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1ti 2:12 "But I Suffer Not A Woman To Teach, Nor To Usurp Authority Over The Man, But To Be in Silence."

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Southern Baptist Convention Church,

I am writing this message to inform you of some problems on the foreign

field that need to be corrected. Two problems in particular.
First, since the Convention has been sending out women missionaries for
many years now there is a problem of inappropriate female leadership in those
foreign SBC churches. Women often teach all adults, including men, in adult
Bible studies and Sunday school classes for all adults. 1Ti 2:12 “But I suffer not
a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”
On one occasion, I saw a woman give the sermon in the main sanctuary in the
Sunday evening service.
In China, one time, the people all wanted to hear a woman missionary so
much that they put a curtain down the middle of the meeting room with women
on one side and men on the other, so that the men would feel comfortable lis-
tening to the woman preacher. In China they weren't accustomed to women
leaders. Years ago, Lottie Moon, a famous SBC woman missionary in China
said to the people there that she couldn't understand why the SBC would not
permit women to be pastors.
She was famous because she got a lot of new people to come to the
meetings. Some people might say that she had a real gift of evangelism.
Others might say that she attracted the new people because they were curious
to see the freak show, you know, a woman acting like a man. The Chinese
culture wasn't accustomed to the modern abnormal feminist satanic witchcraft.
(see article below on: The Consequences of “Women's Liberation”) (Let's fix the
problem, not make accusations and place blame.)
In other places, the foreign SBC churches do something that I have never
seen in the US. As in the US, the main service consists of a series of activities,
such as prayer, hymn singing and the pastor's sermon. In the US, the leaders
all know the order of events beforehand. In other words, after each activity they
know who's next. But, in those foreign SBC churches, it is common to have
what they call a “service director”. Before each activity, the “service director”
stands up and announces what activity is next and asks the next leader to step
forward and start. Almost always the “service director” is a woman. Quite ob-
viously, the position of “service director” was invented entirely for the purpose of
giving women a position of leadership. On two occasions I saw a child as ser-
vice director. But, never have I ever seen a man as service director. (Let's fix
the problem, not make accusations and place blame.)
One time, I met a man who was a tourist from the US who was visiting one

of those foreign SBC churches started by American SBC missionaries. When I
told him what was going on he got very upset at me. He refused to believe it.
He insisted that I had to be mistaken. He got more upset at me for telling him
than at the problem. He insisted that I go and talk to the pastor, because he
knew that I had to be wrong. (Was he thinking that I was lying? Or, maybe he
thought I was hallucinating when I saw those women up front?) In his mind, it's
not possible that the SBC could make spiritual mistakes. You've heard of the
Roman Catholic doctrine of the infallibility of the pope? Well, here's the doctrine
of the infallibility of the SBC. (The Apostle Peter himself, who was appointed by
Jesus Christ as the head of the church (Mat 16:18) and considered to be the
first pope by the Roman Catholic Church, was once rebuked by the Apostle Paul
for being in error. (Gal. 2:12-14) The teaching of the infallibility of the Pope/SBC
is itself an error.)
Amazingly, when the local pastor is confronted about the corruption of
having women leaders, they typically respond by saying something about how
the church is “independent”, so nobody else has any right telling them what to
do. And what exactly does the word “independent” mean? Independent from
the rest of the body of Christ? What happens to a body-part that is cut off from
the rest of the body? (The inappropriate usage of the “independent” doctrine is
yet another example of the infallibility of the SBC. Yet another “infallible” SBC
error that needs to be corrected.) ….. And what would they do if they lived in the
days of the Apostles? They would have to kick the Apostles out. Having higher
supervisors is against proper Baptist doctrine. The Apostles would get the big
boot. (Let's fix the problem, not make accusations and place blame. Notice that
the participants and locations here are not named. Let's fix the problem, OK?)

Second, none of the missionaries have any higher supervision to oversee

what they are doing. The IMB is, by its very nature, “higher supervision”, yet at
the same time, they don't want to really do what “higher supervisors” really do
because that is not in accordance with regular Baptist practices. I realize that a
hierarchy with “higher supervisors” is officially against traditional Baptist doc-
trine, but the consequence of not doing “supervising” is that the missionaries
are almost always lazy do-nothings because they have nobody to answer to.
They normally do no preaching, no evangelism, no new church planting and no
motivating other local church leaders to do the job.
There is really only one thing that they absolutely have to do, and that is to
make sure that their already established churches don't go astray. Interestingly,
this is exactly what I mentioned above that is prohibited by traditional Baptist
doctrine. It is inappropriate to have “supervisors” over the missionaries, yet the
missionaries act like “supervisors” over their local foreign SBC churches. Be-

cause, if they did not do this, all those churches would be open prey for any bad
person to come in and carry them away however they wanted. (Remember,
most of the churches in poor places are very uneducated, and easily become
followers of whatever that comes along, such as my articles listed at the bottom
of this message.) Also, if those missionaries didn't do this, then they would have
absolutely nothing else to do. They make sure no unknown new-comer gets the
people to start making changes, kind of like a mother hen protecting her chicks
from danger. But since it's rare that they ever get any new-comer troublemak-
ers, the missionaries normally spend their time doing absolutely nothing at all.
(Let's fix the problem, not make accusations and place blame.)
I would like to think that if those missionaries distributed support money
sent to them for native pastor assistance that at least the poor foreign local pas-
tors would get the evangelism job done. (Some of the independent Baptist
churches do this. This method minimizes the need for more US missionaries.)
(This is the job that supposedly ought to be done by the missionaries, which
they are already being paid for.) But, when they distribute support money for
this purpose, what usually happens is that the poor foreign pastors just get
greedy for income and want to follow the American missionaries' example of
living the lazy good life. The US missionaries actually end up teaching, by
example, the poor foreign pastors that “the ministry” is the best possible job in
the world. Living the lazy good life, sponging off American missionary support
money. This problem probably applies to almost every SBC missionary. Asking,
“where is this happening?” is not the correct question. The correct question is,
“where is this not happening?”. The correct answer would most likely be
“nowhere”. (Let's fix the problem, not make accusations and place blame.)
I met one poor foreign young man who was not quite a pastor yet, (he at-
tended an American missionary Bible institute for only one year) who was so
infatuated with the American missionary lifestyle that he put a weekly schedule
on a piece of paper and posted it on the wall in his kitchen, so that he could see
it at all times. Most of the hours on his schedule were marked “personal time”,
with only a few hours marked “preparing for sermons”. (More hours were mark-
ed “personal time” than the average person would spend working a regular job.)
Apparently, to him, this was the most important thing he learned in the Bible
He was so obsessed with it that he spent all of his time fantasizing about it
so much that he couldn't do any normal work. He was always dreaming about
the day he gets US church support money so he could live like the US mission-
aries. When he went to his regular job, all he could think about was being in…..
........ “the ministry”. His brain couldn't think straight to do any other normal job.
He was always losing his employment. He had a wife and three small children,

but he lived in continuous financial disaster, and had to constantly ask other
people for help. One time, I bought them some food, but, like the children of
Israel in the wilderness who suffered horribly from eating manna all the time,
they complained that I didn't get them any meat. (Num 11:4,6,33) (In that place,
meat was over-priced and low quality.) (Let's fix the problem, not make accu-
sations and place blame.)

But, let's face facts, all across America it is the Baptist churches that have
the most difficulty getting any of their members to be missionaries. It seems that
the only way that the SBC mission board can get anybody to be a missionary is
to offer them the lazy good life. (They have a way of offering it as such, without
really stating it as such. All that has to happen is that somebody sees how a typ-
ical SBC missionary lives....... and then suddenly they get a revelation from God,
that it is His will that they become a missionary.) This condition truly reflects the
spiritual state of the churches that those missionaries came out of. (No insult in-
tended. Let's fix the problem, not make accusations and place blame. Stop the
lukewarm “love of money” lifestyle!! The word “Stop” means the solution has to
start at home. Notice that in order to fix the problem, the problem must first be
In comparison, the many Pentecostal type “filled with the Spirit” churches
have permeated just about every corner of the world. You know, there are many
places in the world where the people have never even heard of a “Baptist”
church. They have not got the slightest idea what a Baptist church is. They've
seen the Mormon church missionaries just about everywhere. (Mormons and
Jehovah's Witnesses are other groups that have permeated every corner of the
world.) Those foreign people who see a Baptist for the first time might ask, “are
the Baptists anything like the Mormons?” (So I was asked one time, when I told
them I was baptized in a Baptist church.) They don't know. They never saw one
before. (Let's fix the problem, not make accusations and place blame.)
Well, the best explanation is that the Baptists are kind of like Lot who was
so much in love with the prosperity of Sodom that he couldn't leave it. Lot was
truly saved, but he lost everything he had in the end. (Gen 19) Lot was an Old
Testament example of a lukewarm Christian. Lot was a true believer in God and
was even able to recognize the spiritual nature of the angels which God had
sent to him, who appeared to him like normal physical human beings. But in the
end, the angels had to literally pull him by the hand out of Sodom, just before
God rained fire down from heaven and destroyed it. (Let's fix the problem, not
make accusations and place blame.)
It is the lukewarm church that has a problem with love of money and love
of worldly luxuries. (Rev 3:14-22) Interestingly, it is the “filled with the spirit”

churches that usually preach the “prosperity” doctrine, that Christians ought to
be prosperous and wealthy. Most Baptist churches don't teach that because
they think it sounds worldly, unspiritual and lukewarm.
Nevertheless, it is the Baptists who live that lifestyle more than the “filled
with the spirit” prosperity doctrine Pentecostals do. Even so, the lukewarmers
are definitely saved because they have a golden candlestick in the presence of
Christ in heaven, and even a star in the right hand of Christ. (Rev 1:16,20)
Many Baptists maintain the doctrine that the lukewarm church was never really
saved to begin with. But, if that is so, then how could Christ vomit someone out
of his mouth that was never really in his mouth to begin with? And, exactly what
does the “vomit” mean? (Rev 3:16) (See message listed below on: Salvation)
(Let's fix the problem, not make accusations and place blame.) (Please read my
warning message/explanation about the “Lukewarm Church” listed at the bottom
of this message.)

So, what we have is the supposedly spiritually inferior competition making

a lot more progress evangelizing all over the world than the SBC. This is not a
local problem in any particular place, it is wide-spread. The only places where
churches like the SBC are making good progress are in “rich-town USA”, and
places like it. Oh, they don't have any problem at all getting a missionary to go
to another place in “rich-town USA”.
The entire Southern Baptist Convention needs a complete total overhaul.
Imagine, one time I even heard someone say that they didn't want to be a
missionary because they would have to use an outhouse instead of a normal
toilet. One day they are going to face God and answer for refusing to do His
will, for a reason like that.
For starters, every SBC church needs to start motivating their members to
apply themselves and consider being foreign missionaries. They need to know
how successful the competition is, and how unsuccessful the SBC is. They
need to be reminded about what happens to Christians who don't bear the cross
of Christ. (Luke 9:23-26) Mat 7:21 “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord,
Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my
Father which is in heaven.” (See message listed below on: Salvation) (Let's fix
the problem, not make accusations and place blame.)
Most Baptists don't even know anything at all about those other churches.
Learning about them, and their errors, is a part of Christian education that needs
to be started in almost every SBC church. (Special new classes for this need to
be started.) In addition, responsible missionary reports must be made so that
people on both sides know how the progress is. The missionaries must not be
permitted to live the lazy life, doing nothing while sponging off missionary sup-

port money. And the home church members must be in regular direct contact
with their missionaries on the field, so they can support them with their prayers.
The contact should be personal. The missionaries and foreign new converts
should be “pen-pals” or “e-mail-pals” or “skype-pals” with home church mem-
bers. Home church members need to share in the successes of the progress of
saving souls and establishing new churches all over the world. Home church
members also need to be local missionaries to friends and neighbors, wherever
they live. Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and
preach the gospel to every creature.” Mat 24:14 “And this gospel of the king-
dom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then
shall the end come.”
Oh finally, I said something that the local pastor would like to hear. The
primary reason for this message; getting everyone to bring more new people to
the meetings. When I was young they were called “pew packers”. Children
used to win prizes for bringing the most friends to evangelistic meetings.

Thank you,
Pastor David

P.S. It would be a good idea that this message be read from the pulpit in every
SBC church in America. Please, pass it on. (I have already sent this to the
leaders at the IMB of the SBC. Their response didn’t come until months later.
They sent me a notice that two new women have recently been promoted to
leadership positions inside the International Missions Board of the Southern
Baptist Convention. Obviously, they are already well aware of the problems
mentioned in this message, and they are the ones deliberately causing the
This message is something that every member of every Baptist Church
should know, and do something about. Even the Baptists who are not part of the

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The Holy Scriptures

The Lie of Evolution

What About Deborah


The Role Of Women Throughout History

The Consequences of Using Incorrect Terminology

Domestic Discipline

The Lukewarm Church


Correct Divorce


The Consequences of “Women's Liberation”

The New World Order was Prophesied in the Bible

Self-Love and Self-Esteem

Angels are Aliens, Aliens are Angels

Wolves In Sheep's Clothing


The Virtues of the Spirit

The Babylonian and Egyptian Captivity

The Suffering Of The Great Depression


Marriage Misunderstandings Explained

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