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Hex Grain Range: Inc RNG To HW Hexgrain NA

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A 25.

marked with a First Fire counter. The squad now fires the MMG directed by the unit, not a Russian unit [EXC: Russian Partisans may use Commissars;
8-1 leader (7.53) at O2 and P2 with Spraying PBF. The attack is 5 FP (Area & 25.22]. Partisan leaders have no leadership effect whatsoever over non-
PBF) with a -3 DRM (grain is not in season). The Original DR is an 8 (with a 2 partisan units (and vice versa). Unless specifically indicated otherwise,
colored dr), resulting in a 1MC vs both hexes. The Russian player rolls a 9 for the
Partisans have an ELR of 5 regardless of the ELR of non-Partisan allied
leader which breaks and now no longer has its Morale Level increased. All four
squads roll 7 and are unaffected. They need not take a LLTC because they are forces in the scenario. Partisans never surrender by the RtPh method, are
part of a Human Wave (which is immune to Pin results). However, the MMG re- considered neither elite (including SMC) nor Inexperienced for any pur-
tained its Multiple ROF andbecause the Russian Impulse used two MFit may pose, and never become Disrupted.
First Fire again and chooses to repeat the same attack. This time it rolls an Origi- 25.241 MOVEMENT: Partisans may be subject to SSR which grant
nal 5 (2 on the colored dr), resulting in a K/2. The Random Selection DR in O2 is
them specific movement advantages in wooded or urban areas. Partisans
a tie, so both squads are Reduced to HS (7.302) before taking a 2MC, which they
each pass by rolling 6. The Random Selection DR in P2 selects the broken lead- that are moving as a combined stack together with non-Partisan units
er, who wounds, rolls a 5 on his Wound Severity dr (17.11), and thus is eliminat- may endow the regular units with whatever SSR-endowed movement
ed. If, however, the leader had survived, it would not then have to take the 2MC. advantages they have.
The two squads roll a 6 and 7 for their 2MC which breaks one, which then passes 25.242 Ordnance used by Partisans always uses the red To Hit Numbers
its LLMC with a 7. The MG has retained its Multiple ROF and the German wants
to fire again but cannot, because two shots are all that are allowed vs a moving
unit that expended only two MF in its Location. The MG cannot avoid this by
picking another target, because all of the units in its LOS moved simultaneously
as part of the same Impulse (moreover, the other targets are all outside of the 25.3 AMERICAN: U.S. Infantry squads have a
MGs now-fixed CA; 9.21). printed broken Morale Level one higher than that
used on their Good Order side except for 1st Line
Infantry, which have a broken Morale Level two
higher than their Good Order side. Second Line Infantry should generally
Hex Grain be used to represent American units which were not prepared for com-
Inc Rng to HW
hexgrain NA
bat. See G17.1 for U.S. Marine Corps and G17.2 for pre-6/42 U.S. Army
and Philippine Army troops.
Hex Grain
Range 25.31 PARATROOPS: 7-4-7 squads have an ELR of 5, re-
Inc Rng to HW
hexgrain NA gardless of the ELR of other U.S. MMC in the scenario.

4 25.32 ORDNANCE: All U.S.-built AFV/ordnance [EXC: ATR/MG], in-
cluding such equipment used by other nationalities (identified by the (a)
Lt. Richards

in the name), uses red To Hit Numbers prior to 1944 and black To Hit
Numbers thereafter.34
25.33 AMMUNITION: No fighting men were better supplied than the
Americans, who excelled in logistics. American OBA batteries are as-
4 sumed to have Plentiful Ammunition unless specified otherwise.
25.34 SMOKE: An American squad may place either WP or conventional
Smoke grenades at its option, but placing WP is more difficult (see 24.3).
In the second Impulse at least one of the HW Units in O2 or P2 must now enter O3
(25.234). The Russian moves all unbroken units forward as shown. Since the 4-4-7
in P2 enters O3, the two 2-3-7 in O2 are free from the restriction of 25.234 and may MMG, HMG, .50-cal HMG, M2 60mm mortars and
instead move to N2, which one of them does, while the other enters O3. Of the units BAZ 44 are provided in the British color in WEST
that were marked with Range counters in the first Impulse, the two 4-4-7 in N1 and OF ALAMEIN. They are identified by having (a)
the 2-3-7 that enter O3 can remove their Range counters since they now decrease in their piece name, and are used by Free French as per 25.55. The BAZ
the range, while the 2-3-7 that enters N2 does not and must keep its Range counter. 44(a) is also used to represent a BAZ 44 Scrounged (D10.5) from a U.S.-
The German must use Subsequent First Fire vs the 4-4-7 and 2-3-7 as they enter his built vehicle/wreck [which includes one with (a) in its piece name] by
hex (8.312) and because they both enter O3 as part of the same Impulse, he fires at Free French (only); other nationalities would Scrounge a U.S.-color BAZ
them simultaneously.
44. The appropriate MG(a) is also used to represent one Removed
It is now the Russian third Impulse; the Russian units currently in O3 now end (D6.631) from a U.S.-built vehicle by a British (as defined in 25.4) unit.
their MPh and may move no farther (25.235), but the Russians in N2 and P3 must
A MG Scrounged by any nationality from a U.S.-built or British-built
continue the Human Wave. The units in P3 can enter O3 (since it is a Side Loca-
tion containing enemy units) or the Forward Locations O4 or P4. The two 4-4-7 vehicle/wreck takes counter form as a standard British LMG, with no
in N2 can enter the Side Location O3 or the Forward Locations M3 or N3, but Captured penalties when being used by a U.S. or British (25.4) unit. Cap-
will be marked with a Range counter if entering M3. The 2-3-7 in N2 can enter tured penalties do not apply to the use of U.S.-color MG by British
N3, but can enter neither M3 (since it is already marked with a range counter) nor (25.4) units, nor to U.S./British-(25.4) use of British-color (a)-type SW
O3 (which is ADJACENT to the O2 Location that the 2-3-7 left earlier in the [EXC: non-Free French British treat all, while Free French treat no,
MPh per 25.2322). From N3 it will be able to enter M4 or N4. At the end of the type(s) of U.S. MTR/BAZ as captured].
Impulse, the German squad must use FPF vs any new units entering O3 in that
Impulse with 131/2 FP (9 [FP] 3 [TPBF] = 27 divided by 2 [Area Fire] = 131/2),
but only the Russian units entering O3 during that Impulse will be affected.
25.4 BRITISH: British troops also encom-
pass all Commonwealth, Free French,
25.24 PARTISANS:33 Partisans can belong to any and liberated forces. Guardsmen, Gurkha,
nationality but are listed here and represented by ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand),
Russian colors because they were most prevalent and Free French/Polish forces should generally be regarded as elite troops,
on the Eastern Front. Partisans are represented by as should Canadian unitsall of which were composed of volunteers
3-3-7 squads with a broken Morale Level of 6, and are considered rather than draftees. Colonial troops such as the Kings African Rifles and
Stealthy while in Good Order. Partisans are not affected by the special pre-44 Indian troops in India and Burma should be considered 2nd Line
rules for their nationality; a Russian Partisan unit is treated as a Partisan troops represented by 4-4-7 squads. See 25.53 for Free French.

2000 Multi-Man Publishing, LLC A53vB

25.41 A
25.41 GREEN: British 4-3-6 squads (and their HS) are Green 25.6 ITALIAN: Italian ordnance uses the red To Hit Numbers [EXC:
troops. They are considered Conscripts only in hypothetical ATR/ MG].36
scenarios depicting the British Home Guard or poor quality 25.61 ELITE: 4-4-7 squads, their 2-4-7
colonial troops. HS, and 2-2-7 crews are the only elite
25.42 AIRBORNE: The 6-4-8 squads represent Airborne Italian MMC. Only elite Italian squads
troops and have an ELR of 5, regardless of the ELR of other may Deploy [EXC: 20.5, 21.22]. A 4-4-7
British MMC in the scenario. which suffers ELR failure is Replaced by a 3-4-6.
25.43 GURKHA: Gurkha troops were feared in CC due to their handi- 25.62 1ST LINE: The 3-4-7 squads
work with their famed Kukri knives (which were a combination knife- represent the Bersaglieri which were
hatchet-sword). Whenever one unbroken Gurkha Infantry unit is the light infantry transported by trucks, mo-
ATTACKER in CC/Melee or Ambushes the enemy in CC, that torcycles, or bicycles. A 3-4-7 which
CC/Melee may become Hand-To-Hand (J2.31) at the option of the suffers ELR failure must be Replaced by a Con-
Gurkha player unless every such Gurkha unit participating in it was Am- script squad, and not a lower quality 1st Line squad,
bushed in that phase and/or is withdrawing/pinned. However, Hand-To- while a Conscript squad that Battle Hardens be-
Hand CC can never be used by/vs any vehicle/PRC/pillbox-occupant(s). comes a 3-4-6.
Each Gurkha Hand-To-Hand CC attack receives an extra -1 DRM unless 25.63 SURRENDER: The +1 CC DRM for a capture attempt does not
every Gurkha Infantry unit participating in that attack is pinned/Un- apply vs non-elite Italian defenders. Once captured, no Italian unit will
armed. Hand-To-Hand Melee counters are provided in Code of Bushido. attempt escape (20.55).
Gurkhas are Commandos (H1.24) unless Green. Gurkhas will not surren-
25.64 LAX: Non-elite Italian units are always Lax (11.18).
der via the RtPh method (20.21) or become Disrupted.
25.65 PAATC: Non-elite Italian troops (including Inexperienced units)
25.44 ANZAC: Good Order ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand)
must pass a 1PAATC rather than a normal PAATC whenever required to
forces are Stealthy unless Green.
take a PAATC.
25.45 COWERING: British troops were renowned for their marksman-
ship and calmness under fire (or Moral Fibre as they termed it). There-
fore, their elite and 1st Line units are immune to Cowering effects [EXC: 25.7 FINNISH: Finnish Personnel may attempt Self-
Free French; 25.53]. Rally during any RPh, are immune to Cowering re-
25.46 WP: A British squad may place only normal (i.e., not WP) smoke sults, and are Stealthy while in Good Order unless
grenades prior to 1944. Beginning in 1944, they may also place WP Green. Finns may also Deploy without leadership by
(24.3). This restriction does not apply to ordnance WP ammo. passing a 1TC instead of a NTC (1.31). Finns do not require leadership
presence to Recombine (1.32) [EXC to all: 25.72].37 When using the
blue Finnish counters from Beyond Valor 1st edition, use German crews,
25.5 FRENCH: French units and the rules heroes, and SW where needed.
(25.51-.52) pertaining to them apply only until 25.71 LEADERS: Finnish units usually take
Cpl. Flanagan
Cpt. Valerian

Lt. Stone

the French capitulation, and to Vichy French less severe LLMC/LLTC (the most severe
forces thereafter. 35 Free French forces use being a 1MC/1TC) because Finnish leaders
British units and rules (25.53). have a unique rank structure descending in
order as follows: 10-1, 10-0, 9-1, 9-0, 8-0. Finns are not eligible for Field
25.51 GREEN: French 4-3-7 squads are considered Promotion. If leadership is present, Finns may Deploy normally (1.31).
Green reservists (not Conscripts), and should ordinarily
25.72 The Finns refused to follow German dictates to operate outside
be brought into play by ELR Unit Substitution.
their recaptured historic borders. Therefore, in any scenario taking place
25.52 ORDNANCE: French vehicles use red To Hit Numbers [EXC: beyond Finlands 1939 borders (as noted by SSR), Finns are represented
MG MA]; other French ordnance uses black To Hit Numbers. by 5-4-8 squads and 25.7 does not apply.
25.53 FREE FRENCH: Use British counters and rules for Free French 25.73 SISSI: The 8-3-8 squads and 3-3-8 HS repre-
Personnel [EXC: Free French squads have Assault Fire (7.36) capability sent Sissi elite units which were ski-trained and spe-
in/after 12/43; the 25.45 immunity to cowering never applies to Free cially equipped.
French]. Free French OBA (including Accuracy and Draw Pile) is al-
ways treated as if British [EXC: DYO purchase; 25.57]. See also 25.35 25.74 BATTLE HARDENING: Finnish leaders Battle Harden and are
and 25.54-.57 and the French section of Chapter H. Replaced according to the unique Finnish rank structure (25.71). Finnish
25.54 PRE-12/43 EQUIPMENT: For scenarios set prior to 12/43, Free 1st line units become Fanatic if receiving a Battle Hardening result.
French use (without Captured penalties) certain British [/British-color
(f); 25.56] SW, vehicles and Guns, and the rules covering them.
25.8 AXIS MINORS: The Rumanian,
25.55 12/43-5/45 EQUIPMENT: For scenarios set in/after 12/43, Free Hungarian, Slovakian, and Bulgarian

French use (without Captured penalties) British color (a)/(f) SW (see troops which composed Germanys
25.35 and 25.56), certain U.S. [/U.S.-color (f); 25.35] vehicles and Minor Allies were neither well equipped,
Guns, and the rules covering them [EXC: Free French Inherent crews nor particularly ardent practitioners of Hitlers war. As such, the broken
are considered British when determining their morale as per D5.1]. Morale Level of all such squads is one less than their normal Morale
25.56 FRENCH-BUILT EQUIPMENT: Certain French-built SW/ve- Level [EXC: elite squads]. Hungarians fighting in Hungary should be
hicles/Guns are provided in CROIX DE GUERRE for Free French use. represented by elite squads (also see 20.55).
They are in the U.S./British color, and are identified by having (f) in 25.81 PAATC: Non-elite Axis Minor troops (including Inexperienced
their piece name. An (f)-type, or French-color, SW/vehicle/Gun suffers units) must always pass a 1PAATC rather than a normal PAATC when
Captured penalties when being used by other than (Free/Vichy) French. called upon to take a PAATC.
25.57 DYO: Free French use their own SW Allotment, OBA Availability,
and Rarity Factor Charts for DYO scenarios. Use H1.463 for Free French
OP tanks. Free and Vichy French cannot be purchased by the same side.

2000 Multi-Man Publishing, LLC A54vB

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