink Mustela vison
River Otter Lontra canadensis
Striped Skunk Mephitis mephitis
Ermine Mustela erminea
Long-tailed Weasel Mustela frenata
Racoon Procyonidae
Raccoon Procyon lotor

Appendix 6 267
Bears Ursidae
Black Bear Ursus americanus
Grizzly Bear Ursus arctos
Deer Cervidae
Moose Alces alces
Elk Cervus elaphus
Mule Deer Odocoileus hemionus
Caribou Rangifer tarandus

268 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

APPENDIX 7 Glossary

Aerobic Occurring in the presence of free oxygen, either as a gas in the

atmosphere or dissolved in water.
Alkaline Water or soil with a pH greater than 7.4. Relatively high concen-
tration of available base cations.
Anaerobic Occurring in conditions devoid of oxygen.

Annual flood Flooding occurs at least once per year.

Biogeoclimatic subzone A climatic region characterized by a distinct

climax plant association on zonal sites.
Biogeoclimatic zone A climatic region with similar broad macroclimate
characterized by a distinct zonal plant order.
Brown mosses A guild of peatland mosses usually indicating mineral rich
site conditions. Includes Campylium stellatum, Drepanocladus
spp., Scorpidium spp., and Tomenthypnum nitens.
Canopy Cover of branches and leaves formed collectively by the crowns
of trees, shrubs, or other plants.
Capillary In a soil, the fine spaces between soil particles.

Capillary action Particles attract soil moisture, and surface tension is

strong enough to cause moisture to rise up through the soil, above
the watertable.
Class, site Ecosystems with broadly similar vegetation physiognomy (or
species guild), hydrology, and water quality ( 1997).
Clayey Predominant textural classes are clay, silty clay, sandy clay, or
clay loam.
Climax community A self-perpetuating community whose species compo-
sition is expected to be relatively stable and long lasting.
Closed basin or pond Basin receives water from surrounding upland only,
no inlet or outlet channel.

Appendix 6 269
Coarse water sedges Large, broad-leaved sedge species including Carex
aquatilis, C. atherodes, C. exsiccata, C. sitchensis, and C. utriculata.
Common Occurs frequently, and representative ecosystems are readily
found, but it is not a predominant association of the region (Steen
and Roberts 1988).
Common species Species that can occur in a Site Association, but do not
define the community. They usually have a presence >30% and a
cover >1%.
Constant species Species that occur in a classification unit with relatively
high frequency but low mean cover that may help to define the
community. They are defined as having presence of >66% and
cover <10%.
Diagnostic species A species that occurs primarily within a single classifi-
cation unit.
Diatomaceous earth Composed mainly of the siliceous shells of diatoms.
It is frequently more nearly mineral than organic in composition.
Disclimax A self-perpetuating community that strongly differs in species
composition from the edaphic or climatic climax expected for the
site; normal succession has been arrested by an external physical
or anthropogenic factor. Results from changes to physical charac-
teristics of the site, associated with disturbances such as fire,
intensive grazing, or avalanche (Province of British Columbia
Dominant species The strucurally most dominant species within a site or
the species that contributes greatest vegetation cover to the com-
Drawdown Decrease in water level of lakes or steams, exposing substrate
that is normally submerged.
Dwarf shrubs Plants with woody stems that are generally less than 15 cm
tall at maturity. Andromeda polifolia, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Em-
petrum nigrum, Gaultheria hispidula, Kalmia microphylla, Linnaea
borealis, Oxycoccus oxycoccos, Rubus chamaemorus, Rubus pedatus,
Vaccinium caespitosum, and Vaccinium vitis-idaea are the most
common wetland dwarf shrub species.

270 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Emergents Upright plants rooted in water or exposed to seasonal
flooding, emerging above water surface. Does not include some
submergents that normally lie entirely under water but have flow-
ering parts that break the surface. Includes mostly sedges, rushes,
bulrushes, and other grass-like forbs.
Ericaceous shrubs Shrubs of family Ericaceae. Andromeda,
Chamaedaphne, Gaultheria, Kalmia, Ledum, Oxycoccus, and
Vaccinium are the most common wetland genera.
Eutrophic Very rich nutritional status, abundant supply of nutrients.

Feathermosses Upland moss species with a feather-like form including

Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, and Ptilium crista-
Fibric Poorly decomposed peat with large amounts of well-preserved
fibre readily identifiable as to botanical origin.
Flark Elongated wet depressions separated by raised ribs in patterned
peatlands. The long axis is always perpendicular to the direction of
Floating mat Mat of peat held together by roots and rhizomes underlain
by water or fluid, loose peat ( 1988).
Floating-leaved plants Rooted or free-floating plants with leaves normally
floating on water surface.
Flooding Surface inundation by moderate to fast moving water. Usually
associated with sedimentation and erosion (see also Inundation).
Fluvial Sites occurring along flowing watercourses, the watercourse itself,
and the surrounding (riparian) terrain and vegetation. Subject to
flooding and sedimentation processes (Province of British Colum-
bia 1998).
Forb Any non-graminoid herb species.

Forested Sites with >10% canopy cover of tree species >10 m tall (see
also Treed).
Frequent flooding Flood return interval of 25 years.

Appendix 7 271
Gleyed A soil condition resulting from prolonged soil saturation,
which is manifested by the presence of bluish or greenish colours
throughout the soil mass or in mottles (usually orange spots or
Graminoid Plants with a grass-like growth form including rushes (Jun-
caceae), grasses (Poaceae), and sedges (Cyperaceae).
Groundwater Water passing through or standing in soil and underlying
strata. Free to move by gravity ( 1988).
Herb Non-woody vascular plants. Includes forbs and graminoids.

Hollow 1. A wet depression or pool found between hummocks or

mounds. 2. A sunken basin or depression, often sloped and hav-
ing an outflow. Includes gullies with slow streams where there is
little sedimentation or erosion.
Humic Highly decomposed organic material. Small amounts of fibre can
be identified to botanical origin ( 1988).
Hummock A mound composed of organic material, often composed of
Sphagnum peat (see also Mound). Slight hummocks are 0.31 m
tall and spaced >7 m apart. Moderate hummocks are 0.31 m tall
and spaced 37 m apart. Strong hummocks are 0.31 m tall and
spaced 13 m apart.
Humus Dead and decaying organic material at the soil surface.

Hydric 1. A site where water is removed so slowly that the watertable is at

or above the soil surface all year. 2. A Gleysol or Organic soil.
Hydrogeomorphic classification Classification of wetland and riparian
ecosystems based on hydrological and geomorphological features
and processes.
Hydrophytic plant species Any plant adapted for growing on permanently
saturated soils deficient in oxygen.
Hygric Water removed slowly enough to keep soil wet for most of the
growing season; permanent seepage and mottling usually below
30 cm in depth.
Hypereutrophic Sites with very high salinity or alkalinity.

272 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Inundation Surface flooding by standing or slow-moving water.

Lacustrine Sites adjacent to lakes and ponds directly affected by lake

wave action, sedimentation, and flooding.
Lagg Depressed margin of a bog or fen; generally wetter than surround-
ing area, often contains open water.
Lawn Relatively flat expanse of wetland moss usually raised above water
level. Contrast with Hummock and Hollow.
Lifeform A plant growth form that displays an obvious relationship to
important environmental factors (Mueller-Dombois and Ellen-
berg 1974).
Limnic material Composed of coprogenous earth (sedimentary peat), di-
atomaceous earth, or marl.
Linked basin Basin receives water from upland and an inflow stream; ex-
cess water flows through an outflow. Includes basins with slow
streams where there is little sedimentation or erosion (Province of
British Columbia 1998).
Loamy Textural classes are loam and sandy loam (Steen and Roberts
Marl Sediments composed of shells of aquatic animals and CaCO3 pre-
cipitated in water.
Mesic 1. Organic material in an intermediate stage of decomposition
where some fibres can be identified as to botanical origin. 2. Medi-
um soil moisture regime where a site has neither excess soil
moisture nor a moisture deficit.
Microtopography Small-scale (i.e., < 2 m) variations in soil surface eleva-
tion (e.g., hummocks and hollows).
Minerotrophic Nourished by mineral water. Refers to wetlands that re-
ceive nutrients from flowing or percolating mineral groundwater
( 1988).
Minerotrophic indicator species Plant species requiring relatively high con-
centrations of nutrients associated with mineral groundwater.

Appendix 7 273
Mire British term embracing all kinds of peatlands and peatland vegeta-
tion (modified from 1988).
Moderately acidic Having a soil pH value of 4.55.5.

Moist No water deficit occurs. Current need for water does not exceed
supply; temporary groundwater table may be present (Pojar et al.
Montane A high-elevation region occurring below the subalpine.

Mound Mounds composed of mineral materials (see also Hummock).

Muskeg Algonquin term for peatland. Usually applied to areas with

Sphagnum mosses, tussocky sedges, and an open growth of scrub-
by trees (modified from 1988).
Neotenous An animal that is sexually mature in the larval stage.

Neutral pH Having a soil pH value between 6.5 and 7.4. Available base
cation concentration is high enough to buffer acidic conditions.
Occasional flooding Flood interval greater than 5 years.

Oligotrophic Relatively poor in nutrients.

Ombrotrophic Nourished by rain. Peatlands entirely dependent on nutri-

ents deposited by precipitation ( 1988).
Overflow basin Basin receives water from upland only; excess water flows
through an outlet channel (Province of British Columbia 1998).
Paludification Succession or conversion of upland or mineral wetland
habitats to peatland through accumulation of peat.
Palustrine Basins, depressions, slopes, and small waterbodies with a con-
tinually high watertable and poor-drainage wetland landscape
Palustrine hollow Hollow receives groundwater from upslope; excess
water flows through channel or watertrack.
Patterned peatland Peatlands marked by distinct patterns of vegetation in
alternating raised ridges and depressions (flark) forms. Sites are
slightly sloping and ridges form perpendicular to the direction of

274 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Peat Partly decomposed plant material deposited under saturated soil
Peatland A generic term including all types of peat-covered terrain.
Many peatlands are a complex of swamps, bogs, and fens, some-
times called a mire complex ( 1988).
Physiognomic Referring to vegetation structure or strata.

Rarely flooded Flooding occurs only during extreme events.

Riparian Along the bank of a river, lake, or wetland.

Saline The presence of soluble salts in the soil parent material at concen-
trations that affect plant growth.
Sandy Textural classes are loamy sand and sand (Steen and Roberts
Saturated A soil condition in which all voids (pore spaces) between soil
particles are filled with water.
Sedimentary peat (coprogenous earth) Peat formed beneath a body
of standing water composed of aquatic plant debris modified by
aquatic animals. Material is loosely consolidated, slightly sticky,
dark brown to black, and usually well decomposed (humic). Syn-
onyms: aquatic peat, loonshit, allochthonous peat, detrital peat,
gyttja ( 1988).
Seepage Groundwater discharge having less flow than a spring.

Shrub Perennial plants usually with more than one low-branching

woody stem and <10 m tall.
Silty Predominant textural classes are silt and silt loam (Steen and
Roberts 1988).
Site Association A group of related ecosystems physically and biologically
similar enough that they have or would have similar vegetation at
climax (Meidinger and Pojar 1991).
Slightly acidic Having a soil pH value of 5.56.5.

Stand A plant community that is relatively uniform in composition,

structure, and habitat conditions.

Appendix 7 275
Subassociation Subunits of an association that are floristically very
similar but distinguished by the predominance of one to several
differentiating species.
Subhydric Soil moisture regime where water is removed slowly enough
to keep watertable at or near the surface for most of the year; per-
manent seepage 030 cm below surface.
Subhygric Water removed slowly enough to keep soil wet for a signifi-
cant part of the growing season; some temporary seepage and
possibly mottling below 20 cm.
Submergents Plants that normally lie entirely beneath water. Some
species have flowering parts that break the water surface.
Succession Replacement of one community by another; often progresses
to a stable terminal community called the climax.
Treed Sites with >10% canopy cover of tree species >2 m and <10 m tall
(see also Forested).
Tussock A thick tuft of sedge or other vegetation forming a small mound
of solid ground in a wetland ( 1988).
Uncommon Occurs infrequently in a region (Steen and Roberts 1988).

Very acidic Having a soil pH value less than 4.5. Low concentration of
available base cations.
Very moist Rooting-zone groundwater present during the growing sea-
son (water supply exceeds demand). Groundwater table >30 cm
deep (Pojar et al 1987).
Very wet Groundwater table at or above the ground surface throughout
most of the growing season.
von Post A qualitative scale of peat decomposition.

Watertable The upper surface of the zone of saturation within the soil
Wet Rooting-zone groundwater present during the growing season
(water supply exceeds demand). Groundwater table >0 cm but
< 30 cm below soil surface (Pojar et al 1987).

276 Wetlands of British Columbia: A Field Guide to Identification

Wetland Sites dominated by hydrophytic vegetation where soils are
water-saturated for a sufficient length of time such that excess
water and resulting low soil oxygen levels are principal determi-
nants of vegetation and soil development.
Wetland complex Consists of two or more wetland communities occur-
ring in close proximity in the same system and influenced or
linked by the same moisture and nutrient regime.

Appendix 7 277

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Elevated ribs form perpendicular to gradual water flow in patterned fens. In this dramatic example from
near Houston, the patterning seems to reflect wave refraction after waves pass through a constriction.
A northern fen in fall colours (Stewart-Cassiar highway at the Yukon border)

Wetlands and related ecosystems are important

components of British Columbia's ecological diversity.
This guide describes over 100 distinct wetland, riparian
floodplain, estuarine, shallow-water, and "transition" site
associations. Each association is described in a one-page
fact-sheet summary that outlines its essential environ-
mental and biological attributes.

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