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Optimal Spacing for

Casing Centralizers
H.K. Lee, SPE, Amoco Production Co.
R.C. Smith, SPE, Amoco Production Co.
R.E. Tighe, SPE, Amoco Production Co.

Summary. In the placement of centralizers on casing, it is necessary to integrate information on hole

trajectory, casing properties, and centralizer performance. This paper summarizes the basic theory and
algorithms for optimizing centralizer spacing based on these considerations. The algorithm predicts the wall
forces in a three-dimensional (3D) borehole.
Although centralizer placement is important in all wells, it is especially important for highly deviated bore-
holes and deep, heavy strings. With the detailed approach described here, centralizer placement design gives the
operator greater confidence in the prediction of minimum standoff distance for these types of wells.
Some examples of field applications are presented. Also, cementing results from field wells support the
conclusion that good cement placement is obtained when adequate centralizers are used.

Centralizing the casing in the borehole is essential to ob- The equations presented in API Specification 10D sum-
tain effective cement placement around the casing string. marize the forces that act on a centralizer as follows.
This is particularly true for deviated holes. Spring-bow
centralizers or positive-standoff devices improve the Ws j sin 0 j + Ws j+ 1 sin 0 i+ 1
cement-flow pattern for better mud displacement and pro- - - - - - - - - - - - +2T sin 0 j
vide better cement-sheath coverage around the casing cir- Nj=-----~----------- . (1)
cumference. Most flow calculations relating to mud cos OJ
displacement efficiency assume the casing is centered in
the wellbore. and
It is necessary for the engineer conducting casing-
cementing operations to integrate the axial and weight load Tj=cos OJ +WSj cos OJ
forces and the bending forces caused by hole curvature cos OJ-1
into a centralizer placement schedule that provides ade-
quate pipe standoff based on the restoring force exerted
by the centralizers. sjsinO ]
+W 2 (tan oj-tan OJ-I) ........... (2)
API Specification 10D 1 contains a recommended
procedure for the calculation of lateral forces exerted by
the casing on centralizers in a two-dimensional (2D) in- At 0,
clined borehole. We present an approach that permits anal-
yses for 3D borehole trajectories and provides a complete Nj=Ws sin 0+2T j sin OJ ................... (3)
design for centralizer placement. The algorithm used in
the centralizer-spacing program is based primarily on API and
Specification 10D for lateral-load calculation. 1,2 It uses
Lubinski's 3D dogleg-severity criterion for handling the Tj=Tj_ 1 +WS cos OJ ....................... (4)
curvature changes in the borehole. 3 In addition, the ef-
fect of buoyancy on casing weight and the effective lateral The equations used in API Specification 10D are based
load on centralizers are considered in the spacing al- on Ref. 2. Use of the positive or negative sign before the
gorithm. Furthermore, pipe deflection (sagging) between tension term or tensile: load depends on the direction of
the centralizers is analyzed with Timoshenko's method 4 the dogleg. The positive sign is used in the API's publi-
to arrive at the effective standoff clearance. cation to arrive at a consistently conservative figure for
the force on a centralizer because of the various unknowns
Discussion in a typical deviated hole-e.g., the degree of angle
change between two survey points.
The lateral load imposed on a casing centralizer is the
combined effect of centralizer spacing, casing weight,
Buoyancy Effect on Casing Weight
hole-inclination angle, hole curvature, and tension from
the pipe hanging below the centralizer. It is appropriate to use the effective casing weight rather
than the air weight of the casing as presented in API Spec-
Copyright 1986 Society of Petroleum Engineers ification lOD; Le., the buoyancy effect on the casing string

122 SPE Drilling Engineering, April 1986

Fig. 2-0ogleg-severity analysis (after Gutsche et al. 5 ),

severity calculations is used. Hole curvature is calculat-

ed for individual sections between directional survey
points to account for the borehole path represented by
Fig. 1.
In a general case, the lateral load imposed on a cen-
tralizer will include gravitational, hole-curvature, and
axial-load forces. Hole curvature is calculated for in-
dividual sections and takes into account the 3D borehole
path indicated by Fig. 1.
The hole curvature 20 is affected by both vertical and
horizontal angle changes (see Fig. 2). The following
known formula is used to determine hole curvature:

20=2 arc sin [sin 2 (~O)

Fig. 1-30 well bore trajectory (after Gutsche et al. 5 ).
+sin 2 (~rt) sin OJ' sin OJ-l Y' .......... (7)

caused by the density of drilling mud is considered. The Referring the hole curvature to a standard length of 100
buoyancy factor and effective weight of casing can be cal- ft [30.48 m], Lubinski 3,6 introduced the term dogleg
culated as follows: severity in connection with his well-known contribution
to analysis of drill string fatigue.
Fb= (1- Pm)Ps
........................... (5) Total hole angle 20 and the radius of the hole curva-
ture r are interrelated by the following equation. Let

We = (Fb)(Ws ), ........................... (6)

where Ps is about 65.4 Ibm/gal [7836 kg/m3]. 20(100)

OOLS = ........................... (8)
Dogleg Severity Caused by 3D Borehole
Curvature Changes and
One of the assumptions in Specification IOD is that bore-
hole curvature changes only in a single vertical plane. The (OOLS)(!lL)
API algorithm has been modified here to consider 3D 0= , ........................... (9)
borehole curvature changes caused by simultaneous 200
changes in the hole inclination and hole direction, and the
ensuing influence on casing string external loads. As where 100 becomes 30.48 and 200 becomes 60.96 when
Gutsche et al. 5 proposed, Lubinski's criterion for dogleg expressed in SI metric values.

SPE Drilling Engineering, April 1986 123

Depth Deviation Azimuth Dogleg Severity Lateral Load Tension Spacing
~ (degrees) (degrees) (degrees/l00 tt) (Ibfljoint) (Ibf) (tt)
0 0.00 0.00 0.50 827.2 236,600 56
1,000 5.00 0.00 0.62 941.6 214,000 51
1,800 10.00 0.00 0.71 997.2 196,000 49
2,500 15.00 0.00 0.37 538.0 180,500 65
3,300 18.00 0.00 0.22 388.4 163,000 72
4,200 20.00 0.00 0.38 518.5 143,600 62
5,500 25.00 0.00 0.38 521.4 116,000 59
6,800 30.00 0.00 0.71 659.8 89,390 54
7,500 35.00 0.00 0.71 668.0 75,690 51
8,200 40.00 0.00 0.42 638.2 62,730 51
9,400 45.00 0.00 0.00 640.0 41,600 51
10,250 45.00 0.00 0.00 640.0 28,000 49
10,750 45.00 0.00 0.00 640.0 20,000 49
11,250 45.00 0.00 0.00 640.0 12,000 49
12,000 45.00 0.00 0.00 640.0 1,160 49

With the dogleg severity calculation, the capability of Casing Deflection Between Centralizers
the API algorithm is enhanced to handle 3D curved
The approximate sag (maximum downward deflection on
the casing between centralizers) of pipe is given by the
Calculated results from both 2D and 3D algorithms are
following equations, which are based on Timoshenko's4
shown in Tables 1 and 2. Results indicate that the 3D data
analysis for a tie rod under uniform lateral load with ten-
that consider the variation of the borehole azimuth will
sion force. The maximum deflection, Ymax, occurs at the
generate greater dogleg severity and accordingly require midpoint of the casing string between centralizers-Le.,
closer centralizer spacing.
Ymax =(Y)x=tl2, where is the centralizer spacing.
Effective Lateral Force on Centralizers 1 u2
(3845D ' [COSh 2]
If the 3D effect of the borehole curvature change is ig- 4
nored, a decrease in the calculated lateral load caused by N eS ) u
... (13)
the method used in Ref. 2 for dogleg-severity calculation Ymax = (5/24)4
results. This can make a significant difference in the num-
ber of centralizers required in the upper part of the hole. and
With the 3D dogleg-severity calculation, the algorithm
gives a better approximation of the curvature effect on S2
borehole. The effective load is defined as the root mean U= (Te )Ih, .......................... (14)
square of the gravitational, hole-curvature, and axial-load 4EI
where E=30x 10 6 psi [206.8 x 10 3 MPa].
N e =[(We )2+(Te )2J'h, ................... (10)

We=(Fb)(Ws)(S)' sin 0, .................. (11) Centralizer Placement Program

A computer program was developed for centralizer place-
and ment on the basis of the algorithm discussed in this paper.
The program has the capability to calculate both constant
Te =2T sin o. . ........................... (12) spacing and variable spacing for centralizers. It calculates


Depth Deviation Azimuth Dogleg Severity Lateral Load Tension Spacing
~ (degrees) (degrees) (degrees/l00 tt) (Ibfljoint) (Ibf) (tt)
0 0.00 0.00 0.50 826.1 236,300 56
1,000 5.00 30.00 0.70 1045.0 213,700 49
1,800 10.00 50.00 0.85 1172.0 195,600 46
2,500 15.00 65.00 0.65 855.1 180,100 51
3,300 18.00 80.00 0.58 726.2 162,600 56
4,200 20.00 95.00 0.48 594.6 143,200 59
5,500 25.00 105.00 0.80 771.4 115,500 51
6,800 30.00 125.00 1.68 1155.0 88,920 42
7,500 35.00 145.00 1.87 1129.0 75,220 42
8,200 40.00 165.00 0.83 696.7 62,380 51
9,400 42.00 180.00 3.53 1221.0 41,820 40
10,250 44.00 135.00 6.21 1400.0 27,990 40
10,750 46.00 90.00 6.42 1139.0 20,130 40
11,250 48.00 45.00 4.35 778.6 12,580 46
12,000 48.00 0.00 4.35 778.6 1,160 44

124 SPE Drilling Engineering, April 1986

Measured Oog-Leg Inclination Azimuth
Well: Louisiana No.1 Depth
Hole Size: 9-7/8" Drilled 5107.0 0.31143 2.0 N70E
g::. 2.3 N75E
Casing Size: 7", 29#/ft and 32 #/ft 5292.0
Centralizer Program: 51&1.0

0.9125 3.3 NI7E
584'.0 0.50" '.0 NIt E
1 Centralizer/Jt (40'):3000'-TD 5937.0
0.0000 '.0
0.0000 '.0 NnE
0.2274 '.0 NnE
e30M 0.5882 '.0 N 71e
8399.0 1.1505 NnE
6491.0 14144 N'3E
8583.0 1.4288 e. N 75
8675.0 0.&307 7. NilE
0.827' 7'
15816 7.3 NICE
N 73
73410 21206 10.3 SUE
7433.0 11735 11.3 SOlE
75250 '."22 12.3 551 E
76110 1.2073 13.5 5 ..1
77090 15039 14.5 547
7801.0 0.1677 15.5 S43E
78930 03042 '8.3 S44E
79650 0._ 16.3 S43E
10780 008119 18.0 S43E
81100 0392e 15.0 S43E
e... o 0.3928 15.3 S44E
85380 0.0000 14.5 5.5
eeoso 0.0000 '4.5 S45E

Fig. 3a: Directional Survey Data






~. r===,. ))
c= ~c

8500 I~

0 200 400 600 8000 100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0:.
Lateral Load per Joint (Ib) MiIIvoIts Stand-Off (fraction)

Fig.3b: Lateral Load on Fig.3c:CBL,mv. Fig. 3d: Minimum

Centralizers-per Standoff
Joint (40 ft)

Fig. 3-Loulslana No.1.

the dogleg severity and lateral and axial loads on the cen- values of restoring force for various casing/hole size com-
tralizer. It also computes the standoff in the annulus, the binations are listed in Ref. 1.
spacing, and the number of centralizers required for each The variation of the lateral load generally reflects the
borehole section. The program generates lateral load as dogleg severity effects in the borehole (see Fig. 3). The
well as a standoff diagram when constant spacing is re-. lateral load tends to deflect the pipe, whereas the tensile
quested. If the variable-spacing option is exercised, a spac- force tends to straighten the pipe and counter the sag
ing diagram instead of standoff diagram will be generated deflection. Therefore, with a slant hole that has constant
by the program because standoff is the predetermined pa- dogleg severity-Le., both inclination and azimuth angle
rameter specified by the user. are constant-the casing near the bottomhole requires
closer centralizer spacing than that in the upper hole be-
The restoring force is the force exerted by a centraliz-
cause of the lower tensile effect near the bottom.
er against the borehole to keep the pipe away from the The sagging (deflection) prediction is based on the com-
borehole wall. API assumes that bow centralizers will bination of lateral load and tensile force from the pipe
deflect one-third of the theoretical radial clearance while hanging below the centralizer. In the determination of
the specified restoring force is developed. The actual minimum standoff, the sag deflection is additive to any
restoring force should be provided by the manufacturer lateral deflection in the centralizer that occurs in the de-
through a standard testing procedure. The API minimum velopment of the centralizer restoring force.

SPE Drilling Engineering, April 1986 125

Well: Louisiana No.2 Measured
Hole Size: 12-1/4" Drilled (Ft) (Deg/l00F) (Deg) (Deg)
23140 0.5376 20,3 Nll W
Casing Size: 9-5/8", 43.5#/ft 2407.0
Nll W
2594.0 05376 21.0
Centralizer Program: 26870
1 Cent. @ 4087' 28740
Nll W
2 Cent. @ 3405'-3448' 3154.0
N 9W
N 9W
N 9W
CTC Pkr. @ 3354'-3406' 34340
N 9W
N 8W
N 9W
1 Cent./JT: 2940'-3354' 37140
N 7W
N 6W
3900 0 19.5 N 6W
1 Cent./JT: 2660'-2860' 39950
N 6W
N 6W
41280 00000 20.0 N 6W
1 Cent./JT: 2300'-2540' 41320 00000 20.0 N 6W

Fig. 4a: Directional Survey Data

2000 -r----,...----,.---r---, r---~- ---, .------:-----,.--....,...--....

.",'': -
-& --;:"
2500 t-----i----i---+--+---II-~"_+=_=--/I_--+--+_--l_+--
,1 -'-
:1 t~~r-
3000 I----+---+--*--+---/I--::-::~T.o:-~:+----/ I - - - - + - - - - ! - - - I - + - - I

f ~'~-r-
.""':'" --;:-

4000r--~---+-~-+---- I----+--_/~--+--+---~--I

Lateral Load per Joint (Ib) Millivolts Stand-Off (fraction)

Fig. 4b: Lateral Load on Fig.4c:CBL, mv. Fig. 4d: Minimum

Centralizers-per Standoff
Joint (40 ft)
Fig. 4-Loulsiana No.2.

Field Case Histories the centralizer-placement program to a well in Louisiana.

To calculate centralizer-placement spacing, the desired Hole inclination was a nominal 4 to about 6,300 ft [1900
minimum standoff must be determined. Although there m], and it gradually increased to 16 at 7,900 ft [2400
is no known minimum standoff distance that is absolute- m] before it dropped to 14.5 at 8,600 ft [2600 m]. The
ly necessary to achieve a good cement job, our approach typical inclination change was about 0.8 /1 00 ft
could be used to develop a correlation on the basis of mini- [0.8130.48 m]. The maximum hole curvature was about
mum standoff and successful field jobs. The industry 3.2 /100 ft [3.2 /30.48 m] at a depth of 7,450 ft [2270
seems to have accepted a minimum standoff ratio of 0.67 m]. Centralizer-placement spacing of one per joint be-
for centralizer deflection under load; however, this is tween total depth (TD) and 5,000 ft [1500 m] generally
generally conservative compared with actual centralizer
performance. Our calculations permit use of any centraliz-
provided a minimum standoff of in. [1.91 cm], accord-
ing to program calculations. The well was cemented with
er standoff desired but default to a minimum of 0.67 if a two-stage slurry design. The lead slurry was extremely
a higher degree is not specified. The minimum standoff lightweight cement and was scheduled to be placed be-
for centralizer-placement design is based on the cumula- tween 4,500 and 6,700 ft [1400 and 2050 m]. On the bond
tive deflection in the centralizer plus pipe sag. log, it appears that the bottom of the low-strength cement
Figs. 3 through 5 present data from wells cemented with is at about 6,750 ft [2060 m]. The poor bond at 8,300
good centralizer programs. The graphics show the cal- ft [2500 m] is opposite a washed-out section that shows
culated lateral load and the standoff for both 2D and 3D more than 16 in. [40.6 cm] on the caliper log. Note that
hole-direction changes. Fig. 3 shows the application of at about 7,250 ft [2210 m] there is a large lateral load
126 SPE Drilling Engineering, April 1986
Measured Dog--Leg Inclination . Azimuth
Well: New Mexico NO.3 Depth
Hole Size: 7-7/8" Drilled 15910
S 12 E
Casing Size: 5-1/2", 15.5#/ft 1819.0
N 15W
1942.0 16129 70 N 14W
Centralizer Program: 2()(M 0
N 14W
N 11 W
2128.0 16419 '05 N 11 W
1 Centralizer/Jt(40'):1580'-4460' 21900
N 12W

Stage Cement Tool at 3433' 23750

N 9W
25610 74674 203 N lOW
26230 05875 210 N 23W
26e. 0 6640 210 N22W
27460 23140 21.3 NlOW
28080 08064 200 N28W
28700 12056 205 N28W
29320 08064 208 N28W
29940 04098 20.3 N28W
30550 04032 205 N28W
3117 0 08064 203 N28W
31790 19877 198 N28W
3196 0 12315 198 N 25 W
32630 00000 205 N28W
33240 25718 205 N28W
33s. 0 20985 220 N 27 W
34440 24339 230 N 25w
35050 08333 2' 3 N27W
35650 08022 2' 8 N27W
36260 12500 250 N 28w
3686 a 43166 258 N28W
3746 a 48012 2' 3 N33W
38070 00000 235 N40W
3867 a 04098 235 N40W
39280 08333 233 N40W
39880 00000 228 N40W
Fig. Sa: Directional 40480
41690 00000 230 N41 W
Survey Data 42300
N 42 W
43500 04098 238 N41W
44110 00000 2' 0 N41W
44260 00000 2' 0 N41W

.....,..... r--...,..--...,..--...,..--....
r---.,...........=/. ~

2000 t-'-- "'-j~.-+-.-------::-...--.---+-::.--------I/ ~;,""".'.-;+: --I t--~--..,~--==--=.--::;;.-tt-=-I~~l------i

2500t--.,.,._".,.;.+~__=__"'__,..,__..,,,-+c-.-,.,--1 I-~-==~---I t--1;;;;::===3b~~I-1
~ -~ ,~=-~ ~ "---,,/'
13000 I=-~[I'- "- -."~.- j'----+----H---:-~-:c?,~"".~"..-+--- --~
35OO1 __t"'-/f-i_--+-__-+_ _ _ 1 ~,~ .~ :i- _- -_-
t - - - I _ _-+_ _ +-_-=1~'J+____ 1

4000 1_+t_1_f--_--t_ _ _1 :~ =-_


500 1000 1500 0 100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Lateral Load per Joint (Ib) Millivolts Stand-Off (fraction)

Fig.Sb: Lateral Load on Fig.Sc:CBL,mv Fig. Sd: Minimum

Centralizers-per Standoff
Joint (40 ft) .

Fig. 5-New Mexico No.3.

predicted for the 3D trajectory. Because pipe deflection formation signals from TD to 2,600 ft [800 m], except
is a fourth-power function of the lateral load, however, for the interval between 2,750 and 3, 100ft [840 and 950
the decrease in standoff was only 10%. Generally, the m]. In this well, the hole inclination is almost constant
centralizer spacing of one per joint was adequate; in con- and the lateral load and standoff are very uniform.
junction with other cement-placement practices, a good Fig. 5 shows the centralizer-program information for
cement job was obtained. . San Andres completion in New Mexico. At 3,650 to 3,750
The example shown in Fig. 4 is an offshore well with ft [1110 to 1140 m] there is a 0.8 /100-ft [0.8/
good gauge 12%-in. [31.4--cm] hole and uniform 20 hole 30 .48--m] change in hole inclination and a 4 /1 00--ft [4 /
inclination throughout the cement--casing interval. An in-- 30.48-m] 3D dogleg. Similarly, there is a 1.5/100--ft
flatable ECP was placed between 3,360 and 3,400 ft [1020 [l.5 /30.48-m] change in hole inclination at 2,250 ft [690
and 1040 m] to cover the primary completion interval. m], while a 7.4/100-ft [7.4/30.48-m] dogleg is indi-
Centralizers were run at an interval of one per joint be-- cated for the hole trajectory. Reduced standoff is predicted
tween 2,300 and 3,448 ft [700 and 1050 m]. The wave- for both locations. Below 2,750 ft [840 m], the program
form display on the cement bond log (CBL) showed good predicts more than *-in. [1.91-cm] standoff. The effort
SPE Drilling Engineering, April 1986 127
to achieve good pipe centralization is aimed at placing a Subscripts
good sheath of gas-blocking cement around the casing. e = effective
Cement was circulated to the surface. The CBL shows i = increment
the effect of some gas cutting as well as reduced bonding s = steel
and salt and anhydrite sections in the well. Above 1,620
ft [490 m], the centralizers were not used. The CBL shows Acknowledgments
clear indications of uncemented pipe and collars above
1,700 ft [520 m]. At the dogleg locations mentioned We thank Amoco Production Co. for permission to pub-
above, there is some suggestion of poorer cement, lish this paper . We also express appreciation to Alan
although poor bond is also indicated for locations believed Pierce of Amoco for his assistance in the mathematical
analyses in this paper.
to have good standoff.
Unfortunately, there is no way to measure standoff for
casing in the well. CBL's can indicate good cement place- References
ment, but poor cementing results can be caused by con- 1. "API Specification for Casing Centralizers," API Specification
ditions other than standoff. The detailed calculation 100, second edition, API, Dallas (1973).
2. Myers, G.M. and Sutko, A.A.: "The Development and Application
procedure described here does provide more assurance of a Method for Calculating the Forces on Casing Centralizer,"
to the operator that adequate consideration is given to paper 851-42-H presented at the 1968 API Spring Meeting of the
standoff. Perhaps additional studies on a large number of Mid-Continent Dist., Amarillo, TX, April 3-5.
past and future cementing jobs could be made with the 3. Lubinski, A.: "Maximum Permissible Dog-Legs in Rotary Bore-
standoff-calculation procedure presented here to help de- holes," J. Pet. Tech. (Feb. 1961) 175-94; Trans., AIME, 222.
4. Timoshenko, S.: "Strength of Materials," Advanced Theory and
fine the minimum standoff required for successful cement- Problems, second edition, D. Van Nostrand Co. (1956) II, 43.
ing jobs. 5. von Gutsche, W., Bushati, C.M., and Weichold, U.: "Placement
of Casing Centralizer in Borehole Sections with Dog-Leg Severity,"
Nomenclature Erdoel-Erdgas Zeitschrift (May 1978) 94.
6. Lubinski, A.: "How to Spot Dog-Legs Easily," Oil and Gas J.
e = distance, in. [cm] (Feb. 4, 1957) 129-33.
C = coefficient
E = Young's modulus, psi [Pal Appendix-Detailed Deflection Anal,sis
F b = buoyancy factor for Casing String
1 = moment of inertia for casing string, in.4 Timoshenko' s 4 comprehensive analysis is used for the
[cm4] centralizer-spacing program to estimate the downward
L = length of borehole section between two deflection of a casing segment between the centralizers.
This criterion models a tie rod under uniform lateral load
survey points, ft [m]
with tension force on both ends of the rod.
N = lateral load (or force) on centralizer, Ibf/in.
[N/m] Combined Direct Compression and Lateral Load. Con-
P = force, Ibf [N] sider the simple problem of a strut with hinged ends loaded
r = radius of curvature by a single force, P, and centrally compressed by two
s = centralizer spacing or casing length equal side forces, S (Fig. A-I). Assuming that the force
between centralizers, in. [cm] P acts in one of the principal planes of the strut, we see
T = tension (or tensile load) of pipe hanging that the bending proceeds in the same plane. The differ-
below the centralizer, lbf [N] ential equations of the deflection curve for the two por-
tions of the strut are
u = strain energy
W = casing weight, Ibf/ft [N/m]
d2 y Pe
x = /2, where is the centralizer spacing, in. EI-=-Sy--x .................... (A-la)
dx 2
y = deflection, in. [cm] and
Ymax = maximum deflection, in. [cm]
o = one-half the change in angle in borehole d2y P(-e)
(or between centralizers) EI dx
=- (-x) , ................ (A-lb)
ODLS = dogleg severity, degrees per 100 ft
[degrees per 30.48 m] where is the centralizer spacing and S is effective ten-
T/ = hole direction angle, degrees sile force.
ilT/ = change of hole direction (azimuth) between With the notation
two survey points, degrees S
() = hole inclination angle (at the centralizer), - =p2 .............................. (A-2a)
il8 = change of hole inclination between two and
survey points, degrees
Pm = mud density, Ibm/gal [kg/m3] p24 S2
u 2 =-4-= 4EI' ...................... (A-2b)
Ps = steel density, Ibm/gal [kg/m3]

128 SPE Drilling Engineering, April 1986


Cr- c

Fig. A-1-Strut. Fig. A-2-Tie rod.

we represent the solutions of Eqs. A-I a and A-I b in the The corresponding expressions for the second portion
following form: of the strut are obtained by substituting (f-x) for x and
(f-c) for c in Eq. A-4. These substitutions give
y=C 1 cos Px+C z sin Px--x .......... (A-3a)
Sf P sin P(f-c) . P(f-c)
y= sm P(f-x)---(f-x) . . (A-5)
SP sin Pf Sf

. P(f-c) If, instead of concentrated forces, there is a uniform

y=C 3 cos Px+C4 sm Px---(f-x) . .. (A-3b) load of intensity q acting on the strut, each element qdc
Sf of this load, taken at a distance c from the right end, can
be considered as a concentrated force. By integration, we
Because the deflections vanish at the ends of the strut, obtain the following expression for the deflection curve:
we conclude that
sin Px Ji-X x Je-x
y= q sin Pc dc-- qcdc
SP sin Pfo Sfo

sin P(f-x) ri
J q sin P(f-c)dc
SP sin Pf i-x
The remaining two constants of integration we find from
the conditions of continuity at the point of application of
the load P, which require that Eqs. A-3a and A-3b give
f-x ri
- - J q(f-c)dc,
the same deflection and the same slope for x=f-c. We Sf i-x
where q is the effective lateral load. Integrating the above
C z sin P(f-c)=C4 [sin P(f-c)-tan Pf cos P(f-c)] gives

COS(Pf -px)
CZP cos P(P-c) = C4 P[cos P(f-c) y =q-
[2 Pf
-1 ] q
.. (A-6)
P cos-
+tan Pf sin P(f-c)] + -,
S 2
from which and
P sin Pc
C z =-------
SP sin Pf
(1 u
- - - - - 1 -U- )
cos 2

1 uZ
P sin P(f-c) 5 qf4 cos u 2
C4 =- SP tan Pi .
=-_. . ............ (A-7)
384 EI (5/24)u 4

Substituting in Eq. A-3a, we obtain for the first por-

tion of the strut, Tie Rod With Lateral Loading. If a tie rod is submitted
to the action of tensile forces S and a lateral load P, we
P sin Pc Pc can write the differential equation of the deflection curve
y= sin Px--x . ............... (A-4) for each portion of the rod in exactly the same manner
SP sin Pf Sf as we did for a strut (Fig. A-I). It is only necessary to

SPE Drilling Engineering, April 1986 lZ9

change the sign of S. In such a case, instead of quantities and the maximum deflection is
p2 and u 2 defined by Eqs. A-2a and A-2b, respective-
ly, we shall have _p2 and -u 2 , and instead of P and Ymax = (Y)x=f/2
u, we shall have P( -1) 'h =Pi and u( -1) 'h =ui. Sub-
stituting -S, Pi, and ui in the place of S, P, and u in the 1 u2
fonnulas obtained for the strut in Fig. A-I, we obtain nec- ---1+-
essary formulas for the tie rod in Fig. A-2. To make this 5 qi 4 cosh u 2
=---_. . . .... (A-I0)
substitution, we use the known relations sin ui=i sinh u, 384 EI (5/24)u 4
cos ui = cosh u, and tan ui = i tanh u. In this way, we ob-
tain for the left portion of the tie rod in Fig. A-2, from
A-4, The first factor in Eq. A-I0 represents the deflection
produced by the lateral load q acting alone. The second
P sinh Pc Pc factor indicates that the deflection produced by q is re-
y= - sinh Px+ -x. . .......... (A-8)
SP sinh Pi Si duced by the axial tensile force S.
Similar formulas can also be obtained for the right por-
tion of the tie rod by use of Eq. 3. With the deflection
curve for the case of one load, P, acting on the tie rod, 81 Metric Conversion Factors
we can readily obtain the deflection curve for any other
ft x 3.048* E-01 =m
kind of loading by using the method of superposition.
Considering, for example, a uniformly loaded tie rod
in. X 2.54* E+OO = cm
lbf X 4.448222 E+OO N
and using Eq. A-5 for a strut, we obtain
lbm/ft X 1.488 164 E+OO kg/m

cosh (Pi - px) Conversion factor is exact. SPEDE

y =q- [ 2 -1 ] +-x(i-x)
Sp2 Pi 2S'
Original manuscript received in the Society of Petroleum Engineers office Sept. 16,
cosh- 1984. Paper accepted for publication Sept. 18, 1985. Revised manuscript received
2 Feb. 10, 1986. Paper (SPE 13043) first presented at the 1984 SPE Annual Technical
............................ (A-9) Conference and Exhibition held in Houston. Sept. 16-19.

130 SPE Drilling Engineering, April 1986

Discussion of Optimal Spacing for
Casing Centralizers
Hans C. Juvkam-Wold, SPE, Texas A&M U.
Richard L. Baxter, SPE, Texas A&M U.

In "Optimal Spacing for Casing Centralizers" (April 1986 SPEDE, plicable for the calculation of casing deflection between two cen-
Pages 122-130) Lee et al. present equations for the calculation of tralizers because the casing is not hinged at each centralizer. A
casing deflection between centralizers. We believe that some of their different solution is given by Timoshenk0 3 for the case of a
assumptions and equations are incorrect and can lead to significant laterally loaded tie rod with built-in ends. This equation is, in our
errors in calculating casing deflection, standoff, and, consequently, opinion, appropriate for calculating the maximum deflection of
optimal spacing for casing centralizers. These errors are of par- casing between centralizers.
ticular concern because the equations given in their paper hitve been
adopted by the API in their Spec. lOD. 1
First, we agree with the authors that "it is appropriate to use Ymax =~(24)(U2 _
U cosh u-u) . .......... (D-2)
the effective casing weight rather than the air weight of the 384 EI u 2 sinh U
casing.,,2 However, they recommend the use of the following
equation for calculating the buoyancy factor (Eq. 5). Eq. D-2 predicts a casing deflection that differs significantly from
the value predicted by Eq. A-7. When there is negligible tension
in the casing, the two answers differ by a factor of five.
Note that the buoyancy factor actually changes quite significantly
during the cementing operation. For example, consider the case
of lO-li:>m/gal [1198-kg/m3] mud at a particular location outside
In our opinion, this equation is generally not appropriate for use
the casing when there is 15.6-lbrn/gal [1869-kg/m3] cement inside
in cementing applications. This equation is valid only if the density
the casing. At this time, the i:>uoyancy factor is 1.33 at that par-
of the fluid inside the casing is the same as the density of the fluid
ticular location. If the fluid on the outside is an 8.4-lbm/gal [1007-
outside the casing. When calculating load on centralizer or casing
kglm 3] water flush and the cement is on the inside, the appropriate
deflection between two centralizers, a more appropriate equation
buoyancy factor is about 1.5. This factor would be used for cal-
for the buoyancy factor is culating load on centralizer and deflection between centralizers. A
different, weighted buoyancy factor would be used for calculating
(1- PePs )_(dde )2(1_ PPi)
the axial tension at any point in the casing.
_ s Nomenclature
F b2- ................. (D-l)

1-( dY
de = OD of casing, in. [cm]
d i = ID of casing, in. [cm]
E = Young's modulus, psi [kPa]
Is the difference significant? We believe it is. For example, con- Fb = buoyancy factor normally used for calculating
sider a string of 7-in. [18-cm] -OD, 20-lbm/ft [30-kg/m] casing effective weight of casing string
being cemented with 15.6-lbm/gal [1869-kg/m3] cement that has Fb2 = proposed buoyancy factor for calculating lateral
just been displaced by lO-lbm/gal [1198-kg/m3] mud. (Pipe force on centralizer or deflection of casing
ID=6.456 in. [16.4 cm].) between centralizers
In this case Lee et al. 's Eq. 5 gives a buoyancy factor as follows. I = moment of inertia for casing string, in. 4 [cm4]
i = centralizer opening
q = effective lateral load
U = strain energy
Ymax = maximum deflection, in. [cm]
=0.847. Pe = density of fluid on outside of casing (e.g., cement
slurry), Ibm/gal [kg/m3]
Eq. D-l gives a significantly different answer. Pi = density of fluid inside casing (e.g., drilling mud),
Ibm/gal [kg/m3]
Pm = mud density, Ibm/gal [kg/m3]

1_~)_(6.456)2(1_~) Ps = density of material in casing (e.g., steel), Ibm/gal
65.4 7.000 65.4 [kg/m3]
Fb= - - - - - - - - - - - -

1_(6.456 )2 Reference.
7.000 I. Spec. lOD, Specification for Casing Centralizers, third edition, API,
=0.274. Dallas (1986).
2. Lee, H.K., Smith, R.C., and Tighe, R.E.: "Optimal Spacing for Casing
Centralizers," SPEDE (April 1986) 122-130.
These answers differ by a factor of approximately 3. 3. Timoshenko, S.: "Strength of Materials," Advanced Theory and
Second, Eq. A-7 was derived by Timoshenk0 3 for the case of Problems, Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. Inc., Malabor, FL (1983)
a laterally loaded tie rod with hinged ends and is clearly not ap- 43,45-46.

'Now with Tenneco. (SPE 18730) SPEDE

SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1988 419

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