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0 Optional Rules Design Note: This keeps the core rules largely the same
as US SAG and CVBGs have the ability to launch a free
20.1 Cruise Missiles CM attack per turn. This is due to the a CVBG of one
Ticonderoga CG and two Arleigh Burke DDGs having
314 vertical launch tubes (VLT). The French and Russian
20.1.1 The following Aircraft now have the ability to
navy as well as submarines also have the ability to launch
launch one Cruise Missile attack per strike phase: CMs, but their capability is only enough for a single
• US F16s attack before returning to port. The US SSGN represents
• US F18s one of the four US converted OHIO class submarines
• US F15s with 154 Tomahawk capacity. The US Navy has an
• Polish F16s inventory of over 4,000 Tomahawks, so the navy is only
• Spanish F18s limited in game turns by the number of VLTs. During OIF
• UK, Italian and German Typhoons III, 802 tomahawks were fired in one month at Iraqi
• UK, Italian and German Tornados targets. During Operation Odyssey Dawn against Libya,
• French Rafales USS Florida (an SSGN) launched 93 tomahawks (out of
• French Mirage 2000 154) in one day, 19 March 2011. The largest single day
attack by Russia was on 7 October 2015 where four ships
• Russian SU-34s
fired 26 Kalibr-NK cruise missiles into Syria. The largest
Russian air cruise missile attack was on 17 November
US and NATO no longer have Cruise Missile points. 2016 where 34 missiles were fired from Tu-95s and Tu-
Their capacity is considered unlimited as long as 160s.
they can generate sorties from the appropriate
aircraft. 20.2 The following Aircraft now have the long-range
missile Capability:
Design Note: NATO's inventory of cruise missiles is • US F16s
massive. UK, France and Italy have over 1,900 Storm • US F15s
Shadow Cruise Missiles, while Germany and Spain
• UK, German, Italian and Spanish Typhoons
maintain over 900 KEPD 350. The United States has
purchased over 5,400 JASSM and Poland will acquire
• French Rafales
270. Russia has a much smaller inventory of around 800
Kh-55 Air launched Cruise Missiles and the Kh-101 has Design Note: The long-range capability represents the
just entered production. NATO capacity is not limited by Meteor, AIM0120D and the AA-9 (for the Russian MiG-
missile numbers, but rather their ability to generate 31). This list updates the aircraft that have the radar
enough sorties from multi-role air craft in the early game. capable of achieving long range missile shots and the
Typhoons and Rafales will have to give up their air respective missiles have been tested and deployed to those
superiority mission in the early game to fly cruise missile aircraft. The game already represents the long-range
attacks. US strategic bombers would only drop JDAMs in capability of the Swedish JAS-39s with Meteors and the
a very permissive environment so it is likely all B-1, B-52 US F-22 and F-35 with AIM-120Ds. This will give the
and perhaps B-2s would only employ JASSM-ER in the NATO player a massive advantage in achieving air
early game. Russia is at a massive disadvantage in the superiority in the early game. Unfortunately for the
war of attrition, however they still maintain the ability to Russian player this reflects reality; Su-27s with manually
fire 10 Ballistic Missiles (Iskander) first turn and then 5 scanned N011M BARS radars equipped with AA-10s
extra cruise missiles per term. We interpret this ability as cannot compete at long range with F15s with
launching ground based SSC-8 Ground Launched Cruise AN/APG(V)2 Actively electronically scanned array
Missiles. Russia has the ability to surge more radars and AIM-120D missiles.
cruise/ballistic missiles in the early game, but will quickly
run out of precision munitions. 20.21 Pilot skill rating

20.1.2 The following units have the ability to launch The pilot skill rating now also applies to long and
one Cruise Missile attack before returning to port to very long range Air combat.
• French SAG Design Note: BVR combat is not just a mechanical
• US Amphib process of firing a radar guided missile. A great deal of
• Russian SAG skill in required to fire a missile within its correct
performance parameters as well as understanding
jamming and missile avoidance tactics. US Navy Top Gun
• UK SSN training during the Vietnam War not only increased the
• Russian SS kill ratio of US Navy kills, but also increased the hit
probability of the AIM-7 missile. The AIM-7’s low lit
The US SSGN can launch 7 Cruise Missiles before probability early in the war was not just a representation
having to return to port. of the missiles design limitations, but also the lack of skill
in its employment by US Air Force and US Navy pilots.
capability from their Remote Weapon Stations. 83 ICV-Ds
20.3 Ballistic Missiles and 12 Mobile Gun Systems (MGS) will give them the
mechanized capability.
20.3.1 All NATO ballistic missiles are eliminated.
NATO can only launch Cruise Missiles (Storm 20.5 Submarine threat
Shadow, KEPD) from capable aircraft.
If supplement submarine counters are not used, then
20.3.2 ATACM ballistic Missiles Russian forces have no submarine threat.

US Division HQ now have a strike Range of 24. Design Note: The Russian Baltic fleet has only 2 Kilo
submarines, while Poland has 2 submarines, Germany
has 6, Sweden has 5 and NATO controls the access to the
Design Note: US Field Artillery Brigades attached to
Baltic Sea and can inject larger numbers of SS and SSN.
division HQ contain M270 MLRS or HIMARS capable of
The NATO submarine threat to Russia is greater than the
firing ATACMs at 300km. ATACMs are half the weight of
Russian threat to NATO. Russian Submarines from the
Iskander missiles and can only travel 300km vs 500km for
Northern fleet are likely to attempt convoy interdiction
Iskanders. However, ATACMs are combat proven with
against US reinforcements. This is an abstract fight that
over 560 fired in actual combat. For game purposes
will tie up other US CVBGs and SSNs and aircraft. The
expect to see HIMARS deployed with units from the 101st
Northern fleet will have no direct influence in the games
and 82nd Airborne divisions. C17s would be flying in
area of operations.
large numbers of ATACM replacements to give the US
forces a flexible long-range precision fires, although at
shorter range and in lower numbers than the multiple 20.6 Special Forces
Iskander brigades depicted in the game. For game
purposes it is likely only 2 fires brigades will deploy in Special Forces operating in friendly territory receive
the scenario limits, with minimal game impacts. Lockheed a +1 to their survivability roll.
Martin has produced over 3,850 ATACMS and currently
produces 320 new missiles per year. The Army’s new Design Notes: Special Forces have a greater chance of
replacement missile will be the Precision Strike Missile evading capture in territory with a friendly population.
(PrSM) with a 499km range (to comply with intermediate Many NATO countries are actively training to coordinate
missile treaties). SOF missions with local resistance forces.

20.4 Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) 20.7 Polish Territorial Defense Force

20.4.1 SBCTs can perform air mobile movement by Polish Army receives 3x 1-1-4 (4) Reserve unit on
leaving their vehicle behind and converting to a 3-4- any unoccupied city or urban space per turn. Total of
4 IBCT. If in a friendly city hex, in supply they may 9 battalions. Turn 2: x3, Turn 3: x3, Turn 4: x3.
convert back to an SBCT.
Design Note: This represents the Polish Territorial
Design Note: Air Assault is on the SBCT’s Mission Defense force of three brigades organized into 9
Essential Task List (METL) and is practiced regularly. battalions to conduct rear area operations against an
invading force. 17 Brigades planned by 2019. 53,000
20.4.2 SBCTs are now considered motorized units. volunteers. 6-8% professional soldiers.
SBCTs retain the urban advantage of light infantry
and the motorized advantage against enemy armor 20.7 Bornholm (Denmark)
and mechanized forces. SBCTs should not be
considered mechanized and retain no mechanized GSR rule 6.63 is partially rescinded. Strike: “If
1.5x attack against leg forces. Bornholm is non-Allied controlled, the Allied player
cannot use Naval Movement or Sea Transport to
Design Note: SBCTs are motorized units, with all combat enter the Bornholm Basin At Sea Box from the
vehicles being 8x8 wheeled Stryker vehicles, but contain North Sea.”
more infantry than an IBCT. Infantry in SBCTs also
constantly train in light infantry tactics and their Design Note: This rule is removed because it makes no
personnel are routinely transferred between SBCTs and logical sense. I cannot extrapolate why controlling an
IBCTS. Island prevent ships from moving at sea. I don’t know
what the designers were thinking; did Russian para
20.5.2 2CR SBCT retains its mechanized troops bring SSMs with them? Did they put a giant iron
capabilities. chain across the channel? Amphibious forces are
specifically trained to seize hostile islands, why can they
Design Note: 2CR is the only SBCT that has received 83 not approach them? The amount of SSMs that could be
ICV-Ds equipped with 30mm cannons and Javelin paradropped or heliborne would be insignificant to
disrupt a task force. In game turns, neither Bornholm or
Gotland have airfields for air transport. In reality Add a light infantry brigade to the reserve pool.
Gotland does have a large enough airfield to ferry in
S400 or anti-ship missiles, but Bornholm does not. The Design Note: This brigade was activated 23 March 2017
only effect paratroops could have on naval forces would as a reserve unit. Lithuania National Defense Volunteer
be target acquisition or other air or naval asset, this Forces 4,850. Latvia National Guard 7,850.
particular rule is already depicted in the game.
20.10 Additional NATO units
20.8 Advanced Naval Combat
43rd Mechanized Brigade (Netherlands, normally
All naval combat is replaced with Advanced naval assigned to the German 1st Panzer Division) (one
combat. Naval groups are no longer indestructible battalion of German Leopard 2s, 2 battalions of
bumper cars, but groups of approximately four CV9035s). 3-4-5/5
warships. Naval groups now take the Detection and
SAM rating of the best warship plus the contribution Romanian 81st Mechanized Brigade is assigned to
numbers for other ships. Anti-ship missiles, cruise the German Rapid Forces Division. 3-4-8/5
missiles and air attacks are conducted normally.
Ships are lined up and a strike randomly hits the far Already included, but OOB notes:
right or left ship. One strike disables, two strikes
sinks. Ships can remove strikes at the end of the The Franco-German Brigade is assigned to the 10th
turn. Panzer division.
20.8.1 SM-6 missile The Dutch 11th Airmobile (Airborne) Brigade is
assigned to the German Rapid Forces Division.
US SAGs extend their detection and SAM values as
follows: 20.101 Additional US Army Units
• North Baltic: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Kaliningrad, Poland XX13 and North Add the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade (AH-64) and
• Southern Baltic: Latvia, Lithuania, the 41st Field Artillery Brigade to the US Starting
Kaliningrad, Poland set up.
• Bornholm Basin: Poland 33XX and west
20.11 Alternate long-range SAM Rules
Design Note: In 2016 the US Navy demonstrated the SM-
6 can kill aerial targets at 500km. This is another
potential game changer, seriously challenging Russian
The S-400, Aegis ashore and US SAG with SM-6
air power. This may draw more Russian bombers and can only extend their detection and SAM values if
CMs towards anti-shipping to prevent a US Navy no-fly the user has AWACS advantage of 2 or better.
zone. If you think this capability is unfair, keep in mind
the SM-6 was a $9.7 Billion program to procure 1,800 Patriot batteries have Range 5 against TBM at -3,
interceptors. Defense dollars do actually buy capability. Range 1 against CM -3 (Range 5 with AWACS
advantage 2 or better).
20.9 Additional Baltic Reserve Units
THAAD batteries have Range 10 against TBM at -3
Estonian “Scouts” Battalion is not Light Infantry, Aegis ashore or US SAG in Baltic Sea gives an
they are mechanized with CV9035. Estonia should additional -1 against TBM.
also have 2 reserve battalions, the 3rd and 22nd
Infantry. S400 batteries have Range 10 against TBM
(ATACM) at -2, Point protection (same hex) against
20.9.1 Estonian Defense League CM at -2 (Range 5 with AWACS advantage 2 or
Add 12 Reserve light infantry Battalions to Estonia.
All holding boxes are considered to have local
Design Note: Units do train and are equipped with Carl AWACS advantage.
Gustavs, Javelins, Recoilless rifles and mortars. Consists
of 15,218 active members who conduct joint operations Design Note: This rule correctly portrays the capability
with NATO and US Marines. of modern long-range missiles and their radars. All
ground and ship-based missiles are limited by the radar
20.9.2 Lithuanian Aukstaitija Light Infantry horizon. Ground based radars allow these missiles to be
Brigade effective against high altitude aircraft and TBMs. Ground
based radars can only give about 24km of warning (or 90 • RAF Lakenheath, England: 492nd Fighter
seconds), against CMs. Ground based missiles are Squadron (F-15E), 493rd Fighter Squadron (F-
effective against CMs if paired with airborne sensors 15C), 493rd Fighter Squadron (F-15E)
(such as JLENS, AWACS, even fighter aircraft with look- • Aviano AB, Italy: 510th Fighter Squadron (F-
down capable radars), and a terminal active radar 16C), 555th Fighter Squadron (F-16C)
seeking interceptor. Current terminal active seeking
interceptors include: Russian 40N6, and US PAC-3 and 20.13 F-22 Rapid Deployment
SM-6 missiles. For game balance this will give NATO the
long-term advantage as they will be able to degrade The first random USAF aircraft drawn will be an F-
Iskander missiles early in the game and when they have
AWACs advantage they will be able to shoot down most
Russian CMs as well. However, in the early game this
Design Note: The USAF has practiced rapidly deploying
rule can increase the effectiveness of Russian AWACS
advantage by mitigating NATOs strongest asset in the F-22s from the US to Spangdahlem AB Germany, Lask
AB Poland and Amari AB Estonia within 24 hours of
early game; the CM.
notice. These Airbases already have existing
infrastructure to support F-22s. It is more likely that F-
20.12 Realistic USAF deployments to Europe 22s will be available over any other USAF aircraft. This
deployment is known at the “Rapid Raptor” program.
US initial set up for all scenarios is changed to 1x
F15C, 2xF15E, 2xF16C, 1xF16CJ WW. 20.14 Camp Trump
Design Note: In the current rule book, the USAF starts Add 3xABCT, 2xAH64 and 1x Div HQ to the US
out with one F16CJ WW unit in initial setup. (not
starting setup anywhere in Poland.
including the possibility of Baltic Air Police). Currently,
with no particular crisis in Europe, the US Air Force in
Europe, Third Air Force, permanently deploys the Design Note: Poland has proposed the US Army stations
an Armored Division in Poland. Poland has pledged $2B
following squadrons:
• Spangdahlem AB Germany: 480th Fighter to the construction and maintenance of the facility. While
this is unlikely it is an interesting alternative starting
Squadron (F-16CJ WW)

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