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Services A) Scope of Services

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a) Scope of Services

1.1 The executing firm shall provide Technical Training in the geographical area -----and training areas-
-------, those were identified in consultation with Supervising Institute as per the provision of the

1.2 The executing firm shall provide to the Supervising Institute, points of interest of the group of
assigned staff containing names of the staff allocated to the venture and any adjustment in the group
will be informed to the Supervising Institute. The capabilities and capacities of the colleagues/staffs
would be according to necessity of the course and as per the general satisfaction of the Supervising
Institute. The executing firm agrees to change the assigned staff according to the necessities of the
Supervising Institute, in situations when the assigned staff is observed to be inadequate in expertise
or capacities

1.3 All the staff engaged in by the actualizing the firm shall be the duty of the executing firm, which
will have managerial control and supervision over its staff. The Supervising Institute might not be
included or be a gathering to any debate emerging out of the engagement of faculty by the executing

1.4 Roles and Responsibilities of the executing firm would be as characterized in the plan. The
responsibilities of the executing firm might be extended in light of the observing reports of the
Supervising Institute or in view of arrangement changes realized by the HLC/Department. The
executing firm consents to be bound by the parts and obligations as characterized in the plan and to
such extension of the parts and duties as previously mentioned.

b) Time Schedule

2.1 This agreement should come into force on the xxx and should terminate without notice xxxxx.

2.2 The term of the Agreement should be one year (1 year from the date of initiation of preparing by
the executing firm) and further continuation will be liable to the discoveries of an inner execution
audit or outside assessment by an association that might be delegated by the Department and as per
the points of interest of the plan. Expansion or continuation will be at the sole caution of the
Department. While considering the expansion of the Agreement, the Department will give due
thought to the base achievement rate of the recipients and choice in such manner will be founded on
consequences of exams held by the Board of Technical Education in view of educational
program/example of MES plan of DGE&T Govt. of India. The greatest time of legitimacy of this
understanding would be xxx years and further expansion would be as another assignment, which
might be gone into in light of the discoveries of an outer assessment office.
7. Remuneration, Invoicing and Payment

The Government will pay to the executing firm on the basis of the agreed amount as follows:

7.1 In the first quarter, there will be no advance paid towards repeating costs. Be that as it may, a
sum up to will be paid ahead of time in regard of concede for onetime non-repeating
consumption in view of generation of an appropriate certification (in case huge equipment, intensive
courses the High Level Committee may expand the non-repeating stipend up to a measure of xxxx on
the premise of demand from executing firms in such manner and on the premise of satisfying the
condition in the plan). Renting of equipment for conveying courses would likewise be dealt with as
non-repeating consumption and in such cases the High Level Committee would settle the sum
qualified for allow. The Payment of give amid first quarter will be discharged on month to month
premise after effective operation of every month.

7.2 Towards the start of second quarter (After expiry of three months of operation), half of sum will
be paid ahead of time subject to satisfactory execution of operation of first quarter.

7.3 The installment of grants for the second from last quarter will be made subject to the condition
that the operation of first quarter. Executing firm should meet the criteria of evaluation set by the
High Level Committee. Comparable criteria for permitting kept financing could change now and again
in view of strategy changes achieved by the high level committee.

7.4 The payment of grants for the fourth quarter will be made subject to the condition that the
operation of second quarter was satisfactory and so on. Similar criteria as of third quarter will be
observed before releasing the grant for the fourth quarter.

7.5 For the operation to be continued for the next year the implementing NGO should submit an
application seeking funding at least 3 months before close of the years last quarter. Based on an
overall assessment of performance of the implementing NGO, the High Level Committee/Department
will take a decision regarding extension of services to the implementing NGO and contract period
thereof. Application for extension of contract will thereafter be resubmitted at least 1 months
before close of the year.

7.6 The implementing NGO shall give Bank guarantee of equal amount of agreed project amount,
which is being given as advance money in the first instalment.

7.7 Payment shall be made by the Government in Indian Rupees by cheque/demand draft/pay order
into bank account set up by the Implementing NGO for the purpose of this agreement:-

7.8 The funding pattern under this agreement is subject to change based on a review of the scheme.
The executing firm agrees to such changes as may be brought about on account of a review of the


11.1 The executing firm may, by a notice of sixty days to the Supervising Institute, end this assignment.
In case of event during the end, no instalment will be made to the executing firm for the preparation
imparted by it and an advance payment is lying with the executing firm the same would be paid back
with corrective interest, as might be settled by the Department.
11.2 The Government will have the power and the authority to drop and even end this understanding
whenever by giving a thirty days notice to the executing firm and to settle the records for the
administrations gave by the executing firm up to that date.

11.3 Any financial related abnormalities distinguished in an audit check may bring about the quick end
of this agreement by the Government. In this occasion, unspent assets from this agreement must be
returned by the executing firm to the Government.

11.4 In the event of the executing firm, failing to fulfil its obligation under the agreement, the
Government may forfeit the bank guarantee provided by the executing firm.

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