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Postal Customer

Give Us a Call for a Quote!

Secure Retirement Solutions

Vol. 64 - No. 31 Circulation: 10,508 937-473-2028 august 2, 2017 PRE-SORTED

FaX: 937-473-2500 E-Mail: Check us Out On the Web: STANDARD
Arens Corporation
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Orme Hardware, Covington Connection

All Fluids Lube Chassis

Battery Change Oil Filter
All Lights Rotate Tires
Visual Brake Check

All Fluids Lube Chassis

Air Pressure Change Oil Filter
All Lights Rotate Tires
Visual Brake Check

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Ice Cream Social Would Your Calling All Crafters & Trade Demonstrators!!!
Planned August 3 House of WorsHip
At Bradford Church
like To Be included The Fort Rowdy Gathering has space available for the 25th
Annual Fort Rowdy Gathering, which will be held Labor Day week-
The public is invited to a
Homemade Ice Cream Social on on our cHurcH page? end, September 2, 3, and 4.
All artists, crafters, trade demonstrators, and vendors are invited
Thursday, Aug. 3, 5-7 p.m., at
Greenville Creek Christian The Stillwater Valley Advertiser is pleased to publish a church to apply for booth spaces, which range in price from $35 to $60,
Church, 5110 Buckneck Rd., page for our readers. Our next regular monthly church page is sched- depending on booth size and application date. Electricity is includ-
uled to run SEPTEMBER 6. ed. You may reserve space in the large craft tent or use your own
This is a great way to publicize revivals, guest speakers, musical tent.
The menu includes four fla-
programs, and other special events, as well as welcoming newcomers For more information, please contact Annette Miller at 937-214-
vors of ice cream vanilla,
to the area who are seeking a house of worship. 1599. Applications and rules are also available at
pineapple, strawberry, and
Individual church ads will be two columns wide by two inches and 8/2-11
chocolate along with ham,
offered at a very nominal cost of just $20 PER MonTh.
Sloppy Joe and chicken sand- Contact our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2029 and our
wiches, hot dogs, cake, pie, and office personnel will be happy to assist you.
drinks. 7/26-4 You can also email our sales representative, Yvonne Welbaum, at Honey Harvest Planned August 6 at BNC
Come enjoy the sweet taste of summer at Brukner Nature
Centers annual Honey Harvest on Sunday, August 6, at 2 p.m., pre-
sented by the Miami Valleys Beekeepers Association.

Did you know that colonists brought honey bees to America
more than 300 years ago? Before that there was no native honey

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except from bumblebees. Did you know there are 30,000 to 60,000
bees in a hive one queen, hundreds of drones, and the rest, work-
ers?! Bees fly between 10 and 15 mph and must make 40,000 to
! # ! 80,000 trips to make a single pound of honey!
Escape the heat in our beautiful air-conditioned Heidelberg
# ! Auditorium and learn all about the process of beekeeping from set-
$ ! ! ! $ $ ! ting up the hive to processing the honey for your table. Enjoy a taste
of this seasons hard work, courtesy of the honey bees at Brukner
$ Nature Center, located at 5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd., Troy.

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The easTer Bunny visiTed the Milton-union Public
Library saturday, april 15. Miles took this opportunity to have
a picture taken with this floppy-eared guest. an easter egg
hunt was fun for all ages, and prizes were awarded for every
age group. refreshments were provided by the new Friends
of the Milton-union Public Library. 5/3-7

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Donate $10 to
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473 E. Troy Pike, Suite D # % ( % & '% ! %&"$ "$
Covington, Ohio & # & ) *&" $ % "
"$& ! &
% ) % # & ) *&" $ % " % !& "
22 N. Miami St., West Milton, Ohio 45383 937-314-4180

Quick Tips Pathway to Herbs Offers Natural Way to Good Health Help a Family in need
For Low Back Pain Good Health Starts With a Healthy Gut
My name is Lisa Williams, owner of Pathway to Herbs in Pleasant
and Help yourself!
By Dr. Brian J. OlsOn
Hill. Our bodies can get well and stay well by adding a variety of nat-
ural and plant-based supplements to our diets. We are dedicated to
~ BlEssinGs BOX PrOJECT ~
helping our customers reclaim their health. We are independent dis- The Blessings Box Project supports the Family Rapid ReHousing
473 E. Troy Pike - suite D tributors of Natures Sunshine and Pure Herbs products, both recog- Program at the Miami County Family Abuse Center. These boxes of
Covington 937-473-5959 nized as some of the best in the industry. When you call or visit, well household supplies are designed to support families once they move
discuss how you are feeling and work hard to address any issues that into their new homes.
As a chiropractor, low back pain fills my office. I would like to keep you from feeling your best. Every $80 fills one Blessings box. Donate $10 to the project and
share some common practices that can minimize the pain and discom- The original owner of Pathway to Herbs told me, The reason so West Milton Chiropractic will give you a free session of intersegmen-
fort that is associated with this problem. many people dont feel well is because their gut health is poor. When tal traction therapy. Donate $80 and youll receive 10 free sessions.
First off, whenever in doubt, always use ice instead of heat over I first visited Pathway to Herbs, my skin was blotchy, I was losing my The project ends August 28.
the location of the discomfort. This will reduce inflammation and help hair, I was exhausted, and had digestive issues. Doctor visits resulted Make checks payable to the Troy Family Abuse Center, and in the
diminish the intensity of the pain. Second, dont fight through the pain, in a cabinet full of medications that werent working. I was desperate. memo box please write Leadership Troy Blessing Box. Mail to West
try to minimize the pain by avoiding positions that exacerbate the I realized that treating symptoms would never allow me to fully heal, Milton Chiropractic, 22 N. Miami St., West Milton, OH 45383. All
problem. Typically, lying down or standing helps because there is less so I began taking herbs and supplements to address my health issues. contributions are tax-deductible.
pressure on the spine than during sitting. Driving typically will in- Amazingly, my energy returned, my rash disappeared, and my hair Homelessness knows no boundaries. It can affect anyone, regard-
crease pain. grew back! less of age, race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, or education
Finally, a few stretches to help with this problem. Stretching the Soon, well offer classes to help those interested in losing weight level. Those entering a shelter typically lack family and friends who
back of the legs usually helps. I suggest lying face up while pulling while learning how to take control of their own health issues. The In- can help them and they are completely without housing options.
the legs to the chest, both individually, then together. If this doesnt form program was developed by Natures Sunshine. This is a cutting The Family Rapid ReHousing Program is designed to assist home-
help, try lying face down with the chest propped up. This shortens edge program that focuses on improving metabolic health through bal- less families with minor children to exit emergency shelter and to
the back muscles. ancing (surprise, surprise!) gut health. move into permanent housing quicker (i.e., rapid re-housing). Every
Lastly, pull the belly button in and hold for several seconds. This year in Troy and Miami County nearly 60 families are placed in homes
helps to retrain some of the muscles of the core. Improving your health is easier than you think. through this program.
Remember... if the pain persists or is recurrent, seek the help of a The Blessings Box Project is designed to support the move-in
professional. Let Pathway to Herbs help you!
process by providing some key essentials the family will need to get
started in their new home, such as sheets, towels, pillows, kitchen
linens, a toaster, cookware, baking dish, and a cookie sheet.

Valley Echoes
A&E Duck Dynastys John Godwin All boxes must be filled by Monday, Aug. 28.
For additional information, call West Milton Chiropractic at 937-
To Visit Fields of Grace This Fall 314-4180.
On Sunday, Oct. 1, Fields of Grace
by Gary Godfrey
Worship Center in Covington will be
hosting John Godwin at 9 a.m., 11 a.m.,
One mans trash is another mans treasure.
sergeant major Godfrey takes command and 6 p.m. These services are for the Sell unwanted items in our classifieds.
public but will also focus on honoring
Ginger recently purchased a book about organizing and de-clut-
our first responders in the area.
Call 473-2028 to place an ad!
tering. Shes been acting as a taskmaster ever since.
Godwin is one of only two regular
Weve got to DE-CLUTTER, she stressed. cast members of Duck Dynasty who is
not part of the Robertson family. His of-
I think I have my side of the garage in pretty good order, I re- ficial title at Duck Commander is Ship-
sponded. ping Manager, but he also builds duck
calls and manages supplies. He has
She then laughed and giggled as she walked back into the worked at Duck Commander since 2002.
kitchen. John Godwin, or as his fellow employees call him, Godwin, will
Her military attack mode has been assigned and it looks like Im be speaking at all three services about his life before and during his
in for more than I want to handle. Garage, basement, attic, tool career with Duck Dynasty. Johns wife Paula will be accompanying
shed, Covington commercial buildings, India and China. him to Fields of Grace. He will be giving autographs and having pho-
tos taken after each service.
Were going to Lowes, she announced Sunday evening. Please dress casually.
Now? I questioned. Right now, she saluted. Childcare and nursery will be provided at the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
services for ages six months - Grade 3. There will be no childcare
Her idea was to change the curtains in one of our commercial provided for the 6 p.m. service.
buildings, wash the window inside and out and paint the front. For information about obtaining free tickets please contact
We accomplished everything but the painting. I felt like I was on Fields of Grace at 937-573-4282 Tuesday-Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
a chain gang. tickets are limited and required. 8/2-8

We started eating dinner around 7:00 p.m. Thank goodness the

Subway was just cross the street. Their new patio looked like an Retirement Party Announced
oasis to me.
For MUPL Director Carol Coate
What do you think? Ginger asked like any officer would ask.
A retirement party for Carol Coate, director of the Milton-Union
I think it looks great. Maybe we can do the roof, gutters and Public Library, will be held Sunday Aug. 27, 3-7 p.m., at the library.
painting tomorrow. The party will be an open house format, with light refreshments pro-
vided. Please join us in celebrating Mrs. Coates retirement after many
This weeks bottom line: When Ginger is happy, everyone is years of service to the community.
happy, including Rosie. No gifts, please! However, donations to the library in Carols
honor would be very much appreciated.
After every war, someone has to tidy up. Szymborska The library is located at 560 S. Main St., West Milton. 8/2-15 Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - AUGUST 2, 2017

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Bowman Produce Offers AdAms Greenhouse & Produce, LLc Subway Has Your
Customers Wholesome, Your Best choice for Green, organic & natural Products Fresh Interests At Heart
Preservative-Free Products Adams Greenhouse & Produce, located at 6373 U.S. Route 36 in
Covington, is owned by Kenny and Connie Adams. They are pleased
The menu at Subway represents the companys commitment to
helping you discover and maintain healthful eating habits while en-
Bowman Produce & Greenhouses, LLC is now in its second to offer high quality plants and produce as well as the green, organic, joying the foods you love. A variety of delicious sandwiches and
decade of raising fresh produce and buying farm to farm fresh fruits and natural products their customers appreciate. wraps, as well as salads, allows Subways customers to order their
from Michigan, Indiana, the Carolinas, and other surrounding states. A full Farmers Market is available all twelve months, enabling meals to their individual food preferences, without sacrificing great
You can find Bowmans produce at several local farmers markets their customers to serve fresh, mouth-watering vegetables any time of taste.
from May thru October. You will also find them at numerous local fes- the year. Grass-fed meats found at Adams Greenhouse include beef, When dining out with friends and family, its easy to satisfy every-
tivals with their fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as making home- pork, goat, lamb, and chicken. one with Subways nice array of freshly baked breads, wraps, meats,
made apple butter the old-fashioned way, using an open fire and Organic foods such as cheese, seasonal fruits and vegetables, cheeses, vegetables, condiments and seasonings.
copper kettles. chocolates, baking flours, nuts, oatmeal, chocolate chips, honey, maple Watching your weight? Subway offers seven subs with just 6
Constructed in 2014 was a high-tunnel greenhouse that allows syrup, and a large assortment of baking items found at Adams Green- grams of fat or less! Now you can enjoy a delicious meal while watch-
Bowmans to raise fresh produce all year long. This winter, theyll be house assure their customers their cooking and baking projects will al- ing calories, carbs, and fat grams.
able to offer customers spinach, green onions, romaine red lettuce, ways be delicious. And since your Subway meal was so healthy for you, you can
mixed lettuces, radishes, beets, cabbage, turnips, along with other tasty Locally made seasonings, soaps, non-GMO soy-free animal feeds, always order one of their freshly baked cookies for dessert guilt-
vegetables. and non-GMO soy-free eggs are other products their customers appre- free!
Quality is the backbone of the Bowman name and their large prod- ciate. Even quail and duck eggs can be found at Adams Greenhouse. Enjoy your meal in Subways comfortable dining area, or tell your
uct line. Bowmans dedication of farm to farm means that they buy With so many customers trying to eliminate the use of harmful cashier youd like to take your order with you.
directly from other fruit and vegetable farmers. You wont find ware- chemicals whenever possible, organic sprays and powders for the yard Planning a get-together? Let Subway take the worry out of food
house products at any of their stands. and garden are the answer and readily available in the greenhouse. preparation so you can enjoy more time with your friends and family.
Bowman Produce & Greenhouses also offer all of their products In the springtime, customers cant wait to select their organic veg-
at their home farm located on St. Rt. 121, next to Dick Lavy Trucking, etables and flowers for the season.
just south of Versailles. Their homemade fruit butters and large variety
of jams, as well as popcorn and brown eggs, can be purchased year
round. Numerous baked goods products are also available throughout
From October thru May you can visit their Farmers Market (inside
the comfortably heated greenhouse) every second and fourth Saturday. The Flour Barrel Stocks
Vendors always offer a nice variety of items to suit everyones taste-
the year and can be found at their local stands. Clip their ad on this
page with a listing of all their farmers markets and festivals coming
During the holidays, customers love giving family and friends
What You Need For
up from now through the end of the year.
As an additional service to customers, Bowman Produce & Green-
thoughtful gift baskets filled with Ohio-raised and organic items. In
the fall, 6- to 9-foot Christmas trees will make your home look wel-
Healthy Cooking, Eating
houses also accepts WIC coupons for items that they offer in their coming, along with a nice array of wreaths, roping, and grave covers The Flour Barrel is basically a bulk foods store offering quality in-
business. Our markets in northern counties accept the Senior Farm- for loved ones. Dont forget to keep some delicious cider on hand for gredients at lower prices. They carry some healthy and special diet
ers Market Nutrition Program coupons. your holiday guests! items such as Xylitol and Stevia sweeteners. Various gluTEN-
Visit their booth at the Darke County Fair, located at the bottom of FrEE flours and mixes are also available, including brown rice flour,
Tammy Markers Toning Center
the ramp at the coliseum. white rice flour, soy flour, potato starch and tapioca starch. Other
Adams Greenhouse and Produce now a Certified Nationally- gluten-free items include all-purpose flour, sorghum flour, bread mix,
Help You Feel And Look Your Best Grown business looks forward to helping you with all your produce,
baking, gardening, and gift-giving needs. The business is open 365
brownie mix, pancake mix, and corn pasta, noodles, pretzels, and
With Minimum Of Time and Expense days a year and is located one mile east of Covington, is open Monday
thru Friday, 9 a.m. til 5 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed
You will find whole wheat pastas, raw wheat germ, oat bran and
wheat bran, unrefined sugar, evaporated cane juice, fructose, and su-
Toning tables have been around since the early 70s. Originally, Sundays. Call 937-416-5533 and like them on facebook! canat on their well-stocked shelves. Organic coconut oil is available,
toning tables didnt have a lot of backing from the medical community. as well as a cheaper coconut oil.
However, over time, research has shown this form of treatment can be Also included in their inventory are crisp vegetable chips, green
very beneficial to the body and attitudes have changed. bean chips, dried kiwi, tropical fruit salad, tropical fruit trio, pumpkin
Health care is a high priority with just about everyone these days, seeds, R & S pumpkin seeds, quinoa, flax seeds and flax seed meals,
and Tammys Toning Center is an easy and quick way to help you feel maple syrup, almond butter and peanut butter, couscous with chives
and look your best. She offers five tables each with a specific pur- and saffron, saffron jasmine rice, brown and wild Rice Pilaf, brown
pose 1) Sandbag Machine (strengthens the stomach muscles and Basmati rice, Mrs. Millers noodles: whole wheat, spinach, tomato,
helps to firm the buttock area); 2) Waist/Tummy/Hip Machine; 3) Leg basil, garlic-parsley, and old fashioned potpie squares.
Machine; 4) Arm/Chest Machine; and 5) Vibrating Machine (complete RealSalt, nuts and dried fruits, plus many more items too numerous
body toning). Clients spend 10 minutes on each table, and the cost is to mention fill The Flour Barrels shelves to capacity.
very reasonable just $30 per week and there are No CoN- For their customers who like to can the healthy foods theyve
TraCTS To SigN! grown in their gardens, The Flour Barrel carries Dutch Jell, pickling
Both men and women benefit from toning tables. You can reduce 1100 Wayne St., Suite 1112, Troy lime, canning lids and jar rings, fresh fruit preserver, citric acid, pick-
inches, firm and tone muscles, reduce pain, increase mobility and en- ! ling spices. Mrs. Wages Tomato Mixes and Pickle Mixes, alum pow-
ergy, and also lose weight. Other conditions that can benefit from ton- der, pickling/canning salt, gallon jugs of vinegar, and raw vinegar in
ing tables are arthritis, diabetes, nerve pain (neuropathy), poor quarts. Also available is Mrs. Wages natural salsa mix for use with or
circulation, weak backs, cardiac problems, fibromyalgia, and high without fresh veggies.
blood pressure. Even cellulite can be eliminated! Several exercise op- For their customers convenience, The Flour Barrel also now offers
tions are available. christian books
a large selection of deli meat and cheese, along with macaroni salad,
Just think... spending one hour at Tammy Markers Toning Center delicatessen bulk foods potato salad, chicken salad, ham salad, and cole slaw.
is equivalent to seven hours in a big boy gym! Check out the Produce Porch for fresh produce when in season!
The center is located at 1100 Wayne St., Suite 1112, Troy. This Discover a healthier you! Find dozens of items throughout the store
was formerly the old Stouder Hospital, at the east end or old ER en- or visit us online at:
trance. Go through the doors and then left past Take 2 Productions. This Gettysburg business is located at 8138 U.S. Rt. 36, a half-
Hours are Monday - Friday, 6 a.m. until last appointment, and Satur- mile west of Gettysburg. Their hours are Monday, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.;
day, 6 a.m. - 3 p.m. Closed Sunday. Hours: Tuesday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 4
For more information, email Mon 8:30-8:00 (937) 447-4925
p.m.; closed Sunday. The deli slicers close down 15 minutes befoe
or call 552-7330. Call for an appointment today your first visit is Tues-Fri 8:30-5:30 8138 US Rt. 36
store closing.
FrEE! Saturday 8:30-4:00 Bradford, Ohio 45308
If you have any questions, feel free to contact The Flour Barrel at
Tammy Markers Toning Center can also be found on facebook! 937-447-4925.

Whats happening at...

Bradford PuBlic liBrary
138 E. Main St., Bradford & 937-448-2612
Bradford Public Library's Summer Reading Program is coming to
an end soon but we still have some great events in the month of Au-
gust! Here's what's happening...
Tuesday, Aug. 1 Miami County Parks will be back with another
great program on pollinators for all ages. Come see how our flowers
are growing! Program will start at 2:30 and last about one hour.
Tuesday, Aug. 1 This is the last day for children to turn in their
reading logs. Please have them in by 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 2 Our "End of Summer Olympics" will be
held from 1-4 p.m. We will be joining with the Community Club to
hold this great event in the Y yard park. Kids will participate in silly
games and have the chance to win a gold, silver, or bronze medal in
each age group. After the games we will have our BIG PRIZE DRAW-
ING. Any Summer Reading Program participant will be part of a
drawing for big prizes and is sure to leave with a prize. This event is
replacing our drawing held at Stillwater Prairie in the last few years.
Students must be present to win a prize. If weather does not cooperate
we will have games at the Community Club, followed by our prize
Monday, Aug. 7, 6 p.m. Drawing for adult prizes at the library.
Entries for adults must be turned in by 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 4.
We hope you have enjoyed the programs and events over the sum-
mer, as our staff has certainly enjoyed planning and hosting them. We
have really enjoyed seeing everyone READ over the summer! 8/2-14

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Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:3

2 Cor. 5:6 & 7

! " & $ " &

### # "!

# % #
Food for Children - 2 to 18 yrs. old ~ Mon. 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
C3 Amplifi
fieed Youth Group 7th Grade & Up Wed. 11 a.m.

' % " # ! $ ! #" !"

& !#! " # ! $ ! & # ! $ "! !#!( ! Page 7 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - AUGUST2, 2017

Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots Available

Valley Farewells For Checkout at West Milton Library

Milton-Union Public Library now has mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots
available for checkout. The devices use the Sprint 4G LTE network
to provide free Internet for up to 10 devices. A Hotspot may check
HOBLIT, FREDA MAE, 84 - A resident of West Milton. Died Friday, July 21, at Cypress out to an adult patron for one week, can be renewed if no one is wait-
Pointe Health Campus, Englewood. ing, and can be requested if all three devices are currently in use. If
knIgHT, FOREsT Dewey R., 61 - A resident of Laura. Died Monday, July 24. you have no Internet connection at home, these Hotspots may help
vAn ATTA, MARy pAT - Died Tuesday, July 4, at Garbry Ridge, Piqua. you access the Internet for school, work, or research purposes from
the convenience of home!
For more information about this or other programs, call 937-698-
5515 or visit
Solar The library is located at 560 S. Main St., West Milton and is open
Eclipse Heart & Soles Announces Monday thru Thursday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Friday and Saturday,
Programs Scholarship Recipients 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
NOTE: The library would very much appreciate donations of
Looking for
an honest deal?
Offered Through the generosity and bubble wrap and padded envelopes for shipping purposes. 7/26-1 You can find it
At support of the community and in our classifieds.
MUPL surrounding areas, Heart and
Soles is pleased to award four
scholarships to 2017 Newton
The Milton-Union Public Library will host several programs High School graduates.
leading up to and culminating with the solar eclipse open house Congratulations to Blaire
August 21. Wehrley, Jack Yoder, Morgan
The first programs will be Saturday, Aug. 12, at 9:30 a.m. and Miller, and Jackson Riffle.
12:30 p.m. Amateur astronomers Ron and Joann Wagner from the 7/26-5

Stillwater Stargazers will bring along Hydrogen Alpha, a special

filter for viewing the sun. and white light solar telescopes.
On Thursday, Aug. 17, at 6:30 p.m., the Wagners will be speak-
ing about safety for viewing the eclipse. The library will also have Health Coverage Made Easy.
special solar eclipse viewing glasses available thanks to the generos-
ity and support of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Google,
NASA, and Research Corporation. We offer health coverage for:
During the eclipse on Monday August 21, the library will host an Individuals without Group Coverage
open house from 12:45-4 p.m. A livestream of the eclipse will be Self-Employed
offered indoors, as well as eclipse viewing glasses for outside view- COBRA Alternative
ing. Refreshments will be available.
Seniors looking for Medicare Supplement Options
The library is located at 560 S. Main St., West Milton.
For more information about this or other programs, call 937-698- Small Business
5515 or visit 8/2-1 Mike Kendall $)& ) ( ! *( #+ #')& #
D.W. Kendall Insurance Agency ! " #!+ ( $#+,' $ + $%
(937) 698-4161
Toll-Free (800) 886-4161

Kendall Insurance is an independent authorized agent in Ohio for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Anthem Blue Cross and
Blue Shield is the trade name of Community Insurance Company. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Association ANTHEM is a registered trademark. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield names and symbols are registered marks of
the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

# "+!&%

'!++!%1 $
)!'# ! "# %
$! %//) * $+) . #!* 4 * %. ,(! .! /+ **+0* ! /$ / (!*
SUNDAY, AUGUST 13 +((+,!/!- $ . &+%*! /$!%- ,-+"!..%+* ( . (!. /! ) (!* -%*#. 2%/$
&*' # *+ $%) 2! (/$ +" '*+2(! #! * !3,!-%!* ! . * #!*/ 2+-'%*# ,-%
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. ) * ) $&%! * 4! -. +" !3,!-%!* ! * !.%-! /+ , %- $%. (%!*/. 2%/$ ,-+ 0 /. /$ /
KOI DRAG RACING 2%(( !./ )!!/ /$!%- *!! . / * ""+- (! +./
)! / , 0 '$ MONDAY, AUGUST 14
!" $$ # )% &$ / (!* -!.% !. 2%/$ $%. 2%"! 4 %* +1%*#/+* $%+ * /$!4 $ 1!
, # ) %+)!#&(,!*+ 0#$/!-. * #- * $%( -!*
+,) / , 0 '$ $! %//) * $+) . #!* 4 $ . !!* %* 0.%*!.. .%* ! * %.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 15 (+ /! / ./ %* /-!!/ - "+- $%+ .,! % (%5%*# %* ((
- %+ +) + % /4,!. +" %*.0- * ! %* (0 %*# $+)! * 0/+ " -) +* . +))!-
Come Share the Excitement! % ( ! % -! .0,,(!)!*/. * (%"! * $! (/$
3 POST TIMES OF &# % %%!- )* )/ ,% &%
HARNESS RACING: (! .! ./+, %* +- #%1! (!* (( / +- * $!
+ ) %1* ) $&%/ 2%(( ! $ ,,4 /+ ..%./ 4+0 2%/$ (( +" 4+0- %*.0- * ! *!! . !%/$!- /
, * , 0 '&*+ +!$ '$
,$ !- ) # % +0- - "+- (+ /%+* +- %* $%. +1%*#/+* +""% ! 4 ,,+%*/)!*/

, 0 '&*+ +!$ '$ THURSDAY, AUGUST 17

0 '&*+ +!$ '$ , ) )&-
#, ) ** %

RIDES & GAMES by Burton Brothers Amusements

!((# $ %# ' $ + $ !((# $ %# ' $ + $
!$ ( %* !$ (
For More Information Visit... & $)!"" !% & %& !%
, * , *


MOVING SALE: Amish-built cherry hutch & table, extends to seat 14-16; Mikasa dinnerware for WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini-bikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers,
16 plus serving pieces; some antiques; furn.; lots of tools & misc. Aug. 3-4-5, 9-? No early birds ! or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 937-473-2705
704 N. Pearl St., Covington.
GARAGE SALE: 8581 Erie Dr., Maria Stein (Chapel Hill Subdivision). Aug. 3-5. Thurs., 9-6; Fri., BROWN EGG-LAYING PULLETS: 17 weeks of age. Versailles
9-5; Sat., 9-noon. Kids clothes; toys; household items. 937-526-4541
GARAGE SALE: Aug. 3-4-5, 9-4. 407 Mark Dr., Covington. Hot Wheels; Nascar; 31 products; fish- WANTED: Used pig scales. (937) 473-2243
ing tackle; tools; toys; books; futon mattress; & misc. HAVING A GARAGE
SALE? Just a
LARGE GARAGE SALE: 508 Hickory Dr., Bradford. Thurs., Fri. & Sat., Aug. 10-11-12, 9-5. Tools;
reminder that the WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, &
furn.; thousands of balloons & accessories from former balloon business; hundreds of stuffed ani-
deadline for submit- Wheel Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or
mals; Nascar; new printer; mens & womens clothes; misc.
ting classified ads is
GARAGE SALE: 673 Winding Way, West Milton. Thurs. & Fri., Aug. 3-4, 9-5; Sat., Aug. 5, 9-1. THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. FOR SALE: Movingmust sell! 5 pc. patio set. Glass top. Big
Youth golf clubs; football cleats; compression pants & other youth sporting goods; girls bike; preceding publica- table. (4) new cushions. New umbrella. $200. 727-218-4423 or
household items; & lots more! tion. 937-492-8762

! "

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/4*.(3/. /%6 )/0 &14*$& &03 7 50*1&2


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/4*.(3/. /%6 )/0 /4*.(3/. /%6 )/0 /4*.(3/. /%6 )/0
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50*1&2 50*1&2 50*1&2

/%6 )/0 23*-#3&2 /$#, *$+ 0 &,*4&16 &14*$&

ASE CERTIFIED. 35 plus years
experience. GM engine,
transmission, & differential repair.
Call Dennis Bowerman at
937-459-8451. $ ' &
Combine the (* $'+
power of print " !,% "& %
with the power
of the internet. "'% ) $ %
All of our advertising is ' "$
also available on line. "!& " !
! )""

R e a l E s t a t e Classifieds Employment
bdrm. downstairs apt. Water &
trash included. $500/mo. +
deposit. 937-473-5368
" 0/&#0(

-" +-." -) 2&/%
#+- %+-." (+1"-. ( -$" -*
&*!++- -&!&*$ -"*
-*. (( -" !4
% . ./ ((.
%"* *"./("! &* /%"
)&!!(" +# /%&. ,-+,"-/4 2&/% (+/. +# $- ..4 4 -!.
PRICE REDUCED! Office Space Hourly position, with benefits. Apply in person at 15 Industry
.0--+0*!&*$ &. "!-++) /% %+)" ,"
for Lease: Over 2,100 sq. ft. avail- Park Court, Tipp City.
able in downtown Minster. 2nd +! ./4(" 2&/% - // %"! $ - $" '&/ %"* 2&/%
Story. Six large offices, 1 confer- $- *&/" +0*/"-/+,. ./ &*(".. ,,(& * ". "- )& INDUSTRIAL COMPANY has full-time employment. Laborer
ence area, kitchen, full bath. $850 /&(" #(++-. 0/.&!" /+ /%" -" - &. !" ' &* $12/hr. CDL Driver$17-$18/hr. Training provided. Benefits.
/mo. + utilities. Contact Kim Apply at 15 Industry Park Court, Tipp City.
Schultz, 419-628-2812 $-+0*! %" /"! .2&))&*$ ,++( +- % +0/ #-+*/ &*1&/".
4+0 /+ .&/ *! -"( 3 +0." % . 2%+(" .4./") '0, FOOD SERVICE POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Some travel
FOR RENT: 1860s brick farm
$"*"- /+- involved. No experience necessary. 937-313-1118
house in a very private setting.
3-4 bdrms, new furnace, large
yard & many other updates. Avail-
able mid-August. Covington

Work Wanted
schools. $900/mo. 614-325-1249
bed apt. NO PETS. $400/mo.+
$400 deposit. 937-902-2423
Two bdrms. Garage. W/D hook- DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming
up. Gas heat. A/C. Deposit & ref- pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavation
erences. 419-657-2918 work. 937-232-7380
FOR RENT: One-car garage in Two bdrm. apt. Water / sewer / FENCE ROW CLEARING, land clearing, ponds, minor exca-
Covington. For storage. $75/ trash furnished. Newly renovated. vating, trenching, concrete & barn demo.
month + $75 deposit. No pets. Ready to move in! $500 Need some work done around your home? Tom937-818-5833 Jeff937-313-6321
937-216-7550 deposit. $525/month. Find the help you need in our
Two bdrm. apt. All electric. A/C.
Most utilities included. No pets. House-hunting? Check out our BUSINESS SERVICE Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work. Room
additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of
$525. 419-629-3174.
weekly real estate classifieds.
DIRECTORY! buildings, etc. For FREE estimate, call 260-701-8020 .

### !

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Page 12 - stillwater ValleY adVertiser - august 2, 2017

Each - Whole Per Dozen Each

seedless fulton farms head

n o r n lettuce
watermelo e t c



$ 49 $ 99

Per Lb. Per Lb. Per Lb. - Bone In
ground t-bone chicken
chuck steaks breast
$ 2 69
Per lb. - boneless
$ 7 99
Per lb. - bone in
$ 1 59
24 Pack

strip steak Pork steak Pepsi or mt dew

$ 9 99
8 oz. - crystal farms
$ 79 1 8 oz. - cole
$ 6
100 oz. - dynamo
cheese garlic bread detergent
2/$ 3 79 1
$ 99
Per lb. - boneless Per. lb - whole boneless Per lb. - bulk

chicken breast Pork loins sausage

$ 991 1
$ 89 $ 99 1
18 Pack 18 Pack Cans
24 Pack Cans 30 Pack 12 Pack - Bottles
Miller Lite Beer Bud Light or Budweiser Busch Light or Busch Bud Light or Budweiser Bud Light

14 99 14 99
Brew Barn
$ $ 1799 $ 1699 $ $ 1099 AVAILABLE

22 Lb.


$ 79

106 E. MAIN ST., BRADFORD 937-448-2710

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