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The document appears to provide technical documentation for various components and functions of a medical imaging system called MULTIX TOP.

The document is providing technical documentation for a medical imaging system called MULTIX TOP, describing its various components and functions.

Some of the main sections covered include: overview, power distribution, brake circuit, electronic tomography, automatic format sensing, and auto tracking.



Function description
G6019 3D TOP Stand
G051G Catapult bucky
G052G Collimator

S iem ens A G 1993

The reproduction, transmission or
use of this document or its contents
is not permitted without express
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liable for damages. All rights,
including rights created by patent
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Print number: RXB1- Doc. Gen. Date: 01.00
Replaces: RXB1-
0-2 Revision status

Chapter Page Rev.

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MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 2 of 4 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Table of Contents 0-3

1 _______Overview _____________________________________________________ 1 - 1

MULTIX TOP manual with processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2

Multix TOP manual without processor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-6
MULTIX TOP ACSS P (with tomo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-8
MULTIX TOP ACSS P-NL (with auto tracking) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 10

2 _______Power distribution ______________________________________________ 2 - 1

Main power distribution board D54 for MULTIX with two transformers T1 and T2
(older version) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 - 2
Main power distribution board D54 for MULTIX with one transformer T1
(newer version) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2- 4
Power distribution board D54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2- 6
Main power distribution board D55 for MULTIX TOP without processor) . . . . . .2-8
Fuses, LED displays, Test point board D55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-9

3 _______Brake circuit___________________________________________________ 3 - 1

MULTIX TOP manual stand brake with or without processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2

MULTIX TOP ACSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-8
MULTIX TOP ACSS P (with tomo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 14
MULTIX TOP ACSS P- NL (with auto tracking) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 20
"Floating movement" MULTIX TOP ACSS with or without tomo . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 24
Test Points for the Power Supply Voltages in the Brake Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 26
MULTIX TOP manual table brakes without processor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 30

4 _______Electronic Tomography__________________________________________ 4 - 1

Principle of electronic tomography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2

Selecting Tomo Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4- 3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 10
Tomo Routine: Main Contact, HK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 15
Tomo height display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 18
Test points and Display for the Tomo Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 19
Safety Limit Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 21

5 _______Automatic Format Sensing ACSS _________________________________ 5 - 1

Ready - Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5- 3

Prerequisites for ACSS Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-3
ACSS Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-8
Manual Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5- 9
Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 12

6 _______Generator Interfacing ___________________________________________ 6 - 1

Signals from the Generator to the MULTIX TOP with or without Tomography . . . . . 6 - 2

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 3 of 4 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
0-4 Table of Contents

Signals from the MULTIX TOP ACSS to the Generator
with or without tomography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 4
Generator Interfacing MULTIX TOP manual without processor . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6

7 ______ Table lift ______________________________________________________7 - 1

Lift Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 1

8 ______ Bucky and Collimator ___________________________________________8 - 1

Manual Collimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 6

9 ______ Auto Tracking__________________________________________________9 - 1

Auto tracking with the MULTIX table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 2

Auto tracking with the VERTIX Bucky wall stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 5

10 _____ Changes from previous version__________________________________10 - 1

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 4 of 4 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1 1-1

MULTIX TOP manual with processor 1- 3

D13 Controller Board 1- 3

D21 Control Unit 1- 5
Central Power Supply 1- 5
Table Lift 1- 5
Table brakes 1- 5
Bucky 1- 5

MULTIX TOP manual without processor 1- 6

MULTIX TOP ACSS P (with tomo) 1- 8
Overview of the Hardware Structure 1- 8
MULTIX TOP ACSS P-NL (with auto tracking) 1-10

Functions of the D14 processor board in the 3D-TOP stand 1-12

- LED Displays on board D14 MULTIX TOP P, ACSS, ACSS P 1-15
- LED Displays on board D14 MULTIX TOP ACSS P-NL 1-16
Control Elements D22 - D25 1-18
- Overview 1-19
- Keys 1-19
- Displays on board D22 - D25 1-20
- Test Points 1-21
- Jumper Allocations 1-21
Functions of the D51 Tomo Controller Board 1-21
- Displays on board D51 1-23
Functions of the D50 (Host) board 1-24
- Displays on board D50 1-25
Board D54 Backplane 1-28
- Relays on board D54 1-29
- DIL Switch S1, S5, S6 on the D50 (Host) board 1-29
- Fuses and LEDs on board D54 1-30

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 1 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1-2 Overview
MULTIX TOP manual with processor 1



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MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 2 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1-3
D13 Controller Board The D13 controller board in the M1 module controls the following functions in
the 3D TOP stand:
1. Brake stop assembly in the transverse carriage (longitudinal
direction), M4 module, controlled via microswitches S1 - S3.
When carriage movement is slow, the stand stops in the center
position, the display "Stop on" on the D21 control console lights up.
When carriage movement is fast, the stand moves past the center
position without stopping.
2. Brake stop assembly in the telescope carriage (transverse
direction), M1 module, controlled via microswitches S1 - S3.
When carriage movement is slow, the stand stops in the center
position, the display "Stop on" in the D21 control console lights up.
When carriage movement is fast, the stand moves past the center
position without stopping.
3. Controls the brake assembly for telescope lift Y13 (SID brake), for
rotation about the telescope axis Y32 (DVA) and tube assembly
rotation Y30 (DHA).
4. "Workstation selected" signal, "Stand selected" display on the
D21 control console, M1 module lights up.
5. Enable SID display, SID sensing via potentiometer. The SID display
goes out when the tube assembly is pivoted out of the 0 degree
position or table lift is not at the normal height (automatic table stop)
or the MULTIX table is not selected as the workstation.
Microswitch S33 monitors the 0 position. Adjustment of the display
ocurrs via potentiometer R1 and R2 board D21.
The LEDs on board D13 indicate that control signals are present for the stop
and brake functions.
The control and voltage signals are present at the test points on board D13.
In case of service, the brakes and the stops can be activated for a short
time only using the S4 DIL service switch.

D21 Control Unit The D21 control console consists of a front plate with a touchscreen key-
board, a D121 board, and a mechanical angle display.

Control elements: S11 Enable Rotation about the telescope axis.

S2 Enable telescope lift (SID).
S3 Enable longitudinal movement.
S4/S14 Enable tube assembly rotation.
S5 Enable transverse movement
S1/S6 Enable "floating movement".

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1-4 Overview
MULTIX TOP manual with processor





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MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 4 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1-5
D21 Control Unit /(' )XQFWLRQ
Signal display:B2 Stand in park position, no function in the
B11-B13 Digital display for SID, display is on only if the
table lift is in the "normal height" position.
B5 "cm" SID display
B23 Stand in longitudinal direction stop position
B25 Stand in transverse direction stop position

LEDs indicate that power is present for the D21 control console.

Central Power Supply All connected components such as the Z66 manual collimator, 3D TOP man-
ual stand, the table lift and tables are powered centrally by the D54 board in
the MULTIX TOP manual table.
See the Power Supply Function Description, Chapter 2

Table Lift The SID display in the D21 control console goes on only if the table lift is in
the "Normal height" position (automatic table lift stop, factory setting:
750 mm) and MULTIX is selected as the workstation. Potentiometer R10 in
the 3D TOP stand detects the SID.
Table lift movement can be controlled by footswitches S81 and S82 or by a
handgrip (optional) via the D54 board. The Y10 brake assembly releases
when movement is activated. Refer to the section Table Lift in the Function
Description, Chapter 7.

Table Brakes The Y110, Y11 - Y17 table brakes are activated using the S80 and S83 foot-
switches or the handgrip (optional) via the D54 controller board. With power
switched off, the tabletop brakes are applied (permnent brakes). The brakes
are released by means of a footswitch. Refer to the section Brake Circuit in
the Function Description, Chapter 3.

Bucky The grid can be removed manually. Two microswitches supply the signals
"cassette tray in" and "cassette tray out".

Remark If there is no wall stand connected, a terminating resistor for the CAN com-
munication on a dummy plug must be plugged in on X43 D54 board

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1-6 Overview

Multix TOP manual without processor 1





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MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 6 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1-7
With the MULTIX TOP without processor, the D55 board assumes the
functions of the D54 backplane board and the D50 Host board.
The manual 3D stand is controlled via the control unit D21 and the control
board D13, just like the MULTIX TOP version with processor. Refer to
Function description on page 1-3.
The cassette tray on the table and the bucky wall stand transmit the signal
from the microswitches S11 "Cassette tray inserted" and S10 "Cassette
tray ejected".The microswitches are known as S21 and S20 in VERTIX with
a right Bucky tray.
The D55 backplane board is:
Voltage supply for all connected components. Refer to Function description
on page 2-6.
Direct control of the Bucky drives in the Catapul Bucky table or Bucky wall
unit with selecting the workstation and the main contact signal HK via the
KK interface .
Controlling the table lift via the contactor
Contactor Function Relays D55 Display D55
K3 "Lift" K7 V6gn
K4 "Lower" K8 V5gn
Release brakes K9 V7gn

Deactivating the table lift, position setting via potentiometer .

Position Adjusting potentiometer Display D55
"Bottom" R3 D55 V3ge
"Middle" R1 D55 V1ge
"Top" R10 actual value potentiometer

Controlling of table brakes

Relays D55 Function Brakes
K10 Release table longitudinal bra- Y13, Y14, Y17, Y110
K11 Release table transverse bra- Y11, Y12, Y15, Y16

KK interface to the generator.

Relays Function
K1 Exposure "on"- MULTIX TOP signal
K2 Exposure "on"- VERTIX signal

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 7 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1-8 Overview

MULTIX TOP ACSS P (with tomo) 1

Overview of the Hard-

ware Structure



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MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 8 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1-9
The core of the communication hardware is the CAN bus (Controller Area
Network) which operates on the D54 backplane board.
The CAN bus forwards communication to the individual system components
via the corresponding CAN interfaces:
- Signals to the generator (e.g. tomo times, exposure "on" signal) and
from the generator (e.g. workstation selection, precontact VK, main
contact HK) are sent via the KK Interface to the backplane in the

- Signals to the D51 tomo controller board (e.g. selected tomo speed,
position and speed control of the motors for the 3D longitudinal
movement, the grid longitudinal movement and the tube assembly
rotation depending on the selected tomo height) and from the tomo
controller (e.g. tomo exposure "on" signal, display of malfunctions).

- Signals to the host in the 3D TOP stand, board D14 (e.g. displays on the
control console, brake control signals, status indicators on the D14
display board) and from the 3D TOP stand (e.g. control signals).

- Signals to the digital collimator (e.g. motor control, displays, control of

the collimator light localizer) and from the digital collimator (e.g. control
signals, position of the width and height diaphragm plates).

- Signals to the catapult Bucky in the MULTIX table or in the VERTIX

Bucky wall stand (e.g. control of the grid motor) and from the catapult
Bucky (e.g. sensing of the inserted cassette format, status of the
microswitches for format sensing).
In addition to the CAN communication, the table brakes and the table lift
movement can be activated directly via the D54 backplane board in the
MULTIX table.

Remark The collimator N and the catapult bucky in the Vertix are final stations of the
CAN communication. Therefore they need a terminal resistor.
If there is no wall stand connected, a terminal resistor for the CAN communi-
cation on a dummy plug must be plugged in on X43 D54 board

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 9 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1 - 10 Overview

MULTIX TOP ACSS P-NL (with auto tracking) 1



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MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 10 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1 - 11
The MULTIX TOP ACSS P- NL with auto tracking is almost identical to
The main difference between the two is that in the 3D - TOP telescope the
SID is not captured via an R10 potentiometer, but with absolute value provi-
der SG10 with a considerablly higher resolution than with the potentiometer
used with the MULTIX TOP ACSS P. Positioning of the telscope lift is perfor-
med via encoder E10.
The synchronization can be selected at the MULTIX table (image A) or on
the Bucky wall stand (image B). If the synchronization is selected at the
table, the motor-driven telescope automatically follows every movement of
the table lift (potentiometer), while the SID remains constant. If the synchro-
nization is selected from the VERTIX, the motor-driven telescope lift automa-
tically follows every height adjustment of the cassette tray (potentiometer
R1), while the central beam remains in place.

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Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 11 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1 - 12 Overview
Functions of the
D14 Processor board
in the 3D-Top stand

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MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 12 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1 - 13
The D14 processor board is the CPU board for all MULTIX TOP systems
with ACSS (Automatic Cassette Size Sensing) automatic format sensing
and for
MULTIX TOP tomo stands.
It handles the following functions:
- Senses the SID via potentiometer R10 in the M1 module or via the
absolute value provider SG10 in MULTIX TOP ACSS P-NL.
- Senses the range for automatic format sensing in the longitudinal and
transverse directions and communicates this to the D50 host board.
For the MULTIX TOP with the tomo device, format sensing is handled by
the D51 tomo controller board.
Range detection in Longitudinal direction: R40 in module M4.
Range detection in Transverse direction: R15 in module M1.
- Detects the tube assembly rotation angle via potentiometer R30 in the M3
module (for MULTIX TOP ACSS without tomo) or the origin of rotation via
potentiometer R31 (only for MULTIX TOP P, ACSS P and ACSS P-NL
with electronic tomography only).
- Counts the encoder pulses for movements in the longitudinal direction
and for tube assembly rotation.
- Controls the 7-segment displays (status, ERROR display)
- Controls the magnetic brakes:
- Y1 "X" Longitudinal direction, module M4.
- Y1 "Y" Transverse direction, module M1.
- - Y13 or Y10 (telescope lift, SID brake) or Y17 - Y19 with the
synchronization module M1.
- Y30 tube assembly rotation in module M3.
- Y32 telescope rotation in module M3.
- Controls the Y2 brake-stop magnets in the "X" longitudinal direction
module M4 and Y2 component in "Y" transverse direction in module M1.
- Controls the brake-stop assembly (brake assembly), interlock magnet
Y11 and coupling magnet Y12 for tomo coupling of motor M40.
- Measures the time for stop elements in the "X" longitudinal direction and
"Y" transverse direction to engage the stand during slow movement.
- Controls the 0 stop for motor M31 for tube assembly rotation ( with
electronic tomo only).
There are 4 jumpers for service on the D14 processor board:
X26 Jumpering of the stand park position for the telescope carriage
and transverse carriage.
X30 with or without the synchronization.
X201 Controls the Y1 brake magnet in the longitudinal direction for service
and normal mode.

X211 Controls the Y1 brake magnet in the diagonal direction for service
and normal mode.

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1 - 14 Overview


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MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 14 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1 - 15
LED displays on board D14 MULTIX TOP P, ACSS and ACSS P
LED Function
V50gn Stop magnet Y2 in the longitudinal direction, stop latch engaged.
V51gn Permanent brake Y1 controlled in longitudinal direction, brake
V52gn Stop magnet Y2 in transverse direction, stop latch engaged.
V53gn Permanent brake Y1 controlled in transverse direction, brake
V54gn Stop magnet Y32 (0 stop) for telescope rotation (DVA) released,
lock deactivated.
V55gn No tomo mode, safety relay K7 "on".
V56gn Tomo coupling 3D longitudinal coupled drive pinion locked into rack.
Drive pinion locked by Y12 coupling magnet.
V57gn Pernanent brake Y13 telescope brake (SID brake) activated, brake
V58gn Permanent brake Y32 for telescope rotation (DVA) activated, brake
V59gn Permanent brake Y30 for tube assembly rotation (DHA) controlled,
brake released.
V60gn Current to Y2 stop magnet (longitudinal direction) reduced.
V61gn Current to permanent brake Y1 (longitudinal direction) reduced.
V62gn Current to Y2 stop magnet (transverse direction) reduced.
V100gn VCC processor voltage
V101gn VCC1 +30 V for brake stop assemblies and M31 motor (with
MULTIX ACSS with electronic tomo, motor for 0 degree stop).
V102gn VCC2 +30 for Y10 permanent brakes (telescope lift), Y30 (tube
assembly rotation) and Y32 (telescope rotation), Y11, Y12 tomo
V103gn VCC3 - +30 for motorized telescope lifty (optional)
V112gn +12 V power supply for control unit present.
V120rd Voltage monitoring responded.
V123gn CAN - communication ok.
V124rd CAN - communication interrupted.
V200rd CAN - Interrupt.
V201rd Short-circuit in telescope lifting motor (option).
V202gn Stop time measurement in X direction.
V203gn Start time measurement in X direction.
V204gn Stop engaged in longitudinal (X direction).
V205gn Pulse brake longitudinal / transverse direction, approach locking
V207gn Stop time measurement in Y direction.
V208gn Start time measurement in Y R direction.

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1 - 16 Overview

LED Function

V209gn Stand engaged in transverse (Y direction).

V222gn Y11 interlock magnet activated; pinion engaged.
V223gn Y12 interlock magnet activated; pinion engaged.
V227gn S31 microswitch closed, 0 stop not engaged.
V210 - Test LEDs, no function

LED displays on board D14 MULTIX TOP ACSS P- NL:

LED Function
V50gn Stop magnet Y2 in the longitudinal direction, stop latch engaged.
V51gn Permanent brake Y1 controlled in longitudinal direction, brake
V52gn Stop magnet Y2 in transverse direction, stop latch engaged.
V53gn Permanent brake Y1 controlled in transverse direction, brake
V54gn Stop magnet Y32 (0 stop) for telescope rotation (DVA) released,
lock deactivated.
V55gn No tomo mode, safety relay K7 "on".
V56gn Tomo coupling 3D longitudinal coupled drive pinion locked into rack.
Drive pinion locked by Y12 coupling magnet.
V57gn Permanent brake Y16 telescope brake (SID brake) activated, brake
V58gn Permanent brake Y32 for telescope rotation (DVA) activated, brake
V59gn Permanent brake Y30 for tube assembly rotation (DHA) controlled,
brake released.
V60gn Current to Y2 stop magnet (longitudinal direction) reduced.
V61gn Current to Y1 brake assembly (longitudinal direction) reduced.
V62gn Current to Y2 stop magnet (transverse direction) reduced.
V100gn VCC processor voltage
V101gn VCC1 +30 V for brake stop assemblies and M31 motor (with MUL-
TIX ACSS with electronic tomo, motor for 0 degree stop).
V102gn VCC2 +30 for Y10 permanent brakes (telescope lift), Y30 (tube
assembly rotation) and Y32 (telescope rotation), Y11, Y12 tomo cou-
V103gn VCC3 - +30 for motorized telescope lifty (optional)
V112gn +12 V power supply for control unit present.
V120rd Voltage monitoring responded.
V123gn CAN - communication ok.
V124rd CAN - communication interrupted.
V200rd CAN - Interrupt.
V202gn Stop time measurement in X direction.
V203gn Start time measurement in X direction.

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1 - 17

LED Function

V204gn Stand engaged in longitudinal (X direction).

V205gn Impulse brake longitudinal/transverse direction, select locking
V206gn Without function.
V207gn Stop time measurement in Y direction.
V208gn Start time measurement in Y direction.
V209gn Stand engaged in transverse (Y direction).
V218gn Without function.
V219gn Without function.
V220gn Without function.
V221gn Without function.
V222gn Without function.
V223gn Motor M16 selected, move telescope upward.
V224gn Motor M16 selected, move telescope downward.
V226gn Without function.
V227gn Microswitch S31 is closed, 0 stop outside penetration.
V251gn Interlock magnet Y11 selected, move in pinion.
V267gn Permanent brake Y17 - Y19 activated, Telescope lift brakes
are released.

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1 - 18 Overview
Control Elements


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MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 18 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1 - 19
The keys S1 (Reset), S3 and S4 (no function) and the DIL S2 fluoro switch
for version identification MULTIX TOP P, ACSS, ACSS P and MULTIX TOP
ACSS P-NL service are located on the D14 board.
Refer to the G6019 circuit diagram, page 44A or G6019 on page 75.

D22 - D25 Control Overview

Elements All four control elements consist of a D122 board and a front plate with
touch-sensitive control. They are distinguished from each other by their
arrangement and form on the cover panel.

D22 MULTIX ACSS P with electronic tomo, without motorized telescope

D23 MULTIX ACSS without electronic tomo and without motorized
telescope lift
D24 MULTIX ACSS P with electronic tomo and motorized telescope lift
D25 MULTIX ACSS without electronic tomo, with motorized telescope

Key Function Control Element

S1 "Floating movement" D22, D23

Motorized telescope lift "down" D24, D25
S2 Release telescope brake (SID brake) D22 - D25
S3 Release longitudinal brake D22 - D25
S4 Enable tube assembly rotation (DHA) D22, D23
Motorized telescope lift "up" D24, D25
S5 Release transverse brake D22 - D25
S6 "Floating movement" D22 - D25
S8 Move tomo height up D22, D24
S9 Move tomo height down D22, D24
S10 Bucky mode D22, D24
S11 Telescope rotation enabled (DVA) D22 - D25
S14 Tube assembly rotation enabled (DHA) D22 - D25
S15 8 0.4s tomo selected D22, D24
S16 8 0.8s tomo selected 22, D24
S17 20 0.6s tomo selected D22, D24
S18 30 0.8s tomo selected D22, D24
S19 40 1.2s tomo selected D22, D24
S20 40 2s tomo selected D22, D24
S24 Light localizer "on" D22, D23

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1 - 20 Overview
D22 - D25 Board displays
Displays Function Boards

B2 Stand in park position D22 - D25

B3 Workstation selected D22 - D25
B4 INCH, 7-segment display in "inches". D22 - D25
B5 CM, 7-segment display in "cm". D22 - D25
B6 SID, 7-segment display indicates the SID. D22 - D25
B7 Tomo height, 7-segment display indicates the D22, D24
selected tomo height.
B8 Tube assembly rotation angle, 7-segment display D22 - D25
indicates the tube assembly rotation angle.
B10 Bucky mode selected. D22, D24
B11 - B13 7-segment displays indicate: D22 - D25
SID: at tube assembly rotation angle = 0.
Tube assembly rotation, at angle >/< 0.
Tomo height, with tomo selected and released.
B15 8 0.4s tomo selected, tomo enabled D22, D24
B16 8 0.8s tomo selected, tomo enabled. D22, D24
B17 20 0.6s tomo selected, tomo enabled. D22, D24
B18 30 0.8s tomo selected, tomo enabled D22, D24
B19 40 1.2s tomo selected, tomo enabled. D22, D24
B20 40 2s tomo selected, tomo enabled. D22, D24
B21 ACSS "on", automatic format sensing "on" D22 - D25
B22 Manual, automatic format sensing "off" D22 - D25
B23 Stop position "active" , longitudinal direction D22 - D25
B24 Ready, unit operational D22 - D25
B25 Stop position "active", transverse direction D22 - D25
V7 Test LED D22 - D25
V13 + 12 V voltage present D22 - D25

If one of the B15-B20 displays blinks, the tomo is not released.

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Overview 1 - 21
Test Points:
Test points (TP3 - TP612) for the input and output signals of the D14 proces-
sor board and for the VCC2 power supplies (test point TP1) and + 12 V
(TP2) opposite test point X3 are located on the D22 - D25 control elements.

Jumper Allocations (Jumpers)

(Only MULTIX P, ACSS, ACSS P without synchronization)


Link X50 1 2 3 4 No motorized telescope lift (SID-drive)

Link X50 1 2 3 4 With motorized telescope lift (SID-drive)

Jumper X60 has no function

Functions of the D51 - Voltage monitoring. If the power supply voltage drops below 4.55V, a
Tomo Controller Reset takes place. The watchdog responds.
Board - Reset key S4.
- Analog inputs for the potentiometers for tube assembly rotation,
catapult Bucky and 3D TOP longitudinal movement. The potentiometers
are used to sense the actual position (coarse) to monitor the direction of
movement and to monitor the connected encoder. A certain number of
encoder pulses corresponds to a certain change of the potentiometer
- CAN controller for communication with the D50 Host board, data transfer
rate 100 kBit/s.
- Motor controller to control the three connected DC current drives. The
frequency of the pulsewidth-modulated signal is 20 kHz; activation
occurs via full-wave rectification (power).
- Digital inputs for sensing the actual positions (fine) via encoders. If the
stand, the tube assembly rotation and the catapult Bucky are in the tomo
position, the counters for the encoders are reset. Every possible position
corresponds to a defined counter status.
- Step motor controller. The tomo height display is positioned using a two-
phase step motor.
- Errors are displayed on a two-digit, 7-segment display.

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1 - 22 Overview


(5525 ',*,7$/
+RVW $1$/2*
.. ' /('99 3:0
56 &$1 6 &$1 &RQWURO


&$1 &$1 '%DFNSODQH

&$1 &$1 &$1 &$1

&$1 &$1 &$1 &$1

' %XFN\
&$1 9(57,;


S &$1
R 08/7,;

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1 - 23
- Controls the laser light localizer for displaying the tomo height set on the
- Test mode keys S2 and S3.

D51 Board Displays

LED Function

V1rd M40 DC motor 3D TOP Stand longitudinal stop.

V2ye M40 DC motor 3D TOP Stand longitudinal clockwise rotation (to the
V3gn M40 DC motor 3D TOP Stand longituinal counterclockwise rotation
(to the left).
V4rd M30 DC motor tube assembly rotation stop.
V5ye M30 DC motor tube assembly clockwise rotation (to the right).
V6gn M30 DC motor tube assembly counterclockwise rotation (to the
V7rd M10 DC motor catapult Bucky stop.
V8ye M10 DC motor catapult Bucky clockwise rotation (to the right).
V9gn M10 DC motor catapult Bucky counterclockwise rotation (to the
V12gn Step motor, moves laser line light localizer up.
V13ye Step motor, moves laser line light localizer down.
V14gn Step motor, moves laser line light localizer down.
V15ye Step motor, moves laser line light localizer up.
V16gn VCC + 5 V power supply for the logic (tolerance 4.55 V - 5.5 V).
V17gn VCC + 24 V power supply for the step motor.
V18gn VCC2 + 15 V reference voltage for the A/D converter.
V19gn Laser line light localizer activated

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1 - 24 Overview
Functions of the
D50 (Host) board


;&8 ;&6 ;&6

;&6 56

;&6 +RVW'

(5525 <
 &$1 <




&$1 &$1 &$1 &$1 &$1

&$1 &$1 &$1 &$1 &$1

9(57,; 08/7,; '


&$1 &$1 D

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 24 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1 - 25
The D50 host board handles the following functions:
- Display of errors and management of the error log (ring memory,
capacity, approx. 200 error entries).
- Battery-buffered, writable and readable, realtime clock.
- Handles control signals for table brakes and table lift.
- Drivers for the Y110, Y11 - Y17 tabletop brakes. The brakes are
controlled via the D54 backplane.
- Drivers for Y10 table lift brakes are controlled via the D54 backplane.
- Handles the signal for table lift in the tomo position.
- Handles the signal for table lift in the normal position and for displaying
the SIDs in the MULTIX TOP manual mode. The position is sensed by a
configurable software switch.
- Analog inputs for:
1. Table lift potentiometer to sense the SIDs with a vertical beam path
and for exposures on the MULTIX table.
2. VERTIX TOP lift potentiometer to sense the SIDs with a vertical
beam path on the horizontal Bucky in the VERTIX.
- Driver for buzzer with released table brakes, brake release time is
programmable from 1/10s up to 255s .
- Communication via CAN interface in the MULTIX subsystem.
- Communication with the generator via KK interface (standard),
connectors KK1B and KK2. Measurement field for the IONTOMAT
chamber is selected directly at the generator and is not part of the KK
interface. Communication from the generator D50 host board to the
VERTIX Bucky wall stand also takes place via the KK interface.
- Communication with the Service PC to read out errors and for adjustment
of the MULTIX system via the RS 232 interface.
- Control of the safety breaker via a relay in the emergency stop circuit.
- S1 Reset key.

Displasy on board D50:

LED Function

V3gn +5V
V4gn + 24 V for brakes
V5gn - 5 V for XCS interface
V6gn + 5 V for CAN interface
V7gn + 5 V analog VCC, reference voltage.

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1 - 26 Overview


;&8 ;&6 ;&6

.. ;&6 56

.. ;&6 +RVW'

(5525 <
56 &$1 <




&$1 &$1 &$1 &$1 &$1

&$1 &$1 &$1 &$1 &$1

9(57,; 08/7,; '


&$1 &$1 D

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 26 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1 - 27
Functions of the D50
LED Function

V8gn Release table longitudinal brakes.

V9gn Release table transverse brakes.
V10ye MULTIX TOP workstation selected.
V11ye VERTIX PRO/ TOP workstation selected.
V12ye Precontact VK.
V13ye Main contact HK.
V14ye AS "on" (exposure), radiation indicator signal from the genera-
V15ye KK- Interface radiation enable signal to the generator.
V16ye 0.4s tomo time selected (A).
V17ye 0.6s tomo time selected (B).
V18ye 0.8s tomo time selected (C).
V19ye 1.2s tomo time selected (D).
V20ye 2.0s tomo time selected (E).
V21ye MULTIX TOP grid "on".
V22ye VERTIX PRO/ TOP grid "on".
V23ye Not used
V25ye Not used
V26ye Move table lift down.
V27ye Move table lift up.
V28ye Control key "Release table longitudinal brake" activated.
V29ye Control key "Release table transverse brake" activated.
V30ye EMERGENCY STOP breaker activated, normal status.
V31ye VERTIX TOP catapult Bucky in horizontal position (90).
Microswitch S2 actuated.
V32ye VERTIX TOP catapult Bucky in vertical position (0).
Microswitch S3 actuated.
V33ye EMERGENCY STOP breaker.
V34ye EMERGENCY STOP breaker.

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1 - 28 Overview
Backplane Platine D54

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Overview 1 - 29

Relays on board D54

K1 Exposure "on"- signal.
K2 Tomo time 0.4s selected.
K3 Tomo time 0.6s selected.
K4 Tomo time 0.8s selected.
K5 Tomo time 1.2s selected.
K6 Tomo time 2.0s selected.
K7 Table lift contactor K4 raise table.
K8 Table lift contactor K3 lower table.
K9 Y10 table lift permanent brake control.
K10 Safety relay, bypasses the safety limit switches S31
tube rotation, S42 and S43 3D- longitudinal and S111
and S112 Bucky.
Releases motor clutch Y30 (permanent brake) tube
rotation in normal mode.
K11 Activates permanent brake Y40 3D- longitudinal.
K12 Safety relay, activates safety contactor K5. Can be acti-
vated directly from the D50 Host board.

DIL switch S1, S5, board S6, D50 Host

VB- Software The position of the DIL switch is dependent on the system software. As of
software version VB, the DIL switch S5.1
should be set to the "ON" position. The three DIL S1 - S6 switches are deac-

VA- Software With software version VA, S5.1 should be set to the "OFF" position while the
threei DIL S1 - S6 switches are activated.
S1 can be used to program the verification of the tomo height display, the
position of the Bucky wall unit and the tomo mode. S5 can be used to pro-
gram various activation settings of the light localizer.
S6.8 can be used to configure MULTIX or OEM products. Refer to flow chart
G050G on page 26.

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
1 - 30 Overview
Fuses and LEDs on board D54
Fuse Function LED
F10 + 5 V board
D50 (Host) Multix V10gn (Multix)
D51 tomo controller Multix VCC1
+ 15 V Multix V110gn
F11 Safety circuit Multix V11gnVCC2 (Multix)
F12 CAN power supply Multix V12gnVCC3 (Multix)
F13 Power supply 3D TOP Stand V13gn
F14 + 24 V 3D TOP Stand V14gnVCC4 (3D stand)
F15 + 24 V Catapult Bucky KRL V15gn
F16 3D TOP Stand main fuse V16gn
F17 + 30 V 3D-TOP Stand V17gnVCC1 (3D stand)
F18 + 30 V 3D- TOP Stand V18gnVCC2 (3D stand)
F19 + 30 V 3D- TOP Stand V19gnVCC3 (3D stand)
F20 Collimator light localizer V20gn (Collimator)
F21 Table brakes, couplings V21gn (Multix
F22 Tabletop brakes V22gn (Multix)
F23 Interlock and coupling magnets V23gn (3D longitudinal,
Tomo couplings catapult Bucky longitudi-
nal, tube rotation)

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Power distribution 2 2-1

Main power distribution board D54 for MULTIX with two trans-2-2
formers T1 and T2 (older version)
Fuses 2-3
Main power distribution board D54 for MULTIX with one 2-4
transformer T1 (newer version)
Fuses 2-5
Power distribution board D54 2-6
Fuses, LED displays and Test Points 2-7
Main power distribution board D55 for MULTIX TOP without 2-8
Fuses, LED displays and Test Points 2-9

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
2-2 Power distribution

Main power distribution board D54 for MULTIX with two

transformers T1 and T2 (older version) 2

0; 0;
; 08/7,;'


7 9 9JQ

0; ; ;

 . )


 = ;

    ) 9&&
) ) 

9 9JQ

 ) 9

 9 0

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 2 of 10 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Power distribution 2-3
It is absolutely necessary to check the correct programming of line
Its shown on page 5 in wirig diagram G050G.
Power distribution of the voltages in the MULTIX system is handled by the
D54 backplane board. The fuses, test points and LED displays are located
on it. Breaker K1 is used for switch-on delay and damping.

Fuse Function LED D54 Test point D54

board board
F1 Power input transformer T1
F2 Power input transformer T1
F3 Power input transformer T2
F4 Ceramic fuse table lift
F11 Power supply VCC2 V11gn
Reset safety contactor K5 safety cir-
F12 CAN power supply +5V V12gn X105-X104 (0V)
F20 Power supply light localizer V20gn

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2-4 Power distribution

Main power distribution board D54 for MULTIX with one

transformer T1 (newer version) 2

0; 0;
 9 ;
 9 -

9 9JQ

; ;
 ) )
0; 9JQ
= ;

  ) 9&&

9 9JQ


 ) 9
 9 0

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 4 of 10 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Power distribution 2-5
It is absolutely necessary to check the correct programming of line
As shown on page 5 in wirig diagram G050G.
Power distribution of the voltages in the MULTIX system is handled by the
D54 backplane board. The fuses, test points and LED displays are located
on it. Contactor K1 is used for switch-on delay and damping.
For all MULTIX variations except MULTIX TOP manual without processor.

Fuse Function LED D54 Test point D54

board board
F1 Power input transformer T1
F2 Power input transformer T1
F3 Power input transformer T1
F4 Ceramic fuse table lift
F11 Power supply VCC2 V11gn
Reset safety contactor K5 safety
F12 CAN power supply +5V V12gn X105-X104 (0V)
F20 Power supply light localizer V20gn

For MULTIX TOP manual without processor:

Fuse Function LED D55

F1 Service 3 automatic phase

F2 Switch on delay contactorK5
Dampening contactor K1
F4 Ceramic fuse for table lift
F20 Power supply for light localizer V20gn

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
2-6 Power distribution

Power distribution board D54 2

7 0; ; '723'

; 08/7,;'
  )  ;9&&
  ) 9
9JQ 9
9JQ 9JQ  9JQ
0; ;
  ) 9 )  9&&
) 9&&
0; 9JQ  ;
9 9&&
  ) ;
- ;
9JQ 9&& ;
; *1'9&&
- ;
8 FRQVW *1'9&&

0; 9JQ ;

9 9&&
  ) ;

9JQ ;

Power distribution
D54 = Backplane MULTIX table
D14 = 3D-TOP processor board - stand

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 6 of 10 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Power distribution 2-7
Fuses, LED displays and test points
Fuse Function LED Test point

F10 + 5 V switching controller for V10gn D54 X102 - X101(0V) D54

Host board D50 and tomo
controller D51 VCC1.
+ 15 V reference voltage. V110gn D54
F13 Primary fuse + 24 V distribu-V13gn D54
CPU 3D-TOP power supply
Catapult Bucky power sup-
F14 CPU 3D- TOP power supply V14gn D54 X41 - X40 (0V) D14
F15 Catapult Bucky power sup- V15gn D54
F16 Primary fuse + 30 V distribu-V16gn D54
3D- TOP Brake power supply
F17 Brake stop assembly power V17gn D54
supplies and M31 motor in V101gn D14 X81 - X80 (0V) D14
3D- TOP- stand, VCC1.
F18 Y10, Y30, Y32 brake assem- V18gn D54
blies, Y11 interlock magnet V102gn D14 X83 - X82(0V) D14
and Y12 coupling magnet
(tomo drive coupled) in 3D-
TOP stand, VCC2.
F19 Motorized telescope lift V19gn D54
(optional), VCC3. V103gn D14 X85 - X84(0V) D14
F21 Primary fuse, tomo cou- V21gn D54
plings and tabletop brakes
MULTIX- table.
F22 Tabletop brakes, VCC7. V22gn D54 X107 - TP4 (0V) D54
F23 Tomo couplings, VCC8. V23gn D54 X108 - TP 3 (0V)

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2-8 Power distribution
Main power distribution board D55 for MULTIX TOP without pro-
cessor) 2

0; ; 08/7,;' ;; '723'
  )  ;9&&
 )  ) 9 9

9JQ 9JQ ;
  ) *1'9&&
- 9 ' '
.5/7LVFK .5/7LVFK
9JQ 9&&
9 ; 9JQ 9JQ
- 9
9JQ ; ;
; ;
) 9 
; ;
)   ='
  9JQ 9JQ
9 ;


9&& . ;
; ; 
 ) .

- 9 ;
  8 FRQVW 
9 9JQ ; 

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 8 of 10 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Power distribution 2-9
Fuses, LED displays, Test point board D55 2

F13 ~22V Main fuse catapult Bucky tray,

F14 v14 +29V Electronic collimator
F15 V15 +29V Bucky drive KRL table, micro-
switch, Bucky drive KRL VER-
TIX, microswitch
F16 V16 ~24V Main fuse 3D stand
Brake stand
F17 V17 +29V Brake-Bucky group 3D stand
F18 V18 +29V Magnet brakes 3D stand
F20 V20 ~32V Light localizer collimator
F22 V22 +24V Table brakes X107 - X207 (0V)

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
2 - 10 Power distribution
This page intentionally left blank.

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 3-1

MULTIX TOP manual stand brakes with or without processor 3- 2

Longitudinal brakes in the M4 transverse carriage ("X" 3- 2

Transverse brakes in the M1 telescope carriage ("Y" direction) 3- 4
Telescope brake (SID brake, "Z" direction) 3-6
Tube rotation (DHA) 3- 6
Telescope rotation (support arm rotation,DVA) 3- 7
"Floating" movement


Longitudinal brakes in the M4 transverse carriage ("X" 3- 8

direction) 3-10
Transverse brakes in the M1 telescope carriage ("Y" direction) 3-12
Telescope brake (SID brake, "Z" direction)
Tube rotation (DHA) 3-12
Telescope rotation (Support arm rotation, DVA)

MULTIX TOP ACSS P (with tomo) 3-14

Longitudinal brakes in the M4 transverse carriage("X" direction)3-14

Transverse brakes in the M1telescope carriage ("Y" direction) 3-16
Telescope brake (SID brake, "Z" direction) 3-18
Tube rotation (DHA)
Telescope rotation (Support arm rotation, DVA) 3-18

MULTIX TOP ACSS P-NL (with auto tracking) 3-20

Telescope brakes (SID brakes, "Z" direction) 3-21
"Floating movement" 3-23

"Floating movement" MULTIX TOP ACSS with 3-24

or without tomo

Test points for the Power Supplies in the Brake Circuit 3-26

MULTIX TOP manual 3-26

MULTIX TOP ACSS with or without tomo 3-26
Control signals 3-26
MULTIX TOP ACSS P-NL, DIL switch S2 D14 3-27

Table brakes 3-28

MULTIX TOP manual table brakes without processor 3-30

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3-2 Brake circuit

MULTIX TOP manual stand brake with or without

processor 3

Longitudinal brakes in
the M4 transverse
("X" direction)

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3-3
MULTIX TOP manual stand brake (with or without processor)
The brake lock assembly for the longitudinal brakes in the M4 transverse
carriage consists of microswitches S1-S3, Y2 stop magnet with stop latch
and the Y1 permanent brake. The actuator for the brake lock assembly is a
stop latch with two switch cam plates of different length.
Brake Stop Routine:
Activate key S3 in the D21 control console to release the brake in the longi-
tudinal direction. Relay K4 is energized. Permanent brake Y1 is activated
and releases the brake. LED V51gn on the D13 controller board lights.
The stand can be moved slowly and manually in the direction of the center
position. When moving past the stop, microswitch S1 is actuated first by the
long switch cam plate. LED V175gn on the D13 controller board goes on
(stand in longitudinal direction in the stop range) and relay K3 is energized.
Then microswitch S2 is actuated by the short cam plate. Relay K1 and stop
magnet Y2 are energized.
Microswitch S3 is also actuated. LED V50gn on the D13 controller board
goes on (stop latch engaged).
LED V175gn on the D13 controller board goes out. Relay K5 is energized.
The current for the Y2 stop magnet is reduced. LED V150gn on the D13
controller board is "on". The signal "stand in longitudinal direction in
stop position" is sent to the D21 control unit. The display "Longitudinal
stop position" in the control panel goes on, display B23 in the D21 control
console goes on. When the S3 operating key on the D21 control console is
released, K4 relay is deenergized. The Y1 permanent brake stops stand
movement and the stop latch remains engaged. Microswitches S1 - S3 close
and relays K1, K3 and K5 are energized. If switch key S5 is pressed again,
the stop latch disengages again.
If the stand moves too quickly into the stop range, the time between actuat-
ing the S1 and S2 microswitches by the two switch cam plates is too short.
The Y2 stop magnet will not be activated and the stop latch will not engage.
For service, the Y1 (S4.8) permanent brake and the Y2 (S4.3) stop can be
controlled briefly (!) using the S4 DIL switch on the D13 controller board of
the permanent brake. In case of service, switch position S4.1 can be pro-
grammed for "floating movement without stop".

Test Points Voltage LED

D13 X81 - X80 (GND1) VCC1 D13 V174

D13 X83 - X82 (GND2) VCC2 D13 V172
D21 X25 +5V D21 V5
D21 X26 + 12 V D21 V6
D13 V171
D21 X15, X16 (GND2)

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3-4 Brake circuit
Transverse brake in
the M1 telescope car-
("Y" direction)

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3-5
The brake lock assembly for the longitudinal brakes in the M4 transverse
carriage consists of microswitches S1 - S3, Y2 stop magnet with stop latch
and the Y1 permanent brake. The actuator for the brake lock assembly is a
stop latch with two switch cam plates of different length.

Brake Stop Routine:

Activate key S3 in the D21 control console to release the brake in the longi-
tudinal direction. Relay K4 is energized. permanent brake Y1 is activated
and releases the brakes. LED V51gn on the D13 controller board lights.
The stand can be moved slowly and manually in the direction of the center
position. When moving past the stop, microswitch S1 is actuated first by the
long switch cam plate. LED V175gn on the D13 controller board goes on
(stand in longitudinal direction in the stop range) and relay K3 is energized.
Then microswitch S2 is actuated by the short cam plate. Relay K1 and stop
magnet Y2 are energized.
Microswitch S3 is also actuated. LED V50gn on the D13 controller board
goes on (stop latch engaged).
LED V175gn on the D13 controller board goes out. Relay K5 is energized.
The current for the Y2 stop magnet is reduced. LED V150gn on the D13
controller board is "on". The signal "stand in longitudinal direction in
stop position" is sent to the D21 control unit. The display "Longitudinal
stop position" in the control panel goes on, display B23 in the D21 control
console goes on. When the S3 operating key on the D21 control console is
released, K4 relay is deenergized. The Y1 permanent brake stops stand
movement and the stop latch remains engaged. Microswitches S1 - S3 close
and relays K1, K3 and K5 are energized. If switch key S5 is pressed again,
the stop latch disengages again.
If the stand moves too quickly into the stop range, the time between actuat-
ing the S1 and S2 microswitches by the two switch cam plates is too short.
The Y2 stop magnet will not be activated and the stop latch will not engage.
For service, the Y1 (S4.8) permanent brake and the Y2 (S4.3) stop can be
controlled briefly (!) using the S4 DIL switch on the D13 controller board of
the permanent brake. In case of service, switch position S4.1 can be pro-
grammed for "floating movement without stop".

Test Points Voltage LED

D13 X81 - X80 (GND1) VCC1 D13 V174

D13 X83 - X82 (GND2) VCC2 D13 V172
D21 X25 +5V D21 V5
D21 X26 + 12 V D21 V6
D13 V171
D21 X15, X16 (GND2)

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 5 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3-6 Brake circuit
Telescope brakes (SID brake, "Z" direction)
Tube rotation (DHA)
Telescope rotation (Support arm rotation, DVA)

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 6 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3-7
Telescope Brake, "Z" If the Y13 permanent brake in the M1 component is released, the telescope
Direction can be moved in and out of the height position. When exposures are made
on the MULTIX table, the SID changes. When the S2 operating key in the
D21 control console is pressed, the Y13 permanent brake is activated by the
D13 controller board. The V55gn LED (release permanent brake) and the
V57gn LED (control permanent brake) on the D13 controller board in the M1
component go on. In case of service, the Y13 permanent brake can be
briefly (!) released by the DIL S4 (S4.4) service switch on the D13 controller

Tube Rotation (DHA) If the Y30 permanent brake in the M3 component is released, the tube
assembly can be rotated for oblique beam projection or to the Bucky wall
stand. When the S4 or S14 operating key in the control console D21 is
pressed, the Y30 permanent brake is activated by the D13 controller board.
The LED V56gn (permanent brake released) and the V59gn LED (perma-
nent brake activated) on the D13 controller board in the M1 component go
For service, the Y30 permanent brake can be released briefly(!) by pressing
the DIL S4 (S4.6) service switch on the D13 controller board.

Telescope Rotation If the Y32 permanent brake in the M3 component is released, the tube
(DVA) assembly can be rotated about the telescope axis. When the S11 operating
key in the D21 control console is pressed, the Y32 permanent brake is con-
trolled by the D13 controller board. The V54gn LED (permanent brake
released) and the V58gn LED (permanent brake controlled) on the D13 con-
troller board in the M1 component go on. In case of service, the Y32 perma-
nent brake can be briefly (!) released by pressing the DIL S4 (S4.5) service
switch on the D13 controller board.

"Floating " Movement Depending on the position of the DIL S4.1 switch on the D13 controller
board, the stand stop in the longitudinal and transverse direction is either
enabled or disabled for "floating" movement. The "release telescope
brake" or "floating movement" functions of the two operating keys S34 and
S35 on both control panels of the 3D stand must be programmed on the D13
controller board using jumper X4.

Test Point Voltage Function LED D13
Input Output
D13 X94 + 23.7 V Y13 brake activated V55 V57
D13 X95 + 23.7 V Y30 brake activated V56 V59
D13 X96 + 23.7V Y32 brake activated V54 V58

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 7 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3-8 Brake circuit


Longitudinal brake
and Stop in the M4
Transverse Carriage
("X" direction)



9&& 6
; ;






9&&'723)9JQ9 '
9&&'723)9JQ9 +RVW

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 8 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3-9
The brake lock assembly for the longitudinal brakes in the M4 transverse
carriage assembly consists of microswitches S1 - S3, Y2 stop magnet with
stop latch and the Y1 permanent brake. The actuator for the brake lock
assembly is a stop latch with two switch cam plates of different length.

Brake Stop Routine:

Activate operating key S3 (longitudinal brake released) in the D23 control
console, (Tomo) or D24 (ACSS with tomo and motorized telescope) or D25.
The D14 processor board activates the Y1 permanent brake to release the
brake pads. LED V51gn on the D14 board goes on. Move the stand manu-
ally in the direction of the stop position. When moving past the stop,
microswitch S1 is actuated first by the long switch cam plate. A timer is acti-
vated, LED V203gn (start timing in the "X" direction) on the D14 board goes
Timing ends as soon as the S2 microswitch is actuated by the short switch
cam plate. LED V202gn (stop timing in "X" direction) on the D14 board goes
on. If the measured time was too short, i.e. if the stand moved too quickly in
the longitudinal direction, the stand will not engage in the stop position.
If the time was longer than the defined time threshold, the D14 processor
board will activate the Y2 stop magnet and the V50gn LED on the D14 board
will go on (stop latch engaged).
The stop latch actuates the S3 microswitch. LEDs V50gn (stop latch
engaged) and V204gn (stand "engaged" in the longitudinal direction) on the
D14 board go on. The signal is forwarded to the host via the CAN communi-
cation. The host controls the B23 display (stop position in longitudinal direc-
tion next to the S3 operating key) on control console D23.
At the same time, the current to the Y2 stop magnet is reduced. LED V60gn
on the D14 processor board goes on.
When the operating key is released in the D23 control console connected,
the Y1 permanent brake is no longer activated (LED V51gn D14 "off") and
the stop latch remains engaged. The stand is braked in the longitudinal
For service, permanent brake Y1 on processor board D14 can be briefly
activated via a jumper (jumper X201 1-2).
In addition, the service software makes it possible to briefly activate the Y1
permanent brake and the Y2 stop.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 9 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 10 Brake circuit
Transverse brake and
stop in the M1 Tele-
scope Carriage
"Y" direction)





; 6
9&& ;



6 ;



9&&'723)9JQ9 '
9&&'723)9JQ9 +RVW
9&&'723)9 JQ9
9&&'723)9 JQ9

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 10 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 - 11
The brake-stop assembly of the transverse brake in the telescope carriage
M1 component is comprised of microswitches S1 - S3, a Y2 stop magnet
with stop latch and the Y1 permanent brake. The actuator for the brake lock
assembly is a stop latch with two switch cam plates of different length.

Brake and Stop Routine:

Activate operating key S5 (transverse brake released) in the D23 control
console to release the brake in the transverse direction.
The D14 processor board activates the Y1 permanent brake to release the
brake pads. LED V53gn on the D14 board goes on.
The stand should moved manually in the direction of the stop position. When
moving past the stop position, the S1 microswitch is actuated first by the
long switch cam plate. A timer is activated, LED V208gn (start timing in the
"Y" direction) on the D14 board goes on.
Timing is ended as soon as the S2 microswitch is actuated by the short
switch cam plate, LED V207gn (stop timing in the "Y" direction) on the D14
board goes on. If the measured time was too short, i.e., the stand moved too
quickly in the transverse direction, the stand will not be engaged in the stop
If the time was longer than the defined time threshold, the D14 processor
board activates the Y2 magnet, the LED V52gn on the D14 board goes on
(stop latch engaged).
The stop latch actuates microswitch S3. LED V209gn on board D14 goes on
(stand "engaged" in the transverse direction).
The signal is forwarded to the host via the CAN interface. The host controls
the B25 display in the D23 control console (stop position in transverse direc-
tion) next to the operating key S5.
At the same time, the current to the stop magnet Y2 is reduced. LED V62gn
on processor board D14 goes on, permanent brake Y1 is no longer activated
and LED V53gn on board D14 goes out.

The stop latch remains engaged. The brake is applied to disable movement
in the transverse direction.
For service, the Y1 permanent brake can be briefly (!) activated via a
jumper (jumper X211 1-2) on processor board D14.
In addition, the Y1 permanent brake and the Y2 stop can be briefly activated
via the service software.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 11 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 12 Brake circuit
Telescope brake (SID brake, "Z" direction)
Tube rotation (DHA)
Telescope rotation (Support arm rotation, DVA)






; 9;9&&9
9;9&&9 ;*51' ;
; 9;9&&9



6 6 6 ;


9&&'723)9JQ9 '
9&&'723)9JQ9 +RVW
9&&'723)9 JQ9
9&&'723)9 JQ9

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 12 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 - 13
Telescope Brake (SID If the Y13 permanent brake in the M1 component is released, the telescope
Brake, "Z" Direction) can be moved in and out of the height position.
When pressing the S2 operating key on the D23 control console, the D14
processor board activates the Y13 permanent brake. LED V57gn on board
D14 goes on. When Y3 is activated, + 23.7 V are present between X82 (0V)
and X94.
To make it easier to set the desired SIDs, a default position of 102 cm
(40 inches) or 115 cm can be programmed.
When the programmed SIDs of 102 cm or 115 cm are reached, the + 23.7V
are turned off, the Y13 permanent brake is released and brakes telescope
For service, the Y13 permanent brake can be briefly released via the ser-
vice software.

Tube Assembly If the Y30 permanent brake in the M3 component is released, the tube
Rotation (DHA) assembly can be rotated for oblique projection angles or for exposures on
the Bucky wall stand.
When the S14 operating key is pressed in all control consoles or the S4 key
in the versions without motorized lift, the Y30 permanent brake is activated
by the D14 processor board.
LED V59gn on board D14 goes on. +23.7 V are present between X82 on
D14 (0V)and test point X95 on board D14 for activation of Y30.
For service, the Y30 permanent brake can be activated briefly via the ser-
vice software.

Telescope Rotation If the Y32 permanent brake in the M3 component is released, the tube
(Support Arm assembly can be rotated about the telescope axis.
Rotation, DVA) When the S11 control key in the D23 control console connected is pressed,
the Y32 permanent brake is activated by the D14 processor board.
LED V58gn on board D14 goes on. When Y32 is activated, +23.7 V are
present between X82 D14 (0V) and test point X96 D14.
For service, the permanent brake can be briefly released via the
service software.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 13 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 14 Brake circuit

MULTIX TOP ACSS P (with tomo) 3

Longitudinal brake
and stop in the M4
Transverse Carriage
("X" direction)




9&& 6


' ;



9&&'723)9JQ9 '

; 9&&'723)9JQ9 +RVW

; 9&&'723)9JQ9

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 14 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 - 15
The brake lock assembly for the longitudinal brake in the M4 transverse car-
riage assembly is comprised of microswitches S1 - S3 , a Y2 stop magnet
with stop latch and the Y1 permanent brake. The actuator for the brake lock
assembly is a stop latch with two switch cam plates of different length.

Brake Stop Routine

Activate the S3 operating key (release longitudinal brake) on the D22 control
The D14 processor board activates the Y1 permanent brake to release the
brake pads. LED V51gn on board D14 lights. The stand should move manu-
ally in the direction of the stop position. When moving past the stop position,
the S1 microswitch is actuated first by the long switch cam plate. The timer is
activated and LED V203gn (start timing in the "X" direction) lights on board
Time measurement ends as soon as the S2 microswitch is actuated by the
short switch cam plate. LED V202gn (stop timing in the "X" direction) on
board D14 lights. If the time measured was too short, i.e., if the stand moved
too quickly in the longitudinal direction, the stand will not engage in the stop
position. If the time was longer than the defined time threshold, the D14 pro-
cessor board activates the Y2 stop magnet. The stop latch actuates
microswitch S3; LED V50gn (latch engaged) and LED V204gn
(stand "engaged" in the longitudinal direction) on board D14 go on. The sig-
nal is forwarded to the host via the CAN interface. The host controls the B23
display (next to the S2 operating key) in the D22 control console. At the
same time, the current to the Y2 stop magnet is reduced, LED V60gn on
processor board D14 goes on, permanent brake Y1 is no longer activated
(LEDs V61gn and V51gn on the D14 board are "off "), and the stop latch
remains engaged. The stand brake is applied in the direction of longitudinal
In tomo mode, the current to the Y1 permanent brake is reduced via a
series resistor. LED V61gn on board D14 lights. In addition, the stop latch is
Interlock magnet Y11 and coupling magnet Y12 couple the tomo drive to the
rack for tomo mode (refer to page 4-9, Electronic Tomography, in the Func-
tion Description).
For service, the Y1 permanent brake can be briefly (!) activated via a
jumper (jumper X201 1-2) on processor board D14.
In addition, the Y1 permanent brake can be briefly controlled via the service

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 15 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 16 Brake circuit
Transverse brakes
and stop in the M1
Telescope Carriage
("Y" direction)




; 6
9&& ;




6 ;



9&&'723)9JQ9 '
9&&'723)9JQ9 +RVW
9&&'723)9 JQ9
9&&'723)9 JQ9

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 16 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 - 17
The brake lock assembly in the transverse brake in the M1 telescope car-
riage component consists of microswitches S1 - S3, stop magnet Y2 with
stop latches, and the Y1 permanent brake. The actuator for the brake lock
assembly is a stop latch with two switch cam plates of different length.

Brake Stop Routine

Activate the S5 key (release transverse brakes) in the D22 control console.
The D14 processor board activates the Y1 permanent brake to release the
brake pads and LED V53gn on the D14 board lights.
Move the stand manually in the direction of the stop position. When moving
past the stop latch, the S1 microswitch is actuated by the long switch cam
plate. The timer is activated, LED V208gn (start timer in the "Y" direction) on
the D14 board goes on.
Time measurement ends as soon as the S2 microswitch is actuated by the
short switch cam plate. LED V207gn (stop timing in the "Y" direction) on
board D14 goes on. If the time measurement was short, i.e., if the stand
moved quickly in the transverse direction, the stand will not engage the stop
latch at the stop position.
If the time was longer than the defined time threshold, the D14 processor
board activates the Y2 stop magnet.
The stop latch activates the S3 microswitch, LED V52gn on the D14 board
goes on (stop latch engaged in the transverse direction).
LED V209gn on board D14 (stand "engaged " in transverse direction) goes
on. The signal is forwarded to the host via the CAN interface. The host con-
trols the B25 display (next to the S5 operating key) in the D22
control console (stand engaged in the transverse direction).
At the same time, the current to the Y2 stop magnet is reduced. LED V62gn
on the processor board D14 goes on, the Y1 permanent brake is no longer
activated, LED V53gn on board D14 goes out and the stop latches remain
engaged. The stand is latched in the transverse direction.
For service, the Y1 permanent brake can be briefly (!) activated using a
jumper (jumper X211 1-2) on the D14 processor board.
In addition, the Y1 permanent brake can be briefly controlled using the ser-
vice software.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 17 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 18 Brake circuit
Telescope brake (SID brake, "Z" direction
Tube rotation (DHA)
Telescope rotation (Support arm rotation, DVA)





6 ;
< 9JQ6DIHW\5HOD\.21
; 9;9&&9
9;9&&9 ;*51' ;
; 9;9&&9






9&&'723)9JQ9 ' &$1
9&&'723)9JQ9 +RVW

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 18 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 - 19
Telescope Brake (SID If the Y13 permanent brake in the M1 component is released, the telescope
Brake, "Z" Direction) can be moved into or out of the height position.
To adjust the tomo SIDs, the telescope brake can be activated using pulses
to reach the tomo position.
When the S2 operating key in the D22 control console is pressed, the Y13
permanent brake is activated by the D14 processor board. The V57gn LED
on board D14 goes on. When Y13 is activated, +23.7 V are present between
test point X82 (0V) and X94. In case of service, the Y13 permanent brake
can be briefly (!) released via the service software.

Tube Assembly Rota- If the Y30 permanent brake in the M3 component is released, the tube
tion (DHA) assembly can be rotated for oblique projections or for exposures on the
Bucky wall stand. When the S14 or S4 operating keys in the D22 control
console are pressed, the Y30 permanent brake is released by the D14 pro-
cessor board. The V58gn LED on the D14 board goes on. When the Y30
permanent brake is released, +23.7 V are present between X82 (0V) on the
D14 board and test point X95.
For service, the Y30 permanent brake can be briefly (!) released via the ser-
vice software.

Telescope Rotation If the Y32 permanent brake in the M3 component is released, the tube
(Support Arm Rota- assembly can be rotated about the telescope axis.
tion, DVA) When pressing the S11 operating key in the D22 control console, the Y32
permanent brake is released by the D14 processor board. LED V58gn on
the D14 board goes on and + 23.7V are present at X82 (0V) and test point
For service, the Y32 permanent brake can be briefly (!) released via the ser-
vice software.

K7 Safety Relay When the stand is moved manually, the following safety limit switches are
S42 and S43 for longitudinal movement of the 3D stand.
S30 limit switch for tube assembly rotation.
Limit switches S111 and S112 for the catapult Bucky are described on page
4-16, Electronic Tomography, in the Function Description.
Relay K7 energizes in manual mode. LED V55gn on board D14 goes on and
interrupts the power supply to M30 tube assembly rotation motors, M11 cata-
pult Bucky and M40 longitudinal movement. It blocks interlock magnet Y12
from being activated as well as the + 12 V power supplies.
This means that unintended motorized movement is blocked.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 19 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 20 Brake circuit

MULTIX TOP ACSS P- NL (with auto tracking) 3

0 0


/LIW0RWRU ( 6* 6,' =

0 << <
; ;

;9 9&& ;9&& 9JQ
3B93B9B$ ;3BB$9
; ;3B9
;93B9 ;3B9 9JQ ;
;99&& ;99&& 9JQ
; ;9 9&& ;99&& 9JQ
;9 9&& ;99&& 9JQ




; 9&&'723)9JQ9
; 9&&'723)9JQ9

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 20 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 - 21
Telescope brakes If the Y17 - Y19 permanent brake in the M1 component is released, the tele-
(SID brakes, "Z" direc- scope can be moved manually moved in and out of the height position. For
tion) easier settings of the tomo SID, the telescope brakes can be selcted (pro-
grammable) once the desired tomo position is reached.
When the S2 operating key in the D22 controle console is pressed, the Y11 -
Y19 permanent brake is activated by the D14 processor board. The Y16
coupling to the M16 telescope lift drive is released.
The following LEDs light up on board D14

V57gn Lift coupling released, at test point X94 position X82 (0V) to sel-
ect at +23,7V.
V267gn Release telescope brakes Y17 - Y17

For service, the Y17-19 permanent brake can be controlled briefly (!) via the
service software.
When the S1 operating key is pressed, moving the lift down (S4), moving the
lift up, motor M16 is attached to the movement via coupling Y16. LED V57gn
board D14 goes out.
Release permanent brake Y17 - Y19, LED V267gn board D14 lights up.
There is a collision monitoring with the downward movement on the MULTIX
table (distance <30cm).
The absolute value providers SG10 and encoder E10 are coupled with the
telescope lift movement. Refer to Function description auto tracking Chap-
ter 9.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 21 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 22 Brake circuit


( 6* %UDNHV
6,' < <<

9JQ6DIHW\5HOD\.21 ;
; . ;9<FRXSOHG 9JQ
;9 9&& ;9&& 9JQ ;
; ;99&& ;99&& 9JQ
;9 9&& ;99&& 9JQ
;9 9&& ;99&& 9JQ






9&&'723)9JQ9 ' &$1

; 9&&'723)9JQ9 +RVW
9&&'723)9 JQ9

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 22 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 - 23

"Floating Movement" When activating the S6 or S10 control keys in the operating units D24 or in
the 3D handgrips, Y17-19 (telescope (SID) brake, "Z" direction), the cou-
pling to the telescope lift Y16, Y1 (longitudinal brake in the M4 transverse
carriage "X" direction) and Y1 (transverse brake in the M1 telescope car-
riage "Y" direction) are simultaneously activated (released) and the two stop
latches, Y2 stop magnets, are disengaged in the longitudinal and transverse
The service software can be used to program the automatic activation of the
collimators light localizer with "floating movement" and the summer
Longitudinal and transversal movement into the stops can be programmed
or deselcted via the service software.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 23 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 24 Brake circuit

"Floating movement" MULTIX TOP ACSS with or

without tomo 3




6,' <<

6 ;
< 9JQ6DIHW\5HOD\.21
; 9;9&&9
9;9&&9 ;*51' ;
; 9;9&&9





9&&'723)9JQ9 ' &$1
9&&'723)9JQ9 +RVW

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 24 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 - 25

"Floating Movement" When activating the S1 or S6 control keys in the operating units D22 (ACSS
P with Tomo) and D23 (ACSS without Tomo) or in the 3D handgrips, Y13
(telescope (SID) brake), Y1 (longitudinal brake in the M4 transverse carriage
"X" direction) and Y1 (transverse brake in the M1 telescope carriage "Y"
direction) are simultaneously activated (released) and the two stop latches,
Y2 stop magnets, are disengaged in the longitudinal and transverse direc-
The service software can be used to program the automatic activation of the
collimators light localizer with "floating movement" and the summer
Longitudinal and transversal movement into the stops can be programmed
or deselcted via the service software.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 25 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 26 Brake circuit

Test Points for the Power Supply Voltages in the Brake

Circuit 3


Test Points Voltage LED

D13 X81 - X80 (GRD1) VCC1 + 30 V D13 V174

D13 X83 - X82 (GRD2) VCC2 + 30 V D13 V172
D21 X25 +5V D21 V5
D21 X26 + 12 V D21 V6
D13 V171
D21 X15/X16 (GND2)


with or without Tomo
Component Board Test Point Board LED
M1 D14 X40 0V (VCC) D14
M1 D14 X41 VCC + 5 V D14 V100gn
M1 D14 X45 +5V D14
M1 D14 X70 0V (+ 12 V)
M1 D14 X71 + 12 V D14 V112gn
M1 D14 X80 0V (VCC1)
M1 D14 X81 + 30 V VCC1 D14 V101gn
M1 D14 X82 0V (VCC2,+ 23.7 V)
M1 + 30 V VCC2 V102gn
D14 X83 D14

Control signals:
Test Point Function
D14 Board Output Input
X94 + 23.7 V, when permanent brake Y10/Y13 V54gn V57gn
is activated (telescope lift).
X94 Coupling Y16 released by MULTIX TOP V54gn
X95 + 23.7 V, when permanent brake Y30 V55gn V59gn
is activated (tube assembly rotation).
X96 + 23.7 V, when permanent brake Y32 V56gn V58gn
is activated (telescope rotation)
X83 GND2 (0V)

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 26 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 - 27

66666666 QD


2))212))21 QRWXVHGZLWK08/7,;7233DQ\PRUH



Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 27 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 28 Brake circuit
Table Brakes

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 28 of 30 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Brake circuit 3 - 29

The table brakes in the MULTIX TOP are operated via:

1. Step bar, microswitches S80 and S83 in the M8 module, connected
to the D54 backplane board. When the step bar is actuated, the
tabletop begins "floating " movement. Depending on the
programming in the service software, the light localizer in the
collimator automatically switches on.
2. Tableside control console (optional), connected to M11.X1/X2
When the key on the tableside control console is pressed, the table
brakes can be individually released in the longitudinal or the
transverse directions.
The control signal is forwarded to the D50 host board via control cables. A
yellow LED on the host board indicates the presence of the control signal.
The D50 host board controls the table brakes (permanent brake) via the D54
backplane board and indicates the control signal via a yellow LED.

permanent Function LED D50 LED D50

brake Operating Signal Control Signal

Y11, Y12 Table transverse brake

V29ye V9ye
assembly, head-end
Y15, Y16 Table transverse brake
V29ye V9ye
assembly, foot-end
Y110, Y13 Table long. brake
V28ye V8ye
assembly, head-end
Y14, Y17 Table long. brake
V28ye V8ye
assembly, foot-end

LED V4gn on Host board D50 indicates the presence of + 24 V for releasing
the brakes.
For service, the table brakes can be activated briefly (!) via the service soft-

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 29 of 30 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
3 - 30 Brake circuit

MULTIX TOP manual table brakes without processor 3

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Electronic Tomography 4 4-1

Electronic Tomography 4-2

Selecting Tomo Mode 4-2

Stand in the Center Position 4-3

Remark 4-3
Selecting Tomo Mode 4-5
SID in 115 cm or 102 cm Position (programmable) 4-5
Table Lift in the Tomo Position 4-7
Initial Rotation Position 4-7
Rotation about the Telescope Axis (Support Arm Rotation) 4-7
Catapult Bucky (KRL) 4-7
Tube Assembly Rotation 4-7
Tomo release 4-7

Time Sequence of Tomo Release 4-8

Tomo Routine: Precontact 4-12

Catapult Bucky 4-13

3D TOP Stand 4-13
Tube Assembly Rotation 4-15

Tomo Routine: Main Contact HK 4-15

Tomo Height Display 4-18

Test Points and Displays for Tomo Routine 4-19

D54 Fuse Board 4-20

Safety Limit Switch 4-21

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 1 of 22 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
4-2 Electronic Tomography
Principle of electronic tomography 4

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MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 2 of 22 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Electronic Tomography 4-3
There is no mechanical connection between the tube assembly and the
catapult Bucky. The tomo block and the tomo rod have been eliminated. The
stand drives - M40 longitudinal movement, M30 tube assembly rotation and
the M11 catapult Bucky are controlled by the D51 tomo controller. Encoders
E40 (stand longitudinal), E30 (tube assembly rotation) and E11 (KRL=
Bucky) and potentiometers R40 (stand longitudinal), R30 (tube assembly
rotation) and R11 (KRL = Bucky) potentiometers are used for speed control
and position detection. The ACSS automatic format sensing is not active in
tomo mode.
Regardless of the tomo height selected, the tomo angle must remain con-
stant. The tomo height can be adjusted from 0 mm to 250 mm, in 1 millime-
ter increments. In the illustration, page 4-8, only the two "minimum" and
"maximum" tomo height positions are shown.

Selecting Tomo Mode 4

Stand in Center The stand is located in the longitudinal and transverse directions in the
Position "stopped" position (center position). The S3 microswitches for the brake stop
assemblies are actuated in both the longitudinal as well as in the transverse
direction. The K7 safety relay has deenergized, LED V55gn board D14 is off
(see the Brake Circuit Function Description, Page 3-19).
After the sprocket is coupled by gear magnet Y11, the microswitch S11 is
actuated and LED V214gn on D14 board is "on". The sprocket is locked by
interlock magnet Y12 and microswitch S12 is actuated, LED V213gn D14
board is "on". The Y1 permanent brake and the Y2 stop in the longitudinal
direction are released again; the stop position remains engaged in the trans-
verse direction. Display B23 next to control key S3 "Release longitudinal
brakes" goes out while display B29 beside control key S5 "Release trans-
verse brake" stays lit.
Remark: The center position must be confirmed via service- PC. After any adjustment
of R40 potentiometer 3D- longitudinal and R15 3D- transverse, the positions
must be reconfirmed!
Selecting Tomo Mode First, the stand must be moved manually into the center position. Then
select tomo mode by pressing one of the 6 tomo program keys on the D22
control console. The display on the control console indicates the SID.
Depending on the selection, one of the following LEDs in the control keys

Key Tomo Angle / Time D22 or D24 Control Console LED

S15 8 / 0.4 s B15
S16 8 / 0.8 s B16
S17 20 / 0.6 s B17
S18 30 / 0.8 s B18
S19 40 / 1.2 s B19
S20 40 / 2.0 s B20

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
4-4 Electronic Tomography




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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Electronic Tomography 4-5
Accordingly, the user must manually move the system into the tomo position
(see Function descriptions page 4-8).
The LED in the control key selected will continue flashing until the unit is
ready for operation in Tomo mode. The stand is in the center position.
The following LED s go on:
D14 V50gn Stop in longitudinal direction engaged, microswitch
S3 actuated. Stays lit until tomo drive M40 has cou-
pled, then goes "off". (Stand not engaged in longitu-
dinal direction).
D14 V52gn Stop in transverse direction engaged, microswitch S3
D14 V51gn Permanent brake Y1 in longitudinal direction
released. Goes on as soon as tomo drive M40 has
D14 V62gn Current to stop magnet Y2 in transverse direction
D14 V204gn Stand in longitudinal direction "engaged", then "off",
stop pin for Tomo mode released.
D14 V209gn Stand in transverse direction "engaged".
D14 V213 Microswitch S12 actuated, sprocket locked by inter-
lock magnet Y12.
D14 V214gn Microswitch S11 actuated, sprocket coupled by gear
magnet Y11.
D22/D24 B23 Stand longitudinal in stop position, then "off", stop pin
D22/D24 B25 Stand transverse in stop position.

SID in 115 cm or 102 At the 3D TOP stand, set the SID for tomography (position programmable,
cm Position (program- "Z" direction) to 115 cm or 102 cm (40 inches). When the position is
mable) reached, the Y13 permanent brake (telescope/SID brake) is actuated briefly
(pulse brakes, the function is programmable). The V57gn LED on board
D14 goes "off " briefly. If the table is not at the tomo height, the brake on the
3D stand still functions correctly. The SID display on the control console indi-
cates the actual SID. If the system is in "Manual" mode, the overtable SID is

Table Lift in Tomo Table lift must be moved into the "Tomo" position. Table lift automatically
Position stops in this position. The table lift potentiometer acquires the position which
is communicated to the D50 Host board.

Caution: In addition to the "Tomo" position, there is also another stop

position "customer request" that can be programmed for table
lift, which does not have to be identical to the "Tomo" position!
However, once reaching "Tomo" position, this position is set and
cannot be exited. Only when exiting the tomo program is it possi-
ble to move out of the "Tomo" position!

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4-6 Electronic Tomography



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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Electronic Tomography 4-7
Initial Rotation Posi- The tube assembly is coupled with the drive via a Y30 permanent brake
tion (clutch). The connections to the permanent brake (clutch) can rotate a maxi-
mum of +/- 40 during tomo movement.
If the power supply fails during the tomo routine, the permanent brake will no
longer be in the zero degree position. For this reason, a check is carried out
prior to stating tomography, whether or not a correction for tube assembly
rotation is required. During the correction run, tube assembly movement is
decoupled and the tube does not move. Potentiometer R31 detects the posi-
tion of the Y30 permanent brake (clutch).
Rotation about the This position is not monitored by the system. The user must manually move
Telescope Axis (Sup- the tube assembly into the correct tomo position (mechanical detent lock).
port Arm Rotation) While rotating the tube assembly about the telescope axis, the Y32 perma-
nent brake is released.
Notice: If all the conditions required for tomo have been met, i.e. stand in the center
position, longitudinal brake released, SID 115 cm and tube assembly rotation
0, the Catapult Bucky will automatically move to the center.

Catapult Bucky (KRL) If the catapult Bucky is not in the center position, an automatic "capture
movement" takes place. The two limit switches for motorized KRL = Bucky
movement, microswitches S111 and S112 may not be actuated when this is
done, otherwise the catapult Bucky must be manually moved between the
two limit switches!
The catapult Bucky is automatically moved into the center by motor M11.
This position is detected by potentiometer R11.

Tube Assembly Rota- The 0 stop for tube assembly rotation is deactivated by motor M31, and
tion microswitch S31 is actuated.
The following LEDs go on:

D14 V54gn 0 tube assembly rotation stop deactivated.

D14 V227gn 0 stop not engaged, S31 microswitch actuated.
D14 V59gn Clutch Y40 coupled in (permanent brake)

Remark: The position tube assembly rotation 0 must be confirmed via service PC.
After any adjustment of potentiometer R30, the position must be recon-
If the catapult Bucky is in the center position, the stop for tube rotation is
Tomo release
If all conditions are met, the LED lights in the Tomo key selected on control
element D22 and tomography is enabled. The counters for the E40 stand
longitudinal movement encoder, E30 tube assembly rotation and E11 KRL
are set. The tomo time selected is forwarded by Host board D50 to the kk
Interface in the generator.

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
4-8 Electronic Tomography
Time Sequence of Tomo Release


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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Electronic Tomography 4-9

1. The stand is located in the center position of transverse and longitudi-

nal travel, transverse stop and the Y40 longitudinal brake are
engaged. The longitudinal stop and the longitudinal brake Y40 are

LEDs Status
V52gn D14 "on" Stop engaged in transverse direction.
B25 D23 "on" LED transverse stop on 3D-TOP control element.
V62gn D14 "on" Current to stop magnet reduced.
V53gn D14 "off" Transverse permanent brake Y1 not activated (brake
is on).
V209gn D14 "on" Stop engaged in transverse direction.
V204gm D14 "off" Stop not engaged in longitudinal direction.
V50gn D14 "off" Stop plunger not engaged in longitudinal direction.
V51gn D14 "on" Longitudinal permanent brake Y1 activated

2. Tomo mode is selected on the 3D-TOP control element

3. The gear magnet Y11 is controlled after tomo selection. LED V223gn
on D14 board is on. At the same time, longitudinal motor M40 is slowly
driven for a short time, so that the sprocket can securely lock in the
steering rack. Once the sprocket is engaged, microswitch S11 is acti-
vated in the coupling assembly. LED V214gn on D14 board is "on".
The adjustment of microswitch S11 is critical! (Refer to the adjustment

Afterwards, the longitudinal motor M40 in the 3D- TOP stand is turned
off. The Interlock magnet Y12 is activated and its plunger actuates
microswitch S12 of the coupling module and locks in the sprocket.
LED V213gn on board D14 is "on".
The Tomo drive is coupled. LED V56gn on board D14 lights
Interlock magnet Y11 is switched off and LED V223gn on D14 goes

4. Table lift is now located in the "Tomo" position. Movement out of this
position is disabled.

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4 - 10 Electronic Tomography


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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Electronic Tomography 4 - 11

5. The programmed SID for Tomography (115 cm or 102 cm) is set on the
3D TOP stand. Brake magnet Y13 is briefly activated (Telescope/SID
brake), LED V57gn on board S14 goes "off" briefly. (This function
can be programmed in the service menu).
The SID display on the 3D-TOP stand control panel indicates the SID
115 cm or 102 cm.
6. The catapult Bucky automatically moves into the programmed center
position. If limit switches S111 or S112 are activated, the catapult
Bucky will have to be moved manually in the direction of the center
position. Only then does the Bucky move automatically to the center.
7. Motor M31 for the detent lock of the tube assembly rotation is driven
until microswitch S31 is activated. The mechanical detent lock for
tube rotation is released.

The following LEDs on board D14 light:

V54gn 0 stop - tube assembly rotation released.

V227gn 0 detent lock not engaged, microswitch S31 acti-

After deselecting Tomo mode (= Bucky mode), interlock magnet Y12 is acti-
vated. LED V56gn lights on board D14.
The Tomo drive is decoupled from the longitudinal movement.

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4 - 12 Electronic Tomography


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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Electronic Tomography 4 - 13
Catapult Bucky When the precontact key VK is pressed, motor M11 moves the catapult
Bucky into the Tomo starting position. This position depends on the tomo
height selected and on the tomo program selected, labeled "A" in the
illustration on Page 4 - 8 for the minimum tomo height, and labeled "A" for
the maximum tomo height. The speed of the catapult Bucky is regulated.
The starting position and the reference speed depend on the tomo height
selected and are calculated.
While motor M11 is being driven, either LED V8ye (movement to the right,
tomo direction programmed head end-foot end) or V9gn (tomo direction pro-
grammed foot end-head end) lights on tomo controller board D51. Encoder
E11, which is mechanically connected to the longitudinal movement of the
catapult Bucky and which supplies two pulse trains to the controller, senses
the actual speed.
The frequency of the pulse trains is directly proportional to the actual speed.
The counter status is directly proportional to the position of the catapult
Bucky ("fine" position).
Potentiometer R11 monitors the direction of movement of the catapult
Bucky, the position ("coarse") and the function of encoder E11 are monitored
by potentiometer R11.
Depending on the tomo height selected and the tomo program selected, the
Bucky travels a different path during the tomo routine (beginning with the
main contact signal, HK) at a different speed and within a constant time(=
tomo time).

3D- TOP Stand The M40 tomo motor is coupled to the longitudinal movement by the gear
magnet Y12 and the interlock magnet Y11. The Y40 permanent brake
(clutch) is released in the longitudinal direction. LED V56gn on the D14
board goes on, the tomo motor is coupled to the longitudinal movement.
The tomo routine can be programmed from head-end to foot-end or foot-end
to head-end.

When the precontact key, VK, is pressed, the stand moves out of the center
position into the tomo starting position, labeled in the illustration as "A" for
the minimum tomo height, and as "A" for the maximum tomo height. This
position depends on the selected Tomo height and on the selected tomo
At the same time, either LED V3gn (movement to head-end direction) or
LED V2ye (movement to foot-end direction) on the D51 board goes on. The
speed of the 3D TOP stand is regulated, the starting position and the refer-
ence speed are calculated. The actual speed is detected by encoder E40.
The encoder is mechanically coupled with the longitudinal movement drive
of the stand and provides two pulse trains to the controller component whose
frequency is directly proportional to the actual speed.
The counter status is directly proportional to the position of the 3D TOP
stand ("fine" position). The direction of movement, the position ("coarse")
and the function of the E40 encoder are monitored by potentiometer R40.

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
4 - 14 Electronic Tomography
Tomo process: Precontact


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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Electronic Tomography 4 - 15
3D-TOP Stand The speed of the 3D TOP stand depends on the tomo height selected and
on the tomo program selected.
The stand stops in the tomo starting position and LED V2ye or V3gn on
board D51 goes out. LED V1rd goes on (stand stop).
Depending on the tomo height and tomo program selected, the 3D stand
travels a different path at a different speed within a constant time (= tomo
time). The tomo routine begins with "Main Contact HK"signal.

Tube Rotation When the precontact key VK is pressed, the M30 drive rotates the tube
assembly into the tomo starting position. This position is independent of the
selected tomo height, however it is dependent on the selected tomo pro-
At the same time, depending on the direction of movement programmed for
the tomo routine, either LED V6gn (counterclockwise rotation) or V5ye
(clockwise rotation) lights on the D51 board.
In the starting position, LED V6gn or V5ye goes out, and V4rd (tube assem-
bly rotation stop) on the D51 board goes on.
The speed of the tube assembly rotation is regulated, the reference speed is
calculated. The actual speed is sensed by encoder E30. It is coupled
mechanically with the tube rotation device and provides two pulse series to
the controller component whose frequency is directly proportional to the
actual speed. The counter status is directly proportional to the position of
tube assembly rotation ("fine" position).
The direction of movement of the tube assembly, the positioning ("coarse")
and the E30 encoder function are monitored by potentiometer R30.
Depending on the tomo program selected, the tube assembly rotation travels
a fixed path at a fixed speed within a constant time (= selected tomo time)
during the tomo routine. The tomo routine begins with the "Main Contact,
HK" signal.

Tomo Routine: Main Contact, HK 4

When the main contact , HK, is pressed, the stand begins speed-regulated
movement to the right or to the left. The direction of the tomo movement can
be programmed in the service menu.
The 3D stand must move faster (= small tomo height) or slower (= large
tomo height) for each selected tomo height.
Independent of the selected tomo height but dependent on the selected
tomo program, the tube assembly must rotate constantly during the tomo
The catapult Bucky is speed-regulated and moves in the opposite direction
of the stand.

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4 - 16 Electronic Tomography


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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Electronic Tomography 4 - 17
The catapult Bucky must run faster (= large tomo height) or slower (=
small tomo height) for each selected tomo height. Therefore, the tomo
angle is constant for each tomo program selected and is independent
of the tomo height selected!
The exposure is released at "B" for the minimum tomo height and at "B" for
the maximum tomo height. Refer to the illustration, page 4-12.
Depending on the programmed direction of movement, one of the two direc-
tional LED displays on the D50 board goes on for each component during
the tomo routine:
3D- TOP stand: V2ye Motor activated in foot-end direction of move-
V3gn Motor activated in head-end direction of move-
Tube assembly V5ye Clockwise rotation.
V6gn Counter-clockwise rotation.
Catapult Bucky: V8ye Motor activated for movement in foot-end direc-
V9gn Movement activated in head-end direction.

Due to the speed regulation, the respective motor can be activated briefly
in the opposite direction of movement of the components for braking pur-
poses (if the speed is too fast!). The tomo movement is ended at "C" for the
maximum tomo height and at "C" for the minimum tomo height. Refer to the
illustration, page 4-12. The stand and the catapult Bucky automatically move
back into the center position and tube assembly rotation returns to 0.
The following LEDs on board D50 go on:
V1rd 3D- TOP stand M40 motor stop.
V4rd Tube rotation M30 motor stop.
V7rd Catapult Bucky M11 motor stop.

The illustration on page 4-12 details the change of the tomo height at the
point of intersection of the central beams. Tube assembly rotation, 3D TOP
stand and catapult Bucky are driven by pulsewidth-modulated DC motors.
Summarized, the following applies:
The speeds and the starting positions of the 3D stand , the Bucky and the
tube rotation depend directly on the selected tomo height and on the
selected tomo program.
The values for the starting position, exposure release and travel speeds are
stored for each of the four tomo angles (8, 20, 30 and 40). Each selected
tomo angle corresponds to a specific change in the actual value potentiome-
ter connected.
The starting position for the stand, catapult Bucky and tube assembly rota-
tion (0) is the center position for tomo mode. The 3D stand stop detents are
blocked during the tomo routine.

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4 - 18 Electronic Tomography

Tomo height display 4


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0 ' 5%XFN\ '
(%XFN\ 66 &$1

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Electronic Tomography 4 - 19
The tomo height light localizer is comprised of a laser and is inclined by 7
degrees. After selecting Tomo mode, the light localizer can be switched on
by pressing the S8 key (move tomo height up) or the S9 key (move down).
The light localizer can also be turned on by programming the collimator by
selecting tomography, releasing the table brakes or activating the control

The stepping motor moves the laser up or down with a delay. The following
LEDs on the D51 tomo controller board light when the stepping motor is
V12gn, V15ye Move up laser line light localizer
V13ye, V14gn Move down laser line light localizer.

Test points and Display for the Tomo Routine 4

Test Point Voltage Function LED

D14 X108 + 23.7 V Tomo drive coupled. V56gn
D14 X96 + 23.7 V Y30 tube assembly brake (clutch) V59gn
D14 X80 0V (VCC1)
D14 X81 + 30 V VCC1 for brake and stop assemblies and V101gn
motorized stop M31 motor.
D14 0V (VCC2)
D14 X83 + 30 V VCC2 for permanent brake Y10 (SID), V102gn
Y30 (tube assembly rotation clutch), cou-
pling magnet Y12 and interlock magnet
Y11 (tomo coupling).
+ 12 V for control console V112gn

D14 X84 0V (VCC3)

D14 X85 + 30 V VCC3, for motorized Telescope lift V103gn
option only.
D14 X40 0V (VCC)
D14 X41 +5V VCC, processor voltage
D14 Microswitch S12 actuated, sprocket V213gn
locked by interlock magnet Y12
D14 Microswitch S11 actuated, sprocket cou- V214gn
pled by gear magnet Y11
D51 M40 DC motor, stand longitudinal stop V1rd
D51 3D TOP stand movement to right V2ye
D51 3D TOP stand movement to left V3gn
D51 Tube assembly rotation M30 DC motor V4rd
D51 Clockwise tube assembly rotation V5ye
D51 Counterclockwise tube assembly rotation V6gn
D51 Catapult Bucky M11 DC motor stop V7rd
D51 Catapult Bucky movement to right V8ye

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
4 - 20 Electronic Tomography
Test Points and Display for the Tomo Routine

D51 Catapult Bucky movement to left V9gn

D51 Move up the laser line light localizer V12gn
D51 Move down the laser line light localizer V13ye

D54 Fuse Board

Fuse LED Function
F15 V15gn KRL power supply
F17 V17gn VCC1 (3-D stand), brake and stop assemblies, M31
motor 0 degree stop
F18 V18gn VCC2 (3-D stand), permanent brakes and clutches.
F19 V19gn VCC3 (3-D stand), lift controller and drive

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Electronic Tomography 4 - 21

Safety Limit Switches 4

The safety limit switches S10 and S 11 table lift, S111 and S112 Bucky, S30
tube assembly rotation, S42 and S43 3D TOP stand longitudinal movement,
one contact on the K12 safety relay, the 110 thermocontact on the T2 trans-
former or the 105 on the T1 transformer (refer to Chapter 2, Power Sup-
ply) and one contact of safety relay K12 D54 board are connected in series
with the K5 safety breaker in the MULTIX table.
The safety relay K12 is controlled directly by Host board D50 and deener-
gizes if there is an error message in Tomo mode.
When the safety breaker K5 is deenergized, all motorized movements (table
lift, tube assembly rotation, stand longitudinal movement and catapult Bucky
longitudinal movement during) are blocked.
Relays K7 on board S14 and K10 on board D54 bypass the safety limit
switches for Tomo movement in Bucky mode.

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4 - 22 Electronic Tomography
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Automatic Format Sensing ACSS 5 5-1

Ready Display 5-3

Prerequisites for ACSS Mode 5-3

Exposures on the MULTIX-TOP Table 5-3

Exposures on the VERTIX PRO/TOP with Horizontal
Beam Path 5-4
Exposures on the VERTIX TOP with Vertical Beam Path 5-6


MULTIX TOP ACSS with Tomography 5-8

Manual Collimation 5-9
Memory Key "M" 5-9

Manual Mode 5-9

Displays 5-12

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 1 of 12 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
5-2 Automatic Format Sensing ACSS
Exposures on the MULTIX TOP Table








MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 2 of 12 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Automatic Format Sensing ACSS 5-3

Ready - Display 5

The Ready display goes on if:

- The workstation selection coincides with the tube direction (Catapult
Bucky MULTIX or catapult Bucky VERTIX).
- The stand is moved into one of the four stops for exposures on the Bucky
wall stand VERTIX and the lock (bolt) has actuated microswitch S3 of the
brake locking subassembly. (Refer to Brake Circuit, Chapter 3 of the
Function Description).
- The catapult Bucky in the VERTIX TOP must be locked in the 0 or 90
positions according to the tube direction and microswitch S2 or S3 must
be actuated. Refer to Automatic Format Sensing ACSS, Page 5-7 of
the Function Description.
The Ready display is not required for ACSS mode.
The Ready display must be on to perform programming via the service

Prerequisites for ACSS Mode 5

The abbreviation ACSS stands for Automatic Cassette Size Sensing. In

ACSS mode (automatic format sensing "on"), all conditions for automatic
format sensing not readily apparent to the user are monitored by a proces-
The radiation field is automatically collimated prior to radiation release.
Prerequisites for operation with automatic format sensing are:
Exposures on the - The tube assembly is tilted less than +/- 3 out of the vertical beam path.
MULTIX TOP Table The R30 potentiometer for tube assembly rotation monitors the tolerance
of +/- 3 .
Tube orientation is not limited to the center of the table or the center of the
central beam, i.e. ACSS mode can be used over the entire longitudinal
The value of potentiometer R40 should never be less than the basic value
set during start-up!

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 3 of 12 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
5-4 Automatic Format Sensing ACSS
Exposures on the VERTIX PRO/ TOP with Horizontal Beam Path








MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 4 of 12 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Automatic Format Sensing ACSS 5-5
Exposures on the - The cassette tray must be inserted all the way up to the stop so that
MULTIX TOP Table microswitch S11 is actuated. The cassette inserted into the catapult
Bucky is detected and recognized.
Depending on the programming (display on the collimator "cm" or
"inch"), all valid "cm" or "inch" cassettes can be inserted. The format is
acquired via a photo-electric cell matrix on D31. With software VB
onwards, mixed operation is possible. Therefore see wiring diagram
catapult Bucky "Programming DIP- switches on D30 board".
The inserted cassette interrupts one or more photo-electric cells on board
D31. The photo-electric beams are reflected by the IONTOMAT chamber
through holes in the cassette tray.
Based on the photo-electric beams that are interrupted, the D30
processor board detects the format.
It communicates this via the CAN interface to the D50 host board and via
the CAN interfaces to the D14 processor board in the collimator. The
collimator calculates the width and height of the cassette and collimates
to the format of the inserted cassette.
- The effective image SID resulting from the position of the table lift
(detected by potentiometer R10 for table lift) and by the telescope lift
(detected by the SID potentiometer R10), must be at least 85 cm and no
more than 150 cm.
With ACSS, every time the SID changes within the acceptable range, the
collimator blades automatically adjust to the new position.

Exposures on the - The 3D TOP stand must be moved into one of the four stops for
VERTIX PRO/ TOP exposures on the Bucky wall stand in the longitudinal or transverse
with Horizontal Beam directions. The stops can be installed in the longitudinal direction
Path (position detected by potentiometer R40) or transverse direction (position
detected by potentiometer R15).
The SID programmed for the corresponding stop must be between 85 cm
and 400 cm.
- The cassette inserted into the catapult Bucky is detected and recognized.
The format is detected by means of the photo-electric cell matrix on board
D31. The cassette tray containing a cassette is inserted up to the stop.
Once inserted, the cassette tray actuates microswitch S11 (cassette
insertion, left on the VERTIX PRO/ TOP) or S21 (cassette insertion, right
on the VERTIX PRO/ TOP).
The inserted cassette interrupts one or more photo-electric beams on the
D31 board.
The photo-electric beams are reflected by the IONTOMAT chamber
through holes in the cassette tray.
Based on the position of the beams interrupted, the D30 processor board
detects the format of the cassette that is inserted. It communicates this to
the D50 host board via its CAN interface and to the D14 processor board
in the 3D stand of the collimator via the CAN interfaces.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 5 of 12 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
5-6 Automatic Format Sensing ACSS
Exposures on the VERTIX TOP with Vertical Beam Path





' 56,'

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 6 of 12 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Automatic Format Sensing ACSS 5-7
Exposures on the The collimator calculates the height and width of the correct position and col-
VERTIX TOP with limates to the format of the inserted cassette.
Horizontal Beam Path - The tube assembly must be pivoted 90 in the direction of the Bucky wall
stand (tolerance +/- 3). Potentiometer R30 of the tube assembly rotation
detects the tolerance and the direction of the pivot.
- The catapult Bucky in the VERTIX TOP must be positioned vertically
(0 position, see indication on Bucky wall stand). The position of the
Bucky is scanned by microswitch S3 in the VERTIX TOP and displayed
by LED V32 on D50 board.
- The 3D TOP stand is locked into the stop detent in the longitudinal and
transverse directions for exposures on the VERTIX TOP Bucky wall stand
with a vertical Bucky. The position is detected by potentiometer R40
(longitudinal direction) or potentiometer R15 (transverse direction).
- The tube assembly must be tilted less than +/-3 from the vertical beam
path. Potentiometer R30 detects the tolerance of +/-3 for tube rotation.

Exposures on the - The stop for the 3D TOP is engaged in longitudinal or transverse direction
VERTIX TOP with a for exposures on the VERTIX TOP Bucky wall stand with a horizontal
Vertical Beam Path Bucky . The position is detected by potentiometer R40 or R15. The stop
can be installed in the longitudinal direction (detected by potentiometer
R40) or in the transverse direction (detected by potentiometer R15.)
- The tube assembly must be pivoted out of the vertical beam path less
than +/- 3. Potentiometer R30 of the tube assembly rotation device
monitors the tolerance of +/- 3.
- The catapult Bucky in the VERTIX TOP must be horizontal (90 position,
see indication on Bucky wall stand). The position of the Bucky is detected
by microswitch S2 in the VERTIX TOP and displayed by LED V31 on D50
- The cassette inserted into the catapult Bucky is detected and recognized.
Format sensing is handled by the D31 board photo-electric cell matrix.
The cassette tray with the cassette is inserted up to the end stop. The
cassette tray actuates microswitch S11 (cassette insertion, left on the
VERTIX TOP) or S21 (cassette insertion, right on the VERTIX TOP).
The inserted cassette interrupts one or more of the photo-electric cell
beams on the D31 board, reflected by the IONTOMAT chamber. Based
on the position of the interrupted photo-electric cell beams, the D30
processor board detects the format of the inserted cassette and
communicates this to the D50 host board via its CAN interface.
- The SID resulting from the position of the horizontally positioned catapult
Bucky (SID height acquired by potentiometer R1 in the VERTIX TOP) and
of the telescope lift (acquired by SID potentiometer R10 ) must be
between 85 cm and 150 cm.

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
5-8 Automatic Format Sensing ACSS

ACSS Mode 5

MULTIX TOP ACSS (with Tomography)

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 8 of 12 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Automatic Format Sensing ACSS 5-9
The prerequisites for ACCS mode are met. The collimator calculates the
new position of the collimator blades, the format of the inserted cassette and
its effective image SID and activates the drives for the width, SM2, and for
the height, SM1.
The ACSS display on the collimator goes on. The effective image SID in
"cm" or "inch" and the field size (cassette size) are displayed.
Every time the SID changes, the collimator calculates the new positions and
activates motors SM1 and SM2. With every change in the SID, the collima-
tion remains constant, but the collimator plates adjust.

Manual Collimation With ACSS mode, if the format of the inserted cassette is manually colli-
mated, the format is retained for the exposure (semi-automatic).
If the SID changes, the collimator blades adjust and a collimated format
smaller than the cassette inserted is retained (EUROPEAN Version).
In the USA Version, the system must collimate to the size of the inserted
cassette every time SID changes.
"M" Memory Key With the 1st exposure, the collimator positions are stored internally. If these
are to be retained when the cassette is changed, the memory key "M" on
the collimator must be pressed after changing the cassette.
When this key is pressed, the collimation is recalled. If the new cassette that
is inserted is larger or the same size as the format that was saved, the colli-
mation is retained. When the cassette tray is ejected, microswitch S10 is
activated in the catapult Bucky of the MULTIX table or in the VERTIX with
left-hand insertion. Microswitch S20 is activated in the catapult Bucky of the
VERTIX with right-hand insertion.

Manual Mode 5

As soon as the cassette tray is removed, microswitch S10 (cassette inser-

tion, left) or S20 (cassette insertion, right) opens (not actuated) and the auto-
matic format sensing switches to the manual mode and displays the Manual
operating mode on the collimator. The format stored for the memory function
("M" key) can be recalled.
The Overtable SID is displayed on the collimator as well as the field size for
overtable exposures.
The position of the collimator plates does not change and exposure release
is not blocked! The collimator can be manually opened or closed.
With exposures on the MULTIX table, the Manual display goes on if:
a) The cassette tray is removed, microswitch S10 (display: Overtable
b) A cassette is not inserted (display: Overtable SID).

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
5 - 10 Automatic Format Sensing ACSS
Manual Mode

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Automatic Format Sensing ACSS 5 - 11
Manual Mode
c) The cassette tray is not inserted quickly enough up to the end stops into
the proper position fast enough. (Dis play: Overtable - SID). The time it
takes to activate the S11 microswitch and the mechanical end lap of the cas-
sette tray must not exceed 1 second. Formatting of the light barrier matrix is
only activated for approximately 1 second.
d) The tube assembly rotation is at >+/-30 (Display: Overtable - SID).
e) The SID resulting from the positions calculated for the table and telescope
lift is < 85 cm or > 150 cm. (Display: Overtable - SID).

The Manual display lights up for exposures on the VERTIX TOP with the
horizontal beam path if:
Items a) to d) are not met (refer above).
On the VERTIX TOP with right-hand insertion, microswitch S21 is for the
inserted cassette tray and microswitch S20 is for the ejected cassette tray.
f) The 3D TOP stand is not engaged in one of the four stops (SID1 -
SID4) in longitudinal and transverse direction. In this case, exposure
release is blocked and the "Ready" display does not light on the
g) The Bucky of the VERTIX TOP is not mechanically locked in vertical
position and microswitch S3 in the VERTIX TOP is not actuated.

The Manual display lights up for exposure on the VERTIX PRO/ TOP with
vertical beam path if:
Items a) to d) are not met (refer above).
On the VERTIX PRO/TOP with right hand insertion, microswitch S20 is for
the ejected cassette tray is and microswitch S21 is for the inserted cassette
h) The 3D TOP stand is not engaged in the Bucky wall stand stop. In
this case, exposure release is blocked and the "Ready" display
does not light on the collimator!
i) The SID resulting from the positions calculated for the telescope and
the VERTIX lift is < 85 cm or > 150 cm.
j) The VERTIX TOP Bucky is not mechanically locked in the horizontal
position and microswitch S2 in VERTIX TOP is not actuated.

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
5 - 12 Automatic Format Sensing ACSS

Displays 5

Board LED Function

D50 V10gn MULTIX workstation selected.
D50 V11gn VERTIX workstation selected.
D50 V31gn Catapult Bucky VERTIX TOP vertical.
D50 V32gn Catapult Bucky VERTIX TOP horizontal.

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 12 of 12 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Generator Interfacing 6 6-1

Signals from the Generator to the MULTIX TOP 6-2

Work Station Selection 6-3

Precontact VK 6-3
Main Contact HK 6-5
Iontomat Measurement Field 6-5

Signals from MULTIX TOP to the Generator 6- 4

"Grid Contact" Signal 6- 5

Tomo Times 6- 5
Generator Interfacing MULTIX TOP without processor
6- 6

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 1 of 6 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
6-2 Generator Interfacing

Signals from the Generator to the MULTIX TOP with or

without Tomography 6

' *(1(5$725 '

(5525 (5525

56 &$1 .. &$1


'%DFNSODQH &$1 .. &$1


&$1 &$1 &$1 &$1


&$1 &$1 &$1 &$1

' '

'7236WDQG' &$1 9 9

; 9 9 9 9
' &$1 '
5HDG\ %

0 0
2SHUDWLRQ 08/7,; 9(57,;

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 2 of 6 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Generator Interfacing 6-3

Work Station Selec- The MULTIX TOP work station is selected at the generator. The signal is for-
tion warded via the KK Interface of the generator to the KK Interface of the D54
backplane board and then via the CAN interface on to the D50 board.
The LEDs on board D50 light:
V10ye MULTIX TOP workstation selected.
V11ye VERTIX PRO/ TOP workstation selected.

Workstation selection is forwarded via the CAN interface of the D50 board
via the D54 backplane board to the CAN interface of the D14 processor
board in the 3D TOP stand to the D22 ACSS P control unit (with tomogra-
phy) or D23 ACSS (without tomography).
The B24 "Ready" display in the control unit goes on if there is no error mes-
sage and the system is ready. Refer to Automatic Format Sensing ACSS,
Page 5-03 of the Function Description.

Precontact VK The precontact signal is sent from the generator. As long as radiation
release is not disabled, the "Ready" display goes on. Refer also to the chap-
ter on Automatic Format Sensing, ACSS, on page 5-03 of the Function
A gridless (overtable) exposure is always possible, even if the "Ready" dis-
play is not on.
The following LEDs go on:
Board LED Function
D50 V15ye radiation enabled from the KK Interface to the genera-
D50 V12ye VK precontact.
D30 KRL V37gn Grid in park position (cassette inserted to maximum).
The park position is adjusted via the V1 photo-electric
cell (brake applied shortly before the turning point).
The photo-electric cell has the function of a search run
switch and is used to define the position of the grid
after wake-up.
D30 KRL V43rd Error indication.

When tomography is selected, the stand, the catapult Bucky and the tube
assembly rotation move into the tomo starting position. (Refer to Chapter 6,
Electronic Tomo, Page 4-6).
If LED V43rd on the D30 board goes on, the internal RAM or the CAN inter-
face on the D30 board is defective. The board must be replaced.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 3 of 6 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
6-4 Generator Interfacing

Signals from the MULTIX TOP ACSS to the Generator

with or without tomography 6

9$621 ' '


(5525 (5525

56 &$1 .. &$1

6HUYLFH3& -.9(57,;

'%DFNSODQH &$1 .. &$1


&$1 &$1 &$1 &$1


&$1 &$1 &$1 &$1

' '

'7236WDQG' &$1 9 9

; 9 9 9 9
' &$1 '
V %
V %
0 0
V % 0 %XFN\ %XFN\
&RQWURO8QLW 2SHUDWLRQ 08/7,; 9(57,;

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 4 of 6 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Generator Interfacing 6-5
Main Contact, HK The main contact signal, HK is transmitted from the generator. The grid
begins its reciprocal movement, LED V21ye (grid in MULTIX TOP "on") or
V22ye (grid in VERTIX PRO/ TOP "on") goes on. Grid speed is regulated
via an encoder and grid movement is self-adjusting.
Refer to the function description, Bucky And Collimator, Chapter 8.
The V13ye LED for the HK main contact lights on the D50 host board.

IONTOMAT Measure- Measurement fields are selected directly from the generator via an external
ment Field cable to the IONTOMAT chamber in the MULTIX table and is not part of the
KK or CAN communication system.

Signals from MULTIX TOP ACSS to the generator with or without

"Grid Contact" Signal For exposures without tomo mode, the HK generator signal is sent back
with a programmable delay time (dead time) to the generator from the D50
Host board via the KK interface of the D54 backplane (AS signal).
To compensate the generator dead time, the generator lead time should be
programmed so that the exposure is acquired while the grid is in the center
position. The generator lead time must be programmed exactly.
The V14ye LED (AS"on") on board D50 goes on with the signal "grid con-
With tomo exposures, the exposure is released as soon as the 3D TOP
stand, tube assembly rotation and the catapult Bucky are in the correct posi-
tion for the selected tomo height and tomo angle. The programmed dead
time is disabled for tomo exposures. (See Chapter 5, Electronic Tomogra-
phy, Page 4-9). The symmetry of the tomo angle can be adjusted via the ser-
vice PC for all five tomo times (0.4s, 0.6s, 0.8s, 1.2s and 2.0s)

Tomo Times The selected tomo times are transmitted from the D50 host board via the KK
interface to the D54 backplane in the generator as soon as all conditions
required to enable tomography are met.
Refer to Chapter 5, Electronic Tomography Page 4-2.
If tomo is enabled, the B15 - B20 LEDs go on in the S15 - S20 tomography
control keys.
If tomo is not enabled, the corresponding LED in the tomography selection
key flashes.
When tomo is enabled, one of the LEDs on the D50 board goes on:

V16ye Tomo time 0.4s

V17ye Tomo time 0.6s
V18ye Tomo time 0.8s
V19ye Tomo time 1.2s
V20ye Tomo time 2.0s

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 5 of 6 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
6-6 Generator Interfacing

Generator Interfacing MULTIX TOP manual without

processor 6

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 6 of 6 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Table lift 7 7-1

Lift Movement 7



Lifting movement is controlled via the S81 floor switch (upward movement)
or S82 (downward movement) or one of the optional control elements, con-
nector location M1 X1/X2/X3.
The R10 table lift potentiometer for the M10 motor is coupled mechanically
with the lift movement by means of a gear rail.
The two limit switches S10 (top) and S11 (bottom) are actuated by two
switch cam plates on the gear rail and switch off movement in the respective
end position if the table lift is moved too far in "uncontrolled mode."
In normal mode, the movement is deactivated in the end positions via the
software. From software version VB on, the upper and lower end positions
will be adjustable on an individual basis (default: 10 mm before the normal
software deactivation).

Lifting movement automatically switches off in the "tomo height" or "cus-

tomer request" programmable positions.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 1 of 2 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
7-2 Table lift
The "tomo height" position is automatically set during the adjustment of "Ref-
erence - SID" and can be set anywhere within the entire lift range.
The position of the table lift is detected by potentiometer R10. The potenti-
ometer value is used to calculate the effective image SID from the telescope
lift and table lift positions.
The resulting SID is displayed on the collimator.
(Refer to the Function Description, Chapter 5, ACSS Automatic Format
In the MULTIX TOP manual without processor, the SID is only displayed,
when the table lift is in the "normal height " position.

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 2 of 2 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Bucky and Collimator 8 8-1

Catapult Bucky Page 8-2

ACSS version Page 8-3

Manual version Page 8-3

Digital Collimator Page 8-4

DIP switch S2 D1 board Page 8-5

CAN Termination D1 board Page 8-5
Search run during operation Page 8-5
DIP switch S2 D2 board Page 8-5
Displays D1 board Page 8-5
Displays D2 board Page 8-5
Potentiometer D2 board Page 8-5

Manual Collimator Page 8-6

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 1 of 6 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
8-2 Bucky and Collimator

'+RVW ; ''723
& & & & &
$ $ $ $ $
1 1 1 1 1
(5525 (5525
; ;
& &
$ $
1 1
(5525 '
& &
' $ $
; & =
& ; ;
& 1 1 ;
1 0XOWL[ 1 ;


& & ; ; &
$ %XFN\ $ $
1 9HUWL[ 1 1


MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 2 of 6 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Bucky and Collimator 8-3
Catapult Bucky As soon as the unit is turned on, the grid starts a search run. It interrupts the
photo-cell (light barrier) V1 in the catapult Bucky and defines its position.A
counter will be set. The counter contens is directly proportional to the grid

The grid begins its reciprocal movement when main contact HK is activated.
An encoder is mechanically coupled to the grid drive and delivers pulse
chains with a frequency that is directly proportional to the actual speed.

Processor board D30 regulates the speed of the grid drive

ACSS version The "grid contact" signal can be adapted to the generator lead time in the
"Bucky" menu on the service PC. The lead time must be programmed exa-
ctly.In tomo mode, the programed delay time between the "Main Contact
HK" and "Grid Contact" signals is disabled.
The Automatic Format Sensing ACSS function uses the photo-electric cell
matrix on board D31. If no cassette is inserted, all the photo-electric cell
beams will be reflected by the IONTOMAT chamber through the holes in the
inserted tray. An inserted cassette interrupts at least two of these photo-
electric cell beams.
Two microswitches in the catapult Bucky supply the signals:
- "Cassette tray inserted S11 (left insertion) or S21 (right insertion, VERTIX
only)" = format sensing "on" for approximately 1 second.
- "Cassette tray removed S10 (left insertion) or S20 (left insertion, VERTIX
only)" = release of the next exposure, therefore, a double exposure is
Refer to Function Description Automatic Format Sensing ACSS, Page 5-5.

Manual version The "grid contact" signal can be adapted to the generator lead time by the
use of DIP switch S3 D30 board. The lead time must be programmed exa-
ctly.In tomo mode, the programed delay time between the "Main Contact
HK" and "Grid Contact" signals is disabled.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 3 of 6 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
8-4 Bucky and Collimator

'+RVW ; ''723
& & & & &
$ $ $ $ $
1 1 1 1 1
(5525 (5525
; ;
& &
$ $
1 1
(5525 '
& &
' $ $
; & =
& ; ;
& 1 1 ;
1 0XOWL[ 1 ;


& & ; ; &
$ %XFN\ $ $
1 9HUWL[ 1 1


MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 4 of 6 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Bucky and Collimator 8-5

Collimator Digital Collimator is self- calibrating. When the unit is turned on, the collima-
tor plates for the width and the height start their search run. They interrupt
two photo-cells (light barriers) U3 "height" and U4 "width" in the "max.
open" position and thereby define their positions.
Two counters will be set. Ihe counter contents is directly proportional to the
position of the width and height plate.
If the cassette is changed or the SID is changed, the cassette size or the SID
will be transferred from the Host via the CAN interface to the collimator. The
collimator calculates, how many steps the step motors for width and height
directions will have to travel to reach their new positions.
The actual position of the plates is monitored by the collimator only.
The display can be in "CM" or "INCH" formats.

DIP switch S2 D1 The digital collimator can be adapted to the MULTIX ACSS system by the
board use of DIP switch S2.
For MULTIX the DIP switch S2.2 and S2.5 must be in position "OFF" all
other DIP switches on S2 must be in position "ON".

CAN Termination on Link X12 1-2 on D1 board in the collimator Z66 must be inserted with ACSS
D1 board mode. Thereby the terminal resistor is in function.

Search run during The collimator repeats automatically its search run afer approximately 50
operation exposures. The collimator plates for the width and the height interrupt two
photo-cells (light barriers) U3 "height" and U4 "width" in the "max. open"
position and thereby define their positions. Thereby the collimator checks the
mechanics of the width and height plates as well as the functions of step
motors, photo- cells (light barriers) and the counter. During the search run
the exposure triggering will be blocked.

DIP switch S2 D2 The "time-on" time of the collimator bulb is programmable by the use of DIP
board switch S2
The DIP switch is the master. The programming of the "time-on" time via PC
can only be done for a shorter and not for a longer time than the pro-
gramming of DIP switch S2.

Displays D1 board
LED Function
V3rd Hardware reset, e.g. Reset key S1 D1 board actuated
V5gn +5V processor voltage present
V6gn +5V CAN present
V7gn Photo-cell (light barriar) U3 height interrupted
V8gn Photo-cell (light barriar) U4 widthinterrupted

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Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
8-6 Bucky and Collimator
Displays D2 board
LED Function
V20gn Processor activity board D1
V25gn +5V logics
V26gn +12V voltage regulator collimator bulb
V27gn -12V voltage regulator collimator bulb

Potentiometer D2
R6 LCD contrast
R7 Collimator bulb brightness

Manual Collimator 8

DIP switch S1 D5 The time-on time of slot indicator and collimator bulb is programmable from
board programming 10 to 90s by DIP switch S2.

Displays D5 board
LED Function
V3gn Activity bulb controller
V18gn +5V logics
V19gn +12V voltage regulator collimator bulb
V20gn -12V voltage regulator collimator bulb

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 6 of 6 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Auto Tracking 9 9-1

Auto tracking with the MULTIX table Page 9 - 2

Auto tracking with the VERTIX Bucky wall stand Page 9 - 4

Vertical Bucky Page 9 - 7
Horizontal Bucky, only with VERTIX TOP Page 9 - 9

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 1 of 10 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
9-2 Auto Tracking

Auto tracking with the MULTIX table 9

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 2 of 10 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Auto Tracking 9-3
The auto tracking is selected by using control key S13 on the MULTUX TOP
ACSS P-NL table. The green H13 lamp is lit on control key S13.





D50 Host board stores the current Reference SID between the lift position of
the table and the lift position of the 3D telescope which is displayed on the
3D control unit.
The current positions of the "table lift" with potentiometer R10 at the table
and "telescope lift" with absolute value decoder SG10 in the telescope are
When the table height is changed via control key S81 or S82, control of the
telescope lift is positioned via encoder E10 in the 3D telescope.
The host couples the M16 motor to the mechanical components of the tele-
scope lift via the Y16 permanenr brake (clutch) and releases the telescope
lift permanenr brakes Y17 - Y19.
Absolute value decoder SG10 sets the counter in Host board D50. The R10
potentiometer transmits any changes to the table lift position to the host.
The host calculates how many encoder pulses the telescope auto tracking
requires in order for the SID to remain constant . It selects the M16 motor
until the specific reference position is attained, thereby keeping the SID con-

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 3 of 10 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
9-4 Auto Tracking

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Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Auto Tracking 9-5
During the auto tracking, the following LEDs and displays are lit up:
Display Position Function

H13 Control key S13 Auto tracking is selected along with

table lift
V267gn D14 board Telescope lift brakes Y17 - Y19
V57gn D14 Y16 permanenr brake (clutch to motor
M16) controlled
V222gn D14 board Telescope lift positioned upward
V223gn D14 board Telescope lift positioned downward

The auto tracking is blocked, if the top end position of the telescope lift has
been reached. (Low ceiling height)

Auto tracking with the VERTIX Bucky wall stand 9

Vertical Bucky The 3D stand is situated in one of the four stops for exposures on the Bucky
wall stand with a horizontal beam path.


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Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 5 of 10 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
9-6 Auto Tracking

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 6 of 10 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Auto Tracking 9-7
Vertical Bucky The auto tracking is selected by using control key S1 on the MULTUX TOP
ACSS P-NL Bucky wall stand. The green H1 lamp is lit on control key S1.
The VERTIX Bucky is horizontal. With the VERTIX TOP, the microswitch 0
S2 Bucky positioned vertically is actuated.
D50 Host board stores the current Reference SID between the lift position of
the Catapult Bucky on the VERTIX and the lift position of the 3D telescope.
The current positions of the "Catapult Bucky lift" with potentiometer R1 in
the VERTIX and "telescope lift" with absolute value decoder SG10 in the
telescope are measured.
When the Catapult Bucky position is changed, auto tracking of the telescope
lift is positioned via encoder E10 in the 3D telescope.The host couples the
M16 motor to the mechanical components of the telescope lift via the Y16
permanenr brake (clutch) and releases the telescope lift permanenr brake
Y17 - Y19.
During the drifting, the following LEDs and displays are lit up:
Display Position Function

H1 Control key S1 Auto tracking VERTIX is selected

V267gn D14 board Telescope lift brakes Y17 - Y19
V57gn D14 board Y16 permanenr brake (clutch to motor
M16) selected
V222gn D14 board Telescope lift positioned upward
V223gn D14 board Telescope lift positioned downward

Absolute value decoder SG10 sets the counter in Host board D50. The R1
VERTIX transmits any changes to the vertical position of the Bucky to the
The host calculates how many encoder pulses the telescope auto tracking
requires in order for the SID to remain constant. It selects the M16 motor
until the specific reference position is attained, thereby keeping the SID con-
The auto tracking is blocked, if the top end position of the telescope lift has
been reached.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 7 of 10 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
9-8 Auto Tracking

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 8 of 10 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Auto Tracking 9-9
Horizontal Bucky, only The 3D stand is situated in the Bucky wall stand" stop for exposures with a
with VERTIX TOP vertical beam path.
The auto tracking is selected by using control key S1 on the MULTUX TOP
ACSS P-NL Bucky wall stand. The green H1 lamp is lit on control key S1.
The VERTIX TOP Bucky is horizontal, the microswitch 90 S3 Bucky posi-
tioned vertically is actuated.


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D50 Host board stores the current Reference SID between the lift position of
the horizontal Catapult Bucky on the VERTIX and the lift position of the 3D
The current positions of the "Catapult Bucky lift" with potentiometer R1 in
the VERTIX and "telescope lift" with absolute value decoder SG10 in the
telescope are measured.
When the Catapult Bucky position is changed, control of the telescope lift is
positioned via encoder E10 in the 3D telescope.The host couples the M16
motor to the mechanical components of the telescope lift via the Y16 per-
manenr brake (clutch) and releases the telescope lift permanenr brake Y17 -

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 9 of 10 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
9 - 10 Auto Tracking
During the auto tracking, the following LEDs and displays are lit up:
Display Position Function
H1 Control key S1 Auto tracking is selected along with
V267gn D14 board Telescope lift brakes Y17 - Y19
V57gn D14 board Y16 permanenr brake (clutch to motor
M16) selected
V222gn D14 board Telescope lift positioned upward
V223gn D14 board Telescope lift positioned downward

Absolute value decoder SG10 sets the counter in Host board D50. The R1
VERTIX transmits any changes to the vertical position of the Bucky to the
The host calculates how many encoder pulses the telescope auto tracking
requires in order for the SID to remain constant . It controls the M16 motor
until the specific reference position is attained, thereby keeping the SID con-
The auto tracking is blocked, if the top end position of the telescope lift has
been reached.

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 10 of 10 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering
Changes from previous version 10 10 - 1
Document entirely edited
Chapter 9 Auto tracking is new.

Siemens AG RXB1-150.041.01 Page 1 of 2 MULTIX TOP

Medical Engineering Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21
10 - 2 Changes from previous version

TD TC 21 / Wei G.
TD SD 21 / Frenzel H./ Fear U.

MULTIX TOP RXB1-150.041.01 Page 2 of 2 Siemens AG

Rev. 05 01.00 TD TC 21 Medical Engineering

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