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TOAD User's Guide

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Version 7.0
© Quest Software, Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
This guide contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. The software
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software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreement.
No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Quest Software
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TOAD User’s Guide

1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................9

2 LOGON/LOGOFF.......................................................................................................................................11
LOGON OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................14
CONNECTING TO PERSONAL ORACLE .............................................................................................................19
END CONNECTION..........................................................................................................................................19
3 SCHEMA PREPARATION ........................................................................................................................21

4 BASIC NAVIGATION ................................................................................................................................23

MOUSE ...........................................................................................................................................................23
KEYBOARD ....................................................................................................................................................28
HOTKEYS – ADDING/ALTERING ......................................................................................................................30
RIGHT-CLICK MENUS ....................................................................................................................................32
Location of Right-Click Menus .................................................................................................................33
5 MAIN WINDOW TOOLBAR ....................................................................................................................37

6 SQL EDITOR ...............................................................................................................................................39

SQL EDITOR TOOLBAR BUTTONS ..................................................................................................................40
SHORTCUT KEYS ............................................................................................................................................41
USING THE SQL EDITOR ................................................................................................................................45
Selecting a table to edit .............................................................................................................................45
Commit ......................................................................................................................................................48
Explain Plan..............................................................................................................................................50
Offline Text Editor.....................................................................................................................................53
Recall and Add SQL ..................................................................................................................................56
OPTIONS FOR THE SQL EDITOR .....................................................................................................................61
EXECUTING STATEMENTS ..............................................................................................................................66
Execute SQL Scripts..................................................................................................................................67
Table/View Aliases ....................................................................................................................................68
CONFIGURING THE EDITOR ............................................................................................................................70
EDITOR OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................79
General Options ........................................................................................................................................80
Highlighting ..............................................................................................................................................90
Key Assignments........................................................................................................................................96
4 TOAD User’s Guide

Auto Replace ............................................................................................................................................ 98

Code Templates ...................................................................................................................................... 100
RIGHT-CLICK MENU ................................................................................................................................... 102
SQL RESULTS GRID .................................................................................................................................... 103
Results Grid Right-Click Menu .............................................................................................................. 106
OPTIONS FOR THE DATA GRIDS ................................................................................................................... 119
LONG AND LONG RAW........................................................................................................................... 123
TIME VALUES.............................................................................................................................................. 126
SQL TEMPLATES ........................................................................................................................................ 127
EXPLAIN PLAN TAB ..................................................................................................................................... 129
AUTO TRACE TAB ....................................................................................................................................... 130
DBMS OUTPUT TAB ................................................................................................................................ 131
MAKE CODE STATEMENT AND STRIP CODE STATEMENT ............................................................................ 133
OPTIONS FOR THE EDITORS ......................................................................................................................... 136
SQL EDITOR TASKS .................................................................................................................................... 139
7 PROCEDURE EDITOR........................................................................................................................... 151
TOOLBAR BUTTONS .................................................................................................................................... 152
SHORTCUT KEYS ......................................................................................................................................... 155
USING THE PROCEDURE EDITOR ................................................................................................................. 157
NAVIGATOR LIST BUTTONS ........................................................................................................................ 167
OPTIONS FOR THE PROCEDURE EDITOR ....................................................................................................... 168
RIGHT-CLICK MENU ................................................................................................................................... 173
SOURCE CODE MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................... 174
PROCEDURE EDITOR TASKS ........................................................................................................................ 177
8 PL/SQL DEBUGGER............................................................................................................................... 189
REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 191
To run the PL/SQL Debugger ................................................................................................................ 194
To Activate the PL/SQL Debugger Registration Key ............................................................................. 194
DEBUG TOOLBAR BUTTONS......................................................................................................................... 195
DEBUG SHORTCUT KEYS............................................................................................................................. 200
USING THE DEBUGGER ................................................................................................................................ 201
TOOLTIP FEATURE FOR VARIABLES ............................................................................................................ 203
THE STATUS PANEL INDICATORS ................................................................................................................ 203
OPTIONS MENU FOR DEBUGGING ................................................................................................................ 204
THE DOCKABLE WINDOWS ......................................................................................................................... 209
Breakpoints ............................................................................................................................................ 211
Watches .................................................................................................................................................. 217
Call Stack ............................................................................................................................................... 223
DBMS_OUTPUT.................................................................................................................................... 224
DEBUG FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 228
PREPARING PL/SQL CODE FOR PRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 236
9 SCHEMA BROWSER .............................................................................................................................. 237
Contents 5

RIGHT-CLICK MENUS ..................................................................................................................................238

USING THE SCHEMA BROWSER ....................................................................................................................239
OPTIONS FOR THE SCHEMA BROWSER .........................................................................................................243
TABLES ........................................................................................................................................................252
INDEXES .......................................................................................................................................................288
PROCEDURES ...............................................................................................................................................292
SEQUENCES ..................................................................................................................................................302
VIEWS ..........................................................................................................................................................306
SYNONYMS ..................................................................................................................................................311
CONSTRAINTS ..............................................................................................................................................314
DB LINKS .....................................................................................................................................................318
JOBS .............................................................................................................................................................321
USERS ..........................................................................................................................................................323
JAVA ..........................................................................................................................................................324
SCHEMA BROWSER TASKS ...........................................................................................................................325
10 CREATE/ALTER TABLE......................................................................................................................329
CREATE TABLE ............................................................................................................................................329
ALTER TABLE ..............................................................................................................................................337
DATA TYPES OPTIONS .................................................................................................................................345
11 CREATE/ALTER INDEX ......................................................................................................................347
CREATE INDEX .............................................................................................................................................347
ALTER INDEX ...............................................................................................................................................354
12 DBA ...........................................................................................................................................................357
TOAD MONITOR .........................................................................................................................................358
KILL/TRACE SESSION ...................................................................................................................................361
ORAINIT PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................................362
NLS PARAMETERS.......................................................................................................................................363
EXTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................364
TABLESPACES ..............................................................................................................................................365
TABLESPACE MAP........................................................................................................................................366
Tablespace Map Options.........................................................................................................................368
SERVER STATISTICS .....................................................................................................................................369
CONTROL FILES ...........................................................................................................................................371
DB WIZARD.................................................................................................................................................372
REPAIR CHAINED ROWS ...............................................................................................................................379
IDENTIFY SPACE DEFICITS ...........................................................................................................................380
REDO LOG MANAGER WINDOW ...................................................................................................................381
EXPORT UTILITY WIZARD............................................................................................................................383
IMPORT UTILITY WIZARD ............................................................................................................................392
SQL*LOADER INTERFACE ...........................................................................................................................399
GENERATE SCHEMA SCRIPT .........................................................................................................................403
6 TOAD User’s Guide

COMPARE SCHEMAS.................................................................................................................................... 404

DBA OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 406
13 CREATE MENU FOR DBA .................................................................................................................. 407
DIRECTORY ................................................................................................................................................. 408
LIBRARY ..................................................................................................................................................... 409
POLICY ........................................................................................................................................................ 410
PROFILE ...................................................................................................................................................... 411
ROLE ........................................................................................................................................................... 412
ROLLBACK SEGMENT .................................................................................................................................. 413
SNAPSHOT/M-VIEW .................................................................................................................................... 415
TABLESPACE ............................................................................................................................................... 422
14 SCHEMA BROWSER DBA FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................... 425
DIRECTORIES............................................................................................................................................... 426
LIBRARIES ................................................................................................................................................... 427
POLICIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 428
PROFILES..................................................................................................................................................... 431
ROLES ......................................................................................................................................................... 433
ROLLBACK SEGMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 434
SNAPSHOTS ................................................................................................................................................. 437
TABLESPACES ............................................................................................................................................. 439
USERS ......................................................................................................................................................... 441
15 OTHER TOAD OPTIONS AN D FEATURES .................................................................................... 443
FTP FILE(S) ................................................................................................................................................ 444
SQL MODELER ........................................................................................................................................... 449
TOAD REPORTS ......................................................................................................................................... 468
CREATE VIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 469
OBJECT SEARCH .......................................................................................................................................... 472
MASTER/DETAIL RECORD BROWSER ........................................................................................................... 474
PRIVILEGES ................................................................................................................................................. 476
REBUILD TABLE .......................................................................................................................................... 478
TOAD SECURITY ........................................................................................................................................ 479
VIEW MENU ................................................................................................................................................ 483
OPTIONS MENU ........................................................................................................................................... 484
General Options ..................................................................................................................................... 485
Oracle Options ....................................................................................................................................... 487
Startup Options ...................................................................................................................................... 491
Files Options .......................................................................................................................................... 493
Printing Options..................................................................................................................................... 495
Parser Scripts......................................................................................................................................... 496
New Proc Templates............................................................................................................................... 497
SGA TRACE OPTIMIZATION ........................................................................................................................ 498
ESTIMATE TABLE SIZE ................................................................................................................................ 500
Contents 7

ESTIMATE INDEX SIZE..................................................................................................................................502

PROFILER ANALYSIS (ORACLE 8I ONLY) ......................................................................................................503
OBJECT BROWSER (ORACLE 8 OR 8I ONLY) .................................................................................................515
Objects Panel ..........................................................................................................................................515
Details Panel...........................................................................................................................................518
16 FREQUENTLY ASKED QU ESTIONS/TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................527
SQL*NET/NET8 INSTALLATION PROBLEMS ................................................................................................528
17 PRODUCTS AVAILABLE .....................................................................................................................531

18 ABOUT QUEST SOFTWAR E, INC. ....................................................................................................533

CONTACTING QUEST ....................................................................................................................................533
TECHNICAL SUPPORT ...................................................................................................................................534
19 INDEX.......................................................................................................................................................535

TOAD is a powerful low-overhead tool built around an advanced SQL and PL/SQL
editor. It was designed from the developer’s perspective, and the result is an easy to
use, fast, and effective interface. The GUI object browsers provide quick access to
database objects.
You don’t have to be a PL/SQL expert to access database objects when you’re using
TOAD. You can view the Oracle Dictionary, tables, indexes, stored procedures, and
more-- all through a multi-tabbed browser.
PL/SQL script writers can use the advanced editing features to save time and
increase productivity. Code can be created from shortcuts and code templates. You
can even create your own code templates.

Use TOAD to
§ Create, browse, or alter objects (tables, views, indexes, etc.) including Oracle8
TYPE objects
§ Graphically build, execute, and tune queries
§ Edit, debug, and profile “stored procedures” including procedures, functions,
packages, and triggers
§ Search for objects
§ Find and fix database problems with constraints, triggers, extents, indexes, and

This guide is a how-to and reference for new users and users already familiar with
TOAD. The guide does not cover every TOAD Window, Option, and Function. The
guide covers the following major windows and topics:
§ SQL Editor
§ Procedure Editor
§ Schema Browser
§ PL/SQL Debugger (an optional feature)
§ DBA (an optional feature)

Once you are comfortable navigating around a few of these windows you’ll discover
that the other TOAD windows have a similar design. The manual also covers the
following major topics:
§ Logon/logoff
§ Navigation and shortcuts
§ Additional features and windows

Note that this User’s Guide was prepared in March 2001. New or changed TOAD
features since March 2001 are not reflected in this version of the guide. Refer to
TOAD Help for the latest information.
Note that colors are presented in the .PDF, which commercial TOAD users can
download from The printed version of the TOAD User’s Guide is
in black and white, so the color differences are not always distinguishable.
For details on installing and uninstalling TOAD, refer to the TOAD Getting Started

Remember, you can always access TOAD Help while in TOAD by pressing
the F1 Key.

When you Start TOAD a Login screen displays. The screen lists your previous
connections (server, user, and the date and time of the connection). You can create a
new connection to Oracle or select from a list of previous connections. If the Build
Oracle Alias List checkbox is checked, TOAD will fill the database dropdown with
the database aliases listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. If you double-click to select
a previous logon from the list of previous logons, the default password is the same as
the username. So, if this is your first time running TOAD, your password is your

Here, BEQ-LOCAL is the database, the Username is SCOTT and the password entered is TIGER.

The previous connections list can be sorted by clicking on the Server, User, or Last
Connect column header. Click once on a header, and the associated list is sorted
chronologically, or in ascending order. Click twice on a header, and the associated
list is sorted in descending order.
The date format comes from the workstation setting in Settings > Control Panel >
Regional Settings > Date > Short date style option.

You can use Oracle usernames without passwords in TOAD. Whatever you enter in
Database, Username, and Password boxes are passed to the database. If the database
permits default passwords, you can connect.

Server Login
You get to this dialog via the File > New Connection menu item, or when TOAD
starts up.
You can create a new connection to Oracle or select from a list of previous
connections. TOAD will fill the database dropdown with the names of previous
sessions and any aliases in TNSNAMES.ORA.

To create a new connection

1 Type the name of the database in the dropdown combo box labeled Database.
The server name you use must have an entry in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.
2 Type the name of the USER in the textbox labeled User/Schema.
3 Type the PASSWORD for the user in the textbox labeled Password. Asterisks
will display instead of characters as you type.
4 Click OK
Press <ENTER>.
Chapter 2 Logon/Logoff 13

To use a previous connection

1 Select a User/ Database combination from the dropdown combo box
If the PASSWORD is the same as your USER name, you can double-click the
previous connection from the list in the left panel.
TOAD will copy the user name into the Password textbox and will place the
cursor in the Password textbox.
2 If the PASSWORD is not the same as the USER, type the PASSWORD.
3 Click OK or press <ENTER>.
4 TOAD saves the USER/DATABASE combinations between TOAD sessions
but does NOT save the password. There is an option under View > Options,
General tab, to Save passwords for Oracle connections and Encrypt saved

To delete a previous connection

1 Select a connection from the Server, User, Last Connect list.
2 Press the <DELETE> key.

To run TOAD offline

1 Click the <Cancel> button on the Server Login window.
2 Open the offline text editor via the main toolbar button.

If you are having trouble running TOAD with Personal Oracle 8.1.5:
If you are using TOAD with Personal Oracle 8.1.5 or later and receiving errors like
“No Listener” try the following:
1 Open a Command Prompt.
2 Type “lsnrctl” and <ENTER>
3 Type the command “start”

Logon Options

The Login window has five options.

Force SQL*Net (ignore Net8)

When checked, TOAD ignores the Net8 DLL’s on your system and attempts to
connect to Oracle via the SQL*Net DLL’s. When the Oracle Home has been found,
the DLL with the HIGHEST revision number is loaded. If Force SQL*Net is
chosen, Net8 DLL’s are skipped. This also means that a client install with just Net8
will result in a failure.

SQL*Net Compatible Net8

This option only applies to Oracle 8.0.x databases. When checked (ON), you get the
row and character position from bad queries, and the cursor is positioned to the point
of error. The downside is that no Oracle 8 functions are supported. When unchecked
(OFF), you do not get the error row or column position, but you do get the Oracle 8
functions. This option does not apply to Oracle 8i because Oracle restored the error
position function. It assumes that Net8 is installed. The DLL is loaded according to
the above, but the new Net8 functions are ignored.

Build Oracle Alias List

This is the default. When this option is checked, TOAD cycles through your
TNSNAMES.ORA file, and the next time you start TOAD it builds connection
names in the Database dropdown list.

Use Last Oracle Home

This will use the Oracle Home that was last installed.

Use the TOAD Home

This will use the Oracle Home selected through the SQL*Net Help dialog.
Chapter 2 Logon/Logoff 15

Operating System Authentication

In addition, TOAD can accept logins where the operating system validates the user
and password. Select the database alias and leave the Username and Password
textboxes empty. Oracle will prefix your workstation login and attempt a login. To
configure this on the server side, the init.ora initialization parameters file must have:
remote_os_authent = true
os_authent_prefix = "OPS$"
or whatever prefix you select.
For example, Joe Smith logs onto the ORA805 database, enters “ORA805” in the
Database textbox, and leaves Username and Password empty. His NT login is
“JSMITH”, which gets prefixed with “OPS$” giving a username of “OPS$JSMITH.”
Oracle attempts a login and TOAD starts up.
The next time you bring up the Server Login window, any previous logins that were
O/S authentication logins will have username = “EXTERNAL”. You don’t need to
type over the word EXTERNAL in the username textbox when reconnecting.

SQL*Net Help button

This button displays all Oracle Homes and lets you pick one Oracle Home as your
TOAD Home. It also lets you see which Oracle Homes are valid installs. The
information can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into an email for technical
support issues.

If a SQL*Net entry is not valid, you can click the Advice button for suggestions.
Chapter 2 Logon/Logoff 17

Save Passwords for Oracle Connections

One of the TOAD options is Save Passwords for Oracle Connections. The default
for this option is unchecked. This option involves the TOAD.INI file. Normally, only
the schema and database are saved to the TOAD.INI file for each new Oracle
connection. When unchecked, TOAD puts in the Username for the password. When
checked, the password is saved in TOAD.INI.

Before you check the Save passwords for Oracle Connections box, be
sure you work in a secure environment where your TOAD.INI file will not
fall into the wrong hands.

To turn on the option for TOAD Save Passwords for Oracle Connections
1 Go to View > Options > Oracle.
2 Click Save Passwords for Oracle Connections to check that option.
3 Either quit TOAD and restart
Click the Save All Options button in the main toolbar.
4 If you do not check the Save Passwords for Oracle Connections checkbox,
then the username is copied to the password box because most development
schemas are created as user/user. So, during login, the password = Username.

Encrypt saved passwords

Next to the Save Passwords option is the Encrypt saved passwords box. If
checked, the password is encrypted so that if the TOAD.INI file is pulled into a text
editor, only encrypted text is displayed. So, another user can’t see your password by
simply pulling the TOAD.INI file into a text editor.

To Encrypt saved passwords

1 Go to View > Options > Oracle
2 Click Encrypt saved passwords to check that option.
3 Click OK.
If you have previous passwords in the TOAD.INI file and choose to encrypt a
password, then all previous passwords are automatically encrypted. So, you don’t
have to go through and encrypt each password individually. The same rule applies to
unchecking Encryption. All previous passwords will also have their encryption
feature removed.
Chapter 2 Logon/Logoff 19

Connecting to Personal Oracle

If you are having trouble connecting to Personal Oracle or creating a SQL*Net alias
for PO7 or PO8, try one of the following four entries for the database name on the
TOAD login window:

For Schema/Passwords try one of the following pairs:


End Connection

You might want to close a connection without exiting TOAD.

To close a specific connection without exiting TOAD
1 Go to the File > End Connection menu.
2 A popup window lists one or more sessions.
3 Click the session you want to end.
4 Click OK.
All windows associated with that session are closed. If you have any Prompt to save
before close options on, you will be prompted to save the editor contents so that they
are not discarded.
TOAD also has an End All Connections option, accessed from the File menu,
which will close all connections.
Schema Preparation

The following features of TOAD require the creation of database objects: Saved and
Recalled Explain Plans, TOAD Features Security, TOAD Source Control, and
Oracle 8i Profiler Analysis. The scripts to create these tables are in the \TEMPS
folder as follows:
Saved/Recalled Explain Plans TOADPREP.SQL
Oracle 8i Profiler Analysis TOADPROFILER.SQL

You can create these objects in every schema in which you intend to use them (i.e.,
every schema would have these same tables), but the ideal solution would be to
create a new user TOAD, create the objects once in the schema TOAD, and grant
access to them to all users via synonyms. These scripts contain the statements for
accomplishing all of this; however, the connection to Oracle used to execute the
script must have the rights to do so.
If you do not want to create a separate TOAD schema or if you want to create the
required tables in several schemas, you can load and execute the script file
NOTOAD.SQL for Saved/Recalled Explain Plans. This script will place all of the
necessary objects for Saved/Recalled Explain Plans in the current schema for the
current Oracle session.
NOTE: On the View > Options > Oracle page, you can specify the name of the
Explain Plan table that TOAD should utilize. If you change the default setting from
TOAD_PLAN_TABLE to PLAN_TABLE, TOAD will use your existing table, and
you do not have to create the TOAD table. On the other hand, if you still do not
execute the TOAD scripts, you will not be able to recall previous Explain Plan

It is not necessary to execute TOADPREP.SQL in order to use TOAD. If you do not

execute the script, TOAD will not display previous Explain Plan results.
Explain Plan will still function on the SQL Edit window providing you specify
PLAN_TABLE on the options window rather than TOAD_PLAN_TABLE. If you
decide NOT to store previous Explain Plan results, you should disable the option
Save previous Explain Plan results on the View > Options > Oracle page.
TOAD uses the Windows User name plus the date and time to generate a unique
statement id for the Explain Plan. If the user has a longer than normal user name, you
might need to expand the Statement_ID column of the Plan table.
Basic Navigation

This section contains basic information about TOAD buttons, Hot Keys, Right-Click
Menus, etc. If you are unfamiliar with windows navigation/operation, or you have
come across a button you don’t understand, this section should help.

TOAD is designed to be used with a mouse. In addition to pointing and clicking on
items, the right-click button displays Right-Click Menus that are associated with
different areas of TOAD. Right-Click Menus are discussed in the Right-Click Menu
section of this chapter, page 32.

Expand/Collapse buttons

The expand symbol The collapse symbol

Some sections will have a list of categories with expand buttons next to each
category item. Click the expand symbol to expand the list. This is similar to double-
clicking a file folder in Explorer to open its contents. If the category is already
expanded, you can click the collapse symbol to collapse the list.

Drill Down buttons

The drill down button


Drill down buttons indicate another level of information. Click the drill down button
to “drill down” another layer, which is usually another window.

Clicking on the drill down button on this window will display a fonts window.

Radio buttons

Radio buttons let you select one choice. You cannot select more than one radio
button from a radio button list at the same time. To select a radio button click in the
button area (or on the corresponding text to the right of the button), and a black dot
will display in the selected button.
Chapter 4 Basic Navigation 25


You will find checkboxes throughout TOAD. The program is designed to be flexible,
and with checkboxes you control how TOAD looks and functions. Unlike the radio
buttons, you can check multiple items in a checkbox list. Remember, options you’ve
set in one checkbox might affect options in another checkbox.
To place a check in a checkbox or remove a check from a checkbox
Click in the checkbox area
Tab to the area with the checkboxes and press the up and down arrow keys until your
option is highlighted. Press the space bar.

To check/uncheck items in the Right-Click Menus

Click the item.

Here, the main toolbar Right-Click Menu displays

a Show Main Toolbar option which can be
checked/unchecked by clicking the menu text.

Dropdown lists


Dropdown lists are used throughout the TOAD screens. The down arrow activates a
dropdown list from which you can choose an item.


For textboxes, click in the textbox area and then type in the text or numeric entry.
Chapter 4 Basic Navigation 27

Types of Message Boxes

TOAD uses the industry standard symbols for its four types of message boxes.
i This indicates an information box.
? This indicates a question box that requires a decision from you.
X This indicates a stop message.
! This indicates an exclamation (very important) message.

This is an example of an information box. This is an example of a question box.

This is an example of a stop message box. This is an example of an exclamation

message box.


You can use the keyboard for navigation and selection for part of the TOAD menus.

The TAB key lets you advance the cursor forward from one area of a window to
another area. The first item in the area you tab to will highlight.
For textboxes, you can TAB to the textbox, and the text cursor displays ready for you
to type.

The UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW let you move your cursor up and down the
items or list of whatever area your cursor is positioned in. In a dropdown list the UP
and DOWN ARROWS scroll through the choices in the list. The UP and DOWN
ARROWS are referred to as the UP and DOWN keys.

The LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW let you move left and right across a list of
radio button choices. Once you reach your choice, TAB to move out of the area (or
click outside of the area with your mouse), and your choice remains. You can also
use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to move through the radio button choices.
For the Expand and Collapse buttons the LEFT ARROW collapses the list and the
RIGHT ARROW expands the list.
You can also activate the Expand and Collapse buttons using the <+> and <-> keys
on the numeric keypad. The plus sign “+” expands the list and the minus sign “-”
collapses the list. For hierarchy lists, the multiplication sign “*” expands to all levels.

The spacebar lets you check and uncheck checkboxes or click buttons with focus.
Chapter 4 Basic Navigation 29

ENTER is similar to a mouse-click. It activates whatever button has focus. For
example, if you <TAB> to a CANCEL button and press <ENTER>, you will cancel
your choices and exit the window. Pressing <SPACEBAR> on buttons with focus
also clicks the buttons.

ESC cancels most modal dialogs.

Not Accessible by Keyboard

TOAD was designed for a mouse, and some areas of TOAD can only be accessed by
using the mouse.
For example, you cannot tab to a drill down button. You have to click the drill down
button to bring up its associated window.

A drill down button can only be activated by a mouse-click.


Hotkeys – adding/altering

The Editor Options Dialog list of key assignments contains a list of the basic editing
mapped to copy (<CTRL>C), paste (<CTRL>V), and cut (<CTRL>X)
When you highlight a command, you can alter the key assigned to that command OR
add an additional key. All commands allow for two-part keystrokes; for example, the
old WordStar commands such as Control-K, 0 for the command "set Bookmark 0."

To set the command for "Bookmark0" to "Control-K, 0"

1 Click the Edit > Editor Options > Key Assignment item.
2 Expand the Bookmarks list by clicking the expand “+” button.
3 Click Set Bookmark 0.
4 Click the Edit Sequence button.
5 The Edit Key Pair step window displays.
6 Press <CTRL>K. The key sequence displays in the window.
7 Click Next.
8 The optional Step 2 window displays.
9 Press 0.
10 Your second key, 0, displays in the window.
11 Click Finish.
12 The setting is saved.

If Key2 shows anything other than <none>, that command expects a second
To remove the second keystroke
1 Click in the textbox labeled Key2.
2 Press <ESC> to clear the keystroke, <none> will display.
Chapter 4 Basic Navigation 31

3 The setting is saved.

Note that keystrokes such as <CTRL>J or <SHIFT><INSERT> are ONE stroke

DO NOT CLICK the buttons ADD or DELETE unless the keys you just entered
should be in addition to the default keystrokes OR you want to remove the displayed
keystrokes entirely. If you click DELETE while looking at a command, the hotkey
for that command is removed.

To change a one-stroke key

1 Select the command from the list.
2 Press the Edit button.
3 Click in the textbox labeled Key1.
4 Press <CTRL>J (or the desired keystroke).
5 Click in the textbox labeled Key2.
6 Press <SHIFT> to clear any existing key stroke.
7 Click Finish.
8 The setting is saved.

Both <SHIFT> and <ESC> can clear an existing keystroke.

This options tab is also useful for documenting the default keystrokes and
key-activated functions.

Right-Click Menu button OR F10 Key – access menus

Schema Browser
SQL Editor
Procedure Editor

See the Right-Click Menu topic, page 32, for more information.

Right-Click Menus
This section gives an overview of the Right-Click Menus. The items in different
Right-Click Menus are discussed in detail in the applicable sections of this guide.
For example, the Debugger Right-Click Menu is discussed in detail in the Debugger
A Right-Click Menu is specific to the window that you are in. Some items in the
menu are shortcuts to commands or windows that can be found elsewhere, and some
items are unique to the Right-Click Menu and cannot be found anywhere else in

To access the Right-Click Menu

Press the right mouse button (right-click)
For the Procedure Edit and SQL Edit windows, Press F10.

Right-click in the SQL Editor Results Grid

and this Right-Click Menu displays.
Chapter 4 Basic Navigation 33

Location of Right-Click Menus

SQL Editor
The edit window (or editor) Right-Click Menu includes the following functions:
Paste, Set Bookmark, Goto Bookmark, Describe, Search Knowledge Base, Upper
Case, Lower Case, Format SQL (uses PL/Formatter from RevealNet if installed,
otherwise, uses basic formatting), Comment Block, Uncomment Block, Find
Closing Block, Blank DBMS Output Statement, Make DBMS Output Statement,
Save, Load, Show Editor Toolbar, Editing Options, Unix Style Save, Autotrace,
SQL Trace (tkprof), and Optimizer Mode.

SQL Results Grid

The data grid, or SQL results grid, Right-Click Menu includes the following
functions: Memo Editor, Print Grid, Save As, Select Columns, Export to Flat File,
Find Data, Copy Row, Record Count, Number of Fixed/Anchored Columns, Row
Height, Allow Multi-Select, Grid Font, Sizing Column widths to Data, Row
Numbers, and Row Highlight.

Procedure Editor
The Procedure Editor Right-Click Menu includes the following functions: Paste,
Upper Case, Lower Case, Set Bookmark, Goto Bookmark, Debug, Describe,
Search Knowledge Base, Compile, Save to File, Load from File, Check in Source,
Unix Style Save, Load Procedure, Show Navigator List, Comment Block,
Uncomment Block, Format Statement (requires PL/Formatter from RevealNet),
Blank DBMS Output Statement, Make DBMS Output Statement, Find Closing
Block, Show Edit Toolbar, and Editing Options.

Schema Browser
Object Lists
The Right-Click Menu over the label tabs on any of the main lists on the left hand
side of the window displays a menu to show/hide the main panels, for example, to
hide the Synonyms list if you do not require access to Synonyms. You cannot hide
the Tables tab.

Tables Tab
Create Script, Export Data, Privileges, Truncate, Analyze, Add Column, Add
Index, Add Constraint, Show Column Comments in List

Procs Tab
Save to File, Compile, Compile Dependencies, Load in Procedure Editor, Execute
Procedure, Privileges, Copy Source to Clipboard, Copy Selected Source to
Clipboard, and Print Source

Views Tab
Compile, Format SQL, Copy to Clipboard, Load Source in SQL Editor, and Show
Column Comments in List

Data Grids
The Data grids for Tables and Views also has a Right-Click Menu for the
following functions: Memo Editor, Print Grid, Posting Changes/Edits, Selecting
Columns, Saving to File/Clipboard, Row Height, Number of Fixed/Anchored
Columns, Copy Row, Record Count, Allowing Multi-Select, Displaying Row
Numbers, and Row Highlight.
Chapter 4 Basic Navigation 35

The Main Toolbar Right-Click Menu

Right-click on the main TOAD toolbar to display a Right-Click Menu that lists a
display option and a save command.

The Right-Click Menu for the main toolbar

Show Main Toolbar

The default is checked. When this option is checked, the main toolbar will display.
When this option is unchecked, the main toolbar is not displayed.

Save TOAD Options

Saves external files, which are basically your current TOAD settings and values.
This is useful if you are about to run a query that could crash or run for a long time.
You might want to Save TOAD Options before running such a query, just as a
precaution. It saves all TOAD options to files in your TOAD and TOAD\TEMPS
folders including settings from the TOAD Options dialog, Editor Options settings,
Recall Previous SQL lists, Lists of MRU (Most Recently Used) files, Table Name
alias list, etc.
The Save TOAD Options button from the main toolbar does exactly the same thing
as the Save TOAD Options command that is in the main toolbar Right-Click Menu.

The Save TOAD options button

Main Window Toolbar

When you first run TOAD, the Main window displays with the main toolbar.

To hide the main toolbar

1 Right-click over the toolbar.
2 Uncheck the Show Main Toolbar menu item.

To show the main toolbar

1 Right-click over the TOAD MDI parent window client area (minimize or
rearrange the other MDI child windows).
2 Check the menu item, Show Main Toolbar.

The Main Toolbar

Open a new SQL Edit window with the current active connection

Open a new Schema Browser window with the current active connection

Open a new Procedure Edit window with the current active connection

Open a new SQL Modeler window with the current active connection

Open a new Explain Plan window with the current active connection

Open a new DBMS_OUTPUT window with the current active connection

Open a new Object Search window with the current active connection

Save all options normally saved when exiting TOAD

Open a modal TOAD Reports dialog with the current active connection

Open a new Offline Text Editor window (no Oracle connection required)

Toggle PL/SQL Profiling ON or OFF

Toggle Compiling with Debug

Commit any changes to this schema

Rollback any changes to this schema

Show Windows by Connection, minimizes non-selected MDI child windows,

restores MDI child windows for the selected Oracle connection

Open a new Oracle Connection to the database

SQL Editor

If you have never used TOAD, the SQL Edit window is a good starting point. The
window contains an editor to compose SQL statements or scripts and a results grid to
display the results from SELECT SQL statements. At the end of the chapter, step-by-
step examples are provided for various SQL Edit procedures.
The SQL Editor lets you type, edit, execute, and tune. When you first start TOAD
you are in a SQL Edit window. The SQL Edit window has two panels. The SQL
Editor is the top panel and the Results Grid, the lower panel, displays fetched data.
The Results Grid contains tabs for Data, Explain Plan, Auto Trace, and DBMS
Output. A horizontal splitter between the editor and results grid lets you size each
component accordingly.

3 ways to invoke the SQL Edit window

§ Click the first button in TOAD’s main toolbar.
§ Select menu item Database > SQL Editor.
§ Set the SQL Editor to StartUp on new connection in the View > Options >
Startup dialog.

The SQL Edit window has two toolbars. The top toolbar is for SQL Edit specific
functions. The bottom toolbar, or edit toolbar, is for common editing functions such
as copy, cut, and paste. The edit toolbar is also on the Procedure Edit window.

To hide/show the Edit Toolbar

1 Right-click over the Editor.
2 Click to Check/Uncheck the Show Edit Toolbar menu item.

SQL Editor Toolbar buttons

Execute the complete or highlighted statement

Execute the statement at the cursor

Execute all of the current window as a script

Recall Previous SQL statement

Recall Personal SQL statement

Insert a row into an editable SQL Results Grid

Delete the current row of data from the SQL Results Grid

Update SQL Results Grid edits to the database (not a commit!)

Reverse changes to the current query not yet posted

Load a file into the SQL editor

Specify a file to save the current editor contents

Save to File

Take the current SQL statement and create a development tool code statement

Take a development tool code statement and strip out the Oracle SQL statement

Execute Explain Plan for the current statement

Tune the selected SQL statement with the SQLab Xpert module

Change active session for this window

Chapter 6 SQL Editor 41

Shortcut Keys
You can press F1 while in the SQL Edit window to display a help file that lists the
shortcut keys.

<ALT><UP> and <ALT><DOWN> will scroll through the SQL history.

A few keys to note

Describes an item (table, view, procedure, function, or package) in a popup window
Toggles the cursor between the SQL Editor and the Results Grid
Displays the Right-Click Menu for the section (Editor or Results Grid) that the
cursor is in
Columns Dropdown – You put the cursor on the table name, and a popup window
lists the columns in that table.
Goes to the previously executed statement that you’ve run
Goes to the most recently executed statement
Goes to the beginning of the line
Goes to the top of the editor. In the results grid, goes to the first row of the column
the cursor is in
Goes to the end of the line

Goes to the last row of the column you are in
CAUTION: You need to be careful when using <CTRL><END>. TOAD shows
queries quickly. Even in a table with a million rows the response is almost
immediate. This is because TOAD only fetches and displays what it needs. But with
<CTRL><END> TOAD has to fetch EVERYTHING. This can be a long process.
So, if a table has only a hundred rows, TOAD can quickly fetch data when you press
<CTRL><END>, but if a table has a million rows, the process could be time
If you need to examine rows at the end of a large recordset, refine your query with
something like:
Select * from table
Where primary_key > value

and re-execute it.

Chapter 6 SQL Editor 43

F1 Display SQL Editor section of TOAD Help file
F2 Toggle between full screen Editor and Editor/Results Grid display
F3 Find next occurrence
<SHIFT>F3 Find previous occurrence
F4 Describe Table, View, Procedure, Function, or Package in popup window
F6 Toggle cursor between Editor and Results Grid
F7 Clear all text
F8 Recall previous SQL statement (invokes SQL Statement Recall window)
F9 Execute statement
<CTRL>F9 Verify statement without execution (parse)
<SHIFT>F9 Execute current statement at cursor
F10 Display Right-Click Menu
F12 Pass the editor contents to the specified External Editor
<CTRL>A Select all text
<CTRL>C Copy
<CTRL>D Show Procedure Arguments
<CTRL>E Execute Explain Plan on the current statement
<CTRL>F Find text (invokes Find Text window)
<CTRL>G Goto line (invokes Goto Line window)
<CTRL>L Convert text to lowercase
<CTRL>M Make Code Statement
<CTRL>N Recall Named SQL Statement (invokes SQL Statement Recall window)
<CTRL>O Open a text file
<CTRL>P Strip Code Statement
<CTRL>R Find and Replace (invokes Find and Replace Text window)

<CTRL>S Save File

<SHIFT><CTRL>S Save File As
<CTRL>T Display Columns dropdown
<CTRL>U Convert text to uppercase
<CTRL>V Paste
<SHIFT><CTRL>Z Redo last Undo
<ALT><UP> Display Previous Statement
<ALT><DOWN> Display Next Statement (for use after <ALT><UP>)
<CTRL><HOME> In the data grids, go to the top of the recordset
In the results grid, go to the first row of the column the cursor is in
In the editors, go to the first row, first column of text.
<CTRL><END> In the Data Grid, go to the end of the recordset
In the editors, go to the last row, last column of text.
See CAUTION NOTE in this section, page 42.
<CTRL><SPACE> Activate code completion template
<CTRL><TAB> Cycle through the collection of MDI Child windows
<CTRL><ENTER> Execute current SQL statement at cursor
<CTRL>. (period) Auto complete tablenames
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 45

Using the SQL Editor

Selecting a table to edit
To edit a table, you can’t simply type Select and the tablename. Nothing will happen.
You have to include a rowid in your select statement.
For example, if your tablename is DEPT and you type
Select dept.rowid, dept.* from dept

and press <CTRL><ENTER> or F9 to execute, you can edit the data.

Alternatively, you can type the TOAD EDIT command to translate the command
into a SELECT SQL statement with ROWID column.

Edit dept

and press <CTRL><ENTER> or F9 to execute. Then you can edit the data.

Table Names Select

Show Tables window button

If you want to choose a table and can’t remember the title or schema, click the Show
Tables window button. and the Table Names Select window displays from which
you can choose the owner and the table. You can even click on a table name and
drag and drop that name to the SQL Edit window.

Then type Edit before the name, add a space

Example: edit dept
Go to the end of the command line
and press <CTRL><ENTER>.
Your selected table displays in the Results Grid.

Status Panel Indicator: green=editable red=not editable

Notice the status panel indicator at the bottom of the screen turns green. This
indicates that the table data can be edited. When the indicator is red, the data cannot
be edited, but it can still be selected and copied.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 47

Single Record View

Single record view button

Also notice the Single Record View button. This button is present throughout
TOAD data windows and result grids. It is located on the top left of the table.

Click the Single Record View button, and the Single Record View window displays
for the record of the item you’ve selected. The arrow buttons in the window let you
move up and down the columns. You can also insert records, delete records, and post

Here, the location for Department

30, Sales, was changed from
Chicago to New York.

First record Delete record

Prior record Edit record

Next record Post edit

Last record
Cancel edit

Insert record
Refresh data



The Commit command executes an Oracle Commit, sending data to the database.
When you edit a cell in a table, a transaction occurs. Other users can only see the old
data until you commit. Commit writes the transaction to the database. Rollback
cancels that transaction.
You can choose Commit from the Database > Commit menu item or click the
Commit button from the main toolbar. This performs a commit for all windows that
are open in the current session.
Commit can be ON or OFF. The status panel on the bottom of the window shows
you the status of Commit. Data is not available to other users until you choose
Commit. So, with Commit OFF you can make changes without affecting other users.

To Turn Commit ON or OFF

Go to View > Options > Oracle.
Check or Uncheck the Commit automatically after every statement item.

The status panel shows the status of Commit

Notice a related option on the next line is Prompt for Commit when closing TOAD
if autocommit is disabled. If the Commit automatically after every statement is
unchecked, and the Prompt for Commit when closing TOAD option is checked,
TOAD will ask you whether or not you want to perform a commit to the changes
before you close a session.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 49

Update Grid Edits

As soon as you start editing a table, the Update Grid Edits button is enabled. The
Update Grid Edits command sends the latest edits (or data) to the database. If
autocommit is ON at the time the Update Grid Edits is activated, the data will be
committed. If autocommit is OFF, the data is buffered in the transaction.
When you edit data in a row, the changes are not sent to the Oracle transaction buffer
until you change rows (click in another row). However, if you only have one row,
you can’t change rows. That’s where the Update Grid Edits command is useful. You
can edit in the row and then, without changing rows, click the Update Grid Edit
button, and the data is sent to the Oracle transaction buffer. If autocommit is OFF, it
stays in the buffer. If autocommit is ON, the data is committed.
So, if Commit is ON and you type in a row and then change rows, the data is
available to other users. With Commit OFF, you can make changes, but other users
will see the old data until you choose Commit.

Reverse Changes

Next to the Update Grid Edits button is the Reverse Changes button. This lets you
reverse the changes you’ve made that have not yet been posted. For example, typing
in col 1, pressing <TAB>, typing in col 2, pressing <TAB>, then clicking the
Reverse Changes button will reset col 1 and col 2 to their previous values.

Explain Plan
Explain Plan (also called Execution Plan) displays steps that will occur in the
selected SQL statement. This lets you visually see the steps. The purpose of Explain
Plan is to determine the execution plan Oracle follows to execute a specified SQL
statement. The Explain Plan function inserts a row describing each step of the
execution plan into a specified plan table. If you are using cost-based optimization,
Explain Plan also determines the cost of executing the statement.

Viewing previous Explain Plans via View > Explain Plan will not work unless you
first run the TOADPREP.SQL script, which is explained in this section. <CTRL> E
Explain Plans in the SQL Editor will work regardless of TOADPREP.SQL, but if
you have not run TOADPREP.SQL you must to set the View > Options > Oracle >
Explain Plan Table name option to point to your own plan table (Plan_Table).

To execute Explain Plan on a SQL Statement

In the SQL Editor, place the cursor on a SQL statement, go to SQL Window >
Explain Plan Current SQL (OR <CTRL>E)
If View > Options > Oracle > Save previous Explain Plan results is checked on,
then Explain Plans are stored in:

The Explain Plan window will not display previous Explain Plans unless you run
TOADPREP.SQL which creates the temp tables needed for storage and retrieval of
Explain Plans. TOADPREP requires you to step through and execute each statement
in the script. This is explained in the README file. You must have System or DBA
access in order to run the TOADPREP.SQL script.
Excerpt from the README file:

For the TOAD temp tables, run TEMPS\TOADPREP.SQL to create a separate

TOAD schema. Or if you do not want a separate schema for the TOAD temp
tables, run TEMPS\NOTOAD.SQL.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 51

To Load and Execute TOADPREP.SQL

1 Connect to the SYS or SYSTEM schema, or a schema with the DBA role.
2 Go to File > Open File.
3 Open your TOAD > TEMPS folder.
4 Double-click on TOADPREP.SQL.
5 This loads TOADPREP.SQL into your SQL Editor.
6 Execute each statement in the script by clicking on the statement and pressing

NOTE: If this is your first time running the TOADPREP.SQL script and you
execute a Drop statement, you receive an error message. This is because there is
nothing to drop. You can click OK and continue. However, you can just skip all
the drop statements (don’t execute the drop statements), since TOAD has
nothing to drop.

7 For the Connect statement, you need to modify the statement for your
8 When you exit, TOAD will ask you if you want to save changes. Click Yes.

So, the first time you run TOAD you need to execute TOADPREP so it can create
the two tables of information that Explain Plan needs (TOAD_PLAN_SQL and

To run Explain Plan

1 Load a SQL Script into the SQL Editor.

2 Click on a SQL statement such as Select, Insert, Update, or Delete.
3 Select SQL-Window > Explain Plan Current SQL menu item.
4 Explain Plan results display in the results grid.

This is an example of Explain Plan results for a selected statement.


Notice the Explain Plan results have expand and collapse buttons. They let you
display the details that you need to see.
If you attempt to activate an Explain Plan and you have not created the needed
TOAD temp tables, you get an error message telling you the table or view does not
You can copy the Explain Plan hierarchy to the Windows clipboard or send it to the
printer with a right mouse-click over the Explain Plan output and selecting either the
Copy to Clipboard or Print Results menu item

View Explain Plan

View Explain Plan displays a list of the previous Explain Plans that you’ve executed.

To Access View Explain Plan

1 Go to the View > Explain Plan menu item.
2 Click the Explain Plan item.
3 A list of previous Explain Plans displays.

NOTE: You must have the View > Options > Oracle > Explain Plan Table
Name menu item entered, or you will not be able to view previous plans. The default

Refer to Oracle documentation for how to read and interpret an Explain Plan output.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 53

Offline Text Editor

Opens a new Offline Text Editor window (no Oracle connection required)

TOAD has an Offline Text Editor window. So, you can edit scripts without being
connected to an Oracle database.
For example, by modifying the script files that define how the TOAD Editor should
highlight keywords, you could edit HTML files and have TOAD highlight the
HTML markup tags in various colors.
The file language types supported are:

The file associations for file name extension and language type is set up in the
View > Options > Files dialog.
Each language type supports separate lists of:
§ Editor Options
§ Key Assignments
§ Editor Parser Scripts
§ Auto Substitutions

The Options > Files dialog

Chapter 6 SQL Editor 55

Here, the different HTML tags are highlighted in different colors.


Recall and Add SQL

You access the Add and Recall SQL dialogs items through the SQL-Window menu.
The purpose of Add/Recall SQL is to create a list of previously executed SQL
statements in order to recall them at a later date, instead of having to retype them.
There are three different types of Add/Recall SQL statements:
§ Recall Previously Executed
§ Recall Personal SQL
§ Recall Named SQL

SQL Recall Window

The SQL Recall window has buttons that let you move to the Next or Previous
statement. It also has buttons to Append, which means add the statement to your
current SQL script, or Replace which would replace your current script with
whatever SQL statement you select. You can copy statements to the clipboard by
clicking the Clipboard button. The Remove button lets you remove selected
statements from your list. Cancel closes the window and returns you to the Editor.
There are also tabs to display All SQLs and Single SQL which show more detail of
a long SQL statement. On the All SQLs tab, the grid row height is vertically
adjustable on a row-by-row basis. Move the mouse over the record selector and drag
up or down.
You can even search by clicking in the SQL Contains textbox, typing the text you
want to search for, and clicking GO. The list will scroll and highlight the statement
that contains your search item.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 57

SQL Command Recall or Recall Previous SQL

To Recall a SQL command

Click the Recall Previous SQL button in the SQL Edit window toolbar
Press F8
Select SQL Command Recall from the SQL – Window.

The SQL Statement Recall window displays. It includes options for searching in
SQL statements, deleting SQL statements, and displaying all or selected SQL
The Recall window displays a list of the last X number of statements executed. The
default number is 100, but you can change this in the options. See the Options for the
SQL Editor topic, page 61, for more details. The list of SQL statements is written to
and read from the SQLS.DAT file from the TOAD folder.

Running a Recalled SQL Statement

After a SQL statement is recalled and placed in the SQL Editor, press
<CTRL><ENTER>, or <SHIFT>F9. TOAD will search backwards one line from
the current cursor position to find a SQL statement to execute.

Add to Personal SQLs

Selecting this command from the SQL-Window menu adds the SQL statement that’s
in the SQL Editor to your personal SQLs. You can later recall the statement by using
the Recall Personal SQL command.
TOAD saves all statements in this list between sessions of TOAD, in a file named
PERSSQLS.DAT in the TOAD folder.

To Add a SQL Statement to the Personal SQL List

1 Select the statement by highlighting it in the editor.
2 Click menu item SQL –Window > Add to Personal SQLs.

Recall Personal SQL

You access the window by clicking the Recall Personal SQL button in the SQL Edit
toolbar or via the SQL-Window > Recall Personal SQL menu item.
You have to add a Personal SQL Statement before you can Recall a Personal SQL
Statement. Recall Personal SQL only lists the ones that you’ve added to the list.
This window functions identically to SQL Statement Recall, except that the list and
order of statements is controlled by the TOAD user.

Add to Named SQLs

This window lets you add a SQL statement to a user’s named favorite list.

To Add a SQL Statement to the Named SQL List

1 Select the statement by highlighting it in the editor.
2 Click menu item SQL – Window > Add to Named SQLs.
3 Type the name you want to assign.
4 Click OK.

Recall Named SQL

You get to this dialog via the SQL Window > Recall Named SQL menu item (or
press <CTRL>N).

The SQL Statement Recall window for Recall Named SQL

Chapter 6 SQL Editor 59

Use this dialog to pick a SQL statement from your named list of SQLs, then copy it
back to the SQL Edit window for execution. The Recall SQL window for Recall
Named SQL lists the names on the left panel and highlights the corresponding SQL
statement on the right panel.
The SQL statements are stored in the NAMEDSQL.DAT file in the TOAD\TEMPS
This window is a combination of SQL Command Recall, Recall Personal SQLs, and
Recall Named SQL.

More about Recall

Every statement executed in a SQL Edit window is added to a most-recent-first list.
You can select/recall a statement from this list on the Statement Recall window.
You can also remove statements from this list.
All statements (to a maximum set in User Options) are saved between sessions of
TOAD, in the file SQLS.DAT in the TOAD folder.
You can scroll through the previous statements directly within a SQL Editor edit
panel by pressing <ALT> <UP> or <ALT> <DOWN>.
You can check the Save Only Statements that are Valid checkbox in the View >
Options > SQL Editor page. This checkbox item will only save those SQL
statements that executed successfully. This prevents the list from containing
misspelled column names, SQL clauses, etc.
Append versus Replace
There is an option on the View > Options > SQL Editor page > SQL window
button on SQL Recall window Appends rather then replace. This changes the
default button to be set to Append rather than Replace for the SQL Recall window.
So, when you press F8 to recall a statement (or recall a statement via a menu item), if
Append rather than Replace was checked, the Append button will be the default
button, but you can still select the Replace button. If you double-click in the grid it
activates the default button. If you select a statement in the grid and press <ENTER>
it also activates the default button.

Bind Variables
You can execute SQL statements in the SQL Editor using bind variables, where a
colon leads the bind variable name, e.g.,
Select * from employee where last_name = :NAME

and TOAD will present the Variables popup window for you to input the value for
the NAME bind variable. The values you enter are stored and retrieved for
subsequent queries in the PARAMS.TXT file in the TOAD\TEMPS folder.

Substitution Variables
You can also execute SQL statements with substitution variables, where the
ampersand leads the substitution variable name, e.g.,

and TOAD will present the same Variables popup window for you to enter the value
for &schema. If you want to query DEMO.EMPLOYEE, enter DEMO. If you
wanted to query SCOTT.EMPLOYEE, enter SCOTT.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 61

Options for the SQL Editor

The View > Options > SQL Editor page contains numerous options.

NOTE: Options for the SQL Editor are spread across three dialogs:
View > Options > SQL Editor, View > Options > Editors, and Edit > Editor
See page 79 for more information on the Edit > Editor Options menu.

Process statements in threads/allow queries to be cancelled

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will issue each query in a separate thread. The Cancel button will
display on the SQL Edit window toolbar to the right of the Change Active Session
button, enabling you to cancel a long running query before any data is returned. The
disadvantage to having this option checked is that more processing must occur, so
data retrieval is slower.

Save only statements that are valid

Default – Unchecked
If this option is checked, TOAD will only save the SQL statements that ran
successfully, for recall via F8 SQL Statement Recall dialog.

# of SQL statements to save textbox

The default number is 100.
This box lets you enter a custom number of SQL statements to save to your Recall
Previous SQL list. The list is saved to and retrieved from the SQLS.DAT file. Only
the most recently used SQL statements are saved.

Save SQL statement before statement Execution

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD saves the SQL statement before executing it, in case something
happens during the execution.
If this option is checked, the Save only statements that are valid option will not

Show columns rather than view text following a DESCRIBE Viewname

Default – Checked
If checked, TOAD will show the columns of the view, in the SQL Edit results grid.
If unchecked, TOAD will fetch and show the view text in the SQL Edit window.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 63

Process Update, Insert, and Delete statements in background

Default – Unchecked
If this option is checked, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements will be
processed in the background. When executed, the statements are actually copied to a
separate status window to provide a visual indication that the statement is running.
Processing lengthy statements in the background frees up TOAD, as well as your
machine, for other tasks.

Allow F7 to Clear All Text

Default – Checked
If checked, you can press the F7 key to clear all text from the SQL Edit window,
without a confirmation dialog. If unchecked, F7 will not work, but you can still use
the Edit > Clear All menu item.

Note: Text deleted via F7 is not reversible by Edit > Undo.

Prompt to save contents when closing editor

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will prompt you to save any text you typed in the editor.

Make Code Format dropdown list

Default - VB
This dropdown list lets you select the language syntax for TOAD to convert a SQL
statement into (Make Code Statement function) and out of (Strip Code Statement
function). Currently, Delphi, VB, C++, Java, and Perl are supported.

Make Code Variable name textbox

Default – SQL
This lets you enter the variable name.

Scan statements for bound variables before execution

Default – Checked
If checked, TOAD will scan SQL statements for bound variables and ask you for the
values before execution. If unchecked, TOAD will tell you that the variables are not

“SQL Window” button on SQL Recall window appends rather than replaces
Default – Unchecked
If checked, the default button and behavior will append the selected SQL to the
current contents of the SQL Edit window. If unchecked, the default button and
behavior will REPLACE the current contents of the SQL Edit window.

Always show statement execution time (overrides ROW:COL display)

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will show the statement execution time in the status panel. If
unchecked, TOAD will show the statement execution time until you perform further
editing, then the status panel will show the row and col location of the cursor in the

Only show one SQL Editor per database connection

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will permit only one SQL Editor window to be opened per
connection. This is similar to the one Schema Browser or one Procedure Editor per
connection options.

Close query (grid) when clearing the SQL Editor

Default – Checked
If checked, this closes the query grid whenever you clear the SQL Editor.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 65

Milliseconds for DESC popup timer spinner

This lets you set the amount of time that will elapse between when you type a period
in a statement that invokes the tables popup window and when the tables popup
window automatically pops up. The spinner can be set from 50 to 2000 (2000 would
be 2 seconds).

Executing Statements

If the SQL Edit window has a single statement that you wish to execute
Press F9
Click the Execute Statement button on the toolbar.

If you only want to process a portion of the edit text

Highlight that portion AND :
Press F9
Click the Execute Statement button.

To execute a single statement among many statements (separated by at

least one blank line)
Click or place the caret/cursor within the statement you want to execute AND:
Click the Run Current Statement button on the toolbar.

TOAD supports query statements, DDL statements, blocks of procedure SQL, etc.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 67

Execute SQL Scripts

The SQL Edit window can process SQL scripts that contain DDL statements, Insert
statements, and more. Some SQL*Plus commands are ignored as TOAD processes a
SQL script. These commands include Set and Prompt. For scripts that contain other
SQL*Plus commands, you can still execute your script using the SQL-Window >
Execute SQL Window via SQL*Plus menu item.
As TOAD processes a SQL script, you can also embed one script within another via
the “@” sign. For example,
REM This is the start of my script.

insert into table values (1);


insert into table values (2);


Table/View Aliases

Setting up table or view aliases permits a shortcut for entering columns of a query.
The ALIASES.TXT file is in the TOAD\TEMPS directory. It should look like this:

such as:

No ini changes are required. To use, simply type something like:

select dept.

and a column list will popup for the DEPARTMENT Oracle table.
If you set up these table aliases in ALIASES.TXT, they will be presented on the SQL
Modeler dialog when you select that table to build your query.
To complete the SELECT SQL statement above, use Auto Replace Substitutions
named similarly to the table aliases. These are accessible through the Edit > Editor
Options > Auto Replace tab. However, it would take you a long time to add a
reasonably sized schema, so it is recommended that you edit
\TEMPS\PLSQLSUB.TXT. It should look like this:
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 69


add_ = ADD_ADDENDUM add
dep_ = DEPARTMENT dept

i.e., string = string to replace it with

You might want to use the underline _ because it is not as likely that a command will
end with the underline _ symbol. Having the alias at the end keeps things tidy. So, if
you type:
select dept.

the popup should appear. Select your column name, then continue.
select dept.NAME
from dep_

Press the spacebar, and it autocompletes...

select dept.NAME

from DEPARTMENT dept

If you edit ALIASES.TXT or PLSQLSUB.TXT, be sure to close and reopen TOAD

to re-read the list.

An alternative to using AutoReplace for tablenames is tablename completion. For

example, if you type dep and press <CTRL>. (period), a list of all tables beginning
with dep will popup.

Configuring the Editor

The editor in TOAD is used on the SQL Editor and Procedure Editor windows to edit
SQL text. The same editor is used in read-only mode on many other windows
throughout TOAD. This section highlights some of the configurable features. The
Editor Options, which include some of the following options, are discussed in detail
in the next section. Right-Click Options are also discussed in detail in the Right-
Click section of this chapter.

§ User configurable Syntax Color Highlighting

The editors in the SQL Edit and Procedure Edit windows support flexible syntax
highlighting. The highlighting is configurable in the Editor Options window, and the
list of reserved words used in each window is also customizable by editing the parser
script file. If during a TOAD session you have used any window or function that
retrieves the tablenames for the active Oracle session, tablenames will be colorized
as well.
In order for the editor to support syntax highlighting, the following files distributed
with TOAD must be located in the TOAD\TEMPS directory:
PLSQLSCR.TXT, for syntax parser scripts
PLSQL.DCI, for code templates
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 71

Here, the default color of green for comment is being changed to light blue and italics has been unchecked.

Editor Parser Scripts

The primary configuration for the editor comes from an editor parser script text file
that is loaded at runtime. This file is editable but be VERY careful if you decide to
edit this file because NO technical support for altered scripts will be provided.
The particular editor parser script is determined from the language of the object in
the editor buffer. In the SQL Edit window editor, this language is always PLSQL. In
the offline text editor, you can also have languages HTML, INI, JAVA, and TEXT.
The language is determined from the file extension, e.g., HTML, and is configured in
the View > Options > Files page > Language / File Extension Associations grid.

The list of languages and editor parser scripts is:

Language Editor Parser Script File
All editor parser script files are stored in the TOAD\TEMPS folder.

Long and Short PL/SQL Editor Parser Scripts

There are two flavors of the PL/SQL editor parser script installed for your selection:
PLSQLSCR.TXT. LONGSCR.TXT contains more items to syntax highlight and
might perform slower, depending on your editor contents. The additional 200 items
in LONGSCR.TXT are commonly used package functions and procedures in the
DBMS_STANDARD, and DBMS_UTILITY. Each additional item to syntax
highlight takes a little more execution time. If you want to utilize the
LONGSCR.TXT parser script file, copy LONGSCR.TXT over PLSQLSCR.TXT. If
you want to restore the shorter format for the editor parser script file, copy
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 73

If you want to add or remove Oracle SQL Reserved words, PL/SQL Reserved words,
or Oracle Keywords from the lists that are syntax highlighted, then edit the
PLSQLSCR.TXT file. If you want to add or remove words from the syntax
highlighting of the other languages, edit the corresponding editor parser script for
that language.

§ Bookmarks
Bookmarks help you manage files. They are especially useful when you are trying to
manage large files. Mark a position within the SQL Editor so that you can easily
jump back to that line. You can set up to 10 separate bookmarks within one editor.
Bookmarks can be accessed from the Right-Click Menu.

To set a bookmark
Press <CTRL><SHIFT># where # is a number between 0 and 9. A small green box
containing the bookmark number will appear in the editor gutter.

To jump back to a bookmark

Press <CTRL># where # is a previously defined bookmark between 0 and 9.
Note that these keystrokes assume you have not altered the default editor keys. See
the Key Assignments topic, page 96, for more information.
Once a file is closed, the bookmarks are reset.

§ User defined keystrokes for common editing commands

Click Edit > Editor Options > Key Assignments to access the Key Assignments
Select the command from the left panel, and its associated Key Assignment displays
in the right panel. The Add or Edit buttons display easy-to-follow steps so that you
can add new key assignments or edit existing ones. The Delete button deletes the
highlighted key assignment. See the Key Assignments topic, page 96, for more

§ Auto Replace Substitutions

A substitution is a text phrase that corresponds to replacement text. For example, if
you specify a substitution pair of ACT = ACTIVITY_CENTERS, when you type
ACT and press <SPACE> (or other configurable word delimiters), ACT is
automatically replaced by ACTIVITY_CENTERS. If you specify a substitution pair
of NDF = NO_DATA_FOUND and you type NDF and press a delimiter, NDF is
automatically replaced by NO_DATA_FOUND.
To access Auto Replace, go to the Edit > Editor Options > Auto Replace tab.
TOAD already has a few Auto Replace Substitutions specified: teh = the, ndf =
NO_DATA_FOUND, (c) = ©.
The TOAD parser scripts come with a handful of Substitution pairs, but you may edit
and add to the list on the Editor Options window. Once saved from this window, the
substitution pairs will be saved to an ASCII file named [Language]SUB.TXT in the
TEMPS directory.
The Auto Replace substitutions for each language type are stored in separate files in
the TOAD\TEMPS folder.

Language Auto Replace Substitution File


Thereafter, you can continue to alter the substitutions in the Editor Options window
or directly in the [Language]SUB.TXT file.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 75

§ Code Completion Templates

Code templates expand upon the Auto Replace Substitution concept, but a manual
keystroke (<CTRL><SPACE>) is required to perform the substitution. Code
templates are more than a single phrase and can contain line feeds. If a vertical pipe
character is in the code template, the cursor will be placed at that point in the
template. Code templates are loaded from the text file [Language].DCI from the
TOAD\TEMPS folder, where [Language] can be HTML, INI, JAVA, PLSQL, or
Example: One of the code templates defined in PLSQL.DCI is
[crbl | entire cursor block]
c1rec IS c1%ROWTYPE;
OPEN c1;
FETCH c1 INTO c1rec;

"crbl" is the macro for the template (the text YOU type)
"entire cursor block" is the description of the template
everything following until the next template is the body of the template

Do not leave spaces between the end of the template description and
the final right bracket! NT4.0 API calls to manage profile strings have
a bug which will cause reading of the templates file to fail.

If you type "crbl" and press <CTRL><SPACE>, TOAD will load the body of the
template and place the cursor at the position of the vertical pipe char. If the word or
phrase under the cursor does not match an existing macro verbatim, a dropdown list
of all macros is displayed.

\TEMPS\PLSQL.DCI contains sample templates which you can alter to suit your
You can edit the code completion templates directly in the Editor Options dialog,
Code Templates tab, or via text editor on the *.DCI files.

§ Undo/Redo
These basic editing commands are accessed from the Edit menu.
Command Keyboard Shortcut
Undo <CTRL>Z

§ Comment Code Block

This function comments the selected block of text by adding "--" before each line.
This is available on the Right-Click Menus of the editors and is also on the Main
Edit menu.

§ Uncomment Code Block

This function uncomments the selected block of text by removing "--" from the
beginning of each line. This is available on the Right-Click Menus of the editors and
is also on the Main Edit menu.

§ Locate Closing Parenthesis (Find Closing Block)

Finds the closing parenthesis, "END" for matching "BEGIN", or "END IF" for
matching "IF.”
If you select/highlight a left parenthesis, "BEGIN", or "IF", this function will show
the matching right parenthesis, "END" or "END IF."
Find Closing Block can only be accessed on the Right-Click Menus of the SQL
Editor and Procedure Editor.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 77

§ Find, Find Next, Find Previous, and Replace

You access the Find and Replace editing options from the Edit menu.
Function Keyboard Shortcut
Find <CTRL>F
Find Next F3
Find Previous <SHIFT>F3
Replace <CTRL>R

§ Show All following a search

To get to this function, click Edit > Show All.
Only to be used after a FIND. After you use FIND to search through your text, for a
word or phrase, you can click Show All from the Edit menu and Show All will
display wavy red lines under every occurrence of the search phrase. The lines will be
removed following any change to the text in the editor.

§ Configurable Print Options

To get to the Print Options, click the Edit > Editor Options > General Options tab.
You can access additional Print Options from the View > Options > Printing page.

Use Syntax Highlighting when Printing Source Code

This option is checked by default, which means the report will print using the same
colors that are displayed in the window. So, color printing is the default for printing
SQL Edit text or Stored Procedure Edit code.
If you uncheck the View > Options > Printing tab > Use syntax highlighting when
printing source code option, then the SQL text or Stored Procedure Edit code will
be printed in standard black and white.
If you get garbage characters on your color printout, turn off the Use syntax
highlighting when printing source code and then try to print again.

The Reports Font

The Reports Font dialog is in View > Options > Printing.
You can change the reports font. The default font is courier, regular, 9 point. You
can click the drill down button to the right of the Reports Font textbox to display the
fonts selection menu. After you’ve selected your new fonts click OK. If you click
Cancel, your reports font will not change.

This drill down button lets you change the reports font.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 79

Editor Options

Editor Options can be selected, deselected, and modified on the popup dialog
window that is available either from the Right-Click Menu of the editor (on the SQL
Edit or Procedure Edit windows) or from the Edit > Editor Options menu item.
The Editor Options lists categories in the left panel: General Options, Highlighting,
Key Assignments, Auto Replace, and Code Templates. Click any of these items to
display its corresponding options in the right panel.
The editor options are stored in the [Language]KEYS.BIN and
[Language]OPTS.TXT files in the TOAD\TEMPS folder, where [Language] is either
HTML, INI, JAVA, PLSQL, or TEXT. When a change is made to the Editor
Options, the appropriate OPTS.TXT and KEYS.BIN files are written out. Do not
attempt to edit these files with a text editor. Use the Editor Options dialog.

Language Editor Options Files


The Key Assignments, Auto Replace, and Code Templates items have Load from
File and Save to File buttons. Each of these buttons lets you set up two or more
collections of keystrokes, auto replaces, and code templates. This is useful on
multi-user machines. For example, one user might prefer to use one set of assigned
keys, auto replaces, and code templates, and another user might have a different set
for a preference.

General Options
Click the General Options item to display the collapsed categories in the right panel.
General Options contains four categories:
Printing Options
Display Options
Control Options
General Options
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 81

Click the “+” next to each option to expand its corresponding checklist.
If the checklist is expanded, click the “–” to close the corresponding checklist.

Here, the Printing Options list is expanded. A click on the minus sign will
collapse the list. A click on the pluses in the other options will expand their
corresponding lists.

Printing Options
These options are used when you print the editor comments to paper.

Wrap lines when printing

Default – Checked
When checked, this option automatically wraps lines when printing.

Print line numbers

Default – Checked
When checked, this option prints the line numbers.

Print filename in header

Default – Checked
When checked, this option prints the filename in the header.

Print date in header

Default – Checked
When checked, this option prints the date in the header.

Print page numbers

Default – Checked
When checked, this option prints the page numbers on your printout.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 83

Display Options
The display options let you control what is displayed in the editor.

Display line numbers in gutter

Default – Unchecked
When checked, this option will display line numbers in the gutter, which is a vertical
region on the left of the editor used to display bookmarks, breakpoints, line numbers,
and allow for multiple line selection with the mouse. If unchecked, line numbers will
not display. You may want to increase the width of the gutter, in the Gutter Width
textbox, to display large line numbers.

Show right margin

Default – Unchecked
When checked, this option displays a light gray vertical line indicating the right
margin. When unchecked, no line to indicate the right margin will appear.
In the SQL Editor or Procedure Editor, you can also drag and drop the vertical right
margin line left or right to change it.
NOTE: No word-wrapping occurs at the right margin line. Word-wrapping is
discussed later in this chapter in the Show Word-Wrap Column section.

Show gutter
Default – Checked
When checked, this option displays the gutter. When unchecked, a gutter does not
display. So, if you have chosen to display line numbers, but you have the Show
gutter option unchecked, your line numbers, which would display in the gutter, will
not display.


Show word-wrap column

Default – Checked
When checked, this displays the word-wrap column, which is basically a dashed
vertical gray line on the right side. You have to enter a value in the word-wrap
column value box in order for this to display. The default is 0, which means no
word-wrap column will display. So, you need to check the Show word-wrap
column checkbox AND enter a value in the word-wrap column box. For example, if
you enter 20, a dashed vertical line displays in column 20, and any lines longer than
20 characters will wrap. The vertical word-wrap line can be dragged and dropped to
the left or the right, so you don’t have to drill down to the editor options dialog when
you want to change the column settings. Word wrapping will not begin until you also
check the General options > Word-wrap lines checkbox.

Block cursor on overwrite

Default – Checked
If this option is checked when you press the insert key to change to overwrite mode,
the cursor is displayed as a block because it’s in overwrite mode, providing a visual
reminder that it’s in overwrite mode. If the option is unchecked, the cursor remains
unchanged when you switch to overwrite mode, as opposed to changing to a block.

Show wrapped lines with the |> (arrow) glyph

Default – Checked
If checked, this option displays a glyph |> in the gutter for wrapped lines.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 85

Show control characters

Default – Unchecked
If checked, the control characters (such as paragraph marks, end-of-line characters,
spaces, and TABs) will display onscreen in your scripts.

Apply capitalization effects

Default – Unchecked
When checked, this option will apply the capitalization effects that you select from
the Highlighting Options section.

Control Options

Allow TCustomSyntaxMemo to be an lDragSource

Default – Checked
When checked, this option lets you select and drag text from one editor to another
window application or another TOAD window.

Title as Load/Save Filename parameter

Default – Checked
This causes the file title to be the name used when saving and loading the file.

Track columns in vertical movement

Default – Checked
If this is checked, the editor will attempt to restore the current column position as
you key up or down through the lines of text. If the text is wide enough, the current
column position is maintained, otherwise it places the cursor at the end of the line.
If this is unchecked, as you key up or down through the lines of text, the cursor
column position decrements as the lines of text get shorter.

Respond to dropped files

Default – Checked
If checked, this lets files be dragged and dropped from Explorer to a TOAD editor.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 87

Override word-wrap based on line start char

Default – Unchecked
You can specify a character or characters on the Editors Options dialog ,Word-wrap
override chars textbox, that will override word-wrapping for that line only.
For example, if you want to specify that “>” will override word-wrapping for a line,
enter it, set word-wrap to column 16, and you’ll get:

This is over 16 chars

and will word wrap

But when you begin the line with your specified character “>”
>This is over 16 chars and will not word wrap.

General Options

Auto indent
Default – Checked
If you have an indention already set, when you type, it automatically indents the
following lines.

Tab to next column

Default – Checked
When checked, the <TAB> key moves the cursor to the next column.

Auto select word on double-click

Default – Checked
When checked, if you double-click on a word in the editor it becomes selected.

Insert TABs into text for TAB chars

Default – Checked
Tabs are inserted into the text when the <TAB> key is pressed. Otherwise, an
appropriate number of spaces are inserted.

Insert mix of TAB/SPACE for optimal fill

Default – Checked
If checked, the editor will fill the required gap with a minimum number of characters
composed of TABs and spaces.

Type this:
This line of code starts in column 5
So does this line
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 89

If the option is checked you get this:

this line of code starts in column 5

<TAB><SPACE>so does this line

Unchecked, you get this:

this line of code starts in column 5

<SPACE><SPACE><SPACE><SPACE>so does this line

Cursor beyond EOL

Default – Unchecked
When checked, you can type text or move the cursor past the right edge of each line
of text.

Word-wrap lines
Default – Unchecked
When checked, text will automatically wrap at the Word-wrap Column margin. If
this option is selected, you cannot type beyond the right margin even if the Cursor
beyond EOL option is checked.


The highlighting options are designed to allow you to select colors, fonts, and
capitalization preferences for different items, names, etc. in the current schema. For
example, Reserved word refers to Oracle reserved words. You can change the
foreground or background colors for Reserved words, the font, the type size, and
even the capitalization. This lets you customize the way your code will appear for
whatever is easiest for you to read. A preview pane is provided in the lower part of
the window that shows you how the selections you make affect the preview example.

Here, the underline option is checked for datatypes. In the preview screen, the datatype is underlined.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 91

The following items can be syntax highlighted independently:

§ Reserved Words
§ SQL Functions
§ Default Packages
§ Exceptions
§ Comments
§ Identifiers
§ Strings
§ Numbers
§ Symbols
§ Datatypes
§ Tablenames
§ SYS Views
§ SQL Reserved Words
§ PL/SQL Reserved Words
§ Default Exceptions
§ User Procedure Names

For example, you could syntax highlight SYS view names like this:

And the result would be “Table_Privileges” in light red, initial caps.

You can syntax highlight tablenames in your schema applying different colors and
capitalization effects like this:

And the result would be “ALLOCATION” in light green, in all uppercase letters.

Display Item
This lists the display items from which you can choose to modify how they will
appear. The last three display items, Selected Text, Left Margin, and Gutter, do not
refer to actual code content. They have only certain options enabled.

Selected Text
This is an item in the display items that refers to the colors that will display when
you select text by either clicking and dragging the mouse over a section of text, or
pressing <SHIFT> and one of the arrow keys to select a portion of text. You can
change both the foreground and background colors that will display for the selected
text. You can preview your new selected text colors before clicking OK, by selecting
text in the preview window and seeing how the new colors affect the selected text.
The other selection areas such as font are disabled when you click on the Selected
Text item. Only the foreground and background color sections are enabled.

Left Margin
This item only enables the background color choice. If the background color default
box is already checked, the dropdown menu will be disabled. In such a case, you
must uncheck the default box to enable the dropdown menu. The dropdown menu
displays a color palette from which you can choose the color for the left margin
vertical bar.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 93

This item only enables the background color choice. If the Use Default box for the
background color is already checked, the dropdown button is disabled. In such a
case, you need to uncheck the Use Default box so that the dropdown button is

The default item lets you change the appearance of your default text if you want to
use colors or fonts that are different from the defaults.

About the color palette

The dropdown button for the background and foreground colors displays a small
palette with 20 colors from which you can choose. If you click the Other button, a
larger palette displays with 48 basic colors. You can also customize your own color
choices by either clicking the crossbars in the large multicolored box that is in the
right half of the window, and drag the crossbars until your desired color displays in
the Color/Solid box OR manually entering the values for Hue, Saturation,
Luminance, Red, Green, and Blue. Click Add to Custom Colors, and the new color
appears in the customized colors palette. Click OK and that color is selected for
whatever dropdown menu item you were on (Background color or Foreground

Item Foreground
This option includes a dropdown list from which you can choose a color from the
color palette. You can also click the Use Default box to the right of the dropdown
button, to select the default foreground color. If the Use Default box is already
checked, the dropdown button is disabled. In such a case, you must uncheck the Use
Default box so you can enable the dropdown button.

Item Background
Like item foreground, this option includes a dropdown list from which you can
choose a color from the color palette. You can also click the Use Default box to the
right of the dropdown button to select the default foreground color. If the Use
Default box is already checked, the dropdown button is disabled. In such a case, you
must uncheck the Use Default box so you can enable the dropdown button. If you are
going to change the item background, make sure that it will have enough contrast
from the item’s foreground color to be easily readable.

Editor Font
This is a dropdown list of fonts that you can select. The default is Courier New.
NOTE: The editor supports only one font name for all display items.

This is a dropdown list of point sizes that you can select. The default size is 10 point.

NOTE: Some fonts won’t have all the point sizes that are in the list. You need to
look at the preview window and see if your selection actually changes the size of the
display font.

These are checkboxes for bold, italics, underlined, or strikethrough text effects.
Multiple checkboxes, or effects, can be selected for each item.

Character Set
This is a dropdown list of character sets from which you can choose. The default is

Capitalization Effect
This dropdown list lets you choose how your item will be capitalized. However, the
Apply Capitalization Effects checkbox that is in General Options > Display
Options must be checked in order for your capitalization effects to display.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 95

Your choices are:

Unchanged – No special capitalization will be applied.
Lowercase – The item will appear in all lowercase letters.
Uppercase – The item will appear in all uppercase letters.
Initial Caps – The item will appear with only the first letter of each word in caps.

For object names that contain the underscore character, the first letter after the
underscore will also be capitalized, e.g., Table_Name.
Capitalization effects are only applied to your text after you change lines up or down
in the editor. E.g., type:
select * from table_name

and you will not get capitalization effects until you press <ENTER> or go up or
down one or more lines then it is translated to:
SELECT * From Table_Name

Key Assignments

Clicking on the Key Assignments item displays the corresponding Key Assignments
options. The Key command categories listed are:

Caret movement
Clipboard operations
Deletion operations
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 97

Click the expand button to expand a category’s list.

Select an item from the list, and that item’s keyboard shortcut will display in the
Activation key sequences window.

Add new sequence

This brings up a series of step boxes that let you add a new sequence by simply
typing the sequence in the step boxes.

Edit sequence
This lets you edit the existing sequence through a series of step boxes.

Delete sequence
This deletes whatever sequence is currently highlighted in the Activation key
sequences window. If a list of sequences is in the box, you can click a sequence from
the list to highlight it and then click the delete sequence button to delete that
highlighted sequence.

Auto Replace

Click on Auto Replace to display its corresponding options menu.

TOAD already has 5 Auto Replace items.
If type this Replaces with this
(c) ©
(r) ®
(tm) TM
ndf No_Data_Found
teh the
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 99

Add definition
This box is enabled after you click in the Current selection window and type a
character. The first blank window is where you type the text that you want
automatically replaced. The window to the right is where you type the replacement
text. Then click the Add definition button to add this to the Auto Replace list.
Remember to Click OK before exiting the window. If you exit the window without
clicking OK the new definition will not be added.

Replace definition
This button is enabled after you make a selection from the already defined Auto
Replace list, click in the With window (the window next to the current selection
window), and type a character in the With window. After you type the new entry that
you want to replace the current selection with, click OK and the list will be updated.

Delete definition
This button is enabled after you select a definition from the existing Auto Replace
list. Click the Delete definition button to delete the definition from the list. Click
OK and the definition will be deleted.

Auto Replace activation keys

; , : = [ ] \n \t \s
These keys will separate one word from another and trigger the editor to check for
and replace one word for another. “\n” is a carriage return, “\t” is a <TAB>
character, and “\s” is a space.
For example, if you type “this;that” then “this” will be autoreplaced when the “;” key
is pressed.
The autoreplace items are saved and recalled from the
TOAD\TEMPS\[Language]SUB.TXT file, where [Language] could be HTML, INI,
JAVA, PL/SQL, or TEXT. You can directly edit the SUB.TXT file to add, delete, or
change the autoreplace substitutions without having to go through the Editor Options

Language AutoReplace File


Code Templates

Click the Code Templates item to display its associated options.

Shortcut/Description window
This window lists the code templates that are already defined.
Click on an item from this window and its template will display in the display
window that is under the Shortcut/Description window.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 101

Add definition
Click the Add definition button, and a new line with the word new appears in the
shortcut templates window. You can then type in the shortcut name. Then tab and
type in the description.

Delete definition
The Delete definition button is enabled when you click on a line from the
Shortcut/Description window. To delete a definition, select the
Shortcut/Description you want to delete, click the Delete definition button, and
then click OK.

Code template items are saved and recalled from the

TOAD\TEMPS\[Language].DCI file, where [Language] could be HTML, INI,
JAVA, PLSQL, or TEXT. You can directly edit the .dci file to add, delete, or change
the code templates without having to go through the Editor Options dialog.

Language Code Templates File


Right-Click Menu

Click the right mouse button while you are in the SQL Editor to access the
corresponding Right-Click Menu. This provides a shortcut to the functions listed in
the menu. You can also press F10 to display the Right-Click Menu.

This Right-Click Menu has a few features that are not anywhere else in
TOAD. These functions are:

Search Knowledge Base

If you’ve installed RevealNet’s Knowledge Base, you can easily access and
search the Knowledge Base through the Right-Click Menu.

Format SQL
This formats your SQL statements using RevealNet’s PL/Formatter product
if installed or just a basic format if PL/Formatter is not installed.

Find Closing Block

Finds the closing parenthesis, "END" for matching "BEGIN", or "END IF"
for matching "IF"

Optimizer Mode
This changes the optimizer mode for the entire session. Options include
Choose, Default, Rule, First Rows, and All Rows.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 103

SQL Results Grid

The SQL Results Grid has four tabs: Data, Explain Plan, Auto Trace, and DBMS

Data tab

The SQL Results Grid Data tab is for viewing output from select statements. The
Grid lets you take the results of a query and perform a variety of functions and
display options. It’s more flexible than using SQL* Plus, because you can format the
results visually or graphically.

You can:
§ Change the font
§ Allow or disallow multi-selection of records
§ Size the column widths to the width of the data
§ Display row numbers in the record selector area
§ Change the row height from single, to double or triple

If you type and execute

Select * from tablename

in the SQL Editor, you can see all rows and columns of the given table in the results

Rearrange Columns
You can drag and drop column names without having to re-execute your queries.
TOAD retains the column layout (order and widths) from query to query as long as
the column list in the query remains the same.

Editable Data Grid

The data grid that displays the results of the SQL queries is fully editable providing
that the query returns an updateable resultset. Query statements MUST return the
ROWID to be updateable.

For example:
select * from employee

would not be updateable whereas:

select employee.*, rowid from employee

would be updateable.

To overcome this obstacle, you can substitute EDIT Items which TOAD will
translate into the updateable version of the statement.

For example:
edit employee

If the resultset is editable but remains read-only, make sure Read-Only on the
Options window is not enabled. This is a common FAQ concerning TOAD.
A red or green box displays in the status panel at the bottom of the SQL Edit window
indicating whether the recordset is editable (green) or not editable (red).
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 105

To set the column widths to a custom width setting

If you want to see more or less of a column,
§ Move the mouse pointer to the grid headings, over the border between two
columns, and drag it left or right.
If the columns of a query are the same from query to query, then TOAD retains these
custom column widths. You could add a WHERE clause, or an ORDER BY, etc.,
re-execute the query, and the column widths would remain the same.
If the columns of a query are different, then the grid columns will be sized according
to the View > Options > Data Grids > Size Grid Columns to the Width of the
Data and Allow Columns to be Less Then the Header Width

Results Grid Right-Click Menu

The Right-Click Menu for the Results Grid provides numerous display, printing, and
exporting options.

Memo Editor
The Memo Editor is for LONG, CLOB, or VARCHAR data type columns. Blob Edit
is for LONG RAW/BLOB data type columns. For columns that are long (200
characters or more), when you double-click, a text editor displays. This is not
designed for numeric columns. It’s designed for text. For date columns, a date picker
is displayed where you can select a date from a calendar presentation.

To view and/or edit the contents of a large column Memo Edit

If the View > Options > Data Grids > Popup Memo Editor on Double-Click
setting is checked,
1 Double-click a column to edit its value in the Memo Edit popup window.
1 Right-click to display the Right-Click Menu.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 107

2 Click the Memo Editor menu item.

3 If you want to make changes to the data in the Memo Edit popup window, the
resultset must be editable. Otherwise, the Memo Edit popup window is

Print Grid
This invokes a Grid Print Setup window where you can custom set the width of the
columns, add headers, and custom set other page print options. Use this dialog to
select your grid print options; then print the grid contents to paper.
You can total a number column. Click on a Column in the Report will print as
shown window. Check the Total the Column checkbox, and your column will be

The tabs in the Grid-Print Setup window are for Headers/Footers, Columns, and
Page Setup.

You can select a top line and second line header and a one line footer.
You can also check the Print page numbers box, and the page numbers will be

Page Setup
A dropdown button lets you select the printer.
Default orientation in the page setup is Landscape. Because the width of the screen is
greater than the width of Portrait orientation, you should print using Landscape

TOAD does not have a print preview, so it is important to remember that

the width of the screen is wider than the width of a portrait layout page.
TOAD’s default print setting is Landscape Orientation.

A checkbox lets you Print Column Titles in Bold.
A Text Alignment dropdown list lets you choose left, centered, or right alignment.
The Remove Column button lets you remove columns.
A Data Alignment dropdown list lets you choose left, centered, or right alignment.
If you want to total a column, select the column in the Report will print as shown
display and then check the Total this column checkbox.

To print the grid contents to paper

1 From the Grid > Print Grid menu, or the Right-Click Menu over the SQL
results grid, select the Print Grid menu item.
2 The Grid Print Setup dialog window displays. There are tabs for
Headers/Footers, Columns, and Page Setup.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 109

Because the screen fonts are slightly different from the printer fonts, it is best to
leave space between columns so that the printed version has sufficient space
between columns.
After you select your options, click the Print button.

Save As
The Save As dialog from the Right-Click Results Grid menu displays the Save Grid
Contents window which contains format and file location options.

Some programs require commas, which is a popular standard, to distinguish the data
from one column to another column. The ASCII standard for dividing data is the
<TAB> character. The Save As dialog from the Right-Click Results Grid Menu lets
you choose a comma delimiter, a tab delimiter, or you can enter a different delimiter

Format radio buttons

Default – Tab Delimited
§ ASCII, Comma Delimited – Divides data between columns with commas
§ Tab Delimited – Divides data between columns with tabs
§ Other Delim Char – You type the character you want to use as a delimiter
§ HTML Table – Generates <TR></TR> and <TD></TD> HTML tags (tags for
table rows and columns) and puts the values between the tags
§ XLS File – Saves the file as an Excel file

Double Quote Char (text) Columns

Default – Unchecked
If this option is checked, text will be enclosed in double quotes.
7369 "SMITH" "CLERK" 7902 12/17/1999

Include Column Headers

Default – Unchecked
If this option is checked, the column headers will be included in the text output.
7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 12/17/1980 800

Include NULL Text

Default – Unchecked
If this option is checked, the word NULL will be included for empty cells (cells that
contain no information).
7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 05/01/1988 NULL 30
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 111

Save to radio buttons

Default – Clipboard

§ File
If you choose File, you can type in the file location or you can click the drill down
button to find your target directory.

§ Clipboard
Save to Clipboard saves the text to clipboard ready for you to Paste to another
application such as Word or Excel.

After you click OK, TOAD will display a confirmation message that states the
number of rows that were exported.

TOAD displays a confirmation message after it completes

the Save As process.

To copy the rows to the windows clipboard, or save them to a file

1 Right-click in the results grid and select the Save As menu item.
Click the Grid > Save As menu item.
2 The Save Grid Contents window displays.
3 From the Save Grid Contents window, select your settings.
4 Click OK.
The data is copied to the clipboard or saved in a text file.

Select Columns
You can check or uncheck the columns you want to see.
You can also Select All or Unselect All

The Select Columns window

To rearrange the order of the columns

1 Select the column you want to move by clicking on its header.
2 Drag the column(s) left or right as desired.
3 If after rearranging your columns, you copy the data to the clipboard, or save the
data to a file, the data will be in the new column order.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 113

<ALT><RIGHT ARROW> will move the current column to the end, leaving the
columns at left unchanged. <ALT><LEFT ARROW> will move the column at the
far right to the current column position.
For example, if you have the following columns:
1 2 3 4 5
Clicking on column 2 and pressing <ALT><RIGHT ARROW> will result in this
column layout:
1 3 4 5 2
And pressing <ALT><LEFT ARROW> will take the column from the end and insert
it into the current column position, yielding:
1 2 3 4 5

To temporarily hide selected columns

1 Select the Select Columns item from the Right-Click Menu.
2 Uncheck the columns you want to hide. They will NOT be included when you
copy to clipboard or save to file.
This does NOT requery the data from the database. It just temporarily hides the

Export to Flat File

When you Export to Flat File, you export data to an ASCII file without column
delimiters. The spec file indicates start and end points for columns, which you can
On the Options tab select the table to export. You must set up the Specifications File
which will define the table name, table owner, how many lines in the output file will
be covered by a single record of data, the columns of data, what line they will appear
on, the starting column, and the length of each column of data.

Spec File tab

This is where you set up where your columns will begin and end.
See the Generate Columns button section on the next page to learn how to create a
starting point for your specifications file.

Spec Filename
You can type in your filename or use the drill down to choose a target path.

This button exports the data to the file.

Save Spec File

This saves your specifications file and all your edits.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 115

Generate Columns
This creates columns for your specifications file based on the DDL for the table, not
the width of the actual table data.

Example of a specification file:


The basic format for the column definition lines is:

COLx=COL_NAME,Output_row_num,Start Col,Num Columns

A sample flat file as exported will look like this:

7369 SMITH JOHN Q 667 7902 12/17/1984 800 20

7499 ALLEN KEVIN J 670 7698 2/20/1985 1600 300 30

7505 DOYLE JEAN K 671 7839 4/4/1985 2850 13

7506 DENNIS LYNN S 671 7839 5/15/1985 2750 23


More about Flat File

Flat File Export from Table window

You can also create a flat file from a table using the Database > Export > Table as
Flat File menu item. On the Options tab, you would select the schema and the table
to export.

Find Data
The Grid Data Find window lets you search through selected columns for selected
values or characters. You can specify whether you want the search case sensitive,
and whether or not you want to have partial matches.

To find data
1 From the Right-Click Menu or from the main Grid menu select Find Data.
The Grid Data Find window displays.
2 Select the Column you want to search.
3 Enter the keyword or Value to find.
4 Click the ADD button.
5 Select the desired case sensitive and partial match options.
6 Click OK.

TOAD will search all records for the value, and position the recordset to the first
matching value. If the records are cached, the search is fast. If TOAD needs to query
ahead in the recordset, you’ll have to wait for additional rows to be fetched from the
This dialog lets you enter a multiple column search criteria.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 117

Copy Row
This item lets you copy an entire row.

To copy one row to create a new one

1 Edit the recordset.
2 Click in a cell of the row you want to copy.
3 Select the Grid > Copy Row menu item (also accessible from the Right-Click
4 This copies the entire row to the bottom of the SQL Results grid, ready for you
to edit. NOTE: the recordset MUST be editable before the Copy Row function
will work.
5 After you edit the cell contents, move to the row above in order for the row to be
sent to Oracle. If you want to cancel from adding this row, press the <ESC> key.

Record Count
This displays a message window that shows the count of the number of records in the

# Fixed/Anchored Columns
This displays a dropdown window where you can select 1, 2, 3, or the number you
type in Other. You can even select None. After selection, starting at the left, the
number of columns you’ve selected are fixed and not editable. Horizontal scrolling
in the grid will keep the fixed columns in view.

Row Height
This displays a dropdown window where you can select single, double, or triple
space row height. The default is single. The selection applies to all the rows in the

Allow Multi-Select
When this is checked, you can select more than one row by pressing <CTRL> and
the rows you want to select. If you accidentally select a row you want to deselect,
press <CTRL> and click the row and it will be deselected.
When Multi-Select is not checked, you can only select one row at a time.

This displays the font window where you can change the font for your Results Grid
data. The font you choose is applied to all the data in the grid.

Size Columns to Data

When checked, this matches the column margins with the data.

Row Numbers
When checked, the Row Numbers display in the record selector area.
The total number of rows returned in the resultset will display in the status bar at the
bottom of the window only after you have scrolled to the end of the resultset. This is
because the resultset is fetched only as required, to improve overall performance.
When the last row is fetched, TOAD will know and display the total count.
To return the Oracle pseudo-column ROWNUM in the SQL Results Grid, add
"ROWNUM" to the query:
select rownum, emp.* from employee emp

Remember that rownum is an Oracle pseudo-column, not stored with the table
definition or data, but derived when queried.
To return the ROWID in the query use the select ROWIDTOCHAR(rowid) command
Check the View > Options > Data grids page > Show ROWID in data grids
option checkbox.

Row Highlight
When this is checked, the entire row is highlighted when any cell in the row is
clicked. When this is unchecked, only the individual cell highlights when selected.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 119

Options for the Data Grids

The Data Grids options are accessed via the View > Options > Data Grids menu
NOTE: Dates can only be entered in mm/dd/yy, mm/dd/yyyy, or the Windows
Control Panel, Regional Settings, Data, Short Data Style format. For example, in
French, date entry of dd/mm/yy or dd/mm/yyyy is acceptable. Dates entered in dd-
mon-yy format will be rejected.

Default to Read-Only Queries

Default – Unchecked
This option controls the ability to fetch updatable result sets in the SQL Edit
window. If checked, you cannot edit data in a SQL Edit window. You can edit a
resultset by including the ROWID in the query, or using “edit table.”

Show row numbers in all grids (applies to data grids on Browser also)
Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will display the row numbers in the results grid, records selectors

Popup memo editor on double-click

Default – Unchecked
If checked, when you double-click on any text column, a popup window will display
with the contents. This option is useful for LONG columns.

Allow columns to be less than the header width

Default – Unchecked
If checked, you can resize the column widths to be smaller than the header text. If
unchecked, the minimum you can resize the column width to is the width of the
column header text.

Size grid columns to the width of the data

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will size the column widths to the width of the data, or to the
width of the column header, whichever is wider. If unchecked, TOAD will size the
column widths to a best guess.

Display (null) for Null columns

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD displays “{null}” in the SQL Results Grid and Schema Browser
data grids for rows/cols that contain NULL.

Font for data grids textbox with drill down

Default – Courier, Bold, 11
This is the font that the SQL Results Grid will use to display the data. The drill down
button accesses the standard font window. This option also affects the other grids in
TOAD, like the Browser, Data tab.

Date format dropdown

Default – Your Windows Control Panel, Regional Settings, Short Date Style Format
Normally, the data in TOAD for date columns will display in the format selected in
the Window Control Panel. Selecting a different format will override the Windows
Control Panel setting.

Time format dropdown list

Default – h:mm:ss AMPM
This lets you select a different time format, if desired.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 121

Clone SQL cursor when exporting grid contents (faster exports and uses less
Default – Unchecked
If you clone cursor (check this option), TOAD will reissue the statement from the
SQL Editor which means that the statement processing time is doubled. But the
cursor is unidirectional, which saves a lot of memory during the export.
If you do not clone the cursor (unchecked), TOAD will use the existing cursor from
the SQL Editor Grid, which is a lot faster, but can potentially be a memory hog.

Do not require NOT NULL columns in data grid entry (allow Oracle to enforce
Default – Checked
If this option is checked, TOAD will not check for blank values during grid edits,
and will instead rely on Oracle for the constraint checking. If unchecked, TOAD will
stop editing if blank is entered in a NOT NULL required entry column.

Trim string data before posting to Oracle

Default – Unchecked
If checked, this will trim off trailing spaces from data before posting it to the
database. This lets you post a single column with just spaces.

Confirm data deletions from grids

Default – Unchecked
If checked, this will confirm each record deletion before deleting the record. This
also affects the data grids on the Schema Browser “Data” tabs.

Check and warn of cascading constraints before deletions

Default - Unchecked
If checked, you will be warned of cascading constraints before deletion.

Sliding window for entering two digit years

Default - 30
This is the number of years that will be subtracted from the current date (system
date) to determine whether a two-digit year will be interpreted as a current century
year or a previous century year. Click the Up and Down arrow to select the range.
The range of choice is 0 to 49. Anything outside of the sliding window will be
treated as a current century year, and any number that falls inside the sliding window
will be treated as a previous century year.
For example, if your current system date is set for June 1, 2000 and you specify a 30
year window (which is the TOAD default) and enter 1/1/87; the date produced will
be Jan. 1, 1987. If you enter 1/1/57, the date is outside of the 30 year window; so the
date produced will be Jan. 1, 2057.

Precision for float columns spinner

This sets the precision for float data type values. Setting this option displays the
number data in non-scientific notation format for users who do not like to view
numbers in scientific notation.
The default is zero, which displays all available precision.

Precision for integer columns spinner

This sets the precision for integer data type values.
The default is zero, which displays all available precision.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 123


NOTE: LONG is similar to CLOB, and LONG RAW is similar to BLOB. TOAD can
handle all four of these datatypes.
TOAD does not display the data for LONG RAW columns in a SQL Edit Grid.
LONG columns are columns that contain character data up to 2 gigabytes. You
define them as “long” in your SQL script. LONG RAW columns contain binary data
that cannot be displayed such as GIFs, Word docs, etc.
LONG columns display the first several characters, and LONG RAW columns
display as (BLOB).

LONG RAW columns display as (BLOB).

Double-click a LONG or LONG_RAW column to

display the popup memo editor.

You edit these columns by double-clicking on the column and editing from the
popup windows that display. For LONG columns, the Memo Editor window is
displayed. For LONG RAW columns the Blob Edit window is displayed. If the
popup window does not display, go to View > Options on the Data Grids tab and
make sure the Popup memo editor on double-click option is checked. It must be
checked for the above functionality to work.

The popup editor for LONG columns displays the column text. You can edit in the
editor or load a file into the editor. The popup editor for LONG RAWS provides
Load From File or Save to File functionality.

Double-clicking on the LONG COLUMN

$define popups a memo editor that
contains the column text.

Load From File lets you select a file from your hard drive and place it into the
LONG RAW column in the Oracle database.
Save To File lets you take the data from the LONG RAW column from the database
and save it to a file on your hard drive.
Note that the recordset has to be editable for the popup editors to edit the data. You
can still use the popup editors to have a read-only view of the data.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 125

To Edit LONG and LONG RAW Columns

LONG Columns
The recordset has to be editable for the popup editors to edit the data.
1 Create a table: "create table long_test (id number, long_col long)"
2 Edit the table: "edit long_test"
3 Insert a row: enter “1” for ID, then double-click on the long col cell
4 Enter text.
5 Click the right arrow. "select * from long_test" should view all records,
including (at least the first few chars) the long cols.

LONG RAW Columns

1 Create a table: "create table long_raw_test (id number, long_raw_col long raw)"
2 Edit the table: "edit long_raw_test"
3 Insert a row: enter “1” for ID then double-click on the long raw col cell
4 Pick a file to import.
5 Click the right arrow Next Record button. "select * from long_raw_test" should
view only id, long_raw_col should display (BLOB).

Time Values
When displaying times with dates, TOAD suppresses the time values if they are
12:00:00 AM (midnight). The time portion of the date fraction is zero, so TOAD
adds no value to the display of the date.
Oracle stores dates as a big fraction number offset from January 1, 4712 B.C. It is
then converted to a complete date and time. Whether or not you use time, it's in
there. It will also work accurately well past Y2K.
Performing a query:

will display the time, and similarly, queries of DATE datatype columns will display
the time if it is not midnight.
The time dropdown in the TOAD Options > Data Grids dialog is for display
purposes and does not affect the storage of time values.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 127

SQL Templates
SQL Templates (Help) is a popup reference for Oracle SQL functions and
expressions. To access the SQL Help Templates, go to the common edit toolbar in
the SQL Edit window and select Show SQL Help. You can also access SQL
Templates from the Procedure Editor window.
The items’ associated text files are located in the TOAD directory in the TEMPS
folder. You can modify the files.


STRFUNCS.TXT Single Row Character Functions

NUMFUNCS.TXT Single Row Number Functions
GRPFUNCS.TXT Group Functions
DATFUNCS.TXT Date Functions
DATEFMTS.TXT Date Format Options
CNVFUNCS.TXT Data Conversion Functions
MSCFUNCS.TXT Other Misc. Functions
NMBRFMTS.TXT Number Format Options
PSEUDO.TXT Oracle Pseudo Columns
OPTHINTS.TXT SQL Optimizer Hints
PREDFXCP.TXT Defined Exceptions
USRFUNCS.TXT User Provided Function List

These templates are user configurable by editing the text

file. This is especially useful for configuring

In the SQL Templates window, an explanation of

the item or function displays in the lower panel.
The items can be dragged and dropped into your
SQL script.

Show SQL Help

To Access and Use SQL Help Templates

1 Click the Show SQL Help button that is located on the common edit toolbar.
2 Select an item from the dropdown list.
3 An explanation of the item or function will display in the lower panel.
4 You can drag and drop the item to your SQL Editor.
You can click the Direct button to automatically copy and paste the item into
your SQL script.
You can click the Clipboard button to copy the item to the clipboard.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 129

Explain Plan tab

The Explain Plan tab displays the Explain Plan for the selected SQL statement.

Viewing previous Explain Plans via View > Explain Plan will not work unless you
first run the TOADPREP.SQL script.

Explain Plan is explained in detail in the Explain Plan section on page 50.

Auto Trace tab

Auto Trace displays the results of every statement issued while in auto trace mode. It
helps with tuning. When you run a query you can find out some performance
statistics related to that query. Auto Trace is not recommended if a query is going to
return a lot of rows, because it will force a read of all data from the results of a
You can enable/disable Auto Trace through the SQL Edit Right-Click Menu. If Auto
Trace is disabled and you select the Auto Trace tab, TOAD will ask you if you want
to enable Auto Trace. If you select Yes, it will be enabled
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 131


When you execute a DBMS Output statement, the DBMS Output will automatically
display in the DBMS Output tab of the results grid.

Turn Output On/Off, turns DBMS Output function ON or OFF, light is

red if DBMS Output is OFF and green if DBMS Output is ON

Clear window

Set Output Buffer Size, invokes the Set DBMS Output buffer window
where you can set the size

Save to File

Print Output window

Frequency of polling
You can set the frequency of polling (2 seconds to 15 seconds).

You can also open a new DBMS Output window by selecting the Open a new
DBMS Output window button.

Open a new DBMS Output window

The DBMS_OUTPUT is discussed in detail in the PL/SQL Debugger chapter.

Chapter 6 SQL Editor 133

Make Code Statement and Strip Code Statement

The SQL Edit window contains two functions that simplify copying SQL statements
from TOAD to code development tools such as Delphi, VB, C++, Java, or Perl, and
from those code development tools back to TOAD. The functions are called Make
Code Statement <CTRL>M and Strip Code Statement <CTRL>P.

Make Code Statement

Adds the code development tool syntax to the SQL statement in the SQL Editor, and
makes it ready to paste into the development tool code.
When making code statements, rather than changing the code in the SQL Edit
window as the Strip Code Statement function does, the Make Code Statement
function takes the currently highlighted SQL statement, translates it into the code
development tool syntax, and copies it to the clipboard. You can now switch to the
code development tool and paste in the results. A message displays in the status
panel such as “VB statement copied to the clipboard.”
If you have multiple SQL statements in the SQL Editor, highlight the statement you
want to make before executing the Make Code Statement function.

For example, taking this code and running Make Code Statement for VB code
changes the SQL statement from this:
select count(*) as cnt
from all_tables
where owner = 'DEMO'
and table_name = 'EMPLOYEE'

to this:
Sql = " select count(*) as cnt"
Sql = Sql & " from all_tables"
Sql = Sql & " where owner = 'DEMO'"
Sql = Sql & " and table_name = 'EMPLOYEE'"

Strip Code Statement

Strips off the code development tool syntax from the SQL statement, ready to
execute in TOAD.
For example, taking this VB code from the VB development tool, copying it, pasting
it into TOAD, and running Strip Code Statement, changes the SQL statement from

Sql = " select count(*) as cnt"

Sql = Sql & " from all_tables"
Sql = Sql & " where owner = 'DEMO'"
Sql = Sql & " and table_name = 'EMPLOYEE'"

to this:
select count(*) as cnt
from all_tables
where owner = 'DEMO'
and table_name = 'EMPLOYEE'

Now the SQL is ready to execute in TOAD.

If you have multiple SQL statements in the SQL Editor, highlight the statement you
want to strip before executing the Strip Code Statement function.

Selecting the Code Development Tool

You select the code development tool in the
View > Options > SQL Editor tab > Make Code Format dropdown list.

The Make Code format dropdown list

Chapter 6 SQL Editor 135

The Make Code Format dropdown list lets you select a language syntax for TOAD
to convert a SQL statement into (Make Code Statement function) and out of (Strip
Code Statement function). Currently, Delphi, VB, C++, Java, and Perl are supported.
The default selection is VB.

External Editor
You can use an external editor to edit the SQL Editor contents. To set up, go to the
TOAD Options > Editors > External Editor Command Line. Enter the drive
letter, path, and executable name of the external editor you want, e.g.,
c:\winnt\notepad.exe. While in the SQL Editor or Procedure Editor, press <F12> to
invoke the external editor, which will start and load up the current TOAD Editor
contents. Use the external editor, save the contents back to the SQLPLS.SQL file in
the TOAD folder, quit the external editor, and click back on TOAD, which will ask
you if you want to reload the contents of the SQLPLS.SQL file. Select Yes.

Options for the Editors

You access this menu via View > Options > Editors menu item.

Show Views on Table Selector

Default – Unchecked
If checked, will show views, along with tables, on the Table Select window. Tables
are listed on one tab, and Views are on a separate tab.

Show Synonyms on Table Selector

Default – Unchecked
If checked, will show synonyms, along with tables, and optionally views, on the
Table Select window. Tables, views, and synonyms are listed on separate tabs.

Use syntax highlighting on tablenames

Default – Checked
If checked, will show tablenames in the SQL Edit window and other editors, using
the syntax highlighting feature. If unchecked, tablenames will appear in black text.

Treat underbar character as part of object names

Default – Unchecked
If checked, will select the entire word when double-clicked, including characters to
the left and right of the underscore character, "_". If unchecked, will select only the
portion of the double-clicked word up to the underscore character.

Display columns dropdown list after typing object name followed by a period
Default – Checked
If checked, will display the columns dropdown list. If unchecked, will not display the
columns dropdown list.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 137

Return column names in lower case from Selection Windows (and drag-drop)
Default – Unchecked
If checked, will return selected column names into the editors in lower case.
Otherwise they are returned in upper case.

Allow RTF when copying to/from clipboard

Default - Checked
If checked, TOAD will copy color markups, for pasting into email or other RTF
enabled applications. If unchecked, the text will be copied to the clipboard as
standard black text.

Show Editor toolbars on SQL Editor and Procedure Editor

Default - Checked
This option displays the editor toolbars on the SQL Editor and Procedure Editor
windows when checked. If unchecked, the editor toolbars will not display.

Use popup windows when executing DESC statements

Default – Checked
If checked, TOAD will present you with a popup window of complete object detail
when executing a "DESC object_name" statement. If you prefer the results to be
presented in the SQL Results grid, then uncheck this option. Regardless of this
option setting, selecting an object and pressing F4 will use the popup windows.

Use StayOnTop Popups

Default – Checked
If checked, the F4 popup Object Describe windows will use the windows Stay on
Top feature.

Sort columns Popups alphabetically

Default - Checked
If checked, items in the columns popup will display alphabetically.

Load the following from the TOAD.EXE\TEMPS location

Templates for new procedures in the Procedure Edit
Default – Checked
If checked, will load the NEWFUNC.SQL, NEWPACK.SQL, NEWPROC.SQL, and
NEWTRIG.SQL new PL/SQL template files from the network or local workstation
where TOAD.EXE and TOAD.HLP are running from.

Code Templates (Control-Space drop-downs) for editor windows

Default – Checked
If checked, will load PLSQL.DCI code completion templates from the network or
local workstation where TOAD.EXE and TOAD.HLP are read.

Source for the SQL Templates window

Default - Checked
If checked, will load the .TXT files that populate the SQL Templates window from
the network or local workstation where TOAD.EXE and TOAD.HLP are read.

External Editor Command line

Enter the drive letter, path, and executable name of the external editor you want, e.g.,
c:\winnt\notepad.exe. While in the SQL Editor or Procedure Editor, press <F12> to
invoke the external editor, which will start and load up the current TOAD Editor
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 139

SQL Editor Tasks

This section will take you step-by-step through various tasks that you might want to
perform with the SQL Editor.

To look up table columns while you construct a query

This applies to any table or view that you can access, including objects from other
schemas, SYS, SYSTEM, etc.

1 After you type the table name (or view name) and the period, press <CTRL>T
(or wait a few seconds)
2 A list of columns displays.

3 Click the item you wish to select. To select more than one item, hold down the
<CTRL> key and click the items you wish to select.

4 Press <ENTER>.
5 TOAD places the selected column or columns into the SQL Editor to build your

select table_privileges.TABLE_NAME,

After a query populates the SQL Results Grid, you can press <CTRL>T to display a
list of the columns from the SQL Results Grid.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 141

To copy Table Names into the SQL Editor

You can copy the Table, View, or Synonym names from the Table Name Select
dialog to the SQL Editor.

The Show Tables window button, in the common edit toolbar, pulls up
the Table Name Select window.

The Table Name Select window

1 From a SQL Edit window or a Procedure Edit window, on the common edit
toolbar select the Show Tables window button.
2 The Table Name Select window displays.
3 Click the item you wish to select. To select more than one item, hold down the
<CTRL> key and click the items you want to select.
4 You can drag and drop the item(s), or copy <CTRL>C and paste <CTRL>V.

To copy Table Column Names into the SQL Editor

The Show Columns button, in the second SQL Editor and Procedure Editor
toolbar, pulls up the Column Name Select window.

The Column Name Select window

1 From the SQL Edit window or Procedure Edit window, on the common edit
toolbar select the Show Columns window button.
2 The Column Name Select window displays.
3 Click the item you wish to select. To select more than one item, hold down the
<CTRL> key and click the items you want to select.
4 You can drag and drop the item(s), or copy <CTRL>C and paste <CTRL>V.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 143

To get a description of an object while you are typing in the SQL Editor
This applies to Tables, Views, Procedures, Functions, and Packages.
1 Place the cursor on the object you want described.
2 Press F4.
3 A popup window displays that describes the object.

To use TOAD to copy Oracle data to another Windows application

You can query some data and process it further in another Windows application, like
1 Execute a query, e.g. [select * from employee].

2 Right-click over the SQL results grid to display the Right-Click Menu.
3 Select the Select Columns menu item.
4 The Select Columns window displays.
5 Uncheck the undesired columns until the columns you want are the only ones
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 145

6 Select the Save As menu item from the Right-Click Menu. This saves the
results to the Windows Clipboard.
7 Check the Include Column Headers checkbox that is listed in the Save Grid
Contents dialog.

8 Switch to the target Windows application, like Excel.

9 Paste in the results.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 147

All the ways to get code into the SQL Editor

This section shows you the various ways you can enter or bring code into the SQL

1 Start with a blank window in the SQL Editor.
2 Type in some SQL code.
3 Execute it.
4 Refine it.
5 Save it to disk.

Loading a file

The Load a file into the editor button. You can click the triangle to display
a dropdown list of the last 10 files you opened while you were in the SQL
Edit window. Once the window is closed, the list is reset.

1 Click the Load a file into the editor button on the SQL Editor toolbar.
2 A Select File SQL Edit window displays.
3 Click the desired file.
4 Click the Open button.
5 The file loads into the SQL Editor.
Drag and drop a file from Windows Explorer to the SQL Editor.

File > Reopen File

You can also open a file into the SQL Editor, or Procedure Editor, via the File >
Reopen File menu. There is a list of the last 10 files opened. This list is saved and
restored to the file SQLFILES.TXT in the TOAD\TEMPS folder.
Chapter 6 SQL Editor 149

Recall previous SQL

The Recall Previous SQL button

1 Select the SQL-Window > SQL Command Recall menu item

Press F8
Press the Recall Previous SQL button.
2 The SQL Statement Recall window displays. It lists the last 100 queries that
you executed in the SQL Edit window.
3 Select a query from the list.
4 It is copied to the SQL Editor.
On the TOAD Options dialog View > Options menu item, SQL Editor node, you
can choose to save only the SQL commands that executed without errors. To do this,
check the Save only statements that are valid checkbox. This is a useful filter
because otherwise the recall list will fill with queries until you get it right.
select items from dept (invalid)
select item from dept (invalid)
select item from department (valid)

Another option lets you enter the number of previous SQL statements that you want
to save and recall. The default is 100. The list of previous SQL statements is stored
to and retrieved from SQLS.DAT. See the Recall and Add SQL topic, page 56, for
more information.

Recall a Personal SQL that you created

The Recall Personal SQL button
1 Enter a query.
2 Select menu item SQL-Window > Recall Personal SQL.
Select the Recall Personal SQL button from the SQL Editor toolbar.
3 The SQL Statement Recall dialog displays.
4 Select the desired SQL.

The list of personal SQL statements is stored to and retrieved from


Recall a Named SQL statement that you created

1 Enter a query.
2 Select menu item SQL-Window > Add to Named SQLs.
3 Enter a name, e.g., “Salary Query”
4 Select menu item SQL-Window > Recall Named SQL.
Press <CTRL>N.
5 Select the query to return to the SQL Editor.
6 The SQL Statement Recall window displays. The queries are organized by the
names that you select.
The list of named SQL statements is stored to and retrieved from

Recall a Code Completion template that you previously set up

1 Edit [Language].DCI in the TOAD\TEMPS folder, where [Language] could be
2 Enter the shortcut keys for the code snippet, the complete name, and the code, in
the same format as the samples already in the .DCI file.
3 In the SQL Editor, type in the shortcut keys, e.g., “crbl”
4 Press <CTRL><SPACE>.
5 TOAD looks up the code completion template and plugs it into the SQL Editor.
See the Code Templates topic, page 100, for more information.
Procedure Editor

The Procedure Editor lets you create or modify procedures, functions, packages,
triggers, types, and type bodies. It also has a PL/SQL debugging function and can
show errors for objects if it encounters errors while compiling.
See the PL/SQL Debugger chapter, page 189, for more information about
By clicking the right mouse button or pressing F10 you access a context menu with
numerous options such as Set Bookmark, Uncomment Block, and Show Edit
3 ways to invoke the Procedure Editor window
§ Click the third button on TOAD’s main toolbar.
§ Select menu item Database > Procedure Editor.
§ Set the Procedure Editor to StartUp on new connection in the View > Options >
Startup page.

Toolbar Buttons

The Procedure Editor toolbar

Compile the current complete statement

The next 3 buttons only display when the Enable Compiling Multiple Objects From a Single File
option is checked in the Options dialog, Procedure Editor tab.

Execute FROM the cursor position to the end of the editor

Execute TO the cursor position from the beginning of the editor

Execute the highlighted statement

Load a SQL file into the Procedure Editor

The dropdown arrow lists the most recent files used while this editor window was open.

Save the Procedure Editor contents to a new filename

Save the current editor contents to the file, only active if you’ve made changes to the script

Check file out of source control, lets you check files out of SourceSafe

Check file in to source control, lets you check files into SourceSafe

Load source from existing object in the database

A dropdown arrow lists the most recent objects loaded from the database while this editor window
was open. When the editor is closed, the list is reset.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 153

Reload the object from database or file

Create a new Procedure, Function, Package, or Trigger

Compile Dependent procedures (objects that call this procedure)

SQL Lab/SQL Impact - includes dropdown that invokes SQL Lab (when installed) when QA report
is selected, and invokes SQL Impact (when installed) if Where Used is selected.
Change active session for this window
This button includes a dropdown arrow that lists the available sessions.

If you have the PL/SQL Debugger option, these eight buttons display to the right of the Procedure Editor
toolbar. Refer to the PL/SQL Debugger chapter, page 189, for more information.

Execute procedure using existing arguments

Set Parameters

Step Over

Trace Into

Trace Out


Add Watch

Compile Dependent Procedures with Debug information (procedures called by your procedure)

The second toolbar is the Common Edit toolbar, a standard TOAD editing/formatting toolbar which
is also used in the SQL Edit window. See page 39 for details. To show or hide the Common Edit
toolbar, right-click over the Procedure Edit toolbar and select Show Edit Toolbar. There is also a
View > Options > Editors > Show Editor toolbars on SQL Editor and Procedure Editor

Common Edit Toolbar

Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 155

Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Key Function
F1 Display Window Help File
F2 Show/Hide error panel
F3 Find Next Occurrence
F4 Describe Table, View, Procedure, Function, or Package in popup window
F7 Clear all text
F9 Compile
F10 Display Popup Menu
F12 Pass the SQL or Stored Procedure Editor contents to the specified External Editor
<CTRL>A Select all text
<CTRL>C Copy
<CTRL>D Display procedure arguments, for functions tells you the return datatype
<CTRL>F Find Text
<CTRL>G GoTo Line
<CTRL>L Convert Text to Lowercase
<CTRL>O Open a text file
<CTRL>R Find and Replace
<CTRL>S Save file
<SHIFT> <CTRL> S Save File As
<CTRL>T Display columns dropdown
<CTRL>U Convert text to Uppercase
<CTRL>V Paste
<CTRL>Z Undo last change
<SHIFT><CTRL>Z Redo Last Undo
<CTRL><HOME> Go to col. 1, row 1 of the editor
<CTRL><END> Go to the last line of the buffer

<CTRL><SPACE> Display code template (key combination + <CTRL> <SPACE>) displays the
applicable template
<CTRL><TAB> Cycle through the collection of MDI Child windows
<CTRL><ENTER> Compile
<CTRL>. (period) Autocomplete tablenames
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 157

Using the Procedure Editor

Navigating through the Procedure Edit window is similar to navigating through the SQL Edit

Main ways to get code into the Procedure Editor

§ Read from file

§ Load from existing object from database

§ Create new Procedure Editor dialog

§ Type/Paste from scratch

§ Drag and Drop from File Explorer

The F9 key compiles and then stores the code in the database.

To Open a Procedure Using File > Open

1 While in the Proc Edit window, Go to File > Open File.

2 The Select File for Edit window will display.

3 Double-click on the selected file.

4 The file is opened in the Procedure Editor.

To Load Source from an existing object

1 Click the Load Source from an existing object button.

2 The Select Database Object window will display.

3 Select the desired schema from the schema dropdown list.

4 You can filter using object types and a starts with, includes, excludes filter.

5 To preview the source for an object, select the object from the object list. Or, just double-click
an object name to load it directly into the Procedure Edit window.

6 Click the red right arrow.

Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 159

7 The selected object’s SQL script is displayed in the SQL script area of the Select Database
Object window.

8 Click OK.

The script is opened in the Procedure Editor, and the Select Database Object window closes

The filter button on the Select Database Object window shows and hides the four widgets for
filtering. If you hide the widgets, you have more area for the grid.

To Create an Object using the New Procedure button

1 Click the Create New Procedure toolbar button.

2 The New Procedure Create Options window displays.

The New Procedure Create Options

window lets you choose the object type
and enter the object name. It then loads a
template from the TEMPS folder.

3 Select an object type from the dropdown list.

4 Click in the Object Name textbox and type in an object name.

5 You can check or uncheck the Include or REPLACE option? checkbox. Checked produces
“create or replace procedure procedure_name...” which WILL overwrite an existing procedure
with the same name. Unchecked produces “create procedure procedure_name...” which will
NOT overwrite an existing procedure with the same name.

6 Click OK.

7 The template script with your object name is pulled into the Procedure Editor.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 161

The templates are NEWFUNC.SQL for Functions, NEWPACK.SQL for Packages,

NEWPROC.SQL for Procedures, and NEWTRIG.SQL for Triggers. You can edit the templates to
create a common starting point for new stored procedures. If you are creating a trigger, the
BEFORE/AFTER radio buttons and the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE checkboxes become enabled.

There is also an option to load the templates from the network if you elected to install TOAD to a
network server share. See page 138 for details.

TOAD will automatically substitute values for keywords in the templates. TOAD will perform the
following substitutions.

§ Object Name: %YourObjectName% or *YourObjectName*

§ Sysdate: %SYSDATE%

§ Date/Time: %DATETIME%

§ Date: %DATE%

§ Time: %TIME%

§ Username: %USERNAME% (set in TOAD Options, Procedure Editor)

For example, this template:

/* Object Name: %YourObjectName% */

/* Date: %DATE% */

is translated into:

/* Object Name: My_Proc_Name */

/* Date: 5/15/2000 */

TOAD can substitute variables in the code completion templates. If you have substitution variables
in your code completion templates, then after you enter the code completion keystroke, TOAD
prompts you for the substitution variable.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 163

The Procedure Edit window is divided into two panels.

The left panel contains the Package Navigator List, a list of objects or package contents. Every
package is composed of a Specification (SPEC) and Body, which is displayed in the hierarchy on the
list. Functions in the list are indicated with an f( ) and Procedures in the list are indicated with a p( ).

The Package Navigator panel

The right panel is the Procedure Editor and contains the code for the selected object.

The multi-tabbed Procedure Editor panel


The Error panel

The Status panel

The Error panel can only display one error at a time, so arrow buttons let you advance forward and
backward through the errors. The displayed error is highlighted in the procedure script in the display.

The Status panel shows the Row number and Column number of the cursor position, whether or not
the code has been Modified, VALID or INVALID status, and whether or not the code was compiled
successfully or compiled with errors.

A vertical splitter between the package navigator list and the editor lets you resize the navigator list
and the editor. A horizontal splitter between the editor and the error panel can be sized up or down.

The Procedure Edit window allows multiple statements per file, only if the View > Options >
Procedure Editor tab > Enable Compiling Multiple Objects From a Single File option is
checked. Package Specifications and Bodies can coexist in the same file.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 165

Execute button

You can run the selected procedure with the Execute button. For example if GIVE_RAISE is the
selected procedure, and if you press the Execute button, it will run the GIVE_RAISE procedure.

If you select the Load Object from Database button you get a filter window. If your database
contains many items, uncheck the View > Options > Procedure Editor > Automatically show
objects on Select Database Object Window option and set up filters before clicking the Execute
button. This will populate the list of existing objects much more efficiently.

The red arrow lets you select objects from the left. Dropdowns let you filter the lists.

If you have the optional PL/SQL Debugger and click in the gutter of the Procedure Editor,
a breakpoint is created. So, when selecting text with the mouse drag the selector within the
text area.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 167

Navigator List Buttons

Synchronize navigator list to altered code

This button synchronizes the navigator list to the code. If you edit source in the
editor, this button will synchronize the list with your new edits.

Shrink navigator list

This button shrinks the navigator list to a narrow empty band so that client space is
maximized. It also displays the Expand navigator list button.

Expand navigator list

This button displays after you shrink the navigator list. It lets you expand the
navigator list.

Sort/Do not sort navigator list alphabetically

This button lets you sort the list of package functions and procedures alphabetically
or in the order they appear in the package.
If the button is UP, the list appears in source code order.
If the button is DOWN (depressed), the SPEC and BODY lists are presented

Here, the button is depressed so the SPEC and BODY lists are alphabetized.

Close navigator list

This button closes the navigator list. If you close the navigator and want to reopen it,
you need to right-click and select Show Navigator List.

The Right-Click Menu contains the Show Navigator

List item.

Options for the Procedure Editor

The View > Options > Procedure Editor page contains numerous options.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 169

Reload files when activating TOAD if the file time stamp is changed
Default – Unchecked
If checked, this allows editing in an external editor. When a Procedure Edit window
containing a file is reactivated (gets focus), TOAD will check the date stamp of the
file to see if it was modified by the external program. If the file was modified,
TOAD will display a prompt dialog that will say that the file date/time has changed
and ask you if you want to reload it. Select Yes, and the file will reload.

Highlight names of stored procedures

Default - Checked
This option must be checked if you want the Load Source menu item enabled in the
Procedure Editor Right-Click Menu.
This option refers to syntax highlighting. If checked, TOAD will highlight functions
and procedure names, in the Procedure Editor, SQL Editor, and the other read-only
editors in TOAD. For example, if PROC_B is a stored procedure, and you’ve
designated stored procedures to be displayed in red, “PROC_B” will display in red.
NOTE: you must select a custom color in the Editor Options dialog, Highlighting
tab, for User Procedures.

Include Owner When Extracting Source From Database

Default – Unchecked
If checked, this basically puts owner name in the first line when loading from the
database. When exporting source, if this option is checked, source will be prefixed
with the owner.

If unchecked, source is not prefixed with the owner.

Hide the errors panel unless errors are raised following a compile
Default – Checked
The error panel is hidden until an error on compile occurs. If unchecked, the error
panel remains open for all tabs, even after errors are gone. If checked, the error panel
is hidden for valid tabs.

Enable compiling multiple objects from a single file

Default – Unchecked
If checked, you can compile more than one object from a single source file. If not
checked, you are limited to one object per file, but you can still create separate tabs
or MDI windows for each object.
NOTE: this MUST be unchecked in order to use the PL/SQL Debugger, because the
debugger can handle only one object at a time per file.

Use 'Create' only when loading objects from the database

Default – Unchecked
If this option is checked, the Create Procedure will not overwrite an existing object.
When loading PL/SQL into the Procedure Editor, the Create clause will read, "Create
Procedure/Function/Package ...". This is useful if when compiling a procedure, a
different object of the same name already exists in the database, hence the compile
will fail, instead of overwriting it.
If unchecked, the Create clause will read “Create or Replace Procedure/Function
Package” and overwrite any existing objects that have the same name.

Automatically show all objects on Select Object from Database Window

Default – Unchecked
If checked, an object type will be selected, and all objects that are not filtered will be
shown. If unchecked, no object type is selected (just a blank grid), and you must
select before any objects are shown.

Search for Dependent Objects following a compile

Default – Checked
If checked, TOAD will search the database for dependent objects of the currently
compiled PL/SQL object (those procedures that call this procedure), and if any are
found, will enable the Compile Dependencies button.
If unchecked, the Compile Dependencies button is always enabled.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 171

If PROC_A calls PROC_B and you are editing and recompiling PROC_B, Oracle
flags PROC_A as INVALID, forcing a need to recompile PROC_A. TOAD will
check for this dependency, enable the Compile Dependencies button, which you can
then click to compile PROC_A, and therefore not leave any INVALID objects out
there as a result of your changing PROC_B.

User Name for New Procedure Templates %USERNAME% textbox

Default - Blank
The value you enter in the box will be substituted automatically for
%USERNAME% when new procedure templates are read up into the Procedure

Show Package Navigator Panel

Default – Checked
If checked, displays the Package Navigator hierarchy of package procedures and
functions in the panel that is to the left of the Stored Procedure Editor. This lets you
click the procedure names in the navigator to advance the editor to that section of

Sort Package Navigator Panel

Default – Unchecked
If checked, this option displays the package procedures and functions in alphabetical
order. If unchecked, it displays them in original package order.

Notification when compile process is complete

Default – Unchecked
When checked, this plays the TOADLOAD.WAV (croak sound) when the compile
of a procedure has been completed.

Only show one Procedure Editor per database connection

Default – Unchecked
If checked, permits only one Procedure Edit window per database connection, to
conserve windows resources.
This is similar to the option that limits the number of SQL Edit windows and Schema
Browser windows, per connection.

Toggle Modified Flag after compiling source from database

Default – Unchecked
If checked, after you compile source from the database, the Modified flag in the
status panel will toggle to “Modified”.

Allow compiling when source loaded from database.

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will let you compile source that is loaded from a database.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 173

Right-Click Menu

Right-click while you are in the Procedure Editor to access the Right-Click Menu.
This provides a shortcut to the functions listed in the menu.
You can also press F10 to display the Right-Click Menu.
Many of these items are the same as the items found in the SQL Edit window Right-
Click Menu. Some of the functions that the menu contains are:

Displays popup window that describes the selected object. If the item is
a procedure, it displays the procedure popup window.
Search Knowledge Base
If you’ve installed RevealNet’s Knowledge Base, you can easily access
and search the Knowledge Base through the Right-Click Menu.
Close File/Tab
Closes the current File/Tab
New File/Tab
Adds another tab and places the cursor on line 1 of your new script
Comment Block
Adds dashes before the line
Format Statement
Formats your SQL statements using RevealNet’s PL/Formatter product
if installed, or just a basic format if PL/Formatter is not installed
Find Closing Block
Finds closing parenthesis, "END" for matching "BEGIN" or "END IF"
for matching "IF”
Show Navigator List
Shows/hides the navigator panel

Source Code Management

TOAD supports Source Code Control. Source Code Control (SCC) is a Microsoft
API which defines a standard interface between development environments and
source control products. The API provides functions to perform the common source
control operations such as check-out, check-in, and add file.
The Source Control products supported in the SCC API include the following:
§ Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
§ Starbase Versions
§ MKS Source Integrity
§ Perforce P4 Version Control System
§ IBM VisualAge TeamConnection
§ CS-RSC from Component Software
§ PVCS (must have PVCS VM development interface installed)
Each SCC compliant product will create an entry in the registry identifying it as an
SCC provider and identifying the location of the DLL which is used to invoke the
SCC functions.
Note: The client portion of the Source Control install must be run. You cannot run
only the server piece of the Source Control install.

Working Folder
You must have a working folder set in order to use the TOAD Source Control
interface. For example if you are using Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, to set your
working folder you would open Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, right-click on a folder,
and select the Set Working Folder option.

Source Control Options

You must also have the interface to the SCC configured by selecting the Source
Control options in the View > Options > Source Control page.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 175

To set the Source Control Options

1 Select the Source Control Provider that you wish to use with TOAD from the
dropdown. The Source Control Provider dropdown lists the SCC providers
found in the registry. If you switch providers, you should restart TOAD.
2 The Prompt for Comment checkboxes lets you determine whether or not a
dialog will display that lets you store comments with the respective action.

Source Control is run through the Procedure Editor. The toolbar on the Procedure
Editor contains the check-in and check-out buttons.

Check file out of source control

Check file into source control

All the other functions are on the Right-Click Menu.. The Right-Click Menu
contains a Source Control menu item that has the following submenu items:

Check-out File
When a file is checked-out, the file is reloaded from disk (it could be different than
the file that was loaded), and it is made writeable.

Check-in File
When a file is checked-in, it is set to read-only again.

This command throws away any changes and reverts to the read-only, original
version. This is useful, for example, if you do not want any changes stored to the

Get latest version

This refreshes the file from the source control and reloads the file (still read-only).

Add Project
This adds the current file to source control and reloads it read-only.

Select project
This produces a dialog (provider-specific) to let you select a source control project to
work with. The selected project is retained in the .ini file between TOAD sessions.

A file that is not checked out should have a read-only status. Read-only files cannot
be edited. All the SCC functions act upon the currently loaded file.
Source Control functionality does not work with database objects; it only works with
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 177

Procedure Editor Tasks

This section demonstrates how to create a few simple functions using the Procedure
Editor (converting temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius and from Celsius to
Fahrenheit). It also shows how to use edit/replace with the functions, how to test the
functions using the set parameters and execute buttons, how to grant public
privileges, and, finally, how to create public synonyms.

The Conversion Formulas

Celsius = (Fahrenheit-32) * 5/9
Fahrenheit = (Celsius * 9/5) + 32

Stored procedures are useful for processes that will be repeated over and over again.
In this example, the procedures are the temperature conversion functions.


Create a new procedure

First, you need to create a new stored procedure function that will convert Fahrenheit
to Celsius.

To Create a New Procedure

1 Click the Create a new procedure button.
2 The New Procedure Create Options dialog window displays.
3 From the Object Type dropdown menu select function.
4 Type in the function name “F_TO_CELSIUS”.
5 Click OK.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 179

6 A template script displays with F_TO_CELSIUS in the Create or Replace line.

(Now you need to edit the script with the input and return arguments.)
7 After F_TO_CELSIUS on the first line, type the following:

8 After RETURN NUMBER IS type the following:


Your script should now look like this:

9 Scroll past the comment section and after the BEGIN statement edit the next line
(it contains a tmpvar holder) to match the following formula.
OUT_CELSIUS := (5/9) * (IN_FAHRENHEIT – 32);

10 after RETURN type


Notice the END statement has been automatically filled in.


The final script should look similar to this. Here, all extra comments and spaces have
been deleted.

Compile button

This script converts Fahrenheit to Celsius.


You can compile the script for a quick syntax check. If you get errors, they’ll display
in the error panel, and you can correct and recompile.

Now you can go to Edit > Select All and then Edit > Copy, copy the code you’ve
just created, and paste it into a new tab in the Procedure Editor. (See the Right-Click
Menu, option New File/Tab.) Then use the Edit/Replace function to change the
copy of the Fahrenheit to Celsius script to a Celsius to Fahrenheit script.
To Use Edit/Replace
1 Place the cursor on the text you want to replace, in this case F_TO_CELSIUS.
2 Type <CTRL>R or choose the Edit > Replace menu item.
3 The Find and Replace dialog displays with the selected item already in the Text
to Find entry.
4 Type in what you want to replace the text with, in this case

5 Click the Replace All button to replace all occurrences of the text.
6 Press ESC to close the dialog window.
7 Select your next replacement item, which in this case would be
8 Press <CTRL>R to open the Find and Replace dialog.
9 The selection is already entered. Type in IN_CELSIUS for the replacement.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 181

10 Select the Replace All button.

11 Repeat the Find/Replace or manually edit to change the following:
5/9 to 9/5
– 32 to + 32
(You'll need to manually edit line 5 so that the formula is in the correct order.)

The final script should look like the following:


Now, using the just created Celsius to Fahrenheit script, you can test the function.

To input and output values

Set Parameter button

1 Click the Set Parameter button.

2 An Execute Procedure dialog displays with your argument filled in.
3 Type a value in the value cell, such as 22.
4 The value is automatically entered in the SQL Code panel.
5 Check the Output OUT args checkbox. This sets up anonymous PL/SQL block
to test the function and uses the DBMS_OUTPUT package to get an output.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 183

6 Click OK. The dialog closes.

7 Click the Execute button.
8 The value displays in a DBMS_OUTPUT dialog box.

You can also test the functions in a SQL Edit window, but the Procedure Editor
provides a shortcut to typing in your own anonymous PL/SQL block.

You can also grant public privileges for your procedures; so anyone on your database
can use your stored procedure function. This involves the Schema Browser, which is
discussed in detail in the Schema Browser chapter.

To Grant Public Privileges

1 Select the Schema Browser button.

Schema Browser button

2 The Schema Browser window displays.

3 On the left panel, select the Procs (Procedures) tab.
4 Expand the functions list.
5 Select the C_TO_FAHRENHEIT function. Details for the selected function
display in the right panel.
6 Click the Privileges button.

Privileges button

7 The Privileges window displays. The list is organized by user schemas, then
PUBLIC, then individual roles.

8 Select PUBLIC from the list.

9 Check the EXECUTE checkbox, which gives Execute privileges.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 185

10 Click the Apply button.

11 A dialog will display telling you the changes to the privileges have been applied.

You can now close the Privileges window and repeat these steps for the
F_TO_CELSIUS function.
While you are still in the Schema Browser window, you can click the Grants tab and
see the privileges that have been granted from your procedure to other users or roles.

You might want to create a public synonym for your procedure.

To Create A Public Synonym

1 From the main menu select Create > Synonym.
2 From the dropdown menu select the object type. For our C_TO_FAHRENHEIT
and F_TO_CELSIUS examples, the object type would be Function. This acts as
a filter when you click the Find button. Nothing will appear in the list until you
click the Find button.
3 If you want to filter even further, you can type the first letter or letters of your
object in the Like% box. (Like% is the standard SQL command).

4 Then Click the Find button.

5 The filtered object(s) display in the Available Objects list.

6 Double-click on an item or click the right arrow to move it to the right panel.
Multi-select several items and drag and drop them to the right panel.
7 A checkbox lets you choose whether or not you want to make this a public
synonym. (In this example, we want a public synonym.) You could also rename
the synonym by selecting it in the list (click, pause, click) and typing in a new
8 Click OK to execute the synonym script.
9 A message window will confirm the synonym has been created.
Chapter 7 Procedure Editor 187

Now that you’ve granted public privileges and even included public synonyms,
anyone in a different schema can easily access your C_TO_FAHRENHEIT and
F_TO_CELSIUS stored procedure functions.
While in the SQL Editor, after typing the procedure name you can press F4 to
display a function popup describe window that shows details including the type of
argument it is, the code for the argument, and the grants. You could select and copy
the code into your own script.

Procedure Argument Display

Typing the procedure name and <CTRL>D would pull in a line of code that includes
the IN and OUT arguments, which, for this example, is the IN_CELSIUS statement.
It will still need to be edited, but parts of the code are already filled in for you. In the
case of functions, it includes the datatypes, return types, etc.

Package List/Procedure Argument Display Combination

When you’re in either a Procedure Edit window or a SQL Edit window, you can type
the package name and a period, and a popup list displays a list of functions and
procedures in that package. After you select the package function or procedure,
<CTRL> D looks up the argument. This is basically two shortcuts for two steps.

Using SourceSafe
It’s always a good idea to save your code into SourceSafe. See the Source Code
Management section of this chapter, page 174, for more information about

The PL/SQL Debugger is an optional feature for TOAD. The PL/SQL Debugger,
which is run in the Procedure Editor window, lets you step through the code as it
executes, line-by-line, statement-by-statement. The Debug menu is only enabled in a
Procedure Edit window. You can run a debug session with or without argument
values. With the click of the toolbar button, debugging begins and stops on
breakpoints, as appropriate, or it runs to the end.
If you have the Debugger installed, the Debug toolbar (8 buttons) displays to the
right of the Stored Procedure Edit/Compile toolbar in the Procedure Edit window.
You can also access the Debug menu using the keyboard by pressing <ALT>U.
Unless you specify parameter values in the Execute Procedure dialog, they will
default to NULL values. So, for functions that depend on the argument values, you
can still check the branching, logic, etc. You can also set argument values in the
Execute Procedure dialog, and it will use those values.
You can add, edit, and delete breakpoints. You can also set conditional breakpoints
and apply pass counts.
After the procedure has executed, you can view the DBMS_OUTPUT from the

You can use the Debugger to check for dependencies.
If procedure A calls procedure B, and you are editing and debugging procedure B,
and you click F9 to compile procedure B, procedure A is marked invalid (The Oracle
dictionary gives procedure A an invalid status. This is not visually indicated, but
when you try to execute procedure A, it won’t execute; it’ll be rejected).
So, TOAD’s solution to this is the Check dependencies following a compile option
button. This refers to checking for upper dependencies.
What is an upper dependency? If procedure A calls procedure B, and you are editing
procedure B, procedure A is the upper dependency.
If the Options > Procedure Editor > Search for dependent objects following a
compile is checked, TOAD runs an additional query to see if any procedures call the
current procedure. Notice the symbol on this button is a combination of the right
arrow which is used in TOAD as a compile symbol, and a symbol that represents a
hierarchy of procedures.

Compile Dependencies

When you click the Compile Dependencies button, TOAD will recompile all
procedures that call your procedure. The button then becomes disabled. If you make
any additional edits and compile the procedure, the button is enabled again.
If you want to visually view dependencies and their status, you can go to the Schema
Browser and click the Procedure tab, then the Deps(uses) and Deps (used by) tabs.
This visually shows anything that has an invalid status with a red X next to the object
in the object list. The Schema Browser is discussed in detail in the Schema Browser
chapter, page 237.
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 191


Minimum Oracle Database Requirements

For all databases, you must have the Oracle Probe API installed in order to debug
PL/SQL using TOAD. Check for the existence of a package named DBMS_DEBUG
in the SYS schema. Also check for grant execute to public, to roles, or to users.

Here’s how to check what Probe version you have:

Run this anonymous PL/SQL block in the SQL Editor with a DBMS Output window
open to find out what version of the Probe API you have:

probe_major_ver varchar2(10);
probe_minor_ver varchar2(10);
dbms_debug.probe_version(probe_major_ver, probe_minor_ver);

If the DBMS Output window displays:


Then the version of Oracle Probe API is 2.2.


Here are some notes about using the PL/SQL Debugger on different Oracle database

Database Version Notes

Oracle 7.3.4 on Unix, Inspect package variables by stepping into the package
Oracle 7.3.4 on NT first, then adding the watch on the package variable.

For the Call Stack to display, you must set the

BLANK_TRIMMING value to TRUE in the init.ora
Oracle Initialization parameters file and restart your
database. Otherwise, the Call Stack menu will be
disabled. Refer to your Oracle documentation regarding
the effects of the BLANK_TRIMMING setting.
On Oracle 7 databases, if you receive a “Debugger is not
responding” message, comment out all DBMS_OUTPUT
statements and then recompile, and use watches to display
the values. Also, uncheck Enable DBMS Output before
every debugging session.
Oracle 8 BLANK_TRIMMING requirement also refers to
databases 8.0.4 and 8.0.5.
The PL/SQL Debugger works fine on Oracle 8 databases.
Oracle 8i No notes or issues.
The PL/SQL Debugger works fine on Oracle 8i databases.

§ You cannot use the Eval/Modify window to change argument values.
§ Custom data types (like Oracle 8 objects and records) are supported by the
debugger, but the Execute Procedure dialog might not be able to generate a valid
block when these types are used. You can manually edit the block to correctly
declare and initialize these types for their use in the debug session. The only
datatypes fully supported as arguments are scalar datatypes (such as number,
character, date).
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 193

§ Procedures in a package must be in the package spec in order to be debugged.

§ Lengthy server delays (such as when you open large cursors or have a slow
database connection) might cause a timeout that results in the “Debugger is not
responding” message. You can increase the timeout period in the options screen
to correct this problem.
§ Watches on package variables are only allowed for Probe v2.2, or higher.

To run the PL/SQL Debugger

To run the PL/SQL Debugger, you must have a Quest Software license key with
the PL/SQL Debugger option activated in the key. You can verify that the
Debugger option is activated by checking the TOAD Help > About menu and
seeing what options are listed.
If you have just purchased the Debugger, you need to install your new license
key, also known as the registration key. The PL/SQL Debugger option is
activated in the license key.

To Activate the PL/SQL Debugger Registration Key

1 Start TOAD.
2 Go to Help > Register TOAD.
3 The Product Authorization window displays.

4 Click in the Enter Authorization Key textbox and enter the registration key.
5 Click OK.
Open a new Procedure Edit window. The items on the Debug menu should now be
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 195

Debug Toolbar buttons

The Debug toolbar is contained on the right half of the Procedure Edit toolbar.

Execute procedure using existing arguments

Set Parameters

Step Over

Trace Into

Trace Out


Add Watch

Compile Dependent Procedures with Debug information (procedures called by

your procedure)

If the Enable compiling multiple objects from a single file option is checked, the
debug buttons (Execute, Set Parameters, Step Over, Trace Into, Trace Out, Halt, and
Add Watch) are disabled on the right side of the toolbar.
You must have the Enable compiling multiple objects from a single file option
unchecked on the View > Options > Procedure Editor page in order to use the
Debugger. (If the option is turned on (checked), and you attempt to debug multiple
objects, TOAD automatically unchecks the option and begins to debug as if there
were a single object in the file. A warning message box also displays.) You cannot
debug a file containing multiple PL/SQL objects. There has to be one-to-one
correspondence from the lines of source in the editor to the lines of source in the

Objects you can Debug

§ Top-level Functions
§ Top-level Procedures
§ Package Functions
§ Package Procedures
§ Triggers

Objects you cannot debug

§ Java classes
§ Oracle 8 object methods
§ Anonymous PL/SQL blocks
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 197

The Debug menu is enabled if you have the Debugger installed, and you are in the
Procedure Edit window. The Debug menu is disabled for all other TOAD windows.

You can also access a smaller Debug menu in the Procedure Edit window.
Right-click over the editor, select Debug from the menu, and several Debug
functions will appear on the submenu.

Right-click Debug menu


Debug Functions
Function Description
Execute Current Source Starts debugging and runs to the next breakpoint or end of procedure with the
current argument settings.
Set Parameters Displays a dialog to set the IN or IN/OUT argument values, and, in the case of
a Package, lets you select which package procedure or package function to
debug. It also lets you set up triggers.
Run (Continue Once you are stepping through the code, this function runs to the end of the
Execution) procedure or to the next breakpoint, whichever it encounters first.
Run to Cursor Once debugging has begun, it runs to the cursor location as if it were a
breakpoint, and stops.
Step Over Executes one line of code at a time, bypassing a procedure or function call.
Trace Into Executes one line of code at a time, stepping into other procedures as they are

NOTE: Only the top-level procedure will have debugging information

available for it. If you step into another procedure and want to view
debugging information, click the Compile dependencies with debug button
(located on the end of the second row of buttons). Otherwise, the message “no
debug information available” will appear in the Watch window.
Trace Out Executes to the bottom of the called procedure, returning to the caller to
continue debugging the caller, stopping on the line following the call.
Halt Execution Ends Debugging. Stops “stepping” through the code, retaining watch and
breakpoint settings.
Add a Breakpoint at Adds or removes a breakpoint at the cursor location.
Evaluate/Modify Displays a window where you can (on the fly) inspect and/or change values of
variables and continue execution with the new values.
Breakpoints Displays a dockable window of the currently set breakpoints, allowing you to
add, edit, delete, enable, or disable breakpoints.
Call Stack Displays a dockable window of the current procedure or function call stack
(which procedures called which other procedures). This list is meaningful
only during execution, as indicated by the “Running” light in the status panel.
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 199

The Call Stack window is blank when you are at “Idle.”

Also see the Requirements section in this chapter, page 191, for enabling the
Call Stack window.
Watches Displays a dockable window of the current variables being watched, allowing
you to add, edit, delete, enable, or disable watches.
Add Watch at Cursor Adds a Watch at the cursor position.
DBMS_OUTPUT Displays a dockable window for displaying DBMS_OUTPUT generated from
the procedure code.

NOTE: The DBMS_OUTPUT content is not released from the database (and
therefore not displayed) until all procedures have finished, or you force it to
stop via the Halt button or Halt Execution menu item.

Debug Shortcut Keys

Keyboard Shortcut Function

F5 Set or Delete a Breakpoint on the current line
<CTRL>F5 Add Watch at Cursor
F7 Trace Into
F8 Step Over
<SHIFT>F8 Trace Out
F9 Compile without Debug information
<SHIFT>F9 Execute Current Source
<CTRL>F9 Set Parameters
F10 Display right-click popup menu
F11 Run (continue execution)
F12 Run to Cursor
<CTRL><ALT>B Display Breakpoints
<CTRL><ALT>E Evaluate/Modify
<CTRL><ALT>S Display Call Stack
<CTRL><ALT>W Display Watches
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 201

Using the Debugger

NOTE: “Procedure” refers to PL/SQL code including procedures, functions, package

procedures, package functions, or triggers.

To start the Debugger

The Open a New Procedure Edit window button
is located on the main TOAD toolbar.

1 Open the Procedure Edit window from either the

Database > Procedure Editor menu item
Click the Open a New Procedure Edit window button on the main toolbar.
2 Load a PL/SQL procedure into the editor or write a new procedure.
You can
Load a procedure from a file on disk
Load a procedure from an existing object in the database
Type a procedure from scratch
Click the New Procedure button.
3 Compile the procedure by
Pressing F9
Clicking the Compile button on the Procedure Editor toolbar.

Compile button

4 Press F7 (Trace Into) to start stepping through the code. TOAD generates the
symbol table required to obtain debug information for this procedure.

If you want to step into other procedures and view debug information, you’ll need to
click the Compile Dependencies with Debug toolbar button before beginning the
debug process.

You can set TOAD to

§ Always compile dependent procedures
§ Never compile dependent procedures
§ Be prompted whether or not to compile dependent procedures
To set any of these options go to View > Options > Debugging tab.
Otherwise, watched variable values in the dependent procedures will have “no debug
information” displayed in the watches window.

To finish running the Debugger

Click the Continue execution to breakpoint button on the toolbar

Select Run (continue execution) from the Debug menu.

To stop the Debugger


1 Click the Halt toolbar button

Click the Debug > Halt Execution menu item.
2 The status resets from Running to Idle.

When you finish debugging your PL/SQL code, compile it once again by pressing
F9 to discard the symbol table.
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 203

Tooltip Feature for Variables

The Debugger has a handy tooltip feature. When you are running the debugger, if
you move the pointer over a variable, a tooltip pops up that tells you what the value
of that variable is at that point in the code.

The Status Panel Indicators

When debugging PL/SQL code, the word “Running” displays in a segment of the
Procedure Edit window status panel at the bottom of the window.

If you are not debugging a procedure, “Idle” displays.


Options menu for Debugging

View > Options > Debugging tab displays the Debugging options page.
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 205

To set the colors of a breakpoint, current execution point, or any disabled breakpoint
1 Select the item type (breakpoint, current execution point, or disabled breakpoint)
from the list at the left.
2 Move the mouse pointer over the color selectors.
3 Click the left mouse button to select a foreground color (e.g., the code text
color). The letters FG appear on the palette on your selected foreground color.
4 Click the right mouse button to select a background color. The letters BG appear
on the palette on your selected background color.

Allow watches on package variables

Default – Checked
This checkbox is provided because the Oracle Probe API call for watching package
variables acts differently on Oracle 7 and Oracle 8 databases. On Oracle 8, you can
set up the watch on the package variable before or after stepping into the procedure.
If you do not want to inspect package variables, uncheck this option.

Automatically show all debugging windows when debugging

Default – Checked
When checked, this will bring up the docked window with all 4 windows:
Breakpoints, Watches, Call Stack, and DBMS_OUTPUT, if any of the four are
opened. With this option unchecked, each window is activated separately, undocked.

Default Debugging Windows to StayOnTop

Default – Checked
When checked, this will create the Breakpoints, Watches, Call Stack, or
DBMS_OUTPUT window as a Stay-On-Top window when activated. Otherwise,
they will be hidden underneath TOAD whenever the Procedure Editor window gets

Enable Trace Output while debugging

Default – Unchecked
This checkbox creates trace information while the Debugger is running, which will
help debug the Debugger interactions with the database. This is normally unchecked
and is used for technical support or DBA. The trace files are written to the database
server, folder specified by the USER_DUMP_DEST Oracle database initialization

Enable DBMS_OUTPUT before debug session

Default – Checked
If this box is checked, after you run a procedure that contains DBMS_OUTPUT
statements, the DBMS_OUTPUT window will display automatically.

Break on exceptions
Default – Checked
A check in this checkbox causes the Debugger to stop when it hits a procedure
exception (such as zero divide) and display a message. You can then continue
debugging the exception handler code or stop.

Break on exceptions will cause TOAD to display a message like this whenever it hits an exception.
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 207

Default Debug toggle button to ON for each session

Default – Checked
If checked, the Debug toggle button will toggle to ON for each session.

Debug session timeout (in seconds) textbox

Default – 10 seconds
This option limits the amount of time that the Debugger will wait for the database to
respond with debug information. You can enter the number of seconds.
For a slow database, poor network speeds, or connection via modem, increase the
number of seconds.

Date format for watches

Default – DD-MON-YY
This dropdown menu lets you select a date format.
NOTE: Date format does not affect the NLS_DATE_FORMAT for the TOAD
sessions/connections; it only affects the debugger session.

Compile Dependencies Yes/No/Prompt

Default – No
This will conditionally compile procedures called by your procedure with debug
information just before debugging begins.

Step through package spec

Default – Unchecked
When you have a package spec that includes package variables, the first time you
execute a procedure in the package the variables are initialized. If this option is
checked, the debugger will step to the lines of code in the spec where the variables
are declared and initialized. If the option is unchecked, the debugger will never step
into the package spec.

Step through SYS/SYSTEM procs

Default – Unchecked
If checked, the debugger will step into PL/SQL objects owned by SYS or SYSTEM
the same way it does for PL/SQL objects owned by any other schema. If unchecked,
the debugger will always step over procedures, packages, and functions owned by
NOTE: The Oracle 8i debugger will never step into a SYS or SYSTEM procedure
unless it is the main procedure that you are debugging.

Show debug toolbars

Default – Checked
If checked, the debug toolbar in the Debug windows will display. If unchecked, they
will be hidden.

Notify when debugging terminated

Default – Checked
If checked, when debugging execution has terminated a message box with
confirmation will display indicating Execution has terminated. If unchecked, no
message will display at the end of debugging execution.

Save proc parameters between sessions

Default – Checked
If checked, the parameters you enter for PL/SQL objects get saved to your Toad.ini
file when you set parameters for debugging, and they are restored from the Toad.ini
file for your next debugging session.

All the Option settings are saved in TOAD.INI and restored the next time TOAD is
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 209

The Dockable Windows

There are 4 stay-on-top windows in the Debug menu: Breakpoints, Call Stack,
Watches, and DBMS_OUTPUT.

Any of these 4 windows can be docked together into one window (or combinations
of multiple docked windows) by dragging the window title bar of one window and
dropping it on another window. This creates a tabbed interface to the separate panels.

To see how this works, select Debug > Breakpoints from the main toolbar. Notice
that the Breakpoints window displays over other tabs (the DBMS_OUTPUT tab and
the Watches tab). If the Call Stack information is available, see the Requirements
topic on page 191 to adjust your settings accordingly; then the Call Stack window
will also display.

Click a tab to display its corresponding window. You can also click and drag the tabs
to move the windows. You can display all the windows at once. To return the
windows to their docked as one position, simply drag them by their tabs and place
them on top of each other.

The Breakpoints window is part of a group of windows (Breakpoints, Watches, DBMS_OUTPUT, and Call
Stack) that are docked together into one window. Click and drag the tabs to separate them. They can all be
displayed at the same time.

An option in TOAD Options (View > Options > Debugging item) causes all 4
debug windows to open when any one debug window is opened. To activate this
option, check the Automatically show all debugging windows when debugging
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 211

A breakpoint is a line in a program that you designate as a place where execution by
the Debugger will stop. When the Debugger reaches a line with a breakpoint, it stops
execution prior to executing any code that was on that line.

Breakpoints Right-Click Menu

When you are in the Breakpoints window, you can right-click to access a menu for
breakpoints. If you right-click while a breakpoint in the list is selected, or you right-
click on a breakpoint in the list, additional items are enabled in the menu that apply
to that specific breakpoint. This method provides a shortcut when performing various
breakpoint functions.

The Breakpoints Right-Click Menu


To set or reset breakpoints

You should set your gutter width to 35.
See the Edit > Editor Options dialog to change the gutter width.

1 Different ways to perform this step

§ Click in the Procedure Editor gutter.

§ Press F5 while in the Procedure Editor.

§ Select Debug > Add Breakpoint at Cursor.

§ From the Breakpoints menu (Debug > Breakpoints), right-click and select
the Add Breakpoint menu item listed in the Right-Click Menu.

§ From the Breakpoints menu (Debug > Breakpoints), press <CTRL>A.

§ Press <INSERT> to add a breakpoint. Press <DELETE> to delete a


2 A stop sign displays in the gutter, and the whole line is highlighted in default
red, or whatever color you selected from the View > Options > Debugging

Stop signs in the gutter and red highlighted lines indicate the breakpoints.
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 213

To edit a breakpoint
1 Different ways to perform this step

§ Double-click the breakpoint in the Debug > Breakpoints window.

§ Single-click the breakpoint in the Debug > Breakpoints window and right-
click to display the Right-Click Menu, Select the Edit Breakpoint menu

§ While in the Debug > Breakpoints window, click on a breakpoint from the
list and press <CTRL>E.

2 The Breakpoint Properties dialog displays.

3 Edit the information.

4 Click OK.

The Breakpoint Properties dialog window


Conditional Breakpoints

A conditional breakpoint only breaks if a certain condition is met.

To set conditional breakpoints

1 Select Debug > Breakpoints.

2 The Breakpoints window displays.

3 Pull up the Breakpoint Properties Dialog window via Right-Click Menu,

double-click on the breakpoint
Press <CTRL>E.

4 Enter the condition for the breakpoint in the Condition textbox, e.g.

The Breakpoints Properties window

The format for Condition is: variable operator value. Supported operators are:

<= Less than or equal to

<> Does not equal
>= Greater than or equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
= Equal
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 215

5 Click OK.

When you run the Debugger, it will stop on the breakpoint only if the condition is

Pass Count Breakpoints

You can also set breakpoints that break ONLY after a certain number of passes in a
loop have occurred. These are known as pass count breakpoints.

To set a pass count breakpoint

1 Select Debug > Breakpoints.

2 The Breakpoints window displays.

3 Pull up the Breakpoint Properties Dialog window via Right-Click Menu,

double-click on the breakpoint
Press <CTRL>E.

4 Enter the pass count number in the pass count textbox. This is the number of
passes in a loop that will occur before the Debugger will stop on the breakpoint.
The pass can be a FOR loop, DO WHILE loop, IF/END IF, etc.

5 Click OK.

Conditional Pass Count Breakpoints

You can specify both a condition and a pass count. Then, the break will occur after
the nth (n = pass count number) time the condition is met.

Enabling or Disabling a Breakpoint

Once you set a breakpoint, you can temporarily disable it and later enable it again.

To enable or disable a breakpoint

1 Select Debug > Breakpoints.

2 The Breakpoints window displays.

3 Pull up the Breakpoint Properties Dialog window via Right-Click Menu,

double-click on the breakpoint
Press <CTRL>E.

4 Uncheck the Enabled checkbox to disable the selected breakpoint.

Check the Enabled checkbox to enable the selected breakpoint.

5 Click OK.

You can also enable/disable breakpoints through the Right-Click Menu in the
Procedure Editor and through the toolbar buttons.

Disabled breakpoints will be grayed out in the Breakpoints window.

Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 217

A watch lets you designate a variable to be evaluated. A watched variable’s value
can only be displayed during procedure execution.

Watches Right-Click Menu

While in the Watches window, right-click to access the Right-Click Menu list of
watch specific commands.

The Watches Right-Click Menu


To add a watch

Add Watch

Different ways to add a Watch

§ Double-click to select a variable in the editor.

Click the Add Watch button in the toolbar, and the variable will be added to the
list of watches.

§ From the editor, click the right mouse button.

The Right-Click Menu displays.
Select the Debug > Add Watch at Cursor menu item, or <CTRL>F5.

§ From the Watches window, click the right mouse button.

The Right-Click Menu displays.
Select the Add Watch menu item.

§ From the Watches window, Press <CTRL>A to bring up the add watches
dialog window.

§ From the Watches window, press <INSERT> to add a watch and <DELETE>
to delete a watch.


§ You cannot watch a trigger :new.column or :old.column value. The Oracle

Probe API does not support it.

§ It is recommended that users do not explicitly declare implicitly defined

variables, because the implicit variable will be created anyway. So, the user
can just inspect the implicit variable directly.

Because of limitations in the Oracle Probe API, you cannot watch implicitly defined
variables when they are also declared explicitly in the variables declaration section.
For example, the following code is correct, but you cannot watch the Counter_Var
variable as it loops. A work-around to this would be to explicitly declare a local
variable, e.g., Counter_Var_Watched, and copy the contents as it is changed, then
add the watch to the local variable, Counter_Var_Watched.
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 219

From this:
Counter_Var NUMBER;
Bonus_Out NUMBER;
/* Set Bonus earned equal to 10 percent of the employee's salary. */
FOR Counter_Var IN 1..5 LOOP
Bonus_Out := Salary_In * 0.10;
RETURN Bonus_Out;
END F_Calc_Bonus;

To this:


Counter_Var NUMBER;
Counter_Var_Watched NUMBER;
Bonus_Out NUMBER;
/* Set Bonus earned equal to 10 percent of the employee's salary. */
FOR Counter_Var IN 1..5 LOOP
Counter_Var_Watched := Counter_Var;
Bonus_Out := Salary_In * 0.10;
RETURN Bonus_Out;
END F_Calc_Bonus;

The Watch Properties Window

The Watch Properties window lets you set a number of options.

The Watch Properties window

Package Variable

If the variable you want to watch is a package variable, check the package variable
checkbox. Also select the owner and package name. Otherwise, a watch variable is
assumed to be within the current scope of the package procedure or package

Repeat Count

In addition to the usual data types that you watch such as date, number and varchar,
you can also watch array values and record types. If you have an array, such as
MyArray(1..10), and set up a watch on MyArray(1), then you can set up a Repeat
Count setting of # to examine MyArray(1), MyArray(2), and MyArray(3), all at the
same time.
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 221


The digits box is for the number of significant digits you want displayed.


If you want the watch value displayed in a different format than the default, select
your format options. Non-printable characters (ASCII 0-31) embedded in strings can
cause confusing errors and are difficult to debug because most fonts cannot render
them in a meaningful way.

String\Dec displays non-printable characters, such as CR and LF, in decimal format.

For example, “This is a test.\013\010”

String\Hex displays non-printable characters in hexadecimal format. For example,

“This is a test.\$D\$A”


You can temporarily disable a watch by double-clicking the watch and unchecking
the Enabled checkbox.
Select the watch.
Right-Click to display the Right-Click Menu.
Select Disable Watch.

You might want to disable some watches to improve the performance of the
debugger. As each line of code is executed, each watch that was set has to be
evaluated. So, the fewer watches the debugger has to evaluate, the faster it will run.

To edit a watch
1 Double-click the watch in the Watches window (Debug > Watches)
Single-click to select the watch. Right-click to display the menu

2 Select the Edit Watch menu item

Press <CTRL>E.

3 The Watch Properties dialog window displays.

To delete a watch
1 Display the Watches window (Debug > Watches).

2 Select the watch.

3 Press <Delete>
Press <CTRL>D.
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 223

Call Stack

The Call Stack window displays the chain of functions and procedures as they are
called, in the order they are called, with the most recent function or procedure listed
on the top. At the end of each procedure name is the current line number in that
procedure. So, if procedure A line 5 called procedure B, the call stack would look
like this: “Procedure B(1)” followed by “Procedure A(5).”

This Call Stack window shows that you are on line 10 in procedure "Example".

You can navigate among multiple procedures via the Call Stack window either by
Double-clicking the procedure name in the Call Stack window
Selecting the procedure.

Right-Click to display the Right-Click Menu.

Select View Source.

See the Requirements section of this chapter, page 191, for information about
enabling the Call Stack window feature.


You get to this dialog via the View > DBMS_OUTPUT menu item.
Oracle provides a package, called DBMS_OUTPUT, which is specifically designed
with functions for debugging PL/SQL code. It uses a buffer that your PL/SQL code
writes into, and then a separate process queries the buffer out and displays the
Output only comes out after the procedure has completed execution, not while you
are single stepping through the code. In nested procedure calls, all procedures must
have run to completion before any DBMS_OUTPUT content is displayed.
The Procedure Editor Right-Click Menu lists DBMS_OUTPUT specific commands.
You can edit DBMS_OUTPUT content, make comments, delete specific lines of
output, etc. The standard copy, cut, and paste keys work in the DBMS_OUTPUT

To create a DBMS_OUTPUT statement

1 Highlight the desired selection from your SQL script.
2 Right-click to display the Right-Click Menu for the Procedure Editor.
3 Select the Make Output Statement item.
4 Click the place in your script where you want to paste the DBMS_OUTPUT
5 Select Paste from the Right-Click Menu OR the Edit menu.
6 The highlighted selection is now part of the DBMS statement pasted into your
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 225

In this simple SQL script example....

tmpVar is highlighted, and Make Output Statement is

selected from the Right-Click Menu..

and pasted into the SQL script where the tmpvar is now part of the DBMS_OUTPUT
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 227

To view the DBMS_OUTPUT

1 Select Debug > DBMS OUTPUT.
2 The DBMS_OUTPUT dockable window displays with the variable value listed,
after execution of the procedure has completed.

In the earlier example, TmpVar was set to = a+b+c which is 1+2+3; so the
DBMS_OUTPUT window shows the tmpvar value is 6.

Blank Output
You can also select Blank Output to get a DBMS_OUTPUT template, which you
paste into your script and fill in the blank sections yourself.

To create a Blank DBMS_OUTPUT statement

1 Right-Click to display the Right-Click Menu.
2 Select the Blank Output Statement item.
3 Click the place in your script where you want to paste the statement.
4 Select Paste from either the Right-Click Menu or the Edit menu.
5 The Blank DBMS_OUTPUT Statement is pasted into your script.

Remember, if you have the Options > Debugging > Enable DBMS Output option on,
the DBMS_OUTPUT window opens automatically after completion of the procedure.

Debug Functions

This section shows different debug functions and procedures.

NOTE: When debugging a procedure, if no breakpoints have been set and no errors
occur, the procedure will execute to completion, and it appears to have “done
nothing.” This is a common cause of confusion when people first start using the
debugger. To avoid this confusion, if you haven’t set any breakpoints you might
want to use the Step function <F8> instead of the Execute function <F11>.

To start a debug session with or without any argument values


1 Select Debug > Execute Current Source

Click the Execute button
Press the shortcut keys <SHIFT>F9.
2 Debugging starts and stops on the breakpoints, as appropriate, or runs to the end.
3 If your procedure contains IN or IN/OUT argument values, and those values
have not been set (via the Execute Procedure dialog), the values will be set to

Bonus_Out NUMBER;
/* Set Bonus earned equal to 10 percent of the employee’s salary.
Bonus_Out := Salary_In * 0.10;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( 'Bonus_Out = ' ||to_char(Bonus_Out));
Return Bonus_Out;
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 229

In this case, Salary_In would be set to NULL. This would not be very useful for
functions that depend on argument values, but it is useful for checking branching,
logic, etc.
If you set any argument values in the Execute Procedure dialog, those values and
settings will be used.
When debugging a package, you must select which package procedure or package
function to start debugging. You select this in the Execute Procedure dialog. Once
you have selected the package procedure or function to execute, the Execute toolbar
button is enabled.
If you debug a trigger, you have to go through the Execute Procedure dialog in order
to set up the anonymous PL/SQL block that will invoke the trigger.

To set IN or IN/OUT argument values

Select function/Set parameters

1 Open a package procedure to execute

Set up a trigger for debugging.
2 Select menu item Debug > Set Parameters
Click Set Parameters button on the Procedure Edit toolbar
Press the shortcut keys <CTRL>F9
3 Set the desired parameters. If a package, select which procedure/function.

This does NOT execute the procedure or start debugging.


Execute Procedure
There are different uses for the Execute Procedure dialog, depending on the type of
PL/SQL object you wish to debug: Procedures, Functions, Package Procedures,
Package Functions, or Triggers.

Execute Procedure or Function

This dialog lets you input values for the procedure or function arguments.

The Execute Procedure window

Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 231

1 For each IN or IN/OUT argument, enter the desired values in the “Value”
2 When you finish entering argument values, click OK.
TOAD debugs the given PL/SQL procedure via an anonymous PL/SQL block. As
you enter values, the anonymous PL/SQL block code updates.
You can also directly edit the anonymous PL/SQL code block. If you want to
resynchronize the anonymous PL/SQL block with the values entered in the grid,
click the Rebuild Code button. The Rebuild Code button becomes enabled when
you make manual changes in the anonymous PL/SQL block.

Execute Package
When debugging packages, a list displays for you to select which package procedure
or package function to execute. In the Procedure list, single-click to select a package
procedure to debug; then enter your argument values in the “Value” column, if

The Execute Package window


Debugging Triggers
When a trigger is executed, a preprogrammed operation occurs on a table. You’ll
notice that debugging triggers is different from debugging procedures or functions.
The values entered are for the column values, not the argument values.
You must go through the Execute Trigger dialog to set up the proper anonymous
PL/SQL block to invoke the trigger, at which point the Execute button on the Debug
toolbar becomes enabled.

Execute Trigger: INSERT

When debugging an INSERT trigger, the values will be used as the values to insert.
The inserted record will be rolled back so that no changes are made to the database
during debugging. The "INSERT INTO..." code is not valid until you enter column

The Execute Trigger window

Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 233

Executing Trigger: UPDATE

When debugging an UPDATE trigger
1 Enter values for the “SET...” clause AND the “WHERE...” clause.
2 If the Where Clause Values checkbox is unchecked, enter the “SET...” values.
If the Where Clause Values checkbox is checked, enter the “WHERE...”
3 The updated record will be rolled back so that no changes are made to the
database during debugging. The “UPDATE TABLE...” code is not valid until
you enter the column values.

Execute Trigger: DELETE

When debugging a DELETE trigger, you must enter values for the “Where...” clause.
With the “Where Clause Values” checkbox checked, enter the “WHERE...” values.
The deleted record will be rolled back so that no changes are made to the database
during debugging. The “DELETE FROM...” code is not valid until you enter the
column values.
Once a value is entered into the Value column of the grid, if you want to make it
NULL again, type the word NULL. Otherwise, the value will be the empty string.
In the case of multiple BEFORE or AFTER actions, INSERT takes priority over
UPDATE, and UPDATE takes priority over DELETE.

Where clause values must be entered before you can debug a DELETE trigger.
Chapter 8 PL/SQL Debugger 235

Viewing OUT Argument Values

If you have OUT or IN/OUT arguments in your procedure, you can choose to view
their values during debugging in the Debug DBMS_OUTPUT window.
To view OUT or IN/OUT argument values
1 From the Execute Procedure or Package or Trigger dialog, check the Output
OUT Args checkbox.
2 TOAD adds DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line statements at the end of the anonymous
PL/SQL block used to invoke your procedure.
3 Turn on the Debug DBMS_OUTPUT window from the Debug menu
Press <CTRL><ALT>D.

Evaluate Modify
The Evaluate/Modify window lets you view the value of a variable on the fly,
without having to set a watch. It also lets you change the value of a variable and
continue executing. This is useful for advancing a loop variable to the end of a “FOR
COUNTER_VAR IN 1..500 LOOP” loop statement. In this case, evaluate
Counter_Var and set its new value to 499. So, you don’t have to debug through the
loop the extra 498 times.

To display the Evaluate/Modify window

Select Debug > Evaluate/Modify
Press <CTRL><ALT>E.

Package Variable Checkbox

Check the Package Variable checkbox that’s in the Evaluate/Modify window, if the
variable to evaluate is a package level variable and not a local variable.

The Evaluate/Modify window is not dockable with the rest of the debug windows.

Preparing PL/SQL Code for Production

Once you have finished debugging your PL/SQL code, compile your procedure and
any called procedures one last time with the debugger toggled off. This recompiles it
without the debug symbol tables. This will make your code smaller; so it will run
Schema Browser

The Schema Browser separates database objects by type. Details for the objects are
separated by tabs. For example, all tables appear in the left panel when the Tables
type is selected, all views appear in the left panel when the Views type is selected,
etc. When you select an object, details or the DDL structures for that object are
displayed in the right panel. This eliminates having to drill down through
hierarchical mountains to find the desired data. It also lets you compare details
between objects of the same type with one click. Keyboard users can easily use the
scroll keys to perform the same tasks.
For performance, TOAD delays fetching some schema lists until the dropdown or tab
that requires that list is activated.
You can cancel long running lists populating queries in the Schema Browser. The
Statement Processing popup will display, which lets you cancel.

3 ways to invoke the Schema Browser window

§ Click the second button in TOAD’s main toolbar.
§ Select menu item Database > Schema Browser.
§ Set the Schema Browser to open automatically when a new connection is made
in the View > Options > StartUp dialog.

Right-Click Menus

Object Lists
The Right-Click Menu on any of the tabs in the objects panel (the left-hand side of
the window) displays a menu to show/hide the object tabs. You can check or
uncheck menu items to show or hide the tabs. However, you cannot hide the Tables
tab. So, if you only want Views and Synonyms, deselect the rest for a cleaner
interface. When you exit, TOAD saves your options. The next time you run TOAD,
the window will hide the tabs that you unchecked in your previous session.
Many of the Schema Browser pages contain Right-Click Menus. For example, the
data grids on the Tables > Data tab and the Views > Data tab have a Right-Click
The Data Grids Right-Click Menu is similar to the Right-Click Menu that is in the
SQL Editor Results Grid. For detailed information on each of these items, refer to
the SQL Editor chapter - the Results Grid section, page 103.
The Schema Browser data grids menu also contains Post Changes/Edit. It does not
contain Export to Flat File, Find Data, Font, or Size Columns to Data.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 239

Using the Schema Browser

All the tabs that show in the details panel are details for the selected object. The Java
tab is only for the Oracle 8i database.
The vertical splitter between the objects panel and the details panel can be moved
left or right via click and drag.
The Schema Browser object types can be displayed in a tabbed interface or an
alphabetized dropdown. The default is a tabbed interface. You can always show or
hide tabs through the Right-Click Menu.
If you prefer a dropdown interface for the object types, go to the View > Options >
Schema Browser item and uncheck the item Tabbed Schema Browser. This will
cause TOAD to display a dropdown list for the object types the next time you open
the Schema Browser.
When viewing Packages and Procedures, you may see "wrapped" rather than the
code of the object. This means that the procedure was compiled using the Oracle
wrap utility and is not stored in readable format.

Configure Browser Tabs window

The Schema Browser object types Right-Click Menu (for tabs) lets you show or hide
tabs and contains a Configure menu item which invokes the Configure Browser
Tabs window that lets you rename and rearrange tabs. This has no effect on the
alphabetized dropdown list, which displays if you have chosen to display the
categories in a dropdown by unchecking the Tabbed Schema Browser option.
The Browser Tabs Order window has a Tab column that lists the actual category
names and an editable Caption column that lists the captions TOAD is currently
displaying for the tabs. You can rename these captions by simply clicking in a
caption cell and typing.
In addition, you can rearrange the order of the tabs by clicking in the gray box on the
far left of the row of the item you wish to move and dragging the row to its new
position on the list. Or you can select a Tab or Caption cell and click the Up Arrow
or Down Arrow in the window to move the whole row up or down in the list.

When you first open the Schema Browser, the Tables Tab is selected by default, and
a list of all the tables in the selected schema displays.
The dropdown box above the Object Tabs lets you select the desired schema.
If you want to narrow the list of schemas in the schema dropdown list you have two
choices, Only show users that own objects in dropdown lists and Oracle User
List. For details about “Show only schemas that own objects” see the Schema
Browser options. To set up a specific list of Oracle users (schemas) that you want to
see, select menu item View > Oracle Users List. This opens the Configure User
Lists dialog where you can multi-select any combination of users you want to see.
This list is saved and restored in a file named schema_databasealias.lst, e.g.,
SCOTT_ORA8I.LST, in the TOAD\TEMPS folder. From that point forward, any
dialog in TOAD that presents a schema dropdown list will be restricted to the
schemas you select, e.g., the “Table Name Select” dialog or the “Column Name
Select” dialog.
If an Object Tab doesn’t contain any objects, the Object Tab window will be empty
for that tab.
The Change Active Session button has a dropdown button next to it. Its dropdown
list displays all active sessions. You can click on a session from the list to change the
active session. If you want to create another session, click the change active session
button. It will bring up the “Select Session” dialog where you can then click the
NEW button to create the new session.
The status panel shows what session you’re in. The CNT on the status panel shows
how many objects are in the object list for the object tab you’ve selected.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 241

Refresh All
The Refresh All button refreshes everything in the Schema Browser. So, if you
create a table and you don’t see it in your table list, click Refresh All which will
requery, and the table name should display in the list, subject to any active table

Refresh Detail
The Refresh Detail button refreshes, or requeries, only the details panel. So, if you
dropped a column, you can click on the Refresh Detail button to see the refreshed

Clear Data Grid Filters

Clears all data grid filters.

The following objects have object name and other filtering capability: Tables, Procs,
Triggers, Views, Synonyms, and Constraints. Click the filter toolbar button and enter
the filter criteria, e.g., starts with A, etc.

§ When the filter is red, it’s ON.
§ When the filter funnel is gray, it’s OFF.
§ When there are no filters, the filter is gray, and it’s OFF.

Here, the data is sorted ascending/descending but not filtered.

On the Schema Browser page Tables > Data tab and Views > Data tab, a
four-way filter button displays a dialog where you can sort and/or filter. The filter
can display four states: empty, filtered, ascending/descending filtered,
ascending/descending empty.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 243

Options for the Schema Browser

You get to the Schema Browser Options menu through the View > Options >
Schema Browser item.

Enable DROP-ALL Buttons

Default - Unchecked
Most object list tabs in the Schema Browser have a Drop All button which allows
fast dropping of database objects. The Drop-All buttons are never enabled unless
you check this option. TOAD will not save this option and will revert to disabled
Drop-All buttons. So, checking this option works for the current TOAD session only.

Omit SYS objects from the Procedure Dependencies List

Default - Checked
If checked, TOAD will omit SYS owned objects from the Procedure Dependencies
list, such as standard packages, DBMS_STANDARD, DBMS_UTILITY, etc.

Show Table Stats for Table Details (on the Stats/Size tab)
Default – Checked
If checked, TOAD will show the table stats information. You can also check this ON
or OFF via checkboxes on the Stats/Size tab.

Show Column Length Info with Column Data Type

Default – Checked
If checked, columns will show in the columns tab in the format "VARCHAR2(20)"
including max length, scale, and precision (if applicable). If unchecked, length, scale,
and precision will display in separate columns in the grid.

Limit data grids to X number of rows

Default – Blank (all rows)
If a value is entered, SQL results grids on the Tables > Data tab and the Views >
Data tab are limited to that number of rows. This does not affect the SQL results grid
on the SQL Edit window.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 245

Automatically show filter dialog for filtered lists on Browser

Default – Unchecked
If checked, before the Schema Browser window is opened a Filter Dialog will
display for the user to enter filter criteria; then the Schema Browser will open with
only those objects matching the filter.

Add view columns to View text when creating scripts or showing view SQL
Default – Checked
If checked, a list of columns displays that will result when the view is queried, after
the "create or replace view" clause, e.g., "create or replace view view_name (col1,
col2, ..., coln) as ..."

Only show users that own objects in dropdown lists

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will only show the users who own objects. This is an alternative
to the Oracle User List selection process. For example, if your environment includes
only a few schemas that own objects granted to hundreds of schema names for
security purposes, then checking this option will list only the few schemas that own
objects instead of a long list of all the schemas. So, this filter makes the schema
dropdown list more manageable.
NOTE: This option affects all windows in TOAD with Schema dropdown lists, e.g.
"Table Name Select", "Column Name Select", etc.

Only show one Schema Browser per database connection

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will only permit one Schema Browser window to be opened per
Oracle connection. This conserves operating system resources, because the Schema
Browser is loaded with widgets, buttons, and bitmaps. If the user tries to create
another Schema Browser window, and one is already open, TOAD will just switch to
the existing Schema Browser window.
This option is similar to limiting the number of SQL Edit windows in the SQL Editor
option (Only show one SQL Editor per database connection) and Procedure Edit
windows in the Procedure Editor options menu.

Cache cursors used for queries (faster Browser but uses 12 cursors)
Default – Checked
If checked, TOAD will use cursors when retrieving detail information to display in
the details panels to the right of the Schema Browser window. Usually, only the
object name changes from query to query. So the use of cursors, where only the bind
variable values change, is much faster than forcing Oracle to reparse and re-execute
different queries each time.

Show Primary Key Columns for tables

Default – Checked
When checked, TOAD will display the list of Primary Key columns, on the
Tables/Columns tab, to the right of the Show Comments dropdown list. For some
tables with long column names and/or compound primary keys, this label may not be
long enough. TOAD also places a small black triangle next to each column in the
columns list that is a Primary Key column.

Auto-Expand dependencies Trees

Default - Unchecked
If checked, when dependencies display, they are automatically expanded. If
unchecked, each level is queried and displays as the user drills down.

Auto-size list view columns

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will automatically size the width of the column lists to the width
of the text.

Show table names following Triggers names

Default – Unchecked
If checked, corresponding tablenames will display after trigger names on the triggers
object list.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 247

Use multi-line tabs on the left side

Default – Checked
If checked, once a line of object tabs is full the schema browser tabs will display on
multiple lines. If unchecked, once a line of object tabs is full, the tabs will display
with a horizontal scroll bar.

Set focus to table data grid after selecting table

Default – Unchecked
If checked, after you first pull up the Schema Browser page and select a Table on
the objects panel and > Data on the details panel if you start typing you’ll be
automatically editing in the data grid section.

Tabbed Schema Browser

Default – Checked
If checked, the Schema Browser object types will display in a tabbed interface. If
unchecked, the Schema Browser object types will display in an alphabetized
dropdown list.

Save data grid layouts

Default – Unchecked
When checked, TOAD will automatically save the Data tab grid layouts with respect
to column order, columns to exclude, sort, filter, and custom column widths.

Save Browser filters

Default – Checked
If checked, TOAD will save the browser filters to disk, in files named
SCHEMA.FLT in the \TOAD\TEMPS folder.
If you want to reset your Schema Browser filters each time you close and open
TOAD, uncheck this option.

Use same schema after changing sessions

Default – Unchecked
If checked, when you change sessions the schema will be the same.

Show Object Create/Update dates

Default – Checked
If checked, will display the date and time objects were created and updated, on the
details panel above the tabs.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 249


Object Scripts
TOAD can create DDL Scripts -- Oracle Statements to recreate the object -- for most
of the objects displayed on the Schema Browser. The Create Script button, which is
used to generate a script, is the first button on the toolbar for each dropdown on the
left panel. The scripts are always copied to the clipboard by default.

Note: Table Create Scripts can be viewed while on the Browser window on the
“Scripts” detail tabs for Tables.

Dropping Objects
Many objects can be dropped directly from the Schema Browser. When an object has
a drop button, the button is enabled whenever an object is selected in the list.
The Drop All buttons are not enabled by default. If you want to enable the Drop All
buttons, you must manually enable them on the View > Options window. This
makes a potentially destructive operation a little more complex. The Drop All setting
is NOT saved and must be reselected each time TOAD is started. Notice the “drop a
single item” scissors icon is cutting a white piece of paper and the Drop All icon has
scissors cutting a red piece of paper. This is a visual alert, to stop you from
accidentally selecting Drop All instead of Drop.

TOAD will confirm any DROP operation on the Browser, but after you
respond <Yes> to the confirmation, NO DROPS CAN BE REVERSED.

Copying From the Browser

Any of the Object Names shown in the Object Lists on the left of the Browser can be
copied to the clipboard by pressing <CTRL>C for the highlighted object name.
Any column of data shown in the detail grids on the right of the Browser can be
copied to the clipboard by pressing <CTRL>C for the highlighted grid cell.

Note that the detail grids for Table Information work differently. The grids that
display Table Detail Information support multi-row selection and always copy the
first column to the clipboard. For example, if you are viewing a grid display of a list
of columns for a table, you can <CTRL> Click to select more than one column and
then press <CTRL>C. This will copy your selected columns to the clipboard, with
commas in-between (a comma-delimited list). Then you can paste the list into a SQL
Editor or another application.

Most of the primary lists of objects on the Browser can be filtered to show a subset
of all the like objects in the schema. For example, you may have hundreds of tables
in a schema but only want to see those where the table name begins with "GEO”.
Browser Filters are specific to a schema/owner name. This means you can define a
filter for the schema DEMO and a different filter for PRODUCTION, and the
appropriate filters will be loaded when you view that schema in the Schema
Table Filters allow filtering on table names as well as column names. For example,
you can find all tables that have columns with FND_NO anywhere in the column
name. The table name may also be searched.
Constraints can be searched by constraint name or constraint column name.
Synonyms can be filtered by Synonym scope: owned by schema only, owned by
schema plus Public synonyms, exclude SYS and SYSTEM synonyms, etc.
Note: for performance reasons, TOAD caches the list of tablenames for the current
schema once the list has been queried from any window. The browser filter, although
primarily intended to filter the Schema Browser window, also affects the table lists
throughout TOAD. So, for example, if your filter is set to display only tables that
begin with GEO, every table list will display a filtered list until the filter is changed.
Also note that the filters not only reduce the amount of data displayed, they also
modify the query used to fetch the data. So, not only is the display refreshed faster,
the query fetches less rows for faster response from the database.
If no filters are defined, the Browser displays the following:
§ Tables that do not get filters
§ Constraints show primary keys only
§ Synonyms show all but exclude those for objects owned by SYS & SYSTEM
§ Views display all Views
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 251

§ Triggers display all Triggers

§ Procedures display all Procedures

The filters for all Browser objects can be viewed in a single window under the
View > Browser Filters menu.
Note: Browser filters are not applied when making changes to the View > Browser
Filters dialog. To apply the filters, you must click the Filter toolbar button on the
desired object tab, e.g., Constraints, to bring up the Browser Filters dialog where you
can select constraint options, click the OK button, and the browser filters are applied.


The Tables page contains the following Right-Click Menu:

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 253

Objects Panel

Create Script

The Create Script button displays a Table Script Creation window.

When the Table Script Creation window displays, the Options Tab is selected by
When you select the Execute button, a script is created for your table that you can
then paste into the SQL Editor or elsewhere.
For creating multiple table scripts, see the Database > Export > Table Scripts
menu item.

Table Script Creation Options

Include DROP statement in script

If checked, this will include a DROP statement at the top of the table script.

Include indexes in script

If checked, TOAD will include CREATE statements for each index on the table.

Include tablespace info

If checked, TOAD will place TABLESPACE and STORAGE clauses after the

Separate Check constraints

If checked, TOAD will place check constraints after the CREATE TABLE
If unchecked, it will place the check constraints inside the CREATE TABLE
CHECK (compcode >= 'AA' and compcode <= 'ZZ')
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 255

Separate Unique Constraints

If checked, TOAD will place unique constraints after the CREATE TABLE
If unchecked, it will place the unique constraints inside the CREATE TABLE

Include Comments
If checked, TOAD will include table and column comments.

Include Synonyms
If checked, TOAD will include a PUBLIC synonym to the table.

Include Foreign Key constraints

If checked, TOAD will include the foreign key constraint clauses for the table.

Foreign Keys at end of script

If checked, TOAD will place the foreign keys at the end of the script.
If unchecked, TOAD will place the foreign key clauses inside the CREATE TABLE

Include Enable/Disable for Ref constraints from other tables

If checked, TOAD will disable and enable referential constraints from other tables to
the table for which you are creating a script.

Include granted privileges

If checked, GRANT statements will be included at the end of the script.

Include Triggers
If checked, TOAD will include the trigger code for the table at the end of the script.
BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON table_to_validate
/* Call the proc to validate the incoming value. */
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 257

Include SQL * Plus / chars.

If checked, TOAD will include "/" characters after every command in the script.

Primary Key with Indexes Script

If selected, TOAD will place the Table Primary Key with the indexes portion of the
NOTE: This option is mutually exclusive with the Primary Key with Table Create
radio button.

Primary Key with Table Create

If selected, TOAD will place the Table Primary Key inside the CREATE TABLE
NOTE: This option is mutually exclusive with the Primary Key with Indexes
Script radio button.
RUN_CR_13 NUMBER(13,2),

No trailing semicolons
If selected, TOAD will not place semicolons at the end of each statement.
NOTE: This option is mutually exclusive with the Add trailing semicolons radio

Add trailing semicolons

If selected, TOAD will place semicolons at the end of each statement.
NOTE: This option is mutually exclusive with the No trailing semicolons radio
option button.

Output Tab
To Clipboard
If selected, TOAD will output the table script to the Windows Clipboard.
To File
If selected, TOAD will output the table script to a single file, as selected in the
Filename textbox.

Filename textbox
Enter a drive, path, and filename, or click the drill down (ellipses) button for the
standard file picker dialog.

Click the Execute button to generate the table script, or click the Cancel button to
close the Table Script Creation dialog.
The options selected in the Table Script Creation dialog are saved and restored the
next time you create a table script.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 259

Create Table

The Create Table button invokes the Create Table window. You can also access this
window from the Create > Table menu item.
This window lets you create a new Oracle table.
Use the dialog to enter the table information, then click the Execute button to create
the Table. This is easier than remembering the Oracle syntax for this command.

Alter Table

The Alter Table button invokes the Tables window. This window lets you drop,
modify, and add columns; change storage parameters and data type; add not null
constraints; and set unused columns. It is the same window as the Create > Table
window, but you are using it to make modifications.
To alter a table, select a table from the objects list and click the Alter Table button.
The Table window will automatically display the Schema and the Name for the table
you selected.

Export Data

The Export Data function creates “INSERT INTO” SQL statements for the data in
the selected table. The Export Data button displays the Data Export window for
whatever table is selected from the left panel of the Tables page.

Here, the User Profile object was selected, the Export Data button was clicked,
and this was the resulting Data Export window.

Columns Tab
You can check/uncheck columns you wish to include/exclude. TOAD checks all the
columns by default.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 261

Exclude Null Columns

If checked, TOAD will exclude null columns from the columns clause and the values
clause of the “INSERT INTO” SQL statement.




Exclude Primary Key Columns

If checked, your primary key columns will be excluded. If you do not have any
primary key columns, this choice will not be enabled.

Select All /Unselect All

The Select All and Unselect All buttons let you quickly Select or Unselect all the
columns. You can then selectively check/uncheck the columns you want to

Options Tab

Where... clause
The Where clause is optional. You do not have to include a Where clause.
If you include a Where clause, you must include the word “Where” in your
statement. Example:

Default – To File
The Destination radio buttons let you choose between To Clipboard or To File.

The filename area has a drill down button where you can drill down to the desired
file. You must supply a file name.

Include Schema/Owner Name in Insert Statements

When this radio button is selected, the Schema or Owner Name will be included in
insert statements.
INSERT INTO Schema.Foo ( ID ) VALUES (5);
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 263

Table Privileges

The Table Privileges button activates the Privileges window.

This window lets you view, grant, and revoke privileges for the selected table. You
can view all users and their privileges. If you are not the object owner, you cannot
grant privileges that you don’t have the grant option for. If you do not have sufficient
privileges to alter an object, you will get a warning message, but you will still be
able to view everyone’s privileges for that object and you will also be able to
rearrange columns.
The Revoke All button will revoke all privileges from everyone but you.
You can multi-select users using the <CTRL> key. This is useful when applying
changes to multiple users. You can multi-select the users, right-click in the column,
and grant or revoke from the Right-Click Menu..
The Show SQL button lets you preview the SQL before applying changes.
You can rearrange columns by clicking and dragging on the column headers.
If the Do not colorize columns box is unchecked grants will be highlighted in blue
and admin grants will be highlighted in yellow.
If you only want to see the rows of users who have grants you can check the Show
only users who have grants assigned checkbox.

The Privileges window is also discussed in the Grants Section of this Tables Tab
Section, page 283.

Create Constraint
The Create Constraint button activates the Create Constraint window.
Use this dialog to create additional table constraints.
You can also get to this dialog via the Create > Constraint menu item.
You can create:
§ Primary Key constraints
§ Check constraints
§ Unique constraints
§ Foreign Key constraints

To Create Primary Key Constraints

1 Type the constraint name in the Constraint Name box.
2 If desired, select the Create Constraint Disabled checkbox.
3 Select the “from” schema and “from” table from the dropdown lists. This will
query and populate the columns into the Table Columns list.
4 Click the Primary Key option button.
5 From the Table Columns list, select the column or columns you want to
designate as the primary key. (To select more than one item press the <CTRL>
key while clicking on the item(s).)
Optionally select the storage parameters.
6 Click the right arrow button to move your selected item(s) to the Constrained
Columns panel.
If you want to move records that do not meet the new constraint criteria into another
table, click the Exceptions tab, pick a schema and existing table; or enter a new table
name and click the Create a New Exceptions Table button.
7 You can review the SQL prior to execution by clicking the SQL tab.
8 Click the Execute button to create the Primary Key constraint.

If a Primary Key constraint already exists for the selected table, then the Primary
Key radio button option will be disabled.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 265

To Create Check Constraints

1 Type the constraint name in the Constraint Name box.
2 If desired, select the Create Constraint Disabled checkbox.
3 Select the “from” schema and “from” table from the dropdown lists.
4 Click the Check option button.
5 Enter the check constraint text, in the Check Constraint Condition textbox,
e.g., "SALARY < 100000 and COMMISSION > 5000."

If you want to move records that do not meet the new constraint criteria into
another table, click the Exceptions tab, pick a schema and existing table, or
enter a new table name and click the Create a New Exceptions Table button.
6 You can review the SQL prior to execution by clicking the SQL tab.
7 Click the Execute button to run the SQL and add the Check Constraint.

To Create Unique Constraints

1 Enter the Constraint Name.
2 If desired, select the Create Constraint Disabled checkbox.
3 Pick the “from” schema and the “from” table from the dropdown list. That will
populate the Table Columns list.
4 Click the Unique radio button.
5 From the Table Columns list, select the column(s) that you want to be the
Constrained Column(s). Optionally select the storage parameters.
6 Click the right arrow button to move your selection(s) to the Constrained
Columns window.
If you want to dump records that do not meet the new constraint criteria into another
table, click the Exceptions tab, pick a schema and existing table, or enter a new table
7 You can review the SQL prior to execution by clicking the SQL tab.
8 Click the Execute button to run the SQL and add the Unique Key constraint.

To Create Foreign Key Constraints

1 Enter the Constraint Name.
2 If desired, select the Create Constraint Disabled checkbox.
3 Pick the “from” schema and the “from” table from the dropdown list. That will
populate the Available Table Columns list.
4 Click the Foreign Key option button, and optionally select the Cascade Deletes
5 On the This Table tab, select the column(s) that you want to be the
Constrained Column(s).
6 Click the right arrow button to move your selection(s) to the Constrained
Columns window.
7 Click the Referenced Table tab.
8 Select the Referenced Table schema, table, and column(s). (To select more
than one item press the <CTRL> key while clicking on the item(s).)

If you want to dump records that do not meet the new constraint criteria into
another table, click the Exceptions tab, pick a schema and existing table, or
enter a new table name and click the Create a New Exceptions Table button.
9 You can review the SQL prior to execution by clicking the SQL tab.
10 Click the Execute button to run the SQL and add the Foreign Key constraint.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 267

Analyze Table

Click the Analyze Table button to display the Analyze Tables window.
Use this dialog to analyze the selected table from the tables object list. This collects
statistics so that COST based query optimization can be used. So, the optimizer can
run better queries.
You can either estimate statistics (faster than compute), compute statistics, or delete
current statistics.

To analyze all tables in the current schema or other selected schema, go to the Tools
> Analyze All Tables menu item. This displays the same dialog as above, but with
the Schema dropdown list enabled so that you can select which schema tables to
analyze all at once.

Add Public Synonym for Table

Click the Add Public Synonym for this Table button, and a confirmation window
will appear asking if you want to create a public synonym for the table.
Click Yes to create the synonym or No to Cancel.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 269

Table Filter
The Table Filter button displays the Browser Filters window for the Tables.

The Browser Filters button can be found on the tabs for Tables, Procedures,
Triggers, Views, Synonyms, and Constraints. All the Browser Filter windows have a
similar interface.

Here, all tables in the SCOTT schema will be filtered out, except
those with Tablenames that begin with EMP.

Browser filters are helpful for schemas that contain a lot of objects— the fewer
objects that TOAD needs to load, the faster it will execute. For example, you can
narrow the focus to only tables whose names begin with EMP and temporarily ignore
all other objects in the schema.

Dropdown filter lists include the following choices:

§ Starts with
§ Includes
§ Ends with
§ Not like

After you set your filters, select OK and the browser will display the resulting
To view all the objects again, simply select the filter button, clear the filters by
selecting Clear where you have filters, and select OK.

The filter is stored in a file named SCHEMA.FLT in the TOAD\TEMPS folder,

where SCHEMA is the schema name. Do NOT attempt to edit this file!
You can also use this dialog to set up the default filter, which is in force for every
new schema.
To set up a default filter, go to View > Browser Filters, and click the Show Default
Filter button. Set up your default filters and press OK to close the window. These
filters will be set up by default each time the Schema Browser window is opened.

You can set defaults for Tables, Constraints, Synonyms, Views, Triggers, and
Procedures, such as starts with, contains or ends with a keyword.
If you select multiple filters, e.g., table name and tablespace name, then they are
joined together with an AND statement in the SQL, as opposed to an OR statement
in SQL.
Not Like sets up the tablename query like this: [not like KEYWORD%].

Rebuild Table

This button invokes the Rebuild Table window. The Rebuild Table function is
discussed on page 478.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 271

Compile Dependencies

If your table is called by a Procedure or View this button will compile those

Drop Table

The Drop Table button lets you drop the selected table directly from the Schema
Browser. A confirmation window will ask you if you are sure you want to drop the
table. Once you select Yes the table is dropped and cannot be retrieved.

Truncate Table

Lets you truncate a table (delete all the data but maintain the table structure) and
either reuse the storage or drop it. The following dialog will display when you select
the button.

Once you click the Execute button you can’t rollback or undo your choice.

Details Panel
The Tables details panel has tabs for displaying different details about the selected

Table - Columns
The Columns tab lists all the columns for the selected table. It also displays each
column Data Type, whether or not the column accepts Null values, column
attributes (such as length, precision, scale), Default value, and column comments, if
any. You can change the length, precision, scale display to “NUMBER(10,5)”
through the TOAD Option > Schema Browser > Show Column Length Info with
Column Data Type setting.
The dropdown default is Show no comments. The other choices in the dropdown are
Column Comments and Table Comments, which show the comments in an overlay
panel at the bottom of the details panel. You can type directly into this panel to edit
the various comments. To save the comment edits, just select a different column or
Primary Key columns are indicated by PK column numbers in the PK column. A
label to the right of the Add and Drop column buttons in the details panel displays
the Primary Key column name(s).
You can multi-select columns, press <CTRL>C to create a comma-delimited list of
columns to the windows clipboard, and paste the selection into an editor.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 273

Table - Columns Details Panel Buttons

Add Column

Drop Column

Click the Add Column button to display the Column Definition window. This
dialog lets you add a column to the selected table. You must enter the Column Name,
the Type, and the Size. The Nullable radio button is selected by default.
If you want to see the resulting SQL script of your command, select the SQL tab.

To Add a Column
1 Enter the column name, data type, and other appropriate information.
2 Click the Execute button to add the column.
Character Default Values have to be wrapped within single quotes, in order to make
a valid "ALTER TABLE..." statement.
Additional columns are always appended to the end of the table definition.

The Drop Column button and the Drop Column from Table Right-Click Menu item
are enabled only if you have Oracle 8.1.5 or later.

Table - Indexes
The Indexes tab lists the indexes for the selected table. The list includes the Index
Name, whether or not the index is Unique, the Column(s), and the Position. It also
lists the Parameters and Values for each index.
Indexes Details Panel Buttons

Create script for selected index

Create new index

Modify index

Rebuild index

Analyze index

Drop index

Drop all indexes

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 275

Table - Constraints
The Constraints tab lists any constraints for the selected table. It lists the Constraint
Name, the Constraint Type, the corresponding Column, and the Status.
For foreign key referential integrity constraints, the panel at the bottom lists the
owner, table, and column names that the foreign key constraint is pointing to.

Table - Constraints Detail Panel Buttons

Enable ALL Constraints for this table

Disable ALL Constraints for this table

Enable the current Constraint

Disable the current Constraint

Drop ALL Constraints, not enabled by default

Drop Constraint

Table - Triggers
The Triggers tab lists any triggers for the selected table. It includes the Type, Status,
whether or not it’s Enabled, the Trigger Event, the Table Owner, and the When
The editor at the bottom of the details panel lists the source code for the selected

Table - Triggers Detail Panel Buttons

Enable ALL Triggers for this table

Disable ALL Triggers for this table

Enable the current Trigger

Disable the current Trigger

Drop ALL Triggers, not enabled by default

Drop Trigger

Open Procedure Edit window for selected trigger

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 277

Table - Data
The Data tab displays the selected table, with data, in grid format. This is similar to
the SQL Results Grid on the SQL Edit window. The data in this grid is directly
editable, because the query to populate the grid includes the ROWID column. The
right mouse menus are slightly different. Grid configurations on this data tab are
saved and restored from the TOAD\TEMPS folder structure.
You can easily rearrange columns by clicking and dragging on the column titles.
Double-click any data item to bring up a memo editor for that item.

Single record view button

Click on the book in the top left corner of the table to show single record views of
the selected row.

Table - Data Details Panel Buttons

Commit the grid edits to the database

Filter the data grid, set sort criteria

The Filter Data toolbar button opens the Table Sort dialog, where you can select
the columns to sort and/or filter.

Table Sort Window

Sort Tab
To Sort, select the column(s) you want to sort and click on the pointing hand. Notice
you can sort in ascending or descending order. You can also move items up and
down the list. If you want to clear the sort column(s) for this table, click the Clear
Sort button. If you want to clear the entire filter for this table, click the Clear Filter
button on the Table Sort dialog.

Filter Tab
You enter the filter criteria in the lower text panel.
The filter tab provides dropdowns with additional filter choices. On the filter tab,
select the Column, Operator, and Value to filter upon. You can further edit the
resulting SQL right in the memo editor widget.
When finished, click OK and the data in the grid will be sorted and/or filtered as
The sort and filter criteria are saved in temporary files in the TOAD\TEMPS folder
If a table filter is in effect, the funnel icon on the Data tab will be red.
The Clear Filters toolbar button clears the filter criteria and the sort criteria.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 279

Data Detail Buttons Continued

The forward and backward buttons let you quickly move around from row to row in
the recordset. The First Record button takes you to the top of the grid (the first record
in the recordset). The Next Record button takes you to the next record in the
recordset, and so on.

Advance to the first record

Advance to the previous record

Advance to the next record

Advance to the last record

Insert record (blank row) over current row

Delete record

Post edit

Cancel edit

Refresh data

The Data grid contains the following Right-Click Menu:

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 281

Table - Scripts
The scripts tab displays the SQL script for the table you’ve selected.

The scripts tab also includes several buttons and options.

Copy Text to Clipboard

The Copy Text to Clipboard button (or <CTRL> C) copies selected text from the
SQL script to the clipboard so that you can paste it into another application or text

Select All Text

The Select All Text button selects all the text in the SQL script. You can then use the
Copy Text to Clipboard button to copy the whole script.

Copy Script to SQL Edit window

The Copy Script to a SQL Edit window button opens a SQL Edit window and pastes
a copy of the script into the SQL Edit window.
The options you can check or uncheck are:
§ FKeys
§ Indexes
§ Synonym
§ Grants
§ Storage
§ Triggers
§ Comments
When you change an option by either checking or unchecking it, the checkbox text
turns red. At the same time, the GO button turns red. This indicates that a change has
taken place, but is not yet reflected in the SQL script. Once you Click GO, the script
refreshes, implementing the options you’ve changed. The option text returns to its
original black color, and GO returns to its original gray color.

Refresh the Table Script

The GO button refreshes the script, updating any changes. If you’ve changed
options, the GO button turns red until you click it, refreshing the screen. Your new
script is displayed, and the GO button returns to its original gray color.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 283

Table - Grants
The Grants Tab lets you view existing table grants and assign or replace existing
Grants Details Buttons

Revoke All

Revoke Privilege


The Privileges button opens the Privileges window.

If you cannot see any roles, have your DBA Grant select on dba_roles to schema.

To Add or Replace Privileges

1 Select the table from the object list.
2 Click the Privileges button. The privileges window for the selected table
3 Click in the cell of the privilege you wish to change. A dropdown displays.
4 Select an item from the dropdown.
5 Click Apply.
6 A confirmation dialog will appear. Confirm by clicking OK.

Table - Partitions

Drop Partition

This lets you see partitioned columns and partitions for the selected table. The Drop
Partition button lets you drop partitions.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 285

Table - Stats/Size
The Stats/Size tab displays numerous statistics and size information about the
selected table.
The two display options
Show Stats
Show Size/Extents
are checked by default.
The Stats, such as TABLESPACE NAME and NUM ROWS, are displayed in the
upper window of the details panel, and the Size/Extents information, such as SIZE
IN BYTES and INITIAL EXTENTS, are displayed in the lower window of the
details panel.
The panel window columns are click and drag resizable, and a horizontal splitter is
between them.

Table - Referential
The Referential tab displays a hierarchy of tables and how the selected table is
referenced by other tables and references other tables. This display is based on the
existing foreign key constraints from table to table.

Remember, “+” on the keyboard expands one branch of the hierarchy, and
<CTRL><SPACE> expands the whole tree. Pressing the asterisk key, "*", will fully
expand the current node.
On each node of the hierarchy, there is a chain symbol for standard referential and a
scissors symbol if the reference is Cascade on Delete.

Circular references, such as EMPLOYEE.MANAGER_ID referencing

EMPLOYEE.EMPLOYEE_ID, are captured; so you cannot drill down in the
hierarchy endlessly (for example, emp_id is referenced by manager_id, which
references emp_id, which references manager_id, and so on).
You can select an item in the list, press <F4> and get a popup window describing the
object in detail.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 287

Table -Used by
The Used By tab shows the objects that reference the selected table such as views,
triggers, functions, procedures, and packages.

Here, the CUSTOMER table is selected in the objects panel. The Used By tab in the details panel
shows that the CUSTOMER table is used by the Demo.Sales view.


Objects panel
In the list of indexes, "101" icons are BITMAP indexes, and "Yellow Square + Red
Triangle + Blue Circle" icons indicate UNIQUE indexes (vs. non unique).

Create Script

This copies the Create Index script of the selected index to the clipboard.

Create Index

This invokes the Create Index window.

Modify Index

This invokes an Alter Index window for the selected index.

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 289

Rebuild Index

Use this function to rebuild a table index.

Indexes need to be periodically rebuilt in order to improve query performance. Over
time, records are added to the end of tables and indexes, and other records are
deleted from the middle of tables and indexes. When you read the tables and indexes,
the disk device has to traverse the chain up and back until your record is found.
Rebuilding an index reorganizes the chain sequentially, substantially improving
query performance.

The Rebuild Index window lets you change storage parameters, select a Parallel
option, and select a Recoverable option. You can click the SQL tab to see the
resulting SQL syntax.

Analyze Index

This collects statistics on the selected index so that COST based query optimization
can be used. So, the optimizer can run better queries. A confirmation popup window
will appear, select Yes, and the selected index will be analyzed.

Drop All Indexes

This is disabled by default.

This will drop all indexes in the list. This will not drop indexes that have been
filtered out of the list.
Refer to the Dropping Objects section of this chapter, page 249, for more
information about Drop All buttons.

Drop Index

This will drop the selected index.

The Index page contains the following Right-Click Menu:

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 291

Details Panel
The details panel displays information about the selected index. The details Column
tab includes the column, table name, table owner, parameters, and values. The Stats
tab includes the parameters and values. The Partitions tab shows the partitioned
columns and the partitions. The horizontal splitter between the two panels can be
moved up or down. A Drop Partition button lets you drop partitions. The Script
tab shows the Create Unique Index script for the selected index.


In the list of PL/SQL Procedures, Functions, and Packages, a "Pink X" is for a
Package that contains one or more invalid (Red X) functions or procedures.

The Procedure page contains the following Right-Click Menu:

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 293

Objects Panel

Save to File

This button lets you save the selected procedure to a file on your hard drive.

Proc Edit

The Proc Edit button is enabled after you select a procedure. It opens a Procedure
Edit window for the procedure that you’ve selected in the objects panel.


The Compile button compiles the selected procedure, function, or package.

Compile All

The Compile All button compiles all procedures, functions, packages, and triggers
for the current schema.

Procs Filter

The Procs Filter button displays a Browser Filter dialog for procedures.
Refer to the Filters discussion, page 250, for more about Filters.

Compile Dependencies

The Compile Dependencies button will compile dependencies for the selected
procedure. For example, if procedure A calls your procedure B, select procedure B,
click the Compile Dependencies button, and TOAD will recompile procedure A. A
dialog asks if you want to compile the dependencies on the selected procedure.
Select Yes or No.

Execute Procedure

The Execute Procedure button executes the selected procedure, bringing up the
Execute Procedure/Set Parameters window.


Use this window to view or modify the privileges of the selected procedure to other
user schema accounts or roles.

Create Public Synonym

This creates a Public Synonym for the selected procedure, function, or package.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 295

Drop All Procedures

This drops all the procedures in the list. This will not drop procedures that have been
filtered out of the list.
The button is disabled by default.
Refer to the Dropping Objects section, page 249, for more about Drop All.

Drop Procedure

This drops the selected procedure.


Details Panel

The details panel includes tabs for Code, Arguments, Deps (Uses), Deps (Used by),
Errors, and Grants.

This displays the code for the selected procedure, function, or package.

The Arguments tab displays information about the procedure arguments (if any) in
the upper part of the panel.

Deps (Uses) and Deps (Used By)

The Dependencies tabs (Uses and Used By) displays the dependencies in the upper
part of the panel. If there is a hierarchy of dependencies, the expand button will show
the hierarchy.
You can select an item in the Deps list, press <F4> and get a popup window
describing the object in detail.

The Errors tab displays the last errors that occurred when you tried to compile the
selected procedure. If you click on an error, its location is highlighted in the script
displayed in the lower part of the details panel.

The Grants tab lists the Grants and shows the associated Privileges, whether or not
there is a "With Grant Option", and the Grantor. The tab contains two buttons.

Revoke All

This revokes all privileges that are in the list.

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 297

Revoke Privilege

This revokes the selected privilege.



In the Triggers list, the icons to the left of the items represent the following:
§ Red Circle with a slash
indicates that the trigger is DISABLED
§ Red X
indicates that the trigger is INVALID and needs recompiling
§ White page
indicates that the trigger is VALID and ENABLED

The Triggers page has the following Right-Click Menu:

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 299

Objects Panel

Save to File

This button lets you save the selected trigger to a file on your hard drive.

Proc Edit (Trigger to Proc Editor)

This button takes the selected Trigger to the Procedure Editor ready for editing.

Compile the Selected Trigger

This button compiles the trigger that is selected in the objects panel.

Compile all

This button compiles all the triggers in the objects panel.

Enable all Triggers

This button enables all triggers in the current schema.

Disable all Triggers

This button disables all triggers that are in the current schema.

Enable the current Trigger

This button enables the currently selected trigger.

Disable the current Trigger

This button disables the trigger that is currently selected.


Trigger Filter
This button activates the Browser Filters for the Triggers window.

Drop Trigger

This button drops the selected trigger.

Drop all Triggers

This button drops all triggers in the list. This is a Drop All button and has to be
manually enabled on the Options window.
Refer to the Dropping Objects section, page 249, for more information about Drop
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 301

Details Panel
The details panel displays information about the selected trigger. The Columns tab
displays the column, table, table owner, and usage. The Source tab displays the SQL
script for the selected trigger.
The trigger text is selectable via <CTRL>A and can be copied to the clipboard via


Sequences are basically counters that Oracle maintains. They have designated
starting and stopping points.
A sequence can either be ascending or descending. Oracle keeps sequences in
memory until it reaches its cache value (the number to cache).
Oracle preallocates the space and keeps the sequence in memory before caching.
This lets TOAD and Oracle run faster.
If you are caching sequences, and the database crashes, you lose from whatever the
sequence started with to wherever the sequence stopped. This might or might not
matter to you depending on why you are using the sequence. For example, if the
sequence is for printed invoices where every number on the invoice is printed on a
sheet, it is important for you to have every number in the sequence, and you don’t
want to cache anything.
An example of a situation where you might want to cache sequences, so that TOAD
can run faster, is if you are using the sequences to generate unique id numbers for
primary keys, and you don’t need all the sequences.

The Sequences page contains the following Right-Click Menu:

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 303

Objects Panel

Create Script

This creates the Create Sequence script and copies it to a clipboard so it can be
pasted into a SQL Editor or another application.

Create New Sequence

This button opens the Create Sequence window, where you can create a new

Alter Sequence

This button opens the Alter Sequence window for the selected sequence.
You can modify the min value, max value, the increment value, whether or not to
cycle, and the number to cache settings.

Sequence Privileges

This button opens the privileges window for the selected sequence.

Add Public Synonym for this Sequence

This creates a public synonym for the selected sequence..


Drop all Sequences, not enabled by default

When enabled, this drops all sequences in the current schema Refer to the Dropping
Objects section, page 249, for more information about Drop All.

Drop Sequence

This drops the selected sequence.

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 305

Details Panel
The Info tab lets you view the start value, the max value, the increment value, and
the number to cache settings. The Grants tab lets you view grants, and the buttons
on the Grants tab let you revoke privileges for the selected sequence or all sequences.


Objects Panel

Create Script

Generates the Create View script syntax and places it on the clipboard so it can be
pasted into the SQL Editor or another application.

Create View
This opens the Create View window which lets you create a View.

Edit View

This opens up a window that lets you modify the selected view.

Show view in a SQL Editor

This opens the SQL Editor and pulls in the SQL Script of the selected View.

Save to File

This invokes the Save As window so you can save to a file.


This button compiles the selected View.

Compile All

This button compiles all the Views in the current schema.

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 307

View privileges

This button displays the Privileges window for the selected View.

View Filter

This button displays the Filter window for the selected View.

Create Public Synonym

This creates a Public Synonym for the selected view.

Compile Dependencies

If your table is called by a Procedure or View, this button will compile those

Drop all Views

This button, when enabled, drops all Views in the current schema.
Refer to the Dropping Objects section of this chapter, page 249, for more
information about Drop All buttons.

Drop View

This drops the selected View.


Details Panel
The details panel includes tabs for Columns, Source, Data, Grants, Deps (uses) and
Deps (Used by).

The Columns tab includes an Include Updateable checkbox that lets you either
display or not display which columns of the view are updateable. This requires an
extra query step; so it is an option. The Columns panel populates information about
the selected view: Column, Data Type, Null (Y/N), and Updateable (if the checkbox
is checked).
The view code (Source tab) is selectable via <CTRL>A and can be copied to the
clipboard via <CTRL>C.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 309

The Data tab displays the data for the selected view, in table format. It includes a
filter button, which pulls up the Table Sort window containing the Sort and Filter
tabs. It has the single record view button, which pulls up the Single Record View
window. It also includes the standard TOAD table navigation buttons for quick
navigation through the rows (or records).

The single record view button activates the Single Record

View window which also allows for table navigation.

The Filter button pulls up the Table Sort window. For more information on the Table Sort
dialog, see page 277.


The Grants tab displays Grant information for the selected view: granted to, type of
privilege, whether or not there is a with grant option, and the grantor.
It includes buttons for revoking all privileges or for revoking just the selected
privilege. It also includes a Table Privileges button.

Deps (Uses) and Deps (Used By)

The Dependencies tabs (Uses and Used By) displays the dependencies in the upper
part of the panel. If there is a hierarchy of dependencies, the expand button will show
the hierarchy.
You can select an item in the Deps list, press <F4>, and get a popup window
describing the object in detail.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 311


You can create synonyms for any object. Synonyms are useful for things like
security and ease of maintenance. Remember, synonyms basically point to the
original object.

The symbol indicates a public synonym.

Objects Panel

Create Script

This puts a Create Synonym command for your script onto the clipboard so you can
paste it into the SQL Editor or another application.

Create Synonym

The opens the Create Synonym window which lets you create a synonym.


Filters let you filter out different types of synonyms.

Because the SYS/SYSTEM schemas contain a lot of synonyms, users like to filter
them out for easier navigation. So, the Show Public synonyms except those for
objects owned by SYS/SYSTEM is selected by default.
In addition to the basic filter choices, the window also has radio buttons where you
can choose the type of synonyms you want displayed. The checkboxes let you show
synonyms for tables, views, and/or stored procedures. A dropdown box is provided
for Object Owner choices.

Drop Synonym

This drops the selected synonym.

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 313

Details Panel
The details panel displays details of the object the synonym is pointing to. When you
click on a synonym from the object list, the details of the object the synonym is
pointing to displays in the details panel. So, you can see details about synonyms
pointing to tables, views, and stored procedures. Unknown Objects are listed as

The details panel will also display tabs and details associated with the object. For
example, if the object is a View, the details panel will contain the same tabs the
Object View Tab displays in the details panel (Columns, Source, Data, Grants, Deps)
and the same associated details, options, and dialogs.


The Constraints tab displays the constraints in the objects panel and details about the
constraints, including the type of constraint and the columns involved, in the details

Objects Panel

Enable all constraints

This enables all constraints that are in the current schema.

Disable all constraints

This disables all constraints that are in the current schema.

Enable the current constraint

This enables the selected constraint.

Disable the current constraint

This disables the current constraint.

Chapter 9 Schema Browser 315

Constraints filter

This pulls up a Browser Filter dialog window for constraints.


Drop Constraint

This drops the selected constraint.

When you disable constraints (either disable current or all), if any of the constraints
you have selected to disable have dependencies, an Oracle error message will display
stating that you cannot disable constraints that have dependencies. If the constraint
was disabled, a red X will also appear next to your constraint in the objects list. If
you then enable the constraint, the red X will disappear.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 317

Details Panel
The details panel provides information about the selected constraint, including its
type, status, table and owner.

Db Links

The Db Links lists all possible links from the database you are using. Links can be
public (used by all schemas) or private (used only by the schema that created it).

Db Links are used in queries at the end of each table or view name.

Public links in the list have the symbol next to them.

Objects Panel

Copy script to clipboard

This copies a Create Public DB link script to the clipboard, which you can then

Create new database link

This displays the Create Database Link window where you can fill in the
information to create a database link. The dropdown menu lets you select from the
list of databases to connect to. After the information boxes are filled in, select the
Execute button to create the database link.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 319

Drop Db link

This drops the selected database link.


Details Panel
The details panel lists the owner, host, user name, and the date and time the link was
created for the selected DB link from the object list.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 321

You can create, alter, execute, and drop jobs. You can also place jobs online or
offline and view job details.

Objects Panel

Create New Job

This displays the job definition window, which includes a job number box, entry
boxes for next date of execution and interval, and a box for what to execute.

Alter Jobs

This displays a job definition window for the selected job, which you can then alter.

Place Online

This button is only enabled when the selected job is Offline. This places the selected
job Online, available for transactions.

Place Offline

This button is only enabled when the selected job is Online. This places the selected
job Offline, unavailable for transactions.

Execute Job Immediately

This executes the selected job.

Drop Job

This drops the selected job.


Details Panel
The details panel shows various parameters for the selected job, such as LOG USER,
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 323

You can create, modify, and drop users. You can also create and copy the SQL script
to the clipboard. You can view details for roles and privileges.

Create Script

This creates and copies the SQL script to the clipboard.

Create New User

This invokes the Create user window.

Modify User

This invokes the Modify User window for the selected user.

Copy This User

This invokes the New User Info window, where you choose the user name for the
copy and the password.

Drop User

This drops the selected user.

Details Panel
The details panel contains tabs for Info, Roles, and Privileges.
A checkbox lets you Exclude privileges granted by Role.
The Roles and Privileges tabs contain Revoke and Revoke all buttons, which revokes
the selected Role or Privilege (Revoke) or revokes all the Roles or Privileges
(Revoke all).

TOAD includes a JAVA tab for Oracle 8i databases. The JAVA tab does not have a
details panel. The four buttons it contains are Compile, Compile All, Drop All
Objects, and Drop Object.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 325

Schema Browser Tasks

This section will take you step-by-step through various tasks that you might want to
perform with the Schema Browser.

To copy table or view column names to the clipboard

You can copy the column names from the list on the Tables/Columns tab or the
Views/Columns tab via multi-select list and copy <CTRL>C.
From Tables > Columns
1 Click the Column you want to copy. To select more than one column, press
<CTRL> while clicking the columns you wish to select. To select a continuous
block of columns, select the starting point, press <SHIFT>, and click on the
ending part of the blocked selection.

2 Press <CTRL>C or select Edit > Copy from the menu.

The selection is copied to the clipboard.

In this example, the following selection is copied to the clipboard:



To export table data in a certain order

In the Data Export window, which is accessible from the Schema Browser
window > Tables tab > Export Data button, you can export table data to either a
file or the clipboard. If you want to filter out only certain records, enter the WHERE
clause in the where textbox on the Options tab.
Here's a handy trick that TOAD performs. If you want to sort the data further, add an
“ORDER BY” clause after the “WHERE” clause. TOAD adds the entire string onto
the end of the SQL and executes it.
Chapter 9 Schema Browser 327

To filter out schemas that do not contain objects from the schema
dropdown list
If you have a database where only a few schemas contain objects, e.g. tables, views,
etc., and all other schemas are used as end-user logins, go to the View > Options >
Schema Browser node, and check Only show users that own objects in dropdown
In this example, the OPS$ accounts (and other schemas that do not own any objects)
are filtered out in the list on the right.

To filter out objects that you do not want to see from the object lists
Use the filter buttons on the various object tabs to include or exclude certain objects.
The filters make object lists more manageable.
Filters are discussed in detail in the Tables section of this chapter, page 269.

To Show/Hide Object Tabs

Right-click over the object tabs list and check which ones you want to see.

Refer to the Right-Click Menus section of this chapter, page 238, for more
information about the Right-Click Menu.
Create/Alter Table

This chapter discusses the Create Table and Alter Table functions.

Create Table
NOTE: TOAD does not support the following functionality at this time: foreign key
references, composite partitions, subpartitions, LOB storage, Varrays.
You get to this dialog via the Create > Table menu item or from the Schema
Browser window > Tables page > Create Table button.
This window lets you create a new Oracle table.
Use this dialog to enter the table information; then click the Execute button to create
the Table. This is easier than remembering the Oracle syntax for this command.
The Schema box has a dropdown. Enter the name of the table in the Name textbox.
The Table window is divided into three tabs: Columns, Organization, and Partitions.
The Show SQL button displays a SQL Statement window that contains the
associated SQL statement.

Columns Tab
The first column is the state column. This displays the state of the table column by
using bitmaps: + (plus) for an add column, - (minus) for a drop column, triangle for a
changed column, cobweb for a set unused column.

This displays the name of the table column. For new tables, this is where you type in
the name of your table.
Chapter 10 Create/Alter Table 331

Data Type
This is the data type for the table column. The data type dropdown lists the native
Oracle data types first, followed by the ANSI data types, and then (if using Oracle 8)
the user-defined object types. A dashed line separates the different groups of data
types. For new tables you would select a data type from the dropdown. Also see the
Data Types Options section of this chapter, page 345.

This displays the size of the data type when applicable. This is sometimes
automatically generated based on the data type you select from the dropdown. If you
want to change the size, click in the box and either type a value or use the Up/Down
arrows to scroll through the numbers.

This displays the precision of the data type when applicable.

This displays the scale of the data type when applicable.

Click in the box to check/uncheck. If checked, the column can accept a null value.

Primary Key
Click in the box to check/uncheck. If checked, the column is a primary key.

Click in the box to check/uncheck. If checked, a unique constraint exists for the

Click in the box to check/uncheck. If checked, the data type is a ref object. This is
for object data types only.

This is the default column value for new rows. Click in the box to enter a default
column value.

This is the column constraint expression. Click in the box to enter a constraint

This is the column comment. Click in the box to enter a comment.

Editing buttons

Add button
This adds a new blank row into the columns grid.
Drop button
This deletes the selected column. (In the Alter function, this marks a column for a
drop.) This function is only enabled if you have Oracle 8.1.5, or later, because that is
when this function was introduced.
Unused button
This sets the selected column to unused. This is for the Alter function only and is
disabled in the Create Table function. This function is only enabled if you have
Oracle 8.1.5, or later, because that is when this function was introduced.

Table Comment panel

This is where you can type in a description for the table.
Chapter 10 Create/Alter Table 333

Hot Keys
<Ins> Add
<Ctrl><Del> Drop
<Home> Go to first column in grid
<End> Go to last column in grid
<Ctrl><Home> Go to first row in grid
<Ctrl><End> Go to last row in grid

Organization Tab
Table Type
The Table Type frame contains radio buttons that, when selected, enable or disable
the associated parameter options.

Standard Table radio button

Select Standard Table if you want a normal relational table.

Global Temporary Table radio button

Select this if you want a table whose data is only visible for the current session.

Index-Organized Table radio button

Select this if you want a table whose data rows are stored in the primary key index.

Clustered Table radio button

Select this if you want a table that is part of a cluster.

Segment Attributes
These options are enabled when you select either the Standard Table radio button or
the Index-Organized table radio button.

Percent Free entry box

This is the percentage of space in the data block that is reserved for updates.

Percent Used entry box

This is the minimum percentage of used space that Oracle maintains for each data
block of the table.

Initial Trans entry box

This specifies the initial number of transaction entries allocated within each data
block that is allocated to the table.

Max Trans entry box

This specifies the maximum number of concurrent transactions that can update a data
block allocated to the table.

Dropdowns let you specify the storage characteristics for the table.

Tablespace textbox/dropdown
This specifies the tablespace in which Oracle will create the table.

Logging checkbox
If checked, the creation of the table will be recorded in the redo logs.
Chapter 10 Create/Alter Table 335

Index-Organized Parameters
These options are enabled if you select the Index-Organized Table radio button.

Threshold Pct box

This is the percentage of space reserved in the index for the data row.

Key Compression checkbox

If checked, this enables key compression, which eliminates repeated occurrences of
primary key column values. This function is only enabled if you have Oracle 8 or

Columns box
This is the number of prefix primary key columns to compress.

Overflow checkbox
If checked, data rows that exceed the threshold pct will be placed in an overflow data

Overflow Column dropdown

This lets you specify a column at which to divide a table into index and overflow
portions. You can select a column from the dropdown list.

Segment Attributes button

This displays the Segment Attributes window where you can define the segment
attributes of the overflow segment.

Cluster Parameters
These options are enabled if you select the Clustered Table radio button.

Cluster textbox/dropdown
Enter or select the name of the cluster to which the table will belong.

Columns checkboxes list

Check the columns that will correspond to the cluster columns.

Partitions Tab
You select columns from the Available Columns list to determine which columns
the partition will be based upon. Double-click on the column name (or click on the
column and click the single right arrow) to move the selected columns into the
Partitions Columns list.

Add a Partition
Once you select columns for the partitions to be based upon, you can add a partition.
For range partitions, you do this by clicking the Add button. The Add Partition
dialog displays, and you can provide a partition name. You must enter the upper
range for each column within the partition or select Maxvalue from the dropdown
list on that dialog. (NOTE: String value upperbounds must be enclosed in single
quotes within the grid, e.g. for a Last Name column with a datatype of varchar2, an
upper bound could be 'Smith'. The single quotes must be entered into the grid.)
To add a hash partition, select the tablespaces to use for the hash partition by
checking the appropriate checkboxes next to the tablespaces.
Chapter 10 Create/Alter Table 337

Alter Table
NOTE: TOAD does not support the following functionality at this time: alter range
or hash partitions.

The Alter Table function uses the Table window. You get to this window from the
Schema Browser > Tables page > Alter Table button.
This window lets you drop, modify, and add columns; change storage parameters;
change data type; add not null constraints; and set unused columns. It is the same
window as the Create > Table window, but you are using it to make modifications to
an existing table.

To alter a table, select a table from the objects list, and click the Alter Table button.
The Table window will automatically display the Schema and the Name for the
table you selected.

Columns Tab
The first column is the state column. This displays the state of the table column by
using bitmaps: + (plus) for an add column, - (minus) for a drop column, triangle for a
changed column, cobweb for a set unused column.

This function is disabled because you cannot change the tablename. This displays the
name of the table column. For new tables, this is where you type in the name of your

Data Type
This is the data type for the table column. The data type dropdown lists the native
Oracle data types first, followed by the ANSI data types, and then (if using Oracle 8)
the user-defined object types. A dashed line separates the different groups of data
types. For new tables, you would select a data type from the dropdown.
In the Alter window, you can change the data types. If there is no data in the table,
you can change the datatype to any datatype as long as there are no rows in the table.
Also see the Data Types Options section of this chapter, page 345.

This displays the size of the data type when applicable. This is sometimes
automatically generated based on the data type you select from the dropdown. If you
want to change the size, click in the box and either type a value or use the Up/Down
arrows to scroll through the numbers.

This displays the precision of the data type when applicable.

This displays the scale of the data type when applicable.

Click in the box to check/uncheck. If checked, the column can accept a null value.

Primary Key
You cannot check/uncheck the Primary Key checkbox in the Alter window. The
Primary Key designations cannot be altered. (If checked, the column is a Primary
Chapter 10 Create/Alter Table 339

You cannot check/uncheck the Unique checkbox on an existing column in the Alter
window. The Unique designations cannot be altered. (If checked, a unique constraint
exists for the column.)

Click in the box to check/uncheck. If checked, the data type is a ref object. This is
for object data types only.

This is the default column value for new rows. Click in the box to enter a default
column value.

This is the column constraint expression. Click in the box to enter a constraint

This is the column comment. Click in the box to enter a comment.

Editing buttons

Add button
This adds a new blank row into the columns grid.

Drop button
This marks a column for a drop. This function is only enabled if you have Oracle
8.1.5, or later, because that is when this function was introduced.

Unused button
This sets the selected column to unused. This is for the Alter function only and is
disabled in the Create Table function. This function is only enabled if you have
Oracle 8.1.5 or later, because that is when this function was introduced.

Table Comment panel

This is where you can type in a description for the table.

Hot Keys
<Ins> Add
<Ctrl><Del> Drop
<Home> Go to first column in grid
<End> Go to last column in grid
<Ctrl><Home> Go to first row in grid
<Ctrl><End> Go to last row in grid
Chapter 10 Create/Alter Table 341

Organization Tab

Table Type
The Table Type frame contains radio buttons that are disabled, because you can't
alter the table type.

Standard Table radio button

This is a normal relational table.

Global Temporary Table radio button

This is a table whose data is only visible for the current session.

Index-Organized Table radio button

This is a table whose data rows are stored in the primary key index.

Clustered Table radio button

This is a table that is part of a cluster.

Segment Attributes
These options are enabled when you have either a Standard Table or an Index-
Organized table.

Percent Free entry box

This is the percentage of space in the data block that is reserved for updates.

Percent Used entry box

This is the minimum percentage of used space that Oracle maintains for each data
block of the table.

Initial Trans entry box

This specifies the initial number of transaction entries allocated within each data
block that is allocated to the table.

Max Trans entry box

This specifies the maximum number of concurrent transactions that can update a data
block allocated to the table.

Dropdowns let you change the storage characteristics for the table.

Tablespace textbox/dropdown
The tablespace cannot be altered. The tablespace textbox specifies the tablespace in
which Oracle will create the table.

Logging checkbox
If checked, it indicates the creation of the table will be recorded in the redo logs.
Chapter 10 Create/Alter Table 343

Index-Organized Parameters
These options are enabled if you have an Index-Organized Table.

Threshold Pct box

This is the percentage of space reserved in the index for the data row.

Key Compression checkbox

If checked, this enables key compression which eliminates repeated occurrences of
primary key column values. This function is only enabled if you have Oracle 8 or

Columns box
This is the number of prefix primary key columns to compress.

Overflow checkbox
If checked, data rows that exceed the threshold pct will be placed in an overflow data

Overflow Column dropdown

This lets you specify a column at which to divide a table into index and overflow
portions. You can select a column from the dropdown list.

Segment Attributes button

This displays the Segment Attributes window where you can define the segment
attributes of the overflow segment.

Cluster Parameters
These options are enabled if you have a Clustered Table.

Cluster textbox/dropdown
Enter or select the name of the cluster to which the table will belong.

Columns checkboxes list

Check the columns that will correspond to the cluster columns.

Partitions Tab
You select columns from the Available Columns list to determine which columns
the partition will be based upon. Double-click on the column name (or click on the
column and click the single right arrow) to move the selected columns into the
Partitions Columns list.

Add a Partition
Once you select columns for the partitions to be based upon, you can add a partition.
For range partitions, you do this by clicking the Add button. The Add Partition
dialog displays, and you can provide a partition name. You must enter the upper
range for each column within the partition, or select Maxvalue from the dropdown
list on that dialog. (NOTE: String value upperbounds must be enclosed in single
quotes within the grid, e.g. for a Last Name column with a datatype of varchar2, an
upper bound could be 'Smith'. The single quotes must be entered into the grid.)
To add a hash partition, select the tablespaces to use for the hash partition by
checking the appropriate checkboxes next to the tablespaces.
Chapter 10 Create/Alter Table 345

Data Types Options

The Data Types Options page is accessed through the View > Options > Data
Types item. The options that are checked will appear as items in the Data Types
dropdown in the Create Table and Alter Table windows.

Types are listed in the Native Oracle Types panel and the ANSI Types panel. Select
All and Select None buttons are in each panel. You can check and uncheck the
individual types. The types checked are the only ones that will be included in the
Table Data Types dropdown. You can also check or uncheck the Include Object
Types (Oracle 8) checkbox.
Create/Alter Index

This chapter discusses the Create and Alter Index functionality.

Create Index

NOTE: TOAD does not support the following functionality at this time:
domain indexes, composite partitions, some features of hash partitioning (ability to
name individual partitions, currently they are system generated), subpartitions, and
function-based indexes.

You get to this dialog via the Create > Index menu item or from the Schema
Browser window > Indexes page > Create New Index button. Indexes can speed
up execution by providing a faster path to access table data.
Use this dialog to select a schema owner and tablename. Then, on the Create Index
tab, select whether you want to create a Primary Key index, Unique index, Non-
Unique Index, or a Bitmap index. Select the index columns and optional storage

Schema dropdown
The top Schema dropdown lets you select the schema in which the index will reside.

Name textbox
The Name textbox lets you designate the name of the new index.

Index tab

Table Index radio button

Select the Table Index button if you want an index based on a table. This button is
already selected by default.
Chapter 11 Create/Alter Index 349

Cluster Index radio button

Select the Cluster Index button if you want an index based on a cluster.

Schema dropdown
Select the schema where the table or cluster to be indexed resides. This loads either
the tables or the clusters for that schema into the Table/Cluster dropdown box that is
under the schema dropdown.

Table/Cluster dropdown
This dropdown is where you select the table or cluster on which to create the index.
If you select the Table Index radio button, the dropdown is a Table dropdown. If you
select the Cluster Index radio button, the dropdown is a cluster dropdown. When you
select a table, the columns display in the Table Columns list box.

Type dropdown
This is only enabled if the table on which the index is to be based is partitioned.
When enabled, the dropdown choices are Global and Local.

Table Columns list box

This panel displays the columns for the tables you've selected.
You move items from the Table Columns list to the Index Columns list with a
double-click or a drag-and-drop. If you move a column from the Table Columns list
box to the Index Columns list box, and you specify that the index will be comprised
of this column, the ASC checkbox is automatically checked for the item indicating
the default sort order for the column.

Index Columns
This panel displays the table columns that you selected for the index, as well as the
order ASC or DESC (ascending or descending) for the column within the index. The
default order is ascending unless the item is unchecked.

Unique radio button

Select this to specify that the values of the column(s) upon which the index is based
must be unique. (This is usually not recommended. Oracle recommends using
UNIQUE integrity constraints when the table is created.)

Non-unique radio button

If you select this, unique constraints will not be enforced.

Bitmap radio button

This specifies that the index is to be created as a bitmap rather than as a B-tree. This
is most appropriate for applications that have low levels of concurrent transactions,
like warehousing. This function is only enabled if you have Oracle 8 or later.

Primary Key radio button

This creates a primary key constraint on the specified table, with the same name as
the provided index name, and based on the selected columns.

Not Sorted checkbox

A check in this checkbox indicates to Oracle that the rows are stored in the database
in ascending order. So, Oracle does not have to sort the rows when creating the
index. The Not Sorted checkbox is mutually exclusive with the Reverse checkbox.
You cannot choose both. This function is only enabled if you have Oracle 8 or later.

Reverse checkbox
If this box is checked, the bytes of the index block are stored in reverse order. The
Reverse checkbox is mutually exclusive with the Not Sorted checkbox. You cannot
choose both. This function is only enabled if you have Oracle 8 or later.
Chapter 11 Create/Alter Index 351


Compute Statistics checkbox

A check in this box lets you collect statistics during the creation of the index. These
statistics are stored in the data dictionary for ongoing use by the optimizer in
choosing a plan of execution for SQL statements. This function is enabled if you
have Oracle 8.1 or later.

Online checkbox
If this option is checked, TOAD will allow DML operations on the table during
creation of the index. This function is only enabled if you have Oracle 8 or later.

Parallel checkbox
This option enables or disables the Parallel edit field. If this option is checked, it
causes Oracle to select a degree of parallelism equal to the number of CPUs
available on all participating instances times the value of the
PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU initialization parameter. If a value is specified,
it represents the degree of parallelism, which is the number of parallel threads used
in the parallel operation. Each parallel thread may use one or two parallel execution
servers. Oracle usually calculates the optimum degree of parallelism; so it's not
necessary to specify a value. This option is unchecked (no parallel) by default.

Logging dropdown (Default, Logging, No Logging) for Oracle 8 and later

Recoverable dropdown (Default, Recoverable, Unrecoverable) for prior to Oracle 8
This dropdown lets you specify whether the creation of the index will be logged
(Logging) or not logged (No Logging) in the redo log file. It also specifies that
subsequent Direct Loader (SQL*Loader) and direct-load INSERT operations against
the index are logged or not logged, depending on your choice. The default is
"Default" which means the statement will not be included in the DDL script creation.
Versions prior to Oracle 8 refer to this concept as Recoverable. So, for versions
before Oracle 8, instead of Logging, the option will display as Recoverable, and the
dropdown choices will be Default, Recoverable, and Unrecoverable.

Tablespace dropdown
This is where you specify the name of the tablespace to hold the partition. If you do
not specify a tablespace name, Oracle will create the index in the default tablespace
of the owner of the schema containing the index.

Key Compression radio buttons

The Key Compression radio buttons are only enabled if you have Oracle 8 or later.

Compress radio button

The Compress radio button enables or disables the Compress columns input field. If
you select Compress, you'll need to enter the number of columns to compress. If you
select Compress, you enable key compression, which eliminates repeated
occurrences of key column values and might substantially reduce storage.

Value box
The Value box lets you specify the prefix length (the number of prefix columns to
compress). You'll need to fill in this box if you select the Compress option.
For Unique indexes, the valid range of prefix length values is from 1 to the number
of key columns minus 1. The default prefix length is the number of key columns
minus 1.
For nonunique indexes, the valid range of prefix length values is from 1 to the
number of key columns. The default prefix length is the number of key columns.
Oracle compresses only nonpartitioned indexes that are nonunique or unique indexes
of at least two columns.

No Compress radio button

If you select No Compress, you disable key compression.

Show SQL button

This displays the SQL statement for the Index Create DDL.
Chapter 11 Create/Alter Index 353

OK button
This gives the command to Create the index.

This displays a confirmation dialog, and if you answer OK to the confirmation,
TOAD will discard the changes and close the Index window.

Physical Attributes tab

The Percent Used field is irrelevant for Create Index; so it is disabled.

Partitions tab
The Available Columns are the same columns that you selected as the columns for
the index (except for columns with certain datatypes: BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB,
BFILE, ROWID, UROWID, MLSLABEL). You select columns from the Available
Columns list to determine which columns the partition will be based upon. Every
partition created for the index is based on the same column list. So, once partitions
are created on this screen and columns are removed, the created partitions should be

Add a Partition
Once you select columns for the partitions to be based upon, you can add a partition.
For range partitions, you do this by clicking the Add button. The Add Partition
dialog displays, and you can provide a partition name. You must enter the upper
range for each column within the partition or select Maxvalue from the dropdown
list on that dialog. (NOTE: String value upperbounds must be enclosed in single
quotes within the grid, e.g. for a Last Name column with a datatype of varchar2, an
upper bound could be 'Smith'. The single quotes must be entered into the grid.)
To add a hash partition, select the tablespaces to use for the hash partition. Quantity
is irrelevant for hash partitions based on Indexes; so quantity is disabled.
You can alter indexes through the Schema Browser > Indexes tab > Modify button.

Alter Index

This is accessed through the Schema Browser > Indexes tab (select an index) >
Modify button.
This window lets you modify (or alter) the selected index.

Schema dropdown
This is the schema in which the index resides. It cannot be altered; so the dropdown
is disabled.

Name textbox
This defines the name of the index. You can alter it.

Index tab
Deallocate Unused Space checkbox
If checked, this tells Oracle to explicitly deallocate unused space at the end of the
index. This makes the freed space available for other segments in the tablespace.
Only unused space above the high water mark can be freed. If checked, the Keep
box is enabled.

Keep box
This specifies the number of bytes above the high water mark that the index will
have after deallocation.

Bytes dropdown
You can choose Kilobytes or Megabytes. The default is Kilobytes.
Deallocate Unused Space is mutually exclusive with Allocate New Extent. If one is
checked, the other gets unchecked automatically. You cannot choose both.
Chapter 11 Create/Alter Index 355

Allocate New Extent checkbox

If checked, this explicitly allocates a new extent for the index. For a local index on a
hash-partitioned table, Oracle allocates a new extent for each partition of the index.
If checked, the Size box is enabled.

This specifies the size of the extent in bytes. If Size is omitted, Oracle determines the
size based on the values of the index's storage parameters.

Bytes dropdown
You can choose Kilobytes or Megabytes. The default is Kilobytes.
Allocate New Extent is mutually exclusive with Deallocate Unused Space. If one is
checked, the other gets unchecked automatically. You cannot choose both.


Mark Unusable checkbox

If checked, this marks the index as unusable. If an index is marked as unusable, it
must be rebuilt or dropped and recreated before it can be used.

Coalesce checkbox
If checked, this tells Oracle to merge the contents of index blocks wherever possible
to free blocks for reuse.

Parallel checkbox
If checked, this alters the parallel value used during the create process.

Logging radio button and No Logging radio button

These radio buttons change the logging value used during create.

Storage tab
This is where you specify the storage parameters.
For the Buffer Pool, a dropdown lets you choose Default, Keep, and Recycle. This
function is enabled only if you have Oracle 8.8 or later.

TOAD DBA adds database administration functionality for common database

management tasks throughout base TOAD.
Most of the DBA menu items are enabled only if you have the optional TOAD DBA
Module. The DBA Menu items are: TOAD Monitor, Kill/Trace Session, Oracle
Parameters, NLS Parameters, Extents, Tablespaces, Tablespace Map, Server
Statistics, Control Files, New Database (DB Wizard), Repair Chained Rows, Identify
Space Deficits, Redo Log Manager, Export Utility Wizard, Import Utility Wizard,
SQL*Loader Interface, Generate Schema Script, and Compare Schemas.

TOAD Monitor

TOAD Monitor lets you monitor database performance with six charts: Logical IO,
Physical IO, Event Waits, Sessions, Call Rates, and Miss Rates.
TOAD Monitor must be launched in order to work. You can launch it manually, or
you can set Monitor to launch automatically by checking the Open a monitor
window for each connection checkbox on the View > Options > DBA page.

TNS Ping checkbox

If checked, TOAD will ping the Oracle server (using TNS ping) before it runs the
query to refresh the data on the charts.

Ping checkbox
If checked, TOAD will perform a TCP/IP ping to the Oracle server before it runs the
Chapter 12 DBA 359

Right–click on a graph to access a Right-Click Menu that contains the menu items
Zoom (displays the enlarged graph in its own window) and Print.

You can set up numerous thresholds and alerts in the View > Options > Monitor

Each item in the series list corresponds to one line on the graph. You can enter the
minimum and maximum threshold values.
Checkboxes let you Enable alerts and Use Tray Icon. If Enable alerts is checked,
TOAD alerts you when a threshold has been exceeded. Use Tray Icon will display a
blinking TOAD icon in your system tray if you have an alert, and you have enabled
alerts. A non-blinking TOAD icon indicates that you don’t have alerts. The TOAD
Monitor window must be open for alerts to be enabled. (In Windows NT you can
click on the blinking TOAD, and the TOAD Monitor window will display in the
foreground). You can also have alerts emailed to you.

The Email button invokes the Email Alerts window which is where you set up the
sender and receiver information.
You should consult your email administrator to determine the proper settings.

From box
Enter your email address. When the alerts are sent they will be treated as coming
from this address.

To, Cc, Bcc boxes

Enter the recipients’ email addresses.

From Name box

This is the name that the email recipient will see for the sender.

This is the subject of the email. The default entry is TOAD Monitor Alert, but you
can edit this if you wish.

The body of the email will contain the alert message.

NOTE: The SMTP Server must be specified and might not be the same as the
exchange server.
This is the port number on the machine where the SMTP server is listening. The
default is 25.

If you click the Alerts button, a history of alerts will display. Alerts are stored in
memory until you close TOAD Monitor or press Clear in the Alerts window.
Chapter 12 DBA 361

Kill/Trace Session

This window lets you view session information, trace sessions, and selectively kill
The background processes are displayed in light blue. The current session is
highlighted in yellow.


Refresh this screen

Kill the Selected Session

Start trace for this session

Stop trace for this session

You can check or uncheck the Auto Refresh checkbox and the Auto Fetch Data for
bottom panels checkbox.
A toggle bar between the upper and lower panels lets you toggle between the top
panel and a split panel.
The upper panel contains tabs for Processes, All Locks, Blocking Locks, and
The lower panel contains tabs that let you see the Current Statement, Open
Cursors, and Explain Plan.

Orainit Parameters

The DBA Module lets you modify or edit the System Modifiable and Session
Modifiable options.
If the option is modifiable (as indicated by a YES), the Edit button will let you edit
the setting. Double-clicking on modifiable options also lets you change the setting.
NOTE: If a parameter is both session modifiable and system modifiable, TOAD
modifies at the system level.
Chapter 12 DBA 363

NLS Parameters

This window is used to view the Session, Instance, and Database parameter settings
and to change Session and/or Instance parameters.
The window includes tabs for Session, Instance, and Database.
To change a NLS (National Language Support) setting, double-click on a parameter
and enter the new setting in the popup window OR single-click on the parameter
line, click the Edit button, and enter the new setting in the popup window.
If a parameter cannot be edited, the edit button will be disabled. Session parameters
are editable; the others are not.
Notice that changing a value in one cell can cause a change in other cells. For
example, if you change the NLS_TERRITORY from America to Japan, notice the
NLS_CURRENCY symbol changes from the dollar to the yen.

This window lets you view the datafile extents information.
Select the desired Object Type from the dropdown: All Objects, Tables, Indexes,
Rollback, or Cluster.
Select the column to sort upon: Object Name, Object Type, Tablespace, Size (MB),
Initial Extent, Next Extent, Num Extents, or Total Size.
Click on column headers to sort in ascending or descending order.
Click the GO button to fetch the results.
If you have access to the DBA_views, make sure the View > Options > Startup >
Check for DBA Views checkbox is checked. If so, the Owner dropdown list will
become active, and a DBA type user can select a specific schema owner.
Chapter 12 DBA 365


This window lets you view tablespace usage and free space. The window has tabs for
Space, Data Files, Free Space, Objects, and Fragmentation.
The Space tab is only visible on the DBA Module.
You can double-click on a tablespace from the space tabs and get a description

Tablespace Map

This map provides a graphical view of how space is allocated to objects in the
tablespaces in your database. A dropdown lets you select the tablespace, and the
buttons perform various functions.



Clear Highlights

Restore form size



To View Tablespaces graphically

1 Select a tablespace from the dropdown list.

2 Click the Analyze button to fetch the data for the map. The cells representing
occupied blocks are highlighted in green. Areas that equal or exceed the
fragmentation percentage (set in View > Options > DBA) are displayed in red. In
addition, you may have set other fragmentation limits and colors from the View >
Options > DBA window.

To Coalesce a fragmented chart

1 Select a tablespace from the dropdown menu.

2 Click the Coalesce button to coalesce the tablespace. The tablespace map

After coalescing, an analysis is performed, and the map is displayed.

Chapter 12 DBA 367

To View segments of the tablespace

1 Run your mouse slowly over the tablespace map. The segments display beside
the pointer.

2 Click in a cell, and all other cells containing the same segments as those in the
cell you clicked display in yellow.

To get detailed Segment information

1 Select a tablespace from the dropdown menu.

2 Click the Analyze button to fetch the data for the map. The cells representing
occupied blocks are highlighted in green.

3 Click the Segments button. The Segments dialog displays. Now, when you run
your mouse over the tablespace map, segments for each cell display in the
Segments dialog. In addition, the percentage of fragmentation for those segments
displays at the bottom of the dialog.

To filter the tablespace

1 Select a tablespace from the dropdown menu.

2 Click the Analyze button to fetch the data for the map. The cells representing
occupied blocks are highlighted in green.

3 Click the Filters button. The Filters dialog displays. It contains tabs for
Datafiles, Object Types, Owners, and Objects.

4 Select the filters you want to see. You can select filters on multiple tabs. The
spaces covered by the filters you choose are highlighted in yellow on the
Tablespace map.

The Clear Highlighting button clears the highlighting.

The Restore Form Size button restores your window to its optimal viewing size,
which is its original size.

Tablespace Map Options

You set the options for the Tablespace Map in the View > Options > DBA page.
You can modify colors and set fragmentation levels used on the tablespace map.

To Add a new Fragmentation level

1 Click the Add button. The Add Level dialog displays.

2 Enter the Fragmentation Percentage or use the spinner to select a percentage. The
cells that have segments that equal or exceed this percentage will display in the
color that you will select in the next step.

3 Click the Color drill down button and select the color you want the cells to be for
segments that equal or exceed the set fragmentation level in Step 2.

4 Click OK to add the level and close the Add Level dialog.

Notice you can add as many fragmentation levels as you want to. TOAD labels them
Fragmentation Level 1, Fragmentation Level 2, etc.

To Edit Fragmentation Levels

1 Click on the Fragmentation Level from the list.

2 Edit the color or percentage as desired.

To Delete Fragmentation Levels

1 Select the Fragmentation Level from the list.

2 Click Delete.

The Level is removed from the list.

You cannot delete the last remaining Fragmentation Level.
Chapter 12 DBA 369

Server Statistics

This window helps database administrators tune their databases. Use this dialog to
view information about how the Oracle instance is performing.
On the Analysis tab, the upper and lower warning and error thresholds and messages
can be configured in the TOADSTATS.INI file in the TOAD\TEMPS folder.
Since this dialog is intended for DBAs, access to certain SYS views is required to
query and display the information. If you want to give a TOAD user access to the
Server Stats window without granting them the DBA role, see the TOAD Help file,
TOAD.HLP, topic Windows: TOAD Server Statistics for a complete list of SYS
views to grant select access to the destination user.
The dialog is composed of the following tabs: Analysis, Waits, Latches, Sessions,
and Instance Summary. The Monitor tab will display for users without the DBA
option. DBA users already have access to TOAD Monitor.

To set the warning light threshold values, see the topic “How to create your
TOAD\temps\toadstats.ini file” in the TOAD help dialog TOAD.HLP.
Analysis shows high level database information such as gets, misses, and cache hits.
This information comes from the SYS.V$SYSSTAT view, and other views.

Shows detailed information about database waits from the

Shows detailed information about database latches from the SYS.V$LATCH view

Shows a master/detail presentation of the current sessions from the
SYS.V$SESSION view, and other views. The top grid lists the sessions, whereas the
bottom grid lists the detailed information about the selected session from the

Instance Summary
Shows overall instance statistics from the SYS.V$SYSSTAT view.

Shows five graphs of database performance information: Sessions, Cache Hit
Percent, SGA Memory Usage (Oracle 8, or higher), Shared Pool (Oracle 8, or
higher), and Indexed Queries Percent

NOTE: The TOADSTATS.INI file contains default values that are decimal values
that use the American "." (period) as a decimal character. If your locale settings
require a different decimal character, you should either edit TOADSTATS.INI or
delete the file entirely.
Chapter 12 DBA 371

Control Files

The Control Files window displays information about the control files records
section. If you need to allocate more records, for example, the Control Files statistics
information will be helpful.

DB Wizard
The TOAD Database Wizard provides a rapid way for DBAs to create Oracle
databases. Screens prompt you to select parameter values for the construction of the
database parameter file (INIT.ORA), as well as values used in the construction of a
SQL file that can later be executed by either a batch file (Windows) or a script
(UNIX) which the wizard generates. It can automatically assign tablespaces across
available hard drives (or volumes), optimized according to either a drive
performance rating which it assigns, or available volume space. It is OFA-compliant
(Optimal Flexible Architecture) in the directories which it creates for 8.1.x

Step 1: Basic Information

Step 1 lets you set up the name and location of your new database. You can create a
new database in two ways. You can load your previously saved settings, or you can
go through the steps sequentially and fill in the fields manually.

To Load settings
Settings can be loaded from any of the steps. Loading settings replaces all the
settings for all the steps.

1 Click the Load button. The Load settings dialog displays.

2 Select Previously saved settings from the dropdown menu.

To Save settings
Settings can be saved from any of the steps. The settings are saved as entered for all
steps, regardless of which step you are in.

1 Click Save. The Save settings dialog displays.

2 Select a previously saved setting from the dropdown menu to replace with the
new settings.
Click in the textbox and enter a name for your new set of settings.
Chapter 12 DBA 373

To Set up your database manually

1 Enter the Database name.

This is the name of the new database that will be created. It also acts as the
unique System Identifier (SID) for this database. If you are using Oracle 8i, its
maximum length is 8 characters. For earlier versions of Oracle, it cannot be
longer than 4 characters.

2 Select your Database location.

Local indicates you are on a database server.

Remote offers two choices: Windows and UNIX. Selecting Windows will create
the same files as choosing Local, while UNIX will create a UNIX style script
instead of the Windows batch file. Selecting UNIX will also change the paths in
the SQL file according to the UNIX environment (using “/” instead of “\” for

3 In the Directories area, the following pathnames are loaded from the registry keys
when the wizard starts. Check to make sure they are correct.

Oracle base – Oracle 8.1 introduced the Optimal Flexible Architecture in which
multiple Oracle homes may reside under one C:\Oracle directory structure. Prior
to this, each Oracle home was the top of its own directory structure. The Oracle
Base field represents the new ORACLE_BASE, or top-most directory, for 8.1
databases (for earlier databases it can remain the same as the Oracle home field
value). When the wizard starts, this field is loaded from the registry
ORACLE_BASE key, if on a database server; otherwise it loads the
ORACLE_HOME key and has the same value as the Oracle home field. This is a
required field.

Oracle home – This is the Oracle home, or top-most directory for Oracle
databases prior to 8.1. For 8.1 specified databases, it is the first home created
under the ORACLE_BASE, as previously described. Multiple databases can
reside under the same Oracle home. For an Oracle 8.1 installation this home is
named Ora81. This field is populated from the registry ORACLE_HOME key
(local machine/software/oracle) when the wizard starts. This is a required field.

4 Choose the Application type – This specifies how the database will be used. It
sets the default block size field according to the following values:
OLTP/Web – 4K
Multi-purpose – 8K
Data warehouse – 16K

After you select the Application type, the Block Size box fills in automatically.

You can change the block size manually. If you change the block size manually,
changing the application type will not overwrite its value unless you click the Use
Default button. The block size is usually determined by the application type. This
is the database block size, and will be used for the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter
in the parameter file. The block size is typically either 2K or 4K. The default is
4K. This value should be a multiple of the operating system’s block size. This is a
required field. Its minimum is 1K, and its maximum is a very large number. If
you change this number and want to return to the default, click Use Default.

5 Choose the Oracle version you are running.

Step 2: INIT.ORA factors

This step sets the INIT.ORA factors. These factors describe your database.

1 Click and drag the slider to select the number of Users the database will support.

This number is used in the computation of the log_buffer value in the parameters
files, as well as the size of the redo log files during automatic tablespace layout
with only one volume.

2 Select the number of available CPUs.

This number is used in the computation of the cpu_count value in the parameters
file. The cpu_count will only be included if its value is greater than 1.

3 Select the CPU MHz.

This is used in the computation of the cpu_count value in the parameters file.

4 Specify the available RAM.

This figure is used in the computation of the db_block_buffers and

shared_pool_size values in the parameters file.

5 Specify the Cache MB size.

The cache size is used in the computation of the cpu_count value in the
parameters file.

6 Specify the number of Channels/Directors.

This will be used in the computation of the cpu_count value in the parameters
Chapter 12 DBA 375

Step 3: Tablespace Mode Selection

This step lets you choose the way TOAD creates tablespaces.
Select Automatic if you want to give TOAD a list of hard drives/volumes and their
attributes and have TOAD automatically lay out the tablespaces across these
volumes, optimizing the layout for either drive speed or available drive space.
Select Manual if you want to specify all tablespace information, including datafile
location, starting with a default list that TOAD provides.

Step 4: Automated Tablespace Mode or User Defined Tablespace Mode

If you chose Automatic in Step 3, TOAD displays the choices for Automatic
tablespace mode. If you chose Manual, TOAD displays choices for manually
allocating tablespaces.
This lets you enter the list of volumes you want TOAD to consider available for
datafiles. The list starts with a default C drive of 136 mb, which is the smallest
required volume for the minimum database size of 136.
The Add, Edit and Delete buttons operate on the volume list grid.

Add/Edit Volume
These buttons open the Add Volume and Edit Volume screens.
Enter information in the fields.
Volume name – The name of the hard drive/volume. For Windows, this will
typically be a drive letter, while for UNIX it will be a mount point (/u01, for
Datafile directory – The directory to put the datafiles into on this volume
Available space – The amount of space you want the wizard to use on this volume
# disks – The number of disks on this volume (used in the speed rating calculation)
RAID – The RAID type of this volume, if any
Interface – The drive interface type (e.g., IDE, SCSI, etc.)
Transfer rate – The transfer rate speed of the volume
RPM – The drive’s RPM value

Operating System – Check if there is an operating system on this volume

Swap – Check if this volume is used as a swap drive
Defaults – If checked, the provided values are saved and are used the next time a
volume is added (during the current session)
Most of these properties are used in the calculation of the speed rating for the drive,
which determines where the tablespaces will be put.

Specify the total size of the database you want created in the Total database size
(mb) field. The tablespaces will be created to fill this size.
Select whether to Optimize for Speed or Space. Tablespaces are assigned to the
provided volumes according to either Speed or Space.

If Speed is selected, an algorithm is used to determine how fast each volume is,
given the user inputs. The tablespaces are then assigned to the volumes according to
their speed rating and which tablespaces are being assigned, and which can best
coexist on one volume.

If Space is chosen, the volumes with the most room are chosen, for the tablespace
being assigned.
Click Preview to review how the tablespaces are being assigned.

The Manual Step 4 Tablespace Mode screen lets you enter the tablespace
information, instead of having TOAD assign it automatically. You are provided with
standard default tablespace and redo log information.
Add/Edit Tablespace

These buttons open the Add Tablespace and Edit Tablespace dialogs, so you can
make changes to the tablespace grid.
These properties are Oracle requirements to specify tablespace. Enter or change
information in the fields.
Tablespace name: Enter the tablespace name in this text field.
File name: Enter the file name.
Chapter 12 DBA 377

Size (Mb): Enter the size of the tablespace.

% Increase: Enter the percent increase desired.
Initial: Enter the size of the first extent allowed.
Next: Enter the size of extents after the first.
Max Extents: Enter the maximum number of extents you wish to allow.
Click OK to save your tablespace modifications.

Add/Edit Redo Log

These buttons open the Add Redo Log and Edit Redo Log dialogs, so you can
makes changes to the redo logs grid.

1 Enter or change the File name of the redo log

2 Enter or change the Size (in megabytes) of the redo log

3 Click OK to save your changes and return to the New Database Wizard

Total database size – Shows the total size of the tablespaces and redo logs you have
The only restrictions on your settings are:
There must be a minimum of 2 redo logs
SYSTEM, RBS and TEMP tablespaces may not be deleted.

Step 5: Build Database

This is the last step. Select from a variety of Oracle options, which will cause the
execution of various SQL install scripts.

1 Select the appropriate Oracle options for your database from the checkboxes
provided. Information on the Oracle options can be found in your Oracle

2 Select the appropriate radio button from the Generate options panel.

Create database now – Saves the wizard information to a script (one is

generated in the Windows Temp directory if not provided) and then executes the

script. This option is only available if Local is chosen on the first screen (you are
operating a PC that has a database server installed).

Save information to a batch/script file – (caption changes according to

Windows/UNIX). This field specifies a batch (.BAT) or script (.SH) file to create
that can be executed (at a later time) to create the database. If the provided
directory path is not present, you are asked if you want the directory created. By
default, the file is put into the datafile directory (varies according to version
specified) and is named “create” + the database name.

3 Click Finish.

If you are saving to a batch file which does not yet exist, TOAD will ask if you
want to create it. Click Yes.

If you have chosen Create database now, a dialog lets you know the database has
been created.
Chapter 12 DBA 379

Repair Chained Rows

This window shows tables that have chained rows.

When data for a row in a table cannot fit into a single data block, it is stored in a
chain of data blocks (more than one data block). The original row of data points to
the new block or blocks of data. A result of chained rows is that Oracle must scan
more than one block of data to retrieve information.

Analyze tab
Click the ADD button to bring up a Select Tables to Analyze menu where you can
select the schema (from a dropdown list) and table(s) from a list of tables in the
schema to analyze. Click in the checkbox preceding the table(s) to select or unselect
the table(s). Select All and Select None buttons help with quick selection.

Repair tab
Check the boxes for which tables to repair.
Repair Button
This creates an intermediate table, copies chained rows to it, deletes the chained rows
from the existing table(s), and then copies the rows back into the existing table(s).
You might need to increase the existing table(s)' data block size to completely
eliminate chaining.
You can also select a rollback segment from the dropdown.
Results appear beneath each repaired table.
The Results list the tables that were not repaired and the reasons.
The default Chained Rows table to use is configured in View > Options > DBA.

Identify Space Deficits

This displays tables that do not have enough free disk space to allocate their next
The Alter Tablespace button invokes the Alter Tablespace window for the selected
tablespace which you can then modify.
Chapter 12 DBA 381

Redo Log Manager window

The Oracle background process log writer (LGWR) stores information about
database changes in redo log files. The files can be used to recover the database in
case of failure by reapplying the changes. The redo records are stored in the redo log
buffer in the SGA and then written to the redo log files when either the buffer is full
or the associated transaction is committed.
The DBA defines “groups” of identical (same size) redo logs, so that LGWR
simultaneously writes identical information in parallel to each member of a group
and switches between groups in a circular fashion. An Oracle database must have at
least two groups, so that one group can be active while the other group can be
archived (if in ARCHIVELOG mode).

Last Switch frame

This shows the date and the time that the last redo log file switch occurred.

Members frame
This shows the redo log groups and the members of the groups. Radio buttons let
you select your choice of display: Icon, File size, or File name. Add and Drop
buttons let you add and drop members.

Groups frame
Log switch button – lets you switch groups
Add button – lets you add a group
Drop button – lets you remove a group

Archive Mode frame

This frame shows the current archive mode of the database. The radio buttons are
Archivelog and Noarchivelog.

Archive Process
This frame lets you control the archive process by starting and stopping it and
specifying which files to archive and where to place the archive logs.
Chapter 12 DBA 383

Export Utility Wizard

You get to this window from the DBA > Export Utility Wizard menu item.

This is a wizard that lets you easily transfer data objects between Oracle databases
using Oracle’s export utility configured under View > Options > Executables.
In the first step, radio buttons let you choose what you want to export. The choices
Tables - exports selected tables and all dependent objects
Users - exports all objects from the users that you select
Database - exports an entire database

After you make your selection, click the Next button.



If you select tables from the first wizard window and click the Next button, the next
window to display will be a table selection window.
The top dropdown lets you select the Schema.
Tables from that schema will then display in the left panel from which you can select
which table(s) you want to export. Your selections will display in the Selected
Tables List (right panel).
Select the table or tables by double-clicking, or single-click and click the appropriate
single arrow. Double arrows move the entire list from one panel to another.
After your selections are complete, click Next to advance to the next window.
Chapter 12 DBA 385

The next window contains checkboxes for selecting or deselecting additional

parameters for your export file.

Parameters checkboxes

Table Rows
If checked, the rows of table data will be exported.

If checked, indexes will be included in the export.

If checked, constraints will be included in the export.

Triggers (8.1 or above)

If checked, it lets you export triggers. This is enabled for 8.1 and higher.

If checked, object grants will be included in the export.

If checked, TOAD will use a direct path instead of a conventional path for export.

If checked, records incremental or cumulative export in SYS tables INCEXP,

If checked, Oracle will ensure that data does not change during the execution of the

If checked, export will flag table data for consolidation into one initial extent upon

Buffer entry box

This is where you specify the size, in bytes, that the buffer uses to fetch rows. (0=1
row at a time)

Record Length entry box

This is where you specify the file record length, in bytes.

Statistics dropdown
You can choose Estimate, Compute, or None.
Chapter 12 DBA 387

Provide a feedback dot... box

Here you specify how many rows you want exported before a feedback dot is

Select the Next button to advance to the next window in the wizard.

The next window is where you enter the filenames. Drill down buttons let you search
through your files.

Output File name box

You can enter a name for your export file.

Log File name box

Enter the name of your log file. This is the file that will receive informational and
error messages.

Parameter Filename box

Enter the parameter filename. This is the file that contains a list of export parameters.

Click the Next button to advance to the next window in the wizard.
Chapter 12 DBA 389

The next window is where you select your export action from a radio button list of
actions. The choices are:
Execute Now – Saves parameter file, launches export utility
Schedule to run later – Refers to Windows scheduled task
Simply close after building the parameter file


If you select the Users export radio button in the first wizard window, your next
window will be a users selection window.
Available Users will display in the left panel. Select the User(s) you want to export
(which will move to the Selected Users list) by double-clicking, or single-click and
click the appropriate single arrow. Double arrows move the entire list from one panel
to another.
Select the user or users by double-clicking, or single-click and click the appropriate
single arrow. Double arrows move the entire list from one panel to another.
After your selections are complete, click Next to advance to the next window.
The following windows are the same as the last 3 windows in the Database Option
where you select your parameters, specify file names, and choose your export action.
Chapter 12 DBA 391

If you choose Database, the following windows are the same as the last 3 windows in
the Tables Option where you select your parameters, specify file names, and choose
your export action.

Import Utility Wizard

This is a wizard that lets you easily transfer data objects between Oracle databases
using Oracle’s Import utility configured under View > Options > Executables.
In the first step, radio buttons let you choose what you want to import. The choices
Tables – imports tables and their associated objects
Users – imports schemas
Database – imports the entire export file

After you make your selection, click the Next button.

Chapter 12 DBA 393


If you select tables from the first wizard window and click the Next button, the next
window to display will be a table selection window.
A checkbox lets you Show only users who own objects.
The top dropdown lets you select the Schema.
Tables from that schema will then display in the left panel from which you can select
which table(s) you want to import. Your selections will display in the Selected
Tables List (right panel).
Select the table or tables by double-clicking, or single-click and click the appropriate
single arrow. Double arrows move the entire list from one panel to another.
After your selections are complete, click Next to advance to the next window.

In the next window, checkboxes let you select which objects to import. You can
check multiple boxes. The checkboxes are Grants, Indexes, Table rows, and
Constraints (enabled for Oracle 8.1 or later).

Record length box

You can specify the length of the file record, or leave it blank which will default to
use the platform’s BUFSIZ value.

You can also select additional options including:

Buffer size box

Specify the size, in bytes, that the buffer uses to fetch rows. (0=1 row at a time)

Provide a feedback dot... box

Specify how many rows you want imported before a feedback dot is displayed.

Select the Next button to advance to the next window in the wizard.
Chapter 12 DBA 395

The next window is where you enter the filenames. Drill down buttons let you search
through your files.

Export file name box

Enter a name for your export file. This is the file from which Oracle will import data.

Log File name box

Enter the name of your log file. This is the log file that Oracle will use during the

Index File name box

Enter the name of your index file.

Parameter Filename box

Enter the parameter filename. This file contains a list of import parameters. This is
the import parameter file constructed by this wizard.

The next window is where you select your import action from a radio button list of
actions. The choices are:
Import Now
Schedule to run later
Just build the parameter file

After you make your selection, click Finish.

Chapter 12 DBA 397


If you select the Users import radio button in the first wizard window, your next
window will be a users selection window.

A checkbox lets you Show only users who own objects.

Select the users you are importing from and to from the From and To dropdowns.
You can remove users from the selection list by clicking on the name and clicking
the Remove button.
After your selections are complete, click Next to advance to the next window.

The following windows are the same as the last 3 windows in the Tables Option,
where you select your parameters, specify file names, and choose your import action.


If you select the Database radio button, the next window contains radio buttons for
you to select a schema.
You can also select the type of incremental import. Note that you can choose not to
have an incremental import.
Click Next to continue.

The following windows are the same as the last 3 windows in the Tables Option,
where you select your parameters, specify file names, and choose your import action.
Chapter 12 DBA 399

SQL*Loader Interface

For more information on the SQL*Loader Interface, including step-by-step

examples, see the Overview of the TOAD SQL*Loader Interface, a PDF document
that is included in your TOAD DBA installation.

NOTE: If you have difficulty running SQL*Loader, make sure that you have
the correct version installed. You can do this by running the executable with no
parameters in a command prompt window. Note that the executable on the
server can only be run from the server.

The TOAD SQL*Loader Interface is a utility that lets you graphically build a control
file for use with the SQL*Loader, a database server application. The location of the
utility is configured under View > Options > Executables.

Source Files tab

This is where you enter the list of the data files that you want to load into one or
more tables. You must have at least one input file.

Input File
This is the data file, which can be in stream, fixed, or variable format. The default
format is stream.

Bad File
This file will contain rejected records. It’s named the same as the input file by
default, with a .BAD extension.

Discard File
This contains the records that were not inserted during the load because they did not
match any of the selection criteria.

Add button
Click Add to add your data file. The Add input file dialog will display.

Click the drill down next to the Input file name entry box to choose the data file.
The Bad file and Discard file textboxes are automatically entered with their default
Chapter 12 DBA 401

Record Format radio buttons

Stream Format
This is the default. Lines are read until an end-of-record marker is found (end-of-line
character, by default).

Fixed Record Format

Each record must be a fixed number of bytes in length.

Variable Record Format

Each record may be a different length, as specified by a special field – the first field
in each record. (You must specify the length of this field.)

end of record box

If you leave this field empty, the end-of-line character will be the end-of-record by

Discard up to _____ records box

This field indicates the maximum number of records to put into the discard file. If
you leave this box empty, it indicates that you want all records.

Once you have entered all the data, click OK.

You can select many different input files, if desired, but they must all have the same
record layout. (They could have a different record format.)

Destination Tables tab

This is where you select the destination table(s).
Click the Add button, and the Table Name Select window will display.

Double-click on a table, or click on a table and click OK to select a table from the
The Tables Parameters tab and the Columns Parameters tab let you enter the
parameters for your destination table(s).

Parameters tab
You can name the control file whatever you wish, including the extension.
The Parameters tab also contains numerous options. You can always move your
mouse over a field to display microhelp information.

Preview Control File tab

This displays a preview of the contents of the control file. Simply click on this tab at
any time to preview your control file.

Save button
Click Save at any time to save the control file. The control file is also automatically
saved whenever you click Execute Now.

Execute Now button

This executes your control file and displays the SQL*Loader Status window.

NT Job Scheduler
The SQL*Loader has a scheduler that lets you schedule the load as a windows task.
Clicking the Schedule button opens the NT Job Scheduler window. It lets you set the
time for it to run and the frequency. Once you click OK, your job is added.
In Windows Explorer, if you then click on the Scheduled Tasks folder, you’ll see
your job and its schedule information.
Chapter 12 DBA 403

Generate Schema Script

This window takes the current schema and builds DDL for all objects you select.
This is useful, for example, if your database crashes, because you'll have a script to
recreate all your objects.

If you choose the radio button Extract from Schema, it produces a schema script.
If you choose the radio button Extract from Schema Definition File, it produces a
.def file.
You can check or uncheck the desired Objects and Options checkboxes.

Compare Schemas

This window lets you compare two schemas and tells you what has changed from the
original reference source to the comparison source.
Some functions of the Compare Schemas window are only available in the TOAD
DBA module.

Schemas tab
Select the Reference Source and the Comparison Source. Radio buttons let you
choose either Schema or a Definition File. If you choose Schema, you choose the
Connection and the Schema.

Options tab
Checkboxes let you select options and what object types will be compared.
Chapter 12 DBA 405

Results are automatically displayed in the Comparison Results window.

Comparison Results window

Hierarchy tab
A Venn diagram symbol on the left of each numbered item indicates if it's new or
has been deleted.
The list details the new and deleted items.

Detailed Migration Report tab

This lists the code for the new and deleted items.

Statistics tab
This shows comparison totals for different elements, such as the total deletions for

DBA Options
You access the DBA Options page through the View > Options > DBA menu item.

Chained row schema tablename

This is where you enter the name of your chained row table. If you don’t have a
chained row table, you can go to \rdbmsxx\admin\utlchains.sql, which is the location
of Oracle’s sample standard chained row script.

Tablespace Map panel

This lets you set options for the Tablespace Map window. See the Tablespace Map
Options section in the DBA chapter, page 368, for more details.

Open a monitor window for each connection checkbox

If checked, TOAD Monitor will automatically open for each connection. Remember,
TOAD Monitor must be launched in order to work. This box is unchecked by

Confirm before overwriting export files checkbox

If checked, TOAD will display a confirmation window before overwriting export

Confirm before overwriting import files checkbox

If checked, TOAD will display a confirmation window before overwriting import
Create Menu for DBA

The DBA Module adds the following menu items to the Create Menu: Directory,
Library, Policy, Profile, Role, Rollback Segment, Snapshot/M-View, and Tablespace


You get to this window from the Create > Directory menu item or from the Schema
Browser > Directory page > Create Directory button.

This window is used to create a new directory object. A directory object is an alias to
a directory on the server's file system where external binary large objects (BFILEs)
are stored.
You enter the Name and Path. A drill down button opens a Browse for folder
window where you can select a directory and click OK, and the selected path is
automatically entered in the Path textbox.
The Show SQL button opens a SQL statement window where your Create Directory
SQL statement is displayed. The Clipboard button on the window copies the
statement to the clipboard. The Save to File button opens the Save As dialog where
you can choose a path and enter a file name.
Chapter 13 Create Menu for DBA 409


You get to this window from the Create > Library menu item or from the Schema
Browser window > Libraries page > Create new Library button.

This window lets you create a new library object. A library object is an alias to an
operating system shared library (like a .DLL) that can be used in SQL or PL/SQL to
allow calls to external functions.
Choose a Schema from the dropdown. This will be the schema that owns the library.
Textboxes let you enter the library Name (alias name for the library) and File Name.
The Show SQL button displays the SQL Statement window where the Create
Library statement is displayed and can be copied via the Clipboard button or saved
via the Save to File button.

You get to this window from the Create > Policy menu item or from the Schema
Browser window > Policies page > Create new policy toolbar button.
This window lets you create a new policy through the DBMS_RLS package. If you
do not have DBMS_RLS, you cannot use this function in TOAD. Refer to the Oracle
documentation for more information.
A textbox lets you enter the Policy Name.
A dropdown lets you select the Schema from which you will select the table or view.
Radio buttons let you choose either Tables or Views.
A dropdown lets you select the Table (if the radio button selection is Tables) or
View (if the radio button selection is Views).
Additional dropdowns let you select the Schema containing the predicate package,
Predicate Package, and Predicate Function.
Checkboxes let you select the statement type(s): Select, Insert, Update, Delete.
Another checkbox allows you to Enable the Policy at Creation.
The Execute button Creates the Policy.
Chapter 13 Create Menu for DBA 411

You get to this window from the Create > Profile menu item or from the Schema
Browser window > Profiles page > Create New Profile button.
This window lets you create a new profile. A profile is a set of limits on database
resources. If you assign the profile to a user, that user cannot exceed those limits.

The Resource Parameters and Password Parameters tabs contain dropdowns

where you can select Default or Unlimited for numerous parameter items.
The Show SQL button opens the QParserBrowser window, which displays SQL
Strings, SQL Text, Clause Text, and Values.

You get to this window from the Create > Role menu item or from the Schema
Browser window > Roles page > Create new Role button.

Type in the Name of the Role.

Identification radio buttons

Select the desired identification method
Not Identified
By Password (type in the password in the password textbox)
Chapter 13 Create Menu for DBA 413

Rollback Segment

You get to this window from the Create > Rollback Segment menu item or from
the Schema Browser window > Rollback Segments page > Create new Rollback
Segment button.

This window lets you create a new rollback segment. A rollback segment is an object
that Oracle uses to store data necessary to reverse (undo) changes made by
non-completed transactions.
You enter the Name in the textbox and choose the Tablespace where you want the
rollback segment created from the dropdown.
Check the Public checkbox if you want the Rollback Segment to be public (available
to any instance). The default is unchecked.
There are dropdowns for Extents and Size.
Initial Extent specifies the size of the object's first extent.
Next Extent specifies the size of the next extent allocated to the object.
Min Extents specifies the total number of extents to allocate when the object is
Max Extents specifies the maximum number of extents that can be allocated.
Optimal Size specifies an optimal size for the rollback segment.

The Show SQL button displays the SQL Statement window, which displays the
create statement for your new rollback segment. The Clipboard button lets you copy
the statement to the clipboard. The Save to File button lets you save the statement.

Chapter 13 Create Menu for DBA 415


You get to this window from the Create > Snapshot/M-View menu item or from the
Schema Browser window > Snapshots page > Create New Snapshot button.

The Snapshot/MView window lets you create, update, or modify a snapshot (also
referred to as a materialized view).

A snapshot is basically a partial (subset) or complete copy of a table. You can set
your TOAD snapshots to be read-only or updateable (which allows users to insert,
modify, or delete rows). Snapshots can be stored in the same database as the master
table or in a different database. Snapshots provide an easy way to copy a table, for
example, from corporate to remote offices; so that everyone can have access to the
data without having to access information across a network. So, network traffic is
minimized, and system performance is maximized. Snapshots can also be used to
offload information.
The dropdown button lets you choose your Schema for the new snapshot.
Name lets you enter the name for the new snapshot.
The Show SQL button opens the SQL Statement window, which shows the
corresponding Create SQL statement. You can copy the statement to the clipboard
via the Clipboard button or save it via the Save to File button.
The window has 4 tabs: Snapshot Info, Physical Attributes, Snapshot SubQuery, and

Snapshot Info tab

Cluster checkbox
If checked, TOAD will create the snapshot as part of the cluster specified.

Cluster textbox
This is where you enter the name of the cluster.

Cluster List box

This displays the cluster columns. You can modify this list with the Add, Edit, and
Delete buttons.
Chapter 13 Create Menu for DBA 417

Tablespace dropdown
Select the tablespace in which you want your snapshot to be created.

Logging checkbox
If checked, TOAD will log the creation of the snapshot, partition, or LOB storage
characteristics in the redo log file.

Cache checkbox
If checked, data blocks will be placed in the buffer cache when a table scan is

Parallel checkbox
If checked, the snapshot will be parallelized.

Parallel Number box

If the Parallel checkbox is checked, this input box is enabled. You enter the degree of
parallelism (the number of threads used), or you can use the up down arrows to scroll
through the numbers.

Using Index checkbox

If checked, TOAD lets you specify parameters for the snapshot indexes. If this
option is checked, the drill down button is enabled. The drill down button invokes
the Physical Attributes window.

Allow Updates checkbox

If checked, you can update the snapshot (read-write). If unchecked, the snapshot is

Enable Query Rewrite checkbox

If checked, the snapshot is enabled for query rewrite.

Build checkbox
If checked, you can specify when to populate the snapshot. If checked, the radio
buttons are enabled. You can choose to build Immediate or build Deferred.
Immediate will populate the snapshot immediately. Deferred populates the snapshot
during the next refresh.

On Prebuilt Table checkbox

If checked, the table will be registered to the pre-initialized snapshot. The table and
snapshot must have the same name. If checked, the radio buttons are enabled. If you
select Without Reduced Precision, the precision of the table or snapshot columns
must match exactly with the precision of the subquery results. If you select With
Reduced Precision, the precision of the table or snapshot view columns do not have
to exactly match the subquery results.

Refresh checkbox
If checked, you can customize how Oracle will automatically refresh the snapshot. If
checked, the refresh options are enabled.

Never Refresh checkbox

If checked, the snapshot will not automatically refresh.

Refresh Options
Refresh Mode dropdown Fast, Complete, Force
Fast - only updates data in the snapshot log associated with master/detail table
Complete – re-executes the snapshot view
Force - If fast refresh is possible, it performs a fast refresh; otherwise, it performs a
complete refresh
Chapter 13 Create Menu for DBA 419

On Demand checkbox
This is mutually exclusive to the On Commit checkbox. If checked, snapshots will be
refreshed on demand.

On Commit checkbox
This is mutually exclusive to the On Demand checkbox. If checked, snapshots will
refresh automatically during the next commit.


Start With
This is mutually exclusive to the Next checkbox. If checked, you can use the
dropdown to pull up a calendar where you select a date for the first automatic refresh

This is mutually exclusive to the Start With checkbox. If checked, you can use the
dropdown to pull up a calendar where you select a date to calculate intervals between
auto refreshes.


Primary Key radio button

If selected, a primary key snapshot will be created.

Rowid radio button

If selected, a rowid snapshot will be created.

Rollback Segment checkbox

This lets you specify the rollback segment to use. If checked, it enables the Master
and Local radio buttons.

Master radio button

If the Rollback Master option is selected, the remote rollback segment will be used at
the remote master for the snapshot.

Local radio button

If the Rollback Local option is selected, the remote rollback segment will be used for
the snapshot that is in the local refresh group.

Default Segment checkbox

If checked, the snapshot will use the default rollback segment. If unchecked, the
Rollback Segment textbox is enabled.

Rollback Segment textbox

This is enabled if the Default Segment checkbox is unchecked. You type in the
rollback segment that will be used.

Physical Attributes tab

The physical attributes tab contains dropdowns and value boxes that let you define
physical options such as percent free, storage extents, and buffer pool.

Snapshot/MView Subquery tab

This lets you enter the subquery that is to be used to generate the snapshot.
Chapter 13 Create Menu for DBA 421

Partitions tab
In order for this tab to be enabled, you must enter a valid subquery into the snapshot
subquery tab. You select columns from the Available Columns list to determine
which columns the partition will be based upon. Double-click on the column name or
click on the column and Click the single right arrow to move the selected columns
into the Partitions Columns list.

Add a Partition
Once you select columns for the partitions to be based upon, you can then add a
For range partitions, you do this by clicking the Add button. The Add Partition
dialog displays, and you can provide a partition name. You must enter the upper
range for each column within the partition or select Maxvalue from the dropdown
list on that dialog. (NOTE: String value upperbounds must be enclosed in single
quotes within the grid, e.g. for a Last Name column with a datatype of varchar2, an
upper bound could be 'Smith'. The single quotes must be entered into the grid.)
To add a hash partition, select the tablespaces to use for the hash partition.
You can also alter snapshots through the Schema Browser window > Snapshots
page > Alter button.


You get to this window from the Create > Tablespace menu item or from the
Schema Browser window, Tablespaces page, Create New Tablespace button.

Textboxes let you enter names. Dropdowns let you specify extents. Radio buttons let
you specify Temporary or Permanent objects.
Chapter 13 Create Menu for DBA 423

With Extent Management checked, you can choose Dictionary, if you want the
tablespaces to use the SQL dictionary tables to track space usage. If you choose
Local, then bit maps will track space usage.
Schema Browser DBA functions

This chapter discusses additional Schema Browser functions that are included in the
DBA module.


You can create a new directory or alter an existing directory.

Objects Panel

Create a New Directory

This displays the Directory window. Type in the Name in the Name box. The Path
box lets you type in the path, or you can click the drill down button and browse
through your directory folders until you find your destination. Click OK, and the
target path will display in the Path textbox.
You can also create a new directory through the Create > Directory menu item
which will invoke the Directory window.

Alter Directory

This lets you Alter the selected directory.

Drop Directory

This lets you drop the selected directory.

Details Panel
The Details panel shows the directory path.
Chapter 14 Schema Browser DBA functions 427

You can create, alter, or drop libraries. You can also view details.

Objects Panel

Create Library

This displays the Library window where you can choose a schema from the schema
dropdown list, enter the library name, and enter the file name.

Alter Library

This displays the Alter Library window for the selected library.

Drop Library
This drops the selected library.

Details Panel
The Details Panel lists the File Spec, Status, and Dynamic for the selected library.

You can create, enable, disable, edit and drop policies. You can also view policy
Create Policies is discussed in the Create Policy section of the Create chapter.
Chapter 14 Schema Browser DBA functions 429

Objects Panel

Create New Policy

Displays the Policy Definition window which has a textbox for the policy name. It
also has dropdowns for the Schema, Table/View (with radio buttons where you
choose Table or View), Schema Containing Predicate Package, and Predicate
Checkboxes let you check one or more of the following statement types: Select,
Insert, Update, and Delete. A checkbox also lets you check whether or not you want
to enable the policy at creation.

Enable Policy
This button is only enabled if the selected policy is disabled. This enables the
selected policy.

Disable Policy
This button is only enabled if the selected policy is enabled. This disables the
selected policy. Disabled policies will have a red X preceding them in the object list.

Refresh Policy
This refreshes the selected policy.

Edit Policy Predicate Package Source

This lets you edit the selected Policy's Predicate Package Source.

Drop Policy
This drops the selected policy.

Details Panel
The details panel displays various parameters for the selected policy, such as the
Name, the Predicate Package, and the Predicate Function.
Chapter 14 Schema Browser DBA functions 431

You can create, modify, and drop profiles. You can also view resource details.

Objects Panel

Create Scripts
This creates and copies the SQL script to the clipboard.

Create New Profile

This displays the Create Profile window, which is discussed in the Create chapter of
this guide.

Modify Profile

This displays the Modify Profile window for the selected window, which has the
same features as the Create Profile window.

Drop Profile
This drops the selected Profile.

Details Panel
The details panel lists the resource names, resource types, and limits.
Chapter 14 Schema Browser DBA functions 433

You can create, alter, and drop roles. You can also view roles and privileges details.

Objects Panel
The Objects Panel lists the roles.

Create Scripts

This creates and copies the SQL script to the clipboard.

Create Role

This invokes the Create Role window, which is discussed in the Create chapter of
this manual.

Alter Role

This invokes the Alter Role window for the selected role.

Drop Role
This drops the selected role.

Details Panel
The Details Panel contains tabs for Roles details and Privileges details.

Rollback Segments

You can create, alter, and drop rollback segments. You can place rollback segments
online or offline. You can also view details of the parameters of rollback segments.

Objects Panel

Create New Rollback Segment

This displays the Rollback Segment window for you to create rollback segments.
You enter the name, choose a tablespace from the dropdown, check or uncheck
public, and enter extents (or choose the defaults). Notice the extents can be in
kilobytes or megabytes from the dropdown menu.

Alter Rollback Segment

This displays an Alter Rollback Segment window for the selected rollback segment.

Place Online

This button is only enabled if the rollback segment is offline. This places the selected
rollback segment online and makes it available for transactions. The info tab for the
segment (in the details panel) will list the status value as ONLINE.

Place Offline

This button is only enabled if the rollback segment is online. This places the selected
rollback segment offline and makes it unavailable for transactions. The info tab for
the segment (in the details panel) will list the status value as OFFLINE. Offline
segments will have a red X icon displayed to the left of them in the segments list (on
the left panel).
Chapter 14 Schema Browser DBA functions 435

Drop Rollback Segment

This drops the selected Rollback Segment. A confirmation window will ask you if
you are sure you want to drop the selected segment. Click YES to drop the segment.

Details Panel
The Details Panel has Info and Stats tabs that list parameters and their values

The Info Tab on the Details Panel

The Stats Tab on the Details Panel

Chapter 14 Schema Browser DBA functions 437


You can create, refresh, and drop snapshots. You can also view details.
Snapshots are discussed in detail in the Create Snapshots/M-View section
of this guide, page 415.

Objects Panel

Create New Snapshot

Displays the Snapshot window where you can create a new snapshot. See
the Create Snapshot/M-View topic, page 415, for more information.

Refresh Snapshot
Refreshes and re-executes the snapshot view.

Drop Snapshot
This drops the selected snapshot.

Details Panel
The details panel contains tabs for Info, Snapshot Query, and Script.

Info tab

This lists the various parameters and values for the selected snapshot,
such as the Generated Table, the Snapshot View, and whether or not the
snapshot is updateable.

Snapshot Query tab

This generates the SQL query for the selected snapshot.

Script tab

This displays the SQL script for the selected snapshot.

Chapter 14 Schema Browser DBA functions 439


You can create, alter, and drop tablespaces. You can place tablespaces online or
offline. You can also view details of tablespaces.

Objects Panel

Create New Tablespace

This brings up the Tablespace window that lets you create a new tablespace.

Alter Tablespace
This displays the alter tablespace window for the selected tablespace.

Place Online

This button is only enabled if the selected tablespace is offline. This lets you place
the selected tablespace online.

Place Offline
This button is only enabled if the selected tablespace is online. This lets you place
the selected tablespace offline, unavailable for transactions.

Drop Tablespace
This drops the selected tablespace.

Details Panel
The details panel has tabs for Datafiles, Free Space, Fragmentation, Objects,
Quotas, and Extents.
Chapter 14 Schema Browser DBA functions 441

You can create, modify, and drop users. You can also create and copy the SQL script
to the clipboard. You can view details for roles and privileges.

Create Script

This creates and copies the SQL script to the clipboard.

Create New User

This invokes the Create User window.

Modify User
This invokes the Modify User window for the selected user.

Copy This User

This invokes the New User Info window where you choose the user name for the
copy and the password.

Drop User
This drops the selected user.

Details Panel
The details panel contains tabs for Info, Roles, and Privileges.
The Roles and Privileges tabs contain Revoke and Revoke All buttons which
Revokes the selected Role or Privilege (Revoke) or revokes all the Roles or
Privileges (Revoke all).
Other TOAD Options and Features

The major windows covered in the previous chapters of this manual include: Server
Login, SQL Editor, Procedure Editor, PL/SQL Debugger, and Schema Browser. This
section will highlight some selected options and features found in other TOAD

FTP File(s)


You get to the FTP Window from the File > FTP File(s) menu item. This window
lets you transfer files using FTP.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the most common means of file transfer on the
Internet. TOAD includes FTP support primarily so that Oracle scripts can be sent
over TCP/IP connections.

FTP Logon Window

The Connect button displays the FTP Logon screen which is used to make a
connection to an FTP Server.

Host dropdown
This is for the address of the FTP server that you'll connect to. Multiple connections
are saved and recalled through the dropdown control.

User box
This is the User ID for the FTP connection.

Password box
This is the password for the FTP connection.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 445

Passive (for firewalls) checkbox

If checked, this directs the server into passive mode. This is especially useful if the
server is behind a firewall. Many firewalls don't let the FTP server open a connection
from outside to the higher ports where the FTP client control expects them. So, if this
box is checked, TOAD will use the PASV command instead of the PORT command,
which directs the server into passive mode – connections are initiated only by the
If this box is unchecked, the PORT command is used.

If TOAD can't connect because it can't find the host, a message like this will display.

Once you are connected, the Connect button changes to a Disconnect button to allow
the current connection to be terminated.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 447

Local Panel
The left panel contains a file browser for the local computer. The dropdown lets you
type in a file path. The folder button lets you move up one level in the directory
The Explore button invokes a Windows Explorer-style dialog that lets you select a
local or network directory. The list view control lists the folder and files of the
current directory.

Remote Panel
The right panel displays a file browser for the remote FTP server. The dropdown lets
you type in a file path. The folder button lets you move up one level in the directory
hierarchy. The list view control lists the folder and files of the current directory.
Rename button
This button opens the Rename Window, which lets you rename the selected file in
the FTP interface.

Delete button
This button deletes the selected file.

Refresh button
This button refreshes the file list.

Bottom Panel
File Transfer Mode radio buttons
Default – If selected, the default mode for the FTP server is used
ASCII – ASCII file transfer (faster transfer for text-only files)
Binary – Used to transfer binary files

Messages Panel
Connections and FTP server messages are displayed in the messages panel.

Transferring Files
You can transfer files between the local and remote computers. You can select files
in either the local or remote panels and transfer them to the other machine by
pressing the appropriate directional button located between the two panes ([<] or
[>]). You can also use drag-and-drop to transfer files between the two panes. If you
double-click a file, it will be transferred to the other side of the connection.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 449

SQL Modeler
The SQL Modeler dialog lets you quickly create the framework of a Select, Insert,
Update, or Delete statement. You can select Tables, Views, or Synonyms, join
columns, select columns, and create the desired type of statement.

Open a new SQL Modeler

Two ways to invoke the SQL Modeler

§ Click the Database > SQL Modeler menu item.
§ Click the Open a new SQL Modeler button on the main toolbar.

The SQL Modeler is comprised of three main sections:

§ Table Model Area

The Table Model Area lets you graphically lay out a query. Double-click (or
drag and drop) an item from the Table Selector list, and its associated table
object appears in the Table Model Area.
To maximize the model viewing area, press F2 or right-click in the model and
select Full Screen Model from the Right-Click Menu.

§ Table Selector Area

This is where the tables are listed for the selected schema. A dropdown list lets
you select a schema.

§ Generated SQL Query

After you lay out your query, click the Generated Query tab, and the resulting
query will display. Other tabs in the window are Criteria, Query Results, and
Explain Plan.

The alias comes from ALIASES.TXT. See page 68 for details about setting up
table aliases. If the selected table does not have an entry in ALIASES.TXT, the
first three characters of the table name are used to generate the alias, which
might not always be unique. For example, the aliases for ALL_OBJECTS and
ALL_TABLES are both going to be ALL. You can edit the alias as desired to
make it unique or change it to something more meaningful. If the table name is
eight characters or less in length, the entire table name is used as the table alias.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 451

Table Selector List - Here, the Department table is

selected from the TOAD schema.

The selected tables (Department and Employee) display in the table model area, and the
Generated Query displays the resulting SQL script.

With the SQL Modeler you can:

§ Drag and Drop (or double-click) Tables, Views, or Synonyms from the Table
Selector to the modeling area.
§ Drag and Drop columns from one table to another to create joins between the
§ Double-click a column to select or deselect it.
§ Save the model to disk.
§ Click the Generated Query tab to view the generated SQL query and click the
SQL toolbar button to copy the query to the SQL Edit window.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 453

Toolbar Buttons

Create New Model

Open Model from

Save Model to Disk As...

Save to Disk

Edit Current Model Info

Add Calculated Fields

Generate a Select Statement (has dropdown to create different types of queries)

Execute SQL Statement

Show Explain Plan

View SQL in SQL Edit Window

Hide Table List

Save Subquery and return to master query

Cancel Subquery and return to master query


Model Area
This is the area to visually join or manipulate the Tables, Views, or Synonyms. Drag
the table header and drop it to improve the readability of the model.
You can establish your own joins by dragging and dropping a column from one table
to another table column. Once the line is drawn, you can double-click the line to
adjust its properties, such as Inner Join vs. Outer Join, or Join Test, e.g., equal (=),
less then (<), greater then (>), etc.
If no table columns are selected, all columns will be included in the query. If you
want only certain columns, double-click each desired column. A plus symbol (+) will
be displayed to the left of each selected column. The selected column information
will appear in the Criteria grid below.

Model Area Right-Click Menu

Right-clicking over the model displays the above popup menu.

Copy Model Image to Clipboard

Copies a bitmap image of the model to the Windows Clipboard

Displays a Tables Visibility window with checkboxes next to a list of your tables
that are in the model. You can check/uncheck the individual tables to show/hide

Tables|Calculated Fields
Adds calculated fields based on other table columns
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 455

Show|Join Text
Displays the column names that comprise the joins

Show|Adjust Model Origin

Adjusts the upper left object to the upper left of the window

Show|Virtual Space Size

Brings up a Model Virtual Space dialog that displays the horizontal and vertical
model space, which you can alter.

Show|Primary Key
Shows or hides the Table Primary Keys as "(PK)" next to each PK col

Show|Show Field Type

Shows or hides the data type of each table column

SQL|Distinct Mode
Adds "DISTINCT" to the query to return only unique rows

SQL|Global Where
Adds a WHERE clause to the query in addition to the column conditions from the
Criteria tab

SQL|Query Variables
Displays the Variables and Constants window where you can add and edit

Auto Join All

Automatically joins all tables based on existing DDL Foreign Key Constraints

Full Screen Model

Temporarily hides the Table Select list and Results tab

Hide Fields
Hides the fields and only shows the table names in the table model area

Zoom to Table
Pulls up a Choose a table to focus menu. Double-click on the table you wish to
focus on, and the model scrolls until the table comes into center view.

Right-Click Table Object Menu

Right-clicking over each Table object in the model displays the above popup menu.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 457

Alias Field Names

Sets logical column names

Show Schema Name in SQL

Shows or Hides the schema name before each table in the generated query

Set Table Alias

Sets the Table alias

Auto Join
Automatically joins this table to others based on existing DDL Foreign Key

Remove Table
Permanently removes this table from the model.

Select All
Selects all Columns in the Table

Unselect All
Unselects all Columns in the Table

Invert Selection
Selects columns that were unselected and vice versa

Visual Properties
Brings up the Visual Object Properties dialog to adjust the table visual properties
such as font, color, and alignment

Temporarily hides this Table from the model. To unhide the table, right-click over
the empty model space and select the Tables > Visibility menu item.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 459

Results Grid
The Results Grid contains four tabs: Criteria, Generated Query, Query Results, and
Explain Plan.

Criteria tab
If individual columns are selected, they will be displayed in the Criteria grid.

Here, the Manager (MGR) and

Salary (SAL) columns were
selected from the Employee
(EMP) table. So, the + symbol
appears at the left of MGR and
SAL, and information on the
selected columns displays in the
Criteria grid.

You can edit many of the column properties in the Criteria grid. "Table" and
"Schema" are not editable here. Double-clicking on the following Criteria columns
has the following effects:
Double-click on:
Sort to select this column as Ascending sort, Descending sort, or no sort.

Condition to bring up the Input the WHERE Definition dialog, where you can set
a column equal to a constant value or another column value. To remove the WHERE
definition, bring up the dialog and click the Clear button.
Or to enter another WHERE criteria, which will be OR'd together with the above
WHERE criteria. If you want to AND multiple column criteria together, go to the
expert mode from the Input the WHERE Definition dialog.
Aggregate Function to select an aggregate column function, such as Average,
Count, Max, Min, or Sum.
Field Name to enter a different logical column name.
Visible to toggle whether or not this column is returned in the column list (Show or
Not Show).
Group to select this as a GROUP BY column. A number within parentheses
indicates the order of the columns in the GROUP BY clause.
Group Condition to bring up the "Input the GROUP BY Definition" window to
enter a GROUP BY condition.

If you want to change the table alias, right-click over the table in the model and
select the Set Alias menu item.
To rearrange the order of the columns, click the column headers and drag and drop
them left or right.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 461

Right-clicking over the Criteria grid will display this popup menu:

Suppress Current Column

Removes this column from the query, which also removes the plus “+” from the
column in the model

Best Fit (All Columns)

Sets the column width of the Criteria grid to show all text

Default Width (All Columns)

Sets the column width of the Criteria grid to the default width

Copy Query Grid Image to Clipboard

Copies the Criteria grid to the clipboard

Generated Query tab

This tab lists the automatically generated SQL statement. Any changes made to the
model or column Criteria will automatically regenerate this SQL statement.

You can copy the query to the clipboard by selecting it and pressing <CTRL>C or
right-clicking and selecting Copy from the popup menu.
You can also copy the query directly to the SQL Edit window by clicking the SQL
button in the SQL Modeler toolbar.
You cannot directly edit the SQL on the Generated Query tab dialog.
The query is syntax highlighted using the same editor settings from the SQL Edit or
Stored Procedure Edit window.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 463

Query Results tab

This grid displays the results of executing the generated query. Insert, Update, and
Delete queries can only be executed in the SQL Edit window.

Right-clicking over the Query Results grid displays this popup menu:

Print Grid
Prints a hardcopy report of the data

Save As
Saves the data to Clipboard or File (same dialog as Grid Save As from the SQL Edit
window’s SQL Results Grid, see page 109 for details)

Export to Flat File

Saves the data as a Flat File (same dialog as Flat File Export, see page 114 for

Find Data
Finds data in the grid (same dialog as Find Data, see page 116 for details)

Record Count
Displays the number of records in the grid

Row Height|Single|Double|Triple
Sets the grid row height
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 465

Explain Plan tab

Click the Explain Plan button on the SQL Modeler toolbar to generate and display
an Explain Plan output for the generated SQL statement.

Right-clicking over the Explain Plan window reveals this popup menu:

Copy to Clipboard
Copies the Explain Plan statement (in text mode) to the Clipboard

Optimizer Mode
Allows you to select the query optimizer mode for subsequent statements from
Choose, Default, Rule, First Rows, or All Rows.

SQL Modeler Options

SQL Modeler options can be set or changed in the TOAD Options window. Select
the View > Options menu item to invoke the TOAD Options dialog for the SQL
Modeler. Click the expand button next to the SQL Modeler option, and the Visual,
General, and Functions categories will display.

Select an element from the list which includes:
§ Table Title
§ Table Data
§ Table Border
§ Field Type Font
§ Calculated Field Font
§ Inner Join
§ Outer Join
§ Auto Join
Click over the desired color box to select a color for the element. If appropriate,
right-click over the color box to select a background color for the selected item.
A preview of the Table object with its new colors is displayed in the preview
window below.
You can also select fonts for Table Title or Table Data by selecting from the list and
then clicking the font button which has the graphic of three A's in different fonts.
Title Alignment has radio buttons that let you align the title either left, center, or
You can click the Rounded Shapes checkbox to give your table squares rounded
You can adjust the thickness of the table object border by selecting a value from 1 to
10 on the Border Width selector. You can also click and drag the border arrow up
and down the 1 to 10 scale to select the desired width. The preview pane shows the
If you want to discard your custom settings and return to the default settings for the
SQL Modeler > Visual options, click the Revert to Default button.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 467

Automatic AutoJoin
Default – Checked
When checked, this feature will automatically check foreign key constraints and join
tables that are dropped into a model with other tables. If the option is unchecked,
then you can manually join tables with the table popup menu.

Precede the table name with the schema name in the generated SQL
Default - Unchecked
When selected, this feature will always precede the table name with the schema
name (i.e., myschema.mytable) in the generated SQL. Schema names are always
used if the table belongs to a different login.

Print Black and White

Default - Unchecked
If selected, the model will print in black and white.

Revert to Default button

Click this button to discard your customized options and revert to the default settings
for the SQL Modeler > General Options.

This is the list of functions displayed in the Field Definitions dialogs.
To add a function from the list, select it and click the <Remove> button.
Revert to Default
This will discard the customized setting and revert to the default settings for the SQL
Modeler > Functions Options.

TOAD Reports

TOAD Reports lets you print out various preformatted reports. You access the
window from the View > Reports menu item. Or you can click on the Reports
button on the toolbar.
The reports list is displayed in the Reports panel in tree views that are divided by
major categories. You select a report from the list.
The Report Description panel displays a description of the selected report.
The right panel contains a dropdown of Parameters that you need to set. The
parameters that are displayed depend upon the type of report you select. The
wildcard symbol “%” is a choice in each parameters list.
The Run button will run the report and invoke a Print Preview window where you
can select your printer settings.

To run a report
1 Select the report.
2 Enter the parameters.
3 Click the Run button. The Print Preview button will display. The Print Preview
window displays the preformatted report and lets you set your printer options.

The Close button closes the window. The window does not close automatically when
you close TOAD.
TOAD Reports runs as a separate program. So, if you have a long running report
process you can close TOAD and leave the reports program open. TOAD Reports
enhances TOAD performance, because it can run in the background without tying up
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 469

Create View

You get to this window through the Create > View menu item or from the Schema
Browser window > Views page > New View button.

This window is used to create a new view. A view is a customized display of data
from a table or tables or from another view or views. A view does not get any
storage space (except for the stored query). It is basically displaying the output of a
query in the form of a table.
Choose the Schema from the dropdown and enter a Name in the textbox.

View Info tab

Aliases section

Add button
This displays the add alias window where you enter the name for the alias. The
defaults are Alias1, Alias2, etc.

Edit button
This displays an Edit Alias window for the selected alias. You can then change the
name of the alias and click OK to implement the change.

Delete button
This deletes the selected alias.

Clear button
This clears the Alias list.

Force checkbox
If checked, this forces the creation of the view even if the user does not have access
to the table.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 471

With checkbox
If checked, the following checkboxes are enabled.

Read Only
If checked, the alias will be read only.

Check Option
The Check Option specifies that inserts and updates performed through the view
must result in rows that the view query can select. The check option cannot make
this guarantee if there is a subquery in the query of this view or any view on which
this view is based or INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations are performed
using INSTEAD OF triggers.

View SubQuery tab

You can type in your subquery in this section.

Show SQL button

The Show SQL statement button will display the SQL statement window, which
will show the create view SQL statement for your new view. The Clipboard button
lets you copy the statement to the Clipboard. The Save to File button lets you save
the statement as a file.

Object Search
The Object Search button is on the main toolbar.

You can open the Object Search window by either clicking the toolbar button or by
selecting the Tools > Object Search menu item.

This button, on the Object Search window, lets you change the active session
for the window.

Object Search searches all database object names, table column names, index column
names, constraint column names, trigger column names, and procedure source code
for a keyword or phrase. Each of these items can be searched or excluded from the
search via checkbox options.
Many of the capabilities of the Object Search window can be found on the Filters for
the Schema Browser window allowing the results of the search to be viewed in a
You can search across All Users, including or excluding SYS and SYSTEM
schemas, or you can search just one schema by selecting the schema in the
Schemas/Owners dropdown list. To search across all schemas, pick the first entry in
the Schemas/Owners dropdown list, entitled, “* ALL USERS.”

In the Procedure Editor chapter, a C_TO_FAHRENHEIT procedure was created. Here, a

search in the appropriate schema for C_TO finds the C_TO_FAHRENHEIT function and
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 473

To use the Object Search window

1 Select the Schema/Owner from the dropdown.
2 Check or uncheck the Exclude Sys and System checkbox, as appropriate.
3 Type the search word(s) in the Search for box.
4 Check the appropriate Object Search checkboxes and choose the type of filter
from the dropdown box. You have a choice of: Text occurs anywhere, Starts
with, or Exact match.
5 Check the appropriate Source Search checkboxes. You can specify case
sensitive if you want to filter your search even further.
6 Click the Search button to begin the search.
7 The results will display in the results grid. If no matches are found, the results
grid will be empty.
8 In the results grid you can double-click on a TABLE, VIEW, or PROCEDURE,
and a popup details window displays about the object.

Master/Detail record browser

The Master/Detail record browser is based on foreign key constraints. It lets you
browse or edit table data in a database, where the tables are linked by foreign keys.
This is like a database setup from an Entity/Relationship diagram, where one table's
objects are related to another table's objects by a linking field or fields.
For example, you could start with the DEPARTMENT table, pick "EMPLOYEE"
from the related tables dropdown list, select a department record, and the employee
records display only for that particular department.
You could further drill down in the EMPLOYEE table to show employees managed
by the current manager employee, by selecting "EMPLOYEE" again from the
Employee's related tables dropdown list. Selecting a manager employee record will
now automatically display the employees managed by that manager. This is known
as a circular table reference, where employee.manager_id is related to
There is currently a static limit of five related tables.
There is also a right-click mouse menu (over the grids) for Print Grid, Save As, Copy
Row, and Record Count.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 475

To Use the Master/Detail record browser

1 Go to Tools > Master Detail Browser.
2 Pick a Schema from the dropdown list.
3 Pick a Table from the dropdown list.
4 Go to the Related tables dropdown and select a table.
5 Now you can select any item from the main table, and the related table will be
populated with the associated details.

Here, the DEPT table is selected from the SCOTT schema. Then, the EMP table is selected from the
Related Tables dropdown. NEW YORK was selected from the main table, and only the New York
Employees are displayed in the EMP grid.

The Privileges window is where users are created, and role and user privileges can be
viewed or altered.
You get to this dialog via the Database > Privileges menu item.
If you do not have DBA privileges, you cannot access this window, and you will get
a "ORA-00942 Table or View does not exist" error if you try to open this dialog.

With the Privileges window, Database Administrators can view:

1 Users
(a). When the user account was created, their tablespace and profile settings
(b). Which Roles they have granted to them
(c). What Object Privileges they have granted to them
(d). What System Privileges they have (e.g., SELECT ANY TABLE)

2 Roles
(a). System Privileges
(b). Users with the Role
(c). Object Privileges
(d). Granted Roles
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 477

3 System Privileges
(a). Roles with the Privilege
(b). Users with the Privilege

From the Users tab you can:

1 Create a script to recreate the selected user, which includes the "Create User"
command, and all the necessary "Grant" commands to recreate the user. The
script is copied to the clipboard.
2 Create a new user, which will open the Create User window, where you can
select the username, password, tablespace, profile settings, system privileges,
and roles.
3 Modify the selected user by changing user settings or adding more system
privileges and/or roles.
4 Create a new user as an exact copy of the selected user.
5 Drop an existing user.
6 Revoke a single or multiple Role, Object Privilege, or System Privilege from a
7 Change a user’s role from DEFAULT to no DEFAULT or vice versa.

From the Roles tab you can:

1 Drop a role.
2 Revoke a single or multiple System Privileges from a role.
3 Revoke a user from the selected role.
4 Revoke a single or multiple object privilege from a role.
5 Revoke a role from a role.

Rebuild Table

Use this function to rebuild a table, optionally dropping column(s), and/or renaming
column(s). This will also coalesce the space occupied by the table.

You get to this window via the Tools > Rebuild Table menu item.
This window will create a complete script to rebuild a table, after which you can
further edit to customize, if desired.

To Rebuild a Table
1 Logon as the table owner, because you cannot change owners in the Rebuild
Table window.
2 Click the Tools > Rebuild Table menu item.
3 Select a table to rebuild from the Tables dropdown list.
4 On the Options tab, select the options.
5 On the Storage tab, select the storage parameters. You can either use the
original storage parameters or use the current table size as the initial extent,
which will combine all extents together into one extent, resulting in faster disk
6 On the Columns tab, double-click a column on the upper list to exclude it (drop
it) from the table. To rename a column, click to select it (from the upper list),
wait until after the mouse double-click time, and click it again. Enter the new
name for the column.
7 Click the SQL tab. The rebuild table script will be constructed and displayed.
Now you can either save the script to a file or copy it to the clipboard. To
execute the script, copy it, paste it into the SQL Edit window, and execute it.

Indexes owned by different schemas are not rebuilt in the Rebuild Table process.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 479

TOAD Security

TOAD includes a security feature. You can restrict TOAD users from having access
to specific TOAD features.

To set up security
1 Load the \TEMPS\TOADSECURITY.SQL script to create two tables in the
REQUIRED to be in the TOAD schema—they can’t simply be in another
schema with synonyms pointing back.

TOAD_FEATURES is a two column table. NAME is the keyword that TOAD

responds to in order to enable or disable functionality. DO NOT change the data
in the NAME column. DESCR is the description of the specific TOAD feature
to enable or disable. Feel free to edit the descriptions of the features, if you wish.
If there is some ambiguity about a function, the description should indicate
where that function exists in TOAD. "SB" is for Schema Browser.

TOAD_SECURITY is a two column table of USER and FEATURE, from

TOAD_FEATURES.NAME. If there is not a record in TOAD_SECURITY for
the given user and function, the user cannot run that function.

2 Run TOAD, login as the TOAD schema, and select the Tools > TOAD Security
menu item to bring up the TOAD Features Security window. Select the user or
role, then select the features you want to grant to that user. All other features
will be disabled from this user. You can also delete records from the
TOAD_SECURITY table directly, in order to remove functions from certain
users. Since other non-DBA users only have SELECT privileges to the
TOAD_SECURITY table, they cannot make changes to the security.
3 Click the Grant SELECT button so the user or role can see the

If the user cannot "see" the TOAD_SECURITY table (i.e., they do not have
SELECT access granted to them), they have FULL access to all TOAD features.

If the user has SELECT privileges on the TOAD_SECURITY table, then the
security is in effect.

Menus are disabled and enabled from top down. For example, if the entire Create
menu is disabled for a user by a CREATE MENU record in the security table, then
all items on the Create menu will be disabled. If there is also a CREATE INDEX
record in the security table, then that individual menu item will be re-enabled.
Not all buttons, menus, or functions in TOAD are contained within this security
scheme. If you need to restrict other functionality, please let us know.
You can also create collections of TOAD features using existing Oracle roles. Grant
the features to a role, e.g., DEVELOPER_ROLE, grant the role to the end user(s),
then those TOAD users will get the collections of TOAD functionality without
having to set up the same list of TOAD features for multiple users.

Disable saving Oracle passwords by TOAD is one option that is in the Available
Features List. This lets you disable the ability to save passwords. Once this feature is
read in, it applies to the whole TOAD session, even if other users on the same
session have the rights to save passwords.

Read-only and the Copy All function

If you choose to grant a Schema/User all the available features by selecting Copy
All, it will also copy the Place TOAD in READONLY mode for this schema
function. As a result, TOAD will be read-only to the user. So, if you want to grant
the user all the privileges you would need to select the Copy All button and move the
Place TOAD in READONLY mode...item back to the Available Features list.

NOTE: TOAD security is not enforced if the user has the DBA role.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 481

To set up a list of different kinds of TOAD features and then grant the list
to select groups of users
1 Start TOAD, login as user TOAD or a user with the DBA role, go to the Tools >
TOAD Security window.
2 Select DEVELOPER _ROLE from the Schema/Users dropdown list. These
are standard Oracle roles. Have your DBA create the roles, if necessary. DO
NOT use the DBA role. When TOAD starts, if the user has the DBA role, that
overrides everything else, including security.
3 Confirm that DEVELOPER_ROLE has Select priv to the
TOAD.TOAD_SECURITY table. If the SELECT button caption is “Grant
SELECT" click it to execute the grant. If the button caption is "Revoke
SELECT" the grant already exists.
4 Copy the desired features to the "Granted Features" list.
5 Click the EXECUTE button. TOAD will "grant select on toad.toad_security to
developer_role" and write the selected records into the TOAD_SECURITY


6 Confirm that the Oracle Role has been granted to the user: [grant developer_role
to scott].
7 Have user SCOTT logoff/logon to TOAD. Their TOAD features should be
limited as specified.
8 Repeat these steps for setting up features for the other desired roles, e.g.,
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 483

View Menu
The Main View Menu contains the following menu items:

§ Browser Filters
§ Constraints
§ Dependencies
§ Explain Plan
§ Session Info
§ Table Duplicates
§ Reports
§ DBMS Output
§ Oracle Users List
§ Options
§ PL/Formatter Options
(enabled if RevealNet PL/Formatter is installed)
§ Show Toolbar

Options Menu

The View > Options menu contains the following options. Many of these options
have already been discussed.

§ General
§ Oracle
§ SQL Editor
§ Data Grids
§ Procedure Editor
§ Editors
§ StartUp
§ Schema Browser
§ Files
§ Debugging
§ Object Browser
§ Source Control
§ Printing
§ Data Types
§ Parser Scripts
§ New Proc Templates
§ Monitor
§ Executables
§ SQL Modeler

This section will briefly cover the Options > General, Oracle, Startup, Files, Printing,
Parser Scripts, New Proc Templates, and SQL Modeler. Refer to TOAD Help for
information on the other TOAD Options.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 485

General Options

Show USER@DATABASE in window captions

Default – Checked
If checked, TOAD will show the schema username, the "@" symbol, and the
database alias in the window caption on the applicable windows. If unchecked,
TOAD will only show the schema username.

Show details following Oracle connection (and Oracle DLL load) features
Default – Checked
If checked, this option displays a message box with details about the TOAD to
Oracle connection handshaking.

Confirm before closing TOAD

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will prompt you with YES or NO buttons when you either click
the control box, close the TOAD application button, or select the menu item File >

Allow multiple copies of TOAD to be loaded

Default – Unchecked
If checked, will permit multiple instances of the TOAD application to be loaded.

Display dropdown menus on ChangeSession buttons

Default – Checked
If checked, will display the dropdown arrow on the Load from File or Load Source
from Database toolbar buttons so that you can pick the last 10 items, and will
display the dropdown arrow on the change session buttons.

Show Splash Screen at startup

Default – Checked
If checked, the splash screen will display when you start TOAD.

Use the old style clipboard keys in the Edit menu

Default – Unchecked
If checked, will use the old style clipboard command (cut, copy, paste) shortcut key
combinations, which are displayed in the right-column of the Edit menu.

Default clipboard shortcut keys

Old style clipboard shortcut keys

Use locale settings (date format, decimal, char, etc.)

This is an older option and is no longer applicable.

Use drag bar for splitter sizing

Default – Unchecked
If checked, when you click on the splitter in a window, a bar displays that you can
then drag for repositioning the splitter. If unchecked, when you click and drag on the
splitter, the whole splitter moves.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 487

Oracle Options
Commit automatically after every statement
Default – Unchecked
This is a session level setting that, when checked, forces an automatic COMMIT to
be sent following every statement.

Prompt for Commit when closing TOAD if AutoCommit is disabled

Default – Checked
When Auto Commit is disabled, TOAD asks whether to perform a commit when the
program is terminating. If this option is unchecked, TOAD will NOT prompt, and
any uncommitted statements will be unsaved.
Oracle will perform a commit following any DDL modifications.

Save passwords for Oracle connections

Default – Unchecked
Normally, only the schema and database are saved to the TOAD.INI file for each
new Oracle connection. When checked, this option saves the passwords as well. Be
sure you work in a secure environment where your TOAD.INI file will not fall into
the wrong hands.

Encrypt saved passwords

Default – Unchecked
If checked, will encrypt the saved passwords so that editing TOAD.INI will not
reveal what the passwords actually are.

Default passwords to User name

Default - Checked
If checked, will default passwords to the User name.

Save previous Explain Plan results (requires TOAD tables)

Default – Unchecked
If checked, will save the explain plan outputs in the TOAD tables, viewable in the
View > Explain Plan window.

Use \TEMPS\EXPLAN.SQL to fetch Explain Plan results

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will read the file EXPLAIN.SQL, which you can customize via a
text editor, and TOAD will use that query to fetch and display the Explain Plan

Explain Plan Table Name textbox

This is the table name that you want TOAD to use when saving explain plan results.
Use TOADPREP.SQL or NOTOAD.SQL to set this up. Refer to the Installation
Notes topic in TOAD Help for more information on installation.

User name for Explain Plan textbox

Default – the windows logon name
This is the username that will be used when writing out and fetching explain plan

Full path of SQL*Plus textbox

Default- Blank
This is the drive letter, path, and folder location of the SQL*Plus executable. If
blank, TOAD will use the ORACLE_HOME\bin folder to find the SQL*Plus
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 489

Use a separate connection when TOAD itself is generating transactions

Default – Unchecked
If checked, when TOAD is putting data into the TOAD temp tables or explain plan
function, this setting will force TOAD to use a separate connection.

Load tablenames from database at time of Login for each connection

Default – Unchecked
TOAD caches tablenames and only queries tablenames the first time they are needed
per Oracle session. If checked, this option will cause TOAD to requery Oracle for
tablenames every time they are needed to fill a list of tablenames. If the table list is
already cached, the list will override the global browser filter for tables when the
Schema Browser window is opened.

Refresh tablenames list on every display

Default – Unchecked
Throughout TOAD there are lists that display the tablenames for the current schema.
Usually, once TOAD reads the list, the list is cached to speed all future displays. If
checked, this option forces a refresh before every display. Note that table name lists
are affected by the Browser Filters.

Display size of extents dropdown list

Default – Kilobytes (KB)
This lets you select the table storage extent size in either Bytes, Kilobytes (KB), or
Megabytes (MB).

OCI Array Buffer size number box

Default – 25
This lets you enter a number for the OCI Array Buffer size.

Optimizer mode for DDL queries

Default – "Default"

This lets you select the best optimizer hint for the DDL queries that TOAD executes.
You can choose from the following:
§ Default
§ /* + CHOOSE */
§ /* + RULE */
§ /* + FIRST_ROWS */

Wrap insert statement when exporting table data

Default – Unchecked
If checked, TOAD will wrap the insert statements when you export table data.

Autoconnect to user@database
Default – Unchecked
If checked, the next time you start TOAD, it will automatically connect to the
user@database that is in the checkbox. The user@database is the same as your
current connection.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 491

Startup Options
Play TOAD wave file at startup
Default – Checked
If checked, will croak when TOAD is starting. If you are having sound card
problems, uncheck this option.

Use a 3D Main Form (MDI parent inner client area)

This is an older option and is no longer applicable.

Decimal Character (affects printing and number conversion) textbox

Default – "." (period)
This will be the character that is used as a decimal.

Start Up Windows
Default – "SQL Editor"
You can select which MDI child window(s) comes up when TOAD starts: SQL
Editor, Procedure Editor, Schema Browser., and/or Kill/Trace.

File to AutoLoad on startup textbox

Default – Blank (display no file)
This file will automatically be loaded into the first SQL Edit Window that displays
following a database Login.

Check for access to DBA Views

Default - Unchecked
If you have access to the DBA views, such as DBA_TAB_COLUMNS, check this
option. At session startup, TOAD will see if DBA views are available to that
particular user schema. If so, TOAD will query the Oracle Dictionary using the
DBA views instead of the ALL views such as ALL_TAB_COLUMNS. DBA views
do not have security checks; so they're faster than ALL views.

Check for Access to DBMS_Transaction to Prevent Unnecessary Commit

Reminders checkbox
Default – Unchecked
If you have access to the DBMS_Transaction package, check this option. TOAD
will check for it and use it instead of prompting for commit reminders.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 493

Files Options
Save files in Unix format
Default – Unchecked
If checked, files are saved without CR/LF pairs. Tabs are converted to spaces.

Export File Extensions

Enter the desired file extension for exporting procedures. The default is PRC.

Enter the desired file extension for exporting functions. The default is FNC.

Package Specifications
Enter the desired file extension for exporting package specifications. The default is

Package Bodies
Enter the desired file extension for exporting package bodies. The default is PKB.

Enter the desired file extension for exporting triggers. The default is TRG.

Enter the desired file extension for exporting views. The default is VW.

File Load/Save Dialog Filters

Nearly all of the File Open and File Save dialog windows displayed through TOAD
are for the purpose of manipulating SQL files. The grid dialog allows you to
customize the file extensions that display in the system dialog windows. To add
another filter, begin typing in a blank row. To delete a filter, highlight the text and
press the <DELETE> key.

These are the default filters:


SQL *.sql
Text Files *.txt
Query Files *.qry
All Files *.*

File Association dialog

This will create a windows file association for the specified file extensions. If you
were to double-click in the file explorer on a *.SQL file, for example, TOAD would
startup automatically.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 495

Printing Options
Use syntax highlighting when printing source code
Default - Checked
If checked, TOAD will print source code from the SQL Edit window or Procedure
Edit window using the same colors as are displayed in the windows. If unchecked,
TOAD will print the source code in standard black and white.

Reports Font textbox

Default – Courier Regular 9
This displays a sample of the font used by the TOAD Reports function. To change
the font, click the drill down "..." button.

Parser Scripts

The Parser Scripts options let you set up parsers and select the associated languages.
To add a language, click the ADD button and pick a languagenamescr.txt from your
files (double-click). Then, click in the Extension cell in the lower panel and type in
the desired extensions.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 497

New Proc Templates

This option lets you add new templates. You can add as many as you like.
You must include the CREATE OR REPLACE statement. The macro
%TriggerOpts% will receive the trigger options you select when creating a new

SGA Trace Optimization

You access this window via the Tools > SGA Trace Optimization menu item. This
is a DBA (Database Administrator) function.
Oracle's SGA (System Global Area Oracle Shared Memory) is a pool of the most
recently used SQL statements. Not all SQL statements can be retained in the SGA
forever, because it is a limited size. The least frequently used statements are
discarded in favor of new ones.
The dropdowns let you select the sort order of the results, the type of statement, and
the user (or all users).
You can further filter by showing only statements with a specific number of
executions (more than one) and/or only those statements containing a specific
Once your filters are set, click the Refresh the List of Statements toolbar button.
If you want to work with a particular SQL statement in more detail, click the Load
selected statement into the SQL Editor toolbar button.
A toolbar button lets you Flush the SGA. Remember, the SGA is a shared SQL pool
where Oracle caches the most recently executed statements. This results in faster
reprocessing. The Flush the SGA button removes everything from that pool.

The SQL Text and the Tabs in the bottom window (SQL, Execution Stats, and
Explain Plan) are the details for the selected SQL.

Execution Stats
Shows information about the selected SQL statement.

Shows the entire SQL for the selected SQL statement.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 499

If you get the "SQL Body Unavailable" message when clicking on the SQL tab, the
SQL is not present in Oracle's SGA, which is a pool of the most recently used SQL
statements. Not all SQL statements can be retained in the SGA forever, because it is
a limited size. The least frequently used statements are discarded in favor of new

Explain Plan

Shows the Explain Plan for the selected SQL statement in the "SQL Shared Pool"
tab. The total cost of the statement is displayed in the Total cost for statement label.
If the cost information is not available because of rule based optimization, this label
will be blank.
You can only view the execution plan for a statement if you have rights to access the
referenced objects in the statement.

Estimate Table Size

You get to this dialog via the Tools > Estimate Table Size menu item.
Use this dialog to estimate how much disk space a table might require given an
estimated number of rows.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 501

To Estimate the Table Size

1 Select a Table Owner from the Owners dropdown list.
2 Select a Table from the Tables dropdown list.
3 The Block Size is retrieved from the database and populated in the Block Size
4 Enter the number of estimated rows of table data in the Estimated number of
rows textbox.
5 Select an estimation option:
(a) Calculate based on average row size of existing data. Caution: this may
take a while because the virtual storage size for all data must be summed and
averaged. The more data you have in the table, the longer this will take. If there
are no rows of data in the table, an error will result. Select a different estimation
option. Once the row size calculation has completed, the average row size value
will be populated into the Row Size textbox.
(b). Calculate row/data size from table structure (DDL). The row size is
determined by adding together the DATA_LENGTH from the Oracle Dictionary
for every column in the table. Once the row size calculation has completed, the
row size value will be populated into the Row Size textbox.
(c). Use row/data size from analyzed table info. The table must be analyzed
before selecting this option. If the table was previously analyzed, the row size
will be populated in the Row Size textbox, and the number of rows will be
populated into the Estimated Number of Rows textbox. If the table was NOT
previously analyzed, the Row Size textbox will be empty.
6 Click the CALC button. The estimated table size will now be calculated and
displayed in the Estimated Table Size textbox. This value is in bytes.

NOTE: These estimation values are based on how much disk space the table data
occupies. These values differ from the EXTENTS values displayed on the Schema
Browser > Tables page > Stats/Size tab, because EXTENTS are containers that
store data. Extents are created with a certain container size, e.g., 1MB. Each extent
could be empty, half full, three quarters full, or full. In all of these cases, the
EXTENT size remains the same, 1MB, but the amount of disk space occupied by
data changes.

Estimate Index Size

You get to this dialog via the Tools > Estimate Index Size menu item.
Use this dialog to estimate how much disk space an index might require given an
estimated number of rows. This dialog is almost identical to the Estimate Table Size
To Estimate Index Size
1 Select an Owner, Table, and Index.
2 Enter the Estimated number of rows of data in the table.
3 Select an estimation option:
(a). Calculate based on average row size of existing data.
(b). Calculate row/data size from table structure (DDL).
4 Click the CALC button to calculate and display the Estimated Index Size.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 503

Profiler Analysis (Oracle 8i only)

Oracle8i provides a Probe Profiler API to profile existing PL/SQL applications and
to identify performance bottlenecks. The collected profiler (performance) data can be
used for performance improvement efforts or for determining code coverage for
PL/SQL applications. Code coverage data can be used by application developers to
focus their incremental testing efforts.
The Profiler API is implemented as a PL/SQL package, DBMS_PROFILER, that
provides services for collecting and persistently storing PL/SQL profiler data.
The Profiler reviews previously collected statistics. It’s a two step process. Collect
the statistics. Analyze the statistics. To collect the statistics, you have to turn the
Profiler on by depressing the Toggle PL/SQL Profiling button (the stopwatch icon)
or selecting the Database > PL/SQL Profiling menu item.

Improving application performance is an iterative process. Each iteration involves
the following:
1 Exercising the application with one or more benchmark tests, with profiler data
collection enabled.
2 Analyzing the profiler data and identifying performance problems.
3 Fixing the problems.

To support this process, the PL/SQL profiler supports the notion of a run. A run
involves running the application through benchmark tests with profiler data
collection enabled. You can control the beginning and the end of the run by clicking
the Toggle PL/SQL Profiling button in the main TOAD toolbar.

A typical session involves:

1 Starting profiler data collection in session.
2 Executing PL/SQL code for which profiler/code coverage data is required.
3 Stopping profiler data collection.
Some PL/SQL operations, such as the first execution of a PL/SQL unit, might
involve I/O to catalog tables to load the byte code for the PL/SQL unit being
executed. It could take some time executing package initialization code the first time
a package procedure or function is called. To avoid timing this overhead, you should
warm up the database before collecting profile data. Warming up involves running
the application once without gathering profiler data.

Collected Data
With the Probe Profiler API, you can generate profiling information for all named
library units that are executed in a session. The profiler gathers information at the
PL/SQL virtual machine level that includes the total number of times each line has
been executed, the total amount of time spent executing that line, and the minimum
and maximum times spent on a particular execution of that line.
The profiling information is stored in database tables. This enables the ad-hoc
querying on the data. It lets you build customizable reports (summary reports, hottest
lines, code coverage data, etc.) and analysis capabilities.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 505

With Oracle8i, a sample textual report writer is provided with the PL/SQL demo

To set up the Profiler

NOTE: The minimum Oracle database version required for the PL/SQL Profiler is
Oracle 8i.
1 Make sure you have the SYS.DBMS_PROFILE package or load the
ORA8I\RDBMS\ADMIN\PROFLOAD.SQL script if you do not already have it.
Make sure that GRANT EXECUTE on the DBMS_PROFILE package has been
granted to PUBLIC or the users that will use the profiling feature.
DBMS_PROFILER must be installed as SYS.
2 Run the TOADProfiler.SQL script. You can find a copy of the script in the
TOAD\TEMPS folder. This script will create the tables, packages, synonyms,
and grants required to do profiling. It is recommended that you install these
objects in the TOAD schema, but you can select whatever schema is appropriate
to your environment.

To use the Profiler

This stopwatch button is in the depressed position indicating that the

Profiler is ON.

1 Select the Database > PL/SQL Profiling menu option to turn on the profiler, or
click the Toggle PL/SQL Profiling button in the main TOAD toolbar.
2 Execute a procedure from the Schema Browser OR the Stored Procedure Editor
using the Execute button. You will be prompted to enter a description of the
procedure being executed. This will show up in the Profile Analysis window
when you are analyzing the results. Run the procedure several times to get some
data into the profiling tables. You can turn off profiling if you want to. Be
careful not to leave the profiler toggled on when you switch to other TOAD
windows. Otherwise, profiler data will be collected from the queries TOAD
performs to populate those windows.

3 Select the Database > Profiler Analysis menu item. The Profiler Analysis
window will display. There are three levels to the data. The top level contains
the individual Runs of each procedure executed while profiling was enabled.
Double-click on one item for the execution stats for that individual run. At this
level, you can double-click to see the line-by-line performance times for
individual procedures called during profiling.

The top half of the window is a pie chart (or bar chart, depending on your selection)
showing the percent of time required to run each component of the procedure.
The labels on the chart show actual execution time in milliseconds, whereas the
values in the legend are the percent of execution time. There are labels for fastest,
slowest, and average unit or line of code.

The legend shows the

percent of execution time.

Chart labels show execution time.

The bottom half of the window lists the runs, including Run Number, Procedure,
Timestamp, Total Time to execute, and Comment. To sort in ascending or
descending order, click the column header of the column you want to sort. A black
triangle pointing up (in the column header) indicates order – up is ascending, down is
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 507

Drilling down on a run will list the details of the run, including Unit Type, Owner,
Unit Name, and Total Time to execute.

When drilling down you see the lines of code executed and profiled. The column
headers change to Line Number, Passes (how many times each line of code was
executed), Total Time to execute the line, Min Time, Max Time, and the line of
Code itself.

Above the Profiler toolbar is a horizontal splitter that divides the top half of the
window and the bottom half. Drag it up or down to show more or less detail.

Profiler Toolbar Buttons

Drill Up/Drill Down

More Detail/Less Detail

Here, the left arrow would drill back up, and the right arrow would drill down.

Select a wedge of the pie and double-click to drill down, showing the amount of time
required to execute each statement in the procedure. To drill back up, click the Less
Detail Left Arrow button in the Profiler Analysis toolbar. The More Detail Right
Arrow button can also be used to drill down. You can also double-click on a
procedure name in the list to drill down.

Procedure Editor
Select a procedure in the list, and click the Procedure Edit Window toolbar button
to load the selected procedure into a Procedure Edit Window.

Refresh Profiler

If you switch to other windows to execute procedures for profile analysis and switch
back to the Profiler Analysis window, click the Refresh Profiler button to requery
the profiler tables.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 509

Profiler Filters
If you want to filter OUT certain profiler analysis data, such as all calls of
SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT, click the Profiler Filters button on the Profiler Analysis
toolbar to display the Profiler Filters window. Select the schemas that you want to
filter out.

Delete Run

If you want to remove a set of profiler analysis data for a particular run, select the
run and click the Delete Run button on the Profiler Analysis toolbar. The data will
be deleted from the profiler tables. The Delete Run button is only enabled when a
run is selected. Drill back up to show less detail in order to select a run.

Pie Chart

Bar chart
You can change the graph from a pie chart to a bar chart, or vice versa, by clicking
the Pie Chart or Bar Chart buttons on the Profiler Analysis toolbar. The selected
button will be depressed.
When you click each pie chart wedge or bar chart bar, the list at the bottom will
select the corresponding item.

Rotate Graph
When viewing the pie chart, if the labels overlap, try using the Rotate Graph button,
or maximize the Profiler Analysis window to give it more client space.

Graph Properties

If you click the Graph Properties button, a dialog displays that lets you change the
visual display of the graph and/or group together values below a certain percentage
or value. This is useful when you have several small pie wedges or bars.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 511

§ 3D
3D Enabled is checked by default, causing the chart to be three-dimensional. If
you uncheck the Enabled box, your chart will be two-dimensional.
If 3D Enabled is checked, you can set the percentage of dimension and the

§ Pie Chart Grouping

Radio buttons lets you choose None, Below percentage, or Below value.

§ Gradient
If the Gradient Enabled box is checked, you can choose a multi-color
background with a start color and an end color. The two color gradient gives the
background a gradual backlight effect. If you prefer one solid color, you can
choose the same color for your start color and your end color.
Radio buttons let you choose a direction for your gradient such as left to right,
from the corner, etc.
Once you’ve completed your graph properties selections, click OK, and your graph
will display with your new colors.

If you can see the pie chart labels but you can’t see the pie chart, resize
the window horizontally to allow more drawing space.

Hiding Profiler Data

If you right-click over the list, you can temporarily hide some data so that a better
analysis of the remaining data can be performed.

For example, if a particular statement takes 95% of the overall execution time, hide
it, and the remaining statements, which were under 1% each, will blow up to a larger
relative percentage on the graph.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 513

In this example, the Profiler shows that PROFILER_TEST_PROC took 1940.2629 milliseconds to run
(or 1.94 seconds). The legend shows the total number of runs the user profiled, which in this case was 2,
the fastest run, the slowest run, and the average run. The legend also shows the percentage of total time
(of all runs profiled) for each procedure.

Drilling down from the previous example, the Profiler shows line 15 looped 15,164 times in 3.1966
milliseconds. It also reveals total times and code for the other lines. You can click on the different parts
of the pie to see the corresponding code. The legend shows the total lines of code for the selected
procedure, and the fastest, slowest and average lines. The legend also shows the percentage of the total
execution time for each line.

TOAD HELP has other examples and more information about the Profiler.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 515

Object Browser (Oracle 8 or 8i only)

This window lets you create, browse, edit, and manipulate Oracle 8 objects.
NOTE: the Object Browser ONLY works on Oracle 8 ( or higher

You get to this window via the Database > Object Browser menu item.

Objects Panel
The Object panel (left side of the window) lists object types in a hierarchical display.
A dropdown list lets you select a schema. You can browse or edit objects in other
schemas, if you have appropriate Oracle Database privileges.
You can drill down or up by either double-clicking the object or single-clicking over
the expand (plus) or collapse (minus) symbols. You can also drill down by pressing
the "+" (PLUS) key on the numeric keypad, "-" (MINUS) to drill up, and "*"
(ASTERISK) to expand all.
Once you select an item, a second click brings the name of the object into edit mode
so you can rename the object. Type in the new name and press <ENTER>.

Icons for the objects in the hierarchy:




Object changed but not yet recompiled


If an object name cannot be displayed in the given amount of horizontal screen

space, a tooltip popup displays with the complete object name.
A vertical splitter divides the objects panel (left panel) and the details panel (right
panel). To move the splitter left or right, click and drag it.
The name of the selected object appears in the status panel at the bottom of the
window, even while you manipulate items on the details panel.
Right-Click in the objects panel to display the following menu:

Compiles the selected object.

Drops the selected object.

Renames the selected object, method, or attribute to a different name.

Removes the selected attribute from the object.
NOTE: You cannot remove methods.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 517

Go To
Switches to the Body tab and positions the cursor on the selected method. (Go To
becomes enabled when selecting a method)

Allows you to grant EXECUTE privileges to other users or roles.

Expand All
Expands all of the nodes in the tree.

Collapse All
Collapses all of the nodes in the tree.

Rules for Object Creation

1 Every object must have at least one attribute.
2 Every object an object refers to (in attribute, function, or parameter data types)
MUST first be complete itself. If it's in another schema, EXECUTE privilege
must have been granted.

If your object comes up as "Status: Incomplete" it will often not

display any attributes or methods under it in the tree. This is because
there is an error in the object that the user must discover and resolve.
Make sure you followed the Rules for Object Creation and check for
syntax errors.

Details Panel
This details panel displays details of the object that you select from the objects panel.
When the root node, Object Types, is selected, a list of Objects displays on the
details panel. This list includes the object name, number of attributes, number of
methods, and the following true/false statuses: Predefined and Complete. The list is
sorted alphabetically.
When an object is selected, the details panel displays a three-tab interface listing:
Properties, Specification, and Body.
When an attribute is selected, the Properties tab displays detailed information about
the attribute, including data type, schema, object, length, precision, and scale.
When a method is selected, the Properties tab displays a list of parameters to the
method, the method type, and restrictions of the method.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 519

Properties Tab

When an object is selected in the hierarchy, the Properties tab displays:
1 A list of tables created based on the object.
2 A list of columns whose data type is either a REF or nested reference to the
3 A list of dependencies on the object, including other Oracle objects such as

Options on the View > Options > Object Browser node, let you have TOAD
automatically query and load these three lists. With the option on, it takes a few
seconds more to query and display this information. If your "Autoload" options are
off, you can right-click over the three lists and select Load from the menu to load
each list individually.

When an attribute is selected in the hierarchy, the Properties tab lets you select or
adjust the settings for the attribute. You can select from the basic data types for the
attribute, e.g., INTEGER, VARCHAR2, DATE, etc., or select REF or Nested Object
to refer to other objects, in which case Schema and Object dropdown lists become

When a method is selected in the hierarchy, the Properties tab displays a list of
parameters to the method, including parameter name, data type, mode (IN, OUT,
etc.), and Object.
The Properties tab contains a dropdown list to select the method type (Procedure,
Function, Map Function, or Order Function), a label indicating if the method is
overloaded (True or False), a dropdown for method return data type (if Function),
dropdown lists for Schema and Object if the return type is a REF to an object or a
Nested Object, and checkboxes for method restrictions WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, and

These method restrictions tell the PL/SQL compiler what sort of access the method
needs to the database. The compiler can then deny the method read/write access to
database tables, packaged variables, or both.
WNDS means "writes no database state"
WNPS means "writes no package state"
RNDS means "reads no database state"
RNPS means "reads no package state"
You can Add, Edit, or Delete method parameters by clicking the appropriate
buttons. In the case of Add or Edit, you will be prompted for parameter name, mode
(IN, OUT, or IN OUT), data type, and, in the case of REF or Nested Object, Schema
and Object.
Map Functions cannot have any method parameters associated with it. If you change
from Procedure, Function, etc. to Map Function, you will be prompted whether or
not to automatically delete all method parameters.
Order Functions must have one IN parameter of the same type as the object. If you
select Order Function, you will be prompted whether or not to automatically remove
all method parameters and add one parameter of the appropriate type.

Specification Tab
The Specification Tab displays the source code for the object's attributes and
methods. As with any memo editor in TOAD, you can select the text via mouse
select or <CTRL>A and copy it elsewhere via <CTRL>C.

Body Tab
The Body Tab shows the code for the object's methods. If there are no methods, the
body tab is empty.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 521

Details Panel Toolbar

Compile Object

Compiles the object, saves it to the database, and resets the "new" bitmap in the
hierarchy. The dropdown lets you select to compile a single object or all the objects.

New Object
Creates a new object, adding it to the Object Types hierarchy list. The name of the
new object is adjustable in the View > Options > Object Browser dialog. The
default name in the options menu is NEWOBJECTX (X being an integer that starts at
1 and increments by 1 with each new object name). An attribute is also automatically
created because object types must have at least one attribute.

New Attribute
Creates a new attribute, adding it to the selected object. The name of the new
attribute is adjustable in the View > Options > Object Browser dialog.

New Method
Creates a new method, adding it to the selected object. The name of the new method
is adjustable in the View > Options > Object Browser dialog. You can select either
a New Procedure, New Function, New Map Function, or New Order Function.

Build/Refresh Object Source

Builds the Specification and Body information from the database. NOTE: this will
delete any comments you had previously entered in the method code.

Drop Object
Drops the selected object. A confirmation prompt precedes the drop.

Object Privileges

Grants EXECUTE privilege on the selected object to a list of users and/or roles.

Refresh Tree

Reloads the object hierarchy tree.

Save Object to File

Creates a script for either the selected object or all objects (which you can choose
from the dropdown).

Load Object into SQL Edit window

Loads the selected object into a SQL window for further editing.

Change Active Session

Changes session to a different schema and/or database.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 523

To Use the Object Browser to create objects and types

1 Click the New Object button.
2 A new object is created, and a new node is added to the hierarchy in the objects
panel. The node is named by default NEWOBJECT1. The default name can be
changed in the View > Options > Object Browser menu.

An attribute is also created and displays in the objects panel in the hierarchy
tree. (Remember, objects must have at least one attribute). The default name is
NEWATTRIB1. The default name can be changed in the View > Options >
Object Browser menu.

3 To rename your NEWOBJECT and NEWATTRIB (and NEWMETHOD) to

your desired names, Right-Click on the name you want to change in the objects
panel and select Rename from the Right-Click Menu. Type in the new name
and either press <ENTER> or click outside of the highlighted area.

4 The Properties tab allows you to fill in details for the Attributes such as Type,
Schema, etc. Notice Type has a dropdown list from which you can choose a type
such as integer, number, or raw.

The Type dropdown list on the Attributes

Properties tab

5 You can add additional Attributes by clicking the New Attributes button.
Rename and fill in the details panel as appropriate.
6 You can add methods by clicking the New Method button. The New Method
details panel also includes a dropdown for types. Again, you would rename the
NEWMETHOD and fill in the details panel as appropriate for your method.
7 When you have finished adding your attributes methods and their details, click
the Compile Object button, and your object is created.
8 Now the specification tab for the Object will display the syntax for the creation
of the object.
Chapter 15 Other TOAD Options and Features 525

Object Browser Options

Go to the View > Options > Object Browser to set options for the Object Browser
Frequently Asked

What is the current version of TOAD?

See for the latest version information.

Can TOAD connect using 16 bit Oracle SQL*Net?

TOAD is a 32 bit application and therefore requires 32 bit SQL*Net.

Is TOAD compatible with WinSock v2?

TOAD is neither compatible nor incompatible with WinSock. Any compatibility
issues are between SQL*Net and WinSock.

Something is causing TOAD to hang during the splash screen. What can I do?
If TOAD hangs during the splash screen, there could be a problem with the sound
card or sound devices. Edit TOAD.INI, set “PLAY_WAVE=0”, and try to run
TOAD again. You could also rename TOADLOAD.WAV to something else, e.g.,
TOADLOAD.WAV.OLD, so that TOAD will not find it or attempt to play it.

Where can I get upgrades?

Upgrades can be obtained from the Quest web site,

Where can I find more information about the installation files?

You can refer to the TOAD Getting Started Guide and TOAD Help.

SQL*Net/Net8 Installation Problems

For SQL*Net/Net8 installation problems, follow these steps

1 Determine your Oracle_Home value.
2 Check to see if you have access to ORACLE_HOME\BIN.
The most common cause of problems involves the PATH environment variable.
ORACLE_HOME\BIN must be in your PATH environment variable.
Confirm you have access to the drive and make sure the Oracle Home folder
Your PATH should look similar to this:

3 Confirm that the Oracle interface DLL is in the BIN folder.

TOAD must have an Oracle interface DLL to connect. It would be ORAxy.DLL,
where xy is the database version you are connecting to. So, for 7.1 it is
ORA71.DLL. For Net8/Oracle8i, the DLL is called ORACLIENT8.DLL.
Remember, if this DLL file is not in the bin folder, then TOAD cannot connect.
4 Look for TNS Admin value.
The TNS Admin value would be a folder name in the Windows registry. This is
an optional folder. If it is not present the default is

Open up the TNSNAMES.ORA file. It should be in the Admin folder. Make

sure the database alias name you are using is in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.

You can click the SQL*Net Help button on the Login window to display the
SQL*Net Configuration Help window. It lists Oracle Home(s), whether or not
TOAD can find the interface DLL, whether or not your ORACLE_HOME\BIN
folder is in your PATH, etc. You can click the Clipboard button to copy the
information for pasting into an email for technical support.
Chapter 16 Frequently Asked Questions/Troubleshooting 529

You can get help from the Quest Software Web site at

To access TOAD Help while in TOAD, press the F1 key. This activates the standard
Windows help dialog with the TOAD.HLP file. TOAD Help includes contents, a
searchable index, and details on TOAD’s features. It also contains details for
troubleshooting problems.
Products Available

This chapter lists optional products that work with and enhance TOAD.

Quest Software offers the following products. For more information on any of these
products go to or contact Quest sales at 1-800-306-9329. You can
also send email to

§ TOAD PL/SQL Debugger (see the PL/SQL Debugger chapter of this manual)
§ TOAD DBA (see the DBA chapter of this manual)
§ SQLab Xpert™
§ SQL Impact™
§ PL/Formatter
§ Formatter Plus
§ Knowledge Base for Active PL/SQL Development
§ Knowledge Base for Oracle Administration

The trial version of the PL/Formatter will not work with TOAD.
If you purchase the commercial version of the PL/Formatter, it will work
with TOAD.
About Quest Software, Inc.

Quest Software, Inc. is a leading provider of performance management solutions

designed to maintain the integrity of mission-critical business transactions and
maximize the performance of enterprise applications. Our solutions address the
needs of today’s 24x7x365 businesses where demands on the information technology
infrastructure are high and tolerance for downtime is low.
The Internet has propagated the expectation of instant access to information, and
Quest delivers nonstop software for nonstop business™ to meet this demand.
Founded in 1987, Quest Software now helps more than 100,000 users achieve the
best possible performance from their enterprise systems so the end user experience is
a positive one. Based in Irvine, California, Quest Software has offices worldwide and
over 1,000 employees. For more information, visit

Contacting Quest

Product information
Phone (USA and Canada): 949-754-8000
Fax (USA and Canada): 949-754-8999
E-mail Sales & Marketing:
Mail: 8001 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92618

International offices
UK: +44 (1628) 601000
Germany: +49 (211) 770967 0
Australia: +61 (3) 9811-8000
Canada: +01 (905) 804-9480

Technical Support

If you have questions about using a Quest Software product, please contact the
technical support staff. Please include the version number. You can find your version
number in the Help > About menu. If your question is about an error message,
include the error text as well. You can email support by going to Help > Support >


Capitalization..............................85, 90, 91, 94, 95

Chained Rows...................................................379
Advice ................................................................16 Change Active Session ...............................62, 240
Aliases.............................................. 12, 14, 19, 68 Chart .........................................................506, 511
Database ................................... 11, 15, 485, 528 Bar Chart ..............................................506, 510
Table ................................ 35, 68, 450, 457, 460 Pie Chart .......................................506, 510, 511
ALIASES.TXT ..................................................68 Profiler..........................................506, 510, 511
Alter Index .......................................................354 Clipboard52, 96, 111, 128, 137, 258, 262, 281,
Alter Table .......................................................337 325, 454, 486
Analyze ..............................................................34 CLOB .......................................................106, 123
All Tables.....................................................267 Cluster ..............................................................416
Index.....................................................274, 290 Cluster Index ....................................................349
Table ............................................................267 CNVFUNCS.TXT............................................127
Anchored..............................................33, 34, 117 Coalesce ...........................................................478
Arguments.......... 43, 155, 179, 187, 230, 235, 296 Code Templates..............................75, 76, 79, 100
ASCII ......................................... 74, 109, 114, 221 Colors10, 53, 90, 92, 205. Also See Syntax
Attribute ................... 516, 517, 518, 519, 521, 523 Highlighting
Columns ...104, 108, 112, 113, 115, 125, 260, 272
B Column Name Select....................142, 240, 245
BFILEs .............................................................408 Dropdown.................................................41, 44
BLOB ............................................... 106, 123, 125 Comment Code...................................................76
Bookmarks .............................................30, 73, 96 Comments.........................................246, 255, 272
Breakpoint................ 166, 198, 202, 205, 211, 213 Commit..........48, 49, 487, 492. Also See Rollback
Adding..........................................................212 Compare Schemas ............................................404
Conditional...................................................214 Comparison Results Window ...........................405
Deleting........................................................212 Compile ............................................................152
Disable/Enable .............................................216 Configuring the Editor........................................70
Editing..........................................................213 Constraints................................250, 270, 275, 314
Pass Count....................................................215 Check....................................................254, 265
Setting ..........................................................212 Create ...........................................................264
Browser Disable..................................................314, 316
Master/Detail................................................474 Enable...........................................................314
Object...........................................................515 Foreign Key..................................255, 266, 456
Schema ............... 31, 34, 64, 120, 184, 190, 237 Primary Key .........................................250, 264
Unique ..................................................255, 265
C Control Characters..............................................85
Call Stack ......... 192, 198, 200, 205, 206, 209, 223 Control Files .....................................................371

Create ...............................117, 170, 249, 479, 505 Drag and Drop ..............45, 83, 104, 147, 209, 452
Constraint .....................................................264
Database Link...............................................318
DBMS_OUTPUT.........................................224 Editor ..................................................... 33, 61, 70
Index.............................................................254 Auto Replace Substitutions...................... 68, 74
Object .............................................21, 160, 523 Code Templates ..........................75, 76, 79, 101
Procedure......................................................178 External................................................ 135, 138
Sequence.......................................................303 Key Assignments..........................30, 73, 79, 96
Synonym...............................................186, 311 Offline............................................................ 53
Table.............................................................125 Parser Scripts ................................................. 72
User ..............................................................477 Procedure................................70, 151, 157, 177
Create Index .....................................................347 Read-Only.......................70, 104, 107, 119, 124
Create Table .....................................................329 SQL.................................................. 33, 45, 139
Syntax Highlighting............................... 70, 136
Editor Options30, 35, 53, 57, 68, 70, 73, 74, 76,
Data Block........................................................379 77, 79, 99, 101, 169, 212
Data Types Options................................ See Table Encrypt .............................................................. 18
Database Links .................................................318 End Connection ................................................. 19
Create ...........................................................318 Exceptions ........................127, 206, 264, 265, 266
List................................................................318 Explain Plan..................21, 22, 43, 50, 51, 52, 129
Database Wizard ..............................................372 EXPLAIN.SQL ............................................... 488
Date Format........................12, 120, 127, 207, 486 Export .......................................106, 114, 121, 493
DATEFMTS.TXT ............................................127 Data ............................................................. 260
Dates.................................................................126 Flat File................................................ 114, 464
DATFUNCS.TXT ............................................127 Table Data ................................................... 326
DBA Options....................................................406 Table Script ................................................. 253
DBMS_OUTPUT.............................................131 Export Utility Wizard ...................................... 383
DBMS_PROFILER..................................503, 504 Extent....................................................... 413, 423
DBMS_RLS .....................................................410 Initial............................................................ 413
Debug ...............................189, 195, 200, 209, 228 Extents ............................................................. 364
Information... 195, 198, 200, 201, 202, 207, 209 Extract from Schema ....................................... 403
Symbol Table ...............................201, 202, 236 Extract from Schema Definition File............... 403
Debugging 189, 198, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210, 236
Functions ......................................................228
Packages ...............................................229, 231 Filters........241, 250, 270, 278, 312, 493, 494, 509
Procedures ............................................190, 228 Data ..............................................241, 242, 277
Triggers ........................................................232 Object Lists.................................................. 328
Dependencies ........... 190, 207, 244, 246, 294, 296 Object Name ................................................ 242
Lower (called objects) ..................................195 Schema Browser ...................247, 250, 269, 472
Recompiling .................................................171 Find.......................43, 77, 155, 180, 186, 238, 464
Upper............................................................190 Editor ....................................43, 57, 76, 77, 102
Viewing ........................................................190 Grid.............................................................. 116
With Debug Information ......................198, 201 Fixed ................................................................ 117
Dependent Objects ...................................170, 190 Fonts .......................................................... 90, 495
Directory ..................................................408, 426 FTP File(s)....................................................... 444
Directory Object...............................................408

FTP Logon Window.........................................444 JAVAKEYS.BIN .......................................79, 100

JAVAOPTS.TXT .......................................79, 100
JAVASCR.TXT .................................................72
Generate Schema Script ...................................403 JAVASUB.TXT .................................................74
Goto......................................................33, 43, 155
Grants ....................... 184, 185, 283, 296, 310, 522
GRPFUNCS.TXT ............................................127 Key ...................................................................264
Gutter ............................... 73, 83, 92, 93, 166, 212 Foreign..........255, 264, 266, 286, 456, 467, 474
Gutter Width ....................................................212 Primary .................246, 257, 261, 264, 302, 455
Unique ..........................................................265
Keyboard ............................................................28
Help...................................... 10, 41, 127, 369, 529 Keystroke ...............................................30, 31, 75
Quest Technical Support ..............................534 Kill/Trace Session ............................................361
SQL Templates.....................................127, 128
TOAD............................. 43, 155, 194, 369, 529
Hotkeys ..............................................................30 LGWR ..............................................................381
HTML ........................ 53, 72, 74, 79, 99, 100, 110 Library......................................................409, 427
Save as..........................................................109 License Key......................................................194
HTML.DCI ......................................................101 Line Numbers ...............................................82, 83
HTMLKEYS.BIN ......................................79, 100 Load......................75, 86, 138, 158, 498, 519, 522
HTMLOPTS.TXT......................................79, 100 File..........................79, 124, 147, 169, 485, 493
HTMLSCR.TXT ................................................72 Procedure..............................................201, 508
HTMLSUB.TXT................................................74 Script ......................................................51, 505
Logoff.................................... See End Connection
Logon ...................................................11, 14, 478
Identify Space Deficits .....................................380 LONG.......................................................106, 123
Import...............................................................125 LONG RAW.....................................123, 124, 125
Import Utility Wizard.......................................392 LONGSCR.TXT ................................................72
Index ........................................ 274, 291, 472, 502 Lowercase.....................................................43, 95
Alter .............................................................354
Analyze ........................................................290
Create ........................................... 254, 347, 480 Make Code ...........................43, 63, 133, 134, 135
Rebuild .........................................................289 Master Detail Browser......................................475
INI ..............................................................68, 370 Memo Editor ........................33, 34, 106, 107, 123
As a Language Type................... 72, 75, 79, 100 Menu...................................28, 243, 480, 483, 484
TOAD.INI ..............................................17, 487 Right-Click25, 31, 32, 41, 102, 106, 173, 211,
INI.DCI ............................................................101 217, 238, 454, 456, 461, 464, 465, 516
INIKEYS.BIN............................................79, 100 Message Boxes ...................................................27
INIOPTS.TXT............................................79, 100 Method .............196, 516, 517, 518, 519, 521, 524
INISCR.TXT......................................................72 Mixed Case....................................See Initial Caps
INISUB.TXT .....................................................74 MSCFUNCS.TXT............................................127
Initial Caps ...................................................91, 95
NAMEDSQL.DAT.....................................59, 150
JAVA.DCI........................................................101 National Language Support... See NLS Parameters

New Proc Templates ........................................497 Parser Scripts ................................................... 496

NEWFUNC.SQL..............................................161 Partitions.......................................................... 421
NEWPACK.SQL..............................................161 Password.............................................. 11, 17, 487
NEWPROC.SQL..............................................161 PATH............................................................... 528
NEWTRIG.SQL...............................................161 Personal Oracle.................................................. 19
NLS Parameters................................................363 PERSSQLS.DAT....................................... 57, 150
NLS_DATE_FORMAT ...................................207 PL/SQL Profiling.................................See Profiler
NMBRFMTS.TXT...........................................127 PLSQL.DCI ....................................70, 75, 76, 101
NOTOAD.SQL ............................................21, 50 PLSQLKEYS.BIN..................................... 79, 100
NT Job Scheduler .............................................402 PLSQLOPTS.TXT .................................... 79, 100
Null...........................................110, 120, 121, 261 PLSQLSCR.TXT......................................... 72, 73
Numbers ..................... 91. Also See Line Numbers PLSQLSUB.TXT .............................................. 74
Page ........................................................82, 108 Policy....................................................... 410, 428
Row ........................................33, 103, 118, 119 Post .................................................... 47, 121, 238
Run ...............................................................506 PREDFXCP.TXT ............................................ 127
NUMFUNCS.TXT...........................................127 Printing ...................................................... 82, 495
Options .................................................. 82, 495
Print Grid ................................33, 107, 464, 474
OPTHINTS.TXT..............................................127 TOAD Reports....................................... 78, 495
Optimal Size.....................................................413 Privileges34, 184, 185, 263, 283, 294, 296, 303,
Options 307
Data Grids ....................................................119 Object .................................................. 476, 522
Debugging ....................................................204 Role ..................................................... 476, 477
Display ...........................................................83 System ................................................. 476, 477
Editor..............................................................79 Probe API .........................................191, 205, 218
Editors ..........................................................136 Procedures
General ...................................................80, 485 Arguments ............................................. 43, 187
Logon .............................................................14 Compile ........................................153, 236, 293
Oracle ...........................................................487 Compile Dependencies .........190, 201, 202, 207
Other......... 86, 88, 90, 94, 96, 98, 106, 175, 493 Create............................................160, 170, 178
Printing...................................................82, 495 Dependencies............................................... 190
Procedure Editor...........................................168 Dependent.................................................... 202
Schema Browser...........................................243 Errors ........................................................... 164
SQL Editor .....................................................61 Execute .153, 165, 182, 189, 195, 229, 230, 508
SQL Modeler................................................466 Grants .......................................................... 184
Startup ..........................................................491 Privileges ..................................................... 184
Oracle Parameters ............................................362 Product Authorization...................................... 194
Profile ...................................................... 411, 431
P Profiler....................................................... 21, 503
Package ............................153, 187, 191, 292, 493 Profiler Analysis ..................................See Profiler
Debugging ............................196, 229, 231, 235 Profiling.......................................503. See Profiler
Navigator..............................................163, 171 PSEUDO.TXT................................................. 127
Parameters ......................................See Arguments Public................184, 186, 250, 255, 268, 303, 312
Parse ...................................................................43

Q Delete .............................................................97
Edit .................................................................97
Queries14, 60, 102, 104, 119, 126, 139, 144, 149,
Recreate ........................................................305
246, 318, 449, 462, 463, 489
Server Statistics ................................................369
Canceling .......................................................62
Set Parameters ..........153, 195, 196, 200, 229, 294
Quest Software .........................................529, 533
SGA/Trace Optimization..................................498
Technical Support ........................................534
Flush the SGA button ...................................498
R Shortcut Keys ...................................150, 228, 229
PL/SQL Debugger ........................................200
Radio Buttons.....................................................24 Procedure Editor...........................................155
Rebuild Table...................................................478
SQL Editor .....................................................41
Redo .....................................................44, 76, 155
SHORTSCR.TXT ..............................................72
Redo Log Manager...........................................381
Show All.....................77, 170, 205, 210, 250, 461
Single Record View....................................47, 309
Registration ......................................................194 Snapshot/M-View.....................................415, 437
Repair Chained Rows.......................................379 Sort ...........................167, 171, 277, 278, 309, 326
Reports .....................................................495, 504
Source Control....................................21, 152, 175
Reports Font.......................................................78
SourceSafe................................................152, 188
Debugger ......................................................191 Splitters
Profiler .........................................................505 Horizontal...............39, 164, 285, 291, 301, 507
TOAD Features ..............................................21
Vertical .........................................164, 239, 516
Results Grid.............................. 103, 106, 118, 459
SQL Recall .............................................56, 59, 64
Named SQLs ..............................43, 56, 58, 150
Knowledge Base...........................................102
Personal ......................................56, 58, 59, 149
PL/Formatter ..................................................33 Previously Executed .......................................56
Role ..........................................................412, 433 SQL Results Grid .......................33, 108, 140, 144
Roles ........................ 476, 477, 481, 482, 517, 522
SQL*Loader Interface ......................................399
Rollback ....................... 48, 271. Also See Commit
SQL*Net.................................14, 16, 19, 527, 528
Rollback Segment ....................................413, 434
SQL*Plus ...................................................67, 488
Row Numbers ......................................33, 34, 118
SQLFILES.TXT ...............................................148
ROWID ...................................... 45, 104, 118, 277 SQLS.DAT .........................................................57
S StartUp ...............................39, 151, 237, 484, 491
Status Panel Indicator .........................................46
Save............................ 35, 109, 111, 293, 464, 493 Stay on Top ......................................................137
File ........................... 34, 44, 124, 155, 299, 493 STRFUNCS.TXT .............................................127
Passwords...............................................17, 487 Strip Code.....................................43, 63, 133, 134
Schema ...............................21, 269. Also See User Synonym136, 141, 186, 255, 268, 303, 311, 312,
SCHEMA.FLT .................................................247 313
Search....... 9, 56, 77, 102, 116, 170, 190, 472, 473 Create ...................................................186, 268
Security ....................................................245, 311 Filter .............................................................312
Passwords................................. 13, 17, 477, 487 View .............................................................313
TOAD.....................................................21, 479 Syntax Highlighting..70, 73, 77, 91, 136, 169, 495
Semicolons .......................................................258
Sequence ..........................................................302 T
Create ...........................................................303
Tab Delimited...................................................110

TAB Key ............................................................28 TOADLOAD........................................... 171, 527

Table....................... 34, 45, 68, 139, 141, 449, 500 TOADPREP.SQL.............................21, 22, 50, 51
Add Column .................................................273 TOADPROFILER.SQL..................................... 21
Alter..............................................................337 TOADSECURITY.SQL .................................... 21
Analyze ........................................................267 TOADSTATS.INI ........................................... 369
Comments.....................................................255 TOADVCS.SQL................................................ 21
Create ...........................................................329 Toggle...................41, 43, 155, 460, 503, 504, 505
Data Types Options ......................................345 Toolbars..................................................... 35, 277
Drop .............................................................271 Common Edit..........................39, 127, 128, 154
Export Data ..........................................114, 260 Main............................................................... 37
Filter .............................................................269 Procedure Edit ............................................. 152
Privileges................................................91, 263 Procedure Edit Status................................... 203
Rebuild .........................................................478 Profiler......................................................... 508
Referential ....................................................286 SQL Edit........................................................ 39
Script ............................................253, 258, 478 SQL Modeler ............................................... 453
Select ......................................................45, 136 Trace.................................................196, 206, 498
Truncate........................................................271 Into................................153, 195, 198, 200, 201
Tablenames .... 44, 70, 91, 136, 156, 250, 489, 490 Out ........................................153, 195, 198, 200
Viewing ............................................45, 69, 246 Transferring Files ............................................ 448
Tablespace................................................422, 439 Triggers ....232, 242, 246, 256, 276, 298, 301, 493
Tablespaces ......................................................365 Compile ....................................................... 299
Tabs (in the editor text) ......................................88 Disable......................................................... 299
Templates .........................................................138 Drop............................................................. 300
Code Completion....................................75, 138 Filter ............................................................ 300
New Function ...............................................161 Truncate..................................................... 34, 271
New Package ................................................161
New Procedure .............................138, 161, 171
New Trigger .................................................161 Uncomment Code .............................................. 76
SQL Help .....................................................127 Undo ........................................................ 155, 271
TEXT.DCI........................................................101 Update Grid Edits .............................................. 49
TEXTKEYS.BIN .......................................79, 100 Upper Dependency .......................................... 190
TEXTOPTS.TXT .......................................79, 100 Uppercase .............................................. 44, 91, 95
TEXTSCR.TXT .................................................72 User ................................11, 22, 91, 171, 245, 441
TEXTSUB.TXT .................................................74 Create................................................... 476, 477
Thread ................................................................62 List....................................................... 240, 283
Time Values .....................................................126 Modify ......................................................... 477
Timeout ....................................................193, 207 USRFUNCS.TXT............................................ 127
TNSNAMES.ORA.........................11, 12, 14, 528
TOAD.............................................9, 10, 443, 527 V
Schema .........................17, 19, 21, 50, 479, 505 Variables...................................192, 205, 218, 456
Security.........................................................479 Bind ............................................................... 60
TOAD Getting Started Guide .............................10 Bound ............................................................ 64
TOAD Monitor.................................................358 Substitution.................................................... 60
TOAD Reports .................................................468 Version Information ........................................ 527
TOAD.HLP ......................................................529 Views..................................34, 136, 306, 452, 493
TOAD.INI ............................................17, 18, 208

Compile........................................................306 Dockable.......................................................209
Filter .............................................................307 MDI ................................37, 131, 156, 170, 491
Privileges......................................................307 Modal .......................................................29, 37
Navigation ......................................................23
Windows Clipboard......................... See Clipboard
Watches153, 195, 199, 205, 207, 217, 218, 220, Word Wrap.........................................................84
222, 235 Word-Wrap Column...........................................84

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