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Electrical Machines - ME505A

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Electrical Machines

Contacts: 3L
Credits- 3
Topic No of periods
Module-I: DC Machines:
EMF generated in the armature. Methods of Excitation, Armature reaction & its effect in the
performance, Methods of decreasing the effects of Armature reaction, Effect of Brush shift.
Commutation process.
Operating Characteristics of DC Generators: Separately Excited generators, Shunt Generators, Series
Generators and Compound Generators.
Torque equation of D.C motor, Operating Characteristics of Shunt, Series & Compound motors.
Losses and efficiency of DC machines, Hopkinson’s and Swinburne’s test
D.C Machine application: Generator application, Motor application
Module-II: 3-Phase Induction machine:
Induction motor as a Transformer, Flux and MMF phasors in Induction motors,
Equivalent circuit, Performance equations, Induction motor phasor diagram
Toque-slip characteristic, Power slip characteristic.
Speed control of Induction motor
Polarity Test, Application of Polyphase Induction motor.
Module-III: Synchronous Machines:
Construction, Types, Excitation system, Generator & motor modes
Armature reaction, Theory of salient pole machine, Two reaction theory, Voltage regulation
Parallel operation of alternators, Synchronous machine connected to infinite bus, effect of change of
excitation and speed of prime mover.
Starting of Synchronous motor, V-Curve, Damper winding, Hunting.
Module-IV: Fractional Kilowatt motors:
Single phase Induction motor: Construction, Double revolving field theory. Starting methods, Speed -
torque characteristics, Phasor diagram, Application
Principle of operation of AC servo motors, Stepper motors, Techo generators, Brush less DC motors.
Numerical Problems to be solved in the tutorial classes.
Text Books:
1 P.S. Bhimra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers.
2 D.P. Kothari & I.J Nagrath, Electric machines, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
3 P.K. Mukherjee & S. Chakrabarty, Electrical Machines, Dhanpat Rai Publication.
Reference Books:
1. Bhag S. Guru and H.R. Hiziroglu, Electric Machinery & Transformers, Oxford University press.
2. R.K. Srivastava, Electrical Machines, Cengage Learning.
3. Alexander S Langsdorf, Theory of Alternating Current Machinery, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
4. M.G.Say, The performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines, CBS Publishers & Distributors.
5. Irving L Koskow, Electric Machinery & transformer, Prentice Hall India.

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