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People Vs Gako

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(Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court, 7th Judicial Region, Branch 5, Cebu
City) and VICENTE GO
Rafael Galan, Sr. was shot dead on 25 June 1991.
On 3 July 1991, Leopoldo de la Pea executed an Extra-judicial Confession
implicating therein Sonny Herodias and Vicente Go in the conspiracy to kill and
murder Galan.
On 9 July 1991, an Information was filed against the three accused namely, de la
Pea, Herodias and Go, charging them with the murder of Galan, Sr. (Criminal
Case CBU-22474). Judge Godardo Jacinto, then the Executive Judge of the
Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, issued a Warrant of Arrest against the accused.
On 22 July 1991 an Urgent Motion to Confine Go in a hospital was filed.
On 2 August 1991, the hearing on said motion was conducted with the prosecution
reserving its right to cross-examine Dr. Gonzales.
On 6 August 1991 an Order was issued to confine Go in a hospital without the
prosecution having crossexamined Dr. Gonzales on his medical report.
On 15 July 1992, a hearing was conducted where de la Pea was presented as a
witness for the prosecution. Presiding Judge Agana sustained the objections of the
defense counsels each time that the prosecution attempted to establish the
conspiracy to kill the victim. The prosecution filed a motion to inhibit Judge Agana,
which motion was denied.
On 20 November 1992, the Information against Go and Herodias was dismissed
with prejudice on the ground that their right to a speedy trial had been violated,
leaving de la Pea to face trial. The prosecution then challenged the Order of
Dismissal with Prejudice before the Court of Appeals (CA-GR SP 32954).
In its Decision dated 18 April 1994, the Court of Appeals annulled and set aside
the Order of Dismissal, ordered the inhibition of Judge Agana, and ordered the
raffle of the case to another branch. With the dismissal of the appeal of Go and
Herodias by the Supreme Court in a Minute Resolution dated 26 June 1995, the
criminal case was set anew for trial.
The case was re-raffled to RTC-17 and on 28 October 1996, an Alias Warrant of
Arrest was issued against Go and Herodias. On 2 February 1997, Dr. Matig-a, the
physician of Go, filed a Clinical Summary on the illness of Go and, on 13 February
1997, Go filed a Petition for Bail.
On 7 March 1997 and 10 March 1997, the prosecution presented de la Pea who
was acquitted in 1993. De la Pea testified on matters which he was not allowed
by then presiding Judge Agana to testify on.
On 21 March 1997, a Manifestation on the Confinement of Go was filed urging his
arrest because he was out of the intensive care unit. The motion of the prosecution


to transfer the criminal case to a Special Heinous Crimes Court was denied by
then presiding Judge Jesus de la Pea. The case was finally assigned to Branch
5 with Judge Gako, Jr. as presiding judge. Hearing resumed.
On 26 September 1997, an Urgent Motion to Enforce the Alias Warrant of Arrest
was filed praying for the arrest of Go first before his Clinical Summary Report could
be heard.
On 10 November 1997, Judge Gako, Jr. issued an Order granting the Petition
for Bail of Go.
On 11 November 1997, the prosecution filed a Vehement Motion to Inhibit Judge
Gako, Jr. due to his alleged delay in resolving the incidents in connection
with the arrest of Go.
On 12 November 1992, the prosecution moved for the reconsideration of the Order
of the court dated 10 November 1997, the order which granted bail to Go. On 14
November 1997, a Supplemental Motion to Inhibit Judge Gako, Jr. was filed by the
counsel of the offended party because Judge Gako, Jr. allegedly pre-judged the
evidence of the prosecution without carefully evaluating why it is short of the
requirement to sustain a verdict of life imprisonment.
On 15 November 1997, a Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration was filed from
the Order dated 10 November 1997 because the transcripts were allegedly not
read. On 1 December 1997, a Motion for the Issuance of Subpoena Duces Tecum
to produce the records of Dr. Matig-a was filed to determine if the medical findings
on Go were not exaggerated to prevent his arrest. On 11 December 1997, Judge
Gako, Jr. issued an Order in which he denied the prosecutions Manifestation
dated 21 March 1997 on the confinement of Go, and the Urgent Motion to Enforce
the Alias Warrant of Arrest dated 26 September 1997 against Go. On 20 January
1998, Judge Gako, Jr. issued an Order denying the: (1) Motion for Reconsideration
of the Order dated 10 November 1997; (2) Motion to Inhibit; and (3) Supplemental
Motion to Inhibit the Presiding Judge.
The Court of Appeals also reasoned that the fact that the OSG joined Galan in
her petition did not cure the above deficiency. The OSG received copy of the
resolution on 29 June 1998. On 3 August 1998, the OSG filed a petition for
certiorari with the Court of Appeals (CA-GR SP 47142). On 12 August 1998, said
petition of the OSG was dismissed by the Court of Appeals, on the ground that the
petition was practically a reproduction of the petition earlier filed by Guadalupe
Galan, which was dismissed on 26 March 1998. Hence, the appeal by certiorari.
Whether the appreciation of the strength or weakness of the evidence of guilt may be
based on the voluminous records of the case, without necessarily hearing the



The assailed Order dated 10 November 1997 granting bail is legally infirm for
failing to conform with the requirement that in cases when the granting of bail is not a
matter of right, a hearing for that purpose must first be conducted.
Section 13, Article III of the Constitution provides the instances when bail is a
matter of right or discretionary, Section 7, Article 114 of the Rules of Court, as
amended, reiterates that "no person charged with a capital offense, or an offense
punishable by reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, when evidence of guilt is
strong, shall be admitted to bail regardless of the stage of the criminal
Based on the foregoing, bail is not a matter of right with respect to persons
charged with a crime the penalty for which is reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment, or
death, when the evidence of guilt is strong. Go, accused in the criminal case, was charged
with murder in 1991, before the passage of RA 7659, the law that re-imposed the death
penalty. Murder then was a crime punishable by reclusion perpetua. Thus, accused
Gos right to bail is merely discretionary.
When bail is discretionary, a hearing, whether summary or otherwise in the
discretion of the court, should first be conducted to determine the existence of strong
evidence or lack of it, against the accused to enable the judge to make an intelligent
assessment of the evidence presented by the parties. It is inconceivable how Judge
Gako, Jr. could have appreciated the strength or weakness of the evidence of guilt of the
accused when he did not even bother to hear the prosecution. The reliance of Judge
Gako, Jr. on the voluminous records of the case simply does not suffice. As
judge, he was mandated to conduct a hearing on the petition for bail of the accused since
he knew that the crime charged is one that carries a penalty of reclusion perpetua, and in
that hearing, the prosecution is entitled to present its evidence. It is worth stressing that
the prosecution is equally entitled to due process. Without the required hearing, the
bail granted to accused Go in the amount of P 50,000.00 is undoubtedly arbitrary
and without basis.


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