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The Covid-19 Hoax, Apr 2021

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The COVID-19 Hoax

Pastor David Ministries

April 2021

Throughout history there has been many cases of sickness and plague. But,
only a few that were on a large scale. In modern times, most people don’t think of such
things as having anything at all to do with God or punishment for the bad behavior of
people. But many years ago, most people thought very much differently about such
things. For example, back during the Great Depression, many people thought that the
depression was all caused as a punishment from God for the bad behavior of people
during the “roaring twenties”, when many people started to live very liberal, anti-reli-
gious and free immoral lifestyles. Even though the Great Depression was more noted
for an economical crash and enormous dust storms coming from he Midwest, it was
also a time of starvation and sickness from the dust storms. The dust storms were so
bad that people inside houses were coughing up mud, and many people, especially,
children died from it. (see article listed below on: The Suffering Of The Great
The last time there was a great plague which had a very obvious anti-religious
cause was the bubonic plague back in the dark-ages, starting in 1347 in Europe, which
was also called the “Black Death”. This plague was actually mentioned in the Bible.
Rev 2:22 “Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her
into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.” The “Black Death” killed more
than half of all the people at that time. It was also a very ugly type of sickness. The
few survivors were afraid to bury the dead, lest they catch the sickness. Big rats were
all over the place. However, in modern times, most people, when they think about it on
a historical basis, don’t attribute the cuase of that plague as having anything at all to do
with immorality or anti-religious conduct.
The seven churches mentioned in chapters two and three of Revelation repre-
sent seven different ages through history in which a particular type of church was pre-
dominant at that place and time. We are now living in the age of the church of Laodi-
cea, the lukewarm church. (see article listed below on: The Lukewarm Church)
The punishment for the lukewarm church is not as specific. Jesus said to
them: Rev 3:19 “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and
repent.” The word “chasten” is a very general word meaning “discipline” with no spe-
cifics mentioned. However, the modern lukewarm church is well-known for their false
claim to have the supernatural gifts of the Spirit, which were given to the Apostles on
the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2) The most notable of those supernatural gifts was the
ability to lay hands on sick people and receive an instantaneous miracle. Even though
it is exceedingly obvious, in modern times, that no supernatural healings, like the ones
in the Bible are happening now, the lukewarm churches still insist that they have those
same supernatural gifts of the Spirit which the Apostles had in the Bible.
Most people are aware that Jesus Christ did many miracles during his time of
preaching. However, unless someone has had more teaching from the Bible, they may
not know that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the Jewish holiday called “Pen-
tecost”, the disciples of Jesus Christ received special supernatural gifts of the Holy
Spirit. The most well-known of those gifts was that of healing. The disciples (Apo-
stles) could lay their hands on sick people and receive an instantaneous supernatural
miracle of healing. There were other supernatural gifts, too. The second most well-
known gift was speaking in tongues. Without previously learning, the Apostles could
supernaturally speak to people in languages which they never knew before.
However, among people who know the Bible very well, most of them are not
aware that only the Apostles had these gifts. Nobody else had any of those superna-
tural gifts of the Spirit. (Acts 2:42; 4:33; 5:12) Acts 2:43 “And fear came upon every
soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.” Acts 5:12 “And by the
hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people;”
Among the rest of the people, nobody attempted to call himself an “Apostle” or pretend
to have the supernatural gifts which the Apostles had. Acts 5:13 “And of the rest durst
no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them.”
There was even one man at that time who noticed that there was this thing
that the Apostles could do which none of the other new converts were capable of
doing. Acts 8:18,19 “And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles'
hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, 19 Saying, Give me also
this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.” Obvious-
ly, none of the other people could do this special gift. Not even in the second genera-
tion of the church. Yet, in modern times there are many church leaders who insist that
this was never stopped, and that they can still do it today.
After the death of the Apostles, no other person has had any of those super-
natural gifts of the Spirit. Not one single case in almost 2,000 years. However, in the
last century, or so, there has arisen numerous church leaders who claim that they have
those supernatural gifts of the Spirit. Most of them teach that all of the true church is
supposed to have those supernatural gifts all the time. But, when you make a good
evaluation of their supposed “supernatural” gifts, what you discover is that nothing
supernatural ever happens in those churches. They have a perfect score,… absolute
zero. Never, never, never, never. Since the days following the death of the Apostles
until now, almost 2,000 years,…… absolute zero.
Well then, if no supernatural gifts ever happen, how and why would they go
on saying the opposite? First, the importance of the instantaneous results happening
immediately following the imposition of hands in the name of Jesus Christ, is complete-
ly ignored. They consider it irrelevant whether a healing takes place instantly as com-
pared to some later time. And therefore they don’t really ever expect anything to hap-
pen on the spot. Second, there is the question of having sufficient faith to make it
happen at all. If a person doesn’t have enough faith, they shouldn’t get a miracle any-
way. Third, they always have a long list of successful stories they are always ready to
tell you, which always happened at some other time and place. None of their suposed
supernatural healings ever happen at the same time as the imposition of the preachers
hands on the sick person. They have a perfect score,…… absolute zero. Never,
never, never, never. Since the days following the death of the Apostles until now,……
absolute zero.
And, with a little investigation you will discover that none of those stories are
miracles at all. For example, a man said to me one time that his car ran out of gas and
he kept right on driving it for a long distance with no gasoline at all. However, that man
was an auto mechanic who knew very well that most American cars, at that time, were
made so that when the gas gauge said empty, there was actually several gallons still
left in the tank. But, despite the fact that he knew that, he still insisted that it was a
Regarding healing, they always ignore the difference between different types
of healing, and treat any type of healing the same as a miracle. The supernatural gift
of healing was always done with the imposition of the hands of the Apostle on the sick
person in the name of Jesus Christ. But, somehow they put all types of healing in the
same category and mix them all together so that people can’t really tell the difference.
After all, healing could be done as a result of medication, or surgery, or therapy, or
vitamins, or changing diet, or even naturally, like how skin can heal itself. Even ani-
mals have some types of healing. Unbelievers, who never pray to God sometimes
have healing. And, the truth of the matter is, that ALL those churches that say they
have the supernatural gift of healing never have any other type of healing than what
the unbelievers receive, who never pray to God at all.
When a neutral observer watches one of their pastors put his hands on a sick
person, and then sees that no healing of any kind follows, when he asks them why no
healing happened when the preacher put his hands on the sick person, they always
have some excuse explanation. Usually, they will say that the person didn’t have
enough faith. Or, they might say that the healing will happen soon,….. just wait. But,
sometimes they will even blame the neutral observer, and say that the reason why the
healing didn’t happen was because the observer didn’t have enough faith. This is as
rediculous as asking an auto mechanic why he couldn’t fix a car, and then answering
by saying the fault is with the observer.
Yet another excuse is that they compare it to the “thorn in the flesh” which the
Apostle Paul had. 2Cor 12:7 “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the
abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messen-
ger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.” This “thorn in the
flesh” was some unnamed physical problem which the Apostle Paul had that God re-
fused to heal. In Paul’s case, the gift of healing was very active, producing many heal-
ed people with only one exception, his own “thorn in the flesh”. But, in the case of
EVERY modern preacher who claims to have the same gift of healing, there is NEVER,
NEVER, NEVER any healed people. So, how is it posible that a continual absence of
the gift of healing be compared to Paul’s singular exception case of the “thorn in the
Be careful. There is also a lot of lying going on. Many times I have heard
people in those churches tell of fantastic miracles that happened at some other time
and place. After a while, it becomes obvious that the whole thing is one big fat deli-
berate lie. That’s right folks. This is a real whopper. They know they’re lying,……
every time they put their hands on a sick person in the name of Jesus Christ,….. they
know they’re not going to get a miracle. EVERY TIME. They always know beforehand
that no miracle is going to happen.
Why? Answer: Jesus Christ warned against “wolves in sheep’s clothing”.
This method is very effective at getting people to reject God. When many people ob-
serve a phony healer put their hands on a sick person and pray for healing in the name
of Jesus Christ, after it is obvious that no miracle happens, the neutral observer not
only rejects the phony healer, but they reject God as well. Mat 7:15 “Beware of false
prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening
wolves.” And 1Tim 4:1 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times
some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of
devils;” Most of the people in those churches are followers of Satan masquerading as
Christians. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.
However, there are a few people there who don’t understand the reality of the
situation and they want so badly to believe that the Spirit of God is really active and
present here and now, that they mistakenly follow those wolves in sheep’s clothing,
without understanding who they really are. Believe it or not, there are a few people in
those churches who are innocently following what they believe to be the true teaching
of the Bible.
And, don’t forget, part of what those churhes are teaching is truly correct from
the Word of God, especially basic salvation. The Word of God is so powerful that it
can even produce true salvation when presented from an enemy of God. Php 1:15-18
“Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: 16
The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my
bonds: 17 But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.
18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is
preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.”
But, in order to go on following this movement, those few true believers are
forced to accept a twisted interpretation of how the Spirit of God operates. Every time
they clearly see that no supernatural miracle happens, over and over and over and
over, they must use some sort of abnormal mental reasoning in order to justify the
continual absence of supernatural results, which ought to be expected. After a while,
they get accustomed to this abnormality, and then it starts to seem normal.
After all, what are their alternatives? If they go to a church that doesn’t teach
the gifts of the Spirit, those churches have a complete absence of the power of the
Spirit of God moving among the people. Those churches always seem dull and boring.
Almost all of the “filled with the Spirit” churches are very exciting, energetic and emo-
tional. They do that because those wolves in sheep’s clothing know that shortly after
every emotional peak, there is always an emotional valley soon to come. That’s when
they get many people to reject God; an emotional valley accompanied with a continual
absence of supernatural power of the Holy Spirit is very effective at getting people to
reject God.
Many people let their minds play tricks on themselves. Like how when some
people come to the US seeking prosperity. The US has the highest immigration rate of
any country in the world. Before they come, they imagine false things about the US.
Sometimes they even let their minds run away with imaginary wonders. Like, they
imagine the streets are made of gold. Or, they imagine that every American has a
money tree in their back yard. You know, you’ve seen’em, every leaf is a one hundred
dollar bill. Oh, yeah, they know all that’s not true, but they act like it is anyway. And,
they also imagine how the place where they come from is the worst place in the world.
Funny thing, most of the supposed “poor” people from those countries are normally not
the poorest people from those places. Most of the “poor” people who are illegal immi-
grants in the US were usually economically better off than the poorest people from the
country they come from. Whereas, most of the Americans who help them, by giving
them good jobs imagine that they’re helping the poorest people of the world. And they
think God will bless them for that.
Their mind plays tricks on them, exaggerating how good or bad it really is
wherever they are. Then, they are faced with the truth of real life. In the US there is a
drug epidemic. There is a suicide epidemic. If it is so wonderful, then why are so
many people killing themselves? Why are so many people on drugs? Why are there
so many divorces and broken families? Why are there so many people unhappy with
life? Why are there so many men living on the streets, sleeping on the sidewalks?

The gifts of the Spirit doing supernatural things stopped with the death of the
Apostles. So, why are there so many people who insist that it’s not true? You would
think God ought to strike those liars who are responsible for spreading this corruption
with sickness and plagues. Plagues like COVID-19. Strange,…. when this virus start-
ed last year, the churches that teach they have the gift of healing were the first ones to
close their doors for fear of the virus. How could there possibly be a more appropriate
punishment than this virus plague as a direct response from God for their lies about
claiming to have the supernatural gift of healing? They have a guilty conscience. They
know perfectly well that they don’t have the gift of healing, and that they’ve been pre-
tending to have it for the purpose of tripping-up other innocent people.

All of the symptoms of the COVID-19 are something that could be caused by
some other problem. Even a common allergy could cause some of those symptoms.
Or, how about a psychosomatic reaction due to a guilt complex from one of those
people in a church where they falsely claim to have the gift of healing? Lev 26:36
“And upon them that are left alive of you I will send a faintness into their hearts in the
lands of their enemies; and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall
flee, as fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth.” Their constant
lying about having the gift of healing will cause them to imagine they are sick when
there is no real sickness. They know they don’t really have the gift of healing. And,
they have a guilty conscience about all the lying they’ve been doing.

Back in the 90’s there were a bunch of doctors going around saying that many
people were dying from breathing second hand cigarette smoke, from being in a room
with other people smoking cigarettes. They went as far as to claim that almost every-
one who died an untimely death died from second hand cigarette smoke. After all, al-
most everyone, at some time had been exposed to second hand cigarette smoke.
Therefore, it had to have been the cigarette smoke that killed them. This movement by
the doctors was so strong that they eventually got the government to change the laws
about permitting open smoking in public places.
But, now that smoking is prohibited almost everywhere, you never hear any
more talk about somebody dying from second hand cigarette smoke. There are still
many people who smoke openly in their own home, and from time to time there are
other non-smokers who are exposed to that smoke. But, all that talk about people
dying from it has stopped. Why do people trust doctors so much? Why do they act like
doctors are incapable of lying?
All those people who supposedly died from breathing second hand cigarette
smoke obviously died from some other cause. And, so it is with this COVID-19. No-
body is dying from COVID-19 any more than they died from second hand cigarette
smoke. Those doctors were lying. And many doctors are now lying about COVID-19.

Do you want another example of a big fat lie? How about the attack on 9-11?
That had nothing to do with Bin Laden, or Afghanistan, and especially absolutely no-
thing to do with Iraq. (see documentaries: “Loose Change” and “Fahrenheit 9-11”.)
(The Bin Laden family and the Bush family had been good friends for many years
before that.) (Bin Laden’s death was probably fake, too. Him and Bush are probably
playing golf together right now, laughing together about all the tons of money they
made off the whole deal.) (please, see documentaries: “Loose Change” and
“Fahrenheit 9-11”.)
Why do people trust the politicians so much? This COVID-19 is being pushed
more from the politicians than it is from doctors. When I first saw the attack on the twin
towers on TV, and they said it was Bin Laden who did that. The first thought that enter-
ed my mind was: That wasn’t caused by Bin Laden. That was president Bush. (see
documentaries: “Loose Change” and “Fahrenheit 9-11”.) These documentaries show
an enormous wealth of evidence proving Bush to be guilty.
Notice that my original doubting of the claim about Bin Laden being the culprit
was not based on detailed information about the attack. My doubt was based on the
lack of trustworthiness of president Bush. Later on, an abundance of detailed informa-
tion came from numerous documentaries published, which filled in the important details
about what really happened on September 11, 2001. And, so it is with this COVID-19, I
don’t have the details,…. yet. But, I know that I have no reason to trust the people who
want to force me to take a series of injections for a virus that I don’t believe is real. I
thought COVID-19 was fake from the very beginning.
Bush used fraud at his first election to become president. Trump did, too. Is
there any more reason to trust Trump than trust Bush? Did you know that after WW1
Germany needed a lot of money to rebuild and re-arm their army. It was grandpa Bush
who paid for Hitler’s rise to power. And now you could say it runs in the family. Like
father, like son. Isn’t 9-11 something a Hitler supporter would do? Trump started this
COVID-19 hoax. And rest assured, this virus is equally as much a fraud as Trump won
his fraud election.

But, in the case with the church, when anybody comes along and tells the
church that they must stop meeting together, the true believers ought to be suspicious
about any such claims. The faithful church should know better. But, the modern
churches have more confidence in what doctors tell them. Imagine, in some countries
that persecute the Christians, the church meetings always have to be done in hiding.
Yet, they always continue to meet together anyway. But, a tactic like COVID-19 gets
churches to close their own meetings with no persecution even necessary. Rest
assured, this is one of the main reasons for the whole COVID-19 fraud. That’s right, a
great big fat lie mainly to close church meetings.
So, it is the faithful Christians who should recognise it to be fake and be the
first ones to remove their masks and meet together with absolutely no fear of virus.
But, rest assured, if they did that Satan would send in some of his spies, as he always
does, who will probably pretend to have the virus, just to make people afraid. After all,
this false virus tactic is more effective than persecution when it comes to stopping
church meetings.

And, what about the vaccine? Quite obviously, way back before the whole
COVID-19 started they had some sort of drug they wanted to inject all the masses of
population with, for whatever reason. And obviously, staging this whole virus scare
was the best way to get everyone in the mass-public to accept it.
So then, what is its true purpose? What’s really in this vaccine? Do you
really think they’re going to tell us? Do you really think they would permit anyone to
analyse a sample of it? And, if they did, any supposed sample would probably be
switched with something else.
Well, obviously we can only guess at what it is. But, most likely the first
installment is nothing at all. They plan on injecting everyone on a regular basis. So,
the first one would more than likely just be a confidence builder; probably something
just to make people feel good about coming on a regular schedule to get more injec-
tions later on. The hard stuff probably won’t come until later on.
One obvious purpose for this new drug would be for brainwashing. 2Thes 2:11
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a
lie:” The big fat lies they’re going to be dishing out later on are probably going to be
harder to swallow than any of the big fat lies they’ve been dishing out before. So,
they’re going to need to drug people up so they’ll follow right along, and swallow
whatever obsurd obvious lies they want.
Yet, another purpose could be a preparation stage for getting the masses accus-
tomed to accepting the mark of the Anti-Christ. Rev 13:16-18 “And he causeth all, both
small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or
in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or
the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that
hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and
his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (score=20, threescore=60)

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The Consequences of Using Incorrect Terminology

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The Lukewarm Church

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