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SPMA Referencing Booklet

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University of Pretoria

SPMA Reference Guide

Prof LP Malan & Prof N Holtzhausen


School of Public Management and Administration


As assignment, research proposal, dissertation or thesis is a scientific document, which should not
only conform to basic research and content requirements, but also to specific technical
requirements. The following paragraphs outline some general guidelines pertaining to the technical
aspects of academic writing.

Scientific documents (journal articles excluded) should include a table of content that
outlines the list of headings as well as the associated page numbers. Main heading
should be capital letters and subheadings not. See the following example:

2.1 Public Administration . 3
2.1.1 Public policy making 4
3.1 Models for policy implementation 7

2The headings in the text should be in exactly the same format as in the table of
content (in terms of the use of capital letters, bold, italic etc.)
Paper size


Font (body text)

Arial, 12pt

Line spacing (body text)

1 spacing

Language setting

Use the English (UK) or English (South African) settings in MS



Left & right

2 cm

Top & bottom

2.54 cm



Paragraph formatting

and As shown in document

Paragraphs should be justified (i.e., the text should be aligned
evenly along both the left and right margins to form a square box).

Page numbers

Front page

Table of Contents, List Roman numerals, small caps (e.g., i, ii, iii)
of Figures, List of

Body of assignment, Arabic numerals starting at 1 (e.g., 1, 2, 3)


List of References,


Every document should have an introduction and conclusion. The introduction

introduces the reader to the subject matter while the conclusion usually contains no
quotations or factual information but serves as a summary of what was discussed in the
document previously and may include recommendations and/or provide an indication of
areas for further research in the particular field.


Headings and sub-headings should be a true reflection of the main theme, should be
clear, not too vague and not too long. Do not underline headings. Do not refer to the
number of acts (legislation/regulations) in headings just the title of the act. Separate
headings by writing, under the first heading, something pertaining to the topic which will
be discussed in the subsequent paragraph (bridging sentence or paragraph) for example:
Numerous models for policy implementation exist and will be described in
the following paragraphs.
2.1 Models for policy implementation
Models for policy implementation in the


Do not start each word in a sub-heading with capital letters, thus in sentence case
write as you would when using the same concepts in a sentence. For example:
2.1 Intergovernmental relations in a developmental state
2.1 Intergovernmental Relations in a Developmental State


Using words to indicate numbers from nought to nine, use words for example: there
were seven public officials in the meeting representing their different departments. The
only exception is if age is expresses, for example: The head of the mission is 39 years old.
Any number above nine, use figures, for example: Only 40 delegates attended the
conference. Numbers starting from ten, will be 10, 21, 30 and so forth.


Avoid the narrative style of writing or using concepts or phrases that exaggerate or
reflect emotion. Try to be objective when describing or commenting on an issue. See
the following examples:
This experience taught me a significant lesson in life and it assisted me to change
the way I used to perceived people living with disability. After that symbolic
welcome, everybody was back at work performing his/her duties without visible
supervision. I have also learnt that proper internal controls play an important role
in instilling discipline among workforce in any given work environment.
At the break of dawn on the new South Africa (note it is the democratic South
Africa, not new South Africa)


All quotations must be followed by an indication of the sources thereof. Direct

quotations must be placed in inverted commas. Make sure of the placement of the
inverted commas, for example:
The whole sentence a direct quotation:
Administration is a type of cooperative human effort that has a high degree of
rationality (Waldo 1996:6).
When a paraphrase of the words of an author is used:
May and Koski (2013:151) argue that: the engagement of different private
sector entities and of key industry and professional associations means little
unless their involvement helps to foster broader communities of interest for
addressing risks to critical infrastructures.
A quote within a quote use the single inverted comma:
The Presidents Coordinating Council is an intergovernmental relations structure
(Section of the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 [Act 13 of


Line spacing should be consistent before and after headings.


When making use of abbreviations write out the word/name of

organisation/institution/act when referring to it the first time, for example:

The National Development Plan (NDP) (2011:3) outlines the priorities of the
government of South Africa.
Later in text
According to the NDP (2011:13) there are numerous intergovernmental relations
structures and forums in South Africa.
The Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act 15 of 2005) (hereafter
referred to as the IRFA) outlines the role, composition and functions of the various
intergovernmental relations forums.
Later in text
The various steps in the intergovernmental relations dispute resolution process are
outlined in the IRFA.


Please see the following pointers when writing an assignment/proposal

Opening with quotation/statement/anecdote; context of past research what has happened?
Condition of ignorance what is current situation? Cost of ignorance what will happen without
Gist of solution what do you intend to do?
Discussion of subject matter; literature review and discussion of aim/goal of assignment
Gist of solution; larger significance or application; what is still not known?
Closing quotation/statement/anecdote (return to aim of assignment)
There must be a clear link between the introduction and the conclusion


Some pointers with regards to reading and writing skills

Reading skills:
Critical and sensitive to language
Ask yourself when evaluating information:
Who is author? Profession, competence and qualification to write on subject
For whom is article written? Scholarly or general public?
Is author objective? Can he make the assumptions he is making?

Where did he get his information data collection method?

Does the research compare with other works? Is this accepted knowledge if
not, why not?

Writing skills:
Requirements for scientific writing:
Systematic presentation
Language usage
Spelling and sentence construction comply with language rules
Thoughts must be expressed clearly, unambiguously and intelligibly
Use of pompous or vulgar language must be avoided
Assignment must be easily understandable and should read
What is it?
Direct quotation without recognition
Why should it be avoided?
Unethical illegal and subject to discipline
Consult UP Library/AIS website for full plagiarism policy

Consistency is key


One author or editor

List of References entry

Dunn, W.N. 2014. Public policy analysis. Fifth Edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Kumar, R. 2014. Research Methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Fifth edition. London:
SAGE Publications.
Mounin, G. (rd). Dictionnaire de la linguistique. 2. dition. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Thouless, R. 1974. Straight and crooked thinking. London: Pan.

Text reference
Dunn (2014:9-11) illustrates this by ...


Two authors or editors

List of References entry

Cloete, F. and de Coning, C. (eds). 2011. Improving Public Policy: Theory, practice and results. Third
Edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.

Sidanius, J. and Pratto, F. 1999. Social Dominance: An Intergroup Theory of Social Hierarchy and
Oppression. New York: Cambridge University Press

Dekker, E. & Van Schalkwyk, O.J. (eds). 1989. Modern education systems. Durban: Butterworths.

Text reference
Cloete and de Coning (2011:12) maintain ...
... can be seen as taking place (Cloete & de Coning 2011:45).

Three or more authors or editors

List of References entry

Cheminais, J., Bayat, S., van der Waldt, G. and Fox, W. 1998. The Fundamentals of Public Personnel
Management. Cape Town: Juta.

Text reference
First text reference - mention the names of all the authors.
Cheminais, Bayat and van der Waldt (1998:89 -109) discuss this problem in detail.
Subsequent references - use the name of the first author followed by et al (not italicised).
Cheminais et al. (1998:89 -109) discuss this problem in detail.


Corporate bodies

List of References entry

Apartheid Museum. 2001. Visitor's guide. Johannesburg.
South Africa. Department of Communications. 1999. Electronic commerce policy. Pretoria:
Government Printer.
South Africa. Department of Education. 2002. Revised national curriculum statement grades R-9
(Schools) policy: arts and culture. Pretoria: Department of Education.

South Africa. National Planning Commission. 2011. National Development Plan-Vision 2030. Pretoria:
Government Printers.
Note: In the first example above the corporate body is both the author and the publisher of the book.
In such cases the publishers name is omitted from the imprint.
Text reference
... as illustrated (Apartheid Museum 2001:2).
... as reported (Department of Education 1999:10).
not mentioned (National Planning Commission 2011:11)

Entries listed under the title of the book


Anonymous works

List of References entry

The martyrdom of an empress. 1899. London: Harper & Row.
Note: Ignore articles (a, an, the) when arranging titles alphabetically in the bibliography. For
instance, The martyrdom of an empress would be listed under M.
Text reference
(Martyrdom 1899:5).
Note: When the title of a publication is used in a text reference instead of the authors name, this title
may be abbreviated. If the most suitable short title is not the first word of the book title, the
bibliography must contain a cross-reference, for example:
List of References entry
n Lang soektog na voortreflikheid. 1980. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
Text reference: Soektog (1980:15)
Cross-reference in list of reference: Soektog, vide n Lang soektog na voortreflikheid.

Works universally known by their titles: dictionaries and encyclopaedias

Certain reference works are universally known by their titles and it makes things considerably easier
for the reader if these works are listed under their titles.
List of References entry
Concise Oxford Dictionary. 1976. Sixth edition. Sv accountable. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1964. Sv participation. London: Benton.

Text reference
According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary (1976:8), "accountable" refers to
Accountable is to be bound to give account (Concise Oxford Dictionary 1976:743).
as mentioned before (Encyclopaedia Britannica 1964, sv optics).
Note: sv is an abbreviation of the Latin expression sub verbo, which means under the word, in
other words the word consulted in the dictionary.

Unknown date or place of publication

For the sake of convenience the following examples are given in this section on books, but the
principles apply to any source where the date or place of publication or the copyright date is lacking.
If the date of publication is unknown, an abbreviation of the Latin expression sine anno (without
year) is used in square brackets. If the place of publication is unknown, an abbreviation of the Latin
expression sine loco (without place) is used in square brackets.
List of References entry
Jones, D.A. [Sa]. South Africa and its peoples. Johannesburg: Southern.
Smit, W.P. 1950. Cape gourmets. *Sl+: Gourmets Guild.
Text reference
According to Jones ([sa]:14) there are ...
... in that regard (Jones [sa]:10).
Note: The S of both sine anno and sine loco is capitalised because it introduces a new element of
the bibliography. In the text reference s is written with a small letter.

Collective works (composite works)

If a collective work is listed in its entirety, the bibliographical entry resembles that of a book, except
that the editors function is mentioned. The format differs for contributions in collective works.

Collective works listed in their entirety

Indication of the editorial function

List of References entry

Bayat, M.S. and Meyer, I.H. (eds).1994. Public Administration. Halfway House: Southern Publishers.
Text reference

The discussion in Bayat and Meyer (1994:16) ...

... discuss this Bayat and Meyer (1994:16).
ii. Contributions in collective works
List of References entry

Hilliard, V.G. 1994. Corruption in the public sector-causes and remedies. In Bayat, M.S. and Meyer,
I.H. Public Administration. Halfway House: Southern Publishers.
Text reference
Hilliard (1994:267) concludes ...

Journals, newspapers, magazines and conferences

i. Authors name is known

List of References entry

Armstrong, C. and Graham, G.A. 1975. Ethical preparation for the public service. The 1970s. The
Bureaucrat, April: 4(1).
Dawes, N. 2005. Whistleblower faces the axe. Mail & Guardian, 25 November - 01 December 2005.
Jackson, R. 1979. Running down the up-escalator: regional inequality in Papua New Guinea. Australian
Geographer 14(5), May: 175-184.
Nkwana, H.M. 2014. Managerial leadership development in the public sector: key considerations.
Administratio Publica, 22(3): 85-101.
Note: Sometimes the volume number is not available. We now give examples of how the article
would be entered in a list of references if the volume number were lacking but if an issue number or a
date were known.
Jackson, R. 1979. Running down the up-escalator: regional inequality in Papua New Guinea. Australian
Geographer (5), May: 175-184.
Jackson, R. 1979. Running down the up-escalator: regional inequality in Papua New Guinea.
Australian Geographer, 20 May: 175-184.

Text reference
Nkwana (2014:90) maintains that ...
... as indicated (Nkwana 2014:90).

ii. Only the title of the article or headline is known

List of References entry
And now it is pond power. 1980. Time 115(8):39.
Hobby becomes career. 1982. Pretoria News, 24 October: 12.
Text reference
... appeared (Pond power 1980:14).
Note: In a case like this, where a short title is used which does not start with the same word as the
title, a cross-reference should be made in the bibliography, for example:
Pond power, vide And now it is pond power.
iii. Name of author and headline is unknown
Pretoria News. 2015. 15 January: 16.

Unpublished works
i. Dissertations or theses

List of References entry

Binikos, E. 2006. A sociological case study of the relationship between organisational trust and
whistleblowing in the workplace. Unpublished Masters Dissertation. Johannesburg: University of

Netshikhophani, A. F. 2012. A Conceptual Training and Development Framework for Public Educators
in the Limpopo Department of Education. Unpublished PhD thesis. Pretoria: University of Pretoria.

Text reference
... the kind of trust (Binikos 2006:5).
ii. Unpublished papers
List of References entry
Zerubavel, E. 1978. The Benedictine ethic and the spirit of scheduling. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations, Milwaukee, April.


Diale, A.J. and Holtzhausen, N. 2005. Public or Protected Disclosure? The fallacy of whistle-blower
protection in South Africa. Paper read at the South African Association of Public Administration and
Management (SAAPAM) conference, Pretoria, 20-21 October 2005.

Text reference
Zerubavel (1978:6) states that ...
iii. Acts
The following format is used for the text reference:
List of References entry
South Africa, Republic. Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act 13 of 2005). Pretoria:
Government Printer
Text reference
... as stipulated in the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act 13 of 2005).
The Presidents Coordinating Council is an intergovernmental relations structure (Section of the
Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 [Act 13 of 2005]).
iv. Internet references

If the author is known:

Smith, MN. 2012. Phenomenology: what's new? Available at: www.noesi.htm (Accessed on
Text reference: As stated by Smith (2012)
(Take note that the www reference cannot be in blue ink as it means it is a life link)

If the author is not known (Accessed on 25/03/14)

Text reference: as they claim (

2.9 Figures and tables

All figures and table must be numbered and should have a heading (on the top) and the source
mentioned after the table. See the following example:


The three steps in PPP development range from low, to sophistication, to high. The
following figure indicates the market development curve.

Figure 1:

PPP Market Development Curve


Stage Three

Stage Two

Potential to leapfrog

Stage One




Source: Adapted from Eggers and Startup (2006:6)

Table 2:

International Best Practice in Risk Allocation for PPPs

Planning or statutory
Misspecification of
output requirements






Planning and statutory process

undertaken in advance of tender


Information and resources

relevant for output


Works adhere to contract

specifications regarding

Source: Authors Own, ideas adapted from Iossa et al. (2007:4-15) and IMF (2004:18, 31)


(Example of the cover page that must be used for all undergrad and honours assignments)

Student name and surname

Student number
Subject name
Subject code
Responsible lecturer (title, initials and surname)
Assignment number (e.g. Assignment 1)
Date of submission


School of Public Management and


Declaration Regarding Plagiarism

The School of Public Management and Administration emphasises integrity and ethical behaviour with
regard to the preparation of all written proposals. Although the lecturer will provide you with
information regarding reference techniques, as well as ways to avoid plagiarism, you also have a
responsibility to fulfil in this regard. Should you at any time feel unsure about the requirements, you
must consult the lecturer concerned before submitting an assignment.
You are guilty of plagiarism when you extract information from a book, article, web page or any other
information source without acknowledging the source and pretend that it is your own work. This
doesnt only apply to cases where you quote verbatim, but also when you present someone elses
work in a somewhat amended (paraphrased) format or when you use someone elses arguments or
ideas without the necessary acknowledgement. You are also guilty of plagiarism if you copy and
paste information directly from an electronic source (e.g., a web site, e-mail message, electronic
journal article, or CD ROM), even if you acknowledge the source.
You are not allowed to submit another students previous work as your own. You are furthermore not
allowed to let anyone copy or use your work with the intention of presenting it as his/her own.
Students who are guilty of plagiarism will forfeit all credits for the work concerned. In addition, the
matter will be referred to the Committee for Discipline (Students) for a ruling. Plagiarism is considered
a serious violation of the Universitys regulations and may lead to your suspension from the
University. The Universitys policy regarding plagiarism is available on the Internet at
For the period that you are a student at the School of Public Management and Administration, the
following declaration must accompany all written work that is submitted for evaluation. No written
work will be accepted unless the declaration has been completed and is included in the particular
I (full names & surname):
Student number:
Declare the following:

I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the Universitys policy in this regard.


I declare that this proposal is my own, original work. Where someone elses work was used
(whether from a printed source, the Internet or any other source) due acknowledgement was
given and reference was made according to departmental requirements.


I did not copy and paste any information directly from an electronic source (e.g., a web page,
electronic journal article or CD ROM) into this document.


I did not make use of another students previous work and submitted it as my own.


I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of presenting it as
his/her own work.






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