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Radiation Safety of Gamma

and Electron
Irradiation Facilities



A new hierarchical categorization scheme has been introduced, according to

which the publications in the IAEA Safety Series are grouped as follows:

Safety Fundamentals (silver cover)

Basic objectives, concepts and principles to ensure safety.

Safety Standards (red cover)

Basic requirements which must be satisfied to ensure safety for particular

activities or application areas.

Safety Guides (green cover)

Recommendations, on the basis of international experience, relating to the ful-

filment of basic requirements.

Safety Practices (blue cover)

Practical examples and detailed methods which can be used for the application
of Safety Standards or Safety Guides.

Safety Fundamentals and Safety Standards are issued with the approval of the
IAEA Board of Governors; Safety Guides and Safety Practices are issued under the
authority of the Director General of the IAEA.

An additional category, Safety Reports (purple cover), comprises independent

reports of expert groups on safety matters, including the development of new princi-
ples, advanced concepts and major issues and events. These reports are issued under
the authority of the Director General of the IAEA.

There are other publications of the IAEA which also contain information
important to safety, in particular in the Proceedings Series (papers presented at
symposia and conferences), the Technical Reports Series (emphasis on technological
aspects) and the IAEA-TECDOC Series (information usually in a preliminary form).
The following States are Members of the International Atomic Energy Agency:



The Agency's Statute was approved on 23 October 1956 by the Conference on the Statute of the
IAEA held at United Nations Headquarters, New York; it entered into force on 29 July 1957. The Head-
quarters of the Agency are situated in Vienna. Its principal objective is "to accelerate and enlarge the
contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world".

IAEA, 1992

Permission to reproduce or translate the information contained in this publication may be

obtained by writing to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, P.O. Box 100,
A-1400 Vienna, Austria.

Printed by the IAEA in Austria

May 1992




VIENNA, 1992
VIC Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Radiation safety of gamma and electron irradiation facilities. Vienna : Inter-
national Atomic Energy Agency, 1992.
p. ; 24 cm. - (Safety series, ISSN 0074-1892 ; 107)
ISBN 92-0-101692-1
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Nuclear facilitiesSafety measures. 2. Gamma ray sourcesSafety
measures. 3. Electron beamsSafety measures. I. International Atomic
Energy Agency. D. Series.

VICL 92-00017

Since the 1950s, sources of ionizing radiation have been used for medical,
industrial and research purposes. There are currently some 160 gamma irradiation
facilities and over 600 electron beam facilities in operation throughout virtually all
Member States of the IAEA. The most widespread uses of these facilities are for the
sterilization of medical and pharmaceutical products, the preservation of foodstuffs,
polymer synthesis and modification, and the eradication of insect infestation.
The safety record of this industry has been very good. Nevertheless, there is
a potential for accidents with serious consequences. Gamma and electron beam facil-
ities produce very high dose rates during irradiation, so that a person accidentally
present in the irradiation chamber can receive a lethal dose within minutes or
seconds. Precautions against uncontrolled entry must therefore be taken. Further-
more, gamma irradiation facilities contain large amounts of radioactivity and if the
mechanism for retracting the source is damaged, the source may remain exposed,
inhibiting direct access to carry out remedial work. Contamination can result from
corroded or damaged sources, and decontamination can be very expensive. These
aspects clearly indicate the need to achieve a high degree of safety and reliability in
the facilities. This can be accomplished by effective quality control together with
careful design, manufacture, installation, operation and decommissioning.
The guidance in this Safety Series publication is intended for competent
authorities responsible for regulating the use of radiation sources as well as the
manufacturers, suppliers, installers and users of gamma and electron beam facilities.

Background (101-103) 1
Objective (104-105) 1
Scope (106) 1
Structure (107) 2

Gamma irradiation facilities (201-202) 2
Electron beam facilities (203) 7



Defence in depth (402-405) 9
Redundancy (406) 11
Diversity (407-408) 11
Independence (409) 11
Programmable electronic systems (410) 12
Safety analysis (411-416) 12


Design of sealed sources (gamma radiation sources) (502-507) 14
Internal design (508-510) 15
Shielding (511-514) 16
Access to the radiation source, and interlocked systems (515-525) 16
Control console (526-530) 18
Radiation room (531-533) 19
Wet storage irradiators (534-542) 20
Geological site considerations (543-545) 22
Fire protection (546-547) 23
Power failure (548-549) 23
Ventilation (550-555) 23
Warning signs and symbols (556-565) 24
Regulatory programme (601-604) 26
Approval process (605-631) 26
Regulatory inspection and enforcement (632-642) 32
Existing facilities (643-644) 35


General responsibilities (701) 36
Appointment of radiation protection advisers (702-706) 36
Appointment of radiation protection officers (707-710) 38
Responsibilities of qualified operators (711-717) 39
Staff training (718-722) 39
Radiation monitoring (723-728) 40
Testing and maintenance of equipment (729-737) 41
Records (738-740) 44
Facility maintenance and modification (741-746) 44
Operational instructions (747-749) 45
Procedural matters (750-753) 46


Designers and manufacturers (801-803) 47
Importers and suppliers (804) 48
Constructors and installers (805-807) 48


Transport (901-905) 48
Loading and unloading of sources (906-910) 49


Safety considerations in the design of electron
accelerators (1001-1006) 50
Shielding (1007-1013) 51
Other requirements (1014-1015) 53
Incident report (1109) 54
Special problems with gamma irradiation facilities (1110-1115) 55
Emergencies involving high accidental exposures (1116) 56



101. Gamma and electron irradiation facilities have to be constructed so that during
normal use any radiation exposure of workers will be very low and there is no
significant exposure to individual members of the public. However, significant
radiation exposure may result from loss of control over or damage to the radiation
source. In extreme cases the exposures may be sufficient to cause serious injury or
even fatalities in the short term [1]. Damage to the source can also lead to widespread
102. Gamma and electron beam facilities produce very high dose rates during irradi-
ation, so that a person accidentally present in the irradiation chamber can receive a
lethal dose within minutes or seconds, and fatalities have in fact occurred in Italy
(1975), Norway (1982), El Salvador (1989) and Israel (1990).
103. The risk of accidental exposures can, however, be kept to a minimum by
proper design and construction, with specific attention to such matters as shielding
and interlocks, and a good radiation protection programme with special emphasis on
training and access control. It is therefore essential that adequate radiation safety
measures be taken in keeping with the objectives laid down in the Basic Safety
Standards for Radiation Protection (BSS) [2]. The present publication is intended to
provide practical guidance for all those with safety responsibilities in the control and
safe use of gamma and electron beam irradiate rs.


104. This Safety Guide addresses the main requirements for the safe design, control
and operation of irradiation facilities. It is recognized that these facilities may be
installed in countries with little or no experience in their use or without a well devel-
oped programme of radiation protection.
105. The purpose is to provide information and guidance to persons intending to
purchase and operate such facilities and to governments and their appointed compe-
tent authorities responsible for regulating them.


106. The guidance given in this publication applies to all types of irradiation facili-
ties, whether operated on a commercial basis or for research and development pur-
poses. It does not, however, deal with radiotherapy or radiography units. It is solely

concerned with radiation safety and does not deal with the uses of irradiation facili-
ties and their requirements, nor does it cover the topics of the irradiation of products
and their quality assurance.


107. Some of the terms used in this publication are defined in the glossary. The
definitions are based on those given in Safety Series No. 76 [3], modified where
appropriate to relate more specifically to irradiation facilities.



201. The activity of the source in an irradiator ranges from a few terabecquerels
(1 TBq = 27 Ci) to more than 100 PBq (3 MCi). The safety recommendations given
in this publication are primarily concerned with facilities with the larger activities
but, with appropriate modifications, they also apply to facilities with relatively low
202. For the purposes of this Safety Guide, four general categories of irradiators
are defined according to the design of the facility and particularly the accessibility
and shielding of the radioactive source. The categories are:
Category I. An irradiator in which the sealed source is completely enclosed in
a dry container constructed of solid materials and is shielded at all times, and where
human access to the sealed source and the volume undergoing irradiation is not
physically possible in the designed configuration (Fig. 1).
Category II. A controlled human access irradiator in which the sealed source
is enclosed in a dry container constructed of solid materials, is fully shielded when
not in use and is exposed within a radiation volume that is maintained inaccessible
during use by an entry control system (Fig. 2).
Category III. An irradiator in which the sealed source is contained in a water
filled storage pool and is shielded at all times, and where human access to the sealed
source and the volume undergoing irradiation is physically restricted in the designed
configuration and proper mode of use (Fig. 3).
Sample loading

Shielding source


FIG. 1. Category I gamma irradiation facility: a self-contained, dry source storage

water pool

Sample or
product container

FIG. 3. Category III gamma irradiation facility: a self-contained, wet source storage
Category IV. A controlled human access irradiator in which the sealed source
is contained in a water filled storage pool, is fully shielded when not in use and is
exposed within a radiation volume that is maintained inaccessible during use by an
entry control system (Fig. 4).


203. In this publication only electron accelerators of energies less than or equal to
10 MeV are considered. For these energies there is no induced radioactivity in any
part of the equipment. The main differences between the types of accelerator are in
the mode of accelerating the electron beam and in the method of producing the neces-
sary high voltages. For the purposes of this publication electron irradiation facilities
are divided into two categories. These are:
Category I. An integrally shielded unit with interlocks, where human access
during operation is not physically possible owing to the configuration of the shielding
(Fig. 5).
Category II. A unit housed in shielded rooms that are maintained inaccessible
during operation by an entry control system (Fig. 6).


301. The objectives of radiation safety are:

(a) To ensure that during normal operation, maintenance and decommissioning
and in emergency situations the radiation exposure of both workers and the
public is kept as low as reasonably achievable, economic and social factors
being taken into account (ALARA).
(b) To ensure that during normal operation, maintenance and decommissioning
and in emergency situations the radiation exposure of both workers and the
public is kept below the relevant dose limits given in the BSS [2].
(c) To ensure that the probability of events giving rise to significant exposures and
the magnitude of such exposures are kept as low as reasonably achievable, eco-
nomic and social factors being taken into account.
302. These general objectives apply to the design, construction, commissioning,
operation, maintenance and decommissioning of irradiation facilities.


High voltage



Access Product
labyrinth conveyor

FIG. 6. Category II electron beam facility: a unit housed in shielded rooms maintained
inaccessible during the irradiation process.


401. The design of an irradiation facility will be determined by factors such as the
purpose of its operation and the category of the facility [4-8]. Therefore it is not
possible to recommend a specific system design that will achieve the required degree
of safety. It is, however, possible to present several design principles that should be
applied, if necessary in combination, to achieve and maintain the required reliability.


402. A major contribution to the safety philosophy is provided by the defence in

depth concept. This concept shall be applied to all safety activities, whether
organizational, behavioural or design related, to ensure that they are covered by a
series of provisions so that if a failure should occur it would be compensated for or
403. The design process shall incorporate defence in depth such that multiple levels
of protection are provided and the necessity for human intervention is minimized.
Examples are:
(a) The provision of multiple means for ensuring each of the basic safety func-
tions, i.e. access control, shielding and the confinement of radioactivity;
(b) The use of high integrity protective devices in addition to the inherent safety
(c) The supplementing of the control of the facility by automatic activation of
safety systems and by operator actions;
(d) The provision of equipment and procedures to control the course and limit the
consequences of accidents.
404. An example of the concept of defence in depth applied to the design process
is as follows. A series of levels of defence in terms of equipment and procedures
is provided in order to prevent accidents or to mitigate their consequences in the
event that preventive measures fail.
(a) The aim of the first level of defence is to prevent deviation from normal opera-
tion. This requires that the facility be soundly and cautiously designed, con-
structed and operated and that an appropriate quality assurance programme be
established and maintained at all stages. To meet this objective, careful atten-
tion should be paid to the selection of appropriate design codes and materials,
and to the control of fabrication of components and of facility construction.
Attention should also be given to the procedures involved in facility inspection,
maintenance and testing, to the ease of access to appropriate parts of the facility
to undertake these activities, to the way the facility is operated and to the man-
ner in which operating experience is utilized.
(b) The aim of the second level of defence is to detect and respond to deviations
from normal operating conditions to prevent anticipated operational occur-
rences from escalating into accident conditions. The fact is recognized that
radiation incidents may occur during the service life of an irradiation facility,
despite the care taken to prevent them. This level requires the provision of
specific systems and the definition of operating procedures to prevent or
minimize the consequences of such incidents.
(c) The aim of the third level of defence is to mitigate the consequences of an acci-
dent, particularly through the achievement of stable and acceptable conditions.
This level also requires the provision of additional equipment and procedures.
405. Irradiation facilities shall only be operated if all levels of defence are in place
and functioning.


406. Redundancy, the use of more than the minimum number of items needed to
accomplish a given safety function, is an important design principle for improving
the reliability of systems important to safety. Redundancy enables the failure or
unavailability of one item to be tolerated without loss of the function. For example,
three or four interlocks might be provided for a particular function when any two
would be capable of carrying it out. For the purposes of redundancy, identical or
diverse components may be used.


407. The reliability of some systems can be enhanced by applying the principle of
diversity. Diversity is applied to redundant systems or components that perform the
same safety function by incorporating different attributes into the systems or compo-
nents. Such attributes can be different principles of operation, different physical vari-
ables, different operating conditions, production by different manufacturers, etc.
The causes of potential failures should be examined to determine where the principle
of diversity could be applied effectively.
408. If diversity is applied, care shall be exercised to ensure that it actually achieves
the desired increase in reliability in the implemented design. For example, to reduce
the potential for failures the designer shall examine the materials, components,
manufacturing processes, operating principles and common support features for any
similarities in the diverse components or systems. If diverse components or systems
are used, there should be reasonable assurance that they are of overall benefit, taking
into account the disadvantages, such as added complication in operation, main-
tenance and test procedures.


409. Independence is achieved in the design of systems through functional isolation

and physical separation. The reliability of systems can be improved by applying the
following principles for independence in design:
(a) Maintaining independence among redundant system components.
(b) Maintaining independence between system components and the equipment
designed to mitigate the effects of incidents; for example, an incident shall not
cause the failure or loss of a safety system or safety function that is required
to mitigate the effects of that event.

(c) Maintaining appropriate independence of systems or components of different
importance to safety.
(d) Maintaining independence between items important to safety and those not
important to safety.


410. Programmable electronic systems (PES) [9] are being used increasingly in
safety control applications. Problems can arise relating to the integrity of the hard-
ware and validation of the software, leading to faults in the system. Designers should
pay particular attention to these problem areas. It is extremely important that only
fully trained and competent staff be allowed to alter software. Procedures for doing
so should be formalized. No alterations to the software should be made unless autho-
rized by the competent authority and reported to the manufacturer.


411. A formal method of assessment should be used, for example a hazard analysis
technique such as probabilistic safety analysis. Each component within the system
should be considered in turn. The likely types of failure and their consequences for
the system as a whole should be taken into account. This should include considera-
tion of the reliability of operating procedures, where safety depends on them, and
should encompass both inadvertent and deliberate failure to follow procedures.
412. The operating organization shall demonstrate to the competent authority how
the design of the irradiation facility and related operational procedures will contrib-
ute to the prevention of accidents on die one hand, and to mitigation of their effects
on the other. This information should be provided in the form of documented safety
analyses describing and evaluating the predicted response of the plant to incidents
(postulated malfunctions or failures of equipment, common cause failures, human
errors, external events, etc.) which could lead to accident conditions. These analyses
should be extended to relevant combinations of such malfunctions, failures, errors
and events.
413. The analyses shall show the extent to which the irradiation facility can control
or accommodate situations related to the various operational stages and accident
conditions. The results should be ultimately expressed in terms of the likelihood of
the events and the extent of the damage to the barriers between the sources of
radiation and the personnel and the public and, as far as possible, in terms of the
likely radiation doses to the personnel and the public.

414. Failures and disturbances could range from relatively frequent events with
minor radiological consequences to highly improbable events having serious conse-
quences. The safety analysis facilitates the comparison of these events, with respect
to both their probabilities and their consequences, so that decisions can be made on
those that should be taken into account in the design of the irradiation facility ('design
basis events').
415. For each initiating event and accident sequence, the extent to which process
systems (or a functioning part thereof) and safety systems are required to function
under accident conditions shall be indicated. A diagrammatic representation (such as
an event tree) of the sequences of the accidents associated with each initiating event
may be helpful. The effects of the degradation of safety system components during
normal operation and under accident conditions should be evaluated.
416. Examples of conditions to be examined in the safety analysis report include:
(a) Loss of access control;
(b) Malfunctions and failures of structures, systems and components;
(c) Loss of control over the source movement system1;
(d) Loss of system or component integrity, including shielding, source
encapsulation1 and pool integrity1;
(e) Electrical distribution faults, from very localized faults to complete loss of
external energy sources;
(f) Failure resulting from external causes such as storms, floods, earthquakes or
(g) Failure of personnel to observe proper, safe procedures (for whatever
(h) Breakdown of procedures for preventing access to the facility by unauthorized
(i) Breakdown of administrative procedures, leading to unsafe practices.


501. Designers of installations require guidance in terms of dose or dose rate objec-
tives. These should be based on the ALARA principle (see Section 3), taking account
of any additional dose constraints that may have been specified for the purpose by
the competent authority. Experience from the operation and maintenance of similar
facilities will be helpful in specifying the levels of exposure that are achievable in

For gamma irradiation facilities only.

practice. Experience in several Member States has shown that, in general, irradiation
facilities can be designed and operated such that the exposure of workers is signifi-
cantly less than 5 mSv in a year.


502. The general requirements for sealed sources are given in ISO Standard 2919
[10, 11] (to be revised under ISO/TC 85/SC 2/WG UN 31C). The ISO Standard
classification requirements are:
Category I: 43323
Category H: 53424
Category ffl: 53424
Category IV: 53424
503. If the activity of the source exceeds those indicated in Annex 1 of Ref. [10],
a specific evaluation of the use of the sealed source and its design shall be made.
504. The manufacturer and user shall also take account of the possible effects of
fire, explosion, corrosion and any aspects related to the continuous use of the sealed
source in addition to those covered by Ref. [10]. Factors that should be considered
(a) The consequences of failure of source integrity; these are influenced by:
(i) The quantity of radioactive material contained in the sealed source;
(ii) The radiotoxicity, teachability and solubility of the radioactive material;
(iii) The chemical and physical form of the radioactive material.
(b) The environment in which the source is stored, moved and used.

Specific requirements for wet storage conditions

505. The outer capsule material shall be such that it does not significantly corrode
under the conditions of storage of the sealed source in the pool. Account shall also
be taken of the need to limit thermal fatigue in the selection of the capsule material.
506. The source itself should be substantially insoluble in water so that the conse-
quences of a breach in the containment are kept to a minimum. In this context it
should be noted that caesium chloride is highly soluble in water and the use of 137Cs
in this form is not recommended.

Certification and documentation

507. The source manufacturer or supplier and users shall maintain records relating
to the sealed source. This information may be required by the competent authorities

for such purposes as licensing of the facility and transportation of the source. The
records shall include the following:
(a) Model number and identification number of the source, the contained radio-
nuclide, the source activity and the date to which the source activity relates;
(b) ISO classification certificate;
(c) Bend test certificate (if required);
(d) Leak test certificate;
(e) Contamination test certificate;
(f) Special form test certificate for transportation purposes (see Ref. [12]);
(g) Any other documentation required by the competent authorities.


Source holder and rack

508. The sealed source shall be firmly fixed within its holder and rack such that it
cannot be readily dislodged from them. Means shall be provided to position and
retain the sealed source in the design position. Devices used for the purpose of posi-
tioning and removing sources should be capable of being operated from outside the
radiation shields. In the event of failure of the sealed source holder or rack it shall
not be possible for the source to move into a position that may cause a radiation

Source guard

509. The radiation source shall be provided with adequate mechanical protection to
prevent interference and damage by items such as product boxes or carriers. For
example, this may take the form of a protective shroud, guide bars or floor guides
on the product positioning system. Product positioning systems shall not be able to
come into contact either directly or indirectly with the radiation source.

Product positioning system

510. The product positioning system shall be provided with controls that detect any
malfunction of the system, which shall cause the source to automatically become
fully shielded and the irradiator to shut down. This is necessary because malfunction
of the product positioning system can lead to damage to the radiation source or its
incorrect positioning in the facility, resulting in a radiation hazard.


511. Direct radiation exposure from the operation of irradiation facilities shall be
limited by appropriate shielding. The shielding properties of particular materials are
well established [4, 8, 13-15], but the experience from existing irradiation facilities
should be taken into account. The amount of shielding should be determined by refer-
ence to any dose rate requirements specified by the competent authority.
512. Once the design of the shield has been established, no subsequent changes
should be made unless they have been thoroughly proven and agreed with the compe-
tent authority.
513. Penetrations of the shield will be necessary for personnel and product entry and
exit and for ventilation and other ducting. These pose particular problems for the
shielding designer, who should ensure that there is no direct radiation leakage path
and that the use of maze entrances and shield plugs is sufficient to reduce the radia-
tion fields at the point of exit to acceptable levels. Where this is not feasible, access
to areas of high dose rate may need to be restricted. Care shall be taken to ensure
that all significant radiation paths are fully evaluated, including, in the case of
gamma irradiation facilities, those that arise during the transit of the source from its
shield to its operating position.
514. Although general guidance on shielding is given in this Safety Guide and the
publications referenced in it, all shielding calculations carried out for the purpose of
design shall be undertaken by specialists.


515. Particular attention needs to be paid to the accessibility of the radiation room
hi gamma irradiation facilities in categories n and IV and in electron beam facilities
in category n. The design of these facilities shall be such that persons cannot have
access to the radiation room while the source is hi the exposed position or is ener-
gized. Such control of access relies heavily on the use of interlocked systems.
516. Sequentially interlocked controls shall be provided for personnel access, lock-
ing of the radiation room and irradiation operations. The controls shall be designed
such that any attempt to override them or apply them out of sequence will automati-
cally abort the intended operation and require the sequence to be restarted.

Personnel access door interlocks

517. Means shall be provided such that the personnel access door to the radiation
room is closed and secured before the irradiation process can begin. The door inter-

locks shall be integrated with the master control system such that violation of the
interlock system or use of the door will cause the radiation to be automatically termi-
nated. Any failure of the control system shall generate visible and audible alarm
signals. Opening the access door shall also disable the source hoist control circuit
and cut off the motive power to the source hoist operating mechanism in the case
of gamma facilities, or switch off the high voltage supply for electron beam facilities.
The disabling of the source hoist control circuit and the cut-off of the motive power
to the source hoist operating mechanism must be accomplished by independent

Product entry and exit port interlocks

518. Suitable means shall be provided at the product entry and exit ports to prevent
inadvertent entry of personnel into high radiation areas. The ports shall be inter-
locked such that a visible or audible alarm indicates when the entry/exit port control
mechanism has malfunctioned or been overridden or tampered with. The irradiation
shall be terminated when this occurs and shall not be restarted unless the cause has
been remedied.

Removable radiation room shield plugs

519. Removable radiation room shield plugs shall be interlocked with the master
control system to prevent or abort irradiator operations if a plug is removed. The
interlock control should be accessible outside the radiation shields.

Fixed radiation monitor with alarms

520. A monitoring system with built-in redundancy shall be provided to detect the
radiation level in the radiation room when the irradiation is indicated to be termi-
nated. The monitor shall be integrated with the personnel access door interlocks to
prevent room access when the monitor detects a radiation level in excess of that
specified, malfunctions or is turned off. The monitor shall generate visible and audi-
ble alarm signals if the radiation level exceeds that specified when the irradiation is
indicated to be terminated. This is a potentially hazardous situation in which it may
be necessary to override interlocks or other safety systems. Written administrative
procedures should therefore provide detailed guidance for such actions, which shall
only be undertaken under the direct control of a radiation protection officer.

Source status and exposure system interlocks

521. Means shall be provided to ensure that, if a malfunction occurs in the source
exposure mechanism, the radiation source will automatically become fully shielded.

If the source cannot be returned to its shielded position then means shall be provided
to prevent access and provide a visible and audible signal.
522. An alarm which is audible both inside the radiation room and at all access ports
shall be provided to indicate when the radiation source is neither fully shielded nor
in the 'source in use' status.

Product exit monitor

523. A fixed radiation monitoring system with built-in redundancy and audible
alarms shall be located such that the monitors will detect any part of a radioactive
source being brought out on a product carrier. These monitors shall be interlocked
with the irradiator controls such that if radiation at the exit port exceeds a predeter-
mined level, the conveyor which carries products from the radiation room to the exit
port will stop and the source automatically become fully shielded.

Water treatment system monitor

524. A fixed radiation monitor with an audible alarm shall be located on the
deionizer column to detect contamination arising from source leakage. This monitor
shall be interlocked with the irradiation controls such that the source returns to its
shielded position and the water circulation stops should the radiation reach the preset
alarm level. The level must be set sufficiently above the natural background level
to avoid an excessive number of false alarms.

Fully shielded facilities (category I and in gamma irradiation facilities

and category I electron beam facilities)

525. The irradiator shall not be operable until all shielding is in place and all other
safety devices are actuated. Movable shielding shall be interlocked so that it cannot
be displaced in a manner that results in radiation levels in excess of those specified
in the design. An interlocked radiation monitor should be provided as a backup check
that the shielding is in place.


526. Each irradiator shall have a master control that shall be used to prevent
unauthorized operation. In power operated irradiators this control may be a key oper-
ated switch. In manually operated irradiators a keyed mechanical lock or simple
padlock may be used.

527. Means shall be provided to terminate an irradiation and return the irradiator
to its 'source not in use' status at any time.

Access key

528. The irradiator controls may be designed such that a single multipurpose key
is used to operate the irradiator during normal use. This key may be used to operate
the control console, to gain access to the radiation room and to actuate the safety
delay timer. In systems employing two or more keys, one key must remain captive
when the other keys are being used.

Emergency stop device

529. In addition to any other means normally available at the control console to shut
down the irradiator, a clearly labelled emergency stop device shall be provided at
the control console to prevent, quickly interrupt or abort irradiator operations and
terminate the irradiation at any time.

Source exposure mechanism disconnect for servicing

530. The motive power (e.g. electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic) used to expose the
source shall be provided with a disconnecting mechanism to enable servicing to be
carried out without the danger of the source being inadvertently exposed. Means
shall also be provided for positively isolating the source control system or for
mechanically locking the moving parts.


Safety delay timer with alarms

531. The radiation room shall be equipped with a safety delay timer that will auto-
matically generate visible and audible signals to alert persons in the area that the
source exposure sequence has begun. The timer shall allow sufficient time for the
operator to make a complete search of the area to ensure that no one else is present
and then to leave the area. The timer shall be integrated with the master control sys-
tem such that irradiation cannot begin unless the startup sequence has been properly
completed within a preset time.

Emergency exit or shielding

532. For the protection of anyone inadvertently shut inside the radiation room one
or more of the following systems shall be provided:
(a) A means of exit from the radiation room. This may require a system for open-
ing the personnel access door from inside the radiation room, thus activating
the normal safety interlocks.
(b) A clearly marked location where radiation dose rates are sufficiently low.

Emergency stop device

533. Means shall be provided within the radiation room to prevent, quickly interrupt
or abort irradiator operations and terminate the irradiation at any time. The device
shall be clearly labelled and readily accessible to workers in the radiation room, and
shall cause a visible or audible signal to be given outside the room.


Pool accessories

534. Water is used as the radiation shielding medium in wet storage irradiators. An
automatic water level control shall be provided to maintain the water above a preset
level. Except for float switches, all components of the automatic water level control
that are placed below water level should be made of a material with a specific gravity
of 1.000 or more. If hollow tubing is used, it shall be fully vented to allow the water
to flood the tubing, to eliminate the risk of a high radiation beam up the tube.

Pool integrity

535. The containment of the pool shall be watertight and designed to retain the water
under all foreseeable circumstances. A non-corrodible stainless steel liner should be
used. The containment must be designed to support radiation source transport con-
tainers used during source transfer operations without compromising the integrity of
the pool. There shall be no penetration (e.g. pipes or plugged holes) through the
bottom of the pool. There shall be no penetration through the walls of the pool more
than 30 cm below normal water level.

Pool component material

536. All permanent pool components shall be made of corrosion resistant materials,
because corrosion products may affect the integrity of the sealed source. Where prac-
tical, stainless steel components (e.g. brackets or pulleys) should be passivated,
particularly after fabrication.

Water level control normal

537. Means shall be provided to automatically replenish water losses from the pool.
Normal water losses are principally due to evaporation. The system shall be capable
of maintaining the pool water at a level sufficient to provide the radiation shielding
necessary. A metering device shall be installed in the make-up water supply line to
indicate major changes in water replenishment requirements that may be associated
with pool leakage.

Water level control abnormal (low)

538. Means shall be provided to activate audible and visible signals in the control
area if the pool water falls to a level more than 30 cm below the normal make-up
water level.

Water conditioning

539. The pool shall be equipped with a water conditioning system capable of main-
taining the water in a clean condition and at a level of conductance not exceeding
1000 /tS/m. This will reduce the possibility of corrosion of the sealed source.
Extreme care shall be exercised to avoid the introduction of contaminants into the
water system (e.g. deionizer regenerants, cleaning materials, corrosive fire extin-
guishing materials, spilled product).

Water cooling

540. Because heat is produced by gamma emitting sources, the resulting high
humidity levels may damage electrical equipment, the product boxes and the product
positioning system. When such damage is likely to occur, an appropriate pool water
cooling system should be provided. Reducing evaporation losses from the pool will
also facilitate maintaining the conductance of the water below 1000 jtS/m for a
longer time before regeneration or replacement of deionizer resins is required.

In-pool piping

541. Since pipes are used in source storage pools for the water level and water
quality systems, suitable siphon breakers shall be provided to prevent the siphoning
of pool water to lower than 30 cm below the normal make-up water level. All pool
water circulation suction pipes shall have intakes no lower than 30 cm below the
normal make-up water level.

Pool guard and cover

542. A physical barrier, such as a railing and/or a metal cover, shall be installed
to prevent personnel from accidentally falling into the source storage pool. This
physical barrier may be removed during maintenance or service operations.


543. Geological features that could adversely affect the integrity of the radiation
shields should be evaluated, taking into account the physical properties of materials
underlying the irradiator site or its environs. Areas of potential or actual surface or
subsurface subsidence, uplift or collapse should be taken into consideration when
assessing the suitability of a site. Other factors that are not necessarily due to natural
features (e.g. underground mining) but that could result in instability should also be

Seismic detector

544. In areas with a significant potential for severe seismic disturbance2, each
category n or IV gamma irradiator shall be equipped with a seismic detector that
causes the radiation source to automatically become fully shielded should the detec-
tor be actuated. The seismic detector may be a horizontal omniaxial or a vertical
uniaxial type and shall be set to be actuated at an acceleration above 0.05g.

Design basis earthquake

545. In seismic areas, the radiation shields shall be designed to retain their integrity
for the 'design basis earthquake' (DBE). The DBE is based upon an evaluation of
the maximum earthquake potential in which the regional and local geology and seis-
mology and the specific characteristics of local subsurface materials are taken into

Earthquakes with accelerations of 0.3g or greater are generally classed as severe.


546. During extended periods of static irradiation of combustible materials, or when

a malfunction prevents the source from becoming fully shielded, heat buildup can
lead to combustion. Heat and smoke sensing devices with visible and audible alarms
shall be provided to detect combustion in the radiation room. The triggering of the
devices shall cause the source automatically to become fully shielded and the product
positioning and ventilation systems to shut down. The design of the facility should
be such that fire damage to any component part will not inhibit the source from
returning to the fully shielded position.
547. A fire extinguishing system may be provided in the radiation room. When a
water sprinkling system has been installed, provision should be made to control any
overflow of water that may arise from its use. Chemicals and corrosive substances
that could adversely affect the integrity of the sealed source shall not be used in fire
extinguishing systems.



548. Means shall be provided to ensure that, if an electrical power failure occurs,
the source will automatically be returned to the fully shielded position and the irradi-
ator shut down. It is also necessary to ensure that the safety control system will not
be compromised in the event of a power failure. Such electrical equipment should
be designed to appropriate standards [16, 17].


549. Means shall be provided to ensure that failure of non-electrical power (e.g.
pneumatic or hydraulic power) which is used to control or operate any irradiator
safety feature or device shall cause the source to automatically become fully shielded
and the irradiator to shut down.


550. Ozone (O3), oxides of nitrogen and other noxious gases (e.g. those from cer-
tain plastics) are produced by radiolysis. Measures shall be taken to protect personnel
against exposure to concentrations of such gases above the threshold limit values
prescribed by the health authority.

551. The plant should be designed to prevent the migration of the ozone produced
in an irradiator into areas that may be occupied and where the concentration could
potentially build up to exceed the currently accepted limit. This can be achieved by
using a ventilation system that creates a negative pressure in the radiation room.
552. Where forced air systems are utilized, the flow of air shall be continuously
monitored such that failure of the system will automatically terminate irradiation.
553. Ozone, being very reactive, is readily reduced to the normal form of oxygen
(O2) and, when a large capacity, continuously operated ventilation system is used,
the radiation room can normally be entered a few minutes after the termination of
554. One method of controlling personnel access until the ozone level is at an
acceptable level in the radiation room is to provide a time delay interlock mechanism
which prevents personnel access doors from being opened before a preset time has
elapsed after termination of irradiation.
555. In general the ventilation systems designed for ozone removal are more than
adequate to remove the other noxious gases.


Irradiation device warning sign

556. There shall be a clearly visible sign at the personnel access door to the radiation
room bearing the radiation symbol and warnings according to national regulations.
557. Any warning signs positioned inside the radiation room should be made from
materials that will withstand high doses of radiation and the general environmental
conditions that may exist.

Irradiation (source) status indicators

558. Clearly visible irradiation status indicators shall be provided at the control con-
sole to indicate:
(a) When the irradiation is terminated (source down or de-energized),
(b) When the irradiation is in progress (source up or energized),
(c) When the irradiation is in preparation (source in transit position or about to be
559. An irradiation status indicator shall be visible at each personnel or product
entry/exit port.

Audible signals

560. Each audible signal designed into the irradiator control system shall be distinct
and loud enough to gain the immediate attention of persons in the area and should
not be capable of being confused with any other signals in use in the area.

Status indicator colours

561. The following colours are recommended for use when illuminated or colour
coded controls are used:

Condition Colour

Emergency (stop buttons or lights) Red

Warning hazard International trefoil or red
Critical information (irradiation in malfunction) Red
Caution (not an emergency, but some function Yellow or orange
taking place to be aware of)
Normal (irradiation not in use, or function safe) Green
Information Blue


562. Category I gamma irradiators shall have clearly visible labels identifying the
contained radionuclides, their activities and the dates to which the source activities
relate. The irradiator shall bear the radiation symbol and warnings according to
national regulations.

563. The irradiator shall also bear a label or labels with the following information:
Name and address of manufacturer,
Model and serial number of irradiator,
Approval number if appropriate,
Maximum source activity of irradiator.
564. If a separate control panel or console is utilized it shall be easily identifiable
as being part of the irradiator.
565. When labels are being secured on fully shielded irradiators, care shall be taken
not to drill through the metal container shell into the lead shield.



601. An essential part of radiation protection for any use of ionizing radiation is a
regulatory programme enforced by the competent authority [18].
602. Control of irradiation facilities can be achieved by means of systems of notifi-
cation, registration or licensing. The system used will depend on the legislation in
place in any given country. The most common system of regulatory control is that
of licensing or approval, and it is this system that is described in detail here. Irrespec-
tive of the system of regulatory control used, it must be recognized that the primary
responsibility for safety rests with the person undertaking the particular task, be it
design, installation, operation, maintenance or decommissioning.
603. A regulatory system must be in place before approval of an application to build
a facility in a particular country. The consequences of regulatory control being poor
or non-existent can be serious and may result in hazardous conditions which may
remain undetected for long periods of time.
604. This section deals first with the approval process and then with regulatory
inspection and enforcement.


605. Control over radiation safety in the siting, design, construction, commission-
ing, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the irradiation facility can be
maintained by means of governmental licences or approvals that authorize actions
and place conditions on the applicant. In such circumstances, it is required that the
applicant's intentions and the radiation protection and safety implications be speci-
fied. A primary task of the competent authority is to review and assess the material
provided by the applicant and any other material that is relevant to determine whether
approval should be granted.

Functions of approvals

606. An approval is an official document which:

(a) Authorizes a specified activity or set of activities dealing with the siting,
design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommis-
sioning of an irradiation facility and transportation of the radioactive source to
and from the irradiation facility;

(b) Establishes requirements and conditions governing the performance of these
(c) Where appropriate, places time limits on the validity of the approval.

Stages of the approval process

607. The major stages of the approval process shall encompass the regulation of
siting, design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance and decom-
608. The approval process should be considered as ongoing, starting at the site plan-
ning and feasibility study stage and continuing through to decommissioning. In some
cases it may be appropriate to issue a site approval independently of the type of facil-
ity to be installed. However, before an approval is issued for the construction of the
plant, a detailed radiation safety case shall be submitted by the applicant and
reviewed by the competent authority. Detailed review and assessment of the design
and site characteristics should take place before construction. Approval procedures
vary and, depending on the national practices, the first formal approval action may
be the acceptance of the safety case and the issuance of a construction permit. Further
approvals of the facility may then be required at the commissioning stage and prior
to operation.
609. The fact that an approval has been granted should not preclude a change in the
approval during the period of its validity. The modification of an approval may be
desirable or necessary as a result of experience gained either during operation of the
irradiation facility or elsewhere, as a result of technological innovation or as a conse-
quence of research and development with respect to radiation safety. Such modifica-
tions may be initiated by the applicant, or the change may be imposed by the
competent authority.

Requirements for the applicant

610. The applicant has the primary responsibility for ensuring safety in the siting,
design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning
of an irradiation facility. The applicant shall undertake the following activities:
Demonstrating to the competent authority that workers, the public and the
environment have been and will continue to be adequately protected. To do this
the applicant will need to acquire a complete understanding of the facility
design and its safety aspects, and this will necessitate close co-operation with
the manufacturer or supplier of the facility.
Submitting and making available to the competent authority such information
as the authority may require.

Making appropriate arrangements with the vendor and/or contractor to ensure
that all information required for the application for approval is available.
Making arrangements for the eventual removal of spent radioactive sources.
Keeping the competent authority informed of any relevant new information
that becomes available and of any alterations to the previously submitted infor-
mation that may be relevant to the licensing process.
Co-operating with the constructor or installer of the facility to ensure that the
construction or installation is undertaken according to the specifications.
Ensuring that workers are given appropriate training to operate the facility
safely. This will necessitate co-operation with the supplier or manufacturer of
the facility.
611. The format and content of documents to be submitted by the applicant in sup-
port of an approval application should be established by the competent authority prior
to the application's being made. However, additional information may still be
required by the competent authority, depending upon the regulatory practices of the
612. The applicant should be aware that the process of review and assessment of
the information by the competent authority is a continuous one. Sections of the safety
reports or other relevant documents should therefore be submitted to the competent
authority at an early stage in accordance with an agreed programme. This approach
will facilitate a systematic review and assessment procedure and prevent unnecessary
delays in the approval process. Safety reports and other relevant documents shall be
periodically updated.
613. Other requirements should be imposed upon the applicant by the competent
authority, in particular through the approval issued or by national regulations. These
requirements should include:
(a) Appointment of radiation protection personnel.
(b) Assessment of hazards and preparation of contingency plans3.
(c) Periodic tests and surveys of radiation protection and safety aspects of the
(d) Regular reports to the competent authority on such matters as:
(i) Senior staff changes;
(ii) Radiological data such as radiation surveys of the facility, contamination
monitoring, personal dosimetry and medical surveillance;
(iii) Changes in operating practice that may have significant consequences for

The contingency plan should contain procedures to be followed in abnormal
circumstances. This document must be kept in a secure place.

(iv) Unusual occurrences such as significant malfunction of the safety control
(e) Procedures governing the authorization of changes in siting, design, construc-
tion, commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning in accor-
dance with approval conditions and other regulatory requirements.

Responsibilities of the competent authority

614. It shall be the task of the competent authority to determine that the proposed
irradiation facility can be sited, constructed, commissioned, operated, maintained
and decommissioned without undue radiological risk to the personnel, the public and
the environment. To do this it shall:
(a) Acquire a complete understanding of the facility design, the radiation safety
concept on which it is based, the quality assurance programme and the operat-
ing principles proposed by the applicant.
(b) Review the applicant's technical submissions to determine whether the design
of the facility and its operating procedures comply with the competent
authority's safety objectives for siting, construction, commissioning, opera-
tion, maintenance and decommissioning. This review and assessment proceeds
from an overall study of the proposed facility to a more in-depth review and
assessment of the design of individual systems, structures and components,
taking account of normal operations, anticipated operational occurrences and
accident conditions.
615. The competent authority shall also prescribe the conditions to be attached to
any approval that it issues. These conditions include requirements (a)-(c) in
para. 613.
616. The review and assessment of the safety report and other documentation sub-
mitted in support of approval applications is an important function of the competent
authority. It should perform this function itself or with the assistance of consultants
or advisory committees, and it may need to consult with other national authorities
that are better acquainted with irradiation facilities.

Review and assessment of the application

617. A primary basis for the review and assessment of the radiation safety implica-
tions of the proposed plant is the information contained in the various safety reports
and related documents submitted by the applicant. The competent authority shall
satisfy itself that:
(a) The applicant has acquired and supplied whatever information is deemed
necessary to demonstrate that the irradiation facility can be safely sited, con-
structed, commissioned, operated, maintained and decommissioned.

(b) The information contained in the applicant's reports is in compliance with the
requirements of all applicable rules and regulations.
(c) The information contained in the applicant's reports is accurate. The competent
authority may do this, for example, by means of independent checks of design,
by analytical methods and calculations, and by inspections.
(d) The engineering solutions, and in particular any novel solutions, are, in the
light of current technology, feasible and capable of achieving the design objec-
tives with regard to radiation safety.

Programme of review and assessment

618. The competent authority should prepare a programme of review and assess-
ment appropriate to the stages in the approval process. The competent authority
should follow as closely and continuously as possible the development of the irradia-
tion facility from the stage of site selection through design, construction, commis-
sioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning.
619. The competent authority should establish at an early date a schedule for the
submission of documents in support of the approval application, taking into account
the applicant's schedule for procurement and construction.
620. Before authorizing construction, the competent authority shall review and
(a) The competence and capability of the applicant to meet the authorization
(b) The site characteristics, to confirm the acceptability of the site and the related
data used in the design of the proposed irradiation facility;
(c) The basic design of the proposed facility, to confirm that it can meet acceptable
safety requirements;
(d) The quality assurance organizations and programmes of the applicant and
(e) The research and development plans and programmes related to design demon-
stration, when applicable;
(f) The provisions for removal, storage and disposal of spent radioactive sources.
621. During construction, the competent authority shall review and assess:
(a) On a systematic basis, the construction of the plant at predetermined stages to
ensure that the construction takes place in accordance with the design specifica-
tions and that safety is not compromised;
(b) Any proposed changes of the approved design in terms of their possible impact
on the safety aspects of the plant.

622. Before the beginning of commissioning, the competent authority shall review
and assess the commissioning programme proposed by the applicant and, if appropri-
ate, define various stages in the commissioning programme for review and assess-
ment of the results obtained up to that point.
623. Before approving the loading of sealed radioactive sources or initial operation
of electron beam equipment, the competent authority shall complete the review and
assessment of:
(a) The irradiation facility, as constructed.
(b) The results of the commissioning tests already carried out.
(c) The adequacy of operating instructions and procedures and of emergency
arrangements both on and off the site.
(d) The records to be kept and the reports to be made both internally and to the
competent authority. These records and reports will cover such matters as
operating practices, radiation doses to personnel, accountability for radioactive
sources and malfunctions of safety control systems.
(e) The training and qualifications of personnel and the arrangements for further
training and for ensuring that adequate standards of training are maintained.
(f) The quality assurance programme for equipment and procedures.
(g) The arrangements for periodic testing, maintenance, inspections, control of
modifications and changes to specifications, and surveillance.
624. Before approving the commencement of routine operations, the competent
authority shall complete the review and assessment of:
(a) The results of commissioning tests, including those with the sealed sources
loaded or the electron beam operational;
(b) The previously agreed conditions for operation and any necessary limitation.
625. It is particularly important to ensure at this stage that:
(a) All safety features and warning devices operate correctly;
(b) There is sufficient radiation protection of all persons and the environment;
(c) The operating organization is adequately supplied with information on the
correct operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the facility.
626. During the operation of the irradiation facility, further review, assessment and
authorizations by the competent authority may be required in the light of advances
in radiation safety technology or as a result of operating experience. When changes
are indicated in operational limits and conditions or in safety equipment and proce-
dures, the competent authority shall review and assess the proposed changes prior
to authorizing their implementation.
627. Before authorizing the decommissioning of the irradiation facility, the compe-
tent authority shall review and assess the proposed procedures to ensure that radia-
tion safety is maintained.

Approval decisions

628. The review and assessment process gives rise to a series of regulatory deci-
sions. Not all these decisions result in the granting of an approval or the issuing of
formal documents. However, at certain stages in the approval process where it is
necessary to control the operating organization's activities, the competent authority
shall take official actions which result in either:
(a) The granting of an approval which may, if appropriate, have conditions or
limitations to constrain the operating organization's subsequent activities;
(b) The refusal of such approval, reasons for the refusal, proposals for remedial
actions and, depending on the local laws, the right of the operating organiza-
tion to appeal.
629. An approval may be required before the applicant proceeds from one stage of
plant development to another.
630. The competent authority should notify other appropriate national and local
authorities of the approval decision.

Review of approvals

631. Following the issuing of an approval, the competent authority may become
aware of further information, either from the applicant or from some other source,
that may cause it to review the approval. Arrangements at the national level should
provide for this review and for approvals to be modified, suspended or revoked if
this is shown to be necessary.



632. The principal objectives of regulatory inspection and enforcement are to ensure
(a) Persons responsible for the siting, design, construction, commissioning, oper-
ation, maintenance and decommissioning of an irradiation facility possess the
necessary competence for the efficient discharge of their functions;
(b) The quality and performance of components, structures and systems required
by the competent authority are achieved and maintained by the applicant;

(c) All specifications, codes and practices proposed by the applicant and accepted
by the competent authority for the siting, design, construction, commissioning,
operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the facility are complied with;
(d) Any deficiencies in equipment and procedures are corrected by the applicant
without undue delay;
(e) Experience, particularly from operation and decommissioning, is fed back to
the competent authority.


633. The competent authority is responsible: for regulatory inspection, by which it

satisfies itself that the applicant is fulfilling the requirements and conditions set out
in the pertinent regulations and in the approval; and for enforcement of those require-
ments and conditions.
634. The competent authority shall plan its regulatory inspection programme to
assure itself that irradiation facilities are constructed in conformity with the designs
approved, that all safety related structures, components and systems of the irradia-
tion facility are of the required quality, that approved operational procedures are
being followed and that the personnel are competent to operate the facility safely.
635. Regulatory inspection, both announced and unannounced, by the competent
authority shall be an activity that continues throughout all stages of the approval
process. For this task it may be convenient for the competent authority to utilize the
services of consultants to advise it on any deficiencies in equipment and procedures,
but the responsibility for enforcement remains with the competent authority.
636. The continuing co-operation of the applicant with the competent authority is
essential to ensure that regulatory inspection and enforcement functions are effec-
tively and efficiently carried out.

Inspection functions

637. Regulatory inspections shall be performed in all areas of regulatory responsi-

bility and will be concerned, among other things, with discharging the following
(a) Regulatory inspections of the site to facilitate the evaluation of the data submit-
ted by the applicant;
(b) Regulatory inspections of operating organizations and, where appropriate, sup-
plier activities during construction, to confirm that the construction conforms
to the requirements of the construction approval, and to obtain the data neces-
sary for continuing review and assessment of the proposed irradiation facility;

(c) Ensuring the effective implementation of the quality assurance programmes
and performing such independent studies and tests as may be necessary;
(d) Assessing and approving changes to the programmes for quality assurance;
(e) Reviewing and/or observing the conduct and results of commissioning tests
prior to approval of operation;
(f) Checking that the operation of the facility meets all the conditions of the perti-
nent regulations and of the operating approval, and that the facility is well
(g) Reviewing the results of periodic tests, surveys, maintenance programmes,
personal dosimetry and medical surveillance carried out during operation;
(h) Checking the emergency plans and preparedness, conducting a survey of the
availability and appropriateness of emergency equipment and witnessing the
emergency drills;
(i) Preparing reports on the regulatory inspection activities;
(j) Carrying out regulatory inspections during decommissioning to ensure that the
facility is decommissioned safely and is maintained in a safe and secure

Special regulatory inspection

638. In addition to the normal regulatory inspection activities, the competent

authority shall carry out regulatory inspections at short notice if an abnormal occur-
rence requires immediate investigation. Such regulatory inspection shall not take
away or limit the responsibility of the operating organization.


639. It is essential that the competent authority be given adequate powers to enforce
compliance with the relevant regulations and approvals, including the power to
require an operating organization to modify or correct any aspect of a procedure,
practice, system, structure or component, or to cease operation, as necessary, to
ensure safety.

Written warning or directive

640. Minor deviations from or violations of pertinent regulations or of approval

requirements, or unsatisfactory situations may occur during the course of siting,
design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning.
In such circumstances, the competent authority should issue a written warning or
directive to the responsible organization. It should specify the nature and regulatory
basis of each violation and the period of time for taking corrective action, and may
provide guidance on the nature of the corrective action. This is the most common

form of enforcement action and should in most cases suffice to remedy the

Order to curtail activities

641. In the event of apparent deterioration of facility systems or conditions or of

serious violations which in the judgement of the competent authority pose an immi-
nent radiological hazard to workers or the public, the competent authority shall
require the operating organization to curtail activities. For example, this would mean
requiring the sources to remain in the storage position and preventing access to
specific areas of the facility.

Revocation of approval

642. In the event of chronic or extremely serious non-compliance with approval

conditions or applicable regulations that may lead to serious malfunction or damage
of the facility or compromise radiation safety, the competent authority shall suspend
or revoke the approval.


643. Facilities built before the adoption of these recommendations should also be
subject to regulatory control. It is possible that the design will not fully meet the
current requirements of the competent authority. Nevertheless, this should not be
regarded as sufficient reason for the facility to be closed. Some backfitting may be
necessary to improve the safety aspects and this should be considered by the operat-
ing organization. This will entail a thorough review of the facility and investigation
and research into equipment and techniques for safety improvement. The organiza-
tion may wish to make use of the services of consultants to undertake this work.
644. Irrespective of whether safety improvements are made, the operating organiza-
tion should be required to demonstrate to the competent authority that the facility
achieves an acceptable safety standard. The facility should also be subject to regular
inspection by the competent authority in the same way as other facilities built since
the adoption of these recommendations.



701. The operating organization responsible for possession and use of the irradiator
shall obtain from the competent authority any approvals, permits or authorizations
necessary for the acquisition, storage and use of the irradiator. The operating organi-
zation shall be responsible for the operation of the irradiator in accordance with such
approvals, permits or authorizations. Any condition laid down in the approval must
be complied with.


702. The operating organization shall appoint one or more suitably qualified persons
to advise on all matters concerning radiation safety in the use and operation of the
facility. The adviser (also sometimes referred to as the qualified expert) will also
advise on regulatory matters in so far as they relate to radiation safety, but the operat-
ing organization cannot delegate the responsibility for compliance with the regula-
tions to the radiation protection adviser. The appointment can be on a part-time basis,
and the adviser need not necessarily be an employee of the organization but should
be available for giving advice and help when required.

Qualifications and experience

703. The adviser shall be experienced in radiation protection matters and have:
(a) Such theoretical training as would ensure the necessary knowledge of the
properties of the ionizing radiations used in the work undertaken by the operat-
ing organization;
(b) A thorough knowledge of the hazards of the ionizing radiations present and the
ways in which the hazards should be controlled and minimized;
(c) An understanding and detailed knowledge of the working practices used in the
establishment, as well as a general knowledge of the working practices in other
establishments of the same type;
(d) A detailed working knowledge of all regulatory provisions, relevant codes of
practice and protection standards, guidance material and other information
needed for giving advice in connection with the work with ionizing radiation
undertaken by the operating organization;

(e) The ability to give advice so that the operating organization can do what is
required by regulations and follow good radiation protection practice;
(f) The personal qualities to be able to communicate with the employees working
or involved with the work with ionizing radiation and with their
(g) The ability to keep up to date with developments in the use of ionizing radiation
in the field in which he or she gives advice, and with developments in radiation
(h) An awareness of legislation, in addition to that in (d) above, and practices
which could affect the work with ionizing radiation on which he or she gives
(i) An appreciation of his or her own limitations, whether of knowledge,
experience, faculties or resources.

Information and facilities

704. The operating organization should give the adviser adequate information and
facilities to enable him or her to work effectively. The information should include
a clear statement of the scope of the advice the adviser will be required to give. The
facilities will need to include the necessary equipment and support services except
in the case of an outside consultant who provides his or her own facilities.
705. In establishments and organizations where there is a potential for serious
exposures or substantial contamination and which present special problems and
demands for the services of the adviser, special support facilities should be provided.
Such facilities should be separate from production and operational units and
706. When an operating organization has appointed a radiation protection adviser,
the organization should consult that adviser about matters that require expert advice,
(a) Restriction of exposure and maintenance of engineering controls and other
equipment provided for such restriction;
(b) Identification of controlled and supervised areas;
(c) Control of access to controlled areas;
(d) Dosimetry and monitoring;
(e) Drawing up written administrative procedures that define the means of com-
plying with regulatory or other requirements;
(f) Selection of radiation protection officers;
(g) Investigation of abnormally high exposures and overexposures;
(h) Training;

(i) Deciding whether any special restrictions are required with respect to the
exposure of female employees;
(j) Hazard assessment and contingency arrangements;
(k) Prior examination of any plans for new plant or premises or for modifications
to existing plant or premises from a radiation safety aspect;
(1) Other aspects of radiation protection and safety that apply to the work with
ionizing radiation carried out by the operating organization.


707. The operating organization should also appoint at least two radiation protection
officers whose duties should include ensuring that the written administrative proce-
dures are implemented.
708. The radiation protection officers play a supervisory role in assisting the organi-
zation to comply with the requirements of the approval or regulations. They should
be directly involved with the work with ionizing radiation, preferably in a line
management position that will allow them to exercise close supervision to ensure that
the work is done hi accordance with the written administrative procedures. At least
one officer has to be available, though not necessarily present, at all times. In some
large establishments the officer may not be the immediate line manager or supervisor
overseeing the work with ionizing radiation. In all cases a system involving more
than one person should operate to ensure that adequate supervision is maintained.
709. The operating organization carries the general responsibility of compliance
with the regulations and the terms of the approval issued by the competent authority.
It cannot delegate that responsibility to the radiation protection officer any more than
it can to the radiation protection adviser.

Qualifications and experience

710. No person should be appointed as a radiation protection officer unless he or

(a) Knows and understands the requirements of the approval and the written
administrative procedures (drawn up by the radiation protection adviser) as
they affect the work supervised;
(b) Commands sufficient respect from the people doing the work to be able to
exercise the necessary supervision of radiation protection;
(c) Understands the necessary precautions to be taken and the extent to which these
precautions restrict exposures.


711. Qualified operators are usually those who work most closely with particular
irradiators, and day to day responsibility for safe operation is generally theirs. The
operator's training, experience, attitude and competence will establish the degree of
safety associated with operation of the irradiator.
712. Each individual who operates or maintains the irradiator shall have a responsi-
bility to ensure that the established safety procedures are observed.
713. Each operator should hold an appropriate certificate of competence and
approved training which is recognized by the competent authority.
714. Each operator should be familiar with: the basic design, operation and preven-
tive maintenance of the irradiator; the principles and practices of radiation protec-
tion; the biological effects of radiation; the written procedures for routine and
emergency irradiator operation; and the requirements of the competent authority.
715. Each operator shall know the exposure rate at all areas around the irradiator.
Operators shall be familiar with area security safeguards such as locks, posting of
signs, warning lights, audible and visible signals, and interlock systems.
716. Each operator shall be familiar with the radiation detection instrumentation
which is used and the requirements for personal dose monitoring as specified by the
competent authority.
717. Each operator shall demonstrate competence to use the radiation source and its
related components, and to maintain the required operation logs and records. Opera-
tors shall be familiar with the overall organizational structure pertaining to manage-
ment of the irradiator, including specific delegations of authority and responsibility
for operation of the irradiator.


718. The operating organization shall ensure that those of its employees who are
engaged in work with ionizing radiation receive such information, instruction and
training as will enable them to conduct that work in accordance with the requirements
of the written rules of the organization.
719. Examples of the topics in which these employees should be trained include:
(a) The nature of ionizing radiation;
(b) The health hazard from such radiation;
(c) The basic principles and methods of protection (e.g. shielding);
(d) Measurement of radiation fields and the units of measurement;

(e) The plant safety systems, the warning signs and signals and any actions to be
(f) Safe operation of the plant;
(g) Actions to be taken in emergencies.
720. Training must be reinforced regularly and updated when necessary. An annual
review of staff training should be undertaken. Arrangements should be made to
ensure that all new staff receive the required training and that the training needs of
staff affected by any internal reorganization are reviewed.
721. It is the role of the radiation protection adviser to provide advice on staff train-
ing needs and on how those needs may best be satisfied. In many cases the radiation
protection adviser should be able to provide much of the training that is required.
722. The training discussed above is in addition to that required to operate the facil-
ity safely. Such training will in general be provided by the manufacturer or supplier.


Personal monitoring

723. All workers entering controlled areas shall carry appropriate personal
dosimeters. In addition, at least one audible personal alarm shall be carried by per-
sons entering controlled areas. The procedures for the monitoring of workers,
including the type of dosimeter and the frequency of replacement, should be chosen
in consultation with the radiation protection adviser.
724. The results of personal monitoring measurements shall be recorded and
reported as required by the competent authority.

Area monitoring

725. Appropriate portable X and gamma radiation monitors shall be provided. Elec-
tron beam facilities operating above 10 MeV may also require monitoring for neu-
trons. Surveys shall be undertaken at positions around the facility and at intervals
as advised by the radiation protection adviser. Such monitoring is required to con-
firm the definition of controlled and supervised areas and to indicate any failure in
the control of the radiation source.
726. The monitoring instrument used shall be capable of clearly indicating the dose
rates encountered during normal operation of the irradiator and shall have a satisfac-
tory overload performance. Robustness, reliability and clarity of indication are
important factors in the choice of an instrument.

727. Initial access to the radiation room after termination of irradiation shall be
made by a qualified operator who shall use a portable monitor to determine the
ambient radiation levels.

Arrangements for visitors

728. When visitors are permitted to enter the radiation room, they shall be escorted
by a qualified operator who shall have surveyed the area immediately prior to the


729. To ensure the continued safe operation of the facility, the operating organiza-
tion shall ensure that all safety functions are regularly tested by setting up a formal
programme of maintenance and testing. The following are recommended:
(a) Particular attention must be given to regular testing of safety interlock compo-
nents for correct operation, according to the instructions of the equipment
manufacturers. These tests shall be carried out by appropriately qualified per-
sons and should be undertaken in the presence of a radiation protection officer.
(b) Portable radiation meters shall be calibrated before they are first used, after
repair and at intervals specified by the competent authority. The pre-use test
should include a test of the instrument's overload performance, i.e. it should
operate correctly up to the maximum credible dose rate it may encounter.
(c) Periodic examination of the hoist cable and guide cables shall be made and the
cables shall be replaced as required by existing national regulations or at inter-
vals recommended by the manufacturers.
(d) Periodic leak tests of the radiation sources shall be carried out in a manner and
at a frequency determined in discussion with the source supplier and plant
manufacturer and in accordance with national requirements.

Weekly tests

730. The following tests should be carried out weekly:

(a) A check that the continuous radiation monitoring device on the pool water cir-
culation system is functioning correctly (in the case of category IV gamma
irradiation facilities).
(b) Analysis by a well regulated national laboratory of samples of pool water taken
from the water circulation system (a less frequent analysis may be appropriate
if experience shows this to be acceptable).
(c) A check of the water filter for correct operation and for contamination.

(d) A check for correct function of the emergency stop button on the control con-
sole, the emergency stop device inside the radiation room, the door interlock
and, in the case of wet irradiators, the water level control, the low pool water
interlock and the water treatment system.
731. Attempts should also be made to operate the irradiator after deliberately violat-
ing the approved startup procedure, to ensure that the interlocks and sequential con-
trols are functioning correctly.

Monthly tests

732. The following additional tests shall be carried out separately on a monthly
(a) A test that the radiation room monitor is functioning properly; this is done by
exposing the monitor probe to a check source until the alarm sounds.
(b) A check, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, of the safety con-
trol systems that prevent access to the radiation room when there is any radia-
tion present.
(c) A test that the product exit monitor is functioning properly; the test is carried
out, with the irradiator operating, by exposing the monitor probe to a check
source until the alarm sounds. The product exit conveyor shall stop and the
source shall automatically become fully shielded. In the case of electron
accelerator facilities, the radiation shall be switched off.
(d) A test of the source exposure mechanism, the ventilation system and similar
hardware, which contribute to the safe operation of the irradiator and its
related product positioning mechanism.
(e) A check that other main items of equipment associated with source movement
and control function properly and show no signs of potential failure.
(f) A check that all product containers are undamaged and in good condition.
733. If any of the checks indicate a fault or if interlocks do not function properly,
the irradiator must not be used until repairs have been made.

Semiannual test

734. Semiannually (or at other approved intervals), an inspection of the source

movement and suspension system should be carried out. This should include the
entire length of the cable. Any necessary replacement of the cable should be carried

Leak test criteria

735. If the test results are considered negative,4 no action other than record
keeping is required.
736. Tests which reveal the presence of contamination on the test sample shall be
considered as evidence that the sealed source is leaking. In this event, the irradiator
shall be immediately withdrawn from service and appropriate action taken to prevent
exposure of personnel and further dispersal of radioactive material. The operating
organization shall immediately notify the competent authority and should notify the
manufacturer of the equipment and the supplier of the source that an incident has
occurred which might have caused or threatens to cause a radiation hazard. Under
no circumstances shall unauthorized or untrained persons attempt to examine or
decontaminate the irradiator.

Leak test report

737. A contamination test report should contain the following information:

(a) Identification of the irradiator by manufacturer, model, serial number and type
of radioactive material;
(b) Location of the irradiator;
(c) Date of test;
(d) Test sample collection method;
(e) Identification of the measuring instrument by manufacturer, model and serial
(f) Date of the most recent measuring instrument calibration;
(g) The correction factors, if any, used to compensate for measuring instrument
variables and environmental conditions;
(h) The conversion factor used to convert to the activity for the type of radioactive
material under test;
(i) Measuring instrument reading of test sample;
(j) Measuring instrument background reading;
(k) Calculation of activity detected;
(1) Evaluation of test results;
(m) Action taken;
(n) Identity of the individual responsible for the test.

Levels of contamination are specified in international publications [11], but where
national standards exist the latter should be observed. For example, the Atomic Energy Con-
trol Board (Canada) specifies that levels of less than 2 kBq may be considered negative; British
Standard 5288 recommends 185 Bq as the limit below which the contamination test may be
considered negative.


738. A logbook or file shall be kept in which all tests, maintenance tasks, modifica-
tions or changes to the irradiator shall be recorded. All use of the irradiator shall
also be recorded in a logbook or file.
739. The results of all tests described above shall be recorded on a formal checklist
signed by the radiation protection officer who has witnessed the tests.
740. Since failure of the safety systems could cause radiation exposure to personnel,
the compliance inspectors from the competent authority will pay particular attention
to these records. The records should be kept for such periods of time as are
prescribed by the competent authority.


741. Regular maintenance for all irradiation facility components shall be done
according to the manufacturer's instructions.
742. Manufacturers shall issue warning notices to advise operating organizations
and competent authorities of any previously unforeseen conditions that could cause
accidents, that have resulted in hazardous situations or that have the potential to
become hazardous. These notifications shall explain the corrective actions to be
743. It is extremely important that operating organizations ensure that the corrective
actions are implemented, unless there are reasons for not taking the action. In the
latter case the agreement of the competent authority must be obtained and the reasons
recorded and reported to the manufacturer.
744. All modifications shall be undertaken by appropriately qualified persons and
may need the approval of the competent authority. The modifications should be
thoroughly checked to ensure that they have been carried out properly and that the
safety aspects of the facility have not been compromised.
745. The operating organization shall notify the competent authority and supplier
and obtain approval from the competent authority prior to any modifications which
may cause a radiation hazard. Some examples are:
(a) Modifying operating procedures;
(b) Modifying the safety control system;
(c) Major modifications of the irradiator;
(d) Source loading, replenishment, removal or redistribution, or electron beam
orientation, in any way at variance with the agreed approval;
(e) Changes in supervisory personnel or advisers.

746. The operating organization is not required to notify the competent authority
when performing routine maintenance procedures, including the changing of compo-
nents, which will not cause a radiation hazard or compromise the safety of the irradi-
ator, provided that approval conditions are not violated.


747. The safe operation of a facility will depend on the operator following clearly
defined procedures laid down by the manufacturer or supplier and approved by the
competent authority. Suitably trained and qualified persons will need to be employed
by the operating organization and in some countries such persons will only be
allowed to operate the facility if specifically approved for that purpose by the compe-
tent authority. Such persons are referred to as 'authorized personnel'. Although the
following requirements relate to authorized personnel, they apply equally to all per-
sons who operate the facility, whether or not they have been specifically authorized
by the competent authority.
748. The operational instructions shall be fully understood by the authorized person-
nel and should include, as a minimum, the following:
(a) A reminder of the nature of the hazard posed by the facility and the safety fea-
tures used to minimize the risks.
(b) A reference to the existence and location of the written emergency procedures.
(c) A description of the safety organization, including the functions, duties and
responsibilities of the radiation protection adviser and officers.
(d) The method of implementing the operating instructions and ensuring that the
facility is being operated safely. This should include:
(i) A description and schedule of the inspections and test procedures for
ensuring that all safety interlocks, devices and components associated
with the irradiator are functioning properly. Each safety item and the
appropriate test, check and inspection for it should be specified,
(ii) The requirement that the operating procedures be available at the control
station and that the emergency procedures be conspicuously posted in the
(e) The method of ensuring that all persons entering the controlled radiation area
wear proper radiation monitoring devices and that the results are recorded.
(f) The method of ensuring that only authorized persons (qualified operators) can
use the irradiator or have access to the area. This can include controlling keys
to the door to the room containing the irradiator control console, controlling
operating console keys, or other positive methods of excluding access.
749. Written instructions shall also be provided covering action to be taken in the
event of machine malfunction. These should include a general outline of the action

to be taken by people who are notified of a machine malfunction the correction of
which may involve the source. It should be made clear that remedial action in situa-
tions involving work around the irradiator should be attempted only by persons spe-
cially trained in radiological safety who are authorized to perform such work, or
under the direct or indirect supervision of such persons. In such situations entry to
the radiation room should never be made by one person alone.


750. The operating organization shall maintain the irradiator as prescribed by the
manufacturer, paying particular attention to ensuring that all product positioning sys-
tem components, product boxes and carriers continue to meet design specifications.
For example, it is important to ensure that the correct product boxes or carriers are
used and that they are maintained in a condition that will not cause an irradiator

Control of access keys

751. Where access is achieved by a key interlocked system the keys shall be con-
trolled to ensure that the qualified operator who is entering the radiation room has
the only key for each operation and that no other keys are available in the operating
area that could allow another person to initiate startup or to gain access. Spare keys
shall be kept in a secure location outside of the machine control room, for example
in a safe under the control of the senior manager.

Portable radiation survey monitor

752. Arrangements shall be made to ensure that a portable radiation survey monitor
is carried by the operator when entering the radiation room. A check source shall
be used to verify that the survey monitor is operating before each entry to the room.
A similar spare survey monitor shall be available for use when calibration or repair
of one monitor is required.

Entry procedure

753. Arrangements shall be made to ensure that the operator checks that all visual
indicators of the plant conditions show it is safe to enter the radiation room. In
addition, administrative procedures shall be established for continuously monitoring
the radiation levels with the portable radiation survey monitor throughout the entry



801. Designers and manufacturers of irradiation facilities shall ensure that the facili-
ties are designed to meet the radiation safety objectives given in Section 3 and any
more specific safety requirements of the competent authority during siting, opera-
tion, maintenance and decommissioning. This shall be achieved by:
(a) Carrying out research, testing and examination to ensure safe design for these
(b) Ensuring that the operating organization of the facility is provided with ade-
quate information so that it can operate the facility safely. This information
should consist of:
(i) A detailed description of the design and operation of the safety systems,
including control circuit diagrams.
(ii) Detailed operating and maintenance procedures, including the type and
frequency of checks for safety control systems, contamination monitor-
ing and radiation surveys.
(iii) Hazard assessments using formal analysis methods as appropriate to the
level of risk associated with the facility. (It should be noted that it is also
the responsibility of the operating organization to carry out a hazard
assessment based on information from the supplier and the organization's
own administrative rules.)
(iv) Instructions and procedures to be followed in emergency situations as
outlined in Section 11.
802. All documents provided by the manufacturer, supplier or installer (operating
manuals, operating rules and procedures and emergency procedures) should be care-
fully translated into the local language in co-operation with the operating organiza-
tion, to avoid the risk of misunderstanding.
803. Manufacturers or suppliers shall ensure that any new information about the
facility that relates to safety (for example regarding defects in materials and equip-
ment and weaknesses in operating procedures) is provided to the operating organiza-
tion as rapidly as possible. Such information should include any necessary advice on
actions to be taken.


804. Importers and suppliers shall ensure that the facility is of safe design and that
information on safe operating procedures, including that specified in para. 801(b)
above, is passed on to the operating organization. If they assemble equipment they
shall make their own safety checks.


805. Constructors and installers shall ensure that their work does not compromise
the safety aspects of the facility. It is essential that they fully comply with the require-
ments of the designer and the manufacturer. On completion of the installation, or at
appropriate stages in the construction, the constructor or installer, in conjunction
with a radiation protection adviser, shall thoroughly and critically review the facility
or any component pan before it is commissioned to ensure that:
(a) The safety features and warning devices have been properly installed and oper-
ate correctly;
(b) There is sufficient radiation protection for all persons and the environment.
806. The constructor or installer shall also ensure that the operating organization is
provided with adequate information about proper operation, maintenance and
decommissioning of the facility.
807. Designers, manufacturers, constructors, installers and the operating organiza-
tion must co-operate to ensure that employees of the operating organization are given
the necessary theoretical and practical training to enable them to do their work in
a safe manner.




901. All transport of radioactive sources shall comply with the requirements of the
IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material [12] and any exist-
ing national legislation.

902. The Transport Regulations require Member States to establish provisions to
ensure compliance through the appointment of a competent authority. The competent
authority is required to set up and execute a programme for monitoring the design,
manufacturing, testing, inspection and maintenance of packaging. It is also required
to implement a system of documentation for the handling and storage of packages
containing radioactive material by consignors and carriers, to provide evidence that
the provisions of the regulations are being met.
903. Operating organizations for gamma irradiation facilities may become consign-
ors when spent sources are removed from the facility, i.e. when they themselves
present the package to the carrier. If another organization presents the package to
the carrier then that organization becomes the consignor. In either case appropriate
documentation shall be prepared and be available at the facility for inspection by the
competent authority. Details of the requirements for the consignor are given in
paras 446 to 459 of Ref. [12]. In practice there will need to be co-operation between
the source supplier and the operating organization, as spent sources are usually trans-
ported in packages provided by the supplier. The requirements for radioactive
materials and for packagings and packages are given in Section V of Ref. [12].
904. In the event that a consignment of radioactive sources is involved in a transport
accident, it is likely that the consignor and the consignee will be among the first to
be informed, because the documentation accompanying the vehicle will contain their
names and addresses. Both organizations should be fully aware of the arrangements
for dealing with such accidents and, where appropriate, should provide or call for
practical advice and assistance. It should be recognized that information about the
incident may be required by the press and the public in general, and arrangements
should be made for handling such inquiries.
905. Reference [19] gives guidance and recommendations for dealing with transport
accidents and should be used as a guide in the preparation of the relevant parts of
the contingency plan. The most relevant sections for the purposes of the present pub-
lication are as follows: Section n summarizes the Transport Regulations; Section HI
outlines the requirements for emergency plans; Section V describes the actions
required in response to a transport accident and allocates the responsibility for such
actions; Section V1H draws attention to the need to provide accurate and authorita-
tive information to the public.


906. Loading and unloading operations may expose persons to dose rates in excess
of those experienced in normal operation of the facility. Therefore an evaluation of
procedures must be made beforehand to ensure that the exposure of persons is kept
as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).

907. An assessment should also be carried out of any safety hazards associated with
the loading and unloading work. Any necessary contingency plans should be incor-
porated into the written instructions for operation of the facility.
908. It is imperative that the integrity of the safety control systems not be com-
promised by the source loading and unloading procedures.
909. The loading and unloading of the radioactive source on arrival at the facility
or on dispatch from it are potentially hazardous operations and shall be undertaken
under close radiation protection supervision. Safety in these operations depends on
co-operation between those responsible for radiation protection and the team
appointed to load or unload the radioactive source. In many cases this will be the
supplier of the source. Ultimately, however, responsibility for safety while the radio-
active source is on the site resides with the operating organization.
910. Certain types of source flasks do not meet the requirements for Type B(U)
packages as given in Ref. [12]. These flasks are transported in a special transport
container. When the flasks are removed from this container, precautions need to be
taken to ensure that there is no highly flammable material in the immediate vicinity,
for example in petroleum fuelled vehicles or liquid petroleum gas storage vessels.
Operating organizations should consult the supplier of the sources for information
on the need for such precautions.





1001. An objective of manufacturers of industrial accelerators is to design electron

beam sources for simplicity and reliability of operation. In pursuit of this, the
designer must be mindful of the possibility of a radiation accident with the risk of
severe consequences. Inadvertent exposure may result from investigation of
equipment failure and maintenance of operating accelerator subsystems with the
accelerating stages improperly or only partially disabled. As long as the acceleration
capability remains there is the possibility of X ray generation from dark currents.
1002. While reliability of operation reduces the risk of inadvertent exposure by
reducing the need for repair and maintenance, a further reduction in that risk can
be achieved by designing for ease of troubleshooting. This may well reduce the

chance of other hazardous occurrences such as electric shock or overexposure to
radiofrequency radiation. Therefore, the following features should be considered in
industrial accelerator design:
(a) Positive means of disabling the main acceleration system,
(b) Built-in machine parameter monitoring,
(c) Built-in remote machine diagnostics.
1003. This section deals with these and other special safety requirements of electron
beam facilities in addition to those specified in Section 5.

Main acceleration system disabling mechanism

1004. The main acceleration system disabling mechanism must inactivate the
acceleration capability without harm to machine components. It should disable the
acceleration system in such a manner as to allow as many other subsystems as possi-
ble to function for diagnostic purposes. The disabling feature must be clearly identi-
fied and explained by the manufacturer in the documentation accompanying the

Built-in machine parameter monitoring

1005. Continuous monitoring of operating parameters is essential. It offers the

opportunity of event logging of failure sequence information for maintenance
engineers and for planning repairs.

Built-in remote machine diagnostics

1006. Strategic electronic test points must be located in the control room in order
to permit operators and maintenance crews to carry out accelerator diagnostics on
the total system without resorting to disabling the main acceleration system or
bypassing access interlocks. For some types of accelerators closed circuit television
monitoring may be helpful.


1007. For the application of high energy electrons the beam has to be brought out
of the evacuated region of the accelerator into an atmosphere at ambient pressure (a
chamber filled with air or an inert gas) through a thin window in which the electrons
lose as little energy as possible.

1008. The electrons themselves have a finite range in matter which is a function of
their initial energy and the density of the absorbing material. The maximum range
of the electrons is small compared with that of the X rays that are generated as a
consequence of the interaction between the electrons and the matter they strike.
Therefore in calculations of the shielding requirements of electron accelerator facili-
ties, only the generated X rays need to be taken into account.
1009. There are two types of X rays generated by the interaction of electrons with
matter: bremsstrahlung and characteristic X radiation.

1010. Characteristic X radiation is an important factor to consider only with electron

accelerators up to 300 keV that are self-shielded with a heavy element such as lead
or depleted uranium. In most cases bremsstrahlung is more important for radiation
shielding. Low atomic number materials should be used as far as possible for struc-
tures that are exposed to electron beams, to minimize the generation of X radiation,
so long as X ray conversion is not the purpose of the operation of the electron
accelerator. Shielding calculations should be performed under the assumption that all
electrons are absorbed by the heaviest element that may be exposed to the beam.
Account should be taken of the composition of the structural materials and products
that might be irradiated in the facility. The shielding calculations must be performed
for the maximum energy and the maximum current that the electron accelerator can
1011. Attention should also be paid to 'spurious' X radiations, particularly in
accelerators operating at high voltage levels with accelerator tubes located outside
the radiation room. There are several causes for this spurious radiation:
(a) Backscattered electrons can possess sufficient energy to stream back through
the accelerator tube. This effect is particularly pronounced when high energy
electrons impinge on a high atomic number target for X ray conversion.
(b) During conditioning of the electron accelerator and during operation under
relatively poor vacuum conditions, dark currents in the accelerator tube occur
which generate X rays.
1012. Except in the case of self-shielded accelerators in the lower energy range (up
to about 500 keV) and special purpose machines operating at higher energies, ordi-
nary concrete will be the preferred shielding material, for economic reasons. Exam-
ples of the calculation of the shielding thickness and the layout of the labyrinths for
access by persons and for the transport of products to and from the radiation room
are given in Refs [4, 8].
1013. In the commissioning of an electron irradiation facility special attention has
to be paid to 'hot spots', i.e. small areas of high radiation intensity due to spurious
radiation penetrating through ducts in the shielding. The neighbourhood of such
ducts should be shielded with lead or steel shot in order to reduce the radiation to

acceptable levels. The experience of the manufacturer with existing installations of
a similar kind should be made available.


Operating parameters

1014. The operating parameters of accelerators (voltage and current) should be

interlocked with the product transport mechanism.

Commissioning and testing

1015. Commissioning and testing should be carried out at maximum operating

parameters (voltage and current) and with product handling equipment under the
beam as close as possible to actual operating conditions.


1101. Accidents have occurred in irradiation facilities. When an accident occurs,

workers and members of the public may, depending on the accident's characteristics,
be exposed to radiation and other health and safety hazards. Appropriate guidance
on emergency planning and preparedness is given in Refs [19, 20].
1102. Adequate written emergency procedures shall be prepared, and this can only
be done after a formal assessment of hazards has been carried out. The final responsi-
bility for preparing the procedures lies with the operating organization. The operat-
ing organization is also responsible for liaison with emergency authorities and other
bodies that are referred to in the procedures. The purpose of this liaison is to ensure
that all parties understand the hazard and are aware of the requirements of the emer-
gency procedures. In the event of an accident it is the duty of the operating organiza-
tion to initiate the emergency procedures and co-ordinate the initial response of the
emergency services and other bodies, and to inform the competent authority and the
radiation protection advisers.
1103. Experience has shown that the most likely events leading to significant radia-
tion exposure and/or contamination are:
(a) A source jamming, with the source assembly failing to return to its shielded

(b) Part of the source assembly being detached and left in an unshielded position;
(c) Malfunction or deliberate defeat of the safety control system;
(d) Leakage of the source;
(e) Fire inside the shielded room.
1104. The most serious accidents can occur when a worker enters or remains in the
radiation room when the irradiation process is going on. Very severe injury or death
must be expected as a consequence of such an accident.
1105. In the case of gamma irradiation facilities, the possibility of accident situa-
tions due to contamination must also be considered. In such cases, although the over-
exposure may be less severe, it may involve many more people, mainly workers,
but also members of the public.
1106. Following an accident it is necessary to:
(a) Limit radiation exposure, both individual and collective;
(b) Regain control of the situation in order to restore the site to its normal
(c) Treat the injured and overexposed.
1107. Emergency procedures should be written for each type of emergency that may
reasonably be foreseen. These should be concise, easily followed instructions. They
should describe what factors are indicative of a situation requiring emergency action,
specify the immediate action to be taken to minimize radiation exposure to persons
in the vicinity of the irradiator, and allow for the development of the written contin-
gency plan for effecting entry to the radiation room.
1108. The procedures should also include the name and telephone number of the
persons to be notified for the purpose of directing remedial action, for example the
police, fire brigade, company doctor, hospital, radiation protection adviser, compe-
tent authority and manufacturer/designer. The procedures should also include the
name and location of an employee who is responsible for communication with the
media and the public. The list of these names and telephone numbers should be
displayed in a prominent location adjacent to the control panel hi the irradiation


1109. Any incident shall be reported to the competent authority according to a time
schedule laid down in the approval and depending on the severity of the incident.
Incident reports should be evaluated by the competent authority so that lessons can
be learned from the incident and, if necessary, improvements made to safety at all
existing facilities. Special attention should be given to precursor events that have the
potential to lead to more severe incidents.


Removal of a damaged or leaking source

1110. The appropriate method of removal, transfer or disposal of a damaged or leak-

ing source will be dictated by circumstance, but the following procedure is generally
1111. If an actual or suspected source leak has occurred, the use of the irradiator
shall be terminated and a decision taken as to the desirability of closing down the
water circulation and air ventilation systems to prevent the spread of contamination
and exposure of workers. The affected area shall be isolated and contact shall be
established with the following, as appropriate, with the purpose of obtaining
(a) The competent authority.
(b) The manufacturer of the device.
(c) The supplier and the installer of the source (if different from the manufacturer
of the device).
(d) A person authorized to remove the defective source. Special permission to
remove and transport the source shall be obtained from the competent
1112. Removal of the defective source should be prompt, once the decision to
remove it has been made, and shall be performed by, or under the supervision and
in the presence of, a person or persons authorized by the competent authority.

Removal of contaminated material

1113. Contaminated material generally results from a leaking source. Under no cir-
cumstances shall any contaminated material such as water, filter medium, resin or
components be removed, transferred or disposed of without the express permission
of the competent authority. Disposal of contaminated material shall be performed by,
or under the supervision and in the presence of, a person or persons authorized by
the competent authority.

Remedial actions under increased radiation levels

1114. During the operation of gamma irradiation facilities situations may arise
where the source rack remains fully or partially unshielded as a result of malfunction
of the source movement system. The causes of such events may be technical failures
in the source movement mechanism itself or damage of the source rack by product

boxes. The remedial actions in such situations should in principle proceed in the
following way:
(1) It should be ensured that access to the radiation room remains impossible for
any person.
(2) The combustion of products due to the excessive heating of the product boxes
should be prevented (e.g. by increasing the ventilation).
(3) The radiation protection adviser and officers, plant management, competent
authority and manufacturer, if necessary, should be informed according to the
established reporting procedure.
(4) The position of the source should be assessed through examination of external
indicators and measurement of dose rates.
(5) A remedial action plan should be developed taking into account: the specific
source movement system and its components; the design of the facility; the
information gathered concerning the possible cause of the incident; the possi-
bility of introducing additional portable shielding components; the possibility
of using special tools to allow workers to maintain a certain distance from the
source or of using remotely controlled devices; and the doses that would be
received by radiation workers.
(6) It should be ensured that all remedial actions that can lead to radiation exposure
have been approved by the competent authority.
1115. This list of measures is intended as guidance. Each incident will need to be
dealt with cautiously and on a case by case basis.


1116. Planning for emergencies involving high accidental exposures should be

carried out in accordance with Ref. [20].


[1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, The Radiological Accident in

San Salvador, IAEA, Vienna (1990).
Radiation Protection, 1982 Edition, Safety Series No. 9, IAEA, Vienna (1982).
[3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Radiation Protection Glossary,
Safety Series No. 76, IAEA, Vienna (1986).
Radiation Protection Design Guidelines for 0.1-100 MeV Particle Accelerator
Facilities, Rep. 51, NCRP, Washington, DC (1977).
Panoramic, Wet Source Storage Irradiators (Category IV), ANSI-N43.10-1984,
New York (1984).
Contained, Dry Source Storage Gamma Irradiators (Category I), ANSI-N43.7-1977
(R1989), New York (1977).
Design and Operation of Particle Accelerators, ANSI-N43.1, New York (1969).
[8] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Radiological Safety Aspects of
the Operation of Electron Linear Accelerators, Technical Reports Series No. 188,
IAEA, Vienna (1979).
[9] HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE, An Introductory Guide to Programmable
Electronic Systems in Safety Related Applications, HMSO, London (1987).
active Sources General Classification, ISO/TC 85/SC 2/WG UN 31E, ISO,
Geneva (1990).
active Sources Leakage Test Methods, ISO/TC 85/SC 2N 390, ISO, Geneva
[12] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Regulations for the Safe Trans-
port of Radioactive Material, 1985 Edition (As Amended 1990), Safety Series No. 6,
IAEA, Vienna (1990).
[13] BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION, Recommendation for Data on Shielding
from Ionizing Radiation, Part 1: 1966, Shielding from Gamma Radiation, BS 4094,
BSI, London (1988).
[14] BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION, Recommendation for Data on Shielding
from Ionizing Radiation, Part 2: 1971, Shielding from X radiation, BS 4094, BSI,
London (1988).
Structural Shielding Design and Evaluation for Medical Use of X-rays and Gamma
Rays of Energies up to 10 MeV, Rep. 49, NCRP, Bethesda, MD (1976).
[16] BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION, Electrical Equipment of Industrial
Machines, BS 2771, BSI, London (1986).

[17] BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION, Code of Practice for Safety of Machinery,
BS 5304, BSI, London (1988).
[18] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Recommendations for the Safe
Use and Regulation of Radiation Sources in Industry, Medicine, Research and
Teaching, Safety Series No. 102, IAEA, Vienna (1990).
[19] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Emergency Response Planning
and Preparedness for Transport Accidents Involving Radioactive Material, Safety
Series No. 87, IAEA, Vienna (1988).
Preparedness for Accidents Involving Radioactive Materials Used in Medicine,
Industry, Research and Teaching, Safety Series No. 91, IAEA, Vienna (1989).


accident. In the context of nuclear safety or radiation protection, an event which

leads or could lead to abnormal exposure conditions.
ALARA. An acronym for 'as low as reasonably achievable', a concept meaning
that the design and use of sources, and the practices associated therewith,
should be such as to ensure that exposures are kept as low as is reasonably
practicable, economic and social factors being taken into account.
approval. The issue of a formal certificate, licence or other document allowing the
construction and operation of an irradiation facility.
capsule. The protective envelope of a sealed source that prevents leakage of
radioactive material.
competent authority. An authority designated or otherwise recognized by a
government for specific purposes in connection with radiation protection
and/or nuclear safety.
containment. A term signifying either: (a) the confinement of radioactive material
in such a way that it is prevented from being dispersed into the environment
or is only released at a specified rate, or (b) the device used to effect such
cost-benefit analysis. A quantitative procedure for assisting in the optimization of
radiation protection. It is characterized by the requirement that all the factors
that are to be included in the analysis must be expressed in commensurate
units, usually units of money. Differential cost-benefit analysis involves the
comparison of changes in protection costs and collective dose and is the
differential form of the total cost approach which involves minimization of the
total cost (radiation detriment and financial expenditure).
cost effectiveness analysis. A procedure which is used to determine the most
effective protection obtainable from fixed resources or, alternatively, to
determine the least expensive protection for a given level of exposure.
decontamination. The removal of radioactive contaminants with the objective of
reducing the residual radioactivity level in or on materials, persons or the
device. See irradiation device.
fully shielded. The condition in which the radiation source is stored so that the
radiation level in the radiation room does not exceed the levels specified in
this publication.

fully vented. A design characteristic of hollow tools, tubes or control rods that
allows air to escape from the tool at a rate sufficient to allow water to flood
the immersed section as it enters the water.
high radiation area. A qualitative indication of the dose rates that exist in a
particular area. For the purposes of this publication, areas with dose rates in
excess of 1 mSv/h should be regarded as high radiation areas.
interlock. See safety interlock.
irradiation device. That portion of an irradiator facility that includes the
radiation source, radiation shields and mechanisms that move or position the
radiation source.
irradiator. A device or facility which contains radiation sources used for the
irradiation of objects or materials.
monitoring. The measurement of radiation or activity for reasons related to the
assessment or control of exposure to radiation or radioactive material, and the
interpretation of such measurements.
operating organization. The organization authorized by the competent authority
to possess and operate an irradiation facility.
product. The objects or materials which are intentionally irradiated in a
commercial or research process.
product positioning system. The means by which the product to be irradiated
is conveyed around the radiation source under the 'source in use' condition.
qualified operator. An authorized individual who controls the day to day use of
the irradiator.
quality assurance. Those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide
adequate confidence that an item or a facility will perform satisfactorily in
quality control. Those quality assurance actions which provide a means to control
and measure the characteristics of an item, process or facility in accordance
with established requirements.
radiation protection adviser. A person having the specialized knowledge, training
and experience necessary to perform the task of giving advice and guidance
in radiation safety in a competent and proficient manner.
radiation protection officer. A technically competent person designated by
management to supervise the application of radiation protection regulations
and to provide advice on all relevant aspects of radiation protection.

radiation room. That region of the irradiator that is enclosed by radiation shields
and is made inaccessible when the radiation source is in use.
radiation shields. The materials which have as their primary function the
attenuation of radiation emitted by the radiation source to acceptable levels.
radiation source. A sealed source or other source emitting ionizing radiation.
restricted area. That region of the irradiator to which human access is controlled
for radiation safety purposes.
safety interlock. A device for precluding exposure of an individual to a hazard
either by preventing entry to the hazardous area or by automatically removing
the hazard.
sealed source. Radioactive material sealed in a capsule that is strong enough to
prevent dispersion of the radioactive material under the conditions of use for
which it was designed. Also an assemblage of sealed sources in an array
utilized in an irradiator.
source holder. That component of the irradiator into which the radiation source
is positioned, including any retaining screws, pins, clips, etc.
surveillance. All planned activities performed to ensure compliance with
operational specifications established for a particular installation.


Arias, C. Comisidn National de Energfa At<5mica, Argentina

Bagget, S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States of America

Barnard, J. Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd, Canada

Gilat, J. Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel

Grant, J. UK Panel on Gamma and Electron Irradiation,

United Kingdom

Lavale, D.S. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India

Le Luyer, M. Soci6te" g6n6rale pour les techniques nouvelles, France

Lederman, L. International Atomic Energy Agency

Lorenz, B. Staatliches Amt fur Atomsicherheit und Strahlenschutz,

German Democratic Republic5

McCall, R.C. National Council on Radiation Protection and

Measurements, United States of America

McKinnon, R.G. Nordion International Inc., Canada

Mohlmann, J.H.F. Gammaster BV, Netherlands

Ross, B. Health and Safety Executive, United Kingdom

Shewchenko, M.A. Nordion International Inc., Canada

Stepniewski, F. Establishment for Nuclear Equipment, Poland

Tattersal, P. National Radiological Protection Board, United Kingdom

Vidal, P. Association of International Industrial Irradiation

Walker, R. Atomic Energy Control Board, Canada

Wiesner, L. Beta-Gamma-Service, Federal Republic of Germany5

Affiliation at the time of the meetings.

Wrixon, A.D. National Radiological Protection Board, United Kingdom

Yoshida, K. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Japan

Zuniga-Bello, P. International Atomic Energy Agency

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Vienna: 4-8 July 1988, 16-20 October 1989,
20-24 November 1989, 21-24 May 1990, 26-27 July 1990

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