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General Mathematics Teaching Guides

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The key takeaways are that the teaching guides are designed to help teachers teach General Mathematics and provide structure and ideas for lesson plans and activities.

The purpose of the teaching guides is to provide teachers who teach General Mathematics with structured lesson plans that include the objectives, content, activities, assessments, and assignments for each week of instruction.

Each teaching guide includes the objectives, subject matter, daily instructional procedures, student assessments with rubrics, and assignments as its main components.

[SY 2016-17]


General Dolores, Eastern Samar, Philippines

Teaching Guides
Von Christopher G. Chua, LPT, MST
[Education Program Supervisor,
DepEd, Eastern Samar Division]
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

General Mathematics
Teaching Guides Course
Von Christopher G. Chua, LPT, MST
[Education Program Supervisor,
The Senior High School
DepEd, Eastern Samar Division]
(SHS) curriculum
includes two core
Introduction subjects in
The teaching guides included in this document have been Mathematics that
designed for teachers who have been assigned to teach the first students in the
core Mathematics subject in the senior high school, General eleventh grade are
Mathematics. It has been patterned with the curriculum guide required to take
mandated by the Department of Education with each plan
regardless of their
explicitly stating the content, the content standards, the
chosen SHS career
performance standards, and the learning competencies together
with their distinct codes. The codes follow a format such as M11GM-
track and strand.
Ia-1 where the first letter stands for Mathematics, 11 for the grade These two core
level, GM for General Mathematics as course, the roman numeral I subjects are General
for the quarter and in this case the first, the lowercase letter for the Mathematics and
week where a is for the first week, and finally the last Arabic number Statistics and
is the unique code for each learning competency. Probability with the
former being included
Instead of creating the guides on a daily basis, the author has
decided to adapt a weekly frame to ascertain that all tasks in the
in the first term of the
week are coherent and promote continuity of learning. The school year followed
procedures, however, are detailed per unit of instructional time, that by the latter in the
is, one hour sessions with four sessions per instructional week. second term.

The guides follow the general format of a lesson plan and include The General
five major parts: the objectives and the learning competencies, the Mathematics course is
subject matter together with the references and the essential ideas; outlined with fifty-one
the daily instructional procedure; student assessment complete with (51) competencies in
the required rubrics; and the assignment.
distributed over a
These guides have been designed for ease of use and to provide period of eighty (80)
other teachers with ideas for activities. The author takes into hours during the whole
account both the availability of learning materials that are easily term. It has no
accessible even to teachers in the most remote areas of the prerequisite course
country and the instructional innovations provided by todays and is divided into
technology. By elucidating a variety of activities, teachers may opt three central Math
to choose the more convenient and appropriate for their learning
areas: (a) Functions
and their graphs; (b)
Since this is a work-in-progress, the author also made sure to include Basic business
important notes after the actual implementation of each teaching mathematics; and (c)
guide. This serves as evaluation of the effectiveness of the material Logic.
and will be used to further improve the guides constructed. It is
therefore highly recommended that teachers who have opted to
use these guides should contact the author to contribute to the
development of these teaching aides. Contact numbers are
available on the attached authors page.

Introduction 1
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Learning Principles
in the K to 12 Basic Education Program
[excerpt from K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Mathematics (2013)]

The framework is supported by the following underlying learning principles and theories: Experiential and
Situated Learning, Reflective Learning, Constructivism, Cooperative Learning and Discovery and Inquiry-
based Learning. The mathematics curriculum is grounded in these theories.

Experiential Learning as advocated by David Kolb is learning that occurs by making sense of direct
everyday experiences. Experiential Learning theory defines learning as "the process whereby
knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the
combination of grasping and transforming experience" (Kolb, 1984, p. 41). Situated Learning, theorized
by Lave and Wenger, is learning in the same context in which concepts and theories are applied.

Reflective Learning refers to learning that is facilitated by reflective thinking. It is not enough that
learners encounter real-life situations. Deeper learning occurs when learners are able to think about
their experiences and process these, allowing them the opportunity to make sense of and derive
meaning from their experiences.

Constructivism is the theory that argues that knowledge is constructed when the learner is able to draw
ideas from his/her own experiences and connect them to new ideas.

Cooperative Learning puts premium on active learning achieved by working with fellow learners as they
all engage in a shared task.

The mathematics curriculum allows for students to learn by asking relevant questions and discovering
new ideas. Discovery Learning and Inquiry-based Learning (Bruner, 1961) support the idea that students
learn when they make use of personal experiences to discover facts, relationships, and concepts.

A complete copy of the curriculum guide for General mathematics may be found as part of the

Learning Principles 2
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Week One, Functions and Their Graphs

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key

concepts of functions. Essential Ideas
How does it function?
Performance Standards: The learner is able to accurately construct
mathematical models to represent real-life situations using functions.
A function can be thought
Learning Competencies: Over the course of one week, the learner is of as a correspondence
expected to (1) represent real-life situations using functions, from a set X of real
including piece-wise functions [M11GM-Ia-1]; (2) evaluate a numbers x to a set Y of real
function [M11GM-Ia-2]; (3) perform addition, subtraction, numbers y, where the
multiplication, division, and composition of functions [M11GM-Ia-3]; number y is unique for a
and (4) solve problems involving functions [M11GM-Ia-4] specific value of x.

Learning Materials: In order to develop the targeted competencies, It is the set of ordered pairs
the following materials are needed: (a) chalkboard and chalk; (b) of numbers (x, y) in which
LCD projector and laptop or in the absence, visual materials. no two distinct ordered
pairs have the same first
Expected Outputs: In order to assess the attainment of the learning
number. The set of all
competencies targeted, students will be required to undertake two
admissible values of x is
group performance tasks and two written works.
called the domain of the
Procedure (Teachers Activity) function, and the set of all
resulting values of y is
Day One [Target M11GM-Ia-1] INTRODUCING FUNCTIONS called the range of the
Represent real-life situations using functions, including piece-wise function (Leithold, 1996).
Other Specific Objectives: The learner is also expected to attain at A piecewise-defined
least 75 percent proficiency in the following objectives: (a) explain function is one that is
the concept of functions in comparison to relations; and (b) defined by more than one
compare the different types of functions learned in the previous expression. These
grades expressions or pieces are
determined by restrictions
1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes. in the domain. This
function is also called a
2. Present the lesson and the targeted competency (and other split function because of
learning outcomes).
the behavior of its graph.
3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge and motivation at the
same time. Accomplish this by doing the initial activity
described below.
Exploration Activity:
Will the relationship function?
The teacher may choose to relay the story in different ways but the use of visual materials is highly
suggested. Characters and even the actual situation may be altered to suit the interest of the

In this case, the story is relayed through a slideshow presentation


At the end of the presentation, a question is posted for students to discuss. This will lead the class to
enrich their understanding of relations and functions.

At this point, it is necessary that the teacher directs the discussion so that the class is able to
process the following ideas: (1) a relation is any set of ordered pairs; (2) not all relations are
functions; and (3) only those whose domain do not include an abscissa that is shared by two or
more ordinates are considered functions.

Functions 3
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Once upon a time there were seven senior boys: Peter, James, Peter Janna
John, Matthew, Paul, Andrew and Mark. Close as they were, they
did almost everything together. So when they learned about the James Valerie
school holding a Valentines Ball, they decided to find themselves
some date.
John Marcia
Incidentally, there were also seven beautiful senior girls who
were in the same class the boys were: Janna, Valerie, Marcia, April,
May June, and Julie. Our boys each had a crush on the girls and
they have decided to ask them out for dates.

Of the boys, Peter, James and John have something in Mark May
common. They always believe that honesty and trust make any
relationship strong. Peter asked Janna out for the date, James
chose Valerie and Marcia was asked by John. June

Mark on the other hand thinks he needs to be on top of the

pack. He likes to collect then select. To make sure he gets first
date, he asked April, May and June without the three girls Matthew
knowing that all of them are being asked out by the same guy.
Paul Julie
Matthew, Paul and Andrew are very competitive and they all
liked Julie so they decided to ask her out and agreed that whoever Andrew
she picks, the other two would accept defeat.

There are three kinds of relationships described in our story

but would all of these function?

4. Proceed by asking students the following questions.

a. What type of functions do you remember from your previous Math subjects?
b. Can you describe these functions?

5. Initiate discourse regarding equations being used as representations of functions. As initial

example, present the situation stated below.

The flag down rate What are the two related variables mentioned in the situation presented?
for metered taxis The two related variables are time of travel and taxi fare.
in Metro Manila is Which variable is dependent and which is independent?
now down to PhP Taxi fare is dependent upon the time of travel which is the independent variable.
30.00. For every How much will a passenger pay if he rode the taxi for 20 minutes?
minute, the fare 5.00
(20 ) ( ) + 30.00 = 130.00
goes up by PhP
5.00. What equation will best represent fare (F(t)) as a function of time (t) in minutes?
() = 5 + 30

6. Utilize the other examples below to demonstrate the process. The same questions should be
asked in order to acquaint the students with the systematic way of representing functions
through equations.
For every box of cookies, What are the two related variables mentioned in the situation presented?
she sells in a month, The two related variables are number of boxes of cookies sold and donation.
Anna donates a peso to Which variable is dependent and which is independent?
the Bantay Bata Annas donation depends on the number of boxes of cookies she sold in a month.
Foundation. This and How big of a donation will the foundation receive from her this month if she
the PhP 45.00 she saves was able to sell 243 boxes of cookies this month?
every month are put (243)( 1.00) + 45.00 = 288.00
into the foundations What equation will best represent the relationship between the two variables
bank account. described?
() = + 45

Functions 4
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Mang Juan, who owns What are the two related variables mentioned in the situation presented?
the biggest meat shop The price of the meat is related to the number of kilos bought.
in the market has Which variable is dependent and which is independent?
offered a sale on pork. A The number of kilos determines the price of the pork sold.
kilo costs PhP 160.00 How much will you pay for five kilos of pork?
but if you buy more than (5)( 155.00) = 775.00
3 kilos, each kilo is What equation will best represent the relationship between the two variables
priced at PhP 155.00. described?
160, 3
() = {
155, > 3

By this point, the teacher should describe piecewise functions as compared to other functions. Also
known as split functions, these functions contain multiple expressions called pieces that are used
depending on restrictions.
The next situation provides another example.

For Valentines day, SSG What are the two related variables mentioned in the situation presented?
officers launched a The amount and the number of tickets bought.
fund-raising program Which variable is dependent and which is independent?
called Dinner for a The number of tickets bought determines how much one needs to pay.
Cause. Each ticket is How much will I save if I buy 7 tickets in one than just buying 5 tickets then
worth PhP 120.00. If one another 2?
buys five tickets, he only [(2)( 120.00) + 550.00] [(7)( 105.00)] = 55.00
needs to pay PhP What equation will best represent the relationship between the two variables
550.00. If he buys more described?
than five tickets, the 120, < 5
() = { 550, = 5
price per ticket goes
105, > 5
down to PhP 105.00

The following questions should be raised to aid generalization of the concept targeted: (a)
Describe a function in mathematics; (b) How do we represent functions through equations; (c)
What is a piecewise function? How is it different from the other types of function you have
previously encountered?

Similar situations and problems may be taken from The Calculus 7 by Louis Leithold (7th Edition).
Use some of these to further test students understanding.

Evaluation/Assignment (Performance Task)

Functioning through Pieces

Divide the class into groups of four. Each group shall be asked to determine one situation that

produces a piecewise function. Through a written report, the group should be able to narrate
the situation, identify the variables, and finally, represent it through a function.

The rubric below should guide the teacher in evaluating the output of the students in this
performance task

Can do better Doing okay Meeting expectations
The situation presented is
The situation is neither The situation reflects both
either novel or related to
Quality of the novel nor related to the novelty and real-life
the immediate
situation presented immediate environment environment. (5 points)
environment of the
of the student. (3 credit)
student. (4 points)

Functions 5
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

The situation is Situation was narrated

The situation lacks clarity clearly and is coherent
Clarity and understandable but may
and is deemed confusing. with the objective of the
coherence of work be improved through
(2 point) task. (4 points)
paraphrasing. (3 points)
Function is entirely

Function may be further Function is correct. (5

Correctness of the incorrect based on the
improved through points)
function presented narrated problem. (2
simplification. (4 points)
Members worked The project reflects
independently or more One member clearly did collaboration among
Group dynamics members of the group. (4
than one did not help with not participate. (3 points)
the task at hand. (2 point) points)

Task completed on or
Promptness in Task completed past the before the set deadline (2
Submission deadline. (no credit) points)

Score Interpretation 7 points or less 8 to 14 points 15 to 20 points

Highest Possible Score: 20 points (2 per item)
Passing Score: 15 points (75 percent)


Evaluate a function

1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes.

2. Present the lesson and the targeted competency.

3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge by using the following questions for recapitulation.
a. What is a function? How is it different from a mathematical relation?
b. What are peicewise-defined functions?
c. How are functions usually represented?

4. Present the problem stated here:

Mark has an internet shop as business. He charges PhP 20.00 for every hour that a customer uses a
computer. Being the wise businessman that he is, he always gets 10% of his daily income and saves it
to pay for electric charges. He also subtracts PhP 180.00 per day for his shops monthly rent. The rest
of the amount is the cafs income for the day.

What are the two variables that may be determined from the problem? Which of these two is
the independent variable? [The computer shops income is dependent on the number of
hours of computer use per day]
b. Represent the cafs daily income through an equation.
[() = 20 (2 + 180) () = 18 180]
c. How much would the cafs income be if it raked 80 hours worth of income? [PhP 1,300.00]
107 hours? [PhP 1,786.00]
d. What is least number of hours of computer use in the shop so that Mark gets his daily return
of investment? [10 hours]
Ask students to present their solutions for c and d on the board to be used for discussion.

5. Explain the process of evaluating functions based on the students responses to the problem stated
above. To better illustrate this process, use the concept of the function machine.

(independent (dependent
variable, x) () variable, Y)

Functions 6
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

6. Discuss the next couple of examples to the class.

Let f be the function with () = 3 3 4 2 3 + 7 () = 3 3 4 2 3 + 7
domain all real numbers x and (2) = 3(2)3 4(2)2 3(2) + 7 (2) = 3(2)3 4(2)2 3(2) + 7
defined by the formula, (2) = 3(8) 4(4) 3(2) + 7 (2) = 3(8) 4(4) 3(2) + 7
() = + . (2) = 24 16 6 + 7 (2) = 24 16 + 6 + 7
Find f(2) iand f(-2). () = () =

If x represents the Water freezes at 0C and boils at Aluminum melts at 660. What is its
temperature of an object in 100C. What are the corresponding melting point in F?
degrees Celsius, then the temperatures in F? 9
9 (660) = (660) + 32 =
temperature in degrees 5
(0) = (0) + 32 =
Fahrenheit is a function of x, 5
given by () = + . (100) = (100) + 32 =


For the more advanced students the next problem may be given as way of enrichment:
Given () = 2 2 + 3 9, evaluate ( 3)
() = 2( 3)2 + 3( 3) 9
() = 2( 2 6 + 9) + 3( 3) 9
() = 2 2 12 + 18 + 3 9 9
() =

7. The following question should be raised to aid generalization of the concept targeted: How do we
explain the process of evaluating a function?

8. Evaluate the function given at the values of the independent variable stated.
a. () = 2 2 7 + 9; (3) (5) [f(3)=6; f(-5)=94]
b. () = 82 + 1 ; (10) [2/21]
c. () = 10 5 4 + 3 3 7 2 10 + 1; (0) (1) [h(0)=1; h(-1)=-10]

Evaluation (Pen and Paper Test)

Evaluate the following functions at the given value of the independent variable.

1. () = 8 11; (5) [29]

2. () = 7 3 + 3; (1) [9]
3. () = 2 3+2 ; (3) [2]
+ 7, 5
4. () = { ; (5)? [12]
19 , > 5 Scoring Guide:
, < 3
Each item is good for three (3) points.
5. () = { 2 , = 3 (2)? [3]
1 , > 3 Give no point for no answer.
One point should be given for correct substitution only.
Highest Possible Score: 15 points Three points is credited to correct answers.
Passing Score: 11 points (75 percent)

Day Three [Target M11GM-Ia-3] ALGEBRA OF FUNCTIONS

Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and composition of functions.

1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes.

2. Present the lesson and the targeted competency.

3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge by using the following questions for recapitulation.
a. From our what we have discussed, what do you already know about functions?
b. How does the evaluation of a function work?

4. Divide the class into four sets. These sets will not necessarily work with each other but each set will
be given different tasks.
General Instruction: Given the expressions, 2 8 20 and 10, perform the operation assigned to
your set.

Functions 7
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Set A: Addition
[( 2 8 20) + ( 10) = ]
Set B: Subtraction
[( 2 8 20) ( 10) = ]
Set C: Multiplication
[( 2 8 20)( 10) = 3 8 2 20 10 2 + 80 + 200 Essential Ideas
= + + ] Operating Functions
Set D: Division

2 8 20 ( 10)( + 2)
[( )= = + ]
10 ( 10) Definition of the Sum,
Difference, Product, and
5. Ask one student from every set to discuss his/her answer to Quotient of Two
class. Let the other students judge the solution and open up Functions:
the solutions for discussion.

6. In order to introduce the notation for the operations on Given two functions, f and
functions, represent the given expressions as functions, that is, g,
Given the expressions, 2 8 20 and 10 (i) their sum denoted by f +

() () g, is the function defined
From the solutions of the students that are written on the
board, use the function notation to define each operation as (f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x);
presented under Essential Ideas
(ii) their difference,
7. Proceed with composition of functions. Have the students look denoted by f g, is the
at the following functions, function defined by
() = 2 3 () = 5 (()) = 2 3 5
(f - g)(x) = f(x) - g(x);
Ask the following questions:
(iii) their product denoted
What do you notice about the three functions? Can you see by f g, is the function
any relationship existing among the functions given? defined by
(f g)(x) = f(x) g(x);
[Expected response: The value of n in g(n) when replaced by
f(m) will give us the third function.
(iv) their quotient denoted
Evaluating g(n) at f(m) will result to g(f(m).] by f/g, is the function
defined by
Explain that the third function is called a composite function of (f / g)(x) = f(x) / g(x)
the first two functions. Show the process of obtaining the third
function from the first two using the correct notation for
composite functions.
Definition of a Composite
( )() = (())
(()) = (2 3) 5
Given the two functions f
( )() = 2 3 5 and g the composite
function, denoted by
8. The following question should be raised to aid generalization of is defined by
the concept targeted: What are the five operations on
functions? State each in the general function notation. ( )() = (()

9. Work with the following functions: And the domain of is

() = 3 1 () = 2 + 2 + 1 () = + 1 the set of all numbers x in
a. ( + + )() [ + + + ] the domain of g such that
b. ( )() [ ] g(x) is on the domain of f.

c. (

) () [( 3 1)( + 1) + ]
(Leithold, 1996)
d. ( )() [ 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 = + + ]
For the more advanced students the next problem may be
given as way of enrichment:
With the same functions what is ( )(3)?
[( )() = 3 ; ( )(3) = ]

Functions 8
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Assignment (Pen and Paper Test)

Three functions are defined as follows: () = 2 + 7; () = 4 + 2 2; () = .
Define/derive the following functions:

Scoring Guide:
1. ( + )() [ 4 + 2 2 + 5]
2. ( )() [ 4 + 2 + 2 9] Each item is good for three (3) points.
2 +5+7 Give no point for no answer.
3. ( )() [ ] One point should be given for correct function notation.
+1 Two for correct substitution of the functions involved.
4. ( ) () [ 2
2 +1321 Three points is credited to correct answers.
5. ( )() [2 4 2 2 + 11]
6. ( )(2) [(2)4 (2)2 2(2) + 9 = ]

Highest Possible Score: 18 points

Passing Score: 14 points (78 percent)


Solve problems involving functions

1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes.

Collect the assignment and discuss items that need to be Essential Ideas
discussed. Making Problem Solving
less of a problem
2. Present the lesson and the targeted competency.

3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge by using the following Suggestions for Solving
questions for recapitulation. Problems Involving a
a. From our what we have discussed, what do you already Function as Mathematical
know about functions? Model (Leithold, 1996)
b. What are the different operations on functions? Describe
each. 1. Read the problem carefully
so that you understand it.
4. Discuss the five suggestions for solving problems involving Make up a specific example
functions as mathematical models according to Leithold that involves a similar
(1996). situation in which all the
quantities are known.
5. Demonstrate the process of solving the following problems Another aid is to draw a
using functions as mathematical models. picture.

2. Determine the known and

unknown quantities.
A wholesaler sells a product by the kilo (or fraction of a kilo). If
Represent the independent
not more than 10 kilograms are ordered, the wholesaler charges variable and the function
PhP 200.00 per kilo. However, to invite large orders, the that is obtained.
wholesaler charges only PhP 180.00 per pound if more than 10
kilograms are ordered. 3. Write down any numerical fact
known about the variable and
Find a mathematical model expressing the cost of the order as a the function value.
function of the amount of the product ordered.
4. From the information in step
In the given situation, the cost of an order is dependent on the 3, determine two algebraic
expressions for the same
number of kilos of the product. number, one in terms of the
Represent these two variables by letting C(x) be the cost of variable and one in terms of
ordering x kilos of the product. the action value. From these
Since the cost is calculated differently when not more than 10 two expressions, form an
kilos is ordered and when the order exceeds 10 kilos, the equation that defines the
function is a piecewise-defined function.
For orders not exceeding 10 kilos, () = 200 5. After applying the
For orders more than 10 kilos, () = 180 mathematical model to solve
for the unknown quantities,
200, 0 10 write a conclusion that
() = { answers the question of the
180, > 10
problem. Be sure this contains
the correct unit of measure.

Functions 9
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Determine the total cost of an order of 9.5 kilos and of an order

of 10.5 kilos.

For = 9.5 , (9.5) = 200(9.5) = 1900

For = 10.5 , (10.5) = 180(10.5) = 1890

A cardboard box manufacturer wishes to make open boxes from
rectangular pieces of cardboard with dimensions 10 in. by 17 in.
by cutting equal squares from four the four corners and turning
up the sides.

Find a mathematical model expressing the volume of the box as

a function of the length of the side of the square cut out.

Since the length of the side of the squares is relative, we

represent it with x and shall determine the volume of the
rectangular open boxes represented by V(x).

The volume of a rectangular prism is length x width x height.

Therefore, () = (10 2)(17 2)
Simplified, () = +

6. To serve both as application and performance task, assign the activity described below.

Evaluation/Assignment (Performance Task)

In groups of five, students will need to solve any two of the five problems stated below. Answers
should be written on a whole sheet of paper.

1. An ice cream vendor makes a profit of () = 7 525 when selling scoops of ice cream
per day. How many scoops of ice cream should be sold for break-even sales (() = 0)? How
much profit will the vendor earn for selling 235 scoops of ice cream?

2. A senior high school student earns income through encoding for which she charges PhP
10.00 a page. However, she gives a 5 percent discount if the encoding job exceeds 20

pages. Represent how much she charges per encoding job as a function of the number of
pages per job. How much would she earn for encoding 29 pages?

3. A cellular phone company estimates that if it has thousand subscribers, then its monthly
profit is () = 671 53,032. How many subscribers are needed for a monthly profit of PhP
766,259.00? How much will the company earn if it has 13,799,000 subscribers in one month?

4. The regular adult admission price to an evening performance at a cinema is PhP 300.00
while the price for children under 12 years of age is PhP 200.00 and the price for senior
citizens (60 or older) is PhP 225.00. Find a mathematical model expressing the price as a
function of the persons age. How much will one pay for 7 tickets if two of these are for
children, one for a senior, and the rest are for regular adults?

5. The cost of a cellular phone call for a telecom is at PhP 6.00 for the first minute and PhP 4.50
for every minute after the first. How much would an eight-minute long call cost you? Express
the relationship between the two variables through a function.

Highest Possible Score: 20 points (10 per item)

Passing Score: 15 points (75 percent)

Find time to discuss the answers to the problems.

As a means of wrapping up the topics discussed over the week, use the following
questions for generalization: What are functions? How are functions different from relations? How are
they evaluated? When performing operations with functions, how would you describe each process?
Why is there a need to study functions? What is the advantage of knowing how to create mathematical
models through functions?

Functions 10
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Rational Functions
Week Two, Functions and Their Graphs

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key

concepts of functions. Essential Ideas
Polynomial versus Rational
Performance Standards: The learner is able to accurately formulate
and solve real-life problems involving rational functions.
An algebraic function is
Learning Competencies: Over the course of one week, the learner is one formed by a finite
expected to (1) represent real-life situations using rational functions number of algebraic
[M11GM-Ib-1]; (2) distinguish rational function, rational equation, operations on the identity
and rational inequality [M11GM-Ib-2]; (3) find the domain and function and a constant
range of a rational function [M11GM-Ib-5]; (4) determine the: (a) function. These algebraic
intercepts, (b) zeroes, and (c) asymptotes of rational functions operations include
[M11GM-Ic-1]; (5) graph rational functions [M11GM-Ic-2]; and (6) addition, subtraction,
represent a rational function through its: (a) table of values (b) multiplication, division,
graph, and (c) equation [M11GM-Ib-4] raising to powers, and
extracting roots.
Important Note: For an improved continuity of competencies under the same
content standard, the learning competencies have been rearranged but the If a function f is defined by
codes have been maintained for reference. () = + 1 1 +
+ 1 + 0
Learning Materials: In order to develop the targeted competencies,
where 0 , 1 , , are
the following materials are needed: (a) chalkboard and chalk; (b)
real numbers and n is a
LCD projector and laptop or in the absence, visual materials; (c)
nonnegative integer, then f
is called a polynomial
Expected Outputs: In order to assess the attainment of the learning function of degree n.
competencies targeted, students will be required to undertake two
group performance tasks and one written work. If a function can be
expressed as the quotient
Procedure (Teachers Activity) of two polynomial
functions, it is called a
Day One [Target M11GM-Ib-1 and RATIONAL FUNCTIONS rational function.
M11GM-1b-2] (Leithold, 1996)
Represent real-life situations using rational functions and
distinguishes rational function, rational equation, and rational Said differently, r is a
inequality rational function if it is of
Other Specific Objective: The learner is also expected attain at least ()
the form, () = (),
75 percent proficiency in comparing rational functions with other
where p and q are
types of functions.
polynomial functions.
1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes.

2. Present the lesson and the targeted competencies (and other

learning outcome).

3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge with these questions:

a. What are functions?
b. What are the different types of functions? Differentiate them.

4. Present the following couple of sets of functions to class. Ask the students what they think was the
basis/rule for grouping the functions.
Exploration Activity:
Grouped how?
Group A Group B
() = 5 2 6
() =
() = + 3 + 8 2 3

Rational Functions 11
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

2 5 5
() = + 8 3 18 () =
3 +2
3 + 2 1 12 + 8
() = () = 2
10 ++1
3 + 2 1
() =
[Expected response: Functions in Group B are those that have variables as denominators while
those in Group A dont.]
Teachers Question: One of these two groups of functions is composed of rational functions. Which of the two
groups do you think is it? Explain the basis for your answer.

5. Use students responses in the previous item to differentiate polynomial and rational functions. If
necessary present some other examples to deepen understanding.

6. The concept of functions, equations, and inequalities are not entirely new to the students at this
level. Use their prior knowledge and ask them to construct concept maps by groups of threes. You
may choose to implement a standard form of the concept map such as the one provided below.
Exploration Activity:
Know your Circles
Sort out the keywords/ mathematical statements provided by writing them
inside the appropriate circles found in the diagram below. Function
Dependent and independent
(1) variables
Equal sign
Greater or lesser
Shaded graphs
Graphs formed by lines and

One to many
One to one

7 = 9 2


Key to Correction:

Equal Sign, Graphs formed
by lines and curves, one to INEQUALITY
many, 7 = 9 2
Greater or lesser,
shaded graphs, one to
Dep Ind var,
one to one,


Supplement students responses in the activity by discussing their answers as a class. Have them
defend their answers and ask them provide other mathematical statements that conform to
each kind determined above.

7. Ask the following questions for wrap-up:

a. What are rational functions?
b. How would you determine if a functional is rational and not polynomial?
c. How would you differentiate rational equations, rational functions, and rational inequalities?

Rational Functions 12
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

8. Are the following functions rational?

3 2 +57
a. () = [R]

5 4 +83 32 +
b. () = [P, the function may be simlplified by division]

c. () = [P, no variable in the denominator]
d. () = + 5 7 2 [R]

e. () = (6 1)2 [R]


Day Two [Target M11GM-Ib-5]
Find the domain and range of a rational function. SOLVING RATIONAL FUNCTIONS

1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes.

2. Present the lesson and the targeted competency.

3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge with these questions:

a. What are rational functions?
b. What is meant by the domain of a function? the range of a function?

4. The first half of the discussion shall be spent on inquiry one where students will be asked a series
of questions and they have to answer as a class. Their answers to the questions will help them
come up with the general idea of how to determine restrictions in the allowable values of the
independent variable, .

What follows would be a detailed simulation of the class discussion facilitated by the teacher.
Student Activity
Teacher Activity
(Answers should vary. Adjust accordingly)
I would like to ask somebody to provide an example
of a rational function, one which has a linear [Gives a rational function. In this case, let us assume
expression as its denominator. Any volunteer? that the function is () = ]
(Call one student.)
Lets consider the function given by (name of
student). Can take any number for its value? [Students provide suggestions]
(For every answer, ask the student why s/he thinks that cannot take 3 for its value because it will make the
the number should be a restriction for . Do this until denominator zero. If this happens, the value of
the correct answer is suggested and properly becomes undefined.
So how would you describe the domain of the
function ()? The domain is the set of all real numbers except 3.
(Call another student.)
Can anybody state this in set notation? {| , 3}
(Call another student.)
[Gives the second rational function. In this case, let us
assume that the function is () = ]
Lets discuss another function. Who can give me 2 +4+3
another rational function but this time, with a It is preferable to consider examples with
quadratic expression as denominator? denominators that are factorable. If it happens that
(Call another student.) the student comes up with an expression with
irrational roots, use the appropriate method to
identify its zeroes.
Good. We shall do the same with this function. What
We cannot take the values of -3 and -1 for .
values of will make the function undefined?
How do we express the domain of the function in set
{| , 3, 1}
builder notation?

5. Next, we discuss the how to define the range of a rational function. For this process, there is a
need for students to be taught how to manipulate the function in order to find the restrictions.

Important Note: The teacher should plan the functions to be discussed very carefully as many functions would
require higher mathematical skills. Restrict examples depending on the capacity and readiness of the students.
Use the examples previously provided by the students. The complete solutions are shown below.

Rational Functions 13
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Emphasize here that the main objective in order to define the range is to express the function
explicitly in in terms of .
() = () =
+ +
+4 Change the function 5 Change the function
= notation into the = notation into the
3 2
+ 4 + 3
dependent variable y. dependent variable y.
+4 Multiply both sides by 5 Multiply both sides by
3 ( = ) 3 the denominator of 2 + 4 + 3 = the denominator and
3 the right side.
divide both sides by
Transpose the
constant, complete
5 the square and add
3 = + 4 Simplify 2 + 4 + 4 = +43 the third term of the

perfect square
trinomial to the right
side of the equation.
Isolate all terms with
on the left side of the 5
= 3 + 4 equation and those 2 + 4 + 4 = +1 Simplify.
without it to the right
5 Express the perfect
Factor out on the left
( 1) = 3 + 4 side.
( + 2)2 = +1 square trinomial as a

square of a binomial.
Extract the roots,
3 + 4 Divide both sides of
5 + 2 rationalize, and
= the equation by the = 2
1 other factor. transpose the
Finally, determine the Finally, determine the
{| , } restriction through set {| , > } restriction through set
builder notation. builder notation.

Ask the following questions for wrap-up.

a. What is meant by the domain of a function? The range of a function?
b. How do we define the domain of a rational function?
c. Describe the process of determining the restrictions for the range of a rational function.

Have the students perform a drill on the targeted competency. Let them find the domain of the
following rational functions.
a. () = [ 1]
b. () = 2 +1 [ 1]
2 2 1 32
c. () = 2 1 [ 1]
2 1
22 1
2 1 2
d. () = 32 [ 1, ]
2 1


Day Three [Target M11GM-Ic-1]
Determine the: (a) intercepts, (b) zeroes, and (c) asymptotes of rational SOLVING

1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes.

2. Present the lesson and the targeted competency.

3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge with these questions:

a. How would you describe the domain and range of a rational function?
b. What do you think happens to the graph of the rational function at the values for which it
becomes undefined?

The second question should allow students to make assumptions in relation to the competency
targeted. Take note and emphasize their hypotheses and have them look after the discussion.

Rational Functions 14
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

4. Project (or post on the

board) the graph of
() = as shown at
the right.

Point out the

Essential Ideas
horizontal Intercepts, Zeros,
intercept, zero, and asymptote
the asymptotes of the zero
graph of the function.
Define each of these A point at which the graph
terms as they relate to intercept crosses the y-axis is called
the graph.
a y-intercept, and a point at
which it crosses the x-axis
5. Ask the following is called an x-intercept.
questions: The x-coordinate of an x-
a. It is obvious that intercept is sometimes
the zero of the
function is a point Graph of () =
+ called a zero of the

on the x-axis so asymptote function since the function
the y-coordinate is zero. How do we look for its x- has a zero value there.
coordinate? [substitute zero to the value of in the function then
solve for the value of .] The line = is called a
+2 vertical asymptote of the
0= ; + 2 = 0; =
2 graph of a function =
b. How do we determine the intercept? [substitute zero to the () if as or as
value of x in the function then solve for the value of .] + , either ()
0+2 2 + or () .
= ; = ; =
02 2
The line = is called a
c. How do we determine the vertical asymptote based on
horizontal asymptote of the
the equation? The vertical asymptote of the graph is at =
2. How is this related to the domain of the function? [The graph of a function =
function is undefined for = 2. It is a restriction for the domain.] () if as or as
, either () .
Let us find out what happens to the function as our x-
coordinate gets closer and closer to 2. Complete the table
() ()
1 -3 3 5
1.5 -7 2.5 9
1.9 -39 2.1 41
1.99 -399 2.01 401
1.999 -3,999 2.001 4,001
1.9999 -39,999 2.0001 40,001
What happens to () as we get closer and closer to 2 from the left? [The function gets lesser and
lesser values.] From the right? [The function increases.]
Teacher: This is the reason why the graph has an asymptote at that portion. As we get closer to the value of
2, we get larger and larger values or smaller and smaller values but we will never get an actual value of the
function when = 2.

d. How do we determine the horizontal asymptote of the graph of the function? Do you think this
may be related to the restriction in our range? [The function has a horizontal asymptote at = 1
since there is no value for that would give us a function value of 1.]
+2 +2 +
() = ; = ; 2 = + 2; = 2 + 2; ( 1) = 2 + 2; = ;
2 2

Use the following statements for wrap-up:

a. Define the following: intercept, zero, asymptote.
b. How do we find the intercept of a rational function?
c. How do we determine the zero(s) of a rational function?
d. What process can we do to identify the location of the asymptotes of a rational function?

Rational Functions 15
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General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Allow students to work with a similar task

together with a partner. Give the function
() = for which they have to identify
the intercept(s), the zero(s), and the

[The intercept and zero are the same. The graph

passes through the origin. The vertical asymptote
is at = 3 while the horizontal asymptote is =

Show the graph as a means to confirm the

answers of the students. Discuss in class.

Assignment (Pen and Paper Test) Graph of () =
Identify the intercept(s), the zero(s), and
the asymptotes of the rational functions.

1. () = [, , , ]

Scoring Guide:
2. () = [0, 0, = 5, = 3] For every item, give one point each for the correct
intercept and the correct zero, two points for each
27 1 2
3. () = [7, 7, = , = ] correct asymptote.
71 7 7
Solutions are necessary.
Highest Possible Score: 18 points
Passing Score: 14 points (78 percent)

Day Four [Target M11GM-Ic-2 and M11GM-Ib-4] GRAPHS OF RATIONAL FUNCTIONS

Graph rational functions and represent a rational function through its: (a) table of values (b) graph, and
(c) equation.

1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes.

Collect the assignment and discuss items that need to be
Essential Ideas
2. Present the lesson and the targeted competencies. Graphing Rational
3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge by using the question

for recapitulation.
a. What are the three significant features of the graphs of To graph () =
where p
rational functions that we discussed? Describe each of ()
and q have no common factor
other than 1,
4. Discuss the five steps in graphing rational functions. Provide 1. determine x-intercepts by
the function, () = as initial example. solving () = 0.
2. determine the y-intercept by
If necessary, use another function, () = as second evaluating (0).
example. For every step, ask students to participate in order 3. determine the vertical
to give them the chance to assess the steps on their own. asymptotes by solving () = 0

In constructing the graphs, start by locating the asymptotes, 4. determine the horizontal
the intercept, and the zero. Then use the table to determine asymptote (if any) by dividing by
the highest power of x in the
the behavior of the graph as it gets closer to the vertical
5. plot additional points choosing
at least one value of x from each
interval determined by the x-
intercepts or vertical asymptotes

Rational Functions 16
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Procedure Example, () =

STEP ONE. Determine x- +1
0= ; + 1 = 0; =
intercepts by solving () = 0. 3
STEP TWO. Determine the y- 0+1 1
(0) = =
intercept by evaluating (0). 03 3
STEP THREE. Determine the
vertical asymptotes by solving 3 = 0; = 3
() = 0
STEP FOUR. Determine the 1 1
horizontal asymptote (if any) by + 1+
() = = ; = 1
dividing by the highest power of 3
x in the denominator.
<3 >3
1.5 2 2.5 3.5 4 4.5
() -1.25 -3 -7 9 5 3.67
Decreasing towards 3 Increasing towards 3

STEP FIVE. Plot additional points

choosing at least one value of x
from each interval determined
by the x-intercepts or vertical

Procedure Example, () =
STEP ONE. Determine x- 4
0= ; 4 = 0; =
intercepts by solving () = 0. +1
STEP TWO. Determine the y- 40
(0) = =4
intercept by evaluating (0). 0+1
STEP THREE. Determine the
vertical asymptotes by solving + 1 = 0; = 1
() = 0
STEP FOUR. Determine the 4 4
horizontal asymptote (if any) by 1
() = = ; = 1
dividing by the highest power of 1
+ 1+
x in the denominator.
< 1 > 1
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -0.5 0 0.5
() -4.33 -6 -11 9 4 2.33
Decreasing towards -1 Increasing towards -1

STEP FIVE. Plot additional points

choosing at least one value of x
from each interval determined
by the x-intercepts or vertical

Rational Functions 17
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General Mathematics Teaching Guides

To serve both as application and performance task, assign the activity described below.

Evaluation/Assignment (Performance Task)

In groups of seven, students will need to graph the following rational functions by following the
steps previously discussed. Ask one representative from each group to pick a number that would
determine the function they will have to work with. This will ensure fairness in the assignment.

2 31
GROUP A. () = 23 GROUP E. () =
21 32
GROUP B. () = GROUP F. () =
+2 +1
3 5
GROUP C. () = 5 GROUP G. () = +5
2 +2
GROUP D. () = 3 GROUP H. () = 2+3
Use the rubric below as guide in evaluating students outputs.


Can do better Doing okay Meeting expectations
Correctness and All steps in the procedure
At least two of the steps One of the steps in the were followed and
accuracy in
were not properly carried procedure was incorrectly properly employed (5
following graphing
out (3 points) done (4 points) points)
The graph was not
One important feature of The graph is correct (5
accurately sketched with
Quality of Graph the graph is not correct (4 points)
two or more features not
characterized (3 point)
Cleanliness and Erasures are evident in the Output is free of erasures
completeness of work submitted (no and unnecessary writings
output. credit) (2 points)

Members worked The project reflects

independently or more One member clearly did collaboration among
Group dynamics members of the group. (5
than one did not help with not participate. (3 points)
the task at hand. (2 point) points)

Task completed on or
Task completed past the before the intended time
Time Management
intended time. (no credit) (3 points)

Score Interpretation 8 points or less 9 to 16 points 17 to 20 points

Find time to discuss the graphs constructed by the students.

As a means of wrapping up the topics discussed over the week, use the following
questions for generalization:

a. What are rational functions? How are they different/ related to polynomial functions?
b. How do you determine if a function is rational in nature?
c. What is meant by the intercept of the graph of a rational function? How do we locate the
intercept of the graph of a rational function?
d. Describe asymptotes?
e. What is the significance of restrictions in the domain and range of a rational function?
f. How do we graph a rational function?

Rational Functions 18
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Rational Equations and Inequalities

Week Three, Functions and Their Graphs

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key

concepts of functions. Essential Ideas
Sign Diagrams
Performance Standards: The learner is able to accurately formulate
and solve real-life problems involving rational functions.
Steps for constructing a
Learning Competencies: Over the course of one week, the learner sign diagram for a rational
is expected to (1) solve rational equations and inequalities function:
[M11GM-Ib-3]; and (2) solve problems involving rational equations
and inequalities [M11GM-Ic-3] Suppose r is a rational
Important Note: For an improved continuity of competencies under the same
content standard, the learning competencies have been rearranged but the 1. Place any value
codes have been maintained for reference. excluded from the domain
of r on the number line
Learning Materials: In order to develop the targeted competencies, with an ! above them.
the following materials are needed: (a) chalkboard and chalk; (b)
LCD projector and laptop or in the absence, visual materials; (c) 2. Find the zeros of r and
calculators place them on the number
line with the number 0
Expected Outputs: In order to assess the attainment of the learning above them.
competencies targeted, students will be required to undertake one
group performance task and one written work. 3. Choose a test value in
each of the intervals
Procedure (Teachers Activity)
determined in steps 1 and
Day One [Target M11GM-Ib-3]
Solve rational equations and inequalities 4. Determine the sign of
r(x) for each test value in
1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes. step 3, and write that sign
above the corresponding
2. Present the lesson and the targeted competency.
3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge with this question:
a. How would you compare functions, equations, and

4. Discuss in detail the solutions for solving the following rational

equations and inequalities.

Emphasize that in solving rational equations, the technique is to rid the equation of denominators.
Multiplying both sides of the equation by the LCDs will do the job. Once this is done, the rational
equation should then be polynomial and would be easier to solve. There is a need for the student
to be proficient in factoring and understanding how to get the zeros of polynomial functions. For
this, the teacher might need to reintroduce the rational zeros theorem, and to some extent if
necessary, the Descartes Rule of Signs.
= =
( 1)( 7) = + 43 42 = ( 2 + 2 29)
2 8 + 7 = + 43 3 + 2 2 29 + 42 = 0
2 9 36 = 0 ( 3)( + 7)( 2) = 0
( 12)( + 3) = 0 3 = 0; + 7 = 0; 2 = 0
12 = 0; + 3 = 0 = ; = ; =
= ; =

Rational Equations and Inequalities 19

Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

+ 2 3 2 = 0
(2 + 1)( 1) = 0
3 2 + 1 1
( ) 2( 1) = ( 1) 2( 1) = 0; 2 + 1 = 0; 1 = 0
1 2

2 3 4 + 2 = 2 3 + 2 = ; = ; =

When dealing with inequalities, it would be unwise to multiply both sides with the LCD as we dont
know exactly if the expression is positive or negative. If it is negative, the inequality symbol would
have to change. Therefore, the best way to solve a rational iunequality is to transpose all terms on
the left side of the equation and simplify it there by unifying the fraction.
For the succeeding three + +
2 > + 3
examples on solving rational +
inequalities, it is important to 2 + 17 3
2 + 1 1
( + 5) > 0 +10
explain comprehensively +1 1 2
the need for sign diagrams. 2 + 17 ( + 5)( + 1) 2( 3
2 + 1) ( 1) + 2( 1)
>0 0
The process of constructing +1 +1 2( 1)
one is explained under 2 + 17 2 + 6 + 5
>0 2 3 2
Essential Ideas. +1 +1 0
2 2
2 4 + 12 2 3 2 = 0
1 (2 2 1) = 0
+ 2 + 4 12
<0 (2 + 1)( 1) = 0
= , () = 0 +1
+ 2 0; 2 + 4 12 2 2 0;
! 0 (+) +1 0 0 !
(+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (+)
( 2)( + 6) = 0; ,
-2 3 -1/2 0 1
+ 1 0;
(, ) (, ] [, ) (, +)
(-) 0 (+) ! (-) 0 (+)
-6 -1 2

(, ) (, )

The following question should be raised to aid generalization of the concept targeted: Briefly, how
would you explain the process of solving rational equations and inequalities?

As exercise, solve the rational equations and inequalities. For the inequalities, express answer in
interval notation.

a. =3
[ = 15 + 12; 14 = 12; = ]
b. =1 [3 1 = + 1; + 3 2 = 0; 2 3 + 2 = 0; ( 2)( 1) = 0; = , ]
2 2
2 +1
c. 0 [ + 2 0; 2 , =
(, +)]
+2 2

d. >0 [ 2 1 0; 1, : = 0, : = 0, (, ) (, +)]
2 1

Assignment (Pen and Paper Test)

Solve the following rational equations and inequalities.

1. =2
1 1 2 3
2. + 3 = 2 9
2 12
3. >0
2 +6
3 2 52
4. <0
2 9

Highest Possible Score: 20 points

Passing Score: 15 points (75 percent)

Rational Equations and Inequalities 20

Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Day Two [Target M11GM-Ic-3] PROBLEM SOLVING

Solve problems involving rational equations and inequalities

1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes. Collect the assignment and discuss
items that need to be discussed.

2. Present the lesson and the targeted competency.

3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge by using the following questions for recapitulation.
a. How would we differentiate rational equations from rational inequalities?
b. Wxplain the technique in solving rational equations and inequalities.

4. Discuss the following problems involving rational equations and inequalitites to the class.

Given a cost function (), which returns the total cost of producing x items, the average cost function,
() = () computes the cost per item when items are produced. Suppose the cost , in pesos, to

produce cellphone protective cases for a local retailer is () = + , .
Find an expression for the Solve () < 100 and interpret. Determine the behavior of ()as
average cost function, (). 80 + 150 and interpret.
+ < 100 ()
() =
, > 80 + 150
100 < 0 1 230
10 95
80 + 150 100
<0 100 81.50
1000 80.15
20 + 150
<0 10000 80.015

> 0, : = 7.5 100000 80.0015
( 7.5, ) As , () gets closer and
In the context of the problem, closer to 80. This means that the
solving () < 100 means we are average cost per case is always
trying to find how many systems we greater than PhP 80.00 but is
need to produce so that the average approaching this amount as more
cost is less than PhP 100.00 per case. and more cases are produced.
Our solution tells us that we need to
produce more than 7.5 cases to
achieve this but it doesnt make
sense to produce just of a case so
our final answer should be 8.
A box with a square base and no top is to be constructed so that it has a volume of 1000 cubic centimeters.
Let denote the width of the box in centimeters.
Express the height in Solve () and interpret. Express the surface area of the box
centimeters as a function of as a function of and state the
the width and state the 1000 1000 applied domain.
; 0
applied domain. 2 2
1000 3 1000
0 () = 2 + 4 ( )
The formula for the volume of
2 4000
a rectangular prism such as 0; 0
Solving for the zero of the function, () = 2 +
the box is =
. With both the 1000 3
=0 Domain: (0, )
volume and the width given, 2
the equation is, 1000 = 0
1000 = 2 3 = 1000
1000 = 10
() = 2 Solution set: (, 0) (0,10)

Therefore the domain of the
function is 0 and it should But since represents
also be greater than zero. measurement, it cannot take a
(0, ) negative quantity, (0,10)
This means that the width of the box
can take any measurement as long as
it is less than 10.

Rational Equations and Inequalities 21

Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

The following questions should be raised to facilitate abstraction: (a) What challenges do you think
would you have whenever you encounter word problems involving rational functions? (b) What
can be done to minimize the difficulty these challenges impose?

A television set costs PhP 27,400.00 and a yearly cost of electricity of PhP 550.00.
a. Determine the total annual cost for a television set that lasts for 10 years. Assume that the

cost includes electricity and depreciation. ( = )

b. Write a function that gives the annual cost of a television set as a function of the number of
c. Determine the asymptotes of the function. Explain the meaning of the horizontal
asymptote in terms of the television set.

Evaluation/Assignment (Performance Task)

In groups of three, students will need to either find a problem related to rational equations and
inequalities or concoct one of their own. They will also need to solve this problem and have their
solutions submitted for evaluation. In order to check that the solution to the selected problem is
not available from the same source as the problem, references need to be indicated.

Use the rubric below as guide in evaluating students outputs.

Can do better Doing okay Meeting expectations
Problem selected was Problem selected was
Problem selected was
Level of Difficulty average in terms of difficult (3 points)
easy (1 points)
difficulty (2 points)
All information needed to

Clarity, solve the problem is

The problem lacks some Problem statement is
completeness, and present but the manner
important information (1 short and clear (3 points)
conciseness of by which it was stated
problem statement may be redundant or even
misleading (2 points)
Translation and Mathematical sentence
Students constructed from the
representation of
understanding of problem is correct (3
variables is incorrect (1
the problem points)

Correctness of The solution contains at The solution contains one The solution is correct (5
solution presented least two errors (3 point) error (4 points) points)

Members worked The project reflects

independently or more One member clearly did collaboration among
Group dynamics members of the group. (3
than one did not help with not participate. (2 points)
the task at hand. (1 point) points)

Task completed on or
Task completed past the before the intended time
Time Management
intended time. (no credit) (3 points)

Score Interpretation 10 points or less 11 to 16 points 17 to 20 points

Make sure to return the outputs with the appropriate notations.

Rational Equations and Inequalities 22

Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Inverse Functions
Week Four, Functions and Their Graphs

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key

concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and Essential Ideas
logarithmic functions. Stick-to-one

Performance Standards: The learner is able to accurately apply the
A function f is said to be one-
concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and
to-one if f matches different
logarithmic functions to formulate and solve real-life problems with
inputs to different outputs.
precision and accuracy. Equivalently, f is one-to-one
if and only if whenever
Learning Competencies: Over the course of one week, the learner is
() = (), then = .
expected to (1) represent real-life situations using one-to-one
Horizontal Line Test:
functions [M11GM-Id-1]; (2) determine the inverse of a one-to-one
A function f is said to be one-
function [M11GM-Id-2]; (3) represent an inverse function through its to-one if and only if no
(a) table of values, and (b) graph [M11GM-Id-3]; (4) find the horizontal line intersects the
domain and range of inverse functions [M11GM-Id-4]; and (5) graph of f more than once.
graphs inverse functions [M11GM-Ie-1]
Suppose f and g are two
Learning Materials: In order to develop the targeted competencies, functions such that
the following materials are needed: (a) chalkboard and chalk; (b) (1) ( )() = for all in
LCD projector and laptop or in the absence, visual materials; (c) the domain of f and
calculators; (d) worksheets (2) ( )() = for all in
the domain of g
Expected Outputs: In order to assess the attainment of the learning then f and g are inverses of
competencies targeted, students will be required to undertake two each other and the functions f
group performance tasks and one written work. and g are said to be invertible.
Properties of Inverse
Procedure (Teachers Activity)
ONE-TO-ONE FUNCTIONS AND The range of f is the domain
Day One [Target M11GM-Id-1 and of g and the domain of f is
M11GM-1d-2] the range of g.
Represent real-life situations using one-to-one functions and () = if and only if
determine the inverse of a one-to-one function. () =
(, ) is on the graph of f if
and only if (, ) is on the
1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes. graph of g
Uniqueness of Inverse
2. Present the lesson and the targeted competencies (and other Functions:
learning outcome). There is exactly one inverse
function for f denoted by 1
3. Facilitate recall with the following questions:
a. What are relations? (read as f-inverse)
b. What are the three possible correspondences of ordered
pairs for relations?
c. Which of these correspondences are functions? Explain

4. Ask the class to determine which of the following functions are one-to-one. If a function is not one-
to-one, they need to provide two ordered pairs that belong to the function but share ordinates.
(1)() = 3 + 4 (2) () = 2 (3) () = 2 3
(4) () = 7 2 (5)() = 4 (6) () = | 1|

(7) (8)

Inverse Functions 23
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Answers to the exploration activity in the previous page: (1) one-to-one; (2) No. (2,4) (2,4); (3) one-to-
one; (4) one-to-one; (5) No. (1,2) (1,2); (6) No. (2,3) (4,3); (7) No. (1,3) (7,3); (8) one-to-one

5. Consider two of the functions from the previous activity, specifically, () = 3 + 4 and () = 2 .
Allow the students to construct tables of values for both functions, such as the ones that follow.
() = 3 + 4 () = 2
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
() -5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 () 9 4 1 0 1 4 9
Ask one student to remind the class why the two are functions?
[No two ordered pairs share the same domain]

Teacher: Let us say we want to interchange the values of the dependent and the independent variables in both
functions we have just constructed tables for.

() =____________ () = _____________
-5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 9 4 1 0 1 4 9
() -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 () -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Teacher: What can be said about the resulting tables?
[Interchanging the values in () resulted to another function which cannot be said (is not the case) for ()]

Teacher: Who can tell us what expressions represent the ordered pairs in the last two tables?
[() = () = ]

Teacher: The last two relations are the inverses of the functions we started with. Note that not all functions have
a function for its inverse as in the case of (). Only one-to-one functions have inverses that are also functions.
These are called invertible.

6. How do we obtain the inverse of a one-to-one function? For simple functions such as () = 3 + 4,
working backwards is one technique. For example, if = 2, to get the value of (2), we multiply by
3 first then add to 4 to get an answer of 10.
Starting with 10 in order to obtain 2, we subtract by 4 then divide by 3 instead, hence, 1 () = .

Teacher: Can you do the same with () = 2 + 7?

7 7
[ 1 () = or 1 () = ]
2 2

7. Discuss the second, more procedural method for getting the inverse of a function with the two
examples below.

Example 1: () = Procedure Example 2: () =
Temporarily replace the function
= 8 3 notation by the dependent =
variable +3
= 8 3 Interchange and =
( + 3) ( = ) ( + 3)
= 8 3 +3
8 = 3 + 3 = 6
+3 Solve for in terms of .
= 3 + 6
= 3 + 6

Revert back to function notation,
() = this time, using the notation, +
() =
1 ().

The following questions should be raised to aid generalization of the concept targeted: What are
one-to-one functions? Inverse functions? How do we determine the inverse function of a one-to-
one function?

Inverse Functions 24
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

As exercise, students need to determine the inverse function of the following one-to-one functions.
12 15
a. () = [ 1 () = ]
5 2
4+3 51
b. () = 1 [1 () = ]
5 3
21 4+1
c. () = [ 1 () = ]
3+4 32

Assignment. Research and then describe ways by which we can prove that two known functions
are inverses of each other. Use the function, () = 3 1 + 5 and its inverse, 1 () = ( 5)2 +
, 5. Then, provide another example (a function and its inverse) to further demonstrate the
method(s) you discussed.

Can do better Doing okay Meeting expectations
The method presented The method presented
Generalizability of
does not apply to all applies to all inverse
the method(s)
inverse functions (3 functions (5 points)

The description lacks
Clarity of Description is stated
some important
explanation/ clearly (5 points)
information and is
generally unclear (3 point)
The process is entirely
There are at most two
Application of the incorrect but a solution I The solution is flawless (3
errors in the process
method to the at least provided following points)
following the suggested
enforced example the suggested method (1
method (2 point)
Application of the The functions provided
The functions are inverses The solution is flawless (3
method to the are not even correct
but the solution contains points)
student-made inverses of each other (1
errors (2 points)
example point)
More than one
correct method is (additional 1 point)
References are (additional 1 point)
properly cited
Score Interpretation 8 points or less 9 to 14 points 15 to 18 points


Represent an inverse function through its (a) table of values, and (b) graph; and find the domain and
range of inverse functions.

1. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes. Collect the assignment and discuss
the item if it is deemed necessary.

The purpose of the assignment was for students to find out through individual research that using
composition of functions, we can verify if two functions are actually inverses of each other. Expect
that some students were unable to dig this up in their assignment so have those who found out
discuss the process in class. The correct solution is given as follows:

1 1
The functions () = 3 1 + 5 and 1 () = ( 5)2 + , 5 are inverses of each other if and only if
3 3
( 1 ) = (1 )() = . Hence, to check,
( 1 )() = (1 ()) (1 )() = 1 (())
1 2 1
1 ())
1 1 1 (()) = (3 1 + 5 5) +
( = 3 ( ( 5) + ) 1 + 5
2 3 3
3 3

Inverse Functions 25
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

(1 ()) = ( 5)2 + 1 1 + 5 1 2 1
1 (()) = (3 1) +
(1 ()) = ( 5)2 + 5 3 3
1 1
(1 ()) = ( 5) + 5 (()) = (3 1) +
3 3
(1 ()) = 1
1 1
(()) = +
3 3
1 (()) =

The solutions in the previous page show that the two functions are inverses of each other.

2. Present the lesson and the targeted competency.

3. Facilitate activation of prior knowledge by using the following questions for recapitulation.
a. What are one-to-one functions?
b. What are inverse functions? Do all functions have inverse functions?
c. How do we determine the inverse function of a one-to-one function?

4. Divide the class into ten groups for this topics activity. Each
group shall be assigned to just one function and must
accomplish the following: (a) determine the inverse function of
the function they are assigned to; (b) construct a table of values
composed of four ordered pairs for their function; and(c) graph
he function they were assigned to.

For the purpose of presentation, students will need the graph

their function on a meters length of acetate (all groups should
have the same size) the teacher shall provide a standard
measure of the Cartesian plane on a manila paper.
acetate over manila paper
When graphing students needs to place their acetate above
this manila paper and plot their points, sketch their graph using
permanent markers. Ask the groups working with the first five
functions to use blue ink and red for the other five. The reason
for this is the graphs need to be compared by putting one
graph over the other after they have been individually

The assigning of functions may be done at random through

fishbowl. These functions are the following:

() = 4 () = 3 + 1 () = 2 3 () = 2 , > 0 () = 3
1 +3 3
() = + 4 () = () = () = () =
3 2
A maximum of 5 minutes may be alloted for the undertaking of this task.

Objective: To show and conclude that the graphs of two inverse functions are symmetric with respect to the
graph of the identity function, = .
Function Table of Values Graph ((); (); = )

-1 0 1 2
() -5 -4 -3 -2
4 +4
-5 -4 -3 -2
1 () -1 0 1 2

Inverse Functions 26
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

-1 0 1 2
1 () -2 1 4 7
3 + 1
3 -2 1 4 7
1 () -1 0 1 2

-1 0 1 2
+3 () -5 -3 -1 1
2 3
2 -5 -3 -1 1
1 () -1 0 1 2

0 1 2 3
() 0 1 4 9
2, > 0 0 1 4 9
1 () 0 1 2 3

-1 0 1 2
3 3 () -1 0 1 8
-1 0 1 8
1 () -1 0 1 2

Guide Questions (distribute or reveal these questions AFTER the group finished their graphs) Give the groups
another five minutes to discuss answers to the questions below before using them as guide for the analysis of
the activity.

1. What can be said about the domain and range of a function and its inverse function?
[The domain of a function is the range of its inverse and vice versa]
2. How is the slope of the graph of a linear function related to the slope of the graph of its inverse?
[The slope of a linear functions graph is the reciprocal of the slope of the graph of its inverse function]

Inverse Functions 27
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

3. Did you notice any pattern or relationship between the graphs of each pair of inverse functions? Is it
possible to determine the graph of a function from its inverse? Discuss.
[The graphs of inverse functions are symmetric with respect to the graph of the identity function, = ]

5. Ask the groups to present their graphs to class. The presentation should only cover how they went
about their table of values and then the graph itself. Each group should only consume 2 minutes.
Then, pair up the inverse functions and compare their graphs by putting one acetate over the
other. Do this for all pairs.

With the aid of the guide questions enumerated above, facilitate a class discussion revolving
around the outputs of the students. Emphasize
the pattern graphs of inverse functions have.

As an aid for abstraction, ask the same questions

used as guide questions in the activity. However,
in this case, the class should have already
agreed on generalized answers to these

Graph the function, () = and its inverse.
Show that the graphs are symmetric with respect
to the graph of the identity function. Also,
determine the domain and range of these two

Evaluation. Use the rubric below to score students output in the activity.

Can do better Doing okay Meeting expectations

Correctness of graph The graph is incorrect (2 The graph is correct (5

presented point) points)

Members worked The project reflects

independently or more One member clearly did collaboration among
Group dynamics members of the group. (3
than one did not help with not participate. (2 points)
the task at hand. (1 point) points)

Task completed on or
Task completed past the before the intended time
Time Management
intended time. (no credit) (2 points)

Score Interpretation 3 points or less 4 to 7 points 8 to 10 points

Given the function, () = 1, determine its inverse function and graph both functions. Show
that the two functions are symmetric with respect to the identity functions graph.


Can do better Doing okay Meeting expectations
Accuracy of each The graph constructed is The graph constructed is
graph not correct. (1 point each) correct. (3 points each)
At least two ordered pairs
Correctness of table One value in the table is All values are correct (3
in the table are incorrect
of values not correct (2 points each) points each)
(1 point each)
Correctness of the The inverse function The correct inverse
inverse function identified is incorrect (1 function has been
derived. point) determined (3 points)
Score Interpretation 5 points or less 6 to 10 points 11 to 15 points

Inverse Functions 28
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Exponential Functions
Week Five, Functions and Their Graphs

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key

concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and Essential Ideas
logarithmic functions. Stick-to-one

Performance Standards: The learner is able to accurately apply the
A function f is said to be one-
concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and
to-one if f matches different
logarithmic functions to formulate and solve real-life problems with
inputs to different outputs.
precision and accuracy. Equivalently, f is one-to-one
if and only if whenever
Learning Competencies: Over the course of one week, the learner is
() = (), then = .
expected to (1) represent real-life situations using exponential
Horizontal Line Test:
functions [M11GM-Id-1]; (2) determine the inverse of a one-to-one
A function f is said to be one-
function [M11GM-Id-2]; (3) represent an inverse function through its to-one if and only if no
(a) table of values, and (b) graph [M11GM-Id-3]; (4) find the horizontal line intersects the
domain and range of inverse functions [M11GM-Id-4]; and (5) graph of f more than once.
graphs inverse functions [M11GM-Ie-1]
Suppose f and g are two
Learning Materials: In order to develop the targeted competencies, functions such that
the following materials are needed: (a) chalkboard and chalk; (b) (1) ( )() = for all in
LCD projector and laptop or in the absence, visual materials; (c) the domain of f and
calculators; (d) worksheets (2) ( )() = for all in
the domain of g
Expected Outputs: In order to assess the attainment of the learning then f and g are inverses of
competencies targeted, students will be required to undertake two each other and the functions f
group performance tasks and one written work. and g are said to be invertible.
Properties of Inverse
Procedure (Teachers Activity)
ONE-TO-ONE FUNCTIONS AND The range of f is the domain
Day One [Target M11GM-Id-1 and of g and the domain of f is
M11GM-1d-2] the range of g.
Represent real-life situations using one-to-one functions and () = if and only if
determine the inverse of a one-to-one function. () =
(, ) is on the graph of f if
and only if (, ) is on the
8. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes. graph of g
Uniqueness of Inverse
9. Present the lesson and the targeted competencies (and other Functions:
learning outcome). There is exactly one inverse
function for f denoted by 1
10. Facilitate recall with the following questions:
d. What are relations? (read as f-inverse)
e. What are the three possible correspondences of ordered
pairs for relations?
f. Which of these correspondences are functions? Explain

11. Ask the class to determine which of the following functions are one-to-one. If a function is not one-
to-one, they need to provide two ordered pairs that belong to the function but share ordinates.
(1)() = 3 + 4 (2) () = 2 (3) () = 2 3
(4) () = 7 2 (5)() = 4 (6) () = | 1|

(7) (8)

Exponential Functions 29
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Answers to the exploration activity in the previous page: (1) one-to-one; (2) No. (2,4) (2,4); (3) one-to-
one; (4) one-to-one; (5) No. (1,2) (1,2); (6) No. (2,3) (4,3); (7) No. (1,3) (7,3); (8) one-to-one

12. Consider two of the functions from the previous activity, specifically, () = 3 + 4 and () = 2 .
Allow the students to construct tables of values for both functions, such as the ones that follow.
() = 3 + 4 () = 2
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
() -5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 () 9 4 1 0 1 4 9
Ask one student to remind the class why the two are functions?
[No two ordered pairs share the same domain]

Teacher: Let us say we want to interchange the values of the dependent and the independent variables in both
functions we have just constructed tables for.

() =____________ () = _____________
-5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 9 4 1 0 1 4 9
() -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 () -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Teacher: What can be said about the resulting tables?
[Interchanging the values in () resulted to another function which cannot be said (is not the case) for ()]

Teacher: Who can tell us what expressions represent the ordered pairs in the last two tables?
[() = () = ]

Teacher: The last two relations are the inverses of the functions we started with. Note that not all functions have
a function for its inverse as in the case of (). Only one-to-one functions have inverses that are also functions.
These are called invertible.

13. How do we obtain the inverse of a one-to-one function? For simple functions such as () = 3 + 4,
working backwards is one technique. For example, if = 2, to get the value of (2), we multiply by
3 first then add to 4 to get an answer of 10.
Starting with 10 in order to obtain 2, we subtract by 4 then divide by 3 instead, hence, 1 () = .

Teacher: Can you do the same with () = 2 + 7?

7 7
[ 1 () = or 1 () = ]
2 2

14. Discuss the second, more procedural method for getting the inverse of a function with the two
examples below.

Example 1: () = Procedure Example 2: () =
Temporarily replace the function
= 8 3 notation by the dependent =
variable +3
= 8 3 Interchange and =
( + 3) ( = ) ( + 3)
= 8 3 +3
8 = 3 + 3 = 6
+3 Solve for in terms of .
= 3 + 6
= 3 + 6

Revert back to function notation,
() = this time, using the notation, +
() =
1 ().

The following questions should be raised to aid generalization of the concept targeted: What are
one-to-one functions? Inverse functions? How do we determine the inverse function of a one-to-
one function?

Exponential Functions 30
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

As exercise, students need to determine the inverse function of the following one-to-one functions.
12 15
d. () = [ 1 () = ]
5 2
4+3 51
e. () = 1 [1 () = ]
5 3
21 4+1
f. () = [ 1 () = ]
3+4 32

Assignment. Research and then describe ways by which we can prove that two known functions
are inverses of each other. Use the function, () = 3 1 + 5 and its inverse, 1 () = ( 5)2 +
, 5. Then, provide another example (a function and its inverse) to further demonstrate the
method(s) you discussed.

Can do better Doing okay Meeting expectations
The method presented The method presented
Generalizability of
does not apply to all applies to all inverse
the method(s)
inverse functions (3 functions (5 points)

The description lacks
Clarity of Description is stated
some important
explanation/ clearly (5 points)
information and is
generally unclear (3 point)
The process is entirely
There are at most two
Application of the incorrect but a solution I The solution is flawless (3
errors in the process
method to the at least provided following points)
following the suggested
enforced example the suggested method (1
method (2 point)
Application of the The functions provided
The functions are inverses The solution is flawless (3
method to the are not even correct
but the solution contains points)
student-made inverses of each other (1
errors (2 points)
example point)
More than one
correct method is (additional 1 point)
References are (additional 1 point)
properly cited
Score Interpretation 8 points or less 9 to 14 points 15 to 18 points


Represent an inverse function through its (a) table of values, and (b) graph; and find the domain and
range of inverse functions.

6. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes. Collect the assignment and discuss
the item if it is deemed necessary.

Exponential Functions 31
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Exponential Functions
Week Five, Functions and Their Graphs

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key

concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and Essential Ideas
logarithmic functions. Stick-to-one

Performance Standards: The learner is able to accurately apply the
A function f is said to be one-
concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and
to-one if f matches different
logarithmic functions to formulate and solve real-life problems with
inputs to different outputs.
precision and accuracy. Equivalently, f is one-to-one
if and only if whenever
Learning Competencies: Over the course of one week, the learner is
() = (), then = .
expected to (1) represent real-life situations using exponential
Horizontal Line Test:
functions [M11GM-Ie-3]; (2) distinguishes between exponential
A function f is said to be one-
function, exponential equation, and exponential inequality to-one if and only if no
[M11GM-Ie-4]; (3) solve exponential equations and inequalities horizontal line intersects the
[M11GM-Ie-f-1]; (4) represents an exponential function through its: graph of f more than once.
(a) table of values; (b) graph; and (c) equation [M11GM-If-2]
Suppose f and g are two
Learning Materials: In order to develop the targeted competencies, functions such that
the following materials are needed: (a) chalkboard and chalk; (b) (1) ( )() = for all in
LCD projector and laptop or in the absence, visual materials; (c) the domain of f and
calculators; (d) worksheets (2) ( )() = for all in
the domain of g
Expected Outputs: In order to assess the attainment of the learning then f and g are inverses of
competencies targeted, students will be required to undertake two each other and the functions f
group performance tasks and one written work. and g are said to be invertible.
Properties of Inverse
Procedure (Teachers Activity)
INTRODUCTION TO EXPONENTIAL The range of f is the domain
Day One [Target M11GM-Id-1 and of g and the domain of f is
M11GM-1d-2] the range of g.
Represent real-life situations using one-to-one functions and () = if and only if
determine the inverse of a one-to-one function. () =
(, ) is on the graph of f if
and only if (, ) is on the
15. Do routines and other preparatory activities for five minutes. graph of g
Uniqueness of Inverse
16. Present the lesson and the targeted competencies (and other Functions:
learning outcome). There is exactly one inverse
function for f denoted by 1
17. Facilitate recall with the following questions:
g. What are relations? (read as f-inverse)
h. What are the three possible correspondences of ordered
pairs for relations?
i. Which of these correspondences are functions? Explain

18. Ask the class to determine which of the following functions are one-to-one. If a function is not one-
to-one, they need to provide two ordered pairs that belong to the function but share ordinates.
(1)() = 3 + 4 (2) () = 2 (3) () = 2 3
(4) () = 7 2 (5)() = 4 (6) () = | 1|

(7) (8)

Exponential Functions 32
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

Answers to the exploration activity in the previous page: (1) one-to-one; (2) No. (2,4) (2,4); (3) one-to-
one; (4) one-to-one; (5) No. (1,2) (1,2); (6) No. (2,3) (4,3); (7) No. (1,3) (7,3); (8) one-to-one

19. Consider two of the functions from the previous activity, specifically, () = 3 + 4 and () = 2 .
Allow the students to construct tables of values for both functions, such as the ones that follow.
() = 3 + 4 () = 2
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
() -5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 () 9 4 1 0 1 4 9
Ask one student to remind the class why the two are functions?
[No two ordered pairs share the same domain]

Teacher: Let us say we want to interchange the values of the dependent and the independent variables in both
functions we have just constructed tables for.

() =____________ () = _____________
-5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 9 4 1 0 1 4 9
() -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 () -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Teacher: What can be said about the resulting tables?
[Interchanging the values in () resulted to another function which cannot be said (is not the case) for ()]

Teacher: Who can tell us what expressions represent the ordered pairs in the last two tables?
[() = () = ]

Teacher: The last two relations are the inverses of the functions we started with. Note that not all functions have
a function for its inverse as in the case of (). Only one-to-one functions have inverses that are also functions.
These are called invertible.

20. How do we obtain the inverse of a one-to-one function? For simple functions such as () = 3 + 4,
working backwards is one technique. For example, if = 2, to get the value of (2), we multiply by
3 first then add to 4 to get an answer of 10.
Starting with 10 in order to obtain 2, we subtract by 4 then divide by 3 instead, hence, 1 () = .

Teacher: Can you do the same with () = 2 + 7?

7 7
[ 1 () = or 1 () = ]
2 2

21. Discuss the second, more procedural method for getting the inverse of a function with the two
examples below.

Example 1: () = Procedure Example 2: () =
Temporarily replace the function
= 8 3 notation by the dependent =
variable +3
= 8 3 Interchange and =
( + 3) ( = ) ( + 3)
= 8 3 +3
8 = 3 + 3 = 6
+3 Solve for in terms of .
= 3 + 6
= 3 + 6

Revert back to function notation,
() = this time, using the notation, +
() =
1 ().

The following questions should be raised to aid generalization of the concept targeted: What are
one-to-one functions? Inverse functions? How do we determine the inverse function of a one-to-
one function?

Exponential Functions 33
Von Christopher G. Chua
General Mathematics Teaching Guides

As exercise, students need to determine the inverse function of the following one-to-one functions.
12 15
g. () = [ 1 () = ]
5 2
4+3 51
h. () = 1 [1 () = ]
5 3
21 4+1
i. () = [ 1 () = ]
3+4 32

Assignment. Research and then describe ways by which we can prove that two known functions
are inverses of each other. Use the function, () = 3 1 + 5 and its inverse, 1 () = ( 5)2 +
, 5. Then, provide another example (a function and its inverse) to further demonstrate the
method(s) you discussed.

Can do better Doing okay Meeting expectations
The method presented The method presented
Generalizability of
does not apply to all applies to all inverse
the method(s)
inverse functions (3 functions (5 points)

The description lacks
Clarity of Description is stated
some important
explanation/ clearly (5 points)
information and is
generally unclear (3 point)
The process is entirely
There are at most two
Application of the incorrect but a solution I The solution is flawless (3
errors in the process
method to the at least provided following points)
following the suggested
enforced example the suggested method (1
method (2 point)
Application of the The functions provided
The functions are inverses The solution is flawless (3
method to the are not even correct
but the solution contains points)
student-made inverses of each other (1
errors (2 points)
example point)
More than one
correct method is (additional 1 point)
References are (additional 1 point)
properly cited
Score Interpretation 8 points or less 9 to 14 points 15 to 18 points

Exponential Functions 34
Von Christopher G. Chua

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